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Naypyitaw has same message for Wa

Naypyitaw has same message for Wa

WEDNESDAY, 05 DECEMBER 2012 12:42 S.H.A.N.

The message given to the Wa leadership yesterday by the Naypyitaw delegation was essentially no
different from that given to Mongla on Monday, 3 November, according to Wa sources.

On the political side, Wa leaders were invited to observe the proceedings

of the parliament when its 5th session begins early next year.

On the military side, the government hopes Panghsang would act in

accordance with the 2008 constitution. According to the military-drawn
charter’s Article 338, “All the armed forces in the Union shall be under the
command of the Defense Services.”

The 39 strong delegation led by U Aung Min, Vice Chairman # 2 of the

Union Peacemaking Work Committee (UPWC), was welcomed by all top
members of the United Wa State Army (UWSA) except for Chairman Bao
Youxiang who is in poor health.
U Aung Min, Vice Chairman # 2 of the
The delegation did not visit Mongpawk, where the UWSA’s military
UPWC training center is located, as scheduled. “They arrived in Panghsang at
11:00 and flew to Mongmai at 15:00 to observe the development projects
there before leaving for Lashio,” said a source.

The Wa were presented with a K 100 million ($ 117,647) contribution for the construction of 3 motor
roads in the Wa region:

Hopang-Namteuk (Nandeng)
Panghsang-Markmang (Metman)

Hopang and Markmang are Wa townships under the control of the Burma

The “gift” was in addition to K 400 million ($ 470,588) presented in


On the Wa side, Vice Chairman Xiao Minliang reiterated that the UWSA
would not secede from the Union. It also requested permission to
purchase rice in the neighboring Mongyai and Tangyan townships. “U
Aung Min replied he would do his best,” recounted the source.

The meeting marked the first time U Aung Min visited Panghsang since
his appointment in May.
Xiao Minleng, Vice Chairman of the
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