Example of Calculating IRR

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Example of Calculating IRR

It might be easier to look at an example than to keep explaining it. Let’s look
at Tom’s Machine Shop. Tom is considering purchasing a new machine, but
he is unsure if it’s the best use of company funds at this point in time. With the
new $100,000 machine, Tom will be able to take on a new order that will pay
$20,000, $30,000, $40,000, and $40,000 in revenue.

Let’s calculate Tom’s minimum rate. Since it’s difficult to isolate the discount
rate unless you use an excel IRR calculator. You can start with an
approximate rate and adjust from there. Let’s start with 8 percent.

As you can see, our ending NPV is not equal to zero. Since it’s a positive
number, we need to increase the estimated internal rate. Let’s increase it to
10 percent and recalculate.

As you can see, Tom’s internal return rate on this project is 10 percent. He
can compare this to other investing opportunities to see if it makes sense to
spend $100,000 on this piece of equipment or investment the money in
another venture.

Internal Rate of Return Analysis

Remember, IRR is the rate at which the net present value of the costs of an
investment equals the net present value of the expected future revenues of
the investment. Management can use this return rate to compare other
investments and decide what capital projects should be funded and what ones
should be scrapped.

Going back to our machine shop example, assume Tom could purchase three
different pieces of machinery. Each would be used for a slightly different job
that brought in slightly different amounts of cash flow. Tom can calculate the
internal rate of return on each machine and compare them all. The one with
the highest IRR would be the best investment.

Since this is an investment calculation, the concept can also be applied to any
other investment. For instance, Tom can compare the return rates of investing
the company’s money in the stock market or new equipment. Now obviously
the expected future cash flows aren’t always equal to the actual cash received
in the future, but this represents a starting point for management to base their
purchase and investment decisions on.

What is Internal Rate of Return (IRR)?

The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is the discount rate that makes the net
present value (NPV) of a project zero. In other words, it is the expected
compound annual rate of return that will be earned on a project or
investment. In the example below, an initial investment of $50 has a 22% IRR.
That is economically equal to earning a 22% compound annual growth rate.
When calculating IRR, expected cash flows for a project or investment are
given and the NPV equals zero. Put another way, the initial cash investment
for the beginning period will be equal to the present value of the future cash
flows of that investment. (Cost paid = present value of future cash flows, and
hence, the net present value = 0).

Once the internal rate of return is determined, it is typically compared to a

company’s hurdle rate or cost of capital. If the IRR is greater than or equal to
the cost of capital, the company would accept the project as a good
investment. (That is, of course, assuming this is the sole basis for the decision.
In reality there are many other quantitative and qualitative factors that are
considered in an investment decision.) If the IRR is lower than the hurdle rate,
then it would be rejected.
What is the IRR Formula?
The IRR formula is as follows:

Calculating the internal rate of return can be done in three ways:

1. Using the IRR or XIRR function in Excel or other spreadsheet programs

(see example below)
2. Using a financial calculator
3. Using an iterative process where the analyst tries different discount rates
until the NPV equals to zero (Goal Seek in Excel can be used to do this)
Example of Calculating IRR
Here is an example of how to calculate the Internal Rate of Return.

A company is deciding whether to purchase new equipment that costs

$500,000. Management estimates the life of the new asset to be four years
and expects it to generate an additional $160,000 of annual profits. In the fifth
year, the company plans to sell the equipment for its salvage value of $50,000.

Meanwhile, another similar investment option can generate a 10% return. This
is higher than the company’s current hurdle rate of 8%. The goal is to make
sure the company is making better use of its cash.

To make a decision, the IRR for investing in the new equipment is calculated

Excel was used to calculate the IRR of 13%, using the function, =IRR(). From a
financial standpoint, the company should make the purchase, because the IRR
is both greater than the hurdle rate and the IRR for the alternative investment.
What is Internal Rate of Return Used For?
Companies take on various projects to increase their revenues or cut down
costs. A great new business idea may require, for example, investing in the
development of a new product.

In capital budgeting, senior leaders like to know the reasonably projected

returns on such investments. The internal rate of return is one method that
allows them to compare and rank projects based on their projected yield. The
investment with the highest internal rate of return is usually preferred.

Internal Rate of Return is widely used in analyzing investments for private

equity and venture capital, which involves multiple cash investments over the
life of a business and a cash flow at the end through an IPO or sale of the

Thorough investment analysis requires an analyst to examine both the net

present value (NPV) and the internal rate of return, along with other indicators,
such as the payback period, in order to select the right investment. Since it’s
possible for a very small investment to have a very high rate of return,
investors and managers sometimes choose a lower percentage return but
higher absolute dollar value opportunity. Also, it’s important to have a good
understanding of your own risk tolerance, or a company’s investment
needs, risk aversion, and other available options.

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