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Winter Camp 2019-2020

Revision Worksheet-Class: 10
Subject: English Language & Literature (184)
TOPIC: Article Writing

1. You are Jaya /Ajay. After the recent earthquake, you feel that there is need to be aware and alert about natural
disasters. You are sad to know that Man is responsible for these disasters due to his greed and carelessness. Write
an article on 'Natural Disasters ' (about 100 -150 words).

Article – Format-Title, writer’s name.

 Natural disasters Effect of global warming

 No strict laws in developing an area
 Concrete jungles
 Felling of trees
 Emitting harmful gases from vehicles and factories
 Plant more trees
 Make science more developed
 Awareness about how to save from disasters

2. Disposal of electronic goods, commonly termed as e-waste, in landfills lead to toxic substances such as lead,
mercury etc. contaminating the land, air and water. It’s high time that countries take. A stock of the situation and
protect the environment. Write an article discussing the same. Also, suggest some solutions. You are Neha / Nitin
from XYZ School. You may use 5 ideas from the unit- Environment besides your own ideas (100- 150 words).

Article – Format-Title, writer’s name.

 Last year nearly millions of tons of e-waste was generated worldwide

 Electronic goods made up of hundreds of different materials and containing toxic substances such as
lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic.
 These toxic materials seep out into the environment in landfills, contaminating land, water and the
 In addition, devices are often dismantled in primitive conditions.
 Those who work at these sites suffer illness.
 Any other suitable point

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