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Q1: How many samples are there in a 5.2-sec seismic data that is sampled at 2 ms?
 1300
 2600
 5200
 10400

Q2: Wavelength of Seismic waves ----------------- with depth

Decreases Increases Same Irregular variation

Q3: The frequency of seismic wave --------------- with depth

Decreases increases stays constant varies irregularly

Q4: Magnetic inclination ---INCREASES-------------------from Equator to poles

Q5: The value of Gravity ----INCREASES----------from equator to pole

Q6: Which one of the following is best source for the creation of diffraction events on
an unmigrated stack?
Faults Folds Synclines Anticlines

Q7: Migration moves reflectors in -----------UPDIP-------------direction

Q8 In seismic method, law of refraction is also known as:

a) Huygen’s Principle b) Fermat’s Principle
c) Snell’s Law d) None of the above

Q9 Geophone spreading is used to remove

a) multiples b) traffic noise
c) noise caused by wind d) ground roll
Q10 Velocity analysis is done in
a) processing b) interpretation
c) acquisition d) none
Q11 vertical axis on a seismic section in time domain represents
a) Delay time b) One way time
c) Two way time d) One way vertical time

Q12 Neutron-Gamma-Ray Log gives us information about:

a) density b) velocity
c) porosity d) resistivity

Q13 If a survey has 96 channels against a shot and the distance from one shot to other
is 100 Meters.The Geophone interval is 50 Meters,what would be the fold
a) 36
b) 48
c) 24
d) 60
HINTS. Number of folds= (N*delta X)/(2*delta S)
N=number of channel , X=geophone interval , S=shot interval
Q14 What are different types of Noises?
noise „seismic…: Seismic energy other than primary reflections;
includes microseisms, source-generated noise,
multiples, tape-modulation noise, harmonic distortion,
etc. Sometimes divided into coherent noise _including
nonreflection coherent events_ and random noise _wind
noise, instrument noise, and other noncoherent energy_.
Ambient seismic noise refers to the background of
random earth movements. Sometimes restricted to seismic
energy not derived from the source.
noise analysis „seismic…: A profile or set of profiles
designed to gather data for an analysis of coherent noise
trains, usually made with closely spaced geophones
microspreads _q.v._ without any ground mixing so that
low-velocity noise trains will be evident. See Figure
N-3a. Results are often illustrated on a frequencyversus
Anything other than desired signal. Noise includes disturbances in seismic
data caused by any unwanted seismic energy, such as shot generation ground
roll, surface waves, multiples, effects of weather and human activity, or
random occurrences in the Earth. Noise can be minimized by using source
and receiver arrays, generating minimal noise during acquisition and by
filtering and stacking data during processing

Q15 Which log determines the seismic velocities of formations?

Sonic log
Q16 Which logs are used for sand-shale analysis?
Gamma ray log, SP log
Q17 Which process is used to remove the effect of Diffractions or Bowtie effects?
Migration Q18What geological properties can be obtained from Borehole logging?

• porosity
• water saturation, fluid type (oil/gas/water)
• lithology
• permeability

Q19 Which process remove the effect of Earth Filter?


Q 20 Briefly define the role of Geophysics in the exploration of hydrocarbon?.

Geophysics plays a critical role in the petroleum industry because

geophysical data are used by exploration and development personnel to
make predictions about the presence, nature and size of subsurface
Exploration geophysics is the use of seismic, gravity,
magnetic, electrical, electromagnetic, etc., methods in
the search for oil, gas, minerals, water, etc., with the
objective of economic exploitation
geophysicist: One who studies the physical properties of
the earth or applies physical measurements to geologic
problems; a specialist in geophysics.

Q21 What is the source and reservoir rock in the Lower Indus Basin of Pakistan?

Source: sember(shale),goru (shale),moughal kot

Resivoir: Goru, pab

Q22 What structural highs separate the Indus Basin into Upper, Middle and Lower
Indus Basin?


Q23 Name the reservoir rock formation in the Kohat area?

Samana suk,chorgali,khot,lashmiwal

Q24 Name the Eocene Stratigraphic succession of the Potwar area?

Q25 What is condensate?
condensate: A light hydrocarbon liquid consisting of various
proportions of butane, propane, pentane, and
heavier fractions with little or no ethane or methane,
obtained by condensation of hydrocarbon vapors. Condensate
is usually gaseous in the subsurface.

It is in the vapour form with in the reservoir but due to reductionin temperature and
pressure condenses into liquid at surface

Q26 Sui Field is located in Baluchistan Basin? True / False

Q27 What is the source of Hydrocarbon in the Potwar area?

Salt range,data,chichali,lockhart, patala,nammal(shale),jatta

Q29 Which plates are involved in collision in the north of Pakistan.

Indian,and eurasia

Q30 What is the difference between reverse fault and a thrust fault?

When the reverse fault with dip angle is less than 45 degree is called thrust
thrust fault: A reverse fault, especially a low-angle
reverse fault where the dip of the fault plane is generally
less than 30°

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