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Year in Review and Visioning Guide – hyacinthaneke.

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About Me

Hyacinth’s life mission is to use his passion and love for knowledge to educate, empower and
inspire others to live their highest vision from their highest self and make the greatest difference in
the world.
Genuinely caring about people, helping them discover their passion, purpose and direction in life
so as to create a life vision aligned with their purpose to maximize potential.

As an experienced Coach, Trainer, Solutions Provider, Program Manager and Business Executive,
Hyacinth uses his passion for making a positive and sustainable difference to guide individuals,
teams and organizations to peak performance through executive/business coaching and
leadership development. Skilled in helping startups and SMEs solve business and profitability
Hyacinth help entrepreneurs and business builders to Discover (a profitable business idea), Start,
Build, Systemize and Scale into a profitable enterprise using the 5-Phase Value Thinker Business
Building Model without the stress, pain and struggle of wasting time, money and effort building
businesses without a proven model. He is a trusted professional with decades of knowledge as a
solution provider, program manager, business trainer, coach and consultant.

Coupled with his desire to bring success to his clients, Hyacinth holds a BSc in Industrial
Mathematics from the University of Benin, an MBA from the University of Lagos and is an Alumnus
of Lagos Business School's Executive program. He also has a Master's degree in International
Management from SOAS University of London. His academic success has allowed him to achieve
well over 25 years of post-qualification corporate experience in the food and beverage industry, the
financial industry and the oil and gas industry. It was during this time that Hyacinth served in
companies such as the Diagio Group, The Financial Industry and The Shell Group. Along with this,
he has extensive Program Management experience in Information Technology and Oil Field
Development projects. He rose to become senior level executive.

As a Certified Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Consultant, Hyacinth is a member of the John Maxwell
Team and has worked with other world class coaches as T. Harv Eker, Brian Tracy. Eben Pagan,
Brendon Burchard, Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi and Christian Mickelsen.
Hyacinth works with his clients and their organizations to achieve personal and professional growth
by playing the role of change agent, taking clients to levels of performance, they never thought
were possible.

Currently, he is also the managing director of Valor Creador LTD, a company established to create
and add value to senior executives, professionals, business owners, their teams and organizations

Year in Review and Visioning Guide – Page 2

in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors. To do this, they provide transforming personal and
leadership development training, business coaching/trainings and speaking services to enhance
personal, team and organizational leadership, for peak performance and productivity.

Outside of his work with Valor Creador LTD, Hyacinth is the founder of Wealth Pathfinder Business
Network, a community of value thinker entrepreneurs and business builders who find new paths of
creating wealth doing what they love; creating value and adding value to others (solving problems
and meeting the needs of others) based on character, ethics and value.

Alongside Wealth Pathfinder Business Network and with a commitment for community, Hyacinth is
also the founder of Bridge of Hope Education Foundation, a not-for-profit educational foundation
set up to give hope to the less privileged in the society by helping them access affordable
education at all levels.

Hyacinth is also a Zonal Pastor in The Redeemed Christian Church of God, currently serving as a
part time pastor with The Redeemed Christian Church of God – City of David, Victoria Island
Hyacinth is happily married with three lovely children:

Year in Review and Visioning Guide – Page 3

Welcome to your Year-End Review! The questions below will help you recognize and celebrate all
of the wins you had in your life in current year coming to an end. Think all the way back to January
when this year started, and everything you have achieved and experienced since then. You’re
bound to discover you accomplished more than you thought!
You’ll also get the chance to acknowledge how lucky you are and how good your life truly is, no
matter what else is happening in the world. This will help you start the New Year with a positive,
success-oriented mindset that will empower you to create even bigger wins in this coming new
Have lots of fun with your review! Consider the questions below as prompts and write down
whatever thoughts or memories occur to you. This is YOUR out-going year-end review so focus on
whatever achievements or experiences are most meaningful to YOU. (I’ve provided sample
questions to get your juices flowing.)
Feel free to share your biggest wins with your team and make sure you celebrate those wins. We
will also appreciate if you share your wins with us. My team and I would love to read them and
celebrate your successes too!


List your professional wins for the year. What were your biggest breakthrough moments?
What projects are you proud of completing? What problems did you solve? What future goals did
you lay the foundations for? What great moments did you have with your team or coworkers?
Write your professional wins here:








Year in Review and Visioning Guide – Page 4

List your financial wins for the year. What financial goals did you reach? What money-related
decisions are you most proud of making? What purchases turned out to be a really smart idea?
What actions did you take to improve your financial future? What lessons did you learn?
Write your financial wins here:









List your free time wins for the year. What little things did you most enjoy during your day to day
life? What was your favorite place that you visited this year? Was there anything you did for the
very first time in your life? What hobbies did you pursue? What did you do for fun?
Write your personal wins here:








Year in Review and Visioning Guide – Page 5

List your relationship wins for the year. Who have you been most thankful for in your life?
What was your favorite moment with family and/or friends? Did you find new love or achieve a new
level of intimacy with someone special? Did you work on healing a relationship or have a long
overdue talk with someone in your life? What people did you most enjoy spending time with?
Write your relationship wins here:









List your healthy living wins. What actions did you take to be physically healthy and strong this
year? What smart decisions did you make about your health and self-care? When did you feel
really good in your body? What kinds of food made you feel especially well nourished?
What activities made you feel most energetic and vibrant, and why?
Write your healthy living wins here:







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List your personal growth wins. What actions did you take to deepen your connection to spirit
and evolve your self-awareness this year? What new things did you discover about yourself?
What spiritual or personal growth events did you attend this year? What books did you read?
Which mental or spiritual blocks did you release? What epiphanies did you have -- about life, the
universe, and everything?
What new skills or habits did you acquire? What challenges or adventures did you embrace?
What personal victories did you relish? What positive changes did you make to your personal
environment? What memories from this year will you tell your grandchildren about one day?
Write your personal growth wins here:







List your community contribution wins for the year. Where did you volunteer your time and
energy this year? Who did you help? What causes did you speak up or fight for? What important
issues did you learn more about? What actions did you take to make the world better in some
Write your community contribution wins here:






Year in Review and Visioning Guide – Page 7

Finally, what experiences in your life brought you the most joy and fulfillment this
What moments would you love to experience all over again? What activities made you lose track of
time (in a good way)? What memories from the year made you laugh so hard that you still chuckle
to remember them? What would you like to spend more of your time doing in this coming year?
List your most joyous moments here:















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“Create your future from your future, not your past.”
- Werner Erhard

If you are going to re-own your own power and get what you really want out of life, you have to
have a vision of what it looks like. To get from where you are to where you want to be, you have to
know two things – where you are, and where you want to get to. The following exercise is designed
to help you clarify your ideal vision in every area of your life. I want to encourage you to not limit
your vision in any way. Let it be as big as it is.
In order to get deeper answers that will serve you better, start by putting on some relaxing music
and sitting quietly in a comfortable environment where you won’t be disturbed. Then, close your
eyes and ask your subconscious mind to give you images of what your ideal life would look like if
you could have it exactly the way you want it, in each of the following categories below. (I’ve
provided sample questions to get your juices flowing.)


Visualize your ideal job or career. Where are you working? What are you doing? With whom are
you working? What kind of clients or customers do you have? What is your compensation like?
Is it your own business? What do you love most about it? What does work/life balance look like?
My Vision:








Year in Review and Visioning Guide – Page 9

(Income, Net worth, Cash Flow, Advisors, Debt Reduction)
What is your ideal annual income and monthly cash flow? How much money do you have in
savings and investments? What is your total net worth? Now envision the life that your ideal
income allows you to have... What kind of home do you live in? Where is it located? Does it have a
view? What kind of yard and landscaping does it have? Is there a pool or a stable for horses?
What does the furniture look like? Are there paintings hanging in the rooms? Walk through your
perfect home, filling in all of the details.
TIP: At this point, don’t worry about how you’ll get that house. Don’t sabotage yourself by saying,
“I can’t live in Banana Island because I don’t make enough money.” Once you give your mind’s eye
the picture, your mind will solve the “not enough money” challenge.
My Vision:







Next, visualize what kind of car you are driving... the vacations you take... and any other important
possessions your finances have provided. Write your ideal vision below:






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(Fun, Vacations, Hobbies, Sports)
Focus on your free time, your recreation time. How much free time do you have every week?
What are you doing with your family and friends in the free time you’ve created for yourself?
What hobbies are you pursuing? What kinds of vacations do you take? What do you do for fun?
My Vision:








What is your ideal vision of your body and your physical health? Are you free of all disease? Are
you pain free? How long do you live? Are you open, relaxed, in an ecstatic state of bliss all day
long? Are you full of vitality? Are you flexible as well as strong? Do you exercise, eat good food,
and drink lots of water? How much do you weigh?
My Vision:








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(Family, Friends, Colleagues)
What is your ideal vision of your relationships with your family and friends? What do your
relationships with your spouse and family look like? Who are your friends? What do those
friendships feel like? Are those relationships loving, supportive, empowering? What kinds of things
do you do together?
My Vision:








How are you continuing to grow as a person? Do you see yourself going back to school, getting
training, attending personal growth workshops, seeking therapy for a past hurt, or growing
spiritually? Do you meditate or go on spiritual retreats with your church? Do you want to learn to
play an instrument or write your autobiography? Do you want to run a marathon or take an art
class? Do you want to travel to other countries?
My Vision:







Year in Review and Visioning Guide – Page 12

(Service, Community, Philanthropy, etc)
Describe the community you’ve chosen to live in. What does it look like when it is operating
perfectly? What kinds of community activities take place there? What charitable, philanthropic, or
volunteer opportunities are there? What do you do to help others and make a difference?
How often do you participate in these activities? Who are you helping – and how does it make you
feel to know you’re making a difference in their lives?
My Vision:








Every day, review the vision you have written down. This will keep your conscious and
subconscious minds focused on your vision, and as you work on your vision, you will begin to
manifest all the different aspects of your vision. You can use 5 x 5 Rule – Look at your goals and
vision for five minutes in the morning and for five minutes in the evening.

When you’ve finished writing down your vision, share it with a close friend whom you can trust to
be positive and supportive. The truth is, most people, deep down in their hearts, want the very
same things you want.

You’ll find that, when you share your vision, some people will want to help you make it happen.
Others will introduce you to friends and resources that can help you. You’ll also find that each time
you share your vision, it becomes clearer and feels more real and attainable. And most important,
every time you share your vision, you strengthen your own subconscious belief you can achieve it.

I hope your heart is filled with excitement for the year head!

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Let’s make THIS YEAR the year we dream bigger dreams, plan bigger outcomes, take action in a
bigger way, experience a ton of joy, professional fulfillment, and personal accomplishment!
At the core of my being, I know you have what it takes to create what your heart truly desires.
All you have to do is say YES – and commit to taking the actions that will make your biggest
ambitions a reality. No matter where you are in life, I’m fully committed to helping you get from
where you are now to where you want to be.
Here are the top 16 ways I can support you in the pursuit of your dreams and help you
achieve your goals in the Coming Year:


Follow me on, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, where I’m actively posting daily inspirational
posts and links to articles that contain valuable advice on practical steps you can take to
experience more success in all areas of your life.


This is a business network and a resources hub for entrepreneurial minded individuals looking to
discover a profitable business idea, start it, build it, Systemize it, and Scale it into a profitable
business enterprise.

The purpose of the group is to congregate a clientele of Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, SMEs
and Corporate executives in transition who are passionate about creating value for the
marketplace and creating wealth to live the life of their design and on their own terms.

A Wealth Pathfinder is a Value Thinker; A Value Giver; A Business Builder; A Productive and a
Peak Performer; A Change Agent and A Thought Leader; One that create Wealth doing what he
Loves; One that create Wealth by creating Value and Wealth for other; One that consistently fine
New and Innovative Paths to Value and Wealth creation. One who value People, Character, Ethics
and Values and One who makes a Fortune helping a lot of people. If that describes you, Click the
link to join the community

Year in Review and Visioning Guide – Page 14

Grow yourself, your team & organization to full potential and unlock doors of possibilities
for Elite Achievements in the new year
Start off the year right by taking our High Potential Growth Workshop. Learn the 15 principles of
how to intentionally grow yourself, your team and organization above current challenges, exceed
your highest goals. Unlock doors of possibilities to reach your full potential in life, business and
profession for elite achievements without the natural resistance, friction and frustration associated
with attempting to reach your desired goals without a guide

The potential for progressively increasing organization result is not a function of the type of
organization, the line of business and positions in the organization. There are no potentials in any
line of business; none in any position or organization. Businesses, positions, and organizations are
merely opportunities. The true potential is in the people behind the organization, the leaders in
those positions and the collective potentials of people that make up the organization, especially the

Competitive advantage in today’s market place is gained through tapping the discretionary goodwill
of the workforce by getting them to VOLUNTARILY bring to the table a little more of their own
potential for peak and elite performance.


Find and Follow your Bliss, Flair and Genius and create a wealthy life. Profiting maximally
doing what you love

Majority climb the ladder of life to the top only to discover that the ladder is on the wrong wall. Start
off the year right by taking the Wealth Pathfinder Seminar: How to find your personal life mission,
your true self and your unique path in life; and create your true vision for a happy, fulfilled and
financially successful life …. Without the pains, confusion and frustration associated with finding
this path on your own and the disaster of never finding it.


Living Your Highest Life from Your Highest Self
You have unlimited personal power to live the life you desire and make a difference. We can help
you connect to it and tap into it and live from your highest self – your unlimited inner power.

Year in Review and Visioning Guide – Page 15

Deepen your connection to your spirit and evolve your self-awareness, become more confident,
happy, fulfilled, loving AND successful, while getting rid of any self-destructive beliefs and
disempowering thoughts that are currently preventing you from living your ultimate life.


The way and the wisdom of the Book of Proverbs in the Marketplace - Character, Ethics and
Values Development and Application in the Marketplace for Guaranteed and Enduring
Business Success
The Ultimate Unbreakable Principles for All Time, All Round, Guaranteed and Enduring Business

Join C.E.V BIZNET (Character, Ethics & Value Business Network) to Learn, Develop and Apply
Character Ethics and Values Principles in the marketplace for Enduring Business Success.

C.E.V BIZNET is a business support group for market place practitioners that meet once a week
throughout the year for shared wisdom, Opportunities, peer support, masterminding, increased
income and influence. At the same time learning the 40 topics character values based on the book
of proverb for enduring business success.


How to Generate Million Dollars Business Ideas on Demand
There is one thing most rich people have in common. What is it? They all got rich by starting a
When you start a business, there's no limit on your income. You can make a million a year. You
can make millions a year. You can make billions. The sky's the limit. And here's the thing about
starting a wildly successful business: It starts with nothing but an idea. Every top entrepreneur
starts out the same, thinking "What if ___ was possible?" And here's some really good news....
You don't have to wait for an idea to drop out of the clouds and hit you over the head. Because
coming up with a profitable new business idea is a learnable skill. And once you learn this skill, you
can create these ideas on demand.

#9. FREEDOM TO WEALTH SYSTEM: For Regular Income Earners

The quickest money management system to financial freedom and the guaranteed route to
building generational wealth
The money management system that would make even the most ill-equip regular income earner
become financially free in five years or less and create generational wealth afterwards. This is one
knowledge and skill that all regular income earners must have before receiving their first pay

Year in Review and Visioning Guide – Page 16

How to multiplier individual, team and organizational productivity in one year, with instant results
from day one with no extra headcount......
….., without the pains and frustrations of creating results the hard way; thereafter, achieving year-
over-year growth in double digit with virtually flat resources.


How to multiplier individual, team and organizational productivity the public sector, with instant
results from day one with no extra headcount......
….., without the pains and frustrations of creating results the hard way; thereafter, achieving year-
over-year growth in double digit with virtually flat resources


How to Create Wealth in Any Business in 3 Years or Less
You Can Build a Thriving Business That Helps Countless People – When You Master This Simple
Formula for Success. Success is simple – if you have a formula that’s been time-tested and proven
to work. Most people have to search for this formula through agonizing trial and error. But you
aren’t going to be one of them.
The Multimillionaire Business Secretes is the opportunity to learn the exact same systems that has
been used to build many successful businesses … so that you can put them into practice in your
own life and business immediately.


The most important key to success and result in life and business is the RIGHT YOU - your
mindset, your character and your habits, your purpose, your cause and your passion. Why? You,
your thoughts, and your beliefs are the root of your results. You cannot build a million-dollar
business without being a million dollar person. The result process is: BE, DO and HAVE. You
have to first become a Million Dollar Person, before you can successfully apply Million Dollars
Business Secrets to product Million Dollars Results. I want to be clear; this program is not for
everyone. If you don’t deeply desire prosperity, freedom and having the ability to escape the norm,
you will not like what you will see inside this mastermind and training program.

Year in Review and Visioning Guide – Page 17

Design and live the life of your dream
How to design a lifestyle of freedom and complete excitement in few hours taking full advantage of
your dreams, desires and aspiration and eliminating, your fears, worries, pains and frustration. It is
possible to live the millionaire life without being a millionaire with lifestyle design.


Subscription Based Group and Individual Coaching Program.
Imagine a relationship that is entirely focused upon you. What you want in life. A relationship
dedicated to help you achieve that. That is what the coaching relationship is like. It is unique
because no relationship in our lives consistently offers this level of support and encouragement.

We offer free $300 worth Rapid Growth and Achievement Coaching Relationship to
experience the value of coaching.
What You Will Get from The Free Coaching Relationship:
1: Get clear. As specifically as possible, decide what you want. The clearer you are on what you
want to have in your life, the more likely you are to achieve it.

2: Get perspective. Most people don’t tell anyone what they want or what they are struggling with
and because of that they don’t get an outside perspective.

3: Get support. Very few people (if any) achieve anything great alone. Sports stars have
teammates and coaches. Be willing to ask the people in your life to support you.

We Will Work With You To:

1. Create a crystal clear vision: Vision for “ultimate success‟ so you know exactly what you want,
where you’re headed, and what you need to do to make it happen.

2. Uncover hidden challenges: Hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your ability to make
changes that last or that is slowing down your progress.

3. Leave this session renewed, re-energized, and inspired: So that you can finally achieve the
change you seek- once and for all.


Develop the Leader in You and become a person of influence

Leadership ability is always the lid on personal and organizational effectiveness. If a person’s
leadership is strong, the organization's lid is high. But if it is not, then the organization is limited.
Success is within the reach of just about everyone. But personal success without leadership ability
brings only limited effectiveness. Without leadership ability, a person’s impact is only a fraction of
what it could be with good leadership. The higher you want to climb, the more you need leadership.

Year in Review and Visioning Guide – Page 18

The greater the impact you want to make the greater your influence needs to be. Whatever you
will accomplish is restricted by your ability to lead others.


You’ve got this! You have my permission – and the permission of the Universe and whatever
Higher Power governs it – to pursue your biggest dreams.

I truly believe that we are not given dreams that we lack the capacity to achieve. So if you are
capable of dreaming it, then YOU CAN ACHIEVE it.

All you have to do is say YES and take action to make those dreams come true. You have all of
the talent and the resources you need to start right now and create anything you want.

You just have to make the decision to ACT.

I know you can do it. And I think that deep down, you know you can do it too.

It’s a lot of fun as well as a lot of hard work. So remember to enjoy the journey!

And if you decide to enroll in any of our programs, I can guarantee that you will reach your goals
faster. In fact, my team and I are standing by to answer your questions about the above
programs, and how we can support you in achieving your goals in coming year!

GIVE US A CALL: IKEMBA +234 703 556 0013

Hyacinth Aneke
Maximizing Potential
CEO, The Valor Creador Group

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