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Write about any new challenge that would be most prominent in the
next five years for any middle level manager related to the
industry which you are associated with and prescribe a leadership
style which you think would be suitable to deal with it.

Middle-level managers are the backbone of organizations, particularly large

ones. They are the vital link between an organization’s senior leadership on one hand
and the ground personnel on the other. These managers are responsible for the
implementation of the organization's strategy on a day-to-day basis and it would be
safe to say that a company's success or failure largely depends on the strength of this
cadre. A strong middle management also provides organizations with a pipeline of
future leaders. Besides, a strong managerial cadre also offers the added benefits of
providing much needed continuity and low attrition.

The major challenge for a Mid-level manager for next 5 years or decade will be
the People Issue for rapidly changing work profile - Less than half of the work force in
the industrial world will be holding conventional full-time jobs in organizations by the
next decade. Every year more and more people will be self-employed, temporary or
part-time. For statics purpose The United States' contingent work force - consisting of
more than 45 million temporaries, self-employed, part-timers and consultants - has
grown 57 percent in last 15 years, and the similar trend has started in India with many
initiatives by the Government of India eg; Startup India, Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar
Yojna, hence may cause shortage of skilled people in the organization.

What may not be apparent to tomorrow's managers is that tomorrow's staff will
have very different expectations of, and demands on, their organizations; importantly,
the employee-employer relationship in the best organizations of tomorrow will look
very different than it did in the last decade. With their increased complexity and
globalization, organizations are demanding skills and abilities from their leaders that
are only beginning to be understood, never mind mastered. One of the most important
of these will be the ability to balance employee needs (globally) and customer wants
(globally and locally) - a balance that will become harder to strike, and to strike
profitably and efficiently, in the coming years.
Diversity will become a strategic differentiator and not merely a desired
demographic profile. As the work force continues to grow more diverse, those able to
accept individual differences in the workplace and to look at them as a source of
creative energy and productivity will have access to a larger and more talented work
force. Typical of post modernity’s general questioning of the idea of objectivity, there
will increasingly be many right ways of doing most things - not just one right way as
articulated in the employee policy book or previous norms of behavior. The work itself
will increasingly demand the use of interdependent teams, as few individuals will be
capable of knowing and doing it all. All of this may sound like chaos - and it will be.
However, it will be an organized chaos wherein lies great opportunity and potential for
those managers adapt, flexible and intelligent enough to seize it and make it their own -
rather than being owned by it.

In a quickly changing world, talented human capital will be a prime ingredient

of business success. Businesses will have to accommodate the shift of power from
owners and senior management to knowledge workers, while at the same time
professionals will become less concerned with the traditional concept of a career and
more interested in what we might term self-fulfillment. Organizations will invest
increasing percentages of their revenues in attracting, developing and retaining
competent professionals, and this arena will grow to be perhaps the most significant
competitive battleground.

In a quickly changing world, talented human capital will be a prime ingredient

of business success and Leadership competencies will play a major role for the success
of Business/organization. As the Mid-level managers are the backbone for any
organization and the reporting team is the backbone for the Mid-level manager, hence it
is really important to retain the team in a collaborative environment to achieve the
Organization and individual success. People work for their Managers and not for the
company. I have experience that most employees leave job due to manager and not
because of the company. Hence as a leader its Manager prime responsibility to Inspire
people to achieve unexpected or remarkable result by motivating, giving autonomy for
a specific work and authority to take decision, sharing the vision. Hence adopting the
Transformation Leadership style is most suitable in coming decades, whereas leader
you are not only setting the expectation but also “walks the walk” to demonstrate the
standard/result you expect.
Transformational Leader bring the below important factors to the team

1. Creating and inspiring vision of the future: Team need compelling reason to
follow your lead, hence you need to create and communicate and inspiring
vision of future.

2. Motivating people to buy into and deliver the vision: This is the Mission
Statement, where one need to appeal to the people values and inspire them
with where you are going to lead them and why. Talk about the vision often
and link it to the people’s goals and task in a context and support people how
they can contribute to it.

3. Setting high standards by “walks the walk” so team respects that

4. Managing delivery of the vision: A vision is no use on its own. It needs to

become reality. Use MOB (Management by Objective). Build self-discipline
first so that you can lead by example and team respects you and follow you.
Set the KPI/KRA to each and every team member and handhold them to
achieve the same.

5. Building ever-stronger, trust based relationship with the team: As a

transformational leader it is very important to focus attention on the team
and work hard to help them achieve their goals and dreams.

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