Adjectives Starting With Alphabets

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Adjectives Starting with A

 All A Adjectives
 A Adjectives to Describe a Person
 Categories

Starting with AB
 abactinal

 abandoned

 abashed
 abasic

 abatable

 abatic

 abaxial

 abbatial

 abbreviated

 abdicable

 abdominal
 abdominous
 abdominovesical

 abducent

 abducting

 abecedarian

 aberdonian

 aberrant

 abeyant

 abhorrent
 abiding
 abient

 abiogenetic
 abject

 abkhaz
 abkhazian

 ablated
 ablative
 ablaze
 able
 abloom
 ablutionary

 abnaki

 abnormal

 abolishable
 abolitionary
 abomasal

 abominable
 aboral

 aboriginal
 abortifacient

 abortive
 aboulic

 abounding
 about

 above

 aboveboard

 aboveground

 abranchial

 abranchiate

 abranchious
 abrasive

 abreast

 abridged
 abroach
 abroad
 abrupt

 abscessed
 absent

 absentminded
 absolute

 absolutist

 absolutistic
 absolved
 absolvitory
 absorbable

 absorbed

 absorbefacient

 absorbent
 absorbing
 absorptive

 abstemious
 abstentious

 abstinent
 abstract

 abstracted
 abstractionist

 abstractive
 abstruse

 absurd

 abulic

 abundant

 abused

 abusive

 abuzz
 abysmal

 abyssal

Starting with AC
 academic

 acanthoid

 acanthotic

 acanthous

 acapnial
 acapnic
 acapnotic

 acarpellous
 acarpelous
 acarpous
 acatalectic

 acaudal

 acaudate

 acaulescent
 accelerando
 accelerated

 accelerative
 acceleratory

 accented
 accentual

 acceptable
 acceptant

 accepted
 accepting

 acceptive

 accessary

 accessible

 accessional

 accessorial

 accessory
 accidental

 accipitrine

 acclivitous
 accommodating
 accommodational
 accommodative

 accompanied
 accompanying

 accomplishable
 accomplished

 accordant

 according
 accountable
 accoutered
 accoutred

 accredited

 accretionary

 accretive
 accrued
 acculturational

 acculturative
 accumbent

 accumulated
 accumulative

 accurate
 accursed

 accurst
 accusative

 accusatorial

 accusatory

 accusing

 accusive

 accustomed

 ace
 acellular

 acentric

 acephalous
 acerate
 acerb
 acerbic

 acerose
 acervate

 acetabular
 acetic

 acetonic

 acetose
 acetous
 acetylenic
 acetylic

 achaean

 achenial

 acheronian
 acherontic
 achievable

 aching
 achlamydeous

 achlorhydric
 achondritic

 achondroplastic
 achromatic

 achromatinic
 achromatous

 achromic

 achromous

 achy

 acicular

 aciculate

 acid
 acidic

 acidimetric

 acidophilic
 acidophilous
 acidotic
 acidulent

 acidulous
 aciduric

 acinar
 acinic

 acinose

 acinous
 acknowledgeable
 acknowledged
 acned

 acneiform

 acold

 acoustic
 acoustical
 acquainted

 acquiescent
 acquirable

 acquired
 acquisitive

 acquitted
 acrid

 acrimonious
 acritical

 acrobatic

 acrocarpous

 acrocentric

 acrogenic

 acrogenous

 acromegalic
 acronymic

 acronymous

 acropetal
 acrophobic
 acroscopic
 actable

 actinal
 acting

 actinic
 actinoid

 actinometric

 actinometrical
 actinomorphic
 actinomorphous
 actinomycetal

 actinomycetous

 actinomycotic

 actionable
 activated
 activating

 active
 activist

 activistic
 actual

 actuarial
 actuated

 actuating
 acuate

 aculeate

 aculeated

 acuminate

 acute

 acyclic

Starting with AD
 adactylous
 adagio

 adamant

 adamantine

 adaptable

 adaptational
 adaptative
 adapted

 adaptive
 adaxial
 addable
 addible

 addicted

 addictive

 additional
 additive
 addlebrained

 addled
 addlepated

 addressable
 addressed

 adducent
 adducting

 adductive
 adenocarcinomatous

 adenoid

 adenoidal

 adept

 adequate

 adherent

 adhesive
 adiabatic

 adient

 adipose
 adjacent
 adjectival
 adjective

 adjudicative
 adjudicatory

 adjunct
 adjunctive

 adjuratory

 adjustable
 adjusted
 adjustive
 adjuvant

 administrable

 administrative

 admirable
 admired
 admissible

 admissive
 admittable

 admittible
 admonishing

 admonitory
 adnate

 adnexal
 adolescent

 adonic

 adoptable

 adopted

 adoptive

 adorable

 adored
 adoring

 adorned

 adpressed
 adrenal
 adrenergic
 adrenocortical

 adrenocorticotrophic
 adrenocorticotropic

 adrift
 adroit

 adscititious

 adscript
 adscripted
 adsorbable
 adsorbate

 adsorbent

 adsorptive

 adulatory
 adult
 adulterant

 adulterate
 adulterated

 adulterating
 adulterine

 adulterous
 adumbrative

 adust
 advance

 advanced

 advancing

 advantageous

 advective

 adventitial

 adventitious
 adventive

 adventuresome

 adventuristic
 adventurous
 adverbial
 adversative

 adverse
 advertent

 advertised
 advisable

 advised

 advisory
 adynamic
Starting with AE
 aecial

 aegean

 aeolian

 aeolotropic
 aeonian

 aerated

 aerial

 aeriferous

 aeriform
 aerobic

 aerobiotic
 aerodynamic

 aerolitic

 aerological

 aeromechanic

 aeromedical

 aeronautic
 aeronautical

 aerophilatelic
 aerophilic

 aerophilous

 aerosolised

 aerosolized
 aery

 aeschylean

 aesculapian

 aesthetic

 aesthetical
 aestival
 aetiologic

 aetiological
Starting with AF
 afeard

 afeared

 afebrile

 affable
 affected

 affecting

 affectional

 affectionate

 affective
 afferent

 affiliated
 affinal

 affine

 affined

 affirmable

 affirmative

 affirmatory
 affixal

 affixed
 affixial

 afflicted

 afflictive

 affluent
 affordable

 afghan

 afghani

 afghanistani

 afire
 aflame
 aflare

 aflicker
 afloat
 aflutter
 afoot

 aforementioned

 aforesaid

 aforethought
 afoul
 afraid

 african
 afrikaans

 afrikaner
 aft

 after
 aftermost

 aftershafted

Starting with AG
 agamic

 agamogenetic

 agamous
 agape

 agaze
 aged

 ageing

 ageless

 agelong
 agential

 agglomerate

 agglomerated

 agglomerative

 agglutinate
 agglutinative
 aggravated

 aggravating
 aggregate
 aggregated
 aggregative

 aggressive

 aghast

 agile
 aging
 agitated

 agitating
 agitative

 agleam
 aglitter

 aglow
 agnate

 agnatic
 agnostic

 agnostical

 ago

 agog

 agonadal

 agonal

 agone
 agonised

 agonising

 agonistic
 agonistical
 agonized
 agonizing

 agoraphobic
 agranulocytic

 agraphic
 agrarian

 agreeable

 agreed
 agrestic
 agricultural
 agrobiologic

 agrobiological

 agrologic

 agrological
 agronomic
 agronomical

 aground
 agrypnotic

 aguish

Starting with AH
 ahead
 ahistorical

 ahorse

 ahorseback

Starting with AI
 aided

 ailing

 aimless
 ain

 airborne
 aired

 airheaded
 airless

 airlike
 airsick
 airtight

 airworthy

 airy

Starting with AJ
 ajar

Starting with AK
 akimbo

 akin

Starting with AL
 alabaster

 alabastrine
 alacritous

 alar
 alarmed

 alarming
 alary

 alaskan

 alate

 alated

 albanian

 albescent

 albigensian

 albinal
 albinic

 albinistic
 albinotic

 albitic
 albuminous

 albuminuric
 alcalescent
 alchemic

 alchemical

 alchemistic
 alchemistical
 alcoholic
 aldehydic
 aldermanic

 aldermanly

 aleatory

 alert
 aleuronic
 aleutian

 alexandrian
 alexic

 alfresco
 algal

 algebraic
 algebraical

 algerian
 algid

 algoid

 algolagnic

 algometric

 algometrical

 algonkian

 algonquian
 algonquin

 algophobic

 algorithmic
 alien
 alienable
 alienated

 alienating
 aliform

 alight
 aligned

 aligning

 alike
 alimental
 alimentary
 alimentative

 aliphatic

 aliquot

 alive
 alkahestic
 alkalescent

 alkalic
 alkaline

 alkaloidal
 alkalotic

 alkylic
 all

 allantoic
 allantoid

 allargando

 alleged

 allegiant

 allegoric

 allegorical

 allegretto
 allegro

 allelic

 allelomorphic
 allergenic
 allergic
 alleviated

 alleviative
 alleviatory

 alliaceous
 allied

 alligatored

 alliterative
 allocable
 allocatable
 allochronic

 allochthonous

 allogamous

 allogeneic
 allographic
 allomerous

 allometric
 allomorphic

 allopathic
 allopatric

 allophonic
 allotropic

 allotropical
 allotted

 allover

 allowable

 alloyed

 alluring

 allusive

 alluvial
 allylic

 almighty

 alone
 aloof
 alopecic
 alpestrine

 alpha
 alphabetic

 alphabetical
 alphabetised

 alphabetized

 alphameric
 alphamerical
 alphanumeric
 alphanumerical

 alpine

 alright

 alsatian
 altaic
 alterable

 alterative
 altered

 alternate
 alternating

 alternative
 altissimo

 altitudinal
 altitudinous

 alto

 altricial

 altruistic

 alular

 aluminiferous

 aluminous
 alveolar

 alveolate

 alvine

Starting with AM
 amalgamate

 amalgamated

 amalgamative

 amaranthine
 amateur
 amateurish

 amative
 amatory
 amaurotic
 amazed

 amazing

 ambagious

 ambassadorial
 amber
 ambidextrous

 ambient
 ambiguous

 ambitionless
 ambitious

 ambivalent
 ambiversive

 amblyopic
 ambrosial

 ambrosian

 ambulacral

 ambulant

 ambulatory

 ameban

 amebic
 ameboid

 amebous

 ameliorating
 ameliorative
 amelioratory
 amenable

 amendable
 amendatory

 amended
 amenorrheal

 amenorrheic

 amenorrhoeal
 amenorrhoeic
 amentaceous
 amentiferous

 amerciable

 american

 amerind
 amerindic
 ametabolic

 ametabolous
 amethyst

 amethystine
 ametropic

 amharic
 amiable

 amicable
 amidship

 aminic

 amino

 amiss

 amitotic

 ammino

 ammoniac
 ammoniacal

 ammoniated

 ammonitic
 amnesiac
 amnesic
 amnestic

 amnic
 amnionic

 amniotic
 amoeban

 amoebic

 amoeboid
 amoebous
 amok
 amoristic

 amorous

 amorphous

 amort
 amphibian
 amphibiotic

 amphibious
 amphiprostylar

 amphiprostyle
 amphiprotic

 amphistylar
 amphitheatric

 amphitheatrical
 amphitropous

 amphoric

 amphoteric

 ample

 ampullar

 ampullary

 amuck
 amused

 amusing

 amusive
 amygdaliform
 amygdaline
 amygdaloid

 amygdaloidal
 amylaceous

 amyloid
 amyloidal

 amylolytic

Starting with AN
 anabatic
 anabiotic

 anabolic

 anachronic

 anachronistic
 anachronous
 anaclinal

 anaclitic
 anacoluthic

 anadromous
 anaemic

 anaerobic
 anaerobiotic

 anaesthetic
 anaglyphic

 anaglyphical

 anaglyptic

 anaglyptical

 anagogic

 anagogical

 anagrammatic
 anagrammatical

 anal

 analeptic
 analgesic
 analgetic
 analog

 analogical
 analogous

 analogue
 analphabetic

 analytic

 analytical
 analyzable
 analyzed
 anamnestic

 anamorphic

 anapaestic

 anapestic
 anaphasic
 anaphoric

 anaphrodisiac
 anaphylactic

 anaplastic
 anarchic

 anarchical
 anarchistic

 anasarcous
 anastigmatic

 anastomotic

 anatomic

 anatomical

 anatropous

 ancestral

 anchoritic
 ancient

 ancillary

 andalusian
 andante
 andantino
 andean

 andorran
 androgenetic

 androgenic
 androgenous

 androgynous

 ane
 anecdotal
 anecdotic
 anecdotical

 anechoic

 anemic

 anemographic
 anemometric
 anemometrical

 anemophilous
 anencephalic

 anencephalous
 aneroid

 anesthetic
 anestric

 anestrous
 aneuploid

 aneurismal

 aneurismatic

 aneurysmal

 aneurysmatic

 anfractuous

 angelic
 angelical

 angered

 anginal
 anginose
 anginous
 angiocarpic

 angiocarpous
 angiomatous

 angiospermous
 angled

 anglican

 anglophilic
 anglophobic
 angolan
 angry

 anguillan

 anguine

 anguished
 angular
 angulate

 anhydrous
 anicteric

 anile
 animal

 animalistic
 animate

 animated
 animating

 animatistic

 animist

 animistic

 anionic

 aniseikonic

 anisogametic
 anisogamic

 anisogamous

 anisometric
 anisometropic
 anisotropic
 ankylotic

 annalistic
 annelid

 annelidan
 annexal

 annexational

 annihilated
 annihilating
 annihilative
 announced

 annoyed

 annoying

 annual
 annular
 annulate

 annulated
 annunciatory

 anodal
 anodic

 anodyne
 anoestrous

 anomalous
 anomic

 anonymous

 anoperineal

 anopheline

 anorectal

 anorectic

 anorexic
 anorexigenic

 anorthic

 anorthitic
 anosmatic
 anosmic
 another

 anoxemic
 anoxic

 anserine
 answerable

 answering

 antacid
 antagonistic
 antarctic
 antebellum

 antecedent

 antecubital

 antediluvial
 antediluvian
 antemeridian

 antemortem
 antenatal

 antennal
 antennary

 antenuptial
 antepartum

 antepenultimate
 anterior

 anterograde

 anthelminthic

 anthelmintic

 antheral

 antheridial

 anthophagous
 anthophilous

 anthracitic

 anthropic
 anthropical
 anthropocentric
 anthropogenetic

 anthropogenic
 anthropoid

 anthropoidal
 anthropological

 anthropometric

 anthropometrical
 anthropomorphic
 anthropomorphous
 anthropophagous

 anti

 antiadrenergic

 antiaircraft
 antiapartheid
 antiauthoritarian

 antibacterial
 antibiotic

 antiblack
 antic

 anticancer
 anticholinergic

 anticipant
 anticipated

 anticipative

 anticipatory

 anticlimactic

 anticlimactical

 anticlinal

 anticlockwise
 anticoagulative

 anticyclonic

 antidotal
 antidromic
 antiferromagnetic
 antifertility

 antifungal
 antigenic

 antiguan
 antiheretical

 antiknock

 antiknocking
 antimagnetic
 antimicrobial
 antimicrobic

 antimonial

 antimonic

 antimonious
 antimonopoly
 antineoplastic

 antinomian
 antiparallel

 antipathetic
 antipathetical

 antipersonnel
 antiphlogistic

 antiphonal
 antiphonary

 antipodal

 antipodean

 antipollution

 antipyretic

 antiquarian

 antiquated
 antique

 antisatellite

 antisemitic
 antiseptic
 antisocial
 antistrophic

 antisubmarine
 antitank

 antithetic
 antithetical

 antithyroid

 antitoxic
 antitrust
 antitumor
 antitumour

 antitypic

 antitypical

 antiviral
 antlered
 antonymous

 antrorse
 antsy

 anuran
 anuretic

 anuric
 anurous

 anxiolytic
 anxious

 any

Starting with AO
 aoristic
 aortal

 aortic

Starting with AP
 apart

 apathetic
 apelike

 aperient
 aperiodic
 apetalous

 aphaeretic

 aphakic
 aphanitic
 aphasic
 apheretic
 aphetic

 aphonic

 aphoristic

 aphotic
 aphrodisiac
 aphrodisiacal

 aphyllous
 apian

 apiarian
 apical

 apiculate
 apicultural

 apish
 apivorous

 aplacental

 aplanatic

 aplitic

 apneic

 apnoeic

 apocalyptic
 apocalyptical

 apocarpous

 apochromatic
 apocrine
 apocryphal
 apocynaceous

 apodal
 apodeictic

 apodictic
 apodous

 apogametic

 apogamic
 apogamous
 apogean
 apolitical

 apologetic

 apomictic

 apomictical
 aponeurotic
 apopemptic

 apophatic
 apophyseal

 apoplectic
 apoplectiform

 apoplectoid
 aposiopetic

 apostate
 apostolic

 apostolical

 apostrophic

 apothecial

 apothegmatic

 apothegmatical

 apotropaic
 appalachian

 appalled

 appalling
 appareled
 apparent
 apparitional

 appealable
 appealing

 appeasable
 appeasing

 appellant

 appellate
 appellative
 appendaged
 appendant

 appendicular

 apperceptive

 appetent
 appetising
 appetitive

 appetizing
 applaudable

 applicable
 applicative

 applicatory
 applied

 appointed
 appointive

 apportionable

 apportioned

 apposable

 apposite

 appositional

 appositive
 appraising

 appreciable

 appreciated
 appreciative
 apprehended
 apprehensible

 apprehensive
 apprenticed

 appressed
 approachable

 approaching

 approbative
 approbatory
 appropriable
 appropriate

 appropriative

 approved

 approving
 approximate
 approximative

 appurtenant
 apractic

 apraxic
 apropos

 apsidal
 apt

 apteral
 apterous

 aptitudinal

Starting with AQ
 aquacultural
 aquaphobic

 aquatic
 aqueous

 aquicultural

 aquiferous

 aquiline

Starting with AR
 arabian
 arabic

 arable

 araceous
 arachnidian
 arachnoid
 aramaean
 aramaic

 aramean

 araneidal

 araneidan
 arawakan
 arbitrable

 arbitral
 arbitrary

 arbitrational
 arbitrative

 arboraceous
 arborary

 arboreal
 arboreous

 arborescent

 arboresque

 arborical

 arboriform

 arborous

 arcadian
 arcane

 arced

 arch
 archaean
 archaeologic
 archaeological

 archaeozoic
 archaic

 archaistic
 archangelic

 archangelical

 archdiocesan
 archducal
 archean
 arched

 archegonial

 archegoniate

 archeologic
 archeological
 archeozoic

 archepiscopal
 archesporial

 archetypal
 archetypical

 archidiaconal
 archiepiscopal

 arching
 archipelagic

 architectonic

 architectural

 archival

 archosaurian

 arciform

 arco
 arctic

 arcuate

 ardent
 arduous
 areal
 arenaceous

 arenicolous
 areolar

 areolate
 argent

 argentic

 argentiferous
 argentine
 argentinian
 argentous

 argillaceous

 argive

 arguable
 argumentative
 arid

 ariled
 arillate

 ariose
 aristocratic

 aristocratical
 aristotelean

 aristotelian
 aristotelic

 arithmetic

 arithmetical

 armed

 armenian

 armillary

 arminian
 armless

 armlike

 armored
 armorial
 armoured
 aroid

 aromatic
 aroused

 arranged
 arrant

 arrayed

 arresting
 arrhythmic
 arrhythmical
 arrogant

 arsenical

 arsenious

 artefactual
 arterial
 arteriolar

 arteriosclerotic
 arteriovenous

 artesian
 artful

 arthralgic
 arthritic

 arthromeric
 arthropodal

 arthropodan

 arthropodous

 arthrosporic

 arthrosporous

 arthurian

 articled
 articular

 articulary

 articulate
 articulated
 articulative
 articulatory

 artifactual
 artificial

 artiodactyl
 artiodactylous

 artistic

 artless
 arty
 arundinaceous
 aryan

Starting with AS
 asat

 ascendable
 ascendant

 ascendent

 ascendible

 ascending

 ascensional
 ascensive

 ascertainable
 ascertained

 ascetic

 ascetical

 ascitic

 asclepiadaceous

 ascocarpous
 ascomycetous

 ascosporic
 ascosporous

 ascribable

 aseptic

 asexual
 ashamed

 ashen

 ashy

 asian

 asiatic
 asinine
 askance

 askant
 askew
 aslant
 asleep

 aslope

 asocial

 aspectual
 asphaltic
 aspheric

 aspherical
 asphyxiated

 asphyxiating
 aspirant

 aspiring
 asquint

 assailable
 assamese

 assassinated

 assaultive

 assentient

 assertable

 asserted

 asserting
 assertive

 assessable

 assiduous
 assignable
 assigned
 assimilable

 assimilating
 assimilative

 assimilatory
 assistant

 assisted

 assistive
 associable
 associate
 associational

 associative

 associatory

 assonant
 assorted
 assuasive

 assumed
 assuming

 assumptive
 assured

 assurgent
 assuring

 astatic
 asteriated

 asterisked

 asterismal

 asternal

 asteroid

 asteroidal

 asthenic
 asthmatic

 astigmatic

 astir
 astomatal
 astomatous
 astonied

 astonished
 astonishing

 astounded
 astounding

 astragalar

 astral
 astringent
 astrocytic
 astrological

 astronautic

 astronautical

 astronomic
 astronomical
 astrophysical

 astute
 astylar

 asunder
 asymmetric

 asymmetrical
 asymptomatic

 asymptotic
 asynchronous

 asyndetic

 asynergic

Starting with AT
 atactic

 ataractic
 ataraxic

 atavistic

 ataxic

 ateleiotic
 atheist

 atheistic

 atheistical

 athenian

 atheromatic
 atheromatous
 atherosclerotic

 athirst
 athletic
 atilt
 atlantic

 atmospheric

 atmospherical

 atomic
 atomistic
 atomistical

 atonal
 atonalistic

 atonic
 atoxic

 atrabilious
 atrial

 atrioventricular
 atrip

 atrocious

 atrophic

 atrophied

 attachable

 attached

 attacking
 attainable

 attained

 attempted
 attendant
 attended
 attentional

 attentive
 attenuate

 attenuated
 attested

 attic

 attired
 attitudinal
 attractable
 attractive

 attributable

 attributive

 attrited
 attritional
 atypic

 atypical

Starting with AU
 auburn
 auctorial

 audacious
 audenesque

 audible

 audile

 audiometric

 audiovisual

 auditive
 auditory

 augean
 augitic

 augmentative

 augmented

 august
 augustan

 auld

 aural

 aureate

 auric
 auricular
 auriculate

 auriculated
 auriculoventricular
 auriferous
 auriform

 auroral

 aurorean

 aurous
 auscultatory
 auspicious

 austenitic
 austere

 austral
 australasian

 australian
 australopithecine

 austrian
 austronesian

 autacoidal

 autarchic

 autarchical

 autarkic

 autarkical

 authentic
 authenticated

 authorial

 authorised
 authoritarian
 authoritative
 authorized

 autistic
 autobiographic

 autobiographical
 autocatalytic

 autochthonal

 autochthonic
 autochthonous
 autocratic
 autodidactic

 autoecious

 autoerotic

 autofluorescent
 autogamic
 autogamous

 autogenetic
 autogenic

 autogenous
 autographed

 autographic
 autoicous

 autoimmune
 autoloading

 autologous

 autolytic

 automated

 automatic

 automatonlike

 automotive
 autonomic

 autonomous

 autophytic
 autoplastic
 autoradiographic
 autosemantic

 autosomal
 autotelic

 autotomic
 autotrophic

 autotypic

 autumnal
 auxetic
 auxiliary
 auxinic

Starting with AV
 available

 avaricious
 avascular

 avellan

 avellane

 avenged

 average
 averse

 aversive
 avertable

 avertible

 avestan

 avian

 avid

 avifaunal
 avifaunistic

 avionic
 avirulent

 avitaminotic

 avocado

 avocational
 avoidable

 avowed

 avuncular

Starting with AW
 awaited
 awake
 awakened
 aware
 awash

 away

 aweary

 awed
 aweigh
 aweless

 awesome
 awestricken

 awestruck
 awful

 awheel
 awing

 awkward
 awless

 awned

 awninged

 awnless

 awny

 awol

 awry

Starting with AX
 axenic

 axial
 axile

 axillary

 axiological

 axiomatic

 axiomatical
 axonal

Starting with AZ
 azerbaijani
 azido

 azimuthal

 azo

 azoic
 azonal
 azonic

 azotemic
 azotic

 azure
 azygos

 azygous

More Categories for the Adjectives that Start with A

This section is all about useful Adjectives that start with A. All of these descriptive words are
combined with definitions and examples. The first section is a collection of interesting descriptive
words, followed by a section of positive adjectives that can be used to describe a person. The
last section contains the shortest and longest adjectives that start with a.
Interesting Adjectives

aberrant: : markedly different from an accepted norm.

– The child acted in an aberrant manner, to get attention in school.
antic: ludicrously odd.
– The lady’s hair was antic, it resembled a beehive.
antsy: nervous and unable to relax.
– Children become very antsy when taking a test.
arboreal: inhabiting or frequenting trees.
– The arboreal snakes camouflage to look like the trees they inhabit.
astute: marked by practical hardheaded intelligence.
– The astute student had flash cards falling everywhere.
auxiliary: functioning in a supporting capacity.
– An auxiliary swat team had to be created to hold back the riot.
azure: of a deep somewhat purplish blue color.
– The hit from the brick was so powerful, it created an azure bruise.

Positive Adjective to Describe a Person

accomplished: successfully completed or brought to an end.

– After his four years, the president finally felt accomplished when he reduced the national debt.
adaptable: capable of adapting (of becoming or being made suitable) to a particular situation or
– To survive in the army, during war, a soldier must become adaptable to tough terrain and
different weather.
adept: having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude
– Tattoo artists are adept in handicrafts.
amenable: disposed or willing to conform
– The lieutenant was in charge of training the amenable boys into obedient soldiers.
appreciative: having or showing appreciation or a favorable critical judgment or opinion
– The painter always got appreciative comments on his work.

Positive Adjective to Describe an Event

absorbing: capable of arousing and holding the attention

– The poem was absorbing, everyone gave their undivided attention; even some tears were
amusing: arousing or provoking laughter
– The recently made film, Dumb and Dumber 2, was very amusing.
animated: having life or vigor or spirit
– The animated conversation about the future of two lovers, brought great smiles on their
astonishing: so surprisingly impressive as to stun or overwhelm
– The student went from having the lowest grades to be a straight- A student. It was
an astonishing achievement.
awesome: inspiring awe or admiration or wonder
– The action-packed movie was awesome, its special effects made it look real.

Positive Adjective to Describe a Place

accessible: capable of being reached

– The fast food restaurant was so close, it was accessible by foot.
aired: open to or abounding in fresh air
– After drying outside, the aired bed sheets smelled like the open meadow.
amazing: inspiring awe or admiration or wonder
– After landing in Paris, the family was in awe of the amazing Eiffel Tower.
ambient: completely enveloping
– Disney’s atmosphere felt completely ambient and welcoming to the two little girls.
ancestral: inherited or inheritable by established rules (usually legal rules) of descent
– The mother gave her daughter the ancestral necklace, that was been passed from generation
to generation.

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person

abrasive: sharply disagreeable; rigorous

– The older brother thinks his sibling is abrasive, but her friends think she is a sweetheart.
abusive: characterized by physical or psychological maltreatment
– The abusive friend couldn’t see all the pain he was afflicting on his friend.
adulterous: not faithful to a spouse or lover
– The adulterous girlfriend only cared about her desires.
aloof: remote in manner
– The young boy was very aloof.
arrogant: having or showing feelings of unwarranted importance out of overbearing pride
– The arrogant official thought that I was always wrong.

Negative Adjectives to Describe an Event

abortive: failing to accomplish an intended result
– The teenager’s party was abortive and boring.
abrupt: exceedingly sudden and unexpected
– Because of the Water Gates scandal, there had to be an abrupt change in presidents.
absurd: inconsistent with reason or logic or common sense
– The audience paid to see a play, seeing a rock band perform was completely absurd.
agonizing: extremely painful
– The pain from losing her dog was so agonizing.
awry: not functioning properly
– The prototype robot was awry and was hitting everything.

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place

abandoned: forsaken by owner or inhabitants

– The abandoned home looked haunted.
abject: showing humiliation or submissiveness; of the most contemptible kind
– The kids became abject when other kids found out that their parents are clowns.
abysmal: resembling an abyss in depth; so deep as to be immeasurable
– Giant squid live in the abysmal ocean.
airless: lacking fresh air
– All the heat from the sun, made the afternoon feel airless.
apocalyptic: prophetic of devastation or ultimate doom; of or relating to an apocalypse
– The desert seemed apocalyptic because no life could be found.

Heroic Adjectives

adventurous: willing to undertake or seeking out new and daring enterprises

– The adventurous boy, went on a quest with his father to discover new land overseas.
aggressive: having or showing determination and energetic pursuit of your ends
– The businessman failed to keep any employees because he was too aggressive.
assertive: aggressively self-assured
– The shy boy wanted to be more assertive.
authoritative: having authority or ascendancy or influence
– My father is the authoritative figure in the house.

Sporty Adjectives

accurate: conforming exactly or almost exactly to fact or to a standard or performing with total
– The basketball player’s jump shots are very accurate.
active: characterized by energetic activity
– The active toddler seemed to have an unlimited supply of energy.
agile: moving quickly and lightly
– The agile bunny was able to escape the bite of the snake.
alert: engaged in or accustomed to close observation
– The alert goalie made sure not to let a single player make a goal.
athletic: vigorously active
– The athletic teenager was a starter for his high school varsity team.
Romantic Adjectives

adored: regarded with deep or rapturous love

– The adored bride loved the priceless necklace.
affectionate: having or displaying warmth or affection
– The affectionate mother always yelled “I love you” to her only son, even when he left for
alluring: highly attractive and able to arouse hope or desire
– The girl’s beauty was so alluring.

amorous: expressive of or exciting sexual love or romance; inclined toward or displaying love
– The amorous couple did everything together and didn’t want to be ever apart.
attractive: pleasing to the eye or mind especially through beauty or charm
– Everything about the lady was attractive, her eyes, her personality, even her interests.

In the following section, you will find categories for: Shortest/Longest Adjectives, Interesting
Adjectives, Positive and Negative Adjectives, Masculine and Feminine Adjectives, Sporty
Adjectives and Romantic Adjectives.

Shortest Adjectives
ace: of the highest quality
– The ace reporter was able to film everything, anywhere, at any time perfectly.
aft: (nautical, aeronautical) situated at or toward the stern or tail
– The aft sail was put in the direction of the wind to bring upon more speed.
ago: gone by; or in the past
– Dinosaurs roamed the land millions of years ago.
ain: belonging to or on behalf of a specified person (especially yourself)
– I’ve always wanted a dog of my ain.
all: completely given to or absorbed by; (quantifier) used with either mass or count nouns to
indicate the whole number or amount of or every one of a class
– When the talented student performed his song at the talent show, everyone was all ears.
ane: used of a single unit or thing; not two or more
– The hunter only had ane arrow left.
any: one or some or every or all without specification
– After the family used the eggs for breakfast, there wasn’t any left.
apt: being of striking appropriateness and pertinence
– The mischievous teenager always had an apt reply.
azo: relating to or containing the azo radical
– The azo hair dye made her hair very bright red.
able: (usually followed by `to’) having the necessary means or skill or know-how or authority to
do something
– After taking classes, the girl was able to swim

Longest Adjectives

adrenocorticotrophic: stimulating or acting on the adrenal cortex

– The adrenocorticotrophic area by the kidney was heavily damaged.
adrenocorticotropic: stimulating or acting on the adrenal cortex
– related to adrenocorticotropic deficiency
auriculoventricular: relating to or affecting the atria and ventricles of the heart
– The disease affected the auriculoventricular area of his heart, and filled it with blood.
adenocarcinomatous: of or pertaining to adenocarcinoma
– The adenocarcinomatous tumor had to be surgically removed
antiauthoritarian: opposed to authoritarianism
– The officials were against those that side with antiauthoritarian.
antiferromagnetic: relating to antiferromagnetism
– The adjacent antiferromagnetic materials started to point in opposite directions.
australopithecine: of or belonging to the hominid genus Australopithecus
– After years of searching, australopithecine fossils were found.
anthropometrical: of or relating to anthropometry
– The anthropometrical measure of the person’s leg said that they were large.
anthropomorphous: suggesting human characteristics for animals or inanimate things
– Apes are anthropomorphous species and can do many things a normal person can.
arteriosclerotic: affected by arteriosclerosis
– The old man’s arteriosclerotic veins gave him a short time to live.

Adjectives Starting with B

 All B Adjectives
 B Adjectives to Describe a Person
 Categories

Starting with BA
 babelike
 baboonish

 babyish
 babylonian

 baccate
 bacchanal

 bacchanalian

 bacchantic
 bacchic
 bacciferous
 baccivorous

 bacillar

 bacillary

 bacilliform
 back
 backbreaking

 backed
 backhand

 backhanded
 backless

 backmost
 backstage

 backstair
 backstairs

 backswept

 backward

 bacteremic

 bacterial

 bactericidal

 bacterioid
 bacterioidal

 bacteriologic

 bacteriological
 bacteriolytic
 bacteriophagic
 bacteriophagous

 bacteriostatic
 bacteroid

 bacteroidal
 baculiform

 bad

 baffled
 baffling
 baggy
 bahai

 bahamian

 bahraini

 bailable
 baked
 baking

 balanced
 balconied

 bald
 balding

 baleful
 balking

 balky
 balletic

 ballistic

 bally

 balmy

 balsamic

 balsamy

 baltic
 balzacian

 banal

 banausic
 bandaged
 banded
 bandy

 baneful
 banging

 bangladeshi
 bankable

 bankrupt

 banned
 banner
 bantam
 bantering

 bantoid

 bantu

 baptised
 baptismal
 baptistic

 baptized
 barbadian

 barbarian
 barbaric

 barbarous
 barbate

 barbecued
 barbed

 barbellate

 bardic

 bare

 bareback

 barebacked

 bared
 barefaced

 barefoot

 barefooted
 barehanded
 bareheaded
 barelegged

 baric
 baritone

 barky
 barmy

 barographic

 barometric
 barometrical
 baronial
 baroque

 barred

 barreled

 barrelled
 barren
 barricaded

 barytic
 basal

 basaltic
 base

 baseborn
 based

 baseless
 bashful

 basic

 basidial

 basidiomycetous

 basidiosporous

 basifixed

 basilar
 basilary

 basilican

 basinal
 basined
 basipetal
 basiscopic

 basophilic
 bass

 bastard
 bastardised

 bastardized

 bastardly
 bastioned
 bated
 bathetic

 batholithic

 batholitic

 bathyal
 bathymetric
 bathymetrical

 batrachian
 bats

 battered
 battleful

 battlemented
 batty

 batwing
 bauxitic

 bavarian

 bawdy

 bay

 bayesian

Starting with BE
 beaded

 beadlike
 beady

 beaked

 beakless

 beaklike

 beaming
 beamish
 beamy

 bearable
 bearded
 beardless
 beardown

 bearing

 bearish

 beastly
 beat
 beatable

 beaten
 beatific

 beatified
 beauteous

 beautiful
 becalmed

 becoming
 bedaubed

 bedded

 bedewed

 bedfast

 bedimmed

 bedless

 bedraggled
 bedrid

 bedridden

 beechen
 beefy
 beery
 beethovenian

 beetle
 beetling

 befitting
 befogged

 beforehand

 befouled
 befuddled
 beggarly
 beginning

 begotten

 begrimed

 beguiled
 beguiling
 behavioral

 behaviorist
 behavioristic

 behavioural
 behaviourist

 behaviouristic
 beheaded

 behind
 behindhand

 beholden

 beige

 belarusian

 belated

 belemnitic

 belgian
 believable

 belittled

 belittling
 bellbottom
 belletristic
 bellicose

 bellied
 belligerent

 bellying
 bellyless

 beloved

 belowground
 belted
 beltless
 beltlike

 bemused

 bendable

 bended
 benedictine
 benedictive

 benedictory
 benefic

 beneficed
 beneficent

 beneficial
 beneficiary

 benevolent
 bengali

 benighted

 benign

 benignant

 beninese

 bent

 benthal
 benthic

 benthonic

 bentonitic
 benumbed
 benzenoid
 benzoic

 benzylic
 bereaved

 bereft
 bermudan

 berried

 berrylike
 berserk
 beseeching
 besieged

 besotted

 bespectacled

 bespoke
 bespoken
 besprent

 best
 bestial

 bestubbled
 beta

 betrothed
 better

 bettering
 betting

 betulaceous

 bewhiskered

 bewildered

 bewitched

 bewitching

Starting with BH
 bhutanese

Starting with BI
 biannual

 bias
 biased
 biaural

 biauricular

 biaxal
 biaxate
 biaxial
 bibbed
 bibless

 biblical

 bibliographic

 bibliographical
 bibliolatrous
 bibliomaniacal

 bibliophilic
 bibliopolic

 bibliothecal
 bibliothecarial

 bibliotic
 bibulous

 bicameral
 bicapsular

 bicentenary

 bicentennial

 bicentric

 bicephalous

 bichromated

 bichrome
 bicipital

 bicolor

 bicolored
 bicolour
 bicoloured
 biconcave

 biconvex
 bicorn

 bicornate
 bicorned

 bicornuate

 bicornuous
 bicuspid
 bicuspidate
 bicyclic

 bicylindrical

 biddable

 bidentate
 bidirectional
 biedermeier

 biennial
 biface

 bifacial
 bifid

 bifilar
 biflagellate

 bifocal
 bifoliate

 biform

 bifurcate

 bifurcated

 big

 bigamous

 bigeminal
 bigeneric

 bigger

 biggish
 bigheaded
 bighearted
 bigmouthed

 bignoniaceous
 bigoted

 bilabial
 bilabiate

 bilateral

 bilgy
 biliary
 bilinear
 bilingual

 bilious

 billed

 billiard
 billion
 billionth

 billowing
 billowy

 bilobate
 bilobated

 bilobed
 bilocular

 biloculate
 bimanual

 bimestrial

 bimetal

 bimetallic

 bimetallistic

 bimillenial

 bimodal
 bimolecular

 bimonthly

 bimorphemic
 bimotored
 binary
 binate

 binaural
 bindable

 binding
 binocular

 binomial

 binominal
 binuclear
 binucleate
 binucleated

 biocatalytic

 biochemical

 bioclimatic
 biodegradable
 biogenetic

 biogenic
 biogenous

 biogeographic
 biogeographical

 biographic
 biographical

 biologic
 biological

 biologistic

 bioluminescent

 biomedical

 bionic

 bionomic

 bionomical
 biosynthetic

 biosystematic

 biotic
 biotitic
 biotypic
 biovular

 biparous
 bipartisan

 bipartite
 bipartizan

 biped

 bipedal
 bipinnate
 bipinnatifid
 bipolar

 biquadratic

 biracial

 biradial
 biramous
 birch

 birchen
 birefringent

 birken
 bisectional

 biserrate
 bisexual

 bismarckian
 bismuthal

 bismuthic

 bisontine

 bistered

 bistred

 bistroic

 bisulcate
 biting

 bitter

 bitterish
 bittersweet
 bittie
 bitty

 bitumenoid
 bituminoid

 bituminous
 bivalent

 bivalve

 bivalved
 bivariate
 biweekly
 biyearly

 bizarre

 bizonal

Starting with BL
 blabbermouthed

 blabby

 black

 blackened

 blackguardly
 blackish

 bladderlike
 bladdery

 bladed

 bladelike

 blae

 blamable

 blame
 blameable

 blamed
 blameful

 blameless

 blameworthy

 blanched
 bland

 blank

 blanket

 blanketed

 blaring
 blase
 blasphemous

 blasted
 blastemal
 blastematic
 blastemic

 blasting

 blastocoelic

 blastodermatic
 blastodermic
 blastogenetic

 blastomeric
 blastomycotic

 blastoporal
 blastoporic

 blastospheric
 blastular

 blatant
 blate

 blazing

 bleached

 bleak

 blear

 bleary

 blebbed
 blebby

 blemished

 blended
 blessed
 blest
 blighted

 blimpish
 blind

 blinded
 blindfold

 blindfolded

 blinding
 blinking
 blissful
 blistering

 blistery

 blithe

 blithesome
 blockaded
 blockading

 blocked
 blockheaded

 blockish
 blocky

 blond
 blonde

 bloodcurdling
 blooded

 bloodguilty

 bloodless

 bloodshot

 bloodstained

 bloodsucking

 bloodthirsty
 bloody

 blooming

 blotched
 blotchy
 blotto
 blown

 blowsy
 blowy

 blowzy
 blubbery

 blue

 blueish
 bluff
 bluish
 blunt

 blunted

 blurred

 blurry
 blushful
 blushing

 blustering
 blusterous

 blustery

Starting with BO
 boastful
 bobtail

 bobtailed

 bodacious

 bodied

 bodiless

 bodily
 bodyless

 boeotian
 boffo

 bogartian

 boggy

 bogus
 bohemian

 boiled

 boisterous

 bold

 bolivian
 bolographic
 bolometric

 bolshevik
 bolshevist
 bolshevistic
 bolshy

 bombastic

 bombproof

 bondable
 bone
 boned

 boneheaded
 boneless

 bonelike
 boney

 bonkers
 bonnie

 bonny
 bony

 bonzer

 bookable

 booked

 bookish

 boolean

 booming
 boon

 boorish

 booted
 bootleg
 bootless
 bootlicking

 boozy
 boracic

 borated
 bordered

 borderline

 boreal
 bored
 boric
 boring

 born

 boronic

 boskopoid
 bosky
 bosnian

 bosomed
 bosomy

 boss
 bossy

 botanic
 botanical

 botched
 botchy

 both

 bothered

 bothersome

 botonee

 botonnee

 botryoid
 botryoidal

 botswanan

 bottom
 bottomed
 bottomless
 bottommost

 botuliform
 botulinal

 bouffant
 boughed

 boughless

 boughten
 bouldered
 bouldery
 bouncing

 bouncy

 bound

 bounded
 bounden
 bounderish

 boundless
 bounteous

 bountied
 bountiful

 bourgeois
 boustrophedonic

 bovid
 bovine

 bowed

 bowelless

 bowery

 bowfront

 bowing

 bowleg
 bowlegged

 boxed

 boxlike
 boxy
 boyish
 boylike

 boytrose

Starting with BR
 braced
 brachial

 brachiate
 brachiopod
 brachiopodous
 brachycephalic

 brachycranial

 brachycranic

 brachydactylic
 brachydactylous
 brachypterous

 brachyurous
 bracing

 brackish
 bracteal

 bracteate
 bracted

 bracteolate
 brag

 braggart

 bragging

 braggy

 brahminic

 brahminical

 braided
 brainish

 brainless

 brainsick
 brainwashed
 brainy
 braised

 braky
 braless

 brambly
 branched

 branchial

 branchiate
 branching
 branchiopod
 branchiopodan

 branchiopodous

 branchless

 branchy
 branded
 brash

 brassbound
 brasslike

 brassy
 brattish

 bratty
 brave

 braw
 brawny

 brazen

 brazilian

 breakable

 breakaway

 breakneck

 breasted
 breastless

 breathed

 breathing
 breathless
 breathtaking
 breeched

 breeding
 breezy

 bregmatic
 briary

 bribable

 brickle
 brickly
 bridal
 bridgeable

 brief

 briefless

 briery
 bright
 brilliant

 brimful
 brimfull

 brimless
 brimming

 brinded
 brindle

 brindled
 briny

 brisant

 brisk

 bristled

 bristlelike

 bristly

 britannic
 british

 briton

 brittle
 broached
 broad
 broadband

 broadleaf
 broadloom

 broadnosed
 broadside

 brobdingnagian

 brocaded
 broiled
 broke
 broken

 brokenhearted

 bromic

 bromidic
 bronchial
 bronchiolar

 bronchitic
 bronchoscopic

 bronze
 bronzed

 bronzy
 brooding

 broody
 brotherlike

 brotherly

 brown

 browned

 brownish

 bruising

 brumal
 brummagem

 brumous

 bruneian
 brunet
 brunette
 brushed

 brushlike
 brushy

 brusk
 brusque

 brut

 brutal
 brute
 brutish
 bryophytic

Starting with BU
 bubaline

 bubbling
 bubbly

 bubonic

 buccal

 buckram

 buckshee
 bucolic

 buddhist
 buddhistic

 budding

 budgetary

 buff

 buffeted

 buffoonish
 bugged

 buggy
 built

 buirdly

 bulbaceous

 bulbar
 bulbed

 bulblike

 bulbous

 bulgarian

 bulging
 bulgy
 bulimic

 bulky
 bullate
 bulletproof
 bullheaded

 bullish

 bullnecked

 bullocky
 bully
 bullying

 bum
 bumbling

 bumpkinly
 bumptious

 bumpy
 bunchy

 bungaloid
 bungled

 bunglesome

 bungling

 buoyant

 burbling

 burbly

 burdened
 burdenless

 burdensome

 bureaucratic
 burglarious
 burglarproof
 buried

 burked
 burled

 burlesque
 burly

 burmese

 burnable
 burned
 burning
 burnished

 burnt

 burred

 burrlike
 burry
 bursal

 bursiform
 burundi

 burundian
 bush

 bushed
 bushwhacking

 bushy
 businesslike

 bust

 busted

 bustling

 busty

 busy

 busybodied
 butch

 butcherly

 buteonine
 butterfingered
 buttery
 buttoned

 buttonlike
 buttony

 buttressed
 butyraceous

 butyric

 buxom
 buzzing
Starting with BY
 bygone

 bypast

 byzantine

A More Categories for the Adjectives that Start with B

The first section is a collection of interesting descriptive words, followed by a section of positive
adjectives that can be used to describe a person. The last section contains the shortest and
longest adjectives that start with B.
For the Shortest/ Longest Adjectives that start with B category, the top ten adjectives with the
least and the most number of letters are presented. The next category, which is the Interesting
Adjectives, consists of descriptive words that can add color to any kind of writing or speech.
Using this type of adjectives is an effective way to pique the interest of your audience and make
your sentences more exciting.

The Positive Adjectives refer to the good qualities of a particular noun, and the adjectives that fall
under this category are sorted depending on whether they are best used to describe a person, an
event, or a place. On the other hand, the Negative Adjectives category is composed of adjectives
that refer to qualities of a noun that are considered undesirable. In this category, the adjectives
are organized similarly to the Positive Adjectives category.

Interesting Adjectives

bawdy: humorously vulgar

– bawdy jokes
blissful: completely happy and contented

– blissful ignorance
bodacious: unrestrained by convention or propriety

– bodacious trick

bittersweet: tinged with sadness; having a taste that is a mixture of bitterness and sweetness

– bittersweet ending
baffling: making great mental demands; hard to comprehend or solve or believe
– baffling problem
Positive Adjective to Describe a Person

blithe: carefree and happy and lighthearted

– was loved for her blithe spirit

bonny: very pleasing to the eye
– bonny lass
bouncy: marked by lively action

– bouncy toddler
brainy: having or marked by unusual and impressive intelligence

– our project needs brainy women

bubbly: full of or showing high spirits

– bubbly children

Positive Adjective to Describe an Event

beatific: marked by utter benignity

– beatific gathering
benefic: exerting a favorable or beneficent influence

– benefic program
beneficient: doing or producing good

– beneficent regime
bewitching: capturing interest as if by a spell

– bewitching speech
braw: brightly colored and showy

– a braw event

Positive Adjective to Describe a Place

botanical: of or relating to plants or botany

– botanical garden
boundless: unlimited; immense

– boundless territory
breathtaking: tending to cause suspension of regular breathing

– breathtaking scenery
breezy: abounding in or exposed to the wind or breezes

– breezy mountaintop
bright: giving out or reflecting a lot of light; shining

– bright park
Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person

barbaric: without civilizing influences

– barbaric neighbor
belligerent: characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight

– a belligerent son
benighted: lacking enlightenment or knowledge or culture

– benighted population
brutal: disagreeably direct and precise

– a brutal uncle
bumptious: offensively self-assertive

– a bumptious young man

Negative Adjectives to Describe an Event

baleful: threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments

– baleful catastrophe
baneful: exceedingly harmful

– baneful disaster
bland: lacking strong features or characteristics and therefore uninteresting

– bland election
boring: so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness

– a boring evening with uninteresting people

burdensome: not easily borne; wearing

– the burdensome task

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place

banal:so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring

– at the same banal location

barren: too poor to produce much or any vegetation

– barren field
bedraggled: dirty and disheveled

– bedraggled garage
bizarre:conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual

– bizarre restaurants
bleak: lacking vegetation and exposed to the elements

– a bleak moor

Heroic Adjectives

beefy: muscular and heavily built

– a beefy gym instructor

bold: fearless and daring

– a bold adventurer
brave: invulnerable to fear or intimidation

– brave warrior
butch: used of men; markedly masculine in appearance or manner

– he is not butch enough

burly: muscular and heavily built

– a burly wrestler

Sporty Adjectives

beastly: resembling a beast; showing lack of human sensibility

– a beastly captain
brawny: (of a person) possessing physical strength and weight; rugged and powerful

– a brawny boxer
brisk: very active; quick and energetic

– brisk runner
bruising: brutally forceful and compelling

– a bruising sports game

brute: a savagely violent person or animal

– brute football player

Romantic Adjectives

beatific: marked by utter benignity; resembling or befitting an angel or saint

– a beatific face
beguiling: misleading by means of pleasant or alluring methods

– beguiling suitor
beloved: dearly loved

– beloved spouse
benevolent: well meaning and kindly

– benevolent partner
blessed: worthy of adoration, reverence, or worship; blissfully happy or contented

– a blessed wife and mother

Shortest Adjectives

bad: feeling physical discomfort or pain (`tough’ is occasionally used colloquially for `bad’)

– bad cough
bay: (used of animals especially a horse) of a moderate reddish-brown color

– bay hide
big: conspicuous in position or importance; in an advanced stage of pregnancy

– a big figure
bum: of very poor quality; flimsy

– bum memory
braw: brightly colored and showy

– braw banners
brut: unsweetened; very dry

– glasses of brut champagne

buff: of the yellowish-beige color

– buff leather
bush: not of the highest quality or sophistication

– bush party
bust: lacking funds

– bust businessman
busy: crowded with or characterized by much activity

– a very busy week

Longest Adjectives

bacteriological: of or relating to bacteriology

– a bacteriological study
bacteriophagous: of or relating to bacteriophages

– bacteriophagous amoeba
basidiomycetous: pertaining to or characteristic of fungi of the class Basidiomycetes

– a basidiomycetous yeast
bibliographical: relating to or dealing with bibliography

– a bibliographical history
bibliothecarial: of or relating to a library or bibliotheca or a librarian

– bibliothecarial information
biogeographical: of or relating to or involved with biogeography

– biogeographical evidence
boustrophedonic: of or relating to writing alternate lines in opposite directions

– a boustrophedonic script
brachydactylous: having abnormally short finger or toes

– brachydactylous rabbit
brobdingnagian: unusually great in size or amount or degree or especially extent or scope

– brobdingnagian seaside
butterfingered: lacking physical movement skills, especially with the hands

– butterfingered mechanic
Through this article, you will learn about the various adjectives that you can use for different
contexts. With the knowledge that you gained, you will be able to discern which word is most
appropriate to use and compose well-constructed writing or speech.

Adjectives Starting with C

 All C Adjectives
 C Adjectives to Describe a Person
 Categories

Starting with CA
 cabalistic
 cachectic

 cackly
 cacodaemonic
 cacodemonic

 cacodylic

 cacogenic

 cacophonic

 cacophonous

 cacuminal

 cadastral

 cadaveric

 cadaverous

 caddish

 cadenced
 cadent
 caducean

 caducous

 caecal

 caecilian
 caesarean
 caesarian

 caespitose

 caesural
 caffeinic

 cagey

 cagy
 cairned
 caitiff

 calamitous

 calando

 calcaneal
 calcareous
 calced

 calceiform
 calceolate

 calcic
 calcicolous

 calciferous
 calcific

 calcifugous
 calcitic

 calculable

 calculated

 calculating

 calculative

 calculous

 calcuttan
 calefacient

 calefactive

 calefactory
 calendered
 calendric
 calendrical

 calibrated
 calico

 calicular
 californian

 caliginous

 calisthenic
 callable
 caller
 calligraphic

 calligraphical

 callipygian

 callipygous
 callithumpian
 callous

 calloused
 callow

 calm
 caloric

 calorifacient
 calorific

 calorimetric
 calumniatory

 calumnious

 calvinist

 calvinistic

 calvinistical

 calyceal

 calycinal
 calycine

 calycled

 calycular
 calyculate
 calyptrate
 cambial

 cambodian
 cambrian

 cameroonian
 camouflaged

 camp

 campanular
 campanulate
 campanulated
 campestral

 camphoraceous

 camphorated

 camphoric
 campy
 campylotropous

 canadian
 canalicular

 canaliculate
 canary

 cancellate
 cancellated

 cancelled
 cancellous

 cancerous

 cancroid

 candent

 candescent

 candid

 candied
 canescent

 canicular

 canine
 cankerous
 canned
 cannibalic

 cannibalistic
 cannular

 canny
 canonic

 canonical

 canonised
 canonist
 canonized
 canopied

 canorous

 cantabile

 cantankerous
 canted
 cantering

 cantonal
 canty

 capable
 capacious

 capacitive
 caparisoned

 capetian
 capillary

 capital

 capitalist

 capitalistic

 capitate

 capitular

 capitulary
 cappadocian

 capped

 capricious
 caprine
 capsular
 capsulate

 capsulated
 captious

 captivated
 captivating

 captive

 caramel
 carangid
 carbocyclic
 carbolated

 carbonaceous

 carbonated

 carbonic
 carboniferous
 carbonous

 carbonyl
 carbonylic

 carboxyl
 carboxylic

 carbuncled
 carbuncular

 carcinogenic
 carcinomatous

 cardboard

 cardiac

 cardinal

 cardiographic

 cardiologic

 cardiopulmonary
 cardiorespiratory

 cardiovascular

 carefree
 careful
 careless
 careworn

 carinal
 carinate

 carinated
 caring

 carious

 carmelite
 carminative
 carmine
 carnal

 carnassial

 carnation

 carnivorous
 carolean
 caroline

 carolingian
 carotid

 carousing
 carpal

 carpellary
 carpellate

 carpetbag
 carpetbagging

 carpeted

 carpophagous

 carposporic

 carposporous

 carroty

 carsick
 cartesian

 carthaginian

 carthusian
 cartilaginous
 cartographic
 cartographical

 caruncular
 carunculate

 carunculated
 carunculous

 carved

 carven
 caryophyllaceous
 casebook
 cased

 caseous

 cashable

 cashed
 cassocked
 casteless

 castellated
 castled

 castrated
 casual

 casuistic
 casuistical

 catabatic
 catabolic

 catachrestic

 catachrestical

 cataclinal

 cataclysmal

 cataclysmic

 catacorner
 catadromous

 catalan

 catalatic
 catalectic
 cataleptic
 catalytic

 catamenial
 cataphatic

 cataphoretic
 cataplastic

 catapultian

 catapultic
 catarrhal
 catarrhine
 catarrhinian

 catastrophic

 catatonic

 catching
 catchpenny
 catchy

 catechetic
 catechetical

 catechismal
 catechistic

 categorematic
 categorial

 categoric
 categorical

 categorised

 categorized

 catenulate

 catercorner

 cathartic

 cathectic
 cathedral

 cathodic

 catholic
 cationic
 catkinate
 catoptric

 catoptrical
 cattish

 catty
 caucasian

 caucasic

 caucasoid
 caudal
 caudate
 caudated

 caulescent

 cauline

 caulked
 causal
 causative

 causeless
 caustic

 cautionary
 cautious

 cavalier
 cavernous

 cavitied

Starting with CE
 ceaseless
 cecal

 cedarn
 ceilinged

 celebrated

 celebratory

 celestial
 celiac

 celibate

 cellular

 celluloid

 cellulosid
 celtic
 cementitious

 cenobitic
 cenobitical
 cenogenetic
 cenozoic

 censored

 censorial

 censorious
 censurable
 centenarian

 centenary
 centennial

 center
 centered

 centesimal
 centigrade

 central
 centralised

 centralising

 centralist

 centralistic

 centralized

 centralizing

 centric
 centrical

 centrifugal

 centripetal
 centrist
 centroidal
 centromeric

 centrosomic
 centrosymmetric

 cephalic
 cephalopod

 cephalopodan

 ceramic
 cercarial
 cereal
 cerebellar

 cerebral

 cerebrospinal

 cerebrovascular
 ceremonial
 ceremonious

 ceric
 cerise

 cernuous
 cerous

 certain
 certifiable

 certificated
 certificatory

 certified

 cerulean

 ceruminous

 cervical

 cervine

 cesarean
 cesarian

 cespitose

 cetacean
 cetaceous
 ceylonese

Starting with CH
 chadian

 chaetal
 chaetognathan
 chaetognathous

 chafed
 chafflike
 chaffy
 chagrined

 chained

 chainlike

 chaldaean
 chaldean
 chaldee

 chalky
 challengeable

 challenging
 chalybeate

 chambered
 champion

 champleve
 chance

 chanceful

 chancroidal

 chancrous

 chancy

 changeable

 changed
 changeful

 changeless

 changing
 chanted
 chantlike
 chaotic

 chapfallen
 chapleted

 chapped
 characteristic

 characterless

 charcoal
 chargeable
 charged
 charismatic

 charitable

 charmed

 charming
 charnel
 chartaceous

 chartered
 chartless

 chartreuse
 chary

 chasidic
 chassidic

 chaste
 chatoyant

 chatty

 chauvinistic

 cheap

 cheapjack

 cheating

 chechen
 checked

 checkered

 cheeky
 cheerful
 cheering
 cheerless

 cheery
 cheeselike

 cheeseparing
 cheesy

 chelate

 chelated
 cheliceral
 chelicerate
 chelicerous

 cheliferous

 chelonian

 chemic
 chemical
 chemiluminescent

 chemisorptive
 chemoreceptive

 chemosorptive
 chemotherapeutic

 chemotherapeutical
 chequered

 cherished
 cherry

 cherty

 cherubic

 chestnut

 chesty

 chewable

 chewy
 chian

 chiasmal

 chiasmatic
 chiasmic
 chic
 chichi

 chicken
 chickenhearted

 chief
 chilblained

 childbearing

 childish
 childless
 childlike
 childly

 chilean

 chiliastic

 chilling
 chilly
 chimeral

 chimeric
 chimerical

 chinchy
 chinese

 chinked
 chinless

 chintzy
 chippendale

 chipper

 chiromantic

 chirpy

 chiseled

 chitinous

 chivalric
 chivalrous

 chlamydeous

 chlamydial
 chlorophyllose
 chlorophyllous
 chlorotic

 chockablock
 chockful

 choice
 choked

 choky

 choleraic
 choleric
 cholinergic
 chondritic

 choosey

 choosy

 chopfallen
 chopped
 choppy

 choragic
 choral

 chordal
 chordate

 choreographic
 choric

 chorionic
 christian

 christianly

 christless

 christlike

 christly

 christological

 chromatic
 chromatinic

 chromatographic

 chromatographical
 chromosomal
 chronic
 chronological

 chthonian
 chthonic

 chubby
 chuffed

 chummy

 chunky
 churchgoing
 churchillian
 churchly

 churlish

 churning

 churrigueresco
 churrigueresque
 chylaceous

 chylifactive
 chylifactory

 chyliferous
 chylific

 chylous

Starting with CI
 cilial

 ciliary

 ciliate

 ciliated

 cimmerian
 cinematic

 cinerary
 cinnabar

 circadian

 circinate

 circuitous
 circular

 circulating

 circulative

 circulatory

 circumboreal
 circumferent
 circumferential

 circumlocutious
 circumlocutory
 circumpolar
 circumscribed

 circumspect

 circumstantial

 cisalpine
 cislunar
 cismontane

 cissy
 citified

 citric
 citrous

 cityfied
 citywide

 civic
 civil

 civilian

 civilised

 civilized

Starting with CL
 clad
 clairvoyant

 clamant

 clamatorial

 clammy
 clamorous

 clandestine

 clanging

 clangorous

 clanking
 clannish
 clarifying

 clarion
 clashing
 classic
 classical

 classicistic

 classifiable

 classificatory
 classified
 classless

 classy
 clastic

 clathrate
 clattery

 clausal
 claustrophobic

 clawed
 clawlike

 clayey

 clean

 cleanable

 cleanly

 cleansing

 clear
 cleared

 clearheaded

 cleavable
 cleft
 cleistogamic
 cleistogamous

 clement
 clenched

 clerical
 clever

 cliched

 climactic
 climatic
 climatical
 climbable

 clinched

 clinical

 clinking
 clinquant
 clipped

 cliquish
 clitoral

 clitoric
 cloaked

 clockwise
 cloddish

 clogged
 clogging

 cloggy

 cloisonne

 cloistered

 cloistral

 clonal

 clonic
 close

 closed

 closefisted
 closelipped
 closemouthed
 closing

 clothed
 clothesless

 clotted
 clouded

 cloudless

 cloudlike
 cloudy
 cloven
 clownish

 clownlike

 cloying

 cloze
 clubable
 clubbable

 clubbish
 clubby

 clubfooted
 clueless

 clumsy
 clunky

 clustered
 cluttered

Starting with CO
 coagulable

 coagulate
 coagulated

 coalesced
 coalescent

 coalescing

 coarctate

 coarse
 coarsened

 coastal

 coastwise

 coated

 coaxal
 coaxial
 coaxing

 cobwebby
 coccal
 coccoid
 coccygeal

 cochlear

 cockamamie

 cockamamy
 cockeyed
 cockney

 cocksure
 cocky

 cod
 codified

 coeducational
 coeliac

 coenobitic
 coenobitical

 coequal

 coercive

 coetaneous

 coeval

 coexistent

 coexisting
 coextensive

 cogent

 cogged
 cogitable
 cogitative
 cognate

 cognisable
 cognisant

 cognitive
 cognizable

 cognizant

 cognoscible
 coherent
 cohesive
 coiled

 coiling

 coincident

 coincidental
 coinciding
 coital

 cold
 coldhearted

 coleridgean
 coleridgian

 colicky
 collaborative

 collagenic
 collagenous

 collapsable

 collapsible

 collarless

 collateral

 collect

 collectable
 collected

 collectible

 collective
 collectivised
 collectivist
 collectivistic

 collectivized
 collegial

 collegiate
 collinear

 colloidal

 colloquial
 collusive
 colombian
 colonial

 colonic

 colonised

 colonized
 colonnaded
 color

 colorectal
 colored

 colorfast
 colorful

 colorimetric
 colorimetrical

 colorless
 colossal

 colour

 coloured

 colourful

 colourless

 coltish

 columbian
 columnar

 columned

 columniform
 columnlike
 comal
 comate

 comatose
 combatant

 combative
 combed

 combinable

 combinational
 combinative
 combinatorial
 combinatory

 combined

 comburant

 comburent
 combustible
 combustive

 comely
 comestible

 cometary
 cometic

 comfortable
 comforted

 comforting
 comfortless

 comfy

 comic

 comical

 coming

 commanding

 commemorating
 commemorative

 commendable

 commensal
 commensurable
 commensurate
 commercial

 commercialised
 commercialized

 comminatory
 commiserative

 commissioned

 committed
 commodious
 common
 commonplace

 commonsense

 commonsensible

 commonsensical
 communal
 communicable

 communicational
 communicative

 communicatory
 communist

 communistic
 commutable

 commutative
 comose

 compact

 companionable

 companionate

 comparable

 comparative

 compartmental
 compartmentalised

 compartmentalized

 compartmented
 compassionate
 compatible
 compelling

 compendious
 compensable

 compensated
 competent

 competitive

 competitory
 complacent
 complaining
 complaintive

 complaisant

 complemental

 complementary
 complete
 completed

 completing
 complex

 compliant
 complicated

 complimentary
 composed

 composite
 compositional

 compound

 compounded

 comprehended

 comprehendible

 comprehensible

 comprehensive
 compressed

 compressible

 compromising
 compulsive
 compulsory
 computable

 computational
 comradely

 concave
 concealed

 concealing

 conceited
 conceivable
 concentrated
 concentric

 concentrical

 conceptional

 conceptive
 conceptual
 conceptualistic

 concerned
 concerted

 concessive
 conciliable

 conciliative
 conciliatory

 concise
 concluded

 concluding

 conclusive

 concomitant

 concordant

 concrete

 concretistic
 concupiscent

 concurrent

 concurring
 condemnable
 condemnatory
 condemning

 condescending
 condign

 conditional
 conditioned

 condolent

 conducive
 conductive
 condylar
 conelike

 confederate

 confederative

 confident
 confidential
 confiding

 configurational
 configured

 confined
 confining

 confirmable
 confirmative

 confirmatory
 confirmed

 confirming

 confiscate

 conflicting

 confluent

 conformable

 conforming
 conformist

 confounded

 confounding
 confrontational
 confucian
 confusable

 confused
 confusing

 confutable
 confutative

 congealed

 congeneric
 congenerical
 congenerous
 congenial

 congenital

 congested

 congestive
 conglomerate
 congolese

 congratulatory
 congregational

 congregationalist
 congressional

 congruent
 congruous

 conic
 conical

 coniferous

 conjectural

 conjoined

 conjoint

 conjugal

 conjugate
 conjugated

 conjunct

 conjunctival
 conjunctive
 connate
 connatural

 connected
 connective

 conniving
 connotational

 connotative

 connubial
 conquerable
 consanguine
 consanguineal

 consanguineous

 conscienceless

 conscientious
 conscionable
 conscious

 consecrate
 consecrated

 consecutive
 consensual

 consentaneous
 consentient

 consenting
 consequent

 consequential

 conservative

 conserved

 considerable

 considerate

 considered
 consistent

 consolable

 consolatory
 consolidated
 consolidative
 consoling

 consonant
 consonantal

 conspecific
 conspicuous

 conspirative

 conspiratorial
 constant
 constipated
 constituent

 constituted

 constitutional

 constitutive
 constrained
 constraining

 constricted
 constricting

 constrictive
 constructive

 consubstantial
 consular

 consultative
 consultatory

 consultive

 consumable

 consuming

 consummate

 consummated

 consumptive
 contagious

 contained

 contaminated
 contaminating
 contaminative
 contemplative

 contemporaneous
 contemporary

 contemptible
 contemptuous

 content

 contented
 contentious
 conterminous
 contestable

 contested

 contextual

 contiguous
 continent
 continental

 contingent
 continual

 continuant
 continued

 continuing
 continuous

 contorted
 contraband

 contrabass

 contraceptive

 contraclockwise

 contractable

 contracted

 contractile
 contractual

 contradictory

 contralateral
 contralto
 contrapuntal
 contrarious

 contrary
 contrasting

 contrastive
 contrasty

 contributing

 contributive
 contributory
 contrite
 contrived

 controllable

 controlled

 controlling
 controversial
 contumacious

 contumelious
 convalescent

 convenient
 conventional

 conventionalised
 conventionalized

 conventual
 convergent

 conversant

 conversational

 converse

 convertible

 convex

 conveyable
 convinced

 convincible

 convincing
 convivial
 convolute
 convoluted

 convulsive
 cooccurring

 cooked
 cool

 coolheaded

 cooperative
 coordinate
 coordinated
 coordinating

 coordinative

 copacetic

 copasetic
 copernican
 copesetic

 copesettic
 copious

 coplanar
 coppery

 coptic
 copular

 copulative
 copulatory

 copyrighted

 coquettish

 coral

 corbelled

 cordate

 corded
 cordial

 cordiform

 cordless
 coreferent
 coreferential
 coriaceous

 corinthian
 corked

 corking
 corky

 cormose

 cormous
 corneal
 corned
 corneous

 cornered

 cornish

 corny
 coronary
 coroneted

 corporal
 corporate

 corporatist
 corporeal

 corpulent
 corpuscular

 correct
 correctable

 corrected

 correctional

 corrective

 correlate

 correlated

 correlational
 correlative

 correspondent

 corresponding
 corrigible
 corroborant
 corroborative

 corroboratory
 corroded

 corrosive
 corrugated

 corrupt

 corrupted
 corruptible
 corrupting
 corruptive

 corsican

 cortical

 corticifugal
 corticipetal
 corticoafferent

 corticoefferent
 corticofugal

 coruscant
 corvine

 corymbose
 coseismal

 coseismic
 cosher

 cosignatory

 cosmetic

 cosmic

 cosmogenic

 cosmogonic

 cosmogonical
 cosmologic

 cosmological

 cosmopolitan
 costal
 costate
 costive

 costless
 costly

 costumed
 cosy

 coterminous

 cottony
 cotyloid
 cotyloidal
 couchant

 countable

 counter

 counteractive
 counterbalanced
 counterclockwise

 counterfactual
 counterfeit

 counterinsurgent
 counterintuitive

 counterpoised
 counterproductive

 counterrevolutionary
 countertenor

 counterterror

 counterterrorist

 countless

 countrified

 countryfied

 countrywide
 countywide

 coupled

 courageous
 courteous
 courtly
 cousinly

 couth
 couthie

 couthy
 covalent

 covariant

 covered
 covert
 coveted
 covetous

 cowardly

 cowled

 coy
 cozy

Starting with CR
 crabbed

 crabby

 crabwise
 crack

 crackbrained
 cracked

 crackers

 cracking

 crackle

 crafty

 cragfast
 cragged

 craggy
 cramped

 cranial

 craniometric

 craniometrical
 crank

 cranky

 crannied

 crapulent

 crapulous
 crashing
 crass

 craved
 craven
 crazed
 crazy

 creaky

 creamy

 creaseless
 creaseproof
 creative

 credal
 credentialled

 credible
 creditable

 credited
 creditworthy

 credulous
 creedal

 creepy

 crenate

 crenated

 crenulate

 crenulated

 creole
 crepuscular

 crescendo

 crescent
 cresson
 crested
 crestfallen

 cretaceous
 cretinous

 criminal
 criminative

 criminatory

 criminological
 crimson
 cringing
 crinkled

 crinkly

 crinoid

 crippled
 crippling
 crisp

 crispate
 crispy

 crisscross
 crisscrossed

 criterial
 criterional

 critical
 croaky

 croatian

 crocked

 crocketed

 cromwellian

 crookback

 crookbacked
 crooked

 cropped

 cross
 crossbred
 crossed
 crosshatched

 crosstown
 crosswise

 crotchety
 croupy

 crowded

 crowing
 crowned
 crowning
 crownless

 crucial

 cruciate

 cruciferous
 cruciform
 cruddy

 crude
 cruel

 crumbly
 crummy

 crumpled
 crural

 crushed
 crushing

 crustacean

 crustaceous

 crustal

 crusted

 crustlike

 crustose
 crusty

 crying

 cryogenic
 cryonic
 cryptanalytic
 cryptic

 cryptical
 cryptobiotic

 cryptogamic
 cryptogamous

 cryptographic

 cryptographical
 cryptologic
 cryptological
 crystalised

 crystalized

 crystalline

 crystallised
 crystallized

Starting with CT
 ctenoid

Starting with CU
 cuban

 cubelike
 cubic

 cubical

 cubiform

 cubist

 cubistic

 cubital

 cuboid

 cuboidal
 cucurbitaceous

 cuddlesome
 cuddly

 culinary
 culpable

 cultivable
 cultivatable
 cultivated

 cultural

 cultured
 cumbersome
 cumbrous
 cumulative
 cumuliform

 cumulous

 cuneal

 cuneate
 cuneiform
 cunning

 cuplike
 cupric

 cuprous
 cupular

 cupulate
 curable

 curative
 curatorial

 curdled

 cured

 curious

 curled

 curling

 curly
 curmudgeonly

 current

 curricular
 currish
 cursed
 cursive

 cursorial
 cursory

 curst
 curt

 curtained

 curtainless
 curtal
 curvaceous
 curved

 curvey

 curvilineal

 curvilinear
 curving
 curvy

 cushioned
 cushiony

 cushy
 cuspate

 cuspated
 cusped

 cuspidal
 cuspidate

 cuspidated

 cussed

 custodial

 custom

 customary

 cut
 cutaneal

 cutaneous

 cute
 cuticular
 cuttable
 cutthroat

 cutting

Starting with CY
 cyan
 cyanobacterial

 cyanogenetic
 cyanogenic
 cyanophyte
 cybernetic

 cyclic

 cyclical

 cycloid
 cycloidal
 cyclonal

 cyclonic
 cyclonical

 cyclopean
 cyclothymic

 cylindric
 cylindrical

 cymose
 cynical

 cyprian

 cyprinid

 cyprinoid

 cypriot

 cypriote

 cyrillic
 cystic

 cytoarchitectonic

 cytoarchitectural
 cytogenetic
 cytogenetical
 cytokinetic

 cytologic
 cytological

 cytolytic
 cytomegalic

 cytopathogenic

 cytophotometric
 cytoplasmatic
 cytoplasmic
 cytoplastic

 cytotoxic

Starting with CZ
 czarist
 czaristic

 czech

 czechoslovakian

A More Categories for the Adjectives Starting with C

This article contains lists of adjectives that start with C. All the adjectives have been organized
into different categories including the Shortest/Longest Adjectives, Interesting Adjectives,
Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person, Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event, Positive
Adjectives to Describe a Place, Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person, Negative Adjectives to
Describe an Event, Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place, Heroic Adjectives, Sporty
Adjectives and Romantic Adjectives.

Adjectives that Start with C

Interesting Adjectives

cadaverous: very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold

– cadaverous appearance
cantankerous: having a difficult and contrary disposition
– a cantankerous and venomous-tongued old lady
capricious: determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason
– a capricious refusal
crestfallen: brought low in spirit
– left us fatigued and crestfallen
crotchety: irritable
– he was tired and crotchety

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person

carefree: free from anxiety or responsibility

– carefree woman
caring: feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others
– caring friends
cautious: showing careful forethought
– a cautious driver
childlike: befitting a young child; exhibiting childlike simplicity and credulity
– childlike innocence
cultured: marked by refinement in taste and manners
– cultured individual
Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event

charitable: full of love and generosity; showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding
and generosity
– charitable program
climactic: consisting of or causing a climax
– climactic scene
concurrent: occurring or operating at the same time
– concurrent events
continuous: continuing in time or space without interruption
– continuous process
cultural: denoting or deriving from or distinctive of the ways of living built up by a group of people
– cultural presentation

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Place

calm: pleasantly free from wind

– calm and peaceful resor
capacious: large in capacity
– capacious room
cheerful: being full of or promoting cheer; having or showing good spirits
– cheerful restaurant
cool: of or at a fairly low temperature
– cool mountaintop forest
cozy: enjoying or affording comforting warmth and shelter especially in a small space
– cozy coffeeshop

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person

captious: tending to find and call attention to faults

– captious tutor
careless: marked by lack of attention or consideration or forethought or thoroughness
– careless waiter
cowardly: lacking courage; ignobly timid and faint-hearted
– a cowardly official
cruel: able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering
– cruel leader
cynical: believing the worst of human nature and motives
– cynical critics

Negative Adjectives to Describe an Event

calamitous: having extremely unfortunate or dire consequences; bringing ruin

– calamitous economic trend
catastrophic: extremely harmful; bringing physical or financial ruin
– catastrophic environmental disasters
chaotic: lacking a visible order or organization
– chaotic government rule
conspiratorial: relating to or characteristic of conspiracy or conspirators
– conspiratorial activities
controversial: marked by or capable of arousing controversy
– controversial elections

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place

constricting: tending to constrict freedom

– constricting trap
craggy: having hills and crags
– craggy island
crumbly: easily broken into small fragments or reduced to powder
– crumbly staircase
crummy: of very poor quality; flimsy
– crummy house
cursed: deserving a curse; sometimes used as an intensifier
– cursed tomb

Heroic Adjectives

chivalrous: courteous and gallant, especially toward women

– chivalrous knight
coercive: serving or intended to coerce
– coercive authorities
combative: having or showing a ready disposition to fight
– combative warrior
commendable: worthy of high praise
– commendable nobleman
courageous: possessing or displaying courage; able to face and deal with danger or fear without
– courageous military officials

Sporty Adjectives

coltish:playful and lively

– coltish player
competent: adequate, but not outstanding or exceptional
– competent goalkeeper
competitive: showing a fighting disposition
– competitive team
compulsive: strongly motivated to succeed
– compulsive challenger
crucial: of extreme importance; vital to the resolution of a crisis
– crucial game match

Romantic Adjectives

captivating: capturing interest as if by a spell

– captivating smile
charming: pleasant or attractive
– charming personality
chic: elegant and stylish
– her chic dress
compassionate: showing or having compassion
– compassionate voice
cute: attractive in a pretty or endearing way.
– cute face
Shortest Adjectives

cc: being ten more than one hundred ninety

– a cc amount
cd: being one hundred more than three hundred
– Roman numeral cd
ci: being one more than one hundred
– value of ci
cl: being ten more than one hundred forty
– equivalent of cl
cv: being five more than one hundred
– cv quantity
cx: being ten more than one hundred
– with an amount of cx
ccc: being one hundred more than two hundred
– total of ccc
clv: being five more than one hundred fifty
– actual value clv
clx: being ten more than one hundred fifty
– sum of clx
cod: payable by the recipient on delivery
– COD parcel

Longest Adjectives

counterrevolutionary: marked by opposition or antipathy to revolution

– ostracized for his counterrevolutionary tendencies
chemotherapeutical: of or relating to chemotherapy
– chemotherapeutical agent
cardiorespiratory: of or pertaining to or affecting both the heart and the lungs and their functions
– cardiorespiratory system
chromatographical: of or relating to chromatography
– a chromatographical technique
compartmentalised: divided up into compartments or categories
– most sciences have become woefully compartmentalized
compartmentalized: divided up into compartments or categories
– a compartmentalized microchannel device
congregationalist: of or pertaining to or characteristic of a Congregational church
– congregationalist beliefs
counterproductive: tending to hinder the achievement of a goal
– counterproductive work behavior
cytoarchitectonic: of or relating to cytoarchitecture
– cytoarchitectonic map
cytoarchitectural: of or relating to cytoarchitecture
– cytoarchitectural study

Adjectives Starting with D

 All D Adjectives
 D Adjectives to Describe a Person
 Categories

Starting with DA
 dabbled
 dacitic

 dactylic

 daedal

 daft
 daily

 dainty

 daisylike

 dalmatian
 damaged

 damaging

 damascene

 damask
 damn
 damnable

 damnatory
 damned
 damning
 damp
 dampish
 danceable

 dandified

 dandy

 dandyish
 dangerous
 danish

 dank
 dantean

 dantesque
 dapper

 dappled
 daredevil

 daring
 dark

 darkened

 darkening

 darkish

 darkling

 darling

 darned
 darwinian

 dashed

 dashing
 dastard
 dastardly
 datable

 dateable
 dated

 dateless
 daughterly

 daunted

 daunting
 dauntless
 daylong
 dazed

 dazzled

 dazzling

Starting with DE
 dead

 deadened

 deadening

 deadlocked

 deadly
 deadpan

 deaf
 deafened

 deafening

 dear

 deathless

 deathlike

 deathly
 debased

 debasing
 debatable

 debauched

 debile

 debilitated
 debilitating

 debilitative

 debonair

 debonaire

 deboned
 debonnaire
 decadent

 decalescent
 decapitated
 decasyllabic
 decayable

 decayed

 deceased

 deceitful
 decent
 decentralised

 decentralising
 decentralized

 decentralizing
 deceptive

 decided
 deciding

 deciduous
 decimal

 decipherable

 deciphered

 decisive

 deckled

 declamatory

 declarable
 declarative

 declaratory

 declared
 declassified
 declivitous
 decollete

 decomposable
 decompositional

 decompound
 deconsecrated

 deconstructionist

 decorated
 decorative
 decorous
 decreased

 decreasing

 decreed

 decrepit
 decrescendo
 decumbent

 decurved
 decussate

 dedicated
 dedifferentiated

 deducible
 deductible

 deductive
 deep

 deepening

 defamatory

 defeasible

 defeated

 defective

 defenceless
 defendable

 defending

 defenseless
 defensible
 defensive
 deferent

 deferential
 defervescent

 defiant
 deficient

 defiled

 definable
 defined
 definite
 definitive

 deflated

 deflationary

 deflective
 defoliate
 defoliated

 deformational
 deformed

 deft
 defunct

 degage
 degenerate

 degenerative
 degraded

 degrading

 degressive

 dehiscent

 dehumanised

 dehumanized

 dehydrated
 deictic

 deific

 deist
 deistic
 dejected
 delayed

 delectable
 deleterious

 deliberate
 deliberative

 delible

 delicate
 delicious
 delighted
 delightful

 delimited

 delineate

 delineated
 delineative
 delinquent

 deliquescent
 delirious

 deliverable
 delphian

 delphic
 deltoid

 delusional
 delusive

 delusory

 deluxe

 demagogic

 demagogical

 demanding

 demeaning
 demented

 democratic

 demode
 demographic
 demolished
 demoniac

 demoniacal
 demonic

 demonstrable
 demonstrated

 demonstrative

 demoralised
 demoralising
 demoralized
 demoralizing

 demosthenic

 demotic

 demulcent
 demure
 demythologised

 demythologized
 denary

 denatured
 denaturised

 denaturized
 dendriform

 dendritic
 dendroid

 dendroidal

 deniable

 denigrating

 denigrative

 denigratory

 denominational
 denotative

 denotive

 dense
 dental
 dentate
 dented

 denticulate
 denudate

 denuded
 denumerable

 denunciative

 denunciatory
 departed
 departmental
 dependable

 dependant

 dependent

 depicted
 depictive
 depilatory

 depilous
 depletable

 depleted
 deplorable

 depopulated
 depraved

 deprecating
 deprecative

 deprecatory

 depreciating

 depreciative

 depreciatory

 depressant

 depressed
 depressing

 deprived

 deranged
 derelict
 derisive
 derisory

 derivable
 derivational

 derivative
 derived

 dermal

 dermatologic
 dermatological
 dermic
 derogative

 derogatory

 descendant

 descendent
 descending
 describable

 described
 descriptive

 desecrated
 desegrated

 desensitising
 desensitizing

 deserted
 deserved

 deserving

 desiccate

 desiccated

 designate

 designative

 designed
 designing

 desirable

 desired
 desirous
 deskbound
 desolate

 despairing
 desperate

 despicable
 despised

 despiteful

 despoiled
 despondent
 despotic
 despotical

 destined

 destitute

 destroyable
 destroyed
 destructible

 destructive
 desultory

 detachable
 detached

 detailed
 detectable

 detected
 detergent

 determinable

 determinant

 determinate

 determinative

 determined

 determining
 deterministic

 deterrent

 detersive
 detestable
 detested
 detonative

 detractive
 detrimental

 deuced
 deuteranopic

 devalued

 devastating
 developed
 developing
 developmental

 deviant

 deviate

 devilish
 devious
 devoid

 devoted
 devotional

 devouring
 devout

 deweyan
 dewy

 dexter
 dexterous

 dextral

 dextrorotary

 dextrorotatory

 dextrorsal

 dextrorse

 dextrous

Starting with DI
 diabatic

 diabetic

 diabolic

 diabolical

 diachronic
 diacritic
 diacritical

 diadromous
 diagnosable
 diagnostic
 diagonal

 diagonalizable

 diagrammatic

 diagrammatical
 dialectal
 dialectic

 dialectical
 diamagnetic

 diamantine
 diametral

 diametric
 diametrical

 dianoetic
 diaphanous

 diaphoretic

 diaphyseal

 diaphysial

 diarrheal

 diarrheic

 diarrhetic
 diarrhoeal

 diarrhoeic

 diarrhoetic
 diastolic
 diatomic
 diatonic

 diazo
 dicarboxylic

 dicey
 dichotomous

 dichromatic

 dickensian
 dickey
 dicky
 diclinous

 dicotyledonous

 dictated

 dictatorial
 dictyopteran
 didactic

 didactical
 diestrous

 diestrual
 dietary

 dietetic
 dietetical

 different
 differentiable

 differential

 differentiated

 difficult

 diffident

 diffuse

 diffused
 diffusing

 diffusive

 digestible
 digestive
 dighted
 digital

 digitate
 digitigrade

 dignified
 dignifying

 digressive

 dilapidated
 dilatory
 dilettante
 dilettanteish

 dilettantish

 diligent

 dilute
 diluted
 diluvial

 diluvian
 dim

 dimensional
 dimensioning

 diminished
 diminishing

 diminuendo
 diminutive

 dimmed

 dimorphic

 dimorphous

 dingy

 dinky

 diocesan
 dioecian

 dioecious

 dioestrous
 dioestrual
 dionysian
 diploid

 diplomatic
 diplomatical

 dipolar
 dipped

 dipterous

 dipylon
 dire
 direct
 directed

 directing

 directional

 directionless
 directive
 direful

 dirigible
 dirt

 dirty
 disabled

 disabling
 disabused

 disadvantaged
 disadvantageous

 disaffected

 disagreeable

 disappointed

 disappointing

 disapproving

 disarming
 disarranged

 disarrayed

 disastrous
 disavowable
 disbelieving
 discalceate

 discalced
 discarded

 discernable
 discernible

 discerning

 discharged
 disciform
 disciplinal
 disciplinary

 disciplined

 disclike

 disclosed
 discoid
 discoidal

 discombobulated
 discomfited

 discomposed
 discomycetous

 disconcerted
 disconcerting

 disconfirming
 disconnected

 disconsolate

 discontent

 discontented

 discontinued

 discontinuous

 discordant
 discorporate

 discouraged

 discouraging
 discourteous
 discoverable
 discovered

 discreditable
 discredited

 discreet
 discrepant

 discrete

 discretional
 discretionary
 discriminable
 discriminate

 discriminating

 discriminative

 discriminatory
 discursive
 disdainful

 diseased
 disembodied

 disenchanted
 disenchanting

 disenfranchised
 disentangled

 disfigured
 disfranchised

 disgraced

 disgraceful

 disgruntled

 disguised

 disgusted

 disgustful
 disgusting

 disharmonious

 disheartened
 disheartening
 dished
 disheveled

 dishevelled
 dishonest

 dishonorable
 dishonored

 dishonourable

 dishy
 disillusioned
 disillusioning
 disinclined

 disinfectant

 disingenuous

 disinherited
 disintegrable
 disintegrative

 disinterested
 disjoined

 disjoint
 disjointed

 disjunct
 disjunctive

 disklike
 dislikable

 disliked

 dislocated

 dislogistic

 disloyal

 dismal

 dismantled
 dismayed

 dismaying

 dismissed
 dismissible
 dismissive
 disobedient

 disobliging
 disordered

 disorderly
 disorganised

 disorganized

 disoriented
 disorienting
 disparaging
 disparate

 dispassionate

 dispensable

 dispensed
 dispersed
 dispersive

 dispirited
 dispiriting

 displeased
 displeasing

 disposable
 disposed

 dispossessed
 disproportional

 disproportionate

 disputable

 disputatious

 disputative

 disputed

 disqualified
 disqualifying

 disquieted

 disquieting
 disregarded
 disreputable
 disrespectful

 disrupted
 disruptive

 dissatisfactory
 dissatisfied

 dissected

 disseminative
 dissentient
 dissenting
 dissentious

 dissident

 dissilient

 dissimilar
 dissimulative
 dissipated

 dissociable
 dissociative

 dissoluble
 dissolute

 dissolvable
 dissolved

 dissonant
 dissuasive

 distaff

 distal

 distant

 distasteful

 distensible

 distinct
 distinctive

 distinguishable

 distinguished
 distortable
 distorted
 distracted

 distrait
 distraught

 distressed
 distressful

 distressing

 distributed
 distributional
 distributive
 distrustful

 disturbed

 disturbing

 disunited
 disused
 disyllabic

 dithyrambic
 diurnal

 divalent
 divergent

 diverging
 divers

 diverse
 diversified

 diversionary

 diverted

 diverting

 dividable

 divided

 divinatory
 divine

 divisible

 divisional
 divisive
 divorced
 dizygotic

 dizygous
 dizzy

Starting with DJ
 djiboutian
Starting with DO
 doable
 docile
 doctoral

 doctorial

 doctrinaire

 doctrinal
 documental

 documentary

 documented

 doddering

 doddery
 dodgy

 dogged
 dogging

 doglike

 dogmatic

 dogmatical

 dolabrate

 dolabriform
 doleful

 dolichocephalic
 dolichocranial

 dolichocranic

 dolomitic

 dolorous
 dolourous

 doltish

 domed

 domestic

 domesticated
 domiciliary
 dominant

 dominated
 dominating
 domineering
 dominical

 dominican

 donatist

 done
 donnean
 donnian

 donnish
 doomed

 doped
 dopey

 dopy
 dorian

 doric
 dormant

 dormie

 dormy

 dorsal

 dorsoventral

 dosed

 dostoevskian
 dostoyevskian

 doting

 dotted
 dotty
 double
 doubled

 doubtful
 doubting

 doughy
 dour

 dovish

 dowdy
 dowered
 dowerless
 down

 downbound

 downcast

 downfield
 downhearted
 downhill

 downlike
 downmarket

 downright
 downscale

 downstage
 downstair

 downstairs
 downstream

 downtown

 downtrodden

 downward

 downwind

 downy

 dozen
 dozy

Starting with DR
 drab
 draconian

 drafty

 dragging

 draggled

 drained
 draining
 dramatic

 dramaturgic
 dramaturgical
 draped
 drastic

 draughty

 drawn

 dread
 dreaded
 dreadful

 dreamed
 dreamless

 dreamlike
 dreamy

 drear
 dreary

 drenched
 dress

 dressed

 dressy

 dried

 drifting

 drilled

 drinkable
 dripless

 drippy

 driven
 driving
 drizzling
 drizzly

 droll
 drooping

 droopy
 dropping

 dropsical

 drowsing
 drowsy
 drudging
 drugged

 drugless

 drumhead

 drunk
 drunken
 drupaceous

 dry

Starting with DU
 dual
 dualistic

 dubious
 dubitable

 ducal

 duckbill

 ductile

 ductless

 dud
 due

 dulcet
 dull

 dulled

 dumb

 dumbfounded
 dumbfounding

 dumbstricken

 dumbstruck

 dumfounded

 dumfounding
 dummy
 dumpy

 dun
 duncical
 duncish
 duodecimal

 duodenal

 duple

 duplex
 duplicable
 duplicatable

 duplicate
 duplicitous

 durable
 dural

 dusky
 dustlike

 dusty
 dutch

 duteous

 dutiable

 dutiful

Starting with DW
 dwarfish
 dwindling

Starting with DY
 dyadic
 dyed

 dying
 dynamic
 dynamical

 dynastic

 dysfunctional
 dysgenic
 dyslectic
 dyslexic
 dyslogistic

 dyspeptic

 dysphemistic

 dysphoric
 dysplastic
 dyspneal

 dyspneic
 dyspnoeal

 dyspnoeic
 dystopian

More Categories for the Adjectives Starting with D

The section for the Shortest/Longest Adjectives contains adjectives with the least and the most
number of letters, while the Interesting Adjectives category presents adjectives that can add flair
to your speech or writing. The lists of Positive Adjectives contain descriptive words for the
desirable qualities of a person, event, or place, while the Negative Adjectives lists consist of
those which describe the undesirable characteristics of a person, event, or place.

For the Heroic Adjectives category, the descriptive words included are simply those which
describe a hero or a heroine or their deeds. Moreover, the next category which is the Sporty
Adjectives is composed of words which modifies a person who participates in sports or other
physical activities. Lastly, the Romantic Adjectives list includes adjectives that are commonly
used to express romantic love or to describe a loved one.

Aside from enumerating adjectives, this article also provides the meaning of each adjective and
an example on how the word is used.

Interesting Adjectives

daffy:silly; mildly eccentric.

– daffy anecdotes
doltish: heavy and dull and stupid
– doltish character
draconian: of or relating to Draco or his harsh code of laws
– Draconian measures
dubious: fraught with uncertainty or doubt
– dubious compliment
dulcet: pleasing to the ear
– the dulcet tones of the cello

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person

dependable: worthy of reliance or trust
– dependable worker
desirable: worth having or seeking or achieving
– a desirable suitor
devoted: dedicated exclusively to a purpose or use
– devoted to poetry
devout: deeply religious
– devout Christian
docile: willing to be taught or led or supervised or directed
– docile student

Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event

diplomatic: using or marked by tact in dealing with sensitive matters or people

– diplomatic affairs
diverse: many and different
– diverse treatment methods
dramatic: suitable to or characteristic of drama
– dramatic entrance
dramaturgical: relating to the technical aspects of drama
– dramaturgical scene
dreamlike: resembling a dream
– dreamlike experience

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Place

delightful: greatly pleasing or entertaining

– delightful casino
deluxe: elegant and sumptuous; ostentatiously rich and superior in
– deluxe hotel room
democratic: representing or appealing to or adapted for the benefit of the people at large
– democratic country
developed: advanced economically and socially; : being changed over time so as to be e.g.
stronger or more complete
– developed city
domestic: of or relating to the running of a home or to family relations; existing or occurring
inside a particular country; not foreign or international
– domestic town

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person

deceitful: marked by deliberate deceptiveness especially by pretending one set of feelings and
acting under the influence of another
– she was a deceitful scheming little thing
disruptive: characterized by unrest or disorder or insubordination
– disruptive behavior
dogmatic: characterized by assertion of unproved or unprovable principles
– dogmatic old man
domineering: assert one’s will over another in an arrogant way.
– domineering wife
dumb: unable to speak, most typically because of congenital deafness; stupid
– dumb child
Negative Adjectives to Describe an Event

destructive: causing destruction or much damage

– destructive interference
distressing: bad; unfortunate
– distressing life events
dreadful: extremely disagreeable and unpleasant; causing fear or dread or terror
– dreadful storm
dreary: dull, bleak, and lifeless; depressing
– dreary outcome
dull: lacking interest or excitement
– dull house party

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place

dank: unpleasantly cool and humid

– dank prison cell
disgusting: highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust
– disgusting man-made canal
disorderly: lacking organization; untidy
– disorderly room
drafty: cold and uncomfortable because of currents of cool air
– drafty old cabin
dusty: covered with, full of, or resembling dust.
– dusty library

Heroic Adjectives

dauntless: invulnerable to fear or intimidation

– dauntless explorers
debonair: having a cheerful, lively, and self-confident air
– debonair gentleman
decisive: having or showing the ability to make decisions quickly and effectively.
– a decisive blow
determined: strongly motivated to succeed
– determined to save her
dogged: stubbornly unyielding
– dogged persistence

Sporty Adjectives

deft: skillful in physical movements; especially of the hands

– deft tennis player
deserving: worthy of being treated in a particular way
– deserving of the title
dextrous: possessing or done with dexterity
– dextrous team captain
distinguished: used of a person’s appearance or behavior; befitting an eminent person
– distinguished athlete
dynamic: characterized by constant change, activity, or progress
– dynamic basketball team

Romantic Adjectives

dainty: delicately beautiful

– dainty apperance
dandyish: affecting extreme elegance in dress and manner
– dandyish teenager
darling: beloved
– darling wife
dashing: attractive in a romantic, adventurous way.
– dashing beauty
dazzling: shining intensely
– dazzling night gown
Shortest Adjectives

dim: lacking in light

– dim light
dry:free from moisture or liquid; not wet or moist.
– dry eye
dud: failing to detonate; especially not charged with an active explosive
– dud mine
due: owed and payable immediately or on demand
– payment is due
dun: of a dull greyish brown to brownish grey color
– dun and dreary prairie
daft: informal or slang terms for mentally irregular
– daft husband
damn: expletives used informally as intensifiers
– turn that damn thing off!
damp: slightly wet
– damp clot
dank: unpleasantly cool and humid
– dank cellar
dark: with little or no light
– it’s too dark to see much
Longest Adjectives

deconstructionist: of or concerned with the philosophical theory of literature known as

– deconstructionist principles
dedifferentiated: having experienced or undergone dedifferentiation or the loss of specialization
in form or function
– the most severely dedifferentiated of all schizophrenic patients
disproportionate: not proportionate
– disproportionate shares
decompositional: causing organic decay
– decompositional reactions
disadvantageous: involving or creating circumstances detrimental to success or effectiveness
– disadvantageous outcome
discombobulated: having self-possession upset; thrown into confusion
– the hecklers pelted the discombobulated speaker
disenfranchised: deprived of the rights of citizenship especially the right to vote
– disenfrenchised masses took to the streets
disproportional: out of proportion
– disproportional elements
dissatisfactory: not up to expectations
– dissatisfactory performance
distinguishable: capable of being perceived as different or distinct
– a project distinguishable into four stages

This article can serve as a reference if you are at a loss for adjectives that can best describe a
specific person, place, thing or event. Through these lists, you will learn about new word options
and enhance your vocabulary.

Adjectives Starting with E

 All E Adjectives
 E Adjectives to Describe a Person
 Categories

Starting with EA
 each

 eager

 eared

 earless
 earlier

 earliest

 early
 earlyish

 earned
 earnest

 earsplitting
 earthborn

 earthbound

 earthen

 earthlike

 earthly

 earthshaking
 earthy

 eased
 east

 eastbound

 easterly

 eastern
 easternmost

 eastmost

 eastside

 eastward

 easy
 easygoing
 eatable
Starting with EB
 ebionite

 ebon

 ebony

 ebracteate
 ebullient

Starting with EC
 eccentric

 ecclesiastic
 ecclesiastical

 eccrine
 ecdemic

 echoic

 echoing

 echoless

 echolike

 echt

 eclectic

 ecologic
 ecological

 econometric
 economic

 economical
 ecstatic

 ectodermal
 ectodermic
 ectomorphic

 ectopic

 ectothermic
 ectozoan
 ecuadorian
 ecumenic
 ecumenical

Starting with ED
 edacious

 edematous
 edental

 edentate

 edentulate

 edentulous

 edged
 edgeless

 edgy
 edible

 edified

 edifying

 edited

 editorial

 educated
 educational

 educative
 edwardian

Starting with EE
 eellike
 eerie

 eery

Starting with EF
 effaceable

 effected

 effective

 effectual
 effeminate
 efferent

 effervescent

 effervescing

 effete
 efficacious
 efficient

 efflorescent
 effluent

 effortful
 effortless

 effulgent
 effusive

Starting with EG
 egalitarian

 egocentric
 egoistic

 egoistical
 egotistic

 egotistical

 egregious

 egyptian

Starting with EI
 eidetic
 eight

 eighteen

 eighteenth
 eightfold
 eighth
 eightieth
 eightpenny

 eighty

 einsteinian

Starting with EL
 elaborate

 elaborated

 elapsed

 elastic

 elasticised
 elasticized

 elated
 elating

 elder

 elderly

 eldest

 eldritch

 elect
 elected

 elective
 electoral

 electric

 electrical

 electrifying
 electrocardiographic

 electrochemical

 electroencephalographic

 electrolytic

 electromagnetic
 electromechanical
 electromotive

 electronegative
 electroneutral
 electronic
 electrophoretic

 electropositive

 electrostatic

 eleemosynary
 elegant
 elegiac

 elemental
 elementary

 elephantine
 elevated

 eleven
 eleventh

 elfin
 elfish

 elflike

 elicited

 eligible

 elite

 elizabethan

 ellipsoid
 ellipsoidal

 elliptic

 elliptical
 elocutionary
 elongate
 elongated

 eloquent
 elucidative

 elusive
 elvish

 elysian

Starting with EM
 emaciated
 emancipated

 emancipative

 emarginate

 emasculate
 emasculated
 embarrassed

 embarrassing
 embattled

 embedded
 embezzled

 emblematic
 emblematical

 embodied
 emboldened

 embolic

 embonpoint

 embossed

 embroiled

 embryologic

 embryonal
 embryonic

 embryotic

 emended
 emergent
 emerging
 emeritus

 eminent
 emmetropic

 emollient
 emotional

 emotionless

 emotive
 empathetic
 empathic
 emphasised

 emphasized

 emphatic

 emphysematous
 empiric
 empirical

 employable
 employed

 empowered
 empty

 empurpled
 empyreal

 empyrean
 emulous

Starting with EN
 enabling

 enamored
 enate

 enatic
 encased

 enceinte

 enchained

 enchanted
 enchanting

 encircled

 encircling

 enclosed

 encomiastic
 encompassing
 encouraged

 encouraging
 encroaching
 encrusted
 encumbered

 encyclical

 encyclopaedic

 encyclopedic
 encysted
 endangered

 endearing
 ended

 endemic
 endemical

 endergonic
 endermatic

 endermic
 endless

 endocentric

 endocrinal

 endocrine

 endodontic

 endoergic

 endogamic
 endogamous

 endogenetic

 endogenic
 endogenous
 endometrial
 endomorphic

 endoparasitic
 endoscopic

 endothelial
 endothermal

 endothermic

 endovenous
 endowed
 endozoan
 endozoic

 endurable

 enduring

 energetic
 energic
 energising

 energizing
 enervated

 enervating
 enfeebling

 enforceable
 enforced

 enfranchised
 engaged

 engaging

 english

 engorged

 engraved

 engrossed

 engrossing
 enhanced

 enhancive

 enigmatic
 enigmatical
 enjoyable
 enkindled

 enlarged
 enlightened

 enlightening
 enlivened

 enlivening

 enmeshed
 ennobling
 enolic
 enormous

 enough

 enraged

 enraptured
 ensiform
 ensorcelled

 ensuant
 ensuing

 entangled
 enteral

 enteric
 enterprising

 entertained
 entertaining

 enthralled

 enthralling

 enthusiastic

 enticing

 entire

 entitled
 entomologic

 entomological

 entomophilous
 entozoan
 entozoic
 entranced

 entrancing
 entrenched

 entrepreneurial
 enumerable

 enured

 enveloping
 enviable
 envious
 environmental

 envisioned

 enwrapped

 enzootic
 enzymatic

Starting with EO
 eolithic

 eolotropic

 eonian
 eosinophilic

Starting with EP
 eparchial

 epenthetic

 ephemeral

 ephesian

 epic

 epical

 epicanthic
 epicarpal

 epicene
 epicurean

 epicyclic
 epicyclical

 epideictic
 epideictical
 epidemic

 epidemiologic

 epidemiological
 epidermal
 epidermic
 epidural
 epigastric

 epigrammatic

 epileptic

 epilithic
 epimorphic
 epiphyseal

 epiphysial
 epiphytic

 epiphytotic
 episcopal

 episcopalian
 episodic

 epistemic
 epistemological

 epistolary

 epistolatory

 epithelial

 epitheliod

 epizoan

 epizoic
 epizootic

 epochal

 eponymic
 eponymous

Starting with EQ
 equable

 equal

 equanimous
 equatorial
 equestrian

 equiangular
 equidistant
 equilateral
 equine

 equinoctial

 equipoised

 equipotent
 equipped
 equiprobable

 equipt
 equitable

 equivalent
 equivocal

Starting with ER
 eradicable

 erasable

 erasmian

 erect

 erectile

 eremitic
 eremitical

 ergodic
 ergonomic

 ergotic

 ergotropic

 eristic
 eristical

 eritrean

 eroded

 erogenous

 erose
 erosive
 erotic

 errant
 erratic
 errhine
 erring

 erroneous

 errorless

 ersatz
 erstwhile
 erudite

 eruptive
 erythematous

 erythroid
 erythropoietic

Starting with ES
 escaped

 eschatological

 esophageal

 esoteric

 especial

 essene
 essential

 established
 esteemed

 esthetic

 esthetical

 estimable
 estival

 estonian

 estranged

 estranging

 estrogenic
 estrous
 estuarial

 estuarine
 esurient
Starting with ET
 etched

 eternal

 ethereal

 ethical
 ethiopian

 ethnic

 ethnical

 ethnocentric

 ethnographic
 ethnographical

 ethnologic
 ethnological

 etiolate

 etiolated

 etiologic

 etiological

 etymological

Starting with EU
 eucaryotic

 eucharistic
 euclidean

 euclidian
 eudaemonic

 eudemonic
 eugenic
 eukaryotic

 eulogistic

 euphemistic
 euphonic
 euphonical
 euphonious
 euphonous

 euphoriant

 euphoric

 eupneic
 eupnoeic
 eurafrican

 eurasian
 eurasiatic

 eurocentric
 european

 europocentric
 eusporangiate

 eutherian
 eutrophic

Starting with EV
 evacuant

 evaluative
 evanescent

 evangelical
 evangelistic

 evaporable

 evaporated

 evaporative
 evasive

 even

 evenhanded

 eventful

 eventual
 evergreen
 everlasting

 every
 everyday
 evidenced
 evident

 evidential

 evidentiary

 evil
 eviscerate
 evitable

 evocative
 evoked

 evolutionary

Starting with EX
 ex
 exacerbating

 exact

 exacting

 exaggerated

 exalted

 exalting
 exanimate

 exasperated
 exasperating

 exaugural

 exceeding

 excellent
 exceptionable

 exceptional

 excess

 excessive

 exchangeable
 exchanged
 excitable

 excitant
 excitative
 excitatory
 excited

 exciting

 exclamatory

 exclusive
 excogitative
 excrescent

 excretory
 excruciating

 exculpated
 exculpatory

 excursive
 excusable

 excusatory
 excused

 execrable

 executable

 executed

 executive

 exegetic

 exegetical
 exemplary

 exemplifying

 exempt
 exergonic
 exhausted
 exhaustible

 exhausting
 exhaustive

 exhibitionistic
 exhilarated

 exhilarating

 exhortative
 exhortatory
 exigent
 exiguous

 exilic

 existent

 existential
 existentialist
 existing

 exocentric
 exocrine

 exodontic
 exoergic

 exogamic
 exogamous

 exogenic
 exogenous

 exonerated

 exonerative

 exorbitant

 exoteric

 exothermal

 exothermic
 exotic

 expandable

 expanded
 expandible
 expansible
 expansile

 expansionist
 expansive

 expectable
 expectant

 expected

 expedient
 expeditionary
 expeditious
 expendable

 expensive

 experienced

 experient
 experiential
 experimental

 expert
 expiable

 expiative
 expiatory

 expiratory
 expired

 explainable
 explanatory

 explicable

 explicit

 exploded

 exploitative

 exploitatory

 exploited
 exploitive

 explorative

 exploratory
 explosive
 exponential
 exportable

 exposed
 expositive

 expository
 express

 expressed

 expressible
 expressionist
 expressionistic
 expressionless

 expressive

 expurgated

 exquisite
 exsanguine
 exsanguinous

 extant
 extemporaneous

 extemporary
 extempore

 extendable
 extended

 extendible
 extensible

 extensile

 extensional

 extensive

 extenuating

 exterior

 exterminable
 exterminated

 external

 exteroceptive
 exterritorial
 extinct
 extinguishable

 extinguished
 extirpable

 extortionate
 extra

 extracellular

 extractable
 extractible
 extracurricular
 extradural

 extragalactic

 extrajudicial

 extralegal
 extralinguistic
 extramarital

 extramural
 extraneous

 extraordinaire
 extraordinary

 extrasensory
 extrasystolic

 extraterrestrial
 extraterritorial

 extravagant

 extraversive

 extravert

 extraverted

 extravertive

 extreme
 extremist

 extricable

 extrinsic
 extropic
 extrospective
 extroversive

 extrovert
 extroverted

 extrovertish
 extrovertive

 extrusive

 exuberant
 exultant
 exulting
 exuvial

Starting with EY
 eyed

 eyeless
 eyelike

More Categories for the Adjectives Starting with E

In this section, all the adjectives included in the lists are those which start with E. These
descriptive words have been categorized under Interesting Adjectives, Positive Adjectives to
Describe a Person, Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event, Positive Adjectives to Describe a
Place, Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person, Negative Adjectives to Describe an Event,
Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place, Heroic Adjectives, Sporty Adjectives and Romantic
Adjectives. Additionally, the Shortest/ Longest Adjectives that start with the letter E have also
been presented. The descriptive words included in this category are determined based on the
number of letters.

Adjectives that Start with E

Interesting Adjectives

earnest: not distracted by anything unrelated to the goal; characterized by a firm and humorless
belief in the validity of your opinions
– both sides were deeply in earnest, even passionate
equivocal: uncertain as a sign or indication; two or more interpretations; or of uncertain nature or
– the evidence from bacteriologic analysis was equivocal
ethereal: characterized by lightness and insubstantiality; as impalpable or intangible as air
– an orchid sprung up, ethereal and hovering over the paper
evanescent: soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence; quickly fading or disappearing
– a shimmering evanescent bubble
exhilarating: making lively and joyful
– the exhilarating effect of mountain air

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person

easygoing: relaxed and tolerant in approach or manner;

– an easygoing teacher who allowed extra time for assignments
ebullient: cheerful and full of energy; joyously unrestrained
– she sounded ebullient and happy
eloquent: expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively
– He was eloquent of speech.
erudite: having or showing profound knowledge
– an erudite professor
exuberant:filled with or characterized by a lively energy and excitement
– the exuberant crowd

Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event

electrifying: causing a surge of emotion or excitement

– an electrifying performance
ethnic: denoting or deriving from or distinctive of the ways of living built up by a group of people
– the ethnic cultural events
evocative: bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind
– evocative speech
exciting: creating or arousing excitement; stimulating interest and discussion
– exciting presentation
exultant: joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success
– exultant scene

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Place

elegant: marked by elegance; of a high grade or quality

– an elegant hotel
enchanting: capturing interest as if by a spell
– enchanting forest
exotic: strikingly strange or unusual
– exotic landscape
exquisite: of extreme beauty
– exquisite ranch setting
extraordinary: very unusual or remarkable
– extraordinary river

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person

edgy: tense, nervous, or irritable

– He became edgy and defensive.
egocentric: thinking only of oneself, without regard for the feelings or desires of others; self-
– their egocentric tendency to think of themselves as invulnerable
emaciated: very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold
– she was so emaciated she could hardly stand

envious: showing extreme cupidity; painfully desirous of another’s advantages; feeling or

showing envy
– envious of his success
expressionless: deliberately impassive in manner; not conveying any emotion; unemotional
– her face was expressionless

Negative Adjectives to Describe an Event

earsplitting: extremely loud

– earsplitting party
elegiac: expressing sorrow often for something past
– an elegiac lament for youthful ideals
embarrassing: causing embarrassment
– embarrassing moments
excruciating: intensely painful; mentally agonizing
– excruciating boredom
exorbitant: greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation
– an exorbitant event

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place

eerie: inspiring a feeling of fear; strange and frightening

– eerie woods
elusive: difficult to remember or recall; difficult to find, catch, or achieve
– an elusive landmark
empty: holding or containing nothing
– empty auditorium
evil: profoundly immoral and malevolent; having or exerting a malignant influence
– evil house
extraneous:irrelevant or unrelated to the subject being dealt with; of external origin
– an extraneous place and the private residence
Heroic Adjectives

elite: selected as the best; a select part of a group that is superior to the rest in terms of ability or
– the elite of Britain’s armed forces
emphatic: forceful and definite in expression or action; expressing something forcibly and clearly
– we never did see or did hear such an emphatic nobleman
enigmatic:difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious
– enigmatic dark knight
enthralling:capturing and holding one’s attention; fascinating
– enthralling warrior
epic: very imposing or impressive; surpassing the ordinary (especially in size or scale)
– epic adventurer

Sporty Adjectives

energetic: possessing or exerting or displaying energy

– energetic gymnast
excellent: very good; of the highest quality
– excellent striker
exceptional: surpassing what is common or usual or expected
– exceptional archer
experienced: having experience; having knowledge or skill from observation or participation
– experienced basketball player
expert: having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude
– expert billiards player

Romantic Adjectives

endearing: lovable especially in a childlike or naive way

– endearing husband
erotic: giving sexual pleasure; sexually arousing
– erotic massage
euphoric: exaggerated feeling of well-being or elation
– euphoric sense of excitement
everlasting: lasting forever or for a very long time
– everlasting loves
expressive: effectively conveying thought or feeling
– expressive of his love

Shortest Adjectives

ex: out of fashion

– an ex attire
each: (used of count nouns) every one considered individually
– each person is mortal
east: situated in or facing or moving toward the east
– the hospital’s east wing
easy: achieved without great effort; presenting few difficulties
– an easy way of retrieving information
ebon: of a very dark black
– the dark shadows of the mountains gave the river an ebon hue
echt: not fake or counterfeit
– the film’s opening was an echt pop snob event
edgy: tense, nervous, or irritable
– she seems edgy
eery: inspiring a feeling of fear; strange and frightening
– eery feeling
epic: very imposing or impressive; surpassing the ordinary (especially in size or scale)
– epic strength
even: equal in degree or extent or amount; or equally matched or balanced
– even surface

Longest Adjectives

electroencephalographic: of or relating to an electroencephalograph

– electroencephalographic recordings
electrocardiographic: of or relating to an electrocardiograph
– electrocardiographic technician
electromechanical: of or relating to or involving an electrically operated mechanical device
– electromechanical engineering
extraterrestrial: originating or located or occurring outside Earth or its atmosphere
– extraterrestrial life
extraterritorial: outside territorial limits or jurisdiction
– fishing in extraterritorial waters
electrochemical: of or involving electrochemistry
– electrochemical gradient
electromagnetic: pertaining to or exhibiting magnetism produced by electric charge in motion
– electromagnetic waves
electronegative: having a negative charge
– electronegative elements
electrophoretic: of or relating to electrophoresis
– electrophoretic display
electropositive: having a positive charge
– electropositive metals

Adjectives Starting with F

 All F Adjectives
 F Adjectives to Describe a Person
 Categories

Starting with FA
 fab

 fabian
 fabled

 fabricated
 fabulous

 faced
 faceless

 faceted
 facetious

 facial
 facile
 facilitative

 facilitatory

 factious
 factitious
 factorial
 factual
 facultative

 faddish

 faddy

 faded
 faecal
 fagged

 fahrenheit
 failing

 fain
 faineant

 faint
 fainthearted

 fair
 fairish

 faithful

 faithless

 fake

 falcate

 falciform

 falconine
 fallacious

 fallen

 fallible
 falling
 fallow
 false

 falsetto
 falsifiable

 falstaffian
 faltering

 famed

 familial
 familiar
 familiarised
 familiarising

 familiarized

 familiarizing

 famished
 famous
 fanatic

 fanatical
 fancied

 fanciful
 fancy

 fanged
 fanlike

 fanned
 fantabulous

 fantastic

 fantastical

 far

 faraway

 farcical

 farfetched
 farinaceous

 farming

 farseeing
 farsighted
 farther
 farthermost

 farthest
 fascinated

 fascinating
 fascist

 fascistic

 fashionable
 fashioned
 fast
 fastened

 fastidious

 fastigiate

 fat
 fatal
 fatalist

 fatalistic
 fated

 fateful
 fatheaded

 fatherless
 fatherlike

 fatherly
 fathomable

 fatigued

 fatless

 fattened

 fattening

 fattish

 fatty
 fatuous

 faucal

 faultfinding
 faultless
 faulty
 faustian

 faux
 faveolate

 favorable
 favored

 favorite

 favourable
 favourite
 fawning
 fazed

Starting with FE
 fearful

 fearless

 fearsome

 feasible

 featherbrained
 feathered

 featheredged
 featherless

 featherlike

 feathery

 featured

 featureless

 febrile
 fecal

 feckless
 feculent

 fecund

 federal

 federate
 federated

 feeble

 feebleminded

 feigned

 feisty
 felicitous
 feline

 fell
 felonious
 felted
 female

 feminine

 feminist

 femoral
 fencelike
 fenestral

 feral
 ferial

 ferine
 fermentable

 ferned
 fernless

 fernlike
 ferny

 ferocious

 ferric

 ferromagnetic

 ferrous

 fertile

 fertilizable
 fervent

 fervid

 festal
 festive
 fetal
 fetching

 fetid
 fettered

 feudal
 feudalistic

 feudatory

 fevered
 feverish
 feverous
 few

 fewer

 fewest

 fey

Starting with FI
 fiberoptic

 fibreoptic

 fibrillose

 fibrinous
 fibrocalcific

 fibrocartilaginous
 fibrous

 fickle

 fictile

 fictional

 fictitious

 fictive
 fiddling

 fidgety
 fiducial

 fiduciary

 fiendish

 fierce
 fiery

 fifteen

 fifteenth

 fifth

 fiftieth
 fifty
 fighting

 figural
 figurative
 figured
 fijian

 filamentlike

 filamentous

 filar
 filarial
 filariid

 filial
 filiform

 filipino
 filled

 filmable
 filmed

 filmy
 filthy

 fimbriate

 finable

 final

 financial

 fine

 fineable
 finer

 finespun

 fingered
 fingerless
 fingerlike
 finical

 finicky
 finished

 finite
 finnish

 fired

 fireproof
 firm
 firmamental
 first

 firstborn

 firsthand

 fiscal
 fisheye
 fishy

 fissile
 fissionable

 fissiparous
 fistular

 fistulate
 fistulous

 fit
 fitful

 fitted

 fitter

 fitting

 five

 fivefold

 fixed
 fizzing

 fizzy

Starting with FL
 flabbergasted

 flabby

 flaccid

 flagellate

 flagellated
 flagging
 flagitious

 flagrant
 flakey
 flaky
 flamboyant

 flameproof

 flaming

 flammable
 flaring
 flash

 flashy
 flat

 flatbottom
 flatbottomed

 flatfooted
 flattened

 flattering
 flatulent

 flaunty

 flavorful

 flavorless

 flavorous

 flavorsome

 flavourful
 flavourless

 flavourous

 flavoursome
 flawed
 flawless
 flaxen

 flecked
 fledged

 fledgeless
 fledgeling

 fledgling

 fleeceable
 fleecy
 fleet
 fleeting

 flemish

 fleshly

 fleshy
 flexible
 flexile

 flexuous
 flickering

 flighted
 flightless

 flighty
 flimsy

 flint
 flinty

 flip

 flippant

 flirtatious

 floating

 floaty

 floccose
 flocculent

 flooded

 floodlighted
 floodlit
 floored
 floppy

 floral
 florentine

 floricultural
 florid

 flossy

 flourishing
 floury
 flowered
 flowering

 flowerless

 flowery

 flowing
 fluctuating
 fluent

 fluffy
 fluid

 flukey
 fluky

 fluorescent
 flush

 flushed
 flustered

 fluvial

 fly

 flyaway

 flyblown

 flying

 flyspeck

Starting with FO
 foaming

 foamy
 focal

 focused

 focussed

 foetal

 foetid
 fogbound
 fogged

 foggy
 fogyish
 foiled
 foldable

 foldaway

 folding

 foliaceous
 foliaged
 foliate

 foliated
 foliolate

 foliose
 folksy

 follicular
 following

 fond
 foodless

 foolhardy

 fooling

 foolish

 foolproof

 footed

 footless
 footling

 footloose

 footsore
 footsure
 foppish
 forbearing

 forbidden
 forbidding

 forced
 forceful

 forceless

 forcible
 forcipate
 fordable
 fore

 foreboding

 foregoing

 foregone
 forehand
 forehanded

 foreign
 foremost

 forensic
 foreordained

 foreseeable
 foreshadowing

 foresighted
 foresightful

 forested

 forethoughtful

 forfeit

 forfeited

 forficate

 forged
 forgetful

 forgettable

 forgivable
 forgiving
 forgotten
 forked

 forlorn
 formal

 formalised
 formalistic

 formalized

 formative
 formed
 former
 formic

 formidable

 formless

 formosan
 formulaic
 formulary

 formulated
 forte

 fortemente
 forthcoming

 forthright
 fortieth

 fortified
 fortissimo

 fortnightly

 fortuitous

 fortunate

 forty

 forward

 fossil
 fossiliferous

 fossilised

 fossilized
 fossorial
 foster
 foul

 fouled
 found

 four
 fourfold

 fourhanded

 fourpenny
 fourscore
 foursquare
 fourteen

 fourteenth

 fourth

 foxy

Starting with FR
 fractional

 fractious

 fragile

 fragmental
 fragmentary

 fragmented
 fragrant

 frail

 framed

 franciscan

 frangible

 frank
 frankish

 frantic
 fraternal

 fraudulent

 fraught

 frayed
 freakish

 freaky

 freckled

 free

 freeborn
 freehand
 freehanded

 freehearted
 freelance
 freestanding
 freewheeling

 freewill

 french

 frenetic
 frenzied
 frequent

 fresh
 freshman

 fretful
 fretted

 freudian
 friable

 fricative
 frictional

 frictionless

 fried

 friendless

 friendly

 frightened

 frightening
 frightful

 frigid

 frigorific
 frilled
 frilly
 fringed

 fringy
 frisian

 frisky
 frivolous

 frizzly

 frizzy
 frolicky
 frolicsome
 front

 frontal

 frontmost

 frore
 frostbitten
 frosted

 frostian
 frosty

 frothing
 frothy

 frowning
 frowsty

 frowsy
 frowzled

 frowzy

 frozen

 frugal

 fruitful

 fruiting

 fruitless
 fruity

 frumpish

 frumpy
 frustrated
 frustrating
 frustrative

 fruticose
 fruticulose

Starting with FU
 fuddled

 fueled
 fugacious
 fugal
 fuggy

 fugitive

 fugly

 fulfilled
 fulgent
 fulgid

 fulgurant
 fulgurating

 fulgurous
 full

 fulminant
 fulsome

 fumbling
 fumed

 functional

 functioning

 fundamental

 fundamentalist

 fundamentalistic

 funded
 funerary

 funereal

 fungal
 fungible
 fungicidal
 fungoid

 fungous
 funguslike

 funicular
 funky

 funny

 furious
 furled
 furlike
 furnished

 furred

 furrowed

 furry
 further
 furthermost

 furthest
 furtive

 fuscous
 fused

 fusible
 fusiform

 fussy
 fusty

 futile

 future

 futureless

 futurist

 futuristic

 fuzzed
 fuzzy

 fun

More Categories for the Adjectives Starting with F

In the Interesting Adjectives list, the words included are those which can be used to add color to
your writing or speech and make it more appealing to your audience. For the Positive Adjectives
to Describe a Person, Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event and Positive Adjectives to
Describe a Place, the words listed describe the good or desirable characteristics of that particular
type of noun. On the other hand, the Negative Adjectives lists are composed of adjectives which
depict the bad or undesirable qualities of a person, event or place.

Moreover, the Heroic Adjectives list contains adjectives which describe the traits of a hero/
heroine as well as his/her actions. For the Sporty Adjectives category, the words listed are those
which best describe a person who plays sports and engages in physical activities. Lastly, the
Romantic Adjectives category is composed of adjectives which are often used to describe a
romantic partner and convey love.
Adjectives that Start with F
Interesting Adjectives

foolhardy: marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences

– foolhardy enough to try to seize the gun from the hijacker
foolproof: not liable to failure
– a foolproof identification system
friable: easily broken into small fragments or reduced to powder
– friable sandstone
frigid: extremely cold
– a frigid climate
furtive: secret and sly or sordid
– they spent a furtive day together

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person

forgiving: inclined or able to forgive and show mercy

– forgiving father
forthright: characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion
– The administration is quite forthright in this matter.
fortunate: favored by or involving good luck or fortune; lucky
– she’d been fortunate to escape more serious injury
frank: open, honest, and direct in speech or writing, especially when dealing with unpalatable
– frank leader
friendly: kind and pleasant
– they were friendly to me

Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event

fateful:controlled or decreed by fate; predetermined

– fateful series of events
felicitous: pleasing and fortunate
– felicitous outcome
festive: cheerful and jovially celebratory; of or relating to a festival
– festive occasion
fruitful: producing good or helpful results; productive
– fruitful discussion
fun: amusing, entertaining, or enjoyable
– fun dinner date

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Place

fancy: elaborate in structure or decoration

– fancy restaurant
fecund: producing or capable of producing an abundance of offspring or new growth; fertile
– lush and fecund garden
flowery: full of, resembling, or smelling of flowers
– flowery meadow
folksy: having the characteristics of traditional culture and customs, especially in a contrived or
artificial way
– the shop’s folksy, small-town image
futuristic: having or involving very modern technology or design
– a swimming pool and futuristic dome

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person

forgetful: apt or likely not to remember

– I’m a bit forgetful these days.
forlorn: pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely
– forlorn victims
fractious: irritable and quarrelsome; difficult to control; unruly
– they fight and squabble like fractious children
frail: weak and delicate
– frail old man
fretful: feeling or expressing distress or irritation
– fretful spinster

Negative Adjectives to Describe an Event

freakish: bizarre or grotesque; abnormal

– freakish costume party
frightening: making someone afraid or anxious; terrifying
– frightening incident
frivolous: not having any serious purpose or value
– frivolous court trial
fruitless: failing to achieve the desired results; unproductive or useless
– fruitless efforts
futile: incapable of producing any useful result; pointless
– a futile attempt to keep fans from mounting the stage

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place

freezing: very cold

– freezing plains
frosty: very cold with frost forming on surfaces
– frosty mountain trail
frowzy: dingy and stuffy
– frowzy nightclub
frozen: treated, affected, or crusted over by freezing; subject to long and severe cold
– the frozen north
fusty: full of dust and unpleasant smells
– fusty attic

Heroic Adjectives

fearless: oblivious of dangers or perils or calmly resolute in facing

– fearless officials
ferocious: marked by extreme and violent energy
– ferocious gladiator
fierce: violently agitated and turbulent
– fierce combatant
forceful: strong and assertive; vigorous and powerful
– forceful strike
formidable: inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or
– formidable fighter
Sporty Adjectives

fantastic: extremely good

– fantastic player
fast: moving or capable of moving at high speed
– fast runner
fleet: moving very fast
– fleet footwork
flexible: bending and snapping back readily without breaking; ready and able to change so as to
adapt to different circumstance
– flexible gymnast
frenetic: fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way
– frenetic boxer

Romantic Adjectives

faithful: marked by fidelity to an original

– a faithful wife
fervent: having or displaying a passionate intensity
– fervent lover
flamboyant: (of a person or their behavior) tending to attract attention because of their
exuberance, confidence, and stylishness
– flamboyant fashion sense
flashy: ostentatiously attractive or impressive; (used especially of clothes) marked by
conspicuous display
– flashy outfit
fond: having a strong preference or liking for
– I’m very fond of Mike.

Shortest Adjectives

fab: extremely pleasing

– a fab lifestyle
far: located at a great distance in time or space or degree
– we come from a far country
fat: having an (over)abundance of flesh
– he hadn’t remembered how fat she was
few: a quantifier that can be used with count nouns and is often preceded by `a’; a small but
indefinite number
– few weeks ago
fey: suggestive of an elf in strangeness and otherworldliness
– his mother was a strange, fey woman

fit: physically and mentally sound or healthy

– keeps fit with diet and exercise
fly: (British informal) not to be deceived or hoodwinked
– a fly observer
fain: pleased or willing under the circumstances; obliged
– the traveler was fainto proceed
fair: very pleasing to the eye; in accordance with the rules or standards; legitimate
– fair lady
fake: fraudulent; having a misleading appearance
– fake designer clothing

Longest Adjectives

fibrocartilaginous: of or relating to fibrocartilage

– fibrocartilaginous embolism
fundamentalistic: of or relating to or characteristic of Protestant fundamentalism or its adherents
– fundamentalistic principles
featherbrained: lacking seriousness; given to frivolity
– is a featherbrained girl
forethoughtful: thoughtful of the future
– forethoughtful planning
fundamentalist: of or relating to or characteristic of Protestant fundamentalism or its adherents
– fundamentalist perspective
familiarising: serving to make familiar
– a familiarising workshop
familiarizing: serving to make familiar
– familiarizing metaphor
ferromagnetic: relating to or demonstrating ferromagnetism
– ferromagnetic resonance
fibrocalcific: involving or resulting from calcification of fibrous tissue
– fibrocalcific plaque
flabbergasted: as if struck dumb with astonishment and surprise
– the flabbergasted aldermen
Adjectives Starting with G
 All G Adjectives
 G Adjectives to Describe a Person
 Categories

Starting with GA
 gabby

 gabled

 gabonese
 gaelic

 gaga

 gainful

 gainly

 galactic

 galilaean

 galilean

 gallant
 galled
 gallic

 gallican

 gallinaceous

 galling

 galore

 galvanic

 galvanising

 galvanizing
 galwegian
 gambian

 game
 gamey

 gammy
 gamopetalous

 gamy
 gandhian
 gangling
 gangly
 gangrenous
 gaping

 garbed

 garbled

 gardant
 garden
 gargantuan

 garish
 garlicky

 garmented
 garmentless

 garrulous
 gaseous

 gasified
 gassy

 gastric

 gastroduodenal

 gastroesophageal

 gastrointestinal

 gastronomic

 gastronomical
 gathered

 gauche

 gaudy
 gauguinesque
 gaumless
 gaunt

 gauntleted
 gaussian

 gauzy
 gawky

 gay

Starting with GE
 geared
 gelatinlike

 gelatinous

 gelded

 gelid
 gemmed
 gemmiferous

 genealogic
 genealogical

 general
 generalised

 generalized
 generational

 generative
 generic

 generous

 genetic

 genetical

 genial

 genic

 geniculate
 genital

 genitive

 genitourinary
 genoese
 genotypic
 genotypical

 genovese
 genteel

 gentile
 gentle

 gentlemanlike

 gentlemanly
 genuine
 geocentric
 geodesic

 geodesical

 geodetic

 geographic
 geographical
 geologic

 geological
 geometric

 geometrical
 geomorphologic

 geomorphological
 geophysical

 geophytic
 geopolitical

 georgian

 geostationary

 geostrategic

 geosynchronous

 geothermal

 geothermic
 geriatric

 german

 germane
 germanic
 germfree
 germicidal

 germinal
 germy

 gerontological
 gerundial

 gestational

 gesticulating
 gestural
 getable
 getatable

 gettable

Starting with GH
 ghanaian

 ghanese

 ghanian

 ghastly
 ghostlike

 ghostly
 ghoulish

Starting with GI
 gi

 giant

 gibbose

 gibbous

 gibelike
 gibraltarian

 giddy
 gifted

 gigantic
 gilbertian

 gilded
 gilled
 gilt

 gimbaled

 gimcrack
 gimpy
 ginger
 gingerly
 gingery

 gingival

 girlish

 given
 giving

Starting with GL
 glabellar

 glabrescent

 glabrous
 glace

 glacial
 glaciated

 glad

 gladdened

 gladiatorial

 gladsome

 glamorous
 glamourous

 glandular
 glaring

 glary

 glassed

 glassless
 glassy

 glaswegian

 glaucous

 glazed

 gleaming
 gleeful
 glial

 glib
 glimmery
 glinting
 glistening

 glistering

 glittering

 glittery
 global
 globose

 globular
 glomerular

 gloomful
 glooming

 gloomy
 glorified

 glorious
 glossopharyngeal

 glossy

 glottal

 glottochronological

 gloved

 gloveless

 glowering
 glowing

 glued

 gluey
 glum
 gluteal
 glutinous

 glutted
 gluttonous

 glycogenic

Starting with GN
 gnarled
 gnarly
 gnomic
 gnomish

 gnostic

Starting with GO
 go
 goaded

 goalless

 goateed

 gobsmacked

 goddam
 goddamn

 goddamned
 godforsaken

 godless

 godlike

 godly

 goethean

 goethian
 going

 gold
 golden

 gonadal

 gonadotrophic

 gonadotropic
 gone

 gonzo

 good

 goodish

 goodly
 gooey
 goofy

 gooselike
 goosey
 goosy
 gordian

 gorgeous

 gormless

 gory
 gossamer
 gossipy

 gothic
 gouty

 governable
 governing

 governmental
 gowned

Starting with GR
 grabby

 graceful

 graceless

 gracile
 gracious

 gradable
 gradational

 gradatory

 graded

 gradual
 graduate

 graduated

 graecophile

 graecophilic

 grainy
 grammatic
 grammatical

 grand
 grandiloquent
 grandiose
 granitelike

 granitic

 granted

 granular
 granulated
 granuliferous

 granulocytic
 granulomatous

 granulose
 grapelike

 grapey
 graphic

 graphical
 grapy

 graspable

 grasping

 grassless

 grasslike

 grassroots

 grassy
 grateful

 gratified

 gratifying
 grating
 gratis
 gratuitous

 gratulatory
 grave

 gravelly
 graven

 gravid

 gravimetric
 gravitational
 gravitative
 gray

 grayish

 grazed

 greased
 greaseproof
 greasy

 great
 greater

 greatest
 greathearted

 grecian
 greedy

 greek
 green

 greenhouse

 greenish

 greensick

 greenside

 gregarious

 gregorian
 grenadian

 grey

 greyed
 greyish
 grieving
 grievous

 grilled
 grim

 grimy
 gripping

 grisly

 gristly
 gritty
 grizzled
 grizzly

 groggy

 groomed

 grooved
 groovy
 groping

 gross
 grotesque

 grotty
 grouchy

 groundbreaking
 groundless

 grouped
 groveling

 grovelling

 growing

 grown

 grownup

 grubby

 grudging
 grueling

 gruelling

 gruesome
 gruff
 grumbling
 grumose

 grumous
 grumpy

 grungy

Starting with GU
 gu
 guardant
 guarded
 guatemalan

 gubernatorial

 guided

 guiding
 guileful
 guileless

 guiltless
 guilty

 guinean
 gullible

 gummed
 gummy

 gumptious
 gushing

 gushy

 gusseted

 gustative

 gustatorial

 gustatory

 gusty
 gutless

 gutsy

 guttural
 guyanese

Starting with GY
 gymnastic

 gymnosophical

 gymnospermous
 gynaecological
 gynandromorphic

 gynandromorphous
 gynecologic
 gynecological
 gyral

 gyroscopic

More Categories for the Adjectives Starting with G

The Interesting Adjectives category is composed of words which can capture the attention of the
audience and make your writing or speech more creative. There are also three separate lists of
Positive Adjectives and Negative Adjectives in this article, which differ based on the type of noun
(person, event or place) that the words modify. The Positive Adjectives lists contain words which
refer to the good or desirable qualities of a person, event or place, while the Negative Adjectives
lists are composed of words which describe undesirable ones.

Interesting Adjectives

gargantuan: enormous
– gargantuan appetite
gauche: lacking ease or grace; unsophisticated and socially awkward
– a gauche person
geriatric: of or relating to old people, especially with regard to their health care
– a geriatric hospital
germane: relevant to a subject under consideration
– that is not germane to our theme
grotesque: comically or repulsively ugly or distorted
– grotesque facial distortions

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person

generous: showing a readiness to give more of something, as money or time, than is strictly
necessary or expected
– she was generous with her money
genial: friendly and cheerful
– waved to them in genial greeting
glad: pleased; delighted
– she was alive, which was something to be glad about
good: to be desired or approved of
– he was a good man
gregarious: fond of company; sociable
– he was a popular and gregarious man

Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event

gainful: serving to increase wealth or resources

– he soon found gainful employment
golden: very happy and prosperous
– those golden days before World War I
grand: magnificent and imposing in appearance, size, or style
– the grand entrance
graphic: of or relating to visual art, especially involving drawing, engraving, or lettering
– graphic presentation
gratis: without charge; free
– a monthly program was issued gratis

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Place

geographic: determined by geography

– the north and south geographic poles
gigantic: of very great size or extent; huge or enormous
– a gigantic concrete tower
global: of or relating to the whole world; worldwide
– the downturn in the global economy
godly: devoutly religious; pious
– godly temple
grassy: of or covered with grass
– grassy slopes

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person

gangling: tall, thin, and awkward in movements or bearing

– a gangling kid transformed almost overnight into a handsome young man
garrulous: excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters
– Polonius is portrayed as a foolish, garrulous old man
gaunt: lean and haggard, especially because of suffering, hunger, or age
– a gaunt, graying man
gawky: nervously awkward and ungainly
– a gawky teenager
greedy: having or showing an intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth or
– greedy thieves who plundered a defense contractor
Negative Adjectives to Describe an Event

galling: annoying; humiliating

– the loss was particularly galling
gratuitous: uncalled for; lacking good reason; unwarranted
– gratuitous violence
grave: giving cause for alarm; serious
– grave incident
grievous: very severe or serious
– his death was a grievous blow
grim: depressing or worrying to consider
– the grim news of the murder

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place

ghastly: causing great horror or fear; frightful or macabre

– ghastly hotel room

gloomy: dark or poorly lit, especially so as to appear depressing or frightening

– a gloomy corridor
greasy: covered with or resembling an oily substance
– greasy garage floor
grisly: causing horror or disgust
– the grisly town
gritty: containing or covered with grit
– a gritty floor
Heroic Adjectives

gallant: brave; heroic

– his gallant efforts
genteel: polite, refined, or respectable, often in an affected or ostentatious way
– genteel young man
godlike: resembling God or a god in qualities such as power, beauty, or benevolence
– have godlike powers
gracious: courteous, kind, and pleasant
– gracious nobleman
greatest: of ability, quality, or eminence considerably above the normal or average
– greatest warrior

Sporty Adjectives

gifted: having exceptional talent or natural ability

– a gifted amateur player
gingerly: showing great care or caution
– gingerly goalkeeper
glorious: having, worthy of, or bringing fame or admiration
– the most glorious victory of all time
great: very skilled or capable in a particular area
– the great basketball legend
gymnastic: of or relating to gymnastics
– a gymnastic display

Romantic Adjectives

gentle: mild in temperament or behavior; kind or tender

– he was a gentle, sensitive man
glamorous: having glamour
– one of the world’s most glamorous women
gorgeous: beautiful; very attractive
– a gorgeous lady
graceful: having or showing grace or elegance
– she was a tall girl, slender and graceful
grateful: feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; thankful
– I’m very grateful to you for all your help.

Shortest Adjectives

gi: of or relating to the stomach and intestines

– a gi (gastrointestinal) disorder
go: functioning correctly and ready for action
– all systems are go
gu: of or related to the genital and urinary organs or their functions
– genitourinary infections
gaga: intensely enthusiastic about or preoccupied with
– gaga about cars and racing
game: willing to face danger
– he is a game soldier
gamy: racy; disreputable
– gamy language
gilt: having the deep slightly brownish color of gold
– long gilt hair
glad: pleased; delighted
– I’m glad to see you.
glib: fluent and voluble but insincere and shallow
– she was careful not to let the answer sound too glib
glum: looking or feeling dejected; morose
– they looked glum but later cheered up

Longest Adjectives

glottochronological: pertaining to the study of the evolution of languages from a common

– glottochronological studies
gastroesophageal: of or relating to or involving the stomach and esophagus
– gastroesophageal reflux disease
gastrointestinal: of or relating to the stomach and intestines
– gastrointestinal problems
geomorphological: pertaining to geological structure
– geomorphological features of the Black Hills
glossopharyngeal: pertaining to the tongue and throat
– glossopharyngeal nerve
gynandromorphous: having both male and female morphological characteristics
– gynandromorphous animals
gynandromorphic: having both male and female morphological characteristics
– gynandromorphic zebra
gastroduodenal: of or relating to the stomach and the duodenum
– gastroduodenal artery
geomorphologic: pertaining to geological structure
– geomorphologicfeatures of granite
geosynchronous: of or having an orbit with a fixed period of 24 hours (although the position in
the orbit may not be fixed with respect to the earth)
– geosynchronous satellites
Adjectives Starting with H
 All H Adjectives
 H Adjectives to Describe a Person
 Categories

Starting with HA
 habilimented
 habitable

 habited

 habitual

 hackneyed
 hadal

 hadean
 haemal
 haematal

 haematic

 haematogenic

 haematological

 haematopoietic

 haemic

 haemolytic
 haemophilic

 haemopoietic

 haemorrhagic

 haggard
 hagridden
 haired

 hairless

 hairlike

 hairsplitting
 hairy
 haitian

 halal
 halcyon
 hale
 half

 halfhearted

 halfway

 hallowed
 hallucinating
 hallucinatory

 hallucinogenic
 halt

 halting
 hammered

 hammy
 handed

 handelian
 handheld

 handicapped

 handled

 handleless

 handless

 handmade

 handsewn
 handsome

 handstitched

 handwoven
 handwritten
 handy
 hangdog

 hanoverian
 haphazard

 hapless
 haploid

 haploidic

 happy
 haptic
 harassed
 hard

 hardback

 hardbacked

 hardbound
 hardcore
 hardcover

 hardened
 hardfisted

 hardheaded
 hardhearted

 hardline
 hardscrabble

 hardworking
 hardy

 harebrained

 harmful

 harmless

 harmonic

 harmonical

 harmonious
 harmonised

 harmonizable

 harmonized
 harnessed
 harried
 harrowing

 harsh
 hasidic

 hassidic
 hastate

 hasty

 hatched
 hated
 hateful
 hatless

 hatted

 haughty

 haunted
 haunting
 hawaiian

 hawkish
 haywire

 hazardous
 hazel

 hazy

Starting with HE
 headed

 headfirst

 headless
 headlike

 headlong
 headstrong

 heady

 healed

 healing
 healthful

 healthier

 healthy

 hearable

 heard
 hearing
 hearsay

 heartbreaking
 heartbroken
 heartening
 heartfelt

 heartless

 heartrending

 heartsick
 heartwarming
 hearty

 heatable
 heated

 heathen
 heathenish

 heathlike
 heatless

 heavenly
 heavenward

 heavy

 heavyhearted

 heavyset

 hebdomadal

 hebdomadary

 hebephrenic
 hebraic

 hebraical

 hebrew
 hebridean
 hectic
 hedged

 hedonic
 hedonistic

 heedful
 heedless

 hefty

 hegelian
 heightening
 heinous
 held

 heliac

 heliacal

 helical
 heliocentric
 hellenic

 hellenistic
 hellenistical

 hellish
 helmeted

 helminthic
 helpful

 helpless
 hemal

 hematal

 hematic

 hematogenic

 hematologic

 hematological

 hematopoietic
 hemic

 hemimetabolic

 hemimetabolous
 hemimetamorphic
 hemimetamorphous
 hemingwayesque

 hemiparasitic
 hemispheric

 hemispherical
 hemodynamic

 hemolytic

 hemophilic
 hemopoietic
 hemorrhagic
 hemostatic

 hempen

 henpecked

 hep
 hepatic
 hepatotoxic

 heralded
 heraldic

 heraldist
 herbaceous

 herbal
 herbivorous

 herculean
 here

 hereditary

 heretical

 heritable

 hermaphrodite

 hermaphroditic

 hermeneutic
 hermetic

 hermitic

 hermitical
 heroic
 heroical
 hertzian

 hesitant
 hesitating

 hesperian
 het

 heterocercal

 heterocyclic
 heterodactyl
 heterodox
 heterodyne

 heteroecious

 heterogeneous

 heterogenous
 heteroicous
 heterologic

 heterological
 heterologous

 heterometabolic
 heterometabolous

 heterosexual
 heterosporous

 heterothermic
 heterotrophic

 heterozygous

 heuristic

 hewn

 hex

 hexadecimal

 hexagonal
 hexangular

 hexed

Starting with HI
 hibernal

 hibernating

 hick

 hidden

 hidebound
 hideous
 hidrotic

 hiemal
 hierarchal
 hierarchic
 hierarchical

 hieratic

 hieratical

 hieroglyphic
 hieroglyphical
 hifalutin

 high
 highborn

 highbrow
 highbrowed

 higher
 highfalutin

 highfaluting
 highflying

 highland

 hilar

 hilarious

 hilly

 himalayan

 hind
 hinder

 hindering

 hindermost
 hindi
 hindmost
 hindoo

 hindu
 hindustani

 hip
 hiplength

 hipless

 hipped
 hippocratic
 hircine
 hired

 hirsute

 hispanic

 hispaniolan
 hispid
 histologic

 histological
 historic

 historical
 historied

 histrionic
 hitlerian

 hitless
 hittite

Starting with HM
 hmong

Starting with HO
 hoar
 hoarse

 hoary
 hobnailed

 hogged
 hoggish

 hokey
 holey
 holistic

 hollow

 hollywood
 holographic
 holographical
 holometabolic
 holometabolous

 holophytic

 holozoic

 holy
 home
 homebound

 homegrown
 homeless

 homelike
 homely

 homemade
 homeopathic

 homeostatic
 homeothermic

 homeric

 homesick

 homespun

 homeward

 homey

 homicidal
 homiletic

 homiletical

 hominal
 homing
 hominian
 hominid

 hominine
 homocentric

 homocercal
 homochromatic

 homocyclic

 homoecious
 homoerotic
 homogeneous
 homogenised

 homogenized

 homogenous

 homoiothermic
 homologic
 homological

 homologous
 homonymic

 homonymous
 homophile

 homophobic
 homophonic

 homophonous
 homosexual

 homosporous

 homostyled

 homostylic

 homostylous

 homothermic

 homozygous
 homy

 honduran

 honest
 honey
 honeycombed
 honeyed

 honeylike
 honied

 honorable
 honorary

 honored

 honorific
 honourable
 hoofed
 hooflike

 hooked

 hooklike

 hooved
 hopeful
 hopeless

 horary
 horizontal

 hormonal
 horned

 hornless
 hornlike

 horny
 horrendous

 horrible

 horrid

 horrific

 horrified

 horrifying

 hortative
 hortatory

 horticultural

 hospitable
 hostile
 hot
 hotheaded

 hottish
 hourlong

 hourly
 housebound

 housebroken

 housewifely
 howling
 hoydenish

Starting with HU
 huddled

 hueless

 huffish
 huffy

 huge

 hugoesque

 hulking

 hulky
 human

 humane
 humanist

 humanistic

 humanitarian

 humanlike

 humble

 humbled
 humbling

 humdrum
 humic

 humid

 humified

 humiliated
 humiliating

 humongous

 humoral

 humorless

 humorous
 humourless
 humourous

 humpbacked
 humped
 hunchbacked
 hunched

 hundred

 hundredth

 hungarian
 hungry
 hunted

 hurried
 hurrying

 hurt
 hurtful

 husbandly
 hushed

 husky
 huxleian

 huxleyan

Starting with HY
 hyaline
 hyaloid

 hyaloplasmic
 hybrid

 hydrated

 hydraulic

 hydric
 hydrocephalic

 hydrodynamic

 hydroelectric

 hydrographic

 hydrographical
 hydrokinetic
 hydrolyzable

 hydrometric
 hydropathic
 hydrophilic
 hydrophobic

 hydrophytic

 hydroponic

 hydrostatic
 hydrous
 hydroxy

 hygienic
 hygienical

 hygrophytic
 hygroscopic

 hymenal
 hymeneal

 hymenopterous
 hyoid

 hypaethral

 hyperactive

 hyperbolic

 hyperboloidal

 hypercatalectic

 hypercritical
 hyperemic

 hyperfine

 hypermetropic
 hyperopic
 hypersensitised
 hypersensitive

 hypersensitized
 hypertensive

 hyperthermal
 hypertonic

 hypertrophied

 hypethral
 hypnagogic
 hypnogogic
 hypnoid

 hypnotic

 hypnotised

 hypnotized
 hypoactive
 hypochondriac

 hypochondriacal
 hypocritical

 hypodermal
 hypodermic

 hypoglycaemic
 hypoglycemic

 hypognathous
 hypophyseal

 hypophysectomised

 hypophysectomized

 hypophysial

 hypotensive

 hypothalamic

 hypothermic
 hypothetic

 hypothetical

 hypotonic
 hypovolaemic
 hypovolemic
 hysteric

 hysterical

More Categories for the Adjectives Starting with H

A sentence without any adjectives seems stiff and dull. When a message is void of this word
type, the audience is more likely to respond indifferently because the writer or speaker is
conveying a vague idea. One effective way to improve the structure and make the speech or
writing more interesting and provoking is by adding adjectives. This article contains various lists
of adjectives that start with H. These descriptive words are sorted into different categories
namely, Interesting Adjectives, Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person, Positive Adjectives to
Describe an Event, Positive Adjectives to Describe a Place, Negative Adjectives to Describe a
Person, Negative Adjectives to Describe an Event, Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place,
Heroic Adjectives, Sporty Adjectives, Romantic Adjectives and Shortest/Longest Adjectives.

Interesting Adjectives

hackneyed: lacking significance through having been overused; unoriginal and trite
– hackneyed old sayings
haphazard: lacking any obvious principle of organization
– the kitchen drawers contained a haphazard collection of silver souvenir spoons
haughty: arrogantly superior and disdainful
– a look of haughty disdain
heavenward: directed toward heaven or the sky
– the soul in its heavenward flight
hermetic: complete and airtight
– a hermetic seal that ensures perfect waterproofing

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person

hardworking: tending to work with energy and commitment; diligent

– even the hardworking employees got stiffed at bonus time
harmless: not able or likely to cause harm; inoffensive
– he’s pretty harmless
hearty: loudly vigorous and cheerful
– a hearty and boisterous character
helpful: giving or ready to give help
– people are friendly and helpful
hip: following the latest fashion, especially in popular music and clothes
– it’s becoming hip to be environmentally conscious

Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event

halcyon: denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful
– the halcyon days of the mid-1980s, when profits were soaring
hallowed: worthy of religious veneration
– hallowed tradition
happy: fortunate and convenient
– happy incident
heady: having a strong or exhilarating effect
– the heady days of the birth of the women’s movement
heartening: cheerfully encouraging
– heartening event in his life

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Place

habitable: suitable or good enough to live in

– habitable planet
harmonious: free from disagreement or dissent
– harmonious village
historic: famous or important in history, or potentially so
– we are standing on a historic site
holy: dedicated or consecrated to God or a religious purpose; sacred
– a holy temple
hospitable: pleasant and favorable for living in
– the Sonoran desert is one of the least hospitable places on earth

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person

haggard: looking exhausted and unwell, especially from fatigue, worry, or suffering
– I trailed on behind, haggard and disheveled.
halfhearted: without enthusiasm or energy
– after two years of halfhearted effort, he dropped out of school
harsh: cruel or severe
– harsh military leader
hateful: arousing, deserving of, or filled with hatred
– a hateful brother
heedless: showing a reckless lack of care or attention
– a heedless kid

Negative Adjectives to Describe an Event

hapless: unfortunate
– hapless accident
harrowing: acutely distressing
– harrowing presentation
haunting: continually recurring to the mind
– haunting memories
heartbreaking: causing or marked by grief or anguish
– a heartbreaking loss
hideous: ugly or disgusting to look at
– hideous crime

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place

harmful: causing or likely to cause harm

– harmful forest
hazardous: risky; dangerous
– hazardous canal zone sites
hellish: of or like hell
– an unearthly, hellish landscape
horrible: very unpleasant; causing or likely to cause horror; shocking
– a horrible place to stay
hostile: unfriendly; antagonistic
– hostile environment

Heroic Adjectives

hardy: robust; capable of enduring difficult conditions

– hardy soldier
heroic: having the characteristics of a hero or heroine; very brave
– heroic deeds
honorable: bringing or worthy of honor
– an honorable man
hopeful: feeling or inspiring optimism about a future event
– a hopeful guardian
humanitarian: concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare
– his humanitarian efforts

Sporty Adjectives

hasty: done or acting with excessive speed or urgency; hurried

– hasty shot
healthy: in good health
– he tries to stay healthy for his future matches
hefty: large, heavy, and powerful
– hefty football player
hurried: done in a hurry; rushed
– a hurried jab
husky: strong; hefty
– husky professional wrestler

Romantic Adjectives

handsome: good-looking
– a handsome man
heartfelt: sincere; deeply and strongly felt
– heartfelt gratitude
heavenly: very pleasing; wonderful; of heaven; divine
– she smells heavenly
honest: free of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere
– I have been totally honest with you.
humble: having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s own importance
– beautiful yet humble

Shortest Adjectives

hep: informed about the latest trends

– a hep teenager
het: made warm or hot
– a het pool
hex: of or pertaining to a number system having 16 as its base
– a hex number series
hip: following the latest fashion, especially in popular music and clothes
– hip clothes
hot: having a high degree of heat or a high temperature
– it was hot inside the hall
hale: strong and healthy
– only just sixty, very hale and hearty
half: consisting of one of two equivalent parts in value or quantity
– half chicken
halt: disabled in the feet or legs
– a halt commander
hard: not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure
– hard task
hazy: vague, indistinct, or ill-defined
– hazy outline

Longest Adjectives

hypophysectomised: having the pituitary gland removed by surgery

– hypophysectomized tadpoles
hypophysectomized: having the pituitary gland removed by surgery
– hypophysectomized rats
hemimetamorphous: (of an insect with aquatic young) undergoing incomplete metamorphosis
in which the young does not resemble the adult
– hemimetamorphous prospect
heterometabolous: insect development in which the young hatch in a form very similar to the
adult and then mature without a pupal stage
– heterometabolous development
hemimetamorphic: of, relating to, or being marked by hemimetamorphosis
– hemimetamorphic insect species
heterometabolic: of or relating to or exhibiting heterometabolism
– heterometabolic state
hypercatalectic: (verse) having an extra syllable or syllables at the end of a metrically complete
verse or in a metrical foot
– hypercatalectic poetry
hypersensitised: having an allergy or peculiar or excessive susceptibility (especially to a
specific factor)
– a hypersensitised nervous system
hypersensitized: having an allergy or peculiar or excessive susceptibility (especially to a specific
– hypersensitized reaction
hypochondriacal: suffering from hypochondria
– hypochondriacal disorder
Adjectives Starting with I
 All I Adjectives
 I Adjectives to Describe a Person
 Categories

Starting with IA
 iambic

 iatrogenic

Starting with IB
 iberian
 ibsenian

Starting with IC
 icebound

 icelandic
 ichorous

 icky

 iconic

 iconoclastic
 icosahedral

 ictal

 icteric

 icterogenic
 ictic
 icy

Starting with ID
 ideal

 idealised
 idealistic

 idealized

 ideational
 idempotent
 identical
 identifiable

 identified

 ideographic

 ideologic
 ideological
 idiographic

 idiomatic
 idiomatical

 idiopathic
 idiosyncratic

 idiotic
 idle

 idolatrous
 idolised

 idolized

 idyllic

Starting with IF
 iffy

Starting with IG
 igneous
 ignescent

 ignitable
 ignited

 ignitible
 ignoble
 ignominious

 ignorant

 ignored

Starting with IL
 iliac
 ill

 illative

 illegal

 illegible
 illegitimate
 illiberal

 illicit
 illimitable

 illiterate
 illogical

 illuminated
 illuminating

 illusional
 illusionary

 illusive

 illusory

 illustrative

 illustrious

Starting with IM
 imaginable

 imaginary

 imaginative

 imbalanced
 imbecile

 imbecilic

 imbricate

 imbricated

 imitation
 imitative
 immaculate

 immanent
 immaterial
 immature
 immeasurable

 immediate

 immemorial

 immense
 immensurable
 imminent

 immiscible
 immobile

 immoderate
 immodest

 immoral
 immortal

 immotile
 immovable

 immoveable

 immune

 immunised

 immunized

 immunochemical

 immunocompetent
 immunocompromised

 immunodeficient

 immunogenic
 immunologic
 immunological
 immunosuppressed

 immunosuppressive
 immunotherapeutic

 immutable
 impacted

 impaired

 impalpable
 imparipinnate
 impartial
 impassable

 impassioned

 impassive

 impatient
 impeccable
 impeccant

 impecunious
 impeded

 impeding
 impelled

 impellent
 impelling

 impendent
 impending

 impenetrable

 impenitent

 imperative

 imperceptible

 imperfect

 imperfectible
 imperforate

 imperial

 imperialist
 imperialistic
 imperious
 imperishable

 impermanent
 impermeable

 impermissible
 impersonal

 impertinent

 imperturbable
 imperviable
 impervious
 impetiginous

 impetuous

 impious

 impish
 implacable
 implanted

 implausible
 implemental

 implemented
 implicated

 implicational
 implicative

 implicit
 implike

 imploring

 impolite

 impolitic

 imponderable

 important

 imported
 importunate

 imposed

 imposing
 impossible
 impotent
 impoverished

 impracticable
 impractical

 imprecise
 impregnable

 impressed

 impressible
 impressionable
 impressionist
 impressionistic

 impressive

 imprisoned

 improbable
 impromptu
 improper

 improvable
 improved

 improvident
 improving

 improvised
 imprudent

 impudent
 impugnable

 impuissant

 impulsive

 impure

 imputable

 imputrescible

Starting with IN
 in
 inaccessible

 inaccurate

 inactive

 inadequate

 inadmissible
 inadvertent
 inadvisable

 inaesthetic
 inalienable
 inalterable
 inane

 inanimate

 inapplicable

 inapposite
 inappreciable
 inappropriate

 inapt
 inarguable

 inarticulate
 inartistic

 inattentive
 inaudible

 inaugural
 inauspicious

 inauthentic

 inboard

 inborn

 inbound

 inbred

 inbuilt
 incalculable

 incan

 incandescent
 incapable
 incapacitated
 incapacitating

 incarnate
 incased

 incautious
 incendiary

 incensed

 inceptive
 incertain
 incessant
 incestuous

 inchoate

 inchoative

 incident
 incidental
 incipient

 incised
 incisive

 incitive
 inclement

 inclined
 included

 inclusive
 incognito

 incognizable

 incognizant

 incognoscible

 incoherent

 incombustible

 incoming
 incommensurable

 incommensurate

 incommodious
 incommunicado
 incommunicative
 incommutable

 incomparable
 incompatible

 incompetent
 incomplete

 incomprehensible

 incomprehensive
 incompressible
 incomputable
 inconceivable

 inconclusive

 incongruent

 incongruous
 inconsequent
 inconsequential

 inconsiderable
 inconsiderate

 inconsistent
 inconsolable

 inconspicuous
 inconstant

 incontestable
 incontestible

 incontinent

 incontrovertible

 inconvenient

 inconvertible

 incorporate

 incorporated
 incorporative

 incorporeal

 incorrect
 incorrigible
 incorrupt
 incorrupted

 incorruptible
 increased

 increasing
 incredible

 incredulous

 incremental
 incriminating
 incriminatory
 inculpable

 inculpative

 inculpatory

 incumbent
 incurable
 incurious

 incursive
 incurvate

 incurved
 indebted

 indecent
 indecipherable

 indecisive
 indecorous

 indefatigable

 indefeasible

 indefensible

 indefinable

 indefinite

 indehiscent
 indelible

 indelicate

 indentured
 independent
 indescribable
 indestructible

 indeterminable
 indeterminate

 indexical
 indexless

 indian

 indicative
 indicatory
 indictable
 indie

 indifferent

 indigenous

 indigent
 indigestible
 indignant

 indigo
 indirect

 indiscernible
 indiscreet

 indiscrete
 indiscriminate

 indiscriminating
 indispensable

 indisposed

 indisputable

 indissoluble

 indistinct

 indistinguishable

 individual
 individualised

 individualist

 individualistic
 individualized
 indivisible
 indocile

 indolent
 indomitable

 indonesian
 indoor

 indrawn

 indubitable
 induced
 inducive
 inductive

 indulgent

 indurate

 indusial
 industrial
 industrialised

 industrialized
 industrious

 indwelling
 inebriated

 inedible
 ineffable

 ineffective
 ineffectual

 inefficacious

 inefficient

 inelaborate

 inelastic

 inelegant

 ineligible
 ineluctable

 inept

 inequitable
 ineradicable
 inerrable
 inerrant

 inert
 inertial

 inescapable
 inessential

 inestimable

 inevitable
 inexact
 inexcusable
 inexhaustible

 inexorable

 inexpedient

 inexpensive
 inexperienced
 inexperient

 inexpert
 inexpiable

 inexplicable
 inexplicit

 inexpressible
 inexpressive

 inexpugnable
 inexpungeable

 inexpungible

 inextensible

 inexterminable

 inextinguishable

 inextirpable

 inextricable
 infallible

 infamous

 infantile
 infatuated
 infeasible
 infected

 infectious
 infective

 infelicitous
 inferential

 inferior

 infernal
 infertile
 infinite
 infinitesimal

 infinitival

 infirm

 inflamed
 inflammable
 inflammatory

 inflatable
 inflated

 inflationary
 inflected

 inflectional
 inflexible

 inflowing
 influent

 influential

 informal

 informational

 informative

 informatory

 informed
 infrahuman

 inframaxillary

 infrangible
 infrared
 infrasonic
 infrequent

 infuriated
 infuriating

 ingenious
 ingenuous

 inglorious

 ingrained
 ingratiating
 ingratiatory
 ingrowing

 ingrown

 inguinal

 inhabitable
 inhabited
 inhalant

 inharmonic
 inharmonious

 inherent
 inheritable

 inherited
 inheriting

 inhibited
 inhibitory

 inhomogeneous

 inhospitable

 inhuman

 inhumane

 inhumed

 inimical
 inimitable

 iniquitous

 initial
 initiative
 initiatory
 injectable

 injudicious
 injured

 injurious
 inky

 inlaid

 inland
 inmost
 innate
 inner

 innermost

 innocent

 innocuous
 innovational
 innovative

 innoxious
 innumerable

 innumerate
 innumerous

 inodorous
 inoffensive

 inoperable
 inoperative

 inopportune

 inordinate

 inorganic

 inpouring

 inquiring

 inquisitive
 inquisitorial

 inquisitory

 insalubrious
 insane
 insanitary
 insatiable

 insatiate
 inscribed

 inscriptive
 inscrutable

 insectan

 insecticidal
 insectivorous
 insecure
 insensate

 insensible

 insensitive

 insentient
 inseparable
 inshore

 inside
 insidious

 insightful
 insignificant

 insincere
 insinuating

 insipid
 insistent

 insolent

 insoluble

 insolvable

 insolvent

 insomniac

 insouciant
 inspirational

 inspiratory

 inspired
 inspiring
 inspiriting
 inst

 instant
 instantaneous

 instigative
 instinct

 instinctive

 institutional
 institutionalised
 institutionalized
 instructional

 instructive

 instrumental

 insubordinate
 insubstantial
 insufferable

 insufficient
 insular

 insulting
 insuperable

 insupportable
 insurable

 insured
 insurgent

 insurmountable

 insurrectional

 insurrectionary

 insusceptible

 intact

 intangible
 integral

 integrated

 integrative
 integumental
 integumentary
 intellectual

 intelligent
 intelligible

 intemperate
 intended

 intense

 intensified
 intensifying
 intensional
 intensive

 intent

 intentional

 interactional
 interactive
 interbred

 intercalary
 intercellular

 interchangeable
 interchurch

 intercollegiate
 interconnected

 intercontinental
 intercostal

 intercrossed

 interdenominational

 interdepartmental

 interdependent

 interdisciplinary

 interested
 interesting

 interfacial

 interfaith
 interfering
 intergalactic
 interim

 interior
 interlaced

 interlacing
 interlineal

 interlinear

 interlinking
 interlobular
 interlocking
 interlocutory

 intermediate

 intermeshed

 interminable
 intermittent
 intermolecular

 intermural
 internal

 international
 internationalist

 internationalistic
 internecine

 interoceptive
 interoperable

 interpersonal

 interplanetary

 interpretable

 interpretative

 interpreted

 interpretive
 interracial

 interred

 interrelated
 interrogative
 interrogatory
 interrupted

 interscholastic
 interschool

 intersectant
 intersecting

 intersexual

 interspecies
 interspecific
 interstate
 interstellar

 interstitial

 intertidal

 intertribal
 intervening
 intervertebral

 interwoven
 intestate

 intestinal
 intimal

 intimate
 intimidated

 intimidating
 intolerable

 intolerant

 intoned

 intoxicant

 intoxicated

 intoxicating

 intracellular
 intracerebral

 intracranial

 intractable
 intracutaneous
 intradepartmental
 intradermal

 intradermic
 intragroup

 intralinguistic
 intralobular

 intramolecular

 intramural
 intramuscular
 intransigent
 intransitive

 intrapulmonary

 intrasentential

 intraspecies
 intraspecific
 intrastate

 intrauterine
 intravenous

 intraventricular
 intrepid

 intricate
 intriguing

 intrinsic
 intrinsical

 introductory

 introjected

 introspective

 introuvable

 introversive

 introverted
 introvertish

 introvertive

 intruding
 intrusive
 intuitionist
 intuitive

 intumescent
 inundated

 inured
 inutile

 invading

 invalid
 invalidated
 invalidating
 invaluable

 invariable

 invariant

 invasive
 inventive
 inverse

 invertebrate
 inverted

 invertible
 investigative

 investigatory
 inveterate

 invidious
 invigorated

 invigorating

 invincible

 inviolable

 inviolate

 invisible

 invitational
 invitatory

 inviting

 involucrate
 involuntary
 involute
 involved

 invulnerable
 inward

 inwrought

Starting with IO
 iodinated
 iodinating
 iodised
 iodized

 ionian

 ionic

 ionised
 ionized

Starting with IP
 ipsilateral

Starting with IR
 iraki

 iranian
 iraqi

 irascible

 irate

 ireful

 irenic

 iridaceous

 iridescent

 iridic
 irish

 iritic
 irksome

 iron
 ironclad

 ironed
 ironic
 ironical

 ironlike

 ironshod
 irrational
 irreclaimable
 irreconcilable
 irrecoverable

 irredeemable

 irreducible

 irrefutable
 irregular
 irrelevant

 irreligious
 irremediable

 irremovable
 irreparable

 irreplaceable
 irrepressible

 irreproachable
 irreproducible

 irresistible

 irresolute

 irresponsible

 irretrievable

 irreverent

 irreversible
 irrevocable

 irrevokable

 irritable
 irritated
 irritating
 irritative

 irruptive

Starting with IS
 ischaemic
 ischemic

 isentropic
 islamic
 ismaili
 isobilateral

 isochronal

 isochronous

 isoclinal
 isoclinic
 isocyclic

 isogonic
 isolable

 isolated
 isolating

 isolationist
 isolationistic

 isomeric
 isometric

 isometrical

 isomorphic

 isomorphous

 isopteran

 isosceles

 isosmotic
 isothermal

 isothermic

 isotonic
 isotopic
 isotropic
 isotropous

 israeli
 isthmian

Starting with IT
 italian

 italic
 itchy
 iterative
 itinerant

Starting with IV
 ivied

Starting with IX
 ix

More Categories for the Adjectives Starting with I

The adjectives listed in the Interesting Adjectives category are those which can make your writing
or speech more exciting to read or hear. Moreover, these words can also enhance the style of
your writing. The Positive Adjectives lists are composed of descriptive words which refer to
desirable characteristics, while the Negative Adjectives categories contain adjectives that refer to
undesirable qualities. There are three categories for Positive Adjectives and three for Negative
Adjectives because the words are sorted depending on whether they describe a person, an event
or a place.

Interesting Adjectives

imperturbable: unable to be upset or excited; calm

– an imperturbable tranquility

infinitesimal: extremely small

– an infinitesimal pause
insidious: proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects
– sexually transmitted diseases can be insidious and sometimes without symptoms
interim: in or for the intervening period; provisional or temporary
– an interim arrangement
inveterate: having a particular habit, activity, or interest that is long-established and unlikely to
– he was an inveterate gambler

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person

illustrious: well known, respected, and admired for past achievements

– his illustrious predecessor
imaginative: having or showing creativity or inventiveness
– he is making imaginative use of computer software
intelligent: having or showing intelligence, especially of a high level
– she is intelligent and hardworking
invaluable: extremely useful; indispensable
– an invaluable member of the team
inventive: having the ability to create or design new things or to think originally
– she is the most inventive painter around

Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event

informative: providing useful or interesting information

– a thought-provoking, informative seminar
international: existing, occurring, or carried on between two or more nations
– international trade
interesting: arousing curiosity or interest; holding or catching the attention
– an interesting debate
inspiring: having the effect of inspiring someone
– an inspiring life event
instantaneous: occurring or done in an instant or instantly
– her reaction was almost instantaneous

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Place

idyllic: like an idyll; extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque

– an attractive hotel in an idyllic setting
immense: extremely large or great, especially in scale or degree
– dining in an immense restaurant
impressive: evoking admiration through size, quality, or skill: grand, imposing, or awesome
– an impressive view of the mountains
incredible: difficult to believe; extraordinary
– the waterfalls are incredible
inviting: offering the promise of an attractive or enjoyable experience
– the sea down there looks so inviting

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person

insensitive: showing or feeling no concern for others’ feelings

– he is always insensitive and insulting
irresponsible: not showing a proper sense of responsibility
– it would have been irresponsible just to drive on
irreverent: showing a lack of respect for people or things that are generally taken seriously
– she is irreverent about the whole business of politics
irritable: having or showing a tendency to be easily annoyed or made angry
– she was tired and irritable
irritating: causing annoyance, impatience, or mild anger
– an irritating child

Negative Adjectives to Describe an Event

idle: without purpose or effect; pointless

– idle negotiation
intractable: hard to control or deal with
– intractable economic problems
irksome: irritating; annoying
– an irksome experience
irrational: not logical or reasonable
– an irrational discussion
irresolvable: impossible to solve or settle
– irresolvable problem

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place

icy: covered with or consisting of ice; very cold

– there were icy patches on the roads
inscrutable: difficult to understand; causing people to feel curious or confused
– an inscrutable site
insubstantial: lacking strength and solidity
– an insubstantial hut
intolerable: unable to be endured
– an intolerable workplace
isolated: far away from other places, buildings, or people; remote
– isolated farms and villages

Heroic Adjectives

ideal: satisfying one’s conception of what is perfect; most suitable

– he is an ideal figure
immovable: not yielding to argument or pressure
– he remained immovable, in spite of threats
intrepid: fearless; adventurous
– an intrepid protector
invincible: too powerful to be defeated or overcome
– an invincible warrior
invulnerable: impossible to harm or damage
– the gladiator seemed invulnerable

Sporty Adjectives

impenetrable: impossible to pass through or enter

– his impenetrable defense against the striker of the opposing team
impetuous: acting or done quickly and without thought or care; moving forcefully or rapidly
– his impetuous shot selections
incalculable: too great to be calculated or estimated
– his speed seems incalculable
incontestable: not able to be disputed
– their victory against the defending champion is incontestable
intense: of extreme force, degree, or strength
– an intense match between the teams

Romantic Adjectives

immaculate: perfectly clean

– my immaculate love for you
impeccable: (of behavior, performance, or appearance) in accordance with the highest
standards of propriety; faultless
– a woman of impeccable character
inseparable: unwilling to be separated; usually seen together
– we met 18 months ago and have been inseparable ever since
intimate: private and personal; closely acquainted; familiar, close
– our intimate moments
irresistible: too attractive and tempting to be resisted
– he finds her irresistible

Shortest Adjectives

in: currently fashionable

– the in thing to do
icy: covered with or containing or consisting of ice
– icy northern waters
ill: presaging ill fortune
– ill omens
icky: soft and sticky
– an icky insect
idle: without purpose or effect; pointless
– an idle argument
iffy: subject to accident or chance or change
– an iffy appeal at best
inky: of the color of black ink
– an inky hair color
inst: in or of the present month
– your letter of the 10th inst
iron: extremely robust
– an iron constitution
ictal: of or relating to a seizure or convulsion
– an ictal phase

Longest Adjectives

interdenominational: occurring between or among or common to different churches or

– interdenominational cooperation
internationalistic: influenced by or advocating internationalism
– an internationalistic outlook
immunocompromised: unable to develop a normal immune response usually because of
malnutrition or immunodeficiency or immunosuppressive therapy
– immunocompromised patients
immunosuppressive: of or relating to a substance that lowers the body’s normal immune
response and induces immunosuppression
– immunosuppressive therapy
immunotherapeutic: of or relating to immunotherapy
– various immunotherapeutic techniques
indistinguishable: not capable of being distinguished or differentiated
– the two specimens are actually different from each other but the differences are
almost indistinguishable
institutionalised: officially placed in or committed to a specialized institution
– had hopes of rehabilitating the institutionalised juvenile delinquents
institutionalized: established in practice or custom; established as part of an official
– the danger of discrimination becoming institutionalized
interdepartmental: between or among departments
– interdepartmental competition
interdisciplinary: drawing from or characterized by participation of two or more fields of study
– interdisciplinary studies

Adjectives Starting with J

 All J Adjectives
 J Adjectives to Describe a Person
 Categories

Starting with JA
 jacksonian

 jacobean

 jacobinic
 jacobinical

 jade
 jaded

 jagged
 jaggy

 jailed

 jain
 jainist

 jamaican

 jamesian
 jammed
 jangling

 jangly

 japanese
 jarring
 jaundiced

 jaunty

 javan

 javanese
 jawed
 jawless

 jazzy

Starting with JE
 jealous
 jeering

 jeffersonian
 jejune

 jelled

 jellied

 jellylike

 jerking

 jerkwater
 jerky

 jesting
 jesuit

 jesuitic

 jesuitical

 jet
 jetting

 jeweled

 jewelled

 jewish

Starting with JI
 jiggered
 jihadi
 jilted
 jingling

 jingly

 jingoistic

 jinxed
 jittering
 jittery

Starting with JO
 jobless

 jocose
 jocular

 jocund
 joined

 joint

 jointed

 joking

 jolly

 jolted
 jolting

 jolty
 jordanian

 journalistic

 jovial

 jovian
 jowly

 joyful

 joyless

 joyous

Starting with JU
 jubilant
 judaic
 judaical
 judgmental

 judicable

 judicial

 judicious
 jugular
 juiceless

 juicy
 julian

 jumbled
 jumbo

 jumentous
 jumpy

 jungian
 jungly

 junior

 junoesque

 jural

 jurassic

 juridic

 juridical
 jurisdictional

 jurisprudential

 juristic
 just
 justifiable
 justificative

 justificatory
 justified

 jutting
 juvenile

 juxtaposed
More Categories for the Adjectives Starting with J
The adjectives in this section all start with the letters J. These adjectives are organized into
different categories including, Interesting Adjectives, Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person,
Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event, Positive Adjectives to Describe a Place, Negative
Adjectives to Describe a Person, Negative Adjectives to Describe an Event, Negative Adjectives
to Describe a Place, Heroic Adjectives, Sporty Adjectives, Romantic Adjectives and
Shortest/Longest Adjectives.

Interesting Adjectives

jovial: cheerful and friendly

– she was in a jovial mood
judicial: of, by, or appropriate to a court or judge
– a judicial inquiry into the allegations
jugular: relating to or located in the region of the neck or throat
– jugular vein
juvenile: of, for, or relating to young people
– juvenile crime
juxtaposed: placed side by side often for comparison
– juxtaposed pictures

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person

jaunty: having or expressing a lively, cheerful, and self-confident manner

– her jaunty mood
jocose: playful or humorous
– a jocose kid
jocular: fond of or characterized by joking
– she sounded in a jocular mood
jolly: happy and cheerful
– he was a jolly man full of jokes
judicious: having, showing, or done with good judgment or sense
– she is judicious with clients

Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event

jocund: cheerful and lighthearted

– a jocund wedding party
joint: shared, held, or made by two or more people, parties, or organizations together
– sponsored a joint event
joyful: feeling, expressing, or causing great pleasure and happiness
– a joyful occasion
joyous: full of happiness and joy
– scenes of joyous celebration
jubilant: feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph
– their jubilant victory

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Place

jamaican: of or relating to Jamaica

– Jamaican island
japanese: of or relating to or characteristic of Japan or its people or their culture or language
– Japanese restaurant
jesuitical: of or pertaining to the Jesuits, or to their principles and methods
– Jesuitical monastery
jewish: of or relating to Jews or their culture or religion
– Jewish temple
joinant: adjoining
– joinant rooms

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person

jaded: tired, bored, or lacking enthusiasm, typically after having had too much of something
– he is jaded with the experience
jealous: feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages
– he grew jealous of her success
jittery: nervous or unable to relax
– caffeine makes me jittery
jobless: unemployed
– she is jobless for 3 years
jumpy: anxious and uneasy
– he was tired and jumpy

Negative Adjectives to Describe an Event

jeopardizing: involving potential loss or injury

– that stupid prank could turn out to be a jeopardizing event in your academic career
jeopardous: perilous; hazardous
– a jeopardous incident
jerky: characterized by abrupt stops and starts
– shallow, jerky, irregular breathing
jumbled: confused; mixed together in an messy way
– jumbled weather forecast
junky: useless or of little value
– junky debate

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place

jagged: having a sharply uneven surface or outline

– jagged cliffs
jammed: : extremely crowed or filled to capacity
– the stadium is jammed with fans
jerkwater: small and remote and insignificant
– a jerkwater college
jinxed: causing or accompanied by misfortune
– jinxed house
jungly: overgrown with tropical vegetation
– jungly backyard

Heroic Adjectives

judicious: having, showing, or done with good judgment or sense

– judicious captain
just: free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception; conforming with established
standards or rules
– just stateman

Sporty Adjectives

jaunty: having or expressing a lively, cheerful, and self-confident manner

– the jaunty champion
jiggish: resembling, or suitable for, a jig , or lively movement
– jiggish player

Romantic Adjectives

jade: of something having the color of jade; especially varying from bluish green to yellowish
– her jade eyes
jazzy: marked by conspicuous display
– her jazzy appearance
jet: of the blackest black; similar to the color of jet or coal
– her shiny jet hair
jeweled: covered with beads or jewels or sequins
– a jeweled gown
joyous: full of happiness and joy
– joyous relationship

Shortest Adjectives

jet: of the blackest black; similar to the color of jet or coal

– jet hair
jade: of something having the color of jade; especially varying from bluish green to yellowish
– the jade bracelet
jain: relating to or characteristic of Jainism
– jain gods
just: free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception; conforming with established
standards or rules
– just treatment
jaded: tired, bored, or lacking enthusiasm, typically after having had too much of something
– jaded with the restaurant food
jaggy: having a sharply uneven surface or outline
– jaggy lines
javan: of or relating to or characteristic of Java or its inhabitants or its language
– javan dialect
jawed: of animals having jaws of a specified type
– jawed creature
jazzy: marked by conspicuous display
– jazzy outfit
jerky: characterized by abrupt stops and starts
– jerky movement

Longest Adjectives

jurisprudential: relating to the science or philosophy of law or a system of laws

– jurisprudential model
jurisdictional: restricted to the geographic area under a particular jurisdiction
– jurisdictionallimits of a state
justificative: attempting to justify or defend in speech or writing
– justificative documents
justificatory: providing justification
– a justificatory conception of liberalism
jeffersonian: relating to or characteristic of Thomas Jefferson or his principles or theories
– Jeffersonian democracy
journalistic: of or relating to or having the characteristics of journalism
– journalistic writing
jacobinical: of or relating to the Jacobins of the French Revolution
– Jacobinical terrorism
justifiable: capable of being justified
– justifiable homicide
jacksonian: of or pertaining to Andrew Jackson or his presidency or his concepts of popular
– jacksonian economic policy
jesuitical: having qualities characteristic of Jesuits or Jesuitism
– Jesuitical education
Adjectives Starting with K
 All K Adjectives
 K Adjectives to Describe a Person
 Categories

Starting with KA
 kabbalistic

 kafkaesque

 kaleidoscopic
 kaleidoscopical

 kampuchean

 kantian

 kaput

 karyokinetic

 kashmiri

 katabatic

 katabolic
 katari
 katharobic

 kayoed

 kazakhstani

Starting with KE
 kechuan
 keeled

 keen

 kempt
 kenyan

 kept

 key
 keyed

 keyless
 keynesian

Starting with KH
 khaki

Starting with KI
 killable

 killing

 kin
 kinaesthetic

 kind

 kindhearted

 kindled

 kindly
 kindred

 kinesthetic
 kinetic

 kinglike

 kingly

 kinky

 kiplingesque

 kitschy
 kittenish

Starting with KN
 knackered
 knavish

 knifelike
 knightly

 knitted
 knobbed
 knobbly

 knobby

 knockabout
 knockdown
 knockout
 knotted
 knotty

 knowable

 knowing

 knowledgeable
 known

Starting with KO
 ko'd

 kokka

 kookie
 kooky

 koranic
 korean

 kosher

Starting with KU
 kurdish

 kuwaiti

Starting with KY
 kyphotic
 kyrgyzstani

More Categories for the Adjectives Starting with K

The Interesting Adjectives category contains words which are not too common and can add a
unique appeal to your writing or speech. The Positive Adjectives lists (Positive Adjectives to
Describe a Person, Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event and Positive Adjectives to Describe
a Place) are all composed of descriptive words which refer to the qualities that are considered
desirable. On the other hand, the Negative Adjectives lists (Negative Adjectives to Describe a
Person, Negative Adjectives to Describe an Event and Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place)
all include adjectives that are used to express undesirable attributes.

Interesting Adjectives

kaput: broken and useless; no longer working or effective

– The TV’s kaput.
katabatic: of an air current or wind; moving downward or down a slope because of cooling
especially at night
– katabatic wind flow
kindred: similar in kind; related
– books on kindred subjects
kitschy: cheap and low quality, but popular
– a kitschy painting
kosher: (of food, or premises in which food is sold, cooked, or eaten) satisfying the requirements
of Jewish law.
– a kosher kitchen

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person

keen: having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm

– keen believers in the monetary system
kin: related
– He was kin to the brothers.
kind: having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature
– She was a good, kind woman.
kindly: kind; warmhearted; gentle
– He was a quiet, kindly man.
knowledgeable: intelligent and well informed
– She is very knowledgeable about livestock and pedigrees.

Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event

kaleidoscopic : having complex patterns of colors; multicolored

– a kaleidoscopic party
kaleidoscopical: continually shifting or rapidly changing
– the kaleidoscopical scenes that passed before their eyes
karyokinetic: of or relating to the division of the nucleus of a cell during mitosis or meiosis
– karyokinetic processes
key: of paramount or crucial importance
– a key step in the procedure
kinaesthetic: relating to kinaesthesia
– a kinaesthetic therapy

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Place

Kashmiri: of or relating to or characteristic of Kashmir or its people or culture

– the Kashmiri mountains
Kempt: maintained in a neat and clean condition; well cared for
– Her place was looking as thoroughly kempt as ever.
king-size: of a larger size than the standard; very large
– This is a king-size hotel room.
known: recognized, familiar, or within the scope of knowledge
– a known historical site
Korean: of or relating to North or South Korea or its people or language
– a Korean restaurant

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person

kept: someone who does not work but is instead given money and a place to live by the person
she or he is having a sexual relationship with
– She was a kept woman, the former mistress of the superintendent.
knavish: marked by skill in deception
– knavish politicians
Kiddish: having or showing the annoying qualities (as silliness) associated with children
– such kiddish behavior is not appropriate in church
kinky: (used of sexual behavior) showing or appealing to bizarre or deviant
– his kinky lover
klutzy: clumsy and awkward
– a klutzy teenager

Negative Adjectives to Describe an Event

kafkaesque: characterized by surreal distortion and a sense of impending danger

– the kafkaesque terror of the endless interrogations
knotty: extremely difficult or intricate
– a knotty situation
kooky: strange or eccentric
– a kooky halloween party

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place

knee-deep: immersed up to the knees

– We were knee-deep in snow.
kookie: crazy, eccentric or foolish
– kookie boutique

Heroic Adjectives

kingly: associated with or typical of a king; regal

– his kingly duties
kinglike: having the rank of or resembling or befitting a king
– people curiously watching the kinglike man
knightly: associated with or typical of a knight; chivalrous
– a knightly quest

Sporty Adjectives

killer: excellent
– a killer swing of the bat
knockout: very strong or vigorous
– a knockout punch
ko’d: knocked unconscious by a heavy blow
– a ko’d champion

Romantic Adjectives

kissable: inviting kissing through being lovable or physically attractive

– her kissable lips
kindhearted: having a kind and sympathetic nature
– a kindhearted woman
kittenish: playful, lively, or flirtatious
– Her voice had that kittenish quality.

Shortest Adjectives

khaki: having brownish yellow color

– khaki pants
kaput: broken and useless; no longer working or effective
– kaput stereo
keen: having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm
– keen observer
kempt: maintained in a neat and clean condition; well cared for
– kempt beard
kept: someone who does not work but is instead given money and aplace to live by the person
she or he is having a sexual relationship with
– a kept young woman
key: of paramount or crucial importance
– a key component
kin: related
– He was kin to the sisters.

kind: having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature

– She is a kind friend.
ko’d: knocked unconscious by a heavy blow
– ko’d wrestler
keyed: fitted with or secured by a key
– a keyed instrument

Longest Adjectives

kabbalistic: having a secret or hidden meaning

– kabbalistic symbols engraved in stone
kaleidoscopic : having complex patterns of colors; multicolored
– kaleidoscopic patterns
kaleidoscopical: continually shifting or rapidly changing
– kaleidoscopical events
karyokinetic: of or relating to the division of the nucleus of a cell during mitosis or meiosis
– karyokinetic reaction
Kazakhstani: of or pertaining to Kazakhstan or to the Kazakhs or their culture
– the Kazakhstani company
kinaesthetic: relating to kinaesthesia
– kinaesthetic learning
kindhearted: having a kind and sympathetic nature
– a kindhearted teenager
kinesthetic: of or relating to kinesthesis
– kinesthetic awareness
Kiplingesque: in the manner of Rudyard Kipling
– Kiplingesque impostors
knowledgeable: intelligent and well informed
– knowledgeable about the field

Adjectives Starting with L

 All L Adjectives
 L Adjectives to Describe a Person
 Categories

Starting with LA
 labeled

 labelled
 labial

 labiate
 labile
 labored

 laboring

 laborious
 laborsaving
 laboured
 labouring
 laboursaving

 labyrinthian

 labyrinthine

 laced
 lacelike
 lacerate

 lacerated
 lacertilian

 lachrymal
 lachrymatory

 lachrymose
 laciniate

 lackadaisical
 lacking

 lackluster

 lacklustre

 laconic

 lacrimal

 lacrimatory

 lactating
 lacteal

 lactic

 lactogenic
 lacustrine
 lacy
 laden

 ladened
 ladylike

 laggard
 laic

 laid

 lamarckian
 lambent
 lamblike
 lame

 lamellibranch

 lamentable

 lamented
 lamenting
 laminal

 laminar
 lamplit

 lanate
 lancastrian

 lancelike
 lanceolate

 lancinate
 lancinating

 landed

 landless

 landlocked

 landlubberly

 landscaped

 languid
 languorous

 laniary

 lank
 lanky
 lao
 laotian

 lapidarian
 lapidary

 lapsed
 laputan

 larboard

 large
 larger
 larghetto
 larghissimo

 largish

 largo

 larval
 laryngeal
 laryngopharyngeal

 lascivious
 lashing

 last
 lasting

 late
 lateen

 latent
 later

 lateral

 latest

 lathery

 latin

 latinate

 latino
 latish

 latitudinal

 latitudinarian
 latter
 latticed
 latticelike

 latvian
 laudable

 laudatory
 laughable

 laughing

 laureate
 laureled
 laurelled
 lavender

 lavish

 lawful

 lawless
 lax
 laxative

 lay
 layered

 lazy

Starting with LE
 leaded

 leaden

 leading

 leadless

 leafed
 leafless

 leaflike
 leafy

 leakproof

 leaky

 leal
 lean

 leaning

 learned

 leased

 least
 leathered
 leatherlike

 leathery
 leaved
 leavened
 lebanese

 lecherous

 lee

 leechlike
 leering
 leery

 leeward
 left

 leftish
 leftist

 leftmost
 leftover

 legal
 legato

 legendary

 legged

 leggy

 legible

 legion

 legislative
 legitimate

 legless

 leglike
 leguminous
 leibnitzian
 leibnizian

 leisured
 leisurely

 lemonlike
 lemony

 lendable

 lengthened
 lengthways
 lengthwise
 lengthy

 lenient

 lenitive

 lenten
 lentic
 lenticular

 lentiform
 lentiginose

 lentiginous
 lentissimo

 lento
 leonardesque

 leonine
 lepidote

 leprose

 leprous

 leptorhine

 leptorrhine

 leptorrhinian

 leptorrhinic
 leptosporangiate

 lesbian

 less
 lessened
 lesser
 lethal

 lethargic
 lettered

 levantine
 level

 levelheaded

 levitical
 levorotary
 levorotatory
 lewd

 lexical

 lexicalised

 lexicalized
 lexicographic
 lexicographical

 lexicostatistic

Starting with LI
 liable
 libellous

 libelous
 liberal

 liberalistic

 liberated

 liberian

 libertine

 libidinal
 libidinous

 libyan
 licenced

 licensed

 licentious

 licit
 licked

 lidded

 lidless

 liechtensteiner

 liege
 lienal
 lifeless

 lifelike
 lifelong
 lifesize
 lifted

 light

 lighted

 lightheaded
 lighthearted
 lightless

 lightproof
 lightsome

 lightweight
 ligneous

 likable
 like

 likeable
 liked

 likely

 lilac

 liliaceous

 lilliputian

 lilting

 limacine
 limacoid

 limbed

 limber
 limbic
 limbless
 limited

 limiting
 limitless

 limnological
 limp

 limpid

 lincolnesque
 lincolnian
 lineal
 linear

 lined

 linelike

 lingual
 linguistic
 lingulate

 linked
 linnaean

 linnean
 lionhearted

 lipless
 liplike

 lipophilic
 lipotropic

 lipped

 liquefiable

 liquefied

 liquescent

 liquid

 liquifiable
 liquified

 lissom

 lissome
 listed
 listless
 lit

 lite
 literal

 literary
 literate

 lithe

 lithesome
 lithic
 lithographic
 lithomantic

 lithophytic

 lithuanian

 litigious
 littered
 little

 littler
 littoral

 liturgical
 livable

 live
 liveable

 liveborn
 livelong

 lively

 liver

 liveried

 liverish

 liverpudlian

 livery
 livid

 living

Starting with LO
 loaded

 loamless

 loamy

 loath

 loathly
 loathsome
 lobar

 lobate
 lobated
 lobed
 lobeliaceous

 lobular

 local

 localised
 localized
 located

 loco
 locomotive

 locomotor
 lofty

 logarithmic
 loggerheaded

 logical
 logistic

 logistical

 logogrammatic

 logographic

 logy

 lone

 lonely
 lonesome

 long

 longanimous
 longhand
 longish
 longitudinal

 longsighted
 longstanding

 longtime
 looking

 loony

 loopy
 loose
 looseleaf
 loosened

 looted

 lopsided

 loquacious
 lordless
 lordly

 lordotic
 lossless

 lossy
 lost

 loth
 lotic

 louche
 loud

 lousy

 loutish

 louvered

 lovable

 loveable

 loved
 loveless

 lovelorn

 lovely
 loverlike
 loverly
 lovesick

 lovesome
 loving

 low
 lowborn

 lowbred

 lowbrow
 lowbrowed
 lowercase
 lowered

 lowering

 lowermost

 lowest
 lowland
 lowly

 lowset
 loyal

Starting with LU
 lubberly

 lubricated
 lubricious

 lucent

 lucid

 lucifugal

 lucifugous

 luckless
 lucky

 lucrative
 luculent

 lucullan

 ludic

 ludicrous
 lugubrious

 lukewarm

 lumbar

 lumbering

 lumbosacral
 luminescent
 luminous

 lumpen
 lumpish
 lumpy
 lunar

 lunate

 lunatic

 lunisolar
 lupine
 lurid

 luscious
 lush

 lusitanian
 lusterless

 lustful
 lustreless

 lustrous
 lusty

 luteal

 lutheran

 luxe

 luxembourgian

 luxemburger

 luxuriant
 luxurious

Starting with LY
 lymphatic
 lymphocytic

 lymphoid

 lyonnaise

 lyophilised

 lyophilized
 lyrate
 lyric

 lyrical
 lysogenic
Interesting Categories for the Adjectives Starting with L
The Heroic Adjectives category include words which are fit to describe a hero/ heroine or heroic
acts, while the Sporty Adjectives list is composed of adjectives that are used to modify a person
who engages in athletic activities. For the Romantic Adjectives list, the words included are those
which are commonly used to express affection and describe a romantic partner. Lastly, the
Shortest/ Longest Adjectives include the adjectives with the least and the most number of

All of the descriptive words included in the lists are presented with their definitions. Furthermore,
an example on how each adjective is put into use is also provided.

Interesting Adjectives

lackadaisical: lacking enthusiasm and determination; carelessly lazy

– a lackadaisical defense left the Spurs adrift in the second half
laodicean: lukewarm or halfhearted, especially with respect to religion or politics
– lamented the laodicean attitude of his fellow citizens
lexical: of or relating to the words or vocabulary of a language
– lexical analysis
lilliputian: trivial or very small.
– America’s banks no longer look lilliputian in comparison with Japan’s.
loquacious: tending to talk a great deal; talkative.
– a loquacious dinner guest.

 Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person

learned: having much knowledge acquired by study
– Evan is a learned man.
lean: thin, especially healthily so; having no superfluous fat
– his lean, muscular body
lenient: permissive, merciful, or tolerant
– The judges were lenient.
liberal: open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values
– They have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people.
literate: able to read and write.
– literate population

Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event

lasting: enduring or able to endure over a long period of time

– they left a lasting impression.
leisurely: acting or done at leisure; unhurried or relaxed
– a leisurely dinner at our hotel
lifelong: lasting or remaining in a particular state throughout a person’s life
– lifelong journey
lively: full of activity and excitement
– a lively discussion
lucrative: producing a great deal of profit
– lucrative fundraising events

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Place

large: of considerable or relatively great size, extent, or capacity

– The bed is large enough for me, Tina and a friend to lounge on.
lavish: sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious
– a lavish kingdom
light: having a considerable or sufficient amount of natural light; not dark
– The bedrooms are light and airy.
luxuriant: rich and profuse in growth; lush
– The forest is luxuriant and provides home for various species.
luxurious: extremely comfortable, elegant, or enjoyable, especially in a way that involves great
– The bedrooms have luxurious marble bathrooms.

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person

languid: weak or faint from illness or fatigue

– She was pale, languid, and weak, as if she had delivered a child
lanky: ungracefully thin and tall
– A lanky boy in his late teens stood beside the bed
lazy: unwilling to work or use energy
– I’m very lazy by nature.
lewd: crude and offensive in a sexual way
– he is a lewd person by his look
lumpish: stupid and lethargic
– He is a lumpish performer.

Negative Adjectives to Describe an Event

lame: uninspiring and dull

– It was a lame party.
lamentable: deplorably bad or unsatisfactory
– the lamentable car accident
lengthy: of considerable or unusual length, especially so as to be tedious
– lengthy delay of our flight
lethal: harmful or destructive
– The Krakatoa eruption was the most lethal on record.
libelous: containing or constituting a libel.
– His libelous interview against LaRouche.

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place

lawless: not governed by or obedient to laws; characterized by a lack of civic order

– It was a lawless, anarchic city.
leaky: having a leak or leaks
– a leaky basement
lifeless: devoid of living things; lacking vigor, vitality, or excitement; dead or apparently dead
– a lifeless planet
loathsome: causing hatred or disgust; repulsive
– This town is loathsome.
loud: producing or capable of producing much noise
– the loud bars

Heroic Adjectives

laureate: deserving or having a special recognition for achievement

– battalion of Venice as a laureate soldier
legendary: of, described in, or based on legends; remarkable enough to be famous; very well
– a legendary warrior of the 4th century
lordly: of, characteristic of, or suitable for a lord
– displayed his lordly title
long-suffering: having or showing patience in spite of troubles, especially those caused by other
– the long-suffering guardian
loyal: giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution
– He remained loyal to the government.

Sporty Adjectives

leading: having great importance, influence, or success; most important

– Who is the leading football team?
limber: characterized by ease in bending the body; supple; lithe
– the limber gymnast in your yoga class
legendary: remarkable enough to be famous; very well know
– the legendary baseball superstar
lithe: thin, supple, and graceful.
– the lithe swimmer
lively: full of life and energy; active and outgoing
– the lively shooting guard

Romantic Adjectives

ladylike: appropriate for or typical of a well-bred, decorous woman or girl

– She looks fabulous in her ladylike dress.
leggy: having attractively long legs
– a leggy redhead
lighthearted: cheerful and carefree
– excited, lighthearted chatter
likeable: pleasant, friendly, and easy to like
– You are a very likeable person.
lovely: exquisitely beautiful
– You have lovely eyes.
loving: feeling or showing love or great care
– a kind and loving husband
Shortest Adjectives

lacy: made of or resembling lace

– a lacy gown
laic: characteristic of those who are not members of the clergy
– set his collar in laic rather than clerical position
laid: set down according to a plan
– a carefully laid table with places set for four people

lame: uninspiring and dull

– a lame excuse
Lao: of or relating to a member of the Buddhist people inhabiting the Mekong river in Laos and
– Lao villagers
lax: lacking in rigor or strictness
– such lax and slipshod ways are no longer acceptable
lay: not of or from a profession
– a lay opinion as to the cause of the disease
lee: towards the side away from the wind
– start to turn in the lee direction
lit: provided with artificial light
– a brightly lit room
low: filled with melancholy and despondency
– low at the thought of what he had to face

Longest Adjectives

lackadaisical: lacking enthusiasm and determination; carelessly lazy

– She was annoyingly lackadaisical and impractical.
lamellibranch: bivalve
– a lamellibranch smooth muscle
laryngopharyngeal: of or relating to the larynx and pharynx
– laryngopharyngeal reflux
latitudinarian: unwilling to accept authority or dogma (especially in religion)
– a latitudinarian attitude
leptorrhinian: having a long narrow nose
– A leptorrhinian woman can be attractive if her face is long enough for her nose.
leptosporangiate: (of ferns) having each sporangium formed from a single epidermal cell
– leptosporangiate fern life cycle
lexicographic: of or relating to lexicography
– a lexicographic literature review
lexicographical: of or relating to lexicography
– lexicographical order
lexicostatistic : pertaining to statistical methods used in studying the relations between
– lexicostatistic techniques
Liechtensteiner: or relating to Liechtenstein or its inhabitants
– Liechtensteiner castles

Adjectives Starting with M

 All M Adjectives
 M Adjectives to Describe a Person
 Categories

Starting with MA
 macabre

 macaronic
 macedonian

 macerative

 machiavellian

 machinelike
 macho

 macrencephalic

 macrencephalous

 macro
 macrobiotic
 macrocephalic

 macrocephalous
 macrocosmic

 macroeconomic
 macromolecular

 macroscopic

 macroscopical
 maculate
 mad
 madagascan
 madcap

 maddened

 maddening

 made
 magenta
 maggoty

 magic
 magical

 magisterial
 magnanimous

 magnetic
 magnetised

 magnetized
 magnificent

 magnified

 magniloquent

 magyar

 maiden

 maidenlike

 maidenly
 mailed

 maimed

 main
 mainstreamed
 maintainable
 maintained

 majestic
 major

 majuscular
 majuscule

 makeshift

 maladaptive
 maladjusted
 maladjustive
 maladroit

 malapropos

 malarial

 malawian
 malay
 malayan

 malaysian
 malcontent

 male
 maledict

 malefic
 maleficent

 malevolent
 malformed

 malfunctioning

 malian

 malicious

 malign

 malignant

 malleable
 malnourished

 malodorous

 malodourous
 malposed
 malted
 maltese

 malthusian
 maltreated

 mammalian
 mammary

 mammoth

 manageable
 managerial
 manchurian
 mancunian

 mandaean

 mandatory

 mandean
 mandibular
 mandibulate

 mandibulofacial
 maneuverable

 manful
 mangey

 mangled
 mangy

 maniac
 maniacal

 manic

 manichaean

 manichean

 manichee

 maniclike

 manifest
 manifold

 manipulable

 manipulative
 manky
 manlike
 manly

 manned
 mannered

 mannerly
 mannish

 manoeuvrable

 manorial
 manque
 mansard
 mantic

 mantled

 manual

 manufactured
 manx
 many

 maoist
 maplelike

 marauding
 marbled

 marbleised
 marbleized

 marginal
 marian

 marine

 marital

 maritime

 marked

 marketable

 markovian
 marly

 marmoreal

 marmorean
 maroc
 maroon
 marooned

 marred
 marriageable

 married
 marshy

 marsupial

 martial
 martian
 marvellous
 marvelous

 marxist

 masculine

 masked
 masochistic
 masonic

 masoretic
 mass

 massive
 masted

 master
 mastered

 masterful
 masterless

 masterly

 mastoid

 mastoidal

 mat

 matched

 matching
 matchless

 mated

 mateless
 material
 materialistic
 maternal

 maternalistic
 matey

 mathematical
 matriarchal

 matriarchic

 matricentric
 matrilineal
 matrilinear
 matrimonial

 matronly

 matt

 matte
 matted
 maturational

 mature
 matured

 matutinal
 maudlin

 mauritanian
 mauritian

 mauve
 maverick

 mawkish

 maxi

 maxillary

 maxillodental

 maxillofacial

 maxillomandibular
 maximal

 maximising

 maximizing
 maximum
 mayoral
 mazed

 mazy

Starting with ME
 meager
 meagerly
 meagre
 mealy

 mealymouthed

 mean

 meandering
 meaning
 meaningful

 meaningless
 meanspirited

 measly
 measurable

 measured
 measureless

 meatless
 meaty

 mechanic

 mechanical

 mechanised

 mechanistic

 mechanized

 mecopterous
 meddlesome

 meddling

 mediaeval
 medial
 median
 mediate

 mediated
 mediatorial

 mediatory
 medical

 medicative

 medicinal
 medicolegal
 medieval
 mediocre

 meditative

 mediterranean

 medium
 medullary
 medullated

 medusoid
 meek

 meet
 megakaryocytic

 megalithic
 megaloblastic

 megalomaniacal
 megalomanic

 megascopic

 meiotic

 melancholic

 melancholy

 melanesian

 meliorative
 mellifluous

 mellisonant

 mellow
 mellowed
 melodic
 melodious

 melodramatic
 meltable

 melted
 melting

 membered

 memberless
 membranous
 memorable
 menacing

 mendacious

 mendelian

 mendicant
 menial
 meningeal

 menopausal
 mensal

 menstrual
 mensurable

 mensural
 mental

 mentholated
 mephistophelean

 mephistophelian

 mephitic

 mercantile

 mercenary

 mercerised

 mercerized
 merchantable

 merciful

 merciless
 mercurial
 mercuric
 mercurous

 mere
 meretricious

 merged
 merging

 meridian

 meridional
 meritable
 merited
 meritless

 meritocratic

 meritorious

 merovingian
 merry
 mesenteric

 meshed
 meshuga

 meshugga
 meshugge

 meshuggeneh
 meshuggener

 mesial
 mesic

 mesmeric

 mesmerised

 mesmerized

 mesmerizing

 mesoamerican

 mesoblastic
 mesodermal

 mesolithic

 mesomorphic
 mesonic
 mesophytic
 mesozoic

 messianic
 messy

 metabolic
 metabolous

 metacarpal

 metacentric
 metagrabolised
 metagrabolized
 metagrobolised

 metagrobolized

 metal

 metallic
 metallike
 metalloid

 metallurgic
 metallurgical

 metameric
 metamorphic

 metamorphous
 metaphoric

 metaphorical
 metaphysical

 metastable

 metastatic

 metatarsal

 meteoric

 meteoritic

 meteoritical
 meteorologic

 meteorological

 methodical
 methodist
 methodological
 methylated

 meticulous
 metonymic

 metonymical
 metric

 metrical

 metrological
 metropolitan
 mettlesome
 mexican

Starting with MI
 miasmal

 miasmic
 micaceous

 michelangelesque

 micro

 microbial

 microbic
 microcephalic

 microcephalous
 microcosmic

 microcrystalline

 microeconomic

 microelectronic

 micrometeoric

 micrometeoritic
 micropylar

 microscopic
 microscopical

 microsomal

 mid

 middle
 middlemost

 middling

 midget

 midi

 midland
 midmost
 midway

 midweekly
 midwestern
 miffed
 mighty

 migrant

 migrational

 migratory
 milanese
 milch

 mild
 militant

 militarised
 militaristic

 militarized
 military

 milkless
 milklike

 milky

 milled

 millenarian

 millenary

 millennial

 millennian
 million

 millionth

 mimetic
 mimic
 minacious
 minatory

 mincing
 minded

 mindful
 mindless

 mined

 mineral
 mingy
 mini
 miniature

 minimal

 minimalist

 minimized
 minimum
 miniscule

 ministerial
 ministrant

 minoan
 minor

 mint
 minty

 minus
 minuscular

 minuscule

 minute

 miotic

 miraculous

 mired

 mirky
 mirrored

 mirrorlike

 mirthful
 mirthless
 miry
 misanthropic

 misanthropical
 misappropriated

 misbegot
 misbegotten

 misbranded

 miscellaneous
 mischievous
 miscible
 miserable

 miserly

 misfortunate

 misguided
 mishnaic
 mislabeled

 mislaid
 misleading

 mismatched
 mismated

 misogynic
 misogynistic

 misogynous
 misplaced

 misrelated

 misrepresented

 missed

 misshapen

 missing

 missional
 missionary

 mistakable

 mistaken
 mistreated
 mistrustful
 misty

 misunderstood
 misused

 mithraic
 mithraistic

 mitigable

 mitigated
 mitigative
 mitigatory
 mitotic

 mitral

 mixable

 mixed

Starting with MN
 mnemonic

 mnemotechnic

 mnemotechnical

Starting with MO
 moated
 mobbish

 mobile

 moblike

 mock

 mocking

 mod

 modal

 model
 modeled

 moderate
 moderating

 moderato
 modern

 moderne
 modernised
 modernistic

 modernized

 modest
 modifiable
 modified
 modish
 modular

 modulated

 mohammedan

 moire
 moist
 molal

 molar
 moldable

 molded
 moldovan

 moldy
 molecular

 molten
 momentaneous

 momentary

 momentous

 monacan

 monandrous

 monarchal

 monarchic
 monarchical

 monastic

 monastical
 monatomic
 monaural
 monecious

 monegasque
 moneran

 monestrous
 monetary

 moneyed

 moneyless
 moneymaking
 mongol
 mongolian

 mongoloid

 monied

 monistic
 monitory
 monkish

 mono
 monoatomic

 monocarboxylic
 monocarpic

 monochromatic
 monochrome

 monochromic
 monochromous

 monocled

 monoclinal

 monoclinic

 monoclinous

 monoclonal

 monocotyledonous
 monodic

 monodical

 monoecious
 monoestrous
 monogamous
 monogenic

 monogynic
 monogynous

 monoicous
 monolingual

 monolithic

 monomaniacal
 monometallic
 monomorphemic
 mononuclear

 mononucleate

 monophonic

 monophysite
 monophysitic
 monoploid

 monopolistic
 monopteral

 monosemous
 monosyllabic

 monotheistic
 monotone

 monotonic
 monotonous

 monotypic

 monounsaturated

 monovalent

 monovular

 monozygotic

 monstrous
 montane

 monthlong

 monthly
 montserratian
 monumental
 moody

 moonless
 moonlike

 moonlit
 moonstruck

 moony

 moorish
 moot
 moraceous
 moral

 moralistic

 moravian

 morbid
 morbific
 morbilliform

 mordacious
 mordant

 more
 moresque

 morganatic
 moribund

 mormon
 moroccan

 moronic

 morose

 morphemic

 morphologic

 morphological

 morphophonemic
 mortal

 mortgaged

 mortified
 mortifying
 mortuary
 mosaic

 moslem
 mosstone

 mossy
 most

 motherless

 motherlike
 motherly
 mothproof
 mothy

 motile

 motional

 motionless
 motivated
 motivating

 motivational
 motivative

 motive
 motiveless

 motley
 motor

 motored
 motorial

 motorised

 motorized

 motorless

 mottled

 mouldy

 mountainous
 mounted

 mournful

 mourning
 mouselike
 mousey
 mousy

 mouthless
 mouthlike

 movable
 moveable

 moved

 moving
 mown
 mozambican
 mozartean

 mozartian

Starting with MU
 much
 muciferous

 mucilaginous

 mucinoid

 mucinous

 mucky
 mucocutaneous

 mucoid
 mucoidal

 mucopurulent

 mucosal

 mucose

 mucous

 muddied
 muddled

 muddleheaded
 muddy

 muffled

 muggy

 muhammadan
 mulish

 mullioned

 multicellular

 multicolor

 multicolored
 multicolour
 multicoloured

 multicultural
 multidimensional
 multiethnic
 multifaceted

 multifactorial

 multifarious

 multiform
 multilane
 multilateral

 multilevel
 multilingual

 multinational
 multinomial

 multinucleate
 multiparous

 multipartite
 multiphase

 multiple

 multiplex

 multiplicative

 multiplied

 multipotent

 multipurpose
 multiracial

 multistorey

 multistoried
 multistory
 multitudinous
 multivalent

 multivariate
 mum

 mundane
 municipal

 munificent

 mural
 murdered
 murderous
 murine

 murky

 murmuring

 murmurous
 muscovite
 muscular

 musculoskeletal
 mushy

 musical
 musicological

 musing
 musky

 muslim
 mussy

 must

 mustached

 mustachioed

 musty

 mutable

 mutafacient
 mutagenic

 mutant

 mutational
 mutative
 mute
 muted

 mutilated
 mutinous

 mutual
 mutualist

 muzzy

Starting with MY
 myalgic
 mycenaean

 myelic

 myelinated

 myelinic
 myeloid
 myocardial

 myoid
 myopathic

 myopic
 myotic

 myotonic
 myriad

 myrmecophagous
 myrmecophilous

 myrmecophytic

 mysophobic

 mysterious

 mystic

 mystical

 mystified
 mystifying

 mythic

 mythical
 mythologic
 mythological

Interesting Categories for the Adjectives Starting with M

The Shortest/ Longest Adjectives lists contain words which have the least and the most number
of letters. For the Interesting Adjectives category, the adjectives included are those which can
improve the quality of your speech and writing and make it more enjoying to read or hear. The
Positive Adjective lists to Describe a Person, Event and Place are composed of words which
describe the good attributes of these types of nouns, while the Negative Adjectives categories
include descriptive words which express characteristics that are considered bad or unfavorable.
Interesting Adjectives

mawkish: sentimental in a feeble or sickly way

– a mawkish poem
motley: incongruously varied in appearance or character; disparate
– a motley crew of discontents and zealots
multitudinous: very numerous
– the tinkling of multitudinous bells from the herd
muggy: (of the weather) unpleasantly warm and humid
– muggy Friday night
myriad: countless or extremely great in number
– the myriad lights of the city

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person

master: fulpowerful and able to control others

– behind the lace and ruffles was a masterful woman
mature: having reached an advanced stage of mental or emotional development characteristic of
an adult
– a young man mature beyond his years
meek: quiet, gentle; submissive
– I used to call her Miss Mouse because she was so meek and mild.
merciful: showing or exercising mercy
– a merciful father
meticulous: showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise
– He had always been so meticulous about his appearance.

Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event

magic: wonderful; exciting

– what a magic moment
massive: exceptionally large; particularly successful or influential
– massive concert
meaningful: having a serious, important, or useful quality or purpose
– a meaningful trip

momentous: of great importance or significance, especially in its bearing on the future

– a period of momentous changes in East-West relations
mystical: of or relating to mystics or religious mysticism
– the mystical experience

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Place

magical: beautiful or delightful in such a way as to seem removed from everyday life
– magical forest
magnificent: impressively beautiful, elaborate, or extravagant; striking
– a dramatic landscape of magnificent mountains
marvelous: causing great wonder; extraordinary
– marvelous view
majestic: having or showing impressive beauty or dignity
– majestic waterfalls
mountainous: having many mountains
– a mountainous region

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person

mad: mentally ill; insane

– he felt as if he were going mad.
maladroitin: effective or bungling; clumsy
– maladroit worker
merciless: showing no mercy or pity
– the merciless killer
mousy: nervous, shy, or timid; lacking in presence or charisma
– His mousy sister had become a dynamic journalist.
muddle-headed: mentally disorganized or confused
– a muddle-headed idealist with utopian views
 Negative Adjectives to Describe an Event
macabre: disturbing and horrifying because of involvement with or depiction of death and injury
– a macabre series of murders
maddening: extremely annoying; infuriating
– his maddening stories
malign: evil in nature or effect; malevolent
– malign influence
meaningless: having no purpose or reason
– The Great War was an outstanding example of meaningless conflict.
mindless: boring; so simple or repetitive as to be performed automatically without thought or skill
– The monotony of housework turns it into a mindless task.

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place

mediocre: of only moderate quality; not very good

– a mediocre school
messy: untidy or dirty
– messy room

miserable: causing someone to feel wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable

– the miserable village
morose: gloomy; sullen
– the morose house
muddy: covered in or full of mud
– muddy swamp

Heroic Adjectives

macho: showing aggressive pride in one’s masculinity

– the big macho tough guy
manly: having or denoting those good qualities traditionally associated with men, such as
courage and strength
– He is looking manly and capable.
masculine: having qualities or appearance traditionally associated with men, especially strength
and aggressiveness
– He is outstandingly handsome and robust, very masculine.
mettlesome: full of spirit and courage
– the mettlesome warriors
mighty: possessing great and impressive power or strength, especially on account of size
– the mighty protector
 Sporty Adjectives
master: having or showing very great skill or proficiency
– the master bowler
masterly: performed or performing in a very skillful and accomplished way
– a masterly archer
matchless: unable to be equaled; incomparable
– the matchless swim of the Tunisian athlete
meaty: fleshy; brawny
– the tall, meaty young wrestler
muscular: having well-developed muscles
– The runner’s legs were strong and muscular.

Romantic Adjectives

matrimonial: of or relating to marriage or married people

– our matrimonial bonds
memorable: worth remembering or easily remembered, especially because of being special or
– our memorable dates
mild: gentle and not easily provoked
– She was mild by nature.
moving: producing strong emotion, especially sadness or sympathy
– his moving words
mutual: experienced or done by each of two or more parties toward the other or others
– The feeling is mutual.

Shortest Adjectives

mad: roused to anger

– mad at his friend
made: produced by a manufacturing process
– made goods available at the local store
male: being the sex (of plant or animal) that produces gametes (spermatozoa) that perform the
fertilizing function in generation
– male child
main: most important element
– main goal
Manx: of or relating to the Isle of Man or its inhabitants or their language
– Manx fishing industry
many: a quantifier that can be used with count nouns and is often preceded by `as’ or `too’ or
`so’ or `that’; amounting to a large but indefinite
– many tasks
mat: not reflecting light; not glossy
– a mat finish
mid: used in combination to denote the middle
– midyear
mod: relating to a recently developed fashion or style
– mod outfit
mum: failing to speak or communicate when expected to
– Fred was mum on the subject
Longest Adjectives

maxillomandibular: relating to the upper and lower jaws

– maxillomandibular advancement
michelangelesque: – Definition: in the manner of Michelangelo
– wall frescoes in a Michelangelesque style
microcrystalline: – Definition: containing crystals that are visible only under a microscope
– microcrystalline cellulose
monocotyledonous: (of a flowering plant) having a single cotyledon in the seed as in grasses
and lilies
– monocotyledonous plant
multidimensional: having or involving or marked by several dimensions or aspects
– multidimensional problems
macrencephalous: having a large brain case
– a macrocephalous male
mandibulofacial: of or relating to the lower jaw and face
– amandibulofacial malformation
mephistophelean: showing the cunning or ingenuity or wickedness typical of a devil
– mephistophelean origin
mephistophelian: showing the cunning or ingenuity or wickedness typical of a devil
– mephistophelian pact
microelectronic: of or relating to or consisting of miniature electronic components
– microelectronic circuit

Adjectives Starting with N

 All N Adjectives
 N Adjectives to Describe a Person
 Categories

Starting with NA
 nacreous
 nagging
 naiant
 naif

 naive

 naked

 nameless
 namibian
 naming

 nanocephalic
 napoleonic

 napped
 napping

 nappy
 narcissistic

 narcoleptic
 narcotic

 narcotised

 narcotising

 narcotized

 narcotizing

 narial

 narrative
 narrow

 narrowed

 narrowing
 nary
 nasal
 nascent

 nasopharyngeal
 nasty

 natal
 national

 nationalist

 nationalistic
 nationwide
 native
 nativist

 nativistic

 natriuretic

 natty
 natural
 naturalised

 naturalistic
 naturalized

 naturistic
 naughty

 nauruan
 nauseated

 nauseating
 nauseous

 nautical

 naval

 navicular

 navigable

 navigational

 nazarene
 nazi

Starting with NE
 neandertal
 neanderthal

 neanderthalian

 neapolitan

 near

 nearby
 nearsighted
 neat

 nebular
 nebulose
 nebulous
 necessary

 necessitous

 necked

 neckless
 necklike
 necromantic

 necromantical
 necrotic

 nectariferous
 nectarous

 nee
 needed

 needful
 needled

 needlelike

 needless

 needy

 nefarious

 negative

 neglected
 neglectful

 negligent

 negligible
 negotiable
 negro
 neighboring

 neighborly
 neighbourly

 neither
 neo

 neoclassic

 neoclassical
 neoclassicist
 neoclassicistic
 neocortical

 neoliberal

 neolithic

 neonatal
 neoplastic
 neotenic

 neotenous
 nepalese

 nepali
 nephritic

 nephrotoxic
 neritic

 nerveless
 nervous

 nervy

 nescient

 nestled

 nestorian

 net

 nether
 nethermost

 netlike

 nett
 netted
 nettled
 nettlesome

 networklike
 neural

 neuralgic
 neurasthenic

 neuroanatomic

 neuroanatomical
 neurobiological
 neuroendocrine
 neurogenic

 neuroglial

 neurologic

 neurological
 neuromatous
 neuromotor

 neuromuscular
 neuronal

 neuronic
 neurophysiological

 neuropsychiatric
 neuropsychological

 neurotic
 neurotoxic

 neurotropic

 neuter

 neutered

 neutral

 neutralised

 neutralized
 new

 newborn

 newfangled
 newfound
 newsless
 newsworthy

 newsy
 newtonian

 next

Starting with NI
 nibbed
 nicaean

 nicaraguan

 nice

 nicene
 nidicolous
 nidifugous

 niffy
 nifty

 nigerian
 nigerien

 niggling
 nigh

 nighted
 nightlong

 nightly

 nightmarish

 nihilistic

 nilotic

 nilpotent

 nimble
 nine

 ninefold

 ninepenny
 nineteen
 nineteenth
 ninetieth

 ninety
 ninth

 nipping
 nipponese

 nippy

 nisi
 nitid
 nitric
 nitrogenous

 nitrous

 nitwitted

Starting with NO
 no

 noachian

 noble

 nocent

 nociceptive
 noctilucent

 nocturnal
 nodding

 nodular

 nodulated

 noduled

 nodulose

 noetic
 noiseless

 noisome
 noisy

 nomadic

 nominal

 nominalistic
 nominated

 nominative

 nomothetic

 nonabsorbent

 nonabsorptive
 nonadaptive
 nonaddictive

 nonadhesive
 nonadjacent
 nonadsorbent
 nonadsorptive

 nonaged

 nonagenarian

 nonaggressive
 nonalcoholic
 nonaligned

 nonappointive
 nonarbitrable

 nonarbitrary
 nonarboreal

 nonassertive
 nonassociative

 nonastringent
 nonautonomous

 nonbearing

 nonbelligerent

 noncaloric

 noncarbonated

 noncausal

 noncausative
 noncellular

 nonchalant

 nonchristian
 nonchurchgoing
 noncivilised
 noncivilized

 nonclassical
 noncollapsable

 noncollapsible
 noncolumned

 noncombatant

 noncombinative
 noncombining
 noncombustible
 noncommercial

 noncommissioned

 noncommittal

 noncommunicable
 noncompetitive
 noncompliant

 noncomprehensive
 nonconcentric

 nonconducting
 nonconductive

 nonconforming
 nonconformist

 nonconscious
 noncontagious

 noncontentious

 noncontinuous

 noncontroversial

 nonconvergent

 noncritical

 noncrucial
 noncrystalline

 noncurrent

 noncyclic
 noncyclical
 nondeductible
 nondenominational

 nondescript
 nondigestible

 nondisposable
 none

 nonechoic

 noneffervescent
 nonelected
 nonelective
 nonenterprising

 nonenzymatic

 nonequivalent

 nonessential
 nonexempt
 nonexistent

 nonexplorative
 nonexploratory

 nonexplosive
 nonextant

 nonextensile
 nonfat

 nonfatal
 nonfictional

 nonfigurative

 nonfinancial

 nonfinite

 nonfissile

 nonfissionable

 nonflammable
 nonflavored

 nonflavoured

 nonflowering
 nonfunctional
 nonglutinous
 nongranular

 nongregarious
 nonhairy

 nonharmonic
 nonhereditary

 nonheritable

 nonhierarchic
 nonhierarchical
 nonhuman
 nonimitative

 nonimmune

 nonindulgent

 nonindustrial
 noninfectious
 noninflammatory

 noninheritable
 noninstitutional

 noninstitutionalised
 noninstitutionalized

 nonintegrated
 nonintellectual

 noninterchangeable
 nonintersecting

 noninvasive

 nonionic

 nonionised

 nonionized

 nonjudgmental

 nonkosher
 nonleaded

 nonlegal

 nonlethal
 nonlexical
 nonlinear
 nonlinguistic

 nonliteral
 nonliterary

 nonliterate
 nonliving

 nonmagnetic

 nonmandatory
 nonmaterial
 nonmeaningful
 nonmechanical

 nonmechanistic

 nonmedicinal

 nonmetal
 nonmetallic
 nonmetamorphic

 nonmigratory
 nonmilitary

 nonmodern
 nonmonotonic

 nonmotile
 nonmoving

 nonmusical
 nonnative

 nonnatural

 nonnegative

 nonnomadic

 nonnormative

 nonobjective

 nonobligatory
 nonobservant

 nonopening

 nonoperational
 nonoscillatory
 nonparallel
 nonparametric

 nonparasitic
 nonpareil

 nonparticulate
 nonpartisan

 nonpartizan

 nonpasserine
 nonperiodic
 nonpersonal
 nonphotosynthetic

 nonphysical

 nonplused

 nonplussed
 nonpoisonous
 nonpolar

 nonpolitical
 nonporous

 nonpregnant
 nonprehensile

 nonprescription
 nonproductive

 nonprofessional
 nonprofit

 nonprognosticative

 nonprogressive

 nonproprietary

 nonprotractile

 nonpsychoactive

 nonpublic
 nonpurulent

 nonracial

 nonracist
 nonradioactive
 nonrandom
 nonrational

 nonreciprocal
 nonreciprocating

 nonrecreational
 nonreflecting

 nonreflective

 nonrenewable
 nonrepetitive
 nonrepresentational
 nonrepresentative

 nonresident

 nonresidential

 nonresilient
 nonresinous
 nonresiny

 nonresistant
 nonresonant

 nonrestrictive
 nonreticulate

 nonretractable
 nonretractile

 nonreturnable
 nonreversible

 nonrhythmic

 nonrigid

 nonruminant

 nonsectarian

 nonsegmental

 nonsegregated
 nonsense

 nonsensical

 nonsensitive
 nonsexual
 nonsignificant
 nonskid

 nonslip
 nonslippery

 nonsocial
 nonsovereign

 nonspatial

 nonspeaking
 nonspecific
 nonspherical
 nonstandard

 nonsteroidal

 nonstick

 nonstop
 nonstructural
 nonsubjective

 nonsubmergible
 nonsubmersible

 nonsuppurative
 nonsurgical

 nonsweet
 nonsyllabic

 nonsymbiotic
 nonsynchronous

 nonsynthetic

 nontaxable

 nontechnical

 nontelescopic

 nontelescoping

 nonterritorial
 nonthermal

 nontoxic

 nontraditional
 nontransferable
 nontranslational
 nontransmissible

 nonturbulent
 nonuniform

 nonunion
 nonunionised

 nonunionized

 nonuple
 nonvenomous
 nonverbal
 nonviable

 nonviolent

 nonviscid

 nonvisual
 nonvolatile
 nonvolatilisable

 nonvolatilizable
 nonvoluntary

 nonwashable
 nonwoody

 nordic
 normal

 norman
 normative

 normotensive

 norse

 north

 northbound

 northeast

 northeasterly
 northeastern

 northeastward

 northerly
 northern
 northernmost
 northmost

 northward
 northwest

 northwesterly
 northwestern

 northwestward

 norwegian
 nosed
 noseless
 nosey

 nosocomial

 nosohusial

 nostalgic
 nosy
 notable

 notched
 noted

 noteworthy
 noticeable

 noticed
 notifiable

 notional
 notorious

 nourished

 nourishing

 novel

 noxious

Starting with NT
 nth

Starting with NU
 nubbly
 nubby

 nubile
 nuclear
 nucleate

 nucleated

 nude
 nugatory
 null
 nullified
 numb

 numberless

 numbing

 numerable
 numeral
 numerate

 numeric
 numerical

 numerological
 numerous

 numidian
 numinous

 nuptial
 nursed

 nurtural

 nurturant

 nutbrown

 nutlike

 nutrient

 nutritional
 nutritionary

 nutritious

 nutritive
 nuts
 nutty

Starting with NY
 nymphomaniac

 nymphomaniacal

Interesting Categories for the Adjectives Starting with N

The Heroic Adjectives list consists of adjectives which are most appropriate to use in describing
a hero/heroine. For the Sporty Adjectives category, the words listed are usually used to describe
a person who is inclined to sports and similar activities. Lastly, the Romantic Adjectives list is
composed of adjectives that describe a loved one or communicate feelings of love.

Interesting Adjectives

nascent: just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential.
– the nascent space industry
nauseating: causing or liable to cause a feeling of nausea or disgust; disgusting.
– the stench became nauseating
nebulous: in the form of a cloud or haze; hazy.
– a giant nebulous glow
nociceptive: painful injurious
– a nociceptive nerve pathway
nonchalant: feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety, interest, or
– she gave a nonchalant shrug
Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person

nationalistic: having strong patriotic feelings

– the nationalistic politician
natty: smart and fashionable.
– a natty young professional
nice: pleasant in manner; good-natured; kind.
– he’s a really nice guy
nonjudgmental: avoiding judgments based on one’s personal and especially moral standards
– his nonjudgmental attitude
nurturing: caring
– nurturing mother

 Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event

national: of or relating to a nation; common to or characteristic of a whole nation.

– this policy may have been in the national interest
nationwide: extending or reaching throughout the whole nation.
– a nationwide hunt
necessary: required to be done, achieved, or present; needed; essential.
– members are admitted only after they have gained the necessary experience
nonprofit: not making or conducted primarily to make a profit
– a nonprofit concert series
nonstop: continuing without stopping or pausing.
– a nonstop dance party

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Place

navigable: (of a waterway or sea) able to be sailed on by ships or boats.

– these waters are navigable by ordinary craft
near: located a short distance away.
– a big house in the near distance
neat: arranged in an orderly, tidy way
– a neat boutique
neighborly: characteristic of a good neighbor, especially helpful, friendly, or kind.
– neighborly community
new: not existing before; made, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time.
– the new mansion

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person

naive: showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment

– the rather naive young man had been totally misled
nasty: behaving in an unpleasant or spiteful way.
– Harry was a nasty, foul-mouthed old devil.
naughty: disobedient; badly behaved
– you’ve been a really naughty boy
negligent: failing to take proper care in doing something
– directors have been negligent in the performance of their duties
nervous: easily agitated or alarmed; tending to be anxious; highly strung
– a sensitive, nervous person

Negative Adjectives to Describe an Event

needless: unnecessary; avoidable

– a needless discussion
negligible: so small or unimportant as to be not worth considering; insignificant
– negligible circumstance
noisy: making or given to making a lot of noise
– the noisy street party
nonsensical: having no meaning; making no sense
– a nonsensical argument
noxious: harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant
– noxious procedure

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place

narrow: (especially of something that is considerably longer or higher than it is wide) of small
– he made his way down the narrow road
needy: characterized by poverty
– poor children in a needy city
nippy: rather cold; chilly
– nippy mountaintop
nondescript: lacking distinctive or interesting features or characteristics
– she lived in a nondescript suburban apartment block
notorious: famous or well known, typically for some bad quality or deed.
– Los Angeles is notorious for its smog

Heroic Adjectives
nationalistic: having strong patriotic feelings
– the hero’s nationalistic efforts
noble: having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles and ideals
– noble knight
nonbelligerent: not aggressive or engaged in a war or conflict
– nonbelligerent leader
notable: worthy of attention or notice; remarkable
– notable veteran
noteworthy: deserving attention; interesting, significant
– the commander’s noteworthy achievements

Sporty Adjectives

natural: born with a particular skill, quality, or ability.

– a natural golfer
neuromuscular: of or relating to nerves and muscles.
– neuromuscular training for adolescent athletes
nifty: particularly good, skillful, or effective.
– nifty footwork
nimble: quick and light in movement or action; agile.
– with a deft motion of her nimble fingers
nutritious: nourishing; efficient as food.
– the player’s nutritious diet

Romantic Adjectives

nubile: sexually attractive

– a nubile young lady
newfound: recently found or discovered.
– a newfound love interest
nuts: feeling affection or love for someone or something
– I’m nuts about you.
naked: undisguised; blatant
– his naked affection
natty: smart and fashionable
– her natty dress

Shortest Adjectives

no: (quantifier) used with either mass nouns or plural count nouns for indicating a complete or
almost complete lack or zero quantity of
– we have no bananas
nee: (meaning literally `born’) used to indicate the maiden or family name of a married woman
– Hillary Clinton nee Rodham
neo: (used as a combining form) recent or new
– `neo’ is a combining form in words like `neocolonialism’
net: conclusive in a process or progression
– his net answer
new: not existing before; made, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time.
– new crop varieties
nth: last or greatest in an indefinitely large series
– to the nth degree
naif: marked by or showing unaffected simplicity and lack of guile or worldly experience
– the teenager’s naïf ignorance of life
nary: (used with singular count nouns) colloquial for `not a’ or `not one’ or `never a’
– heard nary a sound
near: located a short distance away
– the school is located near the park

Longest Adjectives

noninstitutionalised: not committed to an institution

– noninstitutionalised population
noninstitutionalized: not committed to an institution
– noninstitutionalized adults
nonrepresentational: of or relating to a style of art in which objects do not resemble those
known in physical nature
– nonrepresentational piece of art
neurophysiological: of or concerned with neurophysiology
– neurophysiological assessment
neuropsychological: of or concerned with neuropsychology
– neuropsychological testing
noninterchangeable: such that the terms of an expression cannot be interchanged without
changing the meaning
– Designs of superiority and noninferiority trials for binary responses
are noninterchangeable.
nonprognosticative: not offering prognostications
– a nonprognosticative number to test
nondenominational: not restricted to a particular religious denomination
– a nondenominational church
nonphotosynthetic: not photosynthetic
– nonphotosynthetic plant
nonrepresentative: not standing for something else
– a nonrepresentative speaker

Adjectives Starting with O

 All O Adjectives
 O Adjectives to Describe a Person
 Categories

Starting with OA
 oafish
 oaken

 oaten

Starting with OB
 obdurate

 obedient

 obese
 objectionable
 objective

 oblanceolate
 oblate

 obligate
 obligated

 obligational
 obligatory

 obliged

 obliging

 oblique

 obliterable
 obliterate

 obliterated

 oblivious
 oblong
 obnoxious

 obovate

 obscene

 obscure
 obsequious
 observable

 observant
 observational
 observed
 observing

 obsessed

 obsessional

 obsessive
 obsolescent
 obsolete

 obstetric
 obstetrical

 obstinate
 obstreperous

 obstructed
 obstructive

 obtainable
 obtrusive

 obtuse

 obviating

 obvious

Starting with OC
 occasional
 occidental

 occipital

 occluded

 occlusive
 occult

 occupational

 occupied

 occurrent

 oceangoing
 oceanic
 ocellated

 ocher
 ochre
 octagonal
 octal

 octangular

 octogenarian

 octosyllabic
 octuple
 ocular

Starting with OD
 odd

 oddish
 odious

 odoriferous
 odorless

 odorous

 odourless

Starting with OE
 oecumenic

 oecumenical

Starting with OF
 off

 offbeat
 offenceless

 offended

 offending

 offenseless
 offensive
 offhand

 offhanded

 official

 officious
 offish
 offshore

 offside

 offsides

 offstage

Starting with OH
 ohmic

Starting with OI
 oiled
 oily

Starting with OK
 ok

 okay

Starting with OL
 old

 olden

 older
 oldish
 oldline

 oleaceous
 oleaginous

 oleophilic
 oleophobic

 olfactive
 olfactory
 oligarchic
 oligarchical
 olive

 olivelike

 olympian

 olympic

Starting with OM
 omani

 ominous

 omissible

 omissive
 omnibus

 omnidirectional
 omnifarious

 omnipotent

 omnipresent

 omniscient

 omnivorous

Starting with ON
 on
 oncologic

 oncological
 oncoming

 one
 oneiric

 onerous
 onetime
 ongoing

 online

 only
 onomastic
 onomatopoeic
 onomatopoeical
 onomatopoetic

 onshore

 onside

 onstage
 ontogenetic
 ontological

 onymous

Starting with OO
 oozing
 oozy

Starting with OP
 opalescent

 opaline

 opaque

 open

 opencast

 opencut

 opened
 openhanded

 openhearted
 opening

 openmouthed
 operable

 operant
 operatic
 operating

 operational

 operationalist
 operative
 operculate
 operculated
 operose

 ophthalmic

 opinionated

 opinionative
 opisthognathous
 opponent

 opportune
 opportunist

 opportunistic
 opposable

 opposed
 opposing

 opposite
 oppositive

 oppressed

 oppressive

 opprobrious

 optative

 optic

 optical
 optimal

 optimistic

 optimum
 optional
 opulent

Starting with OR
 oracular

 oral
 orange
 orangish

 oratorical
 orbicular
 orbiculate
 orbital

 orbitual

 orchestral

 orchestrated
 ordained
 ordered

 orderly
 ordinal

 ordinary
 organic

 organicistic
 organisational

 organised
 organismal

 organismic

 organizational

 organized

 orgiastic

 oriental

 orientated
 orientating

 oriented

 orienting
 original
 originative
 ornamental

 ornate
 ornery

 ornithological
 oropharyngeal

 orotund

 orphaned
 orphic
 orthodontic
 orthodox

 orthogonal

 orthographic

 orthomolecular
 orthopaedic
 orthopedic

 orthopedical
 orthoptic

 orthostatic
 orthotropous

 orwellian

Starting with OS
 oscillating

 oscillatory

 oscine

 oscitant

 osmotic
 osseous

 ossicular
 ossiculate

 ossiferous

 ossified

 osteal
 ostensible

 ostensive

 ostentatious

Starting with OT
 otc
 other
 otherwise
 otherworldly
 otic

 otiose

 ototoxic

 ottoman

Starting with OU
 out

 outback

 outboard

 outbound
 outbred

 outcast
 outcaste

 outclassed

 outdated

 outdoor

 outdoorsy

 outer
 outermost

 outfitted
 outflowing

 outgoing

 outlandish

 outlaw
 outlawed

 outlined

 outlying

 outmoded

 outmost
 outraged
 outrageous

 outre
 outrigged
 outright
 outside

 outsize

 outsized

 outspoken
 outspread
 outstanding

 outstretched
 outward

Starting with OV
 oval

 ovarian
 ovate

 over

 overabundant

 overactive

 overage

 overaged
 overall

 overambitious
 overanxious

 overarm

 overawed

 overbearing
 overblown

 overbold

 overburdened

 overbusy

 overcareful
 overcast
 overcautious

 overconfident
 overcredulous
 overcritical
 overcurious

 overdelicate

 overdone

 overdressed
 overdue
 overeager

 overemotional
 overenthusiastic

 overexcited
 overfamiliar

 overfed
 overflowing

 overfond
 overfull

 overgenerous

 overgreedy

 overgrown

 overhand

 overhanded

 overhasty
 overhead

 overheated

 overindulgent
 overjealous
 overjoyed
 overladen

 overland
 overlarge

 overloaded
 overlooked

 overlooking

 overlying
 overmodest
 overmuch
 overnice

 overnight

 overpowering

 overpriced
 overprotective
 overproud

 overreaching
 overrefined

 overriding
 overripe

 oversea
 overseas

 oversensitive
 overserious

 oversewn

 oversexed

 overshot

 oversize

 oversized

 oversolicitous
 overstated

 overstrung

 overstuffed
 oversubscribed
 oversuspicious
 overt

 overturned
 overvaliant

 overweening
 overweight

 overwhelming

 overwrought
 overzealous
 oviform
 ovine

 oviparous

 ovoid

 ovoviviparous
 ovular

Starting with OW
 owing

 owlish

 own
 owned

 ownerless

Starting with OX
 oxalic

 oxidative

 oxidised

 oxidizable

 oxidized

 oxonian

Interesting Categories for the Adjectives Starting with O

The Interesting Adjectives category include adjectives which can make the text more exciting to
read or hear. For the Positive Adjectives lists, the words included are those which convey the
favorable qualities of a person, event or place, while the Negative Adjectives categories are
composed of undesirable characteristics.

Adjectives that Start with O

Interesting Adjectives

oblique: neither parallel nor at a right angle to a specified or implied line; slanting
– we sat on the settee oblique to the fireplace
oblivious: not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around one
– she became absorbed, oblivious to the passage of time
obscure: not discovered or known about; uncertain
– his origins and parentage are obscure
obsequious: obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree
– they were served by obsequious waiters
obsolescent: becoming obsolete
– the custom is now obsolescent

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person

obedient: complying or willing to comply with orders or requests; submissive to another’s will
– she was totally obedient to him
objective: free of bias; not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and
representing facts
– historians try to be objective and impartial
observant: quick to notice things
– her observant eye took in every detail
omniscient: knows everything
– the story is told by an omniscient narrator
optimistic: hopeful and confident about the future
– she remained optimistic despite the trials

Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event

observable: able to be noticed or perceived; discernible

– observable differences
official: relating to an authority or public body and its duties, actions, and responsibilities
– the governor’s official engagements
oncoming: due to happen or occur in the near future
– the oncoming Antarctic winter
operatic: of, relating to, or characteristic of opera
– operatic performance
opportune: well-chosen or particularly favorable or appropriate
– he couldn’t have arrived at a less opportune moment

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Place

oceanic: of or relating to the ocean.

– oceanic atolls
offshore: situated at sea some distance from the shore.
– this huge stretch of coastline is dominated by offshore barrier islands
opalescent: showing varying colors as an opal does
– an opalescent river
operational: in or ready for use
– the new laboratory is fully operational
opulent: rich and luxurious or lavish
– opulent hotel room

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person

oafish: stupid, uncultured, or clumsy

– her oafish husband
obnoxious: extremely unpleasant
– He was a woman-chasing, obnoxious bastard in a dozen different ways.
obsessive: affected by an obsession
– she became obsessive about her schoolwork
offhand: ungraciously or offensively nonchalant or cool in manner.
– his offhand way of talking
officious: assertive of authority in an annoyingly domineering way, especially with regard to
petty or trivial matters.
– a policeman came to move them on, an officious, spiteful man

Negative Adjectives to Describe an Event

objectionable: arousing distaste or opposition; unpleasant or offensive.

– I find his theory objectionable in its racist undertones.
obstinate: (of an unwelcome phenomenon or situation) very difficult to change or overcome
– the obstinate problem of unemployment
offensive: causing someone to feel deeply hurt, upset, or angry.
– the allegations made are deeply offensive to us
ominous: giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen;
threatening; inauspicious.
– there were ominous dark clouds gathering overhead
onerous: involving an amount of effort and difficulty that is oppressively burdensome.
– he found his duties increasingly onerous

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place

obscene: offensive or disgusting by accepted standards of morality and decency

– obscene gallery
odd: different from what is usual or expected; strange
– odd neighborhood
odious: extremely unpleasant; repulsive
– the whole area was an odious wilderness
oily: covered or soaked with oil
– oily deck
oppressive: unjustly inflicting hardship and constraint, especially on a minority or other
subordinate group
– oppressive country

Heroic Adjectives

olympian: befitting or characteristic of an Olympian; especially : LOFTY

– his Olympian image
outstanding: exceptionally good
– an outstanding soldier
overactive: excessively active
– an overactive guardian
overt: done or shown openly; plainly or readily apparent, not secret or hidden.
– an overt act of bravery
overwhelming: very strong; very great in amount
– his overwhelming accomplishments

Sporty Adjectives
olympic: of or relating to the ancient city of Olympia or the Olympic Games.
– an Olympic champion
orthopedic: relating to orthopedics
– the injured athlete has undergone orthopedic treatment
outdoor: fond of the open air or open-air activities
– a rugged, outdoor type
outright: undisputed; clear
– an outright victory

overactive: excessively active

– an overactive midfielder

Romantic Adjectives

open: (of a person) frank and communicative; not given to deception or concealment.
– she was open and sincere
otherworldly: seeming to belong to or come from another world
– otherworldly beauty
outgoing: friendly and socially confident
– she’s an extremely affable, jovial, outgoing type of person
outspoken: frank in stating one’s opinions
– her outspoken nature
overjoyed: extremely happy
– overjoyed to see you

Shortest Adjectives

ok: being satisfactory or in satisfactory condition

– an ok movie
on: in operation or operational
– left the oven on
odd: not easily explained
– it is odd that his name is never mentioned
off: not performing or scheduled for duties; not in operation or operational
– the lights are off
old: just preceding something else in time or order
– my old house was larger
one: eminent beyond or above comparison
– she’s one girl in a thousand
out: being out or having grown cold
– the fire is out
own: belonging to or on behalf of a specified person (especially yourself); preceded by a
– for your own use
oily: smeared or soiled with grease or oil
– get rid of rubbish and oily rags
Longest Adjectives

overenthusiastic: unduly enthusiastic

– overenthusiastic fans
omnidirectional: not directional
– omnidirectional antenna
opisthognathous: having receding jaws
– opisthognathous insects
onomatopoeical: (of words) formed in imitation of a natural sound
– onomatopoeic words are imitative of noises
operationalist: of or relating to or espousing operationalism
– operationalist doctrine
organisational: of or relating to an organization
– organisational behavior
organizational: of or relating to an organization
– organizational structure
ornithological: of or relating to ornithology
– her ornithological interests
orthomolecular: designating or relating to a form of treatment of mental disorders that seeks to
restore biochemical balance in the body with large doses of vitamins and minerals
– orthomolecular medicine
overprotective: overly protective
– overprotective parents

Adjectives Starting with P

 All P Adjectives
 P Adjectives to Describe a Person
 Categories

Starting with PA
 pachydermal
 pachydermatous
 pachydermic
 pachydermous

 pacific

 pacifist

 pacifistic
 packable
 packaged

 packed
 padded

 paederastic
 paediatric

 pagan
 paid

 pained
 painful

 painless

 painstaking

 paintable

 painted

 painterly

 paired
 pakistani

 palaeolithic

 palaeontological
 palatable
 palatal
 palatalised

 palatalized
 palatial

 palatine
 palatoglossal

 pale

 paleoanthropological
 paleocortical
 paleolithic
 paleontological

 paleozoic

 palestinian

 palingenetic
 palish
 palladian

 palliative
 pallid

 pally
 palmar

 palmate
 palmatifid

 palmlike
 palmy

 palpable

 palpatory

 palpebrate

 palpitant

 palpitating

 palsied
 paltry

 pampering

 panamanian
 pancreatic
 pandemic
 pandurate

 panduriform
 panegyric

 panegyrical
 paneled

 panhellenic

 panicked
 panicky
 panicled
 paniculate

 panoplied

 panoptic

 panoptical
 panoramic
 pantalooned

 pantheist
 pantheistic

 pantropic
 pantropical

 papal
 paperback

 paperbacked
 paperlike

 papery

 papillary

 papillate

 papilliform

 papillose

 papist
 papistic

 papistical

 pappose
 papuan
 parabolic
 parabolical

 paraboloidal
 paradigmatic

 paradisaic
 paradisaical

 paradisal

 paradisiac
 paradisiacal
 paradoxical
 paraguayan

 parallel

 paralytic

 paralytical
 paralyzed
 paramagnetic

 paramedical
 parametric

 paramilitary
 paramount

 paranasal
 paranoid

 paranormal
 paraphrastic

 paraplegic

 parapsychological

 parasitic

 parasitical

 parasiticidal

 parasympathetic
 parasympathomimetic

 parched

 pardonable
 parental
 parented
 parenteral

 parenthetic
 parenthetical

 parentless
 pareve

 parheliacal

 parhelic
 parietal
 paripinnate
 parisian

 parked

 parky

 parliamentary
 parlous
 parochial

 paroicous
 parotid

 parous
 paroxysmal

 parrotlike
 parsimonious

 parted
 parthenogenetic

 parthian

 partial

 partible

 participating

 participatory

 participial
 particolored

 particoloured

 particular
 particularised
 particularistic
 particularized

 particulate
 partisan

 partitive
 partizan

 parturient

 parve
 parvenu
 parvenue
 paschal

 pass

 passable

 passant
 passe
 passee

 passerine
 passing

 passionate
 passionless

 passive
 past

 pasted
 pastel

 pastelike

 pasteurian

 pasteurised

 pasteurized

 pastoral

 pasty
 pat

 patched

 patchy
 patellar
 patelliform
 patent

 patented
 paternal

 paternalistic
 pathetic

 pathless

 pathogenic
 pathologic
 pathological
 patient

 patriarchal

 patriarchic

 patricentric
 patrician
 patrilineal

 patrilinear
 patrimonial

 patriotic
 patristic

 patristical
 patronised

 patronising
 patronized

 patronizing

 patronless

 patronymic

 patterned

 pauline

 paunchy
 paved

 pavlovian

 pawky
 payable
 paying

Starting with PE
 peaceable
 peaceful

 peacekeeping
 peachy
 peaked
 peaky

 peanut

 pearlescent

 pearly
 peaty
 pebbly

 peccable
 peccant

 peckish
 pectic

 pectinate
 pectineal

 pectoral
 peculiar

 pecuniary

 pedagogic

 pedagogical

 pedal

 pedantic

 pedate
 pederastic

 pedestrian

 pediatric
 pedigree
 pedigreed
 pedunculate

 peeled
 peerless

 peeved
 peevish

 pejorative

 pelagic
 pelecypod
 pelecypodous
 pellucid

 peloponnesian

 peltate

 pelvic
 pemphigous
 penal

 penciled
 pencilled

 pendant
 pendent

 pending
 pendulous

 penetrable
 penetrating

 penetrative

 penial

 penile

 peninsular

 penitent

 penitential
 penitentiary

 pennate

 penniless
 pensionable
 pensive
 pent

 pentagonal
 pentamerous

 pentangular
 pentasyllabic

 pentatonic

 pentavalent
 pentecostal
 penultimate
 penumbral

 penurious

 peopled

 peppery
 peppy
 peptic

 perambulating
 perceivable

 perceived
 perceptible

 perceptive
 perceptual

 percipient
 percussive

 percutaneous

 perdurable

 peregrine

 peremptory

 perennial

 perfect
 perfected

 perfectible

 perfervid
 perfidious
 perfoliate
 perforate

 perforated
 perfumed

 perfunctory
 perianal

 pericardiac

 pericardial
 perigonal
 perilous
 perinasal

 perinatal

 perineal

 periodic
 periodical
 periodontal

 periodontic
 peripatetic

 peripheral
 periphrastic

 peripteral
 perirhinal

 perishable
 peristylar

 perithelial

 peritoneal

 peritrichous

 periwigged

 perky

 permanent
 permeable

 permeant

 permeating
 permeative
 permed
 permissible

 permissive
 permutable

 pernicious
 pernickety

 peroneal

 perpendicular
 perpetual
 perplexed
 perplexing

 persevering

 persian

 persistent
 persisting
 persnickety

 personable
 personal

 personalised
 personalized

 perspicacious
 perspicuous

 persuadable
 persuasible

 persuasive

 pert

 pertinacious

 pertinent

 perturbed

 perturbing
 peruked

 peruvian

 pervasive
 perverse
 perversive
 perverted

 pervious
 pesky

 pessimal
 pessimistic

 pessimum

 pestered
 pestering
 pestiferous
 pestilent

 pestilential

 pet

 petaled
 petalled
 petalless

 petallike
 petaloid

 petalous
 petite

 petitionary
 petrifying

 petrous
 petticoated

 pettish

 petty

 petulant

Starting with PH
 phagocytic
 phalangeal

 phallic

 phantasmagoric

 phantasmagorical
 phantasmal

 phantom

 pharaonic

 pharisaic

 pharisaical
 pharmaceutic
 pharmaceutical

 pharmacologic
 pharmacological
 pharyngeal
 phenomenal

 phenotypic

 phenotypical

 philanthropic
 philatelic
 philatelical

 philharmonic
 philhellene

 philhellenic
 philippine

 philistine
 philological

 philosophic
 philosophical

 phlegmatic

 phlegmatical

 phlegmy

 phobic

 phocine

 phoenician
 phonemic

 phonetic

 phoney
 phonic
 phonogramic
 phonologic

 phonological
 phony

 phosphorescent
 phosphoric

 phosphorous

 photic
 photochemical
 photoconductive
 photoelectric

 photoelectrical

 photoemissive

 photogenic
 photographic
 photomechanical

 photometric
 photometrical

 photosensitive
 photosynthetic

 photovoltaic
 phrasal

 phreatic
 phrenetic

 phrenic

 phrenological

 phyletic

 phylliform

 phyllodial

 phylogenetic
 physical

 physicochemical

 physiologic
 physiological
 physiotherapeutic
 phytophagic

 phytophagous
 phytophilous

Starting with PI
 piagetian

 pianissimo
 pianistic
 piano
 picaresque

 picayune

 pickled

 picky
 pictographic
 pictorial

 pictural
 pictured

 picturesque
 piddling

 piebald
 piecemeal

 pied
 pierced

 piercing

 pietistic

 pietistical

 piezoelectric

 piffling

 piggish
 piggy

 pigheaded

 pilar
 pilary
 pillaged
 pillared

 pilose
 pilosebaceous

 pilotless
 pilous

 pimpled

 pimply
 pinchbeck
 pinched
 pineal

 pinioned

 pink

 pinkish
 pinnate
 pinnated

 pinnatifid
 pinnatisect

 pinstriped
 pious

 piquant
 piratical

 piscatorial
 piscatory

 piscine

 piscivorous

 pissed

 pistillate

 pitched

 pitchy
 piteous

 pithy

 pitiable
 pitiful
 pitiless
 pitted

 pituitary
 pivotal

 pixilated
 pizzicato

Starting with PL
 placable
 placating
 placative

 placatory

 placeable

 placed
 placental
 placid

 placoid
 plagiarised

 plagiaristic
 plagiarized

 plagioclastic
 plaguey

 plaguy
 plain

 plainspoken

 plaintive

 planar

 planate

 plane

 planetal
 planetary

 plangent

 planktonic
 planless
 planned
 planoconcave

 planoconvex
 planographic

 plantal
 plantar

 planted

 plantigrade
 plastered
 plastic
 platelike

 platitudinal

 platitudinous

 platonic
 platonistic
 platyrhine

 platyrhinian
 platyrrhine

 platyrrhinian
 platyrrhinic

 plausible
 plausive

 playable
 played

 playful

 pleading

 pleasant

 pleased

 pleasing

 pleasurable
 plebeian

 pledged

 plenary
 plenteous
 plentiful
 pleochroic

 pleomorphic
 pleonastic

 plethoric
 pleural

 pleurocarpous

 pliable
 pliant
 plodding
 plotted

 ploughed

 plowed

 plucked
 plucky
 plugged

 plumaged
 plumate

 plumb
 plumbable

 plumbaginaceous
 plumbic

 plumbous
 plumed

 plumelike

 plumlike

 plummy

 plumose

 plump

 plumping
 plumy

 plundered

 plundering
 pluperfect
 plural
 pluralistic

 plus
 plush

 plushy
 plutocratic

 plutocratical

 plutonian
 plutonic
Starting with PN
 pneumatic

 pneumococcal

 pneumogastric

 pneumonic

Starting with PO
 poached
 pocked

 pocketable
 pockmarked

 podgy
 podlike

 poetic

 poetical

 poignant

 poikilothermic

 poikilothermous

 pointed

 pointillist
 pointillistic

 pointless
 poised

 poisonous
 pokey

 poky
 polar
 polarographic

 polemic

 polemical
 polemoniaceous
 polish
 polished
 polite

 politic

 political

 polluted
 pollyannaish
 poltroon

 polyandrous
 polyatomic

 polychromatic
 polychrome

 polychromic
 polycrystalline

 polydactyl
 polydactylous

 polyestrous

 polygamous

 polygenic

 polyglot

 polygonal

 polygynous
 polyhedral

 polymeric

 polymorphemic
 polymorphic
 polymorphous
 polynesian

 polynomial
 polyoestrous

 polyoicous
 polypetalous

 polyphase

 polyphonic
 polyphonous
 polyploid
 polysemantic

 polysemous

 polysyllabic

 polysynthetic
 polytheistic
 polytonal

 polyunsaturated
 polyvalent

 pomaded
 pompous

 ponderable
 pondering

 ponderous
 pontifical

 poor

 poorly

 pop

 popeyed

 popish

 popliteal
 popular

 populated

 populous
 porcine
 poriferous
 porose

 porous
 porphyritic

 port
 portable

 portentous

 porticoed
 portly
 portrayed
 portuguese

 posed

 posh

 positionable
 positional
 positioning

 positive
 positivist

 positivistic
 possessed

 possessive
 possible

 postal
 postbiblical

 postdiluvian

 postdoctoral

 posted

 posterior

 postexilic

 postganglionic
 postglacial

 postgraduate

 posthumous
 postictal
 postindustrial
 postmenopausal

 postmeridian
 postmillennial

 postmodern
 postmodernist

 postmortal

 postmortem
 postnatal
 postnuptial
 postoperative

 postpaid

 postpartum

 postpositive
 postprandial
 postulational

 postural
 postwar

 potable
 potbellied

 potbound
 potent

 potential
 potholed

 potted

 potty

 pouched

 pouchlike

 pouring

 powdered
 powdery

 powered

 powerful
 powerless

Starting with PR
 practicable

 practical

 practiced
 practised
 praetorial

 praetorian
 pragmatic
 pragmatical
 praiseful

 praiseworthy

 praising

 prakritic
 prandial
 prankish

 prayerful
 preachy

 preadolescent
 preanal

 precancerous
 precarious

 precast
 precative

 precatory

 precautional

 precautionary

 precedent

 precedented

 precedential
 preceding

 precious

 precipitant
 precipitate
 precipitating
 precipitous

 precise
 preclinical

 preclusive
 precocial

 precocious

 precognitive
 preconceived
 preconcerted
 preconditioned

 precooked

 precooled

 precordial
 precursory
 predaceous

 predacious
 predatory

 predestinarian
 predestinate

 predestined
 predetermined

 predicative
 predictable

 predictive

 predigested

 predisposed

 predominant

 predominate

 preeminent
 preemptive

 preexistent

 preexisting
 prefab
 prefaded
 prefatorial

 prefatory
 prefectural

 preferable
 preferent

 preferential

 preferred
 prefigurative
 prefrontal
 pregnant

 prehensile

 prehistoric

 prehistorical
 prejudiced
 prejudicial

 prejudicious
 prelapsarian

 preliminary
 preliterate

 premarital
 premature

 premedical
 premeditated

 premenopausal

 premenstrual

 premier

 premiere

 premium

 premonitory
 prenatal

 prenominal

 prenuptial
 preoccupied
 preoperative
 prepackaged

 prepacked
 prepaid

 preparative
 preparatory

 prepared

 preponderant
 preponderating
 prepositional
 prepossessing

 preposterous

 preprandial

 prepubertal
 prepubescent
 prepupal

 prerecorded
 prerequisite

 presbyopic
 prescient

 prescribed
 prescription

 prescriptive
 present

 presentable

 presentational

 preservable

 preservative

 preserved

 preset
 presidential

 presocratic

 pressed
 pressing
 pressor
 prestigious

 prestissimo
 presto

 presumable
 presumptive

 presumptuous

 presymptomatic
 preteen
 pretend
 pretended

 pretentious

 preternatural

 pretorial
 pretorian
 pretty

 prevailing
 prevalent

 prevenient
 preventable

 preventative
 preventive

 previous
 prewar

 priapic

 priceless

 pricey

 prickly

 pricy

 prideful
 priestlike

 priestly

 priggish
 prim
 prima
 primaeval

 primal
 primary

 prime
 primed

 primeval

 primiparous
 primitive
 primo
 primordial

 princely

 principal

 principled
 printable
 prior

 prismatic
 prisonlike

 prissy
 pristine

 private
 privileged

 privy
 prize

 prizewinning

 pro

 proactive

 probabilistic

 probable

 probationary
 probative

 probatory

 probing
 problematic
 problematical
 procaryotic

 procedural
 processed

 processional
 proclaimed

 proconsular

 procreative
 procrustean
 procumbent
 procurable

 prodigal

 prodigious

 prodromal
 prodromic
 productive

 profanatory
 profane

 profaned
 professed

 professional
 professorial

 proficient
 profitable

 profitless

 profligate

 profound

 profuse

 progestational

 prognathic
 prognathous

 prognostic

 prognosticative
 progressive
 prohibited
 prohibitive

 prohibitory
 proinflammatory

 projected
 projectile

 projecting

 prokaryotic
 prolate
 proletarian
 prolific

 prolix

 prolonged

 prolusory
 prominent
 promiscuous

 promising
 promissory

 promotional
 promotive

 prompt
 promulgated

 prone
 pronged

 prongy

 pronominal

 pronounceable

 pronounced

 proof

 proofed
 propaedeutic

 propagandist

 propagandistic
 propagative
 propellant
 propellent

 propelling
 proper

 propertied
 propertyless

 prophetic

 prophetical
 prophylactic
 propitiative
 propitiatory

 propitious

 proportionable

 proportional
 proportionate
 proprietary

 proprioceptive
 propulsive

 prosaic
 proscribed

 prosodic
 prospective

 prospering
 prosperous

 prospicient

 prostate

 prostatic

 prosthetic

 prosthodontic

 prostrate
 prostyle

 prosy

 protanopic
 protean
 protected
 protecting

 protective
 proteinaceous

 proteolytic
 proterozoic

 protestant

 proto
 protogeometric
 prototypal
 prototypic

 prototypical

 protozoal

 protozoan
 protozoic
 protozoological

 protracted
 protractible

 protractile
 protruding

 protrusible
 protrusile

 protrusive
 protuberant

 proud

 proustian

 provable

 proved

 proven

 provencal
 proverbial

 provident

 providential
 provincial
 provisional
 provisionary

 provisory
 provocative

 provoked
 provoking

 prox

 proximal
 proximate
 proximo
 prudent

 prudential

 prudish

 prurient
 prussian
 prying

Starting with PS
 pseudo

 pseudohermaphrodite
 pseudohermaphroditic

 pseudonymous
 pseudoperipteral

 pseudoprostyle

 pseudoscientific

 psychedelic

 psychiatric

 psychiatrical
 psychic

 psychical
 psychoactive

 psychoanalytic

 psychoanalytical

 psychogenetic
 psychogenic

 psychokinetic

 psycholinguistic

 psychological

 psychometric
 psychomotor
 psychoneurotic

 psychopathic
 psychopathologic
 psychopathological
 psychopharmacological

 psychosexual

 psychosomatic

 psychotherapeutic
 psychotic
 psychotropic

Starting with PT
 pteridological

 ptolemaic

Starting with PU
 pubertal

 puberulent

 pubescent

 pubic

 public

 publicised

 publicized

 publishable
 published

 pucka
 puckish

 puddingheaded
 pudendal

 pudgy
 puerile
 puerperal

 puff

 puffed
 puffy
 pugilistic
 pugnacious
 puissant

 pukka

 pulchritudinous

 pulmonary
 pulmonic
 pulpy

 pulseless
 pulverised

 pulverized
 pumped

 punctilious
 punctual

 puncturable
 punctured

 punctureless

 pungent

 punic

 punishable

 punished

 punishing
 punitive

 punitory

 punk
 puny
 pupal
 pupillary

 puppyish
 puppylike

 puranic
 purblind

 purchasable

 pure
 pureblood
 pureblooded
 purebred

 purgative

 purgatorial

 purging
 purifying
 puritanic

 puritanical
 purple

 purplish
 purposeful

 purposeless
 purposive

 pursuant
 pursued

 pursuing

 pursy

 purulent

 pushful

 pushy

 pusillanimous
 pustulate

 putative

 putdownable
 putrefacient
 putrefactive
 putrefiable

 putrescent
 putrescible

 putrid
 puzzled

 puzzling

Starting with PY
 pyaemic
 pycnotic

 pyemic

 pyknic

 pyknotic
 pyloric
 pyogenic

 pyramidal
 pyramidic

 pyramidical
 pyrectic

 pyretic
 pyrochemical

 pyroelectric
 pyroelectrical

 pyrogallic

 pyrogenetic

 pyrogenic

 pyrogenous

 pyrographic

 pyroligneous
 pyrolignic

 pyrolytic

 pyrotechnic
 pyrotechnical
 pyrrhic
 pythagorean

Interesting Categories for the Adjectives Starting with P

The Heroic Adjectives list includes descriptive words which are fit to describe a hero/heroine as
well as their heroic acts, while the Sporty Adjectives category is composed of adjectives that are
appropriate to describe a sporty or athletic person. For the Romantic Adjectives list, the
adjectives included are those which are commonly used to express affection or to describe a
special someone. Lastly, the Shortest/ Longest Adjectives categories include the descriptive
words with the least and the most number of letters.
Adjectives that Start with P
Interesting Adjectives

painstaking: done with or employing great care and thoroughness.

painstaking attention to detail
palatable: pleasant to taste
a very palatable local red wine
palliative: relieving pain or alleviating a problem without dealing with the underlying cause.
short-term, palliative measures had been taken
palpable: able to be touched or felt.
the palpable bump at the bridge of the nose
partisan: prejudiced in favor of a particular cause
newspapers have become increasingly partisan
Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person

patient: able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or
a patient teacher
peaceable: inclined to avoid argument or violent conflict.
they were famed as an industrious, peaceable, practical people
penitent: feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong; repentant.
his penitent expression
perky: cheerful and lively
a perky child

proficient: competent or skilled in doing or using something.

I was proficient at my job.

Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event

painless: not causing or suffering physical pain

painless operation
paramount: more important than anything else; supreme.
the interests of the child are of paramount importance
patent: easily recognizable; obvious
patent sincerity
purposeful: having a useful purpose
purposeful activities
persuasive: good at persuading someone to do or believe something through reasoning
a persuasive seminar

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Place

passable: clear of obstacles and able to be traveled along or on

the road was passable with care
peaceful: free from disturbance; tranquil
peaceful country
permissive: allowing or characterized by great freedom of behavior
a permissive city
picturesque: visually attractive, especially in a quaint or pretty style
the picturesque covered bridges of New England
prosperous: successful in material terms; flourishing financially
prosperous village

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person

pallid: (of a person’s face) pale, typically because of poor health

his pallid complexion
paranoid: unreasonably or obsessively anxious, suspicious, or mistrustful
his paranoid girlfriend
parsimonious: unwilling to spend money or use resources; stingy or frugal
parsimonious New Hampshire voters, who have a phobia about taxes
passive: accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or
the women were portrayed as passive victims
pasty: unhealthily pale
her pasty appearance

Negative Adjectives to Describe an Event

painful: causing distress or trouble

a painful experience
peculiar: strange or odd; unusual
peculiar incident
pedestrian: lacking inspiration or excitement; dull.
a pedestrian party
petty: of little importance; trivial.
petty quarrels
plaintive: sounding sad and mournful.
a plaintive scene

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place

parched: dried out with heat

the parched earth
pathetic: arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness; miserably inadequate
pathetic slums
penurious: extremely poor; poverty-stricken
penurious town
piteous: deserving or arousing pity
a piteous neighborhood
pitiable: contemptibly poor or small
a pitiable community

Heroic Adjectives

persistent: continuing firmly or obstinately in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition

is persistent efforts to save the country
philanthropic: seeking to promote the welfare of others, especially by donating money to good
causes; generous and benevolent
philanthropic leader
polite: having or showing behavior that is respectful and considerate of other people
admired because of his polite demeanor
potent: having great power, influence, or effect
a potent nobleman
powerful: having great power or strength.
He is considered as one of the most powerful men.

Sporty Adjectives

physical: of or relating to the body as opposed to the mind

He always engages in physical activities.
popular: liked, admired, or enjoyed by many people or by a particular person or group
most popular school athlete
precise: marked by exactness and accuracy of expression or detail
his precise last minute goal
premier: first in importance, order, or position; leading
country’s premier basketball players
promising: showing signs of future success
a promising young swimmer

Romantic Adjectives

passionate: showing or caused by intense feelings of sexual love

a passionate kiss
perfect: having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it
is possible to be
the perfect wife
perpetual: never ending or changing
my perpetual love
pert: attractively lively or cheeky
a pert young lady
petite: having a small and attractively dainty build
she was petite and vivacious

Shortest Adjectives

pat: exactly suited to the occasion

a pat reply
pet: preferred above all others and treated with partiality
her pet student
pop: (of music or art) new and of general appeal (especially among young people)
a pop star
pro: in favor of (an action or proposal etc.)
a pro vote
paid: marked by the reception of pay
paid work
pale: abnormally deficient in color as suggesting physical or emotional distress
pale face
pass: of advancing the ball by throwing it
a pass play
past: earlier than the present time; no longer current
past events
pent: closely confined
with pent breath she waited out the meeting
pert: attractively lively or cheeky
a pert Belgian actress

Longest Adjectives

psychopharmacological: of or relating to psychopharmacology

psychopharmacological interventions
paleoanthropological: of or concerned with the scientific study of human fossils
paleoanthropological methods
pseudohermaphroditic: having internal reproductive organs of one sex and external sexual
characteristics of the other sex
pseudohermaphroditic female
parasympathomimetic: having an effect similar to that resulting from stimulation of the
parasympathetic nervous system
parasympathomimetic drugs slow the heart rate
pseudohermaphrodite: having internal reproductive organs of one sex and external sexual
characteristics of the other sex
pseudohermaphrodite dog
psychopathological: suffering from an undiagnosed mental disorder
psychopathological symptoms
parapsychological: beyond normal physical explanation
parapsychological experiments
physiotherapeutic: of or relating to or used in physical therapy
physiotherapeutic exercise
psychotherapeutic: of or relating to or practicing psychotherapy
psychotherapeutic sessions
palaeontological: of or relating to paleontology
palaeontological evidence
Adjectives Starting with Q
 All Q Adjectives
 Q Adjectives to Describe a Person
 Categories

Starting with QA
 qabalistic

 qatari

Starting with QU
 quack
 quadrangular
 quadraphonic

 quadrasonic

 quadrate

 quadratic

 quadrilateral

 quadrillionth

 quadripartite

 quadriphonic
 quadrisonic

 quadruped

 quadrupedal
 quadruple
 quadruplex

 quadruplicate

 quaggy
 quaint

 qualified

 qualitative
 quality

 quantal
 quantifiable

 quantitative
 quantized
 quarantined
 quarrelsome

 quartan

 quarterly

 quartzose
 quasi
 quaternary

 quaternate
 quavering

 queasy
 quebecois

 quechuan
 queenlike

 queenly
 queer

 quelled

 quenched

 quenchless

 querulous

 questionable

 questioning
 quick

 quickset

 quicksilver
 quiescent
 quiet
 quilted

 quincentenary
 quincentennial

 quinquefoliate
 quintessential

 quintillionth

 quintuple
 quirky
 quits
 quixotic

 quizzical

 quondam

 quotable
 quotidian

Interesting Categories for the Adjectives Starting with Q

This article presents an Interesting Adjectives category which is composed of adjectives that can
be used to add flair and color to your writing.

Adjectives that Start with Q

Interesting Adjectives

quadripartite: consisting of four parts

 a quadripartite treaty
quiescent: in a state or period of inactivity or dormancy
 strikes were headed by groups of workers who had previously been quiescent
quixotic: exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical
 a vast and perhaps quixotic project
quizzical: indicating mild or amused puzzlement
 she gave me a quizzical look
quasi: having some resemblance
 a quasi success

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person

qualified: meeting the proper standards and requirements and training for an office or position
 a qualified technician
quality: of high social status
 people of quality
quirky: characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits
 quirky sense of humor

Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event

quelled: subdued or overcome

 the quelled rebellion

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Place

quaint: attractively unusual or old-fashioned

 quaint country cottages
quiet: without much activity, disturbance, or excitement
 the street below was quiet, little traffic braving the snow

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person

quack: medically unqualified

 a quack doctor
quarrelsome: given to or characterized by quarreling
 his quarrelsome neighbors
quavering: (of the voice) quivering as from weakness or fear
 the old lady’s quavering voice
querulous: complaining in a petulant or whining manner
 she became querulous and demanding

Negative Adjectives to Describe an Event

queasy: causing or fraught with or showing anxiety

 spent a queasy night waiting for the test results
queer: strange; odd
 a queer incident
questionable: doubtful as regards truth or quality
 it is questionable whetherany of these exceptions is genuine

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place

quaggy: (of soil) soft and watery

 a quaggy coastline

Sporty Adjectives

quick: moving fast or doing something in a short time

 his quick footwork

Romantic Adjectives

queenlike: having the rank of or resembling or befitting a queen

 queenlike demeanor
queenly: fit for or appropriate to a queen
 clad in her queenly raiment

Length: Shortest/Longest Adjectives

Shortest Adjectives

quack: medically unqualified

 a quack doctor
quasi: having some resemblance
 a quasi contract
queer: beyond or deviating from the usual or expected
 a queer hybrid accent
quick: moving quickly and lightly
 quick as a gymnast
quiet: (of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves
 quiet sea
quits: on equal terms by payment or requital
 finally quits with the loan
qatari: of or concerning Qatar or its inhabitants
 the Qatari ruling family
quaggy: (of soil) soft and watery
 the ground was quaggy under foot
quaint: strange in an interesting or pleasing way
 quaint dialect words
queasy: causing or fraught with or showing anxiety
 spent a queasy night waiting for the test results

Longest Adjectives

quincentennial: of or relating to a 500th anniversary

 the quincentennial celebration of the founding of the city
quinquefoliate: (of a leaf shape) having five leaflets
 quinquefoliate strawberry
quintessential: representing the perfect example of a class or quality
 a quintessentialexpression of a generation
quadrilateral: having four sides
 a quadrilateralshape
quadrillionth: the ordinal number of one quadrillion in counting order
 quadrillionth of a meter
quadripartite: involving four parties
 quadripartite agreement
quadruplicate: having four units or components
 a quadruplicate millionaire
quincentenary: of or relating to a 500th anniversary
 a quincentenary exhibit
quintillionth: the ordinal number of one quintillion in counting order
 a quintillionth of a second
quadrangular: of or relating to or shaped like a quadrangle
 quadrangular courtyard

Adjectives Starting with R

 All R Adjectives
 R Adjectives to Describe a Person
 Categories

Starting with RA
 rabbinic

 rabbinical
 rabelaisian

 rabid
 racemose

 rachitic

 racial

 racist

 rackety

 racking

 racy

 raddled
 radial
 radiant

 radiate

 radiating

 radical
 radio
 radioactive

 radiographic
 radiological
 radiolucent
 radiopaque
 radiophonic

 radiosensitive

 radiotelephonic

 raffish
 raftered
 ragged

 raging
 raiding

 raimentless
 raining

 rainless
 rainproof

 rainy
 raisable

 raiseable

 raised

 raising

 rakish

 rallentando

 rallying
 ramate

 rambling

 rambunctious
 ramose
 ramous
 rampageous

 rampant
 ramshackle

 rancid
 rancorous

 random

 randomised
 randomized
 randy
 ranging

 rangy

 rank

 ranked
 ranking
 ransacked

 ransomed
 rapacious

 raped
 rapid

 rapt
 raptorial

 rapturous
 rare

 rarefied

 rarified

 raring

 rascally

 rash

 rasping
 raspy

 rastafarian

 ratable
 rateable
 ratified
 ratiocinative

 rational
 rationalist

 rationalistic
 rationed

 ratlike

 rattlebrained
 rattled
 rattlepated
 rattling

 ratty

 raucous

 raunchy
 ravaged
 ravaging

 ravening
 ravenous

 ravishing
 raw

 rawboned
 rayless

 razed
 razorback

Starting with RE
 reachable

 reactionary
 reactionist

 reactive

 readable

 ready
 real

 realised

 realistic

 realizable

 realized
 reanimated
 rear

 rearing
 rearmost
 rearward
 reasonable

 reasoned

 reasoning

 reasonless
 reassured
 reassuring

 rebarbative
 rebellious

 reborn
 recalcitrant

 receding
 receivable

 received
 recent

 receptive

 recessed

 recessional

 recessionary

 recessive

 rechargeable
 recherche

 reciprocal

 reciprocative
 reciprocatory
 reckless
 reclaimable

 reclaimed
 recluse

 reclusive
 recognisable

 recognised

 recognizable
 recognized
 recoilless
 recollective

 recombinant

 reconcilable

 reconciled
 reconciling
 recondite

 reconstructed
 reconstructive

 recorded
 recoverable

 recovered
 recovering

 recreant
 recreational

 recriminative

 recriminatory

 recrudescent

 rectal

 rectangular

 rectifiable
 rectified

 rectilineal

 rectilinear
 rectosigmoid
 recumbent
 recuperative

 recurrent
 recurring

 recursive
 recurvate

 recurved

 recusant
 recyclable
 red
 redbrick

 reddened

 reddish

 redeemable
 redeemed
 redeeming

 redemptional
 redemptive

 redemptory
 redheaded

 redistributed
 redolent

 redoubled
 redoubtable

 reduced

 reducible

 reductionist

 reductive

 redundant

 redux
 reechoing

 reedlike

 reedy
 reefy
 reeking
 reentrant

 referable
 referenced

 referent
 referential

 refined

 reflected
 reflecting
 reflective
 reflex

 reflexed

 reflexive

 reformable
 reformative
 reformatory

 reformed
 reformist

 refractile
 refractive

 refractory
 refreshed

 refreshful
 refreshing

 refrigerant

 refrigerated

 refrigerating

 refulgent

 refutable

 regal
 regardant

 regardful

 regardless
 regenerate
 regenerating
 regent

 regimental
 regimented

 regional
 registered

 regnant

 regressive
 regretful
 regrettable
 regular

 regulated

 regulation

 regulative
 regulatory
 rehabilitative

 reigning
 reincarnate

 reinforced
 reinvigorated

 reiterative
 rejected

 rejective
 rejoicing

 related

 relational

 relative

 relativistic

 relaxant

 relaxed
 relaxing

 releasing

 relentless
 relevant
 reliable
 reliant

 relieved
 religious

 relinquished
 relocated

 reluctant

 remaining
 remarkable
 rembrandtesque
 remediable

 remedial

 remindful

 reminiscent
 remiss
 remittent

 remorseful
 remorseless

 remote
 removable

 removed
 remunerated

 remunerative
 renal

 renascent

 rending

 renegade

 renewable

 renewed

 renewing
 reniform

 renowned

 rentable
 rental
 renunciant
 renunciative

 reorganised
 reorganized

 repand
 reparable

 repayable

 repeatable
 repeated
 repellant
 repellent

 repelling

 repentant

 repetitious
 repetitive
 replaceable

 replete
 reportable

 reported
 reposeful

 reprehensible
 representable

 representational
 representative

 represented

 repressed

 repressing

 repressive

 reproachful

 reprobate
 reproducible

 reproductive

 reproving
 reptilian
 republican
 repudiative

 repugnant
 repulsive

 reputable
 requested

 required

 requisite
 rescindable
 rescued
 resentful

 reserved

 resettled

 resident
 residential
 residual

 residuary
 resilient

 resinated
 resinlike

 resinous
 resiny

 resistant
 resistible

 resistive

 resistless

 resolute

 resolvable

 resolved

 resonant
 resonating

 resounding

 resourceful
 resourceless
 respectable
 respected

 respectful
 respective

 respiratory
 resplendent

 respondent

 responsible
 responsive
 rested
 restful

 restive

 restless

 restorative
 restrained
 restricted

 restricting
 restrictive

 resultant
 resupine

 resurgent
 resuscitated

 retained
 retaliative

 retaliatory

 retarded

 retentive

 reticent

 reticular

 reticulate
 retinal

 retired

 retiring
 retractable
 retracted
 retractile

 retral
 retributive

 retributory
 retrievable

 retro

 retroactive
 retroflex
 retroflexed
 retrograde

 retrogressive

 retrorse

 retrospective
 retrousse
 returnable

 returning
 reusable

 revealing
 revelatory

 revenant
 revengeful

 reverberant
 reverberating

 reverberative

 revered

 reverend

 reverent

 reverential

 reverse
 reversed

 reversible

 reversionary
 reversive
 revertible
 reverting

 revised
 revitalised

 revitalising
 revitalized

 revitalizing

 revivalistic
 revived
 reviving
 revocable

 revokable

 revolting

 revolutionary
 revolved
 rewardful

 rewarding

Starting with RH
 rhapsodic
 rhenish

 rheologic
 rheological

 rhetorical

 rheumatic

 rheumatoid

 rheumy

 rhinal
 rhizoidal

 rhizomatous
 rhodesian

 rhombic

 rhombohedral

 rhomboid
 rhomboidal

 rhymed

 rhymeless

 rhyming

 rhythmic
 rhythmical

Starting with RI
 riant
 ribald

 ribbed

 ribbonlike

 ribbony
 ribless
 riblike

 rich
 rickettsial

 rickety
 riddled

 ridged
 ridiculous

 riemannian
 rife

 rifled

 rigged

 right

 righteous

 rightful

 rightish
 rightist

 rightmost

 rigid
 rigorous
 riled
 rimed

 rimeless
 riming

 rimless
 rimmed

 rimose

 rimy
 ringed
 ringleted
 ringlike

 riotous

 riparian

 ripe
 ripened
 ripped

 ripping
 rippled

 risen
 risible

 rising
 riskless

 risky
 risque

 ritardando

 ritenuto

 ritual

 ritualistic

 ritzy

 rivalrous
 riveting

Starting with RO
 roadless
 roan

 roaring

 roast

 roasted

 robed
 robotic
 robotlike

 robust
 robustious
 rockbound
 rocklike

 rocky

 rococo

 rodlike
 roentgenographic
 roguish

 roiled
 roiling

 roily
 rolled

 rollicking
 rolling

 romaic
 roman

 romance

 romani

 romanian

 romanic

 romanist

 romansh
 romantic

 romanticist

 romanticistic
 romany
 romish
 roofed

 roofless
 roomy

 rooseveltian
 rootbound

 rooted

 rootless
 ropey
 ropy
 rosaceous

 rose

 roseate

 rosicrucian
 rostrate
 rosy

 rotary
 rotatable

 rotated
 rotational

 rotatory
 rotted

 rotten
 rotund

 rouged

 rough

 roughdried

 roughened

 roughhewn

 roughish
 roughshod

 roumanian

 round
 roundabout
 rounded
 roundheaded

 roundish
 rousing

 rousseauan
 routine

 roving

 rowdy
 royal
Starting with RU
 ruandan

 rubber

 rubberlike

 rubbery
 rubbishy

 rubicund

 ruby

 rudderless

 ruddy
 rude

 rudimentary
 rueful

 ruffianly

 ruffled

 rugged

 rugose

 ruined
 ruinous

 ruled
 ruling

 ruly

 rum

 rumanian
 rumansh

 rumbling

 rumbustious

 ruminant

 ruminative
 rummy
 rumpled

 runaway
 runcinate
 runic
 running

 runny

 runproof

 runty
 rupestral
 rupicolous

 rural
 ruritanian

 rush
 rushed

 rushlike
 rushy

 russet
 russian

 rust

 rusted

 rustic

 rustless

 rustling

 rustproof
 rustproofed

 rusty

 ruthful
 ruthless
 rutted
 ruttish

 rutty

Starting with RW
 rwandan

Interesting Categories for the Adjectives Starting with R

For the Interesting Adjectives category, the descriptive words included are those which can make
the text or speech more engaging to the audience. There are also Positive Adjectives and
Negative Adjectives lists in this article, which are basically composed of adjectives that convey
desirable and undesirable characteristics respectively.

Adjectives that Start with R

Interesting Adjectives

rabid: having or proceeding from an extreme or fanatical support of or belief in something

– a rabid feminist
rackety: rowdy; noisy and usually not in good condition
– his rackety old car
raffish: unconventional and slightly disreputable, especially in an attractive manner
– his raffish air
ravenous: extremely hungry; (of hunger or need) very great; voracious
– a ravenous appetite
recondite:(of a subject or knowledge) little known; abstruse
– the book is full of recondite information

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person

rational: able to think clearly, sensibly, and logically

– a rational teacher
reasonable: having sound judgment; fair and sensible
– no reasonable person could have objected
receptive: willing to consider or accept new suggestions and ideas
– a receptive audience
reflective: relating to or characterized by deep thought; thoughtful
– a quiet, reflective, astute man
responsible: capable of being trusted
– a responsible young man

Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event

rapid: happening in a short time or at a fast pace

– the country’s rapid economic rise

realistic: representing familiar things in a way that is accurate or true to life

– a realistic human drama
recreational: relating to or denoting activity done for enjoyment when one is not working
– recreational activities
recurrent: occurring often or repeatedly
– she had a recurrent dream about falling
relaxed: free from tension and anxiety; at ease
– a relaxed social event

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Place

rangy: having a large, open range

– the rangy, hard, scruffy frontier
reedy: full of or edged with reeds
– they swam in the reedy lake
refreshing: welcome or stimulating because new or different
– the restaurant’s refreshing atmosphere
roomy: having plenty of room; spacious
– their roomy mansion
rousing: exciting; stirring
– a rousing place to ski

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person

ragged: suffering from exhaustion or stress; wearing old and torn clothes
– he looked a little ragged, a little shadowy beneath the eyes
rambunctious: difficult to control or handle; wildly boisterous
– a rambunctious child
rash: displaying or proceeding from a lack of careful consideration of the possible consequences
of an action
– her rash assumption
recalcitrant: having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority or discipline
– a class of recalcitrant fifteen-year-olds
reckless: without thinking or caring about the consequences of an action
– his reckless driving

Negative Adjectives to Describe an Event

rampant: (especially of something unwelcome or unpleasant) flourishing or spreading

– political violence was rampant
raucous: making or constituting a disturbingly harsh and loud noise
– a raucous street party
regrettable: giving rise to regret; undesirable; unwelcome
– the loss of this number of jobs is regrettable
relentless: oppressively constant; incessant.
– the relentless heat of the desert
ruinous: disastrous or destructive.
– a ruinous effect on the environment

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place

ratty: shabby, untidy or in bad condition; infested with rats

– a ratty cabin
rebellious: engaged in opposition or armed resistance to an established government or ruler
– a rebellious city
revolting: causing intense disgust; disgusting
– a revolting hotel
ridiculous: deserving or inviting derision or mockery; absurd
– a ridiculous gallery
riotous: marked by or involving public disorder
– a riotous part of the state

Heroic Adjectives

redemptive: acting to save someone from error or evil

– his redemptive deed
regal: of, resembling, or fit for a monarch, especially in being magnificent or dignified
– his regal authority
respectable: regarded by society to be good, proper, or correct
– a respectable knight
reverent: feeling or showing deep and solemn respect
– a reverent soldier
righteous: morally right or justifiable; virtuous.
– he is a good, righteous man

Sporty Adjectives

rare: unusually good or remarkable

– he plays with rare strength and sensitivity
rawboned: having a bony or gaunt physique
– a rawboned gymnast
remarkable: worthy of attention; striking
– a remarkable team captain
renowned: known or talked about by many people; famous
– a renowned football player
reputable: having a good reputation
– a reputable basketball team
robust: strong and healthy; vigorous
– a robust professional wrestler

Romantic Adjectives

racy: lively, entertaining, and typically mildly titillating sexually

– is a racy Latina
radiant: clearly emanating great joy, love, or health
– she gave him a radiant smile
rakish: smart; jaunty; dashing
– he had a rakish, debonair look
reliable: consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted
– a reliable partner
rosy: (especially of a person’s skin) colored like a pink or red rose, typically as an indication of
health, youth, or embarrassment
– her rosy cheeks
romantic: inclined toward or suggestive of the feeling of excitement and mystery associated with
– a romantic candlelit dinner

Shortest Adjectives

raw: not processed or subjected to analysis

– raw data
red: characterized by violence or bloodshed
– red deeds
rum: beyond or deviating from the usual or expected
– a rum accent
racy: suggestive of sexual impropriety
– a racy movie
rank: growing profusely
– rank jungle vegetation
rapt: feeling great rapture or delight
– she shut her eyes and seemed rapt with desire
rare: not widely distributed
– rare herbs
rash: marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences
– rash hijacker
real: capable of being treated as fact
– real evidence
rear: located in or toward the back or rear
– the chair’s rear legs

Longest Adjectives

representational: (used especially of art) depicting objects, figures,or scenes as seen

– representational images
roentgenographic: relating to or produced by roentgenography
– roentgenographic examination
radiotelephonic: relating to or by means of radiotelephony
– aradiotelephonic process
radiosensitive: sensitive to radiation
– radiosensitive cancer cells can be treated with radiotherapy
reconstructive: helping to restore to good condition
– reconstructive surgery
rehabilitative: tending to reform
– reformative and rehabilitative agencies
rembrandtesque: in the manner of Rembrandt
– rembrandtesque self-portrait
representative: being or characteristic of government by representation in which citizens
exercise power through elected officers and representatives
– representative government as defined by Abraham Lincoln is government of the people
ratiocinative: based on exact thinking
– one’s ratiocinative powers
rationalistic: of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of rationalism
a rationalistic theory
Adjectives Starting with S
 All S Adjectives
 S Adjectives to Describe a Person
 Categories

Starting with SA
 sabahan

 sabbatarian

 sabbatic
 sabbatical

 sabertoothed

 sabine

 sable

 saccadic

 saccharine

 sacculate

 sacculated
 sacerdotal
 sacked

 saclike

 sacral

 sacramental

 sacred

 sacrificeable

 sacrificial

 sacrilegious
 sacrosanct
 sad

 saddled
 sadducean

 sadistic
 sadomasochistic

 safe
 sagacious
 sage
 sagging
 sagittal
 sagittate

 sagittiform

 saharan

 said
 sainted
 saintlike

 saintly
 salable

 salacious
 salamandriform

 salaried
 saleable

 salient
 salientian

 saliferous

 saline

 salivary

 sallow

 salmon

 salt
 salted

 saltish

 saltlike
 salty
 salubrious
 salutary

 salvadoran
 salvadorean

 salvageable
 salverform

 salvific

 salving
 same
 samoan
 sanative

 sanctified

 sanctimonious

 sanctionative
 sanctioned
 sanctioning

 sandaled
 sandalled

 sandlike
 sandpapery

 sandy
 sane

 sanguinary
 sanguine

 sanguineous

 sanious

 sanitary

 sanitised

 sanitized

 sapid
 sapiens

 sapient

 sapiential
 sapless
 saponaceous
 saponified

 saporous
 sapphic

 sapphire
 sapphirine

 sappy

 saprobic
 saprophagous
 saprophytic
 saprozoic

 sarawakian

 sarcastic

 sarcoid
 sarcolemmal
 sarcolemmic

 sarcolemnous
 sarcosomal

 sardinian
 sardonic

 sartorial
 sassy

 satanic
 satellite

 satiable

 satiate

 satiated

 satiny

 satiric

 satirical
 satisfactory

 satisfiable

 satisfied
 satisfying
 saturated
 saturnine

 satyric
 satyrical

 saucy
 saudi

 saurian

 saute
 sauteed
 savage
 saved

 saving

 savorless

 savory
 savourless
 savoury

 saxatile
 saxicoline

 saxicolous
 saxon

Starting with SC
 scabby

 scabrous

 scalable

 scalar
 scaled

 scaleless
 scalelike

 scalene

 scaley

 scalic
 scalloped

 scaly

 scandalmongering

 scandalous

 scandent
 scandinavian
 scant

 scanty
 scaphoid
 scapose
 scapular

 scapulohumeral

 scarce

 scarecrowish
 scared
 scarlet

 scarred
 scary

 scathing
 scatological

 scatterbrained
 scattered

 scattershot
 scatty

 scenic

 scented

 scentless

 sceptered

 sceptical

 sceptred
 scheduled

 schematic

 scheming
 schismatic
 schismatical
 schizoid

 schizophrenic
 schmaltzy

 schmalzy
 scholarly

 scholastic

 schoolboyish
 schoolgirlish
 schoolwide
 sciatic

 scientific

 scintillant

 scintillating
 sciolistic
 sclerosed

 sclerotic
 scopal

 scorbutic
 scorched

 scorching
 scoreless

 scorned
 scornful

 scotch

 scotomatous

 scots

 scottish

 scoundrelly

 scoured
 scowling

 scrabbly

 scraggly
 scraggy
 scrambled
 scrappy

 scratchy
 scrawny

 screaky
 screaming

 screechy

 screwball
 screwy
 scrimpy
 scrimy

 scripted

 scriptural

 scrivened
 scrofulous
 scrotal

 scrub
 scrubbed

 scrubby
 scruffy

 scrumptious
 scrupulous

 sculpted
 sculptural

 sculptured

 sculpturesque

 scummy

 scurfy

 scurrilous

 scurrying
 scurvy

 scythian

Starting with SE
 seaborne

 seafaring

 seagirt

 seagoing

 sealed
 seamanlike
 seamanly

 seamed
 seamless
 seamy
 sear

 searching

 seared

 searing
 seasick
 seasonable

 seasonal
 seasoned

 seated
 seaward

 seaworthy
 sebaceous

 sec
 secluded

 second

 secondary

 secondhand

 secret

 secretarial

 secretive
 secretory

 sectarian

 sectional
 sectioned
 sectorial
 secular

 secure
 sedate

 sedative
 sedentary

 sedgelike

 sedgy
 sedimentary
 seditious
 seductive

 sedulous

 seeable

 seeded
 seedless
 seedy

 seeing
 seeming

 seemly
 seeping

 seething
 segmental

 segmented
 segregated

 seismal

 seismic

 seismologic

 seismological

 select

 selected
 selective

 self

 selfish
 selfless
 selfsame
 seljuk

 sellable
 semantic

 semestral
 semestrial

 semiabstract

 semiannual
 semiaquatic
 semiarid
 semiautobiographical

 semiautomatic

 semicentenary

 semicentennial
 semicircular
 semicomatose

 semiconducting
 semiconductive

 semiconscious
 semidark

 semidetached
 semiempirical

 semiformal
 semihard

 semiliquid

 semiliterate

 semilunar

 semimonthly

 seminal

 seminiferous
 seminude

 semiofficial

 semiopaque
 semiotic
 semiotical
 semiparasitic

 semipermanent
 semipermeable

 semipolitical
 semiprecious

 semiprivate

 semipublic
 semirigid
 semiskilled
 semisoft

 semisolid

 semisweet

 semisynthetic
 semite
 semiterrestrial

 semitic
 semitransparent

 semitropic
 semitropical

 semiweekly
 sempiternal

 senatorial
 senecan

 senegalese

 senescent

 senile

 senior

 sensate

 sensational
 sensationalistic

 sensed

 senseless
 sensible
 sensitised
 sensitising

 sensitive
 sensitized

 sensitizing
 sensorial

 sensorimotor

 sensorineural
 sensory
 sensual
 sensuous

 sent

 sentential

 sententious
 sentient
 sentimental

 sepaline
 sepaloid

 separable
 separate

 separated
 separatist

 separative
 septal

 septate

 septic

 septicemic

 septrional

 septuple

 sepulchral
 sequent

 sequential

 sequestered
 sequined
 seraphic
 seraphical

 serbian
 sere

 serendipitous
 serene

 serflike

 serial
 sericeous
 sericultural
 seriocomic

 seriocomical

 serious

 serologic
 serological
 serous

 serpentine
 serrate

 serrated
 serried

 serrulate
 serviceable

 servile
 servo

 servomechanical

 sesquipedalian

 sessile

 set

 setaceous

 setose
 settled

 seven

 sevenfold
 seventeen
 seventeenth
 seventh

 seventieth
 seventy

 severable
 several

 severe

 severed
 sewed
 sewn
 sexagenarian

 sexagesimal

 sexed

 sexist
 sexless
 sextuple

 sexual
 sexy

 seychellois

Starting with SH
 shabby
 shackled

 shaded

 shadowed

 shadowy

 shady

 shagged
 shaggy

 shakable
 shakeable

 shakedown

 shaken

 shakespearean
 shakespearian

 shaky

 shallow

 sham

 shamanist
 shamanistic
 shambolic

 shamed
 shamefaced
 shameful
 shameless

 shaped

 shapeless

 shapely
 shaping
 shared

 sharing
 sharp

 sharpened
 shattered

 shattering
 shatterproof

 shaved
 shaven

 shavian

 sheared

 sheathed

 shed

 sheeny

 sheepish
 sheeplike

 sheer

 sheetlike
 shelflike
 shelfy
 shelled

 shellproof
 sheltered

 shelvy
 shielded

 shifting

 shiftless
 shifty
 shimmery
 shingly

 shining

 shinto

 shintoist
 shintoistic
 shiny

 shipboard
 shipshape

 shirty
 shivering

 shivery
 shoaly

 shockable
 shocked

 shocking

 shod

 shodden

 shoddy

 shoed

 shoeless
 shona

 shopsoiled

 shopworn
 shoreward
 shorn
 short

 shortened
 shorthand

 shortish
 shortsighted

 shot

 shouldered
 shouted
 showery
 showy

 shredded

 shrewd

 shrewish
 shrieked
 shrill

 shrimpy
 shrinkable

 shriveled
 shrivelled

 shrubby
 shrunken

 shuddering
 shuddery

 shuha

 shut

 shuttered

 shy

Starting with SI
 siamese

 siberian

 sibilant

 sibyllic
 sibylline

 sicilian

 sick

 sickening

 sickish
 sickly
 side

 sidearm
 sidelong
 sidereal
 sidesplitting

 sideways

 sighted

 sightless
 sightly
 sigmoid

 sigmoidal
 sign

 signal
 signed

 significant
 significative

 sikh
 silenced

 silent

 siliceous

 silicious

 silken

 silklike

 silky
 silly

 silty

 silvan
 silver
 silverish
 silvern

 silvery
 simian

 similar
 simple

 simplex

 simplistic
 simulated
 simultaneous
 sincere

 sinewy

 sinful

 singable
 singaporean
 singhalese

 singing
 single

 singsong
 singular

 sinhala
 sinhalese

 sinister
 sinistral

 sinistrorsal

 sinistrorse

 sinitic

 sinkable

 sinless

 sinning
 sintered

 sinuate

 sinuous
 sinusoidal
 siouan
 sissified

 sissy
 sissyish

 sisterlike
 sisterly

 sisyphean

 sitting
 situated
 six
 sixfold

 sixpenny

 sixteen

 sixteenth
 sixth
 sixtieth

 sixty
 sizable

 size
 sizeable

 sized
 sizzling

Starting with SK
 skanky

 skeletal

 skeptical

 sketchy
 skew

 skewed
 skilful

 skilled

 skillful

 skim
 skimmed

 skimpy

 skinless

 skinned

 skinnerian
 skinny
 skint

 skintight
 skirting
 skittish
 skyward

Starting with SL
 slack

 slain
 slaked

 slanderous

 slangy

 slanted

 slanting
 slapdash

 slaphappy
 slapstick

 slashed

 slashing

 slatey

 slatternly

 slaty
 slaughterous

 slav
 slaveholding

 slaveless

 slavelike

 slavic
 slavish

 slavonic

 sleazy

 sleek

 sleeping
 sleepless
 sleepy

 sleepyheaded
 sleety
 sleeved
 sleeveless

 slender

 sliced

 slick
 slicked
 sliding

 slight
 slighting

 slim
 slimed

 slimy
 slippered

 slippery
 slipping

 slippy

 slipshod

 slithering

 slithery

 slivery

 sloped
 sloping

 slopped

 sloppy
 sloshed
 slothful
 slouchy

 sloughy
 slovakian

 slovenian
 slovenly

 slow

 slowgoing
 slubbed
 sluggish
 sluicing

 slumberous

 slumbery

 slumbrous
 slummy
 slurred

 slushy
 sly

Starting with SM
 small

 smaller
 smallish

 smarmy

 smart

 smashed

 smashing

 smelling
 smelly

 smiling
 smitten

 smoggy

 smoked

 smokeless
 smoking

 smoky

 smoldering

 smooth

 smoothbore
 smoothed
 smoothened

 smothered
 smothering
 smouldering
 smudgy

 smug

 smuggled

 smutty

Starting with SN
 snafu

 snakelike

 snaky

 snappish
 snappy

 snarky
 snarled

 snarly

 snazzy

 sneak

 sneaking

 sneaky
 sneering

 sneezy
 snide

 sniffly

 sniffy

 snobbish
 snobby

 snoopy

 snooty

 snorty

 snotty
 snowbound
 snowy

 snub
 snuff
 snuffling
 snuffly

 snug

 snuggled

Starting with SO
 soaked

 soapy

 soaring

 sober

 sobering
 sobersided

 sociable
 social

 socialised

 socialist

 socialistic

 socialized

 societal
 sociobiologic

 sociobiological
 sociocultural

 socioeconomic

 sociolinguistic

 sociological
 sociopathic

 socratic

 sodden

 sodding

 soft
 softened
 softening

 softheaded
 softhearted
 softish
 soggy

 soigne

 soignee

 soiled
 solanaceous
 solar

 sold
 soldierlike

 soldierly
 sole

 soled
 soleless

 solemn
 solicitous

 solid

 solidified

 solitary

 solo

 solomonic

 soluble
 solvable

 solved

 solvent
 somali
 somalian
 somatic

 somatogenetic
 somatogenic

 somatosensory
 somber

 sombre

 some
 sometime
 somniferous
 somnific

 somnolent

 sonant

 songful
 songlike
 sonic

 sonorous
 sonsie

 sonsy
 soothing

 sooty
 sophistic

 sophistical
 sophisticated

 sophomore

 soporiferous

 soporific

 soppy

 sopranino

 soprano
 sorbed

 sorbefacient

 sorcerous
 sordid
 sore
 sororal

 sorrel
 sorrowful

 sorrowing
 sorry

 sorted

 soteriological
 sotho
 sottish
 soughing

 sought

 soulful

 soulless
 sound
 soundable

 sounding
 soundless

 soundproof
 soupy

 sour
 soured

 sourish
 soused

 south

 southbound

 southeast

 southeasterly

 southeastern

 southeastward
 southerly

 southern

 southernmost
 southmost
 southward
 southwest

 southwesterly
 southwestern

 southwestward
 sovereign

 soviet

 sown
 sozzled
Starting with SP
 spaced

 spacey

 spacial

 spaciotemporal
 spacious

 spacy

 spangled

 spangly

 spanish
 spanking

 spare
 sparing

 sparkling

 sparkly

 sparse

 spartan

 spasmodic
 spastic

 spatial
 spatiotemporal

 spattered

 spatulate

 spavined
 spayed

 speakable

 speaking

 special

 specialised
 specialistic
 specialized

 specifiable
 specific
 specified
 specious

 specked

 speckled

 speckless
 spectacled
 spectacular

 spectral
 spectrographic

 spectrometric
 spectroscopic

 spectroscopical
 specular

 speculative
 speechless

 speedy

 spellbinding

 spellbound

 spendable

 spendthrift

 spent
 spermatic

 spermicidal

 spermous
 spheric
 spherical
 spheroidal

 sphingine
 spic

 spicate
 spick

 spicy

 spiderlike
 spiderly
 spidery
 spiffing

 spiffy

 spiked

 spikelike
 spiky
 spinal

 spindly
 spineless

 spinnable
 spinnbar

 spinose
 spinous

 spiny
 spiral

 spiraling

 spirant

 spirited

 spiritless

 spiritous

 spiritual
 spiritualist

 spiritualistic

 spirituous
 spiteful
 splanchnic
 splashed

 splashy
 splattered

 splay
 splayfoot

 splayfooted

 splendid
 splendiferous
 splenetic
 splenic

 splinterless

 splinterproof

 splintery
 split
 splitting

 splotched
 spoilable

 spoiled
 spoilt

 spoken
 spondaic

 spongelike
 spongy

 spontaneous

 spooky

 sporadic

 sporogenous

 sporting

 sportive
 sportsmanlike

 sporty

 spotless
 spotted
 spotty
 spousal

 spouting
 sprawling

 sprawly
 spread

 sprigged

 sprightly
 springless
 springlike
 springy

 sprouted

 spruce

 spry
 spumy
 spunky

 spurious
 spurned

 spurting

Starting with SQ
 squab
 squabby

 squalid

 squalling

 squally

 squamulose

 squandered
 square

 squared
 squarish

 squashed

 squashy

 squat
 squatty

 squawky

 squeaking

 squeaky

 squealing
 squeamish
 squeezable

 squelched
 squiffy
 squiggly
 squinched

 squint

 squinting

 squinty
 squirting
 squishy

Starting with ST
 stabbing

 stabile
 stabilised

 stabilising
 stabilized

 stabilizing

 stable

 staccato

 stacked

 staged
 stagey

 stagflationary
 staggering

 stagnant

 stagy

 staid
 stainable

 stained

 stainless

 stale

 stalemated
 stalinist
 stalked

 stalkless
 stalwart
 staminate
 standard

 standardised

 standardized

 standby
 standing
 standoffish

 standpat
 stannic

 stannous
 staphylococcal

 staple
 star

 starboard
 starchless

 starchlike

 starchy

 staring

 stark

 starkers

 starless
 starlike

 starlit

 starred
 starring
 starry
 starting

 startled
 startling

 starved
 starving

 statant

 stated
 stateless
 stately
 statesmanlike

 statesmanly

 statewide

 static
 stationary
 statistical

 stative
 statuary

 statuesque
 statute

 statutory
 staunch

 steadfast
 steadied

 steady

 steadying

 stealthy

 steamed

 steaming

 steamy
 stearic

 steely

 steep
 steepish
 steerable
 stellar

 stellate
 stemless

 stemmatic
 stemmed

 stenographic

 stenographical
 stenosed
 stenotic
 stentorian

 stepwise

 stereo

 stereophonic
 stereoscopic
 stereotyped

 stereotypic
 stereotypical

 sterile
 sterilised

 sterilized
 sterling

 stern
 sternal

 sternutative

 sternutatory

 steroidal

 stertorous

 stewed

 sticking
 sticky

 stiff

 stifled
 stifling
 stigmatic
 still

 stillborn
 stilly

 stilted
 stimulant

 stimulated

 stimulating
 stimulative
 stinging
 stingless

 stingy

 stinking

 stinky
 stinting
 stipendiary

 stippled
 stipulatory

 stirred
 stirring

 stitched
 stochastic

 stock
 stocked

 stockinged

 stocky

 stodgy

 stoic

 stoical

 stoichiometric
 stolid

 stoloniferous

 stomachal
 stomachic
 stomatal
 stomatous

 stone
 stoned

 stoneless
 stonelike

 stony

 stonyhearted
 stooped
 stooping
 stoppable

 stopped

 stoppered

 storeyed
 storied
 stormbound

 stormproof
 stormy

 stout
 stouthearted

 stovepiped
 straggling

 straggly
 straight

 straightarrow

 straightaway

 straightforward

 straightlaced

 strained

 straining
 strait

 straitlaced

 stranded
 strange
 strangled
 strapless

 straplike
 strapping

 strategic
 strategical

 stratified

 stravinskian
 stravinskyan
 straw
 stray

 straying

 streaked

 streaky
 streaming
 streamlined

 streetwise
 strengthened

 strenuous
 strep

 streptococcal
 streptococcic

 stressed
 stressful

 stretch

 stretchable

 stretched

 stretchy

 striate

 stricken
 strict

 strident

 strikebound
 striking
 stringent
 stringy

 striped
 stripped

 stripy
 strong

 stroppy

 struck
 structural
 structured
 struggling

 strung

 stubbled

 stubbly
 stubborn
 stubby

 stuck
 studded

 studied
 studious

 stuffed
 stuffy

 stumpy
 stung

 stunned

 stunning

 stunted

 stupefied

 stupefying

 stupendous
 stupid

 stuporous

 sturdy
 stygian
 styleless
 stylised

 stylish
 stylistic

 stylized
 styptic

Starting with SU
 suasible
 suave
 subacid

 subacute

 subalpine

 subaltern
 subaquatic
 subaqueous

 subarctic
 subartesian

 subatomic
 subclavian

 subclinical
 subconscious

 subcortical
 subcutaneous

 subduable

 subdued

 subdural

 subfusc

 subgross

 subhuman
 subjacent

 subject

 subjective
 subjugable
 subjugated
 subjunctive

 sublimate
 sublimated

 sublime
 sublimed

 subliminal

 sublingual
 subliterary
 sublittoral
 sublunar

 sublunary

 submarine

 submerged
 submergible
 submersed

 submersible
 submissive

 subnormal
 subocean

 suboceanic
 subocular

 suborbital
 subordinate

 subordinating

 subordinative

 subscribed

 subscript

 subsequent

 subservient
 subsidiary

 subsidised

 subsidized
 subsonic
 substandard
 substantial

 substantiating
 substantiative

 substantival
 substantive

 substitutable

 substitute
 subsurface
 subterminal
 subterranean

 subterraneous

 subtle

 subtractive
 subtropic
 subtropical

 suburban
 suburbanised

 suburbanized
 subversive

 succeeding
 successful

 successive
 succinct

 succinic

 succulent

 such

 suchlike

 suckled

 suctorial
 sudanese

 sudden

 sudorific
 sudsy
 suety
 sufferable

 suffering
 sufficient

 suffocating
 suffocative

 suffrutescent

 suffusive
 sufi
 sugared
 sugarless

 sugary

 suggestible

 suggestive
 suicidal
 suitable

 suited
 sulcate

 sulfuretted
 sulfuric

 sulfurized
 sulfurous

 sulky
 sullen

 sulphuretted

 sulphuric

 sulphurous

 sultry

 sumatran

 sumerian
 summary

 summational

 summative
 summery
 sumptuary
 sumptuous

 sunbaked
 sunburned

 sunburnt
 sundried

 sundry

 sunk
 sunken
 sunless
 sunlit

 sunny

 sunrise

 sunset
 sunstruck
 suntanned

 super
 superable

 superabundant
 superannuated

 superb
 supercharged

 supercilious
 supercritical

 supererogatory

 superfatted

 superficial

 superfine

 superfluous

 superhuman
 superimposed

 superincumbent

 superior
 superjacent
 superlative
 superlunar

 superlunary
 supernal

 supernatant
 supernatural

 supernaturalist

 supernaturalistic
 supernormal
 supernumerary
 superordinate

 superpatriotic

 superposable

 supersaturated
 superscript
 supersensitised

 supersensitive
 supersensitized

 supersonic
 superstitious

 supervised
 supervisory

 supine
 supperless

 supple

 supplemental

 supplementary

 suppliant

 supplicant

 supplicatory
 supportable

 supported

 supporting
 supportive
 supposable
 supposed

 suppositional
 suppositious

 supposititious
 suppressed

 suppressive

 suppurative
 supranational
 supranormal
 supraocular

 supraorbital

 suprasegmental

 supreme
 surd
 sure

 surefooted
 surface

 surficial
 surgical

 surging
 surly

 surmisable
 surmountable

 surmounted

 surpassing

 surpliced

 surplus

 surprised

 surprising
 surreal

 surrealistic

 surreptitious
 surrogate
 surrounded
 surrounding

 surviving
 susceptible

 suspect
 suspected

 suspended

 suspenseful
 suspensive
 suspicious
 sustainable

 sustained

 sustentacular

 susurrant
 susurrous

Starting with SV
 svelte

Starting with SW
 swagger

 swaggering
 swampy

 swank

 swanky

 swart

 swarthy

 swashbuckling

 swayback

 swaybacked
 swazi

 swedish
 sweeping

 sweet
 sweetened

 sweetheart
 sweetish
 swell

 swelled

 sweltering
 sweltry
 swept
 sweptback
 sweptwing

 swift

 swimming

 swingeing
 swinging
 swingy

 swinish
 swish

 swishy
 swiss

 swollen
 swooning

 swordlike
 sworn

Starting with SY
 sybaritic

 sycophantic
 syllabic

 syllabled
 syllogistic

 sylphic

 sylphlike

 sylvan
 symbiotic

 symbolic

 symbolical

 symmetric

 symmetrical
 sympathetic
 sympathomimetic

 sympatric
 sympetalous
 symphonic
 symphonious

 symptomatic

 symptomless

 synaesthetic
 synaptic
 syncarpous

 syncategorematic
 synchronal

 synchronic
 synchronised

 synchronized
 synchronous

 synclinal
 syncopated

 syncretic

 syncretical

 syncretistic

 syncretistical

 syndetic

 synecdochic
 synecdochical

 synergetic

 synergistic
 synesthetic
 synoecious
 synoicous

 synonymous
 synoptic

 synoptical
 synovial

 synsemantic

 syntactic
 syntactical
 syntagmatic
 synthetic

 synthetical

 syphilitic

 syrian
 syrupy
 systematic

 systemic
 systolic

Interesting Categories for the Adjectives Starting with S

Heroic Adjectives list is also provided which consists of adjectives that appropriately describes a
hero/heroine or their heroic deeds. On the other hand, the Sporty Adjectives category includes
adjectives that are commonly used to modify an athletic person or a person who loves to engage
in physical activities. Moreover, the Romantic Adjectives list is composed of descriptive words
that are usually used to convey romantic love or to describe a special someone. Finally, the
Shortest/ Longest Adjectives categories are composed of adjectives that have the least and the
most number of letters.

Adjectives that Start with S

Interesting Adjectives

sacrosanct:regarded as too important or valuable to be interfered with

– the individual’s right to work has been upheld as sacrosanct
salacious: treating sexual matters in an indecent way and typically conveying undue interest in
or enjoyment of the subject
– salacious stories
sallow: (of a person’s face or complexion) of an unhealthy yellow or pale brown color
– dull and sallow face
salubrious: health-giving; healthy.
– salubrious weather
sanctimonious: making a show of being morally superior to other people.
– what happened to all the sanctimonious talk about putting his family first?
svelte: slender and elegant
– a svelte young woman

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person

sagacious: having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment; shrewd.
– they were sagacious enough to avoid any outright confrontation
sane: of sound mind; not mad or mentally ill
– hard work kept me sane
scholarly: having or showing knowledge, learning, or devotion to academic pursuits
– he is a scholarly man
scintillating: brilliantly and excitingly clever or skillful
– the audience loved his scintillating wit
scrupulous: diligent, thorough, and extremely attentive to details
– a scrupulous researcher
supportive: providing encouragement or emotional help
– the staff are extremely supportive of each other

Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event

salient: most noticeable or important

– it succinctly covered all the salient points of the case
salutary: producing good effects; beneficial
– a salutary reminder of where we came from
satisfactory: fulfilling expectations or needs; acceptable, though not outstanding or perfect
– the satisfactory performance
scholastic: of or concerning schools and education
– scholastic achievement
sensational: causing great public interest and excitement
– a sensational court trial
spectacular: beautiful in a dramatic and eye-catching way
– a spectacular show

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Place

sacred: connected with God (or the gods) or dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserving
– sacred mountain
safe: affording security or protection
– put it in a safe place
sanitary: hygienic and clean
– their kitchen is sanitary
scenic: providing or relating to views of impressive or beautiful natural scenery
– the scenic route to Brussels
significant: sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention; noteworthy
– a significant historical site
spacious: having ample space
– a spacious room

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person

sarcastic: marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt

– his sarcastic remarks
sardonic: grimly mocking or cynical
– Starkey attempted a sardonic smile
scornful: feeling or expressing contempt or derision
– the justices have been scornful of the government’s conduct
scraggly: ragged, thin, or untidy in form or appearance
– his scraggly appearance
scrawny: unattractively thin and bony
– she is a scrawny teenager
surly: bad-tempered and unfriendly
– he left with a surly expression
Negative Adjectives to Describe an Event

sad: causing or characterized by sorrow or regret; unfortunate and regrettable

– a sad homecoming
scandalous: causing general public outrage by a perceived offense against morality or law
– a series of scandalous liaisons
scurrilous: making or spreading scandalous claims about someone with the intention of
damaging their reputation
– a scurrilous interview
sinister: giving the impression that something harmful or evil is happening or will happen
– there was something sinister about that murmuring voice
strenuous: requiring or using great exertion
– strenuous exercise
stressful: causing mental or emotional stress
– corporate finance work can be stressful

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place

scary: frightening; causing fear

– a scary cemetery
semiarid: characterized by very little annual rainfall; very dry
– semiarid region
smelly: having a strong or unpleasant smell
– smelly bathroom
spooky: sinister or ghostly in a way that causes fear and unease
– a spooky house
stormy: characterized by strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow
– a stormy sea
strange: unusual or surprising in a way that is unsettling or hard to understand; unfamiliar or
– a strange bazaar

Heroic Adjectives

selfless: concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one’s own; unselfish
– his act of selfless devotion
spirited: full of energy, enthusiasm, and determination
– a spirited campaigner for women’s rights
spectacular: beautiful in a dramatic and eye-catching way.
– spectacular mountain scenery
steadfast: resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering
– his steadfast loyalty to the country
strong: having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks
– a strong knight
superior: higher in rank, status, or quality
– a superior officer
sympathetic: feeling, showing, or expressing sympathy
– the sympathetic guardian
Sporty Adjectives

sinewy: lean and muscular

– the sinewy runner
skillful: having or showing skill
– a skillful goalkeeper
slick: done or operating in an impressively smooth, efficient, and apparently effortless way
– his slick shot
speedy: moving quickly
– a speedy midfielder
sprightly: lively; full of energy
– a sprightly striker
stunning: extremely impressive
– the boxer’s stunning uppercut
superb: excellent
– the gymnast’s superb routine
swift: moving or capable of moving at high speed
– his swift movements

Romantic Adjectives

sassy: lively, bold, and full of spirit; cheeky

– she’s a sassy girl
scrumptious: very attractive
– she is a scrumptious honey
seductive: tempting and attractive; enticing.
– a seductive voice
showy: having a striking appearance or style, typically by being excessively bright or colorful
– her showy outfit
slender: gracefully thin
– her slender neck
sweet: pleasant and kind or thoughtful
– sweet girlfriend

Shortest Adjectives

sad:bad; unfortunate
– a sad decision
sec:(of champagne) moderately dry
– a sec champagne
set:fixed and unmoving
– with eyes set in a fixed glassy stare
shy:wary and distrustful; disposed to avoid persons or things
– shy of strangers
six:denoting a quantity consisting of six items or units
– six times
sly:marked by skill in deception
– sly men often pass for wise
safe:free from danger or the risk of harm
– a safe trip
sage:having wisdom that comes with age and experience
– a sage old man
said:being the one previously mentioned or spoken of
– said party has denied the charges
salt: (of speech) painful or bitter
– a salt apology

Longest Adjectives

semiautobiographical: of or relating to a work that combines autobiography and fiction

– a semiautobiographical novel
supernaturalistic: of or relating to supernaturalism
– supernaturalistic beliefs
scandalmongering: typical of tabloids
– editor of a scandalmongering journal
sensationalistic: typical of tabloids
– a sensationalistic news feature
syncategorematic: of a term that cannot stand as the subject or (especially) the predicate of a
proposition but must be used in conjunction with other terms
– `or’ is a syncategorematic term
sadomasochistic: of or relating to sadomasochism
– sadomasochistic sexual practices
semiterrestrial: chiefly but not exclusively terrestrial
– semiterrestrial organisms
semitransparent: allowing light to pass through diffusely
– semitransparent curtains at the windows
servomechanical: of or involving servomechanisms
– a servomechanical device
sociobiological: of or relating to sociobiology
– sociobiological factors

Adjectives Starting with T

 All T Adjectives
 T Adjectives to Describe a Person
 Categories

Starting with TA
 tabby
 taboo
 tabu

 tabular

 tacit

 taciturn
 tacky
 tactful

 tactical
 tactile

 tactless
 tactual

 tagged
 tahitian

 tai
 tailed

 tailless

 taillike

 tailored

 tainted

 taiwanese

 tajikistani
 taken

 takeout

 taking
 talebearing
 talented
 talentless

 taliped
 talismanic

 talkative
 talky

 tall

 tallish
 taloned
 tamable
 tame

 tameable

 tamed

 tamil
 tan
 tangential

 tangerine
 tangible

 tangled
 tangy

 tanned
 tannic

 tannish
 tantalising

 tantalizing

 tantamount

 tantric

 tantrik

 tanzanian

 taoist
 taped

 tapered

 tapering
 tapestried
 tapped
 tardive

 tardy
 tarry

 tarsal
 tart

 tartarean

 tartaric
 tasmanian
 tasseled
 tasselled

 tasteful

 tasteless

 tasty
 tatterdemalion
 tattered

 tattling
 tatty

 taunting
 taupe

 taurine
 taut

 tautologic
 tautological

 tawdry

 tawny

 taxable

 taxing

 taxonomic

 taxonomical
 taxpaying

Starting with TE
 teachable

 teal

 tearaway

 tearful
 tearing
 tearless

 teary
 teased
 teasing
 technical

 technological

 technophilic

 technophobic
 techy
 tectonic

 tedious
 teeming

 teen
 teenage

 teenaged
 teensy

 teentsy
 teeny

 teetotal

 tegular

 telegnostic

 telegraphic

 telemetered

 teleological
 telepathic

 telephonic

 telescoped
 telescopic
 telling
 telltale

 tellurian
 telluric

 telocentric
 temerarious

 temperamental

 temperate
 tempered
 tempering
 tempestuous

 temporal

 temporary

 temptable
 tempting
 ten

 tenable
 tenacious

 tenanted
 tendencious

 tendentious
 tender

 tenderhearted
 tenderised

 tenderized

 tending

 tendinous

 tenebrific

 tenebrious

 tenebrous
 tenfold

 tenor

 tense
 tensed
 tensile
 tensional

 tensionless
 tentacled

 tentacular
 tentative

 tenth

 tenuous
 tenured
 tepid
 teratogenic

 terefah

 terete

 terminable
 terminal
 terminated

 terminative
 terminological

 ternary
 ternate

 terpsichorean
 terrene

 terrestrial
 terrible

 terrific

 terrified

 terrifying

 territorial

 terse

 tertian
 tertiary

 tessellated

 testaceous
 testamentary
 testate
 tested

 testicular
 testimonial

 testy
 tetanic

 tetchy

 tethered
 tetragonal
 tetramerous
 tetrametric

 tetravalent

 teutonic

 texan
 textbook
 textile

 textual
 textured

Starting with TH
 thai

 thalamocortical
 thalassic

 thalloid

 thallophytic

 thankful

 thankless

 thawed
 theatrical

 theban
 theist

 theistic

 theistical

 thematic
 then

 thenal

 thenar

 theocratic

 theological
 theoretic
 theoretical

 theosophical
 therapeutic
 therapeutical
 thermal

 thermic

 thermionic

 thermodynamic
 thermodynamical
 thermoelectric

 thermoelectrical
 thermogravimetric

 thermohydrometric
 thermolabile

 thermometric
 thermonuclear

 thermoplastic
 thermoset

 thermosetting

 thermostatic

 thespian

 thick

 thickened

 thickening
 thickheaded

 thickset

 thickspread
 thieving
 thievish
 thin

 thinkable
 thinking

 thinned
 third

 thirdhand

 thirsty
 thirteen
 thirteenth
 thirtieth

 thirty

 thistlelike

 thoracic
 thoreauvian
 thoriated

 thornless
 thorny

 thorough
 thoroughbred

 thoroughgoing
 thoughtful

 thoughtless
 thousand

 thousandth

 thracian

 threadbare

 threaded

 threadlike

 thready
 threatened

 threatening

 three
 threefold
 threepenny
 threescore

 thriftless
 thrifty

 thrilled
 thrillful

 thrilling

 thriving
 throated
 throaty
 throbbing

 thrombosed

 thronged

 through
 throwaway
 throwback

 thrown
 thudding

 thumbed
 thumping

 thundering
 thunderous

 thunderstruck
 thundery

 thwarted

 thwarting

 thwartwise

 thyroid

 thyroidal

 thyrotoxic

Starting with TI
 tibetan

 tibial
 tickling

 ticklish

 tidal

 tiddly

 tidy
 tied
 tiered

 tigerish
 tight
 tightfisted
 tightfitting

 tightlipped

 tiled

 tillable
 tilled
 tilted

 timbered
 timed

 timeless
 timely

 timeserving
 timeworn

 timid
 timorese

 timorous

 tined

 tingling

 tinkling

 tinkly

 tinned
 tinny

 tinpot

 tinseled
 tinselly
 tiny
 tipped

 tippy
 tipsy

 tiptoe
 tiptop

 tired

 tireless
 tiresome
 tiring
 titanic

 titillated

 titillating

 titled
 tittering
 titular

 titulary

Starting with TO
 toadyish
 toasted

 tobagonian
 tod

 toed

 toeless

 together

 togged

 togolese
 toiling

 toilsome
 token

 tokenish

 tolerable

 tolerant
 tomboyish

 tomentose

 tomentous

 tonal

 toned
 toneless
 tongan

 tongued
 tongueless
 tonguelike
 tonic

 tonsorial

 tonsured

 toothed
 toothless
 toothlike

 toothsome
 toothy

 top
 topical

 topknotted
 topless

 topmost
 topnotch

 topographic

 topographical

 topologic

 topological

 topped

 topping
 tops

 tormented

 torn
 toroidal
 torpid
 torrential

 torrid
 tortious

 tortuous
 tortured

 torturesome

 torturing
 torturous
 torulose
 total

 totaled

 totalistic

 totalitarian
 totemic
 totipotent

 tottering
 tottery

 touchable
 touched

 touching
 touchy

 tough
 toughened

 toupeed

 touristed

 touristy

 tousled

 towering

 towheaded
 toxic

 toxicant

 toxicologic
 toxicological

Starting with TR
 trabeate

 trabeated

 trabecular
 trabeculate
 traceable

 tracheal
 trackable
 tracked
 trackless

 tractable

 tractile

 tractive
 trademarked
 traditional

 traditionalist
 traditionalistic

 tragic
 tragical

 tragicomic
 tragicomical

 trained
 traitorous

 tralatitious

 tramontane

 trancelike

 tranquil

 tranquilising

 tranquilizing
 tranquillising

 tranquillizing

 transactinide
 transalpine
 transatlantic
 transcendent

 transcendental
 transcontinental

 transcribed
 transcultural

 transcutaneous

 transdermal
 transdermic
 transeunt
 transferable

 transferrable

 transfixed

 transformable
 transformed
 transgender

 transgendered
 transient

 transistorised
 transistorized

 transitional
 transitive

 transitory
 translatable

 translational

 translucent

 translunar

 translunary

 transmissible

 transmittable
 transmitted

 transmontane

 transmundane
 transmutable
 transnational
 transoceanic

 transonic
 transparent

 transpiring
 transplacental

 transplantable

 transpolar
 transportable
 transposable
 transposed

 transsexual

 transuranic

 transversal
 transverse
 transvestic

 transvestite
 trapezoidal

 trapped
 trashy

 traumatic
 travelable

 traveled
 travelled

 traversable

 treacherous

 treacly

 treasonable

 treasonous

 treasured
 treated

 treble

 treed
 treeless
 treelike
 tref

 trembling
 tremendous

 tremulous
 trenchant

 trendsetting

 trendy
 trepid
 trespassing
 triangular

 triangulate

 triassic

 tribadistic
 tribal
 tributary

 tricentenary
 tricentennial

 trichromatic
 trichrome

 tricksy
 tricky

 triclinic
 tricolor

 tricuspid

 tricuspidate

 tried

 triennial

 trifid

 trifling
 trifoliate

 trifoliated

 trifoliolate
 trig
 trigonal
 trigonometric

 trihydroxy
 trilateral

 trilingual
 trilled

 trillion

 trillionth
 trilobate
 trilobated
 trilobed

 trim

 trimmed

 trimotored
 trinidadian
 trinuclear

 trinucleate
 trinucleated

 tripartite
 tripinnate

 tripinnated
 tripinnatifid

 triple
 triplex

 triploid

 tripping

 triskaidekaphobic

 tritanopic

 trite

 triumphal
 triumphant

 triune

 trivalent
 trivial
 trochaic
 trojan

 trophic
 trophoblastic

 trophotropic
 tropic

 tropical

 troubled
 troublesome
 troubling
 troublous

 trousered

 truant

 truculent
 true
 truehearted

 truncate
 truncated

 trussed
 trusted

 trustful
 trusting

 trustworthy
 trusty

 truthful

 trying

Starting with TS
 tsarist

 tsaristic

Starting with TU
 tubal

 tubby
 tubed

 tubeless
 tubelike
 tubercular

 tuberculate

 tuberculoid
 tuberculous
 tuberous
 tubular
 tucked

 tudor

 tufted

 tumescent
 tumid
 tumultuous

 tuneful
 tuneless

 tunisian
 tuppeny

 turbaned
 turbid

 turbinate
 turbulent

 turgid

 turkic

 turkish

 turkmen

 turned

 tuscan
 tusked

 tutelar

 tutelary
 tutorial
 tuxedoed

Starting with TW
 twee

 tweedy
 twelfth
 twelve

 twentieth
 twenty
 twiggy
 twiglike

 twilight

 twilit

 twilled
 twin
 twinkling

 twinkly
 twinned

 twinning
 twisted

 twisting
 twisty

 two
 twofold

 twopenny

 twoscore

Starting with TY
 tympanic

 tympanitic
 typic

 typical

 typographic

 typographical
 tyrannic

 tyrannical

 tyrannous

 tyrolean

 tyrolese

Starting with TZ
 tzarist
Interesting Categories for the Adjectives Starting with T
In this article, the adjectives presented all start with the letters T. Moreover, the meaning of the
word and an example regarding how to use the adjective are also provided.

The Interesting Adjectives list in this article presents some of the descriptive words which can
grab the attention of your readers or listeners. On the other hand, the Positive Adjectives
categories are composed of words which are considered favorable, while the Negative Adjectives
categories include those which are deemed unfavorable.

Adjectives that Start with T

Interesting Adjectives

1. taboo: prohibited or restricted by social custom

2. – vulgarity was a taboo subject
3. tacit: understood or implied without being stated
4. – your silence may be taken to mean tacit agreement
5. tacky: retaining a slightly sticky feel; not fully dry
6. – the paint was still tacky
7. tantamount: equivalent in seriousness to; virtually the same as
8. – the resignations were tantamount to an admission of guilt
9. taut: stretched or pulled tight; not slack.
10. – the fabric stays taut without adhesive

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person

1. tactful: having or showing tact

2. – She is tactful professionally
3. tasteful: showing good aesthetic judgment or appropriate behavior
4. – He is tasteful and sophisticated.
5. thrifty: using money and other resources carefully and not wastefully
6. – thrifty child
7. tireless: having or showing great effort or energy
8. – a tireless campaigner
9. tolerant: showing willingness to allow the existence of opinions or behavior that one does
not necessarily agree with.
10. – we must be tolerant of others

Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event

telling: having a striking or revealing effect; significant

– a telling argument against this theory
terrific: extremely good; excellent
– it’s been such a terrific day
thorough: performed or written with great care and completeness
– thorough examination
thrilling: cause (someone) to have a sudden feeling of excitement and pleasure
– a thrilling experience
timely: done or occurring at a favorable or useful time; opportune
– a timely warning

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Place

temperate: of, relating to, or denoting a region or climate characterized by mild temperatures
– temperate areas
tenable: able to be held or used
– the building is tenable for three years
tidy: arranged neatly and in order
– his scrupulously tidy apartment
tranquil: free from disturbance; calm
– tranquil ocean
towering: extremely tall, especially in comparison with the surroundings
– the towering skyscrapers

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person

taciturn: reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little

– He is taciturn to talk in front of a large audience.
tardy: delaying or delayed beyond the right or expected time; late
– She is always tardy.
tasteless: considered to be lacking in aesthetic judgment or to offend against what is regarded
as appropriate behavior
– his tasteless remarks
tense: unable to relax because of nervousness, anxiety, or stimulation
– he was tense with anger
testy: easily irritated; impatient and somewhat bad-tempered
– what’s made you so testy today?
thoughtless: not showing consideration for the needs of other people
– it was thoughtless of her to have rushed out and not said where she would be going

Negative Adjectives to Describe an Event

tearful:causing tears; sad or emotional.

– a tearful farewell
tedious: too long, slow, or dull: tiresome or monotonous
– a tedious journey
tenebrous: dark; shadowy or obscure
– a tenebrous vision
thankless: difficult or unpleasant and not likely to bring one pleasure or the appreciation of
– a thankless task
thorny: causing distress, difficulty, or trouble
– a thorny problem for our team to solve
tiresome: causing one to feel bored or annoyed
– weeding is a tiresome but essential job

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place

tawdry: showy but cheap and of poor quality

– tawdry hotel room
terrible: extremely or distressingly bad or serious
– a terrible restaurant
timeworn: damaged or impaired, or made less striking or attractive, as a result of age or much
– a timeworn workshop
tumultuous: making a loud, confused noise; uproarious
– a tumultuous club
turbulent: characterized by conflict, disorder, or confusion; not controlled or calm
– a turbulent sea
tyrannical: characteristic of tyranny; oppressive and controlling
– a tyrranical state

Heroic Adjectives

tenacious: determined
– he is tenacious
titanic: of exceptional strength, size, or power
– a titanic warrior
tough: able to endure hardship or pain; physically robust
– he is a tough soldier
transparent: having thoughts, feelings, or motives that are easily perceived
– he is a transparent leader
trenchant: vigorous or incisive in expression or style
– a trenchant knight

Sporty Adjectives

talented: having a natural aptitude or skill for something

– a talented young athlete
tall: of great or more than average height, especially (with reference to an object) relative to
– the tall basketball player
triumphant: having won a battle or contest; victorious
– the triumphant winner rose from his seat
tremendous: very great in amount, scale, or intensity
– a tremendous jump
tricky: requiring care and skill because difficult or awkward
– made a tricky shot

Romantic Adjectives

thankful: pleased and relieved

– I am thankful to have you.
thoughtful: showing consideration for the needs of other people
– he was attentive and thoughtful
timeless: not affected by the passage of time or changes in fashion
– timeless beauty
trustworthy: able to be relied on as honest or truthful
– a trustworthy husband
truthful: telling or expressing the truth; honest
– I have always been truthful to you.
Shortest Adjectives

tai: of or relating to Thailand; of or relating to the languages of the Thai people

– tai tones
tan: of a light yellowish-brown color
– a tan young man
ten: being one more than nine
– ten baskets
tod: alone and on your own
– don’t just sit there on your tod
top: situated at the top or highest position
– the top shelf
two: being one more than one
– he received two messages
tabu: excluded from use or mention
– the tabu fruit
tall: too improbable to admit of belief; impressively difficult
– a tall story
tame: very docile; brought from wildness into a domesticated state
– tame animals
tart: harsh
– a tart remark

Longest Adjectives

thermogravimetric:of or relating to thermal hydrometry

– thermogravimetric analysis
thermohydrometric: of or relating to thermal hydrometry
– thermohydrometric study
triskaidekaphobic: suffering from triskaidekaphobia (abnormal fear of the number 13)
– triskaidekaphobic person
thermoelectrical: involving or resulting from thermoelectricity
– thermoelectrical power plant
traditionalistic: adhering to tradition, especially in cultural or religious practices
– traditionalistic culture
transcontinental: spanning or crossing or on the farther side of a continent
– transcontinental railroad
thalamocortical: relating to or connecting the cortex and thalamus
– thalamocortical cells
thermodynamical: of or concerned with thermodynamics
– thermodynamical system
tatterdemalion: in deplorable condition
– a tatterdemalion dress
terminological: of or concerning terminology
– terminological disputes

Adjectives Starting with U

 All U Adjectives
 U Adjectives to Describe a Person
 Categories

Starting with UB
 ubiquitous

Starting with UG
 ugandan

 ugly

Starting with UK
 ukrainian

Starting with UL
 ulcerated

 ulcerative
 ulcerous

 ulnar

 ult
 ulterior

 ultimate

 ultimo
 ultra
 ultraconservative
 ultramarine
 ultramicroscopic
 ultramodern

 ultramontane

 ultranationalistic

 ultrasonic
 ultraviolet

Starting with UM
 umbellar

 umbellate

 umbelliferous
 umbelliform

 umber
 umbilical

 umbilicate

 umbrageous

 umbrella

 umbrellalike

 umpteen
 umpteenth

 umptieth
 umteen

 umteenth

Starting with UN
 unabashed

 unabated
 unable
 unabridged

 unabused

 unaccented
 unacceptable
 unaccepted
 unaccessible
 unaccommodating

 unaccompanied

 unaccountable

 unaccredited
 unaccustomed
 unachievable

 unacknowledged
 unacquainted

 unacquisitive
 unactable

 unadaptable
 unadapted

 unaddicted
 unaddressed

 unadjustable

 unadjusted

 unadoptable

 unadorned

 unadulterated

 unadventurous
 unadvisable

 unadvised

 unaerated
 unaesthetic
 unaffected
 unaffecting

 unaffectionate
 unaffiliated

 unaffixed
 unafraid

 unaged

 unaggressive
 unagitated
 unaided
 unaired

 unairworthy

 unalarming

 unalert
 unalienable
 unalike

 unalloyed
 unalterable

 unaltered
 unambiguous

 unambitious
 unamended

 unanalyzable
 unanalyzed

 unangry

 unanimated

 unanimous

 unannealed

 unannounced

 unanswerable
 unanswered

 unanticipated

 unapologetic
 unappareled
 unapparent
 unappealable

 unappealing
 unappeasable

 unappendaged
 unappetising

 unappetizing

 unappreciated
 unappreciative
 unapprehensive
 unapproachable

 unarbitrary

 unarguable

 unargumentative
 unarmed
 unarmored

 unarmoured
 unarticulate

 unarticulated
 unartistic

 unary
 unascertainable

 unascribable
 unashamed

 unasked

 unassailable

 unassertive

 unassignable

 unassigned

 unassisted
 unassuming

 unassured

 unasterisked
 unattached
 unattackable
 unattainable

 unattended
 unattired

 unattractive
 unattributable

 unauthentic

 unauthorised
 unauthorized
 unavailable
 unavailing

 unavenged

 unavoidable

 unavowed
 unawakened
 unaware

 unawed
 unbacked

 unbaffled
 unbalanced

 unbalconied
 unbanded

 unbaptised
 unbaptized

 unbarred

 unbarreled

 unbarrelled

 unbearable

 unbeatable

 unbeaten
 unbecoming

 unbefitting

 unbeholden
 unbeknown
 unbeknownst
 unbelievable

 unbelieving
 unbeloved

 unbelted
 unbendable

 unbending

 unbeneficed
 unbent
 unbiased
 unbiassed

 unbigoted

 unbitter

 unbleached
 unblemished
 unblended

 unblessed
 unblinking

 unbloody
 unblushing

 unbodied
 unbolted

 unbooked
 unbordered

 unborn

 unbound

 unbounded

 unbowed

 unbraced

 unbrainwashed
 unbranched

 unbranching

 unbranded
 unbreakable
 unbridgeable
 unbridled

 unbroken
 unbrushed

 unburdened
 unburied

 unburnished

 unbuttoned
 uncamphorated
 uncanny
 uncapped

 uncarbonated

 uncaring

 uncarpeted
 uncarved
 uncastrated

 uncategorised
 uncategorized

 uncaulked
 uncaused

 unceasing
 uncensored

 unceremonial
 unceremonious

 uncertain

 uncertified

 unchained

 unchallengeable

 unchallenged

 unchangeable
 unchanged

 unchanging

 uncharacteristic
 uncharged
 uncharitable
 uncharted

 unchartered
 unchaste

 uncheckable
 unchecked

 uncheerful

 unchewable
 unchivalrous
 unchristian
 unchristianly

 unchristlike

 uncial

 uncivil
 uncivilised
 uncivilized

 unclad
 unclaimed

 unclassifiable
 unclassified

 unclean
 uncleanly

 unclear
 uncleared

 unclimbable

 unclipped

 unclogged

 unclothed

 unclouded

 uncluttered
 uncoated

 uncoiled

 uncollected
 uncollectible
 uncolored
 uncoloured

 uncolumned
 uncombable

 uncombed
 uncombined

 uncomely

 uncomfortable
 uncommercial
 uncommercialised
 uncommercialized

 uncommitted

 uncommon

 uncommunicative
 uncomparable
 uncompartmented

 uncompassionate
 uncompensated

 uncompetitive
 uncomplaining

 uncomplete
 uncompleted

 uncomplicated
 uncomplimentary

 uncompounded

 uncomprehended

 uncomprehending

 uncomprehensible

 uncompromising

 unconcealed
 unconcerned

 unconditional

 unconditioned
 unconfessed
 unconfined
 unconfirmed

 unconformable
 unconformist

 unconfused
 uncongenial

 unconnected

 unconquerable
 unconquered
 unconscientious
 unconscionable

 unconscious

 unconsecrated

 unconsidered
 unconsolable
 unconsolidated

 unconstipated
 unconstitutional

 unconstrained
 unconstricted

 unconstructive
 unconsumed

 unconsummated
 uncontaminated

 uncontaminating

 uncontested

 uncontrived

 uncontrollable

 uncontrolled

 uncontroversial
 unconventional

 unconverted

 unconvertible
 unconvinced
 unconvincing
 uncooked

 uncool
 uncooperative

 uncoordinated
 uncordial

 uncorrectable

 uncorrected
 uncorrelated
 uncorroborated
 uncorrupted

 uncounted

 uncoupled

 uncousinly
 uncouth
 uncovered

 uncrannied
 uncreased

 uncreative
 uncritical

 uncropped
 uncrossed

 uncrowded
 uncrowned

 uncrystallised

 uncrystallized

 unctuous

 uncultivable

 uncultivatable

 uncultivated
 uncultured

 uncurbed

 uncured
 uncurled
 uncurtained
 uncurved

 uncurving
 uncut

 undamaged
 undatable

 undated

 undaunted
 undeceived
 undecided
 undecipherable

 undeciphered

 undeclared

 undecomposable
 undecomposed
 undecorated

 undedicated
 undefeated

 undefendable
 undefended

 undeferential
 undefiled

 undefinable
 undefined

 undelineated

 undemanding

 undemocratic

 undemonstrative

 undeniable

 undenominational
 undependable

 undepicted

 under
 underactive
 underage
 underarm

 underbred
 underclass

 underclothed
 undercoated

 undercover

 underdeveloped
 underdone
 underdressed
 undereducated

 underemployed

 underfed

 underground
 underhand
 underhanded

 underhung
 underivative

 underived
 underlying

 undermanned
 undermentioned

 undernourished
 underpopulated

 underprivileged

 undersea

 undersealed

 undersexed

 undershot

 undersize
 undersized

 underslung

 understaffed
 understandable
 understanding
 understated

 understood
 underwater

 underway
 underweight

 undescended

 undescriptive
 undeserved
 undeserving
 undesigned

 undesirable

 undesired

 undesiring
 undesirous
 undestroyable

 undetectable
 undetected

 undeterminable
 undetermined

 undeterred
 undeveloped

 undeviating
 undiagnosable

 undiagnosed

 undifferentiated

 undigested

 undignified

 undiluted

 undiminished
 undimmed

 undiplomatic

 undirected
 undiscerning
 undischarged
 undisciplined

 undisclosed
 undiscouraged

 undiscoverable
 undiscovered

 undiscriminating

 undisguised
 undismayed
 undisputable
 undisputed

 undissolved

 undistinguishable

 undistinguished
 undistorted
 undistributed

 undisturbed
 undiversified

 undividable
 undivided

 undoable
 undocumented

 undogmatic
 undogmatical

 undomestic

 undomesticated

 undone

 undrained

 undramatic

 undraped
 undrawn

 undreamed

 undreamt
 undressed
 undried
 undrinkable

 undue
 undulant

 undulate
 undulatory

 undutiful

 undyed
 undying
 undynamic
 uneager

 unearned

 unearthly

 uneasy
 uneatable
 uneconomic

 uneconomical
 unedifying

 unedited
 uneducated

 uneffective
 unelaborate

 unelaborated
 unembarrassed

 unembellished

 unembodied

 unemotional

 unemphatic

 unemployable

 unemployed
 unenclosed

 unencouraging

 unencumbered
 unended
 unending
 unendowed

 unendurable
 unenergetic

 unenforceable
 unenforced

 unengaged

 unenlightened
 unenlightening
 unenlivened
 unenterprising

 unenthusiastic

 unentitled

 unenviable
 unequal
 unequaled

 unequalised
 unequalized

 unequalled
 unequipped

 unequivocal
 unerasable

 unerect
 unerring

 unessential

 unestablished

 unethical

 uneven

 uneventful

 unexacting
 unexampled

 unexceeded

 unexcelled
 unexceptionable
 unexceptional
 unexchangeable

 unexcitable
 unexcited

 unexciting
 unexclusive

 unexcused

 unexhausted
 unexpansive
 unexpected
 unexpendable

 unexpended

 unexpired

 unexplainable
 unexplained
 unexploded

 unexploited
 unexplorative

 unexploratory
 unexplored

 unexportable
 unexpressed

 unexpressible
 unexpressive

 unexpurgated

 unextended

 unfaceted

 unfading

 unfailing

 unfair
 unfaithful

 unfaltering

 unfamiliar
 unfashionable
 unfastened
 unfastidious

 unfathomable
 unfathomed

 unfattened
 unfavorable

 unfavourable

 unfearing
 unfeasible
 unfeathered
 unfed

 unfeeling

 unfeigned

 unfeminine
 unfenced
 unfermented

 unfertile
 unfertilised

 unfertilized
 unfettered

 unfilled
 unfilmed

 unfinished
 unfirm

 unfit

 unfitting

 unfixed

 unflagging

 unflappable

 unflattering
 unflavored

 unflavoured

 unflawed
 unfledged
 unflinching
 unfluctuating

 unflurried
 unflustered

 unfocused
 unfocussed

 unforbearing

 unforced
 unforceful
 unforeseeable
 unforeseen

 unforesightful

 unforested

 unforethoughtful
 unforfeitable
 unforgettable

 unforgivable
 unforgiving

 unformed
 unfortunate

 unfounded
 unframed

 unfree
 unfrequented

 unfretted

 unfriendly

 unfrightened

 unfrosted

 unfrozen

 unfruitful
 unfueled

 unfulfilled

 unfunctional
 unfunded
 unfunny
 unfurnished

 unfurrowed
 ungainly

 ungallant
 ungarbed

 ungarmented

 ungathered
 ungeared
 ungenerous
 ungentle

 ungentlemanlike

 ungentlemanly

 ungetatable
 unglamorous
 unglamourous

 unglazed
 ungodly

 ungovernable
 ungoverned

 ungraceful
 ungracious

 ungraded
 ungrammatical

 ungrasped

 ungrateful

 ungratified

 ungratifying

 ungreased

 ungregarious
 ungroomed

 ungrudging

 ungual
 unguaranteed
 unguarded
 unguiculate

 unguiculated
 unguided

 ungulate
 ungulated

 ungummed

 ungusseted
 unhallowed
 unhampered
 unhappy

 unhardened

 unharmed

 unharmonious
 unhatched
 unhazardous

 unheaded
 unhealed

 unhealthful
 unhealthy

 unhearable
 unheard

 unhearing
 unheated

 unheeded

 unheeding

 unhelpful

 unheralded

 unhesitating

 unhewn
 unhindered

 unhinged

 unholy
 unhomogenised
 unhomogenized
 unhoped

 unhopeful
 unhuman

 unhumorous
 unhurried

 unhurt

 unhygienic
 uniate
 unicameral
 unicellular

 unicuspid

 unidentifiable

 unidentified
 unidimensional
 unidirectional

 unifacial
 unified

 unifilar
 unifoliate

 uniform
 uniformed

 unifying
 unilateral

 unilluminated

 unilluminating

 unimaginable

 unimaginative

 unimagined

 unimodal
 unimpaired

 unimpassioned

 unimpeachable
 unimpeded
 unimportant
 unimposing

 unimpregnated
 unimpressed

 unimpressionable
 unimpressive

 unimprisoned

 unimproved
 unincorporated
 unindustrialised
 unindustrialized

 uninebriated

 uninfected

 uninflected
 uninfluenced
 uninfluential

 uninformative
 uninformed

 uninhabitable
 uninhabited

 uninhibited
 uninitiate

 uninitiated
 uninjectable

 uninjured

 uninominal

 uninquiring

 uninquisitive

 uninspired

 uninspiring
 uninstructed

 uninstructive

 uninsurable
 uninsured
 unintegrated
 unintelligent

 unintelligible
 unintended

 unintentional
 uninterested

 uninteresting

 uninterrupted
 unintimidated
 unintoxicated
 unintrusive

 uninucleate

 uninventive

 uninvited
 uninviting
 uninvolved

 union
 unionised

 unionized
 uniovular

 uniovulate
 uniparous

 unipolar
 unique

 unironed

 unisex

 unisexual

 unitarian

 unitary

 united
 univalent

 univalve

 universal
 universalist
 universalistic
 univocal

 unjointed
 unjust

 unjustifiable
 unjustified

 unkempt

 unkept
 unkeyed
 unkind
 unkindled

 unkindly

 unknowable

 unknowing
 unknowledgeable
 unknown

 unlabeled
 unlabelled

 unlaced
 unladylike

 unlamented
 unlatched

 unlaureled
 unlaurelled

 unlawful

 unleaded

 unlearned

 unleavened

 unlettered

 unlicenced
 unlicensed

 unlifelike

 unlighted
 unlikable
 unlike
 unlikeable

 unlikely
 unlimited

 unlined
 unlipped

 unlisted

 unlit
 unliterary
 unlittered
 unlivable

 unliveable

 unliveried

 unloaded
 unlobed
 unlocated

 unlocked
 unlogical

 unlovable
 unloved

 unlovely
 unloving

 unlubricated
 unlucky

 unmade

 unmalicious

 unmalleable

 unmalted

 unmanageable

 unmanful
 unmanlike

 unmanly

 unmanned
 unmannered
 unmannerly
 unmapped

 unmarked
 unmarketable

 unmarred
 unmarried

 unmatchable

 unmatched
 unmated
 unmeaning
 unmeasurable

 unmeasured

 unmechanical

 unmechanised
 unmechanized
 unmediated

 unmedical
 unmedicative

 unmedicinal
 unmelodic

 unmelodious
 unmelted

 unmemorable
 unmentionable

 unmercenary

 unmerchantable

 unmerciful

 unmerited

 unmeritorious

 unmethodical
 unmilitary

 unmindful

 unmined
 unmingled
 unmistakable
 unmitigable

 unmitigated
 unmixable

 unmixed
 unmoderated

 unmodernised

 unmodernized
 unmodifiable
 unmodified
 unmodulated

 unmolested

 unmortgaged

 unmotivated
 unmotorised
 unmotorized

 unmourned
 unmovable

 unmoved
 unmoving

 unmown
 unmusical

 unmutilated
 unmyelinated

 unnameable

 unnamed

 unnatural

 unnaturalised

 unnaturalized

 unnavigable
 unnecessary

 unneeded

 unneighborly
 unneighbourly
 unnerved
 unnerving

 unneurotic
 unnotched

 unnoted
 unnoticeable

 unnoticed

 unnourished
 unnumberable
 unnumbered
 unnumerable

 unobjectionable

 unobjective

 unobligated
 unobliging
 unobservable

 unobservant
 unobserved

 unobstructed
 unobtainable

 unobtrusive
 unobvious

 unoccupied
 unoffending

 unofficial

 unoiled

 unopen

 unopened

 unopposable

 unopposed
 unordered

 unorganised

 unorganized
 unoriented
 unoriginal
 unornamented

 unorthodox
 unostentatious

 unowned
 unoxygenated

 unpackaged

 unpaid
 unpainful
 unpaintable
 unpainted

 unpaired

 unpalatable

 unparallel
 unparalleled
 unpardonable

 unparented
 unparliamentary

 unpartitioned
 unpassable

 unpasteurised
 unpasteurized

 unpatented
 unpatriotic

 unpatronised

 unpatronized

 unpatterned

 unpaved

 unpeaceable

 unpeaceful
 unpeopled

 unperceivable

 unperceived
 unperceiving
 unperceptive
 unperformed

 unpermed
 unpermissive

 unperplexed
 unpersuadable

 unpersuaded

 unpersuasive
 unperturbed
 unpictured
 unpicturesque

 unpierced

 unpigmented

 unpillared
 unpitying
 unplaced

 unplanned
 unplanted

 unplayable
 unplayful

 unpleasant
 unpleasing

 unpledged
 unploughed

 unplowed

 unplumbed

 unpointed

 unpolished

 unpolitical

 unpolluted
 unpompous

 unpopular

 unpopulated
 unportable
 unposed
 unpotted

 unpowered
 unpracticed

 unpractised
 unprecedented

 unpredictable

 unpredicted
 unpredictive
 unprejudiced
 unpremeditated

 unprepared

 unprepossessing

 unpresentable
 unpresidential
 unpressed

 unpretending
 unpretentious

 unpreventable
 unpriestly

 unprincipled
 unprintable

 unproblematic
 unprocessed

 unprocurable

 unproductive

 unprofessional

 unprofitable

 unprogressive

 unpromised
 unpromising

 unprompted

 unpronounceable
 unprophetic
 unpropitious
 unprotected

 unprotective
 unprovable

 unproved
 unproven

 unprovocative

 unprovoked
 unprovoking
 unpublishable
 unpublished

 unpunctual

 unpunished

 unpurified
 unqualified
 unquenchable

 unquestionable
 unquestioned

 unquestioning
 unquiet

 unquotable
 unraised

 unranked
 unratable

 unratified

 unreachable

 unreached

 unreactive

 unread

 unreadable
 unready

 unreal

 unrealised
 unrealistic
 unrealizable
 unrealized

 unreasonable
 unreasoning

 unreassuring
 unreceptive

 unreciprocated

 unrecognisable
 unrecognised
 unrecognizable
 unrecognized

 unreconcilable

 unreconciled

 unreconstructed
 unrecorded
 unrecoverable

 unredeemable
 unredeemed

 unreduced
 unrefined

 unreflected
 unreflective

 unreformable
 unreformed

 unrefreshed

 unregenerate

 unregenerated

 unregistered

 unregretful

 unregretting
 unregulated

 unrehearsed

 unrelated
 unrelaxed
 unreleased
 unrelenting

 unreliable
 unrelieved

 unremarkable
 unremarked

 unremedied

 unremitting
 unremorseful
 unremunerative
 unrenewable

 unrenewed

 unrentable

 unrepaired
 unrepeatable
 unrepentant

 unreplaceable
 unreportable

 unreported
 unrepresentative

 unrepressed
 unreproducible

 unrequested
 unrequited

 unresentful

 unreserved

 unresistant

 unresisting

 unresolvable

 unresolved
 unrespectable

 unresponsive

 unrested
 unrestrained
 unrestricted
 unrestrictive

 unretentive
 unretrievable

 unrevealed
 unreverberant

 unrevised

 unrevived
 unrewarded
 unrewarding
 unrhetorical

 unrhymed

 unrhythmic

 unrhythmical
 unrifled
 unrigged

 unrighteous
 unrimed

 unripe
 unripened

 unrivaled
 unrivalled

 unromantic
 unroofed

 unrouged

 unruffled

 unruly

 unsaddled

 unsafe

 unsaid
 unsalable

 unsalaried

 unsaleable
 unsalted
 unsanctified
 unsanctioned

 unsanded
 unsanitary

 unsaponified
 unsarcastic

 unsated

 unsatiable
 unsatiated
 unsatisfactory
 unsatisfiable

 unsatisfied

 unsatisfying

 unsaturated
 unsaved
 unsavory

 unsavoury
 unscalable

 unscathed
 unscheduled

 unscholarly
 unschooled

 unscientific
 unscripted

 unscrupulous

 unsealed

 unseamanlike

 unseamed

 unseasonable

 unseasoned
 unseaworthy

 unsectarian

 unsecured
 unseductive
 unseeable
 unseeded

 unseeing
 unseemly

 unseen
 unsegmented

 unsegregated

 unselected
 unselective
 unselfconscious
 unselfish

 unsensational

 unsent

 unsentimental
 unserviceable
 unservile

 unsettled
 unsexed

 unsexy
 unshackled

 unshaded
 unshadowed

 unshakable
 unshaken

 unshaped

 unshapely

 unshapen

 unshared

 unsharpened

 unshaved
 unshaven

 unsheared

 unsheathed
 unshelled
 unshielded
 unshockable

 unshod
 unshoed

 unshorn
 unshrinkable

 unshrinking

 unshuttered
 unsighted
 unsightly
 unsigned

 unsilenced

 unsinkable

 unsized
 unskilled
 unskillful

 unsleeping
 unsloped

 unsmiling
 unsmooth

 unsmoothed
 unsnarled

 unsociable
 unsocial

 unsoiled

 unsold

 unsoldierly

 unsolicited

 unsoluble

 unsolvable
 unsolved

 unsophisticated

 unsorted
 unsought
 unsound
 unsoundable

 unsounded
 unsoured

 unsown
 unspaced

 unsparing

 unspeakable
 unspecialised
 unspecialized
 unspecific

 unspecified

 unspectacular

 unspent
 unspoiled
 unspoilt

 unspoken
 unsporting

 unsportsmanlike
 unspotted

 unstable
 unstaged

 unstained
 unstarred

 unstated

 unstatesmanlike

 unsteady

 unsterilised

 unsterilized

 unstilted
 unstimulating

 unstinted

 unstinting
 unstirred
 unstoppable
 unstoppered

 unstrained
 unstratified

 unstressed
 unstructured

 unstrung

 unstuck
 unstudied
 unstudious
 unstylish

 unsuasible

 unsubdivided

 unsubduable
 unsubdued
 unsubmissive

 unsubstantial
 unsubstantiated

 unsubtle
 unsuccessful

 unsufferable
 unsugared

 unsuitable
 unsuited

 unsullied

 unsung

 unsupervised

 unsupportable

 unsupported

 unsupportive
 unsuppressed

 unsure

 unsurmountable
 unsurpassable
 unsurpassed
 unsurprised

 unsurprising
 unsusceptible

 unsuspected
 unsuspecting

 unsuspicious

 unswayed
 unsweet
 unsweetened
 unswept

 unswerving

 unsworn

 unsyllabic
 unsyllabled
 unsymbolic

 unsymmetric
 unsymmetrical

 unsympathetic
 unsympathising

 unsympathizing
 unsynchronised

 unsynchronized
 unsynchronous

 unsystematic

 untactful

 untagged

 untainted

 untalented

 untalkative
 untamed

 untangled

 untanned
 untaped
 untapped
 untarnished

 untasted
 untaught

 untaxed
 untechnical

 untellable

 untempered
 untempting
 untenable
 untenanted

 untended

 untested

 untethered
 unthankful
 unthawed

 untheatrical
 unthematic

 unthinkable
 unthinking

 unthought
 unthoughtful

 unthreatening
 untidy

 untied

 untilled

 untimbered

 untimely

 untipped

 untired
 untiring

 untitled

 untoasted
 untold
 untoothed
 untouchable

 untouched
 untoughened

 untoward
 untraceable

 untracked

 untraditional
 untrained
 untrammeled
 untrammelled

 untransferable

 untranslatable

 untransmutable
 untraveled
 untravelled

 untraversable
 untraversed

 untreated
 untried

 untrimmed
 untrod

 untrodden
 untroubled

 untrue

 untrusting

 untrustworthy

 untrusty

 untruthful

 untucked
 untufted

 untuneful

 unturned
 untutored
 untwisted
 untypical

 ununderstood
 unusable

 unuseable
 unused

 unusual

 unutterable
 unuttered
 unvaccinated
 unvalued

 unvaned

 unvanquishable

 unvanquished
 unvaried
 unvarnished

 unvarying
 unveiled

 unvendible
 unvented

 unventilated
 unverbalised

 unverbalized
 unverifiable

 unverified

 unversed

 unvigilant

 unvindictive

 unvitrified

 unvoiced
 unvoluntary

 unvulcanised

 unvulcanized
 unwanted
 unwarmed
 unwarrantable

 unwarranted
 unwary

 unwashed
 unwatchful

 unwavering

 unwaxed
 unweaned
 unwearable
 unwearied

 unweary

 unwearying

 unweathered
 unwebbed
 unwed

 unwedded
 unwelcome

 unwell
 unwholesome

 unwieldy
 unwilled

 unwilling
 unwise

 unwished

 unwitting

 unwomanly

 unwonted

 unwooded

 unworkable
 unworkmanlike

 unworldly

 unworried
 unworthy
 unwounded
 unwoven

 unwrapped
 unwrinkled

 unwritten
 unyielding
Starting with UP
 up

 upbeat

 upbound

 upcoming
 upcountry

 upcurved

 upended

 upfield

 upfront
 uphill

 upland
 uplifted

 upmarket

 upmost

 upper

 uppercase

 uppermost
 uppish

 uppity
 upraised

 upright

 uproarious

 upscale
 upset

 upsetting

 upstage

 upstair

 upstairs
 upstanding
 upstart

 upstream
 uptight
 uptown
 upturned

 upward

 upwind

Starting with UR
 uraemic

 urban

 urbane

 urbanised

 urbanized
 urceolate

 uremic
 urethral

 urgent

 uric

 uricosuric

 urinary

 urogenital
 ursine

 uruguayan

Starting with US
 usable

 useable
 used

 useful
 useless
 usual

 usufructuary

 usurious

Starting with UT
 uterine
 utile

 utilised

 utilitarian

 utility
 utilizable
 utilized

 utmost
 utopian

 utter
 utterable

 uttered
 uttermost

Starting with UV
 uveal

 uveous

 uvular

Starting with UX
 uxorial
 uxorious

Starting with UZ
 uzbekistani

Interesting Categories for the Adjectives Starting with U

For the Heroic Adjectives list, the adjectives included are those which are suitable to describe
heroic acts or a hero/heroine. Moreover, the Sporty Adjectives category is composed of
descriptive words that adequately modify a person who is physically active or is considered

Aside from the mentioned categories, this article also includes a Romantic Adjectives list, which
consists of descriptive words that are used to convey affection or describe a romantic partner.
Lastly, the Shortest/ Longest Adjectives lists include adjectives with the least and the most
number of characters.

Adjectives that Start with U

Interesting Adjectives

ubiquitous: present, appearing, or found everywhere

– his ubiquitous influence was felt by all the family
unambiguous: not open to more than one interpretation
– instructions should be unambiguous
unbidden: without having been commanded or invited
– unbidden guests
unconscionable: not right or reasonable
– the unconscionable conduct of his son
unfathomable: incapable of being fully explored or understood
– her gray eyes were dark with some unfathomable emotion

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person

unarmed: not equipped with or carrying weapons

– he was shooting unarmed civilians

unbiased: showing no prejudice for or against something; impartial

– he remained unbiased
understanding: sympathetically aware of other people’s feelings; tolerant and forgiving
– people expect their doctor to be understanding
unhurried: moving, acting, or taking place without haste or urgency
– her unhurried movements
unimpeachable: not able to be doubted, questioned, or criticized; entirely trustworthy
– an unimpeachable witness
unruffled: not agitated or disturbed; calm
– Julius replied in an unruffled tone
upright: strictly honorable or honest
– an upright member of the community
upbeat: cheerful; optimistic
– he is always upbeat

Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event

unbroken: not interrupted or disturbed; continuous

– night of unbroken sleep
unceasing: not coming to an end; continuous
– the unceasing efforts of the staff
undeniable: unable to be denied or disputed
– it is an undeniable fact that some dogs are easier to train than others
understandable: to be expected; natural, reasonable, or forgivable
– such fears are understandable
undisturbed: not disturbed
– a quiet weekend of undisturbed tranquillity

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Place

ultramodern: incorporating ideas, styles, or techniques only recently developed or available
– ultramodern facilities
unbelievable: so great or extreme as to be difficult to believe; extraordinary
– the scenery is unbelievable
uncluttered: not having or impeded by too many objects, details, or elements
– the rooms were plain and uncluttered
underground:situated beneath the surface of the ground
– underground parking garages
underwater: situated, occurring, or done beneath the surface of the water
– there are underwater volcanoes in the region
unique: being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else
– unique home

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person

ugly: unpleasant or repulsive, especially in appearance

– she thought she was ugly and fat
unbecoming: not fitting or appropriate; unseemly
– unbecoming behavior
uncalled: undesirable and unnecessary
– uncalled-for remarks
unchristian: unkind, unfair, or morally wrong
– he is unchristian
uncivil: discourteous; impolite
– she apologized to her family for Rusty’s uncivil words
uncommunicative: unwilling to talk or impart information
– his uncommunicative nature
uneducated: lacking an education; poorly educated
– uneducated laborers

Negative Adjectives to Describe an Event

unavailing: achieving little or nothing; ineffective

– their efforts were unavailing
unbearable: not able to be endured or tolerated
– the heat was getting unbearable
uncomfortable: causing or feeling slight pain or physical discomfort
– uncomfortable experience
uncompromising: harsh or relentless
– uncompromising problems
underhanded: acting or done in a secret or dishonest way
– an underhanded method of snatching clients from rivals
unfortunate: having or marked by bad fortune; unlucky
– unfortunate incident

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place

unattractive: not pleasing or appealing to look at

– unattractive school environment
uncanny: strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way
– uncanny house
unclean: dirty
– the company was fined for operating in unclean premises
underdeveloped: not advanced economically
– underdeveloped countries
undesirable: not wanted or desirable because harmful, objectionable, or unpleasant
– undesirable place to stay
unproductive: not producing or able to produce large amounts of goods, crops, or other
– unproductive land must be reforested
untidy: not arranged neatly and in order
– the place was dreadfully untidy

Heroic Adjectives

undaunted: not intimidated or discouraged by difficulty, danger, or disappointment

– he is undaunted by the threats
unpretentious: not attempting to impress others with an appearance of greater importance,
talent, or culture than is actually possessed
– he was thoroughly unpretentious
unscathed: without suffering any injury, damage, or harm
– he remained unscathed
unselfish: willing to put the needs or wishes of others before one’s own
– his unselfish devotion to the country
unyielding: unlikely to be swayed; resolute
– his unyielding faith
upstanding: honest; respectable
– an upstanding commander

Sporty Adjectives

unequaled: superior to all others in performance or extent

– unequaled champion
unerring: always right or accurate
– unerring shot
unexpected: not expected or regarded as likely to happen
– unexpected victory
unmatched: not matched or equaled
– he has a talent unmatched by any other athlete
unquestionable: not able to be disputed or doubted
– unquestionable win over the champion
useful: able to be used for a practical purpose or in several ways
– useful team member

Romantic Adjectives

unadulterated: pure; not mixed or diluted with any different or extra elements; complete and
– unadulterated love
unconditional: not subject to any conditions
– unconditional support
undisguised: not disguised or concealed; open
– she looked at him with undisguised affection
undying: lasting forever
– promises of undying love
unforgettable: impossible to forget; very memorable
– that unforgettable first kiss
urbane: suave, courteous, and refined in manner
– an urbane young man

Shortest Adjectives

up: out of bed

– up by seven each morning
ult: in or of the month preceding the present one
– your letter received on the 29th ult
ugly: provoking horror
– an ugly picture
uric: in or relating to or obtained from urine
– uric acid
used: previously used or owned by another
– used car
ulnar: relating to or near the ulna
– ulnar nerve
ultra: (used of opinions and actions) far beyond the norm
– ultra political views
umber: of the color of any of various natural brown earth pigments
– an umber dress
unary: consisting of or involving a single element or component
– in a unary operation in a mathematical system one element is used to yield a single result
uncut: complete; not cut
– uncut scenes

Longest Adjectives

ultranationalistic: fanatically patriotic

– an ultranationalistic country
ultraconservative: extremely conservative
– ultraconservative group
undistinguishable: not capable of being distinguished or differentiated
– undistinguishable representation
ultramicroscopic: too small to be seen without an ultramicroscope
– ultramicroscopic virus
uncharacteristic: distinctive and not typical
– a book uncharacteristic of its author
uncommercialised: not having been commercialized
– uncommercialised music
uncommercialized: not having been commercialized
– uncommercialized art
uncomprehensible: difficult to understand
– an uncomprehensible concept
unconstitutional: not consistent with or according to a constitution
– an unconstitutional law
undenominational: not bound or devoted to the promotion of a particular denomination
– undenominational religious instruction

Adjectives Starting with V

 All V Adjectives
 V Adjectives to Describe a Person
 Categories

Starting with VA
 vacant

 vaccinated

 vacillant

 vacillating

 vacuolate

 vacuolated

 vacuous
 vagabond
 vagal

 vagile

 vaginal

 vagrant

 vague
 vain

 vainglorious

 valedictory
 valent

 valetudinarian

 valetudinary
 valiant
 valid

 validated

 validating

 validatory
 valorous
 valuable

 valued
 valueless

 valved
 valvular

 vaned
 vanilla

 vanished
 vanquishable

 vapid

 vaporific

 vaporish

 vaporizable

 vaporized

 vaporous
 vapourific

 vapourisable

 vapourised
 vapourish
 vapourous
 variable

 variant
 varicelliform

 varicolored
 varicoloured

 varicose

 varied
 variegated
 variform
 variolar

 variolic

 variolous

 various
 varnished
 varying

 vascular
 vasiform

 vasomotor
 vast

 vatic
 vatical

 vaulted
 vaulting

Starting with VE
 vedic

 vegetal
 vegetational

 vegetative
 vegetive

 vehement

 vehicular

 veiled
 veinal

 veined

 veinlike

 velar

 velvet
 velvety
 venal

 vendable
 vendible
 venerable
 venerating

 venereal

 venetian

 venezuelan
 vengeful
 venial

 venomed
 venomous

 venose
 venous

 vented
 ventilated

 ventilatory
 ventral

 ventricose

 ventricous

 ventricular

 venturesome

 venturous

 veracious
 verbal

 verbalised

 verbalized
 verbatim
 verbose
 verboten

 verdant
 veridical

 verifiable
 verificatory

 verified

 verifying
 verisimilar
 veritable
 vermicular

 vermiculate

 vermiculated

 vermiform
 vermilion
 vermillion

 verminous
 vernacular

 vernal
 verrucose

 versatile
 versed

 vertebral
 vertebrate

 vertical

 verticillate

 verticillated

 vertiginous

 very

 vesical
 vesicant

 vesicatory

 vesicular
 vestal
 vested
 vestiary

 vestibular
 vestigial

 vestmental
 vestmented

 veteran

 veterinary
 vexatious
 vexed
 vexing

Starting with VI
 vi

 viable

 viatical

 vibrant

 vibrational
 vibratory

 vibrionic
 vicarial

 vicarious

 vicenary

 vicennial

 viceregal

 vicinal
 vicious

 victimised
 victimized

 victorian

 victorious

 viennese
 vietnamese

 viewable

 viewless

 vigesimal

 vigilant
 vigorous
 vile

 villainous
 vinaceous
 vincible
 vindicated

 vindicatory

 vindictive

 vinegarish
 vinegary
 vinous

 violable
 violated

 violative
 violent

 violet
 viral

 virgin
 virginal

 viricidal

 virile

 virological

 virtual

 virtuoso

 virtuous
 virucidal

 virulent

 visaged
 visceral
 viscid
 viscoelastic

 viscometric
 viscosimetric

 viscous
 viselike

 visible

 visionary
 visored
 visual
 visualised

 visualized

 vital

 vitalizing
 vitiated
 vitiliginous

 vitreous
 vitrified

 vitriolic
 vituperative

 vivace
 vivacious

 vivid
 viviparous

 vixenish

Starting with VO
 vocal
 vocalic

 vocational
 vocative

 vociferous

 voguish

 voiced
 voiceless

 void

 voidable

 volant

 volar
 volatile
 volatilisable

 volatilised
 volatilizable
 volatilized
 volcanic

 volitional

 voltaic

 voltarean
 voltarian
 voluble

 volumed
 volumetric

 volumetrical
 voluminous

 voluntary
 volunteer

 voluptuary
 voluptuous

 volute

 voluted

 voracious

 voteless

 votive

 vowellike
 voyeuristic

 voyeuristical

Starting with VU
 vulcanised

 vulcanized

 vulgar

 vulnerable

 vulpecular
 vulpine
 vulturine

 vulturous
 vulval
 vulvar

Interesting Categories for the Adjectives Starting with V

The Interesting Adjectives category consists of adjectives which can make the speech or text
more enjoyable to read or hear. This article also has Positive Adjectives and Negative Adjectives
lists which are composed of words that describe the favorable and unfavorable qualities of a
person, event or place.

Additionally, a Heroic Adjectives category is also included which lists out some of the descriptive
words that are commonly used to refer to a hero/heroine, as well as their heroic deeds. For the
Sporty Adjectives list, the adjectives included are those which describe an athletic or sporty

Adjectives that Start with V

Interesting Adjectives

vagabond: having no settled home

 a vagabond tribe
vagrant: characteristic of, relating to, or living the life of a vagrant
 vagrant beggars
vague: of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning
 many patients suffer vague symptoms
vehement: showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense
 her voice was low but vehement
vociferous: vehement or clamorous
 he was a vociferous opponent of the takeover

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person

venturesome: willing to take risks or embark on difficult or unusual courses of action

 a venturesome investor
vigilant: keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties
 the burglar was spotted by vigilant neighbors
virtuous: having or showing high moral standards
 she considered herself very virtuous because she neither drank nor smoked
vocal: expressing opinions or feelings freely or loudly
 he was vocal in condemning the action
voluble: characterized by a ready and continuous flow of words
 avoluble spokesman for the cause

Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event

valuable: extremely useful or important

 my time is valuable
variable: not consistent or having a fixed pattern; liable to change
 the process is variable
varied: incorporating a number of different types or elements; showing variation or variety
 a little effort to make life pleasant and varied
veridical: coinciding with reality
 a veridical dream
viable: capable of working successfully; feasible
 a viable plan
vital: absolutely necessary or important; essential
 secrecy is of vital importance

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Place

vast: of very great extent or quantity; immense

 a vast plain of buffalo grass
verdant: green with grass or other rich vegetation
 a verdant countryside
vibrant: full of energy and enthusiasm
 a vibrant cosmopolitan city
virgin: not yet touched, used, or exploited
 acres of virgin forests
varicolored: consisting of several different colors
 a varicolored room

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person

vain: having or showing an excessively high opinion of one’s appearance, abilities, or worth
 their flattery made him vain
vengeful: seeking to harm someone in return for a perceived injury
 a vengeful ex-con
vicious: deliberately cruel or violent
 a vicious leader
villainous: relating to, constituting, or guilty of wicked or criminal behavior
 his group of villainous accomplices are wreaking havoc on the city
voiceless: lacking the power or right to express an opinion or exert control over affairs
 the voiceless minority
volatile: liable to display rapid changes of emotion
 a volatile personality

Negative Adjectives to Describe an Event

valueless: having no value; worthless

 a valueless discussion
vexatious: causing or tending to cause annoyance, frustration, or worry
 the vexatious inquiries
vindictive: having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge
 the criticism was both vindictive and personalized
violent: using or involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something
 a violent confrontation with riot police
vitriolic: filled with bitter criticism or malice
 vitriolic attacks on the politicians
Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place

vile: extremely unpleasant

 a vile neighborhood
vulgar: lacking sophistication or good taste; unrefined
 the decor was lavish but vulgar
virulent: bitterly hostile
 a virulent village
volatile: liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse
 a volatile country

Heroic Adjectives
valiant: possessing or showing courage or determination
 the valiant knight
venerable: accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character
 a venerable statesman
virile: having strength, energy, and a strong sex drive
 the strong, virile hero

Sporty Adjectives

versatile: able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities

 a versatile player
victorious: having won a victory; triumphant
 a victorious team
vigorous: strong, healthy, and full of energy
 a vigorous team play

Romantic Adjectives

velvety: having the character of velvet as in being soft, smooth, thick, or richly hued
 her velvety hair
vivacious: (especially of a woman) attractively lively and animated
 his vivacious wife
vivid: producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind
 memories of that evening were still vivid
volcanic: (especially of a feeling or emotion) bursting out or liable to burst out violently
 the kind of volcanic passion she’d felt last night
voluptuous: curvaceous and sexually attractive
 his voluptuous girlfriend

Length: Shortest/Longest Adjectives

Shortest Adjectives

vain:having or showing an excessively high opinion of one’s appearance, abilities, or worth

 vain lady
vast: unusually great in size or amount or degree or especially extent or scope
 vast country estates
very: precisely as stated
 the very center of town
vile: morally reprehensible
 vile crimes
void: containing nothing
 the earth was without form, and void
vagal: of or relating to the vagus nerve
 vagal response
vague: not clearly expressed or understood
 a vague statement
valid: still legally acceptable
 the license is still valid
vaned: equipped with feathers
 vaned arrow
vapid: lacking significance or liveliness or spirit or zest
 a vapid conversation

Longest Adjectives

valetudinarian: of or relating to or characteristic of a person who is a valetudinarian

 a valetudinarian virtue
varicelliform: resembling the rash of chickenpox
 varicelliform rash
verticillated: forming one or more whorls (especially a whorl of leaves around a stem)
 verticillated fungus
viscosimetric: of or relating to the measurement of viscosity
 viscosimetric method
volatilisable: (used of substances) capable of being volatilized
 volatilisable solvent
volatilizable: (used of substances) capable of being volatilized
 a volatilizablecompound
voyeuristical: of or relating to voyeurs or voyeurism
 his voyeuristical pleasures
vainglorious: feeling self-importance
 vainglorious attitude
valetudinary: of or relating to or characteristic of a person who is a valetudinarian
 a valetudinarydebauchee
vanquishable: susceptible to being defeated
 a vanquishable foe

Adjectives Starting with W

 All W Adjectives
 W Adjectives to Describe a Person
 Categories

Starting with WA
 wacky

 waggish

 wagnerian

 wailful

 wailing

 wainscoted
 waiting

 wakeful

 wakeless
 waking
 walking

 walleyed

 walloping

 wan

 wandering

 waning
 wanted

 wanting
 wanton

 warlike

 warm
 warmed
 warmhearted

 warming

 warning

 warped
 warring
 warriorlike

 wartlike
 warty

 wary
 washable

 washed
 washingtonian

 washy
 waspish

 waste

 wasted

 wasteful

 watchful

 waterborne

 watercress
 watered

 waterless

 waterlogged
 waterproof
 waterproofed
 watertight

 waterworn
 watery

 wavelike
 wavering

 wavy

 waxed
 waxen
 waxing
 waxlike

 waxy

 wayfaring

 wayward

Starting with WE
 weak

 weakened

 weakening

 weakly
 wealthy

 weaned
 weaponed

 weaponless

 wearable

 wearied

 wearing

 wearisome
 weary

 wearying
 weather

 weathered

 weatherly

 weatherproof
 weatherworn

 webbed

 webby

 weblike

 wed
 wedded
 wedged

 wee
 weedless
 weedy
 weeklong

 weekly

 weensy

 weeny
 weeping
 weepy

 weighted
 weightless

 weighty
 weird

 welcome
 welcoming

 welfarist
 well

 wellborn

 welsh

 wesleyan

 west

 westbound

 westerly
 western

 westernmost

 westmost
 westside
 westward
 wet

Starting with WH
 whacked

 whacking
 whacky
 whatever
 whatsoever

 wheaten

 wheeled

 wheelless
 wheezing
 wheezy

 whimsical
 whiney

 whiny
 whiplike

 whipping
 whippy

 whirring
 whiskered

 whiskerless

 whiskery

 whispered

 whispering

 white

 whitened
 whitewashed

 whitish

 whole
 wholehearted
 wholemeal
 wholesale

 wholesome
 whopping

 whorled

Starting with WI
 wiccan
 wicked
 wide
 wideband

 widespread

 widowed

 wieldy
 wifelike
 wifely

 wigged
 wiggly

 wigless
 wild

 wildcat
 wilful

 willful
 willing

 willowy

 wilsonian

 wilted

 wily

 wimpish

 wimpy
 windblown

 windburned

 windburnt
 winded
 winding
 windless

 windswept
 windup

 windward
 windy

 winey

 winged
 wingless
 winglike
 winking

 winless

 winning

 winsome
 wintery
 wintry

 winy
 wired

 wireless
 wiry

 wise
 wishful

 wisplike
 wispy

 wistful

 witching

 witchlike

 withdrawn

 withered

 withering
 witless

 wittgensteinian

 witting
 witty
 wizard
 wizardly

 wizen
 wizened

Starting with WO
 wobbling

 wobbly
 woebegone
 woeful
 wolfish

 wolflike

 womanish

 womanlike
 womanly
 won

 wonderful
 wondering

 wonderworking
 wondrous

 wonky
 wonted

 wooded
 wooden

 woodsy

 woody

 woolen

 woolgathering

 woollen

 woolly
 wooly

 woozy

 wordless
 wordsworthian
 wordy
 workable

 workaday
 working

 workmanlike
 world

 worldly

 worldwide
 wormlike
 wormy
 worn

 worried

 worrisome

 worrying
 worse
 worsened

 worsening
 worshipful

 worshipped
 worst

 worth
 worthful

 worthless
 worthwhile

 worthy

 wound

 wounded

 wounding

 woven

Starting with WR
 wraithlike

 wrapped

 wrathful
 wrecked

 wrenching

 wretched

 wriggling

 wriggly
 wrinkled
 wrinkleless

 wrinkleproof
 wrinkly
 writhed
 writhen

 writhing

 written

 wrong
 wrongful
 wrongheaded

 wroth
 wrothful

 wrought
 wry

Starting with WY
 wysiwyg

Interesting Categories for the Adjectives Starting with W

The main function of an adjective is to describe or modify a noun or a pronoun. It is commonly
included in the text in order to say something more about the noun or pronoun and make the
statement more specific and accurate. In this article, the adjectives included are those which start
with the letter W. All of the descriptive words listed include a definition and an example that
shows how the adjective can be used.

Adjectives that Start with W

Interesting Adjectives

wan: pale and giving the impression of illness or exhaustion

 she was looking wan and bleary-eyed
waxen: having a smooth, pale, translucent surface or appearance like that of wax
 a canopy of waxen, creamy blooms
wee: little
 when I was just a wee bairn
weighty: weighing a great deal; heavy
 a weighty candelabra
well-heeled: wealthy
 a well-heeled man
whimsical: playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way
 a whimsical sense of humor
whopping: very large
 a whopping $74 million loss
Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person

wary: feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems

 the kid is wary of strangers
watchful: watching or observing someone or something closely; alert and vigilant
 the watchful eyeof their father
well: in good health; free or recovered from illness
 I don’t feel very well.
well-balanced: emotionally stable
 we all want well-balanced kids
well-behaved: conducting oneself in an appropriate manner
 the crowd was very well-behaved
well-connected: acquainted with or related to people with prestige or influence
 a well-connected businessman
well-informed: having or showing much knowledge about a wide range of subjects, or about one
particular subject
 well-informed citizens

Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event

wacky: funny or amusing in a slightly odd or peculiar way

 a wacky chase movie
well-grounded: based on good evidence or reasons
 well-grounded assumptions
well-placed: having a fortunate or advantageous position
 a well-placed move
wholesome: conducive to or promoting moral well-being
 good wholesome fun
widespread: found or distributed over a large area or number of people
 there was widespread support for the war
worthwhile: worth the time, money, or effort spent; of value or importance.
 a worthwhile experience

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Place

warm: of or at a fairly or comfortably high temperature

 a warm living room
wealthy: having a great deal of money, resources, or assets; rich
 wealthy nations
weatherproof: resistant to the effects of bad weather, especially rain
 the building is structurally sound and weatherproof
well-endowed: having plentiful supplies of a resource.
 the country is well-endowed withmineral resources
well-liked: regarded with much affection; popular with many people
 a well-liked city landmark
wonderful: inspiring delight, pleasure, or admiration; extremely good; marvelous
 wonderful scenery
wondrous: inspiring a feeling of wonder or delight; marvelous
 this wondrous city

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person

wanton: sexually immodest or promiscuous
 a wanton seductress
warlike: disposed toward or threatening war; hostile
 a warlike clan
wasteful: using or expending something of value carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose
 she has always been wasteful
wayward: difficult to control or predict because of unusual or perverse behavior
 her wayward, difficult sister
weak: lacking the power to perform physically demanding tasks; lacking physical strength and
 she was recovering from the flu and was very weak
wicked: evil or morally wrong
 a wicked and unscrupulous politician

Negative Adjectives to Describe an Event

wearisome: causing one to feel tired or bored

 the wearisome journey
wistful: pensive and sad
 a wistful memory
woebegone: sorrowful
 a woebegone experience
woeful: characterized by, expressive of, or causing sorrow or misery
 a woeful incident
worrisome: causing anxiety or concern
 a worrisome problem
wrongful: not fair, just, or legal
 he is suing the police for wrongful arrest

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place

weird: suggesting something supernatural; uncanny

 weird museum
windy: marked by or exposed to strong winds
 a windy region
worst: superlative of bad, ill
 worst restaurant
worthless: having no real value or use
 worthless estate
wretched: very unfortunate in condition or circumstances; miserable; pitiable
 a wretched land

Heroic Adjectives

wellborn: coming from a noble, respected, or wealthy family

 a wellborn gentleman
well-bred: having or showing good breeding or manners
 his well-bred demeanor
well-mannered: having or showing good manners; polite
 a well-mannered officer
wise: having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment
 a wise ruler
worldly: experienced and sophisticated
 worldly nobleman

Sporty Adjectives

well-built: large and strong

 well-built wrestler
well-known: known widely or thoroughly
 a well-known boxer
well-rounded: comprehensively developed and well-balanced in a range or variety of aspects
 a well-rounded player
well-set: strongly built
 a well-set athlete
wiry: lean, tough, and sinewy
 a wiry triathlete

Romantic Adjectives

warm-hearted: sympathetic and kind

 her warm-hearted personality
wavy: having or consisting of a series of undulating and wavelike curves
 she had long, wavy hair
well-dressed: wearing smart or fashionable clothes
 a well-dressed lady
well-groomed: clean, tidy, and well dressed
 a well-groomed husband
well-spoken: speaking in an educated and refined manner
 his well-spoken wife
willowy: tall, slim, and lithe
 willowy young lady
winsome: attractive or appealing in appearance or character
 a winsome smile

Length: Shortest/Longest Adjectives

Shortest Adjectives

wan: lacking vitality as from weariness or illness or unhappiness

 a wan smile
wed: having been taken in marriage
 wed couple
wee: very early
 the wee hours of the morning
wet: consisting of or trading in alcoholic liquor
 a wet cargo
won: not subject to defeat
 with that move it’s a won game
wry: humorously sarcastic or mocking
 wry humor
warm: of or at a fairly or comfortably high temperature
 warm climate
wary: marked by keen caution and watchful prudence
 they were wary in their movements
wavy: (of hair) having waves
 she had long wavy hair
waxy: having the paleness of wax
 waxy complexion

Longest Adjectives

wittgensteinian: in the manner of Ludwig Wittgenstein

 wittgensteinian approach
washingtonian: of or relating to or in the state of Washington
 Washingtonian museums
wonderworking: performing or able to perform wonders or miracles
 wonderworking icon
woolgathering: dreamy in mood or nature
 a woolgathering moment
wordsworthian: in the manner of William Wordsworth
 wordsworthian tradition
waterproofed: not permitting the passage of water
 waterproofed basement
weatherproof: able to withstand exposure to weather without damage
 weatherproof electric wiring
wholehearted: with unconditional and enthusiastic devotion
 wholehearted attempt to comply
wrinkleproof: of fabric that does not wrinkle easily
 a wrinkleproof suit
warmhearted: marked by warmth of feeling like kindness and sympathy and generosity
 gave a warmhearted welcome to the stranger

Adjectives Starting with X

 All X Adjectives
 X Adjectives to Describe a Person
 Categories

Starting with XA
 xanthous

Starting with XE
 xenogeneic

 xenophobic
 xeric
 xerographic
 xerophytic
Starting with XI
 xii

Starting with XX
 xx

Starting with XI
 xiphophyllous

Starting with XE
 xerothermic

 xenodochial

 xenial

Starting with XY
 xylotomous

Interesting Categories for the Adjectives Starting with X

This article focuses on those which start with the letter X. Aside from listing out the adjectives,
the meaning and an example regarding the proper usage of the adjective are also included.

Adjectives that Start with X

Interesting Adjectives
xenogeneic: denoting or relating to cells or tissues from individuals belonging to different
 xenogeneic cell therapy
xerophytic: adapted to a xeric (or dry) environment
 cacti are xerophytic plants
xanthous: of the color intermediate between green and orange in the color spectrum; of
something resembling the color of an egg yolk
 xanthous armor
xylotomous: capable of cutting or boring into wood
 xylotomous bird
xiphophyllous: having sword-shaped leaves
 xiphophyllous tree

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person

xenial: relating to hospitality between host and guest

 a xenial community
xenodochial: friendly to strangers
 xenodochial owner

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person

xenophobic: suffering from xenophobia; having abnormal fear or hatred of the strange or foreign
 a xenophobic person

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place

xeric: being deficient in moisture

 deserts provide xeric environments
xerothermic: dry and hot
 xerothermic grassland

Longest Adjectives
xerographic: of or relating to xerography
 a xerographic paper
xenogeneic: denoting or relating to cells or tissues from individuals belonging to different
 xenogeneic transplantation
xenophobic: suffering from xenophobia; having abnormal fear or hatred of the strange or foreign
 xenophobic child
xerophytic: adapted to a xeric (or dry) environment
 xerophytic adaptations
xanthous: of the color intermediate between green and orange in the color spectrum; of
something resembling the color of an egg yolk
 xanthous crown
xeric: being deficient in moisture
 xeric habitat

Adjectives Starting with Y

 All Y Adjectives
 Y Adjectives to Describe a Person
 Categories

Starting with YA
 yankee
 yawning

Starting with YE
 yearlong

 yearly
 yeastlike

 yeasty

 yeatsian

 yelled
 yellow

 yellowed

 yellowish

 yemeni

Starting with YI
 yielding
Starting with YO
 yogic

 yogistic

 yokelish

 yon
 yonder

 young

 younger

 youngish

 youthful

Starting with YU
 yucky

 yugoslav

 yugoslavian

 yuman

 yummy

Interesting Categories for the Adjectives Starting with Y

This article focuses on those which start with the letter Y. Aside from listing out the adjectives,
the meaning and an example regarding the proper usage of the adjective are also included.

Adjectives that Start with Y

Interesting Adjectives

yankee: used by Southerners for an inhabitant of a northern state in the United States
(especially a Union soldier)
 a yankee soldier
yucky: highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust
 a yucky smell
yummy: extremely pleasing to the sense of taste
 yummy dishes

Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event

yearlong: lasting through a year

 attending yearlong courses
yearly: occurring or payable every year
 yearly medical examinations
yeasty: exuberantly creative; marked by spirited enjoyment
 a yeasty show

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Place

yon: distant but within sight (`yon’ is dialectal)

 yon valley
young: in an early stage of life
 young child

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Person

yawning: showing lack of attention or boredom

 the yawning audience
yielding: tending to give in or surrender or agree; lacking stiffness and giving way to pressure
 they are too yielding to make a stand against any encroachments
yokelish: (of persons) lacking in refinement or grace
 yokelish youth

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place

yellowed: changed to a yellowish color by age

 a yellowed parchment

Sporty Adjectives

yogic: of or relating to yoga

 yogic exercises

Romantic Adjectives

youthful: suggestive of youth; vigorous and fresh

 youthful skin

Shortest Adjectives
yon: distant but within sight (`yon’ is dialectal)
 yon hills
yogic: of or relating to yoga
 yogic routines
young: (of crops) harvested at an early stage of development; before complete maturity
 young corn
yucky: highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust
 yucky task
yuman: of or relating to the language or culture of the Yuma people
 yuman language
yummy: extremely pleasing to the sense of taste
 yummy delicacies
yankee: used by Southerners for an inhabitant of a northern state in the United States
(especially a Union soldier)
 a yankee veteran
yearly: occurring or payable every year
 yearly income
yeasty: exuberantly creative; marked by spirited enjoyment
 a yeasty event
yelled: in a vehement outcry
 his yelled words of encouragement could be heard over the crowd noises

Longest Adjectives

yugoslavian: of or relating to or characteristic of the former country of Yugoslavia or its people

or languages
 Yugoslavian wine
yeastlike: of or resembling or containing yeast
 yeastlike texture
yellowish: of the color intermediate between green and orange in the color spectrum; of
something resembling the color of an egg yolk
 yellowish hue
yearlong: lasting through a year
 attending yearlong courses
yeatsian: in the manner of William Butler Yeats
 yeatsian principle
yellowed: changed to a yellowish color by age
 yellowed plastic tub
yielding: tending to give in or surrender or agree
 a gentle, yielding person
yogistic: of or relating to yoga
 a yogistic posture
yokelish: (of persons) lacking in refinement or grace
 a yokelish laugh
youngish: somewhat young
 a youngishman with flaxen hair

Adjectives Starting with Z

 All Z Adjectives
 Z Adjectives to Describe a Person
 Categories

Starting with ZA
 zaftig

 zairean
 zairese

 zambian
 zany

 zapotec

Starting with ZE
 zealous

 zenithal
 zero

 zeroth
 zestful

 zesty

Starting with ZI
 zigzag

 zillion
 zimbabwean

 zionist

 zippy
Starting with ZO
 zodiacal

 zoftig

 zoic

 zolaesque
 zonal

 zonary

 zoological

 zoonotic

 zoophagous
 zoroastrian

Starting with ZY
 zygodactyl

 zygomatic

 zygomorphic

 zygomorphous

 zygotic

 zymoid

 zymolytic
 zymotic

Interesting Categories for the Adjectives Starting with Z

This article focuses on those which start with the letter Z. Aside from listing out the adjectives,
the meaning and an example regarding the proper usage of the adjective are also included.
These categories can be of great help to those who want to improve their vocabulary and learn
about new adjectives that they can use in their everyday speech or writing.
Adjectives that Start with Z

Interesting Adjectives

zaftig: (of a female body) healthily plump and vigorous

 zaftig actresses were popular
zenithal: relating to or located at or near the zenith
 a zenithal map
zionist: relating to or characteristic of a supporter of Zionism
 the Zionist movement
zoophagous: carnivorous
 zoophagous animal
zymotic: relating to or caused by infection
 a zymotic disease

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Person

zealous: marked by active interest and enthusiasm

 a zealous sports fan
zesty: lively and pleasing
 a zesty young woman

Positive Adjectives to Describe an Event

zestful: marked by spirited enjoyment

 zestful performance by the opera
zany: amusingly unconventional and idiosyncratic
 his zany humor

Positive Adjectives to Describe a Place

zonal: associated with or divided into zones; relating to or of the nature of a zone
 zonal frontier

Negative Adjectives to Describe a Place

zigzag: having short sharp turns or angles

 zigzag road

Sporty Adjectives

zippy: marked by lively action

 a zippy player
Shortest Adjectives

zany: like a clown

 a zany sense of humor
zero: indicating the absence of any or all units under consideration
 a zero score
zoic: pertaining to animals or animal life or action
 their gods are zoic
zesty: marked by spirited enjoyment; having an agreeably pungent taste
 zesty salad dressing
zippy: marked by lively action
 zippy performer
zonal: associated with or divided into zones
 a zonal pattern of cell structure
zaftig: (of a female body) healthily plump and vigorous
 zaftig lady
zeroth: preceding even the first
 zeroth approximation
zigzag: having short sharp turns or angles
 a zigzag route
zoftig: (of a female body) healthily plump and vigorous
 zoftig gospel singer

Longest Adjectives

zygomorphous: capable of division into symmetrical halves by only one longitudinal plane
passing through the axis
 a zygomorphous flower
zoroastrian: of or pertaining to Zoroaster or the religion he founded
 a zoroastrian ritual
zygomorphic: capable of division into symmetrical halves by only one longitudinal plane passing
through the axis
 zygomorphic plant species
zimbabwean: of or relating to or characteristic of Zimbabwe or its people
 Zimbabwean immigrant
zoological: concerning the study of animals and their classification and properties; of or relating
to animals or animal groups
 a zoological research
zoophagous: (of animals) carnivorous
 a zoophagous creature
zygodactyl: (of bird feet) having the first and fourth toes directed backward the second and third
 a zygodactyl bird
zolaesque: in the manner of Emile Zola
 a zolaesque tragedy
zygomatic: of or relating to the cheek region of the face
 a zygomatic implant
zymolytic: of or relating to or causing fermentation
 a zymolytic factory

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