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Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

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Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management

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How supply chain architecture and product architecture impact firm

performance: An empirical examination

Khawaja A. Saeeda, , Manoj K. Malhotrab, Sue Abdinnoura
Department of Finance, Real Estate, and Decision Sciences, W. Frank Barton School of Business, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS 67260, United States
Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106, United States


Keywords: In order to enhance performance, manufacturing firms are building various capabilities and utilizing supply
Supply chain agility chain networks that are geographically dispersed around the globe. This study examines how decisions related to
Product modularity supply chain architecture and product architecture influence organizational competitiveness. Building on the co-
Performance specialization perspective, we evaluate the performance implications of product modularity and supply chain
agility. While, product modularity constitutes a product configuration related to sourcing and assembling of
Structural equation modeling
products, supply chain agility is a supply chain configuration related to velocity (sensing, comprehending, and
responding) and visibility (supplier network, internal operations, and external environment). Both the product
and supply chain architectural decisions can impact performance, individually and in conjunction with each
other. We empirically test the hypothesized relationships using data collected from 103 manufacturing firms.
Results show that supply chain agility and product modularity directly enhance responsiveness and enable or-
ganizations to reduce cost. Furthermore, supply chain agility partially mediates the relationship between pro-
duct modularity and both responsiveness and cost reduction. We elaborate on the key contributions of this study
for both research and practice, discuss limitations, and also offer various avenues for further research.

1. Introduction which the firm depicts the characteristics of quickness and nimbleness
(Chiang et al., 2012). While numerous studies have examined different
Organizations have been challenged by the shift in perspective on facets of agility (Gligor et al., 2015; Sambamurthy et al., 2003; Tallon
competitiveness. Accustomed to reaping the benefits of economies of and Pinsonneault, 2011), the concept of supply chain agility poses
scale and scope, organization are scrambling to embrace new strategic conceptual and empirical assessment challenges (Tse et al., 2016).
imperatives based on advantages associated with agility. It has been Furthermore, in the light of proposed trade-offs between efficiency and
reported that more than half of the companies placed on the Fortune speed, it is unclear if strategies that rely predominantly on agile prac-
1000 list have disappeared from that list in the last decade and the tices can also help companies contain costs (Fisher, 1997).
exclusion has been driven by their inability to adapt to change (Le Clair, Decisions in handling changes and disruptions are not restricted to
2013). In the current environment, organizational competitiveness de- only process initiatives, but also extend to the product domain.
pends on the firm's vigilance about events that affect its performance, Organizations have taken different approaches in how they assemble or
and how well it can position itself to effectively respond to these events. manufacture a product. Modular design approach breaks up products
In other words, competitiveness demands that an organization con- into modules that are independent and interchangeable and enhances
sistently strives to align what the marketplace demands and what it can an organization's ability to meet needs of the market, but can create
deliver. Supply chain architecture and product architecture are two operational challenges and impact the level of service (Salvador et al.,
domains in which appropriate decisions can enable an organization to 2002). Thus, implementation of a modular product architecture offers
handle a constantly changing market and the need for fast cycle times benefits but can also create unintended challenges (Hu et al., 2008; Tu
(Dubeauchlard et al., 2015). et al., 2004). Results related to performance implications of a modular
Among multiple initiatives, organizations are relying on agile stra- product architecture are mixed, pointing towards a need for a deeper
tegies and processes to manage market disruptions (Gligor et al., 2015). assessment (Boer and Hansen, 2013).
Agility is embedded in organizational processes, and captures a state in Numerous studies have independently assessed performance

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: khawaja.saeed@wichita.edu (K.A. Saeed), malhotra@case.edu (M.K. Malhotra), sue.abdinnour@wichita.edu (S. Abdinnour).

Received 15 October 2016; Received in revised form 13 February 2018; Accepted 26 February 2018
1478-4092/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Saeed, K.A., Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pursup.2018.02.003
K.A. Saeed et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Table 1
Literature review on agility.

Citation Concept Definition Dimensions

Tse et al. (2016) Supply Chain Agility Braunscheidel and Suresh (2009). Demand responsiveness, customer responsiveness,
joint planning
Eckstein et al. (2015) Supply Chain Agility Sense short-term, temporary changes in the supply chain and Dynamic sensing, dynamic flexibility, dynamic speed
market environment (e.g. demand fluctuations, supply
disruptions, changes in suppliers’ delivery times), and to rapidly
and flexibly respond to those changes with the existing supply
chain (e.g. reducing replacement times of materials, reducing
manufacturing throughput times, adjusting delivery capacities).
Gligor, 2015 Supply Chain Agility To quickly adjust tactics and operations within supply chains. Alertness, accessibility, decisiveness, swiftness, and
Chiang et al. (2012) Supply Chain Agility The capability of the firm, internally, and in conjunction with its Customer responsiveness, demand response, & joint
key suppliers and customers, to adapt or respond in a speedy planning
manner to changing marketplace, contributing to agility of the
extended supply chain.
Lu and Ramamurthy Organizational Agility A firm-wide capability to deal with changes that often arise Market capitalizing agility & operational adjustment
(2011) unexpectedly in business environments via rapid and innovative agility
responses that exploit changes as opportunities to grow and
Braunscheidel and Suresh Supply Chain Agility The capability of the firm, internally, and in conjunction with its Joint planning, demand response, visibility, &
(2009) key suppliers and customers, to adapt or respond in a speedy customer responsiveness
manner to changing marketplace, contributing to agility of the
extended supply chain
Nazir and Pinsonneault Organizational Agility The ability to sense and respond to market opportunities and Sensing & responding
(2008) threats with speed and surprise.
Swafford, 2006 Supply Chain Agility The capability of an organization to adapt and react to Supply chain agility: reduced lead times, product
marketplace changes or to seize /exploit market opportunities development times, adjustment in delivery,
with speed and quickness. Supply chain agility is the capability to responsiveness, setup or changeover time
adapt and respond in a speedy manner to a changing marketplace
Overby et al. (2006) Enterprise Agility The ability of firms to sense environmental change and respond Sensing & Responding
Houghton, 2004 Vigilant Information Sensing: to detect changes and enhance managerial visibility from Observe, orient,
Systems the factory to the corporate headquarter.
Responding: capabilities that help decision makers reach decisions decide, & act
and take action.
Sambamurthy et al. Agility Ability to detect and seize market opportunities with speed and Customer agility,
(2003) surprise. partnering agility, &
operational agility

implications of supply chain architecture and product architecture de- side, studies have assessed the value of product complexity, product
cisions. Fine (1998) highlights that lack of joint assessment of product variety, product versioning, and product personalization (Novak and
and supply chain architectures is a major gap that needs to be ad- Eppinger, 2001; Salvador et al., 2002). We build on the knowledge
dressed. Similarly, articles in the trade press suggest that decisions on offered by these studies to develop a research model that examines the
product design need to be integrated with decisions on supply chain performance implications of supply chain agility (process centric in-
design (Gorden, 2015; Khan et al., 2016). However, limited empirical itiative) and product modularity (product centric initiative). Prior work
investigation exists on how supply chain agility and product modularity separately examines the performance implications of decisions firms
jointly influence delivery performance and cost reduction, which are make regarding supply chain processes and product modularity (Eck-
two different and often used performance indicators (Pashaei and stein et al., 2105). Limited understanding exists on the interplay be-
Olhager, 2015). Our study addresses this issue, and offers three im- tween these two types of decisions.
portant contributions. First, we build on prior work on agility to con- To address this gap in literature, we frame the relationship among
ceptualize and empirically validate the concept of supply chain agility. the study variables based on the co-specialization perspective. Co-spe-
Second, we theorize and evaluate the joint role of product modularity cialization highlights the combinative aspect of resources as a source of
and supply chain agility in improving performance. Third, we evaluate competitiveness (Powell and Dent-Micallef, 1997). In order to better
two divergent performance indicators in the form of responsiveness and understand the notion of resource combinations, it is important to ex-
cost reduction. The results of the study will provide guidance to both plore the mechanism through which the combinations are manifested.
academics and managers on making decisions related to the supply When two or more resources combine to offer superior returns, they
chain and product architectures for achieving improved performance. have complementarity. The value generated by complementarity is a
continuum that is subject to how well the resources “fit” or “align”. So
the value generated by co-specialized resources is a function of selec-
2. Literature review tion, and how well the selected resources align with each other. A
contrary co-specialization perspective suggests that a resource may
Process and product domains evolved from the process/product offer inferior value in absence of another resource. This logic is based
matrix paradigm of Hayes and Wheelwright (1984), and as such have a on resource dependency. When multiple resources have dependencies,
rich history in the operations management literature. For example, in presence of a single resource in the absence of others offers inferior
the process domain, studies have investigated how process innovations returns. It is likely that an organization treats configuration of supply
on the supplier network side such as just in time, postponement, and chain architecture and product architecture as two distinct decisions.
integration have enabled firms to enhance performance (Eriksson, Co-specialization perspective argues that in order to attain better
2015; Frohlich and Westbrook, 2001; van Hoek, 2001). On the product

K.A. Saeed et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

returns or avoid sub-optimal outcomes, it is important to assess com- velocity concepts in greater detail.
plementarity and dependencies across these decisions (Coates and
McDermott, 2002). Our study addresses this interesting, albeit un- 2.1.1. Visibility
explored issue. We identify supplier network, operations, and external environment
as three important domains (Huan et al., 2004; Huo et al., 2013; van
Oosterhout et al., 2006; Wang and Wei, 2007) across which an orga-
2.1. Supply chain agility nization may strive to achieve vigilance. These areas can trigger events
such as non-forecasted change in demand, supplier plant shutdown,
Supply chain agility is a unique process configuration that can natural disasters, and shift in economic conditions which can adversely
support organizational competitiveness. Swafford et al. (2006) define impact an organization (Supply Chain Council, 2010). Higher visibility
supply chain agility as the ability of an organization to adapt and react is manifested in the ability to be vigilant across a broad set of domains.
to marketplace changes or to seize/exploit market opportunities with Supply network covers procurement of resources and structure of
speed and quickness. A broader level definition is offered by the supply market. Shifts in availability of components/material and
Braunscheidel and Suresh (2009). They define it as “the capability of supplier markets can adversely impact an organization's ability to de-
the firm, internally, and in conjunction with its key suppliers and cus- liver on its commitments (Eckstein et al., 2015). Operations can be a
tomers, to adapt or respond in a speedy manner to a changing mar- source of influence as well (Sambamurthy et al., 2003). An organization
ketplace”. Agility is not just organization specific, but also extends to may be faced with erratic demand, and thus has to cope with changing
suppliers and customers. Thus, an expanded perspective describes agi- capacity requirements and adjustments to production and delivery
lity as the ability to quickly adjust tactics and operations within supply schedules. Disruptions can also come from internal factors such as as-
chains (Gligor, 2016). Another important issue that these definitions sembly line breakdown and delivery bottlenecks. Finally, the external
recognize is the dual nature of agility, which can be contextualized as environment includes changes in regulation, changes in the competitive
seizing or exploiting an opportunity, or adapting to manage an adverse landscape, and shifts in economic conditions (van Oosterhout et al.,
event. Studies that focus on a firm's ability to adapt to adverse events in 2006). All these aspects can have a serious impact on the organization
a timely manner use the term resilience to describe the supply chain and its long-term survival.
(Ponomarov and Holcomb, 2009). Supply chain resilience is designed
into supply chain processes and focuses on risk mitigation through in- 2.1.2. Velocity
fusion of agile practices (Christopher and Peck, 2004; Kirilmaz and Velocity captures the speed with which an organization is able to
Erol, 2016). Thus, a key characteristic of a resilient supply chain is the sense and respond to an event of interest. Sensing and responding are
extent of agility embedded in its supply chain processes. Table 1 pro- two key themes that are consistently emphasized by prior con-
vides a detailed review of the supply chain agility literature. ceptualizations of organizational agility (Lu and Ramamurthy, 2011;
Fig. 1 shows to be resilient to adverse events, a comprehensive Tallon and Pinsonneault, 2011). The OODA cycle (Observe, Orient,
perspective on supply chain agility needs to include both visibility and Decide, and Act) offers an extended perspective on velocity that in-
velocity dimensions and progress is needed in both domains to achieve cludes aspect of prior conceptualizations and offers a unique perspec-
a higher level of supply chain agility. This perspective is also supported tive (Houghton et al., 2004). Observe is similar to sensing, while decide
by Christopher and Peck (2004). Visibility captures organizational and act overlap with responding. However, the concept of orientation
vigilance to state of affairs and events taking place in the supply chain, which captures comprehending the implications of the signals/events is
which can range from simple monitoring of inventory levels to assess- unique. In the sense and respond loop, it is important to include com-
ment of the probability of plant shutdowns due to inclement weather. It prehension as an intermediate step (Eckstein et al., 2015; Gligor et al.,
captures the scope of events across which an organization needs to be 2015). Thus, we propose that the velocity dimension of supply chain
vigilant (Braunscheidel and Suresh, 2009; Chiang et al., 2012; Tallon agility is represented by the speed with which an organization is able to
and Pinsonneault, 2011). Velocity captures the time dimension, and sense, comprehend, and respond to an event of interest. We elaborate
subsumes the quickness in recognition of an event and the rapidity of on these three perspectives next.
response. It is important to recognize that the value of information is
subject to a very small window of opportunity. Velocity reflects how Sensing. Sensing is formally defined as the extent to which an
well an organization is able to reduce the time between event re- organization can quickly identify events in the supply chain, while
cognition and an informed response (Nazir and Pinsonneault, 2008; maintaining quality and cost effectiveness. Sensing enables the
Overby et al., 2006). We next elaborate on both the visibility and organization to detect signals that may require attention (Eckstein
et al., 2015). Pavlou and El Sawy (2011) highlight gathering,
disseminating, and responding to market intelligence as three
routines that constitute sensing capability. Firms put in place
CHAIN mechanisms and procedures to actively scan the shifts in the demand
AGILITY for products, changes in the supply markets, and manufacturing
paradigms (Nazir and Pinsonneault, 2008; Pavlou and El Sawy,
2011). These procedures may include active participation in trade
MEDIUM organizations, conferences, and getting regulatory updates. Firms can
CHAIN establish internal systems to gain access to real time information. For
AGILITY example, many companies have put in place supplier evaluation
processes that track parameters of interest in real time and provide
CHAIN visual assessment of compliance with the tolerance limits. Further,
AGILITY processes are put in place that alert the firm to shifts in demand in a
timely manner. These processes and procedures enable the firm to
quickly identify adverse events that have operational and financial
VELOCITY Comprehending. Comprehending is formally defined as the
Fig. 1. Supply chain agility perspectives.
extent to which an organization can quickly understand the implication

K.A. Saeed et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

of events in the supply chain and assess which course of action is change is visible in many industries ranging from automobiles, to more
appropriate, while maintaining quality and cost effectiveness. recently aircrafts. Modular product architecture has emerged as a way
Comprehending constitutes a two-step process. The first step is to to reduce cycle times and support mass customization (Meyer and
drill down into information related to the event in order to demystify its Lehnerd, 1997). The basic idea is to develop subassemblies in-
impact on supply chain operations (Houghton et al., 2004). The second dependently, and put them together to assemble the final product
step involves evaluating the options to determine the best course of (Sanchez, 2000). Multiple perspectives have been offered on the con-
action. If a firm detects a surge in the demand for a product, the natural cept of product modularity. We take the perspective of contrasting
reaction will be to increase the production. However, before the modular vs. integral product structure, and define product modularity
organization really understands the reasons for why the demand has as the degree to which a system's components can be separated and
increased, and whether it is a long-term trend or just a transient spike recombined (Tu et al., 2004; Ulrich, 1995).
driven by some other external reasons, increasing the supply will be an Product modularity can support mass customizations and enable a
option that constitutes a knee jerk reaction to an event (Tse et al., firm to be more responsive to market needs. However, it also poses risks
2016). The organization may have to drill down into the information to in the form of managing multiple component life cycles and making
comprehend the root cause of the issue or detect the pattern behind appropriate decisions in terms of collaborative structures across the
demand increases (Eckstein et al., 2015). Quickly comprehending the supply chain. Uneven rates of changes in components may create in-
implications of the events is beneficial, because it assists in outlining tegration challenges that need to be effectively managed. Thus, to gain
the pros and cons of different options and increases the likelihood of benefits of a modular product architecture the organization has to make
making an informed decision. strategic choices. Prior research has shown that product modularity can
help a firm in their mass customization strategy (Duray et al., 2000; Responding. Responding constitutes getting all the necessary Salvador et al., 2002; Squire et al., 2006; van Hoek, 2001). Organiza-
resources and processes in place in order to put the plan into action tions through rationalization of product variety can reduce costs. For
(Gligor, 2016). In conceptual terms, a response constitutes a behavior example, an organization can improve product variety and common-
that is initiated as a result of an external or internal stimulus (Tse et al., ality of sub components across product types to achieve economies of
2016). The stimulus can be internal to the organization, such as limited scale. It can also improve delivery performance through establishing
manufacturing capacity or changes in production schedule or external extensive collaboration processes with supply chain partners. This re-
events such as changes in the supplier markets or regulation. Although quires a level of collaboration at which components can be swapped
the complexity of the response may vary based on the event, the critical seamlessly. The global production systems used by many companies are
aspect from a supply chain agility perspective is the speed and a manifestation of this concept. The products are broken up into com-
quickness in executing the actions that are judged to be appropriate ponents, the manufacturing is distributed across suppliers, and the
(Overby et al., 2006). process is managed through a collaborative infrastructure. Overall,
In summation, we define supply chain agility as “an organization's there is support that product modularity can directly reduce cost and
ability to sense, comprehend, and respond to events emanating from the improve organizational delivery performance (Jacobs et al., 2007).
supply network, operations, and external environment with speed and
quickness, while maintaining quality and cost effectiveness.” Table 2 pro- 3. Research model and hypotheses
vides the proposed conceptual structure of supply chain agility. The
columns capture the process aspect including sensing, comprehending, 3.1. Performance effects of supply chain agility
and responding. The rows represent the scope across which each aspect
of the process extends including supplier network, operations, and ex- The speed with which changes are taking place in an organization's
ternal environment. Each box in Table 2 represents a subcomponent of eco-system has enhanced the importance of organizational vigilance in
the overall supply chain agility of the firm. The aggregation of these sub the context of its supply chain. When demand for products starts to shift
components form the overall supply chain agility profile of a firm. This rapidly or new product paradigms are introduced that threaten existing
structure allows the organizations to evaluate themselves across various business models, organizations that are slow to adapt face losses or even
sub-components to get a more granular perspective. It also provides the extinction. Firms develop coping mechanisms to deal with rapidity of
flexibility to aggregate these sub-components to get an overall supply change. Literature on dynamic capabilities (an extension of resource
chain agility profile. For example, the intersection of sensing and sup- based view of the firm) highlights the need to identify specific processes
plier network captures the level of speed an organization possesses in that provide a tangible view of these coping mechanisms (Teece et al.,
detecting a signal across its supplier network, which can be reviewed 1997). For example, ability to detect and manage disruptions, ability to
independently or combined with sensing across operations and external adapt by recombining resources to sustain competitiveness, and quickly
environment to get an aggregate picture of the sensing ability. seizing on trends once they are recognized are outlined as mechanisms
that reflect dynamic capabilities (Teece, 2007). Assessment of supply
chain agility based on the guidelines outlined by Teece (2007) shows a
2.2. Product modularity good fit. Thus, a firm that possesses an agile supply chain should be able
to undertake the activities associated with dynamic capabilities. Agile
Ulrich (1995) defines product architecture as “the scheme by which processes and practices are built on strong interlinkages across orga-
the function of a product is allocated to physical components.” It is the nizational and inter-organizational functions to enhance an organiza-
fundamental structure of the product that is captured through its tion's capability to quickly and efficiently address market disruptions.
component types and interfaces between those components. Firms have Thus, a constellation of routines that speed up the sense, comprehend
taken great strides in reconfiguring product architectures, and the and respond cycle can lead to higher agility and improve performance
Table 2
Organizations that can identify signals related to shifts in quantity
Conceptual structure for assessing supply chain agility.
requirements, disruptions in supply of materials, and changes in reg-
Visibility / Velocity Sensing Comprehending Responding ulatory requirements early are in a better position to reconfigure their
approach such that they remain aligned with market needs. For ex-
Supply Network
ample, agile organizations can accommodate a high level of variance in
External Environment production plans by quickly sensing material events and take corrective
action to minimize the impact of any disruptions. This reduces the time

K.A. Saeed et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

between detecting events and taking action to address them, and in- 3.3. Performance effects of co-specialization ~ Supply chain agility and
creases the speed with which decision are made. Faster decision-making product modularity
enables the organization to align supply and demand in real time, and
thereby meet its obligations on-time. Thus, we argue that organizations Traditionally, decisions related to product architecture and supply
with higher level of supply chain agility will be more responsive and chain architecture have been viewed as unrelated (Ballou et al., 2000).
able to more consistently meet the quantity and delivery requirements Integrating the two functions requires a major shift in ways organiza-
of their customers. tions manage these areas. Modular product architecture requires that
Agility requires speed, which can be attained at the expense of an organization design its supply chain to handle market shifts in a
higher costs and loss of efficiency. An organization may decide to invest geographical dispersed production system (Fine, 2005). Thus, it is im-
in excess capacity or significantly higher safety stocks to reduce lead portant to understand the co-specialization relationship between pro-
times and meet market demand. On the contrary, evidence also points duct modularity and supply chain agility and how it relates to organi-
towards organizations achieving a better cost structure through im- zational performance. Is relationship moderating or mediating?
plementing agile practices (Eckstein et al., 2015). For example, me- According to Barron and Kenny (1986), a moderator influences the
chanisms used to aid agility may rely on early signal detection, strength of the relationship between variables, while a mediator ex-
proactive forecasting, information sharing, and quick adjustment in plains how or why an effect occurs. A mediating variable is a me-
material flows. An agile supply chain is proactive and enables supply chanism that provides insights on why the relationship between two
chain partners to preemptively address issues that can have a detri- variables exists, and aligns well with the co-specialization perspective
mental impact. In such cases, supply chain partners are able to engage discussed earlier. For example, nimbleness and collaboration require-
in cost avoidance (Sambamurthy et al., 2003). Supply chain agility is ments associated with a modular product architecture can be effectively
built through processes that require effective communication and met through agile processes and practices. So, supply chain agility
sharing of information (Lu and Ramamurthy, 2011). Such processes can provides insights on why product modularity influences firm perfor-
lead to waste reduction through value chain analysis and an efficient mance. In other words, the combination of the two architectures offer
transaction infrastructure that supports buyer supplier collaboration. superior returns as compared to when each architecture is used in in-
Thus, we argue that supply chain agility will exert a positive influence solation. Based on this logic, we propose that supply chain agility is a
on both delivery performance and cost reduction. mediator because it constitutes the mechanisms through which we are
able to better explain the relationship between product modularity and
H1a:. Supply chain agility is positively associated with delivery
firm performance.
Mass customization increases the complexity of the production
H1b:. Supply chain agility is positively associated with cost process because the organization has to manage a large number of
reduction. unique product configurations (Duray et al., 2000). Organizations are
managing demand diversity through either producing variations of the
same model or by creating functionality bundles that target market
3.2. Performance effects of product modularity segments through different models. The diversity in the ordering stream
associated with modular product architecture can be better managed
In theory, product modularity can create the opportunity to develop through component rationalization, slack, or agile processes. In other
multiple product configurations, offer customization, as well as elon- words, an organization's inability to correctly forecast product config-
gate the product life cycle (Sanchez, 2000). In a distributed production urations may require excess inventory or nimbleness. Therefore, an
structure, product modularity provides the organization with the ability organization with high product modularity requires quick sense, com-
to develop component combinations that are unique and in line with prehend, and respond processes to stay aligned with market demand
the needs of the market (Jacobs et al., 2007). It is an effective way to (Ellram et al., 2007).
respond to the structural shifts where large mass markets are being Building further on that argument, Salvador et al. (2002) suggest
transformed into smaller niche markets demanding higher product that a modular product architecture requires that the organization work
variety. Product modularity enables the organization to enhance pro- with its suppliers in real time with extremely short lead times, while
duct variety, address variations in demand, and do it in a shorter time delaying assembly of the final product as much as possible. Effective
span (Novak and Eppinger, 2001). Improvement in delivery perfor- communication requires development of a common language and quick
mance can be attributed to elements associated with a modular product information exchange (Galvin and Morkel, 2001). An agile supply chain
architecture such as parallel manufacturing of modules and improved structure enables the organization to meet the demands placed by the
component availability due to ability to swap components across pro- modular product architecture by operating on a tight production
duct types. Loosely coupled components reduce uncertainty in the schedule and reducing the negative effects of diversity in product
production process and improve the ability to meet demands of the combinations. The speed with which an organization can sense, com-
customers (Fixson, 2005). prehend, and respond to shifts in the ordering stream enables it to
Prior studies show that product modularity can directly reduce costs consistently meet customer demand. Internally, the organization is also
(Jacobs et al., 2007). To achieve these benefits, an organization has to able to better manage procurement and inventory because agile pro-
streamline processes across the supply chain. Engagement at the design cesses reduce the need for slack resources through faster decision
stage supported by parallel development processes is critical in at- making.
taining the benefits of component swapping. Reusability across product Personal computer is a modular product, which opens the options
types offers the scale benefit. Cost reduction can be attained through for interchangeable parts. In order to balance demand and supply in
economies of scale resulting from low component variety. Further, part real time, it is critical that the supply chain has the ability to handle
rationalization and use of common components allow inventory to be unplanned events. Disruptions like the floods in Thailand that impacted
lowered through risk pooling, thus resulting in lower costs. Thus, we the supply of hard drives can be addressed through agility in supply
argue: network management (Wegner, 2016). Supply chain agility provides
the ability to effectively address such challenges through quick re-
H2a:. Product modularity is positively associated with delivery
configuration of the supply sources and adjustment of internal opera-
tional processes (Desai et al., 2001). Thus, modular product archi-
H2b:. Product modularity is positively associated with cost tecture aided by an agile supply chain assists in improving efficiency of
reduction. procurement processes and meeting the needs of the market in terms of

K.A. Saeed et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Table 3
Sample profile.

Position Percentage Sales (Millions) Percentage Employee Percentage

President / VP 15% 50 & Less 27% 100 & Less 22%

Director 16% 51–250 24% 101–1000 41%
Manager 63% 251–750 25% 1001–5000 18%
751 & Above 11% 5000 & Above 16%
Missing 9% Missing 13% Missing 3%

desired quantities, product mix, or delivery time requirements (Ellram customized benchmark report that compared their responses with the
et al., 2007). Thus, we propose that supply chain agility is the me- responses of the sample. Additionally, the letter also contained a link to
chanism that helps us explain the relationship between product mod- a website where the respondents could complete that questionnaire
ularity and firm performance, which leads to H3a and H3b. online if they preferred. A reminder postcard was mailed after three
weeks of the initial mailing. A total of 103 responses were received
H3a:. Supply chain agility will positively mediate the relationship
through this effort, thereby giving us a response rate of 9.6%. Multiple
between product modularity and delivery performance.
follow ups may have helped increase the response rate, but we could
H3b:. Supply chain agility will positively mediate the relationship only undertake a single mailing of the questionnaire and a reminder
between product modularity and cost reduction. card due to this stipulation being mandated in the contract when we
purchased the mailing list. It must be noted that this response rate is
consistent with other studies in the field (Banker et al., 2006; Ray et al.,
4. Research methodology 2005). Diverse sets of industries were represented in our sample, with
nearly 50 percent of the respondents coming from the industrial pro-
We used multiple empirical methods to test our research model and ducts, electronics, and aerospace sectors (see Table 3). We conducted
its underlying relationships. Initially, we conducted a focus group to get analysis to test for difference in variables across industries and found no
preliminary feedback on the survey items and gain insights on the statistical differences in responses.
concept of supply chain agility and its performance implications. Six Non-response bias was evaluated by comparing respondents with a
participants from different industries were invited to attend the focus random sample of non-respondents for the number of employees. The
group. These individuals held mid to high-level positions in their or- same variable was also used to compare early and late respondents. The
ganizations and were working in the supply chain area. The participants results showed that the firms were not significantly different from each
were asked to provide a definition of supply chain agility, review de- other based on number of employees. The assessment of the respondent
finitions developed by the research team and sort the survey items, and profile in Table 3 shows that a majority of the respondents were middle
engage in an open discussion on the concept of supply chain agility, managers. Finally, the responding firms were fairly well distributed
which included feedback on the survey items and the questionnaire. across the scale in terms of sales and number of employees, and were
The definitions and the questionnaire were refined based on the feed- thus considered representative of the manufacturing firms we intended
back from the focus group. to represent in our sample.
After refinement of the items, a q-sort was conducted with six Ph.D.
students in the area of operations management and management in-
formation systems. The participants were provided with definitions of 4.1. Construct validity
supply chain agility dimensions along with a random list of measure-
ment items. The participants were asked to categorize the items into the We conducted exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory
scope areas. The results of the q-sort showed that correct categorization factor analysis (CFA) to evaluate the validity of the constructs as both
of items occurred at the rate of 80% for supplier network, 93% for approaches can be used jointly for scale development (Agarwal and
operations, and 94% for external environment. Some modifications Prasad, 1998). Initially, three EFAs were conducted separately, one
were made to the questionnaire based on the results of the q-sort ex- each for sensing, comprehending, and responding. The items under
ercise. Preliminary testing of the questionnaire was done by distributing each of these dimensions were related to events in the domain of sup-
it to the board members of the Kansas Manufacturers Network. Eight plier network, operations, and external environment. For example, the
board members agreed to take part in the pilot testing. They were re- first factor analysis was done for sensing with fourteen items, among
quested to get the questionnaire completed by an individual in their which five were related to supplier network, five reflected operations,
company who was responsible for supply chain management. The re- and four were measuring external environment. The factor analysis was
sponses from the pilot testing were used to further refine and finalize an iterative process, and some items were dropped from the constructs
the questionnaire and the measurement items. We followed the due to poor loading or cross loading. In all, a total of three items were
guidelines in terms of questionnaire design outlined in Podsakoff et al. dropped, one each from supplier network, operations, and external
(2003) to control for common method bias that may result from si- environment. The results of the final iteration show that items separate
tuations in which predictor and criterion variables are obtained from into three constructs for each factor analysis capturing supply network,
the same source. operations, and external environment across sensing, comprehending,
We purchased the list of participants who attended the Association and responding. Also, items have high loadings on constructs they
for Operations Management International Conference and Exposition should represent, providing evidence of uni-dimensionality (Table 4).
(APICS). The list included contact information on 2543 participants. We used the CALIS procedure in SAS to conduct confirmatory factor
Records where there were no job designation, records related to service analysis (CFA). Initially, three separate measurement model were ex-
companies, records for which the post office could not confirm address amined for sensing, comprehending, and responding. The final mea-
validity, and duplicate records, were deleted. A total of 1078 unique US surement model posited supply chain agility as a higher order factor
based firms resulting from this data cleaning were retained, and which constituting sensing, comprehending, and responding as sub-dimen-
constituted the sample frame. We mailed to these firms a letter ex- sions. The results show that in all cases, the item loadings, composite
plaining the objective of the study, along with the questionnaire. Each reliability, and average variance extracted are within the range of
firm that returned the completed questionnaire was promised a prescribed limits (Sharma, 1996).

K.A. Saeed et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Table 4 Table 6
Factor analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis ~ Supply chain agility.

Sensing Comprehending Responding Construct / GOF Indicators Loading Composite AVE

measures Reliability
Items 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Supply Chain Sensing: 0.99
Supplier Network 1 0.56 0.37 0.30 0.69 0.36 0.24 0.69 0.46 0.06 Agility
Supplier Network 2 0.90 0.13 0.17 0.81 −0.01 0.20 0.83 0.10 0.36 Supplier Network 0.77 0.80 0.57
Supplier Network 3 0.86 0.16 0.12 0.81 0.17 0.12 0.87 0.09 0.11 Operations 0.82
Supplier Network 4 0.56 0.51 0.01 0.75 0.33 0.01 0.62 0.39 0.05 GFI: 0.94 External 0.67
Operations 1 0.21 0.76 0.23 0.47 0.60 0.25 0.14 0.78 0.22 Environment
Operations 2 0.16 0.74 0.29 0.02 0.77 0.23 0.24 0.69 0.24 AGFI: 0.81 Comprehending: 0.92
Operations 3 0.27 0.81 0.20 0.27 0.83 0.20 0.18 0.81 0.14 RMR: 0.06 Supplier Network 0.72 0.79 0.56
Operations 4 0.30 0.77 0.25 0.28 0.76 0.26 0.21 0.81 0.27 RMSEA: 0.11 Operations 0.85
External 0.27 0.44 0.51 0.22 0.27 0.78 0.19 0.25 0.82 CFI: 0.97 External 0.66
Environment 1 Environment
External 0.11 0.10 0.89 0.26 0.18 0.80 0.24 0.12 0.85 NFI: 0.93 Responding: 0.88
Environment 2 Supplier Network 0.61 0.72 0.45
External 0.11 0.21 0.86 0.01 0.24 0.82 0.01 0.32 0.77 Operations 0.73
Environment 3 External 0.67

The model fit indexes were also found to be within the acceptable Table 7
guidelines (see Tables 5, 6). The results from the two-step process, in- Factor analysis.
cluding exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis,
Constructs 1 2 3 4
provide strong evidence in support of the adequacy of the measurement
approach for supply chain agility. The list of measurement items is Product Modularity 1 0.76 0.27 −0.03 0.24
provided in Appendix A and an explanation of the validation process is Product Modularity 2 0.86 0.04 0.22 0.07
provided in Appendix B. As a final step, another exploratory factor Sensing 0.19 0.87 0.16 0.16
Comprehending 0.13 0.93 0.15 0.16
analysis was conducted on the aggregate items for sensing, compre- Responding 0.19 0.84 0.19 0.15
hending, and responding, along with items for product modularity, Delivery Performance 1 0.28 0.26 0.47 0.46
delivery performance, and cost reduction. Table 7 shows that the items Delivery Performance 2 0.06 0.12 0.95 0.03
adequately loaded on four separate constructs representing supply Cost Reduction 1 0.15 0.08 0.06 0.81
Cost Reduction 2 0.14 0.15 0.08 0.89
chain agility, product modularity, delivery performance, and cost re-
Cost Reduction 3 0.24 0.23 0.21 0.63
duction. Items for constructs other than supply chain agility were taken

Table 5
Confirmatory factor analysis ~ Dimensions of Supply chain agility.

Construct / GOF measures Indicators Loading Composite reliability AVE

Sensing Shifts in supply markets 0.60 0.81 0.53

GFI: 0.88 Need to locate suppliers with required expertise 0.84
AGFI: 0.78 Need to identify new sources of supply 0.85
RMR: 0.09 Disruptions in supply of material (components) 0.56
RMSEA: 0.10 Changes in delivery schedules for orders 0.76 0.86 0.60
CFI: 0.82 Changes in capacity requirements 0.70
NFI: 0.88 Disruptions in operational processes 0.82
Changes in operational plans and schedules 0.81
Changes in economic conditions 0.59 0.78 0.54
Moves of our competitors 0.75
Changes in government regulation 0.85
Comprehending Shifts in supply markets 0.79 0.83 0.54
Need to locate suppliers with required expertise 0.67
GFI: 0.90 Need to identify new sources of supply 0.76
AGFI: 0.84 Disruptions in supply of material (components) 0.72
RMR: 0.08 Changes in delivery schedules for orders 0.74
RMSEA: 0.08 Changes in capacity requirements 0.64
CFI: 0.95 Disruptions in operational processes 0.85
NFI: 0.93 Changes in operational plans and schedules 0.81 0.85 0.58
Changes in economic conditions 0.80 0.80 0.57
Moves of our competitors 0.78
Changes in government regulation 0.69
Responding Shifts in supply markets 0.75 0.84 0.56
Need to locate suppliers with required expertise 0.84
GFI: 0.88 Need to identify new sources of supply 0.76
AGFI: 0.80 Disruptions in supply of material (components) 0.64
RMR: 0.07 Changes in delivery schedules for orders 0.74 0.83 0.61
RMSEA: 0.10 Changes in capacity requirements 0.71
CFI: 0.92 Disruptions in operational processes 0.76
NFI: 0.89 Changes in operational plans and schedules 0.87
Changes in economic conditions 0.84 0.83 0.62
Moves of our competitors 0.80
Changes in government regulation 0.71

K.A. Saeed et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

from prior studies (Duray, 2000; Stank et al., 2001–2002; Tu et al., Figs. 4 and 5), the relationship between product modularity, delivery
2004). performance, and cost reduction weakens a little and remains sig-
nificant. Thus, the results show only partial mediation and provide
partial support for H3a and H3b. The goodness of fit indices for the
5. Results
mediation model show the improvement over the direct model, sug-
gesting that the mediation model fits the data better. An alternative
We used structural equation modeling (SEM) to evaluate the re-
specification of the model was also tested in which product modularity
search model and the associated hypotheses. “Firm size (number of
was modeled as the mediator. The results for the alternative model
employees) and use of postponement strategy (the question we asked
show that the link between product modularity and supply chain agility
was if the firm was using or not using postponement approach) were
was significant. However, the links between product modularity and
included in the model as control variables (Salvador et al., 2002).
the performance variables were non-significant, ruling out the alter-
Postponement is a supply chain practice in which an activity related to
native specification of the model.
product manufacturing or assembly is moved downstream in the supply
Recent studies suggest that additional analysis be performed in
chain. It can be used as an alternative or in conjunction with modular
order to validate mediation through formal testing (Iacobucci et al.,
product architecture and supply chain agility, and has been shown to
2007). Sobel test is recommended to assess the significance for the in-
influence organizational performance in prior studies (Boone et al.,
direct path (product modularity to supply chain agility to delivery
2007). Thus, including the use of postponement in the research model
performance) (Baron and Kenny, 1986; Sobel, 1982). The results of the
improves model precision. Similarly, the performance implications of
Sobel test show that the indirect path is positive and significant for
firm size are tied to benefits associated with access to resources. Its
delivery performance (z-value = 2.25, p-value < 0.05) and cost re-
inclusion in the model helps in extracting the associated variance.
duction (z-value = 1.93, p-value < 0.10). The last test we conducted
The assessment based on Mahalanobis distance highlighted one
was the bootstrapping approach suggested by Preacher and Hayes
observation as an outlier, which was subsequently dropped from the
(2004). They argue that the Sobel test assumes that the indirect effect
data used for the analysis. The descriptive statistics and correlations
follows a normal distribution, an assumption that has been challenged
among the variables are reported in Table 8. We analyzed four varia-
because it significantly reduces the power of the test. Prior studies
tions of the research model (see Figs. 2–5). First, we modeled the direct
suggest that the distribution of a product term (indirect effect) is po-
relationship between supply chain agility and delivery performance,
sitively skewed, and using a test based on the normal distribution as-
and product modularity and delivery performance (see Fig. 2). The
sumption can adversely impact the power of the test (Bollen and Stine,
results show a significant relationship between supply chain agility and
1990; Mackinnon et al., 2002). The bootstrapping approach generates
delivery performance (0.51, p-value < 0.00), thus supporting H1a. The
estimates for the indirect effects and standard errors based on random
relationship between product modularity and delivery performance was
samples from the data. These estimates can then be used to develop
also found to be significant (0.43, p-value < 0.05) thereby supporting
95% and 99% confidence intervals for the population values of the
H2a. The second model assesses the same structure but in the context of
indirect effect. If zero is not included between the lower bound and the
cost reduction. The results show a significant relationship between
upper bound of the confidence intervals, it supports the assertion that
supply chain agility and cost reduction (0.36, p-value < 0.05) sup-
the indirect effect is significantly different than zero (Preacher and
porting H1b. Product modularity and cost reduction had a positive and
Hayes, 2004). We ran the bootstrapping approach using 5000 random
significant relationship (0.33, p-value < 0.05) supporting H2b. The
samples. The results show that the lower and upper limit for 95%
comparison across the two models shows that a higher percentage of
confidence interval did not include zero for both models, validating
variance was explained in delivery performance (46%) than cost re-
partial mediation. The point estimate for the indirect paths were 0.12
duction (31%). The direct relationships between firm size and post-
(delivery performance) and 0.08 (cost reduction) respectively.
ponement with the performance variables were found to be non-sig-
Additional assessment was conducted to test the validity of the re-
nificant. The goodness of fit indices for both models were adequate,
sults. We used the approach suggested by MacCallum et al. (2006) and
indicating that the data fit the models well. Finally, we also tested re-
the procedure outlined by Preacher and Coffman (2006) to ascertain
vised models by including an industry variable, and the results show
the adequacy of the sample size to achieve a 0.80 level of statistical
that it was not significant.
power. At the alpha level of 0.05, we set the null RMSEA (ideal fit) at
The third and fourth models added the link between product mod-
0.05 and the alternative fit (inadequate fit) at 0.10, 0.09 and 0.08. The
ularity and supply chain agility (see Figs. 4 and 5). H3a and H3b, which
minimum sample size needed to achieve a power of 0.80 computed to
argue for mediation, were tested based on Baron and Kenny (1986),
168, 109, and 77 respectively. Further, given the sample size of the
Sobel test, and the bootstrapping approach suggested by Preacher and
study, the statistical power at alpha (0.05), null RMSEA (ideal fit) at
Hayes (2004). The analysis shows that the direct relationships between
0.05 and alternative fit RMSEA set at 0.10 and 0.09 computes to 0.92
product modularity, supply chain agility, delivery performance, and
and 0.77 respectively. We also conducted power computations for as-
cost reduction are significant, meeting the first two criteria in Baron
sessing the difference between the nested models based on RMSEA
and Kenny (1986). Subsequently, when the path between product
(MacCallum et al., 2006; Preacher and Coffman, 2006). The statistical
modularity and supply chain agility is included in the models (see

Table 8
Correlation table.

Constructs Average SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Product Modularity 4.20 1.41 0.61

Sensing 4.48 1.03 0.36** 0.88
Comprehending 4.69 0.98 0.32** 0.86** 0.87
Responding 4.49 1.01 0.36** 0.71** 0.81** 0.87
Delivery Performance 4.42 1.37 0.35** 0.38** 0.40** 0.41** 0.48
Cost Reduction 4.65 1.20 0.39** 0.38** 0.36** 0.37** 0.39** 0.78
Employees (Log) 6.29 1.98 −0.07 −0.02 −0.02 0.04 0.01 0.17 –
Postponement 0.25 0.44 0.08 0.04 0.02 0.09 0.04 0.21* 0.05

** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

K.A. Saeed et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Firm Size Postponement

Supply Chain 0.51* 0.03

Agility 0.08

R-squared: 0.46

Modularity 0.43*
Goodness of Fit Indices
Chi. Sq. = 0.01 (p-value)
GFI = 0.90
AGFI = 0.78
RMR = 0.14
RMSEA = 0.11
CFI = 0.93
NFI = 0.88

Fig. 2. Results for the Direct Model (Delivery Performance).

power of the test for evaluating the difference between the base model To illustrate the above-mentioned point, organizations can develop
and the mediated model came out to be 0.99 for both models (re- the ability to sense relevant events. However, the ability to respond
sponsiveness and cost reduction). We recognize that a higher sample may be constrained by an organization's inability to correctly compre-
size would have been even better to further strengthen the model re- hend how the organization may be impacted and what response option
sults, but our sample falls within the recommended range and the re- holds better promise. Dell provides a good case in point.
sults of statistical power testing are adequate. Commoditization of the PC (personal computer) and lower prices pre-
sented significant challenges to the company. Dell could have decided
to compete on cost. This would have required lowering prices and re-
6. Discussion configuring supply chain processes and relationships for efficiency.
Rather than addressing the challenges by lowering its prices and com-
Organizations want to be fast in exploiting market opportunities, peting on cost, Dell made an effort to comprehend the nature of the
but at the same time offer enough product options to capture a vast challenge and what responses may offer the best value. It decided to
market. Literature in the purchasing and supply chain management shift from a supply chain model based on a single supply chain stream
areas can benefit from the results of our study in better understanding to a structure based on customer segmentation (Biederman, 2012). The
how to effectively manage this challenge. The results show that making new structure required a reconfiguration of supply chain practices such
appropriate architectural choices in the supply chain and the product that they were tailored differently for different customer segments /
domains, two choices that complement each other, can lead to better channels. This approach required cost and profitability analysis at the
responsiveness and higher efficiency. segment level. So, rather than using one monolithic supply chain
The study offers three important contributions for research and stream, it decided to configure supply chains for customer segments to
practice. First, our conceptualization of supply chain agility suggests deliver what the segment valued. This example highlights the im-
that apart from sensing and responding as the two concepts that have portance of comprehending the implications of the signals to guide
been discussed in earlier literature, comprehending is an equally im- actions that yield the desired result. Additionally, our proposed con-
portant concept and hence must be included. Once a key trend or event ceptualization of supply chain agility captures both the visibility and
is identified, focus shifts towards understanding its implications and velocity perspectives to provide a more comprehensive approach than
conducting root cause assessment. At that stage, the organization makes what is currently available in the literature. Managers who are strug-
an effort to comprehend the likely impact of the events and the relative gling to gauge the level of supply chain agility at their organization can
effectiveness of the response options. Thus, supply chain agility infuses use the proposed measurement approach and also use it as a bench-
a layer of intelligence in the system through processes that judge the marking tool over time.
relevance of the events and assist in the selection of the right response.

Firm Size Postponement

Supply Chain 0.36* 0.19

Agility 0.17

Cost Reduction
R-squared: 0.31

Product Goodness of Fit Indices

Modularity 0.33* Chi. Sq. = 0.01 (p-value)
GFI = 0.89
AGFI = 0.79
RMR = 0.14
RMSEA = 0.09
CFI = 0.94
NFI = 0.88

Fig. 3. Results for the Direct Model (Cost Reduction).

K.A. Saeed et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Firm Size Postponement

Supply Chain 0.42* 0.07 0.12

Agility (0.19)
0.42* R-squared: 0.49

Product Goodness of Fit Indices

Modularity 0.39* Chi. Sq. = 0.10 (p-value)
GFI = 0.93
AGFI = 0.84
RMR = 0.07
RMSEA = 0.07
CFI = 0.97
NFI = 0.91

Fig. 4. Results for the Mediating Model (Delivery Performance).

The second important contribution of our study involves evaluating an organization is agile in recognizing the shifts in demand, and is able
the role of agile practices in aiding firm performance. Delivery perfor- to respond with product specifications that align with market needs.
mance and cost reduction have been portrayed as competing objectives, Product modularity leads to economies of substitution (Jacobs et al.,
especially in the context of quick response strategies. The report by the 2007). However, it can significantly increase product variety and re-
Aberdeen Group shows that organizations that are leaders in supply quire management of multiple component life cycles, thus adding to the
chain visibility have a significantly higher on-time delivery rate as complexity of the product portfolio. To address these challenges, a
compared to organizations that were categorized in the laggard group modular product architecture needs to be complemented with agile
(Heaney, 2013). Organizations aspiring for speed may not be inclined supply chain practices so that the firm can achieve the desired out-
to enact cost controls processes (Christopher and Peck, 2004). Our comes. Thus, the results of our study support the idea that supply chain
study shows that agile practices not only improve delivery perfor- agility aligns well with a modular product architecture.
mance, but also enable firms to reduce the cost of their procurement The nimbleness in sensing the information on what the customers
processes. Anecdotal evidence suggested that firms are relying on in- desire complements the ability to engage in parallel assembly of dif-
formation systems to support agile practices across the supply chain. ferent variations of the product to enhance delivery performance.
Technologies such as sensors and trackers provide real-time visibility Concurrent engineering practices and niche customization practices are
resulting in lower cost of procurement, significant savings from lower associated with a modular product architecture, but require complex
inventory costs, and drastic reductions in stock outs (Heaney, 2013). inter-firm coordination, management of components’ life cycles, agile
Thus, companies should not view responsiveness and cost reduction as procurement processes, adaptive planning and forecasting systems, and
competing outcomes, but should strive to achieve both through im- uniquely configured manufacturing systems. Reduction in cycle time
plementation of agile supply chain processes. can be achieved under these conditions when a firm has put in agile
The third important contribution of the study is related to the out- processes that enhance its vigilance to events that can have an adverse
comes from our research models. As we had proposed earlier, com- impact. For example, agile processes can quickly alert the firm to issues
plementarity captures a state in which combining multiple resources related to procurement of desired components, understand the impact
offers superior returns as compared to utilizing the resources in isola- of these issues to determine the available options, and select the best
tion. Furthermore, the value generated by co-specialized resources is course of action. Thus, an enterprise can better leverage the opportu-
not only a function of selection, but also how well the chosen resources nities offered by modular product architecture if it also possesses
align with each other. Our study shows that product modularity has co- quicker reflexes, faster analytical ability, and informed decision-making
specialization with supply chain agility, and aids in the organization's processes. Research in the supply chain domain is confronted with re-
ability to meet the customer's delivery demands and reduce costs as- commending appropriate design decisions that maximize benefits,
sociated with procurement processes. Both these strategies require that while controlling the negative consequences (Pashaei and Olhager,

Firm Size Postponement

Supply Chain 0.30* 0.15 0.14

Agility (0.19)

Cost Reduction
0.44* R-squared: 0.32

Product Goodness of Fit Indices

Modularity 0.32* Chi. Sq. = 0.08 (p-value)
GFI = 0.91
AGFI = 0.82
RMR = 0.08
RMSEA = 0.07
CFI = 0.97
NFI = 0.91

Fig. 5. Results for the Mediating Model (Cost Reduction).

K.A. Saeed et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

2015). Our study shows that the alignment / complementarity between and promote agility in supply chains (Eckstein et al., 2015). At a
the two architectural choices makes them appropriate design decisions. broader level, there is a dearth of studies that examine multiple orga-
nizational capabilities simultaneously. There is limited knowledge re-
7. Limitations & future research garding why organizations choose to pursue certain capabilities, or
whether multiple capabilities are pursued at the same time. For ex-
Some limitations of the study should be noted. First, we were lim- ample, an extension of this study would be to assess integration and
ited to using the variance approach in our study. A longitudinal design agile practices jointly to evaluate if one is favored over the other, and if
could offer deeper insights, but given the challenges of large scale so under what conditions. Furthermore, examining a contextually spe-
longitudinal data collection, we took a more practical approach. cific constellation of capabilities, which if developed together, can
Second, we focused on specific representations of supply chain and create competitive advantage offers another interesting line of inquiry
product architectures with the assumption that organizations put equal for future studies.
value on both areas. Understanding the role of organizational strategy In conclusion, contemporary business landscape is characterized by
in the interplay among architectural choices and their relative im- extreme volatility in demand and resource availability. Sustainability in
portance would have provided interesting insights. Third, the scope of such an environment requires execution of multiple strategies. But in
the study was limited to a single choice with respect to the supply chain order to achieve this objective, it is important to understand how or-
and product architecture. We restricted the scope of initiatives to ganizations can generate value through complementariness among in-
manage complexity of the model, but at the expense of a more com- itiatives in different domain areas. Our study offers some guidance on
prehensive model. this issue with respect to supply chain agility and product modularity,
Future studies can address these issues and limitations. Factors like and provides the impetus to conduct further research on this topic.
organizational fit, common standards, supply chain practices, and inter-
functional integration can be examined with respect to supply chain
agility and its performance implications. On the product side, another Acknowledgements
architectural decision that requires assessment is customization.
Further, it would be interesting to explore what information systems This research was partially funded by the Kansas Manufacturers
architectures (integration, flexibility etc.) and usage profile can support Network.

Appendix A. Measurement items for the constructs

Construct Measurement items

Supplier Network Shifts in supply markets

Need to locate suppliers with required expertise
Need to identify new sources of supply
Disruptions in supply of material (components)
Sudden spikes in the types of material (components) requirements from suppliers*
Operations Changes in customer orders*
Changes in delivery schedules for orders
Changes in capacity requirements
Disruptions in operational processes (manufacturing, distribution, etc.)
Changes in operational plans and schedules
External Changes in business practices and product and process technologies*
Environment Changes in economic conditions
Moves of our competitors
Changes in government regulation
Product Products have been decomposed into separate modules
Modularity We can make changes on key components in the products without redesigning others
The root cause of product failure can be traced to the component that caused it*
Cost Reduction Relative to our major competitors we have reduced cost of procurement in our primary product line
Relative to our major competitors we have reduced inventory costs in our primary product line
Relative to our major competitors we have reduced warehousing costs in our primary product line
Delivery Relative to our major competitors we have increased the ability to provide the desired quantities of the products to the
Performance customer on a consistent basis
What is the average on time delivery rate (% of time)?
*Item dropped

K.A. Saeed et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Appendix B. Construct validation process

• Conceptual review of supply chain agility

Literature • Inial item creaon

• Industry experts with experience in supply chain

• Definion of supply chain agility and review of inial measurement items

• Ph.D students in operaons managment & manangment informaon systems

Q-sort • Categorizaon of items into associated concepts

• Supply chain experts at Kansas manufacturing network member companies

Inial • Quesonnaire compleon and review

• APICS member list

Empirical • Construct validity through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis

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