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Topic Media effects on children behavior

Submitted By: Abdullah Sarfraz

Class: BS 5th

Semester: 5th (Evening)

Session: 2017-2021

Roll No.: 13720

Submitted To: Muhammad Majid Hamid Nasir

Department of Mass Communication

Department of Mass Communication

Government College University, Faisalabad

08 November, 2019
Table of content
1. Significance
2. Introduction
3. History
4. Theory
5. that relate on children behavior
6. Effects on study
7. Effects on health
8. Positive and negative effects
9. Responsibility of parents
10. Responsibility of media
11. What recommended to child
12. Conclusion
Effects of media on children behavior
1. Significance;
Media has a most important in our society in which we communicate with each other through a
medium in to the world .and it is also a most important for children growth in which children can learn
and improve their skills of communication like speaking, listening and also writimg.but it also a negative
impact on children and society in which children can learn negative hobbits like smoking, misbehave,
rudeness same any of these habits’ chose this topic because children have most soft target of any
human beings with respect to behavior and it is a very sensitive issue in now days.
In this chapter we know about media introduction and how and what effect on children behavior and
what responsibility of parents and media about children usage of media.

2. Introduction;
Media play a vital role in our daily routine. World become a global village through the media
which we can up-to-date that happened in our sounding.
It is plural form of media which means any form of communication such as print media,
electronic media, internet and any form of communication. print media is an older form of it
and electronic media is new form of it.

3. History;
In 20 senchery was the time of extra ordinary and development of new typy of media early
1940 through the end of senchery children media expanded to include TV,recorded music,vedio
tapes,games,computer software and internet.
In 1941 television made its debut being a new era of media influence during 1980 and 1990 the
phenominal growth occurs as computer technology, resulting in the increased availiblty of
computer to children. During this same period media content is increased a transformation that
was create a increase use of sexual theme and violent behavior that is seen in movies,
programme. Lyrics, games and even in cartoon.
4. Theory that relate on children behavior;
Childern spend their most of their time to using media across childhood.many researches
investigate how media impact on children growth or effect theory help to
describe that when and whom media effects occure.

Social cognitive theory;

Social cognitive theory (previously refered to a social learning theory,1977)is one of the most
important and commonly used theory to explain how and when media can influence on
children behavior. The theory is explain tha behavior is not learn by one’s own experience but
also by observing just as learning behavior by their parents,siblings and peers ETC.childern can
also learn behavior by media.this theory argue that result of the behavior is portrayed influence
whether the behavior will be repeat.behavior that is rewarded is more likely to be modeled
than behavior that is punished(benura,1977)
Children will also copy behavior that receive no consequence because the lack of punishment is
interpreted in lack of reward(bandura,1965) this new perception which had to the name of
social cognitive theory(1986) explain that serveral mental process involve in observational a result a child ability to involve in observational learning is depend upon their
cognitive development.
for successful observational learning social cognitive theory state that four sequential process
must occur. first is attention to the model and model behavior is critical. Tv character have
many particular and involving features that easily attract attention. Secondly is retention
describe that there is a big time interval between the observation of behavior and performance
of the behavior. And last is motivational where observer reproduce the behavior to one
personal values.

5. Effect on study;
Media also effects on children education where children can spare their most of time in media
to play games, watch tv , listen songs through radio. It can decrese the education time of a
children and then children can damage their learning ability of them.
6. Effects on health;
Children spend most of their time to use media than they do in any other activity. Most of them
have access of bedroom tv, computer, internet and cell phone. Old and new media has often
same impact on children heath. Researchers review the recent research on effect of media on
health of children found that media can impact in belief and behavior in term of violence, sex,
aggression, abuse, obesity and eating disorder. Heavy television viewing has been linked with
attention defict problem, hypertension, asthema, sleep problem, irritating and depression.

7. Positive and negative effects on children;

Negative effects;
 Phobia and fear
 Obesity (lack of physical activates)
 Inappropriate language and manners
 Aggressive behavior
 Cut of the family and society
 Education disturb
Positive effects;
Media has a many positive effects on childerns. It is depend on parents to provide a correct way
of use of media to their children.
Positive effects are that with the use of media children can improve their academic and social
skills.child should view educational program to achive high grades , improve their reading and
writing skills and audio and video learning. Develop their gross motor skills through video
games, help to develop skills like critical thinking, writing, public speaking, imagination and

8. Responsibility of parents ;
 Spare most of their time with children is likely to be good for than spare a time with
 Parents should make your own timetable for when and how media technology is use for
 Warn children about the importance of privacy and danger for predator and sexting.
 Do not use technology for emotional purpose.
 Become a role model for their children for low usage of media technology.
 Create learning environment.
 Tell the importance of face-to-face communication not communication through chat.

9. Responsibility of media ;
 Media play important role on children behavior.some responsibility of media about
children to save them with negative effects of it.
 Media in television should avoid any use of sexual activitis and violence.
 Avoid sexual abuse and violence and also use age restriction logo on this type of

 In vedio game keep avoid any type of violence and abuse and make age restrict between
adult and children games

9 What recommended to child;

 Babbies up to 18 month old
in this time no screen time
 Toddler (18 month to 24 month)
Some screen time with their parents
 Preeschooler
No more than a1 hour a day of day educational program
 Kids and teens
Parents should place consist time limit on screen which include tv, social media , vedio

Media has both positive and negative impact on children.these cannot be remove but we
encourage positive aspects and control the negative imoacts to our children and to
understand the use of resources available for growth and development of children behavior
not the distuction of children behavior

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