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According to the Republic Act No. 10533 the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 Section 5: The curriculum shall use

pedagogical approaches that are constructivist, inquiry-based, reflective, collaborative and integrative.

These 5 approaches will be seen in the following scenes in “Ang Probinsyano: Onyok’s first day in school”


• CONSTRUCTIVIST- We construct In this scene the teacher ask the student

meaning based on prior to raise the shape that she will say

knowledge and experience without even describing these particular

shapes. This is to prove that the

• Meaning-making
students has the prior knowledge on

• Learning is social In this the teacher asked the students to their lesson because their able to raise

raise the shape that she will say. the shape that is being asked. This also
• Learning as active
shows that learning is social and active
as they go make a circle and when

Onyok don’t know what pentagon is, he

learned what pentagon is by the help of

his classmates and the explanation from

the teacher.

 COLLABORATIVE- "Collaborative this two scenes shows collaboration, as

learning is based on the idea that he create a partnership with Kienna

learning is a naturally social act in against the bullies and the scene where

which the participants talk among they all gathered circled in one table and

themselves (Gerlach, 1994) raising the shapes that is being asked of

the teacher. This two scenes shows a

natural social act between Onyok and

Kienna and also among to his


 INQUIRY- BASED - LEARNERS In Inquiry- based approach the teacher

ACQUIRE KNOWLEDGE BY will act as a facilitator and the learners

INVESTIGATION. are encourage interacting, exchanging

- FORMULATE QUESTIONS views and to co- construct new

- INVESTIGATE knowledge. In this scene we can see
This is a scene where the teacher
- BUILD UNDERSTANDING how the teacher act as a facilitator for
introduced Onyok to his classmate and
- CREATE MEANING/NEW letting her students to personally asked
gives them opportunity to ask Onyok
KNOWLEDGE Onyok question for them to accumulate
anything for them to get to know Onyok.
knowledge about Onyok for them to

create a bond that may lead to have a

great atmosphere in class.

 INTEGRATIVE - it is This scene shows integration. This

a learning theory describing a scene is where Onyok got bullied by his

movement classmates and throw his food. The

toward integrated lessons helping shows an integration between moral

students makes connections values and bullying others. This scene

across curricula. shows that bullying is bad and also to

this is the scene where Onyok got
respect the food that God has given to
bullied by his classmates and throw his
us. The entire video has showed how to
form a new friend, how bullying is not

good and to respect the blessing that we

get from having food in our mouth, all of

this is a form of integration.

 REFLECTIVE- means looking at This scene shows a reflective learning

what the teacher and learners do Onyok told Cardo what happened in his

in classroom, thinking about why first day and he stated that there are two

they do and analyzing about it if it things that happened to him. The bad

works. This is a process of self- one and the good one: the bad is he got
This is the scene where Onyok tell
evaluation and self-observation. bullied by his classmates and the good
Cardo what happened to him in his first
one is he got to have a new friend. As
day in school.
Cardo listen to him he analyzes what

Onyok experience during his first day

and give Onyok advice. As Onyok

agreed to Cardo that if he keeps doing

kind thing to his classmate that one

friend will eventually become more.

Onyok and Cardo did a self-evaluation

and self-observation for them to create a

solution to Onyok’s problem.

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