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I. Translate into Bahasa Indonesia!

1. Anita is pretty
2. Dodi has short black hair.
3. Elephants have long trunks
4. Bandar Market is crowded
5. I have a nice red cap
II. Translate into English
6. Kucing itu kecil
7. Nissa Sabyan memiliki hidung mancung
8. Singa memiliki gigi yang tajam
9. Ruang kelas kami bersih dan rapi
10. Taman itu teduh
III. Describe the following famous people!
11. Prabowo .........................................................
Jokowi ............................................................

12. Dedi Corbuzier ...............................................

13. Natasya Wilona ............................................

14. Oprah Winfrey ..............................................

IV. Complete the following dialogue
15. Ana : Do you have a pet, Adi?
Adi : ..................................................................................
Ana : What is it?
Adi : It is a cute cat, name Leo.
Ana : .................................................................................
Adi : It is small, It has soft yellow-white fur, and a long tail
16. Shidqi : Have you ever been to Jakarta Zahra?
Zahra : ............................................................................... What about you Shidqi?
Shidqi : I visited Jakarta 2 weeks ago.
Zahra : ...............................................................................
Shidqi: Jakarta is a big city. It has lots of high buildings. It is also the busiest city in
V. Guess !
17. This animal has long ears and it eats carrots. It is a ...
18. It produces milk. It eats grass and plants. It is a ...
19. It is the king of the jungle. It has sharp claws and teeth. It is a ...
20. They have long necks. They live in grass lands or in the zoo. They eats leaves on the
high trees. They are ...
21. This is a happy place to study. Students and friendly teachers gather here. It is ...
22. It’s a long fruit. It tastes sweet. It is yellow or green. It is ...

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