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What were you hoping to accomplish with this piece of

writing? What effect were you hoping to have on your
audience? How did you attempt to achieve that effect?

Through this piece of writing I was hoping to be able to bring together two
short stories that we have read throughout the semester and connect them to
a common theme. The effect I was hoping to have on my audience is
understanding the theme that I saw between the two texts because I know
lots of people found different themes of their own. I attempted to achieve this
effect by simply stating what i saw and backed it up with evidence.

2. How successful do you think you were? What would

you revise if you had one more pass at this paper?

I think I was very successful because I was able to get my point across the way I wanted to. The
one thing I would do to revise my essay is I would go back and structure the evidence in a way
where it fell into the order of the story.

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