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History of hernia & lump

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It is the protrusion of an organ or piece of tissue from its normally contained space.

1-weakness of the abdominal muscle:
(old age, pregnancy, previous surgery, obesity, smoking, poor nutrition)

2-increased of the intra-abdominal pressure:

(straining during constipation or urination, chronic cough, sudden heavy lifting,
ascites, peritoneal dialysis)

Types more information

★ These are the commonest type, and more common in men.

★ 1-Indirect inguinal hernias – these come through the deep
inguinal ring, and if large enough, out of the superficial inguinal ring.
They can strangulate – and usually at the deep inguinal ring as this
is narrow. If the hernia is really big it can descend into the scrotum
and the labia majora.
★ 2-Direct inguinal hernias – these come into the inguinal canal
through a defect in the posterior wall of the canal. They are
Inguinal hernia generally easy to reduce and do not strangulate.

★ These tend to occur more in females

★ These go down the femoral canal (not the inguinal canal). They are
usually found below and lateral to the inguinal ligament.
★ They tend to be irreducible, strangulated and at high risk of
Femoral hernia obstruction.
(irreducible) ★ Most notably this includes the femoral artery, the femoral vein and
the femoral nerve.
★ Because of the position of this hernia, medial thigh pain is possible
in addition to groin pain
Type more information

★ These are found just above or just below the umbilicus.

★ Omentum or bowel can herniate through them.
★ Risk factors involve obesity and ascites.

★ These pass through the linea alba above the umbilicus.

★ Because this hernia is usually asymptomatic, patients typically

Incisional present with a bulge at the site of a previous incision (due to
hernias surgery); the lesion may become larger upon standing or with
increasing intra-abdominal pressure

Spigelian ★ These occur at the lateral edge of the rectus sheath, below and
Hernias lateral to the umbilicus.

Hiatal hernias ★ They are a weakness or opening in the diaphragm

★ it may not present as a swelling patients(Because it is hidden within

deeper structures)
★ may complain of abdominal pain or medial thigh pain, weight loss, or
recurrent episodes of bowel or partial bowel obstruction.
★ pressure on the obturator nerve causes pain in the medial thigh that
is relieved by thigh flexion but may be exacerbated by extension or
external rotation of the hip (Howship-Romberg sign)

How do they present?

★ a painless swelling at hernia site that develops over
time. They are often asymptomatic.
★ They can become symptomatic and the common
features of this are as follows:
○ Pain – particularly when coughing or stooping,
Change in bowel habit,
○ Constipation,
○ Burning sensation in the groin, Scrotal
swelling (in males)
★ In infants, the only symptom of a hernia may be
increased irritability, especially when the hernia is
★ Irreducibility
★ Obstructed
★ Strangulated – ischaemia of the tissue inside the hernia occurs.This patient will
become toxic and requires urgent surgery.
★ inflammation
★ hemorrhage

★ If the lump is small, not increasing in size and is asymptomatic the patient may wish
to leave it alone. If however the hernia is causing pain, or altering bowel habit then
surgical management may be required.
★ If the hernial contents become strangulated or obstructed this represents a surgical
emergency and urgent operative fixation is required.
★ surgical repair (open or laparoscopic repair)

DDx of a solitary groin lump


ABOVE THE INGUINAL -Sebaceous cyst
-Sebaceous cyst -Femoral hernia
-Lipoma -Saphena varix
-Direct inguinal hernia -Femoral artery aneurysm
-Indirect inguinal hernia -Imperfectly descended testis
-Imperfectly descended testis -Neuroma of the femoral
-Hydrocele nerves
-Obturator hernia
-Psoas abscess

DDx of a scrotal mass

-Sebaceous cyst
-Indirect inguinal hernia
-Epididymal cyst (spermatocele)
-Testicular torsion
-Testicular tumour
personal data: (name,sex,age)

Chief complain: Groin or scrotal swelling for (duration)

HPI: we treat it as a lump

1-Where is the lump?

2-When was the lump first noticed?

3-What made you notice the lump? (pain, during washing or someone else noticed)

4-Has the lump changed since it was first noticed? (size,color, shape and tenderness)

5-does the lump ever disappear? What makes the lump reappear? (hernia may disappear on lying down &
reappearing during exercise & straining)

6-Have you ever had any other lumps?

7-What do you think caused the lump? (hernia may follow trauma or surgery)


9-is there any other lump?

10-Associated symptoms according to the place of the lump,

IF hernia? (symptoms of intestinal obstruction such as: abdominal distention, vomiting, constipation, pain) irritated
child,fever,discoloration of the skin
IF in the breast? Is there any discharge ? is at associated with the menstrual cycle? is it painful ?
IF it in the thyroid?hyper/hypothyroidism, difficulty swallowing, breathing, hoarseness

If the patient present with pain (SOCRATES)

Ask about the predisposing factors for the hernia as:General factors:
(Lifting heavy object, Chronic cough, Chronic constipation, Abdominal distention ‘ascites or mass’, Difficulty in
passing urine.)

Constitutional symptoms:Fever, loss of appetite, loss of weight

Past medical history and surgical history.

Abdominal surgery or trauma, Muscles disease, Previous lump or hernia, Wound infection postoperative.

Family history of hernia.

Drug history: ACE inhibitors " chronic cough"

Systematic review.(Neuralgia of the ilioinguinal nerve may present with a sudden stabbing pain in the distribution,
we have to ask about COPD symptoms and obstructive uropathy )

Done by : Sarah Julaidan

revised by: Abdulrahman Al Mizel

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