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Detailed Lesson Plan

DLP No . Learning Areas Level Quarter Duration

Contemporary Arts Grade 12 4th 1 hour

Learning Creates the intended final product using appropriate materials for the best
possible output.
Code: CAR 11/12 AP-Of-h-17
( Refer to CG )

Key Concepts / Relevant concepts for production


1. Objectives

KNOWLEDGE Identify the appropriate materials for the best possible product output.

SKILLS Creat best product using appropriate materials.

ATTITUDE Appreciate one’s best practices.

VALUES Work in harmony with others

2. CONTENT Contemporary Arts Production – Production Planning

3. LEARNING Available material’s from the locality ( Ginit ), Art materials


4.1 Introductory Activity # 1 “Stepping Stone” using slippers, cross the lake w/o polling into the
Activity lake

4.2 Activity / The teacher ask the class about their strategies and techniques in crossing

a. Analysis Clarify the key of understanding about the topic at hand for the best product

4.4 Abstraction Important skills that should be in hands a good product

4.5 Application This part is structured to ensure the commitment of the learners to do
something to apply their new learning in their own environment.

4.6 Assessment Talking to Learners:

- Teacher will lead learners to do their performance activity

4.8 Assessment Skills develop such as in sewing/weaving by hands, skills relevant to technical &
Method vocational activities.

5. Assignment Review the topic/lesson and prepare for the short quiz next meeting

6. Remarks

7. Reflection
Prepared by :


Position/ Designation Division

Contact Number Email. Address


Attachments :

 Activity sheets
 Formative Assessment
 Answer Key
 Hand-outs
 Power Point Presentation
 Other

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