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This project focuses on “Perception of employees on Recruitment and selection at Debonair

tours and Travels Private Limited”. The organization has to be more responsive to changing
scenario and latest trends in, recruitments and then of selection process. Organizational
capabilities need improvement through continuous updating of latest technique, involving latest
trends and methodologies used for Recruitment and Selection of candidates, formulating
recruitment policy and in designing an effective HR plan as any failure in HR planning will be a
limited factor in achieving the objectives of the organization. Objectives in the present day of
stiff challenge from competitive market, it is ongoing process which requires proper
identification of organizational manpower recruitment and also ways of hiring the efficient and
right person at the right time. The scope of the project was to collect data from the selected
employees of company, analyze the significance of the data and the conclusion.

Today, in every organization personnel planning as an activity is necessary. It is an important

part of an organization. Human Resource Planning is a vital ingredient for the success of the
organization in the long run. There are certain ways that are to be followed by every
organization, which ensures that it has right number and kind of people, at the right place and
right time, so that organization can achieve its planned objectives.

The objectives of Human Resource Department are Human Resource Planning, Recruitment and
Selection, Training and Development, Career planning, Transfer and Promotion, Risk
Management, Performance Appraisal and so on. Each objective needs special attention and
proper planning and implementation.

For every organization it is important to have a right person on a right job. Recruitment and
Selection plays a vital role in this situation. Shortage of skills and the use of new technology are
putting considerable pressure on how employers go about Recruiting and Selecting staff. It is
recommended to carry out a strategic analysis of Recruitment and Selection procedure. Also
training need identification is necessary after selection process.

A formal definition states, “It is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for the
employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applicants
are selected”.

The need for recruitment may be due to the following reasons/situation:

a) Vacancies due to promotions, transfer, retirement, termination, permanent disability, death

and labor turnover.
b) Creation of new vacancies due to the growth, expansion and diversification of business
activities of an enterprise. In addition, new vacancies are possible due to job specification.

Selection is basically picking an applicant from (a pool of candidates) who has the appropriate
qualification and competency to do the job.

The project starts with the general introduction to what Recruitment and Selection is all about.
Then comes the company profile. It consists of an introduction about the organization. Here I
have stated its products and capabilities of the organization. The project provides me excellent
opportunity to correlate my theoretical learning with the ground realities of the industry and the

To accomplish the above, around 50 employees were surveyed and interviewed. The core
purpose of the survey was to find out employees perspective towards Recruitment and Selection
process in the organization. In conclusion, this project will enable one to understand the concept
of Recruitment and Selection process among the employees and simultaneously it will help the
employer in practicing them. This report will also help to understand benefits and drawbacks of


Human resource management is a function in organizations designed to maximize employee

performance in service of their employer’s strategic objectives. HR is primarily concerned with
how people are managed within organizations, focusing on policies and systems. HR
departments and units in organizations are typically responsible for a number of activities,
including employee recruitment, training and development, performance appraisal, and
rewarding. HR is also concerned with industrial relations, that is, the balancing of
organizational practices with regulations arising from collective bargaining and governmental
laws.HR is a product of the human relations movement of the early 20th century, when
researchers began documenting ways of creating business value through the strategic
management of the workforce. The function was initially dominated by transactional work, such
as payroll and benefits administration, but due to globalization, company consolidation,
technological advancement, and further research, HR now focuses on strategic initiatives like
mergers and acquisitions, talent management, succession planning, industrial and labor
relations, and diversity and inclusion.

The human resources are the most important assets of an organization. The success or failure of
an organization is largely dependent on the caliber of the people working therein. Without
positive and creative contribution from people Organization cannot progress and prosper. In
order to achieve the goal or the activities of an organization, therefore, we need to recruit,
people with requisite skill, qualification and experience. While doing so, we have to keep the,
present as well as the future requirements of the organization in mind. The size of the labor
market , the image of the company , the place of posting , the nature of job , the compensation
package and a host of other factors influence the manner the job aspirants are likely to respond
to the recruiting efforts of a company tries to locate prospective employees and encourages
them to apply for vacancies at various levels . Thus provides a pool of applicants for selection.

In startup companies, HR's duties may be performed by trained professionals. In larger
companies, an entire functional group is typically dedicated to the discipline, with staff
specializing in various HR tasks and functional leadership engaging in strategic decision making
across the business. To train practitioners for the profession, institutions of higher education,
professional associations, and companies themselves have created programs of study dedicated
explicitly to the duties of the function. Academic and practitioner organizations likewise seek to
engage and further the field of HR, as evidenced by several field-specific publications. HR is
also a field of research study that is popular within the fields of management and
industrial/organizational psychology, with research articles appearing in a number of academic
journals, including those mentioned later in this article.In the current global work environment,
most companies focus on lowering employee turnover and retaining the talent and knowledge
held by their workforce. New hiring not only entails a high cost but also increases the risk of the
newcomer not being able to replace the person who was working in that position before. HR
departments also strive to offer benefits that will appeal to workers, thus reducing the risk of
losing knowledge.

Recruitment is a linking function joining together those with jobs to fill and those seeking jobs. It
is a joining process in that it tries to bring together job seekers and employers with a view to
encourages the former to apply for the job with the latter. Human resources of an organization
are the product of their biological inheritance and interaction with environment. Family
relationships, educational accomplishments, religious influences, caste or racial background and
organizational climate influence the attitudes, behavior and performance of human beings.

All organizations are basically human organizations. They need people to carry out the
organizational mission, goals and objectives. Every organization needs to recruit people. The
recruitment policy should, therefore, address itself to the key question; what are the
personnel/human resource requirements of the organization in terms of number, skills, levels etc
to meet present and future needs of production and technical and other changes planned or
anticipated in the next years.

Recruitment and Selection:

Recruitment is the process of attracting individuals on a timely basis in sufficient numbers and
with appropriate qualification, to apply for jobs within an organization. The process of searching
prospective employees with multidimensional skills and experience that suits organization
strategies in fundamental to the growth of the organization, this demands more comprehensive
strategic perspective recruitment. Organizations require the services of large number of
personnel, these personnel occupies the various positions created to the process of organization.
Each position of the organization has certain specific contributions to achieve the organizational
objectives. The recruitment process of the organizational has to be strong enough to attract and
select the potential candidates with right job specification. The recruitment process begins with
human resource planning and concludes with the selection of required number of candidates,
both HR staff and operating managers have responsibilities in the process.

“Right person for the right job is the basic principle in recruitment and selection. Every
organization should give attention to the selection of its manpower, especially its managers. The
operative manpower is equally important and essential for the orderly working of an enterprise.

Every business organization/unit needs manpower for carrying different business activities
smoothly and efficiently and for this recruitment and selection of suitable candidates is essential.
Human resource management in an organization will not be possible if unsuitable persons are
selected and employment in a business unit.

 Recruitment-getting the right people in the right job

 Developing people-through training & development.

 Monitoring-to ensures long-term development and performance.

 Developing Managers-ensuring that these key people are delivering what the organization

Need of the Recruitment and Selection Process:
Dessler, (2000) found in his study that the Recruitment and selection forms a core part of the
central activities underlying human resource management: namely, the acquisition, development
and reward of the workers. It frequently forms an important part of the work of human resource
managers–or designated specialists within work organizations. However, and importantly,
recruitment and selection decisions are often for good reason taken by non-specialists, by the line
managers. Recruitment and selection also have an important role to play in ensuring worker
performance and positive organizational outcomes. Recruitment and selection had the capacity to
form a key part of the process of managing and leading people as a routine part of organizational
life, it is suggested here that recruitment and selection has become ever more important as
organizations increasingly regard their workforce as a source of competitive advantage. Of
course, not all employers engage with this proposition even at the rhetorical level. However,
there is evidence of increased interest in the utilization of employee selection methods which are
valid, reliable and fair. Dessler listing the essence of these in the following; build a pool of
candidates for the job, have the applicants fill out application forms, utilize various selection
techniques to identify viable job candidates, send one or more viable job candidates to their
supervisor, have the candidate(s) go through selection interviews, and determine to which
candidate(s) an offer should be made.

Mullins (1999) indicated that to be a high performing organization, human resource

management must be able to assist the organization to place the right person in the right job. The
human resource management practices include recruitment, selection, placement, evaluation,
training and development, compensation and benefits, and retention of the employees of an
organization. Businesses have developed human resource information systems that support:
(i) Recruitment, selection, and hiring, (ii) job placement, (iii) performance appraisals,
(iv) employee benefits analysis, (v) training and development, and (vi) health, safety, and

Scope of Recruitment and Selection:

The scope of Recruitment and Selection is very wide and it consists of a variety of operations.
Resources are considered as most important asset to any organization. Hence, hiring right
resources is the most important aspect of Recruitment. Every company has its own pattern of
recruitment as per their recruitment policies and procedures.

The scope of Recruitment and Selection includes the following operations:

 Dealing with the excess or shortage of resources

 Preparing the Recruitment policy for different categories of employees
 Analyzing the recruitment policies, processes, and procedures of the organization
 Identifying the areas, where there could be a scope of improvement
 Streamlining the hiring process with suitable recommendations
 Choosing the best suitable process of recruitment for effective hiring of resources


Recruitment refers to the overall process of attracting, short listing, selecting and appointing
suitable candidates for jobs (either permanent or temporary) within an organization. Recruitment
can also refer to processes involved in choosing individuals for unpaid roles. Managers, human
resource generalists and recruitment specialists may be tasked with carrying out recruitment, but
in some cases public-sector employment agencies, commercial recruitment agencies, or specialist
search consultancies are used to undertake parts of the process. Internet-based technologies
which support all aspects of recruitment have become widespread.

Recruitment means to estimate the available vacancies and to make suitable arrangements for
their selection and appointment. Recruitment is understood as the process of searching for and
obtaining applicants for the jobs, from among whom the right people can be selected.

A formal definition states, “It is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for the
employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applicants
are submitted. The result is a pool of applicants from which new employees are selected”. In this,
the available vacancies are given wide publicity and suitable candidates are encouraged to
submit applications so as to have a pool of eligible candidates for scientific selection.

In recruitment, information is collected from interested candidates. For this different source such
as newspaper advertisement, employment exchanges, internal promotion, etc. are used. In the
recruitment, a pool of eligible and interested candidates is created for selection of most suitable
candidates. Recruitment represents the first contact that a company makes with potential

Definition: According to EDWIN FLIPPO, “Recruitment is the process of searching for

prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization.”

Need for recruitment:

The need for recruitment may be due to the following reasons / situation:

a) Vacancies due to promotions, transfer, retirement, termination, permanent disability, death

and labor turnover.

b) Creation of new vacancies due to the growth, expansion and diversification of business
activities of an enterprise. In addition, new vacancies are possible due to job specification.

Purpose and importance of Recruitment:

1. Determine the present and future requirements of the organization on conjunction with its
personnel-planning and job analysis activities.

2. Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.

3. Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of visibly
under qualified or overqualified job applicants.

4. Help reduce the probability that job applicants, once recruited and selected, will leave the
organization only after a short period of time.

5. Meet the organization’s legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its work

6. Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates.

7. Increase organizational and individual effectiveness in the short term and long term.

8. Evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all types of job

9. Recruitment is a positive function in which publicity is given to the jobs available in the
organization and interested candidates are encouraged to submit applications for the purpose of

Factors Affecting Recruitment:

Recruitment is an important function of the Human Resource Management in an organization,

and it is governed by a mixture of various factors. Proactive HR Professionals should understand
these factors influencing the recruitment and take necessary actions for the betterment of the
organization. When the market condition changes, the organization also needs to monitor these
changes and discover how it affects the resources and analyze these functions for making
recruitment an effective process. We have Internal Factors as well as External Factors that
influence the recruitment process. In this chapter, we will be discussing these factors in detail.

Internal Factors

Organizations have control over the internal factors that affect their recruitment functions. The
internal factors are:

Size of Organization: The size of the organization is one of the most important factors affecting
the recruitment process. To expand the business, recruitment planning is mandatory for hiring
more resources, which will be handling the future operations.

Recruiting Policy: Recruitment policy of an organization, i.e. hiring from internal or external
sources of organization is also a factor, which affects the recruitment process. It specifies the
objectives of the recruitment and provides a framework for the implementation of recruitment

Image of Organization: Organizations having a good positive image in the market can easily
attract competent resources. Maintaining good public relations, providing public services, etc.,
definitely helps an organization in enhancing its reputation in the market, and thereby attract the
best possible resources.

Image of Job: Just like the image of organization, the image of a job plays a critical role in
recruitment. Jobs having a positive image in terms of better remuneration, promotions,
recognition, and good work environment with career development opportunities are considered
to be the characteristics to attract qualified candidates.

External Factors

External factors are those that cannot be controlled by an organization. The external factors that
affect the recruitment process include the following:

Demographic factors: Demographic factors are related to the attributes of potential employees
such as their age, religion, literacy level, gender, occupation, economic status, etc.

Labor market: Labor market controls the demand and supply of labor. For example, if the
supply of people having a specific skill is less than the demand, then the hiring will need more
efforts. On the other hand, if the demand is less than the supply, the hiring will be relative

Unemployment rate: If the unemployment rate is high in a specific area, hiring of resources
will be simple and easier, as the number of applicants is very high. In contrast, if the
unemployment rate is low, then recruiting tends to be very difficult due to less number of

Labor laws: Labor laws reflect the social and political environment of a market, which are
created by the central and state governments. These laws dictate the compensation, working
environment, safety and health regulations, etc., for different types of employments. As the
government changes, the laws too change.

Legal considerations: Job reservations for different castes such as STs, SCs, OBCs are best
examples of legal considerations. These considerations, passed by government, will have a
positive or negative impact on the recruitment policies of the organizations.

Competitors: When organizations in the same industry are competing for the best qualified
resources, there is a need to analyze the competition and offer the resources packages that are
best in terms of industry standards.

Recruitment Process:

Recruitment refers to the process of identifying and attracting job seekers so as to build a pool of
qualified job applicants. The process comprises five interrelated stages, viz.

1. Planning.

2. Strategy development.

3. Searching.

4. Screening.

5. Evaluation and control.

1. Planning

2. Strategy Development

3. Searching

4. Screening

5. Evaluation and Control


Recruitment planning is the first step of the recruitment process, where the vacant positions are
analyzed and described. It includes job specifications and its nature, experience, qualifications
and skills required for the job, etc.

A structured recruitment plan is mandatory to attract potential candidates from a pool of

candidates. The potential candidates should be qualified, experienced with a capability to take
the responsibilities required to achieve the objectives of the organization.

Identifying Vacancy

The first and foremost process of recruitment plan is identifying the vacancy. This process
begins with receiving the requisition for recruitments from different department of the
organization to the HR Department, which contains:

 Number of posts to be filled

 Number of positions
 Duties and responsibilities to be performed
 Qualification and experience required

When a vacancy is identified, it the responsibility of the sourcing manager to ascertain whether
the position is required or not, permanent or temporary, full-time or part-time, etc. These
parameters should be evaluated before commencing recruitment. Proper identifying, planning
and evaluating leads to hiring of the right resource for the team and the organization.

Job Analysis

Job analysis is a process of identifying, analyzing, and determining the duties, responsibilities,
skills, abilities, and work environment of a specific job. These factors help in identifying what a
job demands and what an employee must possess in performing a job productively.

Job analysis helps in understanding what tasks are important and how to perform them. Its
purpose is to establish and document the job relatedness of employment procedures such as
selection, training, compensation, and performance appraisal.

The following steps are important in analyzing a job:

 Recording and collecting job information

 Accuracy in checking the job information
 Generating job description based on the information
 Determining the skills, knowledge and skills, which are required for the job

The immediate product of job analysis is job descriptions and job specifications.

Job Description

Job description is an important document, which is descriptive in nature and contains the final
statement of the job analysis. This description is very important for a successful recruitment

Job description provides information about the scope of job roles, responsibilities and the
positioning of the job in the organization. And this data gives the employer and the organization
a clear idea of what an employee must do to meet the requirement of his job responsibilities.

Job description is generated for fulfilling the following processes:

 Classification and ranking of jobs

 Placing and orientation of new resources
 Promotions and transfers
 Describing the career path
 Future development of work standards

A job description provides information on the following elements:

 Job Title / Job Identification / Organization Position

 Job Location
 Summary of Job
 Job Duties
 Machines, Materials and Equipment
 Process of Supervision
 Working Conditions
 Health Hazards

Job Specification

Job specification focuses on the specifications of the candidate, whom the HR team is going to
hire. The first step in job specification is preparing the list of all jobs in the organization and its
locations. The second step is to generate the information of each job.

This information about each job in an organization is as follows:

 Physical specifications
 Mental specifications
 Physical features
 Emotional specifications
 Behavioral specifications

A job specification document provides information on the following elements:

 Qualification
 Experiences
 Training and development Skills requirements
 Work responsibilities
 Emotional characteristics
 Planning of career

Job Evaluation

Job evaluation is a comparative process of analyzing, assessing, and determining the relative
value/worth of a job in relation to the other jobs in an organization.

The main objective of job evaluation is to analyze and determine which job commands how
much pay. There are several methods such as job grading, job classifications, job ranking, etc.,
which are involved in job evaluation. Job evaluation forms the basis for salary and wage


Recruitment strategy is the second step of the recruitment process, where a strategy is prepared
for hiring the resources. After completing the preparation of job descriptions and job
specifications, the next step is to decide which strategy to adopt for recruiting the potential
candidates for the organization. While preparing a recruitment strategy, the HR team considers
the following points:

 Make or buy employees

 Types of recruitment
 Geographical area
 Recruitment sources

The development of a recruitment strategy is a long process, but having a right strategy is
mandatory to attract the right candidates. The steps involved in developing a recruitment strategy

 Setting up a board team

 Analyzing HR strategy
 Collection of available data
 Analyzing the collected data
 Setting the recruitment strategy


Searching is the process of recruitment where the resources are sourced depending upon the
requirement of the job. After the recruitment strategy is done, the searching of candidates will be
initialized. This process consists of two steps:

Source activation: Once the line manager verifies and permits the existence of the vacancy, the
search for candidate starts.

Selling: Here, the organization selects the media through which the communication of vacancies
reaches the prospective candidates.

Searching involves attracting the job seekers to the vacancies. The sources are broadly divided
into two categories: Internal Sources and External Sources.


Screening starts after completion of the process of sourcing the candidates. Screening is the
process of filtering the applications of the candidates for further selection process.

Screening is an integral part of recruitment process that helps in removing unqualified or

irrelevant candidates, which were received through sourcing. The screening process of
recruitment consists of three steps:

Reviewing of Resumes and Cover Letters

Reviewing is the first step of screening candidates. In this process, the resumes of the candidates
are reviewed and checked for the candidates’ education, work experience, and overall
background matching the requirement of the job.

While reviewing the resumes, an HR executive must keep the following points in mind, to ensure
better screening of the potential candidates:

 Reason for change of job
 Longevity with each organization
 Long gaps in employment
 Job-hopping
 Lack of career progression

Conducting Telephonic or Video Interview

Conducting telephonic or video interviews is the second step of screening candidates. In this
process, after the resumes are screened, the candidates are contacted through phone or video by
the hiring manager. This screening process has two outcomes:

 It helps in verifying the candidates, whether they are active and available.
 It also helps in giving a quick insight about the candidate’s attitude, ability to answer
interview questions, and communication skills.

Identifying the top candidates

Identifying the top candidates is the final step of screening the resumes/candidates. In this
process, the cream/top layers of resumes are shortlisted, which makes it easy for the hiring
manager to take a decision. This process has the following three outcomes:

 Short listing 5 to 10 resumes for review by the hiring managers

 Providing insights and recommendations to the hiring manager
 Helps the hiring managers to take a decision in hiring the right candidate


Evaluation and control is the last stage in the process of recruitment. In this process, the
effectiveness and the validity of the process and methods are assessed. Recruitment is a costly
process; hence it is important that the performance of the recruitment process is thoroughly

The costs incurred in the recruitment process are to be evaluated and controlled effectively. These
include the following:

 Salaries to the Recruiters

 Advertisements cost and other costs incurred in recruitment methods, i.e., agency fees.
 Administrative expenses and Recruitment overheads
 Overtime and Outstanding costs, while the vacancies remain unfilled
 Cost incurred in recruiting suitable candidates for the final selection process
 Time spent by the Management and the Professionals in preparing job description, job
specifications, and conducting interviews.

Finally, the question that is to be asked is, whether the recruitment methods used are valid or
not? And whether the recruitment process itself is effective or not? Statistical information on the
costs incurred for the process of recruitment should be effective.

Sources of Recruitment:

For any organization, recruitment is a crucial part of developing and maintaining an effective and
efficient team. A good recruitment strategy will cut down the wastage of time and money, which
would have incurred for extensive training and development of unqualified resources.

Have you ever thought of, how a recruiter finds the right candidates? Recruiters use different
methods to source, screen, shortlist, and select the resources as per the requirements of the
organization. Recruitment types explain the means by which an organization reaches potential
job seekers.


1) Promotion 1) Campus recruitment

2) Transfers 2) Press advertisement

3) Internal notification 3) Management consultancy service

4) Retirement 4) Deputation of personnel or transfer from one

enterprise to another

5) Former employees 5) Walk-ins, write-ins, talk-ins

The sources of recruitment can be broadly categorized into internal and external sources:-


Internal sources of recruitment refer to hiring employees within the organization internally. In
other words, applicants seeking for the different positions are those who are currently employed
with the same organization.

At the time recruitment of employees, the initial consideration should be given to those
employees who are currently working within the organization. This is an important source of
recruitment, which provides the opportunities for the development and utilization of the existing
resources within the organization.
Internal sources of recruitment are the best and the easiest way of selecting resources as
performance of their work is already known to the organization. Let us now discuss more on the
various internal sources of recruitment.

Promotions and Transfers:

Promotion is an effective means using job posting and personnel records. Job posting requires
notifying vacant positions by posting notices, circulating publications or announcing at staff
meetings and inviting employees to apply. Personnel records help discover employees who are
doing jobs below their educational qualifications or skill levels. Promotions has many
advantages like it is good public relations, builds morale, encourages competent individuals who
are ambitious, improves the probability of good selection since information on the individual’s
performance is readily available, is cheaper than going outside to recruit, those chosen internally
are familiar with the organization thus reducing the orientation time and energy and also acts as a
training device for developing middle-level and top-level managers.

Employee referrals:

Employees can develop good prospects for their families and friends by acquainting them with
the advantages of a job with the company, furnishing them with introduction and encouraging
them to apply. This is a very effective means as many qualified people can be reached at a very
low cost to the company. The other advantages are that the employees would bring only those
referrals that they feel would be able to fit in the organization based on their own experience. In
this way, the organization can also fulfill social obligations and create goodwill.

Former Employees:

These include retired employees who are willing to work on a part-time basis, individuals who
left work and are willing to come back for higher compensations. Even retrenched employees are
taken up once again. The advantage here is that the people are already known to the organization
and there is no need to find out their past performance and character.

Dependents of deceased employees:

Usually, banks follow this policy. If an employee dies, his / her spouse or son or daughter is
recruited in their place. This is usually an effective way to fulfill social obligation and create


When management faces a problem, which can be solved only by a manager who has proceeded
on long leave, it may de decided to recall that persons after the problem is solved, his leave
maybe extended.


At times, management may not find suitable candidates in place of the one who had retired, after
meritorious service. Under the circumstances, management may decide to call retired managers
with new extension.

Evaluation of Internal Recruitment:

Merits are:-

 Time saving, economical, simple and reliable.

 No need of induction training because the candidate already knows everything about the
organization, the work, the employee, the rules and regulations, etc.

 Motivates the employees of work hard in order to get higher jobs in the same organization.

 Increases the morale of the employees and it improves the relations in the organization.

 Reduces executive turnover.

 Develops loyalty and a sense of responsibility.

Demerits are:-

 It prevents new blood from entering the organization. New blood brings innovative ideas,
fresh thinking and dynamism into the organization.

 It has limited scope because it is not possible to fill up all types of vacancies from within the

 The position of the person who is promoted or transferred will be vacant.

 There may be bias or partiality in promoting or transferring persons from within the

 The right person may be promoted or transferred only if proper confidential reports of all
employees are maintained. This involves a lot of time, money and energy.


External sources of recruitment refer to hiring employees outside the organization externally. In
other words, the applicants seeking job opportunities in this case are those who are external to
the organization.

External employees bring innovativeness and fresh thoughts to the organization. Although hiring
through external sources is a bit expensive and tough, it has tremendous potential of driving the
organization forward in achieving its goals. Let us now discuss in detail the various external
sources of recruitment.

Professional or Trade Associations:

Many associations provide placement service to its members. It consists of compiling job
seeker’s lists and providing access to members during regional or national conventions. Also, the
publications of these associations carry classified advertisements from employers interested in
recruiting their members. These are particularly useful for attracting highly educated,
experienced or skilled personnel.


Advertisements are the most popular and very much preferred source of external source of
recruitment. The job vacancy is announced through various print and electronic media with a
specific job description and specifications of the requirements. Using advertisements is the best
way to source candidates in a short span and it offers an efficient way of screening the
candidates’ specific requirements.

Let’s take an example. Assume that there is a Sales Company called XYZ Ltd. which has got a
new project of selling a product in a short span of time, as the competition is very high. In this
scenario, choosing the specific recruitment plays a vital role. Here the ideal type of recruitment
which should be chosen is Advertisement.

Advertisement is the best suitable practice for this kind of hiring, because a large volume of
hiring in a short span can be done through Advertisement only. Advertisement is one of the
costliest ways to recruit candidates, but when time and number are important, and then
advertisement is the best source of recruitment.

Campus Recruitments:

Colleges, universities, research laboratories, sports fields and institutes are fertile ground for
recruiters, particularly the institutes. Campus Recruitment is going global with companies like
HLL, Citibank, HCL-HP, ANZ Grind lays, L&T, Motorola and Reliance looking for global
markets. Some companies recruit a given number of candidates from these institutes every year.
Campus recruitment is so much sought after that each college; university department or institute
will have a placement officer to handle recruitment functions.

However, it is often an expensive process, even if recruiting process produces job offers and
acceptances eventually.

Walk-ins, Write-ins and Talk-ins:

The most common and least expensive approach for candidates is direct applications, in which
job seekers submit unsolicited application letters or resumes. Direct applications can also provide
a pool of potential employees to meet future needs. From employees ‟ viewpoint, walk-ins are
preferable as they are free from the hassles associated with other methods of recruitment. While
direct applications are particularly effective in filling entry level and unskilled vacancies, some
organizations compile pools of potential employees from direct applications for skilled positions.
Write-ins are those who send written enquiries. These job seekers are asked to complete
application forms for further processing. Talk-ins involves the job aspirants meeting the recruiter
(on an appropriated date) for detailed talks. No application is required to be submitted to the


They are in this profession for recruiting and selecting managerial and executive personnel. They
are useful as they have nationwide contacts and lend professionalism to the hiring process. They
also keep prospective employer and employee anonymous. However, the cost can be a deterrent

Head Hunters:

They are useful in specialized and skilled candidate working in a particular company. An agent is
sent to represent the recruiting company and offer is made to the candidate. This is a useful
source when both the companies involved are in the same field, and the employee is reluctant to
take the offer since he fears, that his company is testing his loyalty.

Radio, Television and Internet:

Radio and television are used to reach certain types of job applicants such as skilled workers.
Radio and television are used but sparingly, and that too, by government departments only.
However, there is nothing inherently desperate about using radio and television. It depends upon
what is said and how it is delivered. Internet is becoming a popular option for recruitment today.
There are specialized sites like

Evaluation of External Recruitment:

External sources of recruitment have both merits and demerits:

Merits are:-

 The organization will have the benefit of new skills, new talents and new experiences, if
people are hired from external sources.
 The management will be able to fulfill reservation requirements in favor of the disadvantaged
sections of the society.
 Scope for resentment, heartburn and jealousy can be avoided by recruiting from outside.

Demerits are:-

 Better motivation and increased morale associated with promoting own employees are lost to
the organization.
 External recruitment is costly.
 If recruitment and selection processes are not properly carried out, chances of right
candidates being rejected and wrong applicants being selected occur.
 High training time is associated with external recruitment.

“98% of organizational success depend upon efficient employee selection”

60-Seconds Guide to Hiring the Right People:

0:60 Define the Duties:

To find promising employees, you must first determine what you want them to do. Carefully
consider all direct and associated responsibilities and incorporate them into a written job
description. Be careful with general titles such as typist or sales clerk, as they have different
meanings to different people.

0:49 …and what it takes to do them:

Fulfilling these responsibilities will require some level of skill and experience, even if it is an
entry-level position. Be reasonable about your expectations. Setting the bar too high may limit
your available talent pool; setting it too low risks a flood of applications from those unqualified
for the job.

0:37 Make it Worth their While:

Likewise, you don’t want to be overly generous or restrictive about compensation. State and
local chambers of commerce, employment bureaus and professional associations can help you
determine appropriate wages and benefits. Scanning descriptions of comparable jobs in the
classified ads and other employment publications will also provide clues about prevailing wage

0:38 Spread the Word:

How you advertise your job opening depends on who you want to attract. Some positions are as
easy to promote as posting a “help wanted” sign in your store window or placing an ad in your
local newspaper. For jobs requiring more specialized skills, consider targeted channels such as
trade magazines, on-line job banks and employment agencies (though these may require a fee).
And don’t overlook sources such as friends, neighbors, suppliers, customers and present

0:25 Talk it Over:

Because you have clearly defined the role and requirements, you should have little difficulty
identifying candidates for interviews. Make sure you schedule them when you have ample time
to review the resume, prepare your questions and give the candidate your undivided attention.
After the interview, jot down any impressions or key points while they’re still fresh in your
mind. This will be a valuable reference when it’s time to make a decision.

0:12 Follow-up on Interviews:

You want to believe your candidates are being honest, but never assume. Contact references to
make sure you’re getting the facts or to clear up any uncertainties. Professional background
checks are a wise investment for highly sensitive positions, or those that involve handling
substantial amounts of money and valuables.

0:03 You’ve Found Them; Now Keep Them:

Now that you’ve hired ideal employees, make sure they stay with you by providing training and
professional development opportunities. The small business experts at SCORE can help you craft
human resource policies and incentive plans that will ensure your company remains the small
business employer of choice.


Selection process is a decision making process. This step consists of a number of activities. A
candidate who fails to qualify for a particular step is not eligible for appearing for the subsequent
step. Employee selection is the process of putting right men on the right job. It is a procedure of
matching organizational requirements with the skills and qualifications of people. Effective
selection can be done only where there is effective matching. By selecting best candidate for the
required job, the organization will get quality performance of employees. Moreover, organization
will face less absenteeism and employee turnover problems. By selecting right candidate for the
required job, organization will also save time and money. Proper screening of candidates takes
place during selection procedure. All the potential candidates who apply for the given job are


 Selection is choosing the best out of the recruited persons.

 It is a negative process.
 It reduces absenteeism and labor turnover.
 It helps in increasing the efficiency and productivity.
 It helps in building up of a stable workforce.


Selection is a long process, commencing from the preliminary interview of the applicants and
ending with the contract of employment.

1. Preliminary test

2. Selection test

3. Employment interview

4. Reference and background

5. Analysis

6. Selection decision

7. Physical examination

8. Job offer

9. Employment contract

1. Preliminary 6. Selection 7. Physical

test decision examination

2. Selection test 5. Analysis 8. Job offer

4. Reference
3. Employment 9. Employment
interview contract



The applicants received from job seekers would be subject to scrutiny so as to eliminate
unqualified applicants. This is usually followed by a preliminary interview the purpose of which
is more or less the same as scrutiny of application, that is, eliminate of unqualified applicants.
Scrutiny enables the HR specialists to eliminate unqualified jobseekers based on the information
supplied in their application forms. Preliminary interview, on the other hand, helps reject misfits
for reason, which did not appear in the application forms.



Job seekers who pass the screening and the preliminary interview are called for tests. Different
types of tests may be administered, depending on the job and the company. Generally, tests are
used to determine the applicant’s ability, aptitude and personality.

The following are the type of tests taken:

1. Ability test

2. Aptitude test

3. Intelligence test

4. Interest test

5. Personality test

6. Projective test

7. General knowledge test

8. Perception test

9. Graphology test

10. Polygraph test

11. Medical test



The next step in the selection process is an interview. Interview is formal, in- depth
conversation conducted to evaluate the applicant’s acceptability. It is considered to be
excellent selection device. It is face-to-face exchange of view, ideas and opinion between the
candidates and interviewers. Basically, interview is nothing but an oral examination of
candidates. Interview can be adapted to unskilled, skilled, managerial and profession

Types of interview

Every employer has a preferred style of obtaining the information they need for their hiring
decision. These are some basic types of interview styles you may encounter. Some employers
may choose to utilize a combination of different styles, but as long as you’re prepared well
for your interview, you'll be able to adapt to the situation they present. Following are the
various types of interview:-

The ten different types of interviews are as follows:

1. Structured Interview: In this type, the interview is designed and detailed in advance. A
structured interview is pre-planned, accurate, and consistent in hiring the candidates.

2. Unstructured Interview: This type of interview is an unplanned one, where the interview
questionnaire is not prepared. Here, the effectiveness of the interview is very less and there is
a tremendous waste of time and effort of both the interviewer and the interviewee.

3. Group Interview: In this type of interview, all the candidates or a group of candidates are
interviewed together. Group interviews are conducted to save time when there are a large
number of applications for a few job vacancies. A topic will be given to discuss among the
candidates and the interviewer judges the innovativeness and behavior of each candidate in
the group.

4. Depth Interview: Depth interview is a semi-structured interview, where the candidates have
to give detailed information about their education background, work experience, special
interests, etc. And the interviewer takes a depth interview and tries in finding the expertise of the

5. Stress Interview: Stress interviews are conducted to discover how a candidate behaves in
stressful conditions. In this type of interview, the interviewer will come to know whether the
candidate can handle the demands of a complex job. The candidate who maintains his composure
during a stress interview is normally the right person to handle a stressful job.

6. Individual Interview: In an individual interview, the interview takes place one-on-one i.e.,
there will be a verbal and a visual interaction between two people, an interviewer and a
candidate. This is a two-way communication interview, which helps in finding the right
candidate for a vacant job position.

7. Informal Interview: Such interviews are conducted in an informal way, i.e., the interview
will be fixed without any written communication and can be arranged at any place. There is no
procedure of asking questions in this type of interview, hence it will be a friendly kind of

8. Formal Interview: A formal interview held in a formal way, i.e., the candidate will be
intimated about the interview well in advance and the interviewer plans and prepares questions
for the interview. This is also called as a planned interview.

9. Panel Interview: Panel interview, as the name indicates, is being conducted by a group of
people. In this type of interview, three to five members of the selection committee will be asking
questions to the candidates on different aspects. The final decision will be taken by all the
members of the panel collectively.

10. Exit Interview: Exit interviews are conducted for those employees who want to leave the
organization. The importance of the exit interview is to discover why an employee wants to leave
his job.

How to Interview?

Various researches have proved that organizations that spend more time on recruitment have
benefitted greatly in long term. An important thing to do, when you are planning for an interview
is to think, whom you are interviewing and what kind of information you want from that person.
Hence, you should prepare a list of questions, which you want to ask, prior to conducting an

The following five P’s should be taken into consideration in order to ensure effective selection
and interviewing:

Prepare: Preparation is the first step of conducting an interview. Prior to interview, the
interviewer should make sure that he/she understands the key elements of the job. And the
interviewer should go through the resume of the candidate for understanding his/her qualities and

Purpose: The interviewer should have knowledge about the purpose of the interview, why
he/she is conducting it. The interviewer should project the organization as the best place to work
to the interviewee, which helps in selecting the right candidate.

Performance: An interviewer must identify the attitude, attributes, knowledge and skills of the
applicants, who are needed for the success of the organization. If the requirement is about special
education and technical skills, then hiring high-performing applicants plays an important role.

People Skills: The applicant, who comes for an interview, will not be completely transparent.
Hence, it is the job of an interviewer to un-mask the applicant and discovers the inner qualities
and skills during the interview. This good practice of hiring will help in selecting the right
candidate for the organization.

Process: Every interviewer should follow a structured interview process to get better results. A
structured process of interview avoids bias and gives equal and fair chance to all the applicants.
The best way for accomplishing this process is by using the behavioral based questions and
situational questions.



Many employers request names, addresses, and telephone numbers of references for the purpose
of verifying information and perhaps, gaining additional background information on an
applicant. Although listed on the application form, references are not usually checked until an
applicant has successfully reached the fourth stage of a sequential selection process. When the
labor market is very tight, organizations sometimes hire applicants before checking references.



After obtaining information through the preceding steps, selection decision- the most critical of
all the steps- must be made. The other stages in the selection process have been used to narrow
the number of the candidates. The final decision has to be made the pool of individuals who pas
the tests, interviews and reference checks.

The view of the line manager will be generally considered in the final selection because it is
he/she who is responsible for the performance of the new employee. The HR manager plays a
crucial role in the final selection.



After the selection decision and before the job offer is made, the candidate is required to undergo
a physical fitness test. A job offer is, often, contingent upon the candidate being declared fit after
the physical examination. The results of the medical fitness test are recorded in a statement and
are preserved in the personnel records. There are several objectives behind a physical test.

Obviously, one reason for a physical test is to detect if the individual carries any infectious
disease. Secondly, the test assists in determining whether an applicant is physically fit to perform
the work. Thirdly, the physical examination information can be used to determine if there are
certain physical capabilities, which differentiate successful and less successful employees.
Finally, such an examination will protect the employer from workers compensation claims that
are not valid because the injuries or illness were present when the employee was hired.



The next step in the selection process is job offer to those applicants who have crossed all the
previous hurdles. Job offer is made through a letter of appointed. Such a letter generally contains
a date by which the appointee must report on duty. The appointee must be given reasonable time
for reporting. Those is particularly necessary when he or she is already in employment, in which
case the appointee is required to obtain a relieving certificate from the previous employer.

The company may also want the individual to delay the date of reporting on duty. If the new
employee’s first job upon joining the company is to go on company until perhaps a week before
such training begins.



There is also a need for preparing a contract of employment. The basic information that should
be included in a written contract of employment will vary according to the level of the job, but
the following checklist sets out the typical headings:

1. Job title

2. Duties, including a parse such as “The employee will perform such duties and will be
responsible to such a person, as the company may from time to time direct”.

3. Date when continuous employment starts and the basis for calculating service.

4. Rate of pay, allowance, overtime and shift rates, method of payments.

5. Hours of work including lunch break and overtime and shift arrangements.

6. Holiday arrangements:

7. Paid holidays per year.

8. Public holidays.

9. Special terms relating to rights to patents and designs, confidential information and restraints
on trade after termination of employment.

The drawback with the contracts is that it is almost to enforce them. A determined employee is
bound to leave the organization, contract or no contract.



Contrary to popular perception, the selection process will not end with executing the
employment contract. There is another step – amore sensitive one reassuring those candidates
who have not selected, not because of any serious deficiencies in their personality, but because
their profile did not match the requirement of the organization. They must be told that those who
were selected were done purely on relative merit.



The broad test of the effectiveness of the selection process is the quality of the personnel hired.
An organization must have competent and committed personnel.

Four Approaches to Selection:

1) Ethnocentric Selection:

In this approach, staffing decisions are made at the organization’s headquarters. Subsidiaries
have limited autonomy, and the employees from the headquarters at home and abroad fill key
jobs. Nationals from the parent country dominate the organizations at home and abroad.

2) Polycentric Selection:

In polycentric selection, each subsidiary is treated as a distinct national entity with local control
key financial targets and investment decisions. Local citizens manage subsidiaries, but the key
jobs remain with staff from the parent country. This is the approach, which is largely practiced in
our country

3) Egocentric Selection:

Here, control within the group and the movements of staff are managed on a regional basis,
reflecting the particular disposition of business and operations within the group. Regional
managers have greater discretion in decision. Movement of staff is largely restricted to specific
geographical regions and promotions to the jobs continue to be dominated by managers from the
parents company.

4) Geocentric Staffing:

In this case, business strategy is integrated thoroughly on global basis. Staff development and
promotion are based on ability, not nationality. The broad and other parts of the top management
structure are thoroughly international in composition. Needless to say, such organizations are


The main objective of selection is to hire people having competence and commitment. This
objective often defeated because of certain barriers. The impediments, which check effectiveness
of selection, are perception, fairness, validity, reliability and pressure.

Perception: Our inability to understand others accurately is probably the most fundamental
barrier to selecting the right candidate.

Selection demands an individual or a group of people to assess and compare the respective
competencies of others, with the aim of choosing the right persons for the jobs. But our views are
highly personalized. We all perceive the world differently. Our limited perceptual ability is
obviously a stumbling block to the objective and rational selection of the people.

Fairness: Fairness in selection requires that no individual should be discriminated against on the
basis of religion, region, race or gender. But the low numbers of women and other less privileged
sections of the society in middle and senior management positions and open discrimination on
the basis of age in job advertisements and in the selection process would suggest that all the
efforts to minimize inequity have not been effective.

Validity: Validity, as explained earlier, is a test that helps predict job performance of an
incumbent. A test that has been validated can differentiate between the employees who perform
well and those who will not. However, a validated test does not predict job success accurately. It
can only increase possibility of success.

Reliability: A reliable method is one, which will produce consistent results when repeated in
similar situations. Like validated test, a reliable test may fail to predict job performance with

Pressure: Pressure is brought on the selectors by politicians, bureaucrats, relatives, friends and
peers to select particular candidates. Candidates selected because of compulsions are obviously
not the right ones. Appointments to public sectors undertakings generally take place under such

Importance of the Selection Process

1. Proper selection and placement of employees lead to growth and development of the
company. The company can similarly, only are as good as the capabilities of its employees.
2. The hiring of talented and skilled employees results in the swift achievement of company
3. Industrial accidents will drastically reduce in numbers when the right technical staff is
employed for the right jobs.
4. When people get jobs they are good at, it creates a sense of satisfaction with them and thus
their work efficiency and quality improves.
5. People who are satisfied with their jobs often tend to have high morale and motivation to
perform better.

Difference between Recruitment and Selection:

1. Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective candidates and motivating them to
apply for job in the organization. Whereas, selection is a process of choosing most suitable
candidates out of those, who are interested and also qualified for job.

2. In the recruitment process, vacancies available are finalized, publicity is given to them and
applications are collected from interested candidates. In the selection process, available
applications are scrutinized. Tests, interview and medical examination are conducted in order
to select most suitable candidate.

3. In recruitment the purpose is to attract maximum numbers of suitable and interested

candidates through applications. In selection process the purpose is that the best candidate
out of those qualified and interested in the appointment.

4. Recruitment is prior to selection. It creates proper base for actual selection. Selection is next to
recruitment. It is out of candidates available/interest.

5. Recruitment is the positive function in which interested candidates are encouraged to submit
application. Selection is a negative function in which unsuitable candidates are eliminated
and the best one is selected.

6. Recruitment is the short process. In recruitment publicity is given to vacancies and

applications are collected from different sources Selection is a lengthy process. It involves
scrutiny of applications, giving tests, arranging interviews and medical examination.

7. In recruitment services of expert is not required Whereas in selection, services of expert is



Every task is taken with an objective. Without any objective task is rendered meaningless.
The main objectives for undertaking this project are:

1) To check out perception of employees regarding recruitment & selection procedure.

2) To know the sources of recruitment used by the company.

3) To check whether new techniques of recruitment used by the company or not.

4) To know the recruitment process followed in DEBONAIR.

5) To know the selection process followed in DEBONAIR.

6) To review HR policies pertaining to recruitment and selection.

7) To check out level of satisfaction of employees pertaining to recruitment and selection.


Most employers recognize the fact that their staff is their greatest asset, and the right recruitment
and induction processes are vital in ensuring that the new employee becomes effective in the
shortest time. The success of an organization depends on having the right number of staff, with
the right skills and abilities. Organizations may have a dedicated personnel/human resource
function overseeing this process, or they may devolve these responsibilities to line managers and
supervisors. Many people may be involved, and all should be aware of the principles of good
practice. Even it is essential to involve others in the task of recruitment and induction.

According to the Burack (1985) recruitment sources are closely linked to the organizational
activities as performance of employees, employee turnover, employee satisfaction, employee
wishes and the commitment of the organization (Burack, 1980). These recruitment and selection
process should be done at each and every sector for fulfilling their organizational goals (Nartey,
2012). Recruitment and selection practices were important in the police department as said by
Michael D.

Chris Piotrowski and Terry Armstrong said in their article that around all the organizations
are using traditional recruitment sources and 30% of organizations are screening candidates
honestly (Armstrong, 2006).

According to SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management), 15% joined in the
organizations are placing false resume (Gusdorf, 2008). Some of the employers select the
candidates with discrimination was not supposed to be done in the organizations (Fomunjong,

Ms. Ambika Verma (2009) in their survey research on the use of technologies in recruiting,
screening, and selection processes for job candidates conducted in Dimension group found that
most organizations implemented technology based recruitment and selection tools to improve
efficiency, reduce costs, and expand the applicant pool.

The meta-analysis of the research conducted by Chapman, Uggersler, Carroll, Piasentin &
Jones (2005) concluded that timely responses from HR managers were linked to greater

applicant attraction to a job with an organization. According to Robins, in his study revealed
that, “The ideal recruitment effort will attract a large number of qualified applicants who will
take the job if it is offered. So recruiting is a process of discovering the potential candidates for
actual organizational vacancies”.

Robert (2015), in his study titled, “Strategic HR Review, 2014”, states that successful
recruitment and selection can improve organization performance”.

BUSINESS TODAY (Feb. 10, 2008) “MNCs lead it recruitments”: Winds of change are
sweeping across placements at colleges across the country. Indian it companies such as Infosys ,
Wipro are now finding themselves outpaced in the desperate race for talent by MNCs such as
IBM and Accenture , which already offer at least 20 percent higher salaries . IBM or Accenture
are loosening their purse strings for the best talent, says Gautam Sinha .

Beard well, et al (2013) in his study examined that, “Selection is carried out by organizations as
a means of candidate’s potential and actual performance and the intake of employees will make
the most appropriate contribution to organization-now and in future”. The methods and practices of maintaining balance between interests of

operating the company within the fiscal budget and attracting, developing, retaining, and
rewarding high quality staff through wages and salaries which are competitive with the
prevailing rates for similar employment in the labor markets.

According to Costello (2006) recruitment is described as the set of activities and processes used
to legally obtain a sufficient number of qualified people at the right place and time so that the
people and the organization can select each other in their own best short and long term interests.

According to Montgomery (1996) is on matching the capabilities and inclinations of

prospective candidates against the demands and rewards inherent in a given job.


Debonair Tours And Travels Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 12 July 1994. It is also
classified as Non-govt. Company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Delhi. It has
authorized share capital is Rs. 10,000,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 2,690,200. It is involved
in other business activities also.

Debonair Tours And Travels Private Limited's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was last held on
29 September 2018 and as per records from Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), its balance
sheet was last filed on 31 March 2018.

Directors of Debonair Tours And Travels Private Limited are Narender Kumar Gupta, Shashi
Gupta, and Sunny Gupta.

Debonair Tours And Travels Private Limited's Corporate Identification Number is (CIN)
U74899DL1994PTC060191 and its registration number is 60191. Its registered Email address is and its registered address is G-7, SHOP NO. 5, GROUND

Authorized Capital ₹10,000,000

Paid up capital ₹2,690,200

Quick Information:

 International Demand Draft Available

 School and College Trips Organizer

 Services Offered-Buy or Sell Foreign Currency, Domestic Money Transfer, International

Money Transfer

 Corporate Travel

Also Listed in:

 Hotel Bookings

 Travel Agents

 Car Hire

 Foreign Exchange Agents

 Railway Ticketing Agents

 Bus Services

 Domestic Air Ticketing Agents

 International Tour Packages

 Tour Operators

 Domestic Tour Packages

 Tour Packages for Holiday, etc.

Company’s Values:

 Customer satisfaction

 Commitment to total quality

 Cost and time consciousness

 Innovation and creativity

 Trust and team spirit

 Respect for individual integrity


This function has very important role in any firm or in any organization.

Main function of HRD department:

 To motivate the employees of the firm.

 To recruit the employees of the firm.

 To provide training to the employees.

 To provide sound environment for work & culture.

 To find out the opportunities for their career growth.

 To give the information to the employees about the firm.

HR function in DEBONAIR:

Our firm is a SSI unit. So that’s why it has not a specific HR department. All the head of the
department (HODs) of firm perform as a HR manager.

In DEBONAIR, workers are divided in groups of 20 to 25. Every group is having a supervisor &
all supervisors have to report the HOD’S.

Supervisor performs main function as a HR manager:

 All supervisors motivate their workers time to time & give their report to the HODs.

 All supervisors provide a training program to their workers if they needed.

 All the supervisor find out the need of manpower for their group & if needed then they
inform to the HODs.



 Ensure inorganic growth through mergers, acquisitions and contract manufacturing.


 Achieve optimal utilization through rationalization of products and outsourcing.

 Create supply chain linkages

 Improve quality of the products.

 Obtain international certification for quality, systems and processes.


 Improve the market responsiveness - understand consumer trends, address buyer needs.

 Focus on quality and reliability.

 Ensure continual on-time delivery, avoid committing and use better demand forecasting


 Undertake capital restructuring

 Reduce finance burden through swapping of high cost debt with low cost debt


Research is defined as human activity based on intellectual application in the investigation of

matter. The primary purpose for applied research is discovering, interpreting, and development
of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge on a wide variety of scientific
matters of our world and the universe. Research can use the scientific method, but need not do

Scientific research relies on the application of the scientific method, a harnessing of curiosity.
This research provides scientific information and theories for the explanation of the nature and
the properties of the world around us. It makes practical applications possible. Historical
research is embodied in the historical method. Scientific research can be subdivided into
different classifications according to their academic and application disciplines.

Research Methodology includes:

 Research

 Research Problem.

 Research Design.

 Types of Research Design

 Types of Data Collection


“Research refers to a search for knowledge.”

“A careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch of
knowledge.” -The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English.

“Systematized effort to gain new knowledge.” -- Redman and Mory.


The first step while conducting research is careful definition of Research Problem as a very good
saying is there, “A well defined problem is half solved”. The present project has been undertaken
on the recruitment and selection procedure in DEBONAIR TOURS AND TRAVELS.


The research design of this project is descriptive in nature because it is concerned with
describing the characteristics of a particular group. The research design is made from the
provision for the protection against bias and must maximize reliability, with due concern for the
economical completion of the research study.


 Exploratory:
In it, the problem is formulated for precise investigation and working hypothesis is developed.
 Diagnostic:
In this, those frequencies are determined with which something occurs or its association with
something else.
 Experimental:
In it, casual relationships between variables are tested. It is also known as Hypothesis Testing
Research Design.
 Descriptive:
In this, those studies are taken which are concerned with describing the characteristics of
particular individual or a group.


To analyze the recruitment and selection process of personnel(s) in DEBONAIR TOUR AND
TRAVELS and review HR policies pertaining to recruitment and selection:

 Research Design:
Descriptive research

 Source of Data collection:

Primary as well as Secondary sources were used for collection of data.

The primary data are those, which are collected afresh and for the first time, and thus happen to
be original in character.

Secondary research involves the summary, collection and/or synthesis of existing research
rather than primary research, where data are collected from, for example, research subjects or

 Sample unit:

For the purpose of the study, the field has been divided into category- management and
Employees at all levels. The sample size of 50 employees is divided into 25 from Top
management & 25 from remaining Employees at all levels. Apart from their written choice
the form of questionnaire, they have also been interviewed for cross checking and proving
authenticity of their choice.

 Sampling Technique:

Random sampling

 Field of Study:

This project was carried out within “Debonair Tours And Travels Private Limited”.

 Analysis Pattern:
Tables and Pie charts

 Methods of Data Evaluations:

Questionnaire Method

The data is collected from Top Management and staff workers with the help of a questionnaire
prepared for this purpose. Data was also collected through personal interaction with all the

The questionnaire consists of the job profile as well as the recognition system being practiced in
the organization and also the opinion and feeling of the respondents about the measures. The
questionnaire has been thoroughly discussed with the respondents to clarify doubts, if any,
regarding the information required.

The illiterate and low educated workers found it slightly difficult to understand the questions in a
straightforward manner. Their fear and suspicions were put to rest when assured that the study is
purely an academic exercise and the information supplied by them would be kept confidential.

Research Design Descriptive

Collection Primary Data

Of Questionnaire

Data Secondary Data

(Manual, Annual Report of the company)

Sample Size 50 Respondents

Sampling Method Random sampling

Sampling Unit Individual

Area of Study Within Debonair Tours And Travels Private


Analysis Pattern Pie chart & bar diagram

Methods of Data Evaluations Questionnaire Method


1. Does your company make forecast of future manpower planning requirement?

a. Yes
b. No


1. Yes 45 90%

2. No 5 10%



Yes No



It was found that 95% of the respondents were in favor that the firm does the manpower planning
for the future which is a good sign for achieving goals effectively and efficiently.

2. If yes, then please specify the time period(s) for which the estimates are made?


1. 0-2years 20 40%

2. 2-3years 15 30%

3. 3-4years 5 10%

4. 4-above years 10 20%


4-above years



It was found that forecasting is mainly done for 0 to 2 years which means that DEBONAIR is of
the opinion that short-term forecasting is best suitable to this dynamic environment.

3. Which of the sources of recruitment and selection are used in DEBONAIR?
a. Internal
b. External
c. Both


1. Internal 10 20%

2. External 30 60%

3. Both 10 20%

Sources of Recruitment & Selection

20% 20%




It was found that about 20% of the recruitment and selection is done both by internal and
external sources, while as external sources are used more than the internal sources. Employees
are hired mostly from external sources like advertisements, consultancy, etc.

4. Which external sources your organization choose for the recruitment of the employees?
a. Employment Agencies
b. Advertisements
c. Other


1. 10 20%

2. 30 60%

3. 10 20%

External Sources of Recruitment

20% 20%



It was found that 60% of the employees are recruited through the advertisements and 20% of the
employees are selected by the employment agencies. Advertisements are the major sources
which provide eligible candidates for the hiring in DEBONAIR.

5. Which form of recruitment and selection is used in DEBONAIR?
a. Centralized
b. Decentralized


1. 35 70%

2. 15 30%

Form of Recruitment and Selection




It was found that recruitment is centralized. However, for higher positions of employment the
recruitment is decentralized. Recruitment is centralized as all the centers of DEBONAIR recruit
their employees according to the number of vacancies available in the respective centers.

6. Does HR provide an adequate pool of quality applicants?
a. Yes
b. No


1. Yes 40 80%

2. No 10 20%

Adequate pool of quality applicants


Yes No



80% of employees said that HR provides a pool of quality applicants. However, some of the
respondents thought there should be some changes in the existing HR policies to get some fresh

7. Are you satisfied with the recruitment process?
a. Yes
b. No


1. Yes 40 80%

2. No 10 20%

Employees Perception about Recruitment


20% Yes No



It was found that 80% of employees are satisfied with the recruitment process adopted by
DEBONAIR. However, some of the respondents thought there should be some changes in the
existing recruitment process of the organization.

8. Which of the following methods does DEBONAIR uses during selection?
a. Written
b. Group Discussion
c. Personal Interview
d. All of the above


1. 10 20%

Group Interview
2. 15 30%

Personal Interview
3. 20 40%

All of the above

4. 05 10%

Methods used during Selection Process

Group Interview
Personal Interview
40% All of the above


It was found that 30% of selection is done by Group Discussion. However, Personal Interview is
mostly used method of selection followed by group discussion. Employees selected in
DEBONAIR are finally selected by a personal interview taken by the head of the centre.

9. Are you satisfied with the selection process?
a. Yes
b. No


1. Yes 40 80%

2. No 10 20%

Employees Perception about Selection Process


Yes No



It was found that about 80 % of the employees are satisfied with the selection process. However,
the remaining is of the opinion that there should be some change in the recruitment and selection
process of the organization.

10. Do you think the present recruitment policy is helpful in achieving the goals of the
a. Yes
b. No
c. To some extent


1. Yes 25 50%

2. No 10 20%

3. To some extent 15 30%

Recruitment Policy

30% Yes
To some extent



It was found that 50% of the employees were of the opinion that present policy of the
recruitment helps in achieving future goals but 20% of the employees said that it has no impact
on achievement of goals.
11. How many employees does your organization train in a year?
a. 5-10 Employees
b. 10-15 Employees
c. 15 & more


1. 5-10 08 16%

2. 10-15 14 28%

3. 15 & more 28 56%

Training to Employees

15 & more
56% 28%


56% of the respondents said that more than 15 employees are trained in a year which states that
in DEBONAIR, due importance is given to training as to keep employee up-to-date with the
current scenario and to make them adaptable to market demand.

12. Which type of technique is used for selection of employees?
a. Interview
b. Reference
c. Experience
d. All of the above


1. 15 30%

2. 05 10%

3. 20 40%

All of the above

4. 10 20%

Techniques used for Selection of Employees

30% Interview
All of the above


It was found that 40% of the employees are selected on the basis of their experience in the
working field, followed by 30% by the interview and all other methods are also used for the
selection of employees.

13. Which type of technique is used for interview?
a. Structured
b. Unstructured
c. Both


1. Structured 30 60%

2. Unstructured 05 10%

3. Both 15 30%

Technique used for Interview in Selection

30% Structured


It was found that 60% of the employees are selected using structured interview; on the other
hand, 30% of the employees are selected by unstructured interview technique as structured
interview ease the process of selection.

14. Which types of tests are used in the selection of an employee?
a. Intelligence test
b. Aptitude test
c. Skill test
d. All of the above


Intelligence Test
1. 12 24%

Aptitude Test
2. 11 22%

Skill Test
3. 10 20%

All of the above

4. 17 34%

Tests used for Selection of Employees

Intelligence Test
Aptitude Test
Skill Test
All of the above



It was found that 34% of the employees are selected by using all of the tests which has highest
percentage of Intelligence Test followed by Aptitude Test. These tests are used as these tests
avoid biasness in selection procedure.

15. Do you think innovative techniques like stress test, psychometric test and personality
test should be used for selection?
a. Yes
b. No


1. Yes 25 50%

2. No 25 50%

Employees Perception about Selection Process

Yes No
50% 50%


It was found that 50% of the respondents were of the opinion that stress test, psychometric test
and personality tests should be used for the selection, while the others were satisfied with the
existing recruitment and selection process. Most of the employees in DEBONAIR are unaware
of these types of tests as they are mostly fresher’s.

16. Does the procedure adopted for recruitment and selection of employees enables the
organization to get right person at the right place?

a. Yes
b. No
c. To some extent


1. Yes 35 70%

2. No 10 20%

3. To some extent 05 10%

Right Person at Right Place


20% No
To some extent



It was found that 70% of the employees were of the opinion that recruitment & selection
procedure helps in getting right person at the right place if it followed by good planning.

17. Is there any contract signed by employees while joining the organization?
a. Yes
b. No


1. Yes 45 90%

2. No 05 10%

Contract signed while joining the organization


Yes No



Above chart shows that almost 10% employees said no and 90 % said yes they have to sign a
bond while joining the organization. Employees have to submit one of their original certificates
in the time of their joining and they cannot leave this company before one year. If the employees
agree to these conditions then they are moved to next round of interview.

18. How do you rate HR practices of the company?
a. Excellent
c. Average


1. 25 50%

2. 15 30%

3. 05 10%

4. 05 10%

Company HR Practices


10% Excellent
50% Average


50% of the employees feel that HR department is good and 30% say that its very good where as
10% says its average and 10% employees feel it is bad. Some employees are not happy as they
have to spend a little more time if they have to take demo training sessions.

19. Are you comfortable with the HR policies of the company?
a. Yes
b. No


1. Yes 45 90%

2. No 05 10%

HR Policy of the Company


Yes No



It was found that 10% employees were not comfortable with the policies of company and 90%
employees are happily working with the current HR practices of the company. Some of the
employees were not comfortable with the policy as they find risk in submitting their original
documents to the company.


The collected data are analyzed and general observations have proven that DEBONAIR has done
remarkable job in its Human Resource department. The main findings are as follows:

 In DEBONAIR employees feel that the HR department is good.

 I observed that the firm has good planning policy regarding manpower.

 They also forecast manpower requirement.

 I also observed that most of the times firm prefer external source than internal source.

 The recruitment and selection process is centralized.

 Most of the managers prefer personal interviews.

 About 80% of the employees are satisfied with the recruitment and selection process.

 About 90% of employees feel that they are comfortable working with the current HR policies
of the company and 10% feel that they need some changes in the policies. The policy of the
company is to submit one of the original educational documents and cannot leave the
company for 1 year, if done so then they have to pay a sum of Rs. 25,000 to the company to
get the certificate back, which some of the employees find unnecessary and also risky.


Even though every effort has been done to minimize the variations and to present a factual
picture with the help of statistical method,

But no study is free from limitations, which are caused by constraints of time, money, knowledge
base and similar factors. An attempt was made to broad base the study as far as possible,
however it is but natural that this study also suffers from some limitations, which are mentioned

1. It was a time consuming exercise to contact with the managers.

2. During the research, efforts were made to collect maximum information but most of the
people do not cooperate during survey.
3. People do not disclose their real views. Because sometimes employees give wrong
information so we cannot claim that the results are perfectly correct.

4. It is difficult to know whether willing respondents are truly representative.

5. Because of time constraint I was not able to devote as much time with the employees.

6. Some of the information was kept confidential and was not disclosed to any person


Based on the survey analysis and suggestion from the respondents, the following are the
proposed recommendation to improve the existing system and practices of recruitment and
selection procedures:

 Test developed by the company for the purpose of selection of the candidates should not be
of complex nature.

 During the selection process not only the experienced candidates but also the fresh candidate
should be selected.

 Recruitment must be done by analyzing the job firstly which will make it easier and will be
beneficial from the company’s point of view.

 More emphasis should be given on internet and consultancies so that more and more
candidates apply for the jobs and it will be easy to find the right employee among them.

 The recruitment and selection procedure should not be too lengthy and time consuming.

 Company should try to use the internal recruitment process first because it incurs less cost
and acts as a motivational factor to the employees.

 Provide more training to employees so that they get better knowledge, skills and attitude.

 Company should amend some parts of their HR policies for better effectiveness.


Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and
encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organization. And Selection is selecting the right
candidate at the right time in the right place.

Employees of DEBONAIR are satisfied with the current/existing recruitment and selection
process. DEBONAIR is recruiting their employees mainly through advertisements.
Advertisements are the mediator between the organization and the candidates as it serves the
requirements of employees as well as the organization. DEBONAIR recruits their employees in a
centralized way. The organization follows the rules and regulation involved in their Recruitment
and Selection Procedure of the organization.

Also DEBONAIR has to consider internet sources for recruitment of employees so that it could
motivate the employees. Employees are also well aware about the various sources and methods
of recruitment and selection. DEBONAIR has to implement innovative techniques in selection
process like group discussion, stress interview, etc.



 C.B. Gupta, (1996) Human Resource Management, Sultan Chand & Sons.

 K Ashwathapa, (1997) Human Resource and Personnel Management, Tata McGraw Hill

 Dr. C.R. Kothari, (2008) Research Methodology

 Chris Duke,(2001) Recruiting the right staff










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