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Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited

Submitted for

Partial fulfilment of the Requirements for the award of Degree of


Report Submitted by:

(Roll No: 19E3428)




I. Acknowledgement.......................................................................................................................... 4
II. Abstract:....................................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter1: INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................6
1.1 INDUSTRIAL PROFILE:........................................................................................................................6
1.1.1 ERP in Service Sector:......................................................................................................................6
1.1.2 CRM in Service Sector:.....................................................................................................................7
1.1.3 CRM at Bus Zone:.............................................................................................................................8
1.1.4 ERP at Bus Zone:.............................................................................................................................. 9
1.1.5 The salient features of BUSY are:.....................................................................................................9
1.1.6 BUS ZONE SERVICES:.................................................................................................................10
1.1.7 OUR SERVICES INCLUDE:.........................................................................................................10
1.2 COMPANY PROFILE:..........................................................................................................................11
1.2.1 Industries:........................................................................................................................................13
1.2.2 Company size:.................................................................................................................................13
1.2.3 Headquarters:.................................................................................................................................. 13
1.2.4 Type:................................................................................................................................................13
1.2.5 Founded:..........................................................................................................................................13
1.2.6 Specialties:...................................................................................................................................... 13
1.2.7 Address:...........................................................................................................................................13
1.2.8 Website:...........................................................................................................................................14
1.2.9 Reason to Choose BusZone:........................................................................................................... 15
1.2.10 Mission:.........................................................................................................................................15
1.2.11 Quality Policy:...............................................................................................................................15
1.2.12 Awards:..........................................................................................................................................15
1.3. PRODUCT PROFILE:..........................................................................................................................16
1.3.1 APPLICATIONS:............................................................................................................................16
1.3.2 BRANDS:........................................................................................................................................17
1.3.3 Reason to choose Tata Buses:......................................................................................................... 17
1.3.4 Tata Motors School Buses are Best in the Indian Market:..............................................................18
Chapter 2: FUNCTIONAL PORTFOLIOS.................................................................................. 20
2.1 OPERATION AT BUSZONE:............................................................................................................... 21
2.1.1 INVOICE AND JOB CARD IMAGES:......................................................................................... 23
2.2 HUMAN RESOURCE AT BUSZONE:.................................................................................................34
2.3 MARKETING AT BUSZONE:..............................................................................................................35
2.4 FINANCE &ACCOUNTS AT BUSZONE: ...................................................................................... 36
Chapter 3: STRATEGIC BUSINESS ANALYSIS ..................................................................... 40
3.1 Vision, Mission, and Values:............................................................................................................. 40
3.2 Levels of Strategy: ............................................................................................................................ 40
3.2.1 Corporate-level (Portfolio): ........................................................................................................ 40
3.2.2 Business-level: ........................................................................................................................... 40
3.2.3 Functional-level: ........................................................................................................................ 41
3.3 To Perform Strategic Business Analysis, You Need To ..................................................................... 41
3.4 Strategic Analysis Process: ............................................................................................................... 41
3.5 Strategic Business Analysis Tools: .................................................................................................... 42
3.5.1 SWOT Analysis: ........................................................................................................................ 42
3.5.2 PESTLE Analysis: ..................................................................................................................... 42
3.5.3 PORTER'S Five Forces Analysis:............................................................................................... 43
3.5.4 BCG Matrix: .............................................................................................................................. 43
3.6 Strategic Business Analysis at BusZone: ........................................................................................... 44
3.6.1 SWOT Analysis of BusZone: ..................................................................................................... 44
3.6.2 PESTLE Analysis of BusZone: .................................................................................................. 45
3.6.3 PORTER‘S Five Force Analysis of BusZone: ............................................................................ 46
3.6.4 BCG Matrix Analysis of BusZone: ............................................................................................. 47
3.7 Outcome And Summary: ................................................................................................................... 48
Chapter 4: AREA OF WORK ..................................................................................................... 49
5.1 Finance and accounts: ....................................................................................................................... 49
5.2 Front office: ...................................................................................................................................... 49
5.3 Spares Department: ........................................................................................................................... 49
5.4 Workshop: ........................................................................................................................................ 49
Chapter5: SKILLS GAINED....................................................................................................... 50
III. CONCLUSION: ..................................................................................................................... 51
IV. WEBLIOGRAPHY & BIBLIOGRAPHY:........................................................................... 52

I. Acknowledgement

I take the opportunity to express my gratitude to all of them who in some or other helped me to
accomplish this challenging project in "BHARAT PETROLEUM"

First and foremost, I would like to express my thanks to all the Employees of "BHARAT
PETROLEUM" without whom this internship would not have been possible.

I would like to extend, my thanks to MRS. T.A.MANJULA for his patience and time to provide me with
valuable inputs and guiding me during my term as an intern in the organization.

I would like to thank MRS.JEEVITHA faculty guide of D.G .VAISHNAV SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT for
the guidance and motivation that she has provided, which has enabled me to complete my internship without
any hurdles.

Finally I would express my gratitude to our Head of the Department Dr. U.AMALESHWARI and all other
faculty members of D.G .VAISHNAV SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT who have been helpful for
completing this internship successfully.

II. Abstract:

I take immense pleasure to do my internship program at BHARAT PETROLEUM. The company gave me
lot of exposure during the period of internship.

This report describes the internship I spent at BHARAT PETROLEUM.

I describe the managerial structure of the BUSZONE and responsibilities of each department, and the
difficulties, problems and barriers that impact the functioning of the BUSZONE.

I also present an in-depth analysis of the strengths and weaknesses as well as threats and opportunities
available to the BUSZONE as identified through a SWOT, PESTLE, PORTER‘S Five force, BCG matrix
analysis. After analysing the four basic areas of this organization including management, marketing, sales
and financial management, and comparing them to best practices in the field.



The petroleum industry, also known as the oil industry or the oil patch, includes the global processes of
exploration, extraction, refining, transporting (often by oil tankers and pipelines), and marketing of
petroleum products. The largest volume products of the industry are fuel oil and gasoline (petrol). Petroleum
(oil) is also the raw material for many chemical products, including pharmaceuticals, solvents, fertilizers,
pesticides, synthetic fragrances, and plastics. The extreme monetary value of oil and its products has led to it
being known as "black gold". The industry is usually divided into three major components: upstream,
midstream, and downstream. Upstream deals with Drilling and Production mainly

Petroleum is vital to many industries, and is necessary for the maintenance of industrial civilization in its
current configuration, making it a critical concern for many nations. Oil accounts for a large percentage of
the world’s energy consumption, ranging from a low of 32% for Europe and Asia, to a high of 53% for the
Middle East. Other geographic regions' consumption patterns are as follows: South and Central America
(44%), Africa (41%), and North America (40%). The world consumes 30 billion barrels (4.8 km³) of oil per
year [citation needed], with developed nations being the largest consumers. The United States consumed
25% of the oil produced in 2007. The production, distribution, refining, and retailing of petroleum taken as a
whole represents the world's largest industry in terms of dollar value.

Governments such as the United States government provide a heavy public subsidy to petroleum companies,
with major tax breaks at virtually every stage of oil exploration and extraction, including the costs of oil
field leases and drilling equipment.

In recent years, enhanced oil recovery techniques — most notably multi-stage drilling and hydraulic
fracturing ("fracking")— have moved to the forefront of the industry as this new technology plays a crucial
and controversial role in new methods of oil extraction.


Petroleum is a naturally occurring liquid found in rock formations. It consists of a complex mixture
of hydrocarbons of various molecular weights, plus other organic compounds. It is generally
accepted that oil is formed mostly from the carbon rich remains of ancient plankton after exposure to
heat and pressure in Earth's crust over hundreds of millions of years. Over time, the decayed residue
was covered by layers of mud and silt, sinking further down into Earth’s crust and preserved there
between hot and pressured layers, gradually transforming into oil reservoirs.

1.1.2 Early history:
Petroleum in an unrefined state has been utilized by humans for over 5000 years. Oil in general has been
used since early human history to keep fires ablaze and in warfare.

Its importance to the world economy however, evolved slowly, with whale oil being used for lighting in the
19th century and wood and coal used for heating and cooking well into the 20th century. Even though the
Industrial Revolution generated an increasing need for energy, this was initially met mainly by coal, and
from other sources including whale oil. However, when it was discovered that kerosene could be extracted
from crude oil and used as a lighting and heating fuel, the demand for petroleum increased greatly, and by
the early twentieth century had become the most valuable commodity traded on world markets.

1.1.3 Modern history:

Imperial Russia produced 3,500 tons of oil in 1825 and doubled its output by mid-century. After oil drilling
began in what is now Azerbaijan in 1846 in Baku, two large pipelines were built in the Russian Empire: the
833 km long pipeline to transport oil from the Caspian to the Black Sea port of Batum (Baku-Batum
pipeline), completed in 1906, and the 162 km long pipeline to carry oil from Chechnya to the Caspian.

At the turn of the 20th century, Imperial Russia's output of oil, almost entirely from the Apsheron Peninsula,
accounted for half of the world's production and dominated international markets. Nearly 200 small
refineries operated in the suburbs of Baku by 1884. As a side effect of these early developments, the
Apsheron Peninsula emerged as the world's "oldest legacy of oil pollution and environmental negligence". In
1846, Baku (Bibi-Heybat settlement) the first ever well drilled with percussion tools to a depth of 21 meters
for oil exploration. In 1878, Ludvig Nobel and his Branobel company "revolutionized oil transport" by
commissioning the first oil tanker and launching it on the Caspian Sea.
Samuel Kier established America's first oil refinery in Pittsburgh on Seventh avenue near Grant Street, in
1853. One of the first modern oil refineries were built by Ignacy Łukasiewicz near Jasło (then in the
dependent Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria in Central European Galicia), Poland in 1854–56. These were
initially small, as demand for refined fuel was limited. The refined products were used in artificial asphalt,
machine oil and lubricants, in addition to Łukasiewicz's kerosene lamp. As kerosene lamps gained
popularity, the refining industry grew in the area.

The first commercial oil well in Canada became operational in 1858 at Oil Springs, Ontario (then Canada
West). Businessman James Miller Williams dug several wells between 1855 and 1858 before discovering a
rich reserve of oil four metres below ground. Williams extracted 1.5 million litres of crude oil by 1860,
refining much of it into kerosene lamp oil. Some historians challenge Canada’s claim to North America’s
first oil field, arguing that Pennsylvania’s famous Drake Well was the continent’s first. But there is evidence
to support Williams, not least of which is that the Drake well did not come into production until August 28,
1859. The controversial point might be that Williams found oil above bedrock while Edwin Drake’s well
located oil within a bedrock reservoir. The discovery at Oil Springs touched off an oil boom which brought
hundreds of speculators and workers to the area. Canada's first gusher (flowing well) erupted on January 16,
1862, when local oil man John Shaw struck oil at 158 feet (48 m). For a week the oil gushed unchecked at
levels reported as high as 3,000 barrels per day.

The first modern oil drilling in the United States began in West Virginia and Pennsylvania in the 1850s.
Edwin Drake's 1859 well near Titusville, Pennsylvania, is typically considered the first true modern oil well,
and touched off a major boom. In the first quarter of the 20th century, the United States overtook Russia as
the world's largest oil producer. By the 1920s, oil fields had been established in many countries including
Canada, Poland, Sweden, Ukraine, the United States, Peru and Venezuela.

The first successful oil tanker, the Zoroaster, was built in 1878 in Sweden, designed by Ludvig Nobel. It
operated from Baku to Astrakhan. A number of new tanker designs were developed in the 1880s.

In the early 1930s the Texas Company developed the first mobile steel barges for drilling in the brackish
coastal areas of the Gulf of Mexico. In 1937 Pure Oil Company (now part of Chevron Corporation) and its
partner Superior Oil Company (now part of ExxonMobil Corporation) used a fixed platform to develop a
field in 14 feet (4.3 m) of water, one mile (1.6 km) offshore of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana. In early 1947
Superior Oil erected a drilling/production oil platform in 20 ft (6.1 m) of water some 18 miles[vague] off
Vermilion Parish, Louisiana. It was Kerr-McGee Oil Industries, as operator for partners Phillips Petroleum
(ConocoPhillips) and Stanolind Oil & Gas (BP), that completed its historic Ship Shoal Block 32 well in
November 1947, months before Superior actually drilled a discovery from their Vermilion platform farther
offshore. In any case, that made Kerr-McGee's Gulf of Mexico well, Kermac No. 16, the first oil discovery
drilled out of sight of land. Forty-four Gulf of Mexico exploratory wells discovered 11 oil and natural gas
fields by the end of 1949.

During World War II (1939–1945) – control of oil supply from Baku and Middle East played a huge role in
the events of the war and the ultimate victory of the allies. Cutting off the oil supply considerably weakened
Japan in the latter part of the war. After World War II ended, the countries of the Middle East took the lead in
oil production from the United States. Important developments since World War II include deep-water
drilling, the introduction of the Drillship, and the growth of a global shipping network for petroleum relying
upon oil tankers and pipelines. In 1949, first offshore oil drilling at Oil Rocks (Neft Dashlari) in the Caspian
Sea off Azerbaijan eventually resulted in a city built on pylons. In the 1960s and 1970s, multi-governmental
organizations of oil–producing nations OPEC and OAPEC played a major role in setting petroleum prices
and policy. Oil spills and their cleanup have become an issue of increasing political, environmental, and
economic importance.

With the advent of hydraulic fracturing and other horizontal drilling techniques, shale play has seen an
enormous uptick in production. Areas such as the Permian Basin and Eagle-Ford shales are now huge
hotbeds of production for the largest oil corporations in the United States.

The American Petroleum Institute divides the petroleum industry into five sectors:
 upstream (exploration, development and production of crude oil or natural gas)
 downstream (oil tankers, refiners, retailers and consumers)
 pipeline
 marine
 service and supply

Oil companies used to be classified by sales as "supermajors" (BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips,
Shell, Eni and Total S.A.), "majors", and "independents" or "jobbers". In recent years however, National Oil
Companies (NOC, as opposed to IOC, International Oil Companies) have come to control the rights over the
largest oil reserves; by this measure the top ten companies all are NOC. The following table shows the ten
largest national oil companies ranked by reserves and by production in 2012.

Top 10 largest world oil companies by reserves and production

Worldwide Worldwide
Reserves in Company
Ran Company Liquids Natural Gas Output
Oil Equivalent (Production
k (Reserves) Reserves Reserves (Millions bbl/day)[1]
Barrels )
(109 bbl) (1012 ft3)
(109 bbl)

Saudi Saudi
1 260 254 303 12.5
Aramco Aramco

2 NIOC 138 948 300 NIOC 6.4

3 15 905 170 ExxonMobil 5.3

4 INOC 116 120 134 PetroChina 4.4

5 PDVSA 99 171 129 BP 4.1

6 ADNOC 92 199 126 3.9
Dutch Shell

7 Pemex 102 56 111 Pemex 3.6

8 NNPC 36 184 68 Chevron 3.5

Top 10 largest world oil companies by reserves and production

Worldwide Worldwide
Reserves in Company
Ran Company Liquids Natural Gas Output
Oil Equivalent (Production
k (Reserves) Reserves Reserves (Millions bbl/day)[1]
Barrels )
(109 bbl) (1012 ft3)
(109 bbl)

9 NOC 41 50 50 Petroleum 3.2

10 Sonatrach 12 159 39 ADNOC 2.9

^1 : Total energy output, including natural gas (converted to bbl of oil) for companies producing both.

Most upstream work in the oil field or on an oil well is contracted out to drilling contractors and oil field
service companies.[citation needed]

Aside from the NOCs which dominate the Upstream sector, there are many international companies that
have a market share. For example:[26]

 BG Group
 BHP Billiton
 ConocoPhillips
 Chevron
 Eni
 ExxonMobil
 Hess Ltd
 Marathon Oil
 Total
 Tullow Oil
 First Texas Energy Corp

Midstream operations are sometimes classified within the downstream sector, but these operations
compose a separate and discrete sector of the petroleum industry. Midstream operations and processes
include the following:
 Gathering: The gathering process employs narrow, low-pressure pipelines to connect oil- and gas-
producing wells to larger, long-haul pipelines or processing facilities.
 Processing/refining: Processing and refining operations turn crude oil and gas into marketable
products. In the case of crude oil, these products include heating oil, gasoline for use in vehicles, jet fuel, and
diesel oil. Oil refining processes include distillation, vacuum distillation, catalytic reforming, catalytic
cracking, alkylation, isomerization and hydrotreating. Natural gas processing includes compression; glycol
dehydration; amine treating; separating the product into pipeline-quality natural gas and a stream of mixed
natural gas liquids; and fractionation, which separates the stream of mixed natural gas liquids into its
components. The fractionation process yields ethane, propane, butane, isobutane, and natural gasoline.
 Transportation: Oil and gas are transported to processing facilities, and from there to end users, by
pipeline, tanker/barge, truck, and rail. Pipelines are the most economical transportation method and are most
suited to movement across longer distances, for example, across continents. Tankers and barges are also
employed for long-distance, often international transport. Rail and truck can also be used for longer
distances but are most cost-effective for shorter routes.
 Storage: Midstream service providers provide storage facilities at terminals throughout the oil and
gas distribution systems. These facilities are most often located near refining and processing facilities and
are connected to pipeline systems to facilitate shipment when product demand must be met. While petroleum
products are held in storage tanks, natural gas tends to be stored in underground facilities, such as salt dome
caverns and depleted reservoirs.
Technological applications: Midstream service providers apply technological solutions to improve efficiency
during midstream processes. Technology can be used during compression of fuels to ease flow through
pipelines; to better detect leaks in pipelines; and to automate communications for better pipeline and
equipment monitoring.

While some upstream companies carry out certain midstream operations, the midstream sector is dominated
by a number of companies that specialize in these services. Midstream companies include:

 Aux Sable
 Bridger Group
 DCP Midstream Partners
 Enbridge Energy Partners
 Enterprise Products Partners
 Genesis Energy
 Gibson Energy
 Inergy Midstream
 Kinder Morgan Energy Partners
 Oneok Partners
 Plains All American
 Sunoco Logistics
 Targa Midstream Services
 Targray Natural Gas Liquids
 TransCanada
 Williams Companies

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) is a Government of India controlled Maharatna oil and gas
company headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra. The Corporation operates two large refineries of the
country located in Kochi and Mumbai. The company is India's 2nd largest downstream oil company and is
ranked 275th on the Fortune list of the world's biggest corporations as of 2019.BPCL ranked 672 in the
Forbes 2018 list.


A Glorious Heritage (1860 – 1871)

Around 1860’s, the world witnessed vast industrial development that ultimately lead to an increase in
petroleum refineries. This was also the time that the company’s journey began as Burma Oil Company.

Although incorporated in Scotland in 1886, the Burma Oil Company became an important player in the
South Asian market that grew out of an enterprise named Rangoon Oil Company (formed in 1871) to refine
crude oil produced from primitive hand dug wells in Upper Burma independently.

Breaking Ground (1886 – 1889)

The search for oil and gas in India began in 1886, when Mr. Goodenough of McKillop Stewart Company
successfully drilled a well near Jaypore, Upper Assam, striking oil.

However, it wasn’t until 1889 when the Assam Railway and Trading Company (ARTC) struck oil at Digboi
that a chain reaction sparked off, marking the beginning of oil production in India.

The Birth of a Titan (1928)

While discoveries were being made and industries expanded, John D. Rockefeller and his business
associates acquired control over numerous refineries and pipelines. With these acquisitions under their belt,
they went on to form the Standard Oil Trust – a giant in its own right.

Observing this and to counter the growing significance of Standard Oil, three largest rivals - Royal Dutch,
Shell and Rothschild’s - came together to form a single organisation called Asiatic Petroleum to market
petroleum products in South Asia.

In 1928, Asiatic Petroleum (India) joined hands with the Burmah Oil Company, an active producer, refiner
and distributor of petroleum products, particularly in Indian and Burmese markets to form the Burmah-Shell
Oil Storage and Distributing Company of India Limited.

A Pioneering Approach –
Burmah Shell began its operations with the import and marketing of Kerosene and soon proved itself to be a
pioneer in more ways than one. The company imported oil products in bulk and transported them in 4-gallon
and 1-gallon tins all over India.
The company also took up the challenge of reaching out to people in remote villages to ensure every home
was supplied with kerosene. Thus, the development and promotion of efficient kerosene-burning appliances
for lighting and cooking became an important part of its kerosene selling activity.

The Retail Revolution (1930)

With the advent of motor cars, came canned Petrol to be subsequently followed by fuel service stations. In
the 1930s, retail sale points were built with driveways set away from the road. As more such service stations
began to appear, they soon became an accepted part of road infrastructure and development.

Post war, Burmah Shell established efficient and up-to-date fuel service and filling stations to give its
customers the highest possible standard of service facilities.

From the ground to the sky (1932 - 1962)

On 15th October 1932, when civil aviation arrived in India, Burmah Shell had the honour of fuelling J.R.D.
Tata's historic solo flight in a single-engine De Havillian Puss Moth from Karachi to Bombay via
Ahmedabad. Thirty years later, i.e. in 1962, Burmah Shell again had the privilege of fuelling Mr Tata's re-
enactment of the original flight.

The company also fuelled the erstwhile flying boats that carried airmail, at slightly higher rates than sea
transport, across several locations.

A New Beginning in a New Nation

Showcasing its pioneering spirit, the company introduced LPG as a cooking fuel to Indian homes in the mid-
1950s. As always, it went beyond selling petroleum, educating customers and offering better services and

Besides selling Bitumen, the company pioneered desert road construction and imparted training road
engineers. It provided free technical services to industrial customers - big and small - and over time, this
spirit of collaboration became part of company culture.

Oil services are performed to factory recommendations, with a thorough inspection of brakes, tires,
lights, and critical systems.

Dependable brakes are essential to auto safety. As brake pad material brakes down with use, regular
brake inspections are important.

Bus Zone have the experience and expertise to diagnose and repair your heating and cooling system

Bring your bus in to Bus Zone when your engine or transmission is noisy or leaking, shuddering or
slipping or if the check engine light comes on.

Bus Zone trained professionals can test your bus and trucks battery, replace it if necessary, inspect it
for corroded terminals.


Bus Zone technicians will inspect, rotate, and balance your tires. And when it‘s time to replace them,
we will determine the correct size and kind.


Preventative Bus Maintenance

Cooling System and Radiator Repair

Engine Diagnostic

Belts, Hoses, Fluids

Transmission Service

Welcome to – Exclusive Dealer in Chennai


Tata Motors opens first & exclusive BUS Range Dealership in Chennai: BUSZONE


 First exclusive bus range dealership by Tata Motors

 Partners with Janta Group, to enrich Tata Motors presence in Tamil Nadu
 Offering dedicated 3S (Sales, Service & Spares) for buses with 24 x 7 customer support
 Availability of financing, insurance and loyalty programs, including service contracts

Chennai, October 23, 2015: Tata Motors, India‘s largest commercial vehicle manufacturer, today
inaugurated BusZone, the company‘s first exclusive bus range dealership, in Arumbakkam, Chennai.
BusZone is an air-conditioned facility strategically located in the city center, with a dedicated bus display
area, staffed by professional sales and service teams, offering dedicated bus services, with a customer
lounge, conference rooms, including Wi-Fi connectivity.

With a well-planned workshop located off the Chennai – Bangalore Highway, housing 12 bays and new-
generation state-of-the-art tools and equipment will enable faster service turnaround of Tata Motors buses.
The facility also has overnight driver and technician rest rooms, environment friendly Effluent Treatment
Plant (ETP), Electronic and Bio-metric attendance systems and a service parking area, making it truly world-

BusZone will soon also provide comprehensive Sales, Service and Spares support to Tata Motors bus
customers in Thiruvallur, Kanchipuram, Vellore, Tiruvannamalai, Villupuram, Cuddalore areas, with suitable
facilities in each of these cities.

Commenting on the occasion, Mr. Ravi Pisharody, Executive Director, Commercial Vehicle
Business Unit, Tata Motors Ltd. said, ―Through exclusive bus centres like BusZone, we at Tata Motors
are addressing specific and growing requirements of the Bus customer, a very important commercial vehicle
customer segment; by offering world-class sales and service support, exclusively for Bus chassis and Bus
bodies, all under one roof, through dedicated dealerships. With one of the most comprehensive bus range, for
present and future envisaged SMART cities, we wish to build an equally specialised network, with an
exclusive focus on passenger transportation. With one of the largest bus stations in Asia located right here,
connecting millions of passengers each day, we couldn‘t have chosen a better city than Chennai, to
inaugurate our first exclusive bus range dealership.‖

Mr. Pisharody further went on to add, ―We at Tata Motors are happy to have on board our new
partners Janta Group of Companies, a leading player in the automobile retail business in Tamil Nadu. With
an aggressive plan and a robust approach, we will further extend our services to other parts of the state in the
coming months. While BusZone is the first-of-its-kind in Tamil Nadu, it will be followed by other
geographies with a promising potential. With a strong customer centric approach of anticipating customer
requirements, we at Tata Motors are in the process of redesigning our network, thereby improving
penetration and driving quality, to build stronger, lasting relationships with our customers.‖

Mr. Rajinder Singh, Chairman & Managing Director, Janta Group of Companies said, ‗We are
extremely happy to be associated with Tata Motors, in bringing the company‘s first exclusive bus dealership
to the Southern market. Through BusZone we are committed not only to meet, but exceed customer
expectations, ensuring they get the best. With the first set-up being inaugurated in Chennai, we eagerly look
forward to introducing many more in this geography, a one stop solution for all Tata Motors bus customer

BusZone Chennai is split into a workshop and showroom. This new facility offers a
contemporarystyled, hub for Sales, Service and Spare Parts and is spacious, for a comfortable buying
experience. The showroom is located in Arumbakkam and is spread over 572 sq. m, with a built up area of
279sq. m. and a heavy vehicle display of 111 sq. m. Apart from a well-planned display area and dedicated
customer facilities like meeting rooms, the new bus showroom in Chennai, also offers customers with a host
of value-added services, like bus financing, Tata Alert – a highway assistance program and loyalty programs
like Tata Delight and Tata Emperor, including full service contracts for an enhanced service experience, all
through trained personnel.

The workshop is strategically located off the Chennai – Bangalore highway and has a site size on
2990 sq. m. (built up area – 1505 sq. m), providing services like on-site support through fully built mobile
workshops providing 24X7 customer support for higher uptime of Tata Motors buses. It has a state-of-the-art
bus washing facility, a first among any Tata Motors CV dealers. The workshop is also equipped with a state-
of-the-art full range wheel alignment unit, an A/C Gas recharge unit, equipped to handle minor body repairs
through FRP (Fiber Reinforced Plastic kits) and express bays to handle quick repairs. The dealership also
provides services like Tata Motors Prolife, for reconditioned aggregates in exchange of old aggregates, for
quick turnaround time of buses.

With over 92 sq. m. of spare parts storage, the facility also has a service reception, customer lounge,
workers rest room, driver‘s rest room, a utility room and conference rooms. To ensure the best customer
service experience, the entire sales team at the new dealership in Chennai, have been trained under Tata
Motors coveted DRONA training module, which comprises of rich training content delivered by specialists.

As the country‘s largest bus manufacturer, Tata Motors has a complete range of transit vehicles that
meet the needs, from day-to-day travel, safe transport choices for school going children, to luxurious inter-
city travel options. The company continues to be a leader in this segment, not just by setting technological
benchmarks, but by adapting innovations effectively suited for Indian travel conditions.

Besides its partnership with ACGL of Goa, Tata Motors also has a joint venture with Marcopolo S.A.
of Brazil, one of the largest bus body manufactures in the world, for fully-built bus (FBV) transport
solutions, with greater average speeds, safety and comfort, for a ‗Metro like feel‘. Tata Motors approach of
manufacturing FBVs, meets the government‘s new norms of bus body building, as per AIS norms
(Automotive Industry Standards), in terms of safety, fuel efficiency, wider bus gangways, with the flexibility
to be powered by both CNG and Diesel. With a whole range of coach designs, e.g. microbus, intercity and
touring coaches, Tata Motors is able to actively participate in the development and implementation of
solutions for mass passenger transport in the worlds‘ main markets.

Tata Motors has also developed Electric Hybrid buses and Articulated buses to meet the future
transport needs for the ‗Envisaged Smart Cities‘. With dedicated bus dealerships like BusZone, Tata Motors
is adding yet another exciting new dimension to one of the largest bus markets in the world.

1.2.1 Industries:

1.2.2 Company size:

51-200 employees

1.2.3 Headquarters:
Chennai, Tamil Nadu

1.2.4 Type:
Privately Held

1.2.5 Founded:

1.2.6 Specialties:
Motors, automotive, truck, bus, vehicle

1.2.7 Address:

Sales Office:
CP 49, Razak Garden Main Road, MMDA Colony, Arumbakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600 106.

DP 31, Sidco Industrial Estate, Thirumazhisai, Chennai Bangalore Highways, Chennai -600 124.

1.2.8 Website:

BusZone, an initiative by Janta Group who are pioneers in the area of logistics and supply chain
solutions with 5 decades of experience. Janta Group continuously engaged in improvising the Indian
logistics business by way of their out of box thinking spear headed by their Directors and Executives who
have a wide range of experience in all verticals of the Automotive and Logistics Industries. Company owned
fleet of 176 Trailers and 41 Cabs. Our Offerings include Automotive transport solutions (Car Carriers,
Chassis carriers), over dimensional cargo transport solutions, Corporate Travel Solutions. Wider coverage
across India through their branches and connected across all major locations. BusZone is one of its kind, an
Exclusive full range Commercial Vehicle Passenger Application Dealership offering 3S support for TATA

At Tata Motors, we ensure that you get the best not just in busses but the best in ownership
experiences also. We have set never before heard standards for busses the world over. By creating some of
the most innovative initiatives and service products to enhance your ownership experience in totality, we
have done the same. One of the programs that are first in India is BusZone and they seamlessly intergrate all
the stages of owning a TATA BUS – pre-sales, to sales, to after sales. The experience goes beyond all this.

We do not believe in enforcing one-size fits – all solutions with the customer‘s requirements.
Supported by innovative, creative process and technology. BusZone enables our valuable customers base to
grow their business by safe, on-time and comfortable services .

Customer sees ourselves as an extension of their business and therefore, BusZone aims to contribute
to their business objectives by unlocking enhanced productivity and competitiveness through right product
and optimum service.

Whether strategic or tactical support, BusZone approach provides case to case based solutions.

BusZone takes time to understand each customer‘s challenges, while ensuring in-depth knowledge of
requirements and expectations.

BusZone would be equipped with a dedicated bus display area, professional sales and service teams,
customer lounge including wi-fi connectivity and other services.

The first facility is located on the Chennai-Bengaluru highway and has 12 bus bays, an effluent treatment
plant and a service parking area. ―Through exclusive bus centres like BusZone, we at Tata Motors

are addressing specific and growing requirements of the bus customer, a very important commercial vehicle
customer segment by offering sales and service support exclusively for bus chassis and bus bodies,‖
Pisharody said.

1.2.9 Reason to Choose BusZone:


With a robust selection of popular models on hand, as well as leading vehicles from Tata Motors.


Our service department maintain your bus to stay safe on the road for many more years.


Our stress-free finance department that can find financial solutions to save you money.

Buszone is a name trusted by a community of thousands of users.

1.2.10 Mission:
We are committed not only to meet but exceed customer expectations by delivering innovative, value
added specific solutions and right application that is both unique, viable and sustainable. This is achieved
through continuous good relationships with our customers that are built on trust.

1.2.11 Quality Policy:

We are committed to delivering unique need of customer‘s, offer precise application and accurate
service solutions exceeding their expectations through continuous process improvements

1.2.12 Awards:
Award of Excellence for Best Breakdown Support (2016-2017).

Award of Excellence for Best Performance in paid Revenue Growth (August 2016).

Award of Excellence for Best Onsite Support (FY 2015-2016).

Award of Excellence for Best PSF Workshop (2016-2017).

Tata Motors has designed several models of Tata Buses using superior technology to create transport
solutions that cater to daily passenger needs at affordable costs.

Tata Motors Ltd. has for over fifty years, continued to redefine the ways in which people look at
road travel in India. From building the earliest trucks that acted as goods transportation vehicles to
manufacturing chassis for buses that virtually support the entire public transport network in the country, Tata
Motors has always enjoyed a strong presence on Indian roads.

Today, Tata Motors is the world's fourth largest bus manufacturer with the most complete range of
transit vehicles that meet every need that arises in our day-to-day travel.

It has continued to be the leader in this segment not just by setting technological benchmarks but
also by adapting innovations effectively to suit Indian travel conditions. It manufactures a variety of
premium buses and coaches that cater to the entire gamut of utility vehicles and applications, from luxurious
inter-city travel options to safe transport choices for school going children.

BusZone Involves In the sales of TATA MOTORS Buses. It Sell Both Chassis and Fully built.

We have specifically designed products both in terms of fully built buses and bus chassis for
multiple applications.


1.3.2 BRANDS: Starbus:

Tata Starbus range of buses offers maximum fuel efficiency along with optimum
functionality and comfort. Starbus Ultra:

Tata Motors, Starbus Ultra range of buses takes you way beyond all your expectations to give
you the best in class comfort and safety. City Ride:

Perfect for city commuters, the Tata Motors CityRide range of buses are noted for their ease of
driving and wide variety of travel applications. Magna:

Travelling from one city to another by bus can be a great journey if the bus is built great.
Magna from Tata Motors, is the bus that's styled for comfort.

Tata Motors Commercial Vehicles division manufactures a range of buses to cater to all kinds of
applications. Be it Tata school buses, Tata staff buses, Tata tourist buses, Tata route permit buses or the long
distance inter-city buses, there is ample variety of buses in each segment. Tata Motors manufactures and
sells both bus chassis as well as fully built up buses for ready use. These Tata buses are available in both
Diesel as well as CNG fuel options. The recent introduction of Tata hybrid buses and Tata electric buses
have also become talk of the town.

1.3.3 Reason to choose Tata Buses: A journey that is pleasant and comfortable:

So whether you want to ensure that your child reaches school safely or wish to take your family out on
a holiday trip to the nearby hotspot, buses from Tata Motors guarantee a journey that is pleasant and
comfortable. No wonder that with trendy, durable and innovative features, the vehicles are the first choice
for city and inter-city commuters, for children on their way to school and for travellers who seek
optimum luxury during their journey. Long journeys covered between cities with ease:

The longest of journeys covered between cities are made comfortable with the buses designed for
Inter-City travel by Tata Motors. Keeping in mind the comfort and luxury that a traveller looks for in a long
distance travel, buses and coaches from Tata Motors are designed with breakthrough technology to ensure
complete comfort for the travellers. With higher acceleration and great pick up, these buses are the perfect
choice for both commuters and operators. The perfect choice for Corporates & Bus Operators:

Buses from Tata Motors are preferred by most corporates as the mode of transport for their
employees, owing to the ultimate comfort they offer to commuters traveling to and from their offices every
day. These fully built buses are also an operator‘s choice for their best-in-class operating economy and
great resale value. The buses are manufactured with advanced features and latest technology to enhance
their aesthetic appeal, apart from being designed to make each journey comfortable and safe.

1.3.4 Tata Motors School Buses are Best in the Indian Market: Getting to school just got safer with Tata's new range of 'School' buses:
Ride to school and back home is an enjoyable one for the children. The 'School' bus from Tata
Motors is launched to enhance the daily experience of youngsters where they feel safe and comfortable till
the destination arrives. 'Tata School Buses' are engineered with all the essential features guaranteeing a safe
journey everyday for the young enthusiastic travellers.

Tata Motors' bus manufacturing procedures and operations meet the Government norms and
Automotive Industry Standards (AIS). The core technology is new and innovative just right for big cities
where the demand for school buses is more. Vibrant and comfortable, Tata school buses are a hallmark of
excellence designed with top quality standards, and the safest urban option to transport children safely on
a daily basis. Tata School Bus Safety Features:

Tata Motors is a leading player in the school bus segment as there are many essential features with
regards to young children's safety such as tooth-guards, semi-sliding windows, door with alarm and anti-
skid floors. Keeping advanced technology in force, GPS and ITS systems, including CCTV cameras are also
installed for added safety.

Safety is of paramount importance as Tata Motors understands the worry of the parents who hand over
the wellbeing of their children to the school bus staff during transit. Thanks to the hi-tech technology,

parents can now be at ease with Tata SCHOOLMAN buses tracking system that gives arrival and departure
updates of their children in real time through SMS alerts, live tracking on a map or via a mobile phone

Besides keeping technology as a backbone for child safety, Tata Motors in association with different
stakeholders relevant to school transit has worked on accident prevention and handling emergency crisis
through various School Bus Safety programs like Dream it to Win it and 'Hamare Bus Ki Baat Hai'. Tata School Bus – Number of seats, Price etc:

Tata Motors' 'School' buses are available in a wide range suitable for different groups including
the school authorities, parents and the children. Available in options up to 56-seaters; both AC and non-
AC variants are available in diesel and CNG options compliant with BS IV norms.

Talking about the school bus price, Tata school buses are available for sale at an affordable price.
Pricing of each variant differs based on the number of seating options. For instance, Tata Motors
40seater school bus price starts from an ex-showroom price of INR 20 lakh whereas 20 seater school
bus price starts from an ex-showroom price of 14 lakh.

Backed by sturdy features, Tata Motors school buses have proved to be reliable school travelers
running successfully year after year in different cities assuring safety and comfort for your children.


Fully Built:

activities in a company is very imporant for its Functioning and surivial in the Economy.

Financing is the process of providing funds for business activities, making purchases or investing.
Financial institutions such as banks are in the business of providing capital to businesses, consumers, and
investors to help them achieve their goals. The use of financing is vital in any economic system, as it allows
companies to purchase products out of their immediate reach. There are two main types of financing
available for companies: debt and equity. Debt is a loan that must be paid back often with interest, but it is
typically cheaper than raising capital because of tax deduction considerations. Equity does not need to be
paid back, but it relinquishes ownership stakes to the shareholder. Both debt and equity have their
advantages and disadvantages. Most companies use a combination of both to finance operations.

Human resources or HR is the company department charged with finding, screening, recruiting,
and training job applicants, and administering employee-benefit programs. As companies reorganize to gain
a competitive edge, HR plays a key role in helping companies deal with a fast-changing environment and the
greater demand for quality employees. Human resource managers are in charge of every aspect of employee
life cycle in an organization. The duties include planning, recruitment and selection process, posting job ads,
evaluating the performance of employees, organizing resumes and job applications, scheduling interviews
and assisting in the process and ensuring background checks.

Marketing refers to activities undertaken by a company to promote the buying or selling of a

product or service. Marketing includes advertising, selling, and delivering products to consumers or other
businesses. Some marketing is done by affiliates on behalf of a company. Promotions are targeted to certain
audiences and may involve celebrity endorsements, catchy phrases or slogans, memorable packaging or
graphic designs and overall media exposure. These market orientations determine how marketers will
approach the planning stage of marketing. This leads into the marketing mix, which outlines the specifics of
the product and how it will be sold. This can in turn, be affected by the environment surrounding the product
the results of marketing research and market research and the characteristics of the product's target market.

Business Operations is collectively referred as everything that happens within a company to keep it
running and earning money. Business plans often include a section dedicated to operations so that company
founders understand the systems, equipment, people, and processes need to make the organization function.
Business operations vary according to business type, industry, size, and so on. Operations for a brick-and-
mortar store, for example, will look different from operations for an online retailer. The former will need
point of sale terminals to process purchases, for example, while the latter will need e-commerce software
that provides electronic shopping cart services.
BusZone at Chembarambakkam is a authorised service centre for TATA MOTORS buses.

And let us know see the Business operation takes place at the company.

First of all when the vehicle comes in for services the entry is made in the gate and give‘s the
Customer an entry pass mentioning their vehicle registration number, and their company name.

And the Customer gives the entry pass to the front office person. And the person using their Vehicle
registration number analyse their past records and finds whether the customer vehicle is under warranty or
Amc or Paid services using Tata Motors CRM website. And mention the details in the entry pass.

And then the Customer meet‘s the resource person and conveys the problems faced in their vehicle
and also him anything need to be changed or checked.

And then the resource person analyse the problem and gives them suggestions these can be done
resolve the problem, and make an Job card for the vehicle services.

And once the job card is done. The Front office people will the enter the details in the CRM website
and then the Job Card number is opened.

And the technicians and spares team can enter the further details about the service made like so and
so part changed and so much labour in the CRM website using the Job card number.

And the customer is given the Proforma invoice which is an estimation bill it indicates this much
amount and parts changed and their rate. And once the customer accepts and Confrims the mode of payment
Final Tax invoice will be generated.

And once the bill paid they get an payment receipt, along with Invoice and Gate pass.

Gate pass is issued for the exit of the vehicle from the workshop.

The above are the process takes place in the company generally.

They get spares from Tata Motors. And even they deal with sale of spares and they even supply
spares for MTC (Tata vehicle).

So which makes their works easier they need not wait for spares and they can deliver the vehicle as
soon as possible.

They have a habit of maintaining a Notice board and writing what are all the vehicles in the
workshop and why there is delay in the work. And what are the vehicles came for service today. And the
Notice board is placed in the front office.
AMC stands for Annual Maintenance Contract. It is also known as Annual Maintenance Charges. It
is offered by all manufacturers after sales. It is the term that relates the buyers and the suppliers. The
manufacturer company provides the maintenance service to their buyers for their valuable products. This
service of maintenance may be chargeable or free of charge according to the contract held.

Vehicles under warranty are done services for free of cost, and the amount incurred is claimed from
the Tata Motors. Sending them invoice and claiming the amount against it. There is separate resources
person to do this and maintain the record.

Each and every department has a habit of sending daily report to the concern department and the
higher authorities.

Even On-Site repairs are done by BusZone. They visit to the client Place itself and does the service
for them.

Breakdown services are done. The technician from buszone visit the breakdown spot and does the
service for the vehicle. And if the vehicle is within one year of purchase the travelling expenses and toll
charges are claimed from the Tata motors. If not the customer has to pay the charges regardless of service

And BusZone has two Bikes(splender and activa) for official purposes employees can use those
vehicles and for petrol they have an link with Ram agencies (Indian oil) Petrol bunk and petrol token is
given mentioning provide these many litter‘s and mentioning the employee name. And 10days once there
accounts are settled.

Likewise for the test drive vehicles and delivery vehicles diesel is produced by buszone itself and
they need approval from the higher authorities to that so. And they have a stock of diesel.

For other works like tinkering painting etc.. they have outside workers to do the work and they paid
for the work done.

And small parts like nut bold etc. for the emergency purposes purchased in the local hardware shop
instead of waiting for those small things they can finish the work easily.

The Location of the company is easily assessable and it is easy for the customers to reach out us and
have an service and go.

And these are the operations takes place in the company and the day to day activities goes like these.

The Following are some of the images of the invoices and the job cards of BusZone attached for the



Paid Service Invoice:










The human resources department handles many necessary functions of business. It is instrumental in
providing labour law compliance, record keeping, hiring and training, compensation, relational assistance
and help with handling specific performance issues. HR person should be aware of Tata Motors Norms and
to act and take decision accordingly. And take their requirements into consideration while recruiting.
BusZone Allows employee to take One&half days leave with pay. An HR should have Convincing power to
convince employees for the benefit of the company and vice versa. The Human resource personnel should be
an all rounder in a company so that they can handle any situation and find a solution easily.

Ensure Compliance with Labour Laws

Recruitment and Training

Induction programme

Payroll and Benefits

Employer-Employee Relations

Employee Performance Improvement Plans

Safety Measurement for Workers

Performance appraisal

Negotiation of disputes

Employee Welfare scheme

Policy Formulation

Risk Management

Compensation and benefits

Personal wellbeing

Resolving Complaints

Employee engaging activities

Attendance maintenance


Birthday celebration

It is said that good marketing is a study about what customers want to buy and then them help them
do so. Marketing is actual both a science and an art and very important to the success of any business.

The next logical step would be to make a marketing plan. Firstly you must be very clear about the
objectives of the company and what it wishes to achieve. Then you figure out a timeline to achieve these
objectives. And finally, you plan the marketing strategy of your company accordingly.

Marketing in automobile industry especially in service area it will be like a they will get the list of
customer‘s details who bought new vehicle and their work is to call them and remind them for the free
service schedule and should keep their contact and remind them for the services even after the paid service
and make them to have service with us like giving them discounts and we must give importance customer

One of the first steps the company needs to take is to identify the needs and wants of the consumers
in the market. To do so they must gather information and analyse this information. Once you understand
your customer thoroughly you can do your service lot more efficiently.

Timely delivery is very important and maintaining the promise is very important in customer

At BusZone there is air conditioned waiting hall for the customers to wait till the vehicle services and
for their entertainment there is television. It‘s a type of marketing strategy.

Each and every customer is important to us and they bring us lot of customers so therefore customer
handling is very important.

The Star customers are given with AMC scheme and they enjoy benefit with that membership, based
on the agreement.

Depending on your product there may be a variety of customer services that the company has to set
up. Pre-sales service, consumer helpline, maintenance services, technical support are just some of the
services that your product may require. These are important functions of marketing.

Finance and accounts at BusZone involves recording of Purchases and booking of sales and making
receipt and payment entries doing BRS (Bank reconciliation statement) daily.

Daily at first the previous day reports like Revenue Report, previous day service report and who are
the customers done payment who are all given credit and given by whom is mentioned and sent to the higher
officials .

Busy is the Accounting software used in the company to record day to day transactions. And to track
the financial records.

When a company buys goods on credit or cash, Purchase voucher is used to record all the Purchase
transactions of the company. Purchase entry are made and recorded as per the date to date transactions and
payment entry are recorded against it.

A Payment Entry is a record indicating that payment has been made for an invoice. Payment Entry
can be made against the following transactions.

A sales journal entry is a journal entry in the sales journal to record a credit sale of inventory. All of
the cash sales of inventory are recorded in the cash receipts journal and all non-inventory sales are recorded
in the general journal.

Recording a Receipt Entry. Any money received from debtors against sales Invoices or on Account
and for all transactions where money is received are accounted or entered into BUSY.

Allowing credit to customers and following it and getting the cash without failure is most important
and sometimes accounts personnel may visit the company straightly to get the payment. Such That they will
go for collection.

Hard copy of invoice of each and every bill is filled and kept for reference. In the future this may be
helpful to cross check whenever we face any issues.

Accounts personnel go to the bank and deposit and cheques whenever received and deposit funds
into the bank.

Each and every money in and out transaction are recorded as of then to avoid confusion and
mismatch in the accounts.

Accounts personnel has to authorise to access the company‘s bank account and he what are the
cheques deposited and what all got cleared and credited into the account and vice versa and checking what
are cheques issued and what all got cleared and debited into the account. This is nothing Its BRS.

A bank reconciliation statement is a summary of banking and business activity that reconciles an
entity's bank account with its financial records. The statement outlines the deposits, withdrawals and other
activity affecting a bank account for a specific period.


BRS proves to be a useful tool in fixing irrelevant faults in bank statements. Bank statements are useful
in huge transactions and in making Income Tax Return (ITR) statements. We can call it a basic medium of
operation in banking. If basic is not justified, unidentified problems arise with further documents.

Reconciliation makes the bank statement error-free and clears additional charges. Therefore, before
closing the accounting chapter in the banking book, reconciliation checks whether the closing page hits
green light i.e. ending is correct and safe.

MS-Excel plays an vital role in any organisation and helps preparing reports and generating reports
and to have it for a reference.

Only the finance personnel will authorise and sign the gate pass for the once after which the vehicle
can leave from the workshop.

Rectification errors should be known to identify the errors were it is and should know rectify it.

And being an accounts personnel presence of mind is very important. Even small piece of mistake
will lead to greater cause. Reputation of company gets because of those silly mistakes. So we must very
much aware of what we are doing.

A credit note or credit memo is a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer. Credit notes act
as a Source document for the Sales return journal. In other words the credit note is evidence of the reduction
in sales. Credit note should recorded for the sales return transactions.

This is the role of the finance and accounts team in BusZone.



Strategic Business Analysis is about engaging earlier in the lifecycle, pre-business case, participating
and bringing critical analytical thinking earlier, enabling effective implementation downstream.

Strategic analysis refers to the process of conducting research on a company and its operating
environment to formulate a strategy. The definition of strategic analysis may differ from an academic or
business perspective, but the process involves several common factors like Identifying and evaluating data
relevant to the company‘s strategy, Defining the internal and external environments to be analysed using
several analytic methods such as Porter‘s five forces analysis, SWOT analysis, and value chain analysis.

A strategy is a plan of actions taken by managers to achieve the company‘s overall goal and other
subsidiary goals. It determines the success of a company. In strategy, a company is essentially asking itself,
―Where do you want to play and how are you going to win?‖

3.1 Vision, Mission, and Values:

To develop a business strategy, a company needs a very well-defined understanding of what it is and
what it represents. Strategists need to look at the following:

 Vision – What it wants to achieve in the future (5-10 years)

 Mission Statement – What business a company is in and rallies people
 Values – The fundamental beliefs of an organization reflecting its commitments and ethics

After gaining a deep understanding of the company‘s vision, mission, and values, strategists can help
the business undergo a strategic analysis. The purpose of a strategic analysis is to analyze an organization‘s
external and internal environment, assess current strategies, and generate and evaluate the most successful
strategic alternatives.

3.2 Levels of Strategy:

Strategic plans involve three levels in terms of scope:

3.2.1 Corporate-level (Portfolio):

At the highest level, corporate strategy involves high-level strategic decisions that will help a
company sustain a competitive advantage and remain profitable in the foreseeable future. Corporate-level

decisions are all-encompassing of a company.

3.2.2 Business-level:
At the median level of strategy are business-level decisions. The business-level strategy focuses on
market positions to help the company gain a competitive advantage in its own industry or other industries.

3.2.3 Functional-level:
At the lowest level are functional-level decisions. They focus on activities within and between
different functions aimed at improving the efficiency of the overall business. The strategies are focused on
particular functions and groups.

3.3 To Perform Strategic Business Analysis, You Need To

Understand enterprise architectures and corporate cultures

Conduct capability analysis

Identify business opportunities and threats

Recognize organizational strengths and weaknesses

Analyse business problems

Brainstorm potential solutions

Perform feasibility and risk analysis

Compare alternatives to identify pros and cons

Apply cost benefit analysis

Scope change initiatives based on organizational parameters

Develop a business case for change

3.4 Strategic Analysis Process:

The following infographic demonstrates the strategic analysis process:

3.5 Strategic Business Analysis Tools:

3.5.1 SWOT Analysis:

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, and so a SWOT Analysis is a
technique for assessing these four aspects of your business.

You can use SWOT Analysis to make the most of what you've got, to your organization's best
advantage. And you can reduce the chances of failure, by understanding what you're lacking, and
eliminating hazards that would otherwise catch you unawares.

Better still, you can start to craft a strategy that distinguishes you from your competitors, and so
compete successfully in your market.

3.5.2 PESTLE Analysis:

A PESTEL analysis is a framework or tool used by marketers to analyse and monitor the macro-
environmental (external marketing environment) factors that have an impact on an organisation. The result
of which is used to identify threats and weaknesses which is used in a SWOT analysis.

3.5.3 PORTER'S Five Forces Analysis:
Porter's Five Forces is a model that identifies and analyses five competitive forces that shape every
industry and helps determine an industry's weaknesses and strengths. Five Forces analysis is frequently used
to identify an industry's structure to determine corporate strategy. Porter's model can be applied to any
segment of the economy to understand the level of competition within the industry and enhance a company's
long-term profitability. The Five Forces model is named after Harvard Business School professor, Michael
E. Porter.

3.5.4 BCG Matrix:

The Boston Consulting group‘s product portfolio matrix (BCG matrix) is designed to help with long-
term strategic planning, to help a business consider growth opportunities by reviewing its portfolio of
products to decide where to invest, to discontinue or develop products. It's also known as the Growth/Share
Matrix. The Matrix is divided into 4 quadrants based on an analysis of market growth and relative market
share, as shown in the diagram below.

Dogs: These are products with low growth or market share.

Question mark: Products in high growth markets with low

market share.

Stars: Products in high growth markets with high market


Cash cows: Products in low growth markets with high

market share.

These are the tools helpful in strategic business analysis and using this tool we are going to analysis for
3.6 Strategic Business Analysis at BusZone:

3.6.1 SWOT Analysis of BusZone:

Authorised Dealer for TATA 
Delivery may be delayed due to
MOTORS Buses In Chennai. unavailability of particular

Deals with 3’S (Sales, Service,
spares required.

Spares) Delay in payments by customer

Technicians and mechanics are Troubleshooting Delay
readily available

Since BusZone is an authorised
dealer of Tata Motors it gets

more opportunity in Bus Customer Satisfaction
services 

It has opportunity to even sell 
Delay delivery of vehicle
spares for buses

3.6.2 PESTLE Analysis of BusZone:

PESTLE Analysis

The BS6 emission standard is the sixth iteration

of the emission norm and comparatively, it's a
substantial leap in terms of reducing pollution

compared to the outgoing BS4.

The location of the company is easily
accessible. Timely Delivers the vehicle as per
the customer needs.

Discounts are given to key customers.

This is a diversified organisation were people
from different region and culture and different

age group of employees work here.

Since it is a service industry they’re

technologically updated with knowledge
and equipment.

It follows both external and internal laws. The

external laws are that of government rules. And

the internal rules are levied by Tata Motors.

During working days the school or college or
Office vehicle which ever comes for service
will urge the company for immediate delivery

because they may have trips.

3.6.3 PORTER’S Five Force Analysis of BusZone:

BusZone is an
authorised dealer of
Tata Motors and Threat of
running its Business In BusZone Buyers
successfully. And the in the sense
threat of new entrants entrants Customers who avail
will be like non service with them.
authorised dealers. Here the customers
demand for credit

Bargaining Rivalry Bargaining

power of existing power of
suppliers competitors buyers

In BusZone TATA
MOTORS is the Since BusZone is an
Supplier and since Threat of authorised dealer it
it is the authorised Products are from
dealer of them the
substitute Tata motors and there
bargaining usually products is no threat for
doesn’t takes place. or services substitute. Only under
emergency situation
spares are bought
from outside.

3.6.4 BCG Matrix Analysis of BusZone:

High Low
 
City Ride Magna
High 
LPO 1515

 
Winger Maxi Cab
Low 12Seater

3.7 Outcome And Summary:
To analyse BusZone business Strategic business analyse tools like SWOT, PESTLE, POTER’S
Five Forces, and BCG matrix are used.

The following are the Outcome and summary of the analysis performed.

BusZone is the authorised Bus dealer of the Tata Motors and it enjoys vast benefit of it and it gives
the business Positive support.

They does the 3S Support Sales Service Spares.

There is no supplier problem since Tata Motors is there suppliers. The stock of the spares are taken in
to the account and the required ones are placed then and there and there is a enough stock. And in case of
emergencies they go for the local purchases.

There main highlight is that they even deal with spares so need not worry about the service they
can use the spares easily they doesn‘t have to wait for spares and they can timely delivery.

They got the Certificate from the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board that they are producing
vehicles as per the government norms.

City Ride, Ultra, LPO 1515, are some of their buses which has high market share as well as
growth rate and Maxi cab 12 seater has low market share and low growth rate.

They have competitors in their business and while comparing to them BusZone has been unique
by its authorised dealership with Tata Motors.

It legal aspects are framed by Tata Motors and the company follow their norms. And it even follows
the government which is mandatory one.

The company is diversified one where people with different culture, religion, age group,
gender works here.

The location of the company is easily accessible and the customer won‘t find it has difficult to
find the location.

Customer satisfaction is a very important in this business as each and every customer is important to the
company. Hardly sometimes it may not be possible at the time we should handle the situation efficiently.

Thus with little adoption and little change they could even make a better Revenue than of now
and they can overcome the obstacles also easily.

These are the things I observed through their strategic business analysis.
Chapter 4: AREA OF WORK
I have done my Internship at BusZone(A unit of Janta motors pvt ltd ). And the following are the
works performed during my intern period.

5.1 Finance and accounts:

At finance and accounts I got more hands on training as well as the filling and invoice maintenance
work which we gave me a great exposure and help to learn the real time accounts. The following are the
work done by me in the finance and accounts department.

Passing entries in Busy accounting software

Receipt and cheque printing

Petrol and diesel token

Bill‘s verification

Filling bills

Report generation

Cash collection

Excel works


Tallying entries with busy and CRM

Bank Reconciliation statement

5.2 Front office:

BusZone being a service centre front office work plays an important role and being an intern i had
an opportunity to observe and take part of front office work. I observed how vehicles are taken for services
and procedures till delivery and customer handling and people maintenance.

Front office is the places were the work starts and the work ends. Here I learnt how job cards
are created, invoice creation, reports generations, and notice board maintenance.

5.3 Spares Department:

BusZone involves in the sale of spares also and there I learnt how they provide spares for the
services of buses and the sale of spares and stock maintenance and placing purchase order for spares with
Tata Motors. Tracking of the order placed. Recording of transactions in the CRM website and excel.

5.4 Workshop:
Just observed how the vehicles are done services and how the spares are changed and the work
performed in the workshop by workers. These are the area of my work during my internship and I had an
overview of the company‘s work even though my role is in finance department to get better learning aspect.

Internship at BusZone gave me lot of exposure and what we study is different from what we
work. We only use the concepts of what we are studying to work. And being my first internship it gave
lot of learning‘s.

The following are the skills gained by me through the internship programme.

Handling Busy Accounting Software

Time management

Completion of work as on date

No stagnant of work

Cross verification of our work monthly once to avoid errors

Maintaining a Agenda of our daily work

Problem handling

Handling customer

Resource management

Bank reconciliation statement

Report Generations

Decision making

Being Aware of what we do


Handling situations

Maintaining proper record of our work

Team work




Practical knowledge


Commercial awareness


These are the skills gained through Internship which helps to improve my personal learnings and also
enrich my skills.

“Trust is not GIVEN, It is Earned”

At BusZone, their core values are quality that defines their product, service and people.

An Exclusive Dealership to serve the Bus Customers.

Organisation with well groomed team which has capability to understand various applications , key
challenges and pain points.

Wide range of products starting from Winger, LCV range to Medium and Heavy commercial Buses
(including TARMAC).

An organisation which entirely works on the principle of Service Satisfactory.

Ensures services after sale by well trained , equipped with infrastructure, technology to ensure
uptime of your vehicle

Mobile Service Vans

Well equipped modern workshop with easily accessibility.

Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for hassle free maintenance.

Warm and friendly sales team who can understand your business , application and offer the
appropriate valued added solution.

They do not believe in enforcing one-size fits - all solutions with the customer‘s requirements.
Supported by innovative, creative process and technology.

Bus Zone enables their valuable customers base to grow their business by safe, on-time and
comfortable services .

Customer sees us as an extension of their business and therefore, Bus Zone aims to contribute to their
business objectives by unlocking enhanced productivity and competitiveness through right product
and optimum service.

Whether strategic or tactical support, Bus Zone approach provides case to case based solutions.

Bus Zone takes time to understand each customer‘s challenges, while ensuring in-depth knowledge
of requirements and expectations.

They are committed not only to meet but exceed customer expectations by delivering innovative,
value added specific solutions and right application, that are both unique, viable and sustainable.
This is achieved through continuous good relationships with our customers that are built on trust.

We are committed to delivering unique need of customer‘s, offer precise application and accurate
service solutions exceeding their expectations through continuous process improvements.

As an Intern had a great exposure and experience as mentioned above even though my role is in
finance department I got over all experience in BusZone.


The above mentioned are the website link used for reference to make the report and the link‘s
related to the company‘s website and the company‘s social website.


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