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Chipper - go through all of the following exercises once

Hold exercises are written as “Hold:rest:number of intervals” for today’s session if you start to
fail hold as long as possible then rest after you fall each interval

1) Hold 15:30:2 Ring support ( )

2) 20 arch-hollow swings on bar ( )

3) Hold 15:30:2 L hang bar ( )

4) 3x5 Kipping CTB pull ups ( )

* scale with standard kipping pull ups
** focus on the lat/ lever pull down before you pull in and staying hollow as you pull

5) Hold 30:30: 2 Wall handstand ( )

6) 2x6 Bottom of the dip swings ( )

7) Hold 45s Supine Hollow

8) 10 high amplitude ring swings with hollow body pull to chest

( )
* focus on staying hollow as you pull and trying to maintain smooth swings. Practice false and
standard grip)

9) Hold 15:30:2 Parallette tuck support ( )

10) 20 Tuck to handstand weight transfer 1/4 ( )
* focus on control
11) Hold 5:10:5 False grip top of pull up hold rings (jump into it, don’t pull into it)
( )

12) 20 Handstand weight shifts facing wall

13) Hold 20:40:5 Bottom of ring dip ( )

14) 4x5 alternating lever pull -> butterfly pull up ( )

* advanced athletes 3rd and 4th set do CTB ( )

15) Hold 45s Superman hold-prone arch ( )

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