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Omkār Sādhana


Ancient Indian Mystical Wisdom Revealed


Take a journey with us back in time, ten thousand years, to explore the secret mystical wisdom of
the ancients. A wisdom that is more relevant in today's world than it ever has been.

Salient Features-

 Explore ancient wisdom from the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Bhagawad Gita, the Yoga
Sutras and Advaita Vedanta in the modern context.
 Get initiated into a structured scientific, easily implementable meditation practice.
 Unwind, rejuvenate and recharge yourself in the face of stress.
 Enhance the ability to have single focused attention with any activity you undertake.
 Create inner centeredness that provides stability through the ups and downs of life.
 Find clarity and practical understanding of concepts and ideas of the inner journey.
 Connect deeply with oneself, people, the planet and existence itself.
 Commit to a disciplined self-work approach that impacts all areas of life.
 Become part of a growing community working towards peace, joy and harmony

"After the conversations about Indian philosophy, some of the ideas of Quantum Physics that had
seemed so crazy suddenly made much more sense." - Werner Heisenberg, German Physicist

"India will teach us the tolerance and gentleness of mature mind, understanding spirit and a
unifying, pacifying love for all human beings."

~ William James "Will" Durant (American writer, historian, and philosopher)

Take a journey with us back in time, ten thousand years, to explore the secret mystical wisdom of
the ancients. A wisdom that is more relevant in today's world than it ever has been. In the modern
world there is disturbance at the individual level, with rising lifestyle illnesses, depression, anxiety,
etc. There is disturbance at the community level, where we are more disconnected while desperate
to have connection. There is disturbance at the global level where our greed and ambition we are
destroying the very ecosystem that sustains us.

Salient Features

 Explore ancient wisdom from the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Bhagawad Gita, the Yoga
Sutras and Advaita Vedanta in the modern context.
 Get initiated into a structured scientific, easily implementable meditation practice.
 Unwind, rejuvenate and recharge yourself in the face of stress.
 Enhance the ability to have single focused attention with any activity you undertake.
 Create inner centeredness that provides stability through the ups and downs of life.
 Find clarity and practical understanding of concepts and ideas of the inner journey.
 Connect deeply with oneself, people, the planet and existence itself.
 Commit to a disciplined self-work approach that impacts all areas of life.
 Become part of a growing community working towards peace, joy and harmony

“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place”. ― Lao Tzu

Omkār Sādhana is an exploration of the key tenets of Indian philosophy in context of contemporary
living. Tenets that can help us arrive at the core, causal level of the disturbance that we see
manifest in all areas of life. The workshop probes essential mantras & shlokas to elucidate their
practical implications on this path of self discovery. The attempt to demystify concepts & ideas
around mediation & the inner journey. Through profound insights, we initiate you onto the spiritual
practice of the eternal path. The texts we refer to during the exploration come from the four Vedas
(Rig, Sama, Yajur and Atharva), the Upanishads, the Bhagawad Gita, the Srimad Bhagwatam and the
works of Adi Shankaracharya. We also attempt to reinterpret Patanjali's Yoga Sutra and specifically
the eight fold path prescribed in it. From there we take on the pinnacle of Indian philosophy as a
thought experiment leading to the direct confrontation of non-dual awareness. The workshop
concludes with the sharing of a structured, scientific and easily implementable meditation practice.
"Om .The imperishable sound is the seed of all that exists. The past, the present, the future – all are
but the unfolding of OM." - Mandukya Upanishad

The oldest documented evidence of the practice of meditation are wall arts in the Indian
subcontinent from approximately 5,000 to 3,500 BCE, showing people seated in meditative
postures with half-closed eyes. Written evidence of any form of meditation was first seen in the
Vedas around 1500 BCE. Meditation is our heritage and it is imperative that we explore what it is
capable of adding to our lives.

“Meditation is the dissolution of thoughts in eternal awareness or pure consciousness without

objectification, knowing without thinking, merging finitude in infinity.” Voltaire

Meditation is scientifically proven to improve creative problem solving, improves attention span,
improve stress response, alleviate symptoms of pain, anxiety and depression, reduce the risk of
heart disease and stroke, improve sleep and inculcate compassion among other benefits.
Specifically chanting Om can improve pulmonary function, increased mental alertness, increased
environmental awareness and provide potential relief from stress and depression. Meditating in
large groups is known to have brought about reduced crime rates, violence, and casualties during
the times of their meditation. Suicide rates and automobile accidents also reduce with all variables
accounted for. During one study, there was a 72% reduction in terrorist activity during the times at
which this group was in meditation.
"India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the
grandmother of legend, and the great-grandmother of tradition. Our most valuable and most
instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only." - Mark Twain, American

The ideas that we are discussing here are universal in nature. They address everyone, irrespective
of belief, nationality, birth, race. Everyone wants to be happy, that is our primary pursuit. If the
cause of suffering is identified as ignorance. It is knowledge that we are pursuing. Knowledge that
can wipe away the darkness of ignorance. However, this is not bookish knowledge. Of course, there
is study involved. But this knowledge has to be established as experiential truth. Omkār Sādhana is
just that. It does not need convincing or belief of any kind. It is purely experiential, from the very
first time you try it, the impact is felt. The workshop builds the context for the work and creates the
anchors required to make it a consistent practice, a sādhana.

Would the world not be a better place to live in would the world be if more and more people were to
establish in a stable, focused and non-prejudiced state of mind. To have a zeitgeist that is universal,
all-inclusive and compassionate on the one hand and yet is profoundly stark, hard-hitting and
transformative. Where we are not part of belief systems that divide us and pit us against one
another, but rather a true direct wisdom that allows us to recognize the ultimate oneness of

"The infinite is bliss. There is no bliss in anything finite. Only the Infinite is bliss. One must desire to
understand the Infinite." - Chandogya Upanishad
Omkār Sādhana is not just the intensive individual practice that easily becomes part of your daily
routine but is also the opportunity to become part of a growing community working towards peace
and harmony on the global level.


"The group meditation helped me get to peace and relaxation. Felt refreshed and quite positive
after the peaceful experience." - Aditya Naik

"I came to the session with a restless mind, filled with anxiety. Somewhere during the Om chanting
the chaos in my mind started settling down. I feel relieved. But don't know why or how?" - Swaidha

"I came to attend a simple session and I feel I hit a gold mine." - Sowmya Raghavan

"Comfort in the now, in the present. Letting go of fear of the Light. Establishing a centre. Thank you
for making this possible." Khyati Raja

"Surreal. Revealing. In the process saw/felt that there are so many distractions that keep us away
from our actual journey." - Prakil Singh

"This is so powerful!!!" - Ritika Komal

"Feeling really peaceful and happy!" - Varun Chauhan

"Feeling blissful!" - Shrinivas Purushan

"Had a calming effect on my mind" - Mamta Prabhu

"Peaceful, happy and calm "inside". Inner composure." - Nivedita Ananth

"Felt like a surreal experience." - Varsha Kumar

"Bliss!" - Ambika Aruna Ganesh

"Feel blessed and grateful for this experience." - Shweta Dinesh Thakkar

"Very powerful deep dive within." - Sagar Bellurgi

"Amazingly refreshing, freeing and peaceful." - Manssi Saha

"Amazing experience. I was overwhelming." - Dhruv J Kalita

Contact Details

Call: 98856551029, 7683035296, 9845094358





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