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Adinda Rahma Dewanti Muhammad Hermosa Widiadi

Amanda Di Fauzi Satyawenda Nadia Farahiya
Aulia Nur Cahyo Nadira Noorzalika
Aulia Ridho Muhammad Okta Paulia
Christoper Bonauli Savitri Ayu Saraswati
Delina Fitri Takhyun Joh
Dwimiranti Andini Yogo Prihandoko
Fadel Ilhami Nasr
Global Foods Inc.
Essence of the Case
The Global Food Inc. has gone through several situations that comes up
with key questions and resulted a different solutions taken from managerial
economics aspects
Situation Key Question Solution

Introduction Bob Burns, CEO of Global “Should we enter the soft The board approves the
Foods, Inc., ask the board of drink business?” decision, and Global Foods
directors to approve a enters the soft drink
decision to enter the soft business
drink business

The Firm and Its Goals In an effort to increase the “How can we improve the Bob decides to take Global
company’s revenues, Bob value of our company when Foods into the energy drink
Burns considers entry into the Wall Street analysts are business
the market for energy drinks, judging us primarily on our
a segment of the beverage ability to grow our revenue
market that has grown and profit?”
rapidly in recent years
Situation Key Question Solution

Supply & Demand Bob Burns, CEO, and Nicole “What are the current and Anecdotal information and a
Goodman, vice president of future supply and demand survey or articles in trade
marketing, consider conditions in the consumer journals and business
developing and launching a market for premium and periodicals indicate that tea
product line of gourmet tea specialty tea?” could be the next “big thing”
in the U.S. beverage
industry. However, Bob is
not completely convinced
and asks Nicole to do further
quantitative analysis of the
supply and demand for tea

Demand Elasticity Henry Caulfield, the “For what price should I sell He decides that the relative
proprietor of a Gas ‘n Go this new soft drink?” inelasticity of the products in
convenience store, must question makes it difficult to
evaluate the desirability of increase sales by lowering
various pricing schedules for the price
soft drinks set by the major
beverage companies
Situation Key Question Solution
Demand Estimation & Frank Robinson, newly “What will the next year’s Frank uses a trend analysis,
Forecasting appointed head of Global’s sales for Citronade be?” adjusted seasonally as well
forecasting department, is as cyclically, to forecast the
asked to estimate the next coming year’s sales
year’s sales of Citronade,
the company’s lemon-lime

The Theory & Estimation of Christopher Lim, production “Should we package the Chris recommends that
Production manager, is concerned water in glass bottles?” plastic bottles should be
about the best way to bottle used to package both the
the water that the company carbonated soft drink and
now intends to sell. To the bottled water products
differentiate Global Foods’
product in a highly
competitive market, the
marketing people want to
use glass bottles. In Chris’s
view, this may help in the
marketing of the product, but
may well increase
production costs significantly
Situation Key Question Solution
The Theory & Estimation of Shayna Soda Company, an “Should the company stay Shayna Soda Co. decides to
Cost independent bottler of with its current main supplier stay with Kayla Containers,
Global Foods soft drinks, is in the next town, Kayla Inc., after considering all the
looking for new ways to Containers, Inc., or switch to other factors involved in the
increase the profitability of this new supplier?” switch. Raw material cost
its soda production. Adam were lower with Lawrence
Michaels, the plant Aluminum, but other
manager, receives a associated costs resulted in
marketing flyer from a new a net increase
potential supplier in the next
state. Lawrence Aluminum

Pricing & Output Decisions: Frank Robinson is appointed “What price should we After analyzing the demand
Perfect Competition & product manager of the new charge for our new elasticity and short-run cost
Monopoly energy drink product. One of product?” structure of the product,
his first tasks is to Frank recommends a price
recommend a price for the based on the MR = MC rule
Situation Key Question Solution

Appendix B Break-Even Suzanne Prescott, a senior What is the profit outlook for She uses break-even
Analysis (Volume - Cost - analyst for the energy drink the coming year for our analysis to forecast the
Profit) division, is asked to energy drink coming year’s profit for this
prepare a profit plan for the product product. She also uses
coming year. sensitivity analysis to
provide best-case and
worst-case scenarios

Pricing & Output Decisions: The management committee What is the best price for a After much debate, the
Monopolistic Competition & of Global Foods asks Frank product, given its demand, management committee,
Oligopoly to reconsider his cost, and competition? with Frank’s additional
pricing recommendation help, decides to set the price
because his analysis did not of its product slightly lower
take into account certain than the premium-priced
competitive and market competitors but slightly
issues. higher than the “value
Situation Key Question Solution

Special Pricing Practices Rebecca James must How should the bid price be Because demand elasticities
decide what price bid she set to give Global Foods a differ in different markets,
should submit to a large air- good shot at obtaining the the price offered in this
port caterer that wants to large caterer’s contract? price-sensitive market will
award a contract to a single have to be sufficiently low to
supplier. give Global a good chance
of winning the contract

Game Theory & Asymmetric Henry Caulfield’s daughter, How can managers deal Although game theory can
Information Erica, believes she can help with dynamic business help Henry understand the
her father better understand conditions in which their underlying dynamics of his
and anticipate the pricing decisions often trigger pricing tactics against his
reactions of his closest reactions by their competitors, in practical
competitors by applying to competitors? terms it falls short of
his business some of the providing him with a definite
principles of game theory solution about what to do
that she learned in her
college business courses.
Situation Key Question Solution

Capital Budgeting & Risk George Kline, the manager of Should we expand into a new Using capital budgeting
Global’s capital planning geographical area? techniques involving the
department, is considering a calculation of net present
proposal for the expansion of value and internal rate of
company activities into a new return, George recommends
geographical region. that the firm accept the project.
He also performs a scenario
analysis to present an
optimistic and a pessimistic set
of results.

Managerial Economics In A Global Foods is interested in Should Global make an George calculates the NPV and
Global Environment building a plant in Central investment in a plant in the IRR for both the subsidiary and
Europe, where costs Czech Republic? for the parent company.
are lower than in Western Although the results for the
Europe, but where productivity subsidiary are favorable, the
and quality are not as good as NPV for the parent is negative.
any country in which it operates He therefore recommends that
around the world. George Kline, the company should not make
manager of Global’s the investment at this time.
capital planning department, is
asked to conduct a capital
budgeting analysis of an
plant in the Czech Republic
Situation Key Question Solution

The Role of Government In The Because of growing concern How do we respond proactively The senior leadership team
Market Economy about the move by NYC to limit to the changing market and advises Bob not to shift its
the size of servings legal environment? focus too quickly or
of carbonated soft drinks as too intensively on the healthy
well as the growing trend food and beverage industry.
among consumers for healthier This advice is based on the
foods recent experiences of another
and beverages, Bob considers major global food and beverage
shifting the company into company that tried to expand
healthier foods and beverages their healthier products at the
expense of its core carbonated
soft drink products
By looking at the summary of the situations and solutions, we could analyze whether the
solutions for each situations and key questions were optimal or not. There were several key
points, which are:

1. Bob’s decision to ask Nicole to do a further quantitative analysis of the supply and demand
for tea before entering the market was good, but the decision to enter the soft drink market
without further quantitative analysis was a little questionable. Even though the market
demand for soft drinks were huge, a lack of research could be fatal for a business in the long
2. The pricing decisions for the monopolistic competition, oligopoly competition, and special
pricing practices were all unique and contextual to the situation and problems. However,
further financial accounting and business plan research must be done before setting the final
price. Pricing required a multi-disciplined approach in order to reach the best result in both
revenue and business sustainability.

3. Doing a research and learning something that was not directly related or applicable to solve
the current problems were completely acceptable and necessary, as long as it didn’t shift the
company from the main issues. In the case of Global Foods, Inc., the research about game
theory and the role of the government in the market economy were all beneficial for the
company’s knowledge, even though it didn’t have any direct impact in the decision-making of
current problems.
Lesson Learned
Often in an actual business problem, there is no unique formula that one can use to compute the
answer. Either the formula does not exist or is not entirely applicable to the problem, or the
problem itself is not amenable to a straightforward quantitative solution technique. For
example, of such decision are the selection of a firm’s products or services, the hiring of
personnel, the assigning of personnel to particular functions or task, the purchase of material and
equipment, and the pricing of products and services.
Global Application :
The Bric Countries
and The Supply
and Demand for Oil
Essence of the Case

● This case is about BRICS and G6. BRIC is the acronym coined for an association
of five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South
Africa. The members of G6 are US, Japan, Germany, France, Britain, and Italy.
● The economic of BRICS countries are considered as a growing so the demand for
oil and natural gas are increasing.
● BRIC countries oil production are two times higher than the G6 countries,
meanwhile its oil consumption is half than the G6 Countries.
● The high oil demand in China affected the oil price in the US because china.
● Oil consumption by China and India is expected to quadruple by 2030

● The impact of oil price on demand

These two things are used to determine the price

and quantity sold in the market. Its role is very
important in the economic world, because it can be
used to conduct micro-economic analysis and as a
point of decline for various models and other
theories of economic sciences.
The balance of the prices and the quantity in the
market is the result of the agreement between the
buyer and the seller. In this case, the oil demand
from China is affect to the U.S. oil price.
● The Impact of Economic Growth to
Oil Demand
As china considered as a growing
country, the development of its country
really affect the oil price because of the
increasing of oil demand in China. Such
as the OBOR and investment in many
Lesson Learned

● Supply and demand are the base line of the price. In this case, oil that
cannot be substitute by other commodity the price still influenced by the
demand of the consumers.
iPod and
The World
Essence of the Case

The case is about activities involved in the production of

a good and service that change the supply, distribution
and post sales activities when coordinated across

For this case is about barbie doll from Mattel and ipod
from Apple whom spare parts and components that
made and assembly from other countries to minimize
the production cost and made a higher retail price for
the customer

So don’t judge product by its cover or brand maybe its

components are made from other countries and claimed
made from the original countries
One issue that can be considered for the iPod case is the economic profits of choice and concentration that Apple can gain from
using the Global Value Chains. Apple as US corporate is an end products selling company that is a global company that needs a
lot of marketing success to exceed its prestige every time a new product is released. Therefore they need to focus the
company's efforts on the sale of new products.

However, the manufacture of all products requires time and cost reductions in factory design, etc., and reinvestment may be
required whenever the product version is changed. This is always a big financial risk for companies to sell new products. Thus, if
it can be distributed globally through global value chains, it can have significant positive effects besides risk hedge.
First is the expansion of marketing costs. This can be a financial force that can have a significant effect on the direction and
speed of management in the selection and concentration of companies.
Second, by distributing low value-added factory assembly lines to countries or regions where parts can be produced, the burden
of supply chains can be eased. If all products are produced locally, this can be difficult to overcome not only at the expense, but
also in the time or climate impacts.
Third, there is an economic effect in the global marketing market. Attracting factories in major marketing areas can increase the
consumption affinity of the people and increase their power through their economic income.
Of course, global value chains can not be fair for every countries. In addition, strengthening the domestic market by expanding
domestic production facilities may also help, but for multinational global companies, this is unlikely to have a big effect.
To summarize the analysis, this case relates to these three points:

• Opportunity Costs
Opportunity cost is the best alternative that we forgo, or give up, when we make a choice or a
decision. Both of the products make their decision to minimize their production cost. To minimize its
production cost, some components of Barbie Doll and ipod are made in Asia because production costs
in there are cheaper rather than US made.

• Marginalism
It is important to weigh only the costs and benefits that arise from decision. Cost production is
cheaper when the product is made in Asia, but it benefits the company because some components are
done with cheaper price. Barbie Doll and ipod are still having the license too even though their
products did not produce in US knowing that those are US brands.

• Efficient Markets
Where any profit opportunities are eliminated almost instantaneously, are said to be efficient
markets. We find that Apple has captured a great deal of value from production of iPod. Though
companies decided to produce their products in other country and they still got the margins through
these system, those made their market efficient.
Lesson Learned
The purpose of the business itself is to generate the profit, in order words, iPod already had the
efficient system which the production gets placed in other countries. They succeed to minimize the
production cost.
Global value chains can reduce risks that occur in a country due to political, economic and social
changes that can result in increased production prices and unsatisfied customer demand

It was understood that the use of global value chains could lead to an increase in the value scale
itself, not just a global distribution of customer values, leading to a good function of the global
economic flow.
Prices and Total Expenditure:
A Lesson From the Lobster Industry in 2008-2009
Essence of the Case

In 2008-2009 lobsters price has been decrease , meanwhile

the Department of Marine Resources announced that
lobstermen caught 75.6 million pounds in 2019, up to 8%
from 2008. But the value of the catch fell $23million, to
$221,7 million.
Problem Statement

75.60 244.7
million millions $3.50
pounds millions

pounds $2.93

2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009

Decrease 23 Decrease $0.57

Increase 8% millions per lobster
Figure 1. The Market for Lobster Industry in 2008-2009
Analysis of the Case
● The demand curve is increasing
● The supply curve is shifting to the right, due to a higher quantity of supply
lobster in 2009.
● If cost fall, more can be produced and the supply curve will shift to the
● There is an excess supply where the quantity supplied is greater than the
demand for commodity at the prevailing market price
● To sell more supply, suppliers would start decreasing the prices to sell the
excess stock itself
Lesson Learned

From this case, we can learned that price and total expenditure is important
things to consider. With an increase in volume and a decrease in price, total
expenditure could go down.

About the price of the product, it’s related to willingness to pay from the
consumer, but does not mean that the rich will continues to buy.

Price of the product will increase until quantity supplied equals quantity
Thankyou J

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