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The Meaning of Samskriti or Culture


Samskriti and Culture food articles like rice and sugar are prakriti,
Let us first understand what we mean whereas a delicious pudding prepared out of
by the word ‘culture.’ Since it is being widely them is samskriti. On the other hand, if the
used as the equivalent of the Sanskrit term block of stone is broken into chips, or the gold
samskriti, it is lump reduced to powder, or the food articles
better to study get putrefied, they become vikriti.
this word first, The English word ‘culture’ is derived
its connotations from the Latin term cult or cultus, meaning,
and impli- ‘tilling, care, refinement and worship.’ In sum,
cations. The it means cultivating and refining a thing to
verbal root kr such an extent that its end-product evokes our
(to do) can give admiration and respect. This is practically the
rise to several same as samskriti of the Sanskrit language.
nouns when The word ‘cultivation,’ also derived from
associated with the same Latin root, as generally applied to the
certain prefixes. cultivation of crops from the earth, involves
Out of these, several processes such as tilling and preparing
three words the ground, sowing the seeds, watering
have a direct and manuring as also removing the weeds
bearing on our and destroying harmful insects. This will
subject: prakriti ultimately result in reaping a good crop. This
(basic matter word also fits in very well with the concept of
or condition), samskriti.
samskrti (re- Another expression current in the
fined matter or condition) and vikrti (modified Sanskrit language is samskara. It refers to the
or decayed matter or condition). process of cultivating, preparing or refining
These can be explained further with (though the word samskara also means an
suitable examples: A block of stone is prakriti, impression on the mind which any action one
the basic raw material. When it is sculptured does). The abstract quality in the end product
into a beautiful image, it becomes samskriti. of refinement is called samskriti. But very
Hence, a lump of gold is prakriti; an elegant often the two words are used as if they are
ornament made out of it is sams­kriti. Raw identical.
A senior monk of the Ramakrishna Order, the author is the Adyaksha of Ramakrishna Math, Basavanagudi,
Bangalore. He is a versatile speaker and a prolific writer having several publications in English, Kannada, and
Sanskrit to his credit. His monumental work A Concise Encyclopaedia of Hinduism was published in 2008. o

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Culture and Human Beings v Training the mind in developing

The culture of a society depends on the discretion and discrimination so that the right
culture of the indivi­duals comprising it, as also decision can be taken at the right time within
the relationship they have among them­selves. the limitations imposed by the circumstances.
Hence great attention has to be paid to the v Exercising the intellect by the study of
growing and nurturing of the basic values of science, philosophy and logic.
culture in an individual. v Fostering a sense of justice.
Contrary to the vociferous assertions v Trying to develop a taste or interest
of the materialists or the dry philosophers, a in some of the arts such as classical music and
human being is the conglomeration of several dance, good and elevating literature, drawing
parts, apparently different from one another, and painting, drama and other theatrical arts
but acting cohesively for a common purpose, that can rouse our finer sentiments and so on.
that of the jivatman or the individual soul v Faith in God and a regular prayer.
(a conscious entity) inhabiting them. They
are: the physical body including the sense- Culture and Society
organs, the faculty of speech, the mind and Coming to the social aspect of the
the spirit. A proper training in culture has to training for culture, one should start with
tackle each one of these singly, but in a way greater and more intimate association with
that it does not interfere or overshadow the one’s own family members. Though this
natural faculties of the others. For instance, suggestion may appear a little strange—
the arms should not be developed to such an since such an association seems to be taken
extent that they become a burden for the feet to for granted—it has become very necessary
carry them, or allow the nose to develop at the to bring about a sense of together­ ness and
cost of the eyes and the ears! It is a balanced cohesion within a family. Such a cohesion
development and a harmonious combination is almost absent now-a-days in most of the
of all the limbs and faculties that conduces not families, thanks to the industrialization and a
only to the health of the body but also to the mechanical way of life that it has engendered.
well-being of the personality as a whole. The royal secret of good human relation-
Such a training, as envisaged by a holistic ship with others is unselfish love and genuine
attitude towards the development of the consideration for the needs and feelings of
human personality, can be on the following others. This includes a sense of responsibility
lines: and duty towards others.
v Meticulously observing the rules It goes without saying that this ‘charity
of health and sanitation. Physical culture that begins at home’ should gradually be
including yogasanas. extended to the neighbours, friends and rela­
v Cultivating the faculty of speech tives as also other people, leading ultimately
through the study of langua­ges and grammar to the highest ideal of vasudhaiva kutumbakam
of those languages. (‘the whole world is my family’, cited in
v Practising the art of speaking the truth Panchatantra).
at the right time and place, including the knack And it can be assured that a cultured and
of presenting even unpleasant truths in a refined individual will easily succeed in his
manner that is gracefully accepted. efforts at being in peace and harmony with the

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society for the very reason that he is a cultured If the elite could learn about these truths
and refined individual! by getting training in the gurukulas (forest
academies), the masses were educated by the
Basis of Culture wise elders of the society through such popular
In the Upanishads—the canonical texts of devices as harikathas (musical discourses
Vedanta—we sometimes come across the basic with ethico-religious themes), devotional
question, ‘What is that by knowing which, music, folklore, folksongs and folk-dramas,
everything else is known?’ In a similar vein, recitation of mythological works and so on. In
we can ask, ‘What is that by possessing which, the modern context, we can make very good
culture can be possessed automatically?’ use of the various technical devices like the
The answer as given by our Rishis, our wise radio, the television and the films to propagate
ancestors, is ‘spiritual wisdom.’ (And it should the eternal values taught by our sages, much
be remem­bered that this spiritual wisdom, in more effectively, instead of abusing them and
the ultimate analysis, evolves out of spiritual degrading the entire society.
experience and not out of book-learning!) That an ideal civilization-cum-culture can
This question may be asked from another throw up an ideal person has been proved by
angle too: ‘In what way does advancement the sage Valmiki in his celebrated work, the
of culture (or samskriti) lead to spiritual Ramayana. Apart from Sri Rama, the principal
evolution culminating in mature spiritual hero, we come across a galaxy of great persons
wisdom?’ A corollary from this question is: such as Lakshmana, Bharata, Hanuman,
‘What is the basic norm referring to which the Vibhishana, Sita, Sumitra and Mandodari, as
evolution of cultural values is estimated?’ also the sages like Vasishtha, Agastya and Atri.
The answer is ‘moksa’ or emancipation Though adhyatmavidya—or, to put
through atmajnana or Self-realization. This it in the modern lan­ g uage, religion and
itself is adhyatmavidya or the science of the Self philosophy—has been the primary basis of
within. This is the norm for evaluation, nay, Indian culture, all other aspects of life here
the final goal of life itself. And this point of and now, that contribute to the attainment
view of our ancient leaders, the Rishis of yore, of peace and joy, have also been given their
has stood the test of time! due place. For instance: social values; political
institutions including the judiciary; economic
Training in Culture ideas; educational system; physical, chemical,
The great Rishis have advised us to biological and health sciences; engineering
follow the path of satya (truth that brings about sciences; arts like music, dance, drama,
the welfare of all) and dharma (righteousness) drawing, painting and sculpture, and so on.
which are eternal values. For this they have It will be not only interesting and
given us two parallel paths: pravritti (activism) fascinating but also rewar­ding to undertake a
and nivritti (restraint). The ultimate goal of life panoramic study of all these facets of Indian
can be reached by starting with the first and culture. Such an attempt can boost our self-
passing through the second, they being two confidence and self-image on the one hand
phases and faces of life here. It is also possible and, on the other, further inspire us to do
to have a balanced combination of these two even better, and usher in a new ‘cultured
and reach the same (final) goal. humanity’. o

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