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Chapter 4


This chapter will present and explain in detail the procedure to be followed in

conducting the study. This includes discussions of the design of the research the

description of respondents and its sampling design and procedure, description of

research instrument to be used, description of the locale of study, steps in collecting data

and the methods of analyzing and interpreting the data.

Research Design

Paragraphs 1 and 2 - describe the research plan, structure and strategy

you will employ in your study. Clearly state that this is a descriptive, quantitative
study. Specify and describe the basic design of the paper—if it is a case study, a
survey, investigation, evaluation, assessment, contextual, cross-sectional.
Refer to: Guidelines on the different types of quantitative research handout

Sampling Design

Paragraph/s - Explain in details the sampling procedure you will apply

in the study. Specify and describe:

if sampling will fall under probability category or nonprobability

category. If it is, probability, specify its basic type then describe it
--if it is simple random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified
random sampling, cluster sampling. If it is nonprobability, specify
the basic design then describe it—if it is convenience sampling or
purposive sampling.

Respondents Of The Study

Paragraph/s - Discuss and describe in detail the characteristics of the
Respondents of the study. Include the description of the of the population
as well as the rationale for choosing them as respondents of the study.

Locale Of The Study

Paragraph/s – describe the geographical or even socio-economic

location of the study

Research Tools And Instrument

Paragraph/s - present the type of research instrument you will use in the
data gathering—if it is a questionnaire or an interview then describe it
in details.

If it is a questionnaire, present/explain/discuss/describe

1. how the questionnaire will be formulated --if the questionnaire

is a structured or a modified/localized questionnaire
2. if questions or items in the questionnaire are open-ended or
closed ended with ordered choices
3. the number of sub-sections and the number of items in the
4. scoring system and other technicalities concerning the
formulation of the questionnaire.

If it is an interview, describe how the interview will be conducted.

Describe also the type of questions to be formulated for the interview.
Data Gathering Procedure

Paragraph/s – Present and explain in details:

1. how the research instrument will be administered. If it will be a

questionnaire, describe the distribution and retrieval
2. how the data will be collected, recorded, summarized and

Procedure On Data Analysis And Interpretation

Paragraph/s - Describe how the data collected will be analyzed and interpreted.
Also, identify and describe the statistical tools to be used in the data analysis and
interpretation and explain the reason/s of choosing that particular statistical tool.
IF possible, show or present the statistical formulas.

Ethical Considerations

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