Lecture 2 Sequence Impedance of Transmission Lines

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Sequence Impedance of

Transmission Lines

Prof. Artemio P. Magabo

Prof. Rowaldo R. del Mundo

Positive Sequence Impedance

For a transposed three-phase transmission line
Z1 = Z2 = r1 + jx 1 Ω/mile/phase
r1 = resistance per unit length of one phase
conductor or bundle
x1 = reactance per unit length of one phase
x1 = 2.02 x 10− 3 f ln Ω/mile/phase
f = power frequency (Hertz)
Dm = Geometric Mean Distance (GMD)
Ds = Geometric Mean Radius (GMR)

Geometric Mean Distance
Typical three-phase line configurations

D 12 D 23

D 31
D 12

D 12 D 23

D 31

Dm = 3 D12D23D31

Geometric Mean Radius

For a solid conductor with radius r

D s = rε 4
= 0. 78r
Bundle of Two Bundle of Four

D s = Dsc d
D s = 1 .09 4 D scd3
Note: Dsc=GMR of a single conductor

Aluminum Conductors
Aluminum is preferred over copper as a material
for transmission lines due to:

• lower cost
• lighter weight
• larger diameter for the same resistance*

Note: *This results in a lower voltage gradient at

the conductor surface (less tendency for corona)

Stranded Conductors
Alternate layers of wire of a Steel
stranded conductor are
spiraled in opposite directions
to prevent unwinding and
make the outer radius of one
layer coincide with the inner Aluminum
radius of the next.

The number of strands depends on the number

of layers and on whether all the strands are of
the same diameter. The total number of strands
of uniform diameter in a concentrically stranded
cable is 7, 19, 37, 61, 91, etc.

Example: Each conductor of the 345 kV bundled
three-phase line shown is 1272 MCM ACSR 54/19
Pheasant. Assuming complete transposition and a
total length of 80 miles, determine the positive-
sequence impedance of the line. Assume d=45 cm
and D=8 meters.

From a table of conductor D D

characteristics, we get
r = 0.0821 Ω/mile @ 50oC
Dsc = 0.0466 ft = 0.0142 m

We get
Dm = 3 8(8)(16) = 10 .08 m
Ds = 0.0142(0 .45) = 0 .08 m
The total resistance per phase

R 1 = 0.0821(80)(0 .5) = 3.28 Ω

The total reactance per phase
X1 = 2.02 x 10-3 (60)(80) ln = 46.9 Ω
The positive (or negative) sequence impedance of
the line
Z1 = Z 2 = 3.28 + j46.9 Ω / phase

Transmission Line Inductance
The total self-inductance of a cylindrical conductor
consists of an internal inductance and an external
Internal Inductance:
L int = Henry/meter

Note: µc is the permeability of the conductor.For

a non-ferrous conductor such as copper or
µ c = 4π x 10-7 Henry/meter

External Inductance:
The external inductance may be approximated by
µm 2s
L ext = (ln − 1) Henry/meter
2π r
µm = permeability of the medium surrounding
the conductor
r = radius of the conductor

s = length of the conductor

Note: For air, µm = µ0 = 4π x 10-7 Henry/meter

Self Inductance:
µ c µm 2s
L = + (ln − 1) Henry/meter
8π 2π r
For a non-ferrous conductor in air, we get
L = 2 x 10 -7 (ln − 1) Henry/meter

where Ds is the geometric mean radius of the

Note: For a solid conductor,

Ds = rε 4
= 0.78r

Mutual Inductance:
The mutual inductance between two conductors is
M = 2 x 10-7 (ln − 1) Henry/meter
where Dm is the geometric mean distance
between the conductors
Note: For any unit of length,
L = k (ln − 1) Henry/unit length
M = k (ln − 1) Henry/unit length

Carson’s Line
Carson examined a single overhead conductor
whose remote end is connected to earth.
z aa
a a’
Local r r Remote
Earth Va Ia zad Earth
r Fictitious
R EF Vd = 0 Return
d r d’ C onductor
Id zdd
The current returns through a fictitious earth
conductor whose GMR is assumed to be 1 foot (or
1 meter and is located a distance Dad from the
overhead conductor.

The lineris described

r r by the following
r r equations:
Vaa' = Va − Va' = zaa Ia + zad Id
r r r r r
Vdd' = Vd − Vd' = zad Ia + zdd Id
r r r r r
Note: Ia = −Id, Vd = 0 and Va' − Vd' = 0.

Subtracting the two equations, we get

r r
Va = (zaa + zdd − 2 zad )Ia
or r r
Va = z aa Ia
Note: z aa is the equivalent impedance of the
single overhead conductor.

Primitive Impedances:
zaa = ra + jω L a = ra + jωk(ln − 1)
zdd = rd + jω k(ln − 1)
zad = jωM = jω k(ln − 1)
ra, rd = resistances of overhead conductor and
fictitious ground wire, respectively
Dsa, Dsd = GMRs of overhead conductor and
fictitious ground wire, respectively
Note: Dsd is arbitrarily set to 1 unit length

Earth Resistance:
Carson derived an empirical formula for the earth

rd = 1. 588 x 10-3 f Ω/mile

= 9 . 869 x 10-4 f Ω/km

where f is the power frequency in Hz

Note : At 60 Hz,

rd = 0. 09528 Ω/mile

Equivalent Impedance:
Substitute the primitive impedances into
zaa = zaa + zdd − 2 zad
We get 2
zaa = (ra + rd ) + jωk ln ad
DsaD sd
Note: 1. Dsd=1 unit length
2. Define D e = ad
D sd
We get
zaa = (ra + rd ) + jω k ln Ω/unit length
D sa

The quantity De is a function of frequency and

earth resistivity.
D e = 2160 ρ / f feet

Typical values of De are tabulated below.

Return Earth Resistivity De
Condition (Ω-m) (ft)
Sea water 0.01-1.0 27.9-279
Swampy ground 10-100 882-2790
Average Damp Earth 100 2790
Dry earth 1000 8820
Sandstone 109 8.82x106

Three-Phase Line Impedances
Extend Carson’s
r analysis to a three-phase line
I z aa
a ra a’

Ib z bb z ab z ca b’
+r r
c Ic
+ z cc z bc
Va r c’
All wire s
- Vb + r z ad grounded
- Vc z bd he re
- z cd
R EF Vd = 0
d r d’
Id z dd
1 unit length

The voltage equation describing the line is

r r r r
Vaa' Va − Va' zaa zab zac zad Ia
r r r r
Vbb' V −V zba zbb zbc zbd Ib
r = rb r b' = r
Vcc' Vc − Vc' zca zcb zcc zcd Ic
r r r r
Vdd' Vd − Vd' zda zdb zdc zdd Id

Since all conductors are grounded at the remote

end, we get from KCL
r r r r
Ia + Ib + Ic + Id = 0
or r r r r
Id = −(Ia + Ib + Ic )

The voltage equation for the fictitious ground
conductor is
r r r r r r
Vd − Vd ' = zadIa + zbdIb + zcd Ic + zdd Id
which can be re-written as
r r r r r r r
− Vd' = zadIa + zbdIb + zcd Ic − zdd( Ia + Ib + Ic )
Combining terms, we get
r r r r
− Vd' = (zad − zdd )Ia + (zbd − zdd)Ib + (zcd − zdd)Ic
Following a similar procedure, the voltage
r forr phase a can ber shown to be r
Va − Va' = (zaa − zad )Ia r+ (zab − zad)Ib
+ (zac − zad)Ic

Subtracting the the voltage equation of the ground

conductor from the equation of phase a, we get
r r r r
Va − (Va' − Vd' ) = (zaa − 2zad + zdd )Ia
+ (zab − zad − zbd + zdd)Ib
+ (zac − zad − zcd + zdd)Ic
r r
SinceVa' − Vd' = 0, we get
r r
Va = (zaa − 2 zad + zdd)Ia r
+ (zab − zad − zbd + zdd)Ib
+ (zac − zad − zcd + zdd)Ic
or r r r r
Va = zaa Ia + zabIb + zacIc

We can also subtract the voltage equation of the
ground conductor from the equations of phases b
and c. The resulting matrix equation is
r r
Va zaa zab zac Ia
r r
Vb = zab zbb zbc Ib V/unit length
r r
Vc zac zbc zcc Ic

Self Impedances:
zaa = zaa − 2zad + zdd Ω/unit length

zbb = zbb − 2 zbd + zdd Ω/unit length

zcc = zcc − 2zcd + zdd Ω/unit length

Mutual Impedances:

zab = zab − zad − zbd + zdd Ω/unit length

zbc = zbc − zbd − zcd + zdd Ω/unit length
zac = zac − zad − zcd + zdd Ω/unit length
Primitive Impedances:
zxx = rx + jω k(ln − 1) Ω/unit length
D sx x=a,b,c,d
zxy = jω k(ln − 1) Ω/unit length
D xy xy=ab,bc,ca,ad,bd,cd

1. Identical phase conductors

Ds = Dsa = Dsb = Dsc

2. Distances of the overhead conductors to the
fictitious ground conductor are the same

De = Dad = Dbd = Dcd

We get
zaa = zbb = zcc = (ra + rd ) + jω k ln
z xy = rd + jω k ln Ω/unit length
D xy xy=ab,bc,ca

Example: Find the equivalent impedance of the

69-kV line shown. The phase conductors are 4/0
hard-drawn copper, 19 strands which operate at
25 oC. The line is 40 miles long. Assume an earth
resistivity of 100 Ω-meter.
ra=0.278 Ω/mile @ 25oC 10’ 10’

Dsc=0.01668 ft @ 60 Hz a b c

z aa = z bb = z cc = (ra + rd ) + jωk ln
= (0 .278 + 0 .095) + j0 .121 ln 0.01668

= 0 .373 + j1 .459 Ω/mile

Zaa = 14 .93 + j58 .38 Ω

z ab = zbc = 0.095 + j0 .121 ln 2790
= 0.095 + j0 .683 Ω/mile
Z ab = 3 .81 + j27. 33 Ω

z ac = 0.095 + j0.121 ln 2790


Zac = 3. 81 + j23 .97 Ω

We get

14.93 + j58.38 3.81 + j27.33 3.81 + j23.97

Zabc= 3.81 + j27.33 14.93 + j58.38 3.81 + j27.33 Ω
3.81 + j23.97 3.81 + j27.33 14.93 + j58.38

Line Transposition
Line transposition is used to make the mutual
impedances identical.
Ia Phase c
Pos.1 r
r Phase a
Phase b
s1 s2 s3
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3

Note: Each phase conductor is made to occupy

all possible positions.

Voltage equation for Section 1
r r
Va Z11−1 Z12− 1 Z13− 1 Ia
r r
Vb = Z21− 1 Z22 −1 Z23 −1 Ib volts
r r
Vc Z31− 1 Z32 −1 Z33 −1 Ic

Voltage equation for Section 2

r r
Vc Z11− 2 Z12 −2 Z13 −2 Ic
r r
Va = Z21− 2 Z22− 2 Z23 −2 Ia volts
r r
Vb Z31− 2 Z32− 2 Z33 −2 Ib

Voltage equation for Section 3

r r
Vb Z11− 3 Z12 −3 Z13− 3 Ib
r r
Vc = Z21− 3 Z22− 3 Z23 −3 Ic volts
r r
Va Z31− 3 Z32− 3 Z33 −3 Ia

The total voltage drop for phase a

r r r r
Σ Va = Z11 − 1 Ia + Z12 − 1 Ib + Z13 − 1 Ic
r r r
+ Z21 − 2 Ic + Z22 − 2 Ia + Z23 − 2 Ib
r r r
+ Z31 −3 Ib + Z32 −3 Ic + Z33 −3 Ia

r r
ΣVa = (Z 11− 1 + Z22 −2 + Z33 − 3 ) Ia r
+ (Z12 − 1 + Z 23 − 2 + Z31 − 3 )Ib
+ (Z13 − 1 + Z 21 − 2 + Z32 − 3 ) Ic
By a similar procedure, we get for phases b and c
r r
ΣVb = (Z21 − 1 + Z 32 − 2 + Z13 −3 )Ia r
+ (Z 22 −1 + Z 33 − 2 + Z11 − 3 )Ib
+ (Z 23 −1 + Z 31 − 2 + Z12 − 3 ) Ic
r r
ΣVc = (Z31 −1 + Z12 − 2 + Z23 − 3 )Ia r
+ (Z32 −1 + Z13 − 2 + Z21 − 3 )Ib
+ (Z33 −1 + Z11 − 2 + Z22 − 3 ) Ic

If the line is not transposed and we only have

Section 1, the equation of the line will be
r r
Va Z11 Z12 Z13 Ia
r r
Vb = Z21 Z22 Z23 Ib Volts
r r
Vc Z31 Z32 Z33 Ic
Z11 = Z22 = Z33 = (ra + rd )s + jωks ln e Ω
Zxy = rds + jωks ln Ω
D xy xy=ab,bc,ca
S = length of the line

Define f1, f2 and f3 as as the ratios of s 1, s 2 and s 3
to the total length s, respectively. We get
r r
ΣVa = (f1Z 11 + f2Z 22 + f3Z 33 )Ia r
+ (f1Z12 + f2Z 23 + f3Z 31 )Ib
+ (f1Z13 + f2Z 21 + f3Z32 )Ic
r r
ΣVb = (f1Z21 + f2Z 32 + f3Z13 )Ia r
+ (f1Z 22 + f2Z33 + f3Z 11 )Ib
+ (f1Z23 + f2Z31 + f3Z12 )Ic
r r
ΣVc = ( f1Z 31 + f2 Z12 + f3Z23 )Ia r
+ (f1Z 32 + f2Z13 + f3Z 21 )Ib
+ (f1Z 33 + f2Z11 + f3Z22 )Ic


Zk1 = f1Z 12 + f2Z23 + f3Z13

Z k2 = f1Z13 + f2Z12 + f3Z 23
Z k3 = f1Z23 + f2Z13 + f3Z12
Zs = Z11 = Z22 = Z 33
Substitution gives
r r
ΣVa Zs Zk1 Zk2 Ia
r r
ΣVb = Zk1 Zs Zk 3 Ib Volts
r r
ΣVc Zk2 Zk3 Zs Ic

It can be shown that
Zs = (ra + rd )s + jωks ln
 D D D 
Zk1 = rds + jωks  f1ln e + f2 ln e + f3 ln e 
 D12 D23 D31 
 D D D 
Zk 2 = rds + jωks  f1ln e + f2 ln e + f3 ln e 
 D31 D12 D23 
 D D D 
Zk 3 = rds + jωks  f1ln e + f2 ln e + f3 ln e 
 D23 D31 D12 

Example: Find the equivalent impedance of the

69-kV line shown. The phase conductors are 4/0
hard-drawn copper, 19 strands which operate at
25 oC. The line is 40 miles long. Assume s 1=8
miles, s 2=12 miles and s 3=20 miles.
10’ 10’
ra=0.278 Ω/mile @ 25oC
a b c
Dsc=0.01668 ft @ 60 Hz
Section 1
Assuming no transposition, we get
14.93 + j58.38 3.81 + j27.33 3.81 + j23.97
Zabc= 3.81 + j27.33 14.93 + j58.38 3.81 + j27.33 Ω
3.81 + j23.97 3.81 + j27.33 14.93 + j58.38

Solving for the mutual impedances, we get

Z k 1 = f1Z12 + f 2Z23 + f3Z13

= 0.2(3 .81 + j27 .33) + 0.3(3 .81 + j27 .33)
+ 0.5(3.81 + j23 .97)
= 3 .81 + j25 .65 Ω

Similarly, we get

Zk 2 = f1Z13 + f2 Z12 + f3Z 23 = 3 .81 + j26 .66 Ω

Z k3 = f1Z23 + f2Z13 + f3Z12 = 3 .81 + j26 .32 Ω

The impedance matrix of the transposed line is

14.93 + j58.38 3.81 + j25.65 3.81 + j26.66

Zabc= 3.81 + j25.65 14.93 + j58.38 3.81 + j26.32 Ω
3.81 + j26.66 3.81 + j26.32 14.93 + j58.38

For comparison, the impedance matrix of the

untransposed line is

14.93 + j58.38 3.81 + j27.33 3.81 + j23.97

Zabc= 3.81 + j27.33 14.93 + j58.38 3.81 + j27.33 Ω
3.81 + j23.97 3.81 + j27.33 14.93 + j58.38

Example: For the same line assume the
following transposition cycle:
s 1=16 miles s 2=24 miles s 3=0

It can be shown that

14.93 + j58.38 3.81 + j27.33 3.81 + j25.99

Zabc= 3.81 + j27.33 14.93 + j58.38 3.81 + j25.31 Ω
3.81 + j25.99 3.81 + j25.31 14.93 + j58.38

Note: Even an incomplete transposition has a

significant effect in reducing the unbalance in the
mutual impedances.

Completely Transposed Line

If s 1=s 2=s 3, the line is completely transposed. We
get r r
ΣVa Zs Zm Zm Ia
r r
ΣVb = Zm Zs Zm Ib Volts
r r
ΣVc Zm Zm Z s Ic
Zs = (ra + rd )s + jωks ln Ω
Zm = 1
(Z 12 + Z23 + Z13 ) = rds + jωks ln Ω
Ds, Dm = GMR and GMD, respectively

Example: For the same line assume a complete
transposition cycle.
10’ 10’
The GMD is
a b c
Dm = 3 10(10)(20) = 12.6 feet
We get the average of the mutual impedances.
Z m = 3.81 + j26.21 Ω
The impedance of the transposed line is

14.93 + j58.38 3.81 + j26.21 3.81 + j26.21

Zabc= 3.81 + j26.21 14.93 + j58.38 3.81 + j26.21 Ω
3.81 + j26.21 3.81 + j26.21 14.93 + j58.38

Phase- to Sequence-Impedances
Consider a transmission line that is described by
the following voltage equation:
r r
Va Zaa Zab Zac Ia
r r
Vb = Z ab Zbb Zbc Ib volts
r r
Vc Zac Zbc Z cc Ic
or r r
Vabc = Zabc Iabc
From symmetrical components, we have
r r r r
Vabc = AV012 and Iabc = A I012

Substitution gives
r r
A V012 = Zabc A I012
or r −1
V012 = A Z abc A I012
which implies that
Z 012 = A −1 Z abc A
Performing the multiplication, we get
Z0 Zs0 + 2Zm0 Zs2 − Zm2 Zs1 − Zm1
Z1 = Zs1 − Zm1 Zs0 − Zm0 Zs2 + 2Zm2
Z2 Zs2 − Zm2 Zs1 + 2Zm1 Zs0 − Zm0
Note: Z012 is not symmetric.

It can be shown that

Z s0 = 1
3 ( Z aa + Z bb + Z cc )
Z s1 = 1
3 ( Z aa + aZ bb + a 2Z cc )
Z s2 = 1
3 (Z aa + a2 Z bb + aZ cc )

Z m0 = 1
3 ( Z ab + Z bc + Z ca )
Zm 1 = 1
(a2 Z ab + Zbc + aZca )
Zm 2 = 1
(aZ ab + Z bc + a2 Z ca )

If the line is completely transposed,

Z s0 = Z s Z m 0 = Zm
Z s1 = Z s 2 = 0 Z m1 = Z m 2 = 0
The sequence impedance matrix reduces to

Z0 Zs + 2Zm 0 0
Z1 = 0 Zs − Zm 0
Z2 0 0 Zs − Zm

Note: The sequence impedances are completely


For a completely transposed line, the equation in

the sequence domain is
r r
Va0 Z0 0 0 Ia 0
r r
Va1 = 0 Z1 0 I a1
r r
Va2 0 0 Z2 Ia 2
Z1 = Z2 = ras + jωks ln Ω
Z0 = ras + 3rd s + jω ks ln 2

D sDm

Example: For the same line and assuming a
complete transposition cycle, find the sequence
impedances of the line.
10’ 10’

In the previous example, a b c

we got
Z s = 14.93 + j58.38 Ω
Zm = 3 .81 + j26.21 Ω
The sequence impedances are

Z 0 = Zs + 2Zm = 22.55 + j110 .80 Ω

Z1 = Z2 = Zs − Zm = 11.12 + j32.17 Ω

Completely Transposed Line

For a three-phase transmission line that is
completely transposed:

1. The sequence impedances are completely

decoupled; that is
r r r r
Va0 = Z0 Ia0 Va1 = Z1 Ia1
r r
Va2 = Z2 Ia2
2. The application of balanced three-phase
voltages at the sending end results in
balanced three-phase line currents; that is
only positive-sequence components exist.

Incomplete Transposition
The resulting circuit unbalance due to incomplete
transposition is measured in terms of the zero-
and negative-sequence line currents that arise
when positive-sequence voltages are applied at
the sending end.
For a partially-transposed transmission line,
r r
Va zs zk1 zk 2 Ia
r r
Vb = zk1 zs zk 3 Ib V/unit length
r r
Vc zk 2 zk 3 zs Ic
or r r
Vabc = zabc Iabc

zs = (ra + rd ) + jωk ln
 D D D 
zk1 = rd + jωk  f1ln e + f2 ln e + f3 ln e 
 D12 D23 D31 

 D D D 
zk2 = rd + jωk f1ln e + f2 ln e + f3 ln e 
 D31 D12 D23 

 D D D 
zk3 = rd + jωk f1ln e + f2 ln e + f3 ln e 
 D23 D31 D12 

Transform the phase impedances into sequence
z 012 = A −1 z abc A
which gives
z0 zs + 2zm0 − zm2 − zm1
z1 = − zm1 zs − zm0 2zm2
z2 − zm2 2zm1 zs − zm0
zm 0 = 1
3 (zk 1 + zk 2 + z k 3 )
zm 1 = 1
3 (a2 zk 1 + az k 2 + zk 3 )
zm 2 = 1
(azk 1 + a2 zk 2 + zk 3 )

The elements of z 012 can be shown to be

z00 = z s + 2
3 (z k1 + zk 2 + zk 3 )
z 01 = − 1
3 (az k 1 + a 2z k2 + z k 3 )
z 02 = − (a 2 z k1 + az k 2 + z k 3 )

z10 = z02
z11 = z s − 13 (zk1 + z k2 + zk 3 )
z 12 = −2 z 01
z20 = z 01
z21 = −2 z02
z22 = z11

Assume that balanced voltages are applied at the
sending end; that is
r r
Va0 = 0 and Va2 = 0
We can re-write the voltage equation
r r
Va0 z00 z01 z02 Ia 0
r r
Va1 = z10 z11 z12 Ia 1
r r
Va2 z20 z21 z22 Ia 2
into r r r
0 = z00 Ia0 + z01 Ia1 + z02 Ia2
r r r r
Va1 = z10 Ia0 + z11 Ia1 + z12 Ia2
r r r
0 = z20 Ia0 + z21 Ia1 + z22 Ia2

The unbalanced
r factor are definedr as:
m0 = ra0 and m2 = ra2
Ia1 Ia1
It can be shown that
z02 z21 − z01z 22
m0 =
z 00z 22 − z20z 02
z 20z 01 − z 00z 21
m2 =
z 00z22 − z 20z 02
Note: For the untransposed 40-mile line,

m0 = 1.054∠72.68o %
m 2 = 6.624 ∠139 .14 o %

Lines withr Overhead Ground Wire
Ia zaa
r a’
b Ib zbb z ab z ca
r b’
+ Ic zcc z bc
r c
r c’
Va r
- Vb +r w w zww zad w’
Vc +r z bd All wire s
- Vw grounded
zcd he re
R EF Vd = 0
d r
Id z dd
1 unit length

The primitive voltage equation is

r r r
Va − Va' zaa zab zac zaw zad Ia
r r r
Vb − Vb' zba zbb zbc zbw zbd Ib
r r r V/unit
Vc − Vc' = zca zcb zcc zcw zcd I
r r c length
0 − Vw' zwa zwb zwc zww zwd Iw
r r
0 − Vd' zda zdb zdc zdw zdd Id
From KCL, we get
r r r r r
Ia + Ib + Ic + Iw + Id = 0
or r r r r r
Id = −( Ia + Ib + Ic + Iw )

The last equation may be written as
r r r r r
− Vd' = zda Ia + zdb Ib + zdc Ic + zdw Iw
r r r r
− zdd (Ia + Ib + Ic + Iw )
or r r r
− Vd' = ( zda − zdd )Ia + (zdb − zdd )Ib
r r
+ ( zdc − zdd )Ic + (zdw − zdd )Iw
Following the same procedure, the equation for
phase a can be expressed as
r r r r
Va − Va' = (zaa − zad)Ia + (zab − zad)Ib
r r
+ (zac − zad )Ic + (zaw − zad)Iw

Subtracting the last equation from the first, we get

r r r r
Va − (Va' − Vd' ) = (zaa − zad − zda + zdd )Ia
+ (zab − zad − zdb + zdd )Ib
+ (zac − zad − zdc + zdd )Ic
+ (zaw − zad − zdw + zdd )Iw
r r
Since Va' − Vd' = 0, the equation can be simplified
to r r r r r
Va = zaa Ia + zab Ib + zac Ic + zaw Iw
Note: The same procedure can be applied to the
equations describing phases b and c, and the
overhead ground wire w.

We get
r r
Va z aa zab z ac zaw Ia
r r
Vb zba zbb zbc zbw Ib
r = r
Vc zca z cb zcc z cw I
r rc
Vw zwa z wb zwc zww Iw
where Vw =0 and
zxx = (rx + rd ) + jωk ln x=a,b,c,w
zxy = rd + jω k ln xy=ab,ac,aw,
D xy bc,bw,cw

Kron’s Reduction
Consider the matrix equation

V1 Z1 Z2 I1
0 Z3 Z4 I2

where Z1, Z2, Z3 and Z4 are also matrices. Suppose

we want to eliminate the current vector I2.

Expanding, we get
V1 = Z1I1 + Z2 I2 (1)

0 = Z3I1 + Z4I2 (2)

From eq. 2, we get
I2 = −Z4 Z3I1
which is substituted in eq. 1 to get
V1 = Z1I1 + Z2 (−Z4 Z3I1 )
V1 = (Z1 − Z2Z4 Z3 )I1
Go back to the voltage equation of the line.
r r
Va z aa zab zac zaw Ia
r r
Vb zba zbb zbc zbw Ib
r = r
Vc zca zcb zcc zcw I
0 zwa zwb zwc zww Iw

We wish to eliminate Iw , where
zaa zab zac zaw
Z1 = zba zbb zbc Z2 = zbw = Z3
zca z cb zcc zcw
Z4 = zww
We get
zawzwa zawzwb zawzwc
zaa − zab − zac −
zww zww zww
z z z z z z
zabc = zba − bw wa zbb − bw wb zbc − bw wc
zww zww zww
z z z z z z
zca − cw wa z cb − cw wb zcc − cw wc
zww z ww zww

Example: Find the equivalent impedance of the
69-kV line shown. The phase conductors are the
same as in the previous examples. The overhead
ground wires have the following characteristics:
rw =4.0 Ω/mile @ 25oC w
Dsw =0.001 ft @ 60 Hz
For the ground wire, we get 15’
z ww = (rw + rd ) + jωk ln e 10’ 10’
Dsw a b c
= (4 .0 + 0.095) + j0 .121 ln 2790

= 4 .095 + j1 .8 Ω/mile
Z ww = 163 .8 + j72 Ω

z aw = z cw = rd + jωk ln
= 0.095 + j0 .121 ln 18.03
Z aw = Zcw = 3 .81 + j24.47 Ω
zbw = 0.095 + j0 .121 ln 2790
Zbw = 3.81 + j25 .36 Ω
From a previous example, we got

14.93 + j58.38 3.81 + j27.33 3.81 + j23.97

Z1= 3.81 + j27.33 14.93 + j58.38 3.81 + j27.33 Ω
3.81 + j23.97 3.81 + j27.33 14.93 + j58.38

Using the ground wire impedances, we also get
3 .81 + j24 .47
Z2 = 3 .81 + j25.36 = Z3 T
3 .81 + j24 .47 Z4 = 163.8 + j72 Ω

Performing the Kron reduction, we get

17.5 + j56.11 6.48 + j25.0 6.38 + j21.7

Zabc = 6.48 + j25.0 17.71 + j55.97 6.48 + j25.0 Ω
6.38 + j21.7 6.48 + j25.0 17.5 + j56.1

Note: The self impedances are no longer equal.

Current Division
How much current is flowing in the overhead
ground wire? Under zero-sequence condition,
r r r r
Ia = Ib = Ic = Ia0
The primitive voltage equation reduces to
r r r
Va − Va' zaa zab zac zaw zad Ia0
r r r
Vb − Vb' zba zbb zbc zbw zbd I
r r ra0 V/unit
Vc − Vc ' = zca zcb zcc zcw zcd Ia0 length
r r
0 − Vw ' zwa zwb zwc zww zwd Iw
r r
0 − Vd' zda zdb zdc zdw zdd Id

From KCL, we get
r r r
Id + Iw = −3Ia0
The last equation may be written as
r r r r
− Vd' = ( z da + z db + z dc )Ia0 + z dw Iw + z dd Id
Similarly, for the overhead ground wire
r r r r
− Vw' = ( z wa + z wb + z wc ) Ia0 + z ww Iw + z wd Id
Subtracting the two equations, we get
0 = [(zwa + zwb + zwc ) − ( zda + zdb + zdc )]Ia0
r r
+ ( zww − z dw ) Iw + ( z wd − z dd ) Id

r r r
Since Id = −(3Ia0 + Iw ) , we get
0 = [(zwa + zwb + zwc ) − ( zda + zdb + zdc )]Ia0
r r r
+ ( zww − z dw ) Iw − ( z wd − z dd )(3 Ia0 + Iw )
r common terms and get the ratio of Iw to
3 Ia0. We get
− Iw ( zwa + zwb + zwc ) − (zda + zdb + zdc ) + 3(zdd − zwd)
r =
3Ia0 3( zww − zwd − zdw + zdd)
Recall that
zwx = zwx − zwd − zdx + zdd x=a,b,c,w

Substitution gives
− Iw zwa + zwb + zwc
(a) r =
3Ia0 3zww
r r r
From Id + Iw = − 3Ia0, we get
r r
− Id I
r = 1 + rw
3 Ia0 3 Ia 0
Substitute eq. (a) to get
− Id z + zwb + z wc
(b) r = 1 − wa
3Ia0 3zww

Take the rratio of eq. (a) to eq. (b). We get

Iw zwa + zwb + zwc
r =
Id 3zww − (zwa + zwb + zwc)
z ag = 1
(z wa + zwb + z wc )
D ag = 3 DwaDwb Dwc
We get r
Iw zag
r =
Id zww − zag
zag = rd + jω k ln

Line Transposition
Consider a transmission line with one overhead
ground wire. Assume that the line is transposed.
Ground wire
Ia Phase c
Pos. α r
Ib Phase a
Pos. β r
Ic Phase b
Pos. γ
s1 s2 s3
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3
The impedance matrix for each section can be
found using Kron’s reduction.

For Sections 1 and 2, we get

z z z z z α wz wγ
z αα − α w wα z αβ − α w wβ z αγ −
z ww z ww z ww
z βw z w α z z z βw z w γ
zf1 = z βα − z ββ − βw wβ z βγ −
z ww z ww z ww
z γw z w α z γw z w β z γw z w γ
z γα − z γβ − z γγ −
z ww z ww z ww
z βw z w β z βw z w γ z β wz wα
z ββ − z βγ − z βα −
z ww z ww z ww
z γw z wβ z γw z w γ z γw z w α
zf 2 = z γβ − z γγ − z γα −
z ww z ww z ww
z α wz wβ z α wz wγ z z
z αβ − z αγ − z αα − α w wα
z ww z ww z ww

Similarly, for Sections 3, we get
z γwz wγ z γw zwα z γwz wβ
z γγ − z γα − z γβ −
z ww z ww z ww
z α wz wγ z z z z
z f 3 = z αγ − z αα − αw wα z αβ − αw wβ
z ww z ww z ww
z βw z wγ z βwz wα z βw z wβ
z βγ − z βα − zββ −
z ww z ww z ww
It can be shown that
r r
r ra
ΣVb = s(f1Z f 1 + f2Z f 2 + f3 Z f 3 ) Ib
r r
ΣVc Ic

If the line is completely transposed, the impedance

matrix becomes symmetric.

zs zm zm
zabc = zm zs zm Ω/unit length
zm zm zs

where the diagonal elements are

zs = 13 (zαα + zββ + z γγ)

z z z z z z 
− 13  αw wα + βw wβ + γ w wγ 
 zww zww zww 

The off-diagonal elements are
zm = 13 (z αβ + zβγ + zγα )
z z z z z z 
− 13  αw wβ + βw wγ + γw wα 
 zww zww zww 
The sequence impedance matrix will be diagonal.
z00 0 0
z012 = 0 z11 0 Ω/unit length
0 0 z22
z00 = zs + 2zm and z11 = z22 = zs − zm

Solving for the positive-sequence impedance,

z11 = 13 (z αα + zββ + zγγ ) − 13 (zαβ + z βγ + zγα )
z z zβwzwβ zγw zwγ 
− 13  α w wα + + 
 wwz z ww zww 
 zα wzwβ zβ wzwγ z γw zwα 
+ 13  + + 
 ww z ww z ww 
Simplifying the first two terms, we get
3 (zαα + zββ + zγγ ) = (ra + rd ) + jωk ln e
3 (z αβ + z βγ + z γα) = rd + jωk ln

The last two terms can be shown to be equal to

(ωk)2 M

De 2 D D
M = (ln ) + (ln e )2 + (ln e )2
Dαw Dβw Dγw
De D D D
− (ln )(ln e ) − (ln e )(ln e )
Dαw Dβ w Dβ w Dγw
De D
− (ln )(ln e )
Dγw Dαw

zww = (rw + rd ) + jωk ln
For most transmission line configurations,

De >> Dαw, Dβw or Dγw

This means M ≅ 0. Under this assumption,

z11 = ra + jωk ln Ω/unit length
Note: This is the formula for the positive sequence
impedance of a transposed line without ground

The zero-sequence impedance can be shown to be
z00 = z 0(a) − Ω/unit length
z0 (a) = (ra + 3rd ) + jωk ln e 2
z0 (m) = 3rd + j3ωk ln
3 DαwDβ wD γw

z0(g) = 3zww

Example: For the previous example, assume that

the line is completely transposed. Find the phase
and sequence impedances.
From the previous example, we got

17.5 + j56.11 6.48 + j25.0 6.38 + j21.7

Zf1 = 6.48 + j25.0 17.71 + j55.97 6.48 + j25.0 Ω
6.38 + j21.7 6.48 + j25.0 17.5 + j56.1

Assuming a complete transposition cycle, we get

Zs = 13 [2(17.5 + j56.11) + 17.71 + j55.97]

= 17.57 + j56.06 Ω

Zm = 13 [2(6.48 + j25.0) + 6.38 + j21.7]
= 6.45 + j23.9 Ω
17.57+ j56.06 6.45 + j23.9 6.45+ j23.9
Zabc= 6.45 + j23.9 17.57+ j56.06 6.45+ j23.9 Ω
6.45 + j23.9 6.45 + j23.9 17.57+ j56.06
For comparison, Zabc below is for a completely
transposed line without the overhead ground wire.

14.93 + j58.38 3.81 + j26.21 3.81 + j26.21

Zabc= 3.81 + j26.21 14.93 + j58.38 3.81 + j26.21 Ω
3.81 + j26.21 3.81 + j26.21 14.93 + j58.38

The sequence impedances are

Z00 = Zs + 2Zm
= 30.47 + j103.86 Ω
Z11 = Z22 = Zs − Zm
= 11.12 + j32.17 Ω
Note: When the effect of the ground wire was not
taken into account, we got
Z0 = 22.55 + j110.8 Ω
Z1 = 11.12 + j32.17 Ω

Steel Ground Wires
Grade E.B.B. 7 Strands
The overhead
3/8 inch Diameter
ground wires are 10-3 15

Geometric Mean Radius (ft)

usually high- 13

Resistance (Ω/mile)
strength steel or
10-7 11
some alloy of GMR
steel. This poses a 10-9 9
problem since the 10-11 7
resistance and
10-13 5
GMR of these R e sistance
10-15 3
conductors vary
with current. 10-17 1

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Amperes per Cable

Example: For the previous example, assume that

the line is completely transposed. Find the phase
and sequence impedances. The overhead ground
wire is 3/8 inch E.B.B.
The zero-sequence impedance of the phase wire
z0 (a) = (ra + 3rd ) + jωk ln 2
= 0.278 + 3(0.095) + j0.121 ln
= 0.564+ j2.77 Ω/mile

Z0( a) = 22.55 + j110.8 Ω

The zero-sequence impedance of the ground wire
z0(g) = 3zww = 3(rw + rd) + j3ωk ln
The resistance and GMR of the ground wire is a
function of the current. For 1A, 30A and 60A, we
get for E.B.B.
rw = 3.5 Ω/mile at 1A
= 7.8 Ω/mile at 30A
= 6.0 Ω/mile at 60A

Dsw = 10 -3 ft at 1A
= 5 x 10-12 ft at 30A
= 1.5 x 10-10 ft at 60A

For 1A, we get

z0( g) = 3(3.5 + 0.095) + j3(0.121) ln
= 10.79 + j5.4 Ω/mile at 1A
Z0( g) = 431.4 + j216 Ω at 1A
For 30A and 60A, we get
Z0( g) = 947. 4 + j494 Ω at 30A
Z0(g ) = 731. 4 + j410.8 Ω at 60A

The GMD between the phase wires and the ground

wire is
Dag = 3 (18.03)2(15) = 16.96 ft

The zero-sequence mutual impedance is
z0(m) = 3rd + j3ω k ln
= 3(0.095) + j3(0.121) ln
= 0.29 + j1.86 Ω/mile
Z0(m) = 11.43 + j74.28 Ω

The zero-sequence impedance is found from

Z00 = Z0 (a) − 0(m)

Substitution gives
Z00 = 31.0 + j102.65 Ω at 1A
Z 00 = 18.86 + j107.06 Ω at 30A
Z 00 = 27 .21 + j105.89 Ω at 60A
Note: For comparison, we got the following zero-
sequence impedances from previous examples:
No overhead ground wire:

Z 00 = 22 .55 + j110.8 Ω
Non-ferrous overhead ground wire:

Z 00 = 30 .47 + j103.86 Ω

Parallel Multicircuit Lines
Consider the double-circuit transmission line
shown. One circuit is designated abc and the
other a’b’c’. Each circuit may be untransposed or
partially transposed.
m Iabc n
Ia'b' c'
Z a'b'c'

Let us determine the unbalance factors for this

transmission line configuration.

The voltage equation that describes the line is

r r
ΣVa Zaa Zab Zac Zaa' Zab' Zac' Ia
r r
ΣVb Zba Zbb Zbc Zba' Zbb' Zbc' Ib
r r
ΣVc Z Zcb Zcc Zca' Zcb' Zcc' I
r = ca rc
ΣVa' Za'a Za'b Za'c Za'a' Za'b' Za'c' Ia'
r r
ΣVb' Zb'a Zb'b Zb' c Zb'a' Zb'b' Zb'c' Ib'
r r
ΣVc' Zc'a Zc'b Zc'c Zc'a' Zc'b' Zc'c' Ic '
Note: The effect of earth and any overhead
ground wire has already been incorporated in the

Using matrix notation, we get
r r
ΣVabc Zaa Zaa' Iabc
r = r
ΣVa'b 'c ' Za'a Za' a' Ia'b 'c '

The unbalance factors are expressed in terms of

the ratio of sequence currents. Thus, the above
equation must be inverted. Doing so, we get
r r
I Yaa Yaa' ΣVabc
r abc = r
Ia' b' c' Ya'a Ya'a' ΣVa' b' c'

It can be shown that

Yaa = Zaa
+ KL−1 K t Yaa' = −KL− 1
Ya'a = Yaa' Ya' a' = L−1
−1 −1
K = Zaa Zaa' K t = Za'a Z aa
L = Za' a' − Z a' a Zaa Zaa'
From symmetrical components, we get
r r
I A 0 I012
r abc = r
Ia' b' c' 0 A I0 '1'2'

Performing the transformation, we get
r r
I012 A −1 YaaA A −1 Yaa' A ΣV012
r = r
I0 '1' 2 ' A −1 Ya' aA A −1 Ya' a' A ΣV0 '1'2'
Assume that the voltages at both ends of the line
contain positive sequence components only. We
0 0
r ΣVa1 1
ΣV012 0 0 r
r = = ΣVa1
ΣV0'1'2 ' 0
ΣVa'1 1
0 0

r r
Note that Va1 = Va'1 since the lines are bused at
both ends. Substitution gives
Ia 0 Y00 Y01 Y02 Y00' Y01' Y02' 0
Ia1 Y10 Y11 Y12 Y10' Y11' Y12' 1
I Y Y21 Y22 Y20' Y21' Y22' 0 r
ra 2 = 20 ΣVa1
Ia'0 Y0'0 Y0'1 Y0'2 Y0'0' Y0'1' Y0'2' 0
I Y1'0 Y1'1 Y1'2 Y1'0' Y1'1' Y1'2' 1
Ia'2 Y2'0 Y2'1 Y2'2 Y2'0' Y2'1' Z2'2' 0
Solving for the sequence currents, we get
r r
Ia0 = (Y01 + Y01' )(ΣVa1 )r r
r r Ia2 = (Y21 + Y21')(ΣVa1 )
Ia1 = (Y11 + Y11' )(ΣVa1)

r r
Ia' 0 = (Y0'1 + Y0'1' )(ΣVa1) r r
r r Ia'2 = (Y2'1 + Y2 '1' )(ΣVa1 )
Ia'1 = (Y1'1 + Y1'1' )(ΣVa1 )
Define the net through unbalance factors as
r r
Ia0 + Ia'0
m0t = r r per unit
Ia1 + Ia'1
r r
Ia2 + Ia'2
m2t = r r per unit
Ia1 + Ia'1
Define the net circulating current unbalance factors
r r
Ia0 − Ia'0
m0c = r r per unit
Ia1 + Ia'1

r r
Ia2 − Ia'2
m2c = r r per unit
Ia1 + Ia'1
Solving for the unbalance factors, we get
m0t = ( Y01 + Y01' + Y0'1 + Y0'1' ) / Y1
m2t = ( Y21 + Y21' + Y2'1 + Y2'1' ) / Y1
m0c = (Y01 + Y01' − Y0'1 − Y0'1' ) / Y1
m2c = (Y21 + Y21' − Y2'1 − Y2'1' ) / Y1
Y1 = Y11 + Y11' − Y1'1 − Y1'1'


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