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Republic of the Philippines

City of Tagum

Province of Davao del Norte


I, RHEA ANNE A. CRUZ, 19 years old, single, a bonafide resident of Blk 56 Lot 3 P3 Emily Homes Subd.,
Cabantian, Davao City,after having been sworn to in accordance with the law, do hereby depose and say;

That I am one and the same person who executed this Affidavit Complaint against KING BRYAN PAUL
AUDITOR( current Chief Executive Officer of Rigen Marketing),RICO GRACIA (former Chief Executive
Officer of Rigen Marketing),ROSE GARCIA (former Chief Operating Officer of Rigen Marketing ) and
________________________,Branch Manager of Mankilam Branch.( Attached are the pictures of said

That on April 11,2019,Rigen Marketing was launched and respective officers mentioned above were
duly present and announced a high yielding income of Four hundred percent (400 %), in the span of
one month to be given as “ Pay-Out” on our invested cash amount;( Attached is a video and pictures of
the said launching)

That respondents assured us the legitimacy of their business, according to them, Rigen Marketing is
registered under Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Department of Trade and Industry DTI).
(attached is a copy of SEC and DTI registration).

That because of such enticing words,on I invested my hard earned money to Rigen Marketing at
Mankilam Branch on May 21, 2019; May 23, 2019; May 28, 2019; May 28, 2019 and June 01, 2019
amounting to One hundred thirty five thousand pesos (P135,000); One hundred twenty thousand pesos
(P120,000); Two hundred Ten Thousand Pesos (P210,000); One Hundred Forty Thousand Pesos
(P140,000); And Forty Thousand Pesos (P40,000) under Acknowledgement Receipt No. 122849; 151129;
429327; 151133 and 486146 respectively; duly received by the staff of Rigen Marketing Mankilam
Branch.( Attached are copies of Acknowledgement receipts).

That after my “Pay-In”, the staff of Mankilam Branch informed me that I will receive my said “Pay-
Out”of the following invested amounts after a month, to wit;

P135,000.00 ( promised Return of 400 % ) on June 21, 2019

P120,000.00 ( promised return of 400 %) on June 23, 2019

P210,000.00 ( promised Return of 400 % ) on June 28, 2019

P140,000.00 ( promised return of 400 %) on June 28, 2019

P 40,000.00 ( promised return of 400 %) on July 01, 2019

and I was advised to just wait after a month for text message from their end for the promised date of
Pay-outs ,which did not happened until this very day.

That King Bryan Paul Auditor, in a video message dated _______ promised to return our investments
and assured that he will fulfill what he has promised.(Attached: Facebook posts, video message ).

That to my knowledge, I was defrauded and deceived by their sweet words of high return of
investment where in fact their true intention was only to get my hard earned money in the guise of
legitimate business.The advise to wait their text message of claiming our “Pay-outs” did not happen.This
has given us false hopes and empty promises.
That I have learned from CIDG-Davao, that Rigen Marketing and its Officers were not issued a
secondary license from Securities and Exchange Commission in offering securities and not duly
authorized to engage in financial business.

That on October 29,2019, I learned that King Bryan Paul Auditor was arrested in Manila. With the
assistance of CIDG-Davao, I sent a Demand Letter to Mr. Auditor in Manila in the total amount of Six
Hundred Forty Five Thousand Pesos (P645,000.00) .With no response, I again sent a Final Demand Letter
dated ____________ of the same amount of which he refused to receive and sign.

That this incident generated unimaginable stress,endless sleepless nights,financial diffulties and
worries and greatly affected my entire emotional,mental , physical and economic well being.

That I am executing this Affidavit Complaint to attest to the truth of the foregoing facts and to file a
case against King Bryan Paul Auditor,Rico Garcia, Rose Garcia and _________________________, Branch
Manager of Mankilam Branch for ESTAFA.

In witness hereof, I hereunto affixed my signature this _____ day of _____________ at




SUBSCRIBE AND SWORN to before me this __________________day of


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