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ITWRABS - Grade 11

Pneuma C. Elcano
Subject Teacher


A. Summary:
 Religion may refer to any set of attitudes, beliefs, and practices aimed at communicating or
propitiating with supernatural beings. Humans may recognize a superhuman being controlling
power (such as god or spirit) that seeks worship and obedience from them.
 Various theories have been formulated that try to explain the origin of religions. Religion may
have originated in response to human’s need to explain their dreams and experiences as well as
the need to understand the different forces of nature, especially so that humans may have a
faced pain and ignorance in their daily struggle for existence in early times.
 While religions are frequently viewed as sets of ideals practiced and followed by organized
groups, spirituality involves one’s integrative view of life that is moer personal wile affecting the
human soul.

B. Critical Thinking:
1. Was it difficult to think of things, persons, or places you associate with world religions?
2. Where did you get your particular associations with world religion?
3. Did you find this lesson enjoyable? Why or why not?
4. Do you consider yourself religious or spiritual? Explain.

1. *refer to attachment
2. Define the following key terms


1. Why is it important to distinguish between religion and spirituality?

2. Can you give an example of a worldview?
3. Why is it important to respect worldviews different from ours?
4. Would you describe yourself as a more spiritual or a religious person? Why?
ITWRABS - Grade 11
Pneuma C. Elcano
Subject Teacher


A. Summary:
 Religion is considered universal and it can be found in all known contemporary societies.
 The prophet and patriarch Abraham played a major roles in the establishment of three
monotheistic religions namely, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
 Religion is an essential part of Indian tradition as four main religions originated mainly
here, namely, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism.
 Both Confucius and Laozi were followers of the Dao. The Confucian Dao principally
concerns human affairs while the Daoist Dao means the way the universe works.
 West Asia is home of three great religions namely: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
 Heat and water are major features of India’s ecological setting. As a result, deities of
sun, fire and water venerated in India.
 Chinese culture practically influenced all other nations at its outskirts, including Japan
and Korea.
 Monotheism or the belief in one god is an ancient idea that predated the establishment
of Abrahamic religions.
 The concept of dharma is integral in religions that emerged in India, most especially
Hinduism and Buddhism
 Chinese belief system arrived in Japan and influenced he local culture and the
indigenous poly theistic religion Shinto.

B. Critical Thinking:
1. How important is the role of Abraham in the development of monotheistic religions?
2. In what ways are Confucianism and Taoism more of a social philosophy rather than
organized religions?
3. How did geography affect religious events and development in West Asia, in the Indian
subcontinent, and in China?
4. What are the major points of difference between dharmic religions and Abrahamic
5. Why are natural forces and environment integral in the Shinto religion?

C. Assessment:

Write TRUE if the statement is correct. Write FALSE if the statement is incorrect.

1. The term ‘Shinto’ came from two Indian words.

2. The Hindu god of fire is Agni.
3. Judaism has 48 prophets and seven prophetesses.
4. The concept of filial piety is integral in Islam.
5. The Arabian Peninsula consists of countries that are predominantly Buddhist in character.
6. God instructed Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac at Mount Hira.
7. The Analects and Dao De Jing are sacred texts in Chinese religions.
8. The Ganga is the holiest river for the Muslims.
9. Saudi Arabia experienced a bloody civil war from 1975 to 1990 between Christians and Muslims
10. The Hindus believe in the trimurti or the three forms of their god.
11. Bodhisativas ave gained spiritual enlightenment but opted to postpone their entry to nirvana to
assist other being in their path to salvation.
12. The holy mountains in Japan are Mount Fuji, Mount Tate, and Mount Moriah.
13. Meritocracy became the basis of government officials during the time of Confucius.
14. The Dome of the Rock is located in Mount Ararat.
15. The teachings of Confucius became the state of religion during the Han Dynasty.

Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blanks provided.


_____1. Type of Buddhism that developed in Japan a. Neanderthals

_____2. The Hindu god of water and celestial oceans. b. Muhammad
_____3. Prehistoric species of humans c. Yahweh
_____4. Term for the teachings of the Buddha d. Varuna
_____5. Forwarded the idea of the ‘three person, one substance” e. Dharma
_____6. A name given by the Hebrews to their god. F. Baekje
_____7. Considered as the ‘seal of the prophets” g. Ishmael
_____8. A pilgrimage site along the river Ganga h. Zen
_____9. Believed to be the ancestor of the Arab people i. Varanasi
_____10. One of the three kingdoms in Korea j. Tertullian

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