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Tugas Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan II

1. I am injecting antibiotic to Mr. Marly

Change to simple past tense positive, negative and interrogative form !
(+) I injected antibiotic to Mr. Marly
(-) I didn’t inject antibiotic to Mr. Marly
(?) Did I inject antibiotic to Mr. Marly

2. Accident is…….
Accident is an unplanned, unforesseen, and unexpected event that has a negative effect on
all activities of the individual who is involved in the accident.
An accident can result in death, injury, disease or infection, loss of property, damage to
environment, or a combination thereof. Accident can come with business consequences as
well, such as compensation costs, loss of productivity, and decrease in employee morale.

3. Choose one of theme to makes a good dialog !

a. A new student in STIKes Cahaya Bangsa
b. Accident
c. Hospital
(Accident theme dialogue)
Adam : Hi Ben, how was your day?
Ben : I have had better days
Adam : Why? What happened?
Ben : I got an accident two days ago.
Adam : What a pity. How did it happen?
Ben : I happened when I was going to one of my friend’s house, Tony. When I started
To walk out from the pavement, and was going to cross the road, suddenly the car
hit me from beside. Luckily I was saved by my friend, Andy. He grabbed my
hand quickly.
Adam : What happened next? Did you get hurt a lot?
Ben : I had few wounds. But now I’m getting much better. Only the scars left.
Adam : It’s nice to hear that. Get well soon, Ben
Ben : Thank you
Adam : You are welcome
4. Translate to English using right tense !
Saya seorang perawat. Saya bekerja di Rumah Sakit Cahaya Bangsa. Saya senang sekali
bekerja sebagai perawat. Setiap hari saya bertemu dengan pasien. Sekarang saya sedang
merawat pasien yang sedang sakit karena kecelakaan.
I am a nurse. I’m working in the Cahaya Bangsa hospital. I am very happy working as a
nurse. Every day I meet with patients. Now, I’m treating a patient whose get into accident.

5. I am in the bus station now. Please, show me the way to Ulin Hospital and STIKes
Cahaya Bangsa.
Saya berada di stasiun bis sekarang. Tolong, tunjukkan jalan ke Rumah Sakit Ulin dan
STIKes Cahaya Bangsa.

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