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fo r young c
Newsle Summer 2010

Inside this issue:

What is MS? 2

Natural Connections Overnight

Journey Additional 3
Support for
This year 25 junior young stepped in to help out by Learning Act
challenge and not only made
carers from Fife have been travelling to Pitlochry and it back to the hostel, but
involved in the Natural Con- helping prepare lunch for made their own dinner when A fond 3
nections programme, which everyone when they re- they got there. Farewell
encourages young people to turned.
work together on a variety
of projects to learn about Everyone enjoyed the hot
the environment. chocolate with marshmallows
at supper time and watching
Group Activities 4
the bats before bedtime.
The young carers spent a
weekend at Pitlochry Youth
Hostel as part of the pro- The Lochore Meadows staff
gramme during the Easter had arranged a shorter walk
break. Travelling by train the next day and young car-
Young Carers 5
made it all the more excit- ers also had a small amount
ing and young carers re- Are we there yet? of time to look around the
ceived a ’breakfast bag’ to shops before boarding the
keep them going on the train for home—exhausted!
There was no rest after
journey. lunch as the young carers
Thanks to the Rotary Club
were taken to Killiecrankie
On arrival at Pitlochry they by minibus and told they
who fund the Natural Con- • Do you help
were met by Thom, Adam nections programme for us look after
were walking back to the
and Murray — the team and congratulations to all
youth hostel ! — a distance someone with
from Lochore Meadows, who the young carers who took
of 3.5 miles — the breath- Multiple
took them for a look at the part this year — we’re all
taking scenery made the
proud of your achievements! Sclerosis? —
famous fish ladder.
not sure what
Young Carers have the last it is?— read
word about the programme:-
our article on
page 2.
“I think the canoeing was
definitely the best bit be-
cause, it was fun and I love
the water” • New Young
The stunning views
“I also learned to go a bike Strategy for
As Roy Fife Young Carers without stabilisers, that
trip worthwhile! Scotland—Page
Manager was stranded on
made me feel really good” 5
holiday by the volcanic ash
cloud ,Kay, Support Worker Well done to all the young
“I learned that Russian birds
for Central, thankfully carers — they rose to the
come to the Meadows, that
was a surprise.”
Multiple Sclerosis - what is it?

Multiple Sclerosis or MS for short, is Others are more visible such as diffi- Primary progressive MS
a condition that damages the nerves in culties with moving or walking, stiff-
Some people never have relapses and
the brain and the spinal cord. Nerves ness or speech problems.
have a progressive form of MS right
carry messages between the brain and The symptoms vary from person to from diagnosis. This is known as pri-
various parts of the body, through the person, according to where the scar- mary progressive MS.
spinal cord. For example, if you put ring on the nerves has happened. For
your foot in a very hot bath, nerves in example, damage to the nerve that
the skin send messages to the brain goes to the eye can cause problems Treatments for MS
that the water is too hot and the brain with sight—like double or blurry vision.
sends a message back to the muscles in If the nerves in the spinal cord are
your leg and foot telling them to take damaged this can cause difficulties There is no cure for MS but there are
your foot out of the water. Messages with walking, stiffness and spasms in treatments.
travel very quickly down the nerves as
the legs. Some medicines can be used to help
an electrical current.
Symptoms can come and go and can symptoms, for example to help reduce
even change on a daily basis, depending pain or reduce tiredness.
on different factors such as heat, During a relapse a person with MS may
mood, stress, tiredness or other illness also be treated with steroids with are
such as an infection. a type of medicine which reduces in-
Types of MS
Sometimes people with MS have treat-
ment from a physiotherapist who gives
There are different types of MS. them exercises to help keep their
Sometimes it can be difficult to decide joints and muscles working.
what type of MS a person has.

Relapsing / remitting MS
Most people with MS are diagnosed Multiple means ‘many’
with relapsing/remitting MS. There Sclerosis means ’scarring’ so
are times when their symptoms flare the name describes the
What goes wrong in Ms? up—known as a relapse, followed with many scars found on the
periods of good or complete recov- myelin sheath
ery—known as a remission. It’s impossi-
Our nerves are protected by a covering
ble to know when, or how often , a per-
or sheath called myelin, which acts a
son will have a relapse.
bit like the insulating material around
electrical wires. As well as protecting Benign MS The Multiple Sclerosis Society sup-
the nerves, myelin helps to speed the ports people who have MS and their
This term may be used if a person has families. Their website
messages on their way. The body’s im-
had very mild attacks separated by has loads of
mune system is made to protect the
very long periods with no symptoms. information including an interactive
body form outside attackers, such as
germs, but in MS, it attacks the myelin Progressive MS kids and teens page.
instead. As the insulation is lost elec- MS nurses also support people who
With this type of MS, symptoms
trical current escapes from the nerve have been diagnosed with MS.
gradually get worse—or progress over
and the messages may be slowed down
a long period of time. If you would like more information
or even be completely blocked.
about MS contact Nina Collins. Info
Secondary progressive MS
Worker, Fife Young Carers on 01592
Symptoms Many people who are first diagnosed 223894 or email
with relapsing/remitting MS find over
There are many different symptoms if the years that their attacks become
MS. Some are ’hidden’ or ’invisible’, less frequent or stop completely, but
such as pain, extreme tiredness, numb- that their symptoms gradually worsen Information from “The young person’s
ness or problems with memory or sight. and their MS becomes progressive (see guide to MS” 2006
description above).

Page 2
Fife Young Carers Newsletter
Additional Support for Learning Act
What it means for young carers
Additional support
The Additional Support for Learn-
needs is not the
needs extra support but if you’re
ing Act was first made law in 2004. finding it hard to keep up with work same as special
The law was changed slightly in at school then perhaps you need a needs!
2009 but the main points of the helping hand.
Act remained the same — if you
need extra help to get the most What sort of help can I get?
from school then your school must teacher or friend.
help you.
The sort of help you would get de- Once your school knows you need
What are additional support pends on your circumstances, but it help they will put a plan in place to
needs? may mean that you get extra time make sure you get the support you
with a teacher or assistant by your- need.
There are lots of reasons that self or in a group. If you would like more information
someone might need some more
You may get a buddy (older pupil who contact Nina, Info Worker Fife
help at school. Some of them might
looks out for you in the playground). Young Carers.
be because they are having diffi-
It can also mean that you’ll be given
culty with reading or writing, but it
extra time to complete your work.
may be because they are having a
hard time at home, including having
How do you find out if you
the added responsibility of being a
qualify for extra help?
young carer. have lots more
information about additional sup-
How do I know if I have addi- port for learning. Their helpline is
tional support needs? The first thing to do if you’re having open Mon to Friday from 9.30 —
a problem is speak to someone you 4.30pm, call them on 0845 123
trust, you can speak to a parent, 2303
Not everyone who is a young carer

A Fond Farewell

Sadly one of our much valued themselves.

ensuring that young carers re-
workers is leaving us to move
ceived the help and support which
to the Aberdeen area. The groups for Cupar & North East
is so important to them.
Fife will continue to run as normal
Liz McKinstry joined Fife with Jordana our sessional worker
Young Carers in June 2008 as for the area running the support
a Senior Support Worker for groups until a new worker is re-
Cupar and North East Fife. cruited.

Following her induction she

quickly settled into her new
Goodbye and
role ( she’d previously been a good luck to
teacher) and established Liz ! We’ll all
valuable links with other Liz said goodbye to some of the
agencies in the area. young carers at a BBQ on the miss you
beach — thankfully the weather x
She also re-established the stayed fine and everyone enjoyed
support groups for the area

Summer 2010 Page 3

Easter outings Glenrothes & Levenmouth Juniors
Junior groups from both the Glen-
rothes and Levenmouth areas had a
joint Easter outing to the Beveridge There was lots of cheating going on in the egg & spoon race!
Park in Kirkcaldy this Easter. Some of
the students from the Princes Trust
programme, who helped organize our
Christmas parties, came along too.
After lunch they braved the weather Trust students had a fantastic day out
When they arrived at the park it was and headed to the park for egg & spoon — in fact the students had such a good
very cold and windy so they abandoned races ( there was lots of cheating go- time they’ve volunteered to help out
and headed for St Brycedale college ing on!!!) and throwing egg competi- another time!
instead, where lots of fun was had tions.
decorating Easter eggs, making face
Both the young carers and the Princes
masks and having a fabulous picnic.

Easter outing Glenrothes & Levenmouth Seniors

The seniors' trip was to Mapsie Den in opportunity to spend time with young
Falkland. 12 young carers came along people who understand what it’s like to
for the day, which was spent enjoying be a young carer.
the breathtaking views of the water-
The day was finished off with a trip to
McDonald’s where one of our young
carers was surprised with a lovely
It gave the young people the chance to birthday cake complete with candles
have a break from their caring roles as to celebrate his birthday.
well as getting some exercise and the Mapsie Den

Easter activities Cupar and North East Fife

Five juniors from the Cupar group went They had lunch on the top of the We awoke to a misty, rainy day so this
to the Sea Life Centre in St Andrews Scores in the Easter sunshine - what a was the perfect day to be indoors. Due
for their Easter trip this year. great way to end the trip. to holidays and to illnesses only 2 girls
Each person got a quiz to fill in as they were able to come to this.
went round the centre, which gave Georgia and Kayleigh thoroughly en-
Ice-skating trip Dundee Ice Arena
them interesting facts about the array joyed their skating session and by the
of creatures, which included sting ray, end of the hour were able to skate all
octopus, tropical and fresh water fish. the way round without holding onto the
The juniors also had the chance to sides!
watch the seals being fed.. Unfortu- We had a picnic lunch afterwards and
nately, one of them had escaped during enjoyed the conversations on the way
high tides the week before so we all
hoped it would be found.

Page 4
Fife Young Carers Newsletter
Easter activities Kirkcaldy & West Fife

Both the Kirkcaldy and West Fife The juniors were put into teams and The cradles were beautifully deco-
groups met at Ballast Bank community had to design a parachute and cradle rated with thread and foil.
centre during the Easter break. to hold an egg, the cradle was to be
For the seniors it was a time to chill out strong enough to protect the egg from
and enjoy playing pool, air hockey and breaking when thrown off the chute at
the park! There were 3 teams, “No
getting creative with arts & crafts.
Crackers”, “ Egg Survivors” & “Not a

Watch out below!

There was great suspense and gasps as

the eggs were parachuted to the
ground. “ No Crackers” won (their egg
Preparing the parachute wasn’t cracked lol!)

National Young Carers Strategy Launched

Public Health Minister Shona • Assess young carers’ contribution as

Robison launched ‘The Carers needs. unpaid workers
and Young Carers Strategy’ on to health and
• Support young carers, at
the 26th of July at Lanark- social care is worth an esti-
school, home and in the
shire Carers Centre. mated £7.68 billion a year.
It contains a separate docu- FYC will be producing a leaf-
• Ensure young adult car-
ment ‘Getting it right for let for young carers to ex-
ers have access to train-
Young Carers’ which outlines plain what the strategy
ing opportunities.
what the Government, working means for them.
with Local Authorities will do On launching the Strategy Ms
There is also 2consultation
to support young carers Robison said:
meetings arranged for the
throughout Scotland. 11th October at Fife House
The main aims of the document "Carers of all ages make a huge in Glenrothes. Contact Car-
are to: contribution to their families ers Centre on 01592
and to society. Their efforts 642999 for further details.
• Identify hidden young help their loved ones to continue
carers who are receiv- living independently - and their For the full strategy see
ing no support.

Stop press.......stop press........stop press

The festival will be taking carers from all over Scotland.

On the eve of the Scottish
Young Carers Festival 2010 place at Broomlee Outdoor See the next issue for details
the Government has an- Education Centre at West of this years festival antics
nounced that it will be Linton and will be a mixture (we’ll be the ones in the cowboy
funding the festival again of fun activities and consul- hats!)
next year. tation opportunity for young

Page 5
Summer 2010
Fundraising news

Thank yo
thank yo

f f an d pupils at
Sta e
ool ran th
High Sch d raised an
din b urg h 10K an Strathall
E an
£ 800!
amazing Primary
u...... in Kirkca
Thank yo ldy FYC were
Thank yo
raised o
ver amazed b
£1800 fo y the
r Fife amount ra
Young Ca ised
rers which wil
by havin l be
ga used to h
Bring & B elp
uy provide y
sale, spo oung
nsored carers w
obstacle ith a
course much ne
and a ’Cra eded
zy break fro
Hair Day m
concert ', where caring wh
ale V oice Choir the child en we
A M or young ren (and Anne go to Ne
r £700 f teachers Mackie thy
raised ove ke to !) pupil co and Str Bridge in
e would li sported uncil pr athallan the
carers. W w h o took part a variety Collin esented October
eryone of wacky s, FYC Nina holi-
thank ev FYC con- hairdos the c Info wo
rker wit days.
elen Guild and paid heque. h
and to H sed the £1.
ho organi
veynor w

be e n
h av e also nsored
s o
Carer ith sp
Young d rai sing w T ay &
fun h th e ’ at
bu s y b ot cking
k s ac ross
nd ’b a g pa o tal
wal es a In t
r th Bridg nr othes. o ne
Fo in Gle ell d
o r risons 9 4 4.39 W
M d £
n Leslie they
s ellor Susa one!
Recently C ou n
Fife You
ng every
ov e r £ 400 for
raised g down th
y abseilin e put to
Carers b deb ank . tion will b
ne at Cly The dona pport
Titan Cra to help su
good use rers
e you ca
n g
some of th g ro ups
nd our Fife Young Care
who atte .
t Fife
The Roundhouse
Priory Campus
h Cllr
an Cr ane wit
The Tit id-abse
il Tel 01592 2238
Leslie m www.fifeyoungc

Fife Young Carers SC028201

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