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BEARD, John Etienne Caron: Ret. French Army Major. I am very excited to see the French
military band playing and marching. I am well acquainted with Alcindoro and
somewhat jealous as he has more money and can afford to date Musetta! My
niece is in the cafe and another woman is the widower of a soldier that served
under me. He was an excellent shot but could not avoid the cannon ball at

Laurent Barbier: colorman (paint-seller)/stationer — have my own shop (I am
repossessing Marcello’s easel because he owes me money!) I started as an
apprentice in another shop many years ago and was eventually able to start
my own business about 20 years ago. My shop has been fairly successful
because of all the artists who have moved to Montmartre. I am generally fair
but tough (in an typically Gallic way) towards the artists who buy their supplies
from me, but sometimes have to take action. I try to be very precise and neat
in the running of my shop. I have a wry, rather tart sense of humor. Widowed,
one child, a 20 year old son (a sailor) who is stations on a ship docked in
Marseille (which is why I am alone on Christmas eve).

CORALLO, Angela My name is Adelaide. I am in my mid to late 30's and am married to Francois
(Lee), who is at least 10 years older than myself and the owner of the town
bookstore, where I work. My husband also owns a few other
businesses/establishments in town and so I am well off financially. I think of
myself as something of a socialite and I can be seen out and about town and
attending the most elite and fashionable events I can make my way into. I
married young, at 18, and have teenage children (you don't see them in the
show). I am vain, but this vanity is exacerbated by the fact that my husband
has had (and continues to have) affairs with various younger women and,
although I am still beautiful, I am getting older and make a desperate attempt
to keep up with current beauty and fashion trends and be as attractive as
possible to keep up. I also wear and show off the various jewelry and other
pretty things my husband has bought me in an attempt to compensate for his


GUADALUPE, Lisamarie
It has been a busy day at my shop and I’ve had to repossess Marcello’s easel
for non-payment, and I really need a drink. However the waiters keep ignoring
me, which is really throwing a wet blanket on my Christmas Eve.

GUILD, James My name in Henri Mauvais. I am a frustrated American artist who has come to
France to learn from the masters to help launch my own painting career. My
most famous works, "Man by himself," and "Man with a stick" have not
garnered much acclaim anywhere. Until I get my big break, I am working as a
chauffeur here in Paris.


HONE, Meghan My name is Fleur Delacou, my first husband Stephan and I have one
daughter, Annalycia, but he cheated on me with Musetta so I left him. Now I’m
married to Jonatan, and We have a lot of kids, Katherine, Githal, a few more
that I can’t keep track of! Stephan keeps apologizing and he’s really sweet,
but I have my hands full with the kids and trying to keep Selen (Samantha) off
of Jonatan.

JUDSON, Kristen Marguerite , a single mom in her early 30s with a daughter, ex-husband
moved to a London for a job. I work at the bookstore for Francois. I depend on
the neighborhood to help with raising my child!

KOOGLER, Alyssa My name is Genevieve, and I work at the local bakery in town a few days a
week. I'm 27 years old and currently married to Ben - we've been married for
about a year. We are currently expecting our first child. This was unplanned
but I am quite excited about it! My husband is an entrepreneur and always
looking to make/save some money - which is part of why he asked me to
marry him, which I didn't learn until a few months after the fact. I'm still not
quite sure how I feel about things, but he does seem to try to take care of me.
My uncle (John) is very much apposed to the marriage, and so he is frequently
looking out for me. I like to hear all the gossip from my friends Selene (Sam)
and Annalycia.

I am very opportunistic and self-motivated. I am always looking for the next get-
rich-quick scheme and will try to make money in any way that is appealing to
me. That has lead me to my most recent endeavor selling my cure-all "elixir"
as a "snake oil salesman" of sorts. It can cure baldness, patch a hole in your
boat, and even has a pleasant aroma. It suits my needs that I am young and
charming and that is how I met my wife, Alyssa. I believe she is wooed by my
charm and thinks that she can help "fix me." I talk to as many of my neighbors
and acquaintances as I can in an effort to be friendly, cordial, and anything
else that will encourage them to buy my elixir. I hope to have a permanent
display in the Café Momus someday.

MONTALVO, Miguel Je suis professeur Gaston! I spend my days trying to bring joy into these
children’s lives... so you may think! You may find me mimicking the way they
walk or the way they talk. I have been known to be caught in the act which
causes an outburst of laughter amongst the children.

Francois is my name. I have been married to Adelaide (Angela) for years. A
very strong woman, and a good Wife and Mother. Couple grown kids! I own a
few businesses, but spend most of my time these days working at my
bookstore, which employs “Kristen”, and is local and near home, which allows
me to hang out at the Café often and drink. I must admit I have had my share
of women, “mostly'” before marriage. Musetta? Lets just say I know her!
Vixens like Selena(samantha) are trouble for me as they play on my strong
libido which gets me into trouble, especially after a few drinks(usually wine of
course). My loving wife is never far away to keep me in check or reel me back
in. But I love life and having a good time with friends and family.


My name is Selene. I am a young, single, free-spirited socialite that makes a
living by mooching off of the men who find me desirable (not as desirable as
Musetta of course... my rival, she's bad for business!) Champagne and wine
are my delicious poison of choice, and when I'm not partying with my best
friend Annalycia and gossiping with my good friends Alyssa and Ben, I'm
flirting with the local men and enjoying the finer things the world can offer me.

RODRIGUEZ, Jonatan Jean Claude - owns the winery

My character name is Raphael and I am contractor. I am Fleu's (Megan) ex-
husband. We are divorced because I cheated on her. We have a child
together. She is married to another man (Jonatan) with children. My
character is still in love with her but she wants nothing to do with me.

WEST, Melony My name is Genevieve. My 1st husband was killed in the war and that is why
my son, Jeremiah, acts out so much. I always wanted to be an artist but
marriage and my child took up my time and then I went to work at a factory
during the war. I met James about a year and a half ago at Cafe Momus and
we got married 6 months later. He does his best with Jeremiah and works
hard for both of us. I still hope someday to have time to get back to studying

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