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Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery (1998) 26, Suppl.

1 3 221
© 1998 European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

Abstracts of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery Helsinki Congress -

1-5 September 1998

TRANSMENTAL SUCTION LIPECTOMY, AN From 1992 to 1996, 1079 patients (720 female, 359 male)
ADJUNCT TO G E N I O P L A S T Y - L O N G - T E R M with a mean age of 22 years (min. 13, max 73) underwent
RESULTS facial orthopaedic surgery in our unit. Their records were
analysed retrospectively. Surgery consisted of 709 unimaxil-
Abeioos, J.*, Mommaerts, 151.,De Clercq, C Neyt, L lary, 330 bimaxillary and 31 isolated mental procedures.
Follow-up ranged from O to 66 months (mean 15).
Division of Maxillo-Facial Surgery, A Z St-Jan, Belgium Diagnostic planning, surgical approach, and pre- and post-
operative care were standardised.
To describe the technique, indications and long-term out- RESULTS:
come of the chin osteotomy approach to the submental fat. There were no fatalities. There were two life threatening
complications: bronchospasm at time of induction and
STUDY DESIGN: hypoxaemia due to clot aspiration Intra-operative complica-
A cohort of twenty patients, 16 female and 4 male, was tions consisted of neurovascular bundle injury (4) and
analysed prospectively for morbidity and aesthetic outcome. unfavourable sagittal split (9). Post-operative complications
Eighteen underwent other orthognathic procedures, while 2 consisted of hypercapnia (1), airway obstruction due to
underwent a genioplasty only. The submental fat was oedema (1), haematoma (1 l), infection (49), impairment of
approached via the chin osteotomy gap. The chin segment neurosensory function (lower lip: 294, lingual nerve: 17,
was pulled down with a bone clamp. Access to the submental buccal nerve: 9, V2: 46), paresis of the marginal branch of
region was gained by blunt dissection with a pair of scissors, the facial nerve (3) and root trauma (1).
laterally to the insertion of the genioglossal and geniohyoid
muscles. Further tunnelling was performed with the liposuc- CONCLUSION:
tion canulas at the supra- and subplatysmal levels. The most frequently encountered complication was neu-
rosensory disturbance in the lower lip. Infection especially
RESULTS: after a sagittal split procedure, is our main concern nowa-
The mean last follow-up control was 4.9 years postopera- days.
tively. Two (10%) had a resolving weakness of the marginal
branch of the facial nerve on one side of the face. Four
(20%) had had hypaesthesia of the lower lip lasting longer
than 6 months. One (5%) had an infection in the neck with, [~ CENTRAL M U C O E P I D E R M O I D CARCINOMA O F
later, some skin irregularity. Eight patients (40%) showed an THE MANDIBLE: REPORT O F A CASE.
excellent clinical result. Eleven (55%) had a good result and
1 (5%) a moderate result. Acero, £*; N~ez, £; De Paz, V.; Cuesta, Mr.; Ferndndez-
Alba, J.; Concejo, C.
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hospital
This technique is a useful adjunctive cosmetic procedure in
General Universitario " Gregorio Marafion", Universidad
orthognatic surgery. It can only be performed in conjunc-
Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
tion with simultaneous genioplasty. The complication rate
is low so that it can be adopted as a safe procedure.
Attention should be paid to the amount of fat and skin as in Aim: To present a new case of central mucoepidermoid car-
other cases of suction lipectomy in the cervicomental region cinoma. This neoplasm arising intraosseously is an
when in combination with movements of the facial skeleton. extremely rare condition, which accounts for only 2-3% of
all reported cases of mucoepidermoid carcinoma.
Material & Methods: We describe a clinical case of a 75
years old patient, presenting a 2 cm ulcerative lesion in the
PERI-OPERATIVE C O M P L I C A T I O N S IN FACIAL mucosa over the right mandibular posterior area.
ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY - A 5 YEAR Radiological examination showed a large multilocular
RETROSPECTIVE STUDY ON 1079 PATIENTS lesion extending from the angle to the subcondylar region.
Biopsy of the lesion was carried out, the diagnosis being low
A cebai Blanco, F. *, Vuyisteke, Ph., Mommaerts M., grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma. No palpable neck nodes
Abeloos, £ De Clercq, C., Neyt, L. were found. Right mandibulectomy with resection of the
overlying soft tissues was perfomed. In order to restore the
Division of Maxillo-Facial Surgery. A Z St-Jan. Belgium defect, a free osseous fibular flap was transferred. We dis-
cuss the clinical, pathological and therapeutic features of
AIMS this type of tnmour.
To describe the nature and incidence of complications Results: After histological confirmation, surgical treatment
encountered in orthognathic & aesthetic facial orthopaedic of the intraosseous mucoepidermoid carcinoma by means
surgery. of a radical mandibulectomy is mandatory. A microsurgical
4 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

fibular flap allowed good functional and aesthetic recon- table, taking sight at the stone was made with the help of
struction in this case. roentgenography and ultrasound scanning with the fre-
Conclusions: Central mucoepidermoid carcinoma is a rare quency of 7,5 Mgt. Crushing of the stone was made accord-
condition which requires surgical treatment. Microsurgical ing to the method "blow with a cue onto the billiard ball" or
flaps allow good results to be achieved after radical the stone was placed "at the topof the closed acute angle"of
mandibulectomy. the ultrasound ray.Used 1500-3000 impulses per one crush-
ing.At the average 3-4 procedures were necessary for
lithotripsy of one stone. 1-2 procedures were made during a
week.The results of the lithotripsy efficiency on the different
@=~ RECONSTRUCTION O F THE MANDIBLE AT equipment types were valued in the comparison aspect.
D I S C O N T I N U I T Y DEFECTS - A REPORT ON 40 Results: Our experience showed that crushing of salivary
CONSECUTIVE CASES stones can be made on both types of the equipment. After
crushing bleeding from the taking out ducts is marked, and
Adell, R. *, Svensson, B., Johansson, G., Dahlin, C, in the tract of salivary gland the inflammatory reaction of
Jakobsson, 0., B61ander, L., Nilsson, C, Gertzdn, H. the tissues. The small parts of the stone are taken away after
the first crushing.The stone completely spills after the 2nd-
Departments of Oral and Maxillofacial, Plastic and ENT 3rd crushing. In some cases dilatation of the duct mouth
Surgery, Orebro Medical Centre Hospital, Orebro, Sweden should be made for the complete debridement of the gland
from the stone elements.
Aims: To evaluate the outcome of mostly immediate recon- Conclusions: Lithotripsy can be used for crushing salivary
struction of mandibles at discontinuity defects by two prin- stones. Each type of the equipment has its own advantages
cipally different methods - microvascularly anastomosed and disadvantages: Easy of finding and breaking of the
free composite grafts and functionally stable reconstruction stone is possible by lithotipsy and early results seem good.
plates, covered with thick soft tissue flaps.
Methods: 47 reconstructions were performed in 40 patients,
27 microvascularly anastomosed free composite grafts, gen-
erally osseomyo-cutaneous ilium or fibula grafts, were used M A T H E M A T I C A L M E T H O D S O F P L A N N I N G THE
at compromised, i e irradiated or infected host tissues. 20 F O R M AND SIZE O F BONE GRAFTS.
reconstructions were carried out with functionally stable
reconstruction plates, covered with thick soft tissue flaps, *Agapov E, Gusev 0., Eroshin E, ltkinson E., Aivasian K.
when bone grafting was not considered indicated or unsuit-
able. Condyle prostheses were used in 6 of these cases. 3 Medical Stomatological Institute, Department of Oral and
reconstructions were performed becaues of mechanical Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Moscow. Russia.
problems with earlier reconstructions, 5 were due to trauma
and 5 to chronic infections. The remaining ones were carried AIMS: To find out relationship between sizes of bone graft
out at removal of malignant turnouts. Follow-up times were and receiving surfaces on mandible fragments with site and
from 1 - 4 years with a mean of 1,5 years. size of the defect by means of biomechanical and com-
Results: Several temporary, but curable, flap dehiscencies
puter analysis.
and minor postoperative infections were encountered. M E T H O D S : Computer study of facial bones X-ray images,
Three plates and one supporting ramus fractured. 5 plates biomechanical study of bone structures in jaw fractures and
loosened from mandible segments. Otherwise all recon- defects.
structions fulfilled their purposes to various function levels, RESULTS: In planning and performing osteoplastic oper-
as will be reviewed. Brfinemark implants were installed in 7 ations in 35 patients using tested methods was deter-
jaws. mineted that the fixation elements are to be placed on the
Conclusions: Reconstruction by microvascularly anasto- perimeter of graft receiving surfaces along the lines per-
mosed composite grafts was the most demanding but by far pendicular to the action of bending and side moving
also the most versatile method providing options for almost forces. The measurements of acceptable exertions were
total functional, esthetic and psycho-social rehabilitation. calculated.
CONCLUSION: Using developed methods of calculation
makes it possible to define the sizes of receiving surfaces,
" L I T H O T R I P S Y O F THE SALIVARY STONES" the number and placement of fixing elements. This com-
puter modeling is minimizing a probability of inflamma-
V. V. Afanassiev, V..M.Meshkov, M.R. Abdusalamov, C.M. tory complications and bone and graft malunion.
Brestovitsky, EL. Kudryash

(Moscow Medical Stomatology Institute, Center of Endo-

Surgery, Litho-Tripsy and New Medical Technologies of BIOACTIVE GLASS ($53P4) IN FRONTO-ORBITAL
Road Ministry Hospital 4) TRAUMA A N D T U M O R SURGERY

Aitasalo, K.*, Suonpiiii, J., Yli-Urpo,

Aims: Sialolithiasis forms 50% of all salivary glands dis-
eases. Till the present time it was treated only surgically,
A1 Departments of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck
sometimes the stone was ablated together with the salivary Surgery, Turku University Central Hospital and Institute of
gland. After ablating innergland concrements relapse can
Dentistry, Turku, University, Turku, Finland
appear. We used the method of lithotripsy for crushing sali-
vary stones in order to avoid surgical operation.
Method: Crushing was made on two types of the equipment, Aims: To show the stability of bioactive glass (BG) in recon-
such as M O D U L I T H SL X, (Company STORZ Med A.G.) structions of facial trauma and tumor and as filling in
and EDAP LTo02 (France). The patient was placed on the fronto-orbital defects.
EACMFS- Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 5

Method: Non-vascularized bone grafts that are used for Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medical
reconstruction of skeletal deformities of the face after Academy of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
trauma or tumor surgery are prone to resorption. Since
1991 bone defects we have reconstructed with BG-granules Aim: To estimate the incidence of CL and/or P in Latvia,
and plates in 37 orbital defects, 19 fronto-orbital defects and and variability related to forms, gender, seasons and geo-
7 in the skull defects after trauma, tumor or deformity graphical areas.
surgery. The mean follow-up period for the 63 patients has Method: This was a retrospective study. The source of infor-
been 15 months (range 4 mo to 6 yrs). BG-granules were mation was the records of the cleft team (the only one in
used in facial bone defects in subperiosteal pockets and Latvia), registered on special cards. The material comprised
bone cavities, whereas BG plates were used in orbital floor cleft children born in Latvia during the years 1960 - 1996.
and wall reconstruction. Results: Out of 1480 children (54% males and 46% females)
Results: Clinical follow-ups and postoperative middle face there were 537 (36%) patients with CLP, 329 (22%) with
radiographs and computed tomographs (CT) have shown CL, 584 (40%) with CR and 30 (2%) patients with other
that BG material has been well tolerated and revealed no
cleft types.
resorptive changes at the BG-bone interface. BG granules or The estimated incidence of CL and/or P in Latvia was
plates we have not been removed for infections or foreign 1.2 per thousand live births. Considerable year-to-year vari-
body reactions during clinical follow-ups. Two defects has ations were found with the rates ranging from 0.7 (year
been explored one year postoperatively and the retrived 1995) to 1.6 (year 1990). There were no remarkable seasonal
specimens has analysed histologically. The clinical outcome variations if all cleft types were considered. Despite the
and histological analyse has shown no inflammatory small area (64.6 thousand km2), wide differences in CL
changes or foreign body reactions in the operation area. and/or P incidence among geographic regions were estab-
Conclusions: BG is a promising and well-tolerated material in
reconst-ructions of the facial skeleton. In the solid block form it Conclusion: The incidence of CL and/or P was quite low,
does not resorb: Also BG granules are a well-tolerated and a sta- however, and in the range of previously reported studies.
bile Idling material in fronto-orbital trauma and tumor surgery. Variability related to their forms, seasonal variations and
patients' gender in Latvia was similar to that reported previ-
ously in other countries.
Aitasalo, K. ~, Laine, J.1
Albertos, JM., Junquera, LM., Villarreal, P., Garcla-
Departments of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Consuegra, L.
and 1Oral SurgetT, Turku University Central Hospital, Turku,
Finland Department of OMFS, Central Hospital of Asturias,
University of Oviedo.
Aims: To show the possibilities to reconstruct the maxillary
defects with temporal fascia or muscle flap with or without
Aims: At the present time, the treatment of parotid metasta-
clavarial bone.
sis is not standardized. The question was addressed whether
Method: The optimal technique for repair of maxillary
resection of the facial nerve resulted in an improvement in
defects is controversed. We report on 12 patients ranging in
the patient's long-term prognosis.
age from 46 to 78 years who underwent reconstruction of
Subject: The clinical course of patients who underwent
large subtotal maxillary defects between 1995 and 1997 was
parotid surgery in the Central Hospital of Oviedo during
performed. In nine cases we used calvarial osseous grafts
the period 1976-1996 as a result of metastasis was studied.
with the temporal muscle and fascia flaps and three cases
In all cases, a neck dissection with total (preserving the
with the temporalis fascia and muscle flaps.
facial nerve) or radical parotidectomy was performed.
Results: In all cases, the extirpation and reconstruction is
Results: During the period analysed a total of 60l parotid
well tolerated, and the advantage time of hospitalization
tumours was operated on. Histologically, 536 cases were
was 14 days and ranged from 7 to 21 days. The patients were
benign and 65 malignant. Metastasis to the parotid gland
preoperatively irradiated from 60 to 65 Gy. One of 12
occurred in 24 patients. Squamous cell carcinoma of the
patients had complication and also he has recurrence. There
skin and malignant melanoma were the principal causes of
was two recurrences (17%) during the half year after opera-
metastasis. Five patients were free of illness twenty months
tion. The follow-up ranged from 6 months to 3 years. The
alter surgery. Radical parotidectomy does not increase the
success rate of these (10/12 preoperatively irradiated)
patient's life expectancy compared with total parotidec-
patients was 83%. Also we have rehabilitated 10 patients
with prosthesis.
Conclusion: In the parotid gland metastasis, the long-term
Conclusions: Use of this calvarial bone with the temporal fas-
prognosis is influenced by the type and extension of the pri-
cia and muscle flap in maxillary reconstruction after preoper-
mary tumour. Radical parotid surgery does not influence
ative irradiation is well tolerated. But it is also associated with
the prognosis.
a low morbidity, a good functional and aesthetic result.


Alexandridis, C.*, Rapidis, A.D ,. Eleftheriadis, E.
Akota, I.*, Barkane, B., Grasmane, N. Angelopoulos, A P
6 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

Departments of Maxillofacial Surgery Greek Anticaneer Woburn, MA, USA) or only with intraarticular injection
Institute, St. Savvas Hospital and University of Athens, of 1 mL Sodium Hyaluronate. Pain, joint noises, and jaw
School of Dentistry, Athens, Greece functions were assessed by means of visual analog scale
prior to the procedure, 1 day, 1, 2, 3 and 6 months postoper-
AIMS: atively.
The Buccal Fat Pad (BFP) as an anatomic element was Results: The results showed that jaw functions were
described almost two hundred years ago by Buchat. Its use improved with a reduction in jaw noises and pain during a 6-
though in oral reconstruction was proposed twenty years months follow-up period in both groups.
Conclusions: Intraarticular injection of sodium hyaluronate
ago by Egyedi. The BFP as a pedicled graft was originally
used as a method for the closure of oro-antral and oro- either alone or following arthrocentesis relieves the symp-
toms of DDwR.
nasal communications. During the last five years an
increasing number of studies reporting the use of BFP in
the reconstruction of post-surgical oral defects have been
From January 1995 to December 1997 we used this method WOUNDS F O L L O W I N G THE USE O F L Y O P H I L I Z E D
to reconstruct medium sized acquired defects of the oral PORCINE DERMIS
soft and hard tissues in 12 patients suffering from oral
malignant tumours, Four of the defects were in the maxillas,
Alpaslan G*.
two in the retromandibular area, and eight in the cheek. In
all patients reconstruction was simultaneously carried out Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of
with surgical treatment of the primary tumour. In 11 Dentistry, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey.
patients the BFP was left uncovered to epithelilise and in
one it was covered with Iyo-dura. Aims: To demonstrate vascularization of full-thickness
skin wounds following the use of lyophilized porcine
RESULTS: dermis by means of Alkaline Phosphatase
In 10 cases the BFP healed without complications within 2 Histochemistry.
to 3 weeks; in two patients with maxillary defects there was Method: Twentyone eight weeks old Wistar rats, weighing
a partial loss of the graft requiring the additional use of an 180-220 grams of both sexes were used in the present
obturator to prevent oro-nasal leakage. The procedure for study. Aloask D (Taiho, Japan) was made by lyophilizing
the harvesting of the graft proved to be an extremely easy porcine epidermis and dermis, After preparing dorsal skin
one and extra care was only necessary to avoid severing the aseptically, two elliptical 15X8 ram. full-thickness skin
supporting vascular plexus and the thin stroma that covered wounds were created. Previously cut Aloask D sheath hav-
the BFR ing same dimensions was sutured to one of the wound
sites. Other wound site served as control with normal skin
CONCLUSIONS: was left healing secondarily. Animals killed on days 1, 3, 7,
We could therefore conclude that the BFP is a useful alter- 15, 21, 30 and 45; operative sites retrieved en bloc. Samples
native in the reconstruction of small to medium sized were processed for Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) histo-
acquired defects of the oral tissues. chemistry by A Z O dye method and routine light
Results: In the present study, the sign of neovascularization
was observed on postoperative day 3 in the wound bed. As
THE EFFICACY O F INTRAARTICULAR regarding regeneration of capillary networks, our observa-
I N J E C T I O N O F S O D I U M HYALURONATE ON tions have confirmed that formations of surface capillary
T E M P O R O M A N D I B U L A R J O I N T DISC networks do not precede epithelization of the wound sur-
DISPLACEMENT WITH REDUCTION face and that it takes almost 30 days at secondary healing,
and 21 days at experimental groups before a regular
Alpaslan, C*., Alpasan, G. arrangement of ALP reactive subepidermal capillary net-
work is reestablished.
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Conelusious: Since the use of lyophilized porcine dermis
Dentistry, Gazi Universi04 Ankara, Turkey accomplishes well vascularised tissue without wound
contraction and accelerates epithelization in healing
process, its use is recommended when host tissues are not
Aims: The success of TMJ arthrocentesis in the treatment available.
of closed lock has clearly been demonstrated.
Intraarticular injection of sodium hyaluronate, one of the
essential components of synovial fluid following TMJ
arthrocentesis has also been found to be superior than
arthrocentesis alone in the treatment of closed lock.
Efficacy of this treatment on patients only with TMJ disc
displacement with reduction (DDwR) and the efficacy of
Alruhaimi, Khalid A. BDS, MSe,
sodium hyaluronate alon in resolving in symptoms were
evaluated in this study.
Method: Patients with D D w R were treated either with
Dr. Med. Dent. Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, King
arthrocentesis followed by intraarticular injection of 1 mL
Saud University Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
sodium hyaluronate (Orthovisc, Anika Research Inc
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 7

AIM: fronto-nasal group; in this case it was a global advance and

To assess the effect of the resorbable calcium sulfate barrier in the same primitive level o approximately 1 cm. The plates
as inducer to guide soft tissue regeneration to close insuffi- with the absorbable screws are fixed at both sides in this
cient palatal mucoperiostum and guide bone regeneration in order: 1. Bone drilling with an engine drill with a stop. 2.
cases of cleft palate with and without bone grafting. Diestock. 3. Facing and screw!ng. The screw head is broken
off after the screw fixation. The same operation is per-
METHODS: formed assembling the fronto-nasal region and the three
Eighteen New Zealand rabbits were used in this experiment. fragments of the frontal area.
At right side of each animal 1 cm. wide of mucoperiosteum We also place another resorbable plate in the nasoglabel-
was removed intra orally and vertically from middle of the lar region.
palate to the buccal sulcus between incisor and molar teeth. After the bony reconstruction has been completed, the
The same width of cut was made and removed from the periosteum and scalp are replaced.
palatal and buccal surfaces of maxillary bone. The bony Conclusions: This resorbable material allows remodelling of
cuts were extended vertically to the mid line of nasal bone the bone without any sequel and /or leaving any foreign
through an extra oral incision. The nasal mucous mem- body in the human organism, as it is resorbed within a year
brane of the cut lines was also removed to complete the cre- and that period of time is long enough to allow the fractures
ated cleft. Extra oral incision in all animals were closed after to consolidate.
completing surgery. Created gaps were left open and unfilled
in 6 animals as a control, bony gasps were packed with cot-
ton gauzes mixed with gentamycin ointment for one week.
In second group of 6 animals the intra oral gasps were cov-
ered with calcium sulfate barrier. In the last 6 animals group
bony gaps were filled with bovine bone granules and covered
Francisco Hernandez Altemiv
with calcium sulfate barrier. Several 3 zero black silk
sutures were used passing through incision surfaces in order
to help stabilizing the barrier without closing soft tissue gap. Department of Oral and MaxillofacialSurgery Zaragoza (Spain)
After three months of surgery all animals were sacrified.
Method: To carry out this technique it is only necessary, just
RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: as in our retronasal intubation technique, to have a ringed
Photographs of the gaps were taken after completing the Rusch catheter, of a size that fits the nasal fossa. A laryngeal
surgery, two weeks and one month post operatively. mask, adequate for the patient, will also be necesary.
Macroscopically all soft tissue gaps covered with calcium bar- Once the patient has been conveniently monitored and pre-
tier with or without bovine bone filling showed complete soft pared, as if he/she were to be intubated through the oral route
tissue closure. Whereas gaps in control animal revealed an oro- and still maintaining spontaneous respiration, the ringed catheter
antral fistulae. No infection was revealed in all tested animals. is passed through the chosen nasal aperture to the oropharyngeal
Microscopically resorbable barrier has resorbed and cavity, where it is pulled out of the mouth with a Magill damp (it
mucoperiosteum of the filled gaps in both active groups of may be helpful to have previously placed an intermaxillary gag to
calcium sulfate coverage compared to the contra lateral make this procedure easier). Then, the proximal end of the venti-
mucopetiosteum showed normal structure. However, amount lation tube of the laryngeal mask is attached to the distal extrao-
and quality of bone filled the bony gaps were better in cases ral end of the tinged tube, and we push the mask carefully
of bovine bone grafting and calcium sulfate cover than gaps towards the pharyngeal region and cavum, with the cuff deflated.
covered with calcium sulfate barrier only. In conclusion the The next step is to pull the tinged catheter out through the nose in
application of the described resorbable calcium sulfate bone order to carry there the tube of the laryngeal mask. As this tube
barrier can be a good alternative method to make closure of could be too short to pass through the nasal fossa, the ventilator
cleft palate easier or avoid pedicled or large flaps in cases of connection can be attached to our tinged Rusch catheter (we
large cleft defect or insufficient soft tissue. Bone grafts filling hope that a laryngeal mask, with a ventilation tube more ade-
the bony cleft will fasten bone regeneration and help to quate for passing through the retronasal route, will be produced)
support calcium sulfate barrier. To my best knowledge this Immediately the cuff, already placed at the glosopharyngeal cav-
method were first reported in this application. ity, is deflated and carried with a firm approaching movement to
the supraglotic region, then continuing the procedure in the con-
ventional way for the laryngeal mask. The laryngeal mask is
deflated and pulled out, either manually or with a Magill damp ;
obviously, before extracting the laryngeal mask, the Rusch
catheter must have been detached In case it were necessary, if it
were impossible to insert the laryngeal mask, the tinged Rusch
Francisco Hernandez Aitemir* Sofia Hernandez Montero
catheter can be passed into the trachea in the conventional way.

Aims: In this video we present the surgical use of resorbable

material for the correction of a craniofacial malformation in
an 8-month-old girl with Crouzon syndrome.
Method:There are two different surgical phases: the cranial
phase and the facial phase. After the exposure of the cranio- Francisco Hernandez Altemir M.D.
facial structures we perform the osteotomies and the fi'onto-
orbito-nasal block is exposed and mobilised. Few materials
Department of Oral and 2¢laxillofacia[ Surgery Zaragoza
are needed in the reconstruction: miniplates, reabsorbable
screws, drill with a stop, diestock and screwdriver.
The plates are moulded with the heat produced by an
exothermic reaction in what we, colloquially, call a "sand- Aims: In order to avoid the inconvenience that may result
wicher" Manually, we prefix the new position of the orbital- from the change from nasotracheal to orotracheal intuba-
8 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

tion, we have developed a new method which improves this Aims: The submental route can be an alternative to tra-
manoeuvre, making it unnecessary to remove the nasotra- cheostomies in oral and maxillofacial surgery. The aim of
cheal tube from its tracheal location to pass it to the orotra- the technique is to achieve a free working space and to avoid
cheal position, and avoiding any interruption of the tracheostomies.
patient's ventilation, so as to prevent not always unimpor- Method: No special equipment is required. After oral intu-
tant risks. bation, a 2cm. long incision is made in the submental and
Method: We simply use a ringed Rusch tube that can be paramedial region ; this gives access to the floor of the
adapted to the nasotracheal Rusch tube through which the mouth. The pneumatic cuff is deflated ; with the help of
patient is breathing. We act as follows: First we attach the new forceps, the tube and the cuff -one after the other- are
Rusch tube to the nasotracheal one the patient is using; to do passed through the channel that has been created. After
that we join the proximal end of that tube to the distal end of checking the position is correct, the tube is fixed with
the new tube that is to be adapted to the connection to the stitches at the submental level. Intraorally, the endotra-
ventilator. The surgeon will apply traction to the nasotracheal cheal tube must have free movement. Extubation is per-
tube at the oropharyngeal level making a loop towards the formed as in any other patient. The submental wound is
oral cavity; at the same time he must be pushing the assembled sutured using some sutures that were inserted there in
tubes towards the corresponding nasal fossa until the ringlet is advance.
in an extraoral position with the joined tubes outside and with Conclusions: This technique has indications in traumatol-
the cuff deflated. At that moment it is sufficient to detach the ogy, craniofacial and skull base surgery.
tubes and connect the ventilator again. The conversion is com-
pleted without stopping the ventilation at any time.
Conclusions: It is a safe technique, easy to perform, that has
different applications in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, [~ CRANIOFACIAL TRACTION ARCH
Intensive Care Units and Anaesthesiology. If it were needed,
the orotracheal tube could be changed into a submental one. Francisco Hernandez Altemir* Sofia Hernandez.

Montero Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


Francisco Hernandez Altemir Aims: We present a craniofacial traction device that allows
us to shift craniomaxillary blocks after osteotomies to facil-
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Zaragoza itate the access to different regions and/or structures of the
(Spain) craniofacial area.
Method: After submental intubation, three different
Method: The patient is intubated orallly with a ringed tube approaches, with incisions, detachments and osteotomies,
of the size we would use for a nasal intubation. Whenever are made: Modified LeFort IlI, LeFort I and LeFort II, that
needed during the surgical procedure, we introduce through allows us to perform the maxillo-mandibular block mobi-
the chosen nasal aperture a ringed Rusch catheter (rather lization and access to the subcranial space, in the first case;
than a cava catheter) of a diameter one unit below that of to obtain a better surgical field for treatment of regions such
the orotracheal tube in the patient, pushing it to the oropha- as retropharyngeal, hypophyseal, retropharyngeal, retro-
ryngeal cavity. Then, either manually or by some type of maxillary, prevertebral and clivus, in the second case and
clamp (a Magill clamp, for instance), it is pulled out access to structures of the skull base, in the third case.
through the oral cavity. Immediately, the orotracheal tube is Results: All these maneouvres are easier with our device, the
detached from the ventilator and attached to the distal end craniofacial traction arch, as can be seen in a case with right
of the Rusch catheter, in such a way that both tubes are temporo-mandibulary anchylosis.
tightly joined to stand the progressive traction and slight
turns that are necessary to pull them out through
rhynopharinx, choana of the nasal fossa and nose, just as in
a nasal intubation. All these manoeuvres must take place [~ SKULL BASE SURGERY. CRANIOFACIAL
with the cuff deflated, as it must pass through the same PEDICULATION SURGERY. A NEW METHOD.
spaces as the nasotracheal tube, of which it is a part. (POSTER I)
Conclusions: In this way it is possible to change an oral intu-
bation into nasal intubation without removing the tracheal Francisco Hernandez Altemir
tube from its conventional place in the trachea. This manoeu-
vre enables us to work without the annoyance that would be Department of Oraland MaxillofacialSurgery Zaragoza (Spain)
caused if the tube were placed in the nasal region from the
first moment. Besides, placing it in the nasal region from the Aims: The technique of unilateral craniofacial pediculation
mouth allows us to perform intermaxillary blockades and as permits us to combine the transfacial and craniofacial
many intra or extraoral manoeuvres as we consider necessary. surgery in a more rational way, avoiding multifracturing of
the craniofacial bones (which is necessary if both are per-
formed separately). Thus, access is improved and the recon-
[~ THE SUBMENTAL ROUTE FOR ENDOTRACHEAL struction procedures facilitated thanks to a medial
INTUBATION craniofacial stepped incision, plus periorbital incision, uni
or bilateral.
Franeisco Hernandez Altemir Method: The figures clearly show the osteotomy and inci-
sion lines that are needed to perform this technique, the
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Zaragoza removal of the frontal bone, the sectioned flap, the craniofa-
(Spain) cial disjunction, the pedicled craniofacial region and the
sutures completed.
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 9


Amaratunga, N.A. de S.,
Francisco Hernandez Altemir
Department of Oral Surgery, Faculty of Dental Sciences,
Department of Oraland MaxilloJacialSurgery Zaragoza (Spain) University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

Aims: Using the technique of unilateral craniofacial pedicula- Aims: Because injury patterns differ with social change it
tion, excluding the alveolomaxillary and dental components, it is was necessary to determine the nature and the causes of
possible to combine transfacial and craniofacial surgery in a change in the facial injury pattern in Sri Lanka during the
more rational way, avoiding multifracturing of the craniofacial period 1970-1990 and to establish the treatment require-
bones (which is necessary if both are performed separately). ments of these injuries.
Method: The figures show the osteotomy and incision lines, Method: A prospective study was carried out to determine
the removal of the frontal bone, the sectioned flap, the facial the incidence, the site and the cause of maxillofacial frac-
osteotomy and the begining of the craniofacial disjunction, tures, using the standard methods of clinical and investiga-
the pedicled craniofacial region and the sutures completed. tive methods. Standard treatment methods were employed
Thus, the access is improved and the reconstruction proce- and the results were analysed to determine how these
dures facilitated thanks to a medial craniofacial stepped aspects have changed over the years.
incision, plus a uni or bilateral periorbital incision. Influence of road traffic volume, alcohol consumption,
safety measures etc were determined.
Results: It was found that incidence of maxillofacial injuries
increased three fold during the period from 1970 to 1990
[~ SKULL BASE SURGERY. CRANIOFACIAL and a significant (p < 0.05) rise in the incidence of middle
P E D I C U L A T I O N SURGERY. A NEW METHOD. third fractures was observed. These changes could be
(POSTER III) attributed to social changes such as increased mobility, road
traffic volume, influence of alcohol etc.
Francisco Hernandez Altemir

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Zaragoza (Spain)

Aims: By means of the technique of bilateral craniofacial
pediculation, it is possible to combine transfacial and cran-
iofacial surgery in a more rational way, avoiding multifrac-
Aneili L., Baldassarre V., GabrielloniP., lorio P., ProcacciniM.
turing of the craniofacial bones (which is necessary if both
are performed separately).
Method: The figures clearly show the osteotomy and inci- Institute of Odontostomato[ogy Sciences, University of
sion lines needed to perform this technique, the removal of Ancona. Chief of Services Prof. M. Procaccini.
the frontal bone, the sectioned flap, the craniofacial disjunc-
tion and how the whole craniofacial mass is pedicled. Thus, Aims: Resolution of the problem of cortical mandibular
access is improved and the reconstruction procedures facili- bone's reabsorption, in a edentulous patient, by apposition
tated thanks to a medial craniofacial stepped incision, plus a of autologous bone, retrieved from iliac crest.
uni or bilateral periorbital incision. Method: Edentulous patient in left posterior mandibular sec-
tor, 34 years. Surgical phases: 1) The tunnel positioning of a
tissular expander in a mandibular muco-periosteal space,
filled with phisyological solution (1/2 cc each week, for 3
Vh SKULL BASE SURGERY. CRANIOFACIAL weeks). 2) By the peridural anaesthesia of the n. sciatic it's
PEDICULATION SURGERY. A NEW METHOD. taken off a piece of iliac bone. 3) It's made flat and grafted to
(POSTER IV) the mandibular one in the obtained space. 4) Suture.
Results: 4-6 mounths after, there's the take of the graft to the
Francisco Hernandez Altemir acceptor bone, able to harbour prospective implants.
Conclusions: Aesthetic cicatrix on the iliac level. Bone increase
Department of Oral and MaxilloJitcialSurgery Zaragoza (Spain) on the mandible. Prosthetic solution on implants, very simple.

Aims: By means of the technique of bilateral craniofacial pedic-

ulation, including alveolar, maxillary and dental components, it is THE P R O G N O S T I C S I G N I F I C A N C E OF
possible to combine transfacial and craniofacial surgery in a R E G I O N A L NECK METASTASES IN PATIENTS
more rational way, avoiding multifracturing of the craniofacial W I T H ORAL CANCER
bones (which is necessary if both are performed separately).
Method: The figures clearly show the osteotomy and inci- Angelopoulos, A.P.*, Rapidis, A.D., Skouteris, C.A.,
sion lines, the removal of the frontal bone, the sectioned Vaisamis, S.
flap, the craniofacial disjunction, how the whole craniofa-
cial and alveolo-maxillary-dental mass is removed and then Departments of Maxillofacial Surgery, Greek Anticancer
the sutures completed. Thus, access to that area is improved Institute, St, Savvas Hospital and Athens University School
and the reconstruction procedures facilitated thanks to a of Dentistry, Athens, Greece
medial craniofacial stepped incision, plus a uni or bilateral
periorbital incision.
10 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

Aims: In oral cancer patients the status of the regional recurrence (one case) or nodal metastasis either at the time
lymph nodes at presentation represents the most important of presentation (three cases) or during the follow-up
prognostic factor. The biological behaviour of regional period (eight cases) were the criteria used to label a cancer
neck metastases, although extensively discussed, still elicits aggressive in behaviour. Although the overall recurrence
many controversies regarding treatment modalities. and metastatic rate was 18.46% (n=12/65) statistical differ-
Methods: During the years 1991-1995, 150 patients with ences were found between aggressive and non aggressive
squamous cell carcinoma of the oral mucosa were treated in groups when tumour thickness and depth of invasion were
our department. Of those 70 (47%) were found to have pal- analyzed. Thus, in the group in which tumour depth
pable lymphnodes at presentation. Fifty six were male and 14 exceeded 3mm, the aggressive behaviour was 39.3%
female. The anatomic location with the highest incidence of (11/28).
palpable nodes was the floor of the mouth (22 of 25 cases), The depth of tumour invasion appears to be one of the
followed by the tongue (22 of 37 cases), the mandibular alve- most significant prognostic indicators for squamous cell carci-
olus (14 of 33 cases) and the maxilla (5 of 20 cases). Sixty noma of the lower lip. Thus, it should be always documented
one of the 70 patients with initial lymphadenopathy were as accurately as possible. Tumour thickness and T stage may
treated surgically by various types of neck dissections. In 32 be additional factors used to predict the regional risk.
cases, the histological examination of the specimen showed
evidence of metastatic disease, whereas in 29 the neck speci- Address for correspondence
men was negative. Recurrence of the neck disease developed Dr.,Dr., Antoniades Kostas, Dept. of Oral and
post-operatively in 24 patients. Despite surgical treatment Maxillofacial Surgery
and the use of radiotherapy and chemotherapy in various Aristotle University,Dental School, 540 06
combinations, 51 patients died from their disease, 6 months Thessaloniki, Greece
to 5 years post-operatively.
Results: In an attempt to correlate the mortality findings
with the state of the cervical lymph nodes at presentation it
was found that regardless of the treatment employed to con- GIGANTIC MANDIBULAR ODONTOGENYC
trol disease (a) the mortality of patients with both a clinically CYST. TOTAL H E M I M A N D I B U L E C T O M Y ,
and histologically negative neck was 12%; (b) the mortality PRIMARY R E C O N S T R U C T I O N W I T H H U M A N
of patients with a clinically positive but histologically nega- L Y O P H I L I Z E D M A N D I B L E AND MARX PLATE
tive neck was 26% and c) the mortality of patients with both SYSTEM.
a clinically and histologically positive neck was 62%.
Conclusion: We therefore support the view that the status of Aparicio-Martinez P. MD. Fellow E.B.O.M.ES. Salazar *1
the cervical lymphnodes at presentation is the most impor- C Ph.D.I Delgado M.J. Ph.D.lOral and Maxillofacial
tant prognostic factor in oral cancer patients as the presence
of metastatic neck disease decreases the survival of the Department. Virgen Macarena University Hospital. Sevilla.
patient by more than 50% compared with those with similar Spain. Avda. Dr. Fedriani n°3 41071 Sevilla. Gigant
primary tumours without nodal metastases, regardless of Mandibular Dentigerus Cyst. Surgical Treatment. Liofilizated
the treatment protocol employed. Mandibular Implant, Ramus and Condylar Reconstruction
by Liofilizated Human Mandibular, Cancellous Bone


AIMS: We presents a rare case of mandibular gigant cyst,
CELL CARCINOMA OF THE LIP: A which involves corpus, ramus an condylar bone, with
C L I N I C O P A T H O L O G I C A L CORRELATION destruction of both corticals. Ussually, mandibular cyst are
sample for diagnostic, in this case Rx and Scan study where
Antoniades K ~, Vahtsevanos K, Kiziridou A, Hatzistilianou
no definitivy for a apropiated diagnostic, so, we need a
3/1, Tsamis I, Keramidas G.
intraoperative diagnostic.
M E T H O D S : Mandibulectomy total, from corpus to condy-
Department of OMFS, eTheagenion~) Cancer Hospital of lar, was realized, an reconstruction was made with human
Thessaloniki, Greece. mandibular liofilizated, and cancellous bone auto chips,
fixed with plate reconstruction MARX,incluiding metalic
Several studies have focussed on tumour depth and it has been condylar. Surgical aproach was external witl identification
concluded that thickness is one of the most significant predic- an preservation of facial ramus. No facial paresia or paraly-
tors of occult metastasis. Sixty-five patients with T1-T 2 squa- sis was observed.
mous cell cancer of the lower lip, with a known clinical RESULTS: We present results one year after, achieved
outcome, were retrospectively analyzed and arbitrarily divided osseus integrationan adecuate remodelation are stablished,
into aggressive (28 cases) and non-aggressive (37cases) groups with partial absortion of transplanted bone.
based on their clinical behaviour. The purpose of the paper A successfull mouth open, an lateral movility are
was to determine the value of tumour thickness as a potential observed, and no exposition of osseus implants, or recon-
predictive factor in tumour behaviour. struction plate where observed.
Of the 65 patients, 46 were men and 19 were women.
The cases were drawn from a larger group of 123 lower lip
cancer patients with the final selection dependent on
tumour size and the fact that they had undergone surgical BACKGROUND OF HAEMOSTASIS EFFECT
therapy (excision with adequate margins) and a known
clinical outcome with at least a 2-year follow-up. The M. Arao, D.D.S.
histopathological evaluation was restricted to tumour dif-
ferentiation, invasion mode, and depth of invasion. First Dept of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Aichi-Gakuin
Tumour thickness was arbitrarily divided into superficial University, Nagoya, Japan
(0 to 3 mm) and deep (4 to 15 mm), The presence of local
EACMFS Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 11

To examine the effect of lasers on the microcirculatory net- Aim: To review and analyze our experience in treating 41
work of tongue wounds in rats caused by the Nd:YAG laser, lesions of eosinophilic granuloma diagnosed in our depart-
semiconductor laser and C02 laser; injection replica scan- ment. Method: A retrospective study was done by reviewing
ning electron microscope (SEM) methods were used. the charts of 25 patients who exhibited a total of 41
Results indicated that laser irradiation of the tongue's eosinophilic granuloma lesions. Data from the charts
microcirculatory network caused the blood vessels at the regarding age, sex, symptoms, clinical aspects, radiographic
edge of the wound to be cut straight off, as if cauterized. appearance, treatment and recurrence were tabulated and
The cauterization of the blood vessels was most clearly analyzed. Results: 17 of the patients were male and 8 female.
observed with the Nd:YAG laser. Observations of the net- Regarding ethnic distribution, 8 of the patients were
work during the healing of the wound showed that capillary Oriental jews, 7 Ashkenazi Jews and 10 were Arabs. A total
loops had been restored and were related to the papillae fili- of 41 lesions was found in the 25 patients of which 26
formes. (63.5%) were located in the mandible, and 15 lesions (36.5%)
Due to the wide variability of tissue interaction, the pos- were in the maxilla. The mean age at the time of the initial
sibility of specific applications, superior haemostasis and diagnosis was 16.5 years. In the 27 lesions (66%) curettage
coagulating effects, the Nd:YAG laser is the most valuable and debulking were performed, while in the remaining 14
surgical laser. With the adequate choice of application mode lesions (34%) an excisional biopsy was the only surgical
and relationship between interaction time and power den- treatment rendered. All 41 lesions (100%) received low dose
sity, it can be used for benign tumours, especially haeman- radiotherapy. 3 lesions (7%) in 3 patients, have recurred, and
giomas. treatment for these lesions consisted of more aggressive sur-
gical intervention. One of the recurrent lesions (33%)
returned a third time., and treatment consisted of surgical
excision with wide borders and marginal resection of the
~7 PAIN RELEASE OF TMJ D I S O R D E R PATIENTS surrounding bone. Conclusion: The present study shows
(MYOFACIAL PAIN, CLOSED LOCK, that the combination of surgery and radiotherapy offers
OSTEOARTHROSIS) USING LOW POWER LASER good results in treating eosinophilic granuloma.
( S E M I C O N D U C T O R LASER, Nd:YAG LASER ETC.) Establishing a definitive treatment plan for eosinophilic
granuloma requires further studies with long term follow-
M. Arao, D.D.S. up.

First Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Aichi-Gakuin

University, Nagoya, Japan
Many different treatment concepts have bee n advocated
for the management of patients with t e m p o r o m a n d i b u - Arifi, B.*, Vasilevski, B., Janev, J., Benedeti, A., Demh'i, A.,
lar joint disorders (TMD). Acupuncture to the meridian
point of " G e k a n " has long been used to treat T M D "Sanodent"-Gostivar, Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery and
patients. Instead of using a needle, the author irradiated Clinic of Oral Surgery, University "'St. Cyril and Metodius",
the inferior articulation several times, with a low power Skopje, R. Macedonia
laser. The position of " G e k a n " is located at the hollow
point which is created by the zygomatic bone and Aims: Odontomes of the jaw are associated with a variety of
mandibular notch. As a low power laser treatment, I use clinical histories and physical findings. The authors would
the N d : Y A G Laser at 350roW for patients with the M P D like to compare their own experience and findings with the
(myofacial pain-dysfunction) syndrome. For each theory and scientific literature in this field of tumours,
patient, the low power laser treatment on " G e k a n " for 15 Method: In general, the patient is usually asymptomatic,
minutes was done from the first examination. Patients and their diagnosis is always made following a routine den-
with bad facial habits were instructed to discontinue tal or jaw radigraphic examination. The various tooth ele-
them. For example, if the locus o f the mouth opening ments are well developed on macroscopic and histological
was skewed, they were advised to correct it by them- examination.
selves. Within several months, the symptoms of tem- Results: In a period of 3 years (01.01.95-31.12.97), we dis-
p o r o m a n d i b u l a r joint dysfunction were thus remedied. covered 9 odontomes in patients of age 8-55 years. Of all
For patients with closed lock and osteoarthrosis, this the diagnosed odontomes only 4 were found in the
treatment was also effective. These findings suggest that mandible, localized in the molar area, the other 5 were
this therapy could be a very effective, conservative and located in the maxilla: 2 anterior, 2 in the bicuspid and 1 in
reversible treatment for TMD. the molar regions. Only 4 were simplex, while the remainig
Recently, a new semiconductor laser has been developed 5 were complex. On the posterer is presented one complex
which is compact, high power and not very expensive. Using odontome in the region of the first bicuspid teeth in the
this semiconductor laser, the author treated the T M D maxilla with radiographic findings showing a well defined,
patients in the same way and was able to obtain almost the irregular, radiopaque, dense mass, surrounded by a radi-
same results. olucent zone. After surgical removal of the complex odon-
tome the authors discovered about 150 small toothlike
E O S I N O P H I L I C G R A N U L O M A OF THE JAWS - A Conclusions: Odontomes in most cases are discovered by
CLINICAL AND R A D I O L O G I C A L STUDY. accident in younger patients. They rarely cause disturbance
or malposition of the neighbouring permanent teeth or neu-
Ardekian L., Rachmiel A., Laufer 1). ralgic difficulties. Odontomes do not cause diagnostic and
therapeutic problems and they are never aggresive.
Department of OMFS, Rambam Medical Center, Haifa, Histologically, the complex odontome is characterised by a
Israel. high degree of morphodifferentiation and histodifferentia-
tion findings.
12 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

The results showed that the cases of recurrences (13,3%),
TRAUMA. fistulas of suture knots (6,7%), protruding antihelix
(13,3%), deformations in fossa scaphoidea region (10%) are
Arturi L. *, Ferrero R., Pezzuto C., Cassano P., Mozzati more frequent among patients from group I . Patients from
M. (1), Valentini M. (7. (2) group II more often complained about the pain after the
operation (20%), longer lasting swelling (average 19 days)
and longer time of full recovery of sensitivity (approxi-
Divisione di Chirurgia Plastica Traumatologica- Azienda mately 3 months).
Ospedaliera C. T. O.-C R.F-M. Adelaide di Torino-Italy
(Primario Prof. Magliacani G.). (1) Clinica
Odontostomatologica deIl"Universitgl di Torino-Italy CONCLUSIONS:
(Direttore Prof. Preti G.). (2) Radiologia 2. Servizio di 1. Posterior otoplasty technique does not reduce resistance
Neuroradiologia Azienda Ospedaliera C. T.O.-C.R.F-M. of cartilage, that's why the recurrences are more frequent
Adelaide di Torino-Italy ( Primario Prof. Toscano G.). and unnaturally antihelix occurs.
2. Anterior otoplasty technique provides refolding antihe-
lix naturally and the closure requires no tension on the
Aims: Find a relationship between 3D imaging and clinical sutures.
Method: Twenty patients with complex midface fractures
and orbital trauma underwent 3D C.T. scanning (60% of
them had monolateral lesions). PRE-FORMED HYDROXYAPATITE CEMENT
Results: Tomography assessment and evaluation of preoper- (BONESOURCE TM)GRAFTS IN MAXILLOFACIAL
ative and postoperative images demonstrate a strictly con- SURGERY
nected relation between surgical volumetric orbital
reconstruction and the clinical final results. Ayliffe PR* Johnson PA, Langdon JD.
Conclusions: Midface fractures take up the surgeon in
reconstruction of the orbit. Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Royal Surrey County
The final aesthetic and functional results are directly Hospital Guildford, Surrey; England, UK & Kings College
depending from the bony architecture restoration (bone Hospital, London UK.
correct repositioning), if there aren't so evident lesions of
the other orbital tissues. Aims: The new bone substitute material BoneSourceTM is
Improving 3d Ct imaging and analysis of data can use- marketed for use as a paste or cement. In this form it can-
fully help us in patients' postoperative observation and are a not be used for structural deformities due to it's inherent
precious aid in clinical follow-up and secondary reconstruction. lack of strength. This study was designed to discover if
the material could be modified by pre-hardening or com-
bining with other bioresorbable materials and thus used
COMPARISON RESULTS OF POSTERIOR AND for augmentation of the facial skeleton or spanning bony
Method: In this clinical study patients presenting with bony
Astrauskas T., Viksraitis S., defects or requiring augmentation of the facial skeleton
were selected. The patients in the sample were followed up
Plastic Surgery Centre, Kaunas Lithuania and if possible biopsies were obtained at 2 weeks, 2 months
and 6 months post operatively.
Results: The study sample contained patients requiring
AIMS: orbital wall or floor repair, augmentation of mid-face
Our purpose is to compare the results of the operations on defects, alveolar ridge augmentation and interpositional
anterior and posterior otoplasty. grafts for maxillary osteotomies and genioplasties.
Complications included graft failure in orbital floor repair
METHOD: (1/34, 2.9%) malar asymetry and skin thining (1/26, 3.8%).
Between 1993 and 1995 112 patients were operated on Complete or partial graft rejection when used for alveolar
according to improved method of Mustardy (I patients ridge augmentation (8/24, 33.3%).
group - posterior otoplasty): posterior skin excision, abrasio Conclusions: BoneSourceTM can be successfully modified,
of posterior surface of cartilagine in antihelix region, anti- pre-set and easily fashioned for use as a dimensionally stable
helix tubulation sutures. pre-formed grafting material. It has advantages over other
Between 1995 and 1997 73 patients were operated on synthetic bone substitutes. It can be cemented or rigidly fixed
according to improved method of Nicholas (11 patient and is replaced by normal bone when examined histologically.
group - anterior otoplasty): posterior skin excision, abrasio
of anterior surface of cartilagine in antihelix region through
slightly curved incision in external antihelix border, antihe-
lix stabilization sutures. O=~ COMPLICATIONS FOLLOWING
30 patients from each group were being examined in ORTHOGNATHIC SURGERY THAT REQUIRED
between 6th and 24th month after the operation. We classi- IMMEDIATE INTERVENTION; 10 YEARS
fied the data into subjective (patient's questionnaire con- EXPERIENCE
sisting of 15 questions about operation, post - operative
Ayoub, A., * Lalani, Z., Wood, G., Moos, If.,
period, results and complications) and objective (measure-
ments of the ear, symmetry, natural appearance of sepa- Departments of OMFS at Canniesburn Hospital, and the
rate components of the ear, evaluation of postoperative University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
EACMFS- Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 13

Aim: The aim of this study was to analyse cases which had MANDIBULAR RECONSTRUCTION WITH
orthognathic surgical correction and developed immediate PEDICLED AND MICROSURGICAL FREE
postoperative complications that required a second surgical TRANSFERRED FLAPS
intervention within two weeks of the first operation.
Method: This investigation was conducted on 1000 orthog- Gr. B~ciut, Mihaela Popa*, R. S. C~mpian,
nathic patients which were treated at Canniesburn Hospital
over the last ten years. Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, "Iuliu
Results: Ten cases developed postoperative complications Hatieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy,
that required second operation. Four cases presented with
Cluj-Napoea, Romdnia
anterior open bite as a result of incorrect positioning of the
maxilla. These patients had bimaxillary osteotomies and the
maxillary impaction was inadequate. This required further
posterior maxillary impaction. In four other cases the AIMS:
condylar segments sagged posteriorly and inferiorly losing Reconstruction of extensive mandibular defects can be
contact with the distal segment. The condylar segments extremely tedious, owing to the complex conformation of
were repositioned and fixed on to the distal segment. In the mandibular bone. Association with defective intra- and
another case profuse bleeding following advancement extraoral tissue subsequent to malignant tumour resection
genioplasty occurred which required exploration of the further enhances the difficulty of the procedure. The aim of
genial segments and cauterisation of the muscular bed. In this study is to present some alternatives for rehabilitation of
the last case a malocclusion was noted following incorrect bone defects in the face: a morphologic restoration of the
positioning of an anterior mandibular segment after bilat- facial contour and functional rehabilitation of the lost
eral body osteotomies. This was corrected by surgical repo- tissue.
Conclusions: This study has identified orthognathic cases METHODS:
which required an urgent second operation and discusses The authors have used vascularized pedicled bone, as well as
their management and possible ways in which these compli- microsurgical free transferred bone for restorations in 12
cations might be prevented. patients between 1995 - 1997 in the Clinic for Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The patients
were admitted with benign or malignant tumours of the
@~ ARTHROPATHY OF THE TMJ AND DISORDERS mandible and hemifacial microsomia. Seven cases under-
OF THE ENDOCAPSULAR DYNAMICS: ANALYSES went reconstruction with vascularized cranial bone, while 5
WITH MRI AND ARTHROSCOPY cases were treated using free transferred fibula grafts. The
cranial bone grafts were pre-elevated as pedicled osteofas-
Baciliero, U.* (1), Padula, E. (1), Bernaseoni, G.* (2) cial parietal flaps, based on the temporal vessels. The fibula
graft, vascularized by the peroneal vessels, was used in
(1) Maxillo-Facial Surgery Department Regional Hospital, reconstruction of the mandibular ramus and body. The spe-
Vicenza, Italy. (2) Department of DentistJT, Pavia cific contour of the mandible could be restored by harvest-
University, L R. C. C.S. Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy. ing bone of adequate shape in the case of osteofascial
cranial flaps, whereas in the case of fibula grafts, multiple
osteotomies were sustained by the excellent periosteal blood
The development of new investigation technics in radiol-
ogy, in arthroscopy and in articular surgery, likewise in his-
tological and morphological studies, have permitted a
much better understanding of TMJ Arthropathy. RESULTS:
Recent research has clarified that TMJ Arthropathy has The osteofascial parietal flaps, as well as the fibula grafts
some particular dysfunctional aspects, due to its anatomi- were perfectly integrated. Formation of osseous callus could
cal and functional peculiarity; it has also been demon- be observed at 6 months postoperatively. No pathological
strated it belongs to the category of synovial joints changes occurred in the temporo-mandibular joint. The
degenerative diseases. structure of the fibula allowed the insertion of osteointe-
In the past, the term "internal derangement" was used grated implants, which offered good support for fixed pros-
to identify TMJ dysfunction and to attribute a mechanical thetic restorations.
cause to the aetiology and pathogenesis of this articular
The video presented is based on our clinical, radiologi- From the range of available bone grafts, the authors have
cal, arthroscopical, surgical and histomorphological 6 year delimited two types of grafts for transplantation, which
experience during which we have applied our diagnostic ensure advantages over conventional restoration
and therapeutic protocol to (156) patients. techniques.
The video is useful to clarify some aspects of the con-
nection between TMJ anatomy, TMJ function and its his-
tomorphological and metabolical equilibrium.
The MRI and the arthroscopic examination of TMJ Fh DEVELOPMENTS OF N O M A DISEASE (CANCER
show that the pathological lesions observed in the articular AQUATICUS) FROM THE P O S I T I O N S OF MODERN
cavity can modify the endocapsular dynamics and can MEDICINE
influence the evolution of TMJ pathology.
These observations confirm that a good range of Badalyan Kh. *, Avagyan A., Badalyan (7,.,Petrosyan A.
movement in the joint maintains its functional and meta-
bolical equilibrium and that, on the contrary, the joint Departments of OMFS, Yerevanstate Medical University,
immobility facilitates the loss of its functional and meta- Yerevan, Armenia.
bolic capacity.
14 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

Aims: To study noma disease using the achievements of residual traumatic deformities, 32 of whom unambigu-
modern medicine, and also considering, that the disease, in ously had residual traumatic deformities (9% of the total
accordance with literary data, gives a high death-rate. cases). A study was made of the types of department in
Subject: During the 1997, 4 patients and their case histories which these patients had received primary care, and of the
were investigated (aged 2-35) with the noma diagnosis, one reasons for the deformities. The deformities were further
of them being a doctor infected during rendering medical analysed with respect to the treatment possibilities, and the
help. methods applied are presented in connection with concrete
Results: Due to early diagnostics, and also timely conserva- cases.
tive and surgical measures, for all patients recovery is Results: In Hungary, those who suffer maxillo-facial injuries
marked, though for three of them, defects of soft tissues may be treated in specialist oral surgical departments, but
and scarred changes are marked. The leading role in confir- equally they may receive treatment in traumatological,
mation of the diagnosis of noma disease has played the otorhinolaryngological, ophthalmological or neurosurgical
detected anaerobes of genus Clostridium. departments where, with a few exceptions, a maxillofacial
Conclusions: Due to correctly organized diagnostics, timely surgeon is not available. Accordingly, the patients do not
intense therapy and surgical interference, avoidance of fatal always participate in the necessary high level of primary
outcome for noma disease is quite possible. care.
Conclusions: In the course of secondary care, even if the
most up-to-date diagnostic and surgical methods and equip-
ment are used, restoration of the original condition can not
AN EVALUATION O F THE SUCCESS O F O P E N be guaranteed, and the patient is faced with a higher surgi-
SURGERY F O R T E M P O R O M A N D I B U L A R J O I N T cal risk and greatly increased costs of care. Attention is
INTERNAL D E R A N G E M E N T therefore drawn to the importance of appropriate primary
Baldwin, A *.

Department of Oraland MaxillofacialSurgery, University

Hospital of South Manchester, Withington, Manchester,England [~ MANDIBULAR RETROGNATHIA CAUSED BY
To determine a patient and clinician based evaluation of the
success of surgical management for internal derangement of Z J. Barth* A. Stellzig#, A. Kubler*, St. HassfeM*, J.
the temporomandibular joint. Muhling*
METHODS: Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
A retrospective postal survey of 92 patients who had under- #Department o2/ Orthodontics University of Heidelberg,
gone eminectomy and meniscal plication for internal Germany
derangement of the temporomandibular joint over a 10 year
period was performed. In addition, the corresponding med-
ical notes were reviewed to obtain information relating to In recent years, the method of gradual callus distraction
the clinicians' assessment of surgical success. has gained considerable recognition in the augmentation
of hypoplastic mandibles. Mandibular bone distraction
RESULTS: was performed especially in children who were at risk of
Symptoms of pain, joint noise, and limited joint mobility were obstructive sleep apnoea (Pierre Robin sequence, Treacher
reported by patients to have improved in 68%, 61% and 74% Collins syndrome). We report a case of a patient who had
of all cases respectively. Overall, operative intervention was suffered from early infantile osteomyelitis. Inflammatory
considered successful in only 61% of joints but 92% of disease in the temporomandibular joint led to severe
patients were prepared to undergo further surgery if indicated. mandibular micro- and retrognathia. In this case the
Few complications occurred and were mainly transient in mouth opening was reduced to 17 mm. At the age of nine,
we resected the cranial parts of the joint; however, after
surgery the limitation of mouth opening recurred within
one year. At a further resection of the caput of the left
CONCLUSIONS: temporomandibular joint implantation of a silastic-
Eminectomy and meniscal plication can result in a good spacer was performed. Postoperatively, orthodontic treat-
reduction of symptoms in internal derangement, but ment and myofunctional training followed.
patients need to be warned that success is not guaranteed Cephalometric measurements showed marked mandibu-
and that the condition may worsen following surgery. larretrognathism (SNB angle 65°). Due to the patient's
inability to protrude the mandible orthodontic correction
of the malposition seemed impossible. In addition,
RESIDUAL TRAUMATIC MAXILLO-FACIAL because of space deficiency, an extraction in all four seg-
D E F O R M I T I E S AND I N J U R I E S ments was necessary.
For psycho-social reasons, unilateral callus distraction
Barabds J., VeliehN., Szab6 G., Kienk G., Urbdn G. was decided upon. Due to the underlying disease, the bilat-
eral distraction was limited to the horizontal ramus. For
Aim: To investigate the cause of the relatively high inci- relapse compensation, a slight overcorrection was made. At
dence of residual traumatic maxillo-facial deformities the end of distraction we had attained a distance of 19 mm,
among our patients, and the possibilities available for their the SNB angle was then 76 °. Despite premolar extraction,
care. space deficiency in the lower jaw required a slight distalisa-
Method: In the period 1994-97, a total of 366 maxillo-facial tion of the first molars and a lip bumper distalisation of the
injuries were treated. 56 patients arrived with inveterate or molars into the callus was performed.
EACMFS Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 15

Conclusion: For the first time, callus distraction has been Results: The fracture size could be determined endoscopi-
reported in a case of early infantile osteomyelitis. The surgi- cally. The orbital fat was visible only in two of the 10 cases.
cal intervention created the necessary conditions for ortho- The fracture was situated in 8 casers medial to the infraor-
dontic correction of the malocclusion. bital nerve, in two cases also in the lateral part of the floor.
There were no eye complications after transantral endo-
scopic repos-itioning.
Conclusion: Transantral endoscopy should be performed for
M A N A G E M E N T OF A N G I O M A S OF T H E FACE, diagnostic reasons. Repositioning and insertion of implants
NECK AND ORAL CAVITY. RESULTS O F SURGICAL can be done under endoscopic control without an addi-
TREATMENT. tional lid approach. Distortion of the orbital contents by
surgery can be avoided.
Bartkowski, S.B.*, Zapala, J., Modelska, D.E.,

Department of Maxillo-Facial Surgery, the Jagiellonian

The aim of this study is to present the difficulties in surgical treat-
ment of extensive angiomas of the face, neck and oral cavity. Becktor JP, lsaksson S, Blomquist JE.
Subject: 42 patients with angiomas of the face, neck and
oral cavity were treated in the last 15 years. The group
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
included 7 patients with huge angiomas infiltrating several
Liinssjukhuset, Halmstad, Sweden
anatomical regions. The patients were aged from 2 to 72
years (average age 24.6 years).There were 26 female and 16
male patients (including 7 children up to 15 years). The Aims: To analyse data from cases with implant treatment in
treatment of angiomas comprised intratumoural ligations, the edentulous maxilla with or without bone augmentation.
cryotherapy, turnout excision or combined treatment. After Material and Method: A retrospective study was made on
radical excision of angiomas the defects were reconstructed 105 patients who received 607 Brfinemark implants, all in
by tubed, regional and local flaps in combination. edentulous maxillae without bone augmentation. Follow-up
Results of treatment were evaluated on the basis of our own time was 6-95 months, with a mean of 48 months, after
anatomical, functional and aesthetic classification. abutment connection. Bone quantity, type of implant, local-
isation of implant, number of implants, implant loss and
CONCLUSIONS: prosthetic result were registered.
1. Radical surgery of extensive angiomas presents serious A combined retrospective and prospective study was
difficulties and puts the patient's life in jeopardy. made on each 49 and 50 patients with implant treatment in
2. Multidimensional postoperative defects resulting from maxillae with bone augmentation. 99 patients received 485
excision of huge angiomas require combined, multistage Brgmemark implants. Follow-up time was 2-48 months after
reconstructions by distant flaps to achieve proper func- abutment connection. Bone quantity, type of implant, local-
tion and appearance of the patient. isation of implant, number of implants, implant loss and
3. Course of surgery and final results of reconstruction should prosthetic result were registered.
give the patient an opportunity of leading a normal life. Results: From the group of maxillae, 105 patients and 607
implants, without bone augmentation the calculated sur-
vival rate for individual implants from the time of implant
placement was 83 percent after a mean follow-up time of 6-
ENDOSCOPIC ORBITAL FLOOR REPOSITION 95 months. 75 of the patients were provided with fixed pros-
theses and 20 with overdentures.
Baumann, A.*, Moser A.**, Ewers, R. From the group of maxillae, 99 patients and 485
implants, with bone augmentation the calculated survival
Clinic of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgel% A K H Vienna, rate for individual implants from the time of implant place-
Waehringer Guerte118-20, A- 1090 Vienna, Austria, ment was 82 percent after a mean follow-up time of 2-48
** University Clinic of Ophthalmolog2v; Medical School, Vienna, months. 73 of the patients were provided with fixed prosthe-
Tel.." 01-4040014259, Fax.: 4253 e mail." ref H Y P E R L I N K ses and 7 with overdentures ~ewers@akh-wien.acat Conclusions: This study showed that the overall implant sur-
vival rates are comparable with other reports. The results
indicate that implant survival rate in maxillae with or with-
Orbital floor fractures are mostly diagnosed by a CT-scan out augmented bone seem to be the same.
and the operative treatment is decided depending on the
diagnostic result. The fracture size can not be evaluated on
the CT-scan, but much more easily with an endoscope.
Already Converse had recommended transantral orbital THE BLINK REFLEX AS AN AID IN THE
floor palpation to diagnose significant floor fractures to NEUROLOGICAL DIAGNOSTIC IN
determine which fracture required open orbital floor explo- ORTHOGNATHIC SURGERY
Material and Methods: Since 1997, 10 orbital blow out frac- A.Bene ch *- E.Madaro - D. Cocito ~~
tures were operated on and reconstructed using transantral
endoscopic control without an additional lid approach. The Clinical Physiopathology Department Division of Maxillo-Facial
floor was stabilized by the insertion of PDS-sheets of Surgery **Division of Neurology University of Turin ITALY
Ethisorb-patches in 8 cases. Pre- and postop, controls were
done by CT-scanning. Also pre- and postop, controls of the During orthognathic surgery operations on the maxilla and
eye were performed. especially during the execution of mandibular osteotomies
16 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

according to Obwegeser, nerves responsible for sensitation a reliable method of achieving good fracture healing. In a
in some cutaneous areas of the face can be damaged. number of studies however, adverse reactions have been
Phenomena of disaesthesia that are useful, in particular reported concerning their degradation. Late complications
in their time of recovery and whether total or partial recov- have been described with as-polymerized bone plates and
ery, can arise. screws in patients. The degradation rate of as-polymerized
To this aim, patients are subjected regularly to neurolog- PLLA is very low, it takes more than 8 years for total
ical test pre- and post-surgically in order to show if the cuta- resorption. More important, the degradation products of
neous sensory nerves of the face are damaged or not. these P L L A implants - numerous highly crystalline particles
The Blink Reflex (B.R.) is generally evoked by stimulat- - are related to persistent subcutaneous swellings. An expla-
ing the first trigeminal branch, recording the activity of the nation for this swelling may be that during degradation of
orbicularis muscle. the P L L A implant at some point, low molecular weight par-
Nevertheless, recent works have shown that its R.r. com- ticles are formed with free carboxyl groups and polar groups
ponent is also elicitable by stimulating the second and third that elevate osmotic pressure. This osmotic pressure and a
branches, always recording activity in the orbicularis mus- relatively low resistance of the subcutaneous tissue that acts
cle. It is evident that this method, if the integrity of the as a semipermeable membrane, causes the increase in vol-
facial circuit is intact, can monitor the integrity of the sec- ume. After the increase in volume, macrophages show a high
ond and third trigeminal branches in the orthognathic influx towards the crystalline PLLA particles, resulting in
surgery operations. large areas with foamy macrophages that have ingested
We report the results of a group of twenty patients from these debris particles. Since these particles are very stable
whom, 15 days before and 180 days after operation, we have due to their high crystallinity, macrophages can not actively
obtained: digest the particles and remain in situ, thus inducing a ster-
Time of the central conduction orbicularis muscle cortex ile foreign body reaction. In our patient group the swellings
of the eye obtained with a peripheral transcranial stimula- persisted for many years. The slow degradation and the
tion of the motor cortex and the facial N. presence of a foreign body reaction is not unique to as-poly-
Response R.r. of the Blink Reflex obtained with an elec- merized PLLA. In a study using polyglycolide or polylac-
trical stimulation of the second and third trigeminal tide-glycolide rods, B6stman et al. (1992) reported a foreign
branches. body reaction in all cases and in 8% of patients a clinically
manifest reaction. In a study using self-reinforced PLLA,
Suuronen et al. (1998) described that after 5 years of
implantation, bone plates had become increasingly fragile
[~ MYXOMA O F T H E MAXILLA: A CASE R E P O R T but retained their macroscopic form. Loss of mass of the
plates was limited to 50% after 5 year in vivo degradation.
eBenedetti A., Vasilevski B., Naumovski S., Kirkov A., Also large fields of foamy macrophages were observed with
Pancevski G., Arifi B. ingested P L L A particles. Other groups using PLLA or
copolymers of PLLA did not show clinical and especially
Skopje, Republic of Macedonia histological evidence that the implants had completely
resorbed and did not induce foreign body reactions on the
The case of a 65-year old woman with a one year history of long-term.
non-painful odema in the left maxilla is reported. It is our conclusion that, for safe long-term application of a
Radiographic examination showed cystic destruction of the degradable polymer, the charactestics of the tissue of implanta-
bone and deformation of the maxilla. Based on our experi- tion as well as the quantity, degradation characteristics and
ence, complete resection may result in a significant func- associated changes in the morphology of the implanted mater-
tional and aesthetic mutilation, incomplete primary removal ial are entities that should be studied extensively.
results in a high recurrence rate. Therefore a radical primary
resection of the tumour with maximal preservation of sur-
rounding anatomical structures is necessary. We used the
correct primary treatment with total extirpation of the THE C O R R E C T I O N O F THE TIP IN CLEFT-LIP
tumour. Histologically the tumour proved to be a myxoma 5 PATIENTS. E X P E R I E N C E OF 10 YEARS.
x 4 cm in size. Six months follow-up of clinical and radi-
ographic examination indicated a good result and there has Bertossi D. *, Bedogni A., Fior A., D'Agostino A. and Nocini
been no recurrence of the tumour. Long term follow-up is P.E
necessary, of course.
Department of Oral and Maxillo-Facial Surgery, University
of Verona, Italy

T7 A D V E R S E R E A C T I O N S C A U S E D BY The principles of surgical technique of cleft-lip are based on

BIODEGRADABLE MATERIALS. the necessity of solving the problems that can compromise
the nasal airway and can cause alterations in breathing.
Bergsma J.E.*, Bos R.R.M., Rozema F.R., Joziasse C.A.P. # These alterations can influence dentofacial development
and general health.
University Hospital Groningen, Department of Oral and In some cases the surgical repair is made with a primary
Maxillofacial Surgery, Groningen The Netherlands, # approach, because there is a body of evidence that no
Department of Polymer Chemistry, University of Groningen, demonstrable interference with growth or subsequent surg-
The Netherlands eries.
The frequent residual imbalances are corrected after
Today, biodegradables such as poly(L-lactide) (PLLA), alveolar arch modelling, bone grafting, maxillary skeletal
polyglycolide (PGA) or copolymers are widely used for segment alignment. In our experience, the best results are
internal fracture fixation and are generally considered to be achieved with the monitoring of the development of the
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 17

lip-nose complex, following the reconstruction of the anatomical and functional criteria. All the patients of the
architectural bone support. The secondary step is to second group have a good result, corresponding to the surgi-
achieve a good aesthetic result, but only with the satisfac- cal planning. The method of evaluation and the results are
tion of the purpose of a long term functional result. The detailed.
rhinoplasty in cleft-lip patients is not easy because of the Conclusions: The benefit of such a condyle positioning sys-
tension of the lip-nasal-maxillary complex. We have seen tem is:established. But the results need to be confirmed by a
that these imbalances are a consequence of the previous large multicentre study.
suture lines and of the lack of tissues. The experience
shows that a good projection of the tip associated with a
good correction of the nostrils can hide other imperfec- [~ CLEFT-ASSOCIATED D I S T U R B A N C E S O F
tions often present in these patients. The Authors report O D O N T O G E N E S I S - E X P E R I M E N T A L STUDY
the experience on 84 cleft-lip outcomes treated between
1987 and 1997 with different techniques into whom we Bienengriiber, V.; *Malek, F.A.; Sch6n, 0.; *Fanghiinel, J.
have experimented one method employing a plastic mater-
ial to maintain the nostril shape. Department of OMF-Surgery, University of Rostock,
*Institute of Anatomy, E. M. Arndt University, Greifswald,
METHOD The aim of this study was to determine whether there is a
correlation between disturbed palatogenesis and odontoge-
Bettega .12 (7., Cinquin 2 P., Lavall(e ~ S., Lebeau 1 J., nesis.
Raphael 1 B. Palatogenesis was interfered with by the cytostatic drug
Procarbacine (200 mg/kg body weight) administered orally to
Service de chirurgie plastique et maxillo-faciale. Hdpital A. pregnant Wistar rats (n=7) on day 14 postconception. These
Michallon. BP 217. 38043 Grenoble cedex 09. France. 50 foetuses as well as the control foetuses (n=22) were scree-
Laboratoire TIMCIlMAG UMR CNRS 5525, Facult~ de ned by means of macro- and micromorphological examina-
Mddecine de Grenoble - Domaine de la Merci. 38706 La tions after caesarian section on day 20 postconception.
Tronche cedex. France. Based on histological investigations, 94% of the foetuses
that had received Procarbacine had clefts - predominantly
Aims: Mandibular condyle positioning is one the critical of the secondary palate. The following types of tooth germ
challenges in orthognathic surgery. A bad placement may damages were noted most often in association with cleft for-
produce an alteration of the surgical result (bone relapse or mation: retardation of development (25%*), various types
unstable dental occlusion), temporo-mandibular dysfunc- of necroses of the pulp (presumably due to vascular distur-
tion, or a reduction of masticatory efficiency. A lot of sys- bances, 13%*), and missing tooth germs (12%*). Maxillary
tems have been described. But none of them have proved tooth germs were more often affected than those in the man-
their superiority, because none of them have been subject to dible (p < 0.002**). In both jaws, the incisor germs were pri-
clinical assessment. marily affected (p < 0.01"*).
Method: We present an original method based on three- Based on these results, we consider the frequently
dimensional optical localisation of infrared emitting diodes. observed anomalies of form, position and number of
The system is described. Clinical improvement due to a pre- permanent teeth in cleft patients to represent a complex dis-
cise repositioning is clearly demonstrated from data ruption of the development of the jaws accompanying cleft
obtained after 30 interventions. Ten patients have been formation. Therefore, thorough examination of all teeth
operated upon using an empirical repositioning method must precede any dental or surgical treatment of cleft
(standard technique), the other 20 have been treated with patients.
the help of the computer assisted system.
Results: Fifty percent of the patients of the first group do * Average values independent of location
not have the expected surgical result taking into account ** chi square test
18 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

in 20 patients were followed by CT scanning. Scans were

made pre-op, one week post op. and before mplants were
Kornevs E., Skagers A., Bigestans A., Salms G., Leitane Results: Even when sinus mucosa was damaged during oper-
A.*% Tars J. * ation very little problems arose post-operatively. Mucosal
reactions post operatively diminished in a few months.
Bonegrafts inside the sinus are pretty stabile, but onlay
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Medical grafts seem to vanish quickly. A higher quality of trans-
Academy of Latvia
planted spongiosa can be achieved by bone condensing.
* Department of Head and Neck Surgery Latvian
Bone biopsies during implantation are related to a higher
Oncological Center risk of implant loss.
** Diagnostical Center Riga, Latvia
Conclusions: Sinusfloor elevation is a safe and long-lasting
Aims: To evaluate the regional blood flow in external
carotid arteries during radiotherapy and surgery of oral
cancer patients.
Method: Colour doppler imaging by doppler scanner CONSERVATIVE TREATMENT OF
Acuson - 128 USA was used for the estimation of the func- NONSYNOSTOTIC HEAD DEFORMITIES IN
tional conditions in the common carotid and external INFANTS
carotid systems, in 55 patients. Blood flow disturbances
were controlled and the diameter of the lumen was mea- Biecher* J.-C., Dederichs A., Howaidt H.-P.
sured. Doppler waveform analysis was than carried out at a
point 1 cm below the carotid bifurcation and the resistivity Giessen, Germany
index was estimated.
Results: The mean values of the resistivity index in the In all craniofacial deformities the differential diagnosis
group having preoperative irradiation < 40 Gy with the between synostotic and non-synostotic conditions has to be
surgery 3 - 4 weeks after a course of irradiation: before made. While the first group is usually subject to intracranial
treatment 0.610 ± 0.030, after irradiation 0.625 ± 0.025, surgical intervention, the treatment of nonsynostotic defor-
before operation 0.635 ± 0.025, 6 month after treatment mities is discussed controversally. Often associated with pre-
0.710 ± 0.040. In the group having preoperative irradiation mature birth, restrictive intrauterine environment or
40 - 55 Gy and surgery 2 - 4 weeks after irradiation; RI tort±coil±s, these conditions, also defined as positional defor-
before treatment 0.647 ± 0.026; after finishing irradiation mations can lead to severe plagiocephalic head shapes.
0.667 + 0.028; before surgery 0.683 ± 0.022; I week after We are presenting a conservative method to treat these
surgery 0.708 £ 0.018; 6 month after surgery 0.707 ± 0.032. deformities in early childhood by means of an individually
In the group having surgery 1 - 3 month after irradiation. RI fabricated head band. This is produced from an impression
before treatment 0.620 ± 0.029; just after irradiation 0.633 m taken from the infant's head by using ordinary piaster.
0.022; before surgery 0.680 ± 0.016; 1 week after surgery Basically, dynamic pressure is applied to prominent parts
0.710 ± 0.022; 6 month after surgery 0.730 ± 0.014. In the while leaving space for growth in depressed areas. The device
group having preoperative irradiation to 9 patients with must be worn 23 hours a day over a period of approximately
irradiation 40 - 55 Gy, erythema of the oral mucosa was 3-5 months depending on the grade of deformation and the
obseved in 3 patients. The mean values of RI before treat- child's age.
ment of these patients were 0.637 i 0.026, after irradiation Within two years we have treated 15 children suffering
0.643 + 0.025. The statistically significant difference was 1 ) from various degrees of nonsynostotic head deformations.
just after irradiation = 1,108; 0,2 < p < 0.3; 2 ) before opera- Through clinical, anthropometric and radiographic evalu-
tion + = 2.744; 0,01 < 0.02; 3 ) 1 week after operation + = ation it has be shown that this treatment corrects posi-
4.542; p < 0.001, 4 ) 6 month after operation + = 5.041; tional deformities of the cranial vault, skull base and
p < 0.001. upper face with no relapse following treatment at this
Conclusions: The functional evaluation of the regional time.
blood flow may give additional data in the choice of treat- It must be emphasized that the method is simple, easy to
ment methods and surgical technique in oral cancer handle and very effective when treatment starts within the
patients. first 6 months of age. Therefore its potentials should be
known by pediatricians and craniofacial surgeons.



Blankestijn, J.*, Bun, R.J., Berns, R.M., Onland, J.M., Blijdorp P.A.
Sehoen, J.
Department of OMFS, Rijnstate Hospital, Arnhem, the
Department of OMFS, Medisch Centrum Alkmaar, Netherlands
Alkmaar, The Netherlands
The Class IV atrophic mandible and maxilla is characterised
Aims: To investigate the stability of bone transplants in by a knife-edge ridge, while the height is generally main-
sinusfloor elevation. tained to its original level. Patients with a Class IV resorp-
Method: 40 sinusfloor elevations combined with bone- tion pattern usually show very little collapse of the
grafting on the lateral and/or labial aspect of the maxilla circumoral soft tissues. When an implant supported pros-
EACMFS Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 19

thesis is planned, the issue arises whether the alveolar ridge apy, radiotherapy ) for patients has to be evaluated in the
height should be reduced in order to reach a level where the future. Within the last years evidence has been accumulated
mandible is wide enough to accommodate endosteal that the plasminogen activation system could be a new target
implants. This would inevitably go along with loss of sup- for cancer therapy, e.g. by antibodies to uPA or PAL 1.
port for the lips.
Indications for augmentation, i.e. widening of the nar-
row ridge depend on patient's age, general health and aes-
thetic needs apart from prosthetic criteria such as STABILITY OF OSTEOSYNTHESIS FOLLOWING
maintenance of intermaxillary space and intermaxillary SAGITTAL SPLIT OSTEOTOMY OF THE
This presentation will deal with the experience gained COMPARATIVE BIOMECHANICAL IN VITRO
with about 15 patients who were treated with onlay grafts in MODEL IN THE PIG MANDIBLE
order to accommodate endosteal implants. The technique
and results will be "presented and the pro's and con's of this H. B6hm*, M. Merwald, H. Pistner, J. Reuther
method will be discussed.
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of
Wiirzburg, Germany
ASSOCIATED PROTEASES UROKINASE-TYPE Aim: Sagittal split osteotomy is a frequently performed pro-
P L A S M I N O G E N ACTIVATOR (UPA) AND ITS cedure. Rigid fixation using plates and screws can be consid-
INHIBITOR PAI-1 IN ORAL S Q U A M O U S CELL ered as standard for the osteosynthesis. Our aim was to
CARCINOMA (OSCC) gather information about the stability of osteosynthesis
using different methods and materials. A newly developed
Bock KP* Zeilhofer HF, Dettmar P, Hundsdorfer B, Schmitt resorbable screw consisting of a totally biodegradable poly-
M, Sader R, Geletu G, Gagl X, Kiircher H, Horch HH, lactide copolymer-blend material ([Poly-(L-co-DL-LA)
(90/10)]/(Poly (DL-LA) 80/20] was of special interest.
Dpt. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Method: Fresh pig mandibles were split according to
Technology, Munich, Germany Obwegeser-Dal Pont. The ascending ramus was fixed into a
frame and mounted into a universal testing machine. The
segments of the mandible were positioned at a distance of 2
Purpose: Several cell biological studies have shown that the mm and fixed to each other by 7 different methods. We
invasiveness of a variety of solid malignant tumors tested different types of metal-screws (titanium 3.5 mm zE,
depends at least in part on the serine protease urokinase- 2.7 mm ZE and 2.0 mm iE; CrCoMb 2.7 mm A~) and the
type plasminogen activator (uPA) and its inhibitor PAI-1. new copolymer screw (3,5 mm A~). Three screws of each
uPA is secreted as the zymogen pro-uPA by tumor cells and group were inserted in the classical triangular geometry.
a variety of normal cells. Cathepsin L activates pro-uPA to Furthermore, we examined 3 2.0 mm A2 titanium-screws in
the enzymatically active uPA which binds to its receptor a linear formation and also a six-hole titanium miniplate.
uPA-R. Receptor-bound uPA converts plasminogen into Simulating the conditions in humans, a load was applied to
plasmin. Plasmin degrades tumor matrix components (e.g. the teeth with a lever-arm of 50 mm to the inner angle of the
fibrin, fibronectin, laminin). Thus tumor invasion and mandibek The testing machine proceeded until a drop in
metastasis are enabled, uPA is inhibited by PAI-1 which is resistance of at least 10 % occured.
also synthesized by tumor cells. Various independent stud- Results: An average maximum stability of 160 N in the 3.5
ies on different kinds of cancer (e.g. cancer of the breast, mm titanium screws, of 183 N in the 2.7 mm titanium
ovary or kidney) have proved the prognostic impact of uPA screws and of 173 N in the 2.7 mm CrCoMb screws was
and PAI-I. Elevated levels of uPA and/or PAI-1 correlated observed. The stability (121 N) of the polylactide screw was
with increased malignancy of these diseases (reduced statistically equivalent to the 2.0 mm titanium screw in a tri-
relapse free and/or overall survival of the patients). For angular array (136N) and in a linear formation (113 N).
OSCC, however, the possible prognostic revelance of the Conclusion: All metallic plates and screws tested in this
tumor-associated proteolytic factors uPA and PAI-1 to the study are routinely successfully used for fixation after
malignant process has to be evaluated. Up to now the only orthognathic surgery. The newly developed polylactide
survival-related statistically independent factors in OSCC screw proved to be equivalent to the 2.0 mm titanium
are histomorphological parameters as nodal status, grading screws for osteosynthesis. We conclude that the resorbable
or tumor size. screw is promising for clinical use in sagittal split
Methods: In the present study in tissue extracts (Triton X- osteotomy.
100) of oral cancer and mucosa specimens taken from the
same patients (71 patients), uPA and PAI-1 antigen concen-
trations were determined by highly sensitive enzyme-linked
immunoassays (ELISA). @=~ THE SURGICAL I M P L I C A T I O N S OF AN
Results: uPA and PAL1 were highly elevated in cancer tis- ALVEOLAR BONE GRAFT AUDIT
sues in contrast to tissue extracts obtained from normal
mucosa (uPA: about 23-fold, PAI: about 5-fold). There was Peter Ward-Booth F.R.C.S,F.D.S., Allan Thom F.D.S.
no correlation between the uPA and PAI-1 antigen concen-
trations and classic prognostic factors as nodal status (uPA: Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead UK
p = 0.47; PAI-I: p : 0.26), grading (uPA: p ~- 0.36; PAI-I: p
= 0.42) and tumor size (uPA: p = 0.08; PAL-l: p : 0,09). Alveolar bone grafting plays an important role in the man-
Conclusion: These results suggest that the invasive and agement of cleft lip and palate patients. It helps ensure nor-
metastatic potential of OSCC and the overexpression of uPA mal eruption of teeth, creates support for the alar base, and
and PAI-1 are correlated. The clinical impact for prognosis, forms an intact arch. Some reports show mixed results from
overall survival and therapeutic strategy (surgery, chemother- high success to poor outcomes.
20 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

A recent audit of 70 cases in our unit showed generally Current and future research will have to solve problems
good outcomes, when the following parameters were like limited mechanical properties, appropriate degrada-
examined: tion, biocompatibility, sterilisation, shelf life and han-
dling before biodegradable devices will be as save and
* eruption of teeth
effective as metallic ones. However, it is worthwhile trying
* alveolar height
* periodontal pocketing
* donor site morbidity
The study however also demonstrated improvements
may be possible with the following modifications: VARIATION OF LE FORT OSTEOTOMIES IN
* changes in design of the flap INCREASED FACIAL DIVERGENCE.
* selection of another donor site, tibia
* pre operative extraction of deciduous teeth. Bottini D.J. * ; Brunelli A. ; Sassano P.P. ; de Ponte F.S.

"La Sapienza" University of Rome Italy Maxillo-Facial

Unit (dir. Prof G. Iannetti)
Spatial jaws' repositioning and facial divergence correc-
*R.R.M. Bos, DDS, PhD. tion are important aims of orthognatic surgery per-
formed on class III patients . A bimaxillary surgical
Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery University Hospital treatment is the most indicated way to reach these goals
Groningen, The Netherlands because of the frequent involving of both the maxilla
and the mandible in facial skeletal malformations. A
careful preoperative surgical planning of maxillary set-
In the internal fixation of cranio maxillofacial fractures and tings is basic in order to reach a better spatial correction
osteotomies, but also in orthopaedic surgery, bioresorbable of the mandible and of facial divergence. A clockwise
polymeric plates and screws may be a good alternative for rotation of the bispinal plane permits a better correction
metallic ones because functional stresses are gradually of mandibular protrusion and a opening of the facial
transduced to the bone and if total resorption is accom- divergence angle.
plished, a second operation for the removal of the plates In this study 40 patients, affected by class III malforma-
and screws will be unnecessary. tions, treated by bimaxillary Le Fort and bilateral sagittal
In the late sixties and early seventies the first few studies split osteotomies with RIF osteosyntesis, where selected
on biodegradable polylactide and polyglycolide were pub- and divided into two groups differing on kind of maxillary
lished. Kulkarni et al. and Cutright et al. successfully used settings. In the first group all patients underwent a clock-
biodegradable poly(lactide) acid polymers as suture material wise rotation of the bispinal plane, while in the second the
and osteosynthesis material. Cutright et al. also tested poly- inclination of the maxilla was not changed. Normo- and
lactide for the fixation of mandibular fractures in dogs and as hyperdivergent patients were distinguished in the two
orbital floor sheets in monkeys with good results. Another groups. All patients underwent a pre- and post-operative
field of interest in this period were polylactic or clinical-photographic and cephalometric analisys in order
polylactic/glycolic acid copolymers developed for drug deliv- to make a correct diagnosis of site and entity of the malfor-
ery systems. It can be concluded that in the early seventies a mation and to check skeletal and soft tissues aesthetic and
wide variety of applications of degradable biomaterials were functional result.
investigated. The results of the study confirmed that the clockwise
in the second half of the seventies, experiments with rotation of the maxilla gives a better correction of the sagit-
polymer blends and copolymerisation of mainly polylac- tal projection of the mandible and a highering of the facial
tide (PLA) and polyglycolide (PGA) were performed. divergence angle.
These polymers were widely used as drug delivery systems, The study comes to conclusion that, for a better aesthetic
uteral implants, suture material or as a vascular prosthesis. and functional result, clockwise rotations of the bispinal
In the eighties, experiments were not only performed to plane, carried out by le Fort osteotomies, are preferred in
study the clinical applications but also to study the chemical class III patients with normal facial divergence angle, in
and mechanical properties of a polymer during degrada- order to reach a better sagittal skeletal correction of the
tion. Low molecular weight samples degraded faster than mandible. Furthermore in hyperdivergent patients maxillary
hight molecular weight samples. A number of experiments settings should be performed without changing the inclina-
on differently processed polylactides and stereo-copolymers tion of the maxilla itself; surgical changings on the gonial
with varying amounts of D-lactide and L-lactide used for angle opening (by the use of allopalstic or homologous
bone plates and screws proved that PLA 100 (100% L-lac- grafts) are infact more difficult to carry out rather than a
tide) had the best mechanical properties and a slow degra- genioplasty for an addictional correction of chin
dation rate. In Finland a synthesis was developed in which a protrusion.
selfreinforcement procedure resulted in better mechanical
properties of polyglycolide and polylactide implants.
The development of mainly polylactides with good
mechanical properties and a favourable degradation rate, TWO DIMENSIONAL PROFILE CHANGES
stimulated in a number of surgical fields research on the MODELISATION AND PREDICTION FOR FACIAL
replacement of metallic devices by resorbable materials dur- OSTEOTOMIES - A NEW COMPUTER DESIGN
ing the late eighties and nineties. PROCEDURE.
Despite being extensively studied for more than 30 years,
biodegradable materials have not replaced metallic Boutault F. *(1), Laborie 3/[. (2), Lauwers F. (3), Dodart L.
osteosynthesis devices except for some limited indications. (1), Paoli J.R. (3)
EACMFS Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 21

Maxillofac. Surg. Unit - Purpan University H o s p i t a l -

Toulouse - France Institut de Recherche en Informatique -
Toulouse - France Maxillofac. Surg. Unit - R a n g u e i l
University H o s p i t a l - Toulouse - France

Gas C (1), Boutault F.*(1), Caron P.(2), lmbert P.(3),

Aims: To elaborate a computer-design procedure in order to Bachaud J.M. (4), Arrue P. (5), Dodart L. (1), Lauwers F.
obtain automatically an immediate and realistic profile pre- (6), Paoli J.R. (6)
diction simulation for patients who are going to undergo
maxillary and/or mandibular osteotomy Maxillofac. Surg. Unit - Purpan University Hospital - Toulouse
Method: This study was made on 31 patients with pre- - France Endocrinology Depart.- Rangueil University Hospital
and post-operative lateral cephalographs. Typical - Toulouse - France Ophthalmologist - Privatepractice -
osseous and cutaneous landmarks were recorded and Toulouse - France Radiotherapy - Centre Claudius R e g a u d -
cutaneous profile lines were modellized (using Beziers Toulouse - France Radiology Depart.- Rangueil University
curves).A statistical evaluation of the key-points modifi- Hospital - Toulouse - France Maxillofac.Surg Unit - Rangueil
cations was made regarding correlations with bony and University Hospital - Toulouse - F r a n e e
dental structure movements.Thus, it became possible to
apply these rules to each case and to compare with the
real result. Furthermore, the same procedure was applied Aims: Grave's ophthalmopathy leads to several functional
in new cases where bony movements were known retro- and aesthetic disturbances which are always badly tolerated
spectively. by the patients. M a w types of treatment have been used
Results: Although the appreciation of the result is obvi- with rather good published results. On the other hand, these
ously subjective, this procedure has been proved to be bet- procedures are generally focussed on a specific aspect of the
ter than usual procedures based on statistical (or disease and some of them seem contradictory. We present
non-statistical) knowledge of cutaneous landmark move- the preliminary results of a multidisciplinary approach
ments in about 70% of the cases. For the others, however, implicating five different medical or surgical specialities.
poor results were seen, especially for patients presenting a Method: From 1995 to 1997, 35 patients were examined
pre-operative lip maloclusion or a very severe facial explored and treated, representing almost all aspects of
deformity. Grave's disease. All outpatient sessions were carried out with
Conclusion: Even if there are many problems to solve before at least three different physicians including an endocrinolo-
using this method as a routine procedure, this new approach gist. The first step was to restore or maintain euthyroidism
seems more reliable than all others previously published. On before oculo-orbito-palpebral therapy. The medical treat-
the other hand, we need further studies, particularly con- ments were based on steroid therapy or radiotherapy. The
cerning unusual cases since we do not have enough study sm'gical procedures included orbital enlargment bone surgery
cases. and myo-palpebral surgery with or without lipectomy.
Results: A decisional chart was elaborated and a therapeutic
sequence was specified at the end of this study. Some inter-
esting results were obtained.
Conclusion: Even if it is obvious that more cases and experi-
V I D E O - E N D O S C O P I C ANTRAL CONTROL ence are needed, one can expect a real improvement in the
DURING SINUS LIFT GRAFT AUGMENTATION results by such an approach.
Boutault F.*(1), Lauwers F.(2), Paoli J.R.(2), Dodart
Maxillofac. Surg. Unit - Purpan University H o s p i t a l -
Toulouse - France Maxillofac. Surg. Unit - Rangueil
University H o s p i t a l - Toulouse - France
Paul F. Bradley MD; BDS; FRCS; FDS

Aims: Over the past ten years, sinus lift graft augmentation
has become a routine procedure. Meanwhile, mucosal dam-
Lasers offer a major innovation in the field of surgery in that
age or bone graft malposition can still occur. We have tried
they allow the precisely controlled application of energy to the
to investigate whether simultaneous sinusoscopy could
make surgery more reliable. tissues, either by beam or fibre. Laser radiation has three main
characteristics: coherence, collimation and mono-chromatic-
Method: The material is simply a rigid sinusocope which is
ity. These allow great precision and predictabillity of effect
passed into the antrum via the nasal airway. A control mon-
itor displays the endoscopic view while the mucosa is ele- which may be at a microscopic or macroscopic level. The pro
vated by a standard procedure. facial region is very well suited to laser usage in that it is read-
ily accessible for treatment and subsequent assessment
Results: As can be clearly seen on the video, mucosal dam-
age can easily be avoided thanks to direct vision of the CLASSIFICATION:
mucosal elevation. On the other hand, it seems rather hard
Laser treatment may be considered under three main
to appreciate the exact anatomical conditions of the graft. headings:
More experience is obviously needed.
Conclusion: Even if endoscopic control needs a specific 1. High Intensity Laser Therapy (HILT) for the ablation or
device and is time consuming, it provides better security and cutting of soft and hard tissues. In soft tissue cutting may
seems really interesting. This is particularly true for surgeons be achieved with haemostasis and obivation of the need
in training or having less experience in the sinus lift for sutures. In the case of hard tissue there may be less
procedure. noise, vibration and pain than with conventional drills.
22 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

2. Selective Laser Therapy (SELT). Lasers may selectively Department of Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Hopital Lyon-Sud,
destroy one cellular population while leaving an adjacent Lyon, France
or overlying one intact. This may achieved by the careful
consideration of wavelengths and absorption coefficients
as in the treatment of port wine stains by tuneable dye Aims: To define in which cases a secondary reconstruction
lasers. Alternativley it may be attained by giving a sensi- with fibular flap after resection of the mandible is indicated
tising agent which localises in the tissue of interest as in (except post-trauma or congenital defect reconstruction)
photodynaminc therapy. Material: 19 cases are reported (10 osteoradionecrosis, 3
squamous-cell carcinome involving mandible, 3 extensive
Low Intensity Laser Therapy (LILT). Here deeply penetrat- benign tumors, 3 sarcomas)
ing wavelengths mainly in the near infra red are used with Results: 13 cases had immediate reconstruction ( 8 0 R N , 3
minimal thermal effect for pain control and promotion of S.C.C, 2 benign tumors). 6 cases had secondary reconstruc-
healing. tion ( 2 0 R N , 1 benign tumor, 3 sarcomas). The main rea-
All of these aspects will considered In the symposium. sons for secondary reconstruction were: necessity of final
histologic results (sarcoma), age of patient (1 year old), sta-
SAFTEY CONSIDERATION: tus of patient (2 cases of ORN), former resection without
Precautions need to be taken during laser therapy as fol- planning for tumour immediate reconstruction (1 case of
lows:- benign). Alternative technics and surgical procedure are
Ocular damage. Far infra red wavelengths may damage discussed. Quality of results are compared.
the cornea but mid and near infra red plus some visible Conclusions: Immediate reconstruction with fibular free
wavelengths can penetrate the lens to damage the retina. It flap after mandibular resection is not always available for
is essential that protective goggles for the appropiate wave- different reasons histologic findings, age or status of the
length are employed for both patient and doctor. patient, technical reasons). If a secondary reconstruction
is considered, some technicalprocedures are indicated.


Muriel Brix, Bernard Ricbourg, Ludovic Lecornu, Philippe
Br~zda , A. Chanavaz

Clinicfor Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital, Dept. of MaxilloJacial Surgery, CHU Besanfon - Fr.
Olomouc, The Czech Republic
The eyebrow is the converging point of muscular forces. The
Aims: To review the first clinical experience with treatment frontalis muscle interdigitates with the orbital orbicularis
of squamous cell carcinomas (scc) of muscle, the corrugator superciliaris muscle, and the pro-
the head and neck region by intraarterial (i.a.) Taxol admin- cerus. Eyebrows position is the result of this muscular
istration. There has not been any antagonism, except for the lateral one-third, which only
information reported thereon until today. depends on the support from deeper structures (supraor-
Method: Thirty patients with scc of the head and neck bital rim, zygomatic bone, eyebrows fat pad).
region were Each one can be altered in orbital traumatology.
undergoing complex antitumour treatment.The first step in Therefore, the authors propose a radiological prospective
this management was i.a. Taxol application study, which includes all
according to our own regimen. Surgery and radiotherapy Patients with facial trauma. It's based on a cephalometric X-
followed this perfusion ray after eyebrows opacification.
Results: The author classified the main effect of Taxol on The authors insist on the importance of a good anatom-
the tumours in 4 categories complete response (CR), partial ical restitution, to prevent eyebrows malpositioning and
response (PR), static disease (SD) and progressive dis- asymmetry. In fact, these corrections remain surgically difficult.
ease(PD). He also noted several side effects. Results showed
a significantly increased C R + P R (30 %) than those after
i.v.application of Taxol. All the side effects were restricted
to tolerable levels.
Conel.: On the basis of the results we can claim that our
regimen of Taxol application i.a. was confirmed. The good
therapeutic responses with minimal side effects give encour-
agement to the further use of Taxol i.a. administration in
head and neck cancers. C. Briicker" P. Sieg, G. Wiedemann

Luebeck / Germany
RECONSTRUCTION OF THE MANDIBLE BY The therapeutic efficacy of carboplatin (CP) and
FIBULAR F L A P AFTER RESECTION FOR T U M O R ifosphamide (IF) with and without local hyperthermia
OR RADIONECROSIS (19 CASES) (41°C resp. 43°C for 60 rain) was measured in human
derived oral squamous cell carcinomas (n=97, average vol-
Breton, P.*, Cresseaux, P., Gounot, N. , Souch~re, ume 180 _+ 80 mm3) growing on the thigh of nude mice.
B.,Freidel, M. Untreated turnouts showed an exponential tumour
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 23

growth. The animals were randomly assigned to 10 different Klinikum Schwerin, Departement of OMFS, Clinic
treatment groups (n = 9-10). The average tumour volume of Schwerin, Wismarsche StraJ3e 397, 19049 Schwerin,
the treated animals was compared with the untreated con- Germany
trols and statistically evaluated. CP alone demonstrated
only a significant growth delay (duration 60 days). I F (62.5
and 125 mg/kg b.w.) alone caused partial tumour regression.
Usually the removal of metal plates is done a half year after
Combination of CP or I F with hyperthermia demonstrated
significant tumour regression. Tumourfree survival 60 days fixation of fractures of. Our method concerning the orbital
after treatment was observed just as well after applicmion of floor and the zygomatic bone avoids this additional mea-
CP (6 mg/kg b.w.) and hyperthermia (43°C) as I F (125 surement and shows some interesting aspects.
mg/kg b.w.) and hyperthermia (41°C). These preclinical
dates indicate a clinical phase I/II - study using CP or I F in METHOD:
combination with hyperthermia in patients with advanced 20 patients with fractures of the zygoma and the orbital
squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck region. floor were treated by the standard technique (subcilliary
approach, titanium miniplate fixationm, ethisorb patch lin-
ing of the orbital floor). Another 20 patients with the same
[ ~ A P P L I C A T I O N O F SILOCSANE IN FACE kind of fracture were treated by the transconjunctivally
R E C O N S T R U C T I O N SURGERY approach together with a lateral canthotomy and fixation
was done with resorbable meshes which at the same time are
L.A. Brusova, used to reconstruct the orbital floor. Advantages and disad-
vantages of the techniques were analyzed (costs, time, aes-
Department of Face Neck Plastic Surgery, Central Research thetic results, complications).
Institute of Stomatology, Moscow, Russia
Nevertheless costs of the resorbable plates are high, the
AIMS: averall treatment costs were low. The additional removal of
The demonstration of usage of individually modelled siloxane plates is avoided. Additionally the aesthetic result is supe-
implants in elimination of nose and mandible deformities. rior when using the transconjunctival approach while no
complication was observed in both groups.
Methods of individual production of silicon implants were CONCLUSION:
developed in purpose of maximum filling of defect and Whenever the patients are young and therefore have no visi-
exact adequacy of made implant to current person. ble subcilliary folds and when there are no open wounds we
recommend the one stage treatment method.
Application of siloxane implants in patients with post-trau-
matic and congenital deformities allows recovering aesthetic
proportions of face. There is shown a possibility of recovering ANTIBIOTIC PROPHYLAXIS IN MAXILLOFACIAL
the contour of mandible after osteo-reconstructive operations. SURGERY: P E N I C I L L I N VERSUS CLINDAMYCIN

CONCLUSIONS: Bublitz R., Denis R., Petrin G. *, Weingart D.:

Long-term observations allow making a conclusion that
surgical method of treatment using siloxane materials is less Department of Oral, Maxillo and Facial Plastic Surgery,
traumatic and allows achieving good functional and social Katharinenhospital, Stuttgart, Germany
Aim" To compare the efficiency and economic aspects of the
use of penicillin G compared with clindamycin in the antibi-
[ ~ FDL~.TION OF FRONTOORBITAL OSTEOTOS~_S otic prophylaxis of surgical wound infections in maxillofa-
Method: A total of 178 patients having had orthognathic
Bschorer R. operations or open zygomatic reductions were analyzed.
The study was begun on the date the treatment regime was
Klinikum Schwerin, Departement of OMFS, Clinic Schwerin, changed. A prospective group received one-shot Penicillin.
Wismarsche Strafle 397, 19049 Schwerin, Germany As control group we used a retrospectively analyzed group,
having received Clindamycin, including the same number of
VIDEO PRESENTATION: patients. Exclusion criteria were defined. Both groups were
The surgical technique of frontoorbital osteotoy in aperts homogeneous in their composition and established risk-fac-
syndrome and its stabisisation by means of resobable mini- tors for surgical wound-infection, such as the ASA-status,
plates (Lactosorb) is shown. First results show the advan- wound-classification, duration of the operation and type of
tage of the technique in comparison to titanium miniplates. surgery. The frequency of surgical wound infections, as
defined by the Centers of Disease Control in 1992, and the
costs per case were to be compared and evaluated statisti-
ONE STAGE TREATMENT M E T H O D O F Result- The frequency of surgical wound infection was 5.9 %
ZYGOMATIC FRACTURES BY MEANS O F in the penicillin group versus 11.1% in the clindamycin
RESORBABLE M E S H E S AND A group. The difference was not statistically significant. The
TRANSCONJUNCTIVAL APPROACH costs per case were 23 times higher for clindamycin. There
were no adverse side-effects recorded for penicillin, but five
Bschorer R., Knauf U. such side-effects for clindamycin.
24 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

Conclusion: We conclude that penicillin G in the single shot local haemostyptic techniques. In all patients, the individ-
mode is an effective and economic method of choice in ual anticoagulation medication remained unchanged. I N R
antibiotic prophylaxis of surgical wound infection in the values were recorded. The type and number of surgical
cases studied. interventions was noted. Twenty eight patients were treated
by local application of tranexamic acid into the surgical
wound intraoperatively, and by regular mouthwashes post-
operatively (10 ml 5 % Tranexamic acid, four times daily).
INTRAORAL M I C R O S U R G I C A L A N A S T O M O S I S Thirty three patients were treated by local application of
OF THE RADIAL F O R E A R M F L A P collagen into the surgical site and a postoperative protec-
tive splint. A third group received no local treatment but
Bublitz R. *, Weingart D., Denis R.: surgical wound closure by local flaps as well as a postoper-
ative splint.
Department of Oral, Maxillo and Facial Plastic Surgery, Result: With tranexamic acid 7 . 1 % of the patients experi-
Katharinenhospital, Stuttgart, Germany enced an episode of bleeding postoperatively. Collagen
patients had post-operative bleeding in 21.2 %. Wounds that
Aim: The radial forearm flap has evolved as "the work- had been surgically closed had an incidence of 36,6 % post-
horse" in micro-surgically-assisted reconstruction of intrao- operative bleeding episodes.
ral defects that need pliable tissue from a distant donor site. Conclusion: The low rate of postoperative haemorrhage in
Its recipient vessels are easily accessible if the neck has to be patients with an intraoperative wound rinse and postopera-
approached anyhow. If this is not the case, the common tive mouthwashes with tranexamic acid proved this to be the
extraoral approach to the neck vessels risks considerable most effective way of preventing bleeding.
additional morbidity solely for the purpose of gaining Costs per case were higher in this group, however. In the
access to the recipient vessels. In these selected cases an clinical situation higher costs per case will have to be
intraoral access to the anastomosis site may minimize the weighed against the benefit of a reduced frequency of post-
surgical trauma and benefit the patient. This approach has operative bleeding episodes and probably hospitalization
not been described in the current literature. and treatment time.
Subject: Among 25 radial forearm flaps that were trans-
planted at our institution within the preceding 18 months,
only 1 was applied in a non-oncological case. An attempt INTRAORAL RECONSTRUCTION W I T H
had been made elsewhere, numerous times, to close a persis- BUCCINATOR ARTERIAL M Y O M U C O S A L AND
tent oro-nasal fistula in a 30-year old bilateral cleft patient MUCOSA-LIKE FLAPS.
(male). A radial forearm flap was chosen to serve as the
appropriate tissue for fistula closure. Access to the facial Buric N. *, Krasic D., Visnjie M.
vessels was gained through an intraoral exposure via the
buccal plane. Medicine Faculty - Clinic of Stomatology Oral and
Result: The case demonstrates the technical feasibility of an Maxillofacial Surgery, Clinic of Surgery-Plastic Surgery,
intraoral approach and small vessel-anastomosis. A single Nis, Serbia (Yugoslavia)
horizontal trans-buceal incision was used. Parotid duct and
facial nerve damage did not occur. The flap's circulation was
never compromised, healing was uneventful. Secondary Aims: To investigate the possibilities of 'like-to-like' recon-
trimming, thinning and adaptation of the flap was, however, struction of oral cavity defects of various origins.
needed to achieve a smooth and watertight closure. Method: A group of 28 patients with intraoral defects has
Conclusion: In selected cases where no external scars are been treated, in the period from 1991 to 1997, in the age
present and the only reason to open the neck is for access to group from 22 to 75 yrs. male/female ratio 2:1. The defects
the vessels, an intraoral approach should be considered. were created as follows: after turnout surgery in 15 (53.5%)
This approach requires considerable technical experience in pts, creation of extensive oro-antral communication 4
the microsurgical team working in such a restricted surgical (14.2%/) pts, oro-nasal fistula in 1 (3.5%) pts,. posterior part
field. of mandible in 3 (10.7%) pts. buccal region in 3 (10.7%) pts.
and floor of the mouth in 2(7.1%) pts. The anteriorly based
on facial artery buccinator myomucosal flap was used in 5
(17.8%) pts, posteriorly based on buccal artery myomucoc-
sal flap was used in 18 (64.2%), myomucosal nasolabial
island flap based on the facial artery in 2 (7.1%) pts, and in
8 (10.7%) pts, galeal flap was used in the reconstruction of
the buccal region.
Defects were created due to: ablative surgery of carci-
Bublitz R., Hofmann S., Denis R.*, Weingart D.: noma(T2NoMo ) in 20 pts, a cystic lesion in 7 pts, oro-nasal
fistula as a consequence of previous cleft palate surgery in 1
pt. Direct complications such as infection, haematoma,
Department of Oral, Maxillo and Facial Plastic Surgery,
dehiscence occurred in 4 (14.2%) pt. All complications were
KatharinenhospitaI, Stuttgart, Germany successfully treated with conservative therapy. Donor site
morbidity was minimal in the group with buccinator
Aim: The literature recommends the local application of myomucosal flaps, with recovery time of approx 7-9 days; in
tranexamic acid to surgical wounds or as a mouthwash in galeal group it was 12-14 days.
oral surgery on patients who are on an anticoagulation Conclusions: Due to easy harvesting and minimal mor-
therapy. This study evaluates the benefits of such bidity of buccinator myomucosal flaps and the flaps
treatment. being of the same tissue as the intraoral defects, it is pos-
Method: In a clinical prospective and randomized study on sible to achieve 'like-to-like' reconstruction of intraoral
a total of 101 patients, we evaluated the effects of different defects.
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 25


Burlibasa, C. Chiril~ L APPLICATIONS

Clinical Hospital of Stomatology, Department of Maxillo Biischer, Ph.,.Hehli, 3/1.

Facial Surgery, Carol's Davila University, Bucharest,
Romania A 0 Development Institut, Davos, Switzerland

Kaposi sarcoma was known since 1872, but only in 1981 did SUBJECT.
it become important because of its association with HIV Conventional screw-plate systems for maxillofacial surgery
infections. require: 1) a hole to be drilled before insertion of each self-tap-
It is considered as a multifocal systemic cancer. It is his- ping screw, which is time-consuming; and 2) pressure of the
tologically characterised by the proliferation of fibroblastic plate on the bone surface during screw tightening. This screw-
and microvascular elements. plate-bone interaction frequently causes intra-operative strip-
The lesions can be situated on the limbs, head, neck and ping of the bone thread during screw insertion. To avoid this
oral mucous membrane. However, they can also be found in significant problem, the maximum torque should not be
lung, liver, spleen and lymph nodes. exceeded. The problem is that a feel for maximum torque is
We present a case of Kaposi sarcoma with extremely subjective, and requires surgical practice and experience.
agressive manifestations on the extremities.
A partial glossectomy was performed 15 years ago THE NEW INTERNAL FIXATOR FOR
followed by radiotherapy treatment on the extremities. MAXILLOFACIAL APPLICATIONS.
There was no morbidity and no recurrancies to this patient. In order to simplify the surgical technique and decrease the
Another case in which primary manifestations of HIV operative time, a new internal fixator has been developed for
infection were located on the face and oral mucous mem- maxillofacial applications. This new fixator uses self-drilling
brane, the subject survived only 6 months. and self-tapping screws which are inserted by machine. To pre-
vent screw pull-out, screw insertion in the bone stops auto-
matically at a pre-determined insertion depth. This is achieved
with a conical thread around the screw head which locks into
a corresponding conical, threaded hole in the fixator. This
locking effect produces an increase in insertion torque. The
Burlini D., Ferrari Parabita S., Zanetti If. maximum insertion torque is reached when the screw head
reaches its final position. The machine is designed to stop at
this point in order to prevent screw damage. The locking
Department of Maxillo Facial Surgery-Civic Hospital of
mechanism works even if the fixator is bent or twisted. After
Brescia-Italy. (Head. Prof. Ferrari Parabita G.)
bending and twisting the fixator, the screws can still be
inserted into the threaded fixator holes. Test results will follow.
AIMS: Since the new system functions as an internal fixato~; there is
To know the real impotance of diagnostic and therapeutic no compression between the fixator and the bone surface
TMJ arthroscopy. which occurs with conventional systems. Thus, the risk of
stripping the bone thread is minimized. In addition, the risk of
METHOD: instability of the new fixator due to screw loosening in the
In the last few years temporo-mandibular arthroscopy has bone is reduced since the screw is now locked in the fixator.
become a successful method for diagnosing and treating Conclusions. The new internal fixator simplifies the surgical
TMJ disorders. This type of analysis allows a direct view of technique due to the automated, one-step insertion of the
the upper joint cavity and the meniscus without altering the self-drilling / self-tapping screw. This one-step procedure
joint's anatomic integrity. It also permits dynamic investiga- has the additional advantage of eliminating the problem of
tion and at the same time to do articular surgery. re-locating pre-drilled holes in the bone for screw insertion.

Our study includes 256 patients (that is 221 females and 35 TITANIUM/TITANIUM NITRIDE
males)aged between 17 and 68 years and admitted between
1987 and 1998 to the Division of Maxillo Facial Surgery of CLINICAL A P P L I C A T I O N AND 5-YEAR
Civic Hospital of Brescia. Thanks to direct intraoperational ASSESSMENT
view on the monitor, arthroscopy permits a rapid exploration of
the joint as a follow up and addition to X-ray pictures. Biitow*, Kurt- W and Biackbeard, CA.
Therefore degenerative pathological diagnosis can be easily con-
firmed and at the same time a surgical treatment is organized.
Department of Maxillo-Fac&l and Oral Surgery, University
of Pretoria, and Southern Implants (Pty) Ltd, Irene, South
In diagnostic terms, arthroscopy offers all the data provided by
traditional radiology, plus pathological details observable only Aim: The new anatomically-simulated prosthesis, manufac-
ha direct view. In therapeutic terms, washing and cortisone infil- tured from pure Titanium and the articulation surface
tration alone are sufficient to eliminate symptoms in a large coated with Titanium Nitride (the condylar-head-ramus
number of cases. Then specific arthoroscopic surgical proce- and the glenoid-fossa parts), was published in 1994 (Hands-
dures may be performed in the superior joint. In the last months On, 1994;6:23-26). The clinical application and clinical and
the laser is introduced in the treatment of TMJ disorders. research assessment over five years, will be presented.
26 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

Subject: Two separate baboon studies were undertaken, I) INTRODUCTION: Iliac crest free flap provides the bone
1992-1994, ii) 1997-1998. Since 1995 the with better quality and volume for mandibular reconstruc-
Titanium/Titanium Nitride Temporomandibular prosthesis tion and placement of osseointegrated dental
has been placed in 27 patients in South Africa and implants.However, there are still some concerns about the
Australia. The application in 1 l baboons and patients will complex anatomy of the inguinal region and the possible
be presented. morbidity and complications in the donor site secondary to
Results: The prosthesis was placed in vitro, under stringent harvesting of this flap.
abrasion-resistant tests with very positive results. The two AIM: To demonstrate that morbidity of the donor site can
parts are placed through a pre-auricular and submandibular be strongly reduced with an adecuate closure procedure and
incision. In the animal study, significant bone regeneration some post-operatory cares.
and partial encapsulation around the ramus and glenoid-fossa M E T H O D S : We analyze our experience with the iliac crest
parts took place. The patients who had developed an end- free flap in 28 patients for 5 years. In 7 cases the flap
stage temporo-mandibular joint disease - some had had up to included the internal oblique muscle. We show step by step
six previous surgical interventions - were reconstructed surgi- the method of closure of the iliac crest donor site defect,
cally. Four patients had complications such as a slight squeak- with eschemes and photographs from cadaveric dissections.
ing sound during the first three weeks, post-operatively. When internal oblique muscle is harvested too, we utilize a
C o n c l u s i o n : Based on the data obtained in the baboons as synthetic mesh to repair the abdominal wall defect. To
well as in the patients, the short-term results in regard to decrease postoperative pain we also place a catheter in the
comfortable function are very promising and the planned surgical wound to instilate local anesthesia through, that
objectives of this long-term research have been achieved. makes easier beginnnig ambulation..
RESULTS: We had only 2 cases of abdominal hernia, one
in the beginning of our serie and the other one in a 68 years
old patient with postoperative infection of the donor site.
THE ANATOMICAL L I P PLASTY FOR THE One of the 7 patients closed with a ynthetic mesh developed
PRIMARY SURGICAL REPAIR OF THE CLEFT LIP a seroma, that healed without mesh removal. 18 patients
AND NOSE: L O N G - T E R M A S S E S S M E N T referred anesthesia in the lateral femoral cutaneus nerve ter-
ritory, but only after asking about it, not before. No other
Biitow ~, Kurt- W. major complications arose.
CONCLUSIONS: Iliac crest free flap is our first choice for
Department of Maxillo-Facial and Oral Surgery, University reconstruction of mandibular defects < 12 cm.
of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa Complications and sequelae of the donor site can be
strongly reduced by a meticulous technique of closure that
Aim: The re-assessment of the "anatomical lip plasty" in we show in this communication.
primary unilateral cleft lip and nose surgery, which was pre- Javier Calder6n
sented in 1989 (6th Int. Congr. on Cleft Palate and related C/. Joaquin Costa 25, 3° A. Santander. Spain.
Craniofacial Anomalies) and published in 1990 ( J Cranio- (34)-29-243090
Max. Fac. Surg.)
M e t h o d : One hundred children in the 8-11 year age group,
were re-assessed in respect of this particular deformity. The
assessment took into consideration the aesthetic appearance USE OF B I O C O R A L ®MASSIVE F O R M S IN
of the lip, including lip skin with philtrum edges, the lip MAXILLO-FACIAL SURGERY. RESULTS O F A
red/white junction,the lip red dry/wet junction and the nasal MULTICENTRIC STUDY DONE IN 14 F R E N C H
sill with the nasal base rotating. The original surgical proce- H O S P I T A L S AND C O N C E R N I N G 1 9 8 PATIENTS
dure was then compared with the same procedure with
modification as is presently being done. Cantaloube* D, Patat J.L.
R e s u l t s : There are certain discrepancies in the alignment of
the scar tissue in regard to the objective and its final result. Percy militalT hospital Clamart France
Further flattening of the original lip to the present form has Maxillo-facial and plastic surgery department
been assessed by the difference in appearance. The alar base
rotation was achieved in all cases, however the flattening of
the unilateral nasal dome is less marked in the latter group.
Conclusion:Based on the results of this study, a more cen- To determine biocompatibility, efficacy and therapeutic
tralising philtrum cut in the skin has to be implemented the value of biocoral ®(natural coral in massive form) as well as
wider the cleft deformity present at surgery. Extensive dis- specific indications and directions for use.
section between the nasal mucosa and alar cartilage for the
repositioning of the cartilage on the cleft side, is advisable,
without dissection of the nasal dome. METHOD :
- Multicentre study in 14 hospital maxillo-facial depart-
ments in France.
- 198 adult patients included within a period of 19 months
ILIAC CREST FREE F L A P : PREVENTION O F (from1992 May to 1993 December)
C O M P L I C A T I O N S IN DONOR-SITE CLOSURE. - 2 years follow up (December 1995)
- Use for recent traumatic lesions (64%), congenital dysmor-
CalderOn J% Ferndndez-Alba J,, Concejo C, Ochandiano S, phy (29%) and diverse lesion s(7%)
Navarro- Vila C.
Department of Maxillofacial Surgery. Gregorio Mara~6n - 149 patients were followed over one year (average of 22,5
Universitary Hospital. Madrid. Spain. months follow up)
- No bad event
EACMFS- Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 27

- 20 patients showed complications, but none where directly

related to biomaterial.
1. Coral has large indications in traumatology and facial Castellani A., Meneghini F., Zanetti U.
dysmorphy surgery (especially for genioplasty).
2. Tolerance is excellent when used as indicated and if con- Department of Maxillo Facial Surgery Civic Hospital of
traindications are respected. Brescia-Italy (Head." Prof. G. Ferrari Parabita G.)
3. Clinical evolution of coral implant at middle term is
interesting and generally good with the volumes maintained
and no local complications.
Describe the use of M C F (Maxillary Cheek Flap) for the
treatment of benign ethmoid-maxillary tumours.
In recent years, the M C F has been used with increasing suc-
Cantit G.*, Solero C., Mattavelli F., Salvatori P., Pizzi N.,
Podrecca S., Riggio iF..,Nardo L. cess in the surgery of growths lodged deep within the face
and nasopharynx.
The technique is based on the preparation of an osteo-
Istituto Nazionale per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori, Milano,
musculocutaneous maxillary cheek flap with its stem in the
Italy. cheek, to allow an ample exposure of the whole nasopha-
ryngeal region, with greater chances of radical surgery and
Aims: To assess the results of cranio-facial resection for morphological and functional success. Though employed at
malignant tumours. first to eradicate malignant tumours, this method is useful
Method: Between 1987 and 1995 we performed 151 cranio- also for the treatment of benign forms, where a good aes-
facial resections for malignant tumours. According to the thetic outcome is always advisable.
histology there were: 65 adenocarcinomas, 32 squamous
cell carcinomas, 25 adenoidcystic carcinomas, 11 aesthe- RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS:
sioneuroblastomas, 5 melanomas, 3 sarcomas and 10 other Among the patients operated in our ward, we shall illustrate
malignancies. All tumours were T4 involving the anterior a case of "rare benign mesenchymal" tumour, in the eth-
or middle cranial fossa, or both. In all patients we per- moid-maxillary region, excised by radical transfacial abscis-
formed a cranio-facial resection, anterior in 107, lateral in sion with maxillary cheek flap. The morphological
29 and antero-lateral in 15. We performed a dural resection follow-up and oncological screening confirmed that maxil-
in 55 cases and in 8 a brain resection too. Fourteen patients lary cheek flap allow ample surgical exposure with mini-
underwent orbital exenteration. Our surgical technique was mum aesthetic and functional damage.
the classical anterior cranio-facial resection for tumours
involving the ethmoid. The frontal craniotomy was low and
small (6x3 centimetres). The transfacial approach, in
patients not having a maxillectomy, was a paranasal inci- A T E M P L A T E GUIDE FOR HARVESTING ILIAC
sion. We used a free pericranial patch for dural repair in BONE F O R P R E P R O S T H E T I C ATROPHIC JAW
intradural resections and a pedicled pericranial flap for AUGMENTATION.
anterior cranial base reconstruction. The medial orbital
wall, always resected, was reconstructed with 2 X shaped A J Sidebottom, MA Boyle, J l Cawooae.
wires passing through holes in the residual roof and floor
of the orbit. In this simple way we could avoid herniation of Maxillofacial Unit, Countess of Chester Hospital, Chester,
the orbital fat and the resulting enophthalmos. For UK.
tumours involving the infratemporal and middle cranial
fossae we used an infratemporal approach, preauricular in
22 cases and retroauricular in 7. In 15 patients with AIM
tumours involving both the anterior and middle cranial fos- Reconstruction of the edentulous jaws with corticocancel-
sae we used, at the same time, an anterior and infratempo- lous block bone grafts prior to implant placement is a time
ral transcranial approach. In 3 of these cases we performed consuming procedure. We present a technique utilising a
very large craniotomies allowing us an overview of both the custom made sterilisable template as a guide to harvest the
anterior and middle cranial fossa in one operation field. In iliac bone in the precise dimensions required.
the lateral and antero-lateral resections (or in anterior
approaches with maxillectomy), we used the temporalis METHODS
muscle (23) or a free flap of rectus abdominis muscle (21) The laboratory stage follows standard protocol until the try-
for reconstruction. in stage. The teeth are set up in the desired position and a
Results: The overall cure rate, with a minimum follow-up of suck down splint is placed over. The wax is burnt out and
24 months, is 50% (62% in previously untreated cases and the resulting defect between the ridge and the teeth is cast
38% in relapses after previous surgery). In patients without into soft putty impression material as will be described. This
dural involvement the cure rate was 53%, in those with provides for the template which can be cold sterilised prior to
dural extension, 45% and in patient with brain resection, use in theatre. The template can then be used to guide the
16%. harvest of the iliac crest graft to the dimensions required.
Conclusions: Our large series proves that cranio-facial The laboratory and the intraoperative procedures will be
resection is the surgical approach of choice for visualiza- illustrated with photographs. The technique saves both
tion and en bloc resection of neoplasms of the cranial intraoperative time and permits a more accurate adaptation
base. of the graft to the edentulous defect.
28 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery


John L Cawoo~
Dalsanto J, Champy M*, Mille P, Cornet A, Rousseau D,
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Countess of Segard J, Rosenstie134.
Chester Hospital, Chester, England.
*26 rue Ducrot 67000 STRASBOURG (France) tkl. fax :
(33) 03 88 36 38 84
A survey of 300 consecutive edentulous patients indicated
that the incidence of the Class IV residual ridge was 53% in
the edentulous maxilla and 28% in the edentulous mandible. Aims : To describe by the computer aided analysis the
The Class IV ridge is characterised by minimal loss of verti- mechanical behaviour of the double miniplate fixation of
cal height of the alveolar process but loss of labial and buc- free bone grafts in reconstructive surgery of the mandible.
cal bone to produce a thin knife-edge residual ridge form. Method : The shape of four types of bone defect are digi-
Consequently there is insufficient width of residual bone to tized by means of a three dimensional coordinate retrieval
accommodate endosteal implants. In this group of patients device and drawn on a computer screen, allowing its analy-
pre-implant surgery is required to augment the thin ridge. sis by the finite elements method.
Choice of the augmentation technique is influenced by the Results : The titanium ininiplates used in twin plates fixation have
existing nasolabial and labial mental support, presence of the required mechanical characteristics to ensure the stability of
intervening %ancellous bone between the cortical plates, or the reconstructed mandible during the healing phase of the graft.
fusion of the cortical plates, and the type of prosthesis The elasticity of the double miniplate fixation is respon-
(fixed or removable). sible of micro motion and mechanical stimulation of the
Ridge splitting techniques are indicated if there is interven- graft and along the contacting surfaces between the
ing cancellous bone between the outer and inner cortical mandibular fragments and the graft.
plates. This can best be demonstrated with a CT scan. The mechanical stimulations caused by the masticatory
Ridge manipulation without bone grafting is indicated forces are distributed on the plates, the mandibular frag-
when the nasolabial or labial mental support is adequate. ments and the bone graft.
If the nasolabial or labial mental support is inadequate then Conclusion : All these factors confirm the value of this
osteoplasty and interpositional bone grafting is indicated. method of fixation inaugurated by D. H. Pape.
This presentation will address the assessment of the Class
IV residual ridge and the results of ridge splitting tech-
niques with or without bone grafts.
CYTOKERATIN AND P53 E X P R E S S I O N IN Chanavaz.' Philippe, Ricbourg' Bernard, Chanavaz Manuel,
DYSPLASTIC AND M A L I G N A N T L E S I O N S O F Francke Jean-Paul
1- Dept. of Maxillofacial Surgery, CHU Besanfon - Fr.
Cema, L *, Stengel, B. 2- Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Implantology, School of
Medicine, Lille University lI- Fr
*Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Medical Academy of
Latvia The Inferior alveolar nerve is one of the terminal branches
Institute of Pathologie, University of Rostock, Germany of the mandibular nerve which in itself is the third compo-
nent of the trigeminal nerve. The presence and the trajec-
Aims: The aim of the present study was to determine the tory of this sensitive nerve conditions the surgical phase of
first changes of cell differentiation on molecular level in the mandibular implantology. A perfect knowledge of its
normal oral mucosa, leucoplakies without and with dyspla- infra-osseous anatomy within the nerve canal, through the
sia, as well as peculiarities of cytokeratin and p53 expres- ramo-corporal and incisive portions of the mandible and its
sion in squamous cell carcinoma. extra-osseous anatomy before penetrating the lingula and
after emerging from foramen mentalis is indispensable.
The possible occurrence of three basic atypical morphology
Method: Several monoclonal antibodies to cytokeratins and
of the inferior alveolar nerve, especially in relation to the incisive
p53 immunohistochemical staining were used. To define
neurovascular bundle and its incisive canal make the study of this
correlation of results the method of two and multifactoral
nerve more critical. Various lesions of this nerve and its terminal
linear regression was used. branches could cause paresthesias or anesthesias (whether transi-
tory or permanent, partial or incomplete), are file source of many
Results : The pattern of cytokeratin immuno expression in headaches and possible medico-legal incidents. The authors pre-
dysplastic and malignant tissue were stated. The crucial sent the precautions which have to be taken to avoid the definitive
parameter characterized grade of dysplasia ( A F 1; CK~ 0/13; lesions of this nerve and underline the courses of treatment on
CK5/6; p53; p < 0,01 ) and squamous cell carcinoma ( C K the occasion of the occurrence of accidental lesions.
5/6; CKI7; p53; p < 0,01 ) were stated. The combination of vertical atrophy and the location of
the inferior alveolar canal limits the available bone for
Conclusions : Peculiarities of cytokeratin immunoexpression implant placement in the body of many mandibles. This can
indicate the first changes of cell differentiation on molecular often be overcome by relocating the inferior alveolar neu-
level. We recommend divide dysplasias diagnosed in mouth rovascular bundle. However this is only indicated when the
epithelia into two grades mild and marked. final restorative treatment produces desirable result. During
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 29

a twenty year experience of practising this procedure several Aims: Thickness and mobility of overlying soft tissue and
different surgical approaches have been conceived. These obliteration of the vestibular sulcus were challenging prob-
include: 1) degloving the mandibular canals, creating a new lems for dental rehabilitation when using vascularized bone
foramen in the posterior mandible and cutting the incisive grafts for oro-mandibular reconstruction. We introduce the
nerve and relocating the inferior alveolar neurovascular use of palatal mucosa grafting and design a simple resin
bundle within the new foramen, 2) degloving the canal, lat- stent to solve these problems.
eralizing the inferior alveolar nerve within the bone and Method: At stage II of the surgical implant procedure, vestibu-
simultaneous implant placement, 3) removing the mental loplasty and lowing of the floor of the mouth was performed.
foramen with the nerve, exposing the canals and reposition- The subperiosteal incision was carried out only around the
ing the nerve, 4) removing the buccal plate of bone with its implant fixtures. At the same time, implant cover screws with
soft tissue attachments intact, relocating the inferior alveo- an 8 mm length of healing abutment were placed .We placed
lar nerve through a posterior foramen, cutting the incisive self-cure resin at the dough stage to fit the boundary of the
nerve and replacing the buccal plate, 5) combining the nerve created vestibular area. Healing abutments were used as resin
repositioning with a sagittal split mandibular osteotomy. stent retainers and normal saline was used to cool the stent.
Take a palatal mucosa graft to cover the surroundings of the
implant fixtures and hold the graft in proper position with
C E P H A L O M E T R I C CONSTRAINTS IN periosteal sutures. Periodontal dressing material was placed
PREPROSTHETIC AND IMPLANT SURGERY on the underside of the resin stent. After one week, the resin
stent was removed the graft site was examined. If necessary, a
Chanavaz M. *, Vdron C., Biocquei H., Donazzan M. new periodontal dressing was placed and the stent was reat-
tatched for a further healing period. To prevent relapse caused
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Implantology, Lille by the lip and cheek, continuous use of the resin stent until
University-2 Medical School, France. implant prosthetic treatment was complete was important.
Results: In our 10 cases, 26 dental implants were inserted in
the vascularized bone graft, during six month to 4 years
The surgical and restorative phases of implantology have occlusal loading force follow up, the average marginal bone
now become highly predictable and documented. However, loss was less than 2 ram.
many centres round the world actively pursue their multidis- Conclusions: The keratinized palatal mucosa graft around
ciplinary research and clinical trials to further improve the dental implants provided maintenance of good oral hygiene
success rates. The reconstructive and implant rehabilitation for reconstruction patients.
of the edentulous patients suffering from advanced atrophies
of the jaw bones with or without anomalies of the intermax-
illary relationship, require meticulously prepared treatment
planning. In these patients, where many anatomical land- RELATION BETWEEN THE PROCESSES OF
marks have disappeared, the optimal height, length and REPARATIVE REGENERATION AND IMMUNE
width of the bone substituting grafts, the dimension and RESPONSE IN MANDIBULAR FRACTURES
location of the implants and the disposition of the prosthetic
restorations can be precisely evaluated by the application of *Chergeshtov Y,, Baidina N., Mustafajev M., Markina M.,
identifiable cephalometric references. The phylogenetic stud- Naumova iV.
ies in primates and the analysis of the growth in mankind
have led to the observation of a number of osseous morpho- Medical Stomatological Institute, Postgraduate Oral and
logic constants. These constants are essentially in reference Maxillo-Facial Surgery Department. Moscow. Russia.
to the stability of a cranial triad zone supported by the ptery-
goid plates and the superior aspect of the sphenoid clivus.
AIM: The role of immune defence deficiency in inflamma-
These show that there is an ideal and constant 108 ° angle
between the plane tangent to the inferior half of the pterygo- tory complications of mandible fractures.
METHODS: Clinical, radiological and immunological
maxillary suture and the axial plane tangent to the occlusal
surface of the first maxillary molar and premolars. This lat- examination of 60 patients with traumatic injuries of the
mandible which were complicated by inflammation. In addi-
ter plane is also parallel to the trajectory of the maxillary
nerve (V2) in its suborbital portion. Similarly the plane tion to traditional diagnostic and treatment methods the
through the longitudinal axis of the canine is parallel to the immunological tests were made on immunoglobulins, T-
lymphocytes and phagocytic activity of leukocytes,
pterygomaxillary plane. The resultant parallelogram corre-
sponds to a central zone or mesoface which is constant in all RES tILTS: Regeneration process by inflammation develops
facial morphologies. The presentation will produce the prin- as a rule with substantial decrease of T-lymphocyte helpers
cipal constants used in this clinically orientated analysis and and leukocytes phagocytic activity. These changes are more
pronounced in cases of purulent bone wounds.
will discuss their validity. In addition to its impact on
advanced surgery, clinical examples will illustrate its practi- CONCLUSION: One of the important factors in complex
cal impact on routine implantology both in the preprosthetic treatment of mandible fractures in regards to prevention of
phase and in the elaboration of the surgical guides. inflammatory complication is immunocorrection therapy.


Chang, YM., Wei, FC. + Cheung, L.K. *, Fung, S.C., Samman, N., Tideman, H.

Department of OMFS*,Department of PRS + Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Hong Kong,
Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan. Hong Kong, China
30 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

Aims: To study the osteology of the posterior maxilla and ing shows a mean regression of 10 mm after surgery, corre-
establish clinical safety guidelines for Le Fort I lated with good results in respect of dislocation recurrence.
osteotomy. Conclusion: TMJ arthroscopy can be first recommended in
Methods:Thirty dry human skulls were selected and recurrent dislocation. In the event of failure, Myrhaug
assessed by a combination of direct inspection, computer- eminecectomy can be performed.
ized imaging and CT scan analysis.
Results: The presence of wisdom teeth influenced the trans-
verse angulation of the posterior vertical cut. Synostosis of
the pterygomaxillary junction was noted in 12% of samples. GUIDED LAG SCREW TECHNIQUE IN
The mean length of the medial sinus wall from the piriform MANDIBULAR FRACTURES
rim to the descending palatine canal at the Le Fort I level
was 34ram with a range from 23.8 - 41 ram. The 3-dimen- Gregory C. Chotkowski,
sionally CT reconstructed descending palatine canal was
running at 60 ° antero-inferior to the palatine plane and New York, USA
slightly medially to exit through the greater palatine fora-
men. Under certain conditions the application of a lag screw can
Conclusions: An improved understanding of the posterior be difficult in mandibular fractures and the direction and
maxillary region relating to the descending palatine vessels position of lag screws is not always predictable by the con-
will minimise complications from Le Fort I osteotomy such ventional lag screw technique. The guided lag screw tech-
as haemorrhage and avascular necrosis. nique differs from conventional lag screw techniques in that
The study was supported by Hong Kong University CRCG it eliminates the uncertainties and decreases the number of
grant 337/253/0003. operative steps. The drill guide enables the surgeon to
adjust the drill bit to accurately predict where the drill bit
will exit. This ensures that anatomic structures, roots of
teeth and associated neurovascular bundle will be avoided
when drilling. The pointer, which functions as an external
depth gauge, runs parallel to the direction of the drill bit
and measures the length for proper guided lag screw selec-
L. Chirii~, M. Burlibasa, C. Burlibasa, tion. Surgical time is also decreased with the use of the
stepped drill bit and adjustable countersink. The stepped
drill bit tapers from 2.3mm to 1.7mm. The countersink,
Clinical Hospital of Stomatology, Department of Maxillo
gliding and pilot holes can be prepared in one pass. This
Facial Surgery, Carol's Davila University, Bucharest,
reduces the risk of malalignment of the holes when multiple
Romania drill bits are passed. The guided lag screw technique utilizes
precision instrumentation along with a specialized screw for
The tuberculous infection of the tongue is a reality that has fixation of mandibular fractures. It provides a predictable
to be taken into consideration. The disease can be either pri- method of rigid internal fixation with minimal hardware
mary or secondary. through use of a conservative surgical access in a short oper-
The clinical aspects are very similar to that of a carci- ative time.
noma and can create confusions.
The clinical aspects of tuberculosis and carcinoma of the
tongue are presented comparatively.
TREATMENT O F RECURRENT Chudakova I*., Chudakov O.
PRELIMINARY STUDY Maxillofacial And Plastic Surgery Clinical Centre,
Minsk Medical Institute, Minsk, Belarus.
Chossegros, C., Cheynet, F., Blanc, J.L.,
Aims. Acupuncture as a method of choice for combined or
Oral and Maxillofacial Department, Timone's Hospital, monotherapy of fallopian neuritis due to trauma was studied.
Marseille, France Methods. Corporal acupuncture and Su-jok technique
(conformity points) were used to treat the above condition
Aim: to evaluate arthroscopy in recurrent temporomandibu- in addition to surgery, i.e. musculus temporalis transplan-
lar joint (tmj) dislocation tation. Biologically active points of general purpose CI4;
Method: This prospective study concerned six patients CIlo; CIll and VB20 as well as local points IG18; IG19; Es;
arthroscopycally treated for recurrent tmj dislocation after E6i E7(2); GIl8 on. face and arterior cervical surface in the
conservative treatment failure. The retrodiscal tissue coagu- epacutaneous nerve trunks outcropping area and extra-
lation technique was performed under general anaesthesia channel point in the epicutaneous mandibular mental
through a double-puncture approach. During follow-up foramen area were subjected to acupuncture. To fulfill Su-
recurrence of dislocation, mouth opening, quality of diet j o k technique the conformity points on hand were used.
and joint noises were noted. Acupuncture points were stimulated by expressed
Results: The mean follow-up was 3.1 years. The results on the inhibitory action technique using silver needles to achieve
recurrence of dislocation were considered to be good in 66% a full spectrum of expected sensations within 30 minutes
of cases. The study of diet or noise shows little difference period of exposure. The whole course consisted of 10 ses-
between before and after surgery. The results of mouth open- sions: one per day.
EACMFS Abstracts, HelsinkiCongress 1998 31

Results. The study of the abovedescribed acupuncture Aims: In our department, since 1993 three-dimensional
method used in 75 cases showed 80% improvement in the reconstructions of computed tomographic images and
outcome of surgical treatment as well as significant solid stereolithographic models have been widely studied
improvement of its esthetical and functional results; and and applicated in orthognathic surgery and maxillofacial
consequently, the rehabilitation period appeared to be traumatology. Accurate replication of patients perfect
reduced in 95% of cases. occlusal status is mandatory in preoperative planning
Conclusions. Acupuncture can be recommended for treat- using solid models. The present study allows the transfer
ment of fallopian neuritis due to trauma at maxillofacial in- of occlusal relation from casts to stereolithograhic
patient departments. models.
Method: Two female patients (1 mandibular prognathism,
1 mandibular asymmetry) , 26 and 21 aged have been
studied with cephalometric analysis, CT Scans, casts in
E P I T H E L I Z E D SKIN F L A P IN SURGICAL articulator and stereolithographic models. Casts obtained
REHABILITATION O F O N C O L O G I C PATIENTS and developped at the beginning and at the end of ortho-
dontic treatment with facial bow have been mounted in
Chudakov 0., Chudakova T., articulator. From the later the occlusion has been repli-
cated. The utilized technic consisted in repositioning the
Belorussian Collaborating Centre of EA CMFS, Minsk, maxilla of the stereolithgraphic model in the articulartor,
Belarus by stabilizing the same with the facial bow fork and using
classical reference marks. Afterwards the maxilla model
Aims. By now early plastic repair of penetrating face and was sectioned according to an horizontal plane and was
neck defects following surgery for oncologic conditions has replaced by replicating the occlusal plane through match-
become vitally important. We have developed a method of ing. With the same technique the mandible was
epithelized skin flap [FESF] harvesting and grounded scien- positioned.
tifically its use in the repair of such defects. Results: The exact reconstruction of correct dental rela-
Materials and Methods. The flap is characterized by great tions on 3-D models has permitted in both the studied
biologic potential; it consists of proper tissues of the patient: cases the perfect simulation of bone movements and the
cellulocutaneous mono - or bipedical flap and split autoge- preparation of occlusal splints to be used during the
nous graft (SAG) which is submerged into the defect mar- operation.
ginal tissues. This activates slow proliferation processes in the Conclusions: The method allows to go over the serious limi-
irradiated derma tissues both in the face and neck and in the tation of the approximate reproduction on 3-D models of
F E S F tissues. Due to activation of F E S F tissue regeneration the dental shape and occlusal relation.
process and its high plasticity the flap and defect margins
exposed to topical ionized irradiation integrate successfully.
The method of F E S F harvesting under submerging condi-
tions improves defect tissue margins nutrition providing their EXPANDING CRANIAL BASE SURGERY: TUMORS,
softness, elasticity and increasing their blood supply. TRAUMA, AND CONGENITAL DEFORMITIES.
Results. Such a flap was used to repair penetrating neck and
skin defects in 275 patients operated for malignant tumours Clauser, L. *, GaliO, M., Curioni, C.
at the ages of 2 to 75 years. There were 160 male and 115
female patients. The areas repaired included lips, eyelids, *Department of Cranio Maxillo Facial Surgery, Ferrara
hard palate, nasal septum, cervical portion of esophagus Professor of Maxillo Facial Surgery Vicenza (Italy)
and trachea. In 101 case the defect was repaired when the
tumour was being removed. In 174 cases the repairing pro- This paper has three basic goals:
cedure followed irradiation (20 days to 4,5 months), com- To outline fundamental principles of cranial base
plete wound clearing and indurated edema disappearance. surgery.
The time period for plastic repair with F E S F is individual To demonstrate direct application of cranial base surgery
for each patient. In 139 cases FESFs were harvested from to the treatment of craniofacial tumors, trauma, and con-
the adjacent to the defect areas, in 36 - from distal areas. In genital deformities, and
case of distal harvesting F E S F transportation to the defect To translate complex diagnostic and surgical techniques
area was manual. more practically useful to a head and neck surgeon.
Conclusions.Plastic defect repair with FESF technique fol- Tumors. F r o m the perspective of oncologic surgery, we
lowing malignant face and neck tumours removal is both pos- will focus on the most versatile a p p r o a c h e s to cranial
sible and reasonable. Due to this technique the number of base, emphasizing the "surgical operative ratio" for
stages and treatment period duration can be reduced. In addi- o p t i m a l t u m o r exposure and control of vital struc-
tion it provides successful medical and social rehabilitation. tures.
Trauma. The surgical concepts of treatment of craniofacial
trauma will highlight the importance of primary rigid mini-
[~ DENTAL O C C L U S I O N R E P R O D U C T I O N ON plate fixation and bone grafting, orbital reconstruction, and
S T E R E O L I T H O G R A P H I C M O D E L S IN optic nerve decompression in order to achieve the best func-
MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY P L A N N I N G tional and aesthetic balance.
Congenital Deformities. After review of the treatment
C~rincione, M., Gheno, E., Grecchi, F., Bianeo, R., Scolari, planning, the surgical options will be reviewed, with spe-
M.*, Sforza, R.** cial emphasis on treatment of facial syndromes (Treacher
Collins, craniosyntosis, etc.), as well as facial dysmor-
Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, CD T. ( *) , Mirus-Lab phias.
(**), Niguarda Ca' Granda Hospital, Milan, Italy
32 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

subjects. In particular: 1) A constant modification of the

relation between the atlo-axioid and the atlo-occipital artic-
F R E E - F L A P RECONSTRUCTION AS T H E ulations. 2) The atlas was counter-rotated with respect to
TREATMENT O F C H O I C E F O R SOLID the upper maxilla. 3) Consequently, there is a constant
A M E L O B L A S T O M A OF THE MANDIBULAR BODY degree of subluxation of the faces of the atlo-occipital artic-
ulations. 4) The atlas rotation follows the deviation and the
Concejo, C. *, Cuesta, 34., Acero, J., Fernandez-Alba, J.,
direction of the mandibular asimmetry. 5) The axis of the
Salmerdn, J.L.
epistropheus is subluxated on the side of the atlas rotation
and seems to be displaced on the same side. This aspect can
Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Hospital Gregorio also be evaluated using M R imaging which shows it in front
MaraBon, Madrid, Spain. of atlo-epistrophic (trasversal) ligament.
Conclusions: The A A believe that these articular modifica-
Aims: To determine the advantages of mandibular segmen- tions represent a musculo-skeletric compensation in
tal resection by means of an and iliac crest free-flap and response to postural craniomaxillofacial modifications
implant-supported dental prothesis as the treatment of subsequent to mandibular asimmetry.
choice in solid ameloblastoma of the mandibular body. These modifications explane the even severe occipito-cer-
Methods: A retrospective study of 7 patients whose ages vical algias and the arthrosic processes of the vertebral col-
ranged between 17 and 41 years who had a solid ameloblas- umn.
toma of the mandibular body and who were treated by seg-
mental resection and thereafter with an implant-supported
dental prothesis, during the period 1992 to 1997, in the
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hospital THE VALUE AND VERSATILITY O F S U P P O R T
Gregorio Marafion, Madrid, Spain. The patients were eval- SERVICES F O R PATIENTS W I T H MALIGNANT
uated from an aesthetic point of view, as assessed both by DISEASE O F THE HEAD AND NECK.
the medical team, and by the patients themselves; as
regards function, chewing, temporomandibular joint func- GCS Cousin & SG Langton
tion and phonation were evaluated; and also the pychoso-
cial situation of the patients was evaluated as seen from the East Lancashire Maxillofacial Service, Blackburn Royal
point of view of the patients themselves and their families. Infirmary, UK.
Results: In all 7 patients, results could be considered excel- The philosophy of a team approach to the management
lent. The patients demonstrated complete recovery and of malignant disease in the head and neck is increasingly
adaptation to this method and there were no significant important.(1) Following the recommendations of the
sequelae caused by the surgery in any of the cases. Calman report(2), federation of maxillofacial services in
Conclusion: Mandibular segmental resection and iliac crest our area has resulted in the development of a central head
free-flap with an implant-supported dental prothesis, in our and neck oncology service. This serves a population of
judgement, constitutes the treatment of choice for solid approximately 1.2 million people in the north-west of
ameloblastoma of the mandibular body with a minimal England. The "core" clinical input is provided by maxillofa-
rate of relapse and excellent aesthetic and functional results. cial and ENT surgeons together with a radiation oncologist
Carlos Concejo and palliative care physician.
In addition to these clinicians, the clinic has allowed the
C/Narvaez N ° 62, 7° C Phone: (91) 504-6796 development of specialised complementary services includ-
28009 Madrid. Spain E-mail : cconcejo © ing speech and swallowing therapy, dietetics, implantology,
restorative dentistry and a depilatory technician to remove
hair from cutaneous flaps.
The important role played by these complementary ser-
vices within the oncology service and their value in the over-
all management of patients with head and neck cancer is
Corbacelli A., Lupi E.*, Di Emidio P., Cutilli T. In particular the new and expanding role of specialist
nurse practitioners is discussed, and the resultant benefits
for the patients and clinicians outlined.
Maxillofacial Institute, Department of Surgery - L'Aquila
University - L'Aquila - Italy (Head." Prof. A. Corbacelli)
Aims: The atlo-occipital and atlo-axioid articular system,
that realize the junction between occipital bone and cervical Tobias JS. Management of head and neck cancer in Britain.
Br Med J 1997;315:1556.
spine was studied in subjects with mandibular asimmetry to Expert Advisory Group on Cancer Services. A policy
assess anatomical and clinical atlo-axioid-occipital disorders. framework for commissioning services. Report of an expert
Method: The research was carried out on 25 subjects advisory group on cancer to the Chief Medical Officers of
affected by different degrees of mandibular asymmetry, of England and Wales. 1995. London: HMSO
which 16 males and 9 females, of ages between 18 and 25
years. In this study cases of combined maxillomandibular
asimmetry were not taken into consideration. The study
was carried out using high-resolution CT of the maxillofa- FUNCTIONAL STATUS AND QUALITY O F LIFE IN
cial region and of atlo-axioid-occipital junction, combined PATIENTS W I T H G L O S S E C T O M Y
with 3D-CT. Study of the soft tissues was executed using RECONSTRUCTED W I T H A FREE F O R E A R M FLAP.
Results: Significant modifications of the trim of the atlo- Cuesta, M.*; Perez, JE.; Ferndndez-Alba, J.; Lopez, J.;
epistrophic articulation were observed in the investigated Navarro, C.; Ochandiano, S.
EACMFS- Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 33

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hospital

General Universitario "Gregorio Mara~on", Universidad
Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.

Aim: The aim of this video is to present, in an objective way, Curioni, C. *, Clauser, L., Zanetti, U., Cristiano, G.
the aesthetic and functional condition of several operated
patient with malignant neoplasms of oral soft tissues, who *Professor of Maxillofacial Surgery - Vicenza
were reconstructed with free forearm flap; analyzing, basi- Head of Department of Maxillofacial Surgery - Hospital St.
cally, the swallowing, phonation and mastication functions Anna Ferrara Division of Maxillofacial Surgery, Spedali
and the shortcomings caused in the donor area, as well as Riuniti - Brescia
the adaptation to their occupational, social and familiar Postgraduate School of Maxillofacial, Surgery - University
environment. of Ferrara (Italy)
M & Methods: In our service from five years ago we are
accomplishing microvascular techniques in the patients
reconstruction with advanced head and neck cancer. One of the major surgical challenges in tumor surgery has
Those methods have replaced, in many cases, the conven- been to provide access and exposure to permit controlled
tionals pedicled flaps. Fasciocutaneous forearm flap com- resection of the lesion, while preserving critically important
bine the suitable conditions for the reconstruction of oral structures not directly involved by the tumor.
soft tissues, being the main indication of most of these Advancement in technology plays a key role. Imaging
shortcomings, since provide a most anatomical restora- studies have improved capabilities for localising the tumol,
tion and better functional results than those obtained its extension and help the surgical team to delineate the
with direct closing or pedicled flaps. Three male of middle proper approach.
or old age with cancer of tongue, floor of the mouth, ton- Major advantages of this surgical approach, dismantling
sillar fossa and lateral pharinx wall were treated in this of the facial skeleton, include wide exposure of complex
way. anatomical structures and good visualization of the tumor,
Results: All patients have been rehabilitated. The radial free deeply situated in the facial area.
flap has been adapted perfectly to their prosthesis. Lingual So the concept of the facial splitting has been extended,
mobility is excellent. And the patients are able to masticate allowing a wider exposure of the anterior cranial base. By
and swallow all type of foodstuffs, have a suitable phonation splitting the face, in combination with the cranial route, the
and accomplishes a practically normal life. skull base is easily accessible for resection.
Conclusion: The oropharingeal reconstruction with this flap, At present the following facial structures can be mobi-
provides an excellent result, avoiding lingual fixation and lized with a viable pedicle: maxillo-cheek flap, nasal-cheek
permitting a perfect swallowing and phonation. flap, nasal-maxillo-cheek flap, nasal-maxillo-cheek flap and
controlateral maxillo-cheek flap, (asymmetrical facial bipar-
tition) mandibular- cheek flap, combination.
The reachable areas are: orbital, infratemporal, retro-
maxillary area, parapharyngeal space, rhinopharyngeal
space, rhinopharynx, ethmoid, anterior skull base, clivus,
The advantages of the pedicled bone-cheek flaps are
Curioni, C *, Clauser, L. the preservation of anatomical unit bone (maxilla), soft
tissue (cheek), blood supply with less reabsorption after
Rx therapy, and preservation of the morphology and
*Professor of Maxillo Facial Surgery Vieenza function. Side effects on facial growth in children are
Department of Cranio Maxillo Facial Surgery Ferrara reduced.
The introduction of internal rigid fixation by using
plates and screws, (pre adaptation plates before osteotomies
Total facial rehabilitation requires an understanding of are mandatory) has facilitated the realignment of the pedi-
the contributing components of the so called aging face cled bone fragments in a correct position.
syndrome. This syndrome may be due to atrophy of the In conclusion radical resection with preservation of non
jaws, to ablative surgery for cancer or to traumatic seque- involved structures permit morphological and functional
lae. The aging face requires correction of every anatomi- recovery.
cal component i.e. facial skeleton, dental-alveolar part Best option for surgeon and patient.
and soft tissues. The surgical armamentarium includes:
maxillofacial osteotomies, autogenous bone grafts, bio-
materials, internal rigid fixation and other ancillary pro-
The introduction of endosseous implants has allowed SPHENOIDECTOMY IN THE ODONTOGENIC
the surgeon to use a stable base on which a proshesis can POLYSINUSITIS TREATMENT.
be made with functional and aesthetic long-lasting
results. Last, but not least, repositioning of the facial Cutilli T*., Di Fabio D., Corbacelli A.
mask is the "final touch" for these complex reconstruc-
tive procedures. Maxillofacial Institute, Department of Surgery - L'Aquila
The concept of total facial rehabilitation may be considered University - L'Aquila - Italy (Head." Prof. A. Corbaeelli)
as an evolution of reconstructive surgery. The impact of this
surgery involves the facial skeleton, the soft tissues, the look Aims: The odontogenic cause of maxillary inflammation,
as well as the smiling area of the patient. due to well-know anatomical and functional correlations
Surgical strategies, new technologies and clinical cases often reachs to the ethmoid in first, then to the other
will be presented. paranasal sinusal cavities (sphenoidal and also frontal). The
34 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

classical Caldwell-Luc procedure, universally utilized in the texture match with the tissues of the face. The laterally
odontogenic maxillary sinusitis, is unable to resolve this based cervicopectoral flap is a versatile flap used in anteri-
inflammatory pathology. orly positioned cheek defects.
It is proposed to use of transantral ethmoid-frontal- We have found both flaps to be very reliable for recon-
sphenoidectomy. They point out the role of the diagnostic struction of defects of the lower cheek and more specifically
methodologies ( " high-resolution" CT with digital densito- below a line connecting the tragus and the oral commisure.
metric analysis and MR imaging) and of the disposable The flap colour, skin texture and hairbearing characteristics
microsurgical instruments that at present allow him the best make them an aesthetically ideal replacement for cheek
safety to prevent the minor and major (endocranic, vascular tissues.
and nervous) complications and also the best confidence in
order to the results of the phlogistic foci extirpation and
their persistence in the time.
Subject: The experience of the unit concerns 35 cases of odon- NEWLY FORMED BONE, IN POROUS
togenic polysinusitis that comprehend: 19 wide periapex HYDROXYAPATITE CERAMIC LOADED WITH
inflammation of the upper premolars and molars; 9 oro-antral H U M A N BONE MARROW, IMPLANTED
communications; 3 penetrations of dental filling material into SUBCUTANEOUSLY IN THE NUDE MOUSE
the maxillary sinus; 4 purulent parasinusal odontogenic cysts.
Results: The unit uderline: a) the absence of complications Bareiile R. (l), Lafage-Proust M. H. (2), Faucheux C (1),
in this treated group; b) the effectiveness of this surgical Verrier S. (1), Laroche N. (1), Wenz R. (3), * Dard M.
procedure expecially in the serious oro-antral communica- (3), Amddde J. (1)
tions complicated by polysinusal inflammation; c) lastly,
the absence of relapses in a 10 years follow up. (1) I N S E R M U443, Victor Segalen University, Bordeaux,
Conclusions: The unit consider the transantral ethmoid- France (2) Bone Biology Laboratol% Medical School, Saint
frontal-sphenoidectomy the better surgical procedure in the Etienne, France (3) Merck Biomaterial Research,
odontogenic wide inflammatory sinus pathology. Darmstadt, Germany

Aims: In consideration of the limited amount of autoge-

nous grafts and the risks of allogenic bone rafting materials,
[~ RECONSTRUCTION OF FACIAL DESTRUCTIONS calcium-phosphate ceramics are being increasingly used as
CAUSED BY EXPLOSIONS bone substitutes in oral and cranio-maxillofacial surgery.
Due to their osteoconductive properties, their implantation
Miomir Cvetinovic% Nebojsa Jovic, Srboljub Stosic in small and medium-sized bony defects (< 3 cm) allows
osteogenesis. In the case of large bone defects, these ceram-
Clinic for maxillofacial surgery, MilitalT Medical Academy, ics have to be supplemented with growth factors or with
Belgrade, Yugoslavia bone marrow, to produce osteoinductive properties. As
Growth Factors Delivery Systems (GFDSs) present still
unsolved problems (Dard M., Cell. Engineering, 1997, 2:
Injuries inflicted by explosions are characteristic for war
84), the aim of this work was to investigate bony ingrowth
operations, while they are rare in peace time. Their principal
through an hybrid material elaborated with a porous inter-
characteristic is that it is a concomittant injury of more tis-
connected hydroxyapatite ceramic (Endobon®, Merck
sues, that there is only one incoming hole, margins of the
Biomaterial GmbH, Germany) (Faucheux C. et al., J.
wound are irregular, there is a bone in the wound canal with
Mater. Sci.: Mat. Med,, 1994, 5 : 635) supplemented with
small fragments around it and there is great namber of for-
human bone marrow and implanted subcutaneously in
eign bodies both in the wound and its vicinity.
athymic mice (Bareille R. et al, submitted).
These injuries always cause defects of different extent in tis-
Methods: Histological analysis of decalcified and undecalci-
sue requiring several successive operations to be repaired.
fled sections, cytochemistry to detect tartrate-resistant acid
Maxillofacial region is, with no doubt, the most complex phosphatase (TRAP) activity, immuno-histochemistry to
region for successful functional, anatomical and esthetic repair. observe the synthesis of extra-cellular matrix (collagen I,
In this presetation we have followed up the course of the
osteocalcin) and in situ hybridization to discriminate between
facial reconstruction in a 12 years old boy with totally human and murine cells were implemented. Bone coloniza-
destroyed middle and lower third of the face when the fuse
tion was followed 1, 2, 4 and 6 weeks after implantation.
for initial mine activation exploded in his mouth. The boy Results: One week after implantation, the hybrid material
has undergone more than 20 operations within the 7-year produced new bone which appeared essentially lamellar and
period and his rehabilitation has not been completed, yet. surrounded by areas of woven bone. After 2 weeks, mineral-
ized bone covered with cuboidal-shaped cells ressembling
osteoblasts laying down osteoid was shown. Positive TRAP
activity was found in contact with the material and the bone
LATERALLY AND MEDIALLY BASED formation. Similar observations were reported after 1
CERVICOPECTORAL ROTATION FLAP FOR month and confirm an active bone resorption-apposition
LOWER CHEEK RECONSTRUCTION process inside the ceramic. At 6 weeks, examinations
showed persistence of scarce lamellar bone areas inside the
Dalabiras S * Mangudi D. implants.
Conclusions: The four reliable complementary methods were
Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece successfully implemented to provide new information on the
interactions between cells and calcium-phosphate materials.
Our experience from the use of the laterally and medially Our results on osteogenesis processes in hybrid material
based cervicopectoral flap is presented. indicated that the investigated calcium-phosphate ceramic
The medially based flap is a fasciocutaneous flap that combined with human bone marrow induced bone forma-
can be raised quickly and provides excellent color and tion as early as 1 week after sub-cutaneous implantation.
EACMFS Abstracts, HelsinkiCongress 1998 35

Then a dynamic cellular process led, in 6 weeks, to the Conclusions: The amount and direction of soft tissue
resorption of the bone formed initially. changes differed between the OTP prediction and the actual
cephalometric tracings in patients who had undergone
orthognathic surgery. There are many difficulties in accu-
rately predicting soft tissue changes, not only in response to
DIAGNOSIS O F EXTENSION OF PRIMARY ORAL orthognathic surgery but also in routine orthodontic move-
Daura Sdez, A.; Martinez Navarro, M.; Paima G6mez de la
Casa, A.; Valiente Aivarez, A. and Bermudo AKino, L.
[~ A L L O P L A S T I C T E M P O R O M A N D I B U L A R J O I N T
Hospital Regional "Carlos Haya". Department of Oral and REPLACEMENT: GRONINGEN T M J TOTAL J O I N T
Maxillofacial Surgery. Mdlaga. Spain. PROSTHESIS DEVELOPMENT

de Bont, L.G.M. ~1,van Loon,, Verkerke, B.2

Introduction: Head and neck carcinoma represents 5% and
2% of all malignancies affecting men and women respec-
tively. Mainly, three imaging thecniques, US, CT Scan and
1Department of Oral and ~14axillofacialSurgery, University
MR, are used to establish the local and regional extension
Hospital Groningen, The Netherlands; 2Centrefor
of this kind of tumors. We present a comparative study of
Biomedical Technology, University of Groningen, The
them related to the histophatologic final diagnosis.
Patients and method: Sixty six patients with Oral Carcinoma
diagnosed and treated at our Department. We assess epi- Aims: To develop a safe, non-custom-made temporo-
demiology, ethiology and the specific characteristics (sensi- mandibular joint (TMJ) total joint prosthesis for the recon-
bility, specificity...) of each imaging technique. struction of completely mutilated TMJs.
Results: Vecinity spread was best assesed by M R imaging, Method: The design was based on a kinematic analysis of
althougth CT scan obtained close results. Respecting to the prosthetic as well as the contralateral natural side, on
tumoral size R M imaging, compared to histopatholgy, was measurements of the fit to the skull of an adjustable design
the most exact. The cervical lymph nodes metastasis was consisting of stock parts, on dynamic testing of a rigid
assessed by CT scan and M R imaging obtaining similar screw-prosthesis fixation for 5 million cycles, on wear tests
results. Ultrasound had less sensibility and specificity than of the articulation for 7 million cycles and on animal tests in
CT scan and M R imaging but is the only no ionizating thec- sheep, Generally accepted orthopaedic implant materials
nique, cheaper than the others, with a rapid execution and is were used.
posible to repeat it every the time that yon need. Results: The prosthesis consists of a titanium-ceramic skull
Conclusions: M R imaging has the best results to detect component and mandibular component and an intervening
vecinity spread, locoregional extent and tumour size, so we polyethylene disc. Kinematic analysis resulted in an inferi-
considerate that it is the elective imaging thecnique in the orly located centre of rotation (US Patent Number
diagnosis of extension of Oral Carcinoma. 5.405.393). Proper fit on the cranial side could be achieved
with less than 10 stock parts. The screw-prosthesis fixation
remained stable until the end of the test. The wear was less
than 0.01 mm per year in-vivo. In animal tests the prosthesis
proved to be stably fixed while the tissue reactions were
Conclusions: The Groningen TMJ total joint prosthesis rep-
resents the outcome of these analyses. A first series prosthe-
Davies, T..M.*, Vasir, N.S., Thuau, H. ses is currently available for insertion in patients

Department of OMFS and Orthodontics', Central Middlesex

Aims: To evaluate the accuracy of the soft tissue profile RATIONALE OF SURGICAL MANAGEMENT
predicted by a computerised diagnostic and planning soft-
de Bont, L.G.M.,
ware (OTP by OrthoVision) in orthognathic surgical pro-
Method: Pre-orthodontic (TO), pre-surgical (T1) and post- Dept, of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University
surgical (T2) lateral cephalograms of 30 patients who had Hospital Groningen, The Netherlands
completed treatment involving orthodontics followed by
bimaxillary surgery were used in the study. Hard and soft Degenerative joint diseases, e.g. osteoarthritis (OA), result
tissue landmarks were digitised using the on-screen facility, from an imbalance between, predominantly chondrocyte-
for each cephalogram and for each computer- predicted controlled, anabolic and catabolic processes, characterized
image. A customised analysis was used to analyse the differ- by progressive degradation of components of the extracellu-
ences between the actual cephalometric landmark measure- lar matrix of articular cartilage, together with secondary
ments and computer-predicted landmark measurements. inflammatory components. Chondrocytes are surrounded
Results: These indicated that for some of the soft tissue by numerous peptide factors which modulate cell growth
landmarks, differences were found between the actual and and differentiation. These factors, proteases, protease
computer-predicted profiles. These distances may be attrib- inhibitors, cytokines, growth factors, and arachidonic acid
uted to the inaccuracy of OTP's preprogrammed soft to metabolites, interact in a way that one factor may influence
hard tissues ratios when predicting the soft tissue response the production and also the biological effects of others.
to orthognathic surgical procedures. They all seem to play an important role in the aetiopatho-
36 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

genesis of OA. A general feature in these complex and inter- inserted at the mandible and 240 at the upper jaw respec-
acting degradative and repair processes in cartilage, bone, tively. The mean follow-up is 42 months for endosseous
and synovium, is an imbalance of protease versus protease implants and 31 months (_+11 S.D.) for dental prosthesis.
inhibitor concentrations. Biochemically, OA can be classi- The upper maxilla grafted cases show an implant success
fied into several phases, based on the grade of degradation rate of 91.8 % (293 implants and 24 failures), while
of articular cartilage. mandible grafted cases show an implant survival of 94.7 %
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) OA and disc displace- (172 implants and 9 failures).
ment seem to be strongly related, but may also represent We found the less successful method is the inlay bone,
mutually independent temporomandibular disorders. grafted into a Le Fort I osteotomy and a downtilting of the
Surgical management of TMJ degenerative diseases should upper maxilla, as we achieved a 79.3 % (53 implants and 11
not simply focus on articular disc displacement but focus on failures). Anyway such lower figures are comparable to Li's
the repair mechanisms in a synovial joint. clinical experience (82.0 %) and slightly lower than
Krekmanov L. (86.6 %). The best percentage is obtainable
when bone regeneration is performed via autologous free-
revascularized bone grafts, (100 % of implant survival)
R E D U C T I O N OF EXCESSIVE FRONTAL followed by the free autologous bone grafts.

J. J. De 34ol Van Otterloo*, E.B. J. Van Mieuwkerk**

* Dept. of Oral & MaxillofaciaI Surgery TEMPOROMANDIBULAR J O I N T ANKYLOSIS
** Dept. of E.N. T. & Head and Neck Surgery
Academisch Ziekenhuis Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Dean, A. * Alamillos, FJ., Ardvalo, R, Rodas J.
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University
Aims: Excessive pneumatisation of the frontal sinus is a rare Hospital Reina Sofia, Cdrdoba. Spain.
phenomenon with, most of the time, no surgical conse-
quences. However when the pneumatisation leads to an Aims: Bone formation by distraction osteogenesis has
increasing frontal bossing of the forehead, one has to per- become an accepted method for correction of congenital
form a surgical correction. and acquired deformities of the mandible. Uni- or bilateral
Method: The different approaches in surgical correction are mandibular hypoplasia and ankylosis may be the result of
discussed. early traumatic or inflammatory disease in the temporo-
Conclusions: With proper preparation and clear communi- mandibular joint. The purpose of this paper is to show the
cation with the patient, a good result can be expected. technique employed and the results achieved in the treat-
ment of unilateral mandibular hypoplasia and TMJ anky-
losis by distraction osteogenesis.
A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY OF 465 ORAL Method: Three patients with mandibular hypoplasia and
IMPLANTS INSERTED IN THE SEVERELY ankylosis have been treated using distraction osteogene-
ATROPHIC MAXILLARY JAWS REHABILITATED BY sis. Gap arthroplasty of the TMJ was performed simulta-
MEANS OF AUTOLOGOUS BONE GRAFTS. neously in two of them. Mandibular distraction began
the fifth postoperative day. The mandibles were expanded
De Santis ]9., Dolci 34., D'Agostino A., Fior A., Bertossi D., 1 mm per day until the pogonion was in the midline and
and Nocini P.F. facial symmetry was achieved. Postdistraction consolida-
tion process lasted 5-6 weeks. Agressive physiotherapy
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Division was instituted immediately after the surgical procedure.
Chairman: Prof. P.F Nocini Results: The average duration of distraction was 22 days.
University of Verona, I T A L Y Average duration of consolidation was 5 weeks. The bone
was elongated as desired. Oral opening and facial simmetry
were good and stable in the time (mean postoperative period
In a clinical study of dental implants inserted at the = 12 months; range 10-19 months).
Maxillofacial Department of Verona, which was carried Conclusions: Osteodistraction may be an effective method
out from 1993, pre-prosthetic rehabilitation of severely for reconstruction of deficient mandibles in temporo-
atrophic edentulous jaws were obtained by means of differ- mandibular joint ankylosis and opens new perspectives for
ent bone regenerative techniques. This retrospective analy- interceptive therapy.
sis includes the bone graft survival, the absence of any
surgical, vascular or neurologic complication and soft tissue
infections. A whole evaluation has been completed by bone
tissue histological assay. Referring to the implant survival,
we rely on the well known success criteria described by [~ LATERAL ORBITECTOMY FOR CORRECTION
Albrektsson T. and co-workers in a previous study on dental OF ENDOCRINE OPHTHALMOPATHY
implants (Albrektsson T., Dahl E., Enbom L., et al.:
A.Dederichs*, J.-C. Blecher, H.-P.. Howaldt,
Osseointegrated oral implants. J. Periodontol, 1988).
Including criteria for the present investigation are: severe or
extreme alveolar atrophy, bone grafted upper maxilla or Giessen, Germany
mandible, major pre-prosthetic surgery, root form implants,
implant-supported prosthetic rehabilitation. Grave's disease is associated with various symptoms. We are
A total of 465 implants were inserted consecutively in presenting a surgical method to treat endocrine orbitopathy,
the grafted jaw bones from 1993 up to 1998. Of the whole which is characterized in resection of the lower and lateral
implants that have been placed, 172 implants have been wall of the orbit through a subciliar incision.
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 37

We overview 22 patients who underwent surgery within Testelin S. 1., Delcampe p.2, Bonan C. 1, Gigon S. ~, Peron
the last 4 years. .1.3/1.2, Devauchelle B. 1
The protrusion was reduced 4.6 mm in mean value. The
surgical intervention regulary lead to an improvement of Departments of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University
functional symptoms of endocrine orbitopathy like corneal Hospital, IAmiens and 2Rouen, France
exposure or lid irregularities. There was also acute improve-
ment of visus just short after surgical intervention.
Futhermore it is possible to correct the esthetic appear- Aims : Mandible reconstruction has become a well-estab-
ance of the patients who often suffer from psychologic lished technique. But the anterior segment reconstruction
impairments associated with Grave's disease. stay a difficult planing and the results are sometimes disap-
It can be stated that this method leads to good functional pointing. This retrospective study of 32 patients has
and esthetic results and is easy and save to perform. allowed us to compare anterior segment reconstructions
with three types of bone flaps : iliac crest, fibula and
Method : All patients were primary reconstructions for can-
A PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE USE OF cer. Preoperative studies included cephalogram in the three
O S T E O D I S T R A C T I O N IN T.M.J. ANKYLOSIS planes, tomodensitometry and 3D reconstruction with occa-
( F O L L O W I N G THE MC CARTHY-MC C O R M I C K sional help of stereo lithographic models. In other cases we
TECHNIQUE). used Kirschner pin to prepare bone shape. The choice of
donor site was determined by the bone and soft tissue
J. Defrancq*, F. Noorman v.d. Dussen, B. Vanassche, H. defects and the familiarity of the surgeon with one of the
Vercruysse flaps.
Results : The aesthetic results were compared regarding
Eeuwfeestkliniek-Klina Antwerp, Belgium. bone and soft tissue defects, and then dental
Conclusions : If the bone defect is carefully examined the
The use of osteodistraction osteogenesis for the treatment of
choice of the bone transplant is adjusted to the mandibule.
temporomandibular joint ankylosis is described. Daya is 15
The soft tissue defects are not so easy to evaluate before sur-
year old girl. She is an adopted child from India since early
gical procedure. This can lead to scapula flap for short (10
childhood (3 years) and known since that time to have had an
cm) bone defect or to double flap for massive soft tissue
extremely reduced mouth opening. The aetiology is unknown defects.
but may be linked to a battered child phenomenon. Her diag-
nosis was extreme fibrous ankylosis of the left T.M.J.
Our initial treatment plan for the ankylosed T.M.J. was
resection and costochondral grafting. After we became
familiar with the work of Mc Carty (NY) and Suzanne Mc RESULTS O F T H E O S T E O S Y N T H E S I S OF
Cormick who advocate the technique of osteodistraction CONDYLAR NECK FRACTURES
for those patients we decided to try their proposed method.
The technique used was as follows: Delcampe p.l*, Testelin S. 2, Braticevic Al.,Gbaguidi C2,
Devauchelle B. 2, Peron J.M. 1.
1. Preauricular incision. Amputation of ankylotic condylar
head, in conjunction with the coronoid process. Departments of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University
2. Submandibular incision. Identification of the mandibu- Hospital, 1Rouen and :Amiens, France
lar angle up to the amputation area.
3. Osteotomy started, but not completed.
4. Well planned placement of the external flxator and com- Aims : In a retrospective study we compared two surgical
pletion of the osteotomy. extraoral procedures : the condylar neck miniplates
5. Closure procedure. osteosynthesis via transfacial approach and the traction
Further follow up management: screw osteosynthesis via sub and retro mandibular
1. No activation for 1 week. Method : The level of the fracture was ascertained by frontal
2. Subsequent daily activation at a rate of 1 mm a day (by tomodensitometry. 60 fractures were fixed (30 for each pro-
the parents) until the distraction is completed as planned. cedure) and then early jaw mobilisation was achieved in the
3. Stabilisation period of four weeks followed by removal same manner as for the functional treatment.
of the appliance. Results : The duration of the procedure, the early stability,
During all this time, mouth opening exercises were encour- and the nerve complications were investigated. Also the
aged and bacitracin ointment applied to the punch wounds. functional results regarding the mastication and the occlu-
At the end of treatment, a durable mouth opening of 35 sion were investigated.
mm was obtained and facial symmetry and normal chin Conclusions • Traction screw osteosynthesis is a safe and
projection were restored. easy approach but can lead to poor reduction and osteosyn-
Since then, two more patients have been successfully thesis if the fracture is close to the head. In opposite, trans-
treated with this protocol. facial approach needs dissection of the upper facial nerve
branches but allows osteosynthesis of the subcapsular
38 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

Depending on the parameters chosen, melting, loss of

[~ BRIDGING LOWER JAW DEFECTS: A porosity and other surface alterations can be seen.
C O M P A R I S O N O F TWO RECONSTRUCTION PLATE Otherwise, no alterations and excellent sterilization was
SYSTEMS found even at low power setting in cw-mode.
The aim of a study on 6 beagle-dogs was to determine whether
Deni~ R. 1*, Werkmeister,R. 2 Bublitz, R J, Joog U 2, Weingtn't,D.1:
new bone formation can occur on previously contaminated dental
implants. 10 dental implants were inserted in each mandible.
1) Department of Oral Maxillo and Facial Plastic Surgery, Implants and bony defects resulting from gross plaque accumula-
Katharmenhospital Stuttgart, Germany. 2) Department of tion were treated either conventionally by airpowder-abrasive or
Cranio Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Miinster, by laser-irradiation. Corresponding histological examination of 4-
Germany month sections demonstrated, in many areas, newly formed
lamellar bone, significantly more often in the laser-treated group,
Aim: To compare two different AO-reconstruction plate sys- especially when treated with submerged membranes in addition.
tems, T H O R P and U N I L O C K ( Synthes, Umkirch These results support the hypothesis that plaque-induced
Germany ), when bridging lower jaw defects. peri-implant defects can be successfully treated by laser
Method: The clinical study comprised 78 patients who had assisted implant decontamination without damaging the
undergone segmental resection of the mandible because of surrounding tissues.
carcinoma of the oral cavity. Forty one of the 78 patients
were treated with the T H O R P system and 37 received a
U N I L O C K plate. The U N I L O C K group was analyzed MANDIBULAR L E N G T H E N I N G VIA INTRAORAL
prospectively and the T H O R P group retrospectively. The P R E P R O G R A M M E D T O O T H B O R N E DISTRACTION
following parameters were evaluated: instability of OSTEOGENESIS
plate/screw, fracture of plate, premature removal,
skin/mucosa perforation, infection, functional status and Dessner, S., Razdolsky, Y.,
aesthetics.The mean observation time in the T H O R P group
was 30 months, in the U N I L O C K group 12 months. Oral Surgeon, Arlington Heights, Illinois, USA
Result: In the T H O R P group there were 5 cases of plate Orthodontist, Buffalo Grove, Illinois, USA
fracture and 2 cases of loosening of screws, so that the
plates had to be removed prematurely. In the U N I L O C K
Aims: Demonstration of surgical experience with intraoral
group we observed 2 cases of plate fracture. Fourteen
and hybrid osteodistractors for mandibular lengthening.
patients of the T H O R P group had soft tissue infection. In
Method: Clinical slides, diagrammatics and oral description
none of these cases did the plate have to be removed. There
illustrate surgucal techniques used for outpatient mandibu-
were only 5 patients with soft tissue infections in the
U N I L O C K group. Concerning the other parameters evalu- lar lengthening
under local anesthesia and I.V. sedation. Evaluation of pre-
ated, similar results were found in both groups.
and post-operative cephalometric analysis will be presented.
Conclusion: The study suggests a higher reliability of the
Results: Mandibular arch lengthening of 10-13 mm was
U N I L O C K system in bridging lower jaw defects. This could
accomplished. Orthodontic adjustments following surgery
be due to the much shorter observation time in the
resulted in routine
U N I L O C K group.
Conclusions: Intraoral preprogrammed
The preliminary result of our study justifies further
observation and critical evaluation of the U N I L O C K
reconstruction plate system.
The U N I L O C K plate belongs to the AO 2,4 plate sys- F E M O R A L P E R I O S T E A L FREE F L A P AND
tem and the already existing equipment can be used.The MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY
T H O R P system requires additional equipment.
Considering all this the future might show whether the B. Devauchelle*, B. Lengele, B. Laurent, C. Gbaguidi, S. Testelin
U N I L O C K system should be preferred to the THORP sys-
tem when bridging lower jaw defects. It would be advantageous, lastly to raise interest in the phys-
iological capacity of the free flap. So we have to transplant
not only anatomical units but the specific properties of the
different tissues of the body used. Thereby we will repro-
LASER ASSISTED TREATMENT OF duce on the mesoscopic scale the same effect of treatment
P E R I I M P L A N T BONY DEFECTS on the microscopic scale.
That is the intention of the use of the periosteal femoral flap,
Deppe H*, Horeh 1=1,Hiermer T, Lebeit G, Milatovic 1), first described by the French surgeons (Masquelet and Martin).
WiUamowski U, Hailer D, To try to fill the congenital or non-bony defect and try to
reverse the inexorable destruction by bone necrosis are both
Dpt. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery University of indications for this productive flap which could be called a
Technology, Munich, Germany "prefabricating" flap.
A b o u t 15 flaps in the maxillofacial field are illustrated.
Lasers may be useful in uncovering submerged implants or in
removing contaminants from 'ailing' implants. The purposes
of this study were to record temperature changes at the bone- THE GIANT FACIAL SKIN TUMOUR:
titanium implant interface when using a C02-1aser-scanning THERAPEUTIC MANAGEMENT IN 10 CASES
system (Swiftlase®) to decontaminate exposed dental
implants. Furthermore, the effects of laser irradiation on the Bonan* C., Delaporte T.H., Testelin S., Nderagakura F.,
surface properties of plasma-sprayed titanium implants and Devaucheile B.
its potential to sterilize those surfaces after contamination Dept. of Maxillofacial Surgery, CHU Nord, Amiens, France
with spores of Bacillus subtilis have been examined in vitro.
EACMFS Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 39

By giant malignant skin tumour of the face (melanoma. operation for a complete closure of the cleft. The details of
epithelioma, sarcoma...), the authors mean lesions covering the procedure in one case are illustrated.
more than three aesthetic units of the face and sometimes
more than 100 cm2.
Several of those historical tumours are unfortunately no
longer accessible to curative treatment. Some others, when Q=~ ANALYSIS O F SURGICAL INTERVENTION IN
the general status of the patient allows, are a matter of com- 60 CASES O F F R E E - F L A P C O M P R O M I S E IN HEAD
plete removal and use of an epithesis with a resulting rather AND NECK RECONSTRUCTION.
poor aesthetic result.
Some others finally, with a good prognosis are com- Devine JC % Brown JS, Vaughan ED, Magennis JP
pletely removed and the reconstruction used the most
sophisticated techniques (multiple microsurgical flaps, suc- Regional Maxillofacial Unit, Aintree Hospitals Trust,
cessive expansion procedures) as a way of achieving an Liverpool, UK.
acceptable functional and aesthetic rehabilitation.
These successful surgical procedures should give encour- The success rate of microvascular free tissue transfer has
agement to sufferers with some monstrous diseases, hope- been reported to be between 90 and 98% in recent reports.
fully rare in west Europe (about ten cases in ten years) and The need to return to theatre to attempt to salvage a com-
more often after inadequate treatment for years. promised flap can overstretch available resources and com-
promise the recovery time for the patient. We have analysed
those cases that required surgical intervention for flap sal-
vage in an attempt to highlight those factors which may be
L I M I T S O F VASCULAR MICROSURGERY AT A important in case selection and surgical technique.
SECOND OPERATION Four hundred and fifty cases have undergone oro-facial
reconstruction using free tissue transfer at the Regional
S. Testelin L C Bonan, E Wolf F. Taha, L.C Sun,
Maxillofacial Unit, Walton Hospital , Liverpool, between
B. Devauchelle
1992 and1997. The majority of these cases were immediate
reconstructions following ablative surgery for Head and
The indications for secondary reconstruction (after Neck Malignancy. Surgical intervention in the immediate
radionecrosis [41 cases], gunshot wound or serious facial and early post-operative period was required in 60 (13.3 %)
trauma [30 cases], sequellae of transmandibular buccopha- cases, in response to clinical signs of potential or evident
ryngectomy [15 cases], failure of primary reconstruction compromise of the free flap. We retrospectively reviewed
[15 cases]) with microsurgical procedures must only be per- these cases in an effort to identify and quantify causes of
formed with precise knowledge of the vascular recipient free flap compromise in our series of patients and the subse-
site. quent management and outcome of free flap salvage. A
The neck area is obviously favoured, but previous opera- detailed account of our findings will be presented.
tions or radiotherapy may have modified the soft tissues and
skin, decreased the possibilities of vascular anastomosis,
and impaired the vascular recipient sites.
The irradiated, sclerosed, many times previously oper-
ated neck becomes the most important and decisive factor
in the indication for operation.
Even if the technical microvascular anastomosis rules
have been clearly laid down by G U E L I N C K X and Co (PRS Dimitr~]evie, M.*, Konstantinovic, ES.#
1984), the first operation is still the most important and best
choice of success.
Finally that 100 microanastomosis at second hand allow
*Clinicfor ORL and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of
Medicine, Clinic center of Serbia #Clinic for Maxillofacial
the authors to establish those rules which become indispens-
able to obtain decreased failure rate and the vascular acces-
Surgery, Faculty of Stomatology; University of Belgrade,
Belgrade, Yugoslavia
sible map at disposal.
In previously operated sites, recourse to a very difficult
procedure such as vascular by pass of a "captive" free flap is Aim: To determine which of the following factors: size of
therefore limited. the post-excisional defect, site of the defect and type of
reconstruction have most influence on the quality of life
of patients after tongue and floor of mouth cancer
F I L M GRAFT O F P E R I O S T E U M AS A Method: A total of 60 patients, who had been evaluated at
TREATMENT F O R L I P AND PALATE CLEFTS least 6 months after surgery followed by radiotherapy (60
Gy in 30 fractions), were selected. According to the size of
B. Devauchelle*, S. Testelin, C. Bonan, S. Garson, M. Mori the post-excisional defect, patients were divided into 2
groups: 1) defect less than 5 cm (35); 2) defect more than 5
cm (25). Based on the site of the defect, patients were also
The use of a tibial periosteal graft for closure of complete divided into 2 groups: 1) anterior tongue and/or floor of the
palate and lip clefts allows not only respect for the principles mouth (30); 2) lateral tongue and/or floor of the mouth (25)
of conservative surgery of the palatal mucosa, but also and tongue base (5), According to the type of reconstruc-
restoration of a really efficient alveolar wall without growth tion, patients were divided into 3 groups: partly recon-
interference and projection of the asymmetric and retro- structed (18); reconstructed with locally available tissue -
posed nasal alae.
local flaps (27); and with pectoralis major myocutaneous
This technique described by Professor Michel Stricker P M M C flaps (15). Subjective impressions about the follow-
allows early surgical closure at the age of 5 months, a single ing were studied: overall we/l-being, food intake, speech
40 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

intelligibility, dryness of the mouth, and willingness to Conclusions: The results of the research have demonstrated
undergo surgery and radiotherapy again. the high osteogenetic possibilities of demineralizated bone
Results: According to the size of post-excisional defect, a matrix.
significantly lesser number of patients could use solid food
in an average diet. There were no significant differences
between 2 groups based on the site of the defect.
According to the type of reconstruction, a significantly THE TREATMENT O F A LOWER LIP
greater number of patients was reconstructed with HAEMANGIOMA
PMMC; had minimal social activities, evaluated their
cosmesis as poor, frequently had food trapping during the Prof. Dr. Dr Rainer B Drommer
meal and considered their speech to be more or less dis-
turbed. Heidelberg. Germany
Conclusions: According to results of this study, type of
reconstruction followed by size of post-excisional defect A four year old girl presented to our clinic with a cherry-
seemed to be the most influential factors on quality of life sized haemangioma in the left vermilion border of the lower
of patients after tongue and floor of the mouth cancer treat- lip The original birth defect was a large filled haemangioma
ment. Site of the defect has no influence. which had been initially treated with interferon. Laser-ther-
apy was contra-indicated. The treatment plan decided on
involved combining a surgical procedure and the applica-
tion of fibrin-glue. The techniques used and results
obtained are documented in the following video.

*Drobishev A., Voiozin A., Agapov V., Asnina S., Beloserov

M., Mustafaev M., Baker Abu Kefah. EXPERIENCE WITH VARIOUS F O R M S O F FACE
Medical Stomatological Institute, Department of Oral and
Maxillo-Facial Surger): Moscow. Russia. Prof. Dr. Dr. Rainer 11. Drommer

AIMS: Experimental testing and clinical application of Heidelberg, Germany

biocomposite materials produced by Polystom manufac-
tures for replacement of jaw defects. There are many ways of performing a face lifting operation.
METHODS: Hystological and pathohystological investi- These concern on the one hand placement of the skin-inci-
gation of bone tissues in experiment on animals. Clinical sion, where different incision-lines - pre-auricular, temporal
studies were performed on 75 patients with postoperative and retro-auricular - can be chosen. On the other hand, dif-
jaw defects after removal of tumors and tumor-like ferent fascial layers can be chosen, using the subcutaneous,
processes. The bone defects were filled by the collagen and sub-fascial and subperiostial layers. We report on our long
hydroxilappatite preparations hydroxyapol, collapol KP or term experiences with face lifting, and demonstrate chosen
collapol KP-3. guidelines for the different operative techniques, with their
RESULTS: The indications were developed for various prepa- respective pro- and contra-indications. The age of the
ration use depending on defect size and patient age. Follow-up patients ranges from forty to seventy five years. All were oper-
results were observed up to 3 years. High efficiency of this atively treated in our clinic over the past years.
treatment was obtained in out patients practice.
CONCLUSION: The tested preparations of hydroxilap-
patite with collagen are indicated for replacement of alveo-
lar jaw defects. MAXILLOFACIAL I N J U R I E S (MFI) AND
SEGMENTAL DEFECTS Dyer, P. E* Cannell, H., Patei, H.

Drobot Car.,Karayan A., Nabiev E Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, The Royal
London Hospital, Whitechapel, London. E1 UK.
Department of Face and Neck Plastic Surgery Central
Research Institute of Stomatology, Moscow, Russia Aim: To assess clinical measm'ements of HI in patients with
craniofacial trauma with the aim of establishing a protocol
Aims: Mandibular reconstruction after segmental resection for timing of M F I interventions.
of benign tumours. Method: HI criteria suggested by Derdyn et al, (1990) of
Method: For mandibular reconstruction after segmental significance for timing interventions for repair of MFI, were
resection of benign tumours, a combination of demineral- an intracranial pressure (ICP) of > 15, low Glasgow Coma
ized bone matrix and titanium-mesh-system have been Scale (GCS) values and/or evidence of cerebral injuries
used. from CT. These criteria were tested by a prospective case
Results: From 1993 to 1998 in 8 reconstruction cases the bone controlled study of 155 M F I patients with polytrauma. One
matrix was longer than 4 cm. We observed complications in 3 group (n=50) underwent invasive neurosurgical procedures
cases. Postoperative infection was observed only in two of in addition to treatment for MFI. The control group (n=42)
them. Fracture of the titanium implant was observed in one with HI received treatment for M F I alone.
case, 8 to 10 months after the operation. The condition of the Results: Objective evidence of HI was common to test and
other five patients revealed certain functional results. control groups. Mortality rates within 24 hours were similar
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 41

at 20%-23%. GCS scores at accident scenes <8 for test and Aims: The purpose of this retrospective longitudinal study
control groups were 56% and 36% respectively but scores >_ was to establish a set of cephalometric sex-dependent stan-
12 were significantly different at 16% and 45%. Probability dard values for sagittal and vertical growth of the frontal
of survival, (Ps) > 50% was 46% for the test group and 63% dento-alveolar mandibles in young eugnathic patients.
in the control group. ICP values were available for 34 cases Method: The subjects were 77 (36 male, 41 female) white
in the test group for periods up to 6 days and persistently patients with an Angle Class I (eugnathic patients) from the
unstable values delayed definitive surgery for M F I in 8 Bolton Brush Growth Study Cleveland, Ohio. Lateral
cases. Repair of lacerations, tracheostomies and naso-eth- cephalometric radiographs at the age of 9, 12, 15 and 18
moidal haemorrhage control were the main urgent surgical years were digitized in a computer-assisted way to deter-
procedures for MFI. For urgent HI, bolts for monitoring mine the development of the lingual and the labial bone
ICP were placed at a mean time from admission of 7.7 extension of the frontal dento-alveolar mandible.
hours and evacuation of extra- or sub- dural haemorrhages Results: The sagittal dento-alveolar bony extension of the
was at a mean time of 4.5 hours from admission. Definitive frontal mandible at the lower incisor apex level decreased
early interventions for open reduction and fixation for M F I from a mean of 11,4 mm at the age of 9 years to 10,3 mm at
was performed in 5 cases but was considered clinically feasi- the age of 18 years in men ranging from 6,4 mm to 14,1 mm
ble in at least another 12 craniofacial cases. at the age of 18 years and from a mean of 13,3 mm to 10,6
Conclusion: In the cohorts tested, urgent M F I interventions mm in women ranging from 6,7 mm to 16,2 mm at the age
and in a few cases definitive repair did not affect outcome of 18 years. In detail: On average, the sagittal bone exten-
for HI patients adversely. sion of the labial dento-alveolar mandible was 5,6 mm at
the age of 9 years in men and 6 mm in women. The lingual
bony extension with 5,4 mm in men and 5 mm in women
showed a similar distribution. In both groups the sagittal
PLASTIC REPAIR OF PHARYNGO-CUTANEOUS bony extension decreased gradually from 9 to 18 years of
C O M M U N I C A T I O N S BY MYOCUTANEOUS F L A P S age. The vertical bone extension of the frontal mandible at
the level of the lower incisors increased permanently.
Dzolev A., Ristic J.., Dedic S., llic M. P.,* Kiralj A., Conclusions: The standards values might be a keystone for
Hrabovski A. optimal timing of the insertion of dental implants in the
frontal mandible and proved to be helpful for orthodontic
Institute of Surgery, Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery, treatment.
University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia

Aim: To investigate the possibility of plastic repair of

pharyngo-cutaneous communications by peduncular or free ~h KERATOCYSTS O F THE MAXILLARY SINUS
myocutaneous flaps.
Eichhorn, W., Gehrke, G.*, Knauer, O.
Methods: 236 reconstructions of large intraoperative/post-
operative defects in the head and neck were obtained
between 1987-1997. Large pharyngo-cutaneous communi- Department of Maxillofacial surgery, Kreiskliniken
cations were created in 39 patients: intraoperatively - after Balingen, Germany
excision of an oropharyngeal tumor; postoperatively - by Nordwestdeutsche Kieferklinilc, UniversitiitHamburg,
dehiscence of a primarily closed wound due to infection; by Germany
postirradiation necrosis. Plastic repair of fistulae was per-
formed using the pectoralis maior and latissimus dorsi The keratocyst or primordial cyst is a odontogenic cyst
myocutaneous flaps. Immediate reconstruction (after occuring most commonly in the third molar region. Its
tumour excision) was performed in 22 patients and post- agressive nature often causes extensive destruction before
poned reconstructions, performed a few weeks after the first attention is drawn to the presence of the cyst by swelling or
operation, in 17. pain. Especially in adolescents the differentiation between a
Results: Plasty of pharyngo-cutaneous communications, keratocyst and a follicular cyst may be difficult. In five cases
using myocutaneous pedunculated or free flaps, was done in only the recurrence of the cyst was diagnosed as a
39 cases: by pectoralis maior pedunculated flap in 32 keratocyst.
patients (82 %); by latissimus dorsi free flap in 7 patients. In the period of 20 years 26 operations on the maxillary
Complication in terms of partial necrosis of flap occurred sinus of 19 patients have been performed. The operative
in 4 patients and complete necrosis in 2 patients. procedure consisted of a cystectomy and, if necessary,
Conclusions: Utilization of the pectoralis maior peduncu- removal of the surrounding structures. The histopatholigic
lated and latissimus dorsi free myocutaneous flap gives very specimen have been classified according the W H O criteria
acceptable results in plastic repair of pharyngo-cutaneous (Pindborg etal., 1971).
fistulae. The results of the retrospective study show that over 50
percent of the patients have been in the age of 11-20 in the
time of first diagnosis. 90 percent of the recurrence have
been observed in the first five years after operation. The
SAGITTAL AND VERTICAL FRONTAL DENTO- recurrence rate was 54 percent.
ALVEOLAR MANDIBULAR DEVELOPMENT IN The recurrence may occur from remnants of the
YOUNG EUGNATHIC PATIENTS epithelium of the cyst or from satellite cysts. Extensive
operative procedures are limited by the young age of the
Ehmer A*, Z611ner B, Smolka K, Ehmer U, Joos U patients to avoid mutilations. The use of K a r n o y solu-
tion seems to be difficult due to the proximity to the
Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Muenster, infraorbital nerve. The chosen operative precedure refer-
Germany ring to the high recurrence rate found seems not to be
satisfying but all recurrences could be treated
42 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

Over the past one hundred years, major achievements have

been made in care for victims of maxillofacial trauma.
Today, such injuries adversely affect the quality of life less
Eichhorn, W., Gehrke*, G., Knauer, O. frequently than they once did owing to countless advances
that have been made by countless numbers of individuals
from diverse disciplinary backgrounds. Collectively, these
Department of Maxillofacial surgery, Kreiskliniken advancements have provided great improvements in the pri-
Balingen, Germany *Nordwestdeutsche Kieferklinik,
mary and secondary correction of traumatic maxillofacial
University of Hamburg, Germany deformities.
Many of the major achievements that have occurred are
After 6 hours of primary ischemia myocutaneous flaps of not specific to the maxillofacial specialties. Discoveries and
pigs suffer from necrosis of 30-60 percent. The aim of the factors involved in the metabolic response to trauma, heal-
following study is to investigate the possible enhancement of ing of traumatic injuries, shock, nutrition, anesthesiology,
tolerance to ischemia by preoperative perfusion washout in bacteriology, imaging, educational courses in trauma life
an experimental study on pigs. support, etc., while extremely important to the topic of
20 myocutaneous flaps underwent normothermic perfu- trauma, are more pertinent to the patient as a whole than to
sion washout with lactated Ringer's or Euro-Collins or the maxillofacial area in particular. These advances will not
University of Wisconsin (UW) solution before the onset of be discussed. Instead, this talk will focus on the historical
6 hours primary ischemia. development of current surgical procedures/techniques that
Flap survival was assessed on the 10th postoperative day. have improved treatment results for patients who have sus-
While 14 percent of the flaps perfused wtih lactated tained maxillofacial injuries.
Ringer's solution survived , survival rate of the Euro- The following topics in the surgical treatment of the
Collins group was 23 percent. Perfusion washout with U W maxillofacial trauma patient are so monumental, that they
showed a survival rate of 89 percent. Histopathologic inves- deserve mention as true advances. Each will be discussed in
tigations revealed the muscle to be most sensitive to light of what they have done for the care of injured
ischemia. patients.
I. Use of the Dental Occlusion as a Guide to Fracture
C O P O L Y M E R AND T R I C A L C I U M P H O S P H A T E . A III. Open Reduction
H I S T O L O G I C A L AND I M M U N O H I S T O C H E M I C A L IV Craniofacial Exposure
STUDY O F TISSUE REACTIONS. V. The Realization that Facial Bones Could Be Used as
Free Grafts
Ekholm* Maria, Hietanen Jarkko, Lindqvist Christian, VI Internal Wire Fixation
Rautavuori Jorma, Santavirta Seppo, Salo Antero, Seppiilii VII. Primary Bone Grafting
Jukka, Suuronen Riitta. VII. Plate and Screw Fixation
IX. Internal Orbital Reconstruction
Department of Surgery, Helsinki University Central X. Re-Suspension of Facial Soft Tissues
Hospital, Helsinki, Finland

Aims: To assess tissue reactions to a mixture of tricalcium Z Y G O M A FRACTURE REPAIR W I T H

phosphate (TCP) and e-caprolactone-lactide copolymer BIODEGRADABLE FIXATION DEVICES - CLINICAL
P(s-CL/DL-LA) histologically and immunohistochemically, CONSIDERATIONS
and to compare bone healing at the sites of implantation
versus that at control sites. Resorption time and intensity of G.Enislidis1., S.Pichorner 1, F.Lambert1, G.Lagogiannis1,
inflammatiory reaction were also evaluated. N.Fock 1, F.Kainberger2, R.Ewersl
Method: The material was placed in the dermis and in
mandibular bone defects in 13 rabbits. Follow-up times 1University-Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, AKH
were: 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 15 and 18 weeks. Vienna, Austria
Results: We found that the mixture caused a mild inflamma- 2University-Clinic for Radiology, AKH Vienna, Austria
tory reaction when placed in bone and severe inflammation
when placed in the dermis. Formation of osteoid was less in
the defects where the material had been implanted than in AIMS - The evaluation of a new, commercially-available
defects in which it had not. No highly fluorescent layer of osteosynthesis system for the repair of zygomatic fractures
tenascin or fibronectin was found surrounding the implant was the aim of this study. M E T H O D S - In a prospective
area. study, a total of 63 patients with unilateral zygomatic frac-
Conclusions: The mixture was excellent to handle and very tures was treated between July 1996 and December 1997.
easy to place into bone defects. The results are promising Open fracture repair was performed using the Lactosorb
and have led us to continue development of the mixture. osteosynthesis system. This material is made of a
biodegradable P L L A / P G A copolymer, which retains 70% of
its initial strength for 6 to 8 weeks and is known for its excel-
O ADVANCES IN MAXII,LOFACIAL TRAUMA SURGERY lent biotolerance, being in clinical use since 1984 in the form
of a resorbable ligation clip. The intraoperative handling of
Edward Ellis II1, 1.5mm panels and 2.0ram plates and of the corresponding
screw sytems was found to be of adequate ease for senior
Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of oral and maxillofacial surgeons as well as for trainees.
Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, USA RESULTS - In the 18 month follow-up period, none of the
patients showed any material-related complications, as
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 43

described for other biodegradable osteosynthesis devices. In conclusion intraoperative imaging in the open M R
Sequelae included four ectropic eyelids, three cases of intra- proved very helpful in determining the complete resection of
oral wound dehiscence, two cases of dysaesthesia, and one a malignant histiozytoma.
case of enophthalmos. CONCLUSIONS - The Lactosorb
osteosynthesis system provides a practicable method for
successful open reduction and fixation of zygomatic frac-
tures. Long-term observation and operative re-entry will be N E U R I N O M A O F THE PTERYGOID F O S S A
needed to document the immaculate biodegradation prop-
erties of this material. Girod* S.C., Erbe M., Paulus IV..,Neukam F. W.

Department of Oral and Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery,

Friedrich-Alexander- Universtitgit Erlangen-Niirnberg,
BIOMECHANICAL TESTING OF RESORBABLE Gliickstrasse 11, 91054 Erlangen, Germany
Neurinomas are rare tumors which can also occur at the
D Sarver*, B Pietvzak, BL Eppley skull base. The preoperative diagnosis is limited as neither
the clinical symptoms nor the results of radiological investi-
gations, eg CT or MR, can usually establish the exact dig-
Indiana University
nity of the tumors.
Indianapolis, Indiana USA
We report the case of a 36-year-old female patient who
presented with a neurinoma of the pterygoid fossa and no
This study determined the suitability of resorbable screws clinical symptoms. The patient had a neurinoma in the cheek
for fixation of sagittal split osteotomies by in vitro biome- several years previously and the tumor in the pterygiod fossa
chanical strength testing. 2.5ram screws composed of a was detected in a follow-up MR. Due to the location of the
P L L A - P G A copolymer (LactoSorb) were placed in an L- tumor a diagnostic biopsy could not be performed.
hole pattern in overlapping sawbone blocks typical of sagit- In solitary neurinomas the surgical resection is the treat-
tal split mandibular surgery. In an in vitro model at 22 ment of choice. Surgery was performed via a hemitemporal
degrees C, the test specimens were statically loaded until and submandibular access with temporary splitting of the
failure occurred. On a new set of test specimens, dynamic mandibula and the zygoma. The facial nerve was carefully
testing was done in an in vitro water bath at 37 degrees C dissected and preserved. Postoperatively the patient had a
through cyclical loading until failure occurred. In static temporary incomplete facial palsy which resolved rapidly.
testing, the screws sustained an average peak load of 131 kg Furthermore she had hypothermia of the inferior aveolar
(5.2 standard deviation) with 5.5% strain at yield. In nerve which was monitored using the PATH test.
dynamic testing, the screws tolerated a 45 kg loading for an Due to the location the exact diagnosis of tumors in the
average of 340,675 cycles (22.783 standard deviation). pterygoid fossa is difficult and can usually only be estab-
These tests indicate that P L L A - P G A 2.5ram screws can tol- lished intraoperatively. Solitary neurinomas need to be
erate the postoperative masticatory demands of the unre- included in the differential diagnosis of tumors in this area
strained sagittal split osteotomy for up to 8 weeks after as their removal can cause permanent nerve damage about
surgery. which the patient needs to be informed prior to surgery.


M. Erbe *, S.C. Girod, R. Steinmeier, F. W. Neukam DISEASE

Department of Oral and Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, Lars 0 Eriksson,

Friedrich-Alexander- UniverstitgitErlangen-Niirnberg,
Gliiekstrasse I1, 91054 Erlangen, Germany Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University
Hospital of Lund, Sweden
Malignant histiozytomas are a rare mesenchymal tumors
which are characterized by subcutaneous location, rapid Internal derangement and degenerative joint disease are fre-
invasive growth and ill defined margins. In addition to the quent findings in patients with persistent joint pain and dys-
histological diagnosis the assessment of the tumor extension function. According to the AAOMS Parameters of care-95,
is important and can be determined well by M.R.I. imaging. temporomandibular joint surgery is indicated at these con-
We report the case of a 62-year-old patient with a malig- ditions only when non-surgical therapy has been ineffective
nant histiozytoma of the left parietal skull and the neck. and when pain and/or dysfunction is moderate to severe in
The tumor masses in the neck which extended to the skull nature. Surgery is not indicated for preventive reasons.
base and the prevertebral muscles were removed in the M R Discectomy without the use of implants was until 1960
scanner using a modified radical neck dissection including the most commonly reported procedure for surgical treat-
the skin. Intraoperatively M R imaging was performed to ment of the painful TMJ. However, the postoperative results
determine the complete removal of the tumor tissue have been questioned as signs of adhesions and degenerative
(Magnetom open, 1.2 Tesla, Siemens). The margins were changes have been found in clinical and radiographic exam-
controlled histopathologically and correleated with the M R inations. During the eighties interpositional alloplastic
findings. When tumor free resection was established using implants became popular in spite of insufficient scientific
these two different diagnostic modalities, reconstruction of support. Later severe postoperative destructive changes
the defect was performed using a pedicled myocutanous were reported and the use of alloplastic materials as a disc
pectoralis major flap. substitute was abandoned. Autogenous disc substitutes like
44 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

cartilage and temporal muscle have also been used with cell line, KB, whereas activation of NCC by cyclopiazonic
varying results. acid and thapsigargin enhanced tumor cell growth. These
During the last decade improved diagnostic radiographic data indicate the participation of NCC in the regulation of
and M R I techniques of the TMJ have resulted in an proliferation of KB cells.
increased interest for surgical repositioning of displaced
discs. However, although clinical results have been encour-
aging in several cases, more seldom a normalized morphol-
ogy has been found. This observation has led to a FOUR SCREWS 1NTERMAXILLARY FIXATION:
questioning of the relationship of disc position to pain and OUR EXPERIENCE
mandibular dysfunction.
The presentation will discuss the above mentioned surgi- Escuder 0 . * Gimeno J, Pericot J., Piulachs P. Escutia E.
cal techniques in the light of recent scientific findings.
Department of OMFS, University Hospital of Bellvitge.
L'Hospitalet del Llobregat, CATALONIA.

Aims: To evaluate our experience with the fast method of
intermaxillary fixation with four screws.
Method: Our fast and safe method of intermaxillary fixation
has been used in over 250 patients from 1987 on in our
Department. The method consists of placing two screws in the
Ervens, J.*, Wolff, K.-D., Hoffmeister, B.
maxilla and two in the mandible. Fixation is accomplished by
placing wires -2 or 4- from maxillary screws to mandibular
Department of Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery, Medical screws. The basic requirement to use this fixation is to have an
Center Benjamin Franklin, Free University Berlin, Berlin, occlusion stable enough to be mantained with less fixation
Germany points than the classical intermaxillary fixation with Erich
archs-or similar. The selected patients include those with frac-
AIMS: tures affecting tooth occlusion, as well as patients requiring
Intracellular Ca 2+ plays a fundamental role as a regulator of intra and/or postoperative intermaxillary fixation because of
many enzymes and as an effector for hormones and growth any surgery (oncological, orthognathic, etc.)
factors which control a wide variety of cellular processes. In Results: With our selected patients, we almost had no com-
the recent past, evidence has been accumulated that Ca 2+ plications. No force is applied to the teeth. Mucosal lesions
homeostasis and Ca2+-regulated events are important in occur less than with classical fixation. Oral hygiene and peri-
malignant transformation and cell proliferation. Therefore, odontal care are much better accomplished than with other
we studied the effects of activation and inhibition of NCC methods. Furthermore this method reduces surgical time by
on tumor cell growth. over half an hour. Comfort for the patient is higher.
Another additional advantage is the minimal risk of acci-
METHOD: dental injury to the surgeon (mainly inadvertent finger
We used the human epithelial tumor cell line, KB, and puncture). The only negative result in comparison with
assessed the tumor proliferative capacity by the human other methods is the possibility of root lesion (less than
tumor stem-cell assay and determination of colony number. 1%), until now, only one case required endodontic treat-
ment. Removal of the fixation is routinely performed in two
stages: the wires first and the screws 7-15 days latter. This is
again much easier and comfortable for both the patient and
Inhibition of N C C by econazole and 5-amino-[4-(4-
the surgeon. We have increased the selected patients as our
experience has grown.
box-amide (L 651582) significantly reduced tumor cell
Conclusions: Our method of four screws intermaxillary fixa-
growth. Econazole decreased tumor cell growth with an
tion is appreciated because of its ease and speed of applica-
ECs0 of 3 moll1 and a maximal effectiveness at approxi-
tion. Also for the safety for both the patient and the
mately 30 mol/1. Econazole at a maximally effective concen-
surgeon. Its incidence of complications is virtually non-exis-
tration induced an inhibition of tumor cell growth by about
tent if performed by a minimally experienced surgeon.
80%. L 651582 reduced tumor cell growth with an ECs0 of
300 moll1 and a maximal effectiveness at 3 moll1. At con-
centrations up to 3 mol/1, the inhibition of tumor cell
growth was nearly complete. Activation of NCC by cyclop-
iazonic acid and thapsigargin significantly enhanced tumor
cell growth. At concentrations below 300 nmol/1, cyclopia-
(SDHCC) IN VIVO: (An experimental study in rabbits)
zonic acid lead to a significant stimulation of tumor cell
growth with a maximum at 1 nmol/1. At a maximally effec- Esen E. 1, Usubiitiin A. 2, Giray CB. 3
tive concentration, the cyclopiazonic acid-induced stimula-
tion of tumor cell growth amounted to approximately 70%.
1.Faculty of Dentistry, Dept. of Oral Surgery ~ukurova
At concentrations below 30 nmol/1, thapsigargin signifi-
cantly enhanced tumor cell growth with a maximum at 100
University, Adana, Turkey.
2.Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Pathology, Hacettepe
pmol/1. At a maximally effective concentration, the stimula-
tion of tumor cell growth by thapsigargin amounted to
University, Ankara, Turkey.
3.Faculty of Dentistry, Dept, of Oral Surgery, Hacettepe
85%. University, Ankara, Turkey.
Inhibition of NCC by econazole and L 651582 significantly Aims: The value of solvent dehydrated human costal carti-
reduced tumor cell growth of the human epithelial tumor lage (SDHCC) is well known in our specialty. The use of
EACMFS Abstracts, HelsinkiCongress 1998 45

SDHCC for facial contour defects ,TMJ reconstruction and Results: The implant-related prosthetic rehabilitation of the
in ENT surgery is highly valued. The interesting point is the mandible with radiotherapy up to 60 Gy entailed a higher
question does a revitalization process occur after SDHCC is primary incidence of complications (2.9 % osteoradionecro-
implanted? In the cases in which we have used SDHCC, it sis, 8.8 % soft tissue necrosis, 5.5 % lack of osseointegration,
was well tolerated and integrated with human tissue for long 4 . 1 % loss of osseointegration). However, 15 months after
follow up periods. But in order to find out the cellular via- insertion, a significant implant loss or a higher rate of peri-
bility, we needed detailed histopathological experimental implant bone loss were not detectable. The cumulative 5
studies concerning this process. The aim of this study to years success rate according to Kaplan-Meier for implants
evaluate the histological features regarding cellular viability in the irradiated mandible was 93.8 % or 97.6 % respectively
of SDHCC in vital structures. in the nonirradiated mandible.
Method: SDHCC grafts were placed in surgically-created Conclusions: The insertion of implants in the irradiated
defects in the mandibular bone of 12 New Zealand white mandible up to a limit of 60 Gy should not to be principally
rabbits. Control defects were also prepared in bone to com- considered contraindicated. However, a higher incidence of
pare the cellular changes. Simultaneously larger pieces of complications for the insertion period and the loading pro-
cartilage were implanted under the dorsal skin of rabbits in cedure is to be expected. Prophylactic HBO treatment is not
the scapular region to determine the changes in the sur- recommended. Such therapies should be reserved to cases
rounding soft tissues. Animals were sacrificed at with corresponding complications
1,2,4,6,8,10,12 weeks. The mandibular body containing the
cartilage transplant and control defect was resected for
histopathological examination. Subcutaneously placed car-
tilage was also excised together with the surrounding tissue. C R A N I O P L A S T I E S W I T H INDIVIDUALLY
Specimens were decalcified, stained with haematoxilin-eosin PREFABRICATED TITANIUM I M P L A N T S
and examined under light microscopy. A piece of SDHCC
was also examined with transmission electron microscopy to H Eufinged*, M Wehm6ller2, M Schoiz3, L Heuser 4, E
Machtens I
evaluate the cellular composition of the graft after the sol-
vent dehydration process
Results: We observed pyknotic nuclei in the condrocytes in 1Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial SurgelT, 3Dept. of
the graft prior to insertion and in the specimens taken in the Neurosurgery and 4Inst. of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine at
early weeks. But they are not viable. In the early weeks, the University-Hospital 'Knappschafts-Krankenhaus'; :Inst.
mixed inflammation around the graft, and in the latter of Production Systems & Processing Techniques,
weeks fibrosis and the partial destruction of the cartilage Ruhr-University, Bochum, Germany
tissue by macrophages were observed. The control defects
healed within 4-6 weeks. Reconstruction of craniofacial bone defects by intraopera-
Conclusion: In SDHCC grafts implanted into the bone cavi- tire modelling of autogenous or alloplastic materials may
ties, we did not observe any revitalization process in respect fail to create harmonious contours with long-term stability.
of condrocytes. The cellular remnants of the graft were In contrast, computer aided design and manufacturing
totally pyknotic, even in the latter weeks. Slow degradation (CAD/CAM)-techniques may be used for the preoperative
and destruction of the graft can be helpful as a framework geometric modelling of the implant, out of titanium, based
until the original tissue regenerates in the defect. But since on computed tomography (CT)-data. Helical CT-data is
we have used SDHCC as a xenograft for rabbits, the resorp- used to create a computer-based 3D model of the defect
tion process occurs more rapidly than in humans. region, which serves as the basis for a free-form surfaces
Furthermore as an advantage, there is no risk of viral trans- design of the implant's shape, position and thickness;
mission to the host from the SDHCC grafts such as occurs thereby the use of individual model fabrication is aban-
with cryopreservation or lyophilisation graft systems. doned. Special construction elements, e.g. plates for fixa-
tion with microscrews, holes for drainage or complex
implant margins such as the supraorbital rim can be
included in the design and can be fabricated with the
G=~ BR#,NEMARK IMPLANTS IN IRRADIATED implant. The data required for this geometric modelling are
VERSUS NONIRRADIATED MANDIBLE AFTER derived from the structures neighbouring the defect, model-
ONCOLOGY SURGERY ling tools and programs developed for industrial
C A D / C A M are used. The precise and individual fit of the
Esser, E. 1 and Wagner, W..2 implant results from generating its margins by the borders
of the defect with a precision of up to 0.25 mm, whereas its
~Department of Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Stiidtische Kliniken surface is generated by the geometry of the non-affected
Osnabriick, Germany neighbouring bone contours. Afterwards, the geometric
:Department of Clinical Radiotherapy, Paracelsus data run a numerically controlled milling machine to fabri-
Strahlenklinik, Osnabriick, Germany cate the individual titanium implant with a constant thick-
ness of 1.5 mm. So far more than 50 patients with
posttraumatic, postsurgical or congenital defects have been
Aims: Representation of risks associated with implants in
reconstructed in various Central-European hospitals. Some
the irradiated mandible
of the defects have had a diameter of up to 18 cm, many
Methods: From 1988 till 1995 145 Brgmemark fixtures (34
had been operated on previously without success.
patients) were inserted in the irradiated mandible (60 Gy,
Reconstructions using this new method have been success-
linear accelerator 6 MV, split course technique, conven-
tional fractionation) after radical oncologic surgery. In a ful in all but one case, producing supremely aesthetic results
due to the precise and individually pre-determined techni-
retrospective analysis, perioperative complications as well as
cal processing chain. Surgical insertion and fixation is only
clinical development including periimplant bone loss were
the simple final step in this procedure with a distinctly
compared with a control group of 28 patients with 130
implants in the nonirradiated mandible. reduced duration of operation and thus decreased stress on
the patient. It is expected that these individually prefabri-
46 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

cated titanium implants will claim their position within the University Clinicfor Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
spectrum of reconstructive techniques of cranioplasty, University of Vienna
especially in cases with large and complex craniofacial Waehringer Guerte118-20, 1090 Vienna, Austria
Originally the hydroxyapatile material Algipora has been
developed as bone substitute material with the condition
[~ THE C O M P R O M I S E D MAXILLA of an interconnecting porosity and enough stability to
hold the given augmentation height. The material has
R. Ewers, F. Watzinger, S. G6ssweiner been primarily developed as osteoconductive substitute
material and has proved very well in the clinical use. Until
University Clinicfor Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, now the preparation has alwas been used in connection
University of Vienna with spongy transplants in a mixture between 1:1 until 5:1.
Waehringer Guerte118-20, 1090 Vienna, Austria Primarily one assumes that a mixture ratio of l:1 would be
necessary. But the clinical results have shown that the
According to Cawood et al. (1994) we classify the severely admixture of 1/5 bone material is not enough. In the last
atrophied maxilla due to different augmentation methods in time one has abandoned spongy transplants and uses only
classes more than 8 mm, 4 - 8 ram, less than 4 mm and below spongy material which has been won in bone collector.
2 mm. If we have more than 8 mm we prefer to perform The recarmination of 402 patients showed a low ratio of
micro-invasive bone lifting without controlling our bone infections which could all be controlled without the loss of
the material, excellent results in the field of the augmenta-
lifting by sinuscope surgery and applying 13 mm long
tions, especially in connection with implants, and only a
implants. Between 4 and 8 mm bone height we apply a sinus-
few complications. In the clinical use is has been shown
lift with the sinus graft and one stage implant application.
that the Algipore material does not only heal very well in
Do we have less than 4 mm bone we do have to perform a
the sense of conductivity but that it is grown around slowly
two stage implant procedure half a year after the sinus graft
by bone. Within 12 to 24 months the material is completely
in order to have sufficient stability for the implants. As
dissolved and by a large part replaced by new built bone.
grafting materials we use to apply a mixture of phycogene
(Donath 1997). The porous material is resorbed after a cer-
hydroxyapatite (Algipore®) in a ratio 5:1 mixed with autoge-
tain time so that it is nearly equivalent to the remodelling
nous bone taken from the chin or the ascending ramus.
of the natural bone.
According to Haessler (1997) we now use Algipore® mixed
In animal experimental studies Algipore is now tested as
only with few portions of the collected bone from milled
canter material for BMP materials. On one side Algipore
bone in the canine fossa so that we have a ratio less than 5:l.
shows nearly a good protein bonding ability as collagen. So
All these procedures require that the alveolar ridge is
Algipore has a much better protein bonding ability that all
wider than 5 ram. If the alveolar ridge is less than 5 mm we
other hydroxyapatite material that have been used until now
perform, in addition to this, a monocortical bone block
because of its interconnecting microporosity and its stechlo-
transplant from the chin, both ascending ramus and in
metric structure and its chemism (Terhayden 1997).
severe cases we use pelvic bone block grafts.
Moreover, the animal experiment shows under the use of
Great severe atrophied maxilla with less than 2 mm bone do
Algipore and rhOR1 (BMPT) that algipore has shown an
show discrepancy in the sagittal and transversal direction with
extensive formation of new built bone due to the combina-
a pseudoprogenic surgical situation and a very small maxilla
tion with this bone inductive protein especially around the
compared to the enlarged mandible due to the atrophy. In these
smaller granules.
cases we perform either the original Le-Fort-I-osteotomy
The clinical use of the hydroxyapatite Algipore, won out
designed by Bellor we use our modification of the Horseshoe
of calcium incrusting algae in combination with autolo-
Le-Fort-I-osteotomy (Ewers and H~rle 1980). We will report
gous spongy bone, has shown a excellent osteoinductive.
about 23 Le-Fort-I- and Horseshoe-osteotomies (Watzinger
Due to the interconnective microporosity, the stechlometric
and Ewers 1996) with dental implant application and a survey
grouping and the chamism Algipore is an ideal carrier
on up to 6 years after implantation supported prosthetics. Our
material for the recombinant-human osteoninductive pro-
statistic show that there is no difference between one and two
tains that are to be used in the future as it has already
stage procedures and the Horseshoe Le-Fort-I-osteotomy
shown in the animal experiment. There is a cause for hope
group and we will discuss the good outcome of these proce-
that also the clinical use will prove these good animal
dures as well as the complications we have seen and managed.
experimental results.
In few cases we have also performed monocortical block
transplant augmentation in addition to the Horseshoe Le-
Fort-I-osteotomy in order to widen the alveolar ridge in
addition to enlarging the alveolar height. These most
extreme cases also show good results.
Due to these different procedures we are able to treat R. Ewers*, Mr. Truppe, F. Watzinger, W. Millesi
patients with very severe atrophied maxilla and the patients
have the possibility to wear prosthesis fixed dentures with
minor complications which all had been able to manage to University clinicfor Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
an excellent outcome and comfort for the patients with their
University of Vienna, Waehringer Guerte118-20, 1090
compromised maxilla.
Vienna, Austria

Following recent technical developments in computer-aided

Q=~ ALGIPORE: CARRIER MATERIAL FOR BONE surgery, the feasibility of computed navigation assistance in
MORPHOGENIC PROTEIN neurosurgery as well as in head and neck surgery has been
demonstrated for a wide variety of indications. The princi-
R. Ewers, Ch. Sehopper, Sonja Gossweiner, Else Spassova, ple of intraoperative image guidance is to enable the sur-
K. Wild geon to define a procedural task, depict it on-screen in
EACMFS -Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 47

relation to the patient's imaging data, so that the informa- Departments of Maxillofacial Surgery and Rheumatology,
tion on individual anatomy and pathology and on the sur- University Hospital Ziirich
gical access to treatment can be at hand during the
intervention. The Virtual Patient operation system is the Aims: Diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis has been suggested to
first of its kind to enable a transnational network constella- be the mandibular localization of the SAPHO-syndrome.
tion. First, all imaging modalities are set in relation to each This prospective cohort study evaluates a hypothetic associ-
other by image fusion for an interative on-screen planning.
ation of the SAPHO-syndrome and PCO.
The depiction of the surgical access path, anatomical land-
Method: 12 patients with diffuse sclerosis of the mandible were
marks and target structures as overlay graphics on radio-
examined for proposed symptoms of a SAPHO-syndrome.
logic or on still video images of the patient is followed by
the transferral of data to the patient in the registration pro-
cedure. During surgery, the planning graphics are superim- RESULTS:
posed orthotopically on the live video images in real-time. 9 patients were found to have primary chronic osteomyelitis,
The surgeon simultaneously views the operation site and 8 of these patients presented a SAPHO-syndrome. Seven of
the graphical planning scheme, which is shown on the 9 patients with PCO presented or reported historical skin
micromonitors of this head-up display. In a lesions. In 8 of 9 patients with PCO extramandibular scinti-
telepresence/teleconsultation setting, the composite images graphic enhacement was detected. The serum concentra-
- live video and overlay planning graphics - can be seen in tions of IgA, IgM and IgG were elevated in 5 patients. A
all communication centres simultaneously. This technique dysimmunoglobulinemia was observed in 8 patients (includ-
will allow to establish national and international standards ing changes in relative distribution of subclasses in 7
of medicine and of surgical procedures especially. In the patients).
future, telecommunications will become a major issue in Elevated anticardiolipin levels were found in 5 of 9
the standardisation of global health care. Potential benefits patients and elevated levels of antinuclear antibodies in 8 of
of intraoperative teleconsultation for patient care as well as 9 patients. The frequency of A2-Allele was 78% (7 of 9) in
the impact on economy, education and training of surgeons patients with PCO. Serologic testing reveals B 19 parvovirus
will have to be evaluated in the course of international to be the most frequent infectious viral agent (67%, 6 of 9).
projects. Conclusions: Results in this series support the hypothesis of
an association of primary chronic osteomyelitis and
SAPHO, hence, we suggest that hereditary and autoimmune
factors may play a role in the pathogenesis.
Eyrich GK*, Niibler-Moritz M, Carls F, Sailer HF.
Eyrich, G. K.*, Warnke, T., Carls, F. R., Sailer, H. E
Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital
Ziirich Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital,
Zurich, Switzerland
Aims: Surgical removal of an impacted mandibular third
molar may result in damage to the inferior alveolar nerve. Aims: The Le Clerc operation for the reduction of the ante-
Precise preoperative radiographic examination enables the rior movement in the temporomandibular joint in patients
surgeon to adjust operative strategies according to anatomi- with frequent luxation of mandibular condyle gives good
cal structures. However, coronal or axial computed tomog- results in most patients. However, whenever problems such
raphy does not always lead to sufficient preoperative as recurrence of luxation arise, diagnosis of the exact cause
imaging. The purpose of this prospective study was to com- for the failure of this procedure is quite difficult. This study
pare different imaging planes. has been performed in order to evaluate a new method of
Method: Three different imaging planes were used in 23 imaging for this purpose.
patients with 35 impacted lower third molars and projection Method: Twelve patients underwent axial computed tomog-
of the roots onto the mandibular canal. In 16 patients imag- raphy (CT) scans of the zygomatic arch with maximal
ing planes were also planned in the tooth axis. mouth opening after Le Clerc operation, one of them com-
Results: Oblique imaging were found to be superior to coro- plaining about occasional luxation of the mandibular
nal and axial planes and resulted in more precise anatomical condyle and another patient about pain during chewing.
diagnosing, less number of scanning planes, and reduction The CT slices were obtained by an SR 7000 computed
of cataratogenic dose to the lens. tomograph (Philips Medical Systems, Best, The
Conclusions: If plane film radiographs present diagnostic Netherlands). The axial volume scan was taken with 50 mA,
signs of anatomical vicinity, then an oblique imaging plane 100 kV, 1.5 mm table increment and 1 s per rotation. 15
with high resolution computed tomography is rotations were performed in each patient. Curved sagittal
recommended reconstructions of the axial CT slices following precisely the
course of the zygomatic arch were obtained using den-
talscan software (GYROVIEW, ISG Technologies, Toronto,
Canada). Furthermore a three-dimensional image of the
A S S O C I A T I O N OF PRIMARY CHRONIC zygomatic arch was computed from the same set of data. In
O S T E O M Y E L I T I S W I T H THE SYNOVITIS, ACNE, comparison to a conventional CT scan, the radiation dose
PUSTOLOSIS, HYPEROSTOSIS, O S T E I T I S (SAPHO) was reduced by 90 percent.
SYNDROME Results: The three-dimensional CT image gave in all cases
an overview of the postoperative anatomical situation, even
Eyrich GK*, Harder C, Sailer HF, Langenegger T, the infracture in the anterior part of the zygomatic arch
Michel BA; could easily be visualized. Due to the short scanning time
48 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

(15 s for the whole examination) there was no motion arti-

fact in any examination. The curved sagittal reconstructions
allowed for a more detailled analysis of the new position of
the zygomatic arch. In the patient with luxation (opera
Kathleen F.M. Fan.
singer), resorption of the augmented eminentia articularis
was seen on the curved sagittal CT reconstructions. The case
with pain during chewing showed incomplete healing. Six
National Medical Laser Centre & Department of
months later, there was no further pain, and the repeated
MaxiIlofacial Surgery, University College London Hospitals,
CT examination showed bony consolidation.
Conclusions: The volume CT is a reliable and fast method to
assess the resulting new anatomical situation after Le Clerc Photodynamic therapy (PDT) involves the activation of a
operation. As the radiation dose is reduced by 90 % in com- previously administered photosensitiser by an appropriate
parison to conventional CT scans, the examination can be wavelength of non-thermal light. This reaction in the pres-
repeated for documentation of the long-term outcome. ence of tissue oxygen produces cytotoxic species capable of
causing tissue necrosis. PDT is a simple non invasive treat-
ment that can be easily applied to surface lesions. The
advantages of PDT over conventional modalities for oral
[h EFFECTIVNESS O F LASER-THERAPY TREATING cancer and precancer are excellent healing with no cumula-
ORAL LEUKOPLAKIA AND OTHER M U C O S A L tive toxicity enabling repeated treatments.
LESIONS The clinical evaluation of 3 photosensitisers will be dis-
cussed: Photofrin®, aminolaevulinic acid (ALA) and meta
Eyrieh GK* Niibler-Moritz M, Sailer HF. tetrahydroxphenyl chlorin (mTHPC, Foscan®).
Photofrin® was found to be promising in patients with dys-
Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, UniversityHospital Ziirich plasia and early oral cancers but the prolonged cutaneous
photosensitivity makes it less attractive. A L A is associated
Aims: Cryotherapy, surgical excision and corticosteroid with only 24 hours skin sensitivity but was only effective for
medication have been recommended as treatment concepts epithelial lesions, mTHPC was observed to be a very potent
of oral leukoplakia. However, incurability and recurrence is photosensitiser requiring much lower light doses to produce
known as a frequent complication. Previous reports a deeper PDT effect. However, minimal scarring may be the
promised good results with laser ablation of leukoplakia. price to pay for the deeper necrosis required to eradicate
This prospective study evaluates the efficiency of laserabla- more advanced lesions. It is possible to select a photosensi-
tion in treatment of oral leukoplakia. tiser and light dose based on the required depth of damage.
Method: 60 patients with oral leukoplakia were treated with A L A is suitable for oral dysplasia, whilst mTHPC or
either a CO2-1aser or a Erbium-YAG-laser and followed for Photofrin® is an option for patients with early oral cancers
at least 6 months. and field cancerization.
Results: Postoperative findings in our series of patients presented
a total cure rate of 60% and improvement in 30% of patients.
Conclusions: Therefor, we concluded that laser-ablation is a CORRELATION BETWEEN INDICATORS OF
efficient tool in the treatment of oral leukoplakia. In addi- NICOTINE AND A L C O H O L ABUSE AND
tion, PDT (photodynamic-therapy) and laserablation in TRAUMATOLOGIAL PATIENT GROUP IN
other mucosal lesions will be discussed. MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY

Fangmann, R.*, Mischkowski, R.A., Harm, B., Harm, K.,

Kiespel; B., lffland, R., Stember, 34.
FLAP. AN EXPERIENCE O F ONE SURGEON Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of
l~zsids, A.

Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surger); John Radcliffe Aims: To estimate the percentage of traumatological
Hospital, Oxford, England patients who tested positive for specific indicators of nico-
tine and alcohol abuse.
Study Design: Prospective controlled.
A series of 18 consecutive radial forearm flaps were raised Method: The study includes 105 patients who had sus-
by one surgeon over a period of 19 months for reconstruc- tained a maxillofacial fracture. The time between
tion of ablative surgery in the maxillofacial region. A num- t r a u m a and admission was limited to 12 hours. Nicotine
ber of methods were used from primary closure to meshed abuse was assessed using a urine cotinine/urine creati-
skin graft to cover the defect. nine quotient. As indicators for alcohol abuse we
Apart from the evaluation of subjective complaints a obtained the serum values of ethanol, 9-gt, cdt,
detailed study was undertaken to assess and quantify donor methanol, acetone and isopropanole. We subdivide the
site morbidity; sensation of the forearm and hand in the distri- patients into three groups: 1. M a n d i b u l a r f r a c t u r e s , 2.
bution of radial, ulnar and median nerves; range of move- Zygomatic and orbital floor fractures, 3. Complex mid-
ments of the hand, wrist and forearm; grip and pinch strength;
facial fractures.
fine movement co-ordination. Tourniquet time was used to Results: The alcoho indicators were positive in 56% of the
measure time needed for the harvesting of the fasciocutenous patients in group 1, in 42 % of group 2 and in 38 % of group
flap and was correlated with the experience of the surgeon. 3. 60% of all patients also tested positive for nicotine
Our study clearly shows the advantages of flap harvest- indicators.
ing by the same surgeon resulting in a considerable reduc- Conclusion: The study shows that alcohol and tobacco
tion in operating time and a marked decline in consumption may be important causal factors in the
EACMFS Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 49

majority of accidents resulting in maxillofacial fractures. undecided. Some authors are against p r i m a r y plasty in
These factors should be emphasized in history taking and removal of m a l i g n a n t tumours or disagree with it post-
may play an important role in the assessment of the treat- radiotherapy. But others r e c o m m e n d p r i m a r y plasty
ment costs. after destructive operations. F r o m 754 plastic opera-
tions performed for upper respiratory and digestive
tracts tumours d e p a r t m e n t in Cancer Research Centre
R A M S from 1980 to 1997 p r i m a r y plasty was per-
POSTOPERATIVE C O M P L I C A T I O N S IN formed in 71%, p o s t p o n e d plasty - in 29%. In 55.6% of
S Q U A M O U S CELL CARCINOMA O F THE M O U T H cases we used musculocutaneous flaps. A m o n g them, in
A N D OROPHARYNX, A PROSPECTIVE STUDY 49.6% - musculocutaneous transplants including large
musculus thoracis c o m p o n e n t were used. Musculofat
*Farag I, McGurk M. flaps were used in 12%. In other cases free cutaneous
flaps and mucous m e m b r a n e transplants have been
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, UMDS, Guy's used.
Hospital, London, UK Data analysis demonstrated the need for primary plasty
in defects of the oral cavity, tongue, cheek, melanoma and
Introduction: Over half the patients with cancer of the skin cancer. The selection of flaps depends on the size of the
mouth and oropharynx have advanced disease at presenta- defect, localization and other factors. After a course of rad-
tion and surgery is associated with high morbidity. This ical radiotherapy, in removal of the oral cavity cancer we
study evaluates the incidence and character of the complica- recommend the use of musculocutaneous grafts with axis
tions encountered following surgery by a single surgeon for vessel anastomosis.
oral and oropharynx cancers. After operations with pharyngoesophago - or laryngos-
The Stu@ Design: In the period Oct 1992 - Dec 1997, 232 tomy formation we need posypone plasty. The favourable
patients with head and neck tumours were seen at Guy's and St selection of a transplant for defect replacement helps avoid
Thomas' Hospital Trust head and neck unit of which 152 had post-operative complications and is successful after the
squamous cell carcinoma of the mouth and oropharynx. Of plasty has been performed.
these cases 95 patients received surgery (either for primaries or
salvage) for 98 turnours. Full data on complications were avail-
able in 68 cases. Data were collected prospectively and for the
purpose of analysis, complications and surNcal procedures R E C O N S T R U C T I O N OF M A N D I B U L A R DEFECTS
were divided into three grades (serious, intermediate, minor: AFTER FRACTURES BY THE L E N G T H E N I N G OF
major, intermediate, minor respectively). The end points cho- B O N E REGENERATE
sen for the study were occurrence of serious complications and
operative death. The following variables were individually
tested to determine the effect on the end points: age, sex, stage,
grade of surgery, blood loss, duration of operation, perfor- The Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
mance status and history of smoking and alcohol intake. Arkhangelsk State Medical Academy, Russia
Results: In the present series 68 patients underwent 100
operative procedures and 120 complications were encoun- Aim: The purpose of the report is to show the possibility of
tered. The commonest complications were related to new method of removing the mandibular long-ranged
wound healing and respiratory problems. The factors that defects by the distruction osteosis.
predicted for serious complications were younger age, Materials and Method: We observed 23 patients with
blood loss and duration of operation, which were attrib- mandibular post-traumatic defects, size of defects varing
uted to magnitude of procedure. This in turn correlated from 10 to 130 ram. For all patients we used a new tech-
with stage of disease. An operative death occurred in 4 nique of fragment fixation by means of extra-mouth
patients (6%) of cases treated or in 4:100 operative proce- compression-distraction apparatus designed at our clinic.
dures for cancer. No death occurred after either an inter- Depending of the defect's size and localization we per-
mediate or minor procedure and the risk for major formed monolocal, bilocal and polylocal osteosynthesis.
operations was 10%. No independent variable predicted Distraction was performing for 1-2, 5-4, 5 months, but
for death but there was a trend associated with increased the speed of fragments distraction varied but it was not
performance status. more than 1 mm a day, but in some patients it was inter-
Conclusion: Complications are still an ever-present reality mittent. Then the apparatus performed the retention
that significantly increase morbidity. Serious complications function.
occur more frequently in patients having a major surgical Results: We received rather satisfactory anatomical and
procedure, The risk of operative death is 10% in patients functional results.
having major procedures.



A(ferov ES., Fedontenko C.P., RotobeIskya L.E. rehdr, A.

Cancer Research Centre RAMS, Moscow, Russia 115478, Department of Dentistry and Oral Surgery of Albert
Moscow, Kashirskoye shosse, 24 Szent-Gy6rgyi Medical UniversitN Szeged, Hungary

At present, primary and postponed plasty recommended for Aims: To present a new modification of the Bernard plasty
patients with head and neck tumours leaves many questions after lower lip resection.
50 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

Method: The central guide to the facial muscles around

the mouth is the modiolus. The buccinator and the orbic-
ularis oris muscles form a continuous sheet passing
around the face horizontally from the right to the left
pterygomandibular raphe. It is of great importance to pre-
serve the modiolus as much as possible by the incisions Feinberg, S.IL *, Hollister, S.J., Levy, R.A., Chu, T.M. and
used for mobilizing the neighbouring tissues for recon- Halloran, d. W.
Result: In the past 5 years, 22 patients have been operated
on using our new modified method. No postoperative
Departments of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery,
Bioengineering and Material, Sciences & Engineering,
wound breakdown was experienced. The function and cos-
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, ML USA
metic appearances of the lower lip were satisfactory in our
Conclusion: To obtain a good functional and cosmetic result Aim: To present an image-centred engineering and solid-free
after lower lip repair, the modiolus has to be preserved as form fabrication manufacturing approach to construction
intact as possible. of anatomic-specific biomaterial scaffolds with a defined
internal architecture for use in maxillofacial reconstruction.
Method: Several defects were selected from computed tomo-
graphic films, A defect image was made on a computer termi-
nal to a specific external shape. Internal pore geometry was
SURGICAL EXPERIENCE W I T H THE created utilizing a specific software package. The external
ORTHOSYSTEM, A NEW PALATAL I M P L A N T FOR shape and internal architectural image were than combined to
ORTHODONTIC ANCHORAGE form a scaffold. The scaffold image was than extracted to cre-
ate a .stl data file that was used to instruct the solid-free form
Feifel, H. l, Wehrbein, 1t. 2, Jiinicke, S. 1, Riediger, D. 1 machine to manufacture a scaffold with a specific external
and internal architecture for the defect to be reconstructed.
1Dept. of Oral Maxillofacial and Plastic Facial Surgery, Results: Examples of this approach will be demonstrated by
2Dept. of Orthodontics, University of Technology, Aachen, illustration of a manufactured orbital floor, mandibular
Germany defect and a ramus/condyle unit of the mandible that might
be useful in TMJ reconstruction.
Conclusions: We have been successful in the use of image-cen-
Aim: A new endosseous orthodontic implant system for tred engineering and solid-free form manufacturing tech-
palatal anchorage of orthodontic devices, the Orthosystem, niques to fabricate scaffolds with site-specific external and
is presented. internal architecture. This work is the first step in the develop-
Material and methods: The Orthosystem (Straumann, ment of an "instructive" scaffold that could be used for the tis-
Waldenburg, Switzerland) consists of a transmucosal fix- sue engineering and reconstruction of maxillofacial defects.
ture with a clamping cap fixed by an occlusal screw. All
parts are made of pure titanium. The screw shaped
endosseous part has a diameter of 3.3 mm and varying
lengths of 4 and 6 mm. Under local anaesthesia, the palatal [~ SUBMANDIBULAR TUMOR CAUSED BY ECTOPIC
mucosa is removed in the midiine at the level of the premo- THYROIDAL TISSUE: REPORT OF A CASE.
lars with a mucosa punch. The fixture is inserted at an angle
of 60i to the occlusal plane. Bone supply in this region pre- Feller, K.-U*," Mavros, A.; Eckelt, U.;
dominantly allows the use of 6 mm implants. More distal
implants have to be placed with a length of 4 ram. For heal- Department of Maxillo-Facial Surgery / University of
ing, an abutment is fixed to the transmucosal neck for 3 Dresden / Fetscherstrafle 74 1D-01307 Dresden / Germany
months. Thereafter orthodontic tooth movements are car-
ried out against the implant/transpalatal arch-supported
anchorage teeth. It is well known that the preponderant number of abnormal
Results: According to this precedure, 18 patients have suc- located thyroidal tissue can be detected as remnants any-
cessfully completed implant based orthodontic treatment. where along the course taken by the developing thyroid
Seventeen patients received 1 implant each, in one case 2 fix- gland during ist craniocaudal descent. The embryonic path
tures were placed midsagittally one behind another. One in the midline of the throat renders the thyroglossal duct.
implant was lost. Reimplantation in a more distal position Here we outline a case of a 75 year old female patient with
was successful 3 months later. Until now 14, implants have an initially unsymptomatic lateralized submandibular mass
been removed with a bone cuff and assessed histologically which gradually had increased within a period of one year to
after generation of undecalcified sawn sections. Surgical a striking bulky tumor presenting when admitted. Recently
technique, fixation of the orthodontic device and histology before she had been treated as an inpatient due to a patho-
are demonstrated by case reports. logic fracture of the pubic bone. The findings of the preoper-
Conclusions: Palatal implants are indicated if maximum atively administered radiologic examination (CT scan, MRI,
anchorage for orthodontic treatment is required. This can Ultrasonography) gave us the suspicion of a malignoma
be the case if the sole desmodontal anchorage is insufficient deriving from the submandibular gland. However, the exci-
or loss of stability of the anchoring teeth is present. Implant sional biopsy and the following histological examination dis-
based orthodontic treatment makes compliance-dependent closed a benign tumor containing thyroidal tissue.
anchorage aids such as headgear and class 2 elastics dispen- Lateral from the thyroglossal duct sited ectopic thyroids are
sible. Surgery takes less than 15 rain and has proved to be a extremely rare (especially when found lateral to the great vessels
safe procedure, since complications are rare and the implant close to the submandibular region). These topographic variation
can not be explained by current embryological knowledge.
failure rate is low.
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 51

Reviewing the literature lateral sited thyroidal tissue may Method: 24 patients with sudden-onset, persistent limited
be found as metastasis of a high differenciated papillary car- mouth opening and with M R I signs considered as fixed
cinoma, tissue transfered in previous operations on the thy- discs were studied. All these patients received nonsurgical
roid gland or as a presumable relic of the ultimobrachial treatment. After unsuccessful conservative treatment
body. arthroscopy with sodium hyaluronate infnssion was per-
This leads to the conclusion that tumors in the sub- formed in 15 joints. Follow-up ranged from 9 to 36 months
mandibular triangle can amongst others give rise to the the (mean: 20.2 months).
above mentioned differential diagnosis. Visual analog scales were used for self-evaluation of
pain, maximal mouth opening -MMO-, lateral -LM- of the
jaw and presence of joint noises were recorded both pre and
EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL RESEARCH ON Results: The preop-MRI examination revealed a normal disc
T H E STABILITY OF T H E COMBINATION position in 10 joints and an anteriorly displaced disc in 11
M I C R O - M I N I P L A T E A P P L I E D TO FRACTURES O F cases. All the discs were fixed to the glenoid fossa preventing
THE LOWER JAW an anterior translation of the condylar head. Most of the discs
had a normal biconcave morphology, but in some cases myx-
Feller, K.-U* Schimming, R., Eckelt, U. oid degeneration, biconvex or biplanar morhologies were
noted. After conservative treatment only 2 patients improved,
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, all the other patients showed a severe decreased in the M M O
University of Dresden, Fetscherstr. 74, D-01307 Dresden, (mean 24.2 + 2.2 rams), LM (4.2 1.3 rams) and a high pain
Germany level (9.2 2.6 scale). Only 15 patients were operated on. After
arthroscopy MMO (40.4 3.4 rams) and LM (7.8 1.5 rams)
Aims: Stabilisation of fractures in the interforaminal region increased significantly. Also a significant reduction in pain (1.5
with two miniplates is a standard procedure in maxillo-facial 1.8 scale) was noted. Only one patient suffered a recurrence of
surgery. The purpose of this study was to achieve whether the closed lock during the study. Arthoscopy findings include
the combination of one micro- and one miniplate does afford the presence of adherences and some kind of synovitis.
sufficient stability in this region were space limitations make Conclusions: Arthoscopy provides good clinical results in
the miniaturization of osteosynthetic material desirable. patients with sudden-onset closed locks diagnosed with
Method: In the experimental part we analyzed which pres- M R I of fixed discs.
sure resistance is obtainable from a plastic model of the
mandible which was stabilized through osteosynthesis by
either one micro- and one miniplate or by the combination Vh M I D L I N E G L O S S O T O M Y AS THE APPROACH
of two miniplates. Meanwhile 42 patients with fractures of USED IN A CASE OF R H A B D O M Y O M A OF THE
the mandible have been treated with the combination of one BASE O F THE TONGUE
micro- and one miniplate in the interforaminal region since
1995. Impressions were taken after fracture treatment and Fevndndez-Alba, J.*; Cuesta, Mr.; Aeero, J.; Concejo, C.;
before removal of the plates and the plaster models were Ochandiano, S.
Results: The average limit of resistance until fracturing of Servicio de Cirugia Maxilofacial, Hospital General
the experimental ostesynthetic plate system was 470 N for Universitario Gregorio Maragon, Madrid, Spain
two miniplates and 267 N for the mini-/microplate combina-
tion. Comparing these values with values for stress resis-
tance following surgical treatment of fractures of the lower Aims: To present a case with a rhabdomyoma of the base of the
jaw one could theoretically assume a practice stability in the tongue. This is a rare benign neoplasm of the skeletal muscle,
interforaminal region. The clinical investigation showed most frequently located in cardiac muscle and often associated
that only one fracture of a microplate occurred in a patient with tuberose sclerosis. Of all extracardiac tumours, the prevail-
who had an accident after fracture treatment again. The ing location is in head and neck (95%), affecting pharynx, oral
comparison of the plaster models showed that no evident cavity (floor of the mouth, soft palate and base of the tongue)
dislocations have taken place. and larynx. The treatment of choice is surgical excision.
Conclusions: This study shows that the combination of micro- M & Methods: We present a clinical case of rhabdomyoma
and miniplate osteosynthesis for treating fractures of the of the base of the tongue, in a 56 year old male, which
mandible in the interforaminal region is a sufficient procedure. causes asphyxiation episodes in the supine position. On
oropharyngeal examination a tumour was noted at the base
of the right tongue. The M R I reveals a great mass that occu-
pies all the right lingual base, crossing the midline, which
[~ T M J "ANCHORED DISC P H E N O M E N O N " (ADP): obliterated 90% of the oropharyngeal airway. The biopsy
CLINICAL AND M R I DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT specimen was diagnosed as a rhabdomyoma. A cerebral
IN 24 PATIENTS. A PROSPECTIVE STUDY. M R I and neurological study was performed, that elimi-
nated a tuberose sclerosis. Using a midline glossotomy
Fernfindez Sanromdn J. approach, we were able to remove the tumour.
Results: The midline glossotomy permitted suitable tumoral
Department of OMFS, Povisa Medical Centre. Vigo, Spain. excision and presented no special difficulty. The symptoma-
tology presented by the patient disappeared completely. In
the first year review, both clinically and radiologically, he
Aims: To analyzed the clinical and M R I characteristics of was found free of disease.
24 patients diagnosed of a TMJ anchored disc phenomenon Conclusion: In benign tumours of the base of the tongue,
(fixed disc) and the outcome of two different treatments: approaching through a midline glossotomy should always
nonsurgical treatment (passive motion, bite appliance and be considered, since it is an easy, rapid and less traumatic
nonsteroidal antiinfiammatory drugs) and arthroscopy. method that presents few associated sequellae.
52 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

Aims: To determine the prognostic significance of nutri-

tional factors in oral cancer.
Method: All patients presenting to the maxillofacial unit
with histologically proven squamous cell carcinoma of the
*Ferri J., Peuvrel G., Solyom E. oral cavity and considered curable by surgical resection were
included in the study. Each had preoperative levels of serum
albumin,a full blood count, ferritin, B12, and folate deter-
Service de Stomatologie et Chirurgie Maxillo-Faciale. mined.
CHR U 5903 7 LILLE cedex FRANCE.
Analysis: 70 patients have data available for analysis using
the Cox Proportional Hazards Model. Alternative models
Prosthetic implant rehabilitation in cases with major maxil- are being used to evaluate their potential in medical statisti-
lary deficiencies is always a difficult challenge. Despite a cal analysis.
great number of procedures described to repair the bony Results: This project is scheduled for completion in July
defect, few presentations have been made to classify these 1998.
techniques according to the maxillary defect.
Our aim is to present our surgical approach according to
the maxillary defect :
Minor vertical atrophy should be treated by a sinus graft- Q=~ C L I N I C A L E X P E R I E N C E W I T H
ing procedure. Implants should be inserted six months later. E X T R A C O R P O R E A L SHOCKWAVE
Vertical atrophy with sagittal discrepancy should be L I T H O T R I P S Y F O R T R E A T M E N T OF SALIVARY
treated by leFort 1 osteotomy with grafting. According to GLAND STONES
Sailer's procedure, implant insertion grafting and
osteotomy, are performed in a one step surgical procedure. Fokas, KI*, Eckardt, A. l, Aleyt, J.1, Gratz, K.F.2
Maxillary arch amputations should be treated by free
flap. Our choice lies with the fibula flap. Implants to be 1 Department of Oral and MaxilloJacial Surgery,
inserted 4 months later. 2 Department of Nuclear Medicine, Hannover Medical
School, Hannover/Germany

ORAL LICHEN PLANUS AND ORAL CANCER - IS Aims: Surgery was the standard therapy for salivary gland
THERE A LINK TO HEPATITIS C IN A U.K. stones for decades. In recent years this concept has changed
POPULATION? due to the introduction of extracorporeal shock-wave
lithotripsy as conservative approach. The Minilith-SL-l*
Irving, W., Fisher, S.E., Crowe, M., was especially designed for the treatment of salivary gland
Department of Immunology, Maxillofacial Unit and Method: Salivary gland stones are routinely diagnosed by
Department of Microbiology, University Hospital~Queen's their clinical symptoms and radiological techniques. To
Medical Centre, Nottingham, England. assess salivary gland function, 99m TC scintigraphy is per-
formed. Treatment is performed on an outpatient basis, in a
fractionated manner for usually one session per month.
Background: Oral lichen planus and oral cancer have been
Treatment duration is 45 minutes and does not require
shown to have possible links to hepatitis C.
anaesthesia or sedation. From January 1995 to January
Aim: To determine whether this link is present in a U.K.
1998 a total of 37 patients aged 14 to 68 years (mean age 43
years) were treated at our institution. Salivary gland calculi
Method: A consecutive series of 25 patients with oral lichen
were located in the parotid gland (13 patients) and in the
planus was tested serologically for evidence of carriage of
submandibular gland (24 patients).
the hepatitis C virus. A series of 25 oral cancer patients is
Results: For the parotid gland the success rate was 62.5 % for
currently undergoing testing. complete disappearance of calculi and in 25 % adequate stone
Results: No patient with oral lichen planus tested positive,
disintegration. The success rate for the submandibular gland
although raised liver function tests were observed, It is con-
was 40 % and 20 % respectively. All patients had complete
sidered that the latter results were related to other factors symptomatic relief. Treatment consisted of a mean of 2.1 ses-
e.g. alcohol intake. The series of oral cancer patients is yet
sions for the parotid gland and 2.5 for the submandibular gland.
to be completed. Conclusion: Extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy is a safe
Conclusions: This study, to date, does not support evidence and non-invasive treatment approach with promising
that hepatitis C is important in the pathogenesis of either results. It allows organ preservation and regeneration of
oral lichen planus or squamous cell carcinoma in a U.K. salivary gland function. Severe side effects have not been


*Fisher, S.E.
Maxillofacial Unit, UniversityHospital~Queen'sMedical Centre, Folkestad, L., M.D.* Westin, T., M.D., Ph.D.,
30 The Ropewalk, Nottingham, NG1 5DW, England.
Dept of ORL, Sahlgrens Universityhospital, G6teborg, Sweden.
Background: Nutritional factors, especially serum albumin
levels, have been identified as independent prognostic fac- Aim:To establish the frequency of long-term sequelae fol-
tors in some cancers, notably colorectal and breast. lowing surgery for orbital floor fractures.
EACMFS- Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 53

Method: The incidence of long-term sequelae among 107 can cause severe endothelial damage. (Supported by a grant
patients treated for an orbital fracture was established of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG-project no.
through studies of the patients' records and questionnaires FR 1035li-2).
sent to each patient (response-rate 77%).
Results: 83% of the cases had some type of permanent
sequelae. The overall frequency of diplopia was 17%, but
within the group of patients whose fracture was stabilized IMPLANT-RETAINED TITANIUM
by an antral pack - i.e. an insufflation catheter or a gauze SUPERSTRUCTURES F O R T H E F I X A T I O N O F
tampon in the maxillary sinus - diplopia was present in DEFECT P R O S T H E S E S AND E P I T H E S E S
Conclusion: Using an antral pack to stabilize an orbital * ProfD,:Dr.CU.Fritzemeier, Dr.Dr. Reksten A., ZTMD. L.C
floor fracture seems to be an inadequate repositioning Kruchen,
method where the risk of developing permanent diplopia is
high. The access to biocompatible materials such as porous Dfisseldorf Germany
polyethylene enables the surgeon to perform an exact surgi-
cal correction and fixation of these fractures. The fixation possibilities for oral defect and facial prosthe-
ses are complex and a main theme throughout the history
of orofacial prosthetics. In the past, mostly wires, strings,
adhesives or spectacle frames were used for retention.
[~ A NEW M O D E L TO STUDY MICROVASCULAR Today, stable fixtures can be performed using natural teeth
A N A S T O M O S I S IN P R E D A M A G E D A R T E R I E S . and/or osseointegrated implants in combination with
advanced prosthodontics. A further problem is the link
Reinhard E. Friedrich * and Kai Piambeek between the implant and the superstructure especially in
combined defects of the maxilla and parts of the face. In
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Eppendorf such cases titanium has proved itself with its excellent phys-
University Hospital, University of Hamburg, Germany ical, biological and electrochemical properties. Meanwhile
there is no doubt about the advantages of titanium's place
in dentistry. Therefore, titanium is also used for oromaxillo-
Aims: To develop a model of repeated vascular injury with facial prosthetics. As implantology has shown, electro-
endothelial denudation and certain phases of recovery. The chemical reactions in combination with body fluids and
model should be suitable to study the patency rates of anas- different metals may cause extensive damage to the super-
tomoses in damaged common carotid arteries in a training structures and the adjacent soft tissue. This is also true for
model of microvascular surgery. artificial skeletal replacements in the skull, retained by
Methods: Under general anesthesia with xylazine endossous implants. Today, several different titanium preci-
(Rompun TM) and ketamine (KetanesV M) the left common sion components facilitate the use of this metal in anaplas-
carotid arteries of female Wistar rats were inflated with air tology and it is well known that all common attachments
(00.2 ml, room temperature). After completion of the ves- such as telescopic crowns, bar-clip systems or magnetic
sel's damage, sealing of the leakage with a suture (I0-0, retention devices can be manufactured out of titanium.
Deknatel), and starting of reflow, an autografl of four mm After the evaluation of 94 patients who had undergone oro-
length was harvested, turned 180oo , and reinserted into the facial defect prosthetic treatment over the past ten years, we
artery. The flow through the vessels was investigated by are now able to distinguish, which anchorage possibilities
micro-Doppler ultrasound (20 MHz, penetration depth: 0.8 are best suited to our purposes. The review of clinical cases
ram, sixty seconds after air pressure damage and thirty min- will demonstrate the many possibilities of titanium tech-
utes after insertion of the autografl). The number of ani- nology and will show, that titanium is the metal of choice in
mals in this group was twenty. Autografts were fashioned in the field of oromaxillofacial prosthetics.
a further twenty common carotid arteries but left undam-
aged. A further twelve arteries were dilated, but no auto-
grafts were inserted. The vessels were harvested after
perfuse fixation with 4% formaldehyde after one day, seven EXPERIENCES WITH DISCECTOMY - LONG
days, one month and six months. The specimens were evalu- T E R M RESULTS
ated by light microscopy in longitudinal sections of four
mm slides embedded in paraffin. In addition, cross sections Fr6schl, Th., DeMwes, C v. Kiigelgen, C, Fleiner, B.
were taken from arteries treated by this method.
Results: In no instance did dilatation lead to occlusion of Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
the vessel as judged by micro-Doppler ultrasound. In the Christian-Albrechts- University, Kid, Germany
group with autografls that were not dilated no vessel was
occluded after flow had restarted. In this group, therefore, Aim: Long-term results after discectomy regarding func-
all arteries were patent after perfusion. In the group in tion, complications and patient's subjective judgment are
which dilatation preceded the insertion one vessel was found evaluated.
to be occluded at necropsy after six months. Methods: From 1988 until 1997, 107 discectomies were car-
Conclusions: This model is recommended for the study of ried out in 80 patients. Discectomy was indicated by the pres-
vascular healing after microvaseular anastomoses. The air ence of severe functional impairment or pain. Anterior disc
insufflation as the sole damage is not sufficient enough to displacement without reduction was found in 65%. Forty five
cause thrombosis. In addition, the air insufflated to the ves- patients with a total of 54 disceetomies could be investigated
sel segment does not cause a higher rate of thrombosis in 12 to 96 months postoperatively, by manual function analysis,
subsequently performed microvascular autografts. This x-ray, magnetic resonance imaging and subjective assessment.
model seems to cause vascular damage comparable to find- Results: In 89%, functional improvement was achieved with
ings in the clinical setting, where rinsing or mechanical complete absence of complaints. Although 54 temporo-
dilatation of the vessel segments prior to the anastomosis mandibular joints showed radiological alterations of the
54 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

condyle of different grades, no consequences were observed Aims: To evaluate the role of natural killer (NK) cells and
if appropriate occlusal rehabilitation had been provided. cytotoxicic T lymphocytes (CTL) in the control of artificial
Conclusion: Following a correct indication, discectomy is lung metastases of Colon adenocarcinoma 26 (Colon 26)
liable to improve both functional impairment and painful in BALB/c mice.
displacement of the disc with or without reduction. Methods: CTLs were activated by 2 subcutaneous inocula-
Postoperative physiotherapy and occlusal rehabilitation tions of Colon 26 treated with M M C (MMC Colon 26)
seem to be of considerable clinical relevance. once a week. IL-2 was administered i.p. daily for 3 days to
activate N K cells.
The number of pulmonary metastases 14 days after i.v.
injection of Colon 26 cells and the rate of radioactivity
INDICATIONS FOR MARGINAL OR SEGMENTAL accumulated in the lungs 24 hours after i.v. injection of
MANDIBULECTOMY USING THE LEVEL O F THE [51Cr] Colon 26 were examined in mice administered rIL-2
MANDIBULAR CANAL CRITERION FOR T for 3 days before i.v. injection of Colon 26 (Group I); mice
CLASSIFICATION OF MANDIBULAR CARCINOMAS administered rIL-2 daily for 3 days after i.v. injection of
Colon 26 (Group 2); mice administered rIL-2 daily for 3
Fujibayashi Takashi 1), Kanda Shigenobu 2) and Ohashi days on Days 5 to 7 after i.v. injection of Colon 26 (Group
Yasushi 3) 3) and mice subcutaneously inoculated with M M C Colon
26 on Days 7 and 14 prior to i.v. injection of Colon 26
1) Dokkyo University School of Medicine Dept. of Oral & (Group 4).
Maxillofacial Surgery, Tochigi, Japan Results: The number of pulmonary metastases was
2) Kyushu University School of Dentistry, 3) Niigata decreased in Group 1 and 2, which had shown enhanced
University School of Dentistry N K activity within 24 hours after injection of Colon 26 and
Group 4, which had shown enhanced CTLs activity but
Purpose: T N M classification of malignant tumours has there was no significant difference between Group 3 and the
been agreed by the UICC. The Japan Society for Oral Control group despite of N K activity of Group 3 peaked on.
Tumours (JSOT) had a workshop on T classification of Day 8 after injection of Colon 26. Furthermore it was lower
mandibular carcinomas and our previous study showed the in Group 1 than Group 2 which had shown lower N K activ-
level of mandibular canal (LMC) criterion can be consid- ity within 24 hours after injection of Colon 26 than Group
ered the most correct one for T classification. The present 1. The rate of radioactivity accumulated in lungs 24 hours
study was made to certify the indications for marginal or after i.v. injection of [5~Cr ]Colon 26 decreased in Group 1
segmental mandibulectomy. and 2 but not in Group 4; it decreased more in Group 1 than
Methods: A retrospective study, comprising 11 87 cases of in Group 2.
mandibular carcinomas collected from 24 clinical institu- Conclusion: These results suggest that NK-mediated inhibi-
tions in Japan was performed. Each case collected was tion of experimental metastases may be due mainly to an
reclassified according to LMC criteria. Radiographic find- increased destruction of circulating tumor cells before their
ings of bone invasion were also classified in terms of both extravasation and that CTL-mediated cytotoxicity may inhibit
level and type. The result of treatment was analyzed accord- metastases by suppressing the growth of tumor in the lungs.
ing to T classification by L M C criteria and bone invasion
Results: By analyzing mode of mandibulectomy as the treat-
ment method of the primary site, L M C criteria proved to be
a good guide for the choice of mandiblectomy. Marginal
mandiblectomy is the treatment of choice for T2. T3 size
tumours with pressure-type bone invasion, on the other Funaki, K.*, Sekiyama, S., Sugiyama, E
hand, segmental mandiblectomy is recommended for all T4
tumours, and T2 and T3 size tumours showing a moth-eaten
The Second Department of Oral and 3/Iaxillofacial Surgery,
type bone invasion when classified by L M C criteria.
School of Dentistry, Iwate Medical University, Morioka,
Conclusions:The level of the mandibular canal (LMC) crite-
ria is considered the most accurate T classification and can
be useful as a guide to treatment choice, i.e. marginal or seg-
mental mandiblectomy in combination with radiographic Aims: To investigate the property of glucose demand in the
bone invasion type. tumor cell, the change of its uptake of 2-deoxy-2-flu-
oro[18F]-D-glucose (18FDG) which is a short-lived
positron emission was applied to the evaluation on effi-
ciency of concomitant chemoradiotherapy and study of
ROLE O F H O S T CELLULAR I M M U N E SYSTEM prognosis for malignant tumors of oral cavity.
ON PULMONARY Method: We performed dynamic scans by 18FDG-PET and
METASTASES F R O M C O L O N ADENOCARC1NOMA evaluated the differential uptake ratio (DUR) after the
26 IN BALB/C M I C E injection of 18FDG. Dynamic scans are taken after therapy
for time activity curve, and results are calculated as follows:
Fujishiro, H.*, Nukata, j.l>, Kato, L 1~, Ohmae, M. z~, D U R =(MBq/ml X PET count X Pt.Weight) / injected
Sakuda, M. z~ RI Activity
PET count=(Pixel count / Pixel volume) X Calibration
Department of OMFS, Matusaka City Hospital, Mie, factor
Japan, l~Second PET scanning was performed in 21 patients who received
Department of OMFS, Faculty of Dentistry, Osaka cannulation and intra-arterial BMP therapy (bleomycin or
University, Osaka, Japan peplomycin + methotrexate + cisplatin) from April 1993 to
December 1997. The primary tumors were on tongue in 7
EACMFS Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 55

cases, mandibular gum in 7 cases, maxillary sinus in 2 cases, Materials and Methods: Within a period of 1-3 years (mean fol-
oral mucosa in 2 cases, floor of mouth in 1 case, maxillary low-up 24.4 months) after open reduction (using the method
gum in 1 case, oropharynx in 1 case. They were all cases of described by Raveh et al. (1989)), we re-examined 10 patients (7
squamous cell carcinoma. males and 3 females; mean age 25.7 years) with monolateral iso-
Results: 12 cases were evaluted as complete respons (DUR= lated condylar fracture. In three patients semi-rigid fixation (two
2.63 +0.56 (mean+S.D.)). 9 cases were evaluted as partial or four holes microplates) was performed due to the high insta-
respons (DUR= 3.73+0.89). 11 cases were evaluted as Ao bility of the condylar segment. Each patient followed post-oper-
and Do without 3 operative cases (DUR= 2.53+0.48). 7 ative physiotherapy according to Delaire (1973) with guiding
cases were evaluated as Ac and Dc (DUR= 3.63+0.96). elastics and contralateral occlusal plate for a period of 70-90
Conclusions: It is obvious that the uptake of 18FDG was the days. The following data were recorded: maximal mouth open-
useful index of activity of tumor. And it was suggested that ing (MMO), lateral deviation in MMO, contralateral and pro-
the evaluation of the efficiency of oral cancer therapy, trusive movements, incidence of articular noises and/or pains.
detective recurrent tumor and detective residual tumor by Morphological alterations of articular skeletal components
18FDG-PET has practical possibility. were evaluated with OPT (open and closed mouth position).
Results: The average mouth opening was 42 mm. (range 30-
51mm.) with lateral deviation in 80% of the cases (range 2-4
mm.); contralateral movement was the most affected with a
VERTICAL ALVEOLAR DISTRACTION USING A mean loss of 53% in comparison to the other side. No
NEW INTRAORAL DISTRACTOR patients referred articular pain or discomfort. Morphological
analysis showed good recovery of skeletal articular anatomy
*Alexander Gaggl, Heribert Rainer in 70% of the patients and only minimal condylar remodel-
ling and decrease of condylar height in the remaining 30%
Clinical Department Surgery -University of Graz, Conclusions: Although the number of patients is too small
Auenbruggerplatz 2 - A/8020 Graz - Austria for definitive conclusions, this protocol seems to obtain a
Head of SIS-Systems - Bahnhofstrasse 22/1, A/9020 good recovery of mandibular function and at the same
Klagenfurt avoids the unfavourable morphological results reported with
rigid fixation (Iizuka etal., 1991).
Vertical alveolar destraction was first described by Chin and
Toth in 1996. This method seems to be an easier alternative
procedure for augmentation of the alveolar ridge. This
paper presents our first experiences with the new intraoral [~ D I A G N O S I S AND TREATMENT O F D E R M O I D
SIS-Distraction device for vertical alveolar distraction. CYSTS IN THE F L O O R O F THE M O U T H
Surgical handling and the first clinical results of treatment
G"-Consuegra, L.*, Junquera, L., Llorente, S., Ferreras, J.
of the edontulous alveolar ridge, and alveolar defects after
traumatic tooth loss, are demonstrated. The indications for
using this new surgical technique in comparison with aug- Department of OMFS. Martin, M. Department of
mentation techniques, such as Guided Bone Regeneration Pathology. Central Hospital of Asturias, Asturias, Spain.
and microvascular fibula transplantation are discussed. The
results achieved demonstrate that distraction of the alveolar Aim: Dermoid cyst, epidermoid cyst and teratoma are gen-
ridge with the help of the SIS-Device provides good results erally considered rare findings in the floor of the mouth. We
in extremely atrophic jaws by using a simple operative tech- describe the clinical presentation, diagnosis, localization,
nique. Duration of the operation is less than in other com- surgical approaches and histopathological findings accord-
patible surgical procedures and simultaneous implantation ing to our experience.
is possible. Method: From 1986 to 1996, at the Central Hospital of
Asturias, ten patients with cysts in the floor of the mouth
were identified. This work reviews our experience and the
previous literature.
Results: The patients ranged in age from 6 to 67 (mean: 33yrs),
CONDYLAR FRACTURES. with an equal distribution between males and females.
Clinically, the cysts were slow growing and painless in six
S. Galioto, A.B. Gianni, G. Salvato, N. Mannucci and cases, four patients had pain on mastication or swallowing.
R. Brusati Most of them were located in the midline (seven). Just in three
cases were the cysts placed laterally. A n extraoral approach
was used in six cases, three were removed intraorally and both
University of Milan. Maxillofacial Surgery Department,
S. Paolo Hospital incisions were required in one case. Histologically, six were epi-
dermoid cysts and four dermoid cysts.

Aims: Surgical treatment of condylar fractures is generally

reserved for adults with displacement of the condyle out
of the fossa, but different opinions exist concerning fixa- TREATMENT O F HAEMANGIOMA AND BENIGN
tion methods. In particular, use of rigid fixation allows an TUMOURS
early functional rehabilitation but potentially increases
risks of condylar resorption due to extreme difficulty in
Lajos Gaspar DDS, PhD.,
obtaining the correct adaptation of the fractured borders.
For these reasons, Raveh et al. (1989) proposed to reduce Budapest, Hungary
condylar fractures with displacement out of the fossa with-
out any intraosseous fixation in order to enable a correct In cases having laser surgery to remove haemangiomas,
postoperative functional adaptation of the condyle to the benign tumours and vascular lesions, the haemostatic effect
fossa. of the laser beam markedly manifests itself. The removal of
56 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

these usually highly vascular configurations often presents a the distractor to facilitate precise positioning of the distrac-
difficult task for the surgeon. The application of the CO s, tor though a Risdon incision.
Argon, N d YAG and Combi One advantage of this protocol is that it allows the
(CO~+NdYAG) lasers has brought about a new operative authors to assess the different outcomes for different types
technical approach. In this patient population, the majority of distractors and osteotomies, It also allows for precise for-
of the advantages of the laser beam can be fully utilized. mulation of a distraction plan which take into consideration
Our experience with the removal of haemangiomas the type an location of the distractor, as well as the distrac-
and benign tumours is favorable from various points of tion sequence. The disadvantage of this protocol is that it
view. Immediate coagulation of intraoperative bleeding is requires an external incision, and is not 100% accurate.
highly beneficial and postoperative complaints are mini- Clinical judgment therefore remains necessary to modify the
mal (pain, oedema, difficulty in swallowing etc.). As a distraction plan. Despite this limitations, actual results have
rule, no sutures are needed after the operation, in cases been close to the predicted values.
without complications, the re-epithelialization of the
wound surface covered by coagulated proteins is expected
in 4 weeks. Following laser surgery performed on an out-
patient basis under local anaesthesia, scarring is minimal NOD/SCID MICE AS A M O D E L TO STUDY
and patients are usually capable of working on the first M I N I M A L RESIDUAL DISEASE IN BONE M A R R O W
postoperative day. O F PATIENTS W I T H S Q U A M O U S CELL
The experience obtained with the removal of 6128 oral CARCINOMAS IN THE HEAD AND NECK (SCCHN).
lesions (precancerosus states, benign tumours, malignant
tumours, others). Our own experience concerning the Gath H.JI., Fichtner 11., Heissler El., Jehle MI., Hell W.,
advantages and disadvantages ot using the different surgical PanteLK~, Bier j1.
lasers in the treatment of haemangiomas and benign
tumours of oral cavity and face is described. The present Virehow Klinikum und M D C der Humboldt Universitiit,
paper summarizes our 10 year experience. Augustenburgerplatz, 13353 Berlin, Germany,2Institut fiir
Immunologie der LMU, Goethestrafie 31, 80336 Miinehen

Aim: Detect minimal residual disease in patients with head

and neck cancer.
Method: Cytokeratin (CK) specific monoclonal antibodies
(mAbs) as a marker for epithelial cells made it possible to
DISTRACTION O S T E O G E N E S I S O F THE detect single disseminated carcinoma cells in mesenchymal
organs such as bone marrow (BM). The applied immunocy-
tochemical assay using the mAb A45-B/B3 is able to identify
Gateno, Jaime; Teichgraeber, John.
tumor cells in BM.
Results: In 16 (28.1%) out of 57 patients with SCCHN cells
Departments of OMFS and Pediatric Surgery. University of in BM were identified with a frequency of 1-207 cells/106.
Texas Health Science Center- Houston. During follow up (3-36 mons.) Kaplan-Meier-analysis
showed a shorter relapse-free survival of patients with CK+
The purpose of this paper is to present a protocol, which cells in BM compared to those without (p=0.02). To study
involves a pre-treatment surgical plan and a surgical tech- patterns of metastases each BM sample were injected subcu-
nique for distraction osteogenesis of the mandible. The pre- tanously in 2-10 immundeficient NOD/SCID mice. Half of
dictions are determined from three-dimensional animated the mice were killed after 4-6 weeks and tissue samples were
computer graphics using a commercially available software taken for analyses. Blood from the tail vein was taken and
package called 3D-Studio Max (Autodesk). The protocol the presence of human cells was determined by PCR utiliz-
has been used in six patients: three males and three females ing an alpha-satellite D N A probe derived from the human
who range in age from three to eight years. The distraction chromosome 17. The second group was observed during
was bilateral in four cases and unilateral in two cases. The their life span (8-10 months) and tumor transplants were
postoperative follow-up period ranges from six to 18 measured. 11 BM samples were transplanted and in 8/11 ani-
months. mals nodes were palpable in the neck region with a size of 4-
The pre-treatment surgical plan involves constructing a 5 mm in diameter. In animals analyzed by PCR we were able
computerized three-dimensional model of the facial skele- to detect cells in blood, BM, liver, lung, spleen and brain.
ton using data from a 3D CT Scan. A "virtual" distractor is Conclusions: NODISCID mice are a promising model to
applied to the model and the distraction process is simu- study minimal residual disease in head and neck cancer
lated moving the mandible into its desired position. Once patients.
this position has been established, the amount of linear
distraction and angular changes are measured by the ani-
mation software. The simulated distraction process also RESULTS OF BONE GRAFTING O F THE
assists in designing osteotomies, choosing the type of dis- ALVEOLAR CLEFT
tractor (uniplanar vs multiplanar) and establishing the ori-
entation and position of the distractor. The surgical B. Gattinger*, J. Obwegeser,
technique is designed to apply the distractor precisely as
determined by the pre-surgical plan. The author uses a mul- Department of OMFS, AKh-Linz, Austria
tiplanar device. The distractor is pre-bent so that upon
installation, the arms of the distractor parallel the body
and ascending ramus of the mandible. Using life-size (1:1) Aims: Secondary bone grafting of the alveolar cleft is a
templates of the mandible and distractor, a template for the common procedure for reconstructing the alveolar process;
position of the distractor is created. The author has however there is some controversy about the time to do the
designed a multiplanar drill-guide that can be pre-bent like operation.
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 57

The comparison of the results of bone grafting before Aims: To evaluate clinical differences in upper lip frenec-
and after eruption of the canine should bring some clarifi- tomies using Er:YAG and CO2 lasers.
cation in this matter. Method: Er:YAG laser (key-laser), CO2 laser (Sharplan
Method: Fifty nine bone graftings were evaluated. Thirty six 1020). 25 frenectomies with CO2 laser and 25 frenectomies
graftings were performed before the eruption of the canine with Er:YAG laser were compared.
and 18 cases after the canine was fully erupted. In all Results: Significative differences in healing time were
patients autogenous cancellous bone from the iliac crest was observed. Group treated with Er:YAG laser healed much
transplanted. The evaluation of the height of the alveolar faster.
process was made using the semiquantitative method pub- Conclusions: The minimal thermal effect of Er:YAG lasers
lished by Abyholm with 4 types of interdental bone produces less heating of surrounding tissues, and healing
formation. progresses much faster.
Results: The group which was operated on before the eruption of
the canine showed the following classification: 29 cases type I,
5 cases type II and 2 cases type III. The patients operated on
after the full eruption were classified as follows: 8 cases type I, COMPUTER ASSISTED SURGERY OF THE ORBIT
5 cases type II and 1 case type III. In all type III classifi-
cations an oronasal fistula was closed simultaneously. Gellrich, N.-C.*, Schramm, A., Buitrago-Tdllez, C., Lauer,
Conclusions: In summary, the method of secondary bone G., Schmelzeisen, R.
grafting turned out to be a very safe procedure with a slight
benefit in favour of those cases which are operated on Department of OMFS, Department of Diagnostic
before the eruption of the canine. Radiology, Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg, Freiburg i.
The simultaneously closed oronasal fistulae change the B~, Germany
outcome for the worse. Therefore it is recommended that the
fistulae be closed in an independent procedure, at least 3 Subject: Reconstruction of post traumatic orbital and peri-
month before the bone grafting. orbital deformities still mean a surgical challenge. The pre-
dictive and intraoperative advantage concerning
postsurgical outcome by using modern navigation systems is
[~ HEREDITARY HAEMORRHAGIC TELANGIECTASIA investigated in 4 (peri-)orbital posttraumatic defects and an
(RENDU-OSLER-WEBER DISEASE), REPORT OF A optic nerve decompression at the optic canal.
CASE IN WHICH ORAL LESIONS HAVE BEEN Method: Spiral computed tomography data of patients were
MANAGED WITH CO2 LASER THERAPY. acquired with Siemens Somatom Phis4 and transferred to
STN-Navigation-System (Leibinger/ Zeiss). Periorbital
Uribarrri* A, Velasco V, Arnabat J, Espaga A J, Gay-Escoda C bony and soft tissue contours, orbital contents, angles and
distances were measured preoperatively on the workstation
Master of Oral Surgery and Implantology. Faculty of in a multiplanar view. The surgical approach was marked
dentistry, University of Barcelona,. Barcelona. Spain. and the reconstruction was virtually designed.
Intraoperatively contours of preoperative planning were
navigated by the surgeon using the STN workstation
We report a case of hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia together with infrared cameras.
or Rendu-Osler-Weber disease. This is an uncommon inher- Results: In four cases of orbital reconstruction (enophthal-
ited disorder characterized by the presence of multiple mus correction, malar bone augmentation) surgical steps
angiomatous telangiectasias in associatiopn with haemor- could be performed precisely as preoperatively planned on
rhagic diathesis. The disease is considered a primary the workstation. Autologous bone could be harvested and
prupura secondary to a vascular alteration since blood moulded to the demands of the surgeon to cover or aug-
coagulation is not impaired. ment defects of the orbit and periorbital region. In post-
A 58-year-old woman suffered from persistent bleeding traumatic optic nerve decompression at the optic canal the
of the oral mucosa accompanied by painful ulcers in the surgical route could be exactly planned and the surgeon
palate which impided normal feeding. Treatment by conven- could be securely guided to the region of interest i.e. the lat-
tional surgery was excluded and the patient was assessed at eral wall of the sphenoid sinus.
our unit of laser therapy for the possibility of being treated Conclusions:Using the STN-Navigation-System orbital
by means of this technique. reconstructions can be facilitated due to preoperative
CO2 laser (Sharplan type) was applied (10W pulses) at planning on the workstation with 2D and 3D measure-
15-day intervals for a total of six sessions over a period of 3 ment of orbital contents, bony and soft tissue structures
months. During the course of treatment, remnat teeth were and later intraoperative control by computer assisted
removed. Once oral lesions have been treated and all extrac- surgery. Even in optic nerve decompression this system
tions completed, a total prosthesis was implanted. was highly applicable as a diagnostic, planning and sur-
After a follow-up period of one year, no recurrence of gical tool, so that transethmoidal optic nerve decom-
oral bleeding episodes have been documented, total prosthe- pression proved to be a straight forward and safe
sis is well tolerated and food intake has largely impared. procedure.

Velasco V*, Uribarrri A, Arnabat J, Espa~a A, Berini L,
Gay-Escoda C. *Dr Georgescu A., Dr. Ivan 0., Dr. Maior C., Dr. Onoe R.

Master of Oral Surgery and Implantology. Faculty of University of Medicine Plastic Surgery Clinic, Cluj Napoca,
Dentistry. University of Barcelona. Barcelona. Spain. Romania
58 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

Identified in an early stage because of their superficial local- Results

ization, the soft tissues tumors of cephalic extremity benefit The results have been appreciated in collaboration with the
from a radical curative surgical treatment. In covering the patient.
postexcisional defects the pedicled or free flaps have got the
supremacy. There was: -very good results (375 cases 75%)
good results (75 cases- 15%)
Material and methods -satisfactory results (40 cases - 8%)
The study discusses a number of 50 cases operated between unsatisfactory results (10 cases - 2%)
1993-1997. The ethiology was: carcinoma- 45 cases; mes- 20 cases required a second intervention:
enchimal tumors - 5 cases. The tumors localisation was; -Multistage operation (complex malfor-
hairy skin (15 cases); frontal region (10 cases); palpebral mation 13 cases)
region (8 cases); nasal region (7 cases); cheek region (5 Demand by the patient (4 cases)
cases); others sites (5 cases). Of necessity (accident-3 cases).
The first surgical step was a rigorous surgical excision
with oncological security limits followed by defects with
skin grafts or flaps. The split skin graft has been used when
An adequate preoperator dialogue represents the rhino-
a complete oncological excision has not been sure or in
plasty successful key establishing a balance between desires
elderly patients with an associated diseases (4 cases).
and possibilities, followed by a correct operative strategy.
The flaps represent the first option in 46 cases as follow:
1. -locals flaps (30 cases) from which
-25 axial paterns flaps- forehead (5 cases); supra- HYDROXYAPATITE CEMENT RECONSTRUCTION
trochlear (8 cases); cheek flap (12 cases); IN CRANIOFACIAL DEFECTS.
-5 randomized flaps - rotational, translated
2. - regional flaps (10 cases) - temporal islands flaps (5 Gerbino, G. *, Ramieri, G., Berrone, S., Beneeh, A.
cases); platissma muscle cutaneous flap (2 cases); del-
topectoral flap (3 cases) Division of Maxillo-Facial Surgery, University of Turin,
3. -distance flaps randomized migrated flaps (1 case); Turin, Italy
free flaps (5 cases).

Results Aims: To report 7 cases of reconstruction of craniofacial

The evolution was favorable in the majority of cases with defects with the use of hydroxyapatite cement paste
only 6 recidives requiring a second intervention. In 4 cases (Bonesource, Howmedica Leibinger, Inc., Dallas, TX, USA).
there was a partial or complete ischemic flap necrosis. Method: Hydroxyapatite cement paste was used in 2 cases in
defects requiring cranioplasty in the frontal region, in 3 cases
Conclusions in partial-thickness cranial contour defects and in 2 cases as
The correct surgical excision of the tumors in oncological an augmentation material to prevent temporal hollowing
security limits represent the base of the treatment. In covering after temporalis muscle flap preparation. Six months of clini-
the postexcisional defect the local flaps represent the first cal and radiological follow-up was undertaken for all patients.
choice of theirs important advantages: color, softness, thick- Results: Bonesource implants showed excellent biocompati-
ness, comfortable position. When the local resources are sur- bility and volume maintenance by clinical evaluation.
passed the free flaps represent a valuable solution. Postoperative recovery was uneventful, save for a seroma
that was successfully aspirated.
Conclusions: Hydroxyapatite cement paste provides good
results in cranioplasties and as contouring material in the
frontal and supraorbital region. Since experimental data indi-
*Dr Georgescu A., Dr. Ivan 0., Dr. Maior C., Dr. Onoe R. cate that Bonesource has the potential for complete replace-
ment by native bone over time and it is easy to sculpt, we
believe that it is suitable for selected craniofacial procedures.
University of Medicine Plastic Surgery Clinic, Cluj Napoca, Further studies are needed to evaluate the material in larger
Romania series of cases and the long-term outcome of volume
Congenital or acquired nasal displasia represent a complex
pathology which require a carefully approach considering
the important role of the nose in patient's mental harmony. RECONSTRUCTION OF MANDIBULAR DEFECTS
The paper present same aspect related to the reconstruc- USING NONVASCULARIZED BONE TRANSPLANTS
tive and aesthetic nose surgery and its results. AND TITANIUM MINI RECONSTRUCTION PLATES
Material and methods
In the Plastic Surgery Clinic of Cluj Napoca have been Gerlach, K.Lfl*, Kaupe, M. 2, Eekelt, U.s, latrou, j.5, Pape,
operated about 500 cases in the last 5 years in equal propor- 1t-1). 4, Stoelinga, P.J. W 6.
tion posttraumatic or congenital displasia.
The method used was -closed rhinoplasty in 450 cases Departments of OMFS Magdeburg 1, Erlangen 2, Dresden ~,
(90%) and open rhinoplasty in Cologne4, Germany, Athens, Greece 5, Arnhem, Netherland 6.
50 cases (10%) especially in complexe malformations (ex.
cleft lip and nose).
In the 10 cases has been used a silastic prosthesis with Aims: This study evaluates the clinical results for the
only two local reject. reconstruction of discontinuity and hemimandibular
In approximately 100 cases (20%) a preoperative result's defects of the mandible using free iliac bone transplants
establish method has been used: computer assisting meth- and two parallel running titanium mini reconstruction
ods or correction on the patient's photo. plates.
EACMFS Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 59

Methods: Included were 73 mandibular defects treated in 5 University of Milan, Department of Maxillo-Facial Surgery;
different departments. After extraoral (n=46) or combined San Paolo University Hospital, Milan, Italy.
intra/extraoral approach(n=28) iliac crest grafts with a
length ranging from 14 mm to 150 mm (mean 73 m m ) and Aims: The purpose of our protocol is to study neurosen-
an average height of 22ram were used for defect reconstruc- sory disturbances associated with genioplasty, SSMO,
tions. In each case fixation was performed with two parallel and with both procedures in combined. Many authors
running mini-reconstruction plates. assessed the incidence and degree of neurosensory distur-
Results: Of 73 bone grafts 60 with an average length of
bances of the inferior alveolar nerve after orthognatic
65 mm (20 to 145 ram) had an undisturbed healing of the
surgery but results are frequently difficult to interpret
transplants. A loss of height of 5 mm was noticed in 7 and compare due to a lack of standardization of
cases, whereas the others had only a diminution of height
of only 2 mm during the follow up period between 1 and 5
Materials and Methods: Fifty patients (twenty-four males
years. 2 transplants failed totally, 11 cases had a remark-
and twenty-six females) were tested with qualitative (touch
able resorption (partial loss) but only 6 of them required a
sensation, sharp/blunt test, cold sensation and hot sensa-
further bone grafting to bridge a pseudarthrosis. The
tion) and quantitative (localization test, two point static
length of these defects ranged between 40 and 140 mm
and dinamic test) methods at least one year after orthog-
(mean 85 ram). The reason for this complications, however,
natic surgery. The patients were included in the following
was due to an insufficient coverage of the soft tissue with
groups: 10 patients (controls) in group 1; 12 patients
resulting intraoral dehiscences followed by infections ( n=
(genioplasty alone or in association with maxillary
osteotomy or vertical mandibular ramus osteotomy) in
Conclusions: The results demonstrated a sufficient trans-
group 2; 10 patients (SSMO alone) in group 3; 18 patients
plant stabilisation guaranteed by the used fixation devices.
(SSMO with concomitant genioplasty). On both sides we
Its particular advantages are the modest dimension and the
tested four areas: the middle of the synphysis (cutaneous
low modulus of elasticity which enables on the one side the
and mucosal side); 2 cm laterally to the middle of the syn-
transfer of physiological stimuli to the transplants during
physis (inside, outside), 3 cm laterally to the middle of the
the rebuilding process and on the other hand does not hin-
synphysis approximately at the level of mental foramen
der the revascularisation of the transplants and facilitates
(inside and outside) and vermilium. Tests were always per-
the closure of the covering soft tissue. Necessary conditions
formed by the same operator. We also asked all patients to
are a sufficient surrounding soft tissue. The results seem to
indicate if the neurosensory tests were subjectively dis-
be better for the treatment of discontinuity defects than for
free ending hemimandibular cases.
Results: None of the patients showed persistent anesthesia
in the tested areas according to the qualitative tests. In
group 2 the quantitative neurosensorial tests showed normal
STUDY OF PROMINENT EARS CORRECTION IN or slight hypoesthesia (16.6%) in all the tested areas; in
CHILDREN group 3, 30 % of the patients showed minimal quantitative
neurosensory disturbances, while the incidence of objective
Gevorkian K.S. neurosensory deficits increased (38.8%) in patients who had
undergone a concomitant genioplasty (Group 4). Among
Department of surgery Yerevan State Medical University, the tested areas, vermilium and mouth commisure resulted
Yerevan Armenia the most affected ones in all groups.
Conclusions: In conclusion the combination of genioplasty
and SSMO seems to be more detrimental for the lip sensibil-
Aims: To determine the comparative efficiencies of three ity than genioplasty or SSMO performed alone. In spite of
groups for corrective surgery. that, neurosensory deficit was never considered disabling by
Methods: Children with prominent ears at age 6-8 years (N subjective patient evaluation.
10), 9-11 (N 18) and older than 11 years (N 12), who
underwent a corrective surgery. We are using Musturd's,
Barsky's and Converse's techniques of prominent ears
plastic. [ ~ A R T H R O S C O P I C DISC SUTURING
Results: The age at which a patient should undergo a plastic PROCEDURE TECHNIQUE FOR DISC
surgery has been debated for a long period of time. DISPLACEMENT
Compared the observation groups we find out that the best
results in postoperative period (1-10 years) had been GiI-Diez JL.*, Rodriguez-Campo FJ., Goizueta-Adame C.,
achieved in the II and III groups. Mu~oz-Guerra M., Sastre £, Diaz-Gonzdlez F£
Conclusions: The most suitable age for plastic operations to
correct prominent ears is therefore the 9 - 11 years and chil- Department of MaxilloJizcial Surgery. University Hospital
dren with prominent ears should undergo a corrective La Princesa, Madrid, Spain.
surgery at this age to avoid psychological sequel.

A wide variety of surgical techniques have been per-

formed in the treatment of intraarticular temporo-
NEUROSENSORY DISTURBANCE OF THE mandibular disorders. Disc repositioning surgery is one
INFERIOR ALVEOLAR AND MENTAL NERVES of them. The use of this technique in disc displacement
AFTER G E N I O P L A S T Y ALONE OR IN with reduction ( D D R ) or without reduction ( D D N R ) is
COMBINATION W I T H SAGITTAL SPLIT controversial. For some authors, the disc repositioning
MANDIBULAR R A M U S O S T E O T O M Y (SSMO). may not be necessary for therapeutic success, because
there are an improvement in signs and symptoms even
A.B. Gianni" O. D'Orto, F.Biglioli, A. Bozzetti and R. Brusati though disc position remained unchanged. For others,
60 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

the disc repositioning must be a goal of the treatment

because it seems to exist a significative correlation R A D I O L O G I C A L FEATURES O F O S T E O G E N I C
between disc position and the severity of degenerative SARCOMA: A C O M - PARATIVE STUDY O F
changes in the temporomandibular joint (T.M.J.). With DIFFERENT R A D I O G R A P H I C MODALITIES.
open surgery and arthroscopic surgery, different proce-
N. Givol*, A. Buchner, S. Taicher, L Kaffe,
dures have been performed to disc reposition.
Arthroscopic surgery is a high difficult technique with low
rate of complications. We have performed arthroscopic School of Dental Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv,
treatment over the last ten years for correction of internal Israel
derangement of the T.M.J. and we began to perform an
arthroscopic procedure for disc reposition four months Aims: To evaluate the clinical and radiological features of
ago. This procedure is based on techniques described by osteogenic sarcoma of the jaws and the efficiancy of various
Israel and Mc Cain. radiographic modalities to depict those radiological fea-
We show this procedure whereby the disc is reposi- tures.
tioned and fixed arthroscopically (anterior release, disc Material and Methods: A search of the English literature
suturing and cauterization of redundant posterior syn- resulted in 57 cases of osteogenic sarcoma of the jaws with
ovium). A wide study is currently being made in our adequate radiographs or radiological reports and 9 addi-
Department with this technique, the success of disc reposi- tional new cases. A total of 66 cases were studied and criti-
tioning and clinical improvement will be shown in the cally evaluated with emphasis on the radiological features
nearly future. presented in the various radiographic modalities.
Results: The mean age of the patients was 36 years and the
median age 31.5 years. There were no differences in gender
distribution. A ratio of 1:1.6 between the maxilla and the
mandible was found. Lesions had diffuse borders in 78%
and poorly defined in 22%. The density was judged as radi-
olucent in 29.3%, radiopaque in 29.3% and mixed in 41.4%.
Giray, C.B.1, Safak T.2 Widening of the periodontal ligament space (PDL) was
detected in 14 of the 47 lesions located in dentulous areas
(28%). Structural changes in the mandibular canal were
1. Faculty of Dentistry, Dept. of Oral Surgery Hacettepe
detected in 34% of the mandibular lesions. Periosteal reac-
University, Ankara, Turkey.
tion was observed in 48% and soft tissue involvement in 33%
2. Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Plastic and Reconstructive
of the lesions.
Surgery, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey.
Conclusions: Widening of the PDL space was best demon-
strated in cases where periapical radiographs were available.
Aim: The use of human cadaveric bone allograft in the Structural changes in the mandibular canal were demon-
reconstruction of skeletal defects has a long history in strated mainly with panoramic radiographs. Periosteal reac-
surgery. Practically, there is no limit in size, shape, quan- tion was best demonstrated by occlusal radiographs and soft
tity, and optimum reconstruction model for the defect. tissue involvement by CT scans. Proper radiological exami-
From this point of view, in a patient suffering from malig- nation using intraoral periapical and occlusal radiographs
nant melanoma of the left maxillary gingiva, the excised and panoramic radiographs, and recognition of the radio-
maxillary segment was used in the same patient for maxil- logical features of osteogenic sarcoma, can lead to an earlier
lary reconstruction as an autograft following a solvent- diagnosis of the tumor by the practicing clinician.
dehydrated bone-preservation process SDBP
Method: In the first stage, hemimaxillectomy and left
radical neck dissection were performed. The excised [~ F I L L I N G POSTOPERATIVE BONE CAVITIES
maxillary segment was cleaned of gingiva and W I T H PAW 1 GLASS CERAMICS
periostium. All the teeth in the maxilla were extracted.
Then the unique bone segment was sent for SDBP pro- D. Gogalniceanu,Eugenia Popescu,C.Mihai, Cristina Apetrei
cessing which took 6 weeks after the surgical removal. In
the second stage, the processed and sterilized maxillary UM.F IASI-ROMANIA
bone was vascularized under the forearm skin and an
osteocutaneus prefabricated forearm flap was harvested The authours present their clinical experience in filling
and transferred to the original site after two months. The medium and large bone cavities with PAW 1 glass ceramics
bony component of the prefabricated forearm was fixed in 22 patients admitted in the Clinic of Oro Maxillo Facial
to the remaining maxilla with titanium microplates, fol- Surgery in Iasi,Romfinia between 1994 and 1998.Ten
lowing the microsurgical anastomosis to the temporal patients had periapical cysts, six had residual cysts and two
artery. After 5 months, a partial removable denture was were with keratocyst.The medium sized cavities were filled
fabricated to establish functional improvement in the only with vitroceramics and the large ones with a mixture of
patient. vitroceramics and fresh autogenous medullospongious
Result: Clinical and radiological examination at 2.5 years material taken from the hip bone.
revealed survival of the soft and bony tissue without any PAW 1 glass ceramics is a very good bone substitute
complication. produced by PONETI SRL Company in
Conclusion: By using this method of reconstruction in Bucharest,Romfinia,sold at a convenient price in the form of
appropriate cases we do not need to sacrifice and dis- radioopaque microgranules.It is nonabsorbable, biocompati-
card n o r m a l bony tissue and there is no d o n o r site mor- ble, biointegrable and osteoinductive.
bidity. Moreover, the h a r m o n y of the graft in its After for years since its setting the synthetic material is
original place is naturally perfect, with a short opera- still present in the cavity.Among the gramlles one can see
tion time involved. bone traces not copletely formed.
EACMFS- Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 61

Postoperative course was good.No complications have cations led to removal of the material in one case with
been seen in any of the cases. P T F E (12 months) and one M M (13 days).
Conclusions: In this study, no significant differences in mor-
bidity between P T F E - M M use and patients without recon-
struction were seen. No definite conclusions can be drawn in
THE USE OF DACRON M E S H IN relation to the material used. P T F E results must be analyzed
RECONSTRUCTIVE M A X I L L O FACIAL SURGERY with care due to the small sample. Subjective patient evalua-
tion is better with P T F E due to its smooth features, offering
D. Gogalniceanu,Carmen Vieoi,Eugenia Popescu, Maria a simple surgical technique, although it is an expensive
Voroneanu,C.Mihai method.



The materials used in reconstructive maxillo facial surgery
have been a much debated subject.As far as we know there is
no ideal material in this respect.
Gonzalez-Lagunas, Javier, Hueto J.A., Raspail, (7., H. V. Vail
Since 1994,in the Clinic of Oro Maxillo Facial Surgery in d'Hebrdn
Iasi,we have chosen DACRON mesh of a tubular shape,a
material which has been used only in vascular surgery so far.
DACRON(polyetilen tetraphtalat)is a biocompatible
Department Maxillofaeial Surgery, Barcelona, Spain
material with solid and longlasting characteristics.It is non-
absorbable, well tolerated and is well accepted by the body, it Lefort I osteotomy is a well defined technique for correction of
has chemical and physical stability and does not induce for- deformities of the middle third of the face. A concern for sur-
eign body reactions or cancer.It can 0be sterilized in auto- geons performing the osteotomy is avoiding some of the sec-
claves;it has variable thickness,it is elastic and easy to be ondary changes that appear in the paranasal and nasolabial
handled,modelled,adapted and anchored to the host area, including an ill-defined nasolabial angle. Several tech-
bed.The conjunctive tissue penetrates it fixing it to the tissue niques have been devised to avoid that situation including a
elements surrounding it.It is also radiotransparent. sub-spinal osteotomy, the allar cinch suture, a V-Y closure of
We have used fragments of DACRON, adjusted to our the labial mucosa or bone remodelling of the piriform
necessities,in 12 patients between 5 and 45 years of age, to apertures.
reconstruct the orbital floor in fractures with loss of sub- We present the results of a simple technique that consists
stance.We have also used it as a material for neoarticular in the fixation of the collumelar subcutaneous tissues to the
interposition in 5 patients between 8 and 23 years of age in posterior aspect of the anterior nasal spine or to the nasal
temporo-mandibular joint ankilosis. septum, as proposed by Bloomqnist et. al.
Our good results recommends DACRON texture to be Twenty patients submitted to a Lefort I osteotomy have
used as a reconstructive material and in interposition in been selected and divided in two groups. Group 1 include
maxillo facial surgery. patients where a V-Y closure of the mucosa was performed.
Group 2 includes patients where a subnasal suspension of
the collumela was done. Profile photographs of all patients
will be digtalized, superimposed and compared in relation
to the nasolabial angle.

Gdmez F*, de Pedro M, Pdrez MC, Sdnehez-Gutierrez J,

Sdnchez-Cudllar A, Borddn J, Berguer A.
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. University COHORT STUDY W I T H THREE YEARS OF
"Hospital Clinieo San Carlos", Madrid, Spain. MINIMUM FOLLOW-UP

Diaz Gonzalez, F*., Naval, L., Rodriguez Campo, F.,

Aims: To evaluate alloplastic reconstruction secondary to Munoz, 3/1., Padron, A., Sastre, J., Hevrera, J., Gil-Diez, J.,
the harvesting of the fasciomuscular temporal flap, and Rubio, P.
compare the results with those cases without reconstruc-
tion. Autonoma University, Hospital de la Princesa, Madrid, Spain.
Method: Twenty-nine (29) consecutive cases (29 flaps) were
evaluated (1991-1997 period). Fifteen (15) with no recon-
struction (control) and 12 underwent alloplastic reconstruc-
tion, 8 with methylmethacrylate (MM) and 4 with ALMS:
polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) sheets. A temporal flap was 1. To estimate the acummulate rate of local, regional and
used after maxyllectomy in 82.8% of cases, (73.3% for distant metastases relapses.
malignant disease). We evaluated the incidence of sero- 2. To calculate the crude global and subgroups survival rates
haematoma, infection, hospitalization time, and aesthetic of the cohorts.
results (periodical revision and phone inquiry). Surgical 3. To determine the predicted value of affected margins
technique was the manual modeling and nylon sutures (for and cervical involvement on tumour relapses and
the PTFE), and warm modelling and apposition without survival.
fixation(for MM)
Results: No statistical differences were found in the inci- METHODS:
dence of haematomas and infection, not hospitalization A total of 87 patients had movil tongue Ca. The mean age
time. A good aesthetic and functional result with 100% sat- was 58 years. 66% were men. 54% were early stage (I and II
isfaction (PTFE) and 50% for M M was found. Two compli- stage) tumor. 78% had a clinical NO stage. All patients
62 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

received a local resection and in 70% a cervical dissection and good functional result. Treatment can be performed
(38% of them were bilateral simultany). In addition 41% of under local anesthaesia on an outpatient basis. The rate of
patients received postsurgical Rx. Statistical analyses: recurrence is low compared with the rate of recurrence after
descriptive statistics of clinical characteristics of the cohort. surgical excision, which varies between 10 and 35%.
Accumulate probability of the recurrences and crude esti- CO2 laser evaporation therefore is a reliable treatment
mation for the global survival and by subgroups of initial modality for leukoplakia of the lip.

80% of the surgical margins were free of tumor. The overall EFFECTS OF rhBMP-2 AND OSTEOPROMOTIVE
rate of recurrences was 37% in three years: 13% local MEMBRANES ON EXPERIMENTAL BONE
relapses. 14% cervical relapses, 7% lococervical relapses and GRAFTING
3% distance metastases.
The local recurrence rates with free margins were 5% vs. Gordh M ~ , Alberius P, Lindberg L, Johnell O, Linde A.
35% with affected margins.(X2=3.80; p=0,05).
The overall number of patients alive and free of tumor at Department of Oral Surger); University Hospital MAS,
the end of follow-up was 48 (55%). Among those patients Malta6, Sweden.
with free margins, 63% survived three or more years against
19% with affected margins. AIMS:
One problem when using autogeneic bone for onlay grafting
CONCLUSIONS: is to predict its extent of incorporation and volumetric per-
The three years probability of survival is significantly higher sistence. The purpose of this study was to explore whether
in patients with free surgical margins in the primary tumor. improved graft volumetric maintenance is achieved by an
One third (34%) of the patients with NO were actually effective bone osteoinductive protein (rh-BMP-2) and
PN+ or had recurrence during follow-up. whether a combination of rhBMP-2 and osteopromotive
Only 3% of the patients had contralateral or bilateral membranes is advantageous in this respect.
Unicortico-cancellous bone grafts were positioned below
the temporal muscle bilaterally in 48 adult Lewis rats. The
CARBON DIOXIDE LASER EVAPORATION OF recipient bone was ground, and the grafted area was ran-
LEUKOPLAKIA OF THE LIP domly treated according to one of 8 different protocols. Two
doses of rhBMP-2 (4mg/80ml or 32mg/80ml) in a collage-
P.J.J. Goorls* J..L.N. Roodenburg**, A. Vermey** J.M. nous carrier (Helistat,) were tested, with or without cover-
Nauta** ing with expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (e-PTFE)
membranes. As controls, membrane and carrier, alone or in
*Department of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, Ignatius combination, and onlay alone, were used. The results were
Hospital Breda Molengracht 21, 4818 CK Breda, The evaluated after 4 and 20 weeks by routine histology and
Netherlands immunohistochemical labelling for various bone and carti-
Tel." 076-5258111 Fax." 076-5200819 lage matrix proteins.
*Department of Surgery~Head and Neck Surgery University
Hospital Groningen Oostersinge159, 9713 EZ Groningen, RESULTS:
The Netherlands After 4 weeks, all BMP-treated grafts showed complete
Tel." 050-3612561 Fax: 050-3611136 integration, while, for controls, only the membrane-only
group attained full incorporation during the period inves-
Aims Retrospective evaluation of the treatment results of tigated. The combined treatment of high-dose rh-BMP-2
CO2 laser evaporation for leukoplakia of the lowver lip in and a membrane demonstrated, compared with the
27 cases. remaining groups treated with BMP, pronounced bone
Method The data included 23 patients who presented with a formation and less graft resorption, resulting in main-
leuko plakia of the lip during the period 1978-1986 at the tained or increased graft size. This finding was already
Depart ment of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the observed after 4 weeks and the result remained at 20
University Hospital of Groningen, The Netherlands. There weeks. Control groups showed less success in graft size
were 4 patients who developed a 2nd leukoplakia of the lip persistance.
resulting in 27 cases of leukoplakia.
The lesions were treated using a CO2 laser with an opera CONCLUSIONS:
tion microscope and micromanipulater. It was concluded that a combination of high-dose rhBMP-
Results Short term evaluation showed a complete epithelial- 2 and membrane had a synergistic effect, leading to a rapid,
isation at 4 weeks after CO2 evaporation. There is minimal complete graft incorporation and size maintenance.The
scar formation and subsequently no interference with nor- biological activity of the protein may, when used without
mal lip function. During long term evaluation 4 recurrences membrane placement, cause undesirable bone resorptive
(14,8%) were diagnosed after CO2 treatment: the recur- effects.
rences developed between 5 and 31 months and were again
treated by CO2 laser.
No squamous cell carcinoma did develop in the CO2 Dr Monica Gordh, DMD,
treated area. Department of Oral Surgery, University Hospital MAS,
Conclusions Selective removal of affected epithelium with Malm6, Sweden.
minimal damage to surrounding tissue is possible using 040/333109; 040/322044;
CO2 laser evaporation, followed by excellent wound healing FAX 040/322046; 040/336205;
EACMFS Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 63

A second group of patients received only neurosurgical

OUR EXPERIENCE W I T H TWO DIFFERENT treatment; in some cases (most fistulae spontaneously stop)
SYSTEMS O F BIODEGRADABLE I M P L A N T S IN no surgical repair was required.
CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY AND MAXILLOFACIAL The third group was treated only by the maxillo facial
TRAUMATOLOGY surgeon within the first week or as an emergency, due to the
presence of open fractures or extensive skin lacerations.
Griitz K. W.*, Oechslin C.K., Haers P.E., lUi O.E. °, Sailer
When necessary, simultaneous management of anterior
basal skull fractures (ABSFs) and concomitant maxillo-
mandibular fractures was performed.
Department of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, °Department
of Pediatric Surgery, University Hospital Zurich,
Switzerland RESULTS
In aU cases the use of rigid fixation lead to a stable and
definitive result. Main complications concerned bulbar
Introduction: Metallic osteosynthesis material in maxillo- damage and movements, vision, tear ducts and occlusion.
facial traumatology has the disadvantage that it has to be Coordination with neurosurgeons allowed simultaneous
removed after the fractures have consolidated, which often management of cranio-facial lesions.
requires general anaesthesia. Titanium plates have been
introduced to bypass this need for secondary intervention.
However, due to corrosion, titanium particles have been
found in scar tissue covering these plates and in regional BIOCYTAL AS AN I M P L A N T A T I O N MATERIAL IN
lymph nodes, if plates remain in situ for life, they cause
artefacts in CT-imaging and especially MRI-examination
Grechukha A, * Chudakov 0
is not possible. In pediatric craniofacial surgery on grow-
ing skulls, metallic implants which are not removed can
with time be situated within and even under the skull, thus The Clinical Centre of Jaw-Face and Plastic Surgery
causing defects in the dura. Two different systems have The Minsk Medical College. Minsk, Belarus.
been used voer the last ten years in our department. Our
experience with these systems is analysed and presented. Aims. There has been examined the possibility to use the
Material: Clinical and radiological data concerning all hyaloid-crystal biocytal as an implementation material for
patients treated with biodegradable osteosynthesis material filling the defects of the face skeleton bones, as well as its
since 1988 were analysed with emphasis on following para- effects on the process of bone regeneration, There have been
meters: design of the material, handling of the material, elaborated the indications and contra-indications for appli-
postoperative complications, and skeletal stability. The sys- cation of biocytal in the jaw-bone surgery. Methods, Under
tems involved in this study were polylactid and polydixanon experimental conditions, there has been studied the influence
headless screws and woven bands in pediatric craniofacial of biocytal on the process of healing of alveolus of the
surgery (twelve patients with a follow-up ranging between 10 pulled out teeth, and of the formed bone defects by conduct-
years and 4 years) and miniplates and screws made of poly- ing series of experiments on mongrel dogs and rabbits of the
lactic acid-plolygiycolic acid (Lactosorb®) in craniofacial species "Shinshilla". Results. There has been described the
surgery and maxillofacial traumatology (seventeen patients process of osteointegration within the system of "bone
with a follow-up ranging between 18 months and 6 months). implant", as well as the influence of biocytal on the process
Results: Results with both systems mentioned will be of regeneration of jaw-bone. There have been presented the
reported in detail. From these data the requirements for an indications and contra-indications concerning the use of the
ideal system will be determined. hyaloid-crystal biocytal in the clinical practice of the max-
illo-facial surgery, and there have been worked out the meth-
ods of surgery implantation of biocytal in the maxillo-facial
MID-FACE FRACTURES surgery. Conclusions. On the basis of the experimental, tox-
ico-hygienic, physical-and-chemical data, one can come to
Grecchi F.; Cirincione M.; Noveili G.; Fevrazzi D.; Roghi M. the conclusion, that biocytal is, in its nature, one of the per-
fect, biologically active implantants. The elaborated indica-
Department of Maxillo Facial Surgery Niguarda "Cdt tions and contra-indications concerning the use of biocytal,
Granda" Hospital - Milan - Italy as well as the methods of operative technology on its appli-
cation, provide the jaw-face surgeons with an opportunity to
speed up the process of healing of the bone wounds, reduc-
AIMS ing thereby the possibility of complications during the
Mid-face fractures which involve the naso-fronto-orbital process of bone regeneration. For the first time there have
complex may extend deeply towards the anterior skull base been elaborated the methods of surgery implantation of bio-
and towards the latero facial regions. cytal for filling of the defects of the face skeleton bones.
The aim of this study is to define our treatment timing
and experience.


Our Hospital treated 220 mid-face fractures from 1982 to H E M A N G I O M A S IN MAXILLO-FACIAL REGION.
1997. We termed "high risk" fractures those associated with
active (persistent or recurring) cerebrospinal fluid fistulae, *GHshin A., Agapov E, Matveev A., Rumianzev D.,
those with meningitis or with extensive osteodural lesions of Gokoeva A.
the anterior skull base. All patients with "high risk" fractures
underwent skull base surgical repair and rnaxillo-facial recon- Medical Stomatological Institute, Department of Oral and
struction at the same time, mainly between the % and the 30,~ Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Moscow. Russia.
64 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

AIM: To develop a complex approach to radical surgical unilateral loss of mental nerve function was found in 3
treatment arterial hemangiomas of maxillo-facial region patients. 2 adolescent patients stated that they would not rec-
based on the study of their blood supply pattern. ommend the procedure to others. It is concluded that the pre-
METHOD: The investigation of blood supply in heman- sented treatment modality seems to offer a viable treatment
giomas was performed. Selective and superselective angiog- alternative. Possible refinements of treatment planning and
raphy has shown the main sources of blood inflow into measures to reduce relapse will be discussed.
extensive arterial tumor were all brachiocephal vessels.
RESULTS: The temporary occlusion of carotis externa
artery was not efficient for decreasing the blood supply into
hemangiomas of maxillo-facial area due to fast restoration RECONSTRUCTION OF MIDFACIAL AND
of blood flow. For terminating the blood inflow into these MAXILLARY DEFECTS
tumors the embolization of afferent vessels was performed.
That permitted the minimization of bleeding during the Gruber, B.*, Iizuka Z
operation. This technique was successfully used in treat-
ment of 42 patients. Department of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, University
CONCLUSION: The complex approach is recommended Hospital of Bern, Switzerland
for treatment of maxillo-facial area arterial hemangiomas
which includes the angiography and embolization of affer- Aims: To evaluate different types of reconstruction in
ent vessels with following operative excision of the tumor. patients undergoing midfacial resection including partial or
complete alveolar ridge loss following trauma and tumor
Method: 45 patients who underwent sequential reconstruc-
SKELETAL STABILITY FOLLOWING tions of the midface during 1988 and 1994, were included in
DISTRACTION OSTEOGENESIS OF THE the retrospective evaluation. Follow-up periods ranged from
MANDIBLE W I T H TRANSORALLY APPLIED 18 months to 8 years (mean 6.2 years). Data was collected
DISTRACTION DEVICES regarding flap survival; complication rates; restoration of
palatal competence; the ability to feed orally, and speech
Gropp, 1t. ,1, Wangerin, K. l, Pasello, 17.1,Ewers, R. 2, Fleiner, intelligibility; maxillary dental rehabilitation; and aesthetic
B. s, Hammer, B.4, results. 23 patients had defects that resulted from ablative
Hardt, N. s, Hoffmeister, B. 6, Triaca, A.. 7 Zeilhofev, 1t.- F.s oncologic surgery and 22 had severe midfacial trauma.
Results: 15 patients had free-flap reconstruction, all flaps
1Dpt. of Plastic & Maxillofacial Surgery, Marienhospital survived except one. Osseous pedicled temporalis flap con-
Stuttgart, Germany sisting of vascularized cranial bone (n=9) showed the high-
2Dpt. of OMFS, University Vienna, SDpt. of OMFS, est complication rate (89%o, n=8) leading to loss of the bone
University Kiel, 4Dpt. of OMFS, Kantonsspital Basel, 5Dpt. or of the entire flaps. Aesthetic and functional results were
of OMFS, Kantonsspital Luzern, 6Dpt. of OMFS, Free rated good or excellent in 91% and 78% of the patients,
University Berlin, ZPrivate Practice, Ziirich, 8Dpt. of respectively. 70% of the patients in which bony buttress was
OMFS, Technische Universitgit Miinchen reconstructed with non-vascularized or vascularized bone
recieved dental rehabilitation. 74% of these patients received
Mandibular distraction osteogenesis with transorally osseointegrated implants into a bone flap. On the other
applied, submerged devices allow for generation of new hand, dental reconstruction was performed in only 33% of
bone without undesired scar formation. In cooperation with the patients, in which the defects were covered using soft tis-
Medicon Instruments, Tuttlingen, distractors for horizontal sue transfer without bony reconstruction.
and vertical lengthening of the mandible were developed Conclusions: There are many methods for midfacial recon-
and have been in clinical use since 1994. Patients treated in struction depending on the clinical situation of the each
the years 1994 through 1997 were included in a retrospective patient. However, for sufficient dental rehabilitation recon-
study to evaluate skeletal stability, complications, impair- struction of the bony buttress of the midface and the alveo-
ment of neurosensory function and patients' acceptance. 23 lar ridge is necessary. Pedicled temporalis flap consisting of
patients (age 4 to 50 years) treated in eight institutions were vascularized cranial bone seems to have only limited indica-
followed. In 18 patients, diagnosis was unilateral (7 pts.) or tion in such cases as described here.
bilateral (11 pts.) craniofacial mikrosomia. Distraction was
achieved using a horizontal device at 16 distraction sites and a
vertical device at 20 distraction sites. The average length of Q=~ IS MINIPLATING ACCEPTABLE IN
distraction was 14,5 mm (7,5 to 25 mm).The mean follow-up FRACTURE DISLOCATIONS OF THE CONDYLE IN
period was 11,3 months (5 to 44 months). Skeletal stability CHILDREN ?
was measured using superpositional tracings of frontal and
lateral cephalograms.Neurosensory function was measured Gundlach, K.K.H.*, Henkel, K.-O.,
by two-point discrimination and sharp/blunt testing. Patients'
level of acceptance was judged by questionnaire. Adequate Department of Maxillofacial Surgery,
cephalograms for superpositional tracings were obtained in UniversitgitsklinikumRostock, Rostock, Germany
16 patients. The average loss of mandibular length was 4,7
mm (2 to 14 mm). Of 4 patients with severe relapse, 3 patients
had received unilateral distraction of the ascending ramus. Aims: To find out whether miniplating will help to achieve
Complications included minor infections in 2 patients and better results than
purulent bilateral infection requiring early distractor removal traditional conservative treatment in cases of fracture dislo-
in 1 patient. All patients revealed osseous union at time of cations of the
hardware removal. 12 patients suffered from temporary dis- condyle in children.
comfort during distraction, 1 patient had significant pain Method: Two series of animal experiments were started with
resulting in early termination of the distraction. Incomplete 5 juvenile minipigs each.
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 65

In all minipigs the condyles were cut off unilaterally, Method: The factors considered were sex, age, cause of the
removed and replaced OAF, incidence, and mode of the treatment.
immediately. In 5 cases the fragment was fixed by means of Results: The highest incidence of O A F was found after
a miniplate, in the extraction of the second premolar (28.57 %) (P<0.001).
other 5 no osteosynthesis was performed. The majority of the cases (90.82 %) were treated by the
The animals were examined either 20, 40, 60, 120 or 240 buccal advancement flap (BAF) technique. In 10 out of
days postoperatively by 98 O A F cases allografts were used for closure of the OAF.
means of radiography and histology. In most of the cases, Rehrmann's B A F technique was used
Results: All condyles were deprived of their blood supply. while the flap did not include periostium in allograft
Vertical bone loss was cases.
less in the osteosynthesis group. Asymmetries were more Conclusions: All the cases in this study treated by BAF
severe in the healed uneventfully and none of them needed vestibulo-
control group (when compared with the contralateral side). plasty. BAF is a conventional, simple and well tolerated
Conclusions: Osteosynthesis of fracture dislocations of the technique for the patients.
condyle in children older then
8 years of age should be considered more often.


Vesta Guzevi~ien6, Gintautas Sabalys DMS
Guntermann, J.*, Gellrich, N.C., Schramm, A., Gutwaid, R.,
Schmelzeisen, R. Department of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery Kaunas
Medical Academy, Kaunas, Lithuania
Department of OMFS, Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg,
Freiburg i. Br., Germany
The trigeminal nerve second branch neuralgia and inflam-
mation of upper dental neural plexus usually (in 66,2% of
Subject: With the development of osteosyntheses different all cases,) develops due to immune changes at maxillary
types of plates and screws have been designed, which princi- sinus.
pally tended to become smaller and more simple to handle. In order to improve the treatment results of these dis-
The new conicly shaped Synthes. self-drilling screw (1.5 and eases it is necessary to perform local therapeutic procedures
2.0 mm diameter) looks like a simple wood-screw. We tried on the maxillary sinus mucous membrane. The sinus is irri-
to evaluate different indications in the maxillofacial field for gated with antiseptic solutions, glucocorticoids, proteolytic
the clinical use of this new screw type. enzymes, therefore antimicrobial agents are injected
Method: We tested either different indications in respect according to the indications. These procedures are per-
of regional differences as well as different application- formed by puncturing the maxillary sinus repeatedly
forms of the screw in the facial skeleton, i.e. with or with- through the lateral wall of nasal cavity. This procedure is
out plates. Furthermore the handling of the screw was uncomfortable for the patient and traumatic for the mucous
judged upon concerning ease of insertion, retention and membrane and the bony wall of the sinus. To avoid these
torque. negative features we proposed the artificial maxillary sinus
Results: Clinical experience with 110 screws shows good fistula.
results concerning ease of insertion, torque and particularly The fistula consists of cones shaped holllow cylinder 1,7
the variety of indications, ranging from fixation of cm in length with inner and outer screw threads and a screw,
mandibular and midface fractures, anchoring of distractors preventing the maxillary sinus from communication with
in the ascending ramus, fixation of canthal ligament or cal- oral cavity. The fistula is inserted by surgical approach
varian split grafts in reconstructive procedures. The star- through maxillary alveolar process at the molar area into
drive insertion results in excellent axial position of the screw the lateral sinus wall.
to the screw-driver. Except the cure of maxillary sinus, we have treated the
Conclusions:In our opinion simple handling and convincing trigeminal nerve 2,~ branch neuralgia and upper dental
clinical application will result in broad acceptance of the neural plexus inflammation using histamine liberators, anti-
new self-drilling screw, maybe it will even replace the self- histamine and calcium medications, ascorbic acid, carba-
taping mini-screws. masepine. There were 120 patients having trigeminal nerve
neuralgia of allergic origin and 30 patients with upper den-
tal plexus inflammation treated at the Department of
Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery of Kaunas Academic
@=~ A CLINICAL STUDY ON OROANTRAL Clinics. Age 40 - 70 years.
FISTULA Clinical manifestation of the second trigeminal nerve
branch allergic injury and the inflammation of the upper
Giiven, 0.*
dental neural plexus ceased more rapidly, when the
mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus was treated
Department of OMFS, School of Dentistry, University of using our method comparing to the patients without such
Ankara, Ankara, Turkey treatment,
Application of artificial maxillary sinus fistula prevents
Aims: This survey is based on 98 patients with an oroantral the patient from psychoemotional stresses, that occur in
fistula (OAF) during the period 1983-1997. The conven- case of repeatedly performed punctures of the maxillary
tional techniques and the use of allografts (tutoplast, dura- sinus through the nasal cavity. Mucous membrane of the
mater) in closure of O A F will be discussed. nasal cavity and the bony wall are not injured.
66 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

phenoxymethylpenicillin (pc-V) 1 g 1 hour preoperatively

[h I M P L A N T TREATMENT IN SEVERELY and 1 g every 8 hours for 10 days postoperatively. The other
group, consisting of 132 patients (664 implants), was not
BONE GRAFTING: SURGICAL TECHNIQUE given any antibiotics pre- or postoperatively.
Gynther GW*, Mattsson T, Bitting E, Hulterstr6m M,
K6ndell P-A, Fredholm U, Bolin A, Moberg L-E. RESULTS:
There was no significant difference regarding early or late
Departments of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Oral postoperative infections and implant survival in the non-
Radiology & Prosthodontics, Visby Hospital, Huddinge prophylaxis group compared well to the pc-V group.
University Hospital, Uppsala University Hospital,
Karolinska Institute, Sweden CONCLUSIONS:
It appears that antibiotic prophylaxis for routine dental
implant surgery offers no advantage for the patient.
To describe the surgical technique for implant treatment in
severely resorbed edentulous maxillae without any alveolar
reconstruction prior to or combined with implant place- [h SYNOVIAL INFLAMMATION IN
Fifteen patients with severely resorbed edentulous maxillae SYSTEM
were treated with osseointegrated implants and fixed dental
prostheses. All patients were initially considered for treat- Gynther GW*, Dijkgraaf LC, Reinholt FP, Holmlund AB,
ment with bone grafting due to lack of sufficient bone vol- Liem RSB, de Bont LGM.
ume for conventional treatment. Preoperative radiographic
examinations showed that the height of the alveolar crest Departments of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and
was, on average, 7.4 mm at the 4 mm width level (Class V-VI Pathology, Visby Hospital, Huddinge University Hospital,
according to Cawood & Howell 1988). By fenestration of Karolinska Institute, Sweden and Groningen University
the maxillary sinus and uncovering the nasal floor, the max- Hospital, The Netherlands
illary bone could be visualized and utilized maximally for
installation of implants. By angulation of the implant and
permitting 2-5 uncovered fixture threads on the palatal AIMS:
aspect, implants of optimal length could be installed. To propose a system for histological grading of synovial
inflammation in the temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ), to
Eighty-six implants were installed (4-6 implants in every
facilitate comparisons between studies from different centres.
One implant was lost during the observation period (range METHODS:
36-54 months, mean 45 months), giving a success rate of The research into TMJ synovial inflammation was reviewed.
99%. All patients had stable fixed prostheses at the end of
the observation time. No major bone resorption (= mm) RESULTS:
was observed. Only a few histological studies have been published regard-
ing synovial inflammation in the TMJ, and various grading
CONCLUSIONS: systems have been used Our proposed grading system is
It is concluded that this surgical technique may be considered based on semiquantitative evaluation of the following para-
as an alternative to bone grafting in patients with severely meters: 1. Synovial lining cell layers; 2. Vascularity (number
resorbed edentulous maxillae. However, further prospective and/or size of vascular profiles) and 3. Inflammatory cell
comparative studies are necessary for full evaluation. infiltrate (commonly lymphocytes).

G=~ DENTAL IMPLANT INSTALLATION Data indicates that the synovial lining of the TMJ, in some
W I T H O U T ANTIBIOTIC PROPHYLAXIS respects, differs from other joints. The normal variation in
morphology of the synovial lining of the TMJ is quite large,
Gynther GW*, K6ndell P-A, Moberg L-E, Heimdahl A. whereas the variation in pattern of pathological changes
appears to be relatively small (i.e. synovial inflammation is
Departments of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery & not of the severity of that of other joints). We expect that
Prosthodontics, Visby Hospital, Huddinge University the suggested histological grading system will facilitate that
Hospital, Karolinska Institute, Sweden concensus exists regarding histological definitions and clas-
sifications of synovial inflammation in the TMJ.


The objective of this study was to compare retrospectively CLEFT DEFORMITY APPROACHED BY M I N I M A L
the outcome of dental implant treatment with or without INCISIONS AND STABILISED BY PLATE
antibiotic prophylaxis. OSTEOSYNTHESIS AND SPLINT W I T H O U T IMF.

MATERIAL & METHODS: Haers RE.*, Ge Z.L., Zimmermann A.P., Sailer H.F.
Two groups of patients with edentulous or partially edentu-
lous maxillaes and/or mandibles, were treated using dental Dept. of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital,
implants (Brfinemark System. ). One group, consisting of Zurich, Switzerland
147 patients (790 implants), was given prophylaxis with oral
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 67

Introduction: Adequate primary cleft repair and timing sagittal splitting and fixation of the chin fragment following
allow for sufficient maxillary growth in 80% of UCLP and genioplasty are presented. The plates can be cut and bended
over 90% in BCLP. Clinically relevant maxillary hypoplasia at room temperature without need of a heating device. The
in the series treated according to the Zurich protocol can screws are inserted following drilling, pre-tapping and flush-
thus be avoided in most cases. In case of underdevelopment ing of the corresponding holes in the bone. The material,
of the midface maxillaryis indicated, aiming for normal the instruments and the surgical procedure are presented.
facial convexity, thus correcting the basic stigma of cleft
patients. If midface hypoplasia involves the infraorbital rim,
a Le Fort I I I + I procedure is performed. If not, the skeletal
correction is performed in the Le Fort I level. [~ C A M O U F L A G E O F CLEFT L I P SCARS BY LASER
Method: This prospective study evaluates the stability TREATMENT. A PRELIMINARY REPORT.
obtained following maxillary osteotomies in 2 or 3 pieces in
18 cases of UCLP. The consecutive operations were carried Haers RE.*, Sailer H.F., Eyrich Ca.,Oechslin CK., Niibler-
out in 10 male and 8 female patients, varying in age between Moritz M.
17 and 21 years. The incision lines were limited to short inci-
sions not extending beyond the first bicuspid. During down- Department of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, University
fracture, the nasal layer was gradually separated from he Hospital Zurich, Switzerland.
palatal soft tissue layer which was kept intact. Maxillary
fragments were stabilised with miniplate osteosynthesis, Introduction: Scars between the white roll and the nostrils in
bone grafts and reinforced overcorrecting splints without unilateral and bilateral cleft lip deformities can remain hyper-
postoperative rigid intermaxillary fixation. Surgical trophic even in adolescents and adults. In some cases the scar
advancement, improvement of facial convexity and relapse can be accentuated by denivellation of the subcutaneous layers.
were determined by analysis of cephalograms taken preop- Aims: This study investigates if scar correction by laser
eratively, immediately postoperatively and at the end of the treatment improves the aspect of cleft lip scars.
follow-up period (average 30 months). Method: Hypertrophic and/or denivellated scars in twelve
Results: The average advancement in A-point was 6.4 ram, patients aged between 17 and 21 years presenting with uni-
whereas the average advancement of the minor segment was lateral or bilateral cleft lip scars were treated. Four patients
11.2 mm for the minor segment. Average relapse tendency underwent correction using a CO2-1aser with a scan-dura-
after one year was 0.6 mm. In all cases but one, occlusion tion between 0.2-0.45 seconds and a 0.2 mm focused beam.
remained stable. The stigmatising midface and paranasal Four other cases were treated by means of an ultrapulse
concavity was corrected in all cases. Technical details and CO2 laser. The laser-settings were as follows: pulse duration
clinical illustrations are presented. < 1 ms, 3 mm collimated handpiece, average energy density
Conclusion: Segmented Le Fort I osteotomies in cleft 5-10 J/cm2. Four patients were treated with a YAG laser
patients are versatile procedures with a predictable result. delivering pulses of 200 ms with an average energy density
Apart from diastemas in the cleft area and cleft-related mal- of 5 15 J/cm2. All patients received prophylactic systemic
occlusion such as cross-bite and open-bite, the main indica- medication against herpes (Zovirax®) and local treatment
tion for maxillary osteotomies in cleft patients is correction with antibacterial gel (Batramycin®). Hydrating solutions
of the stigmatising midfacial concavity. According to the were applicated during six weeks. En face and profile pic-
Zurich protocol this is done prior to secondary rhinoplasty tures were taken preoperatively, three and six months post-
and cheiloplasty. operatively in all patients, as well as one year
postoperatively in four patients.
Results: Following an initial period of three months charac-
terised by swelling and erythema, the aspect of the scar area
improved in all patients. All scars appeared to be thinner
and flatter, Correction of denivellation of the subcutaneous
layer could not be obtained completely.
Haers P.E. °, Sailer H.F °. Conclusions: Hypertrophic cleft scars overlying a functional anas-
tomosis of the muscular layer can be improved by laser treatment.
°Department of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, University
Hospital Zurich, Switzerland
Metallic osteosynthesis material in orthognathic surgery has TOOTH GERM IN GROWING DOGS.
the disadvantage that it has to be removed after the
osteotomy has consolidated, which often requires general Hagino, H.* Sawaki, E, Mizutani, H., Ueda, M.
anaesthesia. Titanium plates have been introduced to
bypass this need for secondary intervention. However, due
Department of Oral Surgery Nagoya University School of
to corrosion, titanium particles have been found in scar tis- Medicine, Nagoya, Japan
sue covering these plates and in regional lymph nodes. In
earlier studies, self reinforced polylactide devices have
proven to have sufficient strength to bypass the need of Aims; To observe the effect of gradual bone distraction on
additional support for the fixation of fractures and the temporomandibular joint and the developing tooth in
mandibular osteotomies. the lengthened mandible for the growing dogs.
This video illustrates the application of biodegradable Method; Nine growing mongrel dogs in deciduous dentitin
self-reinforced polylactide plates in orthognathic surgery. were used for this study. An cortcotomy was carefully made,
The selection, shortening and bending of a newly developed where a tooth bud of permanent first molar had been con-
1.5 mm system of plates and screws for fixation of Le Fort I firmed radiographically, was made and then the external
osteotomies as well as a 2.0 and 2.5 system of plates and distractor (Orthofix M-100)was connected to four pins
screws for fixation of mandibular fragments at the level of installed across the corticotomy site. Ten days later, distrac-
68 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

tion was started at a rate of 0.75turn per day for 10 consecu- Uneventful consolidation occurred in all four distraction
tive days. At the time of completion of distraction and at 2, sites. Callus manipulation could be an elegant solution to
4, 6, 8, 12, 16 weeks after complication of distraction, clini- the technically difficult problem of multivectorial distrac-
cal, radiographic and histrogical evaluation (H-E stain) were tion with intraoral devices.
performed to observe the change of tooth buds and TMJ. An animal study is planned to answer the following questions:
Results; D E V E L O P I N G TOOTH ; As distraction began,
the space between the wall of follicle and the crown of the • Does callus manipulation result in compression of the
tooth bud expanded. The open end of growing root show inferior alveolar nerve?
wavy, but the roots at fractured region show wavy • Can consolidation reliably be expected with different
too.Finally the apexs closed and the buds erupted. degrees of callus bending?
TMJ; Radiographic examination of lateral oblique
transpharynreal projection showed no significant change.
Histologically, no remarkable changes were observed.
Conclusion; Tooth in the lengthened mandible did erupt. [~ MANAGEMENT O F O D O N T O G E N I C SINUSITIS
There root sharpes become irregularly, but the tooth did ENCOUNTERED W I T H OROANTRAL
erupted. The forces of distraction osteogenesis had be C O M M U N I C A T I O N BY MEANS O F T H E CLOSURE
thought to induce TMJ changes at operated and contralat- AND THE L O N G - T E R M A D M I N I S T R A T I O N O F
eral side. But severe degenerative changes were not observed. CLARITHROMYCIN

Hanazawa, E *, Hayashi, E

@=~ DOES E N O P H T H A L M O S SURGERY CORRECT Division of Oral Surgery Kawatets~ Chiba Hospital, Chiba, Japan

Hammer, B, Kaiser, H, Wolfinger, E, Prein, J. Aims: To evaluate the efficiency of the long-term usage of clar-
ithromycin (CAM) grouped to 14-membered macrolide antibi-
University Hospital Basel, Switzerland otics for odontogenic sinusitis occurred with oroantral opening.
Subjects: 13 cases of odontogenic sinusitis resulted from the
destruction of the floor of maxillary sinus by chronic infec-
Between January 1990 and December 1996 a total of 48 tive lesions in the maxillary posterior teeth. During opera-
patients were operated on for enophthalmos, using cranio- tions that were extractions of teeth and curettage of
facial techniques and outer table bone grafts. infective lesions, oroantral communications were developed
Thirty six of these patients had a complete pre- and long and then the immediate closure of the openings were done
term ( minimally 1 year) postop, follow up and documenta- by the use of a pedicled buccal fat pad graft. C A M was
tion in the Department of Strabology , University Eye administrated for about 1.5- to 2- month postoperatively.
Clinic. Our data allow the following conclusions: Results: The closed operation was successful in all cases.
The preoperative symptoms of sinusitis such as rhinorrhea
Enophthalmos surgery affects eye motility and binocu-
and nasal obstruction completely disappeared.
lar vision in a complex way.
Furthermore, X-ray findings of maxillary sinusitis were get-
Eye motility and diplopia can be improved in specific sit-
ting better. No side effects of C A M and no recurrence of
uations, when localized soft tissue incarceration is respon-
sinusitis were present in all cases.
sible for the motility disorder.
Conclusions: The management of odontogenic sinusitis
Shifting of the field of binocular vision into a favourable
would treat the lesions of affected teeth as fast as possible.
position is a second possible mechanism.
When oroantral communications occurred during the treat-
In most cases however enopthalmos surgery alone does
ment the closure of openings should be immediately made
not correct double vision, but it is a necessary pre-requisite
at the time of making the opening. After that C A M might
for eye-muscle surgery.
be administrated for about 2-month postoperatively.
The surgical trauma dramatically reduces eye motility in
the postop, p e r i o d , with improvement occurring for up to
12 months.
CALLUS MANIPULATION AS A POSSIBLE H. Happonen .1, T. Pohjonen 1, ,4. Kaikkonen 2 and P. T6rmiilii t
1Institute of Biomaterials, Tampere University of Technology,
Ch. Kunz, B. Hammer, J. Prein P.O. Box 589, FIN-33101 Tampere, Finland," 2Bionx Implants
Ltd., R O. Box 3, FIN-33721 Tampere, Finland.
University Hospital Basel, Clinic for Reconstructive Surgery,
Basel, Switzerland AlMS
Metallic bone fixation plating systems have used widely in
cranio-maxillofacial surgery. In many caces metallic C M F
We present two patients aged 10 and 12 years who under-
fixation devices need to be removed after bone fracture is
went bilateral linear distraction of the ascending mandibu-
healed. Particular in pediatric surgery metallic implants
lar ramus using intraoral distraction devices. At the end of
effect dysmorfia of the growing bone if the implants are not
the distraction period, the mandibular angle had flattened,
removed. Polymeric bioabsorbable fixation devices for
resulting in a severe open bite. Following a suggestion pub-
cranio-maxillofacial surgery have been developed in the 90's.
lished by Pensler et al (1995), the devices were then immedi-
However materials in the market have certain draw backs:
ately removed and the soft callus manually remodeled into a
They tend to be brittle and need to be heated in order to
mandibular angle, with subsequent maxillo-mandibular
contour them in desirable shape. Our aim was to develop a
immobilisation for five weeks.
.o EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 69

rigid and ductile fixation plating system, which can be 1), B-point, and pogonion were examined on lateral
reshaped in situ without additional heating. cephalograms.
Results: Certain tendencies for overjet and overbite were
MATERIALS AND M E T H O D S noted to have decreased more markedly, and changes in the
A m o r p h o u s P ( L / D L ) L A copolymer (Resomer(LR708, position of the skeletal points were greater in group II than
L/DL ratio 70/30, i.v. 6.3 dl/g) was obtained from in group I. However, statistical analysis showed no signifi-
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma KG. The polymer was melt cant differences between the two groups.
extruded into cylindrical billets and subsequently self- Conclusions: Our results suggest that fixation of the
reinforced in the solid state by die-drawing techique. bony segments with P L L A screws after SSRO may be a
Plates and screws were manufactured from the die drawn useful method for treating mandibular prognathism,
material by compression moulding and machining. However, the relapse tendency was greater in group II
Dimensions of the plates were: Thickness 1.2 ram, width than in group I. Therefore, it might be necessary to
5.5 mm and length 42 mm. Diameter of the cruciform select the most appropriate indications for P L L A screw
head screws were 2.0 mm. Plates and screws were steril- fixation.
ized by gamma irradiation. Mechanical properties were
measured using the LLOYD LR30 materials testing
machine. Flexural properties were determined by the [~ TONGUE A M Y L O I D O S I S AS AN INITIAL
three-point method, following the guidelines of A S T M SYMPTOM OF MULTIPLE MYELOMA
D790, tensile properties following the guidelines of
A S T M D638 and shear strength properties following the Marinho, R.O.M., Hardee, P.*, Hutchison, I.L.
guidelines of BS 2782.
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, The Royal
RESULTS AND C O N C L U S I O N S Hospitals NHS Trust, London, England.
Initial load bearing and strength properties of the plates
and screws are given in table 1.
Amyloidosis is a generic term for diseases where there is
Table 1. Initial load bearing and strength properties of
extracellular deposition of one of a family of unrelated
self-reinforced bioabsorbable plates and screws.
Implant Bending Shear_Tension___( (MPa)_G (MPa)_F pathologic, insoluble fibrillar proteins in organs or tissues.
Primary amyloidosis arises idiopathically or as a complica-
(N)_( (MPa)_( (MPa)_F (N)__2.0 mm screw 177 6.0 -
tion of multiple myeloma, a condition characterised by
139 - -2.0 system plate 168 - 101 108 125 449
uncontrolled proliferation of one or more clones of malig-
When the plates were bent and twisted by glamp at room
temperature (22°C), no visible failures occurred. nant plasma cells. The presenting features of amyloidosis
may be protean, depending on which organ(s) are promi-
Self-reinforced bioabsrbable P(L/DL)LA (70/30) copoly-
nently involved.
mer is very promising material for craniomaxillofacial bone
A case of an otherwise healthy, 75-year old caucasian
fixations. It is strong and flexible and because of its high
woman referred to the maxillofacial department regarding a
strength the amount of implanted material is minimum.
one-year history of an enlarged tongue, lower jaw and bilat-
Self-reinforced P(L/DL)LA (70/30) copolymer retains its
eral submandibular swellings, is presented. Her main com-
strength on the initial level for approximately 18 weeks and
thereafter looses its strength steadelyl. plaints were difficulty in speaking and repeated trauma to
the tongue. Routine haematological and endocrinological
investigations were within normal limits. M R I scanning
References showed that the submandibular glands were not enlarged,
but displaced by a grossly enlarged tongue. Biopsy of the
Pohjonen, T. and T6rmglfi, E, Self-reinforcing of amorphous enlarged tongue was positive for amyloidosis and the patient
bioabsorbable polymers, 13th European Conference on referred to the clinical immunology department where fur-
Biomaterials, European Society for Biomaterials, G6teborg, ther investigations confirmed the diagnosis of multiple
Sweden 4. - 7. September 1997.
myeloma as the underlying cause for the amyloidosis. She
underwent chemotherapy treatment, which resulted in par-
tial remission of her myeloma, but no changes in the areas
STABILITY AFTER THE SAGITTAL SPLIT RAMUS affected by amyloid. The patient eventually required surgical
OSTEOTOMY AND FIXATION W I T H POLY-L-LACTIC reduction of her tongue, as speech difficulty and repeated
ACID (PLLA) SCREWS: LONG TERM RESULTS tongue trauma were her present and only complaints.
Harada, K.* and Enomoto, S.
Second Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, EXPERIENCE OF 53 CASES O F RECTUS
Faculty of Dentistry, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, A B D O M I N I S MYOCUTANEOUS F L A P F O R ORAL
Aims: To examine skeletal stability after surgical correction
of mandibular prognathism using a sagittal split ramus Hasegawa, K J, Yamashiro, 3/1.3, Kobayashi, JJ, Miyamoto,
osteotomy (SSRO) and fixation with poly-L-lactic acid
Hfl, MiyasMta, T.2
(PLLA) screws.
Methods: Twenty patients with Class III malocclusion Department of 10MFS and 2Surgery, Shizuoka City
were treated with bilateral SSRO and mandibular setback. Hospital, Shizuoka City, SFirst Department of OMFS,
Ten underwent fixation with titanium screws (group I ) Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan
and the other 10 with P L L A screws (group II).
Cephalograms were obtained 2 or 3 days postoperatively, Aims: The rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap can be mod-
and 3, 6, 12, and 24 months after the operation. Changes ified variously for reconstruction sites. Only one or two
in the position of upper incisors (U-l), lower incisors (L- large perforators in the paraumbilical region can easily
70 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

nourish the large abdominal wall in various directions.

Furthermore, the bulkiness of the flap can be adjusted by CLINICAL EVALUATION O F ARTIFICIAL
reduction of the rectus abdominis muscle and subcutaneous DERMIS(TERUDERMIS®) IN ORAL AND
fat. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate fifty-three cases MAXILLOFACIAL R E G I O N
of oral and maxillofacial reconstruction using rectus abdo-
minis myocutaneous flap.
Hayatsu, Y.*, Uchida,R., Mizugaki, Y., Shinozaki, F.
Materials and Methods: Fifty-three patients underwent oral
and maxillofacial reconstruction using rectus abdominis Department of OMFS, Yamaguchi University, School of
myocutaneous flap between 1988 and 1997. Of reconstruc- Medicine, Ube, Japan
tion sites, there were 32 cases of tongue (23 subtotal, 5 total,
4 partial glossectomy), 6 perimandibular region, 6 orophar- Aims: To indicate the usefulness of applying artificial der-
ynx, 3 facial contour deficiency, 3 extraoral and intraoral mis (Terudermis®) in the oral and maxillofacial region.
defects, 2 hard and soft palate and 1 maxilla including cra- Terudermis® is composed of two layers : the upper one con-
nial base. sists of silicone and the lower fibrillar aterocollagen and
Results: Fifty-one flaps were taken completely (success rate: heat-denatured aterocollagen.
96%). But two flaps showed total necrosis due to arterial or Subject: Thirty two subjects were treated with Terudermis®.
venous thrombosis. Six patients developed wound dehis- They had 34 mucosal or skin defects in the oral and max-
cence. But there was no serious complications except one illofacial region. The subjects ranged in age from 1 to 89.
abdominal herniation. The rectus abdominis myocuta- Twenty three patients had malignant tumors, 4 had benign
neous flap could be modified variously for reconstruction tumors, 4 had cleft palates and 1 had another case. Wound
sites. Of volume reduction of flap, muscle diminished flap beds were bone beds in 18, muscular beds in 10, bone and
was used in 17 cases and skin thinning was performed in 19 muscular beds in 6.
cases. Results: G o o d epithelization of the wound surfaces was
Conclusion: The rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap found 26 out of 34 cases. Contraction of the wounds were
showed very reliable vascularity and low morbidity associ- smaller in bone beds and larger in muscular beds. Side
ated with its donor site. Various modifications of the rectus effects including infection were not observed in all cases.
abdominis myocutaneous flap could be performed for Conclusions: The results showed that artificial dermis
reconstruction sites. It considered that rectus abdominis (Terudermis®) was useful and safe for defects of the oral
myocutaneous flap was one of the most suitable for oral and mucosa.
maxillofacial reconstruction.


THE ORAL L E S I O N Hedemark, Dr. Arne* and Drommer, Prof. Dr. Rainer

Trondheim, Norway and Heidelberg, Germany

Hayashi Y*., Hanazawa Y.

Division of Oral Surgery Kawatetsu Chiba Hospital, Chiba, A description of this operative technique was first published
Japan 1953. Even today, particularly in Norway, this technique is
widely used. The disadvantages are the extra- oral incision
required; the longer time (up to eight weeks) of intra- max-
Aims: To present four cases of pulmonary embolism follow- illary fixation necessary. The advantages are the extremely
ing or during the oral operation which is rarely a postopera- reduced operation time required; almost no nerve damage;
tive complication. minimal operative stress for the patient. Indeed, the opera-
Subjects and Results: Four cases were females ranging from tion can often be carried out on an out- patient basis. In our
48 to 67 years. Oral lesions were diagnosed as the carci- clinic, we have modified the operation technique by incor-
noma of the oral floor, the gingival carcinoma of the porating mini-plates for osteosynthesis, and varied the
mandible, the denture fibroma and the radicular cyst, external incision line so that post operative scarring is ren-
respectively. Operations were performed under the general dered cosmetically acceptable. The osteosynthesis allows us,
anesthesia except one. Three were revealed to chest pain, in conjunction with the osteotomy, to advance the lower jaw.
dyspnea and the decrease of PaO2 postoperatively. One This last element was not described in the original proce-
under the local anesthesia, was shown to chest pain, dure. This report deals with our experience in Trondheim
hypotension and decreased SaO2 during the operation. All and Heidelberg.
cases were diagnosed as pulmonary embolism by means of
pulmonary perfusion scintigraphy. Treatment was per-
formed using anticoagulant and thrombolytic agents. These
cases were alive until now, but one died from the lung THE USE OF DRILL FREE SCREWS IN
Conclusions: Pulmonary embolism results sometimes in CLINICAL STUDY
death, because of the difficulty of the early diagnosis. This
disease is suspected to show the clinical symptoms of chest Heidemann, W.*, Gerlach, K.L.
pain, dyspnea and hypoxia accompanied with hypocapnia
by the blood data. To prevent, it is important to give much Department of Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery,
attention to the operative patients, and to diagnose more Otto-von-Guericke UniversityMagdeburg, Germany
quickly and to receive adequate therapy.
EACMFS -Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 71

Aims: Drill-Free-Screws(DFS) are characterized by a special

tip, formed like a corkscrew and a narrow cutting flute
which chisels off the bone and acts as a channel for the
removal of bone chips. These qualities enable to insert the
Helenius M*, Leirisalo-Repo M, Hietanen J, Suuronen R,
screws directly into the bone without predrilling.
Hoffner-Hallikainen D, Helenius I, Lindqvist C
Advantages of DES are the saving of time and the minor
risk to injure nerves and dental roots by avoiding the use of
an electric drill. In preliminary in-vitro tests the holding
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Departments
power of DFS was between 70% and 104% of the holding of Surgery and Medicine, Helsinki University Central
power of selftapping Titanium screws with standard pilot Hospital, Helsinki, Finland
hole size. Aim of this study was to find out ideal ranges of
application for DFS and to examine the holding power of Aims: Symptoms and clinical features of temporomandibu-
D F S in clinical use, lar joint (TMJ) disorders as well as signs of focal sialoadeni-
Methods: 1,5ram and 2mm Center Drive DFS were used for tis were studied in patients with various rheumatic disorders.
osteosyntheses in orthognathic surgery and traumatology in Methods: 86 patients (mean age 44, 57 females) were stud-
a clinical study with 70 patients. ied. 25 had rheumatoid arthritis (RA, mean duration of dis-
Results: D F S were inserted in the central midface without ease 11 yr.), 17 mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD, 11
any problems; the application of DFS was possible in the yr.), 18 spondyloarthropathy (SPA, 15 yr.), and 20 ankylos-
lateral midface and in the region of the anterior mandible; ing spondylitis (AS, 13 yr.). All patients answered a ques-
only in the area of the mandibular angle the insertion gener- tionnaire on TMJ disorders and were interviewed;
ally failed when using an intraoral approach. Here the screw orthopantomogram (OPTG), and JLA, as well as minor
tip often slipped off from the surface of the bone making it salivary gland biopsies were also obtained. Erosion (OPTG)
impossible to insert the screws. In 2 of 5 cases screw frac- or movement (JLA) in x-rays and symptoms for TMJ disor-
tures occurred during the insertion of DFS in the mandibular der were scored from 0 (with no erosion, no symptoms) to 4
angle region. Healing was uncomplicated in all cases, (condyles totally eroded, most troublesome symptoms).
secundary dislocation of bone fragments has not been Results: Symptoms of TMJ disorder (pain, tenderness, diffi-
observed. culty of mouth opening) were reported by 52% of the R A
Conclusions: The application of DFS is recommended for patients (mean symptom score 1.2), 27% of the MCTD
osteosyntheses in the central and lateral midface. An indica- patients (0.7), 94% of the SPA patients (1.9), and 76% of the
tion for the use of D F S in the mandible of adult patients is AS patients (1.8) (X2-test, p=0.0009; Kruskal-Wallis,
only given in the interforaminal area. p--0.03). Focal sialoadenitis was found in 76% of R A
patients, in 94% M C T D patients, in 45% SPA patients, in
50% AS patients (X2-test, p=0.004). In OPTG, the mean
erosion scores were 1.7 for R A patients, 1.3 for M C T D
patients, 2.5 for SPA patients, and 1.6 for AS patients
[B A H I S T O L O G I C A L STUDY O F TISSUE (p=0.04). In the JLA, the mean scores were 1.3 for R A
REACTIONS TO S O L I D POLYORTHOESTER. patients, 1.4 for M C T D patients, 1.4 for SPA patients, and
1.3 for AS patients (NS). The symptom score for TMJ dis-
Helander Pia*, Ekholm Maria/Lindqvist Christian/
Suuronen Riitta, ~ Hietanen Jarkko, 2 KeUomiiki Minna, 3 orders correlated significantly with erosion in OPTG
(Spearman's correlation, rs=0.45, p=0.0004).
Conclusion: Patients with SPA report significantly more
;Department of Oral and Maxillofaeial Surgery, Helsinki often and more severe symptoms for TMJ disorders than
University, Helsinki, Finland, Hietanen Jarkko, 2Department RA, M C T D or AS patients. In OPTG, this group showed
of Oral Pathology, Institute of Dentistry, University of also the most severe erosion. Focal sialoadenitis is common
Helsinki, Helsinki,Finland, 3Institute of Biomaterials, in all patient groups, with highest frequency in MCTD.
Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland

The aim of this study was to evaluate the tissue reactions of

solid polyorthoester histologically and immunohistochemi-
cally. Resorption times and affect of two different steriliza-
tion methods (gamma radiation and ethylene oxide) to
resorption were also evaluated. Material was implanted
Heli6vaara, A. % Ranta, R., Hukki, J.
into the tibia of 24 rabbits. The gammasterilized rods were
placed into the right tibia and the ethyleneoxide sterilized Cleft Center, Department of Plastic Surgery, Helsinki
into the left tibia. One gammasterilized rod was placed University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland
subcutaneously into the right mandibular ramus area of
each rabbit. Follow-up times were from one week to 22
weeks. Histological studies showed that polyorthoester Aims: To evaluate skeletal stability and soft tissue changes
induces a moderate inflammation in soft tissue and in after orthognathic surgery on different types of cleft.
bone.At 22 weeks of follow-up inflamation was mild in Method: Sixty-four adult cleft patients (40 U C L E 10 BCLP
soft tissue. The foreing body reaction seemd to be stronger and 14 CP) with maxillary hypoplasia underwent a one-piece
with ethyleneoxide sterilized implants. Resorption was Le Fort I osteotomy with bone grafting and miniplate fixa-
faster with gammasterilized rods. Resorption time was tion from 1987-1995. Neither intermaxillary fixation nor
more than 22 weeks in both groups. Immunohistochemical splints were used postoperatively. Skeletal stability and soft
studies will be also reported.Based on promising results of tissue changes were analysed both horizontally and vertically
this study polyorthoester is a potential material for more by cephalograms taken shortly before surgery, immediately
researsh. after surgery, at 6 months and at 1 year postoperatively. In
UCLP and BCLP groups bone grafting of the alveolar cleft
had been done in the mixed dentition stage.
72 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

Results: The mean maxillary horizontal advancement (mea- Anaesthesia by nasoendotracheal intubation and an
sured from point A) varied from 3.9 mm (CP) to 5.0 mm intraoral approach were used.
(BCLP) and the mean maxillary vertical lengthening from Results: Mouth opening was immediately restablished after
3.6 mm (UCLP) to 6.6 mm (BCLP). Most of the postopera- surgery. Nevertheless physiotherapy (mechanical exercises)
tive relapse took place during the first 6 months. One year must be practised by the patient after surgery.
postoperatively the mean vertical relapse (point A) was 24% Conclusions: Malar process study by 3D CT imaging must
in all cleft types whereas the mean horizontal relapse varied not be forgotten in cases of coronoid hyperplasia.
from 7% (CP and BCLP) to 20% (UCLP). In the latter
group the relapse improved significantly between 1987 and
1995 (from 37% to 9%, respectively). Horizontal change in
upper lip profile was 60-80% of the skeletal changes in all COMBINED PROSTHETIC AND SURGICAL
cleft types. Vertically the soft tissue changes in the upper lip THERAPEUTIC APPROACH IN ORTHOGNATHIC
were smaller. However, vertical changes increased signifi- SURGERY - A CASE REPORT
cantly if V-Y plasty was used.
Conclusions: Skeletal stability and the soft tissue changes in
1)Herzmann, K. */) Schimming, R., 2)Walter, M., 1)Eckelt, U.
different cleft types were similar except for the greater skele-
tal horizontal relapse in those UCLP patients operated on 1JDepartment of Oral- and Maxillofacial Surgery,
before 1994. Vertical soft tissue changes in the upper lip pro- 2)Department of Prosthetic Dent&try
file can be increased by V-Y plasty. University of Dresden, Fetscherstr. 74, D-01307 Dresden,

Introduction: Orthognathic surgery in young patients is nor-

MANDIBULAR RECONSTRUCTION WITH B O N E mally associated with a full set of teeth. In these cases, inter-
GRAFTS AND IMPLANTS. maxillary fixation using pre-operatively applied orthodontic
brackets is standard procedure. Older patients are increas-
F. Hernandez Alfaro* 3/1.£ Biosca, C. Marti ingly interested in surgical correction of dysgnathic bite sit-
uations but they do not always have a full set of teeth or
they suffer from tooth malformations or tooth diseases such
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Teknon Medical
as hypodontia or amelogenesis imperfecta. A stable occlu-
Centre, & Hospital Generalde Catalu~a, Barcelona, Spain.
sion during and after orthognathic surgery is necessary in
order to avoid recurrence. Our poster presentation will
We present a case of total maxillo-mandibular atrophy describe a prosthetic bridge we have developed to avoid such
(grade 6 -Cawood), where a full maxillo-mandibular recon- recurrences.
struction with bone grafts and implants was performed in Method: A plastic faced long term provisional prosthetic
one stage. bridge system made of cobalt alloy is placed in the patient's
The upper jaw was managed by a Le Fort I osteotomy, mouth immediately pre-operatively. The bridge system had
and inlay composite bone grafts from the iliac crest. The been prepared earlier in the planned post-operative
grafts were placed on the sinus and nasal floors and secured situation using an articulator transfer system. Intra-opera-
with nine screwed implants. tively intermaxillary fixation is then performed using a spe-
The mandible was reconstructed at the same operation cial hook system invented together with the basic bridge
with onlay composite grafts between the mental nerves and system. The hooks can be removed later.
again secured with six implants. Conclusions: In orthognathic surgery on patients with a
Follow up of the case including abutment connection reduced number of teeth, the prosthetic appliance described
and loading with fixed restorations is presented provides a sufficient post-operative occlusion, a stable post-
Advantages of the method will be discussed. operative result is achieved, and the risk of dysgnathic
recurrence is reduced. The patient gets a functional and aes-
thetically sufficient supply while definitive prosthetic reha-
bilitation takes place.
Herndndez Montero, S.*, Bada,M.A., Saura, E., Martinez- ALVEOLAR B O N E
Tello,M., Herndndez,£, Herndndez Altemir, F.
Hidding, J.*, Lazar, F., Z61ler, J.E :
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Hospital
Miguel Server. ZARAGOZA (Spain) Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Cologne
University, Cologne, Germany
Aims: Removal of any zygomatic exostosis must be consid-
ered in cases of bilateral coronoid hyperplasia. 3D (CT) Aims: In edentulous parts of the mandible after segmental
imaging is useful in planning surgical treatment and must be resection in tumor surgery or trauma loss instead of bone
used to confirm a malar exostosis and coronoid hyperplasia. transplantation reconstruction by vertical distraction can
Method: A 21-year-old man with severe limitation of be used. In local open bite a teeth bearing bony segment can
mandibular opening is presented. He had a history of 4 be moved vertically.
years of gradually developing limitation of opening and had Method: The vertical distraction technique was carried out
been under orthodontic treatment. according to the distraction schedule of Ilizarov. After
Clinical examination, study of the limitation, orthopan- osteotomy of a cranial part of the alveolous a new devel-
tomography study and our suspicions were confirmed by oped vertical distraction-device is inserted. After a stabiza-
3D CT scanning pre- and postsurgery. tion period of 7 days the callus distraction with a regimen of
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 73

2 x 0.5 mrrdday can start. Following a stabilization-period of

2 months the distractor can be removed. In a prospective
pilot study we treated 10 patients.
Results: Within 10-14 days we reached our attempted verti-
Hillerup, S.
cal hight. Four weeks later a beginning mineralisation of
the new bone as well as reunion of the transportet bone in
the alveolar ridge is seen. With this technique bony seg- Departments of OMFS, Copenhagen County Univ. Hospital
ments of the mandible with or without teeth could be dis- Glostrup and Rigshospitalet Univ. Hospital, Copenhagen,
tracted. In all patient the vertical distraction was Denmark
Conclusion: The advantages of callus distraction in tooth- Aims: To describe treatment strategies of a wait and see policy
less bony gaps are as follows: no donor site morbidity, dis- and microsurgical nerve repair, and the potentials for recovery
traction of vital bone, less resorption comparable to of neurosensory and gustatory function in either group.
sandwich osteoplasty, no infection problems, early mineral- Method: Of 27 patients, 13 were allocated to observation, 14
ization of new bone, implantology after 3 months, shorten- to surgery on the basis of neurosensory capacity at least 2
ing of treatment time. months after injury. Neurosensation was monitored with
Additionally advantages of distraction of tooth-bearing tests including featherlight touch, pinprick, sharp/blunt dis-
segments are: therapy of local open bite, safe blood supply crimination, heat (45oC), cold (0oC), localization, percep-
of the segment, teeth vitality remains intact, no periodontal tion of direction of touch movement, and two-point
problems. discrimination. The 7 sensory qualities were rated arbitrar-
ily from 0-3. The sense of taste was tested with the stimu-
lants, sweet (saccharose 5%), sour (citric acid 5%), salt
(saline 5%), and bitter (chininhydrochloride 0.5%). Lingual
PATENCY AND M O R P H O L O G Y O F T H E CLEFT nerves with no signs of recovery, i.e. sum score <= 2 were
L I P AND PALATE (CLP) NOSE surgically exposed and repaired by direct epineural suturing.
Results: Cases with some remaining neurosensory function
Hierl, Z*, Krb'ger, W., Hemprich, A. showed a remarkable potential for spontaneous recovery
within the first year. Eleven out of 14 patients with persis-
Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery, University tent anaesthesia experienced a favourable neurosensory
of Leipzig, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany recovery after nerve suturing, mean 75 percent of scores of
the healthy side of the tongue, range 26-90%. Gustatory
recovery was rare and, even at best, incomplete.
Aims: In the rehabilitation of CLP patients the most Conclusions: The return of tongue sensibility after lingual nerve
emphasis has been placed on reconstructing the form and repair in the majority of cases makes the surgical procedure
function of the cleft lip and palate, in a way neglecting worthwhile in the face of otherwise irreversible iatrogenic damage.
nasal respiration. This study was intended to investigate
nasal morphology and function of CLP patients with
objectve methods.
Methods: 137 patients aged from 5 to 51 ys, average 17.5 ys Fh POSTOPERATIVE MASTICATORY M O T O R
(56% M, 44% F) have been examined from 7/96 to 12/97 by F U N C T I O N IN MONKEYS RECEIVED VERTICAL
way of active anterior rhinomanometry and acoustic rhi- MANDIBULAR R A M U S OSTEOTOMY: A
nometry. 56% suffered from unilateral cleft lip and palate L O N G I T U D I N A L H-REFLEX AND C H E W I N G E M G
(UCLP), 26% from bilateral CLP, and 18% from cleft STUDY
palate all having been treated in the same centre with an
identical scheme of operations. Data collected included Hirashima, S., 1 Amano, N., 2 Chang, H.-H., 2 Yi, C. -K.,
nasal air flow at 150 Pa, nasal resistance, position and and Fukuda, £;
diameter of minimal cross-sectional area (min.-area), and
nasal volume before and after decongestion with First Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 1 Dept. of
oxymetazoline. Oral Neuroscice, Kyushu Dental College, Kitakyushu, Japan;
Results: Flow, minimal cross-sectional area, and volume 2 Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School of
turned out to be significantly lower on the cleft side before Dentistry, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.
and after decongestion in UCLP patients (without
oxymetazoline: 173 vs. 330 ml/s flow; 0.39 vs. 0.47 cm 2
min.-area; 7.5 vs. 10.4 cm 3 volume; p<0.05). In bilateral We consider that the postoperative relapse of elongated
CLP patients measurements for both sides lay in between mandibular ramus would be due to excessive tension of the
the above mentioned figures and no significant difference masseter-medial pterygoid muscle sling. The purpose of this
was noted between either side (flow 227 ml/s per side; min.- study is to compare the effects at different muscle tensions
area 0.45 cm2; 9.8 cm 3volume). Nasal flow and resistance on the masticatory motor function between monkeys
correlated significantly with minimal cross-sectional area received intraoral and extraoral vertical mandibular ramus
and volume. osteotomies (IVRO and EVRO). The Hoffman (H)-reflex in
Conclusions: As is known from the literature that the sub- masseter muscle and the E M G activity of the right and left
jective assessment of nasal patency is misleading, objective jaw muscles during mastication were recorded before and
methods are necessary for the assessment of nasal function. after the surgery in 5 adult Japanese monkeys. The monkeys
Acoustic rhinometry and rhinomanometry are complemen- were divided into 3 groups. In Groups I and II, the right
tary methods of demonstrating the impairment of nasal mandibular rami were cut with IVRO, whereas the left rami
respiration in CLP patients. With exact data, a better cut with IVRO and EVRO, respectively. After splitting of
understanding of the complex nasal malformation might the rami, metal splints were cemented to the left lower
be achieved, which could lead to superior operative molars for the unilateral ramal elongation. The intermaxil-
outcome. lary function was applied for 3 weeks. Group III received a
sham operation: The right and left rami were cut with IVRO
74 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

and EVRO, respectively. No treatment for the ramal elon- Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University
gation was given. In groups II and III, the masseter and of Dresden, Fetscherstr. 74, D-O1307 Dresden, Germany
medial pterygoid muscles on the side received EVRO were
detached and remained unsutured. Postoperative E M G
Purpose: The purpose of our investigation was to examine
recordings were attempted at an interval of one month for
the temporomandibular joint disc following surgical treat-
all animals. Neither the H-wave nor the rhythmic chewing
ment of condylar neck fractures. All fractures were treated
E M G activity has reappeared in the right and left masseter
with lag screw osteosynthesis or miniplates. Using M R I
muscles of Groups I and III up to 4 months after the opera-
scans the following features were investigated: position and
tion. The examination of Group II is now in progress.
function of the temporomandibular joint disc.
Method: 36 patients with unilateral (18) and bilateral (18)
condylar neck fractures underwent MRI, eight of them pre-
CLINICAL AND R A D I O L O G I C A L STUDY operative and 28 patients postoperative.
F O L L O W I N G SURGICAL TREATMENT O F Results: The highest number of disc dysfunctions were
LAG-SCREW O S T E O S Y N T H E S I S IN CASE O F observed in cases of intra-articular fractures, followed by
MANDIBULAR CONDYLAR NECK FRACTURES- A fractures with luxations and dislocations of the condylar
REVIEW. neck.
Following osteosynthesis procedures only in one case a
Hlawitschka, 3/1., Eckelt U. medial dislocation of the disc were found. In all other
patients an exact position in the glenoid fossa were
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surge~ observed.
University of Dresden, Fetscherstr. 74, D-01307 Dresden, Germany In addition, pathological changes of the contralateral
temporomandibular disc were found in 8 of 18 patients with
unilateral condylar neck fractures. In 40 of 72 temporo-
PURPOSE: mandibular joints investigated during our study no patho-
This study evaluates the intra- and postoperative complica- logical changes of the discs were seen. No clinical
tions and failures following open reduction and lag-screw correlation between M R I diagnosis and clinical findings
osteosynthesis of condylar neck fractures and describes the were found.
clinical and radiologic results. Conclusions: M R I is a suitable method for diagnosing inter-
nal derangement of the TMJ following condylar neck frac-
METHOD: tures.
230 patient underwent surgery for displaced or dislocated These findings indicated that the discs removed with the
condylar neck fractures via a submandibular approach. repostion condyles when a open reduction occurred. On the
The proximal fragments were fixed using a lag screw other hand an impact on the contralateral no fractured disc
designed by Eckelt. Standardized clinical and radiological may occur.
examination were performed 6 months and approximately
2 years post-operatively. Clinical factors recorded were
pain, occlusion, range of mandibular movement, demage
of 5th or 7th nerve. Angulation between the mandibular 3-YEAR F O L L O W - U P AFTER SURGICAL
ramus and the dislocated condyle were measured and com- TREATMENT O F OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA
pared with the contralateral side preoperatively and at the
last follow-up. Hardy, 0.1% Conradt, R.2, Hochban, W.1, Heitmann, J.2,
Umstadt, HE.l, Penzei, T.2, Peter, JH.2
Limited anatomical shape of the mandibular ramus was Philipps-University Marburg, Klinik for Mund-, Kiefer-,
seen intraoperatively in 15 cases (6,5%). In those case an Gesichtschirurgiel, Schlafmedizinisches Labor2, Marburg,
additional fixation was necessary. Not correct reposition Germany
and fixation of the proximal fragment did occure in 12
cases. Five fractures did exhibit complications requiring Subject: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can successfully be
reoperation. The radiographic examination did show excel- treated by maxillomandibular osteotomy (MMO) in some
lent positions of the surgically fixed condylar neck fractures cases. But until now, long-term follow-up results over years
in 93,4%. The postoperative outcome was uneventful in are missing.
most patients. However, some patients did have complica- Methods: More than 30 patients with (mean fi SD) 44.5 fi
tions, including unsatisfactory reduction, arthrotic changes 11.8 years and a body-mass-index BMI of 8.3 fi 3.4 kg/m2
and resorption (3,9%) of the mandibular condyles. Most of underwent MMO. All patients were investigated for two con-
them complication were seen in these patients with postop- secutive nights by cardiorespiratory polysomnography. Sleep
erative redislocation or infection. stages and breathing disorders were visually scored accord-
ing to standard criteria. Polysomnographic controls were
CONCLUSIONS: assessed 3 months and every year after surgical treatment.
The results indicate that ideal treatment of condylar neck Results: There were no significant changes in mean BMI
fractures is possible using axial anchor screw system in cer- during the investigation period. In the first postoperative
tain cases. However in some cases complications and diffi- control mean respiratory disturbance index R D I (number of
culties were seen occure probably. apneas, hypopneas and arousals during snoring periods per
hour sleep) decreased from 51.4 to 6.4. 3 years postopera-
tively the R D I slightly increased to 9.5. Nevertheless, these
changes during the follow-up were not significant. Persisting
breathing disorders were merely partial upper airway
obstruction. Oxygen saturation significantly increased after
surgery, a significant increase of N R E M 3/4 and decrease of
Hlawitschka, M., Eckelt U.
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 75

NREM1 indicated a restoration of physiologic sleep struc- Methods: Adult cleft patients with major nasal deformities
ture. As for the respiratory parameters, the improvement of were treated with special respect to the underlying defor-
sleep structure proved to be stable 3 years after operation, at mity. Beside all steps in rhinoplasty (median and lateral
least, no significant changes could be found. osteotomies for the bony nasal correction, modelling of the
Conclusion: This study demonstrates that surgical therapy deviated nasal septum and spine, sculpturing of the upper
by maxillomandibular advancement issuccessful in a high lateral and alar cartilages), this additionally means subpe-
percentage of patients selected by cephalometric and riosteal mobilisatiou of the alar base, augmentation of the
polysomnographic investigation. Furthermore, these results hypoplastic cleft maxillary base, and, most important,
proved to be fairly stable over a 3-year-period. restauration of the perioral and perinasal muscles.
Results: Pre- and intraoperative evaluation of 23 cleft
patients with the desire for correction of the nasal deformity
proved more or less incomplete restoration of the cleft lip
H Y P O G L O S S A L NERVE STIMULATION: A NEW muscles in all cases. Part of them also had major skeletal
TREATMENT OF OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA problems with bony deficiency mainly on the cleft side and
underwent maxillary advancement procedures as a first step
Knaaek, L.I*, Hochban, W.2, Heitmann, J., Podszus, T1, prior to rhinoplasty. The maxillary advancement with better
Peter, J.H.1. support to the nasal base improved the situation consider-
ably. Nevertheless, beside the routine rhinoplastic proce-
Philipps- University Marburg, Schlafmedizinisches Labor:, dures all patients needed re-operation of the cleft lip with
Klinik for Mund-, Kiefer-, Gesiehtschirurgie2, Marburg, restauration of the gaping perioral/-nasal muscles for good
Germany nasal shape and symmetry also at the one year follow-up.
Conclusion: Rhinoplasty in cleft patients should consider all
Subject: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a consequence of cleft restoration principles. In cases with severe nasal defor-
decreasing muscle tone of the upper airway dilating muscles. mity one must assume for certain, that there is no proper
Electrical stimulation of the upper airway muscles (f.i. restoration of the cleft. For stable results re-operation of the
genioglossus) has been shown to improve inspiratory flow in cleft deformity especially of the cleft lip muscles seems
patients with OSA. Nevertheless, the breakage of apneas absolutely essential.
with percutaneous electrical stimulation is associated with
alpha EEG-arousals and thus disturbing sleep.
Method: In cooperation with Medtronic a pacemaker device
has been developed to stimulate the neuromuscular unit via
the hypoglossal nerve. Prior to application in human the
device had been tested in dogs and showed increased air-
flow. After the first implantation in 1995 the device is con-
siderably improved and meanwhile consists of a fully
implantable system with a pressure transducer implanted Hofele, C.*, Krueger, H., Tomakidi, P., Muehling, J.
into the sternum, sensing inspiratory efforts, a pulse genera-
tor in the pectoral area, and a U-shaped electrode to the
hypoglossal nerve.
Dept. of Oral and MaxilloJacial Surgery, University of
Results: Intraoperative stimulation proved reasonable
Heidelberg, INF 400, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany
tongue protrusion, the intrathoracic pressure sensor worked
perfectly. At the 1 month follow-up in the sleep lab under
polysomnographic control 98% of all inspiratory efforts AIMS:
were recognized and effective stimulation was obtained dur- To evaluate the induction and the repair of DNA-Damage in
ing both slow wave and REM sleep with a voltage of 2.5- an epithelial cell line caused by radiation and tobacco smoke
2.8. This stimulation increased inspiratory flow by solution. Furthermore we were looking for increased levels
300fil00ml, a significant reduction of apnea-hypopnea- of DNA-strand-breaks in lymphocytes and human buccal
index was obtained, sleep quality improved. No arousals mucosa of smokers compared to non-smokers.
due to the stimulation could be observed.
Conclusion: Even if long term follow-up is missing, these results METHODS:
demonstrate, that neuromuscular stimulation of the hypoglos- Strand breaks in the D N A - a measure for the damaged
sal nerve may be an appropriate treatment alternative for OSA. D N A - were be detected by the single-cell-gel-elec-
trophoresis (Comet-Assay). Cell line: The epithelial cell
line was of oesophageal origin (TE). The D N A damage
was induced by treatment with radiation or a tobacco
smoke solution. To study the repair of the induced dam-
Hochban, W.* age the treated cells were stored for two hours at 37°C
without any further damaging influence, i.e. in the
absence of radiation or cigarette smoke solution.
Philipps-University Marburg, Klinik ffir Mund-, Kiefer-, Investigations in humans: Lymphocytes were drawn by
Gesichtschirurgie, Marburg, Germany
venepuncture and purified by the use of Ficoll-Paque.
Human buccal mucosa was obtained by scraping with a
Subject: Surgical correction of the cleft nose requires all tooth brush and collecting the cells in phosphate buffered
principles of rhinoplasty, but all rhinoplastic procedures saline.
lead to good results only with respect to the cleft anatomy
and its surgical correction. The cleft lip muscles cause the RESULTS:
distortion of the nose, and often proper primary cleft lip Cell line: Both radiation and tobacco smoke solution induced
correction results in good nasal shape, even if no nasal pro- DNA strand breaks which showed a reduction in comet size
cedures have been performed at that stage. after the cells were allowed to repair the DNA damage. The
76 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

reduction in comet size was less distinct in the cells treated The application of the devices can be performed unilat-
with cigarette smoke solution. Investigations in humans: A erally as well as bilaterally. Callus distraction was obtained
slight increase in basal D N A damage in smoker lymphocytes in all cases.
compared to non-smokers could be observed. We couldn't see The patients did not complain about the intraoral
such an increase in the human buccal mucosa cells. devices The distraction device was fixed intraorally
using monocortical screws and angled-screwdriver
Cell line: We conclude that cells need a longer period of time The distance of distraction was evaluated by panoramic
to repair induced D N A damage after treatment with ciga- x-rays as well as the ultrasound technique.
rette smoke solution compared to the treatment with radia- In all of the cases presented the distraction device was
tion. Investigations in humans: The basal D N A damage was removed 2 to 4 weeks after the end of the distraction. The
too high both in smokers and non-smokers so that no dis- ongoing therapy procedure requires orthodontic treatment
tinct difference could be seen. For further experiments it by the use of elastics until the bone has consolidated in the
seems likely to purify living, i.e. basal and parabasal cells desired position.
from the residual cells. Conclusion: The Callus Distraction technique, using the
intraoral approach, is a superior technique in cases of severe
hypoplasia, for correction of malformations of the
mandible both in the ascending ramus as well as in the hori-
[~ P O S I T I O N O F DISC AND CONDYLE IN zontal ramus.
O R T H O G N A T H I C SURGERY In this presentation, the application of the technique will
be described. Combined treatment with an orthodontist
Hoffmeister* B., MD, DDS, PhD, Marks Ch., Ohnesorge,L, MD immediately after removal of the osteosynthesis device gives
a new dimension to orthodontic correction of 'floating
Berlin, Germany bone'. Some cases will be discussed demonstrating the excel-
lent outcome of this procedure and the experience gained in
dealing with this concept.
When performing intraoperative fixation of the ascending
ramus we routinely use preoperative and postoperative M R I
of the TMJ to evaluate the condylar position as well as to
determine disc dislocation. In our opinion, only this tech-
nique will be able to give us true information about the soft PAINFUL H Y P E R P L A S I A / O S T E O C H O N D R O M A
tissue structures as well as bone formation. OF THE MANDIBULAR CONDYLE: REPORT O F
In a prospective study on 50 patients on whom we oper- SURGERY IN FIVE PATIENTS
ated with sagittal split osteotomy to achieve mandibular
advancement pre- and postoperative M R I were used for the Holmlund, A.*, Gynther G.
evaluation. The evaluation of the MR-images was routinely
performed using the technique developed by Bumann and Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
co-workers 1997. Karolinska Institute, Huddinge, Sweden.
In 65%of the cases we examined preoperatively, we
observed anterior positioning of the disc. Postoperativly, in
Aim: To present a preliminary evaluation of a surgical
all of these cases we found a similar position of the disc as
method for treatment of hyperplasia/osteochondroma of
the mandibular condyle.
None of these patients claimed to have pain or func-
Methods: The material comprised 5 patients with hemi-
tional problems with the TMJ.
mandibular asymmetry and clinical and radiographic
We wondered about the high amount of anterior disc dis-
features of symptoms/growth of the affected condyle. All
location with lengthening of the posterior ligament. Only in
patients had pain in the affected T M J on mandibular
9 cases preoperatively did we observe an anterior dislocation
movement. Surgery comprised condylectomy and a verti-
of the disc with reduction, observed on clinical examination.
cal ramus osteotomy on the affected side. The condylar
These results show clearly that preoperative and post-
neck was reshaped and positioned underneath the disc.
operative M R I of the TMJ gives us a valuable informa-
A vertical or sagittal ramus osteotomy was additionally
tion about the location of the soft tissue and bony
performed on the contralateral side in 3 patients. In
structures of the TMJ. This technique is a reliable method
order to improve aesthetics a lower border ostectomy of
of evaluating the quality of our orthognathic surgery
the ramus was also performed in 2 patients.
Postoperative evaluation included clinical and
radiographic examination.
Results: Four patients have been followed up for 3 years
@=~ T H E FLOATING BONE CONCEPT IN and the remaining one for 2 years. All patients improved
INTRAORAL MANDIBULAR DISTRACTION as regards joint pain, mandibular function and occlu-
sion. So far, no recurrence o f the growth has been
Hoffmeister* B., MD, DMD, PhD, Marcks, Ch., Wolff. K. observed.
P., MD, DMD, PhD, Conclusion: Compared with arthroplasty with autogenous
costochondral grafts the advantages are as follows: No need
Berlin, Germany for additional surgery in order to obtain a graft and there-
fore less morbidity for the patient. Shorter operation time. A
Recently different systems have been developed for the local osseous pedicled graft based on the medial pterygoid
intraoral Callus Distraction Technique. In our department, muscle instead of a free bone graft. Radiographic evalua-
12 adult patients were operated on using different intraoral tion of the graft is easier compared with that for costochon-
callus distraction devices All of the patients had a mandibu- dral grafts.
lar advancement of more than 9mm.
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 77

menting bone, but hydroxyapatite blocks are not easily

sculpted. Nonceramic hydroxyapatite cement
(BoneSource0 can be mixed with water to form a dense
Holmlund, .4. *
paste that sets within 15 minutes and isothermically con-
verts in vivo to a microporous hydroxyapatite implant.
Unlike hydroxyapatite blocks, H A C paste can be precisely
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Karolinska molded and contoured to fill osseous defects. Replacement
Institute, Huddinge, Sweden.
of the hydroxyapatite cement implants by new bone is pos-
tulated to occur by a combination of osteoconduction and
In the field of orthopaedic surgery, arthroscopic procedures implant resorption.
have more and more replaced open surgery. The same trend H A C was used to reconstruct or seal defects o f the
has occurred regarding the TMJ. However, compared with skull and facial bones in 21 patients. The results demon-
large joints such as the knee, arthroscopic surgery of the strate wide application possibilities for reconstruction of
TMJ is more difficult. Instruments of fine dimensions are bone defects up to 25cm2. U p to now cranial bone
required in order to give access to all areas of the joint. integrity has been achieved in 20 patients. Dissolution of
However, the instruments have often been too small to allow cement has occured in 1 case and appears to be tech-
for effective working. The recent introduction of surgical nique related. The anatomic contour of the soft tissue
lasers such as the Holmium YAG seems to offer a solution overlying all hydroxyapatite cement implants was well
to this problem. maintained. There were no infections or structural fail-
The biological basis for TMJ arthroscopic surgery, being ures. The implants were well tolerated. It is beleaved that
minimally invasive both to the internal and external joint H A C will become a standard tool in the management of
structures, is that the TMJ has a considerable potential for cranial and facial bone defects following t r a u m a or
adaptation and repair. Therefore only minor interventions surgery.
in the joint tissues may be sufficient to reverse the disease
process and improve function.
Compared with open surgery, arthroscopic surgery has
some advantages. Complications are few if any. Many T E C H N I Q U E S F O R SIMULTANEOUS
arthroscopic procedures can be performed under local CORRECTION O F NASAL D E F O R M I T I E S
anaesthesia in an outpatient clinic. It is cheaper than open T O G E T H E R W I T H ORTHOGNATHIC SURGERY IN
surgery since it means a shorter hospitalization and little if CLEFT PATIENTS
any sick leave for the patient.
Various procedures have been presented in the literature Hukki, J. *, Heli6vaara, A.
all indicating a good short-term outcome. In my presenta-
tion I shall go through these procedures and evaluate them Cleft Center, Division of Plastic Surgery, Helsinki University
critically. I also intend to present some new data from our Hospital, Helsinki, Finland
own studies.
To demonstrate various rhinoplasty techniques with carti-
lage or bone grafts used in conjunction with Le Fort I
CRANIOFACIAL R E C O N S T R U C T I O N W I T H A osteotomy for correction of mid-facial and nasal deformi-
N E W N O N C E R A M I C HYDROXYAPATITE CEMENT ties in cleft patients.
Horch HH, Zeilhofer HF,, Neff A, Sader R. Many cleft patients require orthognathic surgery for correction
of growth disturbances especially of the maxilla. In addition to
Dpt. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of affecting occlusion, maxillary hypoplasia leads to poor facial
Technology, Munich, Germany aesthetics of the mid-face and the nose. An osteotomy without
rhinoplasty may further aggravate nasa/asymmetry and lead
A wide variety of implant materials are currently being used to an unsatisfactory result and a secondary rhinoplasty.
for facial skeletal augmentation and skull bone reconstruc-
tion. The most commonly used materials are bone, cartilage METHODS:
and polymeric alloplasts. Each of these implants has signifi- All patients in the presented series had a Le Fort I
cant limitations. Autogenous bone grafts have the disadvan- osteotomy together with an open rhinoplasty carried out in
tages of donor site morbidity, limited quantity, variable the same procedure. Depending on the case, nasal septal or
resorption and unpredictable remodeling of the graft. auricular cartilage was used either alone or in combination
Alloplasts cause often an inflammatory response, following with calvarial bone grafts
an implant movement at the implant-host interface.
Methylmethacrylate implants are also associated with local CONCLUSIONS:
tissue necrosis and foreign body giant cell reaction, elicted Most patients especially in the UCLP group (33140)
by the exothermic polymerization phase at the time of required nasal correction in a second operation if the proce-
implantation. dure was not carried out in the same procedure together
For reconstruction of cranial bone defects hydroxyap- with osteotomy. The rhinoplasty increased the length of the
atite cement has been proved to be an interesting biomater- operating time by an average of 2.5 hours. The combined
ial. The human skeletal and dental structure consists procedure has not increased morbidity nor the length of
mainly of calcium phosphate in the form of hydroxyapatite hospital stay. Our preference today is to perform an open
(HA). Hydroxyapatite cement is a calcium-phosphate- rhinoplasty together with Le Fort I osteotomy whenever
based material. Synthetic hydroxyapatite is a strong, brittle, indicated. Several clinical examples of cleft patients with
biocompatible ceramic. Its strength makes it useful for aug- simultaneous rhinoplasty and orthognathic surgery will be
78 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

shown. Detailed descriptions with drawings of various AIMS: Placing any type of implant into an immediately
rhinoplasty techniques using cartilage grafts with or with- post-extraction socket was always said to be hazardous,
out bone grafts will be presented. because clinicians are faced with two major problems: initial
stability of the implant(s) used, and soft tissue ingrowth
during the healing period. Therefore, most clinicians tend to
wait at least twelve weeks before inserting the implants. This
EXPERIMENTAL C H E M O T H E R A P Y O F H U M A N study combines two particular materials, used when per-
S Q U A M O U S CELL CARCINOMA forming Replacement Therapy TM to define if one can pro-
H E T E R O T R A N S P L A N T E D TO NUDE MICE: duce predictable results and success.
R E S P O N S E O F DOCETAXEL IN DIFFERENT TIME M E T H O D S : Teeth were extracted in 102 patients, between
SCHEDULES 19 and 71 years old, and a total of 416 ITI single stage tita-
nium screw implants were placed immediately 2-5mm api-
Huttmann, C. 1% Fokas, K. 1, Eckardt, A. 1, Kuske, 3/1.2, cally into the extraction sockets. Bioplant H T R 40 Synthetic
Knebel, J. W.3, Hedrich, H.-J. 4, Haindl, j.s Bone, the smaller size of these microporous granules, was
used for packing apically in the socket. Primary closure was
1Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, done with Vicryl Rapid 2/0 or 3/0 for suturing the flap(s),
2Department of Pathology, and with Vicryl Normal 4/0 around the neck of the
3Department of Experimental Pathology, implants. Prosthetic rehabilitation was obtained by place-
4Animal Care Unit, ment of ball retained overdentnres and cemented crowns
5Department of Nuclear Medicine, Hannover Medical and bridges.
School, Hannover/ Germany RESULTS: The 7 year follow-up revealed no allergic
reaction, inflammation swelling or pain. Very important,
Aims: To study transplantation of human tumour cells into was that no soft tissue ingrowth was ever seen. Bioplant
immunodeficient mice. This has provided an in-vivo model H T R itself seems to act as a membrane. The material ini-
for the study of biological behaviour and tumour progres- tially forms dense or very dense fibrous tissue under the
sion. gum flap, preventing epithelial and connective tissue
Method: Tumour cells of a recurrent tongue carcinoma ingrowth around the implant. No implant was lost after
(ZK001) were cultured and subsequently injected subcuta- 7 years. N o measurable loss of bone height and width
neously into several NMRl-mice. Following tumour was seen during this follow-up period of 7 years. The
growth the tumour was then transplanted into other nude material always produced immediate surplus stabilisa-
mice. Histologically the tumour showed the same charac- tion and helps stop bleeding. Because of its naturally
teristics as the host. A total of 74 tumours distributed into slight negative charge of -I0mV, the material sticks to the
3 groups were treated with i.p. injection of Docetaxel titanium, stays where it is placed and repels micro-organ-
(30mg/kg). Different time schedules were tested: Group 1: isms.
Treatment days 1 and 7, group 11: treatment days 1, 4 and CONCLUSIONS: Bioplant H T R Synthetic Bone is an
7 and group 111: treatment days 1,4,7 and 11.34 untreated excellent and simple-to-use graft material, highly suitable to
tumours served as controls. Tumour volume and body combine with immediate titanium single stage screw
weight of tumour bearing animals was measured every implants, such as the ITI Straumann implants. Applying
four days. 14 days after the last drug injection the animals Replacement Therapy TM following the protocol tremen-
were sacrificed. Blood samples from the jugular vein were dously improves the survival rate of immediate post-extrac-
taken and serum levels of tumour markers SCC, TPA and tion implants. This will become the future in Implant
TPS were assessed. Tumours were dissected from the ani- Dentistry, because it provides every clinician the certainty of
mals and placed in 4 % formaldehyde for histological success in a very easy way, and it saves the patient surgery
examination. time and money.
Results: Treatment was well tolerated by the animals.
Treatment-related deaths occurred in four animals.
Compared with untreated mice, the tumour growth curves
of Docetaxel-treated mice showed a clear growth inhibition
which was independent of the time schedule of drug admin-
istration. Only SCC values correlated well with tumour vol- Hwang S.J. *, Haers P..E., Sailer H.F.
ume in mice.
Conclusion: Docetaxel was active in this murine model of
Department of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, University
human squamous cell carcinoma. No increased activity in
Hospital Zurich, Switzerland
tumour growth inhibition could be demonstrated in different
time schedules. In the clinical setting, Docetaxel is currently
under investigation in recurrent head and neck cancer at our Aims: To analyse the incidence of condylar resorption
institution, in particular with focus on dose intensification. following orthognathic surgery and determine common
factors in the cases involved. To analyse skeletal stability
in patients with preoperative flattening and other changes
of the condylar form due to orthodontic therapy with
THE INFLUENCE O F APPLYING REPLACEMENT headgear and other functional appliances at an earlier
POST-EXTRACTION DENTAL I M P L A N T S Method: Cephalograms and orthopantomograms taken pre-
operatively, immediately postoperatively and two years
Huys L % postoperatively in a group of 452 patients who underwent
orthognathic surgery were analysed retrospectively for signs
Oral Implantology, Hospital Queen Fabiola, Blankenberge, of condylar resorption. This was detected in eleven patients
Belgium out of 452 (2.4%) without preoperative flattening of the
condyle (Group 1). In ten other patients analysis of
EACMFS Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 79

orthopantomograms and cephalograms taken before start- Dumitru Hytsu, Dumitru Scherbatiuk *, Oleg Cojoraru,
ing orthodontic therapy at an earlier age, and the radi- Nicolae Kele
ographs taken before starting preoperative orthodontic
coordination, showed flattening and loss of at least the The N. Testemitsanu SMFU, Department of Oro-
vertical dimension of the condyle (Group 2). These data maxillofacial Surgery, CHISINAU, The Republic of
were compared with radiographs taken preoperatively, Moldova.
immediately postoperatively and 2 years later with empha-
sis on the posterior facial height and the mandibular plane
Aim: The improvement of the fracture treatment of middle
Results: The patients in group 1 showed the characteristics part of the face and the decrease in the post-traumatic com-
reported in the literature i.e. female patients, high mandibu- plications.
lar plane angle (51 °), preoperative TMJ disorders. Methods: We had studied 2413 patients who had been
Group 2 also consisted exclusively of female patients with treated from 1992-1997. The fractures of the middle part of
high mandibular angle (53 °) and preoperatively existing the face constituted 23.11%. When diagnosing the fractures,
TMJ disorders (8110) Condylar resorption and ensuing mal- the following methods were used: the x-ray studies in differ-
occlusion were seen in two cases, whereas occlusion was sta- ent views, the computerised tomography, the ortopantho-
ble in the remaining eight cases. However, cephalometric mography, the endoscopy and infrared thermography. In the
parameters showed beginning condylar resorption in three fracture treatment, orthodontic appliances, osteosynthesis
of these. with wires, and miniplates were used.
Conclusions: 1. Although condylar resorption occurs in less Results: According to the type, the fractures were classi-
than 3% of all orthognathic cases, the patients involved fied as follows: m a n d i b l u l a r fractures - 76.89%; frac-
should be informed concerning this risk. 2. Analysis of radi- tures of the naso-ethmoidal complex - 10.0%; fractures
ographs before and after orthodontic therapy with functional of the zygomatic bone - 9.71%; fractures of the zygo-
appliances at an earlier age is mandatory before starting com- matic-orbito-maxillary complex - 3.4%. Fracture immo-
bined treatment in high mandibular angle cases. If condylar bilization with o r t h o d o n t i c appliances impedes the
resorption is already present at that stage, the patient should n o r m a l oral cavity hygiene that sometimes results in
be informed that the prognosis concerning skeletal stability is development of superinfection. Osteosynthesis with the
compromised. Yet combined treatment is the only method wire was an additional injury to the fractured bone;
available to obtain neuromuscular balance and a functional therefore, we consider that miniplates are best for the
occlusion thus correcting overloading of the TMJ. immobilisation o f fractures and because they are less
Conclusions: Computerised tomography is a more informa-
tive method, but at the same time it is rather expensive.
Immobilisation with miniplates permits anatomical realign-
ment and, thus, the eventual function normal. Endoscopy
REGION: and infrared thermography can be used for the prophylaxis
of complications.
Shouichi Miyawaki, Wataru Takioka, Hyomoto Masamitsu, Prof. Dumitru Scerbatiuk
Katsuhiro Horiuchi, Toshiaki Noshi, Masahito Sugimura.
President of the AOMS of the Republic of Moldova
28, Drumul Viilor str., ap.28, MD2021 Chisinau, Republic
Nata Medical University, Nata pref Japan of Moldova
tel: (3732) - 24-84-10, fax: (3732) - 22-33-86
The purpose of this study was to investigate the prognosis of
the lower premolars after marsupialization of a dentigerous
cyst. Fifty-seven pre-adolescents (Mean age: 10.9 years) with [~ SURGICAL I M P L A N T REHABILITATION OF
a dentigerous cyst in the lower premolar region were used as PATIENTS AT ADOLESCENT GROWTH STAGES
subjects. Almost all subjects' chief complaint was "swelling AFFECTED BY FIBROUS D I S P L A S I A O F THE
of oral mucosa of the lower premolar region". They had U P P E R JAW
already been treated by marsupialization in our hospital.
Panoramic radiographs and charts from the initial stage to Di Paolo Carlo, Panti Fabrizio, Valentini Valentino, De
post-treatment were examined closely in order to measure Ponte Francesco
the exact size of the cyst, position of the impacted premolar
and maturity of the dental root and to examine the treat- Maxillo Facial Unit University of Rome "La Sapienza"-
ment results. Natural eruption occurred in forty-four cases, Prof. Giorgio Iannetti
mechanically assisted eruption was made possible in seven
cases and extraction was performed in six cases. There were
no significant correlationships between successful eruption The Fibrous Displasia is a pathological alteration of bone
and the size of cyst and the position of the impacted premo- structures consisting of a substitution of physiologic bone
lar. Premolars with an immature root had a tendency to with fibrous tissue. Clinically it's possible to distinguish two
erupt more easily and the size (more than 6mm) of space in forms: monostotic and polystotic forms. In the maxillo
which to erupt was an important factor in obtaining a suc- facial district the most frequent localization of the mono-
cessful outcome. The results suggest that the state of the den- stotic form is the upper jaw. The F.D. is a benign growth
tal root and space for eruption may be important factors in process with a tendency of local recurrence, for that rea-
achieving a good outcome after marsupialization of a son, in our department, the selective therapy is the bone
dentigerous cyst in the lower premolar region. resection of the mass within healthy margins. The goals
of the surgical reconstructive protocol are: surgery within
healthy margins, re-establishment of extra and intra oral
morphology with tissue reconstruction for functional and
[~ T R A U M A T I S M AND FRACTURE TREATMENT O F aesthetic rehabilitation. When the pathological event
M I D D L E PART O F FACE involves patients at adolescent growth stages, many
80 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

anomalies of facial development can occure. For achiev- Daskalopoulou, D., Rapidis, A.D., latrou, L *, Markidou, S.
ing the therapeutic goals, in these patients, is necessary to
perform a step by step therapeutical protocol. The Departments of Cytology and Maxillofacial Surgery, Greek
Authors describe this protocol applied on 12 patients at Anticancer Institute, St Savvas Hospital, Athens, Greece
this stage affected by Fibrous Displasia of the upper max-
illa whose were followed for 2 to more than 10 years in
order to check the long-term success of the therapeutic AIMS:
planning and surgical implantologic rehabilitation.The Oral squamous cell carcinoma is the commonest malig-
check up criteria consist of clinical and instrumental con- nant tumour of the oral mucosa comprising more than
trol such as: X-rays analysis with orthopantomograpy, 95% of oral malignancies. The status of cervical Iymph
telecranium with two projections, for the first five post- nodes at presentation is the most important prognostic
surgical years, annual C.T. scan to check on eventual dis- factor for these patients. The presence of metastatic cervi-
plasia recurrence, the C.T. dental scan for cal Iymph nodes in oral cancer patients decrease survival
implant-prosthetic feasibility and functional electrogna- by more than 50%. Proper management requires accurate
graphic recording. The long-term follow up have shown diagnosis of suspected neck metastases. In an attempt to
good results in order to avoid an asymmetric develop- improve pre-operative diagnosis of cervical Iymph nodes
ment of the maxillo facial complex, no recurrences, a we used fine needle biopsy to evaluate the presence of
good re-establishment of the stomatognatic functions malignancy The aim of the study was twofold: A To eval-
chewing, swallowing, phonation and a satisfactory aes- uate the diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of
thetic and morphologic result of the bone-implantologic fine needle biopsy in cervical Iymph node enlargements in
reconstruction of maxillary region. oral cancer patients and B To access the method as the ini-
tial investigation of cervical enlargements in patients
without a prior medical history of oro-facial
The cytological results of 607 cases of fine needle biopsies
Iannetti G., De Ponte F.S., Bottini D.J. from cervical Iymph nodes performed over the six years
period 1991-1996 were retrospectively reviewed and
Maxillo-Facial Unit analysed. Definitive histologic diagnosis was established
"La Sapienza" University of Rome- Italy in 480 out of 607 cases after surgical treatment and histo-
logic diagnoses were compared with pre-operative cytol-
ogy. In 24 cases cytologic sampling was judged
Surgical treatment as regards patient age and site of unsatisfactory for diagnosis owing to scanty cellularity of
splanchnocranium anomalies in OSAS patient.
the smears.
As far as cranio-maxillo-facial region is concerned many
morphostructural abnormalities occur, which could be asso-
ciated with OSAS fealure. They would also be the etiopatho- RESULTS:
genetic factors in the PAS reduction. Every congenital or In the total number of 474 cases comparison between histol-
acquired event altering the balance between the spheno-eth- ogy and cytology revealed nine false negative and two false
moidal growth and the maxillary development can deter- positive cytologic results. In another seven cases a difference
mine craniofacial malformations. in histologic typing of the tumour was found. The overall
A multidisciplinary approach and a close team work diagnostic accuracy of the method was found to 97,9%
among the specialists involved is important to reach the best whereas the sensitivity and the specificity of the method
result in treatment of osas patients were 97% and 98,7% retrospectively
The correction of the skeletal anomalies is the most
important rule of the Maxillo-Facial Surgeon in the treat- CONCLUSIONS:
ment of this pathology. We can therefore conclude that fine needle biopsy of sus-
The two parameters which determine the choice of treat- pected neck metastases in oral cancer patients is a highly
ment are the patient age and the malformation site, due to accurate, simple, safe and inexpensive method to establish
the differences in growth of the cranio-facial area. definitive diagnosis.
We analyse two groups of OSAS patients; the first com-
posed by growing patients and the second by adults and in
each group we study the surgical treatment as regards the PERIPHERAL AND MURAL AMELOBLASTOMA
site of the maxillo-facial malformation.
In conclusion the Maxillo-Facial Surgery has to restore Ibrahim E. El-Hakim (BDS, MSc, MscD, PhD)* and
the tridimentional position of the facial bone causing Mostafa M. El-Khashab (BChD, MscD, FICD)**
OSAS. In some cases, despite the correct repositioning of
the maxillo-mandibular complex, there are still some Cairo, Egypt
apnea episodes. In these cases , the classification was
probably not correct because a central component ,
responsable for nocturnal apnea, was present in the OSAS Peripheral ameloblastoma (PA) is a relatively uncommon
patients. odontogenic turnout that is histologically identical to the
classic intraosseous ameloblastoma, but occurring solely in
the soft tissues covering the tooth-bearing regions of the
jaws. However, the peripheral lesion does not usually
exhibit the invasive and aggressive behaviour of its
THE DIAGNOSTIC VALUE O F FNAC IN intraosseous counterpart. The origin of the PA is thought
METASTATIC LYMPHADENOPATHY IN ORAL to be from one of two sources: extraosseous remnants of the
CANCER PATIENTS dental lamina, or the basal cell layer of the oral epithelium
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 81

which is believed to have odontogenic potential. In a study with the initial procedure. One patient with sponataneous
of 116 cases of ameloblastoma, Waldoron and E1-Mofty in rhinorrhea who had reccurence 10 months postopratively,
1991 found that 5% were peripheral and in nearly all of the required a second operation. Complications consisted of
reported cases of PA, the tumour developed in the soft tis- transient diplopia in 5 (15%), prexisting anosmia in 6 (18%)
sue overlying the alveolar bone. and postoperative in 2 patients (6%). Infections such as
Intraosseous ameloblastoma conceivably may be derived meningitis or chronic sinuitis were observed in none of the
from remnants of Hertwig's sheath as well as a potential cases.
complication stemming from the lining epithelium of a Conclusions: In regard to the low morbidity and a high suc-
dentigerous cyst or from the rests of odontogenic epithe- cess rate in sealing fistulas, the subcranial/subfrontal
lium in the cyst wall. In an appraisal of ameloblastoma approach as described is efficient for the management of
potential of follicular cysts, Stanely and Diehl in 1965, stud- CSF rhinorrhea. Fractures of the sphenoidal planes com-
ied 641 cases of ameloblastoma of which 108 tumours bined with those of the petrous bone are considered to be a
(approximately 17%) were definitely associated with an typical fracture pattern resulting in persistant fistulas.
impacted tooth and/or follicular (dentigerous) cyst. The
purpose of this presentation is to add to the world literature
the first case which presents an unusual association of
peripheral ameloblastoma originating from the basal layer ~ = ~ LESS INVASIVE SURGERY F O R S Q U A M O U S
of oral epithelium and mural ameloblastoma developing CELL C A R C I N O M A OF T H E ORAL CAVITY AND
from the epithelium lining of a dentigerous cyst related to T H E OROPHARYNX
an impacted mandibular canine in a 13-year-old Egyptian
boy. K. lkemura* 1), R. Oya 1), S. Nakamura 1) and N. Onari 2)

* Associate Professor of Oral Surgery- Presentor Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surg 1) and Radiology 2),
** Professor of Oral Pathology University Hospital of Occupational and Environmental
Faculty of Dental Medicine, A1-Azhar University Cairo- Health, School of Medicine. Kitakyushu City, Japan
Telephone: 4027200
Speaker: In order to avoid dysfunction and its negative impact on
Ibrahim E. El-Hakim QOL, less invasive surgery for carcinoma of the oral cavity
Home Telephone: 202-3690289 and the oropharynx was conducted at the primary site and
5 c m x 5 cm Slide evaluated.
Oral Presentation
Dr.Ibrahim El-Hakim
Less invasive surgery includes the preoperative chemother-
6 E1-Gendy street
apy with irradiation, the application of the artificial dermis
Hadayek Helwan 11433
to the operation wound and the pathological investigation
of surgical margins using a frozen section diagnosis com-
bined with the modified Mohs method.
The patients with T3 and T4 squamous cell carcinoma
TREATMENT OF PERSISTENT CEREBROSPINAL or T2 carcinoma, in which surgery may cause functional
FLUID (CSF) RHINORRHEA BY THE impairment, were treated with the preoperative chemora-
SUBCRANICALISUBFRONTAL APPROACH diotherapy. The targeted intra-arterial infusion of CBDCA
(carboplatin) and concomitant radiation therapy were
lizuka, Z *, Laiidrach, K., Raveh, J. undertaken, and per os administration of 5-FU (UFT®)
was also added during this treatment. Fifteen of the evalu-
Department of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, University able 17 patients showed clinical complete response and the
Hospital of Bern, Switzerland other two partial response. In these cases, the operated area
was remarkably reduced and when necessary, the resected
Aim: To evaluate surgical techniques of the subcranial/sub- area was covered with the artificial dermis, which was the
frontal approach for treatment of CSF leaks of the anterior collagen/silicon bilayer membrane (Teru-dermis ®). Tumor
skull base. persistence at surgical margins was histologically examined.
Method: This follow-up study includes 34 patients with per-
sistent rhinorrhea who underwent subfrontal exposure of the CONCLUSION:
skull and dural repair with fascia lata between 1992 and 1996. This method preserves the function of patients with
The etiology of the fistulas was traumatic or posttraumatic in advanced cancer. A long follow-up is necessary to observe
28, spontaneous in 4, and postoperative in 2. The patients recurrence and survival rate.
with traumatic fistulas were treated operatively after a failue
of the conservative treatment for 2 to 5 weeks (mean 19 days).
The follow-up consisted of sequential controlls after one,
three and 6 months and each year further on. Follow-up
period ranged from 2 to 5 years (mean 3.2 years). There were llic M. P., Ristic J., Dzolev A., Vucokovic N. % Hrabovski
10 female and 24 male patients with mean age of 34 years. A., Dedie S.,Kiralj A.
Results: The fistulas were located to the orbital roof in 5, the
ethmoidal roof in 13, the sphenoidal roof in 16 patients. In
Institute of Surgery, Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery,
5 cases, the fistulas located at the cribriform plate. Of the
University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia
trauma cases (n:21), 43% (n=9) had fistulas in the sphe-
noidal region with combined fractures in the petrous bone,
* Institute of Pathology, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad,
33 of 34 patients (97%) the fistulas were successfully closed
82 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

AIMS: C o n c l u s i o n s : R e s u l t s suggests that the I L - 6 , which is pro-

We examined incidence and presentation of carcinoma in duced by the new cell line derived from oral SCC seems
pleomorphic adenoma (CaPA). Also, we studied prognosis to act in an autocrine fashion. This new cell line will be
in dependence of carcinomas site in pleomorhic adenoma useful for studing the influence of I L - 6 on oral SCC.
(PA) and methods of operative treatment.

In period 1973-92. 634 patients were treated operatively EXPERIMENTAL STUDY O F ORGAN AND TISSUE
with tumor of salivary glands. All principles for treatment REACTION TO THE H Y P O D E R M I C I N J E C T I O N O F
salivary gland's tumors were observed. When we had been POLYACRYLAMID GEL (PAAG)
obtained the find CaPA with penetration capsule of benign
tumor operative treatment for malignant tumors were per- lourkovsM 0., Osipov G., Vologin A.
5-years surviving in patients with CaPA were observed. Department of Face and Neck Plastic Surgery Central
Research Institute of Stomatology, Moscow, Russia
In the observed period from totally number of operated Aims: To study the reaction of the tissues, haemotological
patients 489 had benign tumor with the most frequent system and biochemical indices to the hypodermic injection
localization in parotid salivary gland (PSG). of PAAG used for contour plastic operations on soft tissues.
Pathohystological examination showed 351 cases of PA. 27 M e t h o d : White rats were subjected to 2-ml PAAG spinal
patients had CaPA. The most primary site of CaPA was hypodermic injections under sterile conditions. One group
PSG (59%), but then submandibular salivary gland of rats was rendered immunodeficient by cyclophosphan
(SmSG) (37%). Primary site of PA is more frequent in PSG injection, the other group was later injected with
(77%). immunomodulator T-activin in relation to the immunodefi-
From 27 CaPA patients 10 had regional metastasis. ciency.
Primary CaPA in SmSG gave more frequent regional metas- Results: It was noted that PAAG injection does not essen-
tasis - 5 (50%) then the site in PSG - 5 (31%). tially influence the haemotological system and biochemical
All patients with CaPA had arise from PA. CaPA with- indices. However, some reduction in the activity of a num-
out infiltration of PA's capsule made regional metastasis in ber of reactions was observed as well as the development of
one case. However, penetration of PA capsule had bad prog- leukopoenia in the lymphopoenia background. T-activin
nosis. Five-years period survived 3 patients with PSG site partially normalises these indices. Histological research has
and 2 patients with SmSG localization. High percent of revealed that the tissue reaction to gel is subjected to
five-years period surviving had patients both of sites - 88% changes in the immunodeficiency status, especially at late
(PSG) and 80% (SmSG). stages of the experiment: on days 30 and 60. The injection
of T-activin, to a certain extent, normalizes the tissue reac-
CONCLUSIONS: tion to PAAG implantation.
In our biopsy material percent of CaPA is high. Spreading Conclusions: In the status of immunodeficiency the PAAG injec-
of regional metastasis is as world's literature reports. tions should be given in relation to immunomodulative therapy.
Metastasis in SmSG have badly prognosis. Regularly opera-
tive treatment of tumor's with primary site in salivary
glands produces of high percent five-years surviving.
10 submand 37% MAXILLAE.

Sten Isaksson DDS MD PhD

A NEW H U M A N ORAL S Q U A M O U S CELL Medical & Dental Health Centre Halmstad Sweden
INTERLEUKIN - 6 ( IL - 6 )
In situations with significant atrophy of the edentulous
Imai, Y.*I, Sasaki, T.1, lwase, H.1, Fujibayashi, T.1, maxilla, advanced loss of alveolar and/or basal bone struc-
Akimoto, K.2, Niwa, A.3 ture, endosseous implants may be utilised in combination
with various types of bone grafts.
Department of OMFS1, Laboratory of Morecular and When bone grafts are placed, with or without immediate
Cellular Biology2, Department of Microbiology3, Dokkyo implant installation, the graft and host bed interfaces
University School of Medicine, Tochigi, Japan should be carefully adjusted for complete contact and
immobilised utilising principles of rigid fixation. Rigid fixa-
tion is essential to successful onlay- or inlay grafting and is
A i m s : To determine the IL - 6 secretion from a new cell line accomplished by placement of either titanium implants or
derived from oral squamous cell carcinoma. titanium rigid fixation screws after intimate non-rocking
M e t h o d : Using a new human carcinoma cell line estab- interfacing of graft with host bone.
lished from a tongue cancer, IL - 6 levels were measured by Four studies will be presented; onlay-and sinus inlay -
ELISA in culture supernatant. IL - 6 / IL - 6R m R N A techniques of bone grafting in one- or two stage-procedures
expression was studied by RT - PCR analysis. will be discussed for situations when bone grafts may be
Results : The concentration of IL - 6 in condition media used overlying existing residual bone in the edentulous max-
were 2.4 A_}0.4 ng / ml / 72 h (n : 3). The oral SCC cell line illa.
apparently expressed IL - 6 m R N A ( 295 - bp) and IL - 6R The first study will evaluate retrospectively a one stage
m R N A (gp 80:251 - b p / g p 130:423 - bp). maxillary sinus augmentation technique with endosseous
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 83

implants. Forty-nine patients received 314 BrSnemark

implants, of which 171 implants of various lengths were
placed in the grafted bone and 143 implants in the adjacent
maxillary alveolar process. Five patients also received onlay Junnosuke Ishii DDS, DMSc
grafts to the anterior maxilla. Follow-up time was 3-49
months after abutment connection.
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kobe
The second study is an osteometric evaluation of 22
patients from the first study and the aim was to determine
University School of Medicine, Japan
whether bone quality influences the integration of implants
and whether such data can be prognostically useful. ABSTRACT
The third study is a prospective analysis of a two stage The clinical treatment for oral mucosal disease with laser
maxillary sinus augmentation with endosseous implants. It surgery was carried out on 370 cases, during 1979 and 1997.
includes 186 implants, of a total of 290, inserted in grafted They included 68 cases out of 75 malignant tumors were
bone in 46 edentulous patients. The follow-up period is squamous cell carcinoma in histopathology.
between 2-36 months so far, and the results are preliminary Twenty cases of them were radically treated without
ones. other kind of therapy other than laser surgery. The sites
The fourth study is a study undertaken to compare were on the tongue in16, the gingiva in 2, and in one case
implant angulation and position after one- or two-stage each on the buccal mucosa and the floor of the m o u t h . No
sinus inlay bone grafting. Twenty patients were selected evidence of a recurrence was shown in all but one with
retrospectively; ten were operated on with a one-stage tongue cancer (T1NOM0).
procedure and ten with a two-stage method. Casts An incidence of secondary lymph node metastasis in the
processed for the final bridgework were used for the patients who had laser surgery because of tongue cancer
assessment. was reviewed. Therefore the incidence was compared with
those of the patients received interstitial irradiation.
In this review, the most common disease in precancerous
lesions was leukoplakia, although some precancerous
[~ T H E TREATMENT O F MANDIBULAR lesions were included in them. Laser surgery for these dis-
CONDYLAR FRACTURE BY DIRECT APPROACH eases showed a good control within a definite period of
TO REACH THE FACIAL NERVE time. However some cases recurred and changed malig-
nancy. We compared a recurrence rate of leukoplakia with
Osamu Ishihara, Izumi Mataga, Akira Tanaka the patients who were with C02 laser to those who were
treated with Nd-YAG laser.
Department of OMFS II, School of Dentistry at The results suggest that we should select laser and
Niigata, The Nippon method in accordance with a characteristic of the
Dental University, JAPAN disease.

The aim of this study is to evaluate the basic surgical proce- [~ D O W N - R E G U L A T I O N O F BCL-2 FAMILY GENE
dure for mandibular condylar fractures replaced by direct PRODUCTS BY TREATMENT W I T H CBDCA IN
approach to reach the facial nerve. S Q U A M O U S CARCINOMA CELLS

MATERIAL AND M E T H O D S : tltoh, M.*, 1Chiba, H., 1Noutomi, Z, 2Toyota,

For three patients, two with unilateral lower level of condy- H., 2Mizuguchi £
lar fractures with luxation from temporomandibular fossa
and a malunited of low condylar fracture, were treated by IDepartment of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
direct approach to reach the facial nerve. For these 2Department of Immunology, Tokyo Medical College, Tokyo,
patients, we applied mini-plate fixation systemdirectly fol- Japan
lowing replacement of bone fragments. All follow-up peri-
ods are more than one year. Postoperative function and
Aims: The growth of the cell lines (TMC6T & TMC7T)
radiological morphology were assessed.
from squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) has been shown to be
inhibited by carboplatin (CBDCA) more than 80%, whereas
RESULT: in one cell line (TMC8T) with inhibition by only 40%. To
We could replace bone fragments and fix for three cases understand the differential sensitivity to CBDCA, the level
without resection of the lateral pterygoid muscle and of Bcl-2 family gene products was measured.
additional approach. In two patients, reversible facial Methods: Cell line were maintained in RPMI-1640 contain-
paralysis of buccal or temporal branch were observed ing 15% fetal calf serum in the presence of 2 m M L-gluta-
postoperatively, but completely improvd two to three mine, 5_M mercaptoethanol and 100 g/ml of kanamycin at
months. Although h a e m a t o m a occured early postopera- 37_ in humidified air with 5% CO2_. The level of Bcl-2 fam-
tive course at only one patient, it was healed by aspira- ily gene products were determined by Western blotting.
tion and compressed dressing. In all patients, normal Results: Balance between the apoptosis-preventing gene
function and guidance o f the jaw were obtained and (bcl-2, bcl-xL) and the apoptosis-accelerating gene (bax,
replaced condyles were radiologically similar to non-sur- bad) has been postulated to be crucial for cell survival. The
gical site. cell line TMC8T contained higher level of Bcl-xL than the
sensitive line TMC7T. Moreover, down-regulation of Bcl-
CONCLUSION: xL was observed in TMC7T treated with 100E g/ml
We recognized that this approach which can make a broad CBDCA for 48h with almost unaltered level in TMC8T.
exposure and a wide operative field, is very suitable surgical The Bcl-2 was also down-modulated by CBDCA, although
procedure for low level of condylar fracture. the change is not so dramatic as Bcl-xL.
84 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

Conclusions: CBDCA-mediated inhibition of the cell previously had been treated conservatvely (IMF) for condylar
growth is accompanied by the down-regulation of Bcl- fractures. They were qualified for surgery because of posttrau-
xL/Bcl-2. Bcl-xL appears to be critical for survival of cells matic face asymetry, limitation in mouth opening and pain. As
in SCC cells. surgical treatment we performed sagittal elongating osteotomy
of the mandibular ramus (6 cases) and condylectomy (7 cases).
Results: In all cases the pain disappeared, improved occlu-
sion and face symetry was restored.
D FOLLOW-UP OF GERIATRIC PATIENT W I T H Conclusions: First promising results of the surgical treatment
EXTRAMEDULLARY PLASMACYTOMA OF THE give new possibilites to treat failures of the conservative, and
SUBMANDIBULAR REGION later orthodontic treatment of the condylar fractures.
lwata, M., Soga, T.
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hiroshima
City Hospital, Hiroshima, Japan
Jiinicke, S. 1, Park, H.S.2
Aims: Plasmacytoma is the disease with tumor-like growth
of plasma cell or of their cognate, and often generates in the 1Dept. of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, University of
bone tissues of the entire body as multiple myeloma. Also, Aachen, Med. School," Germany
unusually, it develops in soft tissues as extramedullary plas- 2SAMSUNG Medical Center, Seoul, South Korea
macytoma. Extramedullary plasmacytoma originating in a
submandibular region is reported together with a review of
Aims: Bone grafting can be considered as the "gold stan-
the literature on this rare disease.
dard" in the treatment of maxillary clefts. Beside that exper-
Subject: We present a 93-year-old female of extramedullary
imental attempts such as a)GTR, b)CaPO4-ceramics,
plasmacytoma occurring in the submandibular region.
however, above all c)osteoinducing proteins have gained in
Results: This tumor was excised and was suspected to be a
importance. In an experimental model the rank of these
plasmacytoma or multiple myeloma on pathological exami-
materials was determined under particular consideration of
nation. General examination followed which denied possi-
bone inducing proteins.
bility of multiple myeloma. Furthermore, we investigated an
Material/Methods: In 144 rabbits, at the age of 30-60 days a
excised specimen on immunohistological examination, and
maxillary cleft was produced surgically and treated with the
the PAP technique revealed that the tumor cells produced
above-mentioned methods. Seventeen experimental groups
kappa light chain and partially Ig-G.
of 6-9 animals each emerged and one control group (13 ani-
At present, 5 years 5 months postoperatively, there are no
mals). Altogether in 71 animals an average dose of 20+2rag
signs of recurrence, and she is still in excellent condition.
of osteoinducing protein, exclusively or in combination with
Condusious: It is most important to distinguish
other biomaterials, was applied to the cleft area. The ani-
extramedullary plasmacytoma from multiple myeloma
mals were sacrificed after 168 days. Among others the fol-
because the prognosis of the two entity is quite different.
lowing histomorphometric and cephalometric parameters
And we should never forget the fact that extramedullary
were determined to be essential: bone regeneration in the
plasmacytoma might later change into multiple myeloma.
cleft area, contact rate of bone and implant(CaPO4-ceram-
Therefore, the detection of the tumor producing
ics), maxillary length, deviation angle of maxillary growth
immunoglobulin either in the serum or urine is considered
(statistics: Wilcoxon ranksum test).
to be valuable in following up this disease. Results: Under the influence of the osteoinductive protein
The geriatric patient with extramedullary plasmacytoma
there is significantly improved bone regeneration an
had no local recurrence or multiple myeloma for 5 years
increased bone-implant contact in the cleft area. Maxillary
after surgical operation only. growth in length is improved. The deviation angle of the
maxillary growth is not completely eliminated but is signifi-
cantly improved too. Generally the more favourable values
SURGICAL TREATMENT IN COMPLICATIONS OF were observed in experimental groups with osteoinductive
CONSERVATIVE THERAPY OF CONDYLAR proteins exclusively or in combination with resorbable bio-
FRACTURES. materials than with non-resorbable materials.
Conclusions: Osteoinductive proteins show a favorable influ-
Jagielak 31., Piekarczyk J., Soltan 3/1., Wielogrrski J. ence on bone healing in maxillary clefts and on maxillary
growth. Complete abolition of the negative consequences after
H Clinic of OMFS, Institute of Dentistry, Medical experimental clefting on craniofacial growth does not result.
University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

Aims: To define indications for surgical treatment in compli- A PREOPERATIVE CAD-BASED PLANNING
cations of conservative therapy of condylar fractures, to ENVIRONMENT FOR CRANIAL SURGERY
present surgical techniques and disscuss results.
Method: Condylar fractures constitute 20-29 % of all *G. Jans 1, J Vander Sloten 1, R. Gobinl , G. Van tier Perre l,
mandibular fractures. Most of these cases are treated conser- M. Y. Mommaerts 2
vatirely. New methods of osteosynthesis allow to extend the
indications for surgical treatment of condylar fractures, espe- 1Division of Biomechanics and Engineering Design,
cially in cases of the condyle luxation, major shortening of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
mandibular ramus, bilateral fractures. Such cases, if treated eDivision of Maxillo-Faeial Surgery, Department of Surgery
conservatively (IMF), give high risk of complications. In the and Cleft Palate & Craniofacial Anomalies Team, General
years 1992-97 in the II Maxillo-Facial Surgery Clinic of Hospital St Jan, Bruges, Belgium
Warsaw Medical University, we operated on 13 patients, that
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 85

Aim: Accurate pre-surgical planning is a prerequisite for suc- increase the alveolar width). The study included 10 patients,
cessful craniofacial surgery. This CAD-based planning envi- totally edentulous, with a reduced amount of alveolar bone.
ronment will provide the surgeon with a means to try The donor site was the iliac crest. All patients were operate-
different techniques and get a clear view on the different don using a 2-stage technique, using bilateral sinus-inlay
alternatives, with feedback on the feasibility of the (SI) and buccal onlay (BO) bone-grafts bilaterally. The SI-
operation. graft was particulated in a bone-mill and was mainly of tra-
Methods: CT-scans of the patient are taken, and after seg- becular origin. The BO-graft was harvested as a cortical
mentation and transformation to IGES-format, are intro- block. Radiographic examinations were performed postop-
duced into a C A D system. [1] After separation of inside eratively and after 6 months of healing, immediately before
and outside, a NURBS-surface of the outside of the skull is the insertion of the implants. By CT-scan reformations of 2
generated since the outside is the reference surface used in mm thickness it was possible to assess the area of each slice
the operation room. 3-Point bending tests have been carried of reformation and to calculate the volume of grafted bone
out in order to introduce a database with mechanical prop- in each region. The volume of inserted bone differed signifi-
erties of the skull into the program. [2] This enables the cantly in the two groups, p <0.05. The grade of resorption in
program to give feedback to the surgeon during pre-surgi- the two groups did not differ significantly after 6 months of
cal planning, e.g. whether a piece will break during healing, SI-bone-loss=48 %, (22-66 %), BO-bone-loss=53
bending. %, (20-96%), (mean range). The two methods of treatment
Results: After classification of surgical techniques into basic showed, regarding bone-resorption after 6-months of heal-
actions, routines for simulation of osteotomy, translation, rota- ing, no significant changes intraindividually. This study
tion and bending have been developed The use of CAD pro- introduces a method of assessing bone-volumes, e.g. bone-
vides the possibility to simulate actions like bending in a way grafts, in an edentulous maxilla with a CT-scan technique
that resembles the real practice of this manipulation. Bending and presents the experience of studies of resorption after 6-
is modelled as a change in curvature of a reference line on the months of healing before fixture-installation, in maxillary
bone segment. Also, the information is used as input for the edentulous cases. This study was supported by grants from
mathematical model introducing the mathematical properties. the Public Dental Service, Stockholm, Sweden.
This enables the system to check whether a piece would break
during bending and advise the surgeon to make notches~ On
the other hand, the use of CAD makes accurate modelling of
the skull in reference to the face difficult due to the specific HYDROXYAPATITE CEMENT (BONESOURCE TM)
properties of the NURBS-surfaces. Therefore, the vicerocra- IN CRANIO-FACIAL SURGERY
nium is visualised using voxel-shading, since this part of the
skull is not manipulated in the software, i.e. it serves as a refer- Johnson PA* & Ayliffe PR
ence base. Also, a database with reference distances is intro-
duced into the system. A first clinical case has been simulated Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Royal Surrey County
and the operation was successfully carried out accordingly. Hospital, Cruildford, Surrey, England, UK.
Conclusion: The use of a C A D system to simulate surgery
makes it possible to implement manipulation of pieces of
the skull. Osteotomy, rotation, translation and bending can Aims: To determine if the new bone substitute material
be simulated in a realistic way. BoneSourceTM could be used for reconstructing the cranio-
facial skeleton in a wide variety of clinical applications
Method: This was a clinical study. Patients presenting to the
References Maxillofacial department requiring repair of bony defects or
1. J. Vander Sloten et al., Interactive simulation of cranial augmentation of the cranio-facial skeleton were selected.
surgery in a computer aided design environment, J. Cranio- Standard approaches to the defects were employed and the
Maxillofacial Surgery, 24, 122-129, 1996. material was used as a cement or paste. The patients in the sam-
2. G. Jans et al., Bending Properties of Cranial Bone Segments of ple were followed up for one year. Where possible biopsies were
New-Born Children, Paper submitted for XIVth Congress of obtained at 2 weeks, 2 months and 6 months post operatively.
the European Association of Cranio Maxillofacial Surgery, Results: The study sample contained patients requiring
Helsinki, 1998. cranioplasties (n = 8), augmentation of cranial defects (n =
9) frontal sinus obliteration (n = 16) and augmentation of
mid-face defects (n = 6). Complications included overfilling
7h CT-SCAN IN ASSESSING VOLUMES O F BONE of the defect (n = 1), under filling the defect (n = 1) misplac-
GRAFTS TO T H E HEAVILY RESORBED M A X I L L A ing the drain (n = 1). Device related complications were
seroma following a cranioplasty (n =1) (2,6%). No grafts
B Johansson.1, A Grepe2, K Wannfors1, P Aberg s, were explanted due to infection despite intimate contact
with the sinuses in over 50% of cases.
Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Danderyds Conclusions: BoneSourceTM is a synthetic bone substitute
Hospital, Danderyd, Sweden, that is dimensionally stable after placement into bony
Dept. of Radiology2, Danderyds Hospital, Danderyd, defects of the cranio-facial skeleton. The complication rate
Sweden, Dept. of..Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery s, related to the device is low due to the inherent chemical and
Liinssjukhuset, Ostersund, Sweden. synthetic properties of the material. It would appear to be
rapidly replaced by normal bone when examined histologically.
The aims of this studywas to develop a radiological method
of assessing volumes of bone grafted to the edentulous
maxilla and to report the bone-resorption after 6-months of VASCULARISED PARIETAL BONE AND GALEA
healing in two bone-grafting surgical techniques. CT scan IN THE RECONSTRUCTION O F THE DEFECT O F
has, in this study, been used to assess the volumes of a / b o n e ZYGOMATIC BONE AND ORBITAL SACCUS
grafted to the maxillary sinus (to increase the posterior alve-
olar height) and b/bone grafted to the alveolar process (to Nebojsa Jovic*
86 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

Clinicfor Maxillofacial Surgery, Military Medical been treated during a 25 year period. Using histological,
Academy, Belgrade, Yugoslavia immunohistochemical and electron microscopy methods,
it has been shown that nerve inflammation and degenera-
War injuries with the defects of bony and soft tissues of the tion prevails in T N pathogenesis. It was established that
face cause great problem for satisfactory reconstruction. simple or allergic inflammation and dystrophy develops
In last five years flftin vascularised outer table parietal bone dependent on the TN etiology. In TN, all structural ele-
and galea flaps have been performed for a variety defects of ments of the nerve undergo morphological changes. The
the face. morphological state of peripheral branches of the trigemi-
In one case we had the combined defect of zygomatic nal nerve reflects the clinical picture of illness which
bone and orbital saccus. In reconstruction we used outer undergoes changes depending on it's stage and duration.
table of parietal bone for the defect of zygomatic bone and With an increase in the duration of trigeminal neuralgia,
galea flap for orbital saccus. dystrophy of the nerve fibres gradually progresses,
Remarkable stability, lack of resorption and a good followed by expansion and coarseness of the connective
esthetic result have led as to favour this method of recon- tissue. Due to progressive dystrophic process in the distrib-
struction for the defects like this one. ution of the trigeminal nerve, there occurs a long lasting
afferent pathological state which determines the formation
of stable pathological foci of excitation of paroxysmal
type in the CNS.
[~ THE ANTEROLATERAL T H I G H F L A P FOR A c c o r d i n g to the findings mentioned above, methods
LINGUAL R E C O N S T R U C T I O N were suggested for the diagnosis and a e t h i o p a t h o -
genetic treatment for T N of allergic and compressive
Junquera, LM., G"-Consuegra, L., Vicente, JC., Sdnchez, J., origin.
Fueyo, A.

Departments of OMFS and PS, Central Hospital of

Asturias, University of Oviedo. JET CUTTING- A M E T H O D F O R SELECTIVE
Aims: This paper presents the surgical anatomy of the free thigh AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY.
flap, and clinical experience in tongue reconstruction. The antero-
lateral thigh flap was first reported by Song et al (1984). At this Kaduk, W..M.H.*, Pb'hl, A., Stengel, B., Nizze,
moment, there are three variations by which the cutaneous perfo- H., Gundlach, K.K.H.
rator may arrive in the anterolateral territory of the thigh.
Subject: A 65 year-old male, with a lingual squamous cell Department of OMFS, Rostock University, Rostock,
carcinoma of the tongue, was treated initially with radio- Germany
therapy. Two years later, a left hemiglossectomy was per-
formed due to recurrence of his pathology. One year later Aims: To find out the effect a water jet has on motor nerves
glossectomy was done for a new recurrence, and a lingual and wether it is a harmless to prepare the facial nerve in the
reconstruction with a free anterolateral thigh flap. The parotid gland by water jet cutting.
dimensions of the flap were 15x8 cm. and the vascular pedi- Method: Tissue dissection by means of the water jet tech-
cle (descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral nique has been advocated by several surgeons recently. In
artery and two veins) had a diameter of 2 mm. 10 Wistar rats we prepared both ischiadic nerves and
Results: The operative result was satisfactory. The vascular exposed only the left nerve to the jet for different times (2,
pedicle are larger, longer and more constant than those of the 5, 10 seconds) and varius jet pressures (80, 85 and 90 bar).
inguinal flaps and lower abdominal flaps. The skin quality is After this operation the animals were monitored weekly
high, and the donor defect can be closed by direct approxima- for 5 months in order to evaluate the function of the nerve
tion. The points of surgical importance are: the cutaneous in comparison to the opposite side. For clinical evaluation
perforator is very small when it traverses the vastus lateralis a scale with ten nerve function quality grades was used. 5
muscle, therefore extra care must be taken not to injure the month postoperatively the rats were killed and the
vascular pedMe; the fascia lata is a very important ischiadic nerves were studied by light and electron
component. microscopy.
Conclusion: The anterolateral free thigh flap is a good Results: Clinical evaluation revealed differences of 2.5
method for lingual reconstruction. grades on our scale of ten marks. The best healing was
found (grade 7) in a rat that had been exposed to the
water jet using 85 bar for 2 seconds. The worst grade
MORPHOLOGICAL, FUNCTIONAL PROOF OF (9.5) were noted in a rat that had been exposed to the jet
T R I G E M I N A L NEURALGIA (TN) using 90 bar for 10 seconds. Histologically, focal axono-
AETIOPATHOGENESIS AND tomy with signs of axon regeneration and increasing
AETIOPATHOGENETIC TREATMENT numbers of small myelin fibres were noted, However,
there was no overt correlation to jet pressure and/or time
Gintaras, Juod~balys DMS, Gintautas Sabalys, DMS, habil. of exposure.
Prof Conclusions: In this study we found that water jet pres-
sures of 85 bar and exposure times longer than 2 seconds
Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Kaunas Medical lead to irreversible damage to the ischiadic nerve.
Academy, Kaunas, Lithuania F u r t h e r studies are necessary in order to find a way to
apply water jet cutting safely. In our opinion it should be
At Kaunas Academic Clinics, Maxillofacial Surgery harmless on the m o t o r nerves before being used on
Department approximately 3000 patients with T N have humans.
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 87

by an earprobe. In this study we made several in vivo tests to

FACTORS I N F L U E N C I N G T H E SUCCESS RATE compare factors which affect to the signal obtained from the
O F COMBINED BONE TRANSPLANT AND tooth. Comparative measurements of the probe design, dif-
I M P L A N T TREATMENT ferent light sources and substance gels were made.
Results: The best information of the pulpal blood flow was
Kahnberg, K-E, obtained by using the probe with a focusing micro lense, 560
nm light emitting diode as a light source and a clear sub-
Department of Oral and Maxilofacial Surgery, Faculty of stance gel between the probe and the teeth.
Odontology, G6teborg University, GOteborg, Sweden Conclusions: This study shows that it is possible to get reli-
able information of pulpal blood flow by optical reflection
A large number of factors may influence the success rate of method and could serve as a reliable method to estimate
bone transplant and implant procedures. Some of thsese tooth vitality.
factors are more easily recognized than others.

! The surgical procedure can be performed in different POSTOPERATIVE SEQUELAE AFTER NASO-
ways either one-stage or two-stage surgery. The two- O R B I T O - E T H M O I D A L (NOE) TRAUMA
stage procedure is today more commonly used. the type
of bone transplant used may influence the outcome as Kalavrezos N.D.,
well as the healing time of the different surgical proce-
dures. The pure surgical technique is most certainly an Department of Cranic)-lvIaxillofacial Surgery, University
important factor for success. Hospital Zurich, Switzerland
II. The prosthodontic treatment during healing periods
of both transplant as well as implant surgery may be
one of the most crucial factors where the intermit- Aims: The naso-orbito-ethmoidal (NOE) region plays a
tent functional mechanical chewing pressure of a paramount role in the facial expression. Fractures of this
denture can end up with fixture losses as well a sloos- area demand an accurate diagnostic procedure and a pre-
ening of transplant pieces. A careful prosthetic han- cise therapeutic management, thus avoiding neglected
dling of the fixtures after abutment operation is defects in the fragile periorbital region. A. fracture classi-
recommended as well as a temporary acrylic con- fication (5 types) in correlation with the late posttrau-
struction during the first 6-12 months. Stabilization matic implications is to be established providing the
of implants in transplanted bone is a slower process surgeon with an algorithm of the potential postoperative
and demand an extended healing time, Patients with sequelae.
abnormal chewing forces or bruxism are certainly Method: 71 patients (age range %78 years) with severe
risk patients. N O E trauma treated from January 1988 to December 1995
IlI. The design and surface structure of the implants have were reviewed prospectively with a minimum follow-up of
shown to influence the osseointegration effect in exper- 18 months. Five types of N O E fractures were defined:
imental studies. A rough surface has shown to give a Type I isolated N O E injuries, Type II - N O E and central
larger bone to implant contact if the surface is neither midface, Type I I I - N O E central and lateral midface, Type
too extended nor if there is no roughness at all. A more IV - N O E associated with craniofacial injuries. Type V -
and rapid osseointegration should be most welcome N O E with orbital displacement. The estimated postsurgi-
especially in cases demanding bone transplant proce- cal parameters included qualitative and quantitative data
dures of different kinds. from the long term clinical and radiological evaluation.
Qualitative parameters concerning headache or migraine
and concentration difficulties were graded as non-existent,
low or moderate. The quantitative data included the esti-
[~ PULPAL BLOOD F L O W M E A S U R E M E N T B Y mation of posttraumatic telecanthos exo/enophthalmos,
O P T I C A L R E F L E C T I O N M E T H O D - IN VIVO ophthalmic disturbances and weakness or paresis of cra-
TESTING nial nerves.
Results: Persistent headache and/or concentration diffi-
Kainulainen, E 1 ~ Alaniska, K. 1, Heikkinen, M. 2, Kopola, culties were mainly noted in fractures type II and IV
H. ~, Oikarinen, K~ (17%). Smell reduction or anosmia reported mainly in
type IV (>75%). Disturbances of the trigeminal and/or
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Institute of the facial nerve were found in type V (>55% and >28%
Dentistry, : Department of Electrical Engineering, University respectively). Enophthalmos and/or telecanthos were cor-
of Oulu, Oulu, Finland related with N O E injuries associated with orbital dis-
Aims: The aim of our study was to find out if it is possible Conclusions: NOE injuries are associated with severe impli-
to measure pulpal blood flow by optical reflection method. cations as enophthalmos, telecanthos and disturbances of
This method could be very usable in dental trauma cases cranial nerves. Preoperative definition of the fracture type is
when following up tooths vitality. important for an accurate therapeutic planning in the one
Method: The system is based on light absorption in the pulp stage procedure. Primary reconstruction of bone defects
similar to pulse oximetry, but the absorption is measured and repositioning of the canthal ligaments are the surgical
from back-scattered instead of transmitted light. The keys for the tree-dimensional NOE reconstruction and the
instrument senses blood flow-induced pulsations in the opti- reduction of postoperative sequelae respectively.
cal transmission of tissue and pressure variations in the
pulp. The instrument is composed of a computer, an elec-
tronic signal conditioning part, light transmitters, receiver MANDIBULAR ORTHOGNATHIC SURGERY
parts, and a fiber optic probe. For analyzing the signal from USING BIODEGRADABLE POLYACTIDE FAXATION
a tooth, a reference plethysmogram is obtained from the ear SCREWS
88 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

Kallela, L *, Laine, P.,Suuronen, R., Lindqvist, C. Department of Stomatology

Red Cross GeneralHospital of Athens, GREECE
Departments of OMFS, Institute of Dentistry, Department
of Surgery, Helsinki University, Helsinki, Finland AIMS:
Presentation of a large nasopalatine duct cyst featuring
A i m s : To study the applicability of biodegradable self-rein- labial swelling after trauma of the upper incisor teeth, with-
forced poly-L-lactide (SR-PLLA) screws in the fixation of out palatal swelling. Consideration on the clinical features
bilateral sagittal split osteotomies (BSSO) of the mandible. and the therapeutic procedure.
M e t h o d : Fifty surgical-orthodontic patients were operated
using BSSO fixed with SR-PLLA screws. No intermaxillary MATERIAL:
fixation was used after surgery. Follow-up consisted of clin- Male patient 28 years old presented with a painful swelling
ical, radiological and cephalometric studies. The longest
in the region of the maxillary labial frenum. Before 1 year he
follow-up times were 5 years. suffered trauma of the upper incisor teeth that resulted in
Results: Bone healing of all osteotomies was uneventful. dislocation of the right central and lateral incisor teeth.
Clinically no adverse reactions related to the use of biodegrad- There was not palatal swelling. All upper incisor teeth were
able screws could be detected. Cephalometric measurements vital. Radiological examination revealed the presence of a
showed adequate skeletal stability. Transient osteolytic reac- well-defined heart-shaped radiolucency of greatest diameter
tions were seen around some of the fixation screws. The drill 4, 2 cm. Enucleation of the cyst via labial approach due to
channels of the screws were discernible even after 5 years. absence of palatal perforation was performed without api-
C o n c l u s i o n s : BSSOs can be fixed using SR-PLLA screws
coeetomy of the upper incisor teeth.
without intermaxillary fixation. Clinical and bone healing
after surgery is uneventful and predictable. Second opera-
tion to remove the screws can thus be avoided. The RESULTS:
biodegradable rate of SR-PLLA could be higher. Two years after treatment the patient is asymptomatic and
the upper incisor teeth remain vital. Osteogenesis in the
bone cavity seems satisfactory.
BIODEGRADABLE POLYLACTIDE SCREWS The routine radiological examination is mandatory in order
to prevail a nasopalatine duct cyst before reaching such size.
KalleIa L SaIo A*, Iizuka T,, Lindqvist C Proper surgical procedure even through labial approach
may leave the teeth vital. Osteogenesis without bone graft-
ing is impaired, maybe due to the development of the cyst in
In the present study lag-screw osteosynthesis of mandibular a bone canal,
anterior fractures was performed using biodegradable SR-
P L L A screws for internal fixation. Eleven patients having a
simple anterior mandibular fracture were operated between
May 1996 and December 1996. All fractures were displaced Fh CLINICAL AND H I S T O P A T H O L O G I C A L
and/or instable and there were no facial fractures other than OBSERVATION O F W H I T E L E S I O N S O F THE ORAL
the mandibular condyle in these patients. M U C O S A - W I T H S P E C I A L REFERENCE TO
Two 45 mm SR-PLLA lag-screws (Bioscience, Tampere, LEUKOPLAKIA
Finland) were placed across the fracture line from one buc-
cal cortex to the other. The first screw was placed along the Kaneko T., Noutomi T,* Ito M. U, UcMda S, Watanabe 3/1,
inferior border of the mandible and the second between the Chiba H
first screw and apices of the lower anterior teeth.
In this study all operated fractures were consolidated Dept. of OMS, Tokyo Medical College, Tokyo, Japan
clinically at six weeks. No signs of infection, adverse wound
healing, swelling, discoloration or discharges were seen dur- Since oral leukoplakia may become exacerbated. If its
ing the follow-up of at least 6 months. Eight patients (73%) course and histology show dyskeratosis in some areas of the
had a neurosensory deficit in the form of slight hypesthesia lesion, it is considered to be a precancerous lesion.
postoperatively in the lower lip and chin region that was not Recently it has been shown that the switch from normal
present before operation. Seven of these patients regained to cancerous cell behaviour is mediated by a gene which
normal neurosensory function within six months. controls cell proliferation and differentiation. It has been
Radiologically the reduction of fractures was exact in every reported that the p53 cancer suppressor gene produces
case. No adverse signs were seen around the screw canals. mutations in malignant lesions and causes overexpression of
Based on the findings in this study it can be concluded mutant protein. This makes it a useful marker of malignant
that SR-PLLA lag screws can be used successfully in the fix- or precancerous lesions.
ation of anterior mandibular fractures. However, this tech- Clinical and histopathological observations were made
nique is very demanding of the surgeon and, hence, cannot on 42 cases who were selected from among the patients who
be recommended as a treatment of choice for unexperienced presented at the outpatient clinic of our institution in the 36
surgeons. months period from January 1994 to December 1996 who
were diagnosed as having oral leukoplakia according to the
W H O diagnostic criteria and who underwent biopsy. We
carried out an immunohistological investigation of its kinet-
Fh CASE REPORT O F A LARGE NASOPALATINE ics using anti-p53 protein antibody and the proliferated cell
DUCT CYST P R E S E N T I N G W I T H UNUSUAL nucleus antigen (PCNA) in leukoplakia to examine its asso-
SYMPTOMS ciation with clinical findings. The present communication is
a report of the results of our observations.
Kanakis P.
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 89

The patients diagnosed with oral leukoplakia con- especially in dermis which supports them and is well con-
sisted of 26 males and 16 females with a mean age of 58 nected with the surrounding tissues. In this work the use and
years (range 17-84). The lesions were located in the gin- application of free lipodermal grafts are presented.
giva in 18 cases, tongue in 12, palate in 8, buccal mucosa Especially, the indications, the surgical technique, the imme-
in 2, oral floor in 1 and lip in 1. The clinical and diate and postsurgical results out of our patients are dis-
immunohistological findings in lesions at these sites cussed in depth and our experience as well. These grafts are
were c o m p a r e d and assessed for clinicopathotogical recommended to be used as immediate reconstruction in
features. extraoral and / or intraoral defects.

Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dental School
Kaneyama, K. ,,t, Segami, IV.1, Murakami If. 2, Aristoteles University of Thessalonika, Thessalonika,
lizuka, 1".2 Greece.
1Department of OMFS, Kanazawa Medical University,
Ishikawa, Japan Hemifacial microsomia is a congenital condition which can
:Department of OMFS, Kyoto University, Graduate School be reconstructed surgically. The surgical procedure includes
and Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan elongation of the affected part of the mandible by orthog-
nathic surgery and correction of the face by other recon-
structive techniques. Recently a new method has been
Aims: The purpose was to evaluate arthroscopic surgery applied in such cases, well known as bone distraction, and
with antero-lateral capsular release employing Holmium: the published results are considered successful. In this pre-
YAG laser or electric cautery for internal derangement of sentation the advantages and disadvantages of both meth-
the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). ods are discussed, based on the personal experience of
Materials and Method: One hundred cases (123 joints) with cases.
painful hypomobility of the TMJ were treated arthroscopi-
cally who had resisted to previous non-surgical treatments.
The patients were 6 males and 94 females, with an average DISTRACTION TECHNIQUES A P P L I E D IN THE
age of 39.6 years (13-69), and had a locking duration of 16.5 LOWER AND M I D D L E THIRD O F THE FACE
months (1-120) on average. Preoperatively, the average
interincisal opening degree was 31.3mm (18-48), with mod- Karakasis D*., Dimitrakopoulos L, Lazaridis IV.
erate to severe arthralgia in 106 joints. The procedure con-
sisted of antero-lateral capsular release and lateral
eminencia release using Holmium: YAG laser or electric The distraction techniques have already proved their value
cautery. in the treatment of facial hypoplasia, as well as in the recon-
Results: At 9.7 months mean follow-up period, the average struction of osseous defects of the mandible. During the
interincisal opening degree was 42.7mm. The arthralgia last two years we have used distraction techniques in
recovered to painless in 81 joints, slight in 35 joints. selected clinical cases. This paper will present case reports
According to our criteria, the surgical success rate were demonstrating our experience and surgical techniques based
95.9%, being excellent in 109 joints, good in 9 joints, and on this relatively new principle, as it has been applied to our
failure in 5 joints, respectively. patients. We may conclude stressing the revolutionary
Conclusions: Arthroscopic surgery with antero-lateral cap- change of our treatment modalities in many of the common
sular release and lateral eminencia release using Holmium: maxillofacial surgical problems.
YAG laser or electric cautery for internal derangement of
the TMJ might be more effective compared to the proce-
dures formerly reported.
*Malchikova L.P., Karpova E.L, *Vissarionov V.A.,
Irene Karabouta- Voulgaropoulou Sakovich EP.,

Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dental School The Urals State Medical Academy, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki,
The reconstruction of facial and medullar bone fractures
implies the reposition and fixation of facial, nasal, orbital,
The free lipodermal grafts are used for soft tissues recon- zygomatic and maxillary bones, dealing with telecanthus
struction in the wide maxillofacial area. They are considered and enophthalmos, the recovery of nasal respiration, vision
as good grafts because of their constancy in vessels, fat and and chewing function.
90 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

The patients admitted to our clinic were subdivided into 2 Aims: To evaluate the results of arthroscopic surgery (lysis
groups and 1 subgroup according to J. Raveh's classification and lavage) of the upper compartment of the TMJ, which
(1992). Group 1 consisted of 18 patients with nasal, frontal, eth- was a minimally invasive surgical procedure including use of
moid, zygomatic and maxillary fractures, including a subgroup the Holmium: YAG laser.
(la) of 3 patients with the optic nerve impairment in the bony Method: Arthroscopic surgery is indicated for the surgical
canal and total loss of vision. Group 2 consisted of 5 patients treatment of TMJ intracapsular disorders that have not
with the above fractures of immobile facial bones, dura mater been resolved by properly performed nonsurgical modali-
impairment and marked nasal liquorrhea. Computer tomogra- ties. We used Holmium: YAG laser irradiation passed
phy provided valuable diagnostic information and made it pos- through a quartz fibre (Versa Pulse Select 22TM, COHER-
sible to choose an optimal approach to surgical treatment. The RENT) in order to remove adhesions, lateral ligament
patients of group 1 underwent fragments reposition and fixa- release, and arthroplasty.
tion with mini-plates, telecanthus removal and nasolacrimal Results: The average setting of the Holmium: YAG laser was
canal creation. Besides fragments reposition and fixation, the approximately 1.0 J. and 10 - 15 pulse/see increments. TMJ
patients of group 2 had their enophthalmos closed with tempo- arthroscopic surgery was performed on forty two cases, (fifty
ral muscular-fascial flap. We used a bicoronary and hypociliary one joints). According to the criteria of the American Society
accesses providing a simultaneous dissection of excessive skin of of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, the surgical success rate
the forehead and eyelids along with the main procedure. This was 97. l%. No surgical complications were encountered.
gave a higher aesthetic effect of our treatment. Conclusion: The Holmium:YAG laser was evaluated with
respect to its safety. It is a minimally invasive procedure in
TMJ arthroscopic surgery.
Department of Oral and Maxillo - Facial Surgery Keller, (7. O. * 1, Feifel, H l, Jiirgens, D. 2, Riediger, 1).
Bremerhaven, Germany
Department of Dermatology, ZKH Reinkenheide, 1Department of Oral, Maxillofacial and Plastic Facial Surgery,
Bremerhaven, Germany :Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Plastic Head and
Neck Surgery, University of Technology, Aachen, Germany
Morbus Behcet is a seldom encountered disease in western
Europe, oral aphthosis being a main symptom, Minor AIM:
symptoms include genital ulcerations, sterile pustulas, sterile According to earlier investigations on oral and maxillofacial
infections of the eyes and superficial thrombophlebitis as patients, 88-94% of all soft-tissue infections of the head and
well as a positive pathergic-phenomenon. neck area are of odontogenic origin [1-3]. Relevant mecha-
In the presented case the medical history of the 74 year old nisms and frequencies of infections in oto-rhinolaryngo-
male patient revealed recurrent oral aphthosis. At the time of logic cases were not taken into account. The present study
admission to hospital the clinical examination revealed the was to investigate the parameters mentioned, studying
major type of oral aphthosis, situated in the soft palate and patients of both specialities.
the palatoglossal arch. Furthermore, the skin of the neck and
chest showed about a dozen palpable, infiltrated papules, most PATIENTS AND METHODS:
of them with a central sterile pustule. There were no signs of 2,565 oral and maxillofacial surgery (omfs) patients and 413
genital ulceration, thrombophlebitis or involvement of the otorhinolaryngologic (orl) patients underwent surgical ther-
eyes.Labaratory findings were unspectacular except for a apy of a purulent soft-tissue infection between Jan. 1992 and
raised PSA (27,5 ug/1,normal value 0 - 4 ug/I). Further investi- Dec.1996. 177 of the omfs patients (6.9 %) and 354 of the
gations included bone scintigraphy, contrast radiography of orl patients (85.7 %) had a deep space abscess. 262 patients
the colon, oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy, x-ray of the lung with infiltrates were not included.
and ultrasonic investigation of the abdomen, all without fur-
ther pathological results. A neurological evaluation reported a
normal status.The urological examination revealed an RESULTS:
enlarged prostate, the result of the biopsy is still expected. The clinical histories of 92 % and 82 % respectively of omfs
We started cortisone - medication with 20 mg Decortin and orl patients having deep space infections could be eval-
H per day. Under this therapy the symptoms had almost uated with regard to cause (48.8 % tonsillogenic, 31.6 %
vanished to date. A close follow - up is planned. dentogenic, 12.5 % non-dentogenic, 7.0 % unknown), fre-
The case presented emphasises the need for a thorough quency and localisation of the abscess (peritonsillar 45.2 %,
examination when encountering oral aphthosis, especially if submandibular 1 0 . 1 % , perimandibular 6.9 %, para-
located in the posterior part of the oral cavity. /retropharyngeal 5.0 %, submental 4.0 %, paramandibular
7.9 %, pterygomandibular 3.6 %, buccal 3.8 %, others
13.5 %). The figures given were differentiated for the single
Only 6.9 % of omfs patients with purulent soft-tissue infec-
tions (in contrast to 85.7 % of orl patients with purulent
Kawakami, T., Tsuzuki, M., Fujita, H., Sugimura, M. soft-tissue infections) had a deep space infection. The
above-mentioned frequency and causes of soft-tissue infec-
tions in the head and neck area have to be corrected when
Department of OMFS, Nara Medical University, Nara, Japan
an interdisciplinary approach applies. In a combined omfs
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 91

and orl case material of patients with deep space infections, AIMS:
the tonsillogenic causes (49 %) predominate in relation to Injuries of the nasoethmoid-orbital region are in over 90%
the odontogenic causes (32 %). In cases where the cause of of all cases combined with neurocranial or subcranial frac-
soft-tissue infection is not easily identifiable, the neighbour- tures. Fractures of the skull base run in up to 70% through
ing discipline needs to be examined. the roof of the ethmoidal bone or the lamina cribrosa.
There are alternative surgical approaches for the treatment
of these complex fractures. We want to prove that the tran-
References scranial approach has major advantages in comparison with
the subcranial surgical access.
AndrS,A. et al.: Grundlagen der Kieferchirurgie. VEB Volk und
Gesundheit, Berlin (1973); Pape H.-D. et al.: Fortschr Kiefer
Gesichtschir 24:86-88 (1984); 3. Schmelzle R., Schwenzer N.: METHOD:
Zahn-Mund-Kiefer-Heilkunde, Bd. 1, Thieme, Stuttgart (1981). Between 1990 and 1997 50 patients with fractures of the
nasoethmoid-orbital region were treated and followed up in
the Klinik ffir MKG-Chirurgie, Kantonsspital Luzern. 25
patients had suffered combined fractures of the nasoeth-
moidal region and the skull base and were operated on via
a transcranial approach. 25 patients without frontobasal
fractures were managed by subcranial incisions. Clinical
JK Kellokoski*, P Sainio, MA Lamberg. and radiological follow-up were continued for up to four
Oral and Maxillofacial Department, Kuopio University
Hospital and Department of Oral Pathology, Radiology and RESULTS:
Forensic Odontology, University of Kuopio, Kuopio, Finland. There was no case of intracranial and ethmoidal infection
or secondary liquorrhea. Repneumatisation, ventilation and
drainage of the aerated cell system of the ethmoidal bone
A case with almost total destruction of the mandibular even in dislocated, eomminuted ethmoidal bone fractures
condyle and its complete regeneration and remodelling could be proven.
without any "real" treatment is presented. The differential
diagnosis of this benign but originally suspected of being a
malignant lesion will be discussed. CONCLUSIONS:
An otherwise healthy 12-year-old girl was referred to our The transcranial approach allows for sufficient surveil-
clinic because of swelling and tenderness around her right lance and treatment of complex fractures of the midface
TMJ. Orthopantomograph, CT and M R I revealed a destruc- and anterior skull base. It renders a general view for neuro-
tive process involving the right condyle. Scintigraphy showed surgical injuries. The primary ethmoidectomy is not
a hot spot in that area but nowhere else in the body. A tenta- necessary.
tive diagnosis of malignancy or osteomyelitis was made.
The joint was explored surgically and generously biop-
sied, after which nearly nothing of the joint was left. The
pathology report showed granulation tissue with an intense RESULTS O F SIMULTANEOUS O S T E O T O M I E S IN
infiltration of inflammatory but no malignant cells. The ini- O R T H O G N A T H I C SURGERY
tial diagnosis of the lesion was osteomyelitis. Later, immuno-
histochemistry confirmed a final diagnosis of eosinophilic Khachatryan G.E., Badalian K. A. *,
granuloma. The patient received no other treatment but the
biopsy and antibiotics (netilmycin, clindamycin). When Maxillo-Facial Surgery Department, Mikaelyan Surgical
condyle reconstruction with a costo-chondral graft was Institute, Yerevan, Armenia.
planned after 6 weeks, radiographs surprisingly revealed
considerable healing in the TMJ. Therefore, no further oper- Aims: To conduct simultaneous osteotomies in orthognathic
ation was performed. Five months after surgical exploration surgery by the method of Delaire.
the right condyle appeared almost normal on X-ray and the Methods: 75 patients have undergone operations since 1990
patient was symptom free. for different forms of anomalies of facial skull. The ethio-
Eosinophilic granuloma (EG) is a solitary and the least seri- logical factors were anomalies of development, traumas,
ous lesion of the Langerhans cell histiocytoses, affecting mainly sepsises and morpho-functional disorders. There were 20
older children and young adults. Prognosis is very good for uni- children, 40 women and 15 men. The main diagnostic
focal skeletal system disease, but poor for multifocal involve- method for defining indications and the choice of methods
ment of tissues other than bone. The treatment of choice is of simultaneous restorations of aesthetic and functional
surgical excision. Though rare, EG should be included in the differ- aspects were architectural analysis of the profile
ential diagnosis of diffuse osteolytic lesions of the head and neck. roentgenogram according to Delaire (1988). The diagnostic
method revealed that 78% of our patients demanded com-
bined approach. 128 operations in different combinations
M A N A G E M E N T OF I N J U R I E S O F T H E Results: Bimaxillar fixation was for 3-4 weeks. Currently we
N A S O E T H M O I D - O R B I T A L R E G I O N ASSOCIATED are also using rigid fixation. We got both aesthetic and
W I T H MIDFACIAL FRACTURES functional good results. Secondary application of bimaxil-
lar fixation was needed in 2 cases for preventing
Kessler P., Hardt N. dislocation.
Conelnsions: As a result, the method of Delaire (1988) used
Klinik fiir Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie, by us gives good functional and aesthetic results and pre-
Kantonsspital Luzern, Switzerland vents development of relapse.
92 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

acid(PLGA) polymer. The device is implanted in vivo adja-

cent to a source of vascularised tissue. After a period
allowed for tissue ingrowth, the chamber is removed and a
Khomieh S*., MDD, Chudakov O.P. suspension of cells or other bioactive particles is introduced
using the injection manifold. In Vivo Study: Five TFS
devices were implanted in 6 mature domestic sheep adjacent
Minsk, Belarus.
to the periosteum, dermis, fascia or muscle. After 6-8 weeks
in vivo, the chambers were removed and the needle assem-
Introduction: The problem of the most favourable condi- blies were injected with a solution of microspheres or cul-
tions for widely used in maxillo-facial and plastic surgery tured autologous bone marrow stromal cells. Specimens
free autogenous skin graft integration is one of the chal- receiving bone marrow cells were left in vivo for another 7
lenges in recent scientific research. We studied morpho- days.
physiologic features of the grafts transplanted under Results: Tissue was present in all chambers placed against
unusual conditions of submerging under the skin on experi- each vascular source. Channels were present in all tissue
mental animals. specimens. It was possible to fill the channels with bioac-
Materials and Methods: Histologic structure, epidermis pro- tive material using the injection manifold. On histological
liferation features of the autogenous skin graft submerged examination, tissue arising from each vascular source was
under the skin during the process of healing were studied seen surrounding each channel void space bringing abun-
on 51 guinea pigs. Healing graft tissues lxl,5 cm of size dant vascularity within the maximum diffusion distance
were taken at 3, 7, 14, 20 and 30 day after the transplanta- required for cell survival within the channels.
tion. Paraffin sections 6 pm thick were dyed with hema- Conclusions: An implanted TFS designed as in this study
toxylline-eosine. The mitotic processes count per 2000 can create a vascularised tissue scaffolding in vivo from a
epidermis basal cells was done as well as sprout, granular variety of sources suitable for delivery of cells and other
and cornual layers measurements. bioactive materials possibly allowing controlled generation
Results: Both necrotic and regeneration changes in the graft of new tissues suitable for transfer as free flaps.
were noted on the 3rd postoperative day. At this period
epithelium was 32,79+2,94 gm thick and had 3 or 4 cellular
layers. Mitotic index (MI) proved to be 4,67%0. On the 7th
day it was 52,95+0,7 gm thick and had 5 or 6 cellular layers. A CLINICAL STUDY ON THE REMOVAL O F
MI was 14,72%o.On the 14th day postoperatively the epithe- TITANIUM-THREADED E N D O S S E O U S I M P L A N T S
lium morphologic structure was much better than that in PLACED IN THE P O S T E R I O R MANDIBLE
case of the common methods of transplantation. It was
110,85+0,58 gm thick containing 12 or 13 layers of cells, MI Dae-Sung Kim, Myung-Rae Kim, Chung Kim
being 15,98%0. On the 20th and 30th day all the grafts
appeared to be well developed and viable, their epidermis Dept.of Oral Surgery, Ewha Womans University, Seoul,
being 58,6+0,68 or 55,45+0,9 gin thick with 6 cellular lay- Korea
ers. M I at this period equalled to 5,4%0.
Conclusions: Histologic study of the grafts transplanted Aims : This is to evaluate the prognosis of dental implants
using the method of submerging showed high morpho- installated in the posterior mandible and to know the possi-
physiologic epithelium surface quantitative values. The ble related factors leading to failure.
transplantation method of submerging significantly Materials & Methods : 361 implants (121 patients) support-
improves healing and viability of the grafts. ing bridges of lower posterior regions were examined for 6
months - 5 years after loading. The clincal data were
reviewed retrospectively and compared by continuity
IN VIVO FABRICATION O F VASCULARISED adjunctive chi-square test and t-test.
TISSUE S C A F F O L D S F O R TISSUE E N G I N E E R I N G Results : Of 361 fixtures, 5.8% were removed in 5 years. No sig-
nificant difference in the removal between male and female.
Miller MJM, Khoo AKM*,RC Thomson, JC Lemon, Gurlek Higher failure was noted in the age group of riffles than in the
Ali, Mikos AG forties; 13.1% vs 3.8% (p<o.ol). The group of ASA II were
significantly high-related with failure than in ASA I. The num-
Department of Plastic Surgery, University of Texas MD ber of hnplants are more, the failure appeared higher. Type IV
Anderson Cancer Center, Institute of Bioengineering and reveaed failure in 19.7% (13153), 3.3% in Type III and none in
Biosciences, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA Type II & I. Failure with reference to stage appeared 38.1% at
the time of uncovering, 28.6% at temporary loading phase,
19.0% during healing phase, and14.3% after final prosthesis.
Purpose: A major obstacle to controlled generation of vas- The suspected causes are infection 19%, overloading 19%, but
cularised tissues using cell transplantation is the require- unidentified 62%.
ment for a vascularised scaffolding able to sustain large Conclusions; Bone grafts may not be related with failures,
numbers of cells in 3 dimensions. We hypothesize that such while bone quality must be related with failure of osseointe-
a scaffold may be created in vivo using an implanted device gration. Half of all failures were non-integration found
designed to guide growth of a vascularised tissue stroma before uncovering. Infection and poor primary stability are
whilst preserving multiple channels that are accessible for considered to be main causes of implant lost.
cell delivery.
Method: Tissue Fabrication System(TFS): The system con-
sists of two units: an implantable device and an injection References
manifold. The implantable device consists of a rectangular
chamber enclosed on 5 sides.The chamber contains a Sehliephake H., et al; Survival Analysis of Endosseous
removable channel assembly made of an array of stainless Implants in Bone Grafts Used for the Treatment of Severe
steel tubules and porous wafers of poly(lactic-co-glycolic) Alveolar Ridge Atrophy. J OMS 55:1227, 1997
EACMFS -Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 93

Conclusions: According to this study, subantral augmenta-

IS THERE A M A G I C F I G U R E C O N C E R N I N G THE tion with an autogenous iliac bone graft and simultaneous
REQUISITE A M O U N T O F MANDIBULAR implant installation can be used.

Kim, H.*, Winter, W., Ehrenfeld, M.

*Department of OMFS, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea O S T E O T O M Y F O R C O R R E C T I O N O F MIDFACE
Department of OMFS, Ludwig-Maximilians University, DEFORMITY: T H E RATIONALE AND TECHNIQUE
Munich, Germany
Kim, M.J.* Kim, S.K., Yi, A.N., Jung, K.Y., Nam. LW.
Aim: To establish a logical treatment plan for the extent of
mandibular resection without leaving residual disease or Department of OMFS, Collegeof Dentistry, Seoul National
causing needless defects. University, Seoul, Korea
Method: A literature review was carefully carried out to
identify essential considerations relating to the diagnosis AIMS:
and treatment of oral cancer in proximity to or involving The Le Fort II osteotomy is a useful method for correction
the mandible. Retrospective analysis of the clinical and of midface deformity, particularly for patients with midface
radiological considerations, and histological reinvestiga- hypoplasia as frequently seen in the Mongolian races. Some
tions were successively conducted to verify the details of patients, however, require differential movement of the mid-
clinical and radiological considerations. face and the dentoalveolar complex, combining the Le Fort
Result: The following are considered essential for planning II with the Le Fort I osteotomy. This is especially true for
logical resection. Clinical, radiological and scintigraphic patients with complex deviation of the maxillary occlusal
findings/presence or absence of teeth at tumor site/location plane or with asymmetric deformity on the midface. This
of tumour/sizes of tumour measured both on soft and hard presentation describes the rationale, technique and results
tissues/sensory deficit of inferior alveolar nerve/lowest of the combined Le Fort II and Le Fort I osteotomy.
height of mandible at site of tumour.
Conclusion: A protocol to determine the requisite amount of
mandibular resection in oral cancer treatment with respect METHODS:
to both vertical and horizontal dimensions was provided by Ten patients have been treated in our clinic in various cases of
a review of the literature and a retrospective study. It seems facial deformity combined with nasomaxillary abnormalities.
that the protocol is also applicable to a prospective study. The skeletal stability following this osteotomy was evaluated.

The average relapse rate (12.5%) at 1 year postoperatively
SUBANTRAL AUGMENTATION W I T H after combined osteotomy was slightly greater than that
AUTOGENOUS ILIAC BLOCK BONE GRAFT F O R after Le Fort II osteotomy (11.5%).
Kim KW* Kim MJ**, Yu S J**, Nam IW**, Kim JW**. * By using this methods, we can overcome many disadvan-
tages of Le Fort I or Le Fort II osteotomy as a single modal-
Dept. of OMFS, Collegeof Medicine, Chungbuk National ity and we can observe that the skeletal stability of
Univ., Chung]u, Korea. ** Dept. of OMFS, Collegeof combined Le Fort II and Le Fort I osteotomy is adequate
Dentistry, Seoul National Univ., Seoul, Korea compared to other procedures.

Aims: To develope the method of subantral augmentation

with autogenous iliac block bone graft for simultaneous
implant installation. [~ SURVIVAL O F THE E N D O S S E O U S DENTAL
Method: When residual alveolar bone height of an edentu- I M P L A N T S PLACED W I T H I N BONE GRAFTS
lous posterior maxilla is less than 5mm, we have used auto-
genous iliac block bone for subantral augmentation. In
Myung-Rae Kim, DS Kim, JH Oh, SH Cheong
some cases showing a skeletal class III relationship,
advancement of the maxilla using a Le Fort I osteotomy Ewha University Mokdong Hosp, Seoul, Korea
may be considered, when simultaneous implant installation
and sinus lifting with interpositional block bone graft are Aims: This to evaluate the prognosis of osseo-integrated
performed. dental implants placed with or in bone grafts comparing the
Results: We applied these procedures to 31 sinuses, in 24 survival rate of endosseous implants installated in non-graft
patients and 94 screw type implant fixtures were installed. alveolar bones.
Also, Le Fort I osteotomy with an interpositional bone graft Materials & Methods; Of 106 titanium threaded
in 4 patient and 22 fixtures, were installed simultaneously, endosseous implants, 26 fixtures were installated in the
from 1992 to October 1996. The mean follow-up period is 2 reconstructed mandible or maxilla and 80 fixtures were
years 5months (range, 6 months to 5 years). And only one placed simultaneously with bone grafts. They were followed
fixture among 95 implants installed was removed and another up for over 6 months thru 5 years after temporary loading.
one fixture was submerged (success rate : 97.9%) and 4 fix-
tures among 22 fixtures, installed simultaneously with the Le RESULTS;
fort I osteotomy, were removed ( success rate : 81.8%) and the 1) Of 106 endosseous implants placed in/with bone grafts,
others showed satisfactory results aesthetically and 98 fixtures (92.5%) were followed as successful in function
functionally. after 3 years.
94 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

2) 96% (25/26) of implants placed in 6 months after recon- 2. MR Kim; Regeneration of the mandibular nerve in e-PTFE
struction of mandible or maxilla with bone grafts were suc- tubes, JOMS 55(8) supp.3, 1997
cessful to support dental prostheses.
3) Of 80 fixtures installed simultaneously with bone grafts,
73 implants (91%) were osseointegrated and supported the
prostheses in 3 years. ZINC- AND VITAMIN A-DEFICIENCY IN
4) Delayed implantation in 6-9 months after bone grafts PATIENTS W I T H ORAL PREMALIGNANCIES
were successful in 92%, while simultaneous installation
resulted successful in 93%(75/81).
Kleier, C.*, Werkmeister, R., Kleinheinz, J., Joos, U.,
Delayed implantation with autogenous bone grafts are
considered to be most desirable option to raise the osseoin- Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Muenster,
tegration rate, and bone substitutes could not be indicated Germany
to support the implant-prostheses.
Conclusion: Titanium threaded implants placed with bone Aims: The purpose of this study was the evaluation of zinc-
grafts and installated later into the grafted bone are both and vitamin A- pathway disturbances in patients with oral
considered to be acceptable option to augment the bony malignancies, as they are important for the regeneration of
defects, but delayed implantation resulted higher success in the oral mucosa (Hogan 1979, Allen 1982). In deficiencies
osseointegration and in function. hyperkeratoses, a disturbed immunosystem and a higher inci-
dence of oral malignancies have been reported (Wald 1980).
Method: In this study blood samples were taken from 40
References patients with oral lichen planus, 40 with oral leukoplakia, 40
with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) and 40 in a con-
1. Adell R, Lekholm U; Reconstruction of Severlyresorbed
edentulous maxillae using OI fixtures in immediate trol group. Besides routine blood analysis serum levels of
autogenous bone grafts, IIOMI 5:233, 1990 zinc (Zn), vitamin A (Vit A) and retinol binding protein
2. Schliephake H, et al; Survival analysis of endosseous implants (RBP) were evaluated.
in bone grafts used for the treatment of severe alveolar ridge Results: Mean values in lichen ruber planus were Zn 806
atrophy, JOM 55:1227, 1997 gg/1, RBP 5,09 mg/dl and Vit A 672 ng/ml, in leukoplakia
Zn 706 gg/1, RBP 4,12 mg/dl, and Vit A 613 ng/ml and in
OSCC Zn 641 gg/1, RBP 3,68 mg/dl and Vit A 581 ng/ml. In
comparison to the control group patients with lichen ruber
EPINEUROTOMY AND TUBULIZATION FOR planus showed no statistically significant differences. In
PAINFUL DYSESTHESIA F O L L O W E D AFTER leukoplakia patients there were statistically lower values for
I M P L A N T SURGERY; REVIEW OF CASES Zn and Vit A compared to the control group (p<0,01).
Patients with oral malignancies showed lower serum levels
Myung-Rae Kim, Won-Ho Lee, DS Kim for Zn, RBP and Vit A (p<0,01).
Conclusions: In patients with oral premalignancies and Zn-,
Dept.of Oral Surgery, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, RBP- and Vit A-deficiency a substitution of Zn and Vit A
Korea must be considered.

Aims: This is to review the painful dysesthesia caused by

implant surgeries and to evaluate the effect of epineurotomy RECONSTRUCTION OF LARGE ANTERIOR
Materials & Methods: Three patients who had history of RESECTION USING THE BONE TRANSPORT
nerve penetration during the implant installation. Two TECHNIQUE
IANs had be repaired by epineurotomy and entubulation
with e-PTFE in 18 months after injuries, and one was *Klein, C., M.D., D.M.D.; Walendzik, H., M.D.
undergone within 2 months. They were examined periodi-
cally by clinical neurologic examinations (SLT, MLTD, 1Department of Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery, University of
2PD, PPN, TD and VAS), electro-physiologic studies Frankfurt, Medical School, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, D-60590
(Sensory Evoked Potential) and thermographs (Digital Frankfurt am Main
Infrared Thermal Images) before and after the micro-neuro-
Results: Microscopic examination disclosed neuro-fibroma- The reconstruction of large mandibular defects after
tous changed surrounding regenerated neural bundles. Two turnout resection or traumatic loss is always a challenge.
patients waited for over 18 months presents pain-reduced Only microsurgical grafting, commonly iliac crest, fibula or
but dysesthesia persisted, while one patient undergone scapula, guarantee the stability of the volume. This major
microsurgeries within 2 months revealed marked improve- surgical procedure often needs blood transfusion, the in-
ment in sesory tests and self assessment. patient course is prolonged. Additionally the patient may
Conclusion: Epineurotomy & tubulization with e-PTFE suffer from the donorsite morbidity. An alternative proce-
membrane could not be a good option to regain the sensory dure for the reconstruction of bony defects which avoids
recovery of the I A N presenting painful dysesthesia follow- these drawbacks is the bone-transport which is based on
ing the implant surgeries unless the microsurgical explo- Ilizarov's technique for segmental bone movement. In ani-
ration was done within 3 months after trauma. mal and clinical studies, the applicability in the craniofacial
skeleton has already been demonstrated in principle. Until
now, inadequate devices have prevented the successful use of
References this technique. In 1994, we had performed our first clinical
case with the help of a self-constructed device using parts of
1. KenjiWH; Incidence of nerve injury after implant placement, two different distractors from hand surgery. Based on this
JOMS 53:264, 1995 successful clinical experience, together with the Normed
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 95

company (Tuttlingen/Germany) we built a new u-bow which patient with a comminuted fracture of the maxilla. In this
allows the possibility of simultaneous movement of different case a small necrosis of the bone with loss of the teeth was
bone segments and to stabilize each of them independently. observed while using the resorbable mesh.
We present now our first five patients in whom we used this
new device. All patients had undergone ablative tumour CONCLUSION:
surgery previously, creating mandibular defects about 4 to 9 Mayby early revascularysation was delayed due the covering
cm. Three of the patients suffered from a large symphyseal of the bone surface. All other patients treated with the
defect, two patients had had a lateral mandibular resection. resorbable mesh showed no complications and the fixation
Using the segmental bone movement, in all patients the bony proofed to be stable enough for early training functioning.
defect was closed successfully. The bone transport system and
the surgical technique are shown and the results are discussed
There were no major complications. We believe that the bone-
transport will be an useful alternative for mandibular recon- [h TYPE-II P R O C O L L A G E N C-PEPTIDE
struction with micro-surgically reanstomosed bone grafts. EXPRESSION O F THE H U M A N T M J DISCS

Kondoh, Z * , Kunou, H., **Kikuchi, T., **Fujikawa, K.,

Seto, K.
CHILDREN 15grst Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
Z~urumi University, Yokohama, Japan. and ** Department
O. Knauer, A. Hemprich, W. Eichhorn * of Orthopedic Surgery, National Defense Medical College,
Tokorozawa, Japan.
Clinic of Maxillofacial sm~ery, University of Leipzig
Niirnberger Strafie 57, D - 04103 Leipzig Aims: To determine the chondrocytic phenotype of human
* Department of Maxillofacial surgery, Kreiskliniken TMJ disc cells. We studied to expression of type-II procolla-
Balingen gen C-peptide on TMJ discs obtained from fresh cadavers.
Materials and Methods: Twelve grossly normal discs were
Aims Developement of a three dimensional illustration of obtained from the fresh cadavers. All samples were fixed in
lip and palate clefts of children without exposing the patient 10% buffered formalin, segmented sagittaly, embedded, and
to any radiation continuously sectioned. The specimens were stained conven-
Method We developed a new method to in a way. In combi- tionally with H-E stain and observed under microscope. And
nation with impressions of the nasal cavity, intra oral and as indices of collagen metabolism of the disc cells, the local
face moulages we recieved an exact pathologic reconstruc- distribution of type -II collagen and type-II procollagen C-
tion of the craniofacial deseases. These three dimensional peptide (chondrocalcin) were studied immunohistochemically.
reconstructions were exposed a CT-Scan and afterwards the Results and Conclusion: Type -II collagen and type-II pro-
data were visualized with the help of the advanced software collagen C-peptide (chondrocalcin) were distributed pri-
IDL (Inter Data Language version 4.0). This method gave marily on the superior and inferior superficial layers of the
us the possibility to plan and prepare the operations more disc. The results indicate that the disc cells has a potential to
precise than before at the computer. Our method is based on express of type II collagen,
the idea of computer-assisted surgery and the avoidance of
any radiation for the patients.
Kondrashin S.A.*, Agapov ES., Bykova A.A., Koblikov E
E, Bruslik S. E, Ternovoj S.K.

Knauf U., Bschorer R. Moscow, Russia

Klinikum Schwerin, Departement of OMFS, Wismarsche Purpose: Determination of validity and consequence of dif-
Strafle 397, 19049 Schwerin, Germany ferent imaging methods in diagnosis of unilateral salivary
gland enlargement.
INTRODUCTION: Materials and Methods: In the years 1990-97, 133 patients
First experiences with resorbable miniplates were shown by from 18 to 68 yr. (M=46,4"2,8 yr; 96-F, 47-M) with chronic
few authors using the technique only in regions of less stress unilateral salivary gland enlargement were seen. We used
and function e.g. fractures of the skull, fractures of the functional digital subtraction sialography (FDSS) in 57
frontal sinus and fractures of the zygoma. patients, CT (82), standard (83) and colour Doppler (56)
sonography, M R I (10).
Results: Separate use of the imaging methods did not
demonstrate the full volume of the pathological mass.
We treated 20 patients with mandibulary and maxillary frac-
Complex investigation revealed lymphadenitis in 6 patients,
tures and compared the result to 20 patients treated with sialadenitis (2). We found 115 tumours of the parotid (90)
titanium miniplates.
and submandibular (25) salivary glands, 11 cysts (7 and 4).
Sonography, CT and M R I revealed all tumours. Lipomas
RESULTS: only had a symptomatic pattern (9) on sonography and CT-
Nevertheless costs of the resorbable plates are high, the densitometry (-108,3"7,8"). Mean density of pleomorphic
overall treatment costs were low. The additional removal of adenomas was in 2-3 times higher (29,6*4,2 *) than the sur-
plates is avoided. Healing showed complicated in one rounding parenchyma, mean tumour size was, in the parotid
96 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

gland, 2.9"0.9cm and 3.6"1.3 cm in the submandibular gland. Methods: Pilot study in 10 NZW:ICO rabbits.
On standard sonography, pleomorphic adenomas have an oval Transplantation of, in vivo passaged, VX2-cell suspensions
or round form with clear contours and homogenous hypoechoic (Benjamin Franklin, Berlin) to the dorsolateral portion of
structure. 21 benign tumours had an intermediate vascular grade both auricles. IA embolisation of 7 tumours, via the caudal
(+ and ++) and basketlike pattern. Peak systolic velocity was less auricular artery, with differently sized, enzymatically
50.0 cm/s (M=23 crrds). In salivary glands, mean intratumour degrading, dextran hydrogel microspheres. Evaluation of
velocity was characteristic for benign tumours. MRI gave the tumour take-rate, speed of growth, metastatic behaviour
same results as CT. Sonography and CT localized the mass in the and distribution of microspheres.
gland precisely in 130 of 133 (97%) patients. Results: Cell suspensions (5 - 25 x 10Z6 cells) injected in 20
Conclusion: Sonography is the principal imaging method in auricles took in 17 (85%) cases. Turnout surface doubling
investigation of patients with chronic unilateral salivary time was 7.1 + 2.0 (range 4.5 - 9.9) days. Histopathology: the
gland enlargement. It shows the structure and character of poorly differentiated carcinoma grows in locally invasive
the tumour vascularisation. Combined usage of CT and sheets and nests and is surrounded by large irregular, capil-
sonography was practically 100% accurate in tumour lary-like vessels. Metastases develop to cervical nodes and
determination. eventually to the lungs, but not to other organs, in all ani-
mals. Embolisation: particles smaller than 10 um (number
weighted mean) give rise to pulmonary emboli. Particles
larger than 15 um and ligation of multiple non-tumour
EVALUATION O F SURGICALLY AND branches can create a homogeneous embolisation of the
CONDYLAR PROCESS FRACTURES: A Conclusion: The VX2 rabbit auricle carcinoma is a suitable
PROSPECTIVE CLINICAL STUDY HNSCC model for studying IA embolisation techniques: in
particular with respect to the future use of dextran hydrogel
Konstantinovie, ES. microspheres as a vehicle for the controlled release of differ-
ent anti-tumour drugs.
Clinicfor Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Stomatology,
University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Yugoslavia

Aim: To evaluate 18 surgically (wire osteosynthesis via sub- THE RELIABILITY O F M E A S U R I N G ORBITAL
mandibular approach) and 20 conservatively treated unilat- VOLUME U T I L I S I N G CT-DERIVED DATA AND
eral condylar process fractures. "ANALYZE'SOFTWARE
Method: The following clinical parameters (maximal mouth
opening, deviation, side to side mandibular movements, Koppei DA .l, Foy R 2, Logan j3, Ayoub A ~, Hadley D3.
protrusion, deviation during protrusion, condylar head
movements and occlusion) were investigated before and et :Canniesburn Hospital, :Glasgow University, 3The Institute
least one year after completion of the treatment. Also, com- of Neurological Sciences, Glasgow, Scotland.
plications during treatment were recorded.
Results: In the conservatively treated group, there were no
Introduction: CT scans are mandatory in the surgical plan-
complications during the healing period. In the surgically
ning of many patients with orbital problems. They allow
treated patients, 4 had wound infection and/or transitory pare-
quantitative assessment, the use of Analyze software allows
sis of the marginal branch of the facial nerve. The attained
quantitative assessment of this digital data. Analyze uses an
results have shown statistically (p< 0.01) significant improve- automatic thresholding method for the calculation of
ment in both groups after treatment for all investigated para-
meters. However, there were no statistically significant Aim: The study investigates the reliability of the software in
differences between the surgically and conservatively treated the calculation of orbital volume with different CT scanning
fractures. protocols.
Conclusions: After both types of treatment some abnormali- Method: Five dried skulls each had an orbit filled with a sil-
ties remained, although significant improvement in function icone impression material and a prosthetic globe to simulate
had been achieved. Thus, based on the results of this study, it the orbital contents. Each skull was scanned in a standard
seems that patients with surgical reduction were actually over- way on an Elscint 2400 Elite scanner. Axial and coronal cuts
treated. were made at different slice widths. The orbital volume was
calculated using the CT derived data and Analyze software.
A gravimetric technique based on water displacement was
THE VX2-RABBIT-AUR1CLE-CARCINOMA; A used to measure the volume of the simulated orbital con-
E M B O L I S A T I O N OF HEAD AND NECK S Q U A M O U S Results: The full results will be presented.
CELL CARCINOMA (HNSCC) Conclusions: The software programme has a high level of
accuracy in orbital volume calculations and for the purposes
Koole R*, Van Es R . £ £ , Franssen 0., Hennink W.E., of volume measurement no statistical difference between
Slootweg P.J. axial and coronal cuts was demonstrated. The clinical appli-
cations and relevance of the study will be discussed.
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Utrecht
University Hospital, PO Box 85500,3508 GA Utrecht, The
Aim: To establish a new animal model for evaluation of IA CRITICAL TRAUMA OF THE HEAD
embolisation of HNSCC, with a new type of microspheres
for controlled release of anti-tumour drugs. Korotkih N. * Korzh G., Mutafyan M.,
EACMFS- Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 97

Department of surgical stomatology and maxillo-facial It can be concluded that transplanted tissues foreign to the oral
surgery, Medical state academy, Voronezh, Russia cavity have no detrimental effect on the bone resorption around
loaded dental implants, and do not endanger their long-term
stability. Of all mentioned transplants, split-thickness skin
Aims: Optimization of the diagnostic and treatment med- grafts are least recommended as peri-implant soft tissues.
ical aid for the injured with the critical cranio-maxillofacial
trauma (CMT) in conditions an versatile specialized hospi-
tals of large industrial city.
Method: On the basis of the carried out analysis of 200 CRANIOFACIAL NEUROFIBROMATOSIS
injuries with CMT are analysed and systematized clinical,
radiology, laboratory, methods of examination under Jiri Kozak., Pavel Voska., Eduard Zverina., Michal Tichy
different variants of damages. The groups of the patients
are determined by conditions depending on gravity degrees University Hospital Motol, Prague, Czech Republic
of an intracranial or face trauma, requiring urgently med-
ical aid. Are detected the most significant diagnostic crite-
ria. A structure of experts group, taking part in medical aid Neurofibromatosis in the craniofacial area
rendering at domination of damaging from positions of Neurofibromatosis can be classified as an autosomal
previsible upshots is determined. dominant congenital disease with complicated
Results: The gradation of the injurends on groups depend- treatment,
ing on CNT trauma gravity degrees is stated; the usage of This disease has many clinical manifestations and the
interdisciplinary diagnostic-treatment algorithms has craniofacial area is the most dangerous site for it.
allowed to determine the rational quantity of the doctors The authors present their experiences with surgical treat-
for adequate specialized medical aid and the sequence of ment of neurofibromatosis.
performing the diagnostic studies and treatment manipula- From 1994 to 199714 patients mostly of adolescent
tions and surgeon actions. When damaging the bones of age, were treated in our department because of this disease.
middle area of face in all observing cases were marked From this group, 7 patients had intracranial spread of the
cranio-cerebrum trauma (concussion, bruise). neurofibroma. Each of them underwent an extensive surgi-
Cone|usions: Efficiency of treatment and predicted upshots cal operation which was done in cooperation with a neuro-
depend on rational use the diagnostic strategies, objective surgeon. All operations were accompanied by massive blood
evaluation of degrees of gravity of damaging a cerebrum, loss, but contrary to different reports from other authors,
oro-maxillofacial area, organs of vision, rumour, well-timed recovery was uneventful.
beginning of specialized treatment. The usage of computer The authors also present some case reports of this disease.
based decision making models promotes a differentiate
choice of optimum variant of treatment with the expert
quality evaluation of rendering a medical aid. THE ASSESSMENT OF THE PROLIFERATION
ORAL T U M O U R SURGERY Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery, Institute of Dentistry,
Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland
* Kovdcs, A., M.D., D.M.D., Klein, C., M.D., D.M.D.
Department of MaxilloJ'acial Plastic Surgery, University of
Frankfurt, Medical School, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, D-60590 To attempt to assess the influence of sensory nerve endings
Frankfurt am Main on proliferating activity of oral epithelium and subepithelial
connective tissue.

185 dental implants (Bone-Lock) loaded for at least on year METHOD:

in 49 patients treated with ablative tumour and reconstruc- Eighty inbred Lewis male rats were used in the study. In 40
tive surgery in the oral cavity were examined to a certain rats, the inferior alveolar nerve [IAN] was partially resected
peri-implant bone resorption. While 96 implants penetrated within the mandibular canal [group R]. The remaining 40
local mucosa and serve as the control group, 27 implants are rats were left intact [group I]. Both groups were divided into
associated with split-thickness skin grafts, 9 in mucosal four 10-animal-subgroups. All subgroups' rats were
grafts, 18 in myocutaneous flaps, 30 in jejunal grafts and 5 in injected in the gingiva in the mental foramen region with: 1)
a vastus lateralis and a temporal muscle flap. Restoration 0.9% NaC1 [control only for injection effect; subgroups: IS-
type was similar in all groups (overdentures) except for intact rats; RS-after I A N resection], 2) Capsaicin [neuro-
implants in jejunal grafts (fixed implant-supported prosthe- transmitters releasing from sensory nerve endings;
ses). Regular follow-up was done with an observation time subgroups: IC-intact rats; RC-after I A N resection], 3)
of 3 to 5 years after implant placement. Overall survival rate Capsaicin vehicle [control for capsaicin effect; subgroups:
of the 89 implants surrounded by transplanted soft tissues IV-intact rats; RV-after I A N resection], 4) Complete
was 94.1%. Bone loss under the different transplanted soft Freund's Adjuvant [produces extremely acute gingivitis
tissues was similar to or less than under local mucosa. Over with neurogenic component too; subgroups: IA-intact rats;
time, only horizontal bone resorption under jejunal grafts RA-after I A N resection]. Six hours after the gingival injec-
and vertical bone resorption under mucosal grafts showed tions, colchicin was administered intraperitoneally to arrest
higher values. Mean values of all measurements for split- mitosis. After the next two hours, gingiva from the region
thickness skin grafts were higher than for local mucosa for of the mental foramina was excised on the vestibular side of
the horiziontal as well as for the vertical resorption pattern. the alveolar ridge. These biopsy specimens were fixed in 4%
98 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

formaldehyde. Stainings: a) haematoxylin and eosin [evalu-

ation of mitotic index, MI], b) pinacyanol erythrosinate BLOOD LOSS IN ORTHOGNATHIC SURGERY:
[evaluation of density of mast cells]. Immunohistochemical HYPOTENSION VERSUS NORMOTENSION
reactions: a) proliferating cell nuclear antigen in epithelium
[PCNA-E] and subepithelial connective tissue [PCNA-CT], Krekmanov, L1 and Enlund, g 2.
b) neuro-specific enolase [NSE] and S100 protein. Results
were analysed by Student's t-test, differences were regarded Department Oral MaxilloJbcial Surgery, Department of
as significant at p<0,05. Anaesthesiology, Central Hospital, Vgisterds, Sweden

NSE and S100 reactions revealed that resection of IAN Aims: The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the
eliminated sensory nerve endings from the region examined. need for induced hypotension in orthognathic surgery.
The main changes were detected in subgroups in the range Methods: Blood loss, duration of operation and quality of
of MI: IC [1,26%] versus IV [1,58%] and IA [0,84%] versus the surgical field were measured in 36 patients, assigned to
IS [1,75%]; in the range of PCNA-E: IS [96,55%] versus RS either hypotension (mean arterial pressure, MAR 50-64 mm
[99,75%] and IC [94,55%] versus RC [98,5%]; in the range of Hg) or normotension (MAP> 65 mm Hg). Hypotension
PCNA-CT: IS [25,52%] versus RS [47,86%]. was achieved by increasing the amount of isoflurane given.
The hypotensive group had significantly less bleeding over
CONCLUSIONS: time: mean 0.9 ml/minute (0.6 to 1.2 ml) compared with 1.8
The lack of influence of neurotransmitters released from ml/minute (1.3 to 2.4 ml).
IAN evoked increasing proliferation of keratinocytes and a Special attention was paid to keeping the periosteum
very significant one of the connective tissue cells. The intact when performing the subperiosteal dissection as well
effects of the experiments conducted indicate that these as re-using the gauze compresses in order to activate local
transmitters keep proliferation activity at a constant low haemostasis.
level. Results: The corresponding difference in total blood loss
did not differ significantly between the groups: mean 186
ml (95% CI, 98 ml to 275 rnl)in the hypotension group,
compared with 304 ml (95% CI, 210 ml to 399 ml) in the
normotension group. No patient required blood transfu-
sion. Neither the duration of surgery, nor the quality of
the surgical field were significantly influenced by
Krasic D. Buric N*. Visnjic M. hypotension.
Conclusions: The clinical relevance of induced hypotension
in orthognathic surgery had been considered to he doubtful.
Medicine Faculty - Clinic of Stomatology Oral and The mean reduction of less than 150 ml/surgery in spite of a
Maxillofacial Surgery Deps, Clinic of Surgery-Plastic limited overall blood loss, from the clinical point of view
Surgery, Nis, Serbia (Yugoslavia) was insignificant. The surgical technique might been of
greater importance for the relatively short duration of a
Aims: To evaluate the efficacy of reconstruction of lower lip "gentle" operation and a low blood loss than the level of the
defects by using various methods of reconstruction. blood pressure.
Method: In the period between 1993-1997 a group of 75
patients with lower lip carcinoma has been treated. In the
patient group defects were as follows: subtotal lip defects
in 60 (80%) pts., total lip defects in 10 (13.3%) pts., and MARSUPIALIZATION OF CYSTIC
extensive lip and perioral defects in 5 (6.7%) pts. AMELOBLASTOMA IN YOUNG PATIENTS
Postoperative defects after ablative surgery were recon-
structed in 20 pts. by means of the Karapandzic, Fries and Kriiger, H.E. C. *, Grotepass, F. W.., Van der Westhuijzen,
modified Karapandzic (quadrangular flaps) techniques A.Z, Van Rensburg, L.J.
respectively. Total defects were reconstructed by means of
quadrangular flaps and the Nakajima technique. Extensive Department of Muxillofacial and Oral Surgery, and
and perioral defects were reconstructed by means of free Department of MaxilloJbcial and Oral Radiology, Faculty of
radial forearm and pectoralis major flaps. Postoperatively, Dentistry, University of Stellenbosch, Tygerberg, South
in all patients, we recorded aesthetic and functional Africa.
Results: A squamous cell carcinoma was identified in all Introduction Cystic Ameloblastoma expands by either
patients. Marginal necrosis occurred in 7 (9.3%) pts., infec- tumour growth in the cyst wall and/or hydrostatic pressure
tions in 3 (4%). In the group with subtotal defects, recon- from within the cyst cavity.
struction with quadrangular flaps showed the best Method The clinical, radiological and histological data of 9
aesthetic and functional results. In the group with total patients under the age of 18 presenting with cystic
defects, the best results were given by method acc. to ameloblastoma, were investigated retrospectively. At the
Nakajima. In the group with extensive defects free radial stage biopsies were taken, marsupialization was done.
forearm flaps gave good results in comparison with pec- Follow-up periods ranged from 1 to 4 years.
toralis major flaps. Results Following marsupialization, clinical and radiologi-
Conclusions: Despite the great number of various tech- cal reduction of the lesion was noted, and bone remodelling
niques for lip reconstruction it those techniques which at a normal anatomical level was observed.
spare the muscle perioral ring and adjacent tissue whenever Conclusions :Patients presenting with unicystic amelo-blas-
is possible should be applied. One stage reconstruction of toma, may benefit from marsupialization if marginal or seg-
extensive defects is possible by using a free radial forearm mental resection is done at a later stage, restricting
flap. deformity to a minimum in the young developing patient.
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 99

Even if radical surgery is envisaged for a multicystic lesion, to this, in one simple operation we obtain simultaneously
initial marsupialization allows time for logistic preparation elongation of the ramus and mobilization of the mandible.
and will facilitate the supraperiosteal dissection. Four cases This method was applied in treatment of eight patients
are presented. achieving good results. The results are presented of many
years of follow up of these patients.


Wanyura H., Kryst L., Samolczyk-Wanyura D. BONE IMPLANTS

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medical Kiiblel; IV. R.*, Bill, J. S., Wiirzler, K., Reuther, J. F.
University of Warsaw
Department of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery, University of
Wiirzburg, Wiirzburg, Germany
Among the various types of orbital fractures treated in our
clinic, zygomatic-orbital fractures (ZOF) occur in 26% of
cases. The most common sequelae of ZOF are the follow- In general, cranioplasties are performed using either autoge-
ing: depression of cheek and facial asymmetry, restricted nous bone grafts or alloplastic materials. For the recon-
mouth opening, depression of outer corner of eyelid with struction of large defects, however, the amount of the
static pseudoptosis and suborbital paraesthesia. patient's own bone may be insufficient, especially in chil-
For many years we have been using a simple method for dren. Furthermore, the remodelling of autogenous bone is
repositioning and fixation of the zygomatic fragment in often unpredictable. On the other hand alloplastic materials
ZOF patients. (PMMA, etc.) remain in the defect as foreign bodies and
The bony fragment is repositioned from the lumen of the often tend to become infected. For that reason we prefer
maxillary sinus and fixed using a wire ligature through the autolyzed, antigen-extracted, allogeneic (AAA) bone from
side of the orbital rim and supported with a Foley catheter human donors for extensive cranioplasties. AAA bone has
and balloon which is introduced via the nose into the maxil- been shown in our experimental work to induce cartilage in
lary sinus. The fluid-filled balloon not only keeps the zygo- vitro and new bone formation in vivo.
matic fragment in the correct position, but at the same time Since 1990 31 patients received AAA bone cranioplasties
effectively stops bleeding and allows for continuous either as completely demineralized bone powder, completely
drainage of the maxillary sinus and also its periodic irriga- demineralized pliable bone chips, surface-demineralized
tion with antiseptic. bone chips (in 12 cases from human donor skull caps) or
From observation over many years it appears that our combinations thereof. In some cases preoperative stereolith-
approach, which is illustrated with examples, is technically ography-based planning and contouring of the AAA bone
easy and effectively eliminates the consequences of ZOF as implants were performed. The patients were followed up
regards morphology, function and aesthetics. Neither early clinically and radiologically for between 4 months and 93
nor late postoperative complications were found in any of months. In some cases scintigraphy and removal of
the 286 patients treated by this methods. osteosynthesis material (incl. biopsies) were performed.
No infection or rejection of any of the AAA bone
implants occured.. X-ray assessments as well as bone scintig-
raphy revealed osseous integration and remodelling of the
[~ REMOTE RESULTS OF TREATMENT OF AAA bone implants with minimal resorption. However, in 2
TEMPOROMANDIBULAR J O I N T ANKYLOSIS cases completely demineralized AAA bone chips showed
WITH USE OF METAL J O I N T COMPONENTS partial resorptions which ceased after the implants had been
remodelled. Patients undergoing a re-entry for removal of
Krzymanski G. miniplates showed bleeding surfaces and osseous integration
of the former implants. With the aid of stereolithographic
Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Military School of models and AAA bone donor skull caps even complex
Medicine, Warsaw,POLAND defects could be satisfactorily reconstructed.
The long-term results emphasize the therapeutic applica-
Temporomandibular joint ankylosis developing in early tion of AAA bone for cranioplasty. It is noteworthy that no
childhood is accompanied by significant mandibular unpredictable resorption or infection were observed.
hypoplasia. In such cases, in planing of treatment, not only Supported by grants-in-aid from D F G (Ku 655/2-1, Ku
mobilization of the mandible should be taken into account, 655/2-2, Ku 655/4-1)
but also elongation of its hypoplastic parts. Surgical treat-
ment of osseous temporomandibular joint ankylosis with
reconstruction of the condyle with osteocartilaginous trans-
plant from the rib, or introduction of joint prosthesis CLASSIFICATION AND TREATMENT OF
requires removal of the whole bone block connecting the
mandibular ramus with cranial base which is associated Kiibler, N. R.*, Reinhart, E., Martin, E, Wiirzler, K.,
with significant technical difficulties and the possibility of Reuthel; J. F.
complications. Trying to overcome these difficulties, since
1982 we use in the treatment of osseous ankylosis of the
temporomandibular joint an own method including Department of Cranio-MaxilIo-Facial Surgery, University of
mandibular ramus osteotomy below ankylosis, separating of Wiirzburg, Wiirzburg, Germany
fragments by the desired distance and supporting them in
this position with a metal element, fixed screws to the angle Since 1981, 148 patients with salivary gland tumours were
of the mandible, which is a part of the artificial joint. Owing treated in our department. In a follow-up study the
100 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

histopathology findings as well as the treament were re- samples with BMP-2 showed complete reossification of
examined. the defects. Dependent on the carrier material, different
The location of the tumours was the parotid gland in excesses of newly formed bone (bony outgrowth) were
52.0%, the submaxillary gland in 7.4%, the sublingual gland observed on the buccal side of the angles of the
in 2.0%, and the minor salivary glands in 38.5%. Benign mandibles. Calculation of the induced new bone revealed
epithelial tumors were found in 48.6% of the cases (36.5% 792+367 mmA with ICBM, 312_+162 mmAwith Algipore),
pleomorphic adenomas, 10.1% Warthin's turnouts [papil- 303_+124 mmA with TCP, 253_+47 mmA with HA, 252_+38
lary cystadenoma lymphomatosum], 2.0% others) while mmA with bioglass, 206_+66 mmA with Bio-Oss), 181_+19
malignant epithelial turnouts represented 40.5% (14.2% mmA with polydioxanon/polyglactin, and 151_+13 mmA
adenocystic carcinomas [cylindromas], 10.8% mucoepider- with collagen.
moid tumours, 8.1% adenocarcinomas, 3.4% malignant The results show that non of the bone replacement mate-
mixed turnouts, 3.4% squamous cell carcinomas, 0.6% rials alone was capable of healing the critical size defects.
acinic cell carcinomas), non epithelial tumours 4.1%, and The addition of BMP-2 to the carrier materials led to com-
non classified benign tumours 6.8% of the cases. 22% of the plete reossification of the defects within 4 weeks. Therefore
parotid gland tumours, 54.5% of the submaxillary gland the amount of induced new bone was dependent on the car-
tumours, 66.6% of the sublingual gland tumours and 61.4% rier materials as well as on their being partially displaced.
of the minor salivary gland tumors were malignant. In conclusion the study shows that the future therapeutic
Distribution by sex was dependent on the type of tumour: application of BMPs in reconstructive surgery of the facial
Warthin's tumours as well as squamous cell carcinomas skeleton needs a defined ratio between the amount of BMP
were mainly found in men, while pleomorphic adenomas, and the respective carrier material. Furthermore displace-
adenocystic carcinomas, and adenocarcinomas were more ment of the BMP-augmented carrier should be avoided in
frequently observed in women. order not to produce excessive bone formation.
Surgical treatment depended on the histology, the loca- Supported by grants-in-aid from D F G (Ku 655/2-1, Ku
tion and size of the tumours. In 4 cases with malignant 655/2-2, Ku 655/4-1)
tumours, no surgical therapy was performed for various rea-
sons. Benign as well as malignant tumours of the submaxil-
lary gland and the sublingual gland were excised including
the glands. Tumours of minor salivary glands were widely
excised. Benign tumours of the parotid gland were either FLUORDESOXYGLUCOSE-PET - METABOLIC
excised (n= 10) or a conservative parotidectomy (n=50) was I M A G I N G F O R STAGING AND SURVEILLANCE OF
performed. In a case with a malignant parotid tumour a ORAL CANCER
radical parotidectomy with partial or complete resection Kunkel M *(tJ, Wahlmann Ua), Griitz KA (1), Benz p(2),
and subsequent or secondary reconstruction of the facial
Andreas j(3), Wagner W (°.
nerve was performed (8 patients), a conservative parotidec-
tomy with preparation of the facial nerve was performed in
8 patients, and tumour excision without nerve preparation ~J Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, University of
was performed in 1 patient. Mainz (Germany)
r2jP E T in the University of Mainz
~3~Department of Nuclear Medicine, University of Mainz
WITH rhBMP-2 Aims: Careful investigation of lymph node involvement is
mandatory for the se-lection of the appropriate extent of lym-
Kiibler, N. Rfl , Biebl, S.1, Kiiding, K.1, Wiirzler, K.1, Failer, phnode dissection in the therapy of oral cancer. However, lack
Gfl, Sieber, Eft, Kirchner, I".2, Sebald, W.3, Reuther, J. F.1
of sensitivity and specifity of conventional imaging tech-
niques based on morphological criteria claim for additional
1Department of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery, ~Institute of methods to improve accuracy of lymph node assessment.
Biochemistry, University of Wiirzburg, Germany, 2Institute Further problems arise in the follow-up, when scaring, radia-
of Pathology, University of Erlangen, Germany tion fibrosis and flaps used for reconstruction interfere with
morphological detection of tumor recurrency. Therefore, this
RhBMP-2 was expressed in E. coli and subsequently rena- study investigates the contribution of [F~8]-2-
tured to yield the dimeric mature protein. To define the Fluordesoxyglucose (FDG)-PET to tumor manage-ment with
osteoinductive potential of BMP-2 in reconstructive respect to lymphnode staging and detection of recurrency.
surgery, the protein was bound to various carriers and Methods: F D G - P E T scans were performed in 35 Patientes
implanted in mandibular defects in rats. with advanced oral cancer (predominantly T3/T4) prior to
Critcal size defects with a diameter of 5 mm were created surgery or radio(chemo)therapy. Results of PET were corre-
on both sides of the angle of the mandible in 32 rats. In lated to histological findings after ablative tumor surgery.
groups of 4 animals 3 mg bovine collagen, 30 mg ICBM Ten Patients were investigated in the follow-up period for
(bovine bone matrix), 2.6 mg polydioxanon/polyglactin, 50 verification of initial clinical suspiction of recurrency or
mg bioglass, 50 mg syn. HA, 45 mg Algipore), 35 mg Bio- secondary metastasis. Statistical evaluation included sensi-
Oss ) or 50 mg syn. TCP (all same volume) were implanted in tivity, specifity as well as positive and negative predictive
the defects. 10 gg rhBMP-2 was combined with the respec- values for lymph-node involvement per neck-side and for
tive carriers on the contralateral side (test side). After 4 recurrency sites. Results of PET were compared to CT and
weeks the animals were sacrificed and the newly formed M R I Data.
bone was measured and radiologically as well as histologi- Results: F D G - P E T yielded good sensitivity (81%) and supe-
cally examined. rior specifity (95%) for initial lymph node assessment result-
None of the control defects (without BMP-2) showed ing in excellent positive (89%) and negative (90%) predictive
significant bone formation. The carriers were either values. In the staging procedure, PET detected four distant
resorbed or encapsulated in fibrous tissue. In contrast, all metastases and two simultaneous tumors which had sub-
EACMFS- Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 101

stantial effect on therapeutic management. For the detec- All patients suffered from recurrent TMJ dislocation
tion of tumor recurrency, sensitivity yielded 90%. In 3 out of with considerable pain and were not able to reduce their
10 patients, PET identified additional sites of recur-rency or TMJ luxation by themselves.
metastasis that could neither be detected clinically nor by Postoperatively, no recurrence of dislocation occurred
conventional imaging techniques but were confirmed 1 to 3 and all patients were free of pain. This technique, which is
month later in the follow up. presented in detail, proved its effectiveness even in patients
Conclusions: F D G - P E T is a challenging imaging technique with severe oral dyskinesia and long-lasting dislocations.
with the potential to support staging procedures and sur- The advantages of this technically easy and effective pro-
veillance of oral cancer. There is first promising evidence, cedure for the treatment of TMJ dislocation are discussed.
that detection limits of lymph node metastases and tumor
recurrency may be substantially improved by metabolic

Tae-Geon Kwon* Sang-Han Lee.

TISSUE: AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY O F Department of OMFS, College of Dentistry, Kyungpook
HETEROTOPIC O S T E O I N D U C T I O N BY A National University, Taegu, KOREA.
The patient, who had undergone orthognathic surgery on
three different occasions, was investigated to elucidate the
Kenji Kusumoto .l, Kazuhisa Bessho 2, Kazuma Fujimura2, Jiro various factors required for orthognathic surgery of a facial
Akioka 1, Yasunori Okubo ~, Yutaka Ogawa 1, Tadahiko lizuka 2 deformity combined with enamel hypoplasia, and the cause
of severe relapse in this type of the patient.
The 23-year-old female attended our clinic complaining
1) Kansai Medical University, Dept. of Plastic and
of malocclusion and facial asymmetry. She was also diag-
Reconstructive Surgery, Moriguchi, 570-8507, Japan; 2)
nosed as having enamel hypoplasia and there was a lot of
Kyoto University, Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Oral and
difficulty in presurgical and postsurgical orthodontic treat-
Maxillofacial Surgery, Kyoto, 606-8507, Japan
ment. The first surgery was a Lefort I osteotomy with
BSSRO. Four months after the first surgery, Maxillary &
Aims: To define the heterotopic osteoinduction by a combi- Mandibular anterior segmental osteotomies were per-
nation of rhBMP-2, collagen and porous hydroxyapatite formed to adjust bimaxillary protrusion which was the
wrapped with a muscle flap in an experimental study. another complaint of the patient. But 20 months later,
Method: A combination of rhBMP-2, collagen and hydrox- IVRO was performed because of a transverse relapse. After
yapatite was wrapped with a rat latissimus dorsi muscle flap. postsurgical stability was achieved, the patient was referred
Three weeks later, the osteoinduction of the implant was to the prosthodontic department.
histologically investigated and the circulation in the flap was Difficulty in orthodontic treatment influenced the post-
estimated by microangiogram. surgical stability. We too experienced the special relapse ten-
Results: Trabecular bone at the surface of the hydroxyapatite dancy. It is likely that before orthognathic surgery, the
block and trabecular bone and bone marrow in the pores surgeon must confirm the expected post-operative molar
were observed. On the microangiogram, axial vasculature relation before the surgery
connected to the thoracodorsal artery was indicated in the Tae-Geon Kwon*, Sang-Han Lee.
muscle flap shadow. The contrast medium was histologically Department of OMFS, College of Dentistry, Kyungpook
observed in blood vessels in bone marrow in the pores. National
Conclusions: This study indicated that a combination of University, Samduck 2-Ga, Jung-Gu, Taegu, 700-421,
rhBMP-2, collagen and porous hydroxyapatite wrapped KOREA.
with a muscle flap would produce a meaningful prefabri-
cated flap with bony tissue and be a new "vascularized bone
graft" for skeletal reconstruction on poor condition, which
is scarred, irradiated or infectious, with no sacrifice on the BACTERIAL AND CLINICAL F I N D I N G S OF
self-skeleton. FALLING DENTAL I M P L A N T S

Laine, P. *, Jousimies -Somer, H., K6n6nen ,E., Tarkka, C.,

Lindqvist, (7.
THE TREATMENT OF RECURRENT TMJ Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Helsinki
DISLOCATION University Central Hospital, Anaerobe ReJerence
Laboratory, National Public Health Institute, Helsinki,
Kuttenberger J, Hardt N,, Finland

Kantonsspital Lucerne, Switzerland

Aims: To investigate bacterial and clinical causes of dental
implant loosening.
Various techniques have been used for the surgical treatment Methods: Seventeen patients (mean age 48 years, range 25-
of TMJ dislocation. 73 years), 12 men and 5 women with a total of 30 failed
At the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, dental implants (72/30) were enrolled in the study. All
Kantonsspital Luzern, miniplate eminoplasty, first patients had been treated by O M F surgeons. 11 patients
described by Puelacher, has been used since 1994 for the lost one implant, 8 patients two and one patients three
treatment of recurrent TMJ dislocation, in 12 patients. implants. One patient received radiotherapy (mandible)
102 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

before implantation. At the time of implantation three

sinus lifting operations were made and twice bone graft T H E OSTEO-ODONTO-KERATO-PROSTHESIS
from iliac crest were added on the bone. A panoramic (OOKP) ACCORDING TO STRAMPELL1
tomogram was obtained for each patient and oral exami-
nation was undertaken before the extraction of implant(s).
Landau, H. *, Hille, K. **,
Before extraction patients rinsed their mouths with
chlorhexidine gluconate (2mg/ml), the area around the Department of OMFS*, Department of Ophthalmolgy**,
implants was dried and isolated. The implant was placed in University Clinic, Homburg (Saar), Germany
V M G A - I I I transport medium. The bone socket was
scooped and the scoop yields placed in V M G A - I I I trans- Aims: To show and define the role of Cranio-Maxillofacial
port medium. Both screws and scoop yields were cultured Surgery in visual rehabilitation by OOKR
within one hour both on selective and non selective media. Method: Patients with vascularized corneal scarring
Results: In most cases the only clinical symptom was insta- often suffer from a rejection of a corneal graft and con-
bility of the implant or suprastructure. Every other patient secutive permanent corneal blindness. In this case visual
suffered from pain in the region of the mobile implant but rehabilitation can only be achieved by a keratoprosthesis
only one fistula was found. Characteristic bone pockets and (KP). In the literature the risk of rejection of most kinds
radiolucencies between bone and screw were detected in of K P is high. The only K P with a rather low risk of
ortopantomographic examinations. 97 percent of the bacte- rejection is the biologically-supported (= bone and tooth
rial cultures were positive. Considerably more bacteria mediated) Osteo-Odonto-Kerato-Prosthesis first
could be detected in the media of the cultures of screws described by S T R A M P E L L I in 1964. This procedure
compared with those of scoop yields. S. milleriwas the most requires the harvesting of an autogenous tooth/alveolus-
often identified aerobe and correspondingly E nucleatum segment that is meticulously prepared (OMFS) for the
the most often identified anaerobe. uptake of an optical P M M A - c y l i n d e r and -in a second
Conclusion: Clinically the reason for dental implant loosen- stage- will be transplanted into the eye of the patient
ing during the healing period seems to be insufficient quan- (Ophthalmic surgeon). The bony defect of the alveolus
tity of bone or traumatic technique of operation and can be reconstructed by surgical and/or prosthetic
subsequent overloading of the implant. Bacteriologically it methods.
is more effective to culture the screw than the scoop yield of Results: An OOKP was performed in 3 patients. The follow-
the bone socket. Microbes around unosseointegrated up period now covers 5, 2 _ and 1 _ years without any seri-
implants differ significantly from microbes in parodontitis. ous complications. In all 3 patients a significant
improvement in visual acuity was achieved. From preopera-
tive light perception, the visual acuity rose to 0.5 (10/20), 0.7
(14120) and 0.4 (8/20) respectively. Intraoral rehabilitation
[~ OSSEOINTEGRATED DENTAL I M P L A N T S IN by surgical (bone graft/implant) and/or prosthetic means
THE CLEFT MAXILLA W I T H BONEGRAFTED did not pose any problems.
ALVEOLAR CLEFTS Conclusions: The interdisciplinary (Ophthalmic
Surgery/Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery) treatment of corneal
Laitinen, J.* DDS., Pulkkinen, J., DDS., Ranta, R., Ph D. blindness after unsuccessful corneal grafting gives a high
probability of visual rehabilitation while secondary morbid-
Department of Plastic Surgery, Helsinki University Central ity due to graft harvesting is low.

Aims: The purpose of this study was to evaluate longterm

outcome of osseointegrated implants and dental prostheses
in the bonegrafted cleft maxilla.
Subjects: The follow-up study included 11 consecutive adult SALIVARY GLANDS:
patients (7 females, 4 males).The cleft alveolus was bone-
Langanke, B., Hermann, T.
grafted in eight patients. Seven patients had unilateral cleft
lip and palate ,three had isolated cleft palate and one
patient had a lip and alveolus cleft. Eleven patients had alto-
Clinic of Cranio-Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery
gether 47 implants in the maxilla ( 36 mod. Brgmemark and
University of Leipzig (Head. ProfDr.Dr. A. Hemprich)
11 mod. Astra),of those 25 in bonegrafts and 22 outside the
grafts. Follow-up time for implants varied from 7 to 86 Aims: To investigate the correlation of the histological type
months (mean 45 months). There were seven single dental of adenoid cystic carcinoma with its well recognised ability
crowns, five removable prostheses and two fixed bridges to involve nerve sheaths and its effect on subsequent clinical
supported by implants. outcome.
Results: During the follow-up period implants were lost in Method: Ninety nine case histories of patients with previ-
only one patient ,who lost four out of five implants. All ously reported adenoid cystic carcinoma involving the
eleven patients had prosthetic restorations. No remarkable major and minor salivary glands, treated between 1950 and
differences was found in the survival of the implants situ- 1997, were evaluated with reference to sex, age, incidence,
ated in the grafts or outside the grafted area. primary site, presenting symptoms, histological pattern,
Conclusions: Osseointegrated implants can be placed suc- tumour margin clearance, lymphnode involvement, and
cessfully in a cleft maxilla where the thickness of bone is haematogenous metastases to determine prognostic factors
sufficient. In the case of insufficient bone support the region related to survival.
can be re-grafted. Both fixed crowns and bridges as well as Results: Of 99 previously reported cases of adenoid cystic
removable prostheses can be used to restore the dentition. In carcinoma, 17 cases were reclassified histologically as other
older edentulous patients, support of implants is an excellent tumours; histology was unavailable in a further 31 patients.
choice for stabilizing removable prostheses. Regular follow- Of the remaining 51 patients ,there was a female prepon-
up after implantation and prosthetic restoration is needed. derence with a painless swelling as the most common pre-
EACMFS Abstracts, HelsinkiCongress 1998 103

senting sign (73%). Tumours with a solid pattern were ing the next 24 months was much less resulting in a flattening
shown to have a high level of inadequate local clearance. out of the resorption curve. Depending on implant position in
Recurrence was found in 64%, and metastases in 34% of all the reconstructed maxilla the bone resorption varied. The bone
patients respectively. The 5 year,10 year,15year and 20 year loss at the more anterior fixtures was less (2.5mm after 36
survival rates (Kaplan-Meyer) were 75%, 50%, 41% and months) than at the more posterior ones (3.5ram after months).
30% respectively. Conclusions: The reconstruction of the alveolar process of
Conclusions: The histological differentiation of the tumour the maxilla with free cortico-spongeous bone grafts and
did not appear to influence its behaviour. The prognosis did simultaneous insertion of implants is a reliable method in
however appear to be dependent on the presence of both the longterm. In comparison to data in the literature on the
microscopic and macroscopic residual disease which led in resorption of free cortico-spongeous bone grafts in the
most cases to perineural spread with local recurrence as the mandible and simultaneous implant insertion there is a pro-
main cause of death. longed resorption period. Alternative methods with less
morbidity at the donor site are discussed.


Langford, R.J.*, Daudia, A.T., Matins, T.J. RECONSTRUCTION

Department of OMFS, Royal Shrewsbury Hospital NHS Lazaridis N., Zouloumis L *., Venetis G.
Trust, Shrewsbury, England
Department of Anatomy, University of Cambridge. Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece
Department of OMFS, North Staffordshire Hospital, England.
In oral defects, reconstruction with nasolabial flap is a well
Aims: To examine the anatomical variations of the thoracic established surgical technique. The disadvantages of this
duct at its termination in the left neck. flap are the necessity for a two stage procedure, the relative
Method: A cadaveric study using twenty four formalin pre- difficult insertion to the mouth of a wide cutaneous pedicle
served specimens. and also the fact that in most cases of floor of mouth resec-
Results: Twenty one ducts terminated as a single vessel, two tion it is required to use bilateral flaps.
ducts showed a bifid termination and one duct had three The traditional nasolabial flap can be also designed as an
terminal branches. The precise site of termination was vari- island flap with an entirely subcutaneous pedicle. When the
able. Five thoracic du0cts showed branching and re-anasta- pivot point is designed just lateral to the angle of the mouth,
mosing patterns prior to their termination, irrespective of the technique can be used to reconstruct intraoral defects
the number of terminal branches. within the reach of the flap such as the adjoining buccal
Conclusions: The anatomy of the terminal portion of the mucosa, the upper and lower alveoli, upper, and lower buc-
thoracic duct in the left side of the neck is variable. Damage cal sulci, and the floor of the mouth. The flap is brought to
to the thoracic duct during neck dissection is a serious and the mouth through a cheek tunnel and sutured to the mar-
potentially disastrous complication and a thorough know- gins of the defect. The reconstruction is completed in a sin-
ledge of the applied surgical anatomy is essential in the pre- gle stage, while the donor site is closed by first intention
vention and management of such a complication. Where the defect is at a distance from the donor site, as
in the anterior floor of the rnouth, an island design is more
preferable than the traditional nasolabial flap because the
L O N G T E R M R E S O R P T I O N OF ONLAY BONE longer pedicle permits greater versatility.
Lauer G.*, Gelirich, N.-C, Schilli, W., Schmelzeisen R. S E P T O R H I N O P L A S T Y AS A ONE-STEP
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Albert-
Ludwigs- Universitdt, Freiburg, Germany Lemagtre, A.*, Philippart, P., Hermans, M., Drieot, R., Kok, R.

Aims: In this study the longterm resorption of free onlay bone Private practice, Brussels, Belgium
grafts combined with the simultaneous insertion of
endosseous implants in the severely atrophic maxilla was A 25-year experience of Maxillofacial and Plastic surgery of
investigated. the face has shown cases in which there is a need for simul-
Method: In 15 patients the atrophic alveolar process of the taneous nasal as well as orthognathic surgery.
maxilla was reconstructed using a free iliac bone graft which In many instance, after maxillofacial osteotomies, the nose
was primarily fixed by 6 - 8 ITI implants. After an osseoin- required no treatment. Moreover, some noses, already dis-
tegration period of 3 - 6 months prosthetic rehabilitation pleasing, have worsened after maxillofacial osteotomies. The
with distal extensions bridges was performed. The patients procedure of choice is to wait the stabilization of the
are in a regular recall system. The bone resorption was osteotomies before performing the septorhinoplasty. However,
assessed during the recall period of up to five years. The loss many patients do not wish multiples surgical procedures.
of bone height in the peri-implant region was measured in A great experience must allow the surgeon to understand
the orthopantomogramm. the outcome of the nose and to adapt the technique of the
Results: Two of 84 implants were lost. There was a conti- septorhinoplasty.
nous and linear loss in the height of the augmented bone - The rhinoplasty might be, according to the case, from the
3.03 mm in average during the first 36 months. The loss dur- simple to the most complex.
104 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

It might go from the augmentation of the dorsum, to the treatment of vascular facial lesions such as haemangiomas
support and the refinement of the tip, the enlargement of and facial port wine stains.
the nasal valve with spreader grafts, and placing together Method: Ninety seven patients with vascular facial lesions
the alar bases. were treated by carbon dioxide-laser or surgical approach
Results obtained in a one-step sm'gery are immediately in our department since 1994. Forty two additional vascular
more harmonious on the functional point of view as well as lesions were treated by means of Nd-YAG-laser (560nm).
the cosmetic one. All patients are on recall and clinical outcome as well as
Conclusion: Performing maxillo mandibular osteotomies patient satisfaction were studied.
combined with a septorhinoplasty during the same surgical Results: Postoperative follow-up time for this study was at
procedure allows directly a more harmonious outcome, least 3 months. Clinical evaluation revealed differences in
However, this skillful strategy requires a large experience of wound healing, scarring, skin/mucosa regeneration and aes-
the orthognatic surgery and the septorhinoplasty. It also thetic long-term results were dependant upon the different
lengthen the surgical procedure while requiring to change types of treatment.The Nd-YAG-laser (15 to 20 Watt)
the intubation from the anesthesiologist, applied with skin refrigeration did not destroy the skin sur-
face or mucosa as does the carbon dioxide-laser. The latter
produces even defects, scarring, scar contraction, hypertro-
phy and atrophy. So does the surgical approach. We found no
[~ WOUND C O N D I T I O N I N G W I T H A NEW significant differences between the carbon dioxide-laser and
DRESSING AFTER RESECTION O F M A L I G N A N T the surgical approaches with regard to contraction (14% fol-
T U M O U R S O F THE SKIN O F THE FACE AND SCALP lowing CO2-1aser vs. 9% following excision) and atrophy
- H Y D R O C O L L O I D S AND ALGINATES (28.6% vs. 36.4%) but major differences in scarring (28.6%
vs. 8.4% conspicious scars), hypertrophy (29% vs. 8%) and
Lenz J..-H.* Henkel K.-O., Saka B., Gundlach K.K.H. skin/mucosa regeneration (29% vs. 63%), Patients were
entirely free from postop, pain in areas of Nd-YAG-irradia-
Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Medical School, tion, while some were complaining of a little pain following
Rostock University, Rostock, Germany carbon dioxide-laser and surgical approaches (29% vs. 27 %).
Conclusions: Based on the results of this study, we prefer the
Aims: Surgical resection of malignant tumours of the skin Nd-YAG-laser for treatment of vascular lesions especially
of the face and scalp including the periosteum often results haemangiomas in maxillofacial surgery. It is superior to
in defects that do not allow simultaneous skin transplanta- both the carbon dioxide-laser and the surgical approach.
tion. Wound conditioning prior to skin grafting can be Jan-Hendrik Lenz, Department of Maxillofacial Surgery,
achieved by semiocclusive dressings using hydrocolloids and Medical School,
alginates. We compared this kind of moist wound treatment Rostock University, Strempelstral3e 13, D-18057 Rostock,
with the classical methods of wound conditioning. Germany
Method: Eight patients of our department were treated with the Tel. ++49.381.494.6552; Fax: ++49.381.494.6698
new dressing following resection of tumours within the galea
aponeurotica including the periosteum. We applied the dressings
after perforation of the tabula extema and particularly observed
development of granulation tissue, wound infections, handling
of dressings and the take of skin grafts after transplantation.
Results: In all cases, we observed rapidly growing granulation Liarikos, S. *, Rapidis, A.D., Angelopouios, A.P.,
tissue after 18 days on average. In contrast thereto, treatment Roumeliotis, A.
using classical methods needed more than 4 weeks for this to
occur. No wound infections were observed when applying
Departments of Ophthalmology and Maxillofacial Surgery,
the new dressing. This could remain in place for 5 to 7 days.
Greek Anticancer Institute, St. Savvas Hospital and
Upon removal it caused neither tissue damage nor pain. All
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of
skin transplants had taken without any complication.
Athens, Greece
Conclusions: Hydrocolloids and alginates are well suited for
wound conditioning before skin transplantation because
they are effective and easy to use. Aims: Melanomas of the orbit are rare. Orbital melanomas
Jan-Hendrik Lenz, Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, comprise a heterogeneous group of pigmented tumours
Medical School, Rostock University, Strempelstral3e 13, originating from melanocytes of the ophthalmic tissues or
D- 18057 Rostock, Germany represent distant metastases of melanomas to the orbit,
Tel. ++49.381.494.6552; Fax: ++49.381.494.6698 They can be classified into primary and secondary orbital
melanomas. Primary orbital melanomas are extremely rare.
Secondary orbital melanomas are more often seen and usu-
ally represent massive extrascleral extensions of uveal
melanomas. Their diagnosis is difficult as they show no spe-
cific clinical and radiographic characteristics. Controversy
exists not only regarding the treatment but also over the
Lenz J.-H.*, Kaduk W.M.H., Dietrich W..-H.,Hiirtei J., patient prognosis.
Gundlach K.K.H., Methods: The records of 15 patients with massive orbital
melanomas treated during the years 1990 to 1997, were ret-
rospectively reviewed and analysed. Eleven patients were
Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Medical School,
female and 4 were male. The mean age at the time of diag-
Rostock University, Rostock, Germany
nosis was 65 years. Presenting symptoms included an
orbital mass with exophthalmos, decreased visual acuity,
Aims: To determine which method (Nd-YAG-laser; the car- acute glaucoma crisis, painless unilateral proptosis and
bon dioxide-laser or a surgical approach) is best for the intermittent diplopia. The site of origin of the primary
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 105

melanoma was the uveal tract in 9 cases, the conjuctiva in 3 Method: Four adult cats were the subjects. Each cat had a
cases, the eyelids in 2 cases and the skin in one case. surgically simulated unilateral palatal cleft, three months
Treatment included surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy before distraction. The palatal shelves on the non-cleft side
and immunotherapy. (not including the alveolar ridge) were osteotomized and
Results: Twelve of the patients died from distant metastases distracted medially toward the other side with a custom-
and three are alive with no sign of disease. Of the patients made distraction device. After the cleft edges have approxi-
who died the longest survival was 33 months and the mean mated, the distraction device was left for another 3 months
survival was 15,9 months. for maintenance. Then the distraction device was removed,
Conclusions: Our conclusion is that we should work towards and musculature repositioning of soft palate and gingivope-
earlier diagnosis so that fewer melanomas will reach such riosteoplasty were performed to join both sides of the bony
advanced stages where local tumour control and patients' palatal shelves into one piece. The cats were sacrificed 3
prognosis become extremely poor. months later. The results were evaluated grossly, radi-
ographically, and histologically.
Results: The cats had no difficulty in eating during the
EVALUATION O F OCCLUSION AND F U N C T I O N experiment. Grossly, the simulated cleft palate was com-
AFTER LATERAL MANDIBULECTOMY DEFECTS pletely eliminated and well repaired with minimal scar tis-
W I T H P E C T O R A L I S M A J O R MYOCUTANEOUS sue. Radiographically, the palatal shelves joined together
F L A P RECONSTRUCTION and the cleft was filled by a radiopaque image.
Histologically, the new bone formed by the distraction
Lindeboom, J.A.H* ,, Ackerstaff A.H 5 Kroon, F.H.M. ,, osteogenesis was non-lamellar and woven.
Balm, A.J.M. 2. Conclusions: By using distraction osteogenesis, a wide cleft
palate can be narrowed or completely eliminated before
Department of Oro- and Maxillofacial Surgery, Department palatoplasty. This treatment modality can create soft and
of Head and Neck Oncology, Academic Medical Center bony tissues needed for a cleft palate repair that is hardly
Amsterdam, The Netherlands l and The Netherlands Cancer accomplished by conventional treatment methods.
Institute. Plesmanlaan 121, 1066 CX Amsterdam, The
Netherlands 2.
To analyse dental occlusion and articulation in patients
after ablative surgery for a oropharynxcarcinoma, who Lob H S,
were reconstructed with a myocutaneous pectoralis major
flap without bony reconstruction of the mandibular Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
defect. National University of Singapore, Singapore

METHOD: Aim : To establish the effectiveness of the CO 2laser in rela-

13 patients who were treated for an oropharynxcarcinoma tion to failed root-filled teeth with apical infection.
with ablative surgery, a partial mandibulectomy, radio- Materials: Upper anteriors which were root-filled and api-
therapy were reconstructed with a myocutaneous pedicle cally infected (symptomatic with bone rarefaction) were
flap. All patients were analysed with regard to their dental selected, including those with recurrent infection, previous
occlusion, prosthetic rehabilitation and chewing abilities. surgery, apicectomy and retrograde amalgam restoration.
Method : Under local anaesthesia, a standard flap was raised
to expose the root apex and adjacent bone. Pulsed CO 2laser
RESULTS: beam (3 watts at 0.1 sec) was delivered via a 90oangled hand-
On opening of the mouth there was an evident deviation of the piece. Vaporization of infected tissues was effected with ster-
mandible to the resected side; all patients had a limitation of ilization of the root apex, bone and amalgam.
laterotrusion. None of the patients were able to eat normally. Results : Healing occurred within expected periods with no
The edentulous patients had problems wearing their prosthesis. complications. Infection was controlled with no further
need for apicectomy and bone removal. X-rays showed nor-
CONCLUSION: mal bone regeneration.
Problems in proper prosthetic rehabilitation are mainly due to Conclusions : The CO: laser was effective in the elimination of
a lack of reconstruction of the bony continuity. Although com- apical infection of root-filled teeth. Hand instrumentation
plete restoration of all functions can not be guaranteed, recon- was not necessary. It minimized the surgical destruction of
struction should preferable always include bony restoration. the root and bone and provided a prosthodontic advantage.



Eric J W Lioa, DDS, MS, Kai-Fong Hung, MD, Sophia CN Longerich U, Sailer H.F.
Chang, MD, Philip KT Chen, MD, C Shing Huang, DDS,
PhD, E Ray Chen, MD Department of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, University
Hospital Zurich, Switzerland
Aims: To evaluate the feasibility of repairing a cleft palate
by using distraction osteogenesis to create a real hard palate, Introduction: For greater surgeon confidence the interactive
and avoid having raw surfaces and formation of scar tissues. pre-surgical planning of implants with computed tomogra-
106 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

phy (CT) reconstruction arose increasingly. Dental image were oedemarous until the 6th day postoperatively and pain
software provide submillimetric determination of the dental was present. In the study group, at the 3 months X-ray con-
fixture within the cross-sectional and/or three-dimensional trol there was final complete healing and living implanted
CT image data. However, the transfer of the precise image tissues. In the control group such an effect was only at 6
planning results to the patient works as usual with less accu- months after surgery.
rate mechanical templates. This methodical contradiction Conclusion: we recommend systemic enzymotherapy and
could be solved by using instead an image-controlled proce- particularly the drug 'WOBENZYM' to prevent tissue
dure during implantation, which provide real-time co-ordi- oedema and pain during the postoperative period in chil-
nate navigation of the dental handpiece for a high accurate dren with an alveolar cleft and also for stimulation of the
realisation of a preplanned milling bore. reparatory processes.
Material and methods: Ten patients were planned a treatment
of implants in compromised ridges, using cross-sectional and
three-dimensional reconstructed image data by the same sur-
geon. Virtual implants were determined within the recon- F L U O R O Q U I N O L O N E S IN PROPHYLAXIS O F
structed CT image data sets in a way, that there was enough SUPPURATIVE C O M P L I C A T I O N S IN PAEDIATRIC
available bone for adequate implantation. A new intelligent CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY
dental handpiece with an integrated sensor was developed,
which allowed tracking in the oral region of the oral patient for Lopatin A . Prityko A.. l~lokhov O.
real-time navigation. The sensor assembly was connected to
the image guided surgery software VPS T M (Virtual Patient Moscow Paediatric Scientific-Practical Centre Jbr
System, ARTMA, Austria). At the time of surgery the implant Craniofacial Surgery and Nemvpathology, Moscow, Russia
planning results were carried out by real-time navigation of the
intelligent dental handpiece. Postoperatively the post-surgical Aim: to estimate the efficacy and safety of fluoro-
CT data set and the pre-surgical CT data set containing the quinolone in the prevention of suppurative complications
implants were correlated. The centre point on the top and on in the postoperative period in children, after craniofacial
the bottom of a virtual implant and its corresponding real surgery.
implant was measured and the root mean square (rms) devia- Method: in 54 children (aged 10 to 15) with craniofacial
tion in x-, y-, z-axis of these centre points was computed. The deformities, bacterial cultures from the surface of the
conformity in space positioning between the virtual implant skin, nasal and oral cavities were obtained, susceptibility
and the real implant was statistically evaluated. of the cultures were checked using antimicrobial test
Results: There was no significant difference in space posi- discs. In 11 samples (26%), S. aureus and E aerugenosa
tioning between the pre-surgical planned implant and its were found resistant to the majority of cephalosporins. In
surgical realisation. The pre-surgical planning results could these patients, Ciprobay (Bayer, F R G ) (I3.5 mg/kg) oral
realise with high accuracy in all cases. administration for 7-14 days was clinically highly effec-
Conclusion: The interactive pre-surgical planning and intra- tive as a prophylaxis against secondary infections. There
operative real-time navigation for implantation is best justified was no evidence of any adverse events, including
in difficult situations with unusual anatomical topography and arthropathy or tendonitis. All patients were checked at
requiring multiple implants. It is useful, especially for patients, follow-up visits using ultra-sound methods of
who may not be planned for advanced sm'gical procedures arthroscopy.
such as ridge-splitting, onlay grafting or nerve repositioning, Results: We did not observe any complications in the follow-
and therefore, the implantologist has to be certain that there is up period. The microbiological response was determined on
enough available bone to adequately place an implant. 50% of our patients
Conclusion: Cyprobay can probably be used in a child above
12 years of age, when bacteria to other antibiotics were cul-
Prityko, A, Gonehakov, G, Lopatin, A PATIENTS RECONSTRUCTED W I T H AN ILIAC
Moscow Scientific-Practical
Paediatric Centre for Cranio-Facial Surgery and Lopez Atalaya, J. %"Navarro, C.; Perez, JE.; Salmeron, Jl.;
Neuropathology, Moscow, Russia Coneejo, C.; Molina, LF.

Department of Oral and MaxilloJacial Surgery, Hospital

Aims: The dispersal of tissue oedema in the zone of opera- General Universitario "'Gregorio MararTon', Universidad
tion, to decrease pain during the postoperative period, Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
accelerate bone formation.
Method: using the drug 'WOBENZYM' (MUCOS Pharma,
Germany). This drug was used in 10 children aged between Aim: In this video we show the current status of several
12 and 15 years, with congenital alveolar clefts. The dose of patients who underwent mandibular resections and were
'WOBENZYM' is 1 tablet 3 times per day, 30 minutes before reconstructed with an iliac crest free flap. We will present, in
meals, starting 2 days before surgery and continuing 8 days an objective way, the analysis of the results obtained with
thereafter. The control group consists of 20 children with regard to, basically, phonation, swallowing and mastication,
alveolar clefts, in this age group the disabilities caused in the donor area and the adaptation
Results: in 10 children there was no tissue oedema in the to their occupational, social and familiar environment.
zone of operation, this assisted faster wound healing. Pain M & Methods: Mandibular repair has always raised serious
was absent in 6 children and in 4 children it was weak and problems, and to obtain a suitable facial harmony and den-
did not require analgesics. In the control group the tissues tal-mandibular functional integrity, continues to be a chal-
EACMFS Abstracts, HelsinkiCongress 1998 107

lenge at present. With the microvascular techniques several

flaps with a bony component incorporated for mandibular T H E INFLUENCE OF S M O K I N G AND CHRONIC
reconstruction have been recommended. We present 4 cases
of two males and two females, two of whom presented with MAXILLOFACIAL FREE F L A P SURGERY
an ameloblastoma, and other two, cancer or oncologic
* L o w r y J C 1, S a n d h u S 1 , Stringfellow H ~
sequella. All had a segmental mandibulectomy with subse-
quent reconstruction.
Results: The iliac crest flap possesses ideal anatomical fea- 1Dept. OMS, Royal Bolton Hospital UK
tures for mandibular reconstruction, and it is the best one :Dept. Histopathology, Royal Preston Hospital UK
for accepting the osseointegrated implants, which serve for
future dental rehabilitation. It has been criticized by other A number of groups of patients in craniomaxillofacial
authors for the aesthetic and functional shortcoming that surgery have been shown to benefit from free tissue transfer
can be created at the donor site. When the technique is by microsurgical techniques. One of the largest are those
accomplished carefully, the aesthetic deformity and scar with oral malignancy and patients in this group frequently
are minimal sequellae and it avoids functional impairment. have significant risk factors for atherosclerosis.
Conclusion: This flap is considered ideal for mandibular Aims: Although atherosclerosis is recognised in the coronary
reconstruction. It is the best one for accepting osseointe- and larger arteries little is known about the incidence in smaller
grated implants, and unaesthetic scars and functional iim- vessels and in this context those more commonly used as donor
pairment can be avoided. arteries in free flap reconstruction of the head and neck.
Study design: At autopsy in 40 patients (24 male/16 female:
ages 38-91 with mean of 72.6 y) lcm segments of 75 radial,
thoracodorsal, deep circumflex iliac and deep inferior epi-
H I S T O P A T H O L O G I C P R O G N O S T I C FACTORS gastric arteries were sampled together with a segment of the
F O R ELECTIVE NECK DISSECTION 1N EARLY anterior descending coronary artery in each case. Transverse
ORAL CAVITY E P I D E R M O I D CARCINOMA. sections were fixed, embedded and stained with H&E and
EVG before histopathological examination. Thickening and
Lopez Pizarro VML Ballestin Carcavilla C, De La Cruz disruption of the intima and media were graded 0-4
Bertolo J, R e s t o y L o z a n o A,
(Shibabahara et al 1996) and arterial wall thickness was
measured. 4 main study groups were designated dependent
Oromaxillofacial Surgery. University Hospital "Principe de upon medical and social history as follows: control,
Asturias". Alcala de Henares. Madrid. Spain. endocrine (incl. diabetes), cardiovascular (CVA, myocardial
infarctioon, angina and hypertension) and social habits
AIMS. To define accurate indications for elective neck (smoking/alcohol consumption)
dissection in early epidermoid carcinomas of the oral cav- Results: The range of changes measured is described and the
ity based on pathologic specimen microscopic implications for surgery discussed. It is suggested that the
examination. radial and deep circumflex iliac arteries are relatively spared
PATIENTS AND METHODS. Retrospective study of 122 and that in cardiovascular disease alone vessels are affected
patients of epidermoid oral cavity carcinomas treated by atheroma to a greater extent than in diabetes or cigarette
between 1975 1990 with follow up of five years mini- smokers.
mum. Analysis of the following factors: site of the primary
Contact author:
tumor, T stage, pathological diameter, keratinsation degree,
degree of differentation, nuclear degree, number of mitoses,
Consultant Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon
pattern of invasion, stromal eosinophilia, pathologic maxi-
Royal Bolton Hospital
mum tumoral thickness,desmoplastic reaction, lympho-
Minerva Road
plasmocityc reaction, microvascular invasion, perineural
invasion, bone invasion, muscle invasion. Each factor was BOLTON BL4 0JR
defined initially in four groups ( with the exception of the
United Kingdom
four last ones) and after a first step with univariate statisti-
Tel: +44 1204 390937
cal analysis related to the presence of positive cervical
Fax:+44 1204 390937
pathologic metastases two categories was found useful to
e-mail: johnlowry 1@compuserve.corn
study all the variables together in a second step: multivari-
ate analysis with logistic regression model. The final pur- Residence:
pose is to find the least number of factors with usefulness in 50 Ravenswood
the clinical practice. All the specimen were examined by the BOLTON BL1 5TL
same pathologist without any information about the evolu- United Kingdom
tion of the patient. Tel: +44 1204 848815
RESULTS. The independent prognostic factors related to Fax: +44 1204 845821
cervical metastases ordered according with the odds ratio
are: pattern of invasion - defined as pattern expansive
versus others -(12, 984), tumoral thickness i 1- 21 mm ver-
sus 0 - 3 mm (8,116), lymphoplasmocitary reaction -
defined as prominent in continuous ring versus others -
(3,440) and tumoral thickness 4-10 mm versus 0 - 3 mm
Ludwig, A., Kirchhoff L., Wiltfang, J., Merten, H.-A.
CONCLUSIONS. Pattern of invasion, tumoral thickness
and lymphoplasmocitary reaction could be considered in
the management of the elective neck dissection in early oral
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of
cavity epidermoid carcinomas after resection of the primary
G6ttingen, Robert-Koch-Str. 40, D-37075 G6ttingen,
108 Journalof Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

Aims: The surgical assisted maxillary expansion in the sense the signal enhancer LEVOVIST" were injected intra-
of intraoral callus distraction is applied in cases of transver- venously in a concentration of 300 mg/ml (9ml).
sal compression of the maxilla. The occurring gap in the Results: After application of the signal enhancer, in all cases
frontal teeth can only be closed through orthodontic appa- a great signal enhancement could be achieved. Smallest ves-
ratus when bone tissue has developped in the maxillary gap. sels, which in native color duplex sonography were not
Up to now, reossification of the expanded area in the upper detectable, could then be identified. In 19 cases a lym-
jaw was controlled only by x-ray. A sonographically con- phadenitis, in 23 cases a metastasis and in 2 cases a lym-
trolled maxillary expansion technique should be demon- phoma was diagnosed. After injection of signal enhancer,
strated. only one enlarged lymphnode was categorized avascular. In
Method: In 10 patients with maxillary compression, 45 % of the lymph nodes, vessels could only be detected
parasagittal osteotomy of the upper jaw combined with after application of signal enhancer. The surrounding ves-
incomplete Le-Fort-I-osteotomy was applied. The moderate sels could better be evaluated in 43 of 44 cases. In 36 of 44
maxillary expansion technique (MME) with transversal cases supplying vessels after injection could be seen. LEVO-
expansion and rotation of parts of the maxilla was applied VIST" caused a change of diagnosis in 4 cases of lym-
by one or two hyrax-screws: after one week postoperatively phadenitis (primarilly categorized as metastasis) and in 5
first activation of the screws, after that two rotations of the cases of metastasis (primarilly diagnosed as lymphadenitis).
screws each second day. Over a period of 6 months postop- In 3 of these cases the therapeutic concept had to be
eratively, with a 7.5 MHz linear scanner and a 3D-worksta- changed.
tion (ViewPoint Company) the parasagittal gap in the Conclusions: By additional application of signal enhanced
maxilla was regularly demonstrated by B-Scan sonography color duplex sonography in head and neck the security of
and 3D-ultrasonography. Simultanously, the results were lymph node diagnosis is improved. The surgical therapy
compared with the x-rays. respectively the decision for radical neck dissection versus
Results: Using the moderate maxillary expansion tech- lymph node dissection of the suprahyoid region should be
nique in all patients the maxillary compression and the determined of the sonographical lymph node staging.
dysgnathia could be removed. In the follow-up measures
the sonographically detected gaps, demonstrated as hyper-
echoic structure with dorsal signal enhancement,
increased in the period of expansion depending on A THE SIGNAL ENHANCED 3D-COLOUR DUPLEX
amount of the applied transversal expansion. After end- SONOGRAPHY: A NEW DIAGNOSTIC TOOL FOR
ing the maxillary expansion the hyperechoic structure LYMPH NODE DIAGNOSIS IN HEAD AND NECK
decreased slowly but totally. The comparison of the sono-
graphic demonstrations with the x-rays showed, that 14 Ludwig, A.', Moritz ~, J. D., Vollheim', T., Kirehhoff , L.,
days before the bone tissue could be seen on the x-ray, the Wiese 1, K. (7.
gap in the jaw sonographically could not be detected any-
more. At that time, the bone usually is not mineralized ~Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2Department
and so it could not be seen on the x-ray. However, the echo of Radiology L University of G6ttingen, Robert-Koch-Str
waves were absorbed, so that the maxillary gap could not 40, D-37075 G6ttingen, Germany
be detected anymore.
Conclusions: The moderate maxillary expansion leads to Aims: Through evaluation of vascularization of lymph
a sufficient generation of bone tissue in the distraction nodes in the conventional color duplex sonography security
area and prevents possible bone defects or loss of teeth of diagnosis in lymph node sonography can be enhanced
which could be seen after rapid expansion.The applica- slightly. Often, due to small size of the lymph nodes, the
tion of B-Scan and three-dimensional sonography demonstration of the vessel structures is insufficient.
enabled the control of maxillary expansion and sup- Therefore, it should be proved, in how far the vasculariza-
ported determination of the optimal time for orthodontic tion of the lymph nodes could better be evaluated through
closure of the gap. application of echo enhancers in combination with 3D-
color duplex sonography.
Method: Through combination of a conventional color
duplex system with a 10 MHz transducer (LOGIG 500 ®,
D IMPROVED LYMPH NODE DIAGNOSIS IN HEAD Kranzbuehler Company) and the 3D-workstation
AND NECK BY USING SIGNAL ENHANCED COLOR (ViewPoint Company) with integrated color digitalization
DUPLEX SONOGRAPHY - CONSEQUENCES FOR board a three-dimensional demonstration of vasculariza-
SURGICAL TREATMENT? tion of lymph nodes is possible. Additionally, intravenously,
LEVOVIST ® (Schering Company) was applied for signal
Ludwig, A. 1, Moritz 2, £ D., Voilheim', T., Kirehhoff , L., enhancement. In 15 patients with carcinoma of the
Wiese1, K. G. oropharynx the sonographic evaluation of the neck lymph
nodes by color duplex sonography and signal enhanced 3D
1Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, color duplex sonography was carried out.
2Department of Radiology I, University of Ggttingen, Results: Altogether 19 inflammatory lymph nodes and 8
Robert-Koeh-Str. 40, D-37075 G6ttingen, Germany lymph node metastasis were sonographically be detected. In
all lymph nodes the vascularization could be evaluated more
Aims: The relevance of signal enhanced color duplex sonog- exactly by use of signal enhanced 3D-colour duplex sonogra-
raphy is a new method in lymph node diagnosis in head and phy. Inflammatory lymph nodes showed normal hilar vessels.
neck. It should be shown, that this method can improve In lymph node metastasis vessels were detected which sub-
security in lymph node diagnosis and influence the surgical side from the periphery through the lymph node capsules. In
therapy. the center of the lymph node metastasis larger avascular
Method: In 22 patients 44 enlarged lymph nodes in head and areas but no typical hilar vessels could be found. Through
neck were firstly demonstrated by conventional color duplex the application of signal enhanced 3D sonography in 4
sonography. Afterwards, 2,5 g in bolus or 4g fractionized of lymph nodes a change of the evaluation became necessary.
EACMFS Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 109

The pathohistological examination confirmed these

Conclusion: Through the signal enhanced 3D-color duplex PALATINE AND PTYERIGO-MANDIBULAR
sonography the vascularization of lymph nodes can be T U M O R S THROUGH HEMIFACIAL DISSECTION
demonstrated and characterized three-dimensionally so that
the differentiation between lymph node metastasis and lym- Lung, T.* Muvesan, O.
phadenitis and therefore the security of diagnosis can fur-
ther be improved. Department of OMFS, Faculty of Stomatolog); , Iuliu
Haieganu" Universityof Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-
Napoca Romania

RECONSTRUCTION OF THE SEVERELY Aims: We show the advantages of using a hemifacial dissec-
ATROPHIC M A X I L L A W I T H FREE ILIAC BONE tion approach in managing tumors of the temporal fossa, of
GRAFTS AND TITANIUM I M P L A N T S IN STAGED the pterigo-palatine fossa and of the pterigo-mandibular
Method: For accessing a tumor of the pterigo-mandibular
Sicfan Lundgren DDS, PhD
space, extended to the pterigo-palatine and to the temporal
fossa, we used a specific approach formerly described by
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Umed Akiyoshi Hirano and Co.. A large hemifacial flap was cre-
University, S-90187 Umed, Sweden ated using a midline skin incision from the forehead to the
neck, completed along the sternomastoid muscle for expo-
The normal pattern of resorption in the maxilla can result sure of the neck, providing a large hemifacial flap, using a
in different end points, and therefore different reconstruc- technique of face degloving, in order to achieve direct access
tion techniques are required. In patients with Class IV and to the tumor. Palpebral dissection was also performed and
V (Cawood & Howell) resorption, with a reversed inter- all mimic muscles were included in the flap. Left hemi-
maxillary relationship with or without increased vertical mandible had to be resected, being tumoral involved.
intermaxillary distance, an interpositional graft in conjunc- Functional neck dissection was performed in the same
tion with a Le Fort 1 osteotomy was performed. In patients session.
with a more normal intermaxillary relationship but insuffi- Results: Tumor was completely resected, due to a good visi-
cient bone volume, a bilateral maxillary sinus and nasal bility, facial nerve was preserved due to the specific
graft was performed. In patients with, additionally a thin approach, palpebral mobility was obtained immediately
alveolar process or low anterior alveolar height, a sinus and postoperative, sensibility of the face was restored satisfac-
nasal inlay graft was done in conjunction with a cortico- tory due to microneurosurgery.
cancellous buccal or vertical onlay graft. In the first 39 con- Conclusions: The technique we used for approaching com-
secutively treated patients, the clinical data will be plex tumors situated close to the skull base does not damage
presented where the minimal follow up time was 3 years major anatomical structures involved and the aesthetic prej-
after the second stage implant surgery. In the patients udice is minor compared to the importance of the great
treated with nasal and sinus inlay grafts only, 20 of 66 operating field provided and the safe ablation of the whole
implants were lost after a 3 to 6 year follow up. Two tumor through direct access.
patients each lost all 6 implants. The corresponding figures
were 18 of 70 implants lost after 3 to 6 years in the patients
reconstructed with a vertical cortico-cancellous block graft
in addition to the inlay graft. Two patients both lost all 7
implants. In the patients with a thin alveolar process, with BEHAVIOUR OF THREE DIFFERENT MATERIALS
or without loss of vertical alveolar height, the patients had IN THE I M P L A N T TREATMENT OF THE ATROPHIC
either a buccal onlay graft or a buccal/vertical onlay graft MAXILLA: A PRELIMINARY REPORT OF A
combination in conjunction with a nasal and sinus inlay PROSPECTIVE STUDY.
graft. In this group of patients, 3 of 67 implants were lost
after 3 to 4 years follow up. In the interpositional grafted Ginseppe Luongo* Franeesco Papa, Luigi Califauo,
patients, 4 of 60 implants were lost after 3 to 6 years follow
Giuseppe Coscia.
up. Thirty-five of the initially 39 patients now have fixed
bridges and they all continue to function well. The differ- Department of Maxillofacial Surgery. School of Medicine
ence in implant survival with the different reconstruction and Surgery. Universityof Naples "'FedericoH", Italy.
techniques will be discussed. For the evaluation of simulta-
neously or delayed placement of implants in autogenous Aims: To evaluate the behaviour of three different materials
iliac bone grafts, a clinical study was conducted where tita- used for the augmentation of the maxilla before implant
niuln micro-implants were placed in the graft. The micro- insertion.
implants and surrounding bone were retrieved from the Methods: Twenty-four patients with an atrophic maxilla
patients with a trephine, and investigated histologically. have been treated with bone augmentation using autologous
From the histological investigation it was concluded that bone, bovine bone or hydroxyapatite, in a period of 18
delayed placement of implants in free autogenous bone months. In all patients, the implant installation has been
grafts results in a significantly higher degree of implant performed in a separate stage, four/six months after the
integration as compared with the simultaneous placement graft. A TC analysis was performed before grafting and at
of implants, even if the healing time is prolonged for the the time of implant installation. A histological analysis was
simultaneous approach. This is likely to be explained by the performed at the time of implant installation and abutment
fact that with the delayed approach, the graft is partly connection.
revascularised at implant placement, which results in a Results: The results of the evaluation of the radiographic
response to the surgical trauma and initiation of a repair and histological parameters and of the analysis of the bone
process similar to that in normal bone. resorption and implants survival will be presented.
110 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

Conclusions: The promising early results with the use of autol- The 15 children with Pierre Robin syndrom were
ogous bone seems to indicate it as the best material for graft- observed (9 girls, 6 boys). All the patients were devided
ing in the maxilla, according to many studies. The possibility into 3 groups, depending ou the degree of airway
of using other materials must also be considered in selected obstruction.
cases. The first group includes 4 childrens with the obvious
microretrognathia, U-shaped cleft palate and the tongue
mobility is maintained. Upper airway obstruction occur
during the sleeping on the back. The parents may feed the
THE CLINICAL F O L L O W - U P O F THE OSFIX child without any complications.
DENTAL I M P L A N T SYSTEM: P I L O T RESULTS The second group includes 6 children. These patients
AFTER ONE YEAR have a pronounced microretrognathia, a wide U-shaped
clet palate and a short frenum and a limited tongue
Luotio, K. *, Kotilainen, R., Ryhiinen, J., Petrelius, U. mobility he airway obstruction occurs during sleep or
University of Kuopio, Finland when the child is awake on the back. The obstruction is
for a long time and needs a nursing care. The parents may
Objectives: The aim of this study is to verify the success rate feed the child in an upright rather than a reclining
of the Osfix system. position.
Methods: The study plan is accepted by the medical board of The third group includes 5 children with pronouced
ethical committee and by Finnish medical department of gov- microretrognathia, a wide palatal cleft, a low tongue mobil-
ernment. The Osfix implant is a cylinder implant with an api- ity and a short frenum of third degree. The obstruction
cal screw portion for better primary stability. The implant is occurs almost permanently, only some lateropositions may
made of grade 2 pure titanium and the implant surface is give a short time improvement.
mechanically coarsened. The upper part of the implant is pol- The metods of treatment are devided according to this 3
ished. The length of the implant is 13.5 mm and the outer groups.
diameter 3.75 ram. The Osfix implant is primarily designed for I group - the tongue is sutured temporarily for 7 days and
bar retained overdentures in the lower jaw in totally moved anteriorly and down. Lateroposition during sleep, a
edentulous patients. cleft palate plate and feeding in semivertical position are
In this study the total number of 58 patients were oper- recommended.
ated under i.v.-sedation and local anaesthesia. The num- II group - temporary tongue suturing with extraoral fix-
ber of implants inserted was 203. All implants were ation, tongue frenum surgery, cleft palate plate and feeding
inserted into the anterior mandible between the mental in vertical position.
foramens. During the operation three implants were lII group - a tongue reduction procedure, the tongue is
inserted in 29 cases and similarly - four implants in 29 moved anteriorly and attached to either the mandible or the
cases. After three monts period the secondary operations lip. Feeding is done through a nosopharyngeal tube and
are performed and impressions were sent into the Osfix using a palatal plate.
laboratory, where the retention bar is produced using pre- In all these cases treatment was effective. Only in one case
fabricated burn-out components and casted using cobalt at a child of 6 years old an obstruction happened after
crome alloy. The overdenture was strenghtened with glass surgery which disappered after neurologic treatment during
fibres. All of the dentures are designed to have a structure 10 days.
where the canines are in the line paralel with line between Dr. Ion Lupan, M.D.
condyles. Moreover, the retention bar is fabricated to Shef of oromaxilofacial surgery division,
locate paralel with previous lines to allow seesaw move- Republican Hospital for children
ment and therefore only vertical forces towards the Associated Profesor
implants. Department of Pediatric Stomatology
Results: During the secondary operation all of the implants State Medical and Pharmaceutical University
were integrated. After the first year lbllow-up period in the Vasile Alecsandri 2, Kichinev, Moldova 2009
first annual recall no implants were lost. Tel.: 373 2 72 81 44; Fax : 373 2 73 19 63
Conclusion: The success rate of Osfix implants is 100% after
one year follow-up.
Robert B. Macintosh, D.D.S.,
LLupan, Valentina Trifan, Iu.Baidaut, Silvia Railean
Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, DMC-Sinai
State Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Kishinev, Moldova Hospital Detroit, Michigan, USA

Pierre Robin syndrome is a congenital disease and has a Temporomandibular joint surgery of the last 25 years, albeit
classic triad of conditions microretrognathia, large tongue generally well intentioned, has often been misdirected,
and a U-shaped cleft palate. This triad is termed as a undertaken without scientific foundation, and of question-
sequense because the initial malformation (microretrog- able benefit, or even detriment, to the patient. This presen-
nathia) inhibits the tongue from assuming as natural in tation surveys the problems arising subsequent to
untero position on the floor of the month. For patients with meniscoplasty, meniscectomy, condylectomy, and alloplastic
the Pierre Robin sequence care must be taken on airway and autogenous joint reconstruction.
management during the first year of life. Failure of surgery on the temporomandibular joint usu-
The aim of our study is to determine the managment of ally results in pain, restriction of movement, and imaging
different degrees of airway obstruction. evidence of condylar and/or fossa degeneration. Initial
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 111

attempts at recovery or improvement are best directed in a onto a laptop computer. Information is entered directly by
conservative fashion, with splints, medication, and behav- clinicians (of varying degrees of computer literacy). Using
iour modification, to avoid additional detriment potentially the constructive criticism of these and the database user
afforded by further surgery. group, a practical and efficient interface has evolved. The
Persistent progression of symptoms, or objective evi- process has not been without teething problems.
dence of intractable anatomical disintegration, require sur- The authors will outline the lessons learnt in the process
gical efforts for any hope of improvement. The protocols and will give relevant advice to all clinicians wishing to
and rationale for such efforts, most frequently with the undertake the development of a useable database or wishing
employment of autogenous elements, receives major to adapt a proprietary programme for ease of use. The pre-
emphasis in this presentation. sentation will be illustrated with examples not only from the
oncology database, but also the orthognathic, implant,
trauma and logbook databases developed in Walton.
Further advice and a copy of the latest databases will be
E3 T H E I N T E R M A X I L L A R Y SCREW:- A D E D I C A T E D available for download, free of charge, from the Internet.

Jones DC *, Magennis P.
Regional Maxillofacial Unit, Walton Hospital, Liverpool, HYPOXIA IN S Q U A M O U S CELL CARCINOMA AND
United Kingdom. F I B R O S A R C O M A M U R I N E T U M O U R S USING A
C O M P O U N D (EFS).
The introduction of intra-oral bone plating systems has
meant that prolonged periods of maxillomandibular fixa- P. MahyS% H. Reychler,, J. Gueulette,, P. Scalliet, and E
tion ( M M F ) are no longer generally required in the patient Grdgoire'.
who has fractures of the mandible or maxilla. However
there is often a need for temporary M M F intraoperatively Radiation Oncology and Radiobiology Dept.,, Maxillofacial
to assist in the reduction of fractures with the teeth in the Surgery Dept. 2, UCL St-Luc University Hospital, Brussels,
correct occlusion. In addition light elastic traction may be Belgium.
useful in the postoperative period to correct minor occlusal
discrepancies; for example if there is an associated fracture
of the condyle. Traditionally M M F has been achieved with Background : Tumour hypoxia has been known for a long
arch bars or interdental eyelet wiring. These techniques time to be an important physiological parameter implicated
have some intrinsic disadvantages in particular the risk of in tumour resistance to ionizing radiation. It has been
needle-stick injury. A specially designed bone screw has shown, for example, that human tumours with low pre-
been used in this Unit to allow the safe provision of treatment oxygen partial pressure exhibited a much higher
temporary MMF. rate of local recurrence after radiotherapy than well oxy-
The screws used are 2mm diameter threaded titanium genated tumours. Among various methods used to detect
screws. They have a capstan style head and are inserted tissue hypoxia, the use of the pentafluorinated derivative of
using a hexagonal headed central drive screwdriver. Their nitroimidazole (EF5) appears promising. This compound
indications, contraindications and methods of placement which is reduced under hypoxic conditions and hence makes
will be presented. covalent bonds with intracellular macromolecules, can be
detected by immunofluorescence (IF) using specific anti-
Aim : To develop in vivo mouse tumour models for quantita-
tive detection of cellular hypoxia using immunofluorescent
techniques with EF5.
Materials and Methods : A squamous cell carcinoma (SCC
VII) and a sarcoma (NFSA) syngeneic to C3H mice were
Magennis P * Mnrphy MT, Rogers SN, Brown JS, Vaughan used. Different conditions of tissue oxygenation were gener-
ED, Patel M. ated with the animals breathing under ambient air (21%), or
under 100% or 7% oxygen concentrations. EF5 was injected
Regional Maxillofaeial Unit, Walton Hospital, Liverpool, i.v., 3h prior to tissue harvesting and fixation in liquid nitro-
United Kingdom. gen. Tissues were processed for I F using the Cy-3 fluo-
rochrome conjugated monoclonal antibody ELK-51.
Sections were viewed with a fluorescent microscope at mag-
Data collection and it analysis are important aspects of the nifications of 125x and 375x, and digitized. Analysis of the
care of all patients. In the management of patients with can- fluorescence pattern was done using the N I H Image soft-
cer this information is essential. There is no doubt that com- ware. The area above a threshold value of optical density
puters are the most efficient means of collecting data. Many was determined.
surgeons become either absorbed with the amount of data it Results : A different I F pattern was found between the two
is possible to collect without considering the best way to murine tumours. Data analysis indicates a wide range of
assimilate it, or become disheartened by the prospect of intra- and intertumour heterogeneity. A trend towards
confronting a hostile piece of software. This inertia encour- increasing I F with decreasing O, concentration was
ages prevarication and a dependence on the use of other observed. In contrast, I F in adjacent leg muscle was much
peoples information such as that of cancer registries, lower and did not vary with O_, concentration.
pathology departments, or hospital administration. Conclusions : EF5 allows quantitative detection of tumour
Since 1993 the maxillofacial unit at Walton Hospital has hypoxia, using immunofluorescence. Experiments in other
been prospectively collecting data on all its cancer patients mouse tumours as well as comparison with other methods
112 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

of hypoxia detection (flow cytometry, Electron Conclusion: Innervation may contribute to the pathogenesis
Paramagnetic Resonance, histometry, Eppendorf probe) of OLP and LR as an intrinsic initiating factor, modulating
are in progress. and maintaining the cascade of immunological events which
ultimately lead to persistent inflammation in the oral mucosa.


Malakhovskaya V.L, Osipov G.L GRAFT.

Department of Face-Neck Plastic Sm~ery and Microsurgery. Manor* R., Ardekian L., Laufer D.
Central Research Institute of Stomatology, Moscow, Russia.
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Rambam
Medical Centeg Haifa, Israel.
Aims: This presentation demonstrates our approach to the
choice of reconstructive methods of the orbital region.
The ilium is a common donor site for cancellous, cortical
Methods: Our experience is based on the surgical treatment
,and corticocancellous grafts in maxillofacial surgery.
of 28 patients with different kinds of orbital defects. It
The surgical technique for harvesting bone graft from the
embraced 25% of all cases with mid-facial defects after
anterior iliac crest is well documented, and includes the
removal of tumors, trauma and gunshots from 1992 to
medial, lateral and crestal approaches, as well as combi-
1997. 9 patients had periorbital soft tissue defects and 19
nations of same. A variety of complications associated
patients had large defects that included adjacent regions. To
with iliac crest bone harvesting has been reported in the
restore large defects we mainly utilized free feap transfer:
literature, however, it has not been ascertained which
latissimus dorsi, scalpular and radial ones. For peri orbital
approach is more advisable. The purpose of this study is
soft tissue reconstruction we used transposition of forehead
to evaluate retrospectively the morbidity of the anterior
axial and random flaps, dermal,mucosal and chondral
crest's medial plate. 75 patients (45 males and 30 females
grafts for eye socket reconstruction.
with a mean age of 14 years) that underwent iliac crest
Results: In our attemps to create the eyelids with tissues of
bone graft for closure of residual alveolar cleft, were
distant flaps we were not satisfied with the results, because
evaluated for intraoperative and postoperative complica-
the reconstructed structure were not similar to the non-
tions. 70% of the patients complained of pain during the
injured ones. In such cases the prosthesis better imitated the
first two days postoperatively, and in 9% the pain lasted 1
lost anatomical structures. Plastic of lower lid was con-
month. 6.5% had wound hematoma in the donor site,
ducted in cases of intact upper lid. The neighboring regions
which was treated conservatively, and 4% of the patients
gave a lot of satisfactory flaps to reconstruct the defects lim-
developed a seroma that lasted 1 month, and was treated
ited to the orbital region. The localization of the flaps with
by recurrent aspiration. Paralytic ileus , that lasted 2
due regard for the anatomical conditions and age changes
days, was observed in 4% of the patients, and a naso-gas-
do not lead to subsequent deformation.
tric tube was applied to them. Sensory disturbances
Conclusions: Applications of proper reconstructive method,
occurred in 5% of the patients, but only in 2.5% of them
depending on the characteristics of defects, gives a possibil-
it lasted for more than 2 months, but no one for more
ity to achieve more adoptable result.
than a year. None of the patients developed a pathologi-
cal condition of the sacroiliac joint,nor fractures of the
iliac wing, or hernias. Our study shows clearly the medial
[~ INNERVATION IN ORAL L I C H E N PLANUS. approach for harvesting bone graft from the anterior iliac
crest is a safe and good technique with a low rate of
Niissalo S. *, Hietanen J., Malmstr6m M., Hukkanen M., complications.
Polak J., Konttinen E

Institute of Dentistry, Department of Oral Medicine,

Helsinki University, Helsinki, Finland. [~ TRANSORAL APPROACH TO A
Aim: To define the distribution of nerves and their peptide Marcos 0., * Moreno M., Pineda A., Marzan R.
content in patients with oral lichen planus (OLP), lichenoid
reaction (LR) and mild chronic inflammation (MCI). Dept. of Maxillofacial Surgery (Head: Dr. R. Marzan),
Method: Immunoperoxidase staining was used to demonstrate Hospital Ramon y Cajal, Madrid, Spain.
overall innervation (PGP 9.5) and peptidergic innervation was
visualized with substance-P (SP), calcitonin gene-related pep-
tide (CGRP), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and C- Aims: To define an approach that permits the complete
flanking peptide of neuropeptide Y (CPON) as markers. extirpation of proven tumours of parapharngeal location
Results: Overall nerve fibre density was increased in OLP with extension to the cranial base, minimizing the aes-
(p=0.026) and LR (p=0.029). Local loss and retraction of thetic and functional sequelae of other traditional
nerve fibres were detected in areas with most prominent approaches.
lymphocyte infiltrates and in areas of liquefaction degener- Method: A patient of 19 years old was referred with a pro-
ation of basal epithelial cells. The pattern of innervation, in nounced bulge in the left orophangeal wall, of seven months
relation to inflammatory cell infiltration and tissue struc- evolution and which had recently presented a higher rate of
tures, was different in OLP compared with LR. Densities of growth. She had no pain nor presented any neurological sign or
neuropeptide-immunoreactive nerves were decreased; a palpable nodes. In the CT scan there was a 7x4 cm turnout in the
twenty eight-fold loss of CPON-in sympathetic nerve fibres left parapharyngeal space, with well defined borders and with
was registered in LR (p=0.044) compared with healthy oral possible osseous invasion of the pterygoid plate The biopsy did
not provide any conclusive results but suggested chondrosar-
EACMFS-Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 113

coma. We decided to approach the tumour transorally through a culocutaneous rectus abdominis and 1 osteomusculocuta-
vertical incision in the palatoglossal arch, including the previous neous scapula flaps were used in these procedures.
biopsy scar, meticulous dissection and finishing with a chisel Results: 48 flaps were successful and two flaps (1 fibula and
osteotomy of the pterygoid plate in order to free the tumour. 1 jejunum) were lost. There was 1 death, giving a periopera-
Results: The pathological study confirmed the diagnosis of tive 30 day mortality of 2%. The morbidity and mortality
chondrosarcoma of low grade malignancy, with tumour free are presented in detail. At the end of the follow up 15
borders. The patient was discharged within 72 h. With nei- patients were alive. Those alive have lived 4 years on average
ther deformity nor functional limitation. In the CT scan after a one stage operation for tumour ablation and vascu-
done 6 months postoperatively there were no appearances larized free flap reconstruction. On the other hand the
suggestive of local or regional recurrence. patients who died lived about 1.5 years.
Conclusions: The transoral palatoglossal approach described Conclusions: Oral and pharyngeal cancer patients are com-
here, in spite of having limited indications due to the complexity monly elderly and have often been heavy drinkers and smok-
and the impossibility of dissecting certain structures, should be ers and are in a poor nutritional condition preoperatively.
considered when possible, seeing that it provides excellent However, the success rate in these extensive operations is sur-
results in regard to postoperative complications and the restdt- prisingly good. Reliable factors predicting the success rate
ing sequelae, versus the traditional transmaxillary, transparotid, and the postoperative condition are difficult to find.
transcervical, transmandibular or lateral osteotomy techniques.


Marmulla, R.*, Niederdelimann 11., Wagener 1t.
Marinho, R.O.M.*, Hutchison, I.L.
Dept. for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, The Royal Regensburg, Germany
London Hospitals" NHS Trust, London, England.
Aims: Computer-assisted navigation of osteotomized bone
Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex (MAC) is the segments according to a preoperative plan without preoper-
most common aetiological agent in non-tuberculous ative markers or implants.
mycobacterial infection. MAC infection is considered to be Method: The Surgical Segment Navigator (SSN), developed
an important cause of disseminated disease in immunocom- with the support of Carl Zeiss, Germany, is based on an
promised adults, and localised cervical lymphadenitis in infrared three- dimensional localizer such as the Surgical
otherwise healthy children. Tool Navigator (STN) and the Surgical Microscope
A case of an immunocompetent 65-year-old caucasian Navigator (SMN). The pre- and postoperative position of
woman with cervical and facial swellings caused by this organ- bone segments can be taken from a model (orthognathic
ism is presented. Although surgery is advocated as the treat- surgery) or from a CT workstation. The data for transposi-
ment of choice in localised infection, surgical excision was tion of bone segments can be imported from the
avoided in this case because of the risk of damaging branches Craniofacial Surgery Planning System (CSPS) by Leibinger
of the facial nerve and also of producing a poor final cosmetic as well. The surface of the navigated bone segment is used
result. A satisfactory result was obtained using drug therapy for correlation between data set and op situs. The surface of
and final surgical correction of the residual scar at the site of the bone segment is fixed intraoperatively by a template to a
the original sinuses. Our case suggests that medical treatment Dynamic Reference Frame with three diode beacons. The
may be effective and in difficult surgical sites should be consid- SSN workstation renders the navigated bone segment as
ered, with surgery reserved for tidying up procedures. polygon and indicates starting, actual and target positions.
The precision of the SSN system is evaluated by bone
segment navigation on three human cadavers (calvaria,
maxilla, zygoma). The position of reference markers in the
FREE F L A P RECONSTRUCTIONS IN THE surface of the navigated bone segments in a postoperative
M A N A G E M E N T O F ORAL AND PHARYNGEAL high-resolution CT is compared with the preoperative plan.
CANCER The transposition of bone segments is controlled by direct
infrared-measurements of reference points on the denuded
Markkanen-Leppiinen, M.*, Suominen, E., Lehtonen, H.,
cadavers, as well.
Asko-Seljavaara. S.,
Results: Bone segment navigation by the use of the SSN sys-
tem has been performed with a mean error of 0.7 mm, a
Departments of Plastic Surgery and Otorhinolaryngology, standard deviation of 0.2 mm and a 95% percentile for the
Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland deviation on 1 mm.
Conclusions: The Surgical Segment Navigator (SSN) is the
Aims: To analyse the preoperative and perioperative factors first system to meet the criteria for high-precision naviga-
that influence free flap application outcome, patient mor- tion of three- dimensionally registered rigid bodies in
bidity and mortality. surgery.
Method: Medical records of 50 consecutive patients receiv-
ing microvascular free flaps between 198%1995 were
reviewed retrospectively. All patients had a malignancy
extending into the oral cavity or pharynx. 50% of the cases ?h CONDYLE RECONSTRUCTION BY S L I D I N G
were classified as stage IV malignancies. Free microvascular RAMUS OSTEOTOMY
flaps were used in the reconstruction of the defect caused by
tumour ablation. 24 radial forearm, 15 jejunum, 8 musculo- Martinez-Lage J.L.*, Eslava J.M., Gonzdlez J., Moreno M.,
cutaneous latissimus dorsi, 1 osteocutaneous fibula, 1 mus- Marcos O.
114 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

Dept. of Craniomaxillofacial Surgery (Head" Dr. J.L. Conclusions: Morbidity and aesthetic secuelae were due to
Martinez-Lage ). tumor exision not of approach. The rule of Maxillofacial
Hospital Ram6n y Cajal. Madrid. Spain, surgeon should be to permit the access for the neurosurgeon
to remove the tumors without any significant functional or
aesthetic morbidity, so as to remove the extracranial compo-
Aims: To describe a condyle reconstruction technique in
nent of the tumor.
order to enhance functional results minimizing sequelae and
avoiding to employ alloplastic materials.
Method: Patient of 30 years of age that consulted refering
swelling in left preauricular area with a decreasing mouth T H E W I D E USE OF THE CO 2LASER FOR
opening pattern , occlusion deviation to the right and no INTRAORAL LESIONS
pain.Panoramic radiograph and CT scan showed a solid
enlargement (3x3x2,5 cm) of the left mandibular condyle Martin-Granizo R. *, Naval L., Costas A, Rodriguez-Campo
with no cystic pattern. Surgery was undertaken through a F, Mu~oz M., Padrdn A, Diaz FJ.
combined preauricular and submandibular approach. After
condyle extirpation, we performed a sliding ramus Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. University
osteotomy previously planned with radiologic findings, tak- "Hospital Clinico San Carlos" and "'Hospital de La
ing into account the inferior alveolar nerve canal, remode- Princesa", Madrid, Spain.
lated the condyle with a burr, fixated the fragment with two
"U' plates and reattached the pterygoid muscle to the new
condyle , at last we assured the position and range of Aims: To stress the wide range of use of CO 2laser in intrao-
motion of the new condyle. ral surgery, and demonstrate our experience and the out-
Results: After 48h, the patient was discharged, with open comes.
mouth and a range motion over 30 m m , without any com- Method: Retrospective analysis of the clinical records of 120
plication. Panoramic radiograph showed the new left patients treated during an 8 year period. They were 27
condyle with a very similar appearance and function to the females and 93 males with a median age of 57 years. Lesions
right one.The pathology study confirmed the diagnosis of were classified as vascular malformations - 3, benign lesions
chondroma - 15, lichen planus - 5, actinic cheilitis of the lip - 22,
Conclusions: The technique described provides an excelent mucosal leucoplakias - 28, squamous cell carcinomas (SCC)
functional and cosmetic results, avoiding the complication - 39, and 8 cutaneous lesions. SCC comprised 31.4% of the
rate associated with other clasical condyle reconstruction total (11 females and 28 males, median age 60 yrs.).
techniques such as costocondral grafts ~iliac bone grafts or Seventeen were located in the tongue. SCC staging was as
alloplastic materials. follows: 53.9% were Tis, 7.7% were T1, 2.5% T2, and 35.9%
Results: Cutaneous epithelization was completel in 2 to 4
weeks, while mucosa epithelialized in a shorter period. Three
C R A N I A L BASE S U R G E R Y F O R M A J O R T U M O U R lichen planus patients complained of postoperative pain. Of
RESECTION. OUR EXPERIENCE. 22 actinic cheilitis, 3 had bleeding after surgery, and 8 pain,
with 1 recurrence. No infections or SCC recurrences were
Martinez Navarro, M.; Daura Sdez, A.; Montes Jimdnez, J.; recorded. Global rates were 7.5% postoperative bleeding,
Ya~ez Vilas, J.L and Palma GOmez de la Casa, 10% retractile scars and l 5.8% postsurgical wound pain.
Conclusions: Laser CO 2 appears to be a suitable alternative
A. Hospital Regional "Carlos Haya". to the classic methods, valid for resection of a wide range of
Oral and Maxillofacial Department. Mdlaga. Spain. intraoral lesions, have lower rates of bleeding and a greater
surgical accuracy than do the other methods.

Aims: We describe our 2 year experience in cranial base

surgery for the resection or' major tumors, showing the
approaches used and the morbidity and mortality in our [~ A NEW SURGICAL TECHNIQUE FOR EXCISION
The statistics of 16 cases was as follows.
Method: The skin approaches were cervicotomy and preau-
Christos Martis, N. Papadogiorgakis*
ricular in 4, bicoronal in 8, hemycoronal in 2, medial lip-cer-
vicotomy in 2, weber-Fergusson in 1. The osseous approches Eugenidion Clinic, Athens University, Athens, Greece.
were frontal orbital in 3, Frontoorbital + Lefort I in 1,
Fronto-nasal-orbitary in 1, Orbitofrontal-temporal in 3, Using this technique, tumours of the buccal mucosa extend-
O.F.Temporal-malar in 1, cervical parotid in 2 and others ing beyond the buccinator muscle plane without or with a
in 5. small infiltration of the skin are excised.
Calvarial grafts, pericranial flaps, forearm free flaps, Through a cruciate incision of the buccal mucosa some
galeal and Temporal muscle flap among others were used distance from the lesion and a similar incision on the skin,
for reconstruction of the postablative defect and for achiev- but smaller in size, the cheek is sectioned in its entire thick-
ing a functional separation between the intracranial struc- ness. The resulting crosslike defect is closed in layers
tures and the airway. The histopathologic analysis of the (mucosa, muscles, skin).
tumors showed the presence of meningiomas, paragan- If the defect of mucosa is large, a split thickness skin
gliomas, deep, lobe parotid tumors, chondrosarcoma, neu- graft is used to fill the gap.
rofibroma, sarcoma, neurileloma, malignant meningioma The final result was excellent in 20 patients operated on
and fibrous tissues nodes. using this technique.
Results: Morbidity was bronchial aspiration in 1, sepsis in 1, By this method, we avoid flaps which otherwise would be
facial nerve palsy in 1 and aesthetic secuelae in 4. Mortality necessary, such as frontal, deltopectoral or musculocuta-
happened in 2 cases. neous ones.
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 115

sues. Ultrasound and CT findings were found sufficient to

RECONSTRUCTION OF ORAL CAVITY USING avoid having to perform angiography. Radical surgery pro-
MAJOR FLAPS FOLLOWING ABLATIVE SURGERY cedures were performed on 124 cases (93.2%). Resection of
FOR ORAL CANCER; TWENTY-YEARS major neck vessels was accomplished in 58 cases (43.6%).
EXPERIENCE Sixteen of them required internal carotid artery prosthetics.
To minimize the risk of neurological complications, mea-
Mataga, L *, Ishihara, O. and Tanaka, A. surement of the retrograde pressure in the common carotid
artery and transcranial Doppler sonography were per-
Department of OMFS II, School of Dentistry at Niigata, formed during the operation, in 16 patients. In the postoper-
The Nippon Dental University, Niigata, Japan ative period, 4 patients developed evidence of cerebral
AIMS: Conclusions: The above mentioned diagnostic techniques
To assess the clinical benefits of primary and delayed recon- and approproate surgical planning result in a reduced num-
structed surgery, using major flaps such as pedicled or ber of complications.
revascularized cutaneous, musculocutaneous and osteocu-
taneoous flaps for oral and maxillo-facial defects following
oral cancer ablation.
118 patients reconstruced by major flaps, 89 males and 29
females, 22.2% of total number of 531 patients, average age
of 59.2A_}13.7 years, during 20 years from 1977 to 1997
operated in our department are retrospectively discussed. Mavros, A.*, Eckelt U.
Primary sites were 33 tongues,24 lower gums,22 floor of the
mouths, 19 buccal mucosas and others. Of 80 patients were
Department of Oral- and Maxillofacial Surgery, University
reconstructed at the same time of cancer ablation. Of 100
of Dresden, Fetscher str. 74, D-01307 Dresden, Germany
patients(84.7%) were squamous cell carcinomas. A total
number of 162 major flaps were 30 D-P flaps,43 pectoral
major musculocutaneous flaps,9 latissimus dorsi musculo- AIM
cutaneous flaps,26 forearm flaps,14 rectus abdominal flaps In order to detect regions of the genome that may harbor
and others for the soft tissue reconstruction were used. tumor suppressor genes, several allelotyping studies in car-
Total number of 28 vascularized osteocutaneous flaps,10 cinogenesis in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas
iliac,7 scapular and 11 fibular was employed for maxillo- (HNSCC) could show loss of heterozygosity (LOH) on
mandibular bone reconstruction for the patients with wide chromosome 3q, 5q, 9p, l l q and 17p. PTEN, a recently
bony defects,recurrent cancers and poor recipient condition detected tumor suppressor gene located on chromosome
such as osteoradionecrosis. 10q23.3, exhibits LOH in a variety of tumors including
glioblastoma multiforme, prostate and endometrial cancer,
RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: and the melanoma. To elucidate the involvement of PTEN
Successful rate of the reconstruction was 93.6% (included in HNSCC we performed LOH analysis using two
partial necrosis). For postoperative functional rehabilitaion, microsatellite loci flanking the PTEN gene on both sides.
dental implant was installed in the grafted bone directly or
residual maxillo-mandibular bone. METHODS
High molecular weight DNA has been obtained from snap
frozen tumor tissue and normal tissue of 40 patients with com-
CCDSA (CERVICAL C H E M O D E C T O M A S : parable grades of HNSCC by means of proteinase K in a lysing
DIAGNOSTIC AND SURGICAL ASPECTS) butler. After purification and dilution of the DNA stocks screen-
ing of microsatellite repeat D N A polymorphisms was per-
Matyakin, E., Pokrovsky, A., Dan, E, Duditskaya, T., formed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using microsatellite
Shubin, A., Nikitayev, N., Mashtakova E., Marina G. markers (D10S215 and D10S541) for specific regions of chro-
mosome 10q23. Denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
Oncologic Scientific Centre, A. V. Vishnevsky Institute of was utilized for resolution of the polymorphic bands.
Surgery, Moscow, Russia
The vast majority of tumors exhibited informative allelic
Aims: To present our experience in the treatment of patients
configuration: 33 (82.5%) were heterozygous for PTEN locus
with cervical chemodectomas.
D10S215 and 37 (92,5%) for locus D10S541. Five patients
Method: 151 patients suffered from cervical chemodec-
(12.5%) showed LOH, 3 in locus D10S215 and 3 in locus
tomas were treated: 93 - with a carotid body tumour; 45 -
D10S541 (9% each) whereas 1 patient showed LOH in both.
with a vagal body tumour; 13 - atypical chemodectomas.
133 patients underwent operations. Reasons for refusing to
perform surgery in 18 patients were: inoperability of the DISCUSSION
tumour, presence of distant metastases and serious con- The heterogeneity of HNSCC and the assumption that multiple
comitant diseases. Preoperative examination included molecular alterations are responsible for its generation, poses a
Doppler ultrasonography, colour duplex scanning, tran- challenge for intense research in order to determine markers
scranial Doppler ultrasonography, spiral Computer that may be of service for clinical prognostic evaluation. These
Tomography and angiography. The findings in the above results suggest that PTEN is not involved in tumorigenesis of
studies confirm the diagnosis, and evaluation of the condi- HNSCC in the majority of cases. Further studies of this gene
tion of carotid arteries and Circle of Willis and estimation including complete D N A sequencing have to be conducted in
of the relations between the tumour and surrounding tis- order to confirm this preliminary data.
116 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

Peter T Doyle, Andrew Currie, *lain H Mc Vicar,
McKellar, G.*/ Gogolewski, S.2
Maxillofacial Unit, Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham,
IDepartment of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Westmead United Kingdom
Hospital, Sydney, 2Department of Polymers, AO/ASIF
Research Institute, Davos, Switzerland Aim: To describe an alternative method for treatment of
mandibular angle fractures using miniplate osteosynthesis.
The surgical correction of craniofacial anomalies typically Method: In recent years, fractures of the mandibular angle
requires multiple osteotomies and the need for internal fixa- have been treated increasingly by miniplate osteosynthesis.
tion. Titanium plating systems have been shown to have The original technique, described by Champy in 1976, uses
some adverse effects on the growth of the craniofacial skele- a purely intraoral approach to place the plate and screws
ton. (Majola et al 1992). along the line of ideal osteosynthesis on the oblique ridge,
Since the introduction of polyglycolic acid in 1970 as the This method has several disadvantages such as access, diffi-
first biodegradable material to be marketed as a suture culty in adaptation of the plate, placement of screws in
(Dixon, Davis and Geck, Inc., Manati, Puerto Rico) sound bone and poor lower border fracture reduction.
biodegradable materials are becoming realistic alternative Wound dehiscence and subsequent infection is not infre-
alloplastic implants. This paper reviews the current state of quent. In this unit, fractures of the mandibular angle have
the art for the use of polymer plates, screws, membranes and been treated by placement of a plate on the buccal cortex
beads in craniofacial surgery with an emphasis on biodegra- only, with screw placement via a transbuccal approach.
dation, biocompatibility and physical properties of polylac- Results: The results of fractures treated within the past 2
tic and polyglycolic acid materials. Our clinical, years will be presented.
radiographic and histological assessment of their use in Conclusions: We conclude that this method of treatment of
experimental animal and human studies over the past 7 mandibular angle fractures gives more reliable plate adapta-
years is presented. tion and screw placement, and avoids splaying of the lower
border. It has low morbidity and is a time efficient method
of treating these fractures.

McKelvey, R J M
Meguri, S*., 1 Nakajima, E, 1 Kitajima, 7l.2
Maxillofacial Unit, Derbyshire Royal Infirmary
1Department of OMFS, Hamamatsu Rosai Hospital,
AIMS: Hamamatsu, Japan
To review the results of the various treatment methods avail- :Department of OMFX Shimada Municipal Hospital,
able in the treatment of severe mandibular retrognathia with Shimada. Japan
high F M P angles.
To present the benefits of the inverted-L osteotomy in Aims: To evaluate forearm flap as a material for reconstruc-
this condition. tion of the soft palate resected
Method: Three cases of carcinomas of the soft palate were
operated. One subtotal, one half and one total soft palate was
The technical details of the inverted-L osteotomy as applied resected and reconstructed by free forearm flap respectively.
to the severely retrognathic mandible are evaluated. Postoperative oro-nasal function was examined in each case.
Results: Slight hypernasality was found in all cases,
Specific reference is made to five cases where very large for-
ward and rotational movements of the mandible in conjunc- although articulation at speech was normal. Nasal snort
tion with Le Fort 1 osteotomy and bone grafting are was found only at pronunciation of particular sounds in all
cases. No dysfagia was observed in all cases. As a whole,
QOL concerning oro-nasal function in their daily life was
maintained with in almost normal range.
RESULTS: Conclusions:Forearm flap is considered to be an effective
Two to five year follow-up demonstrating the stability of the material in reconstruction after resection of the soft palate
mandible following such large movements is illustrated. at any size of defect. Some technical hints at surgery also are
to be presented.
The specific benefits of the inverted-L osteotomy, which is a
less commonly used technique, in the treatment of severe [~ T H E P E R F E C T COATING: C O - P R E C I P I T A T I O N
retrognathia with high F M P angles is presented. The indi- OF R H - B M P - 2 IN A B I O M I M E T I C C A L C I U M
cations, contraindicates and complications for this proce- P H O S P H A T E LAYER
dure are discussed.
Meijer G.*. Koole R., De Bruijn J., Van Blitterswijk C.A.
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 117

Dept of Oral Maxillofac Surgery, Utrecht University, The Meilor, T.K.*, Combes, J.G.
Biomaterial Research Group, Leiden University, The MaxilloJhcial Unit, Royal Hospital Haslar, Gosport,
Netherlands Hampshire, UK, PO12 2AA

Aims: The development of an osteo-inductive coating Chronic lip fissures can be extremely troublesome, causing
Method: Ti6A14V samples (10xl0xl.7 mm) were immersed discomfort with episodes of splitting and bleeding. Their
in Hank's Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS). During precipita- prevalence is about 0.25% with a male predominance. They
tion of the calcium phosphate layer, various concentrations can occur in both lips but are more common on the lower
of rh-BMP-2 were added. Subsequently, samples were lip. The aetiology is obscure but smoking, exposure to sun-
implanted in the backs of 7 weeks old male albino Fischer light and cold weather have been proposed as at least con-
rats. tributory factors and there appears to be a hereditary
Results: X R M A performed on the precipitated layer (thick- relationship. A number of topical treatments with antibac-
ness: 5ram) showed the presence of Ca and R After a 4 terial, antifungal, steroid preparations, salicylic acid and
weeks implantation period, bone formation was detected at nitrates have all been tried but they do not produce perma-
the surface of the biomimetic coating. The highest rh-BMP- nent relief. Cryosurgery and surgical excision with and
2 concentration present in the coating, revealed the highest without Z-plasty have all been used quite effectively.
de novo bone formation. The advent of carbon dioxide laser resurfacing and selec-
Conclusions: In contrast to the process of plasmaspraying tive photothermolysis has allowed precise selective ablation
(10.000~o C) the natural precipitation of calcium phos- of thin layers of tissue with regeneration of the epidermis
phates occurs at 37~o C. Therefore, proteins such as growth and dermis with a denser collagen and an increase in the
factors, can be easily added. The formation of ectopic bone amount of elastin. Similarly, pulsed or scanning CO 2laser
at the surface of samples coated with calcium phosphate resurfacing of actinic change on the lips results in satisfac-
combined with rh-BMP-2 proves its osteoinductivity. tory healing and regeneration of the vermillion in approxi-
The authors would like to acknowledge the Genetics mately 2 weeks. It is known that collagen can shrink by up
Institute Inc. for supplying the rh-BMP-2 to two thirds of its original length with the application of
heat. It was therefore postulated that CO2 laser resurfacing
of lip fissures would result in resolution of the fissure with
an increase in the tensile strength of the lip in this area
BONE TISSUE ENGINEERING : OSTEO- thereby reducing the potential for relapse of the fissure.
INDUCTIVE P O T E N T I A L O F CULTURED BONE We will present the technique we have developed for
MARROW CELLS A N D THEIR EXTRACELLULAR resurfacing lip fissures using a Sharplan SilkTouch TM carbon
MATRIX dioxide laser which uses spiral scanning technology. This
continuous wave CO21aser scans a 0.2ram spot in a spiral
Meijer G.*. Koole R., De Bru(]n J., Van Blitterswijk C.A. pattern at a constant velocity, so that no individual spot
within the scanned pattern is irradiated more than once and
Dept of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, Utrecht University, The the dwell time on any individual spot is <1 msec.
Netherlands The aetiology and the results of treatment of 10 cases of
Biomaterial Research Group, Leiden University, The lip fissure with at least 6-month follow-up will be presented.
Netherlands All the cases to date have resolved satisfactorily with no
recurrence. Generally the crusting that forms following laser
Aims: To examine whether in vitro-formed mineralized treatment resolves after 14-21 days. The patients were very
bone-like tissue, together with its bone producing cells, pleased with the outcome in this locally debilitating trouble-
exhibits osteo-inductive capacities, when implanted in non- some problem.
osseous sites, in vivo.
Method: Bone marrow cells were obtained from the femora
of 100-120 gram young adult, male, albino Fischer rats and
seeded onto hydroxyapatite (HA) samples. After 8 days in [~ C I N E G A M M A G R A P H Y AND 3D E M I S S I O N
vitro culture, the samples were implanted subcutaneously in T O M O S C I N T I G R A P H Y IN EVALUATION O F
the backs of syngeneic rats. M A N D I B U L A R REVASCULARIZED B O N E GRAFT
Results: After 8 days of culture and 4 weeks of subcuta-
neous implantation, abundant new bone formation was Meningaud, J.P. "1, Basset. J. E 2 Divaris, M. 1, Ancri, D.,
seen in the hydroxyapatite samples. Approximately 75% of Bertrand. J. Ch. 1, Guilbert, F 1.
the hydroxyapatite surface was covered with this newly
formed bone. Control samples that had been incubated in Division of Stomatology and Maxillojacial Surgery, (1) and
culture medium without cells and subsequently subcuta- Department of Biophysics and Nuclear Medicine (2) J.
neously implanted for 4 weeks did not induce bone Pitie-Salpetriere University Hospital, Paris, France
Conclusions: These results show that cultured bone marrow AIMS
cells and their extracellular matrix have osteo-inductive The following reports a study conducted to investigate a
properties already one week after culture. Therefore, in com- scintigraphic monitoring procedure for bone free flap in
bination with a biomaterial carrier, an autogenous trans- mandibular reconstruction. This procedure is based on one
plant can be cultured (tissue engineering) hand on vascular and bone cinegammagraphy and on the
other hand on vascular and bone 3D tomoscintigraphy.

CO 2 LASER RESURFACING FOR CHRONIC LIP We used a prospective cohort study design. All patients who
FISSURES underwent free flap mandibular reconstruction from April
118 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

1993 to December 1997 in the Salpetriere University

Hospital (16 cases) have been evaluated in relation to this [h RECONSTRUCTION OF ORBITAL FLOOR
scintigraphic procedure. Vascular and bone scintigraphy DEFECTS USING A NEW ABSORBABLE PDS SHEET
were done within the second week after the surgery during
two consecutive days. All images were read by one author Merten H.-A. *, Wiltfang £, H6nig £F., Luhr H.G.:
(J-Y. B.), who was blinded to the skin status of the flap. The
results were compared with the viability of revascularized Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of
bone grafts as evaluated by the skin status and the Gdttingen, Germany
Greenberg's classification based on bone radiographs three
months after reconstruction. INTRODUCTION:
The commonly used allogenous or xenogenous materials
RESULTS: for orbital floor reconstruction are under discussion due to
Vascular cinegammagraphy seems to be well related to anas- the risk of transmitting infections and immunological reac-
tomosis patency. Bone cinegammagraphy gives appreciable tions.
information on the bone viability 3D vascular tomoscintig- Therefore a synthetic absorbable material (PDS-sheet),
raphy remains difficult to interpret. 3D bone tomoscintigra- consisting of poly-p-dioxanon - was developed and tested in
phy gives precise information on the viability of the a clinical trial.
different segments of the bone flap.
CONCLUSIONS: In fourty patients with 44 orbital floor defects (< 15 mm
These results suggest that vascular and bone 3D diameter) the 0.15 mm strong PDS-sheet was applied. The
tomoscintigraphy coupled with dynamic study has an excel- initial mechanical properties of the PDS-sheet were
lent prognosis value in this indication. In case of partial fail- sufficient for 15 mm diameter defects.
ure it can give information on the location of the patency Every patient was re-evaluated 1 and 4 weeks, 6 and 12
trouble and on the bony fragment who has lost any viability. months postoperatively. There were no pathological oph-
thalmological findings such as enophthalmos, diplopia or
impairment of eyeball motility 12 months postoperatively.
In case of re-entry operation for plate removal (38 patients)
I N C O R P O R A T I O N O F THREE TYPES O F BONE 8 months postoperatively the PDS-sheets were entirely
Matthias A. W.Merkx 1, Jaap C. Maltha 2, Hans-Peter M. In the clinical trial the synthetic material PDS-sheet
Freihofer1, Anne Marie Kuijpers-Jagtman2 has proved to be effective for orbital floor reconstruc-
Departments of IOraland MaxillofacialSurgery and No inflammatory reactions were observed during the
:Orthodontics and OralBiology, NIJMEGEN (The Netherlands) whole observation period.
The 0.15 mm, strong sheet is suitable for 15 mm diameter
defects. The use of poly-p-dioxanon leads to delayed degra-
Aim: In a new standardized model for evaluation of bone dation and prolonged mechanical stability within the first
healing in relation to a paranasal sinus, the regenerative four postoperative weeks. These mechanical features seem
response on autogenic cancellous and cortical bone grafts, to be sufficient even for the reconstruction of larger defects
and on a commercial available xenogenic resorbable bone of up to 20 mm in diameter.
mineral (RBM) (Bio-Oss R, Geistlich-Pharma, Wolhusen,
Switzerland) was compared.
Method: On 15 skeletally mature goats four critical sized full
bone defects were made in the frontal bone. These defects CLINICAL EXPERIENCE W I T H A NEW CALCIUM-
were filled at random with a cortical bone plug, a cancellous P H O S P H A T E CEMENT IN CRANIO-
bone plug, a plug of spongious RBM cut into shape or left MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY
empty. Flurochrome bone markers were injected subcuta-
neously 1 and 5 weeks after transplantation, and one week M. Merwald*, H. B6hm, H. Pistner, £ Reuther
before the animals were killed. The animals were killed at 3,
6, 12 and 24 weeks after surgery. Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of
Results: Osseous defects over (para)nasal sinuses filled Wiirzburg, Germany
with autogenous bone grafts heal similar to critical
sized calvarial defects. Bio-Oss R as a RBM is osteocon-
ductive and guides bone formation at the margins of the Bone deficiencies in the cranium are frequently recon-
defect. The newly formed bone is only partly in direct structed with Polymethylmethacrylate. Unfortunately this
contact with the implant material. R B M does not material induces temperatures above 70°C during polymer-
induce bridging of the defect. The osteoclasts seen ization. Furthermore, the high content of remaining
around non-integrated, degraded and non-functional unpolymerized monomer induces cytotoxic side effects. To
RBM R B M 112 and 24 weeks after implantation, are avoid these disadvantages we prefer autogenous or allo-
probably originating from the (para)nasal mucosa under genic materials. It can be technically difficult to reconstruct
stimulation by continuous breathing-dependant bony defects using these rigid materials. To yield an aesthet-
mechanical changes. ically satisfying result, a malleable cement for the modelling
Conclusions: The animal model used in the present study of the bone surface and for the filling of defects is highly
appears to be a valuable tool for answering questions on desirable.
osseous wound repair in maxillofacial regions in relation to A stochiometric mixture of 27% dicalcium-phosphate
(para)nasal mucosa. (DCPA) and 73% tetra-calcium-phosphate (TTCP) with
EACMFS Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 119

water, intraoperatively, can be prepared as a paste, that sub-

sequently sets to a structurally stable implant converting to
hydroxyapatite (HA). Primary setting time is about 20 min-
utes. PH during setting ranges between 6.5 and 8.5. Neither OSTEOSYNTHESIS.
relevant heat curing nor expansion or contraction can be
Mezitis, M. *, Skoura, If., Rallis G., Zachariades iV.
observed. Compressive strength reaches up to 60 MPa.
Tensile strength is about 8 MPa. After a period of four
hours under physiological conditions this cement is no Department of OMFS, Accidents Hospital of Athens,
longer redissolvable. "K.A.T.", Athens, Greece.
This material can be used for augmentatio in non loaded
areas. We implanted this material for reconstruction of defects Aims: To compare the postoperative results, using different
caused by tumour, trauma and clefts in ten cases. During the methods of mandibular osteosynthesis.
implantation, fluid control of the operation field is extremly Method: From our records in the O M F S department, we
important. Local postoperative infections in three cases necessi- reviewed the mandibular fractures cases operated on
tated the removal of the reconstruction. In seven cases the between the years 1985-1997, and analyzed those treated
cement integrated successfully in the implant site. with bone plating.
Postoperatively, a satisfying aesthetic result was observed. Results: During the 12 years of our study, 2890 mandibular
Radiologically the augmentation result was clearly distinct and fi'actures were admitted. In 900 of those monocortical or
stable. bicortical osteosynthesis was applied. Our analysis included
The new calcium-phosphate cement can be regarded as all cases of postsurgical complications, i.e. infection, maloc-
the first generation of biocompatible mineral implant mate- clusion malunion, facial nerve palsy and hypoaesthesia of
rial for skeletal reconstruction. Further applications could the inferior alveolar nerve. We have also recorded the type of
be all non-loaded augmentations like obliteration of surgical approach (extraoral or intraoral), the post treat-
paranasal sinuses, filling of cysts or defects following dental ment functioning of the mandible and any facial aesthetic
apectomy as well as fixation of implanted hearing aid elec- problems.
trodes. Isothermic curing reaction and intrinsic osteocon- Conclusions: Both methods appear to have advantages and
ductive characteristics of the hydroxyapatite cement offer disadvantages which are analyzed and presented. It is in the
special perspectives for the use as a potential carrier for pay- choice of the surgeon to use the type of osteosynthesis most
loads such as osteogenetic protein preparations or suitable for each type of fracture.


U. Meyer*, B. Kruse-L6sler, H.P. Wiesmann, J. Handschel,
D.H. Szulzcewski, and U. Joos W. Millesi*. F Watzinger, A. Wagnel; S. Gossweiner, F.
Wanschitz, M. Rasse, A. Baumann, M. Truppe*, R. Ewers
Cranio- MaxilloJacial Surgery, University of Muenster,
Germany Clinic of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; AKH Vienna,
Waehringer Cmerte118-20, A-1090 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: 01-40400/4259; Fax.. 4253 e-mail. r.ewers@akh-
Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of
micromovements on the cellular differentiation of * Artma Biomedical Inc., Vienna, Austria
osteoblasts during bone healing in an experimental animal
model. Untreated or imperfectly reduced midfacial fractures may
Method : A corticotomy was performed in the right result in severe aesthetic deformities and functional distur-
mandible of 24 white female rabbits. The mandible was bances. Secondary osteotomies are inevitable to achieve
subjected to various daily strain micromovements after 4 acceptable aesthetic and functional results. Computer aided
days of latency. After 14 days animals were sacrified and the intraoperative navigation offers the possibility of visualizing
mandible harvested for histological, electron microscopical, structures that are not visible or accessible (without exten-
and microanalytical investigations. Non-operated rabbits sive dissection) during surgery. The concept of computer
served as a control. aided navigation (Virtual Patient System, VPS, Artma) is
Results: Radiographical, histological, and electron micro- based on the fusion of diagnostic imaging data together
scopical examinations showed movement - related bone with the live intraoperative situation. Magnetic field digitiz-
healing. Strain rates of up to 0.2% led to regular bone regen- ers are used to assess the intraoperative position. An inte-
eration, whereas higher strain applications (2%-20%) led to rocclusal splint with extrafacial fiducial markers is fixed to
immature bone formation. Scanning electron microscopy the patient during diagnostic procedures. The radiopaque
demonstrated differentiated osteoblasts in a bulk bony tis- markers on the splint are visible in each imaging modality.
sue at low strain magnitudes (<0.2%) with regular calcifica- The preoperative planning is best performed on axial and
tion of the matrix as revealed by EDAX-microanalysis. coronal CT-scans. The desired contours of the upper mid-
Macromovements induced fibroblastic dedifferentiation of face are constructed as graphical overlay structures super-
cells to fibrous tissue formation. imposing the displaced bony margins. Intraoperatively, the
Conclusion: Bone regeneration during fracture healing position of the segment which had to be reduced was corre-
depends on micromechanical loads. Macromovements in lated to the forehead sensor and after duplication in associ-
fracture healing lead to immature bone formation, whereas ated with a sensor rigidly attached to the zygomatic
micromovements in physiological magnitudes seem to be prominence. During surgery, the osteotomized segment was
desirable. correlated to a corresponding graphic, and the congruent
120 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

overlapping indicated the final position. In 9 patients 2nd Departments of OMFS, Faculty of Dentistry, Osaka
fronto-orbito-zygomatic osteotomies were performed to University, Osaka,
successfully correct posttraumatic deformities (6 female, 3 *lst Departments of OMFS, Faculty of Dentistry, Okayama
male, average age 44 years). The aesthetic result was satisfy- University, Okayama, Japan
ing in all patients In correcting posttraumatic fronto-orbito-
zygomatic deformities, the application of the VPS led to an
essential improvement. Surgical approaches could be mini-
Bridging an alveolar defect with a bone graft is essential in
mized - we were able to avoid a coronal incision in one and
the rehabilitation of cleft lip and/or palate patients. Usually
subciliary incisions in two, out of nine patients The reduc-
particulate cancellous bone marrow (PCBM) from the iliac
tion of the zygomatic complex including the infraorbital rim
crest has been proven good efficacy as a donor. However
was exclusively observed on the computer navigation system
there are some disadvantages. So we have performed autoge-
In the other patients more severe displacement, enophthal-
nous bone grafting from the symphysis mandible (chin bone
mos correction and the need for calvarial bone grafts neces-
sitated coronal and subciliary incisions. grafting: CBG) to narrow alveolar clefts and obtained the
good results.

MANDIBULAR CONDYLAR P O S I T I O N A L We have applied this method to 11 patients. X-ray examina-
A D J U S T M E N T F O R TREATMENT OF tion was performed 1 month, 3 months, 6 months after
T E M P O R O M A N D I B U L A R J O I N T INTERNAL operation. Marginal bone level on the teeth adjacent to the
DERANGEMENT cleft and bonelevel of nasal side that we defined were
Hu Min*, Hong Min, Jilin Zh., Xiaojiang E
Yao Jun Department of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, General In all patient there is no recurrence of oro-nasal communi-
Hospital of PLA, Beijing 100853, China cation, and bone bridge formation was observed about 3
months after operation. Bone level on the teeth adjacent to
AIMS: the cleft and nasal side were enough to achieve orthodontic
To correct joint structural derangement and muscle func- space closure. There is no significant difference in the case of
tion unharmonization in patients with TMJ internal PCBM from the iliac crest. A few patients complained a
derangement. slight and temporal hypoaesthesia in the mental area. No
palpable contour deficit of the chin, negative pulpal reac-
METHOD: tion and root injury could not be noticed.
32 patients(18 male, 11 female) with TMJ internal derange-
ment treated by mandibular condylar positional adjusting DISCUSSION
surgery. All patients had click and pain of TMJ. Outcome In the case of bone grafting into alveolar cleft, PCBM from
groups were categorized good, fair, or poor, based on clini- the iliac crest is thought to be a good material. However
cal assessment. The preoperative radiological examination there are some disadvantages such as new operation wound
of all patients consisted of panoramic radiograph, CT and where is distant from the main operation field, postopera-
MRI. Reduction or nonreduction of displacement of the tive pain, temporary disturbance in walking et al. So some
disk was found by CT or M R I in all patients. A sub- authors reported the results of autogenous bone grafting
mandibular incision was made for adjusting condylar posi- from the symphysis mandible. We performed this procedure
tions. The subcondylar vertical osteotomy was carried out to the narrow cleft such as unilateral cleft lip, alveolus
from sigmoidnotch to the angle of the mandible. The distal and/or palate, and obtained the good results compared to
segments were moved down about 2-3 millimetre. A maxil- the iliac bone. We think the use of autologous chin bone has
lary occlusal splint was used for 3-5 weeks after operation. following advantages if enough bone is available: same
operation field, the donor site is accessible easily, the post-
RESULTS: operative complaints are minimal compared to the iliac
Normal postoperative occlusion and satisfactory functional crest.
results were found in the majority of the patients. Results
showed that 25 patients had a good outcome, and 5 patients
had a fair outcome, and 2 patients had a poor outcome.
Patients with reductive disk displacement had 90% in the PROPHYLAXIS AND TREATMENT O F THE
good group, 10% in the fair group, and no patients in the MANDIBULAR FRACTURE:PYO-INFLAMMATORY
poor group. In patients with nonreductive disk displace- COMPLICATIONS.
ment, the success rate decreased to 50% with good results,
16% with fair results and 34% with poor results. G. Mingazov*, A. Suleimanov,

CONCLUSIONS: Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

Surgical adjustment of condylar position aims at correcting
structure derangement of TMJ and avoiding articular Aims: To elaborate an optimum method of the complex
trauma following internal joint operation. prophylaxis of the mandible with the usage of the
"Bioplant" biological transplant.
Method: 102 patients with mandible fractures have been
CLINICAL RESULTS O F SECONDARY BONE treated, the therapy of whom including the dental extrac-
GRAFTING F R O M THE SYMPHYSIS MANDIBLE tion from the fracture line followed by the replacement of
the extraction wound with "Bioplant". "Bioplant" (know-
Minami If. *, Mori i7., Tsukamoto E, Yamada T., Sakuda how biotransplant) is serially produced in the Bashkir state
M, Mishima K.,* Sugahara T,* research and production institute of brephotransplants and
EACMFS -Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 121

biopreparations of the Republic of Bashkortostan are related to individual departments rather than popula-
Academy of Sciences. tions.
Results: The cavity replacement of the tooth extracted from Study Design - The Authors studied the Friuli-Venezia
the mandible fracture line combined with the antiinflamma- Giulia Region records of hospital for oral and maxillofacial
tory therapy allowed to reduce the number of the mandible trauma inpatients for the years 1986-1996.
fracture pyo-inflammatory complications treated with the The diagnoses from the International Classification of
aid of the intermandibular stretching up to 7,9% (whereas Diseases (W.H.O. 1977) were used in order to identify all
in the control group of patients treated by the traditional cases treated in hospital in the Region.
method it is 16,3%). The Authors describe some of their findings, confirming
Conclusions: "Bioplant" is one of the most reliable medical the importance of measuring clinical workload.
preparations open to general use for the prophylaxis of the
suppurative complications of the mandible fractures and
may be a method of choice for the surgeon.

A NEW SYSTEM F O R MAXILLOFACIAL Mischkowski, R.A. *, Razzaghi, A., Klesper, B., Fangmann,

Triaea A., Minoretti R.*, McGurk M., McDonald F., Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of
Baumgartner R., Hunenbart S., Merz B., Cologne, Germany

Pyramide Klinik am See, Ziirich, Switzerland

Aims: To prove the efficacy of perioperative prophylaxis
+ UMDS Guy's and St. Thomas's Hospital, London, UK
with a corticosteroid and a non steroidal anti-inflamrnatory
§ Institut Straumann, Waldenburg, Switzerland
drug in reducing postoperative pain and swelling.
Study Design: Prospective randomized study.
AIM: Many recent works in the field of maxillofacial Method: One hundred and five patients, hospitalized for a
surgery were concerned with distraction osteogenesis. While bone-impacted 3rd molar removal in our hospital, were
many impressive results were obtained, current designs of randomly assigned to three groups: 1. no additional
distractors still seem to offer many possibilities of improve- treatment, 2. perioperative administration of Naproxen
ment. (2 x 500 rag), 3. perioperative administration of
It was therefore the aim of the present work, to design Methylprednisolone (1 x 250 mg iv) in addition to
and test a new system for distraction, which combines mini- Naproxen. The postoperative swelling was assessed by
mal invasiveness with a good variability in terms of axes to sonographic scans, tape measurements of the cheek and
be distracted and of modes of fixation. mouth opening. The degree of pain sensation was recorded
Methods: A system was designed which is based on several on the Visual Analogue Scale. To estimate the influence of
fundamental concepts: First, different axes may be com- individual factors, we also assessed the body mass index,
bined in a flexible way to achieve optimal adaptation to the skin type and ethnic origin.
individual patient. Second, as far as possible all moving Results: The statistical comparison of the three treatment
parts are placed inside the oral cavity, out of the soft tissues. groups showed a significant reduction in postoperative
Only the fixation units actually extend into the tissue. Third, swelling and pain after administration of Naproxen and
the distraction units are closed such that minimal exposure Methylprednisolone together. Naproxen alone lowered the
of moving parts is achieved. Forth, the fixation to the bone pain without a significant antiphlogistic effect. In two
segments may be achieved by using bone plates or ortho- groups we could demonstrate a positive correlation between
dontic appliances on the teeth. the body mass index and the amount of swelling.
Results: The new system was applied in the first cases to Conclusion: The study shows the efficiency of the periopera-
mandibles in skeletal class II malformations. Indications, tive administration of Naproxen and Methylprednisolone in
results and stability of patients treated to date are presented. prevention of swelling and pain in a 3rd molar removal
model. The results are also applicable to other maxillofacial
interventions. Routine use of these drugs could result in a
reduction in postoperative morbidity and hospital stay as
well as in a positive effect on patient compliance and subjec-
tive treatment assessment.

*A.Miotti, P.Andrian °, E.Panseri, L.Lattuada °, G.Sclippa °° [~ CLINICAL A P P L I C A T I O N O F CRYOPRESERVED

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Regional PALATOPLASTY
Trust Hospital, Udine, Italy
°Regional Health Authority, Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region, Mizuno 1t.*, Sawaki E, Hata If., Hibino E, Sumi Y.., Ueda M.,
°°Planning Unit, Regional Trust Hospital Udine, Italy Department of Oral Surgery, Nagoya University School of
Medicine, Nagoya, Japan
Subject - One way to analyse and audit patterns and stan-
dards of care is to measure clinical workload, and this is an Aim: To prevent a disturbance of maxillary growth after
important part of the work of a national health service. palatoplasty, we have tried an application of cultured oral
Few studies of this kind have been reported for the spe- mucosal epithelium (COME) for raw surface after push-
cialty of oral and maxillofacial surgery and most of them back operation. However, it is impossible to maintain an
122 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

availability of mucosal cells for long time under cultivation. dimensioned implants are important therapeutical tools.
To correspond this problem, cryopreserved COME was Augmentation of the bone can be done with various materi-
applied. als: artificial substitutes, autologous grafts or mixtures. In
Method: Five cleft palate patients were grafted cryopre- the dental office the taking of bone grafts is usually limited
served cultured oral mucosal epithelium for covering the to the oral cavity.
raw surfaces of hard palates after push-back operation. Implants may show an uneventful healing in the bone
Completed epitheliums were frozen following Hibino's and might be a good success from a surgical standpoint, but
method and preserved at -196oC for several months in cry- still they can show an unfavourable position or inclination
otubes. The cryopreserved cultured oral mucosal epitheli- for prosthetic superstructures. Also the interocclusal dis-
ums were rapidly thawed at 37oC in water bath and tance can be too large or too small. In these cases we use
immediately grafted with chitin sheets as carriers. individual abutments to overcome the problems.
Results: After one week, the grafted areas underwent re- Case reports show our biomechanical therapy concept.
epithelialization. There were no clinical differentiation at
wound healing and taking speed compared with non-frozen
cultured oral mucosal epitheliums.
Conclusion: This shows the availability of cryopreserved MINIPLATE O S T E O S Y N T H E S I S OF
COME. Furthermore, we report new treatment schedule of M A N D I B U L A R S U B C O N D Y L A R FRACTURES BY
cleft lip and palate patients taking advantages of cryopre- M E A N S OF AN INTRAORAL APPROACH
served cultured oral mucosal epithelium.
Mokros, S., Erie, A., Heidemann, IV..~, Gerlach, K.L.

Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Otto-von-Guericke

U L T R A S T R U C T U R A L CHARACTERIZATION OF University, Magdeburg, Germany
Aims: Displaced mandibular subcondylar fractures may be
reduced and fixed with miniplates using an intraoral
Mizutani, H.*, Senga, K., Ueda, M. approach. The video shows the method of reducing and fix-
ating a mandibular subcondylar fracture under endoscopic
control. Special instruments are required for use of this
Department of Oral Surgery, Nagoya University School of technique.
Medicine, Nagoya, Japan
Results: In the first part of the video the operation is
demonstrated on a model of a skull and the required instru-
Aims: To characterize a few types of adhesions in internal ments are introduced. The form of the specially constructed
derangement of TMJ ultrastructurally. miniplate with changed distances of the holes and the hold-
Methods: Tissue samples of adhesions were obtained during ing device of the 90 degree angulated electric drilling and
arthroscopic surgery from 25 joints of 18 patients with screw-driving unit, which prevents the screw from dropping
internal derangement of TMJ. All specimens were exam- off, should be noted.
ined with a transmission electron microscope. The second part of the video shows the clinical applica-
Results: Two types of collagen arrangements were observed tion of the method under endoscopic control. The
ultrastructurally; 1) highly arranged collagen bundles, 2) sequences of the operative technique, which were previously
randomly arranged collagen bundles. Elastic fibers could seen on the model of the skull, are shown in the clinical case.
also be seen in some parts of adhesion, consisting of ran- Conclusion: The technique demonstrated shows, that fixa-
domly arranged collagen. But there were no elastic fibers in tion of mandibular subcondylar fractures by miniplates is
some adhesion, consisting of only highly arranged collagen. possible using an intraoral approach, thus avoiding an
Conclusions: There might be relationships between the extraoral incision or transcutaneous drilling or screwing.
arrangement of collagen bundle and the exsistence of elastic
fiber. These ultrastructural findings suggested that the
arrangement of the extracellular components might corre-
spond to dysfunction of internal derangement of TMJ.
WAYS TO A M E A N I N G F U L OUTPATIENT THERAPY Moilaoglu, N*., Sarisoy, S., Yueel, E., Erkmen, E., Borkan,

Mohr, P. U Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of

Dentistry, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey
Private practice Jor oral surgery, Bitburg, Germany
Aims: To assess the success of bone grafts in bone trans-
When using implants within your ambulant dental therapy, plantation procedures and to compare bone grafts under
difficulties may occur both during the surgical and the different local environmental factors by considering their
prosthodontical phase. types and embryological origins.
An unsufficient bone supply in transversal and vertical Method: Four beagle dogs were used in this study. Standard
dimension, the neighbourhood of important anatomical defects were created in the maxilla, mandible, and tibias of
structures, a narrow space to adjacent teeth and impacted the dogs. The endochondral allografts that were obtained
teeth such as canines a n d premolars need extended preim- from these defects were transplanted to the mandible, and
plantological treatment. similarly the membranous allografts and autografts to the
Bone augmentation, sinuslift procedures and specially maxilla, membranous autografts to the tibia The maxilla,
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 123

mandible and tibias of one of the dogs were used as con- Method: Sixty healthy volunteers divided into five groups
trois. Compression force was applied to the standard seg- took part, and five different dental local anaesthetics:
ments that were obtained from the dogs, after three months Prilocaine 3%, Lidocaine 2%, Articain HCI 20mg, Articain
Results: Ossification was terminated without any problems 40rag, Mepivacaine with a different amount of vasocon-
as assessed by gross observation. No evident difference was strictor were used. Blood was taken (5cc) and all the blood
observed in the resistance of autografts and allografts and samples were analysed in the biomedical laboratory and
bone grafts of endochondral and membranous origin to also heart rate and blood pressure were recorded at 5 min.
compression forces. But, the control areas were found to be before, and 5, 20 and 120 rain. after the injection of the
slightly more resistant. dental local anaesthetic.
Conclusion: It would affect the results to do the transplan- Results: No significant changes in blood glucose level, heart
tation in the identical areas and to extend the study period. rate or blood pressure with the use of five different local
anaesthetics listed above were found.
Conclusion: It was concluded that the five dental local
anaesthetics, (up to 2cc.), listed above may be used confi-
D THE EFFECTS O F FIVE DIFFERENT DENTAL dently in dental practice in patients with cardiovascular
LOCAL ANAESTHETICS ON P L A S M A P O T A S S I U M problem or diabetes.
Moilaoglu, N*., Yucel, E., Cevik, C PRELIMINARY RESULTS

Department of Oral & MaxilloJacial Surgery, Faculty of Mommaerts, 3/1.*, Jacobs, W., Abeloos, £, De Clercq, C..
Dentistry, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey Neyt. L.. Vuylsteke. Ph., Bettens, R.

AIM: Division of Maxillo-Facial Surgery. A Z St-Jan. Brugge &

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of five A Z St.-Elisabeth, Herentals, Belgium
different types of dental local anaesthetics with or without
vasoconstrictor on plasma potassium levels in healthy vol- Aims: To define morbidity of mandibular distraction with
unteers having third molar removal. MD-DOS®.
Study Design: Mandibular distraction was performed in
METHOD: 16 patients (mean age 24.4 y, SD 11) for the following rea-
Sixty healthy volunteers divided into five different groups sons: Angle Class 11. deep bite deformity (11 ), sagging
took part and five different dental local anaesthetics with and after non-surgical treatment of subcondylar fractures (2),
without a vasoconstrictor, such as Prilocaine 3%, Lidocaine sleep apnoea syndrome (2), condylar resorption after orthog-
2%, Articain HCI 20mg, Articain 40mg, and Mepivacaine, nathic surgery (1). In 9 patients, the procedure was performed
were used. Blood was taken (5cc) at 5 min. before, and 5, 20 using local anaesthesia only. In 7 patients, the lower third
and 120 min. after the injection of dental local anaesthetic molars were removed in the same session. Mean advancement
and all the blood samples were analysed in the biomedical of lower incisor point was 5,4 mm (SD 1,2) in 10 bilateral
laboratory. cases that could be analysed cephalometrically. Neurosensory
disturbances (NSD) in the lower lip, cheek and tongue were
RESULTS: checked for. Postoperative discomfort and pain during distraction
A significant increase in plasma potassium levels was found were compared with that from mandibular advancement with a
with Prilocaine 3% (p<0.098) and Lidocaine 2% (p<0.015). bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO).
There were no significant changes with the other dental Results: There were no infections. Of 28 lip sides, only one
local anaesthetics. continued to have NSD 10 weeks postoperatively. One day
postoperatively, 18 lip sides had normal sensation. There
CONCLUSION: were no NSD's found in the cheek or tongue. Postoperative
It is concluded that the plasma potassium level is not related pain was, in 14 cases, less than with a BSSO. In 5 cases, pain
to the vasoconstrictor of the anaesthetics. during distraction was more than after a BSSO. Two
patients resumed work on the fourth postoperative day.
Conclusions: When MD-DOS is applied, pain should be
carefully monitored. NSD is less pronounced than after a
Yq THE EFFECTS O F FIVE DIFFERENT DENTAL BSSO. Infection is not to be expected.
Mollaoglu, N*., Cevik, C., Yucel E., Sarisoy, S. THE CURRENT STATE O F THE ART

Department of Oral & Maxilloji~cial Surgery, Faculty of Moos KF % Koppel DA, McLennan AMS,
Dentistry, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey.
Canniesburn Hospital Glasgow Scotland.
Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of
five different types of dental local anaesthetics, with and Introduction: From ancient to modern times, various allo-
without vasoconstrictor, on blood glucose concentration, plastic materials have been used to repair skull defects. We
heart rate and blood pressure in healthy volunteers having present our experience using several techniques for the
third molar removal operations. repair of skull defects over the last twenty years.
124 Journal of Cranio-MaxiilofacialSurgery

Method: A retrospective analysis of all our cases was made AIM

and the aetiology of the defect, method of reconstruction Three dimensional reconstructed image of computed
and success rate recorded. tomography (3D-CT) has been applied for diagnosis and
Results: The results of the analysis will be presented but the planning of orthognathic surgery. We already developed the
presentation will emphasise current techniques. The use of Unified Maxillofacial Measuring System standing on the
custom-made titanium and acrylic skull plates will be coordinate regulated by 3D cephalometric measurement. It
described and several modifications will also be presented to included data from 3D-CT and dental cast in its coordinate.
deal with particular problems, especially the cases with large Usually, 3D-CT gave us many suggestion at a glance, how-
brain volume deficits, large skull defects and the use of cus- ever, almost of them were qualitative and it will not give fur-
tom-made prefabricated plates for immediate reconstruc- ther quantitative information. In addition, to simulate a
tion following tumour resection. surgical procedure by the computer graphics was still diffi-
Conclusions: This study demonstrates a variety of reliable skull cult because of complex osteotomy line. The aim of this
reconstruction techniques and their particular indications. study was to develop a complete simulation system for sagit-
tal split ramus osteotomy (SSRO) and to support the
surgery quantitatively.


TREATMENT O F CRANIOFACIAL FIBROUS CT image was obtained from CT-9200 (Yokokawa medical,
DYSPLASIA (CFD) Tokyo), under the condition such as tube voltage; 120Kvp,
tube electrical current; 150mA, FOV; 250ram, slice thick-
Moreno M. ~, Martinez-Large J.L. , Marcos 0., Pineda A.
ness; 2mm, slice interval; 3ram. Imaging data was sent to the
workstation, Indigo2 IMPACT (Slicon Graphics, U.S.A.).
Dept. of Craniomaxillofacial Surgery (Head." Dr. JL. Our system was constructed and developed with
Martinez-Lage ). AVS/Medical Viewer on the workstation. This software real-
Hospital Ram6n y Cajal. Madrid. Spain. ized flexible image processing combining each module on
the network editor.
Aims : Review of the clinical evaluation, surgical indication
and ablative/reconstructive techniques performed in cases of RESULT
craniofacial fibrous dysplasia (CFD). 3D-CT image was constructed on the exact coordinate.
Method : We have revised 37 cases of C F D in order to : This also had data from dental cast. According to max-
-Determine the correct clinical evaluation to classify illo-mandibular relation, movement of the distal segment
the type of F D and to exclude possible associated syn- was calculated. The Osteotomy line and splitting surface
dromes. was set up based on actual surgery by our idea. Accuracy
-Establish the need of treatment and in such case the of our simulation was with in 0.5mm by the model
timing as well as the extension of the surgical tech- examination.
-Correlate the grade of activity of the dysplasic bone DISCUSSION
and the type of therapeutic technique of first choice. Almost simulation systems up to now could not set up their
Results: At the end of the diagnostic study, we must have a osteotomy line freely, because of machine and program
precise definition of the case : wether it is mono-polyostotic capacity. Now, we realized simulation cross to the actual
or disseminated, with or without endocrinopathy as well as operation. We will be able to calculate interference between
the radiologic pattern and a pathology study. segments.
In relation to the possible correlation between the grade
of osseous activity and the type of treatment , we have
observed that in cases in which the fibrous component is
predominant, the extirpation should be radical followed by LASER PHYSICS AND LASER-TISSUE-
inmediate reconstruction ; when the matm'e osseous compo- INTERACTIONS
nent predominants and the surgery is indicated, we perform
extirpation , remodelation and reimplantation (Technique M. Niibler-Moritz, H.F. Sailer
described by Martinez-Lage and col.)
Conclusions: Although the experience of our Department
Recently, based on a better understanding of laser-tissue-
allows us to present very different reconstructive techniques
interactions the term selective photothermolysis was coined
in C F D cases, we want to emphasize the excellent results in
to described site-specific, thermally mediated injury of chro-
those that have been treated by extirpation, remodelation
mophoric structures by selectively absorbed pulses of radia-
of dysplasic bone and reimplantation, behaving as a free
tion. The selectivity for a specific chromophore - such as
hemoglobin, melanin and water - allows the majority of the
energy absorbed by the target to be retained and reduces
thermal damage to surrounding tissue. Clinical applications
D E V E L O P M E N T O F A S I M U L A T I O N SYSTEM in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery such as pig-
F O R SAGITTAL S P L I T RAMUS O S T E O T O M Y W I T H mented lesion removal, hair removal, tattoo removal and
3D-CT treamtent of vascular lesions by means of different lasers
(e.g. Alexandrite, Dye, Ruby) as well as new skin resurfacing
Mori If..*, Minami K., Tsukamoto Y., Yamada T., Sakuda techniques using short-pulsed, high peak power, rapidly
M., Mishima K., Sugahara T. scanned, focused beam CO2 lasers are discussed. Special
emphasis is given to physical considerations and potential
OMFS II, Faculty of Dentistry, Osaka University interaction mechanisms between laser light and biological
OMFS I, Faculty of Dentistry, Okayama University, Japan tissues.
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 125

Aim: To prevent and minimise problems associated with

ORTHOPAEDIC AND F U N C T I O N A L PDT through a better understanding of the the complica-
CONSERVATIVE TREATMENT OF M O N O - AND BI- tions that might arise.
CONDYLAR FRACTURES Method: Based on a retrospective review of over 400 PDT
procedures, their complications and management.
Mozzati M., Ferrero R. , Arturi L., Bianchi R. Results: Laryngeal masks, fibreoptic endoscopy, careful pre-
operative evaluation and clinical experience can minimise
Turin, Italy the risks of serious complications associated with PDT.
Conclusions: PDT is not an entirely safe procedure.
This survey aims at monitoring and evaluating the thera- Operators need to be aware of the potential complications
peutic results of cases treated conservatively, five years after associated with the technique and the importance of having
the trauma. The authors examined 16 cases of maxillo- an experienced senior clinician present
facial trauma with 10 consequent monocondylar intracap-
sular fractures (5 of which were associated with paramedial
fracture of the mandible) and 6 bicondylar intracapsular
fractures (3 of which were associated with paramedial frac- D O G -AN E X A M P L E O F AN INTRA - ALVEOLAR
tures of the mandible). They used a conservative-therapeu- DISTRACTION OF THE M A X I L L A
tic protocol consisting of non-surgical treatment to stabilize
the mandible by a simple acrylic plate, anchored to the Heinzpeter Miiller-Sehelken
upper dental arch, which alowed firm linkage of the lower
teeth; and therefore of the mandible itself to the upper jaw. Wels, Austria
The plate mentioned is inserted in the patient's mouth forty-
eight hours after the accident, and it is kept there perma- Since the first international meetings on this subject - in
nently for forty days. Patients are monitored by routine June 1997 in Paris and in September 1997 in Stuttgart - we
radiological examinations completed by computerised all are interested on this new exciting field of bone distrac-
tomography with tridimentional maxillary reconstrution, tion. The Russian traumatologist and orthopaedic surgeon
and a kinematic-magnetic resonance after the therapeutic Ilizarov showed clearly this therapy in the extremities.
treatment. Finally, the clinical state of the patient is com- We present a case of a 15 year old boy with micromaxil-
pleted by a functional gnathological examination. Thirty-six lism,deep bite and retained second premolars, where we
months on average after this conservative treatment, could stretch the maxilla within the alveolar process, so that
patients were satisfied with their treatment, maintaining we could bring the retained teeth into the dental arch.
good and painless masticatory function, without any tran- In the literature there are, so far, only reports on animal
sient weakness of the mandibular branch of the facial nerve. studies in dogs, reported by Block, Rachmiel and Yamamoto.
Of the patients with monocondylar fractures, all regained We believe this device will be of interest in the future.
wide painless mouth opening (>35mm); only three of them
had a laterodeviation of 4 mm on opening the mouth, asso-
ciated with a bilateral click. In all cases mandibular move-
ments were free. There was no evidence of facial asymmetry
and no pain on palpation of the TMJ. In only one case did OPERATIVE A R T H R O S C O P Y OF THE
the patient refer to recurrent headaches. Of the patients with T E M P O R O M A N D I B U L A R JOINT: U S E F U L N E S S OF
bicondylar fractures, all had a wide painless mouth opening ELECTROSURGERY
(>35ram), free mandibular movement, in only one case was
Mufmz-Guerra, M.*, Rodrlguez-Campo F., Goizueta C., Gil-
there a laterodeviation of 5mm on opening the mouth, two
Diez JL., Sastre J., Naval L., Diaz FJ.
cases complained of headaches, two cases had slight articu-
lar pain and one case muscle tiredness while chewing. The
radiological examinations 36 months later, show the frac- Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital
tured part of the condyle, with dislocation of the same later- La Princesa, Madrid, Spain.
ally. By analysis of the kinematic-magnetic resonance, it is
possible, in all cases, to appreciate the normality of the Aims: Arthroscopy of the temporomandibular joint
range of movements of the previously injured TMJ. In no (TMJ) is a minimally invasive surgical method of treating
case is any sign of articular anchylosis detectable. Since the TMJ dysfunction. A set of operating instruments, includ-
surgical treatment of intracapsular fractures condylar is ing bipolar and monopolar cautery tips, has been minia-
particularly complicated and not devoid of grave complica- turized for operating procedures within this joint.
tions, sometimes irreversibly. The authors propose an Posterior retrodiscal scarification may cause constriction
orthopaedic and functional conservative treatment which of the posterior attachment and aid in retention of the
gives satisfactory functional results with absence of compli- repositioned disc. The aim of this study was to analyze the
cations. influence of this technique on the outcome of arthro-
scopic treatment.
Methods: Between January 1995 and July 1996, 40
patients were treated by TMJ arthroscopy (uni- or bilat-
DILATATIONAL T R A C H E O S T O M Y (PDT) eral) with posterior attachment electrocoagulation, partic-
ularly in the region of the oblique protuberance. The
Muhammad, J K * Patton, D. Major, E. Mangat, P. patients were evaluated for preoperative and postopera-
Hope, D. Thomas, D. Jerwood, C tive (1, 3 and 6 months) maximal interincisal opening
(MIO) and pain. All of them quantified pain on a visual
analog scale.
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Intensive
Therapy, Morriston Hospital, Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom Results: Thirty-five of the treated patients reported sucessful
results, with an improvement in joint noises and restoration
126 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

of jaw function without pain. At the 6 months follow-up, tumor, based on selective osteotomy of the mandible and
the increase in MIO was statistically significant (p< 0.05) immediate reconstruction. The external and inferior part
and dysfunction scores were reduced. of the mandible were macroscopically uninvaded by the
Conclusions: This study indicate that TMJ arthroscopy with tumor. Ablation included vertical splitting of the mandible
retrodiscal electrocoagulation is an effective surgical proce- through osteotomy. The internal side of the lateral and
dure for patients with TMJ internal derangement. This tech- frontal mandibular arch was removed with the tumor, as
nique may help hold the disc in its new position. well as the alveolar crest. In 9 cases median or paramedian
osteotomy was performed to gain access to the tumor.
Results: This technique leaves a good frontal arch of the
mandible as a support for soft tissues and the anterior inser-
r7 H O L M I U M - Y A G LASER IN T M J A R T H R O S C O P I C tion point for the tongue muscles. It is also a good base for
SURGERY. secondary reconstruction of the mandible and for prosthetic
rehabilitation. The inferior alveolar nerve and artery are
Kenlchiro Murakami, DDS, DMSc. preserved, thus the sensibility of the lower lip is maintained.
Fonation, mastication, and facial simetry are restored.
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Conclusions: This management of tumors provides a good sup-
Kyoto University (Japan) port for the anatomical structures after tumoral ablation and
for secondary and prosthetic reconstruction of the mandible.
Closure of the defect can be made per primam. Time for
Introduction: The application of laser surgery to the surgery is reduced and postoperative monitoring and follow-up
arthroscopy has been primarily attempted in the is easier as in reconstruction with flaps. Almost normal func-
Orthopedics, and Carbon dioxide, Nd-YAG and other laser tions are present in all patients immediately after surgery.
energy were tested. For the temporomandibular joint (TMJ),
the arthroscopic laser surgery was first clinically utilized with
contact Nd-YAG laser in the mid of 1980's. Thereafter the
use of holmium (Ho)-YAG laser has provided more reliable EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL TESTING OF
and safety procedure for TMJ laser arthroscopic surgery in O S T E O G E N I C MEMBRANS IN TREATMENT OF
all stages of internal derangement and arthrosis. Rationale: JAW TRAUMATIC INJURES.
Ho-YAG lasers operate at the 2100 nm wavelength, and its
feature in medical use is the pulsed infrared and short-wave Mustafaev M., Chergeshtov Yu., VolozinA.
length laser. As compared with Nd-YAG, Ho-YAG laser has
relative short absorption length in a fluid, therefore the abla- Medical stomatological Institute, postgraduate oral and
tion rate can be precisely controlled, and laser produces less maxillo-facial surgery department. Moscow. Russia.
thermal necrosis than that of the previous laser wavelength.
Since the Ho-YAG laser is delivered via fiber-optic cable, the
handling of surgical handpiece is quite convenient for the AIMS: Increasing the treatment effectiveness of jaw bone
operative procedure. Results: Varying amount of surgical fractures by stimulation of osseoregeneration.
manners such as laser cauterization, debridement, cutting METHODS: In experiments on 48 rats and 12 rabbits artificial
and release of intraarticular tissues, and synovectomy were marginal defects of mandible were performed. On one half of
able to be easily performed in a small joint compartment by them the injured bone area was surrounded by Polystom
one probe under the arthroscopic inspection, being selecting osteogenic membrane, which separated the bone surface from.
with laser energy and pulses per second. The disadvantages, surrounding tissues. The inserted membranes dissolved during
in contrast, were the high-cost equipment, needs of special the period of two to three months. Similar type of operations
training, relative long operating time, and possible inadver- were performed on clinical cases of mandible fractures in 18
tent damage to the adjacent issue. Conclusion: At the present patients. The healing process was checked by clinical, radiolog-
time, a Ho-YAG laser arthroscopic surgery to TMJ disorders ical and radiovisiography methods.
encourages the surgeon to provide a minimally invasive RESULTS: The study demonstrated the pronounced stimu-
surgery to the patient. lation of osseogeneration and shortening the length of
treatment after membrane application as compared with the
control. No complications were observed.
CONCLUSION: The results of experimental and clinical
M O R P H O L O G I C A L AND FUNCTIONAL investigations permit us to recommend the use of tested
REABILITATION USING A SPECIFIC SURGICAL method for clinical practice to improve the treatment of
MANAGEMENT IN ORAL CANCER mandibular fractures.

Muresan, O. ~, Lung, T.
Department of OMFS, Faculty of Stomatology, Iuliu W I T H COMBINED D E F O R M I T I E S OF THE JAWS
Haieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj- W I T H THE A P P L I C A T I O N O F CARBON-

Nabiev F., Karayan A., Drobot (7., Salidganov A.

Aims: The unsatisfactory and inconstant results of recon-
structive osteoplasty of the mandible determined us to pre- Department of Face and Neck Plastic Surgery Central
serve parts of the mandible, we used as an immediate
Research Institute of Stomatology, Moscow, Russia
support of the soft tissues and as a base for secondary
reconstruction of the mandible.
Method: 14 patients with scuamous cell carcinoma of the AIMS:
floor of the mouth and of the tongue (most of them T 3or The prevention of relapses of deformities of the upper jaw
T~) were selected to undergo a specific management of the and speeding up rehabilitation of patients after osteotomy.
EACMFS Abstracts, HelsinkiCongress 1998 127

METHOD" the institution. This is presumably because bone grafting is

After osteotomy and protrusion, of the upper jaw beyond performed to achieve different objectives. Boyne and Sands
the tuberosity of the maxilla, we placed a retentive element have classified the time for bone grafting into 4 stages: pri-
made of carbon-containing ceramic with fixation of the mary, early secondary, secondary, and late secondary bone
osteotomized fragments with titanium mini-plates. grafting. Eruption of the canine or the tooth neighbouring
the alveolar cleft into the alveolar cleft site might be pro-
RESULTS: moted by grafting autogenous iliac marrow and particulate
Since 1990, 52 patients with combined deformities of the cancellous bone from the alveolar cleft site to the anterior
jaws have been operated on. The long-term results were part of the hard palate. This is extremely important for the
studied clinico-roentgenologically within a period from 1 to improvement of the occlusion, and is one of the major
3-5 years. advantages of autogenous iliac marrow and particulate can-
cellous bone grafting. However, thorough studies should be
CONCLUSIONS: carried out to determine whether growth of the maxilla or
The results of the research have demonstrated the absence tooth eruption is affected by bone grafting in these stages.
of relapse of deformities, the shortening of the periods of Conclusions: It has become possible to promote eruption of
rehabilitation of the patients and the high bio-compatible the tooth neighbouring the alveolar cleft into the alveolar
qualities of the carbon-containing ceramic. cleft site by grafting autogenous iliac marrow and particu-
late cancellous bone from the alveolar cleft site to the ante-
rior part of the hard palate, in alveolar cleft patients, at
approximately 8 years of age following careful management
SIMULTANEOUS ORTHOGNATHIC SURGERY from birth. In addition, satisfactory growth has been
AND PRIVATE S E P T O R H I N O P L A S T Y achieved with regard to the depth of the maxilla and the
height of the upper face.
Nadjmi, N.*, Jackson, L T., Topf J.S., Lash, S.

Institute for Craniofacial and Reconstructive Surgery, CREATION O F AN INTEGRATED L I F E - S I Z E D

Affiliated with the Providence Hospital, Southfield, SOLID M O D E L INCLUDING VASCULAR

Aims: It is frequent for patients who present for orthog- Yuji Nakanishi*, Tatsuo Nakajima+, Yohko Yoshimura+
nathic surgery to have other facial deformities such as
nasal deformity and hypoplasia of the zygomas. They *Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Ise Keio
may also have functional problems such as airway block- Hospital, Keio University, Ise, Mie, Japan
age. Simultaneous correction of these deformities is pre- ?Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Fujita
sented. Health University School of Medicine, Totoake, Japan
Method: Careful planning of this surgery is essential
together with comprehensive orthodontic preparation. One
The recent development of a computer-aided design and
hundred fifty patients underwent bimaxillary osteotomy
computer-aided manufacturing system has made it possible
procedures. Rhinoplasty and corrective airway surgery car-
to produce life-sized models of the skeleton, made from laser-
ried out in the same procedure. A significant number also
curable resins. We have used these models for the preoperative
had augmentation of the zygomas. Many had neck liposuc-
simulation of surgical procedures for the last 6 years.
However, the skeletal model alone does not facilitate the
Results: The result of this type of surgery has been most
understanding of the spatial relationship between the soft tis-
gratifying, both for surgeon and patient. An analysis of
sues and the bone. Therefore, we developed a model with
operating time, hospital stay, and long term result will be
both soft tissue and bony components. Using this integrated
presented. Numerous clinical examples will be shown, and
model, any defect, displacement, or deformity of facial ele-
the complications will be discussed.
ments can be clearly visualized. (Plast. Reconst. Surg.
Conclusions: Orthognathic and rhinoplastic surgery can be
96:1020, 1996.)
combined with satisfactory result and few complications.
In the case of vascular lesions such as haemangioma,
vascular images can be supplied through a CT angiogram.
Combining these data with our integrated model, we have
developed an advanced integrated model that can identify
vascular information with that of the bones and soft tissue.
In this presentation, the method of creating the new inte-
grated model will be described.

Nagayama, H. *, Fujisawsa, T.
*Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Okayama. O S S E O U S LESIONS OF THE BASE O F SKULL
Red Cross General Hospital, Okayama, Japan, Orthodontic
Office, Okayama City, Japan Dr. Abbas Khodayari Namin ~,

Aims: Autogenous iliac bone grafting has frequently been

Tehran, Iran
performed, to ill! bone defects in alveolar cleft patients, in
order to obtain improved maxillofacial and external nasal Fibro-osseous lesions are the most common problem in the
morphology. However, the age and site for bone grafting, as oral and maxillofacial region especially the Juvenile active
well as the method employed, differ slightly depending on Fibro-osseous form. The fibro-connective tissues of RD.L.
128 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

are composed of collagen fibres, Oxytalene fibres & Nauta, J.M. r~, Witjes, M. 1, Roodenburg, J.L.R. I, Star,
Mucopolysaccharides, which surround the roots of teeth. W.M. 2, Nikkels, P.G.J.s, Tomson, S.L. 4' Vermey, A. 1.
The mesanchymal cells which produces the cementum, alve-
olar bone and fibrous tissues in the oral cavity and jaws are Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery I University
affected by the pathological changes occurring in the Hospital Groningen, P.O. Box 30.001, 9700 RB, Groningen,
tumours and these invade other vital anatomical areas such The Netherlands, Department of Pathology, University
as sinuses, facial bones and especially the base of skull. As Hospital Groningen, Department of Photodynamic Therapy,
these lesions are usually painless, the patient presents with De Danidl de Hoed Cancer Centre, Rotterdam, The
facial asymmetry even if the lesion invades the skull base. Netherlands and Department of Pathology 4, M.D. Anderson
Thorough physical examination, complete laboratory inves- Cancer Centre, Houston, Texas, USA.
tigations, X-rays, 3D C.T. scans and biopsies are deemed
necessary for a correct diagnosis and appropriate manage-
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a new cancer treatment
ment. The treatment recommended for these invasive lesions
modality with the potential for selective local destruction of
is complete resection and extirpation of the tumour.
malignant tumours. PDT is based on the systemic adminis-
Radiation therapy is not indicated in these cases.
tration of a photosensitizing drug which may be retained
* ABBAS KHODAYARI; D.M.D Oral & Maxillofacial selectively in tumours relative to the surrounding normal
Surgeon tissues and can be activated by laser light of the correct
Member Board of Medical Science Faculty wavelength to produce a selective, local cytotoxic effect.
Member of American Association of O.M.ES & College of However, retention of the photosensitizing drug, the
O.M.ES haematoporphyrin derivative (HPD) in tumour tissue, has
No: 159, 1st floor Dr. Fatemi Ave. Opposite Water Corp been found not to be as selective as hoped for. Therefore, a
Tehran-Iran.Z.C: 14146 TEL: 0098-21-654960 FAX: 0098- proper knowledge of the morphological alterations induced
21-8866344 by PDT not only in the area of the tumour but also of the
adjacent normal mucosa is of importance with respect to
the early and late complications of PDT. Although the oral
cavity is easily accessible for PDT, there are not many
[~ PALATOPLASTICS AS A "BIOTHERAPEUTIC KEY" reports dealing with PDT of the oral mucosa. Furthermore,
the effect of PDT on normal oral tissue has received little
Naumovski, S. *, Vaskov, L, Lansineva, A. attention. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of
PDT on the normal palatal mucosa and surrounding nor-
Clinic for Maxillofacial surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, mal tissues such as bone, the dentition and other maxillofa-
University of Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, R. of cial structures. PDT-induced changes were examined for
Macedonia, Oulu Hospital, Finland both macroscopic and microscopic alterations. Several com-
binations of different drug doses and excitation light doses
The aim of this study is to analyze the PALATOPLASTICS were studied. It was found that changes in the epithelium
and surrounding structures were proportional to both the
(seo. Veau Wardil Killner) as a "biotherapeutic key" for
drug and light dose. Furthermore, PDT with HPD of nor-
rehabilitating the growth and development orofacial com-
plex, speech development, rhinolalia prevention, hearing mal tissue was found to produce irreparable damage, among
others, to bone and the dentition. Before PDT can be con-
reduction and the possible presence of otitis media.
sidered as a new treatment modality in head and neck
During the 15 years period (1980-1996), 99 patients with
oncology, these side effects have to be carefully considered
operated primary and secondary palatum were examined
and further studies are needed to define optimal drug-light
(33 - BLCP, 33 - ULCP, 33 CP). Orthodontic surveys,
dose combinations or to study new photosensitizing agents
phonological analysis, audio-otology status, otorhinolaryn-
with more favourable photosensitizing properties.
gological examination, lateral telerentgenorama and photo
slides were done with every patient.
The maxilla hypoplasia is present in all the the operated
patients, dominating at BCLR less expressed at UCLR [~ ANALYSIS O F THE O U T C O M E OF SURGICAL
while at CP it is accompanied with protrusion on the front. TREATMENT F O R S Q U A M O U S CELL CARCINOMA
The chance for satisfactory "push back" of the palatum OF THE ORAL CAVITY
with this method was a crucial element which was actually
the reason why we preferred this method for palatoplastics. Naval L*, Rodriguez F, Dfaz F, , GiiDiez JL, Rubio P,
The analysis of the competent contact of the soft palate Muwz M, Martin-Granizo R, Padrdn A, Sastre J,
with the back wall of the pharynx, confirmed it as a method
of choice with this kind of intervention. We have discovered Maxillofacial Department, Hospital de la Princesa, Madrid,
22 cases (22.22%) with incompetent contact of the soft Spain
palate with the back wall of the pharynx. The otology -
audio aspects of the intervention have also been considered.
The competent contact of the soft palate with the back wall Aims : To evaluate the results of more than 15 years, treating
of the pharynx enabled the quality of speech impediments by surgery and postoperative radiotherapy, all the locations
to be satisfactory normal (54.55%), understandable of oral carcinoma.
(44,40%), and unsatisfactory speech impediments were Method : This is a retrospective study of 279 patients
found with 5,05%. primarily operated on between 1979 and 1995 with a
minimal follow-up of three years (82% of them for 5
years). Statistical analysis for relapse and survival was
calculated by K a p l a n - M e i e r curves and the log-rank
T H E E F F E C T OF P H O T O D Y N A M I C T H E R A P Y test.
Results : The study group showed a male preponderance
(78%), 6% were younger than 40 years, 23% had second
EACMFS Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 129

malignancies. The most frequent locations were mobile Aims: To present our experience since 1990, of using the C02
tongue and floor of the mouth (57%). Advanced stages (III-IV) laser for oncological surgery of the tongue and lips.
were found in 53% of the cases. Neck dissection was done in 73% Methods: The Sharplan 1020 C02 laser beam was used for
of the patients. Regional control for all stages was better for No resection and reconstruction with local flaps in pre-malig-
patients treated with elective neck dissection. Close or positive nant and malignant conditions of the lips. The advantages
margins of resection (24%o), perineural or extranodal spread of of the C02 laser as compared with a "cold knife" is dis-
the tumour were related to a worse prognosis (22%). RT was cussed.
given in 50% in cases of positive margins, several affected nod- The ability of the focused C02 laser beam as a cutting
ules or extracapsular spread, or E IV tumours. At 3 years 44% of instrument and the defocussed beam as a vaporising instru-
patients had a relapse : local (39%), homolateral neck (20%), ment is presented and demonstrated in several clinical cases.
locoregional (20%),contralateral (6%), distant metastases (13%). Results: Using the C02 lasel, almost bloodless operations
72% were treatable. Survival: the 3 year ultimate real survival was could be performed. No significant damage to the tissues
71% (Stage MI) and 48% (Stage III-IV). For positive margins 5 occurred from the point of view of obtaining a biopsy and
year real survival was 31%, for negative margins 57%. definition of 'healthy borders' of the resection.
Conclusions: For No patients we achieved better neck control Conclusion: It is advisable to use the C02 laser for resection and
with elective dissection. Margin status is an important prognos- reconstruction of tumours in tongue and lips because of the
tic factor. We suggest some changes in our treatment protocol. better control of bleeding, sealing of lymph vessels during oper-
ation on a malignant condition, and better sterile conditions.


Navarro Vila, C.*; Lopez Atalaya, J.; Ferndndez-Alba, J.;
Saimeron, JL; Ochandiano, S.; Barrios, JM. Neff A*, Kober C, Zeilhofer HF, Sader R, Deppe H, Kuhn
A, Hoffmann KH, Horch HH,
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hospital
General Universitario " Gregorio Maralon", Universidad Dpt. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of
Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain. Technology, Munich, Germany

Aim: We present several cases of this flap reconstruction and Computer based simulation tools are being applied more
we show in an objective way the aesthetics and functional and more in medical research.One topic is the simulation of
condition of each one of them. We will analyze the function the elastomechanical properties and processes in complex,
of swallowing, phonation and mastication, and we will show three-dimensional objects such as the human mandible.
the functional impairments at the donor site, and the adapta- Until now, most models were based on the finite element
tion to their occupational, social and familiar environment. method (FEM). One disadvantage of this approach is static
M & Methods: The osseomyocutaneous flap, described by nature of these simulation tools, as they cannot mimic the
Demergasso in 1977, allows mandibular bone and oral soft individual conditions in a living patient. The computation
tissue reconstruction in patients subjected to complex resec- of inhomogeneity effects such as the varying properties of
tions. Our service, has great experience in oromandibular cortical and cancellous bone or the individual preference
reconstruction using this flap and has been a worldwide pio- direction of osseous geometry is feasible only within tight
neer of placing osseointegrated implants for the subsequent limits.
implant-supported dental rehabilitation, which permits the A new, computer based biomechanical model of the
normal masticatory function. We present 2 cases of middle mandible is presented, built on a mathematical software
aged males who developed a carcinoma of the floor of the package for numerical analysis of partial differential equa-
mouth and gum which was reconstructed with this flap. tions. This program is not another implementation of the
Results: This flap is criticized by some authors, funda- FEM, but rather a descriptive language for the solution of
mentally because of the sequellae created at the d o n o r equations, which were treated with F E M - Methods. One
site. However, when the integrity of the acromio-clavicu- advantage is the unambiguous description of inhomoge-
lar joint is maintained, the disability created is minimal, neousness similar to that given through the anisotropy of
and the patients are efficient of accomplishing the nor- human tissue. After the data have been loaded, thecomputa-
mal functions of dressing and cleaning. The aesthetic tion time is only a few minutes, since the program runs on a
shortcoming is acceptable and the mobility of the upper vector computer (CRAY).
limb is excellent. The soft tissue reconstruction with the Five human mandibles were recorded in 3D-CT stud-
skin of the shoulder allows good mobility of the tongue. ies. Cortical and spongy bone and the teeth were seg-
Conclusion: Mandibular reconstruction with this flap, pro- mented from the image data set, followed by the
vides an excellent result, permitting very good rehabilita- numerical description of the surface geometry and the
tion through osseointegrated implants, creating minimal spatial triangulation. To capture the elastomechanical
sequellae in the donor area. parameters completely, the muscle insertion areas and
their respective force vectors were included in the mathe-
matical mandible model. Thereafter, the individual bio-
USE O F C02 LASER F O R R E S E C T I O N AND mechanical properties of the jaws, such as the effect of a
R E C O N S T R U C T I O N IN L I P M A L I G N A N C I E S defined external force impact could be simulated.
Comparing the mathematical simulation to in-vitro stud-
Neder, A. ies, an identical fracture behaviour could be verified in
corresponding object pairs.
Private Clinic, Rehovot, Israel The individual mathematical model presented includes
all necessary parameters for the biomechanical descrip-
130 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

tion of the mandible. Thus, it becomes possible to trans- without damaging the vessels or shortening anoxia time. On
fer biomechanical test details from the laboratory into the mental part, 2 osteotomies were performed at the angle
the computer. It is our goal to shift the traditional biome- of 451 2 cm. from the middle on both sides. The optimal
chanical tests, as they have been done in traumatology form from the angle of the mandible is obtained by cuting
and orthopaedic surgery, away from a trial-and-error the wedge at an angle of 601.
experiment into a more deterministic numerical environ- Results: Seven patients with various defects of the mandible
ment, to find mathematical solutions to clinical prob- were operated on at our clinic. The sizes of the defects were not
lems, to accelerate this investigative process, and to less 10cm. The concomitant defects of adjacent soft tissues
optimize the solutions by diligent analysis of all known were successfully replaced with the septocutaneus part of this
parameters. flap.
Conclusions: The fibula flap can close defects of the
mandible of various sites and lengths.
Negishi, A.*, Takaesu, M., Yoshimasu, H., Amagasa, T.
Nerobeyev A.I., Churgaya T..S.M.
First Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty
of Dentistry, Department of Face and Neck Plastic Surgery Central
Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan Research Institute of Stomatology, Moscow, Russia

Aims: Secondary bone grafting into the residual alveolar

cleft in patients with cleft lip and palate has become a well- To restore synchronous, symmetric and involuntary move-
established procedure with well-accepted advantages. ments in patients with a facial paralysis of different degrees
Morphology of the cleft prior to the grafting and outcome and extent.
of surgery is generally evaluated by intraoral radiographs,
however, the actual cleft and grafted bone is different from
two-dimensional (2D) radiograph images. Three-dimen- METHOD:
sional computed tomography (3D-CT) images have been The operation is based on clinical research and treatment of
reported to be helpful in understanding the maxillofacial about 300 patients with facial palsy of various degrees, aeti-
morphology. The aim of this study is to evaluate if 3D-CT is ology and character, ranging in age from 6 to 80 years.
more suitable for the evaluation of alveolar cleft before and Patients were divided into 2 groups with the nerve damage
after bone grafting than 2D radiographs. at the intra- or extracranial level. Some of these patients
Methods: Sixteen patients with unilateral alveolar cleft were have been treated by dynamic methods, and others by static
examined by 3D-CT images. Before bone grafting, mor- methods of surgical correction of the paralysed face. In the
phology and volume of the alveolar cleft were estimated. 6 algorythm for the first of these groups the following factors
months after bone grafting, the alveolar bone height and were taken into account: age, general condition of the
the extent of augmentation of the alar base of the nose patient, character of accompanyning disturbance, state of
were examined by 3D-CT in comparison with 2D radi- donor's affected area and recipient vessels.The static meth-
ographs. ods of correction are used as methods independent of the
Results: The 3D-CT images of the morphology were more surgical treatment of the patient. They were used in quality
comprihensible than the 2D images. It was easy to estimate corrective measures after neuro- and myoplastic operations.
how much volume of the bone is necessary to reconstruct
the cleft area. The alveolar bone height after bone grafting RESULTS:
was better visualized in 3D-CT than in 2D images. Only 3D- Restoring symmetry of a face and symmetric movements
CT imaging enabled us to evaluate the augmentation of the was achieved in 80 % of the patients. The indications for a
alar base. defined technique in each specific case are defined.
Conclusions: The 3D-CT imaging allowed for greater evalu-
ation of the conditon of the alveolar cleft before and after CONCLUSIONS:
bone grafting. A variety of a clinical pictures of paralyses requires the
development of a surgical algorythm of treatment of the
given pathology. The algorythm is based on the treatment of
300 patients with a facial paralysis, and allows us to achieve
good functional and cosmetic results.

Nerobeyev A., Verbo H.

Department of Face Neck Plastic Surgery Central Research DIFFERENT EYELID DYSFUNCTIONS.
Institute of Stomatology, Moscow, Russia
Nerobeyev A.L, Churgaya T.S.M., Marinicheva L G.
Aims: Elaboration of the method of fabricating the osseous
Department of Face and Neck Plastic Surgery Central
part of a fibula flap according to the shape of the mandible.
Research Institute of Stomatology, Moscow, Russia
Method: In the experiment, average parameters of the
angles for performing wedge osteotomies of the fibula were
calculated as a result of which the form of the mandible is Aims: The aims of eyelid reanimation surgery are defined by
restored. Osteotomies were performed at the donor site the normal lid function.
EACMFS Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 131

Method: Our report is based on clinical research and treat-

ment of 40 patients with different changes in the eyelids. LARGE CONDYLAR EXOSTOSES
Among them: 32-with a paralyzed eyelid; in 17 of them a
Neyt, L., De Clercq, C., Abeloos, J., Mommaerts, 34.
retraction of the upper eyelid; 8 - with partial ptosis of the
upper eyelid. Paralytic lagophthalmos was corrected using
gold weights inserted in the upper eyelid; ear cartilage graft Division of Maxillo-Facial Surgery, A Z St-Jan, Belgium
was used for elongating the levator palpebrae muscle;
medial and lateral canthoplasty, lower lid shortening, sus- Aims: To describe the clinical picture, the radiographic appear-
pension by a strip of fascia lata; browpexy were also used. ances and the therapeutic options in two cases with very large
Partial ptosis of the upper eyelid was corrected using the condylar exostoses, one of them extending to the lateral nasal wall.
method of reinnervating the levator palpebrae muscle by Method: Two adult patients are presented who exhibited
cross-facial nerve grafts. progressive trismus and a laterognathic deformity caused
Results: The results were exellent in 35 of 40 patients and by a large exostosis. The treatment consisted of condylec-
good in the other 5. tomy and removal of the exostosis via a temporal approach
Conclusions: For full restoration of eyelid function, it is nec- with temporary zygomatic arch displacement, as described
essary to take into account the ratio of the tone of the orbic- by Obwegeser (1985). In one patient the condyle was recon-
ularis muscle and levator palpebrae muscle. Therefore for structed by means of the tip of the exosotosis, while in the
differing degrees of eyelid dysfunction we used a combina- other patient the resected condyle was replaced.
tion of techniques; this has give very good functional and Results: The aesthetic and functional results were satisfying.
aesthetic results. Long-term follow-up is indicated because of possible
growth of the reconstructed condyle.
Conclusion: The temporal approach provides good access for
removal and reconstruction of condylar masses. Condylar
RECONSTRUCTION O F THE M A X I L L A IN reconstruction with a part of the exostosis is questionable.
PREPARATION F O R I M P L A N T A T I O N O F References: Obwegeser, H.L.: Temporal approach to the
OSSEOINTEGRATED I M P L A N T S TMJ, the orbit, and the retromaxillary-infracranial region.
Head Neck Surg 1985;7:185-199.
F. W. Neukam, M. Erbe, S. Schultze-Mosgau, S. Girod

Department of Oral and Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery,

Friedrich-Alexander- UniverstitSt Erlangen-Nnrnberg, [~ ULTRASOUND INVESTIGATION O F EXPANSILE
Glueckstrasse 11, 91054 Erlangen, Germany JAW LESIONS

Ng, S.E*, Marinho, R.O.M., Carter, J.L.B.

The reconstruction of the maxilla after tumour resection
and radiation is a difficult therapeutic problem. Especially Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, The Royal
due to radiation therapy the regeneration potency of the London Hospitals N H S Trust, London, England.
local tissue, especially the bone is diminished and the soft
tissue may be fibrotic. In cases with large defects where
reconstruction of the bony defects is planned in preparation Definitive preoperative diagnosis of expansile jaw lesions is
for integration of intraosseous implants, reconstruction difficult from plain radiographs alone.
with microvascular free flaps seems to be a possibility for Management of such lesions varies depending on their
the patient's functional rehabilitation. pathological nature and whether they involve other struc-
From 1/96 to 10/97 7 patients (6 oral squamous cell car- tures, including the soft tissues.
cinoma and 1 osteosarcoma) who had been treated with In a patient with a large odontogenic keratocyst of the
maxillectomy and radiation reconstruction was planned mandible, soft tissue involvement was revealed by ultra-
with microvascular radialis flap, latissimus dorsi flaps and sound scanning.
osteocutaneous fibula transplants, as well as bone transfer The ultrasound findings in this case and that of a large
from the iliac crest. In three patients the outer skin of the mandibular dentigerous cyst will be presented.
cheek had to be reconstructed as well. Preoperative plan- Although computed tomography and magnetic resonance
ning was performed using stereolithographic models to eval- imaging may show soft tissue involvement very well, they are
uate the bony defect and plan the size and shape of the bone not generally considered to be the best routine investigations
transplant, or bone transplants were integrated. In compar- for a jaw cyst. Besides, computed tomography involves ioniz-
ison the free iliac crest transplant showed siginificantly ing radiation and both CT and MRI are very expensive tech-
higher resorption rates (25 to 30 %) than the microvascular niques. In this regard, ultrasound imaging has a role to play.
anastomosed bone transplants. In those cases, were free iliac Ultrasound is safe, non-invasive, quick, cheap, and
crest was transplanted, a second augmentation had to be widely available.
performed in order to provide enough bone for implanta- The role of ultrasound imaging will be discussed and
tion of osseointegrated implants. compared with other imaging modalities.
In conclusion, microvascular bone transplants, example
given the osteocutaneous fibula flap, appears to be
favourable as far as bone resorption is concerned. The prob- [~ DNA CONTENT (PLOIDY) AND P R O G N O S I S IN
lem here is the shaping of the transplant to provide an ade- SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA O F THE HEAD
quate position for implantation of osseointegrated implants AND NECK
and the relatively short pedicle which makes microvascular
anastomosis for the reconstruction of the maxilla more dif- Nikolaeva, T.*, Hudirat , S., A chundov ,A., Alferov , V.,
ficult. In our presentation advantages and disadvantages of Uvavov ,A., Dobrynin , Y. N.N.Biokhin
free versus microvascular bone graft for reconstruction of
the maxilla in preparation for integration of osseointegrated Cancer Research Center, RAMS, Moscow, Russia
implants will be discussed in further detail.
132 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

Aims: To study the cell population pattern (ploidy) and to Conclsions: Ankylosis type III takes place between the condy-
evaluate significance of ploidy D N A in the prognosis of the lar stump and fossa while the displaced condyle, with the disc
disease. attached, is ankylosed to the medial aspect of the stump.Using
Method: One hundred and forty six patients (pts) were CT for guidance, the ankylosing mass is resected leaving the
examined, who had primary squamous cell carcinomas of condyle and disc untouched in medial aukward position for
the head and neck ( 94 larynx and 52 oral cavity cancer). normal function and growth. Total joint resection and recon-
All pts underwent only surgery a n d / o r with radiotherapy/ struction in ankylosis type III is contraindicated.
chemotherapy. The follow up period was 6 to 103 months.
D N A content was determined in operation specimens of
turnout tissue, using an ICP-22 flow cytometer. Fh T M J A N C H O R E D DISC P H E N O M E N O N (ADP)
Results: It was shown that diploid and aneuploid cancer SIGN & SYMPTOMS, TREATMENT AND
occur at equal rates. The rate of aneuploid tumours PATHOGENESIS O F A NEW CLINICAL ENTITY
increased with disease progression. There was a preponder-
ance of aneuploid tumours in all histological forms of Nitzan D W
growth studied. The rate of recurrence under investigation
was mainly associated with aneuploidy and was 1.5-3 time Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hadassah
more than diploid ones. Five year survival time in aneu- Hospital, Hebrew Univ Jerusalem Israel
ploid pts was 4.5%, in diploid ones - 74.2 %. Sixty two pts
with laryngeal cancer ( I-III stage) underwent only surgical
treatment (34 diploid and 28 aneuploid). Five year survival The aims of this study are to establish a rationale for a particu-
time in pts with a diploid tumour was 2.5 time better than lar type of sudden and severely restricted mouth opening
in pts with aneuploid ones. The postoperation plus radio- caused by the disc anchoring to the fossa, to recommend appro-
therapy survival time was better in diploid oropharyngeal priate treatment, and to describe its possible pathogenesis.
cancer pts (21pts) than in aneuploid (21 pts) ones ( 76.4 % Patients & Methods: The clinical characteristics proving the
versus 30.4 %). We emphasize that survival time was worse hypothesis, the proposed pathogenesis, and treatment of the
in aneuploid oral cavity cancer pts (11.2 %). In aneuploid disorder are based upon data published in the literature and
laryngeal cancer this index was 43.6 %. Preoperative our clinical experience with the diagnosis and treatment of
chemotherapy has a tendency to increase survival time in this disorder.
aneuploid cancer pts (71.4 %) versus 51.8% in diploid ones. Results: A group of patients with severely limited mouth
Our findings do not allow us to compare the results of opening (<25mm) due to highly restricted condylar sliding,
radio- or chemotherapy alone for diploid and aneuploid unrelated to internal derangement, has previously been
head and neck cancer. We believe that the comparative identified. Arthrocentesis of the joint's upper compartment
study of diploid and aneuploid cancer response to different re-estalishes normal mouth opening. This disorder proba-
therapeutic modalities should be continued. bly develops as a result of the disc adhering to the fossa pre-
Conclusion: The highly informative value of D N A ploidy in venting the condyle from sliding. Intra-articular changes by
head and neck carcinomas for prognosis and for working joint loading may be associated with intermittent overload-
out the individual approach to further treatment is empha- ing of the joint which initiates hypoxic reperfusion cycle
sized. producing free radicals, which cause a variety of changes,
one of which is degradation of the hyaluronic acid (HA). In
its degraded form, H A loses its potential as protector and
lubricant of the articular surfaces, allowing adherence of
[~ THE STATUS O F T H E DISPLACED CONDYLE IN the smooth joint surfaces. Arthrocentesis releases the
SURGERY O F T M J ANKYLOS1S TYPE III adhered surfaces, reestablishing movement. Prevention of
readherence is accomplished by the patient's awareness and
Nitzan DI~, , Bar Ziv j2, Shteyer A 1 by using a specifically constructed joint unloading interoc-
clusal appliance. Post operative physiotherapy is useful for
1Dept of OMS, the final rehabilitation of the joint and normal muscles
:Dept of Radiology, Hadassah Hospital, Hebrew Univ function.
Jerusalem, Israel

The traditional surgical treatment of ankylosis type I I | & |V A NEW APPROACH TO FACIAL ASYMMETRY
consisits of total joint resection followed by joint gap CAUSED BY T M J ACTIVE CONDYLAR
arthroplasty or reconstruction. HYPERPLASIA
The objective of this presentation is to propose an
hypothesis regarding the value of the fractured displaced Nitzan DW, Brin I, Azaz B
condyle in the rehabilitation of mandibular function and
growth in patients with ankylosis type III. Depts. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and Orthodontic,
Presented are four patients, 9 to 42 years old, with TMJ Hadassah Hospital, Hebrew Univ Jerusalem Israel
ankylosis type III presenting maximal mouth opening of 15
to 19 mm with minimal lateral and protrusive movements.
Using the guidance of improved CT scan the patients Active Condylar Hyperplasia (ACH) is associated with
underwent TMJ surgery which included elimination of the facial asymmetry and occlusal diturbances. Its traditional
ankylosis site, leaving the displaced condyle and disc treatment includes condylectomy and orthognatic surgery in
untouched in their aukward position followed by intensive one or two stage procedure.
physiotherapy. The objective of this paper is to prove the hypothesis that
One to four years after surgery the four patients demon- the elimination of the growing site only is followed by a
strated a maximal mouth opening of 44 to 50 mm as well as gradual remodelling, self correcting process of both the
improved contralateral and protrusive movements. The two facial and occlusal disturbances, due to normal muscular
younger patients demonstrated improved facial symmetry. orientation.
EACMFS Abstracts, HelsinkiCongress 1998 133

Eighteen patients with ACH underwent high condylec- Introduction: The development of methods for 3D registra-
tomy only. Cephalometric radiographs and casts taken tion of surfaces renders possible the volumetric control of
before and at least a year after surgery were used to demon- the pre- and postoperative status, e.g. swelling, volumetric
strate the variuos levels of spontanious rehabilitation of changes in microvascular flaps, control of operative results
facial symmetry and occlusion. by comparison of symmetry, analysis of growth and anthro-
Conclsions: 1.ACH is associated with developing facial pological serial examinations.
asymmetry and occlusal disturbances. 2. Elimination of the Materials and methodes: The requested object is scanned by
condyle-the actively growing site, stops mandibular over- the coded light approach with a precise sinusoidal grey
growth. 3. Elimination of the condyle - the actively growing value display. The construction of the 3D image is achieved
site, is followed by a gradual, partial or total self correction by calculation of the single pixels by means of phase mea-
of facial asymmetry and occlusal disturbances The process suring triangulation. The time for measurement takes 320
of face and occlusion remodelling will be discussed. ms. The precision of measurement is 300 lm.
After a computer-aided matching of pre- and postopera-
tive images the difference in volume can be acquired by a
T M J SURGICAL MANAGEMENT OUTCOMES: newly developed interactive procedure.
ARTHROCENTESIS Sample of application: The volumetric determination is
high-lighted by the pre- and postoperative appearanches of
Nitzan DW. a patient undergoing third molar removal of the right upper
and lower jaw.
Disseussion: This methode will be a great benefit in plastic
Dept. of OMS, HSDM, Hebrew Univ. Jerusalem, Israel
and reconstructive surgery of facial defects. The 3D scan-
ning of the facial surface will allow precise predictions of
Arthrocentesis is a simple and efficient procedure that can shape and volume stability of the reconstructions.
be performed under local anaesthesia. It carries no reported
The method proved efficent for disorders associated with
limited joint motion and especially in severly limited mouth STUDIES ON THE SURVIVAL RATE O F VARIOUS
opening caused by a newly described phenomenon: the E N O S S A L I M P L A N T SYSTEMS
Anchored Disc Phenomenon (ADP). Patients with A D P
experienced an increase in maximal mouth opening (MMO) Cand. med. Nicole Noack, *Dr. Jiirgen Wilier, Dr. Dr.
from 23.115.2 to 44.212.4, associated with marked reduction Jiirgen Hoffman, Univ.-Prof Dr. Norbert Schwenzer
in pain with no recurrence. In other TMJ disorders with
limited MMO, arthrocentesis resulted in improvement of Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of
various levels: Tiibingen, Osianderstr. 2-8, 72076 Tiibingen (Germany)
In osteoarthritis M M O increased from 27.616.9 to *Private Practice D~ Jiirgen Willer, Hindenburgstr 43,
39.5a2.Smm (27 pts). 72762 Reutlingen (Germany)
Elimination of locking was noticed in 7 out of 10 pts
with disc displacement with reduction with intermittent Aims: The goal of the study was to evaluate the success of
locking. In disc displacemnt without reduction, M M O treatment using osteointegrated implants of the BrSnemark,
increased moderately from 31.917.1 to 36.416.8 (19 pts). Frialit-2 and I M Z systems implants.
Inconsistent and ambiguous effect has been demonstrated Method: In a retrospective catamnesic study on 1739
in disc displacement and with reduction. implants inserted into 739 patients in a period from 1985 to
The success of arthocentesis, although it does not change 1997, Kaplan-Meier survival analyses were conducted. In
neither the shape of the disc nor its position has given impe- all cases postoperative checkups at short intervals and
tus to investigate efforts concerning the mode of action or documentation on the course of the treatment were
arthrocentesis and has led to reconsideration of the patho- guaranteed.
genesis of the various disorders. It has been suggested that For all implant systems the ideal indication was discov-
limitation in joint movement might be a result of a b r u p t ered and in addition a multivariant analysis of the factors
intra-articular adherence due to a change in lubrication, significant for the survival rate of an implant was conducted.
rendering the disc incapable of sliding. We will present a Results: In all systems lower-jaw implants were generally
model of joint lubrication and discuss the effect of its possi- more successful than upper-jaw implants.
ble disruption on the joint function. The pre-prosthetic loss rate was 1.9%, whereas 4.3% of the
implants were lost after the prothetic treatment. The best
long-term prognosis was for implants in intermediate and
3D SCANNING OF SURFACES FOR free-end situations and single-crown replacements with I M Z
DETERMINATION O F VOLUME CHANGES IN S O F T and Brgmemark implants. In edentulous jaw implants of the
TISSUE Brfinemark systems gave the best results.

Nkenke E.*, Cioutot L. **, Laboureux X.*% Hiiusler G.**,

Neukam F. W.*
*Department of Oral and Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, ATROPHIC JAWS W I T H REVASCULARIZED FREE
Friedrich-Alexander- Universitiit Erlangen-Nurenberg, FIBULA F L A P AND I M P L A N T S - S U P P O R T E D
Gliiekstr. 11, 91054 Erlangen, Germany PROSTHESIS.
**Chair of Optics, Friedrich-Alexander- UniversitSt
Erlangen-Nurenberg, *Nocini, P.F.(1), Gotte, P. (1), Bedogni, A. (1), Chiarini,
Staudtstrasse 7lB2, 91058 Erlangen, Germany L. (2), and De Santis, G. (3).
134 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofaciat Surgery

(1) Institute of Dentistry, Surgery Dpt., Verona University, maxillary fixation after internal fixation. The observation of
Verona, Italy. the postoperative course and hemobiochemical tests were
(2) Institute of Dentistry, Surgery Dpt., Modena University, carried out. The fixation of the condylar neck fracture of
Modena, Italy. the mandible after sacrifice at postoperative months 1, 2, 3,
(3) Orthopaedic Division, Surgery Dpt., Modena University, 4, and 5 were macroscopically and histologically observed.
Modena, Italy. Condylar neck fracture in patients repaired using PLLA
pin, intermaxillary fixation and osteosynthesis, were
followed using imaging techiques.
Extreme alveolar ridge bone resorption represents a big
Results: Osteosynthesis was macroscopically obtained by
challenge in jaws reconstruction. Autologous Iliac bone
the first postoperative month, and a layer of collagen fiber
grafts never secure reliable results neither to the mandible
was histologically observed surrounding the PLLA pin at
neither to the upper jaw; this depends on poor vascular sup-
the first postoperative month in the mini-pig. The collagen
ply at the recipient site in extreme bone atrophies. The use of
fiber layer was ossified at postoperative month 2. The
free revascularized bone flaps in jaws augmentation ensures
implanted PLLA pin was gradually thinned by absorption
an adequate and indipendent vascular income. Since 1993,
following months 3, 4 and 5. Using PLLA pin for condylar
we have tested the free vascularized fibula flap in alveolar
neck fracture resulted in clinically good osteosynthesis and
crests augmentation due to class VI atrophy sec. Cawood, to
functional movement of the condyle at postoperative month
obtain a fixed, homogeneous, bicortical bone support for
4 in patients. No side effects and no infections were
implant rehabilitation. 11 patients were treated (average age
observed in either patients or mini-pigs.
45.5 years old) with free vascularized fibula flaps (5
Conclusion: Long term strong osteosynthesis without osteo-
mandible and 6 maxillary alveolar crest augmentations).
porosis was obtained with the PLLA pin, as well as excellent
The average fibula's lenght was 11.7 cm. All flaps healed pri-
strength for fixation of the condylar neck fracture of the
marily. A vestibuloplasty was performed prior to implants.
mandible. The PLLA pin has been clinically avairable as an
60 osteointegrated implants have been placed (28 into the
osteosynthetic treatment of condylar neck fracture in
mandible and 32 into the upper maxilla); only one maxillary
implant was removed during surgery because of low pri-
mary stability. Excellent stability was performed in 59 of 60
implants and 11 overdentures were applied. The masticatory
load ranged from 6 to 33 months ( average 13.4 months). A A NEW M O D E L FOR REPETITIVE ANALYSIS OF
very well-tested stability of the implant-supported prosthe- OSSEOUS PERFUSION
sis has been pointed out in all treated cases, even after 3
years of functional loading, There wasn't any long term Nolte, D.*, Draenert, K., Raab, S., Thein, E., Messmer, K.,
donor-site morbidity. Extreme alveolar crest atrophy, Ehrenfeld, M.
including the basal bone, represents, in our experience, a
proper indication to the utilise of free vascularized fibula Department of OMFS, Klinikum Innenstadt, Institute for
flap. Surgical Research, Klinikum Grosshadern at the Ludwig-
Maximilians- University of Munich, Center for Orthopaedic
Research, Munich, Germany
A N D PATIENTS Aim: To repetitively analyze the regional blood flow in bone
over a total period of six weeks, using the fluorescent
Noguchi, L *, Sato, Y., Ando, Z, Takahasi, M., Kurokawa, microsphere technique
H., Oota, S., Hasegawa, Y., Tihara, K., Someta, H., Method: Under i.v. ketamine/xylazine anaesthesia, two two-
Takayasu, A. way valves were placed subcutaneously into the right and
left carotid arteries of New Zealand rabbits (n=6) to permit
Department of OMFS, National Defense Medical College, microsphere injection and reference probe sampling for
Saitama, Japan blood flow calculations, respectively. Using seven different
fluorescently labeled microspheres, measurements of the
regional blood flow in tibial bone were made at day 1, 3, 5,
Aims: Kischner's 18-8 wire-pinning and titanium miniplate 12, 19, 26 and 33 after valve implantation. Perioperative
osteosynthesis has been extensively applied to fixate condy- antibiotic therapy was administered with 30 mg/kg
lar fractures of the mandible in patients undergoing surgical Cefotaxim. Body weight, MAR heart rate, and standard
treatment. However, these metal materials contain defects laboratory parameters (Na +, K +, leukocyte count, haemat-
which should be removed because the pin causes absorption ocrit, haemoglobin, PaO2, creatinin) were analyzed repeti-
in the surrounding bone, perhaps leading to osteoporosis. tively. Regional tibial blood flow was evaluated both by
Furthermore, there has been much discussion concerning fluorescence microscopy (direct method) and by calculation
the systemic accumulation of resolved chemical elements of regional blood flow from reference probe sampling (indi-
and the continueing mechanical irritation caused by the rect method).
metal. Result: At days 1, 3 and 5, marked changes in the regional
The aim of this study was to evaluate factors, such as the blood flow in the tibial bones were observed. At day 7 and at
degree of strength or absorption of the PLLA pin, which the following points in time, a steady state was achieved,
has been used for fixation of condylar neck fractures of the indicating the absence of trauma-induced alterations in
mandible, the permanently enhanced mobility of the microvascular osseous perfusion.
mandible and the degree of strong or weak osteosynthesis Conclusion: This model allows, for the first time, a mini-
triggered by the PLLA pin for fixation of condylar neck mal invasive measurement of regional blood flow in corti-
fractures. cal and/or cancellous bone over an observation period of
Methods: The PLLA pin (NEOFIXfi) was used experimen- six weeks. The model therefore seems suitable for better
tally for fixation of condylar neck fracture of the mandible understanding of the role of osseous perfusion under con-
in mini-pigs. A daily routine diet was given without inter- ditions of impaired bone healing, as encountered after
EACMFS -Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 135

radio- and/or chemotherapy, implantation of biomaterials Results: More than 80% inhibition by [3H]-thymidine uptake
or transplantation of vascularized/non-vascularized bone. was obtained in three cell lines to 100gg/ml 5-FU or
CBDCA, in one line (TMCST) with some resistance (50%
inhibition) to both drugs. Interestingly, differential sensitiv-
ity to these drugs were observed in another cell line
DELAYED AND I M M E D I A T E RECONSTRUCTION (TMC5L). Furthermore, I F N - a addition enhanced the
F O L L O W I N G HEAD AND NECK T U M O R EXCISION inhibitory effect of 5-FU by [3H]-thymidine uptake. The
ooperative effect of 5-FU and I F N - a was accompanied by
Norkus, T., Janu~'s, G., Agtrauskas, T., Vikgraitis, S. the increased induction of apoptosis.
Conclusion: Chemotherapeutic drugs such as 5-FU and CBDCA
Kaunas Medical Academy, Kaunas Academic Clinic prevent tumor cell growth at least through the induction of apop-
tosis. Our cell lines would be valuable for analyzing the mecha-
AIMS: nism leading to apoptosis in squamous carcinoma cell~
To estimate possibilities to cover defects following head and
neck tumor excision by using various reconstructive meth-

METHOD: M. Niibler-Moritz, H.F. Sailer, G. Eydch, Ch. Oechslin

Vascularised bone or osteocutaneous iliac crest graft were
used for the reconstruction of defects following excision of Since the beginning of our century, certain dyes have
mandibular tumors in 3 patients. The 4th patient underwent been known to induce photosensitizing effects. Tumour
microvascular transplantation of inversed myocutaneous treatment is the principle but not the only application
latissimus dorsi flap for covering of extensive pharyngos- field of p h o t o d y n a m i c diagnosis (PDD) and therapy
toma following radiation and laryngectomy. Wide scalp (PDT). H e m a t o p o r p h y r i n derivates (HpDs) are the
defect after removing of neurofibroma was covered by most commonly used photosensitizers. Within a few
expanded haired fasciocutaneous flap in the 5th patient. hours after application H p D s are distributed. The basic
characteristic of a photosensitizer is that it remains
RESULTS: inactive until irradiated. H p D s are retained longer by
Immediate replacement of bone and soft tissues after hemi- malignant cells than by surrounding healthy cells and
mandibulectomy in osteosarcoma resulted in survival of the are detected by fluorescence. After resonant excitation
patient for 2 years without any threat in the nearest future. by laser irradiation, the photosensitizer performs sev-
Delayed mandibular reconstruction has failed in one eral simultaneous or sequential decays which results in
patient. Reconstruction of cervical oesophagus with simul- intramolecular transfer reactions. A t the end of these
taneous covering of adjacent neck tissues and replacement diverse reaction channels, highly cytotoxic reactants are
of scalp defect in another patient were successful as well in released causing an irreversible oxidation of essential
both patients. cell structures. Currently, further photosensitive com-
pounds are under investigation concerning their applic-
CONCLUSIONS: ability for P D D and PDT. One potential candidate is
Various methods may be chosen for the covering of head 5-aminolaevulinic acid (ALA) which itself is not even a
and neck defects following cancer surgery. Immediate recon- photosensitizer but a precursor of the endogenous syn-
struction after removing of mandibular osteosarcoma may thesis of porphyrins. It can be orally and topically
result in remote good outcome. administered rather than being injected like most of the
porphyrins. First results seem promising, however,
future routine clinical use also depends on further
advancements in laser (e.g. diode lasers) and optical
P) GROWTH INHIBITION IN SQUAMOUS CELLS fibre technology, respectively.

lNoutomi, T. *, tChiba, H., lltoh, M., 2Takada,

E.,2Mizuguchi J.
~Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
2Department of Immunology, Tokyo Medical College, Tokyo, Nukata, J. * Kano, E, Michizawa, M., Sakuda, M.
Second Department of OMFS, Faculty of Dent&ttT, Osaka
Aims: Cell lines from five squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) estab- University, Osaka, Japan
lished for elucidating the molecular mechanism have been of
varied sensitivity of to conventional chemotherapeutic drugs
such as 5-FU, carboplatin(CBDCA), and interferon-alpha
To clarify the characteristics of maxillofacial injuries at
accidents of motorcyclists who have on full-face-type hel-
Methods: Cells were maintained in RPMI-1640 containing
mets (F-helmets).
15% fetal calf serum in the presence of 2 mM L-glutamine,
5gM mercaptoethanol and 100gg/ml of kanamycin at 37? in
humidified air with 5% CO 2 . The sensitivity of the tumor METHOD:
cells to the drugs were determined in terms of both [3H]- A clinicostatistical study was performed in 50 motorcyclists
thymidine incorporation and cell cycle analysis using pro- who had suffered maxillofacial injuries and were treated at
pidium iodide staining method. our department in the past 8 years.
136 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery


Of 50 patients 14 had used F-helmets, 24 jet or half-type WITH A REGIONAL PEDICLED OR FREE
helmets (H-helmets) and 12 no helmet. The most common M I C R O S U R G I C A L BONE GRAFT AND
fracture site in maxillofacial region was the mandible. OSSEOINTEGRATED IMPLANT-RETAINED
Mandibular fracture at the symphysis or parasymphysis DENTAL PROSTHESES.
occurred in 32% of patients who had used F-helmet and
18% of patients who had used H-helmets. Ochandiano, S.* Cuesta, M., Aeero, J., Concejo, C.,
Condylar fractures of the mandible occurred in 27% Fernandez-Alba, J.
of patients who had used F-helmets and 50% of patients
who had used H-helmets. Furthermore, premolar teeth Service of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Hospital General
injuries occurred in 62% of teeth injuries in patients who Universitario Gregorio Marag6n. Universidad Complutense.
had used F-helmets and 18% of teeth injuries in patients Madrid. Spain.
who had used H-helmets. On the other hand, anterior
teeth injuries occurred in 31% in F-helmets and 78% in
Aims: To establish the long term status of the TMJ in
H- helmets.
patients who underwent mandibulectomy for oncological
reasons and were reconstructed by a regional pedicled or
CONCLUSIONS: free microsurgical bone graft and have at least worn an
Above results indicate that even if F-helmets are used, implant anchored dental prostheses for one year.
the occurrence of maxillofacial fractures and teeth Method: Twelve patients, aged between 17 and 72, who
injuries are considerable. However, F-helmets may pre- were operated on for an oral epidermoid carcinoma or
vent condylar fractures of the mandible which cause TMJ benign neoplasia (ameloblastoma), between 1987 and
dysfunction. 1996 and were immediately reconstructed with a regional
pedicled (trapezius osteomyocutaneous) or free microsur-
gical (iliac crest or fibula) bone graft. Two different clini-
@=~ THE BIOCONVERTIBLE OSTEOSYNTHESIS cal investigation protocols were used. We studied the
SYSTEM. RESULTS O F A PROSPECTIVE CLINICAL anatomy and different mandibular movements by com-
STUDY ON STABILITY OF BIMAXILLARY puterised axiography and dynamic magnetic resonance
Results: No patient complained of pain or other symptoms
Obwegeser, J. A.*, Gattinger, B. of severe TMJ derangement. Two patients had some clinical
symptoms, only one clearly related to the surgery. 40% of
Department of OMFS, AKh Linz, Linz, Austria the patients presented limitations of different mandibular
movements clinically measured in the interincisal area, in
those patients there is a coincidence between the clinical lim-
Aims: In 1990, we suggested an osteosynthesis system man- itation and the restriction of the condylar mobility proved
ufactured from bone tissue, as an alternative to polylactides. by axiography and magnetic resonance imaging. Arthrosis
In-vivo and in-vitro experimental work indicated that auto- was seen in a third of the patients, unilateral disc displace-
claved allogenic cortical bone is excellently suited as an ment with reduction in two of them and without reduction
osteosynthesis material. The general advantage is the avoid- in another two patients.
ance of secondary implant removal and the fact that these Conclusions: 1. Segmental mandibulectomy added to pedi-
implants have - in contrast to polylactides - osteoconduc- cled bone graft reconstruction and dental rehabilitation
tive capacity. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the does not cause severe internal TMJ derangement clinical
stability of bimaxillary orthognathic surgery results using symptoms.
this bioconvertible system in the fixation of osteotomies and 2. There is a limitation of mandibular mobility in 40% of
to compare the results with that of metallic devices. the patients that could be explained by surgical alterations
Method: A detailed study protocol was designed in order to and sequellae.
standardise and control the follow up. Sixty four patients - 3. Axiographic path tracings and magnetic resonance imag-
33 using metallic devices, 31 using the bioconvertible system ing findings agree with those described in a non surgical
- were operated on according to this protocol. Four lateral population.
cephalometric X-rays were evaluated for each patient and
compared in their two deviation levels. In order to assess the
vertical and sagittal behaviour of the osteotomized seg-
ments, independent of intraoperatively altered structures, a USE O F INTRAORAL DISTRACTOR FOR
system of coordinates was drawn up. Statistical examination ALVEOLAR RIDGE AUGMENTATION
of the existing data was carried out by computer on the
"GraphPad Prism" Version 2.01 program. Oh, H.K.*, Ryu, S. E
Results: Both groups showed excellent stability in the anteri-
oposterior plane, but a slight tendency to vertical relapse. Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, College of
There were no statistically significant differences in relapse. Dentistry, Chonnam National University, Kwangju, South
Conclusion: Bimaxillary orthognathic surgery can be per- Korea
formed using exclusively bioconvertible osteosynthesis
material. Due to good initial stability, postoperative The aim of this pilot study was to show the feasibility and
mandibulo-maxillary fixation is not necessary. The postop- potential advantages of using an intraoral distractor for
erative stability is comparable to that of metallic devices. alveolar ridge augmentation.
The intraoral distractor was designed to augment the
ridge vertically in the atrophic mandible. After an
STUDY OF T E M P O R O M A N D I B U L A R J O I N T osteotomy was performed to allow the edentulous ridge to
STATUS IN O N C O L O G Y PATIENTS AFTER be distracted vertically, a distractor device was applied, both
EACMFS Abstracts, HelsinkiCongress 1998 137

in dogs and in humans, An activating pin was exposed intra- curative rate of them, we have treated locally-invasive oral
orally. It was left for 7days before distraction was begun. squamous cell carcinomas by a combination of radiother-
The device was activated twice a day at a rate of 2x0.5 ram. apy and intra arterial chemotherapy as initial treatment
After a 4 week healing period, the device was removed and since 1993.
implants were inserted. The height gained ranged from 5 to Method: We investigated the clinical effects and evaluation
9 mm. Radiographic and histological examinations were of the combination therapy using intra-arterial CBDCA
performed. infusion and radiation for locally advanced oral cancer in
The results of this study indicate that the intraoral dis- pre-operative cancer therapy retrospectively. In order to
tractor may have the potential for use in augmentation of evaluate the clinical effects of this therapy, a clinical study
the atrophic edentulous ridge. was performed in fifteen cases with the oral cancer in our
department. Fifteen patients in our department with oral
squamous cell carcinomas (8 of tongue and floor of mouth,
2 of mandibular gingiva, 3 of maxillary gingiva, and 2 of
buccal mucosa.) were treated with this therapy from March
1993 to March 1997. These patients were treated with intra
arterial chemotherapy which was conducted by inserting a
Kyosti Oikarinen catheter from the superficial temporal artery for one shot
CBDCA ( daily from 15 to 30rag / body ) administration at
about 2 hours before radiation. The external radiation
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Institute of
using 60 Co was given from 30 to 50 Gy as total dose.
Dentistry, Universityof Oulu, Oulu, Finland
Result: After the initial treatment, one case of 15 patients
(7%) achieved clinical CR and 12 of 15 (80%) got clinical
Aim: To estimate the suitability of the Crestosplit method PR. After the radical surgery, 2 cases of 15 (13%) achieved
for the widening of the narrow alveolar crest. pathological CR. Four years over all survival rate was
Methods: Crestosplit (J van Straten, the Netherlands) is a 62.2% (10/15). These results suggest that this therapy may
set of chisels which is usable for minor widening procedures. have an efficacy control of tumor and generally improve of
The instrument set includes six broad and two round chisels symptom for locally advanced oral cancer in pre-operative
of various diameters and shapes. Altogether, nine patients cancer therapy.
have been treated so far. Patients received 16 two-stage Conclusion: We suspected that this therapy using intra-arte-
Astra 3.5 mm implants. Six cases were single implantations. rial CBCDA infusion is a useful treatment for locally
Two splittings in the edentulous anterior maxilla and one advanced oral cancer.
splitting in an edentulous posterior mandible were per-
formed. The largest splitting performed was in a totally
edentulous maxilla in which 6 implants were installed.
Follow-up time varied from 6 to 14 months. TOTAL G L O S S E C T O M Y FOR ADVANCED AND
Results: Chisels caused a predictable split. No membrane was RECURRENT CARCINOMAS O F THE ORAL CAVITY
needed. Two out of six implants in edentulous maxillae did
not osseointegrate. This patient received an overdenture while Omura, K. *
other cases were treated with a fixed prosthesis as preferred
before surgery. Neither advanced peri-implant pocket forma- Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Chiba Cancer
tion nor alveolar bone loss was observed around the implants. Cente~ Chiba, Japan
Conclusions: Crestosplit is a 'biological' and predictable
method of widening an alveolar crest. A precondition is that Aim: To review our clinical experience with total glossec-
spongiosa is separated by two cortical layers and that vertical tomy for advanced and recurrent carcinomas of the oral
height is sufficient for implantation. The preservation of the cavity.
periosteum on the lateral cortex is important for blood sup- Patients: Thirty-seven consecutive patients undergoing total
ply because the chisels fracture the alveolar crest laterally. glossectomy for advanced or recurrent carcinoma of the
Slight gingival hyperplasia is beneficial for soft tissue oral cavity were evaluated. Twenty patients (54%) presented
coverage. with stage IV disease and the remaining 17 patients pre-
sented with recurrent or persistent disease after prior treat-
ments. In combination with total glossectomy, total
laryngectomy was performed primarilt in 23 patients (62%)
[~ T H E CLINICAL EFFECTS O F COMBINATION and secondarily in 1 patient (3%). In patients with the lar-
THERAPY USING INTRA-ARTERIAL ynx preserved, ancillary procedures such as laryngeal sus-
CARBOPLATIN (CBDCA) I N F U S I O N W I T H pension, laryngoplasty and cricopharyngeal myotomy were
R A D I O T H E R A P Y F O R LOCALLY ADVANCED ORAL advocated to facilitate postoperative deglutition. Neck dis-
CANCER section was carried out bilaterally in 35 patients (94%) and
unilaterally in 2 patients.
Okutomi Z *, lehihara H., Fujitsuka H., Kato E, Sakai Z, Results: For the entire group, disease-specific survival rates
Tatematsu N. were 52.6% and 43.7% at 2 and 5 years, respectively. Of 20
patients died of disease, 11 patients (55%) were died of dis-
Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Gifu University, tant metastases. Patients with the larynx preserved had intel-
School of Medicine, Gifu, Japan ligible speech with a mean score of 22.5% of 100 Japanese
vowels and no serous problems in deglutition. The majority
of patients were insured a reasonable quality of life by relief
Aims: Many cases of advanced oral cancer are treated by from constant pain and by enjoying oral alimentation.
combination therapy of surgery, radiotherapy, and Conclusions: Total glossectomy with or without laryngec-
chemotherapy, but the curative rate of advanced oral cancer tomy is not only a palliative procedure but also an oncolog-
is inferior to the early oral cancer. For improvement of the ically sound procedure for advanced or recurrent carcinoma
138 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

of the oral cavity. Chemotherapy should be advocated as an degree of hemostasis obtained. Blood vessels 0.5mm or
adjunctive modality for microscopic distant metastases. smaller are scaled as the incision or dissection is made.
Lymphatic channels are closed, sensory nerves are sealed.
This results in less pain, less swelling and a shorter "down
CHROMATIC ANALYSIS OF time" for the patient. Benefits and techniqes of the CO2 -
AUTOFLUORESCENCE IN ORAL SQUAMOUS CELL lasers in Aesthetic Surgery are demonstrated on upper lid
CARCINOMA blepharoplasty, face lift procedures and excision of dermal
and subdermal tumours.
Onizawa, K., Yoshida, H.

Department of OMFS, Institute of Clinical Medicine,

University of Tsukuba, Japan NEW CONCEPTS IN LASER-ASSISTED
Aims: Fluorescence photography as a diagnostic method for RELATED TO THE MORPHOLOGY OF THE SCARS
oral cancer is based on the phenomenon of orange fluores-
cence in squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). However, similar A.Osterhans~ U. Westermann, G. Lodde
autofluorescence is also found in other tissues. This study
was carried out to evaluate whether the color of autofluo- Institut fiir Kosmetische Chirurgie und Lasermedizin
rescence in SCC is chromatically specific. Osnabriick- Germany
Methods: Forty-eight fluorescence photographs on which
orange fluorescence was depicted served as subjects. The
fluorescent sites consisted of 30 SCC, 31 dorsa of the Scars are a medical and occasionally also a great psychoso-
tongue, 18 dental plaques and 5 benign lesions. Thirty SCCs cial problem for patients. Their desire for complete restora-
were classified into 4 stage I, 9 stage II, 8 stage III and 9 tion is therefore quite understandable and has always been
stage IV. The color of fluorescence was measured with a the concern of those working in plastic surgery. The combi-
chroma meter (Minolta CS-100) which expressed color with nation of traditional surgical and laser treatment is a new
Y and chromaticity coordinates x and y. The chromatic data approach to improve the appearance of superficial scars.
were compared among different tissues and among SCC The principle of this concept is the reduction of scar ten-
sion, tissue volume, to minimize vascularisation and finally
Results: There were significant differences in x and y values the restoration of the natural pigmentation. Hypertrophic
between SCC and dorsa of the tongue (p<0.01), in Y and y scars need flattening, depressed scars need elevation.
values between SCC and dental plaques (p<0.05) and in y Atrophic scars require improvement in tissue quality.
value between SCC and benign lesions (p<0.05). Therfore the diagnosis of all the different aspects of each
Fluorescence in SCC showed a tendency to shift from scar is the key for successful treatment. Besides surgery,
orange to reddish orange color as the stage advanced, and cryotherapy, injection of steroids, microdermabrasion and
there was a significant difference in x and y values between filling procedures, the advanced laser systems are of great
stage I and other cases, and in x value between stage II and importance for the pigmentation, vascularity and the sur-
IV cases (p<0.05). face of scars.
Conclusions: These results suggest that the color of auto- Alexandrite-, VPW Nd/YAG- and Ultrapulse- laser sys-
fluorescence in SCC differs from that of other tissues, and tems were used in different types of scars or keloids.
that the fluorescence shifts from orange to reddish orange Concepts of successful treatment in combination with tradi-
as the tumor progresses. tional surgical procedures are presented.


*Sener B.C., *Saysel M. E, *Ozgen, S., *Tasar F., *Basal N.
Dr.Dr. A.F. Osterhaus, Dr.Dt: U. Westermann, Dr.Dt: G
Lodde * Hacettepe University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of
Oral Surgery,.
Lasers in Aesthetic Surgery are certainly now far behind the
experimental stage and well established. There are mainly In this study our aim was to investigate the effects of fibrin
two systems beeing of interest for its surgical use. The glue (Tissel(r), Immuno, Austria) in maxillary sinus lifting
Ultrapulse CO2 and Erb/YAG lasers have, due to their operations combined with allogenic bone chips
absorbtion in water, a cutting and vaporisation mode. For (Tutoplast(r), Biodynamics, U.S.A.).
superficial skin resurfacing procedures the Erb/YAG lasers 30 patients undergoing sinus lifting operations were
are more precise where as the CO2 - lasers provides the nec- chosen for this study. The operations were performed under
essary thermal stimulation to the fibroblasts in deep skin general anesthesia. One of the sinus floor was lifted only
resurfacing. The clinical techniques and results are shown with alloplastic bone graft and the other one with alloplastic
on ablation of epidermal skin tumors, skin resurfacing pro- bone graft combined with fibrin glue.
cedures of the facial skin and the combination of a Postoperatively in the 30., 60. and 90. days the patients
transconjunctival approach in combination with resurfacing were followed up clinically and radiologicaly.
in lower lid blepharoplasty. The CO2 - laser as an cutting (Orthopanthomagraph and Water's)
instrument has important advantages due to the excellent Regarding to out results we can conclude that the fibrin
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 139

glue could provide a decrease in rejection and further more Conclusion : For better bone consolidation it is important
it has positive effects on bone healing. not only to provide stronger compression and to increase
contacting surfaces of fragments, but to obtain theyr close
contact "end to end" with reliable fixation excluding the
fragments mobility and dislocation.
P A R O T I D E C T O M Y : O U R E X P E R I E N C E F R O M 42
Padrdn, A., Diaz-Gonzalez, F.£, Rubio, P., Naval, L., C A S E S T U M O R S O F P A R O T I D IN 4 Y E A R S .
Rodriguez, F.J., Sastre, J., Gil-Diez, J.L., Molina, A., Garcia
de Sola, R. Pantelas, G. *, Kitros, G., Malas, S.

Department of OMFS, Autonomous University, Madrid, Department of OMFS, General Hospital of Nicosia,
SPAIN. Nicosia, Cyprus.

Aims: To describe our experience with a new approach to The tumors Of salivary gland concern the 3% of tumors of
expose a chordoma of the clivus and left para-pharingeal space. head and neck. The tumors of the parotid are more often
Method: A 19 year-old woman was diagnosed of a chor- than the tumors of the other salivary glands and the esti-
doma centred in clivus and C1 and that extended to the mated incidence ranging between 1 and 3 per 100000 per year.
nasopharingx and pharingeal space. A partial segmented Le In our clinic between 1994-97 we operated 42 cases of
Fort I osteotomy added to a trans-mandibular approach parotid tumors, which is important percentage for the popu-
were preformed to expose the lesion. lation of the island. 7 cases were malignant tumors and 35
Results: The operative technique is described. Some impor- were benign. In 4 cases was performed total parotidectomy,
tant technical details of the approach are pointed. Some of in 29 cases was performed superficial parotidectomy and in
the advantages compared to the segmented Le Fort I are 9 cases local excision of the tumor. After operation, 11
that we gained a better lateral exposure due to the fact that patients had paresis - paralysis of the facial nerve. This was
the lateral-posterior segments were easy to movilize, the temporary in 8 cases, and permanent in 3 cases of the total
approach was more conservative because the central area of parotidectomy in which the facial nerve was resected.
the maxilla was left in its place, the osteosintesis was easier In this presentation we discuss the results in relation with
too because the anterior area of the maxilla was used as a age, sex, size of mass, type of operation, histological result,
fixed reference, the risk of avascular necrosis of the maxilla and complication after surgery.
was decreased, the transmandibular approach that we
added permited a wider exposure to the superior area of the
clivus. The global outcome was favorable.
Conclusions: We consider that the partial segmented Le Fort
I osteotomy is an approach of choice for large tumors of the
Clivus with superior, inferior and posterior extensions.
Panula, K*, Forsseil,H., Forssell,K.,Blinnikka, L-M., Finne,K.

CLINICAL AND M O R P H O L O G I C A L Department of Oral Diseases, Turku University Central

CHARACTERISTIC OF CONGENITAL Hospital,Department of Psychology, University of
DEFORMATIONS OF MAXILLA. Turku,Department of OMFS, Vaasa Central Hospital, Finland
*Panin 3/1., Shipkova Z, Mikhailova V., Topolnitskij O.
ALMS: To determine patients" motives in seeking surgery, to
identify presurgical symptoms and problems, and to ascer-
Medical Stomatological Institute, Moskow, Russia. tain patients" reaction to surgery, and their satisfaction with
life before and after surgery.
Aims: The aim of the research was to investigate the mor- METHOD: 100 consecutive patients, who underwent
phological picture of the bony-tissue of the maxilla with orthognathic surgery in two OMF hospital clinics in
congenital deformations and it¢ s connection with clinical Finland between May 1994 and May 1995 were given ques-
manifestations. tionnaires to answer in privacy, about one month before
Methods : During scientific investigation x-ray examination, surgery and one year after surgery. Questions concerned
light-microscopy et hystological preparations which were expectations and perceptions regarding treatment.Post-sur-
received during reconstructive operations, were used. gically Visual Analogue Scales were used, as well,to measure
Clinical and morphological picture were studied by us from satisfaction with the results.
38 patients with congenital deformations of maxilla. RESULTS: Problems relating to occlusion or bite were
Including in that case 12 patients had Cleft Palate. rated most significant before surgery, next highest scores
Results : As a result of investigation was exposed that with were allotted to TMJ problems and headache.General
congenital pathology considerable rebuilding of bone sub- appearance, speech and general health; self-esteem and
stance was noticed. This rebuilding includes formation of social interactions were not considered particularly prob-
parts of necrosis in the bone-substance and formation albu- lematic.Significant improvements were noted after surgery
men masses in the marrow spaces with beginning of osteo- in relation to all aspects except work performance and
genesis. Osteogenesis was not complete. The processes of general health. Satisfaction scores were higher after opera-
resorbtion and growing of the bone are going altogether tion and were related to low numbers of postoperative prob-
along the bone. Patients with strong clinical manifestation lems.31% reported numbness after operation, and these
of deformation have more marked process of the resorbtion patients were found to be less satisfied than those not
and growing of the bone. reporting numbness.
140 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

CONCLUSIONS: Before surgery,problems relating to func- RESULTS: There was only one case of necrosis of the mus-
tion were most significant, followed by aesthetic concerns cle flap when it was used to cover a reconstruction plate.
and, to a far lesser extent, social-interaction-type prob- CONCLUSION: The use of a sternocleidomastoid muscle
lems.Functional issues were also considered to be those best flap produced good results in the reconstruction of oral
resolved by treatment. The finding that such issues were of defects after cancer surgery.
greater significance to patients than aesthetic concerns dif-
fers from findings in most previous studies.


DYSFUNCTION *Papageorge, M., D.M.D., M.S. 1, Klein, C., M.D., D.M.D2.;
Kowics, A., M.D., D.M.D. ~, Carchidi, J.E., D.M.D. 1
Panula, K.*, Finne, If., Somppi, M.
1Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Tufts
Department of OMFS, Central Hospital, Vaasa; University, Dental School, Boston, One Kneeland Street,
Finland, OMF Department, Oulu University Hospital, Finland Boston, Massachusetts 02111
2Department of Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery, University of
AIM: To examine prospectively the influence of orthog- Frankfurt, Medical School, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, D-60590
nathic treatment on craniomandibular dysfunctions and Frankfurt am Main
METHOD: Fifty eight consecutively treated patients (48 The masticatory rehabilitation of patients is dependent
women,10 men,mean 33.4 years,range 16-57years) operated on the quality and volume of residual jaw bone. Lost of
upon between 1993 and 1995 were examined three times: volume caused by mandibular ridge resection during
prior to any orthodontic treatment, 12 months (mean) and ablative tumour surgery or age related atrophies can
29 months (mean) post-operatively.At every visit a question- cause problems just as isolated alveolar atrophies or sin-
naire was given and a clinical examination performed and gle tooth losses. Reconstructive plastics with free iliac
on the basis of this data Helkimo's Anamnestic (Ai) and bone, extern tabula or sandwich plasties are only a few
Dysfunction (Di) indexes were calculated. examples for the usual surgical treatment modalities.
RESULTS: At the first examination Ai showed positive cor- Doing without bone grafts the alveolar ridge augmenta-
relation to the age of the patient.A statistically significant tion by means of distraction osteogenesis could give a
reduction in the Ai from the first examination to the second valuate contribution to improve the denture bearing area.
was found and this positive change remained stable to the Together with the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial
latest visit.This change mainly came from the older group of Surgery, Tufts University, Boston, a new distraction
patients (age 30-57 years). Also Di improved statistically sig- implant system was developed and was tested in animal
nificantly.The improvement was greater for women,but the models. The experimental results are explained and first
difference might also be due to the small number of men. clinical results using this system are shown. In a first sur-
Before surgery, altogether 36 patients reported suffering gical step a segmental osteotomy is performed and one or
from headache but at the final examination only 11 had two distraction implants are inserted. After gaining the
headache and the frequency of the headache attacks was required height of the mandibular ridge and a sufficient
reduced markedly, as well. ossification phase of the new callus the distraction
CONCLUSIONS: It is possible to achieve long- standing implants are replaced by the endosseous implants.
improvement in craniomandibular dysfunctional symp- Interforaminal areas as well as single tooth segments
toms including headache in a considerable number of could be augmented successfully. Shortcomings of the
patients by means of orthognathic treatment.Which system have been mended continuously during this pre-
patients benefit most remains to be analyzed further in the liminary clinical study. The implant system and the surgi-
future. cal technique are shown and the results are discussed. We
believe that the implant distraction procedure will be an
useful contribution in the management of masticatory
rehabilitation of patients.
N. Papadogeorgakis % (2. Alexandridis, C. Skouteris, A.P.
Je-Uk Park.
School of Dentistry, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery, University of Athens, Greece. Dept. of OMFS, Kangnam Medical Centre, Seoul, Korea

AIM: To present our experience in the use of the sternoclei-

domastoid muscle as a muscle flap for the reconstruction of To define the soft tissue change after surgery
oral defects.
METHOD: This flap was used in seven patients with oral
cancer who underwent intraoral resection and a modified METHOD:
radical neck dissection. In three cases it was used to recon- Using cephalometric and photo(en face/profile) analysis
struct the floor of the mouth and in four cases to cover before and after surgery, the intended and unintended
change of the face is evaluated.
reconstruction plates.
EACMFS-Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 141

RESULTS: patients (91%). Neither foreign body reaction no extrusion

The thicker the lips, the thinner the results. Nasolabial angle nor displacement of implants were observed.There was no
is much obtused, depending on the degree of the posterior corneal damage nor vision reduction.
movement of the upper segment. Philtrum is looking much Conclusion: As the risk of complications directly related to
lengthened, but it results from the change of the angle of the surgery was extremely low, this simple method is to be recom-
philtrum. The labiomental fold is also improved with accen- mended for both temporary and persistent facial nerve paralysis.
tuating labiomental angle. The nose is little widened, but it
is acceptable. And compared to the classical method, nasal
change is negligible.
Based on this study, modified segmental osteotomy can be
applied to many Koreans with satisfying results.
Peckitt N.S.,

Fh THE RESULTS O F HEAD AND NECK Department of OMFS, Doneaster Royal Infirmary,
M E L A N O M A TREATMENT Doncaster, England

Parsegyan E, Badalian Kh. *, Wagner R., Badalian G., Aims: Tumour ablation surgery involves complex composite
Mississyan H., flap techniques, which do not replicate the volume and con-
tour of normal anatomy. "Functional reconstruction"
Department of Oncology and OCMFS of State Medical implies replication of normal volume and contour of both
University, Yerevan, Armenia," Research Center of Oncology, hard and soft tissues, to produce normal form and function
St.Petersburg, Russia of the mouth and the jaws.
Method: Stereoscopic lithography and C A D - C A M / C N C
Aims: To define the 5 years survival rate of skin melanoma engineering techniques have been utilised to manufacture
of the head and neck region according to Clark's level inva- giant titanium implants of the maxilla/mandible without
sion. flap cover. Pre-operative overdenture manufacture permits a
Methods: 614 patients of primary skin melanoma had been single-stage reconstruction.
studied, 81(13,2%) localized in the head and neck region. Results: Excellent aesthetics are possible. Implants are stable
Aged between 3 and 78 years with peak incidence between and functioning 19 months post-operation.
30-59 years. They were completely treated, where the most Conclusions: Multiple surgical teams are not required.
majority underwent an operation. Reductions in surgery time/trauma/ITU dependency, and
Results: 5 year survival rates according to Clark's level of enhanced rehabilitation, have been observed. Cost savings
vertical invasion were as follows: 16 patients presented are circa £17,000-£19,000 per case,
stages I and II and 12 (75%) survived 5 years or more, 21 1. Royal Bank of Scotland figures.
patients presented stage III of whom 65% - survived 5 years
or more. 16 patients presented stage IV of whom 25% sur-
vived 5 years and 28 patients stage V of whom only 10,7%
survived 5 years or more. RECONSTRUCTION O F THE CONDYLAR
Conclusion: The prognosis of head and neck region is PROCESS W I T H A C O S T O - C H O N D R A L GRAFT IN
strictly dependent on tumor vertical invasion. M A R M O S E T MONKEYS, CALLITHRIX JACCHUS

Peltomiiki, T.*, Viihiitaio, If., R6nning, O.

EARLY G O L D W E I G H T I M P L A N T S F O R Institute of Dentistry, University of Turku, Finland

EYELID. Aims: To examine growth and adaptation of costochondral
grafts (CCG) in the TMJ, and particularly to determine
Pechacek T*., lizuka T. whether the amount of cartilage in the graft affects the
growth of the constructed condyle-ramus unit.
Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery Facial Plastic and Study design: The material consisted of three growing and
Reconstructive Surgery (Head Prof J Raveh ) University three adult marmoset monkeys, Callithrix jacchus. A rib sec-
Hospital Bern / Switzerland tion with either a short (1 ram) or long (4 ram) cartilaginous
end and a variable bony part to a total length of 6-7 mm was
Aims: To evaluate the clinical results of the reanimation of grafted to replace the removed left mandibular condyle. The
the upper eyelid closure using gold weight implants for young animals were operated on at the age of four months and
treatment of lagophthalmus following facial nerve damage. the adults at the age of 24 months. The anaesthetized animals
Method: A total of 21 patients, in which commercially pol- were examined by visual observation, recording the weight and
ished gold weights ranging in weight from 1.0g to 1.6g have taking antero-posterior radiographs preoperatively, one month
been implanted, were clinically examined in an averge fol- after the operation and bimonthly thereafter.
low-up of 4 months (range 2 to 6 month).The operation was Results: The animals tolerated the operation well and were
performed under local anaesthesia, and all patients were allowed to have a normal diet one week postoperatively.
dismissed on the same day following implantation. They gained weight in accordance with available growth
Results: Postoperative infection leading to early removal of curves. None of the animals showed dental or facial aberra-
the implant occurred in 2 cases. On follow-up, a sufficient tions during the first three postoperative months. Growing
eyelid closure and corneal protection were achieved in 19 animals with a long cartilaginous portion in the graft gradu-
142 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

ally developed a dental asymmetry, indicative of overgrowth

of the side of the mandible operated on. Facial and dental ORBITAL FLOOR R E C O N S T R U C T I O N WITH
symmetry remained in the growing monkey with a short car- RESORBABLE L-POLYLACTIDE ACID S H E E T S
tilage portion. This was also the case in the adult animals,
irrespective of the amount of cartilage in the graft.
Pdrez MC*, Sdnchez-Guti~rrez J, Gdmez F, de Pedro M,
Conclusions: The findings of the present intermediate evalu-
Sdnchez-Cudllar A, Martin-Granizo R, Berguer A.
ation can be interpreted as revealing that TMJ function does
not have a major role in the regulation growth of CCGs. Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. University
Rather, the growth of C C G seems to be affected by humoral "'Hospital Cllnico San Carlos", Madrid, Spain.
factors as evidenced by overgrowth occuring concomitant
with the pubertal growth spurt of the marmosets. In addi- Aims: To evaluate postraumatic orbital reconstructions with
tion, the findings confirm our earlier conclusion that the 98% polylactide acid (L-PA) sheets, performed during a 6
amount of cartilage in the rib graft is of importance with year period.
respect to growth of the constructed condyle-ramus unit in Methods: Forty-five consecutive cases from 1991-1997 (44
growing animals, whereas this is not the case in non-growing patients, 45 reconstructions), were analyzed retrospectively.
animals. There comprised 7 1 % males and 69% females, ranging in
age from 16 to 35 years-old. Defects reconstructed varied
from 1/3 to 2/3 of the orbital floor. 46.7% were blow-out
fractures, and 53.3% orbito-zygomatic ones. Data included
BIODEGRADABLE SEMI-RIGID PLATE AND ocular function, material-related complications (infection,
M I N I S C R E W FIXATION IN EXPERIMENTAL haematoma, extrusion), hospitalization time, diplopia or
CRANIOTOMIES: A COMPARATIVE STUDY W I T H enophthalmos recurrence, as well as patient satisfaction.
RIGID TITANIUM FIXATION Surgical technique included a subciliary approach, warm
modelling and floor adaptation, and fixation with tissue
PeltoniemL H.*, Waris, Z, Tulamo, R-M., Toivonen, T., apposition or resorbable suture to a titanium screw. Periodic
HaUikainen, D., Pohjonen, T., T6rmiilii, P. reviews at 1, 2 and 6 months were undertaken.
Results: No material-related complications were observed,
Helsinki University, Dpts. of Surgery, Radiology and Clinical with a medium hospitalization time of 2 days. No material
Veterinary Sciences, Helsink# Oulu University Central needed to be removed. One case had persistent diplopia due
Hospital, Dpt. of Plastic Surgery, Oulu; Tampere University to a deficient fracture reduction, that required reoperation.
of Technology, Institute of Biomaterials; Tampere, Finland Conclusions: In the present study no morbidity was
observed, with good aesthetic and functional results. L-PA
Aims: To compare a 0.4 mm thick, flexible P L D L A plate sheet for medium size orbital floor defects seems to be a
with slowly (SR-PLLA) or rapidly (SR-PGA) degrading good option with only a simple surgical technique, high bio-
miniscrew fixation with titanium miniplating in the fixation compatibility and slow resorption.
of frontal bone osteotomies in lambs.
Method: In 20 lambs, 15x18 mm pieces of frontal bone were
removed with a paediatric craniotome and refixed on one [~ THE LATERAL T R A P E Z I U S FLAP:INDICATIONS
side with a P L D L A plate and 4 SR-PLLA miniscrews IN RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY AFTER ORAL
(n=10) or 4 SR-PGA miniscrews (n=10), and on the other AND OROPHARYNX O N C O L O G I C A L RESECTIONS
side, with a 4-hole titanium miniplate. After 4,6,12,26,52
andl04 week follow-up periods, X-ray, MRI, histology and Pericot,£ * Escudel; 0., Monner,A., Garcia-Rozado,A.,
histomorphometry were performed. Vert,E., Gimeno,X., Juarez,E., Biosca, M"£
Results: Loss of fixation, dislocation, instability, clinical for-
eign body reaction or infection were not observed. Bony Department OMFS, Bellvitge University
consolidation of the 2.35 mm wide craniotomy lines was Hospital, Barcelona, Spain
slow and incomplete on both sides, as connective tissue-
filled defects through the bone were observed inl3 of 28
lines at 26-52 weeks. Plate fixation with SR-PLLA minis- Aims: To evaluate the profit of this myocutaneous and
crews and contralateral titanium fixation did not show any osteomycutaneous flap,in oncological reconstructions.
difference in consolidation. The rapidly degrading SR-PGA Methods: A series of 34 patients treated in our Department
miniscrew fixation resulted in slightly less effective consoli- in the last ten years has been revised.All patients had malig-
dation than the contralateral titanium side (p<0.05), but the nant tumours of the oral and oropharynx region (28 epider-
bone segment was significantly thicker (p<0.005). In the mold carcinoma,2 adenoid cystic c.,and 4 intraosseous
fixed bone segments, osteoid formation was more active on c.).Sex distribution was 27 males and 7 females.The surgical
the dural than periosteal side (p<0.05). The SR-PGA minis- technique was done according to the Demergasso descrip-
crews had hydrolyzed at 4 weeks and disappeared com- tion,and most flaps were elevated in continuity with the
pletely by 12 weeks, whereas the SR-PLLA screws retained neck dissection.In 15 cases, different parts of the mandibu-
their holding power for at least 26 weeks and were mostly lar body or the hemimandible, were reconstructed with an
degraded at 104 weeks. The P L D L A plate degraded by 52 osteomyocutaneous lateral trapezius flap.
and disappeared by 104 weeks. Passive translocation of the Results: As major complications we have observed: 4 cases
titanium plates into the bone tissue and frontal sinus was of total necrosis.Other minor complications were: 2 oro-cer-
seen at 52 andl04 weeks. vical fistulas and 3 wound dehiscences.We attained a good
Conclusion: Rigid metallic fixation could not secure com- quality reconstruction in all patients,except in the flap
plete osseous consolidation of a small craniotomy in a necrosis cases.
rapidly growing lamb frontal bone, and comparable results Conclusions: The lateral trapezius flap provides a thin and large
in consolidation could be obtained with semirigid skin paddle for the oral and oropharynx resected tissues,and
resorbable fixation with slowly degrading miniscrews, with- good bone tissue for jaw substitution,that enables the use of
out complications. dental implants.The vicinity of the donnor site is another
EACMFS-Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 143

advantatge of the flap.The main disadvantatges are: shoulder adaptability of this type of flap is also related to the multi-
dysfunction when the spinal nerve is not preserved,and the dif- ple possibilities in the cutaneous paddle design and the
ficulty in fixing the spine of the scapula to the mandibular arch posibility of sequentialy linked free flaps. Nevertheless in
form,together with the settlement of the skin paddle. middle facial third or big craniofacial defects, we have
observed that the volume is of first priority over
Conclusions: The best aesthetic and functional results
@=~ REAPPRAISAL OF THE PARAMEDIAN achieved in this type of defects by the radial forearm flap
F O R E H E A D FLAP A N D ITS MODIFICATIONS FOR are determined by their higher grade of adaptation and
CLOSING NASAL DEFECTS. mobility, being considered therefore of first choice except
in those cases that the volume takes priority.
Pfeifer G.,

Hamburg, Deutschland
Introduction: The paramedian forehead flap offers different
designs for closure of nasal defects. Depending on the local- Piecuch, J..*, Sorel, B.,
isation, extension and depth of the defects, following alter-
native flap designs can be selected: the complete forehead
Department of OMFS, School of Dental Medicine,
flap including the cutaneous layer, the subcutaneous flap
University of Connecticut, Farmington, Connecticut, U.S.A.
without skin paddle, and the forehead island flap. If nasal
osseous or cartilaginous structures are failing at the site of
the defect, the forehead flap can be supported by angulated AIMS:
palacos struts or cartilaginous transplants. This paper dis- Although Temporomandibular Joint arthroscopic surgery
cusses some fundamental principles of this technique, the has been utilized for two decades, papers presenting post-
limits of its application and suggests some alternatives. operative results are very short-term - less than two years.
Method: The results obtained in a clinical series of 115 con- The aim of this paper was to determine the longer-term
secutive cases in which the forehead flap was used for clos- success rates of TMJ arthroscopy.
ing nasal soft tissue defects are presented. Following data
were analysed: ethiology of the defects, their dimensions, METHOD:
new developments in the application of the flap, problems Twenty patients who underwent TMJ arthroscopy for
related to the simultaneous insertion of palacos struts and chronic painful clicking or for a closed lock were examined
surgical technical aspects of the pedicled flap. a mean of 5 years later (range 2-9 years). Indications for
Results: All 115 forehead flaps pedicled to the supra- surgery were failure to respond to non-surgical therapies,
trochlear vessels healed uneventfully. Four out of 43 flaps which included occlusal splints, anti-inflamatory medica-
showed minor marginal healing problems. The complication tion, and (in closed lock cases), attempts to reduce the artic-
rate in case of simultaneous insertion of supporting palacos ular disc manually. Surgical procedures consisted of joint
struts when closing nasal defects with paramedian forehead lavage, lysis of adhesions when present, and manipulation
flaps (34 cases) was 15%. of the joint under direct arthroscopic observation, under
Conclusions: The paramedian forehead flap can be used for general anaesthesia. Postoperatively, occlusal splints and
closure of all types of nasal defects. In our hands it has anti-inflammatory medication were used for a variable
proved its versatility for over twenty years. The concept is period of time.
based on sound anatomical data, is secure and does not fail.
Late aesthetic and functional results are excellent. RESULTS:
By subjective (patient history) and objective (clinical exami-
nation) criteria, procedures were successful in all patients. All
RADIAL F O R E A R M FREE FLAP: ADAPTABILITY patients reported postoperative pain to be absent or signifi-
AND FLEXIBILITY IN FACIAL AND ORAL CAVITY cantly decreased. Range of motion significantly increased
RECONSTRUCTION. postoperatively, in vertical, protrusive, and lateral excursions.
Interincisal opening was measured at a mean of 39 mm. pre-
Pic6n M.*, Marcos O. , Moreno M. ,Cebrecos A.L , Nu~ez J. operatively and 47 mm. at the long-term observation.

Dept. of Maxillofacial Surgery (Head." Dr R. Marzdn). CONCLUSIONS:

Hospital Ram6n y Cajal. Madrid. Spain. This study supports the long-term efficacy of TMJ arthro-
scopic surgery.

Aims : To determine the reconstruction technique for facial

cutaneous and oral/oropharyngeal cavity defects that pro-
vides the higher grade of adaptability and flexibility.
Method:We have selected a group of 20 patients recon-
structed using the fasciocutaneous radial forearm flap
whose defects presented irregular designs or different levels Piekarcyk J., Kalina M., Bednarcyk A.
of angulation on the surface, and we have compared them
with a similar group, reconstructed with regional musculo-
cutaneous flaps or subscapular system free flaps. Medical University of Warsaw, H Clinic of Oral and
Results: Only the radial forearm flap is able to adapt to all
Maxillo-Facial Surgery, PSK nr 1, Lindley'a St. 4, 02-005
superficial angulations of the defect, as well as to orofacial
Warsaw, Poland
of total thickness defects where, in spite of a 180 ° folding, tel~fax +48 (22) 621-2402 e-maik
it still conserves its flexibility and elasticity. The superior
144 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

Aims: To study the usability of a surgical laser in the treat- tissue. An FEM-optimized design was developed for the
ment for oral cavity tumours. thread, the drive and the positioning of a resorbable screw.
Method: Carbon dioxide surgical lasers with a voltage from Achievable stability in the biomechanical model was com-
4 to 75 Watts were used to operate on benign and malignant pared with other methods and materials. Chewing forces in
tumours. The choice of treatment and power rate depended orthodontically pretreated and surgically treated patients
on the range of tumours, their morphology and anatomical were determined. A prospective randomized controlled clin-
position. ical study was performed in sagittal split osteotomy patients.
Results: Carbon dioxide surgical laser treatment appeared par- Results: Amorphous polylactide-copolymer-blends do
ticularly helpful in the surgery of smallish tumours situated resorb in vivo over a time interval of 2-3 years, whereas
superficially in the mucous membrane and its immediate some other polylactides do not. The strength of materials
vinicity. Surgery was easy to accomplish, bloodless and well can be improved by blending and copolymerization.
tolerated by patients. In those cases a 25 Watt laser has been Torque-control of a resorbable screw can be achieved by
used. In other cases when tumours were widespread, well vas- having an inner canal for the blade of the screw-driver run-
cularised and lay deeply in the tissues, over 25 Watt lasers were ning through the whole screw. Optimized thread and posi-
used. Haemorrhages appearing during the procedure required tioning of the screw improves stability of the osteosynthesis,
the use of electrocoagulation or ligation of blood vessels. which is equivalent to osteosynthesis with Titanium-minis-
Conclusions: Carbon dioxide surgical lasers can be used in crews. Chewing forces in orthodonticall-treated and
the treatment of oral cavity tumours, it is necessary to osteotomized patients are rather low. Optimized resorbable
select the requisite laser power and use other methods if screws can be used in sagittal split osteotomy with same suc-
necessary. cess as Titanium screws.
Conclusions: Resorbable materials can show their actual
resorbability. Mechanical stability lasts long enough (e.g.20
weeks) for the healing of bone. Geometry of resorbable
[~ K A P O S I ' S SARCOMA AND OTHER UNUSUAL implants can be optimized. Biomechanical studies can com-
ORAL MANIFESTATIONS AFTER B O N E MARROW pare achievable stability of resorbable osteosynthesis with
TRANSPLANTATION. real acting forces. Clinical trials using resorbables including
standard procedures of osteosynthesis can compare the
Pineda A..*, Mareos 0., Moreno M. ,Pic6n M., Nu~ez J. final results and rate of complications as well as the eco-
nomic implications.
Dept. of Maxillofacial Surgery (Head." Dr. R. Marzdn).
Hospital Ramdn y Cajal. Madrid Spain.


Aims : To state the appearance of unusual oral manifesta-
tions due to inmunodeficiency after bone marow transplan-
tation. B. Pittet , D. Montandon,
Method : 9 year old girl with diagnosis of sickle cell disease
and severe haemolytic crisis which underwent bone marrow
HUG - University Hospital, Department of Plastic and
transplantation. The patient presented the following com-
Reconstructive Surgery, 1211 Geneva 14, Switzerland
plication, two of them required surgery. A partial glossec-
tomy had to be performed because of tongue necrosis due to
atrophy and ulceration of the oral mucosa and oral thrush, Aims : Maxillary defect following cancer excision or noma
as well as a tracheostomy secondary to obstructive respira- usually involves bone as well as mucosa defect. The objec-
tory complications. She also presented a Kaposi Sarcoma tive of the presently described surgical procedure is to
of the oral mucosa and skin, related to the immunosuppres- provide a vascularized bony frame work covered with a thin,
sive treatment given, and a host-graft reaction. pliable cutaneous tissue.
Conclusions: The unusual manifestations found in this Methods : Prefabricated vascularized calvarium flap is a
patient show the main complications which can be encoun- two step procedure. During the first operation the galea is
tered in the oral cavity in patient with this kind of immun- exposed and a skin graft is applied on top of it. The pedi-
odeficiency. cle containing the superficial temporal artery and a branch
of the deep temporal artery included in a portion of tem-
poral muscle is dissected and wrapped with a sheet of sili-
cone. The skin is closed on top of the skin graft and
silicone sheet. Two weeks later the flap is harvested includ-
ing graft, galea, periosteum and calvarium in bloc. The
bony fragment is reshaped to fit the defect and wrapped
with the grafted galea and periostal. It is then brought to
the face through a sub-peri0steum or sub-cutaneous
H.Pistner*, B6hm, H., Bill, J., Reuthel; J.
Results : We used this surgical approach in 29 patients to
Department for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University reconstruct the palate, maxillary and alveolar bone, zygoma
of Wiirzburg, Germany and orbital floor, mainly in noma sequellae. Complications
included infections of the donor site (n=2), partial (n=2) or
Aims: Development of resorbable devices for osteosynthesis complete (n=2) loss of the bone graft at the recipient site.
in cranio-maxillofacial surgery. The first element should be Bone consolidation was obtained in 27/29 patients with a
an optimized resorbable screw. satisfactory aesthetical outcome.
Methods: In vitro and in vivo studies were carried out into Conclusion : The advantages of the described flap are :
resorbability and endurance of mechanical stability of three 1 / A simple and reliable procedure without micro-anas-
generations of polylactides including chemical and physical tomosis.
behaviour of implants and biological behaviour of adjacent 2/The use of a well vascularized membraneous bone flap
EACMFS Abstracts, HelsinkiCongress 1998 145

wrapped with periosteum insuring a high percentage of Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
bone consolidation. St. John's Hospital Genk
3/It can be performed at any age, even in small children. Schiepse Bos 2
4/The skin cover can be tailored to any size or to replace 3600 GENK
the skin or mucosal defect. Tel. +32.89.325821
Fax. +32.89.325688


IMPLANTED AUTOMATIC DEVICE - AN to evaluate the technique of autotransplantation of canines.
Ploder 0 " , Mayr W, Schnetz G, Unger E, Pienk H jr, retrospective analysis, using Kaplan- Meier survival analy-
Ewers R sis.

Clinic of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, AKH Vienna RESULTS:

Waehringerguerte118-20, A- 1090 Vienna, Austria Between1989-1996 640 patients were treated for impacted
Tel.: 01-40400/4259; oliver.ploder@univie,ae. at canines. Out of this group 120 patients (18,75%) were
treated with a transplantation of their canine instead of a
Aim: Distraction osteogenesis is an important clinical tool with surgical- orthodontic guided eruption of the canine. The
several applications for the entire human skeleton. The tech- indications were: very deep impactions, refusal of orthodon-
nique of mandibular lengthening has been adapted to the tic therapy and unsuccessful previous attempts of combined
human mandible in 1991 by McCarthy et al. The main criti- surgical-orthodontic guided eruptionof the impacted
cism of an external apparatus has been the scars resulting from canine. The total number of autotransplanted canines
the transcutaneous pins. With the development of an intraoral followed, amounts to 176. Out of these, 12 transplanted
device this disadvantage was avoidable but transmucosal access canines were lost.
was still necessary for length adjustment. The aim of this Factors contributing to failure of canine-transplantation
experimental study was to design a completely implanted inlcude: (1) unsuccessfull previous attempts of surgical
device for continuous and automatic mandibular lengthening. guidance of an impacted canine, subsequently followed by
Study Design: The driving module of the internal device, transplantation (2) absence of orthodontic receptor site
where motor and gearing are built-in, is connected to the preparation (3) delay of endodontic treatment in case of
battery and control unit by a flexible coiled silicone lead. In necrotic pulp tissue (4) severing the impacted canine with
an experimental study on sheep (n=7) the device was fixed the surgical drill (5) severing the periodontal tissues of the
to the mandible after an osteotomy in the anterior region transplanted canine during surgery (6) traumatic occlusion
had been performed. The control unit was implanted in the of the transplanted canine.
neck region. Five days after implantation, the device was Kaplan-Meier analysis of the data indicates that root-
activated and it allowed calibrated distraction steps of resorption is a major prognostic factor to the survival of the
0.08mm every second hour, achieving 1.0mm distraction per canine: once root-resorption is progressing, the survival rate
day. After 14 days of lengthening, the apparatus was turned declines to 50% after 3000 days of follow-up. Ankylosis does
off and the bone ends maintained in their final expanded not seem to influence canine survival in absence of root-
position for an additional 6 weeks. resorption. Endodontic treatment does not influence sur-
Results: The electromechanical implant was tolerated with- vival if root resorption had visibly affected the root of the
out any complications and the animals had no difficulties in canine on radiography. Endodontic treatment is able to pre-
receiving adequate oral nutrition during the study. vent root resorption.
Clinically, the distracted gap showed mature bone forma-
tion. Measurements between the screws demonstrated a CONCLUSIONS:
lengthening of 13.4 mm (10.8-17.8mm) in the distracted Tranplantation of canines is a reliable method provided that
gap. Histologically, this area was filled with new bone and the receptor site is prepared orthodontically without previ-
the thin-section radiograph showed it to be slightly less ous surgical attempts to guide the eruption of the canine
radiodense than the normal bone. and provided that the endodontic treatment is done shortly
Discussion: With the development of intraoral devices, the dis- after diagnosis of necrosis of the pulp.
advantages of external application could be avoided but still Orthodontic site preparation allows for sufficient recipi-
transmucosal activation with a screwdriver was necessary to ent space, allowing a gentle surgical technique, a simple and
gain distraction. In our experimental study, an internal device effective fixation and an excellent follow-up.
was successfully used for callus distraction and almost continu-
ous mandibular lengthening of max. 17.8ram was achieved. The
mechanical system allows smaller devices with a distraction
range to 30mm without changing the principle construction. RIGID EXTERNAL DISTRACTION (RED) FOR
Therefore a first clinical application in the near future seems MAXILLARY H Y P O P L A S I A
realistic. Furthermore, the system of this prototyp is open for a
variety of applications for lengthening different bones. John W. Polley, MD, Alvaro A. Figueroa, DDS, MS-

The University of Illinois at Chicago, The Craniofacial

Patients with severe maxillary hypoplasia present challeng-
Dr. C Politis (*), Dr. L. Vrielinck, Dr. S. Schepers, Prof. L ing problems for the reconstructive team. Traditional surgi-
Lambrichts cal/orthodontic approaches for these patients often fall
146 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

short of expectations, especially for achieving normal facial of respiratory pathologies which could evolve in severe syn-
aesthetics and proportions. This presentation reviews our dromes as the OSAS.
long term clinical and cephalometric results with the use of
maxillary distraction osteogenesis for the treatment of 1- Tangugsorn V., Skatvedt O., Frogstad O., et al:
patients with severe maxillary deficiency. "Obstructive sleep apnea: a cephalometric study. Part I.
Fifteen consecutive oro-facial cleft patients with severe Cervico-craniofacial skeletal morphology."
maxillary hypoplasia were treated by maxillary distraction Eur J Orth 17: 45-56. 1995.
osteogenesis with rigid external distraction (RED). A maxil- 2- Tangugsorn V., Skatvedt O., Frogstad O., et al:
lary splint was prepared for each patient and all patients "Obstructive sleep apnea: a cephalometric study. Part II.
underwent a high LeFort I maxillary osteotomy. All surgery Uvulo-glossopharyngeal morphology."
was performed as either an outpatient or as a 23 hour Eur J Orth 17: 57-67. 1995.
admission. No patient required blood transfusions or inter- 3- Hierl T., Humpfner-Hierl H., Frerich B., et al:
maxillary fixation. There was no surgical morbidity in any "obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome: results and conclu-
of the patients. For the patients in this group the mean sions of a principal component analysis."
effective horizontal advancement of the maxilla was over 10 J Cranio-Max- Fac Surg 25: 181-185. 1997.
mm. All patients in this group were closely followed for a
period greater than 1 year after completion of their initial
distraction. The skeletal and dental relationships for all
patients were found to be stable at one year after the distrac- ULTRASONOGRAPHIC EXPLORATION OF
tion. The long term cephalometric data as well as clinical MAXILLOFACIAL TUMOURS - A COMPARATIVE
examples will be presented. STUDY OF IMAGING M E T H O D S
Maxillary distraction osteogenesis with rigid external
distraction (RED) permits full correction of the midfacial Mihaela Popa .1, Gl: B~ciut 1, Agnes Adam,, R. Badea ~,
deficiency including both the skeletal and soft tissue defi-
ciencies. Rigid external distraction (RED) in patients with 1Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
severe maxillary hypoplasia allows full correction of the :Department of Ultrasound, III Medical Clinic, "luliu
deformity through treatment of the affected region only. It Hatieganu"
offers the distinct advantage of correcting these severe University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoea,
deformities through a "minimal" procedure. Rigid external Romdnia
distraction (RED) has dramatically improved our long term
treatment results for patients with severe cleft maxillary Aims: High resolution ultrasonography (7 - 10 MHz) repre-
hypoplasia. sents a non-invasive and accessible method. It allows dis-
tinct correlations with data obtained in clinical
examination. The aim of the study is to offer a comparative
evaluation of performances of high resolution ultrasonog-
raphy versus other imagistic methods.
Method: Ultrasonographic investigation with soft tissue trans-
ducer (Acuson 128 XP/10), with 7 - 10 MHz fiequency.
Exploration was done as standard ultrasonography (grey-scale),
De Ponte F.S., Brunelli A., Bottini D.J., Marchetti E.
pulsed Doppler vascular ultrasonography and power Doppler
color-coded ultrasonography. The technical approach included
Maxillo-facial Unit- "La Sapienza" University of Rome, Italy analysis of perpendicular sections, systematic study of homo- and
controlateral lymphnode chains (location, number, dimensions,
To define the PAS variation with a cephalometric study in echogenity, structure), study of tumor and organ demarcation.
patients affected by class II and treated with orthodontic surgery. Results: Tumors of the salivary glands appear as hypoe-
The posterior airway space (PAS) is delimited by bone chogenic, parenchymatous masses. Assessment of tumor
structures and soft tissues, whose anomalies may produce vascularization offers important diagnostic and prognostic
alterations in volume of PAS. data. Cervical metastatic lymphadenopathies appear as
In patients with severe hypoplasia of middle and lower round, hypoechogenic nodes, whereas inflammatory
facial third, a decrease in volume of PAS is present and can adenopathies are oval and hyperechogenic. Adenopathies
result in a polisyndromic condition, OSAS (Obstructive with transsonic center are more frequently necrotized.
Sleep Apnea Syndrome). Conclusions: Ultrasonography can detect small tumors (ca.
This study considers 18 patients affected by class II who 2 - 3 ram) and superficial cervical adenopathies. Vascular
underwent surgery to correct the maxillo-mandibular mal- exploration can offer useful information regarding the
formation. This sample was selected on the basis of the degree of vascularization of the tumor and tumoral inva-
type of surgery performed (either Le Fort I osteotomy with sion in cervical vessels. Ultrasonography should become the
or without Sagittal Split Osteotomy (SSO) or only SSO). first imagistic investigation performed in analogy with clini-
To evaluate PAS variation, cephalometric analyses were cal examination. This method prooves to be fiable for post-
performed by pre and post-operative teleradiography in lat- operative control, especially when CT-scan is unaccessible.
eral projection according to Tangugsorn et la (1995) (1-2)
and Hierl et al (1997) (3).
This study showed an increase in volume of PAS when
the maxilla is anterior and/or superior moved as that Sso is
performed. A decrease of PAS can be seen in downward
and/or backward maxillary movements.
In conclusion, cephalometric studies of the bone struc- Eugenia Popescu,D. Gogalniceanu, C.Mihai, Saad Hamwi
tures associated with exams of the soft tissues (such as
tongue, pharynx, soft palate etc,) should be performed in all
patients affected by maxillo-mandibular malformation.
*UM.F.. IA I-Romania
Such as approach may provide basic data for the diagnosis
EACMFS- Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 147

In the Clinic of Oro Maxillo Facial Surgery in Romfinia, Cosmetic septorhinoplasty as a dosed procedure has its limita-
in a 45 year interval of time (1951-1995) there were admit- tions when dealing with gross tip reconstruction or post cleft
ted 15.618 patients with fractures of the face bones,which nasal deformities A combination of intercartilaginous, transcar-
represents 79,08% of the total of 19.762 patients with tilaginous and para-rim incisions is used to expose the nasal skele-
trauma. A number of 12.096 patients (77,44%) had ton. Criteria for use of these incisions individually or in
fractures of the mandible and 3522(22.56%) fractures of combination will be defined, as they vary depending on the fea-
the mandible and 3522(22,56%) fractures of the middle tures of the nasal deformity to be corrected and requirements of
third of the face. stability of the post surgical result. Reduction or reconstruction
The clinical statistical study pointed out that every 5 of the tip definitions with or without graft material is also a cru-
years the number of patients with fractures increased on the cial factor in making decision on which approach is to be utilised;
average with 137%.The majority of patients(71,13%)were various cases described by the author will demonstrate the limita-
between 21 and 50 years of age. tions of dosed rhinoplasty. Open rhinoplasty as an alternative
The main three etiological factors were:agres- technique used for reconstruction of post cleft deformities in par-
sion(60%),accidental falls(13,41%) and traffic acci- ticular, will be demonstrated and compared with the dosed pro-
dents(8,93%). cedures. Comparison of two techniques with clear delineation of
Prognosis data have shown that up to the end of the first criteria for each will be demonstrated on illustrative cases.
decade of the XXI century the number of patients with frac-
tures of the face bones will increase from 4026 in 1991 to
5399 between 2006 and 2010.
L E S I O N S INVOLVING THE ANTERIOR/MIDDLE Priiger TM, Klesper B, Siessegger M, Zrller JE
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of
Cologne, Germany
R Campbell; 0 A Pospisil, P May.
SupraregionaI Craniofacial Unit, Alder Hey Children's The aim of our study was to compare the outcome and
Hospital, Eaton Road, Liverpool, L12 2AP. treatment costs in two groups of patients with dislocated
Tel." 44 0151 252 5018 Fax. 44 0151 252 5018 condylar neck fractures.

Choosing the right approach to pathological lesions, involv- MATERIALS AND M E T H O D S :

ing the anterior/middle cranial fossa in paediatric cranio- From 1991 to 1997, 132 patients with isolated and dislo-
facial surgery will often determine the curative or palliative cated fractures of the condylar neck were treated in our
nature of this surgery. Special consideration must be given department. Fifty nine patients (group 1) had an osteosyn-
to the preservation of anatomical landmarks, determining thesis with an Eckelt's screw, 73 (group 2) were treated by
further development of cranial and facial structures - yet intermaxillary fixation.
exposure to the pathological field; safety of the surgical Postoperative clinical and radiographic examination was
manoeuvres and complete excision of the abnormal tissue performed in all patients. Eighty seven patients were exam-
must not be compromised. The use of the technique of ined functionally according to the TMJ-questionnaire of
combined cranial, partial orbital and facial partition with the D G Z M K . Twenty seven of the patients with functional
maxillary mobilisation designed by the authors' team will be disturbances had an MRI-scan.
described in detail and demonstrated on representative
cases. This access to the operation site allows the operator RESULTS:
to visualise the tumour from above, front and below, thus The clinical and functional results did not show significant
achieving complete and safe excision of the lesion under differences between the two groups. An advantage in group
direct vision. However, all facial contours can be recon- 1 was the anatomical repositioning which could be identi-
structed using original cranio-facial segments or newly fied radiographically. In group 1, the hospital stay was 9.6
reconstructed with split calvarial bone graft, peri-cranium days. The days the patient spent off work were 19.3 at the
and muscles when necessary. This modified total facial par- first hospitalization and 5.2 when the screw was removed.
tition and technique, which differs from those described The patients in group 2 spent 13.2 days at hospital and the
elsewhere used in adult sm'gery, facilitates safe and often period of disability was 32.5 days.
curative surgery.
The present results indicate that the surgical treatment of dislo-
cated fractures of the mandibular condylar neck is a comfort-
CLOSED VERSUS OPEN S E P T O R H I N O P L A S T Y able and successful alternative for the treatment of these
fractures due to the shorter period of disability, an earlier rein-
0 A Pospisil, tegration of the patients in the social environment, and compa-
rable functional results. Prospective studies are necessary for a
Consultant Maxillofacial Surgeon, Walton Hospital, Rice better clarification of the functional results in the two groups.
Lane, Liverpool L9 1AE.
Tel 44 0151 529 4726 (Secretary)
44 0378 893489 Mobile Mr Pospisil

de Roche, R., Kuhn, A., de Roche-Weber, P., Rahn, B.,

148 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

Gogolewski, S., Printzen, G., De Jager, M., Hammer, B., standardized l m m a day, at which, though, bony fusion
Prein, J. (Speaker: Prein, Z) would occur. Therefore, muscular and dentoalveolar prepa-
ration should be performed prior to DO and continued after
University Hospital Basel, Clinicfor Reconstructive Surgery, it to maximize the results. The purpose of this clinical and
Basel (Switzerland) cephalometric study was to evaluate the changes in maxil-
lary asymmetry after orthopedic treatment combined to
unilateral distraction of the mandible in growing children
Aim: With the help of this experimental study in sheep, a MATERIALS & METHODS: Postero-anterior cephalo-
comparison of new membranes made of Polylactat (L/DL metric radiographs of 3 patients with H F M treated with
80/20) and Polydioxanon (PDS) was undertaken. unilateral DO were analyzed. The average age of the
Subsequently it was investigated whether it is better to patients at the time of distraction was 5. 6 years. All of
reconstruct orbital walls with Polylactat membranes only, or those patients underwent orthopedic-orthodontic interven-
with Polylactat membranes together with free bone grafts tion to level the occlusal plane. At the end of the orthopedic
fixed in a cantilever manner. treatment a controlateral open bite was created.
Method: Three series of experiments were undertaken. Series no Immediately post-distraction the typical ipsilateral open-
1: In 12 orbits of 6 sheep, defects of the orbits extending into the bite was avoided in all of the patients. To evaluate maxillary
frontal sinus and the maxillary sinus were reconstructed with skeletal base and dentoalveolar asymmetry before and
either membranes made of Polylactat or PDS. Series no 2: immediately after mandibular distraction combined to
Reconstruction of 6 orbits with Polylactat membranes together dentofacial orthopedics 10 landmarks were identified and
with autologous bone grafts, and 6 orbits had reconstruction angular measurements involving the infraorbital plane, the
with Polylactat only. Series no 3: In 20 orbits 10 were recon- nasal floor, the maxillary occlusal plane and the mandibular
structed with Polylactat membranes 0.5mm thickness and 10 skeletal base were analyzed.
were reconstructed with Polylactat membranes 0.25mm. All 20 RESULTS and CONCLUSIONS: N o changes were seen in
orbits were reconstructed with membranes only. the maxillary skeletal base, but dentoalveolar remodeling
Results: PDS membranes resorbed too quickly. Polylactat was obtained with an average reduction in the occlusal cant
membranes are superior. Free bone grafts seem to remain of 6 degrees during the presurgical orthopedic and the dis-
non vital for a long time. Orbits reconstructed with traction phase (range 5 to 7 degrees) leading to an excellent
Polylactat membranes only showed undisturbed healing and occlusion and a flattened occlusal plane. A longer follow up
good reossification of the orbital walls. In series no 3 the will be needed to evaluate the actual grade of long term
sheep were kept alive for one year. stability of this type of a coordinated procedure versus a
Conclusion: Polylactat membranes are superior to PDS distraction with no orthopedic support.
membranes. It seems to be possible to reconstruct major
defects, even inclusive of the frontal and maxillary sinuses
with membranes only.
Puelacher W.C, lq¢~ Waldhart E. 1, Eder R. 2, Zur Nedden D.2
COLLABORATION IN THE TREATMENT OF JDepartment of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Leopold
HEMIFACIAL MICROSOMIA THROUGH Franzens University, Innsbruck, Austria
MANDIBULAR DISTRACTION OSTEOGENESIS: A 2University Clinic of Radiology, Leopold Franzens
PRELIMINARY REPORT University, Innsbruck Austria
Pricca M., Meazzini M., Mazzoleni F., Caronni E., Callus distraction of the craniofacial skeleton represents an
advanced technique of controlled, gradual neomorphogene-
S. Gerardo Hospital, Monza, Italy sis of tissue. Depending on the degree of hypoplasia, age of
the patient etc. uni-, bi- or multidirectional lengthening pro-
INTRODUCTION: Hemifacial microsomia (HFM) is cedures after one or two osteotomies on each affected side
mainly characterized by unilateral underdevelopment of the of the mandible are performed. Planning of direction and
ear, mandible and associated musculature and soft tissues. amount of distraction is still a problem.
The mandible is deviated upward and toward the affected The exact anatomical reconstruction is facilitated using
side and is associated with canting of the occlusal plane. computerassisted 3D planning. The surgical intervention is
Distraction osteogenesis (DO) is gaining popularity in the simulated using the software package "3D- VIEWNIX"
treatment of mandibular deformity in H F M , being less implemented of a SGI/Indigo graphics workstation. Using
invasive and applicable at a younger patient age. Excellent the shell-rendering technique "3D-VIEWNIX" allows fast
facial results have been obtained with DO, but very often interactive computer graphics visualisation, manipulation
severe occlusal problems are created, with severe open bites (i.e. to mirror, to cut or to move 3D-objects) and quantita-
or cross bites, substantially due to the lack of team work. tive measurements of 3D-structures reconstructed from CT
Two factors can and should be controlled through the close cross sections.
collaboration with an orthodontist. First of all the den- Additionally the surgical distraction procedure is simu-
toalveolar change. When no prior orthopedics has been lated using a stereolithographic model. An occlusal splint
performed a lateral open bite is usually created on the dis- is produced preoperatively to control the desired mandibu-
tracted side. This occlusal instability is a possible cause of lar elongation and to stabilize the result. An orthodontic
partial relapse as the maxillary cant does not have enough treatment follows the mandibular callus distraction
time to self-correct during the skeletal retention phase. procedures.
Secondly, although DO has been shown to induce muscle The computer assisted 3D-planning is demonstrated
increment, with myofibrillogenesis and serial sarcomere using a case report.
addition, maximal muscle response is only achieved with a Distraction histiogenesis may have many applications in
much lower rate of elongation (0.2ram per day) than the craniomaxillofacial surgery.
EACMFS Abstracts, HelsinkiCongress 1998 149

Conclusions: Based on our findings, we believe that every

7h OSSEOINTEGRATED I M P L A N T S IN patient who undergoes orthognatic surgery must have a neu-
MICROVASCULAR MANDIBULAR romuscular "pacification" for the period of time it takes to
RECONSTRUCTION have the mandibular appropriate position, prior to the
treatment planning in order to select the best surgical treat-
Pulkkinen, J.*,DDS., Suominen, E. MD, Ph D., ment.
Quevedo Luis. DDS
Department of Plastic Surgery, Helsinki University Central Francisco Noguera 41 3° Piso
Hospital Providencia- Santiago
Aims: To analyse our experiments with osseointegrated Fax: 56-2-2334849
implants in large mandibular defects treated with vascular- 56-2-2344146
ized fibular or crista iliaca bone grafts and dental prostheses. e-mail: H Y P E R L I N K
Subjects: Fibular (6 grafts) or crista iliaca (2 grafts) vascu- luisquevedo
larized bone grafts were used together with Brgmemark
osseointegrated implants in eight patients. The fate of the
dental implants was followed clinically and radiographically
from 9 months to 39 months. Immediate implant placement GROWTH AFTER C O S T O C O N D R A L GRAFT IN
was performed in two patients at the time of mandibular GROWING PATIENTS W I T H FACIAL
reconstruction with vascularized fibular bone grafts. MICROSOMIA
Results: All bone grafts were successful and later remodel-
ling or resorption of the grafts did not lead to loosening of Quevedo, Luis. DDS.
the implants. Out of 43 implants, 38 were successfully
osseointegrated and were able to support dental prostheses. Department of OMFS. School of Dentistry University of
Conclusions: No differences were noticed in implant place- Chile. Sdtero del Rio Hospital. OMFS Training Program.
ment or in survival of dental implants between vascularized Santiago, Chile
fibular or crista iliaca bone grafts. Close collaboration
between the reconstructive surgeon and the prosthodontist
is essential for successful dental rehabilitation of these Aims: To study growth after costocondral graft for
patients. mandibular reconstruction in growing facial microsomia
patients with class IIb and class III skeletal deformities.
Subject: Twenty four growing facial microsomia patients
with class IIb and class III skeletal deformities who under-
N E U R O M U S C U L A R "PACIFICATION" IN went growth center transplantation with costocondral graft
TREATMENT P L A N N I N G F O R ORTHOGNATIC were study to verify the type and the amount of growth.
SURGERY Computerized cephalometric analysis and superimposition
were used to estimate the amount and direction of growth.
Quevedo, Luis. DDS. Clinical and full radiographic evaluation was used for
knowing the type of growth
Department of OMFS. School of Dentistry University of Results: Two different well defined types of growth were
Chile. S6tero del Rio Hospital OMFS Training Program. found. Clinical and radiographic findings are shown and
Santiago, Chile compared with each other. Exuberant and Lineal type of
growth result in a non specific type of patients or per-
operative conditions and both lineal and exuberant type
Aims: To demonstrate variations in surgical options in the
can be seen along with or without overgrowth. In regard
treatment planning of orthognatic surgery patients after
to the amount of growth, our patient population show
neuromuscular "pacification".
different spectrum starting from one to two and half years
Study Design: Three different groups of 10 patients with
post-op, the clinical evidences of it. Long term follow up
skeletal deformities were divided in class I, class II with
show continue growth in cases with overgrowth but lim-
open bite and class II without open bite. All of them
ited growth is seen in other cases with no overgrowth. This
underwent neuromuscular "pacification" via 2 to 3 months
is in spite of similar post surgical management, however
of neuromuscular "pacification" using a full arch acrylic
we have found differences in the surgical management in
splint for 24 hours a day. Clinical photos, model and radi-
ographic records were obtained in usual bite relation before patients with overgrowth. We have correlated overgrowth
with the load or overload of the grafted new condilar unit.
the splint therapy and the same was obtained in centric rela-
On the other hand. we have found no correlation with the
tion after completed the neuromuscular "pacification".
Treatment planning was done in each patient using their amount of cartilage left in the top of the graft at the time
two different set of records. Result were compared for each o f surgery.
patients to see the differences in surgical options for each Conclusions: Based on our findings, we believe that costo-
one of them. condral graft is a good way to treat class IIb and III skeletal
Results: Mandibular position change up to the point to give deformity patients who are non good candidate to perform
totally different surgical options in the same patient depend- distraction osteogenesis. It is important to know the differ-
ing on neuromuscular pacification. Class III patients shows ent type of growth we could have and the management the
patient need in either case.
very few changes in mandibular position. Class II without
open bite patients show up to 4 ram. posterior movement
after neuromuscular pacification, changing the surgical Quevedo, Luis DDS
treatment options. Class II with open bite patients show the Francisco Noguera 41 3°Piso
greatest change in mandibular position and surgical treat- Prividencia - Santiago - CHILE
ment options. Statistics are shown individually for each Fax: 56-2-2344146 - 2334849
patient and as a group of skeletal deformity.
150 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

of pericoronitis were detected in 9.4 % of the patients, 63.7 %

A L L O P L A S T I C RECONSTRUCTION O F THE in men and 36.3% in women (p=0.2). When all the signs of
infection foci recorded from the x-rays were summarized, the
patients had a mean number of 3.2 lesions in comparison with
Peter D. Quinn, DMD, AID,
1.7 + 3.3 in men and 0.9+ 1.8 in women (p=0.03).
Conclusion: There are statistically significant differences
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA between both sexes in this study and signs of infectio in
patients with CHD, which need oral surgical treatment.
AIM: Overview of six different alloplastic temporo-
mandibular joint prostheses used over a fifteen year period.
SUBJECT: Theoretically, a successful alloplastic prosthesis
for joint replacement would offer the following advantages D BIODEGRADABLE SELF-REINFORCED
in the adult patient: POLYLACTIDE O S T E O S Y N T H E S I S IN
Lack of donor-site morbidity MAXILLOFACIAL TRAUMATOLOGY
Occlusal stability (compared with autogenous grafts, which
have variable resorption rates)
Sailer H.FJ*, Haers P.E, 1, Suuronen R. 2, Lindqvist C.2
No need for intermaxillary fixation
Early range of motion with attendant dietary improve- 1Department of Cranio-MaxilloJi~cial Surgery, University
ment Hospital Zurich, Switzerland. :Department of Oral and
Decreased risk of ankylosis from heterotopic bone formation Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital Helsinki, Finland.
Decreased surgical and anesthetic time
We will review our experience with the following pros- Introduction: Metallic osteosynthesis material in maxillofa-
thetic joint systems: Synthes, Kent-Vitek, Delrin-TiMesh, cial traumatology has the disadvantage that it has to be
Christensen, Tech-Medica, and Biomet-Lorenz. Special removed after the osteotomy has consolidated, which often
emphasis will be placed on the bio-compatibility and wear requires general anaesthesia. Titanium plates have been
care characteristics of the various biomaterials, surgical indi- introduced to bypass this need for secondary intervention.
cations and techniques, complications and failure rates, and However, due to corrosion, titanium particles have been
future direction of research in alloplastic implants. A total of found in scar tissue covering these plates and regional lymph
260 patients will be presented with long-term follow-up in nodes. Moreover, if plates remain in situ for life, they cause
pain levels, masticatory function, and life of the prosthesis. artefacts in CT-imaging and especially in MRI-examination
of the midface and oral cavity. In earlier studies, self rein-
forced polyactide devices have proven to be strong enough
to bypass the need of additional support for the fixation of
ORAL SURGERY TREATMENT N E E D IN fractures in experimental and clinical conditions.
PATIENTS REFERRED FOR CORONARY ARTERY Method: Four different systems of self-reinforced polyactide
BYPASS SURGERY osteosynthesis material were developed in order to enable
osteosynthesis with biodegradable material in craniofacial
Qvarustr6m M l'z , Meurman J. H. 2, Nuutiuen ps, Rehnberg and orthognathic surgery as well as in maxillofacial trauma-
S, Halonen p4. tology. These systems consist of the same material with
screws in different diameters (1.5 ram; 2.0 ram; 2.5 mm and
University of Kuopio, Faculty of Medicine/Department of 2.7 ram) and plates with different profiles (0.6 ram; 1.0 ram;
Oral and Dental Diseases 1 and Kuopio University Hospital, 1.2 ram; 1.4 mm).
Clinics of Otolaryngology / Clinics of Oral and Dental The new systems of self-reinforced polyactide biodegrad-
Diseases 3 Clinics of Surgery: and Internal Medicine6 , able osteosynthesis were consequently used in all patients vol-
University of Kuopio/Department of Statistics, University of unteering when undergoing craniofacial surgery, orthognathic
Helsinki, Institute of Dentistry 2, Finland surgery and presenting with fractures of the maxillofacial
skeleton. Excluded were fractures causing discontinuity of the
Aim: to study oral surgery treatment needs in patients with mandible, patients suspected of H.I.V.-infection and patients
cardio-vascular heart disease referred for coronary artery with systemic diseases. In all cases, clinical examinations were
bypass surgery. done on a weekly basis until the sixth postoperative week,
Methods: the patients were studied clinically and panoramic three and six months postoperatively. Radiological examina-
tomographs were taken. Signs of dental infectious foci were tions were performed preoperatively, immediately postopera-
examined and recorded. The findings were summarized and tively, six weeks, three and six months postoperatively.
expressed as the total panoramic risk index (Mattila 1989). All The preliminary results (follow-up period from six weeks
the x-rays (n=250) was examined twice by one investigator, ( to six months) concerning the clinical use of this new mate-
MQ). The statistical difference between the two examinations rial (fit in the bone, damage of the material by manipula-
was not significant as expressed by the kappa -value (0.90). tion, need of emergency screws) and postoperative findings
Results: the patient's heart disease was at least class II (incidence of material-related complications, skeletal stabil-
according to the New York Heart Association classification. ity) will be reported.
The mean age of the patients was 60.3 "9.3 years, men 58.8+
9.9 years and women 63.0+ 7.5 (p<0.001) and 63.8% were
men, 6.2 % women. In this group, 65 % were dentate and 35 DISTRACTION OSTEOGENESIS O F CRANIO-
% were edentulous (p< 0.0001). Of the men 73 % were den- FACIAL SKELETON - RESEARCH & CLINICAL
tate compared with 50.5 % in women (p<0.0001) The mean APPLICATIONS
number of remaining teeth was 8.8_+ 9. 1, men 9.9 ± 8.9 and
women 7.0_+ 9.1 (p=0.17). The mean number of retained A. Rachmiel,
roots was 0.5_+ 1.5, 0.5 _+ 1.7 in men and 0.4 _+ 1.0 in women
(n.s.). The mean number of periapical lesions was 0.6_+ 1.0, Dept. of OMS, Rambam Medical Centet, Haifa, Israel
and 0.6 _+ 1.1 in men and 0.4 _+0.8 in women (p<0.001). Signs
EACMFS- Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 151

Distraction osteogenesis is a method of generating new

bone by gradual distraction. The method was developed by
Ilizarov in long enchondral bones. We started a series of
studies on membranous facial bones in animals. We did Le
Fort II osteotomies, following by gradual distraction in Raghoebar, G.M.*, Batenburg, R.H.K., Timmenga, N.M.,
young adult sheep and obtained a mid-facial elongation of Reintsema, H., Vissink, A.
40mm with new bone formation at the distraction site. An
additional 1 year study demonstrated that the new bone for-
Dept. of Oral & Maxillofac. Surg., Univ. Hospital
mation offers long term stability, obviating the need for
Groningen, The Netherlands
bone grafting. Another study demonstrates a concomitant
3-dimensional correction of several facial bones with the
possibility of changing the direction of lengthening at the Aim: Placement of endosseous implants in the atrophic
time of distraction. This offers the advantage of a 3-dimen- maxilla is often limited because of lack of supporting bone.
sional control of movement of the facial bones. Biopsies Augmentation of the floor of the maxillary sinus with auto-
were taken every 5 days during the first 3 weeks in order to genous bone grafts is one of the treatment modalities to
follow the early generation of new bone, again after 6 addi- solve this problem. The aim of this study was to evaluate the
tional weeks, and 1 year later. The specimens are analysed morbidity and complication rate of this treatment modality.
histologically, histochemically, and by scanning electron Methods: In 99 patients the maxillary sinus floor was aug-
microscopy for the ultrastructural pattern and mineralisa- mented with iliac crest (N=83, 163 sinuses, 353 implants),
tion. The process of osteogenesis, angiogenesis and mineral- mandibular symphysis (N=14, 18 sinuses, 37 implants), or
isation will be demonstrated. The effect of cytokins as TGF the maxillary tuberosity (N=2, 2 sinuses, 2 implants) grafts.
- on the osteogenic process will be shown. Following labora- Nine of these patients had a predisposition for sinusitis.
tory studies, we commenced, 6 years ago, distraction osteo- Peri-operative (a.o. perforation of the sinus membrane) and
genesis in the human hypoplastic mandible by using both postoperative (a.o. sinusitis, inflammation, mucosal
the extraoral and intraoral devices. The advantages of both dehisence, loss of bone particles) parameters were scored.
methods will be presented. In cases of maxillary retrusion in Results: Perforation of the sinus membrane, which
young children, and especially with cleft lip and palate, bet- occurred in 47 cases, did not predispose to development of
ter results are obtained by early skeletal advancement of the sinusitis. Symptoms of transient sinusitis were observed in
maxilla by distraction osteogenesis. There is no need for two out of the nine patients with a predisposition for
intermaxillary fixation (difficult in young patients) or rigid sinusitis only. These symptoms were successfully treated
fixation of the maxilla by miniplates which can damage the with decongestants and antibiotics. A third patient from
tooth buds and roots at this age. In conclusion, lengthening latter group developed a purulent sinusitis which resolved
of facial bones by distraction osteogenesis provides treat- after a nasal antrostomy. Loss of bone particles and
ment for these youngsters, with new bone formation obviat- sequesters was observed in one (diabetic) patient only, in
ing the need for bonegrafting and further complex surgery. whom a mucosal dehiscence occurred. A second augmen-
tation procedure was successful. In all cases the bone vol-
ume was sufficient for insertion implants. Thirty-two of
392 inserted Brgmemark implants (8.2%) were lost during
[~ COMBINED SURGICAL TREATMENT AND the follow-up (mean 47.6 months, median 48.1 months,
BRACHYTHERAPY IN SQ. CELL CA. OF MAXILLA range 8 to 107 months), no sinus pathology was observed
(MAXILLARY SINUS). post implantation. The patients received implant sup-
ported overdentures (74 patients) or fixed bridges (25 pa-
RachmM A. % Rosenblatt E., Ardekian L., Blumenfeld L, Laufer D. tients) and experienced no complaints with regard to the
grafts and implants.
Department of Oral & MaxilIofacial Surgery, Department of Conclusion: It is concluded that the morbidity and compli-
Oneology, Rambam Medical Center, Haifa, Israel. cation rate of bone grafting of the floor of the maxillary
sinus floor with autogenous bone is neglectable.
Maxillary sinus carcinoma usually appears, in advanced
stages, as a mass in either the oral cavity, nose, or cheek. It
is rarely confined to the maxillary sinus at the time of diag-
nosis. In advanced stages the combination of surgical EFFECTS OF CHEMICAL C O M P O S I T I O N AND
resection and radiotherapy yields the best results, as resid- DESIGN OF POLY (L/DL-LACTIDE) IMPLANTS ON
ual microscopic disease can be controlled by radiotherapy. THE HEALING OF CRANIAL DEFECTS
The problem is compounded by the proximity to critical
structures such as orbit, cranial nerves,and base of skull. *LeiggeneJ; C.S 1), Curtis, R. ~) , Rahn, B.A. 1)
Thus, in order to deliver relatively high doses of postoper-
ative radiation without excessively irradiating sensitive A O-Research Institute l j, A O-Development Institute 2J, Davos,
organs as orbits, we perform postoperative brachytherapy Switzerland
by using an obturator loaded with Iridium-192 sources. 18
patients with maxillary sinus carcinoma in size T2-T4 were
treated by combining surgery and focal brachytherapy. Subject: In defects involving inner and outer table of the cranial
Only selected patients with advanced stages received addi- vault, there is a tendency that intra- and extracranial tissues are
tional external beam irradiation. After a median follow-up pressed into the defect, thus interfering with the regeneration
of 46 months, 15 of the 18 patients were alive and free of process. The goal of the study was to compare the healing of
disease. The main advantage of brachytherapy following cranial defects in rabbits assisted by bioresorbable guiding
surgery is a localized higher dose of radiation adjacent to structures of different design and different chemical
surgical margin areas, sparing high doses of external radi- composition.
ation from organs at risk as eyes, optic pathways, and Method: Bilateral circular cranial defects (diameter 8.3mm)
brain. were produced in New Zealand white rabbits. In 16 animals
152 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

the defects were covered externally with extruded and laser- on the cast in the dental laboratory. The decision for
cut poly (L/DL-lactide) foils, whereby each animal received angulated abutments is done under control of a paral-
a perforated (1 mm holes) and a non perforated defect cover. lelometer and the processing does exact three-dimen-
In an additional 16 rabbits, the defect spaces were kept open sional correction of any disangulation. A very low
with foils which created hollow chambers. The foils were amount of components are responsible for easy handling
manufactured from poly (L/DL-lactide) 70:30 or 80:20, and simple logistics as well as highest industrial precision
both materials were implanted in each animal. Bone seeking at full variability.
fluorochromes were administered at regular intervals. After
an observation period of 8 weeks bone regeneration in the KEY WORDS:
defects was assessed radiologically and histologically. Dental implants, kinetic elements, laserroughened surface,
Radiographs were used to quantitate new bone formation in individual abutments, premanufactured basic attachments.
the defect, dynamics of bone formation was assessed by flu-
orescence microscopy, and stained sections served to
analyse morphologic differences
Results: In the case of external covers a wide variation in the SIS-IMPLANTS: A NEW I M P L A N T O L O G I C A L
healing patterns was caused by a varying extent of hernia- CONCEPT W I T H MAINTENANCE FREE KINETIC
tion of intracranial tissues into the defect. Thus no signifi- ELEMENTS AND F U L L ADJUSTABLE ABUTMENT
cant difference in bone formation was produced by the SYSTEM
perforation of the foil. The non perforated foils had a slight
tendency to permit bone formation in a morphology closer *Dr.Heribert Rainer, Dr. Alexandr Gaggl,
to the original structure than did the perforated cover. The
use of hollow chambers resulted in a clear reduction of vari- Dentist, Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgeon, Bahnhofstrasse 22,
ation in the amount of bone formation. Defects were almost A 9020 Klagenfurt/A USTRIA
completely bridged with newly formed bone of the same Dental Surgeon, Auenbruggerplatz 2, A-8020 Graz/AUSTRIA
thickness, and of a similar structure, as the surrounding
bone. No significant statistical difference in bone formation
was induced by the different chemical composition of the
The paper presents a new implantological concept with SIS-
implants. No signs of osteolysis or inflammatory tissue
implant system. This Austria systems consists of a selfcut-
reactions became evident, neither for the different chemical
ting titanium screw with laserprocessed surface. There are
compositions nor for the different designs.
two types of implants: conventional implants and implants
Conclusions: Perforated foils offered no advantage for defect
with built-in shock absorbers. Maximum diameter is 3.3 and
healing compared to non perforated foils. It seems to be of
4.1ram. The straight abutments are pre-fabricated, the
paramount importance that any herniation of soft tissues
angulated abutments may be individually manufactured in
into the defect is prevented. An appropriate spaceholder
the dental laboratory on the base of premanufactured com-
permits primary bone regeneration in a geometry and a
ponents, thus providing an unlimited amount of three
structure which is site specific. In the early phase of bone
dimensional corrections. Also the superstructure is waxed
regeneration the chemical composition of the poly (L/DL- up upon premanufactured components, providing individu-
lactide) had no effect on amount and morphology of the
ality and highest precision at the conjunction.
regenerate. "Decision transfer onto the model" is a concept, reduc-
ing time consuming work and decisions in the mouth,
because all abutments are selected and mounted on the cast
[~ SIS-IMPLANTS: A NEW I M P L A N T O L O G I C A L in the dental laboratory. The decision for the angulated
CONCEPT W I T H MAINTENANCE-FREE KINETIC abutments is done under the control of a parallelometer and
ELEMENTS AND F U L L ADJUSTABLE ABUTMENT the processing does exact three dimensional correction of
SYSTEM any disangulation. A very low amount of components are
responsible for easy handling and simple logistics as well as
*Dr. Heribert Rainer, Dr. Alexander Gaggi highest industrial precision at full variability.

Dentist, Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgeon, Bahnhofstrasse 22/1, KEY-WORDS:

A-9020 Klagenfurt/Austria dental implants, kinetic elements, laserroughened surface,
Dental Surgeon Auenbruggerplatz 2, A-8020 Graz/Austria individual abutments,

The paper presents a new implantological concept with SIS-

Implant-System. This Austrian system consists of a selfcut- SIGNS AND S Y M P T O M S PREDICTING NEED F O R
ting titanium screw with laserprocessed surface. There are INTENSIVE CARE IN PATIENTS S U F F E R I N G F R O M
two types of implants: one with built- in shock absorber SEVERE DENTOGENIC INFECTIONS
and one conventional without. Maximum diameter is
3.3ram and 4.1mm .The straight abutments are prefabri- Riiisiinen, S. *, Paatsama, J., Jousimies-Somer, H.,
cated,the angulated abutments may be individually manu- Meurman, J., Lindqvist, C
factured in the dental laboratory on the base of
premanufactured components, thus providing an unlimited Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Helsinki
amount of three-dimensional corrections. Also the super- University Central Hospital, Institute of Dentistry,
structure is waxed up upon premanufactured components, University of Helsinki, and National Public Health Institute,
providing individuality and highest precision at the con- Helsinki, Finland
"Decision transfer on to the model" is a concept,
reducing time-consuming work and decisions in the Aims: To find out whether any signs or symptoms on admis-
mouth, because all abutments are selected and mounted sion might predict the occurrence of complications or
EACMFS Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 153

a g g r a v a t e d infectious disease in d e n t o g e n i c infec- Results: All but two cases had a detectable bacteraemia
tions. (82%), most frequently one minute after extraction (45% of
Method: 100 consecutive patients requiring hospitalization the samples were positive), but also at 10 rain (45%), 15 rain
due to dentogenic infection were studied clinically and radi- (36%) and 30 rain postoperatively (9%). Thirty-four differ-
ographically. Of these, 18 required intensive care (ICU) due ent bacterial species or groups were isolated from the blood
to cardiorespiratory problems or infectious complications cultures, 4.8 + 2.7 species (mean and SD) per subject. Sixty-
such as carditis, mediastinitis and sepsis. Blood samples eight percent of the microorganisms were anaerobes. The
were analysed for several parameters including C-reactive species most frequently found were Prevotella (4 species),
protein (CRP). The results were analysed statistically (cross Viridans group streptococci (3 different species),
tabulation, t-test). Eubacterium timidum, E. minutum and other Eubacterium
Results: The 18 ICU patients were 39.9 ± 10.7 years old, the species, Peptostreptococcus micros, P anaerobius and other
82 non-lCU patients were 41,2 ± 16.8 years (n.s.). 12 ICU Peptostreptococcal species, and Propionibacterium acnes. In
patients were men (66.6%), while the respective percentage all of the cases with detectable bacteraemia the same
in the other group was 57.5% (n.s.). In all the ICU patients microorganisms (mean 2.1 species) were also isolated from
the infectious focus was in the mandible, while in the other the subject's pericoronal pocket.
group they were more randomly distributed. On admission Conclusion: The present results confirm that oral operative
to hospital, the mean CRP of the ICU patients was 132.3 ± procedures are associated with a very high frequency and
67.3mgll compared to that of the others 78.8 ± 71.6mg/1, long duration of bacteraemia involving anaerobic bacteria
respectively (p<0.01). There was no difference in social which emphasizes the need for discussion concerning
class, smoking habits and consumption of alcohol, duration antimicrobial prophylactics with a wider spectrum against
of symptoms, antibiotic therapy and dental operative proce- anaerobic species.
dures prior to hospitalization. Surprisingly, the number of Supported by the Finnish Dental Association and the
systemic diseases was higher among the non-ICU (31.7%) Finnish Defence Forces.
than in the ICU patients (11.1%, n.s.).
Conclusions: No particular background variable was found
that could be used to assess the need for intensive care in the
treatment of patients with severe dentogenic infection. [~ PLATE O S T E O S Y N T H E S I S O F SUBCONDYLAR
Nevertheless, a high CRP concentration on admission FRACTURES: A REVIEW OF 45 PATIENTS.
might be used as a predictive inflammatory sign for aggra-
vated infection. Rallis, G. * Mezitis, M., Ainatzoglou, 3/1., Skoura, K.,
Zachariades N.

Department of OMFS, Accidents' Hospital of Athens


Rajasuo A. *~,~,Perkki K. 3, Nyfors S. 4, Jousimies-Somer H. 4, Aims: To present the type of osteosynthesis used for the
Meurman J.H. 1 treatment of subeondylar fractures, the postoperative
results and the complications observed.
Method: Between 1990 and 1997, 45 patients with sub-
1Inst. of Dentistry, Univ. of HelsinkL 2Helsinki Univ. Central
condylar fractures underwent open reduction and osteosyn-
thesis with plates and screws. The surgical approach was, in
3Central Military Hospital, 4National Public Health Inst.,
HelsinkL Finland most cases, via a submandibular incision.
Results: Stabilization was achieved in the majority of the
cases with a single or double 2.0ram mini plate, but mini
Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate the occur- dynamic 2.0 mm or 2.7 mm compression plates plates were
rence of bacteraemia associated with operative extraction also used. The complications we had concerned mainly inad-
of lower third molars, and to examine if the per±coronal equate reduction, screw loosening and limitation of mouth
pocket or extraction socket was the source of the bacter- opening. No plate fracture or infections were observed.
aemia. Conclusions: The treatment of subcondylar fractures
Material: The subjects were generally and periodontally remains controversial. We believe that in case of open
healthy (9 male and one female Finnish conscripts (mean reduction and plate osteosynthesis, the use of two 2.0mm
age 21.4 + 1.5 yrs)) and one male officer (39.3 yrs). All had mini plates, produces the better results.
symptomless or mildly symptomatic chronic pericoronitis
associated with a partly erupted (less than half visible) lower
third molar.
Methods: Bacterial samples were absorbed using a sterile IN-VITRO STUDY O F GENETIC P R E D I S P O S I T I O N
endodontic paper point in the per±coronal pocket (average
depth 7.9 mm, SD 2.8) for 30 seconds and postoperatively in
Ramchandani PL *, Scott D, Cowan RA,
the extraction socket and transported in V M G A III
medium. The lower third molar was removed in 10 + 3 min-
utes (mean and SD) after soft tissue incision. Eight out of Department of Cancer Genetics, Paterson Institute for Cancer
11 cases required buccal osteotomy and tooth separation. Research, Christie Hospital NHS Trust, Manchester, England.
Sixteen ml blood samples were taken from the cubital vein 1
min after incision and 1, 5, 10, 15 and 30 minutes after Aims: It has been speculated that head and neck cancer
extraction of the tooth. Qualitative Beeton Dickinson- (HANC) in young adults may be a dissimilar entity from the
method and quantitative Isolator T M Oxoid-method were counterpart in the older population, with absence of the
used in the blood cultivation. Established aerobic / anaero- classic predisposing factors and with genetic influences
bic methods were used in the cultivation and identification assuming a more important role. A study was designed to
of the bacterial isolates. (1) assess the significance of risk factors in the development
154 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofaciatSurgery

of H A N C (2) assess differences in radiosensitivity between fat were reconstructed and their volumes calculated.
patients with early onset H A N C and an older population Different sagittal, frontal and transverse linear measure-
with HANC. ments were also obtained, as well as the sagittal eye posi-
Method: (1) A questionnaire was used to assess age, smok- tion. Mean values and standard deviations were statistically
ing, alcohol consumption, dietary habits, occupational compared in fractured, enophthalmic and control orbits.
exposure and family history of cancer, in 13 patients who Results: The eye sagittal projection strictly correlates to
developed H A N C before or at 45 years of age (early onset orbital length, volume, and posterior width. Traumatic
cases). The results were compared with 17 patients who orbits significantly differ from controls with regard to the
developed H A N C after 45 years of age (late onset cases). sagittal eye projection (CT evaluated enophthalmos),
(2) In the second part of the study, the GO phase micronu- orbital floor morphology (postero-medial enlargement),
cleus assay with high dose rate ~3VCsgamma-irradiation, was and total volume increase. Orbital muscles and fat density
used to assess the intrinsic radiosensitivity of phytohaemag- are not apparently altered. Fat volume does not directly cor-
glutinin stimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes in 13 relate to enophthalmos, though fat atrophy is commonly
patients with early onset HANC, 13 patients with late onset observed in the more compromised orbits. Differences may
H A N C and 13 normal healthy controls. be clearly appreciated in the 3D shape of the orbital con-
Results: (1) Compared with late onset H A N C patients, tent. The most common observation is that the traumatic
fewer early onset patients gave a history of tobacco and orbit is transformed from a conical to a rounded shape with
alcohol consumption and occupational exposure to carcino- a constant enlargement of the posterior segment in enoph-
gens, although this difference was not statistically signifi- thalmic patients.
cant. In addition a family history of H A N C was only seen Conclusions: 3D-CT orbital investigation suggests that late
in one out of 13 early onset cases, and was absent in late post-traumatic enophthalmos is more commonly related to
onset cases. (2) There was no significant difference in sensi- retrobulbar enlargements and not to changes in total vol-
tivity between patients with early onset H A N C and those ume or fat content. This investigation may provide valuable
with late onset HANC. There was however a trend of information in the planning of secondary corrections.
increasing sensitivity from early onset H A N C cases
(p=0.20) to late onset cases (p=0.01) who were significantly
more sensitive than controls. In addition all H A N C patients
were significantly more sensitive than normal healthy con- FUNCTIONAL AND AESTHETIC RESULTS OF
trols (p=0.025). L I P - S P L I T T I N G INCISIONS IN
Conclusions: (1) All HANCs may be biologically similar, the HEMIMANDIBULECTOMIES
difference in age of onset could be explained by early onset
cancer patients being part of the normal distribution of Rapidis, A.D. *, Valsamis, S., Anteriotis, D., Skouteris, C.A.
H A N C and occurring at the end of the distribution. (2)
Early onset H A N C may not have a genetic basis, and there Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Greek Anticancer
may be an as yet undiscovered agent acting in its aetiology. Institute, St Savvas Hospital, Athens, Greece
(3) Chromosomal radiosensitivity may reflect cumulative
exposure to carcinogens which increases with age, resulting Aims: The surgical treatment of malignant tumours of the
in greater sensitivity in normal onset patients compared lower third of the face frequently involves composite resec-
with early onset patients. (4) The lymphocyte may not be the tions. During this type of surgery, function and aesthetics
ideal cell to use in radiosensitivity assays in HANCs, which are often sacrificed in the surgeon's effort to eradicate dis-
are epithelial in origin, because these two cell types may ease. Lip-splitting incisions improve access to the oral cavity
have widely differing mechanisms of chromosomal damage and facilitate exposure of the mandible, the floor of the
and repair. Future studies will need to utilise bigger sample mouth and the posterior third of the tongue. It leaves
sizes and be better matched to allow more meaningful con- though a visible scar on the patients' face.
clusions to be drawn. Methods: In order to evaluate the functional and aesthetic
results of various types of lip-splitting incisions, we retro-
spectively reviewed all patients in whom this approach was
employed during the years 1993 to 1997. Forty eight
CORRELATION O F VOLUME CHANGES IN patients were subjected to either mandibulotomy or
TRAUMATIC ORBITS AND LATE E N O P H T H A L M O S mandibulectomy during this 5 year period. Four types of
AS EVALUATED BY 3D-CT. lip splitting incisions were used. The Roux/Trotter, the
Robson, the McGregor and the McGregor's modification
Ramieri, G.*, Spada, C., Bianchi, S.D. °, Fasolis, M.,
proposed by Heyter et al. All patients answered a question-
Gerbino, G., Berrone, S. naire about cosmetic satisfaction with the scar and possible
sensory and functional problems that had resulted from the
Departments of Maxillofacial Surgery and °Radiology, incision.
University of Turin, Italy Results: Most problems presented in patients operated
on by Robson's incision. In all cases, dysfunction result-
Aims: The present investigation was set up to assess the ing from injury to the m a n d i b u l a r branch of the facial
post-traumatic dimensional changes in the orbit and orbital nerve was noted. Second in decreasing order was the
tissues, and to evaluate their correlation with ocular posi- Roux/Trotter incision with problems usually associated
tion, by image analysis and volumetric elaboration of raw with inferior suturing technique. Patients operated on
CT data. by McGregor's technique presented with the least prob-
Method: Thirty adult patients treated for fractures involving lems. The modification proposed by Heyter et al was the
the orbits were studied 6-12 months after operation (35 frac- easier to close especially by the less experienced mem-
tured orbits and 25 controls). Axial, 1ram thick, contiguous bers of the surgical team who usually carry out this
CT scans were elaborated for 3D reconstruction and linear task.
and volumetric measurements. The 3D surfaces of the inter- Conclusion: From the study of our material it was clearly
nal orbit (bony contour), extraocular muscles and orbital evident that Robson's lip-splitting incision presented the
EACMFS Abstracts, HelsinkiCongress 1998 155

fewest post-operative problems and the incision with the Oriental facial features are quite distinctively different to the
best results was the modified McGregor one. features seen in Caucasians. In todays world, migration has
placed many Orientals in European cities and therefore any
aspiring surgeon interested in cosmetic surgery should have
a basic understanding to appreciate how rhinoplasty in ori-
REJUVENATION O F THE FACE entals differs from the procedures undertaken for
Dr. Christian Raulin* and Prof. Dr. Dr. Rainer Drommer The author would like to share his 5 year experience and
study of the results in correcting common oriental rhino-
Karlsruhe, Germany and Heidelberg, Germany plasty problems and especially the good results which can
be achieved with silicone implants in oriental patients. This
In many cases, face lifting alone does not lead to optimal paper will also clearly illustrate the procedures used by the
positive post-operative changes in the face. Pre-operatively, author in correcting wide alar bases and overhanging alar
the particular requirements of the aged face need to be eval- margins seen in oriental patients. In patients who belong to
uated and a complete individual treatment plan designed. In the Islamic faith, modifications are necessary to respect
our experience, only the combination of face lifting, over Islamic religious practice and this will be discussed in the
and under lid, nasal correction, laser-therapy and when context of rhinoplasty.
indicated a chin-lengthening procedure lead to a rejuvena-
tion effect. Our report deals with experience in past years
using the shared resources of the Laser Therapy Centre and
CENTRALISED CLEFT TREATMENT IN Yan Razdolsky * and Stuart Dessner
Department of Orthodontics, University of Illinois, Chicago,
Rautio, J. *
Private Practice, BufJalo Grove, USA
Cleft Centre, Division of Plastic Surgery, Helsinki
University, Helsinki, Finland
AIMS: To develop a predictable method of mandibular
skeletal deficiency correction for adults Class II patients
Aims: Primary and secondary cleft treatment has been cen- that causes them less inconvenience, is less costly, and deliv-
tralised in Finland for fifty years. This allows us to calculate ers consistent and predictable results. The non-extraction
the costs and amount of surgical treatment needed for vari- hypothesis to correct skeletal mandibular deficiencies with
ous cleft types in a clearly defined population. lower, incisor crowding or compensations was tested. A
Method: A computer database has been created to analyse question was raised, is it possible to distract between the
the surgical treatment given to over 6000 patients. teeth first and then to upright or to decrowd the incisors
In the early (Soivio) period (1947-1969) treatment into the new regenerate bone? Our experience with
according to a set protocol was instituted. Lip repair osteodistraction has evolved since 1992 with 71 osteotomies
evolved from Veau to in 46 patients.
LeMesurier and Skoog to Millard performed at three M E T H O D S AND M A T E R I A L S : The technique we
months and palatal repair at 1 fi years according to Veau- employ for distraction osteogenesis entails four phases: 1)
Kilner. In the intermediate period (Rintala) 1970-1989, a performance of a corticotomy, 2) period of distraction,
multidisciplinary team was formed and especially secondary 3) remodeling of the regenerate, followed by 4) stabiliza-
treatment such as velopharyngeoplasty, alveolar bone graft- tion. 12 orthodontic patients underwent intraoral corti-
ing was improved, as were orthodontics and prosthodontics. cotomies and application of intraoral (ROD TM)
In the current period, 1990 onwards, less traumatic methods toothborne distraction devices to facilitate complex multi-
have been employed to simplify the protocol and to dimin- planar distraction as mandated by the patient's specific
ish the need for secondary surgery to cut the costs of com- deformity. Patients underwent gradual bony and soft tis-
prehensive cleft care for the population. sue distraction at a rate and rhythm of l m m per day in
Results: Data on primary and secondary surgery will be pre- three divided treatments. A period of stabilization of 6-7
sented and factors leading to secondary surgery will be weeks after the last turn was utilized. Morphologic
analysed. Typical patients from various decades will be changes were documented with serial radiographs and
presented. clinical photography.
Conclusion: Centralised treatment provides a comprehensive C O N C L U S I O N : All the patients exhibited marked
model for analysis of the treatment load imposed on society improvement in their postoperative occlusal status in addi-
by clefts of the lip and palate. tion to dramatic aesthetic improvement. Patients with the
intraoral (ROD TM) toothborne distraction device under-
went the procedure in a surgical office setting without
admitting them to the hospital and reducing the patient's
ORIENTAL R H I N O P L A S T Y expense by as much as 80% from the conventional saggital
split osteotomy costs when done in a hospital. Patients
N. Ravindranathan
with an intraoral (ROD TM) toothborne distractor under-
went advancements of 10-14 mm and were able to return
Maxillo-Facial Unit, Ripas Hospital BSB, Darussalam, to work (school) only 3 days after the procedure. Full
Brunei recovery of neuro sensory mechanism was also observed 3
days post-corticotomy. Intraoral corticotomies performed
156 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

in conjunction with skeletal distraction appears to offer sig- consecutively, of the maxilla is found frequently. For repair,
nificant advantages over classical treatment of micrognathia during the growth period, basicly one of two different
in Class II mandibular deficiency patients. Soft tissues as strategies can be followed
well as bone are expanded to a normal configuration. Bone 1. Induction of growth by transplantation of active free autol-
of a type native to the region is created and the surgical pro- ogous osteochondral (i. e. costochondral or iliac crest) grafts.
cedure itself is markedly less traumatic to the patient. There 2. Reconstruction of hypoplastic areas by the distraction
is no donor site morbidity. Teeth were moved through the osteogenesis.
distraction site with a great ease. With respect of the literature and our own experiences on 12
(group 1., age 4 - 14, follow up 4 - 14 yrs) and 4 patients
(Group 2., age 10 - 11 yrs, follow up fi bis 3 fi yrs) respec-
tively, the indication, techniques, advantages and disadvan-
Q=m MANDIBULAR OSTEORADIONECROSIS: IS tages of both options are discussed. According to current
THERE EVIDENCE TO USE HYPERBARIC OXYGEN knowledge, osteochondral grafting should be reserved for
INSTEAD OF ULTRASOUND? early childhood ankylosis and severe hypoplasia cases,
extending beyond the mandibular ankle. In the remaining
Reher, p.,m, Meghfi, S. I, Harris, 34.1 conditions, the ILIZAROW-technique seems to be pre-
ferrable. It is technically less expensive and more predictable
1Department of Oral & Max. Fac. Surgery, EDI, UCL, in results.
London, UK,"2Dep. of Morphology, UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Prof. Dr.Dr. R.H. REICH, University of Bonn,
Brazil Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
Welschnonnenstr. 17, D - 53111 Bonn
Introduction: The treatment for mandibular osteora- Tel. 2 28 / 287 24 52, Fax 2 28 / 287 26 04, eMail:
dionecrosis include antibiotics and curettage, hyperbaric
oxygen therapy (HBO), surgery, and most recently, thera-
peutic ultrasound. TECHNIQUE AND RESULTS OF O S T E O P L A S T I C
Aims: The aim of this study was to establish the possible RECONSTRUCTION O F THE SEVERELY
mechanisms of action of ultrasound, that could explain its RESORBED MAXILLA IN COMBINATION W I T H
excellent clinical results. IMPLANTS
Methods: Two ultrasound machines were evaluated, a 'tradi-
tional' (1 MHz) and a 'long wave' machine (45 kHz). The Reinert, S. 1~, K6nig, St. 2, Eufinger, H. 1, Bremerieh, if. 2
ultrasound was applied to human mandibular osteoblasts,
gingival fibroblasts, peripheral blood monocytes and mice 1Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Ruhr University
calvaria. The following assays were performed: cell prolifer- Bochum, Bochum, Germany, 2Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial
ation, collagen and non-collagenous protein (NCP) synthe- Surgery, Hospital St. Jiirgenstr., Bremen, Germany
sis, bone resorption, cytokines and angiogenesis factors
production using ELISA,
Results: Ultrasound induced cell proliferation in fibroblasts Aims: In the severely resorbed maxillla, a 10-year success
and osteoblasts, up to 52%. Collagen/NCP synthesis was rate of only 48.8-73.8% of implants in combination with
also enhanced, in fibroblasts up to 48%, and in osteoblats autogenous bone grafts has been reported. We have devel-
up to 112%. Bone resorption, part of the bone turnover oped a modified technique of antral inlay grafting and lat-
process, could also be noted in the mice calvaria assay. In eral and vertical onlay grafting of the severely resorbed
relation to cytokine production, a slight stimulation of IL- maxilla for the insertion of implants to retain dentures. In
l[3 was noted in all cell types. There was no difference in IL- this study, the clinical and radiological results are presented.
6 and TNFcz levels. The angiogenesis factors, IL-8 and Method: In 23 patients with severely a resorbed maxilla, a total
bFGF, were significantly stimulated in osteoblasts, and of 19 bilateral and 4 unilateral antral inlay graftings and lat-
V E G F was significantly stimulated in both osteoblasts and eral and vertical onlay graftings were performed after a
monocytes. The best intensities were 15 and 30 mW/cm 2(sATA) prosthodontic set-up. We opened the maxillary sinus by
with 45 kHz ultrasound, and 0.1 and 0.4 W / c m 2(sATA)with 1 removing a bony window from the anterolateral wall and,
MHz ultrasound. after elevation of the sinus lining, grafted the sinus floor with
Conclusions: These results show that ultrasound addresses cortico-cancellous iliac crest bone grafts. The maxilla was also
the hypocelluarity, hypoxia and hypovascularity observed in augmented in the lateral and vertical dimensions. The bone
osteoradionecrosis. It stimulates cell proliferation, bone for- grafts were fixed by osteosynthesis. After a median period of 5
mation, healing, and angiogenesis. Ultrasound is a preferred months, a total of 135 implants (Branemark) were placed and
option instead of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, since it is later loaded by prosthodontic rehabilitation. Before the graft-
effective, inexpensive and readily available. ing procedure, immediately after grafting, after an additional 4
months and every year, CT scans were performed.
Results: 94.5% of the implants have been successful over an
average follow-up period of 2.5 years. Implant failure was
r7 G R O W T H M O D I F Y I N G SURGERY, INCLUDING observed only at the time of the abutment operation. Most
H I G H CONDYLECTOMY AND TRANSPLANTATION patients were provided with implant-borne dentures. CT
O F GROWTH INCLUS1NG GRAFTS (VERSUS THE scans showed an average initial gain of vertical bone height
ILIZAROW-TECHNIQUE) of 17.7 mm. One year after grafting a loss of 1.7 mm
occurred. In the following 2 years no major atrophy was
Reich, R.H.*, B. Niederhagen, 1:.Appe~ £ Berten, observed. Statistical analysis showed no correlation between
sex, bone height before augmentation, augmented bone
Bonn, Germany height and resorption of the grafted bone.
Conclusions: As we observed undisturbed healing and
In primary or secondary hypoplasia of the mandibular obtained large vertical bone height increases, a high success
condyle, impaired growth of the affected mandibel and rate, minimal resorption and fully satisfying prosthodontic
EACMFS Abstracts, HelsinkiCongress 1998 157

rehabilitation, we can recomend our modified technique of fascia or musculus temporalis. When microvuscular tech-
reconstruction of the severely resorbed maxilla for routine use. niques were to by employed, the defects were closed with a
latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap sometimes with the
use of musculus serratus anterior, a latissimus dorsi
osteomyocutaneus flap with a rib fragment or an axially
O N C O L O G Y CATEGORY FACTORS split rib, and great omentum. Complications rate were 28%
I N F L U E N C I N G SURVIVAL SUBSEQUENT TO and don't postoperative mortality. The rate of recurrence
DISTANT METASTASIS F R O M SALIVARY GLAND of the tumours were low ( 10 %). The full rehabilitation
CARCINOMA. were in 34 % of observations. Such an approach offers a
real chance to help patients who were formerly considered
Andrew Renehan 1, Mark McGurk 1, E Neville Gleave ~ incurable.

1Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, UMDS,

London; 2Department of Surgery, ChristieHospital,
Background Distant metastases (DM) occur in approxi-
mately 25% patients with salivary gland carcinomas and Ricbourg B.
their presence is the most important factor in limiting sur-
vival. We have previously reported that tumour size, nodal Chu Besanfon, 25000 France
involvement and grade are the main predictors of the devel-
opment of DM. Few studies have examined factors which
determine subsequent survival. Observation of oedema on a scar after a lower or sub-
Patients and Methods Of a total 244 salivary carcinomas orbital approach is frequent.
managed by two consecutive surgeons between 1952 and We identified this oedema as a lymphoedema. We had
1992, there were 69 patients with clinically recognisable already realised an anatomical study of lymph vessels of the
DM. Survival calculations were performed using Kaplan- eyelid using 20 fresh cadavers and 6 foetuses.
Meier analysis with the date of D M diagnosis as the start This study confirmed the classical anatomic sketch.
point. However, usually, the lower palpebral approach cuts the
Results The sites of metastases were as follows: pulmonary, lymph vessels and therefore induces lymphoedema.
65%; skeletal, 20%; brain, 15%; hepatic, 13%; miscella- Transconjuctival approach can resolve this problem. We
neous sites, 15% and disseminated disease, 6%. have tested this approach on more than 1000 consecutive
Locoregional recurrences preceding a n d / o r accompanying cases of orbital traumas.
D M occurred in 58 per cent. Of the 26 patients with D M In 98% of this cases, results are excellent. The only com-
from adenoid cystic carcinoma, 79% developed pulmonary plication that occurred was a few cases of entropion which
lesions but only two patients (7%) developed brain metas- were solved surgically.
tases. Following the diagnosis of DM, the two main factors Exploration of lower, external, internal floor, and
influencing survival were (i) isolated metastasis (median osteosynthesis or implant are possible by this way.
survival for isolated vs. multiple DMs: 10 [95% CI 4-16] mo. We have also used the technical approach in aesthetic
vs. 4 [95% CI 0-8] mo., P=0.03) and (ii) a histology of ade- blepharoplasty.
noid cystic carcinoma (median survival for adenoid cystic A daily use of this approach makes it simple, fast,
vs. others: 21 [95% CI 10-32] mo. vs. 4 [95% CI 1-7] mo., unbleeding and very aesthetic because no visible scars
P--0.008). remain.
Conclusions Almost half D M develop despite locoregional For us, this approach has become very easy, usual and
control. Adenoid cystic carcinoma forms a distinct entity quite exclusive.
characterised by a high incidence of pulmonary DM,
longer survival after D M diagnosis and a low incidence of
brain metastases. The latter raises doubt about the signifi-
cance of its reputation as a tumour which spreads via SYNOVIAL C H O N D R O M A T O S I S O F T H E

Rodrlguez-Campo FJ*., Gil-DiezJL., Mu~oz-GuervaM.,

PLASTIC SURGERY F O R CRANIOFACIAL Padr6n-Monedero A., Diaz-Gonzdlez FJ., Elices
Reshetov L, Chissov E, Sdvizhkov A., Tanyashin S., Department of Maxillofacial Surgery
Polyakov A., # Department of Pathology
University Hospital La Princesa, Madrid, Spain
Moscow. Russia
Synovial Chondromatosis of the temporomandibular joint
Cranio-orbitofacial resections in 48 patients with tumours (T.M.J.) is an uncommon benign condition characterized
of nasal cavity, accessory nasal sinuses and maxilla resulted by metaplastic formation of multiple foci of highly cellular
in large lifethreatening defects exposing skull base ele- cartilage in the synovium and loose bodies in the joint
ments, dura mater, and brain which needed to be immedi- space.
ately corrected using plastic surgery methods. Plastic We present a case of synovial chondromatosis of the
reconstruction of the defects was realized by transferring T.M.J. diagnosed and treated by arthroscopy. The signs
frontal and fornical fasciocutaneus flaps, broad femoral and symptoms of the patient were similar to the internal
158 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

derangement. No abnormalities were found in the plain includes some specific organizational, medico-technical and
radiographs. Nonsurgical treatments were unsuccessful. social elements. The terms of surgery procedures, relevant
Arthroscopic T.M.J. surgery was performed. Loose bodies areas, the sequence of the said procedures, taken as a whole,
and foci of metaplastic synovium were found, all of them early medical and social rehabilitation need a good
were removed arthroscopically. The pathology report was approval.
consistent with synovial chondromatosis. Although the The experience of clinical observation, which is more
clinical improvement persist at the moment (6 months than 1000 cases, made it possible for the authors to make a
post-surgery), a long time follow-up is necessary to con- sort of analysis of the stages of aid, to find a ground for the
firm the clinical improvement and no recurrence of this time period of surgery procedures and to work out a list of
entity. methods and ways of bringing a medical assistance to this
group of patients. A program of rehabilitation of children
with congenital defects and deformities of maxillo-facial
and craniofacial area was carried out.
A C O M P A R I S O N BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY O F The lowering of the age limits for surgery procedures for
WASHINGTON HEAD AND NECK QUALITY OF LIFE these groups of patients is considered to be a prior task for
M E A S U R E AND THE M E D I C A L SHORT F O R M 36, the surgeons at the moment. The lowering will make the
EORTC QOQ-C33 AND EORTC HEAD AND NECK. rehabilitation of lost functions more effective and it will also
let the early medical and social rehabilitation possible.
S N Rogers ~, D Lowe,

Regional Maxillofacial Unit, Walton Hospital, Aintree

The aim of this study was to compare the University of D.Rohner*, B.Hammer, J.Prein, A. Geissmann* *
Washington Head and Neck Quality of Life measure (UW-
QOL) with three validated measures in a group of patients
Clinic for Reconstructive Surgery, University hospital, CH-
having primary surgery for oral cancer.
4031 Basel
Between May and December 1995, 34 consecutive
**Private Clinic for Radiology, Riimelinbachweg 6, CH-4031
patients with previously untreated oral and oropharyngeal
squamous cell carcinoma underwent primary surgery.
Patients self completed the following questionnaires; UW-
QOL, Medical Outcomes Short Form 36 (SF-36), the MR-examinations of both TMJ's were carried out on 43
European Organisation for Research and Treatment of patients who clinically had an acute anterior disc displace-
Cancer (EORTC) QOQ-C33 and the EORTC Head and ment. Clinical criteria included painful mouth opening,
Neck. Questionnaires were distributed at four time inter- translation deficits of the mandibular condyles and devia-
vals: pre-operatively, and a 3, 6, and 12 months. Patients tion of the lower jaw of the affected side.The MR-examina-
were withdrawn if they developed recurrent disease. tion was carried out statically and dynamically in the sagital
Twenty nine patients agreed to participate in this and coronal directions.
prospective study and at one year 14 patients completed In 30 cases, a correlation was found between the clinical
questionnaires. diagnosis and the MR-findings.
Longitudinal data for each measure will be presented In 6 patients, an anterior disc displacement on both sides
and discussed, as will Spearman correlations at P<0.001 was found on the MRI. With another 7 patients no luxation
level across the four measures. was recognized, but on the dynamic M R I adhesions were
This study emphasises the difficulties of One measure to detected causing restriction of condylar movement.
adequately assess QOL, however it would appear that the This study showed, that the dynamic MR-examination
UW-QOL offers a broad tool suitable for routine 'low cost' allowed an important diagnostic differentiation, resulting in
clinical quality of life evaluation. 30% of the patients requiring a modification of therapy. The
dynamic M R I provided more additional information than
the static MRI.


V. V. Roginsky, I/..34. Bezrukov, M. V. Ananov, G.M.
Savitskaya, L. E Ageeva, O.L Arsenina, IV. V. Kuzhelko, G.A. Romance, A. *, Sdnchez Aniceto, G., Gutidrrez, R., Montalvo,
Pavelko, A.E. Reznikova, M.M. Beriova J., Diez-Lobato, R., Cabrera, A.

Moscow Children Maxillo-facial Surgery Center (Central Deparment of Maxillofacial Sugery. Deparment of
Research Institute of Dentistry, St. Vladimir Hospital). Neurosurgery. Hospital 12 de Octubre. Madrid. Spain.
Neuro-surgery Institute n.a. N.N. Burdenko, Moscow, Russia
Aims. In this article the authors describe their experience in the
At the time the possibility of reconstruction of different surgical treatment of 43 patients presenting a skull base neo-
defects and deformities of maxillo-facial and craniofacial plasm. Special attention is given to reconstructive techniques
area and complete social rehabilitation was already demon- and final results in terms of survival and major complications.
strated. Method: Forty three patients with a skull base neoplasm,
The most important issue for today is the creation of the underwent surgical treatment between October 1992 and
conception of aid for these patients, since this kind of aid January 1998. Twenty three patients presented with benign
EACMFS- Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 159

tumours or pseudotumours, and twenty had malignancies.

Seventeen patients had had previous surgical procedures CO2-LASER TREATMENT OF ORAL
and four had received irradiation therapy. Most of the neo- LEUKOPLAKIA
plasm affected the middle cranial fossa, anterior segment
Roodenburg, JLN *~,Nauta, JM, Vermey, A.
(n=23), or the anterior cranial fossa, lateral portion (n=15)
or central portion (n= 14). Twenty seven patients underwent
combined intra-extracranial approaches. The most com- Department of OMFS, UniversityHmpital Groningen,
monly used approaches were: transfronto-orbital (n=19) Groningen, The Netherlands
and lateral preauricular-infratemporal (n= 18). We describe
the 43 postsurgical deflects, detailing the state of integrity of Aims: Due to the strong absorption, CO2-1aser light causes
the duramater, upper aerodigestive tract, skin, craniofacial superficial evaporation of soft tissues. This makes the CO z-
skeleton, cavities, cranial nerves, and internal carotid artery. laser an excellent modality for treatment of superficial
Reconstructive techniques included: local flap (galeal-peri- lesions. The efficiency of CO2-1aser in the treatment of oral
cranial, 23 cases; temporoparietal fascia 4), myofascial flaps leukoplakia was evaluated.
(temporalis muscle, 11 cases; galea frontalis, 2 cases), Method: Oral leukoplakia of different clinical and histologi-
myocutaneus (pectoralis major, 4 cases), and microvascular cal types has been treated since 1976. The first 103 cases
free flaps (lattissimus dorsi, 3 cases; rectus abdominis, 3 were followed extensively. After that about another 400
cases). In 25 cases, autologous bone grafts were used to cases were treated routinely by CO)-laser evaporation.
reconstruct the orbital rims, walls or cranial vault defects. Results: Almost all treatments were done under local anaesthesia
Thirteen patients underwent cranial vault or temporal fossa on an out patient basis. Wound healing was excellent with minimal
methyl-methacrylate reconstruction. cicatrization and a good functional result. The first 103 cases
Results: In thirty-seven cases (86%) complete resection of showed a cure rate of 90%. In the total group, only 3 cases of squa-
the tumour was achieved. One patient succumbed in the late mous cell carcinoma, developing in a laser- treated area were seen.
postoperative period ( 4 weeks) due to internal carotid Conclusions: CO2-1aser evaporation is a good prophylactic
artery bleeding. Sixteen patients received postoperative irra- modality for oral leukoplakia, with a high cure rate. The
diation therapy. Median follow-up has been 36 months functional results are excellent.
(range 8-73 months); the overall survival rate was 83.7%
(70% for malignant tumours) and the disease-free survival
rate 58% (51% for malignant tumors). Twenty one patients
(56%) suffered postsurgical complications: neurological (11 P O S I T R O N E M I S S I O N T O M O G R A P H Y (PET) FOR
patients), aproach-related (9 patients), surgical wound THE DETECTION O F L Y M P H N O D E METASTASES
related (8 patients), cerebrospinal fluid fistula (4 patients) OF SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMAS IN THE NECK
and systemic (3 patients).
Conclusions: Suitable reconstructive principles are essential Roodenburg, JLN, Braams, JW, Vermey, A, Vaalburg, W..
to achieve fair results in terms of survival and life-quality in
patients with skull base neoplasms. Department of OMFS, Department of Surgery, PET Centre,
University Hospital Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands

" R E D U C T I O N " OF "BIG EYES" IN P E O P L E W I T H Aims: By using radioactive tracers such as glucose ana-
S H A L L O W ORBITS logues or amino acids, PET enables visualization of biologi-
cal processes. The value of this technique for the detection
Roncevic R. of lymphnode metastases of squamous cell carcinoma in
the neck was evaluated.
Clinicfor Burns, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Method: In this study 2-deoxy-2- [lSF] fluoro-D-glucose
University Clinical Centre, Beograd, Yugoslavia (FDG)(185-370 MBq) and L-[1-HC] tyrosine (Tyr)(370
MBq) was applied for the detection of neck node metas-
tases of the head and neck squamous cell carcinoma with
Aims: To explain the phenomenon of "big eyes" in healthy a Siemens ECAT 951/31 PET camera. Tyr was also used
people and t o present the author's own method of surgical in a PET whole body mode (Tyn WB) registration to
correction of this phenomenon.
reduce the camera time from 2 h to 30 min. the results
Method: In three healthy individuals with "big eyes" the sur- were correlated with the pathology and sensitivity, speci-
gical "re-duction" of the "big eyes" was performed. The sur- ficity and positive and negative prediction value were
gical proedure consists of the symmetric removal of the calculated.
retrobulbar part of the orbital floor and intraorbital fat via
an eyelid approach. Results: N Sens Spec Pred Val
Results: In all three individuals excellent results were PET-FDG 12 91 88 99
achieved. The eyes are "reduced" to a desirable size, i.e., 5 PET-Tyr 11 83 95 98
mm in two persons and 4 mm in the third. Postoperatively, PET-Tyr 22 83 97 97
there were no sight disorders or cases of double vision in (whole body)
any patients operated on. The eye movements were normal
in all directions.By "reducing" the eyes the total appearance Because of the resolution of the camera, the minimum
of the face changed, i.e., face looked more aesthetically size of a metastatic lymphnode detected by PET was 5 mm.
pleasing. A drawback of F D G was the uptake in inflamed nodes,
Conclusion: "Big eyes" in healthy people are a conse- resulting in relatively high false positive results. The uptake
quence of a shallow orbital floor and short longitudinal of Tyr in salivary glands hampered the detection of metas-
diameter of the orbit. It is possible to correct this aesthetic tases located close to the glands.
drawback relatively easily by removal of the retrobulbar Conclusions: PET-FDG/Tyr/Tyr WB showed a high negative
part of the orbital floor and intra-orbital fat. predictive value, that is useful to confirm a negative neck. PET-
F D G is hampered by a false negative results and PET-Tyr by
160 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

uptake in salivary glands. The reduced camera time, using Results: The post-operative course was uneventful in 29
PET-TyR WB has no negative effect on sensitivity, specificity, patients. In 2 patients secondary correction of the septum
positive predictive value and negative predictive value. was necessary. In l case the tissue around the osteosynthetic
material became infected and it had to be removed after 3
Mean impaction of the maxilla at A-point was 1.69 mm.
[~ A LIFE THREATENING ANEURYSMAL BONE Mean ventralisation: 2.29 ram. Alar base width increased
CYST 1.89 mm. Pronasale moved forward 0.84ram. Pronasale
moved upwards 0.98 mm.
Z. Roscie* B. Gattinger, M. Malek, L H6pfel, £ Obwegeser It is therefore concluded, that refraining from inserting
an alar base clinch suture gives a minimal increase in alar
Department of OMFS, AKh-Linz, Austria base width and is not indicated in the average Le Fort I
osteotomy with upward and/or forward movements. It
Aims: Concerning the differential diagnosis of pronounced should be stressed, that the movements in each patient can
masses in the cervical region during childhood in most cases differ greatly, and so are the soft tissue changes. In these
lymphomas, lymphangiomas, haemangiomas and cysts are cases the individual aspects should be looked at, before one
expected. The case demonstrated shows that very rare refrains from inserting an alar base clinch suture.
lesions should also be included in diagnostic reflections.
Subject: The case history presented is of an eight year old boy
with a large expansion in the cranial part of the neck on the
right side. Neurological defects did not appear but a severe
limitation ofmobility of the cervical vertebral column was *Rosenberg, dr. A., Muradin, M
present. Five years previously an acute lymphatic leukaemia
was successfully treated. During the surgical exploration a
Dept, of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital
large cystic lesion filled with clotted and unclotted blood was
Utrecht, The Netherlands.
found. After removing the lesion the defect reached the
epidural space in the region of the first and second cervical
vertebrae. The right vertebral artery had to be ligated. Aim: To evaluate the benefit of liposuction in combination
Results: The histological investigation revealed an aneurys- with mandibular advancement in the elderly patient with a
mal bone cyst. In the postoperative period, no signs of ver- Class II deformity and in cases of mandibular setback for
tebral instability were detectable. A radiographic check correction of mandibular prognatism.
showed no signs of a relapse after 1 year. Material and Methods: From the Utrecht database
Conelusions: Aneurysmal bone cysts represent one of the (Osteodat), which contains 201 relevant patients, 4 patients
most rapidly growing bone lesions. They account for only were selected who have had liposuction of the submental
1.4% of primary bone turnouts. In the literature, different area in combination with mandibular surgery. All patients
findings are documented. The incidence in the vertebral were female, mean age: 38 years (range 26-51). Three
region amounts to 3% - 20%; 13% - 50% of them are mani- patients had a Class II deformity. One patient had a Class
fested in the cervical vertebral region. Most authors recom- III deformity. Average follow-up time was 1 year and 3
mend radical removal as adequate therapy. months.
Results: All patients were very satisfied with the result. Two
elderly patients with Class II deformity appeared to have
benefitted most from liposuction in combination with
[~ ALAR BASE C L I N C H SUTURE, OR NO ALAR mandibular advancement. Mandibular advancement alone,
BASE CLINCH SUTURE? as is normally done in the adolescent Class II patient, is not
sufficient to create a nice neck form in the elderly. This is
*Rosenberg dr. A., Muradin M. due to loss of laxity of the skin and subcutaneous tissue,
and sagging of fatty tissue between the two platysma mus-
cles. In cases of mandibular prognathism this is an impor-
Aim: Ventralisation and impaction of the maxilla might tant tool to prevent the ugly complication of the double
result in widening of the alar base. To prevent this, an alar chin. Despite the limited number of patients, it is concluded
base clinch suture is recommended. From a theoretical that liposuction has its value in the elderly Class II patient
point of view this might move the pronasale upwards result- and to prevent the double chin in cases of mandibular prog-
ing in a buttonhole nose. From 1993 on we refrained from nathism of any case.
using the alar base clinch suture. In this paper the effects on
the nose and upper lip are described.
Method: From 201 patients who underwent several
osteotomies, a subgroup of 32 patients (average age 26years ABLATION O F T U M O U R S EXTENDING TO THE
7 months) was constituted in whom the maxilla had been I N F R A T E M P O R A L SPACE
moved upwards and or forwards. Cleft-lip palate patients
were not included. Alar base width was measured preopera- AL Rotaru*, R. S. C~mpian, Lucia Hurubeanu, Mihaela
tively and 12 months after the Le Fort I osteotomy. Tracings Popa, Gr. Baciup,
were made preoperatively andl2 months post-operatively.
All tracings were digitized (DFPlus 15 in an IBM compati- Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, "Iuliu
ble Microscan computer). An X-Y coordinate system was Hapieganu'" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-
used in order to observe changes in the X and in the Y direc- Napoca, Romania
tions. Bony points included SNA, A-point, and I-point. Soft
tissue points: pronasale, subnasale, superior labial sulcus Aims: Various authors have presented different techniques
Labrale superior and stomion superior. Error was measured of approach for benign tumours with invasive behavior
on 10 randomly selected patients. (such as the ameloblastoma) and for malignant tumors
EACMFS- Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 161

(especially maxillary carcinoma extending to the infratem- the two-stage concept, when used in the anterior mandible.
poral space). Each specific case needs proper adaptation of It was observed that titanium plasma-sprayed cylinder
the surgical technique. The authors present an adjusted implants demonstrated more marginal bone loss compared
technique applied in a complex case. with the other implants used. Furthermore the Periotest®
Subject: Diagnosis and tumour dimensions required exten- values for hydroxyapatite-coated cylinder implants were
sive ablation of any tumour growing beneath the cranial superior to titanium plasma-sprayed and pure titanium
base. The complexity of the case was further increased by implant surfaces. When the non-submerged method is cho-
the limits of the turnout extension, the histological type sen, implants made specifically for this concept should be
(mucoepidermoid carcinoma, with poor response to addi- used.
tional radiation therapy), the patient's profession (painter),
because of the invasion of the eye.
Method: The technique comprised a face - split in the vicinity
of mediosagittal plane, allowing extensive ablation of the [~ CHRONIC MAXILLARY SINUSITIS OF
tumour and preservation of vital anatomical elements at the O D O N T O G E N I C ORIGIN
cranial base. The exposed dura mater resulting from partial
resection of the sphenoid bone was covered with a homolat- Krupski, W..,Rdzylo, ZKd, Ziomaniec, J., Bryc, S., R6zylo, L*
eral fasciomuscular temporal flap. The flap was also used for
plastic conformation of the orbit in view of the prosthetic Department of General Radiology, Faculty of Medicine,
rehabilitation of the eye. Reconstruction of the facial contour Medical University of Lublin, Lublin, Polanck
was provisionally attained with a two-component prosthesis. 1Department of Stomatology, Laboratory of Maxillofacial
Results: The postoperative course was uneventful, the and Dental Radiodiagnostics, Faculty of Medicine, Medical
patient adapted well to the new situation. The postoperative University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland
improvement of his psychological condition is attested
impressively in his pre- and postoperative paintings. Aim: In clinical practice there are observed cases of
Conclusions: The efficiency of the method is emphasized chronic maxillary sinusitis not responding to conservative
with regard to the eradication of the tumour and satisfac- treatment. The aim of the paper was to prove that such
tory functional rehabilitation. cases of chronic maxillary sinusitis are of odontogenic
Material and method: CT examinations were carried out in
A COMPARATIVE CLINICAL STUDY OF THREE 51 patients with chronic maxillary sinusitis. 3D CT recon-
DIFFERENT E N D O S S E O U S I M P L A N T S IN structions were supplementary to standard scans.
E D E N T U L O U S MANDIBLES Results: In 42 cases the pathological changes were limited to
a single sinus. There were observed: polypous hypertrophy of
Roynesdal A.K., DDS, Ambjornsen E., DDS, PhD, Haanaes maxillary mucous in the base of maxillary sinus, mostly
H.R., Professor, DD, MD, Phd. spherical in shape as well as heaped-up, polycyclic thickening
of all sinus walls. Complete filling of maxillary cavity with
Oslo, Norway polypous mass was found in 8 cases. The most often encoun-
tered symptom was the lack of pneumatization of alveolar
recess of maxillary sinus. Thinning or destruction of dense
The purpose of this prospective clinical study was to investi- bone of alveolar recess of maxillary sinus was visualised in
gate the outcome of three different endosseous, non-sub- 21 patients. In 3 patients maxillary sinusitis was caused by
merged implants in the anterior part of the mandible. the presence of an oro-antral fistula. In these cases segmen-
Fourteen elderly edentulous patients, 10 women and 4 men tal discontinuity of alveolar dense bone which at the same
were included, ages ranging from 65 to 80 years (mean age time comprises the mass of maxillary" sinus was observed. In
71.9 years). All participants had three different endosseous high-resolution programme in 27 persons there were visu-
implants placed in the anterior mandible. One was a tita- alised focal reductions in density of alveolar bone. Periapical
nium plasma-sprayed cylinder implant (d=4mm), one a tita- changes were present in 38 patients. In two cases impaction
nium cylinder implant with hydroxyapatite coating of a tooth root into maxillary sinus was revealed. 3D recon-
(d--4mm) and one a standard-threaded titanium implant structions obtained on the basis of standard CT scans
(d--3.75mm). The three types of implant were originally showed relationships between lesions within the maxillary
made for a two-step procedure. At this stage however, all cavity.
implants were simultaneously provided with a temporary Conclusion: The use of CT in diagnostics of chronic maxil-
abutment which penetrated the mucosa. Three months later lary sinusitis creates new possibilities of determination of
they were replaced by ball abutments which were connected odontogenic ethiology which is fundamental in choice of
to an overdenture. At 12, 24 and 36 months marginal bone the course of treatment.
resorption and Periotest® values were recorded. Two
patients died within the two first postoperative years. Five
implants out of 45 (11.9%) failed to osseointegrate (3
threaded titanium implants, 1 plasma-sprayed cylinder and
one hydroxyapatite-coated cylinder). After 3 years, marginal
bone resorption around titanium plasma-sprayed cylinders
was significantly increased compared with the other implant R6zylo, T.K.I, Krupski, IV..,Zlomaniec, J., Bryc, S., R6zylo, L *
types. Additionally, threaded titanium implants had signifi-
cantly better scores than hydroxyapatite coated implants
(p>0.05). Periotest® values for hydroxyapatite-coated
L * Department of General Radiology, Faculty of Medicine,
implants were significantly better than test values for the
Medical University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland;
other implants, after 3 years (p>0.05). The conclusion from
1Department of Stomatology, Laboratory of MaxilloJacial
the study is that non- submerged implants have less good
and Dental Radiodiagnostics, Faculty of Medicine, Medical
prognoses compared with implants inserted according to
University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland
162 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

Aim and method: The aim of the study is evaluation of max- by inflammatory processes induced by the surgical trauma
illofacial fractures by means of 3D CT reconstructions and/or by the transfer-related ischaemia/reperfu-sion insult.
obtained on the basis of computer data from axial CT Therefore, the purpose of our study was to establish a rat
scans. model to assess the inflammatory response in pedicled and
Material: The material comprised 43 patients with complex transferred OMC flaps in vivo.
maxillofacial fractures requiring 3D reconstruction. Methods: For our study we used pentobarbital-anaes-
Results: In 28 persons displacements of bone fragments thetized Wistar rats (n=10). A circular skin island was cir-
were multidirectional with torsion and oblique inclination. cumcised anteromedially on the left hind limb. The tibial
3D reconstructions from different scans determined the bone was cut proximally and distally and the lateral and
extent of damage as well as the degree of displacement and dorsal aspects of the bone segment were dissected free. The
torsion of bone fragments. The fragments dislocated to gracilis and semitendinosus muscles connected with the
orbit and maxillary sinus were visualised in 17 cases and tibia segment were cut at their medial aspects. After subse-
ones displaced to frontal sinus in 12 cases. In 3 cases they quent dissection of the femoral vessels to the inguinal liga-
were separated from the anterior cranial fossa. The depth ment, harvesting of the OMC flap, pedicled on the femoral
dimension enables reconstruction of the extent and charac- vessels and consisting of tibial bone, two muscles and over-
ter of fractures with bone impression. It also makes it possi- lying subcutis and skin, was completed. Exterioration of the
ble to determine spatial relationships between walls of orbit flap allowed intravital fluorescence microscopy
and maxillary sinus by showing their internal depth. (Rhodamine-6G 2gmol/kg iv) with analysis of leukocyte-
Conclusions: The 3D CT images are a valuable supplement endothelium interaction in muscle, subcutis and periosteum.
to 2D CT scans. The 3D option enables cutting, turning and Parameters assessed in postcapillary venules were leukocyte
leaning of images of bony structures at any angle which rolling [%], leukocyte adherence [n/mm=] and macromolecu-
makes it possible to observe isolated bone walls also from lar (FITC-dextran, M W 150.000) leakage [%] as a measure
the inside of the skull. The reconstruction of reciprocal spa- of endothelial integrity. In 5 animals, the OMC flap was
tial relationships is essential in treatment planning. transferred to the contralateral hindlimb and anastomosed
end-to-end to the right femoral vessels.
Results: Intravital fluorescence microscopy demonstrated an
inflammatory response in pedicled OMC flaps, character-
Ph MANDIBULAR DISTRACTION O S T E O G E N E S I S ized by leukocyte rolling and adherence in muscle (35.7 +
TO CORRECT H Y P O P L A S T I C MANDIBLES. 5.7 %; 308.9 + 40.1 ram-2), subcutis (41.9 + 6.6 %; 391.l +
26.8 mm -2) and periosteum (36 _+ 5.5 %; 431.9 _+43.2 ram-Z).
Rubio P *, Naval L, Rodriguez F, Gil-Diez JL, Mu~oz M, Subsequent transfer, involving a 1 hour ischaemia, did not
Padr6n A, Sastre J, Villa E, Carre~o A, Sdnchez M, Diaz F. further affect leukocyte rolling (muscle: 33.9 _+ 4 % / sub-
cutis: 48.4 + 7 % / periost: 41.3 + 2.1%), but induced signif-
Department of 34axillofacial SurgelT, University Hospital de icant (p<0.05) aggravation of leukocyte adherence (muscle:
la Princesa, Madrid, Spain. 607.2 _+ 16 lnm -2 / subcutis: 573.2 + 44 mm 2/ periost: 691.1
_+ 31.9 ram-2), which was associated with increased macro-
Aims: To present our results in mandibular distraction molecular leakage (muscle: 20.8 %, p<0.05 / subcutis: 11.9
osteogenesis using external and internal devices. %, p<0.05 / periosteum: 2.2 %).
Method: Six bone lengthening devices for external applica- Conclusions: Herein we demonstrate a new model which
tion and six intraoral devices were used in nine patients. allows quantitative in vivo analysis of leukocyte-endothe-
Results: The average amount of bone lengthening was 25 lium interaction in pedicled and transferred OMC flaps.
mm, ranging from 15 to 37 mm. The mandibles were main- Our study indicates an inflammatory response in pedicled
tained in fixation for an average of 11 weeks subsequent to flaps, which is probably caused by the surgical trauma.
the period of active lengthening. Additional flap transfer associated with an ischaemia/reper-
Conclusions: Despite of the short follow-up of these fusion insult induces augmentation of the inflammatory
patients, the mandibular distraction osteogenesis appears to response and microvascular injury, as indicated by increased
be an useful method to correct hypoplastic mandibles. leukocyte-endothelium interaction and loss of endothelial
When the desired increase is up to 30 ram, the intraoral dis- integrity.
traction is the treatment of choice.
Abstract For the XXXIIIrd Congress of the European
Society for Surgical Research,
A S S E S S M E N T OF THE INFLAMMATORY Saarinen, P. * and Pulkkinen, J.
OSTEOMYO-CUTANEOUS F L A P S Cleft Cente~ Department of Plastic Surgery,
Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland
Riicker, M. ~, Schiifev, T., Roesken, F., Spitzer, W..,Menger, M.D.
Aims: To present our experience on reconstruction of cran-
Dep. of OMFS and Inst. for Clin. & Exp. Surgery, Univ. of iofacial defects with Brgmemark osseointegrated implants
Saarland, 66421 Homburg, Germany and orbital or auricular prostheses.
Material: Sixteen patients were treated. Eight patients
Aims: Despite anastomotic patency, there are still individual suffered from deformity of one or both ears (3 microtia, 3
cases of failure of osteomyocutaneous (OMC) flaps in clini- hemifacial microsomia, 2 cancer of the external ear). The
cal practice. Due to the lack of appropriate animal models, ears were reconstructed with 26 implants and 10 auricular
little is known whether these types of flap failure are caused prostheses. Eight patients suffered from loss of one eye (2
EACMFS Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 163

explosion trauma, 5 carcinoma, one congenital external distractor for gradually distracting callus formed at
anopthalmia). They were reconstructed with 32 implants an osteotomy line performed in the previously grafted sites
and 8 orbital prostheses. Auricular prostheses were sup- at a rate of 1 m m / d a y for 3 to 4 weeks. They were followed
ported by bar splints with gold clip attachment and orbital up both clinically & radiologically for about two years.
prostheses by magnets. All prostheses were made of silicone. Results: All patients showed marked improvement in facial
Results: Primary osseointegration was successful in all cases. contour with horizontalization of the occlusal plane. The
Seven out of 32 implants were lost (21,8%). One patient lost newly formed bone was of the same density and height as
all four implants because of late healing problems due to the surrounding bone.
previous radiation therapy. One patient lost two and one Conclusions: Based on the promising results of this study.
patient lost one orbital implant, but both of them can use The distraction osteogenesis of previously grafted sites in
the prostheses in a normal way. None of the 26 auricular the lower jaw proved to be a simple, successful and reliable
implants were lost. Some prostheses were replaced later due technique for correcting mandibular hypoplasia.
to discolouring and minor defects.
Conclusions: Osseointegrated implants are a significant
advance in the treatment of craniofacial defects. Careful
patient selection and planning of procedures are needed for NEW INVESTIGATIONS IN VELOPHARYNGEAL
good results. The number of failures seems to be greater in INSUFFICIENCY IN PATIENTS W I T H CLEFT
the orbital region than in the auricular region. Regular fol- PALATE
low-up is important to prevent late implant loss.
Sadet;R.*, Horch, H.H.,Bressmann, T. Zeilhofer, H.F.T.,
Hannig, Ch., Hess, U.,Brockmeier, J.

THE CO2 LASER IN ORAL SURGERY Dpt. of Oral and MaxilloJacial Surgery, University of
Technology, Munich, Germany
R. Sacco, R. Borloni, A. Lucchi, M. Macchi, R. Vinci

Department of Maxillofacial Surgery (Head." R. Vinci The indication for operative improvement of the rhinopho-
MD), Istituto Stomatologico Baliano, Milan, Italy nia in cleft palate patients is mainly based on subjective
logopedics or nasopharyngoscopy. But often an insufficient
postoperative functional result can be seen. Acustic phonet-
The use of the C02 laser in the oral cavity has been ics in combination with an imaging method lead to an
described in the past 20 years, initially in the United States objectivation and dif-ferentiation of the rhinophonia and
in the years 1978/79. have much influence on operative corrections.
In our Institute, this method was introduced in 1990. Based on a retrospective survey on 89 patients who
This study involved the clinical audit of 160 patients who underwent a velopharyngoplasty from 1988-1993, we per-
had undergone laser surgery in the oral cavity in our formed a prospective study from 1994-1997 in 50 cleft
Institute during 1990 to 1997. patients where the question for a velopharyngoplasty was
The diagnoses of the 160 patients were benign, premalig- discussed. For this, the velopharyngeal movements were
nant or malignant lesions. The most common sites of the represented by highfrequency-videocineradiography and by
lesions were the floor of the mouth, the surface of the nasopharyngoscopy pre- and postoperatively. The speech
tongue, followed by upper alveolus and/or palate, angle of was evaluated by computerized spectrography, the nasal air
the mouth and/or cheeks, lower alveolus, and lips. flow was objectively measured by detecting the oral and
The results showed that the use of the C02 laser in treating nasal sound intensity (nasalance).
oral soft-tissue pathology presented advantages over conven- In 32 patients with rhinophonic speech, only an articu-
tional techniques. The advantages of lasers include a rela- latoric disturbance with-out velopharyngeal insufficiency
tively bloodless surgical and post-surgical course, minimal was found. Here, an operative concept was avoi-ded but
swelling and scarring, coagulation, vaporization and cutting, an intensive logopedic training was performed. In 6
minimal or no suturing, reduction in surgical time and, in a patients a sufficient velopharyngeal closure was shown by
majority of cases, much less or no post-surgical pain. the imaging procedures but a pathological nasalance was
found. Here an individually pharyngoplasty was per-
formed. In 12 patients with a large velopharyngeal gap a
velopharyngoplasty was performed whereby the pharyn-
DISTRACTION O S T E O G E N E S I S O F PREVIOUSLY geal flap was designed individually according to the radio-
GRAFTED SITES IN THE LOWER JAW logical analysis, for example lateralization of the flap.
Postoperatively in all patients an improvment of the
A. E1-Fattah. A. Sadakah.
speech parameters and the nasalance could be prooven,
the radiological analysis showed an improved velopharyn-
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department, Faculty of geal closure.
Dentistry, Tanta University, Egypt. Our results, based on radiological analysis of velopharyn-
geal movements in all over 214 cleft palate patients, show
Aims: To evaluate both clinically and radiologically the that the orovelopharyngeal muscle dysfunction has high
opportunities of using the distraction osteogenesis prin- influence on rhinophonia in cleft patients, not only the
ciple in elongating mandibles previously grafted with velopharyngeal gap. Considering the different parameters,
costochondral grats which failed to give satisfactory we could individualize and improve the used operative tech-
growth. niques. But the analysis of our results shows as well that the
Method: Five patients suffering from unilateral mandibular known speech improving operations are really unphysiologic
hypoplasia who have previously been treated with costo- and that there is a demand for new operation techniques
chondral grafts which gave inadequate growth were regarding a restitution of the velopharyngeal muscle
included. They were treated by the use of a unidirectional function.
164 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

r7 BIODEGRADABLE SELF-REINFORCED achieve good functional but also excellent results of the
facial aesthetics.
ORTHOGNATHIC SURGERY For the mandible we developed the anterior and poste-
rior sandwich procedures (Sailer 1989, 1991), using from the
Haers P.Efl*, Suuronen Rfl, Lindqvist C 2, Sailer H.Ffl. beginning not only autologous but also homologous
lyophilized bone. The autologous bone was taken from the
1Department of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, University iliac crest, the calvarium or from the ascending ramus of the
Hospital Zurich, Switzerland. 2Department of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital Helsinki The posterior mandibular sandwich procedure made the
lateralisation of the inferior alveolar nerve necessary. The
anterior mandibular sandwich procedure we performed
Introduction: Metallic osteosynthesis material in orthog- from a height of 5 mm on. The same procedure was also
nathic surgery has the disadvantage that it has to be used in a modified way in patients with spontaneous frac-
removed after the osteotomy has consolidated, which often tures due to extreme mandibular atrophy. From 1991 on we
requires general anaesthesia. Titanium plates have been used also bone morphogenetic proteins (Sailer and Kolb
introduced to bypass this need for secondary intervention. 1994) in some of these procedures.
However, due to corrosion, titanium particles have been In the upper jaw we developed in 1987 two procedures:
found in scar tissue covering these plates and in regional One was the Le Fort-I osteotomy of the edentulous highly
lymph nodes. Therefore, their removal has been advocated atrophic jaw (Cawood Class VI) with removal of the sinus
too. Moreover, if plates remain in situ for life, they cause floor mucosa, the placement of autologous bone grafts
artefacts in CT-imaging and especially MRI-examination of (from the hip or calvarium) and the simultaneous setting of
the midface and oral cavity is impossible. In earlier studies, titanium implants. The indication for these procedures was
self-reinforced polylactide devices have proven to have again a functional and especially an aesthetic one because
sufficient strength to bypass the need of additional support the whole osteotomized part of the maxilla was simultane-
for the fixation of fractures and mandibular osteotomies. ously moved forward and downward to re-establish the for-
Method: Self-reinforced polylactide plates and screws were mer facial height.
used for osteosynthesis in 10 consecutive cases of bimaxil- The second procedure for the upper jaw was the vertical
lary osteotomies with simultaneous genioplasty (January- circular sandwich procedure with splitting of the extremely
February 1998). Exclusion criteria were syndromes, narrow alveolar ridge of the maxilla (Cawood Class IV):
systemic diseases, cleft deformities and refusal to participate The thin outer bone lamella is left pedicled to the perios-
in the study. The plates used in the maxilla (two on each teum and some submucous tissue and moved forward and
side) and at the level of the sagittal split (one on each side) outward; the gap in between was filled again by bone grafts
were fixated with 2 mm screws, whereas the chin fragment which were loaded outside the oral cavity with titanium
was fixated with two 2.7 mm bicortical screws. The self-rein- implants. Both the outer and palatal lamellae were then
forced plates and screws were bent at room temperature. fixed to each other by compression screws.
Training elastics were used postoperatively. The clinical fol- The partial vertical sandwich procedure is often used in
low-up took place on a weekly base during the first six post- posttraumatic cases were several teeth are lost and the nar-
operative weeks. Cephalograms and orthopantomograms row ridge should be widened for the placement of implants.
were made preoperatively, immediately postoperatively and The outcome of the procedures described above is pre-
six weeks, three and six months postoperatively. sented, the problems and complications discussed.
Results: There were no postoperative complications linked
to the osteosynthesis material. Wound dehiscence, infection
or pseudarthrosis did not occur. All bone fragments were
clinically stable. Cephalometric analysis after six weeks NEUROMUSCULAR CONTROLLED
showed normal initial skeletal stability, comparable with the HYDROXYLAPATITE OCULAR IMPLANTS. A
pattern reported following osteosynthesis with titanium FUNCTIONAL AND AESTHETIC TREATMENT
plates. The six months results concerning skeletal stability CONCEPT.
will be reported.
Conclusion: The results of this study so far suggest that Sailer 11.F.
biodegradable SR-PLLA plates and screws can be used for
osteosynthesis in bimaxillary orthognathic procedures and Department of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, University
genioplasties. Long term follow-up is mandatory to obtain Hospital Zurich, Switzerland.
data concerning skeletal stability one year and more postop-
eratively. Introduction: Patients who have lost an eye due to trauma or
turnout often suffer from aesthetic and functional problems
with conventional eye prostheses. Most of the problems are
SANDWICH PROCEDURES WITH INTERPOSED caused by the lack of motility of the prosthesis and by post-
GRAFTS AND TITANIUM IMPLANTS operative conditions following enucleation or exenteration
of the orbit resulting in inadequate conjunctival pockets,
Sailer, H.F., ptosis, deep superior sulcus syndrome etc.. The insertion of
a neuromuscular controlled hydroxylapatite globe can
Department of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, University correct these deficiencies.
Hospital Zurich, Switzerland Method: Immediate or delayed insertion of hydroxylapatite
globes following enucleation of the bulbus oculi was per-
formed in ten patients. The fixation of the rectus muscles to
In 1987 we established and performed several kinds of sand- this globular implant is the main principle of this method
wich procedures of the upper and lower jaw in combination and of utmost importance for functional and aesthetic suc-
with bone grafts and simultaneous placement of dental tita- cess. Therefore, the Tenon's capsule together with the four
nium implants. From the beginning our aim was not only to rectus muscles are preserved during enucleation or exentera-
EACMFS- Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 165

tion when performing immediate insertion of the implant. used for this purpose. The best in terms of qualified moni-
In case of delayed insertion the four muscles are identified. toring is currently provided by real time open M R I tech-
in both cases the muscles are directly fixated with resorbable niques which will be illustrated and explained by means of
sutures through small burr holes at the periphery of the clinical cases and computer simulations, respectively.
implant. Six months later, following capillary in-sprouting
into the porous hydroxylapatite globe, a sleeved peg is
inserted into the orbital implant for fixation of the eye-pros-
Results: G o o d aesthetic results could be achieved in all F O R EXPLANTATION AND TRANSPLANTATION OF
patients. The insertion of the rectus muscles resulted in ade- VASCULARIZED MANDIBLES USING
quate motility of the ocular prosthesis. The movements of M I C R O S U R G I C A L A N A S T O M O S I S IN RATS.
the prosthesis were symmetrical and most cases with the
same amplitude when compared to the contralateral intact Saka, B., Gundlach, K.,
eye. In one patient with an inadequate small implant, the
low position of the implant and the deep superior sulcus Medical School Department of Maxillofacial and Plastic
could be corrected by transplantation of lyophilized carti- Surgery, Rostock University, Rostock, Germany
lage sheets into the depth of the orbit. No complications
(infection, dehiscencies, implant migration or extrusion) Aims: One of the major problems in reconstructive cranio-
were seen in this small series. facial surgery is reconstruction of the mandible following
Conclusions: The replacement of the bulbus oculi is recom- tumor surgery or trauma. Vascularized allografts would
mended in all cases of eye enucleation or exenteration, as offer many possibilities for reconstructive craniofacial
long as oncological radicality is not compromised. This surgery. A method of explantation and microsurgical trans-
method is especially useful in case of an empty orbit with plantation of one side of the mandible has been examined
malpositioned eyelids and short conjunctival fornices which and has been successful in rats.
are insufficient for incorporation of an adequate prosthesis. Method: 60 Wistar rat with a weight of 300 g each were used
In these cases it is mandatory to insert a hydroxylapatite for anatomical studies and establishing a method of explanta-
globe for fixation of the eye prosthesis. tion and transplantation of the mandible. The inferior alveolar
artery and vein were identified and followed up to mandibular
foramen. Medial and lateral muscles of mastication had been
removed and osteotomy in the region of the chin were followed
by opening the articular capsule in order to detach the trans-
H.F. Sailer, M. Niibler-Moritz, M. Makek, G. Eyrieh plant.Transplantation was done as replantation and began
with microplate osteosynthesis of the mandible. The inferior
alveolar vessels were attached microsurgically end to side : infe-
Hard tissue cutting with lasers was the most prestigious rior alveolar artery to external carotid artery, inferior alveolar
challenge for many physicists and clinicians over the last vein to the retromandibular vein.
decade. Especially, as far as cranio and maxillofacial Results: 60 transplantations of right and left mandibles were
surgery is concerned, none of the current available laser sys- performed. The anastomosis of inferior alveolar artery and
tems are useful. Very recently, an ultrapulsed CO2 laser vein were satisafying in all rats. No size problem was found
emitting at 9600 nm has been developed, providing efficient in transplantation when the rats were of the same age.
drilling and cutting of hard tissues such as teeth and bone. Conclusion: A standardized method for allograft explanta-
A series of in vitro and in vivo examinations in patients was tion and transplantation of vascularized mandibles in the
performed. Histology from osteotomy areas and from cavi- rat was established. This is the first step introducing micro-
ties and pulps of vital teeth shows absence of hard tissue surgical mandibular allografts in reconstructive craniofacial
necrosis and of inflammatory reaction of the dental pulp. surgery.



H.F. Sailer, M. Niibler-Moritz, G. Eyrich, P. Hilfiker Y.Sakuma, N.Kawatsu. 34[.Uehida

The Nippon Dental University, School of Dentistry at Tokyo,

The possibility of localized tissue coagulation has formed
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
the basis of a novel turnout treatment technique called laser
induced interstitial thermotherapy (LITT). It was recently
introduced to the treatment of various types of head and Aims: To analyzed the immunological changes in 2
neck tumours such as AV-malformations, hemangiomas and Pemphigus patients.
lymphangiomas. The principle idea of laser induced intersti- Method: We conducted histopathological diagnosis pemphi-
tial thermotherapy is to position an appropriate laser fibre gus a 63-year old male and 62-year old female as our test
inside the tissue to be coagulated and to achieve necrosis by subjects. White blood cells, platelets,lymphocytes,
heating cells above 60°C. Denaturation of proteins and IgG, IgA,IgM,ILl-13,IL12,and lymphocytes surface antigens
coagulation occur at these temperatures. In order to achieve CD?,CD4,CD8,CD16, CD45RA,CD45RO,CD56,HLADR
a safe LITT procedure, knowledge of the final amount of and CD4/CD8 ratio were determined to assess
damaged tissue is essential. Especially in O M F surgery, it is Immunological competence.
very important to prevent injury from adjacent healthy and Results: There were no changed white blood cells Platelets
sensitive structures. Therefore, special laser fibres are needed lymphocytes, IgA,IgM, ILl-g, ILl2. IgG was
and an imaging-guided monitoring is mandatory. Either increased.Among the subset of lymphocyte N K cells
temperature probes, ultrasonography, CT or M R I can be decreased.
166 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

we show the clinical investigations of the patients, as well as

clear detailed views of the surgical technique. We also show
other cases in which the technique may be indicated: menis-
C, Salazar Ferndndez,* PhD, A. Perez-Sanchez PhD, A. copexy in cases of disc subluxation where other treatment
Roil6n MD, P. Aparieio MD, J.C. Arboleda PhD. has failed; and readjusment of the meniscus after excision of
benign tumours (we show a case of condylar osteoma).
Conclusion: The Mitek® mini-anchor is a device which
Oral and MaxillofaciaI Surge1T. Virgen Macarena Hospital allows meniscopexy of the TMJ disc to be performed in a
from Sevilla (Spain). stable fashion; also used both in cases where readjustment
of the articular disc after high condylectomy is necessary,
AIMS: The purpose of this abstract is to present a docu- and in cases of disc subluxation where conservative mea-
mented case of M N T I of right maxilla in a 3 month-old girl sures have failed.
and discuss clinical, radiological, histopahological and ther-
apeutic features of the disease.
METHODS: A 3 month-old girl was referred to our depart-
ment for the evaluation of a darkened mass on the right FREE F L A P S FOR RECONSTRUCTION O F THE
maxilla with a history of accelerated growth. Examination PALATE
showed a bluish, firm, expansive mass of the right anterior
maxilla. The tumor elevated the right upper lip and alar base, SalvatorL P. *, Podrecca, S., Fallahdar, D., Tomic, 0.,
and the mucosa overlying the area was thin and mobile. CT Nardo, L.
revealed a big, hyperdense mass in right maxilla with osto-
blastic and osteolitic lesions. It apparented to have the floor Head & Neck Surgery, Istituto Nazionale Tumori, Milan,
of the orbit extension. A biopsy was performed and showed Italy
melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy: Urinary levels
of vanilmandelic acid (VMA) was normal. Under general
anesthesia, the lesion was removed by enucleation, currettage Aims: Defects following extirpation of tumours involving
and any bone that had unusual pigmentation or texture was the palate may be treated with prosthetic appliances or local
removed 5 mm past the involved area. Superiorly it appeared flaps. However, major resections are difficult to repair unless
to fill the maxillar with bony expansion of the orbit floor free tissue transfer is used. We report our experience on this
and involvement pterigomaxillar fossa. Postoperative course matter.
was satisfactory.Histologic study and electron microscopic Subject: Thirty patients underwent microsurgical recon-
confirmed the diagnostic. CT scan was obtained six months struction of the palate. Charts were reviewed as regards to
postsurgery that showed no evidence of recurrent tumor. demographicss, histology, extent of the resection, type of
There has been no recurrence after 1.5 year follow-up. free flap, functional, short and long term results.
RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The importance of early Results: Defects to be repaired always included more than
conservative surgical excision toghether with removal of adja- half the palate (soft and/or hard palate) along with other
cent teeth and any bone that had unusual pigmentation or structures involved (skin, orbita, etc.). In some instances the
texture is emphasized with, in general, a good prognosis. It whole palate has been reconstructed. Flaps were harvested
should be followed up for long periods of time because of the from the latissimus dorsi and rectus abdominis (as myocuta-
rare malignant change is possible in the tumor. neous flaps), forearm (as fasciocutaneous or osteofasciocu-
taneous flaps), scapula and fibula (as an osteocutaneous
flap). Success rates of the transfer reached 95%. Dehiscence
and retraction were the most common morbidity/sequelae.
T E M P O R O M A N D I B U L A R J O I N T DISCOPEXY Good functional results were achieved in the majority of
WITH THE MITEK® DEVICE. patients, whereas survival mainly varied according to the
Salmerdn, JL *; A cero, £; Ferndndez-Alba, £; Cuesta, M.; Conclusions: Free tissue transfer offers a formidable oppor-
Concejo, C. tunity in palate reconstruction. The choice of the flap
should be made according to the volume of the resection,
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hospital the expected prognosis and the dental rehabilitation
General Universitario "'Gregorio Maratgon", Universidad planned.
Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.

Aim: We present a new technique for meniscopexy, employ-

ing the Mitek® mini-anchor, which has been used in PREVALENCE O F T M J S Y M P T O M S IN ACTIVE
orthopaedic surgery to anchor soft tissues to bone, and has CONDYLAR H Y P E R P L A S I A
been adapted for surgery on the TMJ by Cotrel and
Woldford. The anchor consists of a titanium cylinder, 5 mm Samman, N. ~, Cheung, L.K., Tideman, H.
long and 1,8 mm wide with two Nitinol wings in a pre-set
position but with superelastic properties. The device is Oral and Maxillofi~cial Surgery, University of Hong Kong,
inserted into the posterolateral aspect of the condyle; a Hong Kong, China
braided suture already passed through the anchor's orifice
allows meniscopexy to be performed.
M & Methods: This video shows the characteristics of the Aims: To correlate the prevalence of pain and clicking in the
device with illustrations of bone marrow penetration by the TMJ with scintigraphic findings in active condylar hyper-
wings, which then expand to secure the device in place. To plasia.
demonstrate the technique, we show here a case of ache in Methods: 239 consecutive patients with mandibular asym-
which, following condylectomy, we employ the Mitek® metry due to condylar hyperplasia (CH) received a 99Tc
device which adjust the meniscus to the new condyle. Here bone scan. 194 patients (81%) exhibited increased isotope
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 167

uptake by the condyles beyond the normal level and were Method: A 27 year-old male presented with a left hemi-
included in the study. Clinical examination for masticatory mus- mandibular hyperplasia, confirmed with gammagraphy
cle and joint pain or dicking was carried out for the study group. with Tc99, a TC and plain-tomograms. Surgery comprised a
Results: The M:F ratio was 1:1.4 and the age range was 12- high condylectomy and fixation of the remaining temporo-
48 years (mean 23 years). The prevalence of masticatory mandibular joint (TMJ) disc with a Mitec mini-anchor
muscle pain and/or joint clicking was 32% (pain 6%, click- device. Remodelling of the horizontal mandibular ramus
ing 14%, pain and clicking 12%). The incidence of pain was carried out after previous inferior alveolar nerve trans-
with or without clicking was 18%, clicking with or without position.
pain 26%, and there was no predilection for either side. 80% Results: An optimal functional and aesthetic result was
of the study group (151 patients) exhibited increased isotope achieved, with good mandibular opening and no pain.
uptake by the condyles bilaterally, but only 11% of patients Conclusions: Hemimandibulat hyperplasia with active
had pain or clicking on the normal side. growth must be managed by surgical condylar excision pre-
Conclusions: In mandibular asymmetry due to active CH, the serving the TMJ disc. Condylar remodeling is supposed to
normal condyle frequently shows an increased isotope uptake occur during the year after surgery. Symmetry is one of the
but to a lesser degree than the CH side. Scintigraphic findings most difficult goals to attain after mandibular remodelling.
do not correlate with TMJ disorder in condylar hyperplasia.

Piekarczyk J., Samolczyk-Wanyura D., Spiechowicz E.,
Siemi~ska-Piekarezyk B.
Santler, (7.

Medical University of Warsaw, H Clinic of Oral and Department of OMFS, Institute of Dentistry, University of
Graz, Austria
Maxillo-Facial Surgery, PSK nr I, Lindley'a St. 4, 02-005
Warsaw, Poland, tel/fax +48 (22) 621-24-02
e-mail: chirszcz @wawl. Aims: Development of a system allowing precise replace-
ment of dental arches of 3D-model by plaster models,
three-dimensional measurements of asymmetry and bone
Aims: Presentation of indications for and results of, surgical
preparation for prosthetic rehabilitation. cephalometry, life-like simulation surgery and easy transfer
into operation.
Method: Patients with widespreaded atrophy of the alveolar
Method: A bite device with 3 radio-opaque hemispheres is
process and the mandibular body have been treated. In
these cases, reconstruction procedures using appropriate used during CT-scanning for replacement of dental arches
bone parts was carried out using a sandwich-type autoge- of the 3D-model with plaster models. A new model opera-
nous bone graft. A group of patients with loss of maxillary tion platform with 3D-digitizer and 6D-tracker enables
bone structures resulting from congenital diseases or surgi- three-dimensional measurements of bony anatomy
cal interventions has also been treated with autogenous (cephalometry) and movements of the jaws during simula-
bone grafting. After a healing of the bone grafts, tion surgery. A transfer device based on a neurosurgical halo
intraosseous implants have been inserted. After mandibular frame is used as a reference for three-dimensional position-
resection benign tumours, simultaneous bone graft recon- ing of osteotomized segments. Accuracy analysis is per-
structions have been combined with intraosseous implants. formed concerning replacement of the dental arches,
Results: The methods gave satisfactory results. No early
precision of the 3D-digitizer and transfer of the planned
complications have been observed. Long term results have position. The clinical results in nine patients are presented.
been estimated to be good. Clinical and radiological exami- Results: Replacement of dental arches of 3D-models was
nation proved the incorporation of the grafted bone. achieved with a three-dimensional accuracy of 0.52 mm
Conclusions: The methods of surgical technique presented enable (range: -0.91 to 0.91 mm) with a CT-feed of 3 mm. Transfer
good, more functional prosthetic rehabilitation to be achieved. of the upper jaw position was possible with a spherical pre-
cision of 0.14 mm (range: -0.36 to 0.69 mm).
Conlusion: This newly introduced system allows precise
replacement of the dental arches of 3D-models, three-
HEMIMANDIBULAR HYPERPLASIA TREATED dimensional simulation surgery with on-line visualisation of
WITH MINI-ANCHOR MENISCOPEXY AND NERVE the movements and an accurate transfer of the therapeutic
REPOSITIONING position into the operation room. Especially in patients with
asymmetric malformations and severe dysgnathia this sys-
Sdnchez-Cudilar A, Martin-Gran&o R*, G6mez F, de Pedro tem will help in achieving symmetric and aesthetic propor-
M, Sdnchez-Gutidrrez J, Pdrez MC, Berguer A. tions with a definitive outcome.

Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. University

"Hospital Clinico San Carlos", Madrid, Spain.
Aim: Hemimandibular hyperplasia is characterized by DIFFERENT EMBRYOLOGICAL ORIGIN UNDER
homogeneous growth of one side of the mandible. This BIOMECHANICAL FORCES. AN EXPERIMENTAL
growth ends lateral to the symphysis showing an abrupt STUDY ON CANINES: PRELIMINARY REPORT
kink in that area. It has a slow growth and slight changes in
the occlusal plane inclination. We present an outstanding Mollaoglu, N*., Sarisoy, \, Yiicel, E., Erkmen, E.,
case as well as the treatment used. BSrkan, U.
168 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Aims: The purpose of this study is to establish a treatment
Dentistry, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey technique for segmental mandibular reconstruction by dis-
traction osteogenesis using osseointegrated implants and an
intraoral device.
Aims: To discover the success of bone grafts in bone trans-
Materials: Three adult dogs served as the subject of this
plantation procedures to compare bone grafts under differ-
ent local environmental factors by considering their types
Method: After teeth extraction of their left mandibular pre-
and embriologic origins
molars and first molar, three 10mmX3.75mm osseointegrated
Method: Four beagle dogs were used in this study. Standard
implants were installed. After 12 weeks for osseointegration,
defects were constructed in the maxilla, mandible, and tibias
abutments and intraoral devices were connected. Then, a
of the dogs. The endocondral allografts that were obtained
bone defect the size of 15mm was created and immediate
from these defects were transplanted to the mandible, and
reconstruction by metal plate was performed. The mandible
similarly the membranous allografts to tibia. The maxilla,
was resected and fixed with a reconstruction plate. An
mandible and tibias of one of the dogs were used as control.
osteotomy created a transport disk of a 10mm segment of the
Compression force was applied to the standard segments
mandible. Waiting for a week as the latency period, distrac-
that were obtained from the dogs after three months
tion of the transport disk was begun at a rate of lmm/day.
Results: Ossification was terminated without any problems as
After distraction was completed, the distraction device was
assessed by gross observation. No evident difference was observed
left for 8 weeks as the consolidation period. Six months later,
in the resistance autografts and allografts and bone grafts of endo-
an additional implant to the lengthened bone was installed.
chondral and membranous origin to compression forces. But, the
Results: Mandibular defects were filled with regenerated
control areas were found to be slightly more resistant
bone. No mobility of the implants was observed before and
Conclusion: It would affect the results to do the transplanta-
after distraction, and the implants could be tolerant of the
tion in the identical areas and to extend the study peiod.
distraction stress. The gingiva which covered the defect was
pushed out, and the gingiva over the regenerated bone were
lengthened by distraction.
Radiographic evaluation demonstrated new bone forma-
MAXILLOFACIAL ACCESS F O R ORBITAL AND tion in the distraction gap and no bone resorption around
SKULL BASE T U M O U R S IN JORDAN the implants.
Conclusion: This study demonstrates a potentiality for using
Dr: Sartawi, 3/1.*, Consultant OMF Surgeon distraction osteogenesis with the implant-anchorage for seg-
Dr. Sbeih, L Consultant Neurosurgeon mental mandibular reconstruction.

Amman, Jordan
To present our experience in Jordan regarding skull base PAIN DYSFUNCTION SYNDROME OF THE
tumors by our team which consists of O M F Surgeon, T E M P O R O M A N D I B U L A R JOINT.
Neurosurgeon, ENT Surgeon and Ophthalmic Surgeon.
Scarsella S*., Ladisa R., Appia F., Cutilli T.
Short history of each case with presentation of preop, and Maxillofacial Institute, Department of Surgery - L'Aquila
postop, imaging and describing our surgical methods. University - L'Aquila - Italy
(Head Prof. A. Corbacelli)
10 Cases are presented. Cases include: Aims: To evaluate the effectiveness of the analgesic response to
Orbital Tumors, e.g. epidermoid, Rabdomyosarcoma, two electric physiotherapy techniques: electroacupuncture
meningocelle (trauma). (E.A.) and transcutaneus electrical nerve stimulation (T.E.N.S.)
Aggressive psomammatoid ossifying fibroma of the , in patients suffering from the pain dysfunction syndrome.
sinonasal region. Moreover, we checked the effects of E.A. and T.E.N.S. on the
Skull base tumors, e.g. clivus tumors, menengiomas. masseter and temporalis anterior muscles of the same patients.
Method: Fourteen patients, (8 females and 6 males, aged 18-
CONCLUSIONS: 51), suffering from T.M.J. pain dysfunction syndrome were
The team work presented illustrates the need for a combined divided into two groups and treated 7 with E.A. and 7 with
effort of multisurgical disciplines to achieve radical or com- T.E.N.S.; we used continuous waves at 10-50 Hz for each 20
plete excision of such tumors. minute treatment; the Scott-Huskisson Visual Analogue
Scale (V.A.S.) was used to assess the intensity of pain both
before and after the treatments. We have investigated the
changes in activity of two masticatory muscles; the masseter
EXPERIMENTAL STUDY O F SEGMENTAL and temporalis anterior using superficial electromyography.
MANDIBULAR RECONSTRUCTION BY Results: Our results show that, in relation to the changes in
DISTRACTION O S T E O G E N E S I S USING the masseter and temporalis muscle activity, both E.A. and
OSSEOINTEGRATED I M P L A N T S T.E.N.S. have a good effect on the balance of the muscles;
meanwhile, using the Signed Ranked Test, the E.A. is more
Sawaki Y., Oda T., Hagino H., Mizutani H., Ueda M. effective than T.E.N.S. in relieving the pain, with a signifi-
cant statistical difference (p=0.03).
Department of Oral Surgery, Nagoya University, School of Conclusions: The results indicate that E.A. and T.E.N.S.
Medicine, Nagoya, Japan are effective physiotherapy techniques and suggest their
use to relieve pain and to balance masticatory muscles in
EACMFS Abstracts, HelsinkiCongress 1998 169

patients suffering from T.M.J. pain dysfunction syn- In fifty patients with congenital malformations (26 oral
drome. leukoplakia, 22 lichen ruber erosivus, 1 carcinoma in situ, 1
squamous cell carcinoma) acquisition of cytological probes
were performed by taking two impression probes both of
undeseased and macroscopical changed mucosal areas. By
THE APPLICATION OF COLLAGEN W O O L COATED means of taking two probes out of the same location squa-
WITH CLOTTING SUBSTANCES (TACHCOMB®) IN mous cell layers of different depth may get microscopically
DENTOALVEOLAR SURGERY PERFORMED IN ORAL examined and determined by rate of dysplasia.
ANTICOAGULATED PATIENTS In this study a high correlation and specifity of cytologi-
cal and histological specimens was found. Results suggest
Scheer, M. *, Schweigert, H.G., Mischkowski, R.A., the future option for supplementary biopsy only in cases
Hassfeld, S., Miihling, J., Z611er, J.E., Steveling, H. with a rate of dysplasia of grade 3 and more.
Impression-cytology improves follow up of patients with
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of congenital malformations and simultaneously reduces num-
Cologne, Germany ber of bioptical excisions.

Aims: To assess the risk of postoperative bleeding after elec-

tive dentoalveolar surgery in patients treated with oral anti- GUIDED BONE REGENERATION BY TITANIUM
coagulants using collagen wool with clottable substances REINFORCED GORE MEMBRANES IN
Method: The study includes 12 patients (3 female, 9 male) A PRELIMINARY REPORT BASED ON CT-SCANS.
admitted to our hospital between January 1997 and
February 1998. All patients were treated with vitamin K Schemmerer, E.J., Beck, R.M., Schubert, J.,
antagonists and required such dentoalveolar procedures as
extractions and osteotomies. A reduced dose of the antico- Department of Maxillo-facial surgery and Department of
agulants was not taken. Oral surgery was performed under Diagnostic Radiology, Martin-Luther-University Halle-
local anaesthesia using intraligamentary injections. After Wittenberg, Halle, Germany
removal of the teeth, collagen wool coated with fibrinogen,
thrombin and aprotinin (TachoComb®) was inserted into
It was the aim of this study to get more informations about
the alveolus. The wounds were sutured and a preoperatively
guided bone regeneration in large three dimensional bone
made prosthesis was inserted. Postoperatively all patients
defects like in cleft malformations.
were instructed to report every episode of bleeding. As a
Therefore standarised bone defects with a length of 10
three week follow up examination, the patients were ques-
mm, width of 5 mm and depth of 5 mm were created in both
tioned about haemorrhage and other complications.
sides of the upper jaw of 20 rabbits. After two weeks in a
Results: In 16 surgical procedures, 98 teeth were extracted
second surgical procedure a titanium reinforced Gore mem-
and 6 osteotomies were performed. The average preoperative
brane was implanted on one side, covering the bony alveolar
I N R was 2,17 (Range: 1.27-3.26). No episode of severe
ridge defect. After a healing period of three months bone
bleeding occured. Mild bleeding without an indication for
regeneration was examined in 17 rabbits by CT-scans (3 rab-
further intervention was reported by nine patients. Other
bits died by Pasteurella-infections).
complications were not seen during the three week follow up.
By means of axial CT-scans with slice thickness of 1
Conclusions: Regard to the small number of patients
mm complete bone regeneration was seen in 4 rabbits, 8
included in our study we can not supply definitve data about
rabbits showed quite good bone regeneration with only lit-
the application of the TachoComb®-wool. Our results are,
tle decreased vertical and transversal dimensions. In 5 rab-
however, very promising. The application of TachoComb®
bits wound healing was disturbed by Pasteurella
may provide a secure and cost effective method of managing
infections, causing exposure of membranes. In all these
patients treated with oral anticoagulants.
cases bone regeneration was incomplete. Infections in
early healing period caused a wide junction between nasal
and oral cavity. Measurement of bone density gave sup-
I M P R E S S I O N - C Y T O L O G Y AS A NEW M E T H O D plementary informations about bone quality and mineral-
P R E N E O P L A S T I C M A L F O R M A T I O N S O F ORAL As a conclusion complete, respectively almost complete
MUCOSA bone regeneration in large three-dimensional bone defects
was seen in 12 out of 17 rabbits. We hope, that the combina-
Schemmeret; E., Budweg, Chr., Buchmann, J., Schubert, J., tion of regenerative techniques by membranes and degrade-
ble biomaterials (right in testings) make osteoplasty without
Department of Maxillo-faeial surgery, Martin-Luther- transplantation of autogenious bone possible.
University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany

A frequent question in treatment of patients with congenital DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF ABSCESSES
malformations of oral mucosa is determination of rate of AND INFLAMMATORY S W E L L I N G S AT T H E BASE
dysplasia. O F THE SKULL
Up to now a reliable confirmation needs a biopsy.
However this procedure is an invasive method, accompanied Dumitru Scherbatiuk *, Sergiu Lungu, lurie Melnik
by a certain morbidity caused by surgical intervention, local
anaesthesia and need of early recall. Therefore we intro- The N. Testemitsanu SMFU,
duced the impression-cytology as a useful, reliable, econom- Department of the Oro-Maxillofacial Surgery, Chisinau, the
ical and non-invasive screening method in the diagnosis and Republic of Moldova
long-term follow-up of preneoplastic malformations.
170 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

Aims: The high incidence of inflammatory diseases of the while there was strong bone formation in the control group
oromaxillofacial regionnecessitates detailed investigation of and only thin bone formation in the bilateral group. The
this problem. other 2 groups ranged between these extremes.
Method: We have studied and treated 723 patients with inflam- The results presented show that transport distraction
matory processes in the head and neck regions in the Republican osteogenesis is useful too in reconstruction of large calvarial
Centre for the Oro-Maxillofacial Surgery from 1992-1997. defects. The Ilizarov principles of a distraction rate of 1 mm
In order to diagnose the inflammatory swellings, their can be neglected in the craniofacial area without the risk of
localization, mode of spread and prevalence. Methods for pseudarthrosis and distraction osteogenesis can be per-
active distance thermography, computerized tomography, formed even under almost complete isolation from the sur-
biophotometry have been used. rounding soft tissues.
When performing the microbiological diagnosis, rapid
methods for detection and identification of pathogenic
agents were applied.
Results: According to the diagnosis, the patients were classi- Fh APPLICATION OF DISTRACTION
fied as follows: the odontogenous abscesses and inflamma- O S T E O G E N E S I S IN THE ATROPHIC M A N D I B L E TO
tory swellings - 56.4%, nonodontogenous abscesses and INCREASE THE INTERMAXILLARY DISTANCE AS
inflammatory swellings - 43.6%. In 487, (67.4%) of patients A P R E C O N D I T I O N FOR ORAL I M P L A N T S -
the purulent foci were localized in a single anatomical REPORT OF A CASE.
region, two or more regions were detected in 236 (32.6%) of
cases; 82 (17.34%) of them were at the skull base. It is very Hannes P. Schierle 1), Henning Schliephake 1), Felicitas
effective to use the method of active surgical intervention on Schierle 2), Franz-Josef Kramer i)
inflammatory swellings with primary suture of the postop-
erative wound and the application of antimicrobial therapy l) Dept. of Oral & Maxillofaeial Surgery, Hannover
with the catheterization of the a.carotis through a.facialis Medical School
and a.temporalis superficialis. For the chemical homeostasis 2) Dept. for Orthodontics, Hannover Medical Sc,~ool
of the organism, antioxidant therapy in the treatment of
these oro-maxillofacial region phlegmons was used. Treatment of severe atrophic mandibles using oral implants
Conclusions: The use of new methods for the diagnosis and and bone grafts requires an adequate interalveolar vertical
complex treatment of the patients with inflammatory dimension for prosthodontic rehabilitation. Limited inter-
swellings of the oro-maxilofacial region has halved the num- alveolar distance requires either osteotomies and/or bone
ber of complications and deaths. grafts to lengthen the ascending ramus or modifications in
the prosthetic suprastructure, which might be a hazard for
long-term stability and function. Distraction osteogenesis,
introduced into the craniofacial area for the correction of
GUIDED T R A N S P O R T O S T E O D I S T R A C T I O N - hemifacial microsomia and paediatric patients, is now
widely used in many age groups.
NEWLY GENERATED B O N E The case presented shows a 45-year-old female patient
who sustained severe facial trauma in early infancy, causing
Hannes P. Schierle, Henning Schliephake, Markus Gagalick
severe growth retardation in the whole midfacial and
mandibular area on the right side. Due to an almost complete
Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hannover Medical loss of vertical growth of the mandible, alveolar ridges were
University, Germany in permanent contact and she was not able to wear any kind
of denture. Treatment with oral implants required an increase
Transport distraction osteogenesis is currently used for clo- in the interalveolar distance. Elevation of the sinus floor of
sure of long bone and mandibular segmental defects. To our the affected side and augmentation of the alveolar ridge in
knowledge, no investigation has been reported on closure of the anterior unaffected side were performed, using autoge-
large defects of the cranium and the role of the adjacent soft nous iliac bone grafting. In the same operation preparations
tissues in bone regeneration. for distraction osteogenesis of the ascending ramus were per-
The aim of the presented study was to investigate differ- formed, creating an osteotomy after placement of transcuta-
ent placements of resorbable barriers in the defect area. neous pins and fixation of a distraction device. A reasonable
Therefore 5x4 cm large defects were created in the calvarial vertical dimension was achieved during the following weeks.
area of 24 adult sheep. An osteotomy was performed on the Osteointegrated implants were placed after removal of the
dorsal margin of the defect, creating a bone segment, which distraction device and healing of the bone grafts.
was to be transported through the defect at a daily rate of 2 The case demonstrated shows the possibilities of distrac-
mm until contact with the frontal margin was achieved. The tion osteogenesis, even in the atrophic mandible, which can
sheep were randomly assigned to the following groups be used in combination with other reconstructive proce-
Group 1: no barrier, group 2: subperiosteal and subcranial dures due to the less invasive character of the treatment.
isolation of the defect using a 500 (.,urn) thick polylactic
acid barrier, completely overlapping the defect.' Group 3:
placement of an epidural film, also overlapping the defect
and group 4: bilateral film placement. The distraction was MALIGNANCY A S S O C I A T E D C H A N G E S IN
commenced on the third postoperative day and after termi- S Q U A M O U S E P I T H E L I U M O F THE ORAL CAVITY
nation of the distraction period the defects were allowed to
consolidate for another 6 weeks. After 6 weeks, the skulls
1)Schimming, R.*, 1)Frenzel,L 2)Haroske, G.,
were harvested and bone regeneration was assessed using
histology, radiography, computer tomography and fluores- 1)Department of Oral- and Maxillofacial Surgery,
cence microscopy. Of 24 animals 3 were lost, one due to 2)Department of Pathology
infection of the operated area and 2 others due to unrelated Universityof Dresden, Fetscherstr.74, D-01307Dresden, Germany
causes. Continuous bony bridging was found in all groups,
EACMFS- Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 171

Aims: Malignancy associated changes (MACs) have been cally negative (NO) neck than observation. It suggests that
described as subtle morphologic changes in normal appear- ESND is a treatment strategy of choice for T1 and T2
ing tissues adjacent to or distant from malignant tumors. SCCOC with clinically negative (NO) neck.
MACs might be applicable as a marker of occult malig-
nancy, increased risk of subsequent carcinoma or recur-
rence of tumor after therapy. The aim of this study was to
verify the existence of MACs in normal appearing squa- @ ~ CONTROLLED RELEASE OF POLYPEPTIDE
mous epithelium adjacent to squamous cell carcinoma of GROWTH FACTORS FROM RESORBABLE
the oral cavity (SCCOC). POLYMER DEVICES
Method: Image analysis were performed on sections cut
from formaldehyde-fixed tissue blocks of 30 patients oper- Schliephake, H., MD, DDS] Tschakaloff, A., MD, DDS,2
ated on in case of SCCOC. Every cut did include three dif-
ferent tissue parts: Tumor tissue (TT), tissue from the tumor 1Pinneberg, Germany, :Hannovet; Germany
edge (TE) and normal tissue (NT). 133 nuclear contour and
texture features were analyzed. All three components were The aim of the present in-vitro pilot study was to test the suit-
compared in a first step. In the second part the features of ability of a resorbable polymer device for controlled release of
the TE and the NT were related. The third step did include a growth factors. Lyophylized recombinant human basic
comparison of those features which did show statistically fibroblast growth factor (rhbFGF) was used for this experi-
significant differences in step one and two. ment and was incorporated in polylactic acid pellets of 3ram
Results: Statistically significant variances between TT, TE, in diameter and 1 mm thickness. The lyophylized growth fac-
and NT and between TE and NT were observed. The most tor was prepared as a mixture of the polypeptide with saccha-
important differences were found in term of the following rose (bFGF/S) forming a firm solid mass. The pellets were
features: Irregularity of the contour, number of the nodes in fabricated from amorphous poIy-(D.L-lactic) acid granules,
the texture, width of the texture tree and number of coarse to which different portions of bFGF/S were added (10%,
chromatin particles. 25%, 50%, 66% volume ratio). Polymerisation was performed
Conclusions: The results of our investigation may indicate at low temperature (37.0 .C) under high-pressure carbon
that MACs can be an additional hint confirming the theory dioxide, creating a microcellular foam structure. Pellets of
of field cancerisation in SCCOC. pure b F G F / S and unloaded polymer pellets served as con-
trols. The pellets were placed in a buffered electrolyte solu-
tion. Samples of the media were examined for their b F G F
ELECTIVE SELECTIVE NECK DISSECTION AND content after lh, 5 h, 24h, 2 days, 3 days and 4 days by EL1-
SA and the overall release of the substance was weighed after
8 weeks and 10 weeks in order to determine whether degrada-
NEGATIVE NECK tion of the polylactic acid changed after release of the differ-
ent portions of b F G F inside the pellets. All experiments were
Schimming, R.*, Feller,K.-U., Eckelt, U. performed in triplicate. The results showed a continuous
decrease in the b F G F concentration after the first 5 hours of
Department of Oral- and Maxillofacial Surgery, immersion. Initial concentrations after 1 hour Z(IJg/ml)
University of Dresden, Fetseherstr. 74, D-01307 Dresden, ranged between 40.77 (100% bFGF/S), 14.6 (66% bFGF/S),
Germany 12.77 (50% bFGF/S), 1.12 (25% bFGF/S) and 0.19 (10%
bFGF/S). Pellets with 10 % bFGF/S content showed concen-
trations at the detection level already after 24 h (0.01 *g/ml).
Aims: The purpose of this retrospective investigation was to Pellets containing 25% and 50% bFGF/S exhibited a continu-
compare the clinical outcome of patients who received elec- ous decrease in b F G F content with concentrations around
tive selective neck dissection (ESND) with those patients 0.01 *g/ml after 3 days. Pellets with 66% bFGF/S maintained
who did not receive primary neck surgery in the case of T1 a concentration of 0.07 and 0.08 *g/ml at days 3 and 4, while
and T2 squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity 100% b F G F / S exhibited a level of 9.17 and 9.89 pg/ml at the
(SCCOC) with clinically negative (NO) neck. two last intervals. It is concluded, that the prepared poly-
Method: 162 patients (70-T1/92-T2) entered this retrospec- (D.L-lactic) acid device was capable of providing a reservoir
tive study. 57 patients (12/45) underwent ESND simultane- function for the polypeptide growth factor tested. From these
ously with their surgery for the primary tumor. 105 patients preliminary results, a volume ratio of less than 50 % poly-
(58/47) did not obtain neck surgery. Tumor localization laclic acid appears to be favourable for providing a slow
were tongue, floor of the mouth and alveolar gingiva of the release.
mandible. The outcomes measured include local recurrence,
regional metastasis, distant metastasis, failure free survival
(FFS) and overall survival (OS).
Results: ESND did not reduce the local recurrence rate (chi- [~ INTERSTITIAL LUNG DISEASE SUBSEQUENT
squared test, p = 1.0) but did significantly diminish the TO THE INSERTION O F TITANIUM I M P L A N T S
regional metastasis rate (chi-squared test, p = 0.04). The
regional metastasis related mortality was significantly
Schliephake, H., MD, DDS, Lehmann, H., PhD, Kunz, U..,
Kilbourn, J.P., MD, Abraham, £L.
decreased (chi-squared test, p = 0.03) for patients treated
with ESND. No significant correlation was observed in the
case of F F S (Log-rank test, p -- 0.7) and OS (Log-rank test, Hannover, Germany, Portland, USA, New York, USA
p = 0.7). T N M classification (UICC 1987), histopathologi-
cal grading, tumor localization as well as gender and age of The present study reports the case history of a patient with
the patients did not effect the clinical outcome in uni- and interstitial lung disease subsequent to the insertion of tita-
multivariate analysis. nium implants. A 55-year-old white female suffered a left
Conclusions: This study establishes that SND has a greater midfacial fracture in a fall on the pavement while she was
benefit in the treatment of T1 and T2 SCCOC with clini- running. She underwent open fracture reduction and place-
172 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

ment of three miniplates and screws of commercially pure improved in 23.5 % while it became worse in 5.8 % of the
titanium across her left frontozygomatic suture, infraorbital patients. Range of lateral movement of the mandible was
rim and zygomaticomaxillary buttress. During the following improved in 25.0 %, with pain relief in only 6.3 %.
months, the patient developed interstitial lung disease Postoperative range of movement was worse in lateral excur-
strongly suggestive of sarcoidosis. 8 months after the first sions in 25.0 % and pain was increased in 18.8 %. The results
operation, an open lung biopsy for microbiological and show that the use of silastic implants for interpositional graft-
histopathological analysis was performed. Two months ing has a moderate long-term failure rate in terms of implant
later, the titanium plates were removed at the request of the removals. However, an increase in joint pain was registered in
patient because of her personal concerns regarding the 18.8 - 29.4, while the range of joint movement was improved
implants. Symptoms of lung disease were controlled by only in 23.5 to 25 % of the patients treated. It is concluded that
antimicrobial medication and prednisone therapy. A second this treatment modality has not been successful in patients
lung biopsy was obtained after four years because of wors- with osteoarthritis of the TMJ and that the use of silastic
ening clinical conditions. This second procured lung tissue implants for interpositional grafting has been abandoned.
was embedded in epoxy resin and sectioned into semi-thin
and ultra-thin sections. Light microscopy analysis showed
contamination of the lung tissue by dark foreign material,
which was scattered across large areas of the sections and (~ FUTURE PERSPECTIVES IN CRANIO-
appeared to be located both intra- and extracellularly. TEM MAXILLOFACIAL RECONSTRUCTION
images exhibited electron dense particles of both polygonal
contour and needle like shape, which were seen inside R. Schmelzeisen,
fibroblasts and macrophages. Electron-energy-loss spec-
troscopy (EELS) and electron spectroscopic imaging (ESI) Freiburg, Germany
showed that the electron dense material contained Si, A1, Fe
and Ti. No other hard metals such as Co, W, Ta or N b were In cranio-maxillofacial reconstructive procedures chal-
found. The intracellular location of A1 and Si was almost lenges for the future have changed within the last ten years.
identical and always associated with the presence of oxygen, Some reconstructive tasks, that were regarded as demand-
suggesting that there was some type of chemical compound ing in earlier years are now solved to a highly satisfying
of these three elements present. The location of Ti was dif- degree. Most aspects of traumatology of the mandible now
ferent to that of A1 and Si and also associated with the pres- can be handled with a great variety of osteosynthetic mate-
ence of oxygen, but all elements were frequently located rials and strategies. Microvascular tissue reconstruction
inside the same cells. The findings are discussed with regard following trauma and tumour including principles of mas-
to the possible pathogenic role of the individual elements in ticatory rehabilitation using dental implants have reached
the occurrence of interstitial lung disease. an extremely high surgical level. Tasks for the future aim at
developing reconstructive procedures following trauma and
tumour in anatomically difficult areas as the midface, orbit
and cranial base. In posttraumatic reconstructive proce-
[~ L O N G - T E R M RESULTS AFTER A L L O P L A S T I C dures lessons were learnt from cranio facial surgery, for
I N T E R P O S I T I O N A L GRAFTING IN THE example in children with cranio-synostosis. Procedures
TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT with radical exposure of the craniofacial skeleton and
reconstructions using various types of bone grafts and
Schliephake, H. MD, DDS, Sehierle, H.P., MD, DDS,
bone substitutes will create a reconstructive standard that is
Schmelzeisen, R., MD, DDS,
far beyond closed fracture treatment and wire suspensions
that were still used a few years ago. Concepts must include
Hannover, Germany, Freiburg, Germany specific diagnostic and principal details as for example
optic nerve management, navigation and endoscopically
The aim of the present study was to evaluate long-term assisted procedures. Microvascular reconstruction tech-
results of the use of silastic implants for interpositional niques are increasingly used for reconstructive purposes in
grafting in the TMJ in 49 Joints in 48 patients with the maxilla, in the midface and the cranial base. Future
osteoarthritis after a mean follow up period of 7.4 years. perspectives in tumour reconstruction will be to further
All patients were examined for clinical function, subjec- improve graft selection and tailoring of the grafts in order
tive complaints and degree of handicap in daily life. The to further improve life quality after pallative tumour
range of pre- and postoperative interincisal opening, pro- surgery. Further specific developments in implantology as
trusion and lateral excursions was rated according to four for example zygoma implants, tissue engineering proce-
categories: neither limitation (< 36 mm Interincisal open- dures and the use of bone substitutes will become valuable
ing) nor pain, either limitation or pain and both limitation reconstructive tools. Future perspectives in both trauma
and pain. In 4 patients, the implants had to be removed and tumour reconstruction will be demonstrated in experi-
after an average interval of 4.7 years (3.4 - 8.1 y) due to ences gained with endoscopically assisted procedures
persistent or recurrent pain during jaw movement and (N=10), use of neuronavigation in reconstructive proce-
function. The calculated Kaplan-Meler survival of silastic dures (N= 15) and the application of advanced microvascu-
implants was thus 88.9 %. In 2 patients with failing lar reconstruction techniques of maxillary, midfacial and
implants, a temporalis fascia graft was used for disc skull based defects (N=35). Tasks will be to establish
replacement, while 2 received a costochondral graft for reconstructive standards and to transfer reconstructive pro-
TMJ reconstruction. Painful restriction of joint function cedures into what Russell (1974) called constructive surgery.
subsequently to implant breakdown has necessitated mul-
tiple secondary surgery without final relief in two
patients. In patients with implants still in place, 5.8 % BIORESORPTION OF ALGIPORE® AT H U M A N
showed improvement in interincisal opening in terms of RECIPIENT SITES
pain relief, while 29.4 % encountered an increase in pain
during mouth opening. Limitation in interincisal opening C. Schopper*, R. Ewers, D. Moser
EACMFS Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 173

Clinic of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, AKH Vienna, and intraoperative controlling of radical tumor resection,
Waehringer Guerte118-20, A- 1090 Vienna, Austria complex reconstruction and guiding of external beem irra-
Tel.." 01-40400/4259; Fax.." 4253 e-mail." r.ewers@akh- diation. Three patients with squamous cell carcinoma were treated in this study. In two cases tumor resection
(mandible, skull base) was preoperatively planned and intra-
operatively navigated; in one case a secondary reconstruc-
Implantation of hydroxyapatite is a well established and
tion of the right midface was performed following surgery
commonly accepted method for bone augmentation in den-
and radiotherapy. Preoperatively measuring of required soft
tistry and maxillofacial surgery. Though extensively used,
and hard tissue was done on the mirrored data set of the left
little is known about biodegradative processes. The purpose
intact midface; size and location of the composite graft
of our histological examinations was to elucidate these
from the scapula were chosen virtually. Intraoperatively
processes of bioresorption. Algipore® is an algae-derived,
contours of transplanted soft and hard tissue were navi-
highly porous, granular hydroxyapatite. One outstanding
gated to preoperatively simulated reconstruction.
spatial feature compared with the vast array of biomaterials
Results: Computer assisted treatment (CAT) was success-
is its interconnecting microporosity. We have used this mate-
fully completed in both cases of radical tumor resection and
rial in a total of 402 cases over the last decade. In 47 cases or
adjuvant radiotherapy. Preoperatively outlined safety mar-
11.7%, trephine specimens have been harvested for histolog-
gins could be exactly controlled during tumor resection. In
ical investigation. Specimens were plastic-embedded with-
the secondary reconstructive case the composite graft could
out decalcification and prepared by means of an Exakt®
be designed and positioned precisely as virtually planned.
Cutting-Grinding-System. Routine processing included
Bony and soft tissue reconstruction fitted perfectly to the
toluidine blue and thionine stains, additional information
was acquired by immunohistochemical techniques.
Conclusions: CAT improves preoperative planning by com-
Morphological and morphometrical evaluation was per-
bining CT and M R I data for valid 3D visualization of the
formed under light microscopy. Intraosseous duration
anatomic situs, the intended reconstructive outcome and
ranged from 8 to 380 weeks, with an average value of 78.5
simulation of the radiation fields. Intraoperative navigation
weeks, resulting in different grades of osseointegration and
makes radical tumor surgery more reliable by going for the
degradation of the implanted material. Time-correlated
safety margins, saving vital structures, guiding the radiation
stages can be assessed: an initial period of assimilation into
tube and leading the reconstruction to preplanned results.
the site of implantation is followed by transformation of cell
populations into osteoblastic tissue. Formation of osteoid
around as well as into the granules is accompanied by prolif-
erating capillary vessels. Extensive mineralization fronts are OROFACIAL CHARACTERISTICS IN PATIENTS
visible. Degradative processes are carried out by mono- and W I T H UNTREATED CRANIOSYNOSTOSIS
multinucleated resorbing cells and by enzymatic dissolution
of the hydroxyapatite matrix, the latter being termed halis- Schubert, J.* Gr6b, D.
teresis. Terminal result of fading interfaces is an almost
complete substitution of the bioceramic by newly formed Clinic of OMFS, Faculty of Medicine, Martin Luther
bone, termed 'resorption with creeping replacement'. University Halle- Wittenberg, Germany
Results are presented using photomicrographs and statisti-
cal data sites. Algipore® not only proves clinically reliable,
but also proves to be a sufficient temporary scaffold until Aim: To describe the influence of abnormal cranial skeletal
bony replacement has taken place. growth on the subsequent orofacial development.
Furthermore it is able to serve as a carrier for osteoin- Method: A group of 100 probands (age 27 + 14 years) with
ductive proteins because of its surface architecture. surgically untreated cranial abnormalities was compiled
from the inhabitants of nursing homes for the handicapped,
to investigate oral and facial symptoms.
Results: Besides neurological disturbances and mental retar-
C O M P U T E R ASSISTED TREATMENT O F dation in 100 % as the criterion for selection of the group,
MAXILLOFACIAL T U M O U R S we found ophthalmological signs in 96% and anomalies of
the dental arch and occlusion in 92 % (table). However only
Schramm, A. *, Gellrich, IV. (7., Buitrago-Tdllez, C., 50 % of the latter could be considered to be a sequence of
Frommhold, H, Schmelzeisen, R. disturbed skeletal growth.

Department of OMFS, Department of Diagnostic

Radiology, Department of Radiotherapy, Albert-Ludwigs Table: Orofacial Signs in Craniostenosis
University Freiburg, Freiburg i: Br, Germany
Type and number Most frequent dentofacial
of patients anomaly
Aims: Ablative tumor surgery needs detailed and exact plan-
ning using computed tomography (CT) or magnetic reso-
nance imaging (MRI) to show extension of the malignoma, Trigonocephaly 10 open bite 50 %
define intended safety margins and point out vital struc- Plagiocephaly 10 cross bite, open bite 44 % each
tures. Radiotherapy whether intra- or postoperative requires Oxycephaly 20 overjet 40 %
the same informations. Furthermore reconstruction follow- Brachycephaly 40 crowding of teeth 37 %
ing tumor resection needs reliable information also to Scaphocephaly 20 surplus of space 53 %
choose correct type and volume of grafts and to predict the
outcome. Conclusions: Craniosynostosis is linked with a high rate of sub-
Method: On the base of an axial spiral CT data set and if sequent orofacial anomalies and malocclusion. The present
needed additional M R I data set the STN-Navigation- study may be useful for the comparison and the evaluation of
System (Leibinger/Zeiss) is used for preoperative planning the influence of surgical treatment on the facial development.
174 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

Results: After 4 weeks the blood flow trough the interposi-

PROSPECTIVE STUDY ON POSTTRAUMATIC tion was examined. It was unhindered. The histological
AND POSTOPERATIVE NERVE LESIONS AND findings confirm this result.
REGENERATION OF THE INFERIOR ALVEOLAR Conclusions: BASYC has good characteristics e.g. a uniform
NERVE AND INFRAORBITAL NERVE AFTER and high-molecular structure, hydrophilicity and biocom-
MANDIBULAR AND MIDFACIAL FRACTURES patibility. The success of the first tests to use this material as
a micro prosthesis show a perspective for its further devel-
S. Schultze-Mosgau, M. Erbe, D. Rudolph, R. Ott, S. Girod,
E W. Neukam

Dep. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon University

Erlangen-Nuremberg, Glfickstr. 11, 91065 Erlangen, [~ INVASION-ASSOCIATED O N C O F O E T A L AND
Introduction: In the literature data on sensitivity distur- IN ORAL S Q U A M O U S CELL CARCINOMA (OSCC).
bances after osteosynthesis of mandibular fractures and
midfacial fractures range between 11% to 80%. This data is Strassburger, S. ~, Hyckel, P., Berndt, A., Kosmehl, H.,
almost exclusively based on retrospective studies without Schumann, 1).
differentiation between posttraumatic and postoperative
nerve disturbances. The aim of this prospective study was to Clinicfor Maxillofacial Surgery/Plastic Surgery and
evalutate the rate and regeneration period of posttraumatic Institute of Pathology, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena,
and postoperative nerve disturbances in the inferior alveolar D-07740 arena, Germany
nerve and the infraorbital nerve after mandibular and mid-
facial fractures. Aims: Demonstration of transformation and invasion asso-
Material and Methods: From 1/96 to 12/97 34 patients ciated biochemical and structural matrix modulation in
(mean: 32 years; 15-68 years) with osteosynthesis of 26 relation to the new L A M and F N isoforms. Correlation of
mandibular fractures (group 1) and 20 midfacial fractures the L A M chain pattern and ED-B F N in OSCC to malig-
(group 2) were evalutated. Preoperatively and postopera- nancy grade.
tively (7 days, 4 weeks, 3, 6 and 12 months) a sensitivity sta- Method: Native shock frozen samples of foetal (2), normal
tus was performed by the following methods: (5), hyper- plastic (5), dysplastic (3) squamous epithelium
sharp-blunt-differentiation, 2-point-discrimination, electro- and OSCC (27) were subjected to immunohistochemistry
myographic detection of masseter reflex. (APAAP method). Primary antibodies: L A M cd chain
Results/Conclusions: Posttraumatic sensitivity disturbances (clone 4C7), c¢2 chain (clone 5H2), c~3 chain (clone BM165),
were detected in 46 % (11 of 26) of the mandibular fractures 131 chain (clone 4El0), 132 chain (clone C4), 71 chain (clone
and 65 % (13 of 20) in midfacial fractures. Postoperative 2E8), 3'2 chain (clone GB3), ED-B F N (clone BC1), ED-A
sensitivity disturbances varied from 77 % (20 of 26) in group F N (clone IST9), de novo glycosylated F N (clone 5C10).
1 to 55 % (11 of 20) in group 2. The rate of permanent nerve Non radioactive m R N A in situ hybridisation for ED-B FN.
lesions after 12 months was 8 % (2 of 26) in group 1 and 15 Results: The L A M 132 chain is present in foetal, but not in
% (3 of 20) in group 2. The period of nerve regeneration adult normal oral epithelium. In hyperplastic and dysplastic
took longer in patients with posttranmatic sensitivity distur- epithelium as well as in OSCC, the 132 chain is deposited de
bances compared to patients with only postoperative distur- novo. With increase in the malignancy grade, there was an
bances. Sensitivity disturbances depended on the fracture increased loss of all L A M chains in the basement membrane
dislocation. Patients with a fracture dislocation of 4-5 mm region.and an additional strong diffuse immunostaining of
showed permanent sensitivity disturbances. The electromyo- c~3 and 132 in the invasion front. A de novo expression of de
graphic detection of masseter reflex was a reliable method novo glycosylated F N and ED- B F N was visualised in the
for objective assessment of nerve lesions in the inferior alve- tumour stroma of all carcinomas; stroma myofibroblasts
olar nerve and the infraorbital nerve. could be identified as ED-B F N synthesising cells.
The knowledge of the rates of posttraumatic and post- Conclusions: First." In OSCC, there is a conversion to an
operative sensitivity disturbances is important regarding oncofoetal extracellular matrix pattern concerning L A M
preoperative inform consent and forensic questions. and F N isoforms. Second." c~3 and "/2 (LAM-5) are consid-
ered as a guide to invasion. Third." Our results recommend
the oncofoetal FNs as a tumour marker. The ED-B F N syn-
thesis does not correlate to the malignancy grade. It reflects
BASYC (BACTERIAL SYNTHESIZED the ability of the tumour cells to recruit a stroma.


Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery and Plastic Surgery,
Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany Schwenzet; IV.*, Bachet; M., Speer, C.P.

Aims: Qualification of a biomaterial synthesized from the Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery, Department of
bacterium Acetobacter xylinum in form of tubes during the Orthodontics, Department of Neonatology, University of
synthesis as micro endoprosthesis, Tiibingen, Germany
Method: A BASYC-tube with a length of 10mm and an
inner diameter of 0.6mm was interpositioned in the carotid Aims: To manage the respiratory complications of Pierre-
artery of the rat under microsurgical conditions. Robin sequence by an orthopaedic appliance, and to per-
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 175

form surgical closure of the palatal cleft as early as then to select the appropriate parameters and finally
possible. develop an optimal laser system with these characteristics.
Subject: 48 infants aged 1 - 90 days with Pierre-Robin
sequence were referred to our clinic with respiratory distress
symptoms ranging from moderate to life-threatening. The
severe cases were characaterized by massive obstruction H I S T O L O G I C CHANGE F O L L O W I N G
requiring oxygen supplementation, PCO 2 values above 80 DIAGNOSTIC ARTHROSCOPY OF THE
mm Hg with metabolic compensation and base excess val- TEMPEROMANDIBULAR JOINT; AN
ues above 10 mM/l. All 48 infants were treated with a special E X P E R I M E N T A L S T U D Y IN S H E E P
palatal plate (Tuebingen plate). The essential feature of the
plate is a long velar processus extending almost to the level Segami, Nil, Kaneyama, K. 1, Miyamoto, K. 2, Cross, A.N. 2
of the epiglottis. The correct anatomical form of the appli-
ance is obtained by endoscopic control using a fiberoptic Dept. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kanazawa Medical
bronchoscope with a diameter of 2.2 mm. The surgical clo- University, Japan 1 and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Unit,
sure of the soft palate, sometimes of the hard and soft Adelaide University, South Australia 2
palate, was already performed at an age of 4 months by a
modified intravelar technique. Aims: The purpose of this experimental study was to investi-
Results: Respiratory and metabolic function was achieved gate the postoperative intra-articular change following diag-
in all 48 cases. Respiratory parameters were normalized, nostic arthroscopy of the temperomandibular joint (TMJ),
and oxygen supplementation could be terminated. Gastric especially focused into whether degenerative change may
tube feeding could be discontinued in all but 4 patients who take place or not.
had severe neuroanatomical malformations. The palatal Materials & Method: Ten pure bred Merino sheep weighting
plates were conducive to significant narrowing of the clefts, approximately 60 kilograms were subjected. Under general
thus facilitating the surgical correction of the defect. anesthesia, the superior compartment of the right TMJ
Conclusions: The noninvasive therapeutic concept can underwent diagnostic arthroscopy using 1.gmm arthroscope
replace all traditional procedures such as mechanical exten- similar to the clinical manner and the left TMJ was used as
sion of the mandible, surgical fixation of the tongue and control. Immediately, 2weeks, lmonth, 2 months and 3
tracheostomy. months after the procedure, the sheep was sacrificed and
prepared for light microscopic examination.
Results: Immediately after the arthroscopy synovial mem-
brane and fibrous cartilage of the eminence disclosed par-
tial abrasion due to iatrogenic scaffing during arthroscopic
puncture or intra-articular manipulation. Main findings
Schwenzer, K.*, Jean, B., Weber, H., Ehrenfeld, M. through 2 weeks to 3 months can be raised as,

1. synovial hyperplasia of the retro discal tissue,

Department of O MFS, Munich L M University, Department
2. Subsynovial bone remodeling of the mandibular fossa,
of Ophthalmology, Department of Dentistry, Tuebingen
University~Germany 3. incomplete regeneration of fibrocartilage of the emi-

Introduction: When working with hard and soft tissue, dif- There was no further degenerative change for example
ferent kinds of lasers are available at present. The specific disc perforation or condylar deformity. The control TMJs
laser characteristics are given by the wave length (1), pulse showed normal appearances.
length (t), and energy (e) parameters. Usually these parame- Conclusion: It is indicated that diagnostic arthroscopy does
ters cannot be changed independently of one another when not produce major degenerative change of the articular tis-
employing currently used systems. Because of the many sue, however the surgeon needs to recognize that the postop-
variables involved, comparisons between different lasers erative minor histologic change may possibly occur due to
with respect to efficiency and suitability for particular appli- the surgical intervention.
cations are difficult to make.
Methods: The F E L represents an experimental laser in
which the wave lengths can be varied separately from all
other parameters, the latter being kept constant. Therefore, EMINECTOMY FOR RECURRENT
comparisons between different wave length regions - de D I S L O C A T I O N O F THE T.M.J
facto "different" lasers - under constant experimental con-
ditions are possible. P.Seguin, T. Lefort, L. Sallaz
Results: In the course of our experiments, dental hard sub-
stances are systematically investigated in wave length St Etienne - France
regions in which the absorption spectrum of the targeted
substance showed maxima. It could be demonstrated (n = This video tape shows the different types of an eminectomy
120 craters) that when targeting the substances with light of
according to Myraugh, performed to cure recurrent disloca-
9.5 mm-wave length, in which the absorption spectrum of tion of the T.M.J
enamel and dentine shows the absorption maximum of Are detailled :
hydroxylapatite, a markedly more efficient ablation with
fewer side effects can be achieved compared with neighbor- - Temporo-pre-auricular incision
ing wave lengths (7.0 mm, 7.5 ram, 8.0 mm, 8.5 mm), all - Supra fascial approach
other parameters being kept constant. - Exposition and incision of the capsule
Conclusion: On the basis of these experiments, we believe - Exposition and protection of the meniscus
that it makes sense in our day to establish for which specific - Osteotomy to reduce the articular eminence
purposes the laser is to be used in the preclinical stage and - Disc repositioning
176 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

- T.M.J static and dynamic check in the mandible. Main postoperative complications included
- Closure of capsule and skin local swelling and mild pain for one or two days. Involved
and adjacent teeth presented no symptoms postoperativelly.
The indication for this procedure is recurrent dislocation
There was one case of transient mental nerve hypesthesia in
of the T.M.J
a patient with a large cyst of the mandibular body.
Conclusions: Although autogenous bone is considered to be
the optimum restorative material, allogeneic bone grafting is
MAXILLOFACIAL R E G I O N DEFECTS AND a useful, simple and safe alternative for small and medium
D E F O R M A T I O N S PLASTY W I T H COMBINATION defects of the jaws.
N.Selsky, E.Muldashev, M.Soiovjov.
Semergidis, 11.*,Karantanas, A.H., Sotereanos, G.
Russian Eye and Plastic"Surgery
Center, Ufa, Russia Clinic of OMFS and MRI Dept. Larissa General Hospital,
Larissa, Greece and Division of Plastic and Maxillofacial
Aim: To replace various defects and deformations of the Surgery, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center,
maxillofacial region with combination allogenic materials of Pittsburgh, US.A.
the "Alloplant" series.
Methods: The restoration of the supporting tissues as well
Aims: To present the role of non invasive radiological tech-
as the reconstruction of the soft tissues relief or their com- niques, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in docu-
bined deformations including a complete reconstruction of menting the extent and flow characteristics of vascular
the auricle floor have been performed on 150 patients. The malformations and hemangiomas of the face.
material used for the plasty of the supporting tissues defects Subject: 2 female patients, 9 and 64 years old and an 8 year
was a combination allotransplant which is a membrane old male patient presented with hemangiomas of the sym-
formed from the allogenic dermal layer of the sole skin. A physeal region, the cheek and mandibular body respectively.
dense allogenic frame consisting of the allocartilage and Diagnosis was based on clinical examination and history
allobone is being placed in the layer. The restoration of the but exact measurements as regards the volume, flow and
soft tissues contours has been performed with the usage of margins of the lesions were obtained by MRI.
the sole subcutaneous fatty tissue. Results: Excellent images were obtained delineating the
Results: The follow-up of the maxillofacial region defects margins of the thrombosed hemangioma in the first young
and deformations plasty was observed within the range of 1 patient permitting accurate preoperative planning that
to 15 years. The positive results have been observed in 81% enabled an uneventful surgical removal. A novel technical
of the patients and the negative ones in 19 % of the patients. modification was used in the second patient. M R <<heman-
Conclusion: Thus the results of the combined allotrans- giogram~> is performed with heavily T2-weighted Turbo Spin
plants ("Alloplant" series) testify to their high efficacy in the Echo pulse sequence with MIP ( maximum intensity projec-
plasty of various defects and deformations of the maxillofa- tion ) reconstruction. These images gave tissue resolution in
cial region. three plane slices demonstrating relation with adjacent
structures. Afferent vessels originating from the parotid
parenchyma were also portrayed. This patient refused any
treatment. M R I in the third patient suggested the need of
angiographical embolism which was successfully performed
in another center.
Alexopoulou, M.* Semergidis, T., Sereti, M. Conclusions: MR1 for vascular lesions of the face and oral
region can be the <<gold standard >~in differential diagnosis
as well as in preoperative evaluation and planning.
Clinic of OMFS, Larissa General Hospital, Larissa, Greece

Aims: To present our experience from the reconstruction of

small and medium sized defects of the maxilla and the AND S A N D W I C H AUGMENTATION TECHNIQUES
mandible, by the use of an allogeneic bone graft (Tutoplast)
following a protocol of diagnosis, surgical treatment and Sener BC, Tasar F, Akkocaoglu M. Ozgen S, Kasapoglu 0
Method: We have treated in a period of one year ( January
Department of Oral Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry,
1997-February 1998 ) 28 patients using allogeneic bone Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
chemically prepared and preserved. 17 were male ( 15 to 65
years old ) and 11 were female
(12 to 57 years old). Mean age was 41.3 years. Onlay and sandwich augmentation techniques are used suc-
Postoperatively patients were examined clinically in 7 and 15 cessfully for management of atrophic jaws. As bone grafts in
days and then at 1, 2, 3, 6 and 12 month intervals. chip or granule forms may migrate into the surrounding soft
Orthopantomograms were also obtained in 1, 2, 3, 6 and 12 tissues, block shaped grafts are preferred. Allogenic bone
months. grafts are preferred rather than otogene grafts are preferred
Results: Results were evaluated regarding volume, texture rather than otogene grafts due to the patient comfort. We
and contour of the grafted site. Wound and bone healing aimed to compare success rates of both methods. Eighteen
was normal and there was no case of sloughing, graft rejec- patients (6 male: 10 female) between 29-67 (mean 53+4.5)
tion or clinically apparent absorption. After 6 months ages were presented. Nine sandwich augmentations and 9
lamellar patterns were observed in most patients, especially only augmentations were performed on mandible. Allogenic
EACMFS- Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 177

bone grafts (Tutoplast®, Biodynamikcs, U.S.A.) in block Aims: To examine the efficacy of recombinant human bone
form was used in all cases. Two (22.2%) of only grafts morphogenic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) for mandibular func-
were rejected due to insufficient vascularization and one tional reconstruction with osseointegrated implants.
(11,1%) graft due to postoperative infection. No rejection Method: In this experiment, adult beagle dogs were used.
was observed in sandwich group. Regarding the result of Three months after extraction of P2, P3 and P4, a 30ram
this small study group we can conclude that, success rate segmental bone defect was made on the mandible and
of sandwich augmentation is higher than onlay grafts, rhBMP-2 was applied to the defect with a polylactic/glyco
however, further studies are needed to investigate effects licacid copolymer carrier coated with gelatin in a sponge-
of other factors, such as osteosynthesis methods and like form (PGS). After 16 weeks, 3 titanium implants were
suturing techniques, affecting bone healing on larger inserted in the newly formed bone. 8 weeks after implanta-
study groups. tion prosthetic suprastructure was placed and loaded under
This study will be presented by B. Cem Sener from appropriate conditions. The remodeling of the new bone
Department of Oral Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Hacettepe around the implants were evaluated radiographically and
University, Ankara, Turkey as an Oral Presentation. histologically.
Results: In the segmental osteotomy, new bone formation
with rhBMP-2 was observed and resected mandible was
restored in 8 weeks.
[~ COMBINATION O F M I C R O S U R G I C A L BONE We evaluated the quality of the new bone by peripheral
GRAFT RECONSTRUCTION W I T H quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) and found the
OSTEOINTEGRATED DENTAL I M P L A N T S amount of calcified bone increased almost to the level of the
(REPORT O F TWO CASES) original cortical bone density in 16 weeks. Then we were able
to implant the fixtures in the newly-formed bone and subse-
Safak, T*., Tiimev, C**., Senfift, K**., Erdem, 0"*., quently dense new bone was found around the implant fix-
Metal, G., Araz, K *e tures. After a cerain period of loading, the bone tissue around
the implant became more dense toward the implant surface.
*Department of Plastic ( Reconstructive Surgery, Faculty of Conclusion: PGS/rhBMP-2 complex can be applied not only
Medicine, University of Hacettepe, Ankara, Turkey. to the reconstruction of large defects, but also to the inser-
** Department of Oral Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, tion of implants for functional rehabilitation.
University of Hacettepe, Ankara, Turkey.

Local excision of a small accessible ameloblastoma is indi-

cated in the young, provided they agree to regular follow-up
and a radical resection when recurrence occurs. Recurrences
are unusual after curettage. Block section of the involved Shall, IV.*, Davies, T.M., Turnbull, N., Thuau, H.
bone should extend into and include some normal periph-
eral bone surrounding osseous structures is the accepted
Departments of OMFS & Orthodontics, Central Middlesex
treatment of choice. The reconstruction aim of a mandibu-
Hospital NHS Trust, London, U.K.
lar discontinuity defect using autogenous bone grafts
include; anatomic reconstruction to restore the contours of
the face and functional rehabilitation of mastication, articu- Aims: To evaluate the accuracy of a commercially available
lation, swallowing and respiration. Due to the difficult (OrthoVision, OTP for Windows) computer growth- fore-
anatomic and functional situation, mastication and articu- casting program for patients who have had no surgical or
lation can only be restored with implant-supported prosthe- orthodontic intervention.
sis. The experience of the authors showed that contour and Method: Three consecutive cephalograms of 40 adolescent
functional restoration can best be accomplished in a step- individuals (20 class II Division I, 20 class III cases), taken at
by-step procedure, namely reconstruction of the continuity least one year apart were submitted for analysis. Hard and
defect with a bone graft; secondarily soft tissue augmenta- soft tissue landmarks were digitised using the on-screen facil-
tion and implant placement. We have seen that the use of ity. The OTP software uses Bolton's composite templates of
vascularized bone graft results in marked improvement in optomised male/female growth. The computer-generated
intraoral rehabilitation of the patient. The advantage of the growth prediction using the first cephalogram was compared
vascularized bone graft is to make possible a one-stage with the actual cephalograms taken at a later age.
reconstruction in cases in which multiple procedures were Results: For some parameters, these showed statistically sig-
required formerly. In our two cases after the partial resec- nificant differences between the computer growth prediction
tion of the mandible for removal of an ameloblastoma, and the actual cephalograms. Considerable individual varia-
functional and aesthetic rehabilitation was performed with tion was noticeable for most individuals within the group.
implant supported prosthesis. Conclusions: The computer program is user friendly and
offers advantages of quicker access to information, greater
accuracy in producing the tracing and it helps in patient edu-
APPLICATION OF rhBMP-2 FOR FUNCTIONAL cation. Its disadvantages include the fact that that the com-
RECONSTRUCTION OF MANDIBLE puter growth prediction forecast does not include any other
modifiers such as race, sex or a severe class III malocclusion.
lchiro Seto 1., Noriko Tachikawa 2, Masaji Mori 1, Hiroshi
Nagao 1, Kozue Masaka 1, Satoru Hoshino 1 and Shofi
The 2 "dDept of Oral and Maxillojacial Surgery, 2 Clinicfor SLEEP APNOEA.
Oral Implant, Faculty of Dentistry, Tokyo Medical and
Dental University Shakhov A.A.,Nerobeyev A.L
178 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Russian The operation time was 1.5 hours, bleeding was minimal. A
Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Moscow, week after the operation, the result of electrical pulp tests of
Russia the anterior teeth, consisted of 2-5mcA, which is the norm
for intact teeth in an undamaged jaw.
The main advantage of this new method is that it allows
avoidance of many intra- and post operative complications.
The effect of laser-assisted uvulapalatoplasty (LAUP) by
utilising holmium surgical laser was investigated in 97 heavy
LAUP is an effective surgical method for the elimination of SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA (SCC)
habitual snoring and mild obstructive sleep apnoea. LAUP CORRELATES WITH HISTOLOGICAL GRADING
is safely performed under local anaesthesia in the office, and BUT NOT WITH CLINICAL STAGE.
it provides progressive enlargement of the oropharyngeal air
space by reshaping and restructuring the uvula, soft palate, J A Sherman* L Biassoni, PK Marsden, M McGurk, M
and pharyngeal pillars utilising the holmium laser. LAUP Malsey.
can also reduce oropharyngeal obstruction that may occur
during sleep in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea syn- Maxillofacial Surgery Department and the Clinical PET
drome. Our experience includes 97 patients evaluated and Centre, Guy's & St Thomas' Hospitals, London, United
treated past years. Kingdom

RESULTS: Aim: To investigate the relationship of SUV for 18-FDG

Succesive laser ablation of a vibrating structure, such as the with histological grading and clinical staging in patients
uvula, soft palate, and posterior pharyngeal pillars, with SCC of the head and neck.
provided an 82% cure rate, in patients with obstruction Method: Grading was evaluated in 45 patients prior to ther-
types I and II by the Fujita classification. In addition, 10% apy and in 8 patients with residual disease or recurrences. 3,
of the patients reported significant reduction of snoring. 35 and 15 lesions were histologically classified as well, mod-
erately or poorly differentiated SCCs respectively.
CONCLUSIONS: Staging was evaluated prior to therapy in all patients
LAUP with a specially designed holmium surgical laser is a (n=53) and was defined according to the American Joint
reliable and effective procedure for the treatment some sleep Committee on Cancer. A mean activity of 270 Mbq (range
breathing disorders that can be performed in the office. A 155-363 Mbq) was recorded following injection of 18-FDG.
major advantage of this method is its simplicity, safety and Emission and transmission scans were then performed.
absence of bleeding. Images were corrected for decay and attenuation. SUVs
were calculated for the highest value pixels in each lesion
and corrections were made for blood glucose level, lean
body mass and partial volume effect.
THE A P P L I C A T I O N O F INTRA-BUCCAL Results: A correlation was observed between pre-therapy
C O M P R E S S I O N AND DISTRACTION DEVICES IN SUV and grading (p=0.024, Kruskal-Wallis test), however
MANAGING PATIENTS W I T H CONGENITAL no significant correlation was observed when corrections for
A P L A S I A O F THE LOWER JAW (MICROGNATHIA). blood glucose level, lean body mass and partial volume
effect were omitted (p=0.21, Kruskal-Wallis test). In the
Kh. Shamsudinov, N. V. Bukatiua, A. L Arsenina. post-therapy group no correlation between SUV and grad-
ing was observed. There was no correlation of SUV with
Central Scient~'c Research Institute of Stomatology the clinical stage.
( CSRIS ), Moscow, Russia Conelusion: Our data suggest that a correlation exists
between SUV and histological grading in pre-therapy
Conventional surgical methods of treating patients with patients with head and neck SCC, provided SUV are calcu-
micrognathia do not produce satisfactory aesthetic and lated using the relevant correction factors.
functional results. The reasons being recurrent deformities,
anaesthesia in the lower alveolar nerve, distribution and
inflammation. Commencing in 1997, intra-buccal osseous NEW CONCEPT O F THE INITIAL SURGICAL
compression and distraction devices (CDD), were intro- MANAGEMENT O F G U N S H O T FRACTURES O F
duced in order to reduce post-operative complications and THE MANDIBLE
improve the long-term results of surgical operations in the
CSRIS clinic. Shvyrkov M.B.*
The basis of the distraction osteogenisis method was
developed by G.A. Ilizarov. Treatment of 9 patients was car- Department of Maxillofacial Traumatology
ried out: with symmetrical and asymetrical underdeveloped Moscow Medical Stomatological Institute, Moscow, Russia
jaws. The patients underwent ostetomy of the mandible
down to the cortical layer with fracturing and fixation of the
fragments with the CDD. With the aid of the device, com- At present saving surgery management of gunshot wound is
pression was created. Within 7 days, distraction, at the rate generally acknowledged conception. There are a lot of com-
of lmm per day, was commenced. On achieving the desired plications due to this conception: gunshot osteomyelitis
size, regenerative distraction was continued for an addi- occurs in 45-68% of the wounded, the mandible defect - in
tional 4-6 weeks. 22-27%, wound inflammation - in 26-28%, pseudarthrosis -
As a result of the treatment, a complete and healthy in 5,1-8,2%, scar contracture - in 3,3-4,8% of the wounded.
bone was regenerated, with a length of 2,5cm on either side. Disabled persons were 20-25%. To decrease complications
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 179

quantity author elaborated on the basis of his own experi- Dry Eye Syndrome or Xerophthalmia describes a condition
ence in Afghanistan war a radical first surgery management of absent or reduction in quantity of tears. Despite the effi-
instead of conservative management. It consists of more cacy of many well known "manoeuvres" used to prevent the
extensive excision of wound margines up to active capillary development of keratitis sicca and their deleterious effects
bleeding, removal all bony debris, removal of dead bone up to blindness and loss of the eyes there is still a percentage
until a bleeding surface and joining them together or bring of patients who do not gain adequate relief. Microvascular
them closer to each other. Due to that occlusion was dis- submandibular gland transfer to the temple with implanta-
turbed, the wound diminished, tissue abundance around the tion of Wharton's duct into the upper conjunctival fold
wound created, and the wounds could be sutured. To elimi- offers a surgical approach for performing permanent, autol-
nate the gunshot mandible defect author designed, and used ogous substitution of tears.
special compressive-distractive apparatus. Besides for rid- Within the last four years, 28 submandibular glands have
dance of the mandible defects five methods of osteoplasty been transplanted in our department, using microsurgical
have been elaborated. Moreover blood and urine biochemi- techniques. After successful gland transfer the clinical
cal examinations and functional tests (Kawezki, Rotter) results differ from total vanishing of symptoms of the dry
were carried out. Statistical analysis permit to create joint eye syndrome up to nonresponsiveness. Four vascular com-
criterion for prognosis of gunshot wound and gunshot frac- plications caused three total and one partial gland loss in
tures especially. The criterion allows to foresee gunshot this series. Our experiences with this surgical method includ-
osteomyelitis development. ing modifications based on the underlying disease as well as
This conception was applied in 130 Afghan wounded the clinical results of the 4-year-follow-up will be described
with very high results. Owing to these osteoplasty methods in detail in the oral presentation.
and device the mandible defects varying from 2 to 15 cm in
length. Number of the wounded with gunshot osteomyelitis
and wound inflammation decreased up to 6,4%, the THE PATHOLOGY AND THERAPY O F KELOIDS
mandible defect - to 1,6%, pseudarthrosis and scar contrac-
ture were absent. Invalids became 4,3%. Skagers, A.*, Auzins, V., Dalmane, A., Lauskis, G., Salms, G.
Results suggest application of the radical first surgery
management in the gunshot mandible fractures is beneficial.
Department of OMFS, Laboratory of Electronmicroscopy
Medical Academy of Latvia, Latvian Cancer Cente~ Riga, Latvia


AND PARTIAL THICKNESS SKIN. To evaluate pathomorphology and outcomes of combined
(surgical and radiotherapy) treatment of keloids in facial
AJ Sidebottom*, JC Devine, P Magennis, JS Brown, ED region.
Regional Maxillofacial Unit, Walton Hospital, Aintree In 11 patients (8 women, average age 24 years) with keloid-
Trust, Liverpool, UK safter burns (4), wounds (3), earlobe holes (3), ache (1) as
backset after surgery, injections of steroids and pressure in
7cases were treated by economical excision and postopera-
The radial forearm free flap is frequently used as the method tiveshort focus X-ray therapy 20 - 40 Gy totally. The under-
of reconstruction in the head and neck. Repair of the defect is mine depidermal layer was used to cover the wound. The
preferably with direct closure, however this is often not possi- histological and electronmicroscopic evaluation of scar tis-
ble. The options then include split or full thickness skin grafts. sue was used to choose the protocol of X-ray therapy. The
X-ray therapy was started 2 - 3 weeks after excision when
METHODS healing of wound was complete. 5 % dieton liniment as
We prospectively allocated all patients having radial free radioprotector was used before irradiation to diminish the
flaps at the Regional Maxillofacial Unit, Liverpool, U K to damage of epidermis.
having either full or partial thickness skin graft repair of the
defect. The patients were assessed postoperatively for donor RESULTS:
and recipient site wound complications and at one year for The main feature in the pathomorphology was increased
aesthetic appearance. amount of large, functionally hyperactive fibroblasts, thick
homogeneously eosinophilic bands of collagen, thin col-
RESULTS lagenous fibers. In cases of red, painful keloids the inflam-
65 patients were recruited between May 1996 and December matory cell infiltration and hypervascularity was observed.
1997. The epidermal layer was normal or atrophic without expres-
The detailed findings and early aesthetic outcomes will sive changes in cellular arrangement. The subjective and
be presented. objective improvement in the period 1-15 years after treat-
ment was observed in all cases. Full disappearing of keloids
was in 8 patients.
EXPERIENCE AND 4-YEAR-FOLLOW-UP- The pathomorphological and clinical data substantiate the
use of epidermal layer over the keloids to cover the wound
P. Sieg", K. W. Warneeke, G. Geerling after excision of keloids. Combined surgical and radiother-
apy provides satisfactory late results of keloid treatment.
Luebeck / Germany The side effects of radiotherapy must be discussed with
patient before treatment.
180 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

cinoma of the anterior floor of the mouth. Surgical treat-

ment included partial glossectomy, segmental mandibulec-
tomy, bilateral functional neck dissection, mandibular
Skouteris, C *, Aiexandridis, C, Datseris, G., Marti, If., reconstruction with a T H O R P plate and microvascular
anastomosis of the flap to the superior thyroideal artery and
Angelopoulos, A.
Results: Commencing therapy with unfractioned heparin
University of Athens, Department of OMFS, (125-250 I.E./h) the initial postoperative platelet count was
"'Evangelismos" Hospital, Athens, Greece 160.000/pL. Five days after surgery the flap developed
general ischemia and loss of refill and platelet count was
Aims: To compare the routine imaging techniques for preop- 80.000/~tL. HIT II antibody testing proved that the patient
erative and postoperative assessment of grafted maxillary was positive for anti-heparin-PF4-complex-antibodies. In
alveolar clefts with the panoramic and 3-D reconstruction spite of immediate surgical revision revascularisation was
of the Dentascan CT images of the maxilla. impossible. Histological examination of the removed flap
Method: Pre- and postoperative conventional orthopanto- showed arterial thrombosis of the radial artery and arter-
mographic and occlusal views of patients with grafted ial and venous microthromboembolism. Anticoagulation
maxillary alveolar clefts were obtained and compared with was altered to the heparinoid Danaparoid (Orgaran)
panoramic and 3-D reconstruction Dentascan CT images effecting an increase of platelets to 150.000/~tl within 3
taken from the same patients. Particular attention was days.
directed to the comparative evaluation of the postoperative Conclusions: We highly recommend consequent platelet
routine and Dentascan images that were taken soon after monitoring and screening for anti-heparin-PF4-antibodies
the grafting procedure and at six months and one year post- in patients with platelet counts below 100.000/~tl for early
operatively. diagnosis of HIT II in order to improve the prognosis of
Results: The preoperative Dentascan panoramic and 3-D flaps in these patients.
reconstruction images were clearly superior to the routine
studies in precisely outlining cleft bony involvement, discov-
ering spontaneous bone bridging, measuring residual thick- REHABILITATION OF ORAL CANCER PATIENTS
ness of alveolar bone segments, and describing deviation of
the bony palatal shelves and their possible bony excres- Anna-Lisa Sgderholm, Annu Korpijaakko-Huuhka, Matti
cences. Superior results were also obtained from the postop- Lehtihalmes, Liisa Ertama
erative Dentascan studies relative to the evaluation of the
progression of bone healing at the grafted cleft site. Depts of Maxillofacial Surgery & Radiology, Helsinki
Conclusions: This study indicates that the panoramic and 3- University Hospital, Dept. of Phonetics, Helsinki
D reconstruction Dentascan CT images are a superb alter- University, Dept. of Finnish, Saami and Logopedics,
native to routine radiographic studies for the pre- and University of Oulu, Finland
postoperative evaluation of bone grafted maxillary alveolar
clefts. The relative disadvantages of these advanced imag-
ing techniques such as cost, radiation dose, and image dete- The aims of this study was to examine the variety and
rioration due to patient movement can be minimized by extent of oral dysfunctions and evaluate the need for reha-
effective technique modifications and in our view these pos- bilitation in patients treated for oral cancer. Despite new
sible shortcomings are outweighed by the wealth of useful treatment techniques in surgery and radiotherapy many
information that these methods provide in the detailed patients suffer from various oral dysfunctions, often
assessment of patients with maxillary alveolar clefts. severe. How can we reach the goals facilitated by surgery
and reconstructions - a good quality of life. Methods: In
1995 we started a retrospective and prospective study on
patients treated surgically in the Department of
[~ HEPARIN-INDUCED THROMBOCYTOPENIA Maxillofacial Surgery, Helsinki University Hospital. The
TYPE II AS A CAUSE OF LOSS OF A RADIAL patients oral function and speech were examined by a
FOREARM FLAP FOR MICROSURGICAL spech-language therapist, a videofluoroscopy of the swal-
OROMANDIBULAR RECONSTRUCTION: A CASE lowing procedure was performed. Results: According to
REPORT. the retrospective part of the study on patients treated
before 1995 we observed dysphagia in 80%, swallowing
Smoika K .1, Jahn U R 2, Meyer J, Ostermann I-F, Piffko 3~, dysfunction in 70% (86% of them severe). Speech problems
Joos U1 was observed in 67,5%, (15% of them with severely
decresed intelligibility, further 15% unable to use the tele-
JCranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Muenster, phone). Other common problems were severe dryness of
Germany the mouth, nutrition disturbances, TMJ-dysfunction, den-
2Anaesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, University of tal problems, improved arm function and pain after neck
Muenster, Germany dissection, problems at flap donor sites, esthetic and psy-
chosocial problems. However, despite these observed dys-
Introduction: Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia type II functions the patients on average assessed their quality of
(HIT I1) is the severe form of acquired hypercoagulability life as fairly good (5) on a scale from l=poor to 7=excel-
caused by antibodies against heparin-platelet factor 4-com- lent. Conclusions: Adequate, continuing patient informa-
plexes (heparin-PF4). HIT II usually occurs 4-14 days after tion is a corner stone in rehabilitation and a basis for
heparin administration and may have fatal thromboembolic success. Rehabilitation means teamwork by many profes-
consequences. The incidence of HIT II is 1-3%. sionals. Rigth timing is important. Treatment and rehabili-
Subject: A 70-year-old male patient received microsurgical tation cannot be separated, rehabilitation actually starts at
reconstruction using a vascularized radial forearm flap for diagnosis. According to our study-results we have created a
covering a defect following resection of a squamous cell car- rehabilitation schedule.
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 181

with persistent TM pain frequently associated with limited

[~ DENTAL ARCH MEASUREMENTS AND mouth opening. They were treated placing two needles in the
VELOPHARYNGEAL CLOSURE IN CLP CHILDREN upper space of the joint and washing the compartment with
AFTER SURGICAL TREATMENT. PRIVATE 180 ml. of lactated Ringer solution. Clinical data were maxi-
mum mouth opening and pain before and after arthrocentesis.
*Soots M.,M.D.; L6vi-Kalnin M.,M.D.,Ph.D.,Dr.Med.Sc.; Results: On a middle follow-up of 15 months, jaw opening
Jagomiigi T.,M.D.,MSc.
was improved ( average 9,7 ram.) and TM pain was higly
Tartu University, Estonia Conclusions: We retain that the arthrocentesis is a very efficient
procedure that allows to drain the chemical mediators of pain
The present study analyses some dental arch measurements and inflammation dissolved in synovial fluid.. TMJ arthrocen-
(transverse and sagittal) of the upper jaw, and velopharyn- tesis and lavage is recommended as a simple alternative to more
geal closure in children who have been operated on by using invasive TMJ procedures as an effective technique for the treat-
the method of bipedicle flaps, and for comparison, by using ment of subacute TM pain and limited mouth opening.
radical uranoplasty.
Cast models were made 1-5 years after operation in 49
children operated on for cleft palate. Dental arch measure- RELIABILITY OF R A D I O G R A P H I C M E T H O D S IN
ments were taken by the Korkhaus-Pont method. The THE DIAGNOSIS OF MANDIBULAR FRACTURES
results reveal the decrease in the maxillary measurements
with the raising of the bipedicle flaps is smaller than with Staj~i~ Z.* and Rakobevib Z.
that of the radical one. The biggest difference was in mea-
surements of the partial cleft palate operated on using Faculty of Stomatology, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia
bipedicle flaps: T~ was 3.3 mm; T2 was 2.2 mm; LO1 was 3.2
mm, to compare with radical uranoplasty.
The most common malocclusion in cleft lip and palate Aims: To determine the most reliable radiographic method
children was crossbite (74.1% of the cases). Scissorsbite was in the diaglt0sis of mandibular fractures and establish a pro-
rare, (5.6% of cases). Most of cleft children (55.6%) had tocol for radiographic examination according to fracture
normal molar occlusion, 27.8% had molar distal occlusion sites with regard to reliability and radiation exposure.
and 16.7% had mesial molar occlusion. Thirty two percent Method: In a prospective study, 109 patients with 166 frac-
of patients had an anterior crossbite. Anterior open bite was tures of the mandible were submitted to 4 plain radi-
present in 14.8% of cases and a deep bite in 7.4% of ographic 15rocedures: Orthopantomography (OP),
patients. Thirty five percent of patients had a lateral open Posteroanteri~ (PA) and Lateral Oblique projections, and
bite. Thirty seven percent of patients had crowded mandibu- Linear Tomography (LT) using cortical discontinuity as a
lar incisors and 9.3% had spaced mandibular incisors. radiographic criterion. The fracture sites were recorded as
Thirty five percent of patients had maxillary anterior teeth the condylar process, ramus, angle, body and symphysis
crowded and 24.1% had maxillary frontal teeth spaced. where an Occlusal Projection (OCP) was added.
Spacing was more common in the maxillary left posterior Results: LT was found to be the most reliable method in 94%
teeth compared with the right side. of the cases followed by OP (79%) and PA (77%). The over-
The length and function of the soft palate has been X- all success rate of OP for the body and angle was 90%. The
ray-checked. The group for study consisted of 32 children OP and PA were reliable in only 62% and 79% of fractures
aged from 6-18 years. For this study we used lateral cephalo- of the condylar process respectively. The OCP and LT
grams. In each child 2 lateral cephalogramms were taken at showed 100% and 96% success rate in the symphyseal and
rest and during phonation. The finding of normal or condylar process regions respectively.
sufficient velopharyngeal closure was in 23 children, which Conclusions: A protocol: OP for the body and angle. If a
is 71.9%, and insufficient closure was observed in 9 cases. suspected fracture of the condylar process and/or symphysis
According to the literature data, this can be considered a is not detected, LT and/or an OCP should be added. By
good result in surgical cleft palate correction. using this protocol, over 95% of accuracy with relatively low
The method of bipedicled flaps with velopharyngoplasty radiation exposure can be expected.
can be recommended for routine use in the surgical treat-
ment of partial and unilateral cleft lip and palate.
This study was supported by the Estonian Science THE H I S T O R I C A L D E V E L O P M E N T OF
Foundation Grant hr. 13.

Steinhiiuser, E
TMD University Erlangen, Germany
Spallaccia F.*, Govoni F.A., Rivaroli A., Saltarel A.,
Cascone P. There is no doubt that the cradle of orthognathic surgery
was in St Louis, USA where the general surgeon, Vilray
Blair performed different types of mandibular osteotomies
Department of Maxillo-Faeial Surgery, University of Rome
"La Sapienza", Italy about hundred years ago However, simultaneous
osteotomies in the upper and lower jaw were carried out in
Europe first and also described in the literature. The max-
Aims: The authors had applied the arthrocentesis without illofacial surgeons Heinz Kole and Hugo Obwegeser both
any supplementary bite appliance just to point out the native Austrians and pupils of Richard Trauner in Graz
importance of the TMJ simple washing for the resolution of developed surgical techniques which allowed correction of
TMJ pain and the improvement of condilar excurtions. dento-facial deformities by simultaneous operations on the
Method: This study had involved 31 joints in 30 patients upper and lower jaws. Kole in 1961 published his method of
182 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

bimaxillary alveolar surgery and Obwegeser in 1970 Results: In no patients did a clinically relevant relapse occur.
reported for the first time on his experience with total max- In one case three of four inserted plates fractured. In 14% of
illary and mandibular osteotomies which were carried out in all patients a skeletal relapse could by demonstrated only by
one operative session. Obwegeser also pointed out that the cephalometric analysis. The amount of the relapse related
main advantages of this procedure are better facial aesthet- strongly to the distance of operative maxillary translation.
ics and less relapse. Later on, Lindorf and Steinh/iuser Conclusion: Regarding stability, microplate osteosynthesis is
improved this technique in 1978 with the introduction of the equal to miniplate and wire fixation, though the microplates
double splint method for better positioning of the arc easier to use and more convenient for the patient. The
osteotomized fragments. From 1980 onwards the technique results show that titanium microplates are very suitable for
of bimaxillary surgery became quite popular and many internal fixation after Le Fort I osteotomy.
publications about its successful application exist. A consid-
erable improvement was the introduction of rigid fixation in
orthognathic surgery, however, it should be realized that nei- DOES ORTHOGNATIC SURGERY CURE T M J
ther Kole nor Obwegeser knew about this technical innova- DYSFUNCTION
tion when they started performing bimaxillary surgery.
Stepke, M*.; Sterz, M.; Knoll, B.; Helm, G.

ORAL SURGERY IN A CASE OF MARFAN SYNDROME Dep. of Maxillofacial Surgery, Frankfurt Univ. Medical
Center, Frankfurt, Germany
Steinhilber, W.
Marfan Hilfe (Deutschland) e. V., Cologne, Germany A high percentage of patients with malocclusion seek
orthognatic surgery because of TMJ dysfunction and pain.
Marfan syndrome is a common, heritable disorder of con- The aim of this study was to determine if orthognatic
nective tissue, transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait surgery cures this problem.
with variable penetrance. The molecular defect is related to
anomalies of fibrillin, an integral connective tissue protein. METHOD:
Clinical manifestations include musculoskeletal, ophthal- In 1996 and 1997 we did axiographies on 87 patients with
mologic, and cardiovascular involvement, especially aortic malocclusions seeking our held for orthognatic surgery. All
aneurysm, followed by aortic dissection and aortic rupture. patients received 3 axiographies during their course of treat-
All patients with Marfan syndrome should be considered ment: before orthodontic treatment, before the operation
at risk for bacterial endocarditis. Therefore, they should and 9 month post-op.
receive adequate prophylaxis for dental as well as surgical Doing so, we operated on 48 patients with class II or III
procedures. Cardiology societies have issued guidelines for malocclusion. In case of sagittal split osteotomies, the Luhr
antibiotic treatment for procedures that have a high likeli- positioning device was used to secure the joint.
hood of transient bacteraemia such as dental procedures.
In patients with Marfan syndrome who have artifical RESULTS:
valves, aortic replacemant or a composite aortic graft, endo- In all but one patient who underwent a Le-Fort-l-osteotomy
carditis is a devastating complication. All precautions joint function was unchanged (37%) or improved (60%). In
should be taken in these patients, and the recommendations contrast results after bimaxillary surgery are significantly
regarding prophylaxis for bacterial endocarditis, including different between class II and lII. We examined some degree
use of parenteral antibiotics, should be followed. of limitation of joint function in 78% of class lI patients - in
After cardiovascular surgery for any reason, patients mostly 57% even one year post-op.
take anticoagulants, often for lifetime. Interruptions are not
advised. Different principles of additional treatment avoiding
secondary haemorrhage in an of oral surgery case will be shown.
Although we operated only on asymptomatic TMJs the
high percentage of post-op limitations of joint function in
class II patients who underwent bimaxillary surgery shows
C E P H A L O M E T R I C ANALYSIS AFTER LE FORT I the necessity of intensive pre-op diagnostics including N M I

Stember, M.*, Mischkowski, R.A., Fangmann,R., Jacobi,

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of FLAP - A CASE REPORT
St(tka, L., Machdlka, M.
Aims: To assess the stability of osteosynthesis with titanium
St. Anna Faculty Hospital, Brno, 1"t Stomatological Clinic,
microplates in orthognathic Le Fort I osteotomies. Czech Republic
Study Design: Retrospective.
M e t h o d : The study includes 113 orthognathic patients
treated by Le Fort I osteotomy. In all patients, osteosynthe- Aims: Reconstruction of the mandible affected with a cystic
sis with titanium microplates was used. Lateral cephalo- ameloblastoma by means of a vascularized bone graft taken
grams were taken preoperatively, immediate postoperatively, from fibula.
6 weeks and one year postoperatively. Cephalometric analy- M e t h o d : Operation started with withdrawal of the vascular-
sis of the cephalograms was performed. ized bone graft and identification of the nourishing vascular
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 183

peduncle. Resection of nearly the whole of the left half of adjacent soft tissue reconstruction that had been treated
the mandible including the articular head was performed. from September 1992 until September 1995.
Bone graft was shaped and adapted by means of a mini- All bone grafting were performed as a secondary treat-
plate. Vascular peduncles of arteria facialis and arteria ment. Clinical and radiologic follow up had lasted from two
nutriciae fibularis were sutured by the end to end method. to five years.
Operation wound was closed, intermaxillary ligature was This study compares succes rates for vascularized (VBG)
retained for ten days. Rehabilitation of the mandible and non-vascularized (NVBG) free bone grafts in recon-
followed. struction of defects of the lower jaw after war wounding.
Results: Up to present time, similar-looking cases were This paper also demonstrates criteria used for VBG and
always managed by free bone graft at our clinic. This was NVBG such as shape, size, location and structure of
the first time, the reconstruction by vascularized bone graft defects and morbidity of the donor site and possibility for
using an operative microscope was performed. dental implants placing.
Conclusions: A modern method of mandible reconstruction
is demonstrated. Very good rehabilitation of the patient in
both functional and cosmetic respect is presented.
VERSATILE PRIVATE M O D I F I C A T I O N OF Stosic-Opincal T.*(1), Stosic S. (2), Dimitrijevic 3/1. (3),
K A Z A N J I A N ' S TECHNIQUE Stojanovic-Birovijev E (1)
Staj~ik Z., Radulovi~ M., Stojbev Lj.* (1)Emergency Center, Institute of Radiology, (2) Clinic for
Maxillofacial Surgery, Institute of ORL and MF surgery,
Clinic of Oral Surgery, Faculty of Stomatology, University Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
of Belgrade, Yugoslavia
P U R P O S E : The aim of this study was to present the value
Aims: To describe a modification of Kazanjian's vestibulo- of three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of computed
plasty, present results and discuss the advantages and the tomography (CT) in detecting the bone damage of the face,
disadvantages. surgery planning and postoperative controls.
Method: The incision is placed in the labial mucosa which is MATERIAL AND M E T H O D E S : During the last two years
dissected off the submucosa and mentalis muscle up to the 105 patients with cranio-facial trauma were admitted to the
alveolar crest. The muscle is stripped off the periosteum Emergency Center in Belgrade. All of them have been exam-
down to the future sulcus. The mucosal flap is stretched and ined by axial CT scans, and 37 patients have been studied
sutured to the periosteum deep into the sulcus by leaving a 5 using 3D reconstruction. All patients were surgical treated
mm wide free mucosal margin. This mucosal strip is and operative findings were compared with preoperative
stretched and its periphery sutured to the free edge of the findings of conventional CT and 3D reconstruction of CT.
labial incision. This procedure was applied in 15 patients RESULTS: From our 37 patients 31 had complex cranio-
with a shallow vestibular sulcus and sufficient volume of facial fractures, 4 mandibular fracture and 2 injuried
underlying bone. patients had fracture of the frontal sinuses. Bone fragments
Results: The sulcus gain was preserved. The bottom of the and defects in orbite and maxillary sinus shape are better
sulcus was "U" shaped. Denture-bearing areas were scar- visualized using 3D reconstruction in advance with conven-
free. There was no raw surface left and subsequent tissue tional CT scans.
contracture and inversion of the lip did not occur. Bony CONCLUSION: Three-dimensional reconstruction of CT
irregularities were smoothed through the periosteal crestal is very useful for preoperative planning and postoperative
incision. It was also applicable in the upper jaw as well. controls of the results.
When combined with the insertion of ITI implants the
blood supply to the periphery ot~ the mucosal flap may be
compromised because of perforation through the base of
the flap.
Conclusions: Open submucous vestibuloplasty proved to be
a versatile technique with predictable results.

Strandkvist, T.. Hallman, M.

BONE GRAFTS FOR MANDIBLE REPAIR AFTER Department of OMFS, County Hospital, Giivle, Sweden.

Stosic, S.*, Jovic, N., Mirkovic, Z., Loncarevic, S., Lazic, Aims: The purpose of this retrospective study was to evalu-
Z. ate fixture survival, following interpositional, iliac bone
grafting to the severely resorbed maxilla.
Clinic for maxillofacial surgery, Military Medical Academy, Method, Eleven patients, nine women and two men with an
Belgrade, Yugoslavia average age of 57 years (range 45-65) were included in this
study. All patients had a severely resorbed edentulous max-
illa. The grafts, were taken from the iliac crest and all
A retrospective study of 31 patient having vascularized bone patients had Le Fort 1 surgery with interpositional crista ili-
grafts (VBG) (11 radial, 9 scapular and 11 fibular) and 83 aca grafts. The floor of the sinuses were filled with milled
patients having nonvascular bone grafting (NVBG) (cor- autogenous bone mixed with Tisseel. After a healing period
tico-cancellous block grafts) for segmental mandibular and of 6 months 83 titanium implants (Br~nemark) were
184 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

installed. Clinical and radiographic evaluations were per- Aims: To assess the indications for, and efficacy of, the inser-
formed yearly. The mean follow-up time of 31,9 months, tion of titanium implants for retention of facial prostheses
ranging between 19-42 months. as a one stage procedure at the time of tumour resection.
Results: Implant survival rate was 94%. Five implants were Method: The results of the insertion of Brgmemark cranio-
lost, all of them before loading. Four of the lost implants facial titanium flange fixtures and abutments into 14 adult
were in the same patiens. However all patients still have patients, at the same time as resection of ears, noses and
fixed bridges. orbits, were compared with the results in 14 adult cases in
Conclusion: Edentolous patiens with a serve maxillary bone which the one stage procedure was carried out some time
loss have always been a treatment challenge in the recon- after tumour resection. These results in turn were compared
structive implantology. In accordance to that the results with those of 50 patients in which a more conventional two
from this present study are very promising. stage procedure was performed, usually at least one year
after tumour resection.
Results: In terms of osseointegration, the results were com-
THE RESULTS O F A M O D I F I E D LE FORT I parable between the three groups. The incidence of delayed
O S T E O T O M Y IN CLEFT COMPARED W I T H NON- healing in the one stage groups was higher than the two
CLEFT PATIENTS stage and in some cases this caused significant delay before
a prosthesis could be constructed. A modified dressing
Sugar, A. W.*, Samuels, R., Jones, M.L., Newton, (2., Bocca, technique reduced the incidence of delayed healing. It was
A.P. noted that patients benefitted from careful pre- operative
preparation and planning with the prosthetist, especially of
the nature of the resection and the siting of implants.
Maxillofacial Unit, Morriston Hospital, Swansea, Wales,
Conclusions: Insertion of titanium implants as a one stage
procedure at the same time as the resection of certain facial
tumours, for example the external ear, is the treatment of
Aims: To compare the results of a modified internally fixed choice in most cases. All patients should be carefully
Le Fort I osteotomy in cleft and non-cleft patients. assessed, counselled and planned in advance of surgery in
Method: 25 consecutive cases were studied prospectively in conjunction with the prosthetist. A modified dressing tech-
the cleft and 25 in the non-cleft group with a minimum fol- nique reduces the incidence of delayed soft-tissue healing.
low-up of one year. The results were assessed in terms of Caution should be exercised in patients in whom the opera-
stability and complications. Lateral cephs, were digitised to tive site has been exposed previously to radiotherapy.
assess hard and soft-tissue changes. All cases were managed
by the same surgical team to an identical protocol of ortho-
dontics, prior grafting of any alveolar cleft, one piece
osteotomy (modified for cleft patients with an incision THE A P P L I C A T I O N TECHNIQUES AND THE
which improves the vascular pedicle and a palatal protec- CLINICAL EVALUATION O F RESORBABLE POLY L-
tion plate to assist in radical mobilisation). Fixation was by LACTIDE (ORIENTED PLLA) PLATES AND
means of AO L-shaped 2 mm titanium mini-plates with no SCREWS IN BONE SURGERY
inter-maxillary fixation in any case. The cleft cases were
grafted anteriorly only. Sugiyama, Y.*I, Tachikawa N.2, Miki Z2, Sekiyama, S.1,
Results: Good bony union resulted in all cases with no evi- Enomoto, S.2,
dence of compromised blood supply to any part of the max-
illa. No fistulae were produced and few plates had to be 1 The Second Department of Oral and Maxillofacial
removed. The mean maxillary hard tissue advancement was Surgery, School of
similar in both groups and the changes up to one year, reflect- Dentistry, Iwate Medical University,
ing relapse or remodelling, were very small in both groups. Morioka, JAPAN, 2 The Second Department of Oral and
The difference between the operated cleft and non-cleft Maxillofacial Surgery,
relapse rates was not statistically significant. The vertical Faculty of Dentistry, Tokyo
changes were barely measurable and were all under 0.5 ram. Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, JAPAN
There was no statistically significant difference in the hori-
zontal surgical soft tissue changes between the two groups Aims: To present the operation techniques of applying
but the upper lip tended to go up in the non-clefts and down resorbable poly L-lactide (Oriented PLLA) plates and
in the clefts. Upper lip thickness decreased in both groups. screws in bone surgery and to evaluate the long term results.
Conclusions: This study demonstrates that cleft osteotomies Subject:In 1992 and 1993, fifty-one patients were treated
carried out in this way are safe, reliable and relatively stable with Oriented PLLA plates and screws; 24 cases of facial
when compared with those carried out in non-cleft patients. bone fracture (including 20 cases of mandibular fracture),
Study funded by the AO Research Commission, Bern, 11 of cleft lip and/or palate, 12 of facial deformity, 1 of
Switzerland tongue tumor, 1 of maxillary cyst, 1 of mandibular cyst and
1 of impacted tooth.
Methods: After the reduction of the bone fragments,
RECONSTRUCTION AFTER T U M O U R Oriented PLLA plates were softened by dipping into hot
RESECTION W I T H BONE A N C H O R E D FACIAL sterile water and were contoured to the bone surface. After
P R O S T H E S E S USING AN I M M E D I A T E ONE STAGE the procedure of drilling holes in bone and tapping with a
PROCEDURE: INDICATIONS AND RESULTS hand screw tap, the plates were fixed by several Oriented
P L L A screws. A long term follow-up study was done by
Clark, R.N. *, Sugm; A.W., Evans, P.L., Bocca, A.P., clinical and radiographic examinations.
Barrett, P., Stafford, G.D. Results: Forty-eight cases showed no problem in the exami-
nations. The remaining 3 cases exhibited slight dislocation
Maxillofacial Unit, Morriston Hospital, Swansea, Wales, U.K. of bone segments radiographically at two weeks postopera-
tively. However, the healing of the bone wound was clini-
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 185

cally uneventful in every case at three months after opera- scapula vascularized bone grafts were used in these patients.
tion. Until the end of 1997, no signs of inflammation or Results: 27 flaps were successful in re-establishing bone con-
reactions to foreign body were observed in all cases. tinuity in either mandible or maxilla. One fibular flap was
Conclusions: The results suggest that Oriented P L L A lost in a 65-year old man because of peripheral vascular dis-
osteosynthesis system could be considered safe and useful ease in the flap artery. Re-exploration was done only on this
for internal fixation in maxillofacial surgery. patient. The overall success rate for vascularized bone grafts
was 96.4 %. A part of another fibula graft in the upper jaw
was resorbed, indicating vascular problems behind the sec-
ond osteotomy site.
Conclusions: Each type of bone graft was good in establish-
USING SCANORA T O M O G R A P H I C AND ing bone continuity. In large bone defects the fibula is an
DENTASCAN CT - IMAGES ideal choice for mandibular reconstruction. When an exten-
sive soft tissue defect is involved, the scapula bone flap
Sundquist, Kfl *, Salonen, M. 2, Ylikontiola, L. l, Niemi, S. 1, should be considered because it is able to transport a variety
Kainulainen, Vfl, Oikarinen, 1£.1, Raustia, A. 2 of soft tissues.

Institute of Dentistry, Departments of Oral and

Maxillofacial Surgerj and Prosthodontiese, University of EXPERIENCE OF THE USE OF EXTERNAL

Suri Cs, * Szalontay T, Gdspdr L.

Aims: To study the value of Scanora and DentaScan images
for implant position planning in patiens with severely
resorbed maxilla treated by bone grafts and sinus lifts.
Oral Surgical Department of Central Military Hospital of
Medhod: 7 patients with severely resorbed edentulous max-
illa were treated using bone grafts from the anterior iliacal
• Traumatological Department of Central Military Hospital
crest. L-shape bone blocks were stabiliced by screws to the
Budapest, Hungary
anterior alveolar crest and bone chips were packed tightly to
the anterior part of the sinuses. 40 Astra Tio-Blast implants
were installed after the 4 4 mounths healing period to the Aim- To demonstrate the use of external fixator as an alter-
places that showed adecuate bone in preoperative Scanora native method in maxillofacial surgery.
and DentaScan-imagines. Subject: 48 year old man suffered open fracture of the right
The secondary operations were done after 6 months. corpus and the left collum of the mandibula. Pneumonia
Results: The implant position plan done according to the with high fever developed before the planned operation so
DentaScan and Scanora imagines corresponded to the clini- general anaesthesia was not possible.
cal situation and the implants were able to be installed to the The intermaxillary-fixation as a conservative method
preferred sites. The DentaScan images were of a great value could not be performed due to the collum fracture and due
in sinus lift areas were the thickness of new bone was diffi- to the missing of high number of teeth.
cult to estimate clinically. 4 implants were lost due to lack of For these reason ,,Manuflex" external fixator was
osseointegration, 3 of them from one patient who was a applied, which is generally used in hand surgery. This fixator
heavy smoker. All patiens could be treated prosthetically, 2 can be used under local anaesthesia, it can be easily shaped
patients with fixed bridges (8 and 9 implants) and 5 with and it is cheap.
removable prothesis (4 to 5 implants). Results: The corpus fracture of the mandibula was fixed in
Conclusion: 90 % of the installed implants osseointegrated the original anatomic position by external fixator. At the
and were able to be used for prosthetic constructions. All same time the functional treatment of the collum fracture
patients received the preferred prosthesis. We conclude that was performed.
our success rates are high compared to the literature due to The patient could clean the instrument without any trou-
the precise preoperative implant position planning. ble.
Especially the information given by DentaScan images in The plate osteosynthesis was not necessary later on,
1:1 scale enables exact positioning of the implant. either. After six weeks the removal of the fixator was easily
performed without any anaesthetic.
Conclusion: External fixation is a good alternative method
WITH MICROVASCUXAR BONE GRAFIS 1.) To maintain structures until the definitive treatment of
serious defects of soft tissue and bone injuries.
Suominen, E.*, MD, Pulkkinen, J., DDS, 2.) When general anaesthesia can not be performed.
3.) Initial therapy of polytraumatised patients.
Department of Plastic Surgery, Helsinki University Central 4.) War-injured patients.
Hospital, Helsinki, Finland Its adventage is that it can easily be applied and is very unexpensive.

Aims: To review our experience during a 10-year period in

performing 24 mandibular and 4 maxillary reconstructions FUTURE OF BIOMATERIALS IN
with vascularized free bone grafts from the ilium, scapula MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY
and fibula.
Method: Patients were reviewed retrospectively from their Suuronen Riitta, MD, DDS, Ph.D.
medical records. The bone defects were caused by trauma
(19), tumour (8) and congenital anomaly (1). To achieve Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,
both bone and soft tissue reconstruction, skin islands were Helsinki University Central Hospital Helsinki, Finland
included in all primary cases. 5 crista iliac, 12 fibula and 11
186 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

During the last decade the use of biomaterials has spread to ation. Also miniplates made of SR-PDLLA have been used
new applications from membranes for guided bone regener- to fix bimaxillary osteotomies and genioplasties in orthog-
ation and devices for fracture fixation to bone substitutes. nathic surgery; osteotomies needed in head and neck cancer
The biodegradable membranes can now help new bone surgery have been successfully fixed by the same devices.
regeneration, and if substances that help enhance bone or
cartilage growth can be added to these membranes, we will
be able to create new tissue wherever needed thus decreasing
the need for transplants. IS OPERATIVE MANAGEMENT O F BLOW OUT
The fixation devices have become smaller and easier to FRACTURE W I T H PLANE PDS F O L I O EFFECTIVE?
handle and today in many indications they can replace AN OBJECTIVE ASSESSMENT
metallic devices totally. Their strength has also become
markedly better, thus enabling the use of these devices in R. Kontio, Riitta Suuronen, Antero Saio, Christian Lindqvist
several demanding applications. When there will be a possi-
bility to add substances to enhance bone growth these The complications after orbital floor fracture reconstruc-
devices will be used almost in all indications. tion vary but include diplopia, proptosis, enophtalmos as
The bone substitutes will also make the need of trans- well as implant problems. CT is considered as the most
plants rare, hence decreasing the morbidity of the patient. accurate to demonstrate the presence of the orbital floor
The handling of these materials has become easier and they fracture, however, MRI is considered equal or better in most
can now routinely be used in several augmentation proce- soft tissue injuries.
dures. As before, bone substitutes will definitely benefit 16 consecutive isolated blow out fracture patients were
growth factors. included in the study. The orbital floor was reconstructed
When we start the new millenium we should, through with resorbable PDS folio. The criteria for inclusion were
education, encourage the use of biomaterials and further diplopia, enophtalmos, herniation. The study protocol
increase the interest in biomaterial research. We should comprised 36 weeks clinical and CT/MRI follow up.
develop new biocompatible materials, and as pioneers, Male to female ratio was 2, 2/1. Average age for males
open-heartedly and wide-scopedly strive for better solutions was 39,7 and females 31,3 years. Because of oedema 1 PDS
to improve our patient care. After all, we have a very impor- plate was removed. The enlargement of the fibrotic sac
tant and unique biomaterial to take care of, the patient. around PDS was visualised by MRI, not by CT, at 2 week
follow up. Clinical symptoms appeared 4 weeks later.
Similar enlargement was documented in 10/16 patients but
resolved without symptoms. The relapse of restored form
BIODEGRADABLE MATERIALS AS FIXATION was noticable. While 53% had primary diplopia, at the fol-
DEVICES IN MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY low up at 2 weeks 82% had diplopia. At the end of the study
diplopia was observed in 20% of the patients. While no one
Suuronen Rfftta, MD, DDS, Ph.D. P Laine, R Kontio, I had primary exophtalmos but 20% had enophtalmos, 2
Kallela, M Eekholm, P Helander, P T6rmiilii, C Limlqvist week postop, more than 50% had exophtalmos and 8%
exophtalmos. After 36 weeks none had exophtalmos but
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, over 40% exophtalmos. Primary pupillary imbalance -
Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland 0,7ram ( was improved at 1 week up to +0,9ram
( but a clear relapse down to -0,9ram (
Biodegradable devices have been used in orthopedic and in was then observed.
oral and maxillofacial surgery for over 10 years. The three Although hard tissue can't be visualised by MRI, M R I
most used materials are polyglycolide (PGA), polylactide gave superior view over the soft tissues making the evalua-
(PLA) and polydioxanone (PDS). The use of these materials tion of the bony injury also possible. Detailed view of the
started as sutures and has thereafter spread to many differ- soft tissue herniation seen by M R I predicted well to the
ent fields of surgery, and today pins, plates, screws, tacks complexity of the fracture.
and membranes are used in clinical surgery. Both CT, M R I and clinical result showed well that recon-
Biodegradable materials have been reported to be osteo- struction with plane plate was not beneficial. Specially, the
conductive, the property that could be of use in several dif- mid portion of the orbit with complex anatomy, can't be
ferent applications. The best property, which makes reduced effectively with plane folio or plate PDS.
biodegradable fracture fixation devices more attractive than
metallic ones, is that they need no removal operation after
the tissue has healed. Despite the fact that PLA has been AURICULAR CARTILAGE GRAFTS AT
studied for the past 30 years the number of clinical applica- MANDIBULAR CONDYLE ARTHROPLASTY.
tions of the PLA based materials has grown only recently,
possibly because of the past nonreinforced implants have Svensson, B.
been mechanically weak. At our department self-reinforced
SR-PLLA and - P D L L A have been materials of special Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Orebro
interest because of good mechanical properties. The use of Medical Centre Hospital, Orebro, Sweden.
these implants in fracture fixation started in the area of
orthopedic surgery, after which it has been gradually
extended also to the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery. Aims: To evaluate the clinical outcome of auricular cartilage
We started our experimental studies over 10 years ago by grafting at arthroplasty of the mandibular condyle in patients
fixing mandibular osteomies in sheep with SR-PLLA multi- with degenerative temporo-mandibular joint disease.
layer plates and/or screws. Clinical use of these devices Method: In 14 patients with degenerative disorder in 18 tem-
started in our department almost seven years ago and today it poro-mandibular joints with deterioration of the mandibu-
is known that an osteotomy or a sagittal mandibular fracture lar condyle surface high partial condylectomies were
and a symphyseal mandibular fracture can be fixed with SR- performed. The condylar surfaces were covered with com-
PLLA screws, allowing free mandibular movement after oper- bined auricular car tilage/perichondrium grafts.
EACMFS Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 187

Preoperatively and at follow-ups 6 and 12 months after over a three month period in order to compare tissue adhe-
surgery temporo-mandibular joint symptoms and function sives and suturing.
were registered and evaluated. The patients were divided into groups based on age and
Results: Preoperatively all patients had pain in their affected clinical characteristics i.e. site and depth of facial injuries.
temporo-mandibular joints and a decrease in maximal The patients from these groups were then randomly allo-
mouth opening capacity. At the 6 months follow-up total cated to receive treatment either by suturing, or the use of
relief of pain and increase in maximal mouth opening two different cyanoacrylates. The results were compared
capacity were seen in most of the patients. At the 12 months for each of these groups at five days and at three months
follow-up these patients were still free from pain and had by means of a visual analogue scale and Symeonoglou and
good mouth opening capacities and impairment was seen in Songra's cosmetic scale score. Statistical analysis of the
one patient only. results was carried out and conclusions will be discussed.
Conclusions: Mandibular condyle arthroplasty with grafting
of auricular cartilage at degenerative temporo-mandibular
joint disease seems to have a good effect on pain and to 3D CT FOR PLANNING AND CONTROL OF SINUS
increase mandibular function in the one year perspective ELEVATION
after surgery.
Gyrrgy Szab6 and Kdroly Hrabdk

SCLEROTIC C A R C I N O M A AS A RARE T U M O R OF Semmelweis Universityof Medicine, Department of Oral-

THE U P P E R LIP A N D CHEEK and Maxillofacial Surgery, Budapest, Hungary

Swaid, S.*, Lauer, G., Schmeizeisen, R.

To use 3D CT to control the success of planned sinus eleva-
Department of OMFS, Albert-Ludwigs UniversityFreiburg, tion and grafting, and further to control the osseous inte-
Freiburg i. B~, Germany gration of implant materials (HTR Bioplant, Algipore,
autologous bone).
Aims: This case shows an aesthetic and functional recon-
struction of the midface with a microvascular radial fore- METHOD
arm flap after the removal of a rare sclerotic carcinoma of 3D CT examinations were performed before and after 12
the upper lip and cheek. bilateral sinus elevations, and immediately prior to loading
Method: A 72 year old woman was admitted with a sclerotic of implants. Comparison of the results with those of
carcinoma of the upper lip. The tumor growth of more than panoramic and customary CT examinations yielded the fol-
10 years is very slowly, and had been diagnosed late. lowing useful information.
Because of the histology and the finding of adenoid struc-
tures a mammography has been performed to exclude a RESULTS
metastasis of a mamma carcinoma. The diagnostic and - Any possible difference between planning and perfor-
staging procedures, the tumor resection and the microvascu- mance may be controlled.
lar reconstruction of the defect are presented. - The fate of biomaterial implanted in the maxillary sinus
Results: The tumor resection included half of the upper lip was followed.
includinglip mucosa, the floor of the nose, the left alar wing and - The 3D CT projections providing most information were
anterior part of the maxilla. The primary reconstruction of the established (from a superior position downwards; from lat-
defect was done with a microvascular radial forearm flap from eral and posterior positions forwards).
the left arm. With this flap the floor of the nose, the left alar wing - Possible errors can be discovered before the implant is
and the intraoral soft tissue defect as well as the philtrum and the loaded.
cheek were reconstructed. The partially resected maxilla was not - The cases in which it is worthwhile to perform this costly
reconstructed primarily with a bone graft. examination were determined: surgical complications, docu-
Conclusions: This example demonstrates an aesthetically mentation, extensive alveolar atrophy etc.
and functional satisfying reconstruction with a microvascu- - The results of sinus elevation with different bone substitute
lar radial forearm flap by multiple deepithelizations and materials can readily be compared (e.g. autogenous bone +
folding procedures. Possible alternatives are discussed. HTR Bioplant on one side, and autogenous bone +
Algipore on the other side).


ADHESIVES IN THE TREATMENT OF FACIAL Our investigations indicate that, this is particularly impor-
tant in areas with compromising anatomical structures or
perceived anatomical limitations.
Symeonogiou G*., Songra A.

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. The Royal

Hospitals NHS Trust London, England [~ MRI FINDINGS IN THE OPERATED JOINT, IN
Facial lacerations are probably one of the commonest THE TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT
injuries seen by maxillofacial surgeons. Suturing has tradi-
tionally been the standard means of achieving closure. New Susumu Takaku, T. Sano, 34. Yoshida
products such as Cyanoacrylate tissue adhesives, can be
used with favourable resultsand minimum stress for the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Saitama
patient. A randomised, prospective, blind, controlled clini- Medical School, Saitama, Japan
cal clinical trial was carried at the Royal London Hospital
188 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

Changes in the intracapsular tissue were examined by there was a risk of cancer promotion from the surviving
employing M R I after a prolonged interval following discec- epithelia.
tomy in patients.
Materials and Methods: Thirty-three patients (35 joints),
who had temporomandibular disorders with severely dam-
aged discs, were subjected to a total discectomy without C L I N I C O P A T H O L O G I C A L STUDY O F
implants and they were examined after a mean postopera- ODONTOGENIC TUMOURS
tive interval of 9.4 years. The operated joints were examined
by M R I using 3D-FISP methods and the findings and the Tamme T. *, Tuhkanen A., Pintson 0., Leibur, E.
results of postoperative clinical observations were com-
pared. Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, University of
Results and Conclusions: No masticatory disorders or joint Tartu, Tartu, Estonia.
pain were found in the clinical evaluations, which included
those of two patients with slight limitations of mouth open- The aim of the present study was to analyze the results of
ing. M R I observations depicted soft tissue with intermedi- clinicopathological and radiological investigations in the
ate or high intensity signals in the joint space, together with treatment of odontogenic tumours. Subject. Between 1986
flattening of the condylar fossa and articular surfaces in all and 1997 there were 46 odontogenic tumors operated on at
patients. By comparing M R I on mouth opening and clo- the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Tartu University
sure, it was found that this soft tissue in the joint space was Hospital.. There were 18 females and 20 males. Their age
mobile. Joint noise was detected in 10 joints; but there were ranged between 4 and 79 years. The tumours were diag-
deformities of the soft tissue in the joint space. M R I indi- nosed clinicopathologically as 22 ameloblastomas, 5
cated that a satisfactory clinical course following discectomy ameloblastic fibroodontomas, 17 compound complex
is associated with the presence of mobile soft tissue between odontomas and one odontogenic myxoma. There were two
the articular surfaces of the condyle and fossa. It was pre- malignant cases of cylindroma recurrent from maxillary
sumed that this soft tissue is derived from the tissue of the ameloblastoma and mandibular adenoameloblastoma. To
medical side of the articular capsule; however, the signal determine the bone structure of the jaws, plain x-ray films,
intensity of M R I was not sufficient to ascertain this tissue ortopantomographs, CT and 3-dimensional radiography
characteristics. were used. Results. Histopathologically -in atypical speci-
men of ameloblastoma the epithelium was arranged and
the sheets or strands were bordered by columnar cells
resembling ameloblasts, and closely packed polyhedral cells
which were arranged in a loose structure like the stellate
ORAL PRECANCEROUS L E S I O N S reticulum of the tooth germ .In case of odontomas, exuber-
ant growth of the epithelial sheets originating from dental
Takeuchi, S. *, Kato, M., Kaneko, M., Yoshida K.
lamina was seen to give rise to a number of additional
tooth germs, each of which formed a separate denticle. The
First Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School ameloblastic fibro-odontomas, cells in one or more foci
of Dentist~% Aichi-Gakuin University, Nagoya, Japan continue the differentiation process and produce enamel
and dentin. Odontogenic myxoma had loosely arranged
Aims: To determine the cancer promoting or inhibiting stellate fibroblasts and highly scattered collagenous matrix.
effects of laser irradiation in oral precancerous lesions. Long-term studies of the treatment of the above mentioned
Methods: Premalignant lesions were experimentally induced tumors correlated with both histologic and clinical features.
in F344 rat tongues by 20 ppm 4NQO dissolved in their Personal interviews with patients revealed that delays by
drinking water for 8 weeks. Laser vaporizations were per- patients were the main factors which contributed to delayed
formed with a CO2 laser device using 6 W power output. diagnosis. It can be concluded that in most cases these odon-
Tongues were excised at 3 days, 1, 2 and 4 weeks after laser togenic tumours were asymptomatic, but the incidence and
vaporization to observe the early wound healing process typical basic features such as age, location, pathology and
following laser vaporization. The early tissue repair follow- radiographic appearence of the various odontogenic
ing laser vaporization was investigated histopathologically, turnouts were close to the data found in other previously
and cell proliferation in normal and premalignant lesions published reports.
was assessed using BrdU and GST-P immunohistochemi-
cally. To observe the long-term wound healing process, the
incidence of neoplasms was investigated histopathologically References
at 16 weeks after laser vaporization.
1. Eversole,L.R.;Tomich C.E; Cherrick,H.M. Histogenesis of
Results: In the early tissue repair, the wound healing in pre- odontogenic turnouts. Oral Surg 1971; 32: 569.
cancerous lesions tended to take longer. Also, the surviving 2. Gold, C. Biologic behavior of ameloblastoma. Oral and
premalignant epithelia showing GST-P positive staining Maxillofacial surgery of North America 1991;31:21.
and the epithelia regenerated from those portions were 3. Leider A.S.;Eversole L.R.;Barkin, M.E. Cystic
observed. Moreover, the BrdU-labeling index of the regen- ameloblastoma. A clinico pathologic analysis. Oral Surg 1985;
erated epithelia showing GST-P negative staining (i.e., nor- 60:624.
mal) at first indicated temporary cell growth, and a decrease
2 weeks later. However, the cell growth of the regenerated
epitheliums in premalignant portions showing GST-P posi- 7h CLINICAL EVALUATION OF H Y P E R T H E R M I A
tive staining was lower than that with GST-P negative stain- THERAPY F O R HEAD AND NECK CANCER
ing and tended to take longer. In the long-term wound
healing process, a decrease in the incidence of neoplasms Tanaka, A. *, Mataga, L And lshihara, O.
was observed in the laser vaporization groups. However, the
depth of invasion and tumor area were enhanced. Department of OMFS II, School of Dentistry at Niigata,
Conclusions: When oral precancerous lesions were not com- The Nippon Dental University, Niigata, Japan
pletely removed by laser vaporization, it was suggested that
EACMFS Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 189

AIMS: **Unit of Infection, Department of Internal Medicine,

Hyperthermia therapy combined with radiotherapy and/or Faculty of Medicine, Hacettepe University
chemotherapy has established the situation of one of many
multidisciplinary treatments for oral cancer. Clinical evalu-
Aim" Minimum bactericidal energy level (MBEL) of
ation and significance of this treatment is retrospectively
Nd:YAG laser was investigated on oral microflora.
Method: Bacterioides fragilis, Streptococcous salivarius, ?-
Hemolytic Streptococcous, neisseria, Staphylococcous aureus,
M E T H O D AND SUBJECTS: Candida albicans were used as members of oral flora.
Thirty-one sites of twenty-eight patients with head and neck Erythrocyte suspension was added into the suspensions as dye
malignant tumors have been treated by this therapy in our material. 100?1 of each microorganism at 104 and 108 CFU/ml
department since 1987. Employed thermal equipment was concentration was irradiated with Nd:YAG laser beam with a
HEH-500C 13.56MHz RF-inductive hyperthermia system constant distance between fiber tip and microorganism sus-
(OMRON Comp.,Japan). Size of applicaters were 7cm, pension. Power shots were increased gradually. After irradia-
10cm, 15cm, 20cm in diameter and a special oral applicater tion, 10~tl of each sample with controls were inoculated to
which we made in co-operation with O M R O N Comp was blood agar and incubated for 18 hours at 350C. After the incu-
used when a tumor existed inside the oral cavity. Heated bation, colony count was performed.
tumors were 21 necks and others were oral cavities. 25 Results: For 108 CFU/ml concentration Neisseria and
tumors were squamous cell carcinomas. Indications for this B.fragilis were eradicated with 160 J/cm2, C.albicans and
treatment are presurgical treatment combined with radia- Staph.aureus at 150 J/cm2, ?-Hemolytic Strept.s at 130
tion plus chemotherapy and pariative control with radiation J/cm2 and Strep. Salivarius at 120 160 J/cm2.
a n d / o r chemotherapy for non-surgical patients.


Results of this treatment were 71% of all tumors showed [h THE TREATMENT AND L O N G - T E R M F O L L O W -
more than PR effectiveness assessed by tumor size,changes UP O F MANDIBULAR M O N O S T O T I C FIBROUS
of density of CT, and histopathological evaluations. DYSPLASIA (A CASE REPORT)

Tasar, F*., Senfift, K., Sener, C., Esen, E., Tiimer, C.

THE TREATMENT OF INFECTED W O U N D S IN Department of Oral Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry,

MAXILLO-FACIAL REGION W I T H USE O F University of Hacettepe, Ankara, Turkey

*Tarasenko S., Aleksashina L, Agapov E, Kurakin A., Masur Fibrous dysplasia is a benign pathologic condition of bone
L., Mursina T.. in which fibrous tissue gradually expands and replaces nor-
mal bone. The disease usually begins in childhood and
Medical stomatological institute, department of oral and progress throughout puberty and adolescence. Fibrous dys-
maxillo-facial surgery. Moscow. Russia. plasia may be monostotic or polyostotic patients, in patients
with jaw involvement the lesion is usually a solitary one
occurring more often in maxilla than mandible. Fibrous
ALMS: Development of local treatment of infected wounds dysplasia of the jaw causes facial asymmetry, a tilted
after opening of odontogenic flegmons in maxillo-facial occlusal plane, loss of teeth or a big facial deformity. The
area using phase related application of complex hydrophil treatment of monostotic fibrous dysplasia consists of surgi-
based preparations nitacide and hyposole-n. cal removal of the lesion. This case report presents the treat-
METHODS: Comparative assessment of clinical, bacterio- ment of mandibular monostotic fibrous dysplasia with
logical and immunological analysis data in two groups of surgical excision and long-term follow-up without recur-
54 patients in each. In the first group were used previously rence.
tested preparations levomecol and levovinizol. In the second
group the investigated nitacide and hyposole-n.
RESULTS: Study data has shown preference of nitacide
and hyposole-n. The time of purulent discharge has short- C L I N I C O P A T H O L O G I C A L STUDY OF STAGE I
ened for 4-5 days, disappearance of bacterial grow was ear- AND II ORAL S Q U A M O U S CELL CARCINOMA IN
lier by 4 -5 days, granulation tissues started to develop 5-6 PATIENTS U N D E R G O I N G SURGICAL TREATMENT
days earlier comparing with first group. Efficiency of tested
preparations was noticed particularly in patients with low Tateishi, A.*, Mise, K., Muraki, E, Fukuda,J.
immunological status.
CONCLUSION: For optimization of wound treatment Department of OMFS, Kyusha Dental College, Kitakyushu,
after opening of odontogenic flegmons can be recommend Japan
the use of nitacide in the first phase and of hyposole-n in
second phase of the wound healing.
Aims: To identify the prognostic factors in patients with
stage I and II oral squamous cell carcinoma who underwent
surgical treatment.
ANTIMICROBIAL EFFECT O F ND:YAG LASER ON Methods: Sixty-six patients with newly diagnosed, stage I
MEMBERS O F ORAL M I C R O F L O R A and II oral squamous cell carcinoma who underwent opera-
tion at our Department between 1985 and 1994 were retro-
Tasar F*, Sener BC*, Metal G*, Kocagoz S** spectively analyzed. The clinical factors studied were tumor
location, method of excision, prophylactic neck dissection,
*Department of Oral Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, and the method of treatment. The pathological factors
Hacettepe University studied in biopsy materials were the degree of differentia-
190 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

tion, vessel invasion, tumour depth, YK-classification nosis and treatment. To the Histo-pathologist they also rep-
(1983), and the histological malignancy grafting as defined resent a considerable diagnostic challenge often requiring
Anneroth (1987). specialised techniques to confirm the diagnosis. This study
Results: Local recurrence occurred in patients who under- was carried out to examine the clinical behaviour of these
went mandibular marginal resection and had stage II dis- lesions many of which are recently described pathological
ease, a tumour depth of I 4mm, and a Y K classification of entities.
4c or 4D. There was a significant correlation between out- Method: This was a retrospective clinical study in a consecu-
come and the histological malignancy grading of Anneroth tive series of fourteen patients. All case notes, histopathol-
(1987) (Step-wise method). ogy and patients were reviewed for the purposes of this
Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, the histologi- study. Follow up ranged from at least one year to five years.
cal malignancy grading of Anneroth is the most evaluative Results: Clinically the lesions in this study presented as a
prognostic factor in patients with stage I or II oral squa- heterogeneous group of morphologically indistinct cuta-
mous cell carcinoma who underwent surgical treatment. neous tumours. Typically the patients were elderly and male.
Included in this group are three cases of desmoplastic
melanoma, two of squamous carcinoma, two atypical
fibroxanthomas, one schwannoma and various sarcomas.
I M P L A N T TREATMENT O F EDENTULOUS Conclusions: All these tumours need excision with wide sur-
ATROPHIC MANDIBLE gical margins. Thus it is essential that the correct diagnosis
is made for appropriate treatment planning and ultimate
Tatum H.*, Chanavaz M. success.

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Implantology, Lille

University-2 Medical School, France.
The conventional removable prosthetic treatment of patients
presenting advanced atrophy of the edentulous mandible fre-
quently produces unstable and poorly tolerated results. The
insertion of endosseous implants in the symphyseal region Ten Broek, F. W., Stokkel, M.P.M.
improvesDr. Tatum these results, especially when they support
a cantilevered cemented or screwed in prosthetic superstruc-
Departments of OMFS, Nuclear Medicine, University
ture. In such cases, patients are functionally handicapped dur-
Hospital Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
ing the healing period, the overall cost may be excessive and
prosthetic component revisions are often necessary. A more
cost effective general tendency today is to use removable over- Aims: To investigate whether in patients with primary head
dentures with posterior soft tissue support. This unfortunately and neck cancer staging was possible with F 18-FDG using a
reduces both function and comfort. If the mandible has under- dual head PET camera.
gone extreme atrophy, autogenous bone grafting, with or with- Method: Sixteen patients (9 men, 7 women) (mean age 61.4
out nerve repositioning may be required. This increases the years) were studied using 3.5 mCi(130MBq) F18-FDG, The
treatment time, the cost and the risk factors before any multiple images were visually analysed and the results were corre-
root form implant placement could be envisaged. lated with CT, US and pathological findings
The ramus frame implant may be considered as an F D G Pet depicted all 14 primary tumours compared
improved alternative. This is an individually adapted tripo- with 7 of 13 detected by CT revealing a sensitivity of 100%
dal implant with one endosteal support in each ramus and and 54%, respectively (p<0.001). In five patients lymphnode
one in the symphysis. It requires meticulous preoperative metastases were found in the neck specimen. Two patients
records and identification of anatomical landmarks. The had bilateral metastases F D G PET correctly identified all
one stage surgical procedure is predictable and follows an seven pathological neck sides whereas CT and ultrasonogra-
orderly sequence using these landmarks. The patient is phy depicted 6 of 7 and 5 of 6 pathological sides, respec-
immediately equipped with an entirely implant supported tively. In three patients, false positive F D G uptake was seen
provisional prosthesis. Once the healing period is over, the which was due to a preceding biopsy in two patients. The
integrated ramus frame implant offers a superior biome- sensitivity for identifying pathological neck sides for F D G
chanical support in comparison with most other endosteal PET, CT and US was 96%, 100% and 60% respectively
implants inserted in the atrophied mandible. The patients Conclusion: Measurement of F 1 8 - F D G with a dual head
are immediately in function and the entire procedure is very PET camera is very sensitive in the detection of primary
cost effective. Furthermore, the insertion of the ramus head and neck cancers and accurate in the preoperative
frame is compatible with the simultaneous augmentation of assessment of lymph node metastases. The results justify a
the severely atrophied mandible if necessary. prospective study on the identification of metastases in head
and neck cancer. In addition it is also justified to start a
study on the detection of unknown primary tumours in
patients with cervical metastases.


Department of Maxi[lofacial Surgery, Royal Surrey County
Hospital, Guildford, Surrey, England, UK. Pranas Tercijonas, Rasa Babi~enko

Dept. Maxillo-facial, Surgery,

Aims: Spindle cell neoplasms in the head and neck region Kaunas Academic Clinic, Lithuania
are rare. For the clinician they can cause difficulties in diag-
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 191

There were 35 patients from 17 to 20 years old with Department of OMFS, Athens University, Athens, Greece
mandibular prognathism treated surgicaly at the Kaunas
Academical Hospital, the Department of Maxillo-facial
Surgery. Every patient received the complex examination:
To present and analyze the clinical results derived from the
orthopantomography, cephalometric analysis, photometry,
use of different types of grafts in a 6 years period.
also diagnostic antropometric casts were made. The follow-
ing operations were performed: the sagital osteotomy of the
ramus of the mandible according to Obevexer-Dal Pont and METHOD:
different types of osteotomies of the corpus of the mandible. During the years 1989-1995, amongst the patients treated in
The orthodontic treatment was not applied because the our Department for fractures of the orbit, 40 cases presenting
patients could not afford it. The occlusions were completely with bony defect requiring graft reconstruction were selected.
restored by prosthodontist. Our experience have demon- The chosen patients had suffered a blow out type fracture,
strated that the complex examination, surgical and prostho- fracture of the zygomatic complex or had multiple fractures.
dontic treatment of the patients with inferior prognathia After the reconstruction of the fracture the remaining
enable to receive good functional and aesthetic results. bone defect was in all cases restored by using various types
of graft. Membranes such as lyophilised dura were used
for minor orbital defects. In cases with severe bone loss,
resulting in enophthalmos or ptosis of the globe, bone
MAXILLARY SINUS AUGMENTATION IN THE autografts or bony substitutes covered by membrane were
MINIATURE P I G W I T H SIMULTANEOUS applied. All patients have been regularly evaluated clini-
PLACEMENT O F DENTAL I M P L A N T S USING cally and radiographically for at least one year post-
Terheyden, H. % Jepsen, S., Moiler. B., Tucker. M.. Rueger D. The wide variety of grafts allows the successful reconstruc-
tion of all types of bone defect of the orbit.
Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Kiel, The clinician should be able to use different types of grafts
Kiel. Germany depending on the type and size of the defect.

Aims: To examine whether combining an osteoinductive RESULTS:

protein, recombinant human osteogenic protein-1 (rhOP-1 All grafts were successful. Diplopia subsided in all but 3
= bone morphogenetic protein-7), with natural bone min- cases (9.5%), occular motility was fully restored in all but 2
eral (BioOss®) would improve ossification and implant-to- cases (95.0%). In cases with a severe bony defect aesthetics
bone contact in sinus floor augmentation with simultaneous were improved.
placement of implants avoiding autogenous bone grafts.
Method: The maxillary sinus floors in 9 Gottingen minia-
ture pigs were augmented with 3ml BioOss® ' containing
420"g rhOP 1 on the test side and 3ml BioOss®" alone on NEGATIVE N (NO) PATIENTS
the control side. At the time of augmentation a titanium
implant (ITI®) was inserted from a laterocaudal direction. Tilaveridis J*, Lazaridis N., Karakasis D.
After 3 months (5 animals) and 6 months (4 animals) the
sites of augmentation were removed and examined in non
decalcified sections by microradiography, fluorescence In patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity
microscopy of sequentially labelled specimens and by his- the supraomohyoid neck dissection (SOHND) consists of
tometry. selective en block removal of those lymph node groups that
Results: On both sides significant amounts of newly formed are most likely to contain metastases. Such groups are the
bone were observed. However, on the rhOP-1 side the bone- lymph nodes in the submental and submandibular triangles
to-implant contact in the augmented area was 82.0% versus (Level I), the upper jugular (Level II) and the middle jugu-
24% on the control side (p<0.05). The fluorochromic lar (Level III). Those are included in the lymph node - bear-
labelling revealed appositional bone formation from the ing tissues located anterior to the cutaneous branches of
bony walls. However, only on the OP-1 sides was bone depo- the cervical plexus and above the upper belly of omohyoid
sition directly on the implant surfaces observed, starting muscle. This type of neck dissection is performed preserv-
after week 3. Between 3 and 6 months, functional remodel- ing the sternocleidomastoid muscle, the spinal accessory
ling and stability of the regenerated bone volume was nerve, and the internal jugular vein. In patients with a clin-
observed. ically NO neck the levels at risk for nodal metastasis are lev-
Conclusions: The advantage of using bone morphogenetic els I, II and III. Therefore a supraomohyoid neck dissection
proteins in sinus floor augmentation is a more rapid and would adequatelly address the neck in these oral cancer
enhanced osseointegration of simultaneously placed patients.
implants compared with bone substitute alone. Thus, in In patients in whom it was consequently proved to have a
sinus floor augmentation osteogenic protein-1 delivered by pathologically negative neck it seems that the operation can
natural bone mineral could become a clinical alternative for control the disease. In those NO patients in whom it was
autogenous bone grafts. found to have pathologically proved occult metastasis the
SOHND was followed by postoperative radiation. In the
later group we had a 15% failure rate depending on the
number of positive nodes and presence of extra capsular
USE O F DIFFERENT GRAFTS IN THE spread. In conclusion SOHND is therapeutic for patholog-
RECONSTRUCTION O F ORBITAL FRACTURES. ically negative cases and provides sufficient information to
consider postoperative radiation therapy in pathologically
latrou A.L, Theoiogie-Lygidakis N.N*., Angelopoulos A.P. positive cases.
192 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

ented or partially fibrillated form and (2) mechanical

machining of self-reinforced preforms to screws and plates
Results: Solid state deformation, like drawing and compres-
sion increase the strength of bioabsorbable polymers signifi-
Tiiile, P.; Umstadt, H.E. cantly. Strong and ductile screws and plates can be machined
mechanically from self-reinforced preforms. A special advan-
tage for cranio maxillofacial surgery is that self-reinforced
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Philipps- plates can be bended permanently at room temperature with-
University, Marburg, Germany out the inconvenient and slow heating-cooling procedure
needed in clinical use of non-reinforced plates.
Methods: In our study, 28 patients were treated operatively, Conclusions: Self-reinforcing offers new opportunities to
having had persisting painful degenerative diseases of the develop biodegradable screws and plates for cranio maxillo-
TMJ. In all cases, extirpation of the articular disc has been facial surgery.
absolutely necessary. Fourteen patients received a simple, 14
others a double fascia-flap. The axiographic investigations
of these patients took place just pre-operatively and seven
months post-operatively. Within the bounds of the elec- RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE LINE OF
tronic axiography (Axiotron III, SAM[, Munich, MANDIBULAR ANGLE FRACTURE AND THE
Germany), mouth-opening, mediotrusion left and right and PRESENCE IMPACTED THIRD MOLARS.
protrusion paths were registered (each independent of the
other side) in all three planes. Triantafillidou If., Daios A., Iordanidis S., Karnezi E.
Results: Being mainly important for articulation and masti-
cation, we primarily concentrated on mouth-opening and Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Aristotle
mediotrusion paths. University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Comparison of pre- and post-operative results: all paths
became more harmonious with nearly identical opening and A number of studies have indicated that unerupted third
closing movements, which showed less or no disturbances, molar teeth present an area of potential weakness of the
but the pathways were shortened by 20-30% in comparison mandible to fracture. In addition, bilateral unerupted third
with the pre-operation situation. molars predispose at least the angle region to fracture signif-
Comparison of the two groups pre- and post-op: icantly more than do unilateral impacted third molars. In
although the pathways (group with simple flap) were short- the literature different opinions are referred whether a third
ened less (+10%, less sutures in the operation area), the molar in the line of the fracture should be extracted or
paths at double flaps became even more harmonious and retained and whether conservative closed reduction results
therefore nearly physiologic. in a lower frequency of complications.
Summary: Although distinctly reducing the maximum path This study is a retrospective analysis of 150 cases with
in comparison with nontreated joints by 30% and even 10% mandibular angle fractures treated at the department of
in joints with a simple flap, a double one gives the patient Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at ~@apanikolaow> General
better comfort. In all cases, every patient could be totally Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece.
freed from arthritic pain. The purpose of the present study is to relate the influence
Conclusion: To achieve more comfort in the patient's TMJ of unerupted third molar teeth on the incidence of fractures,
post-operatively, surgeons may consider the use of a double the method of treatment and postoperative complications.
fascia-flap although the surgical expenditure is a little
higher than with simple flaps.
Written on: Microsoft Word for Windows 95 (Intel-
Written by: Peter T611e, Am Vogelherd 37, 35 043 PORCINE MODEL.
Marburg/Lahn, Germany Klinik ffir Mund-, Kiefer- &
Gesichtschirurgie der Philipps-Universit/it Georg-Voigt-Str. M.£ Troulis, E.B.Seldin, J. Glowacki, D.H.Perrott, J. Gordon,
3, D- 35 033 Marburg/Lahn, Germany and L.B. Kaban. *
Marburg/Lahn, February 8th, 1998
Massachusetts GeneralHospital. Boston, Massachusetts, U S.A.

Introduction: Craniomaxillofacial distraction osteogenesis

DEVELOPMENT OF SELF-REINFORCED (DO) is limited by the size, complexity, and extraoral place-
BIODEGRADABLE POLYMERIC COMPOSITE ment of distraction devices. Lengthy fixation protocols are
MATERIALS based only on experience with distraction of long bones.
The ultimate goal of our laboratory is to develop a minia-
T6rmiilii, P., Pohjonen, Z, Happonen, H., Rokkanen, P.*.
turized, buried, remotely activated distraction device and to
decrease the DO fixation period by use of growth factors.
Institute of Biomaterials, Tampere University of Technology, Aims: The purpose of this study was to develop a model for
Tampere, Finland and *Department of Orthopaedics and DO and to determine the optimal latency period, rate, and
Traumatology, Helsinki University Central Hospital, duration of fixation.
Helsinki, Finland Methods: The Yucatan minipig has a bone turnover rate,
mandibular shape and TMJ physiology, similar to humans
Aims: To develop ultra-high strength, ductile, biodegradable and was chosen as the experimental animal. Under general
(No-absorbable) polymeric composites which can be used in anaesthesia, 11 minipigs underwent extraoral placement of
manufacturing of cranio maxillofacial screws and plates. a single vector, buried, mandibular distraction device
Method: (1) Solid state deformation of biodegradable poly- (Synthes Maxillofacial, Paoli, PA), through a standard sub-
mers, like poly-lactides and their copolymers, into an ori- mandibular incision. A corticotomy, extending from the
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 193

junction of the ramus and body of the mandible (anterior), and bone. No resorption of BG granules was seen.
to the angle of the mandible (posterior), was created with a Radiological analyses are in hand.
side-cutting fissure bur. The distraction device was fixed Conclusions: The results indicate that BG granules can be used
with four 2.4mm diameter titanium screws. Radio-opaque together with autologous bone chips for the sinus floor aug-
bone markers were placed, the osteotomy was completed mentation procedure, thus decreasing the amount of bone
and the wound closed. The pigs received antibiotics, anal- needed. Further studies, especially on biomechanical properties
gesics, a putted diet and were divided into 4 groups. and metabolism of the BG-bone composite area, are needed.

Experiment/Animal group - all G = ~ H E M I M A N D I B U L A R HYPERTROPHY:
Observations at end of fixation period.clinical exam.x-ray MANIFESTATIONS, INCIDENCE AND TREATMENT
findings postmortem exam.postmortem x-ray exp # 1" grp
A latency = 0 days, n--4 pigs no mobility bone filling no *Turvey, T.A., Ruiz, R., Martinez, J.
mobility bone filling
grp B latency = 4 days, n=2 no mobility bone filling no Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of
mobility bone filling N. Carolina, USA
exp # 2** grp C rate =4mm/day, n=4 mobile no bone filling
mobile no bone filling
control*** grp D n = l no mobility bone filling no mobility Aim: 1) To describe a series of patient with facial hemihy-
bone filling pertrophy and to establish the incidence of this condition in
*Experimental variable- latency (0 and 4 days); a general facial deformity population.
rate=lmm/day; distraction gap= 7ram; fixation= twice the 2) To identify the manifestations of this condition.
duration of distraction. 3) To delineate the treatment and results.
**Experimental variable- rate (4ram/day), latency=0 days; dis- Method: A series of 18 patients with facial hemihypertrophy
traction gap= 12mm; f~xation= twice the duration of distraction. has been identified from a bank of facial deformity patients
***Osteotomy, placement of distractor only approaching 4000. The findings apparent in each patient
Conclusions: A porcine model for mandibular DO has been has been recorded as well as the extent of surgery.
developed. The preliminary results of this study indicate Results: The incidence in this series is < 0.5%. Although
that distraction of the mandible can be successfully per- some suggest that the condition begins post-pubertally, the
formed with zero latency. The fixation period does not onset occurred in the first decade in some patients. The con-
appear to be specifically related to the number of days of dition presented as elongation of the mandible on the
active distraction, but may be related to the size of the dis- effected side, but anthropometric measurements confirmed
traction gap as well as other factors to be determined. hypoplasia of the uneffected side as well in most individuals.
The maxilla was commonly involved, either primarily or
secondarily, as were the soft tissues.
The extent of surgery was determined on the basis of the
USE O F BIOACTIVE GLASS GRANULES AND clinical findings. Infrequently, inferior border osteotomy of
A U T O L O G O U S BONE C H I P S F O R AUGMENTATION the entire mandible was adequate. In other instances, ramus
OF MAXILLARY SINUS F L O O R osteotomies, maxillary osteotomies, and genioplasty as well
as soft tissue revisions and bone grafting were necessary.
Turunen, T. .l, Peltola, j.1, Yli-Urpo, A. 2, Happonen, R-PJ When active growth of the mandibular condyle was docu-
mented, condylectomy was performed. In all instances in
Departments of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery1and this series, the remaining ramus was used to reconstruct the
Prosthodonties2, Institute of Dentistry, University of Turku, missing condyle with successful results.
Turku, Finland Conclusion: Facial hemihypertrophy is a rare condition
which can be improved by a variety of facial osteotomies,
Aims: To study usefulness of bioactive glass (BG) granules bone grafts, and occasionally soft tissue surgery. When
mixed with autologous bone (AB) chips for augmentation active growth is documented, condylectomy in addition to
of maxillary sinus floor and to analyze histological and other osteotomies is indicated to achieve stable results.
chemical responses of BG.
Methods: The posterior part of 6 maxillary sinuses in 6
patients with an edentulous upper jaw was augmented with a A MINIMALLY INVASIVE APPROACH TO
mixture of BG granules (composition: SiO2 53.0, Na20 23.0, D I S S E C T I O N O F THE DURA AND E N D O S C O P I C
CaO 20.0 and P2Os 4.0 weight percentages; --+ 800-1000 gm) ASSISTED OSTEOTOMIES, IN CRANIOFACIAL
and AB chips harvested from the iliac crest The anterior part SURGERY.
of the same sinuses was filled with AB chips. Opposite sinuses,
augmented with AB chips only, served as a control. Biopsies Tutino, M.*, MD., Chico, F, Ochoa, 172., Goodrich3., J.T..,
for histological, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Ortiz Monasterio, F4.
energy- dispersive X-ray (EDX) analyses were taken with a
trephine drill from the posterior sinuses 6 months after aug-
1University of Palermo, It,. eHospital Infantil de Mexico
mentation, at the time of insertion of dental implants.
FGomez, Mexico, University of Palermo, It., 3Albert
Radiological examinations were done preoperatively as well as
Einstein College of Medicine. NY., 4Hosp.M. Gea
one week, 6 and 12 months after the augmentation.
Gonzales, Mexico.
Results: Histological evaluation revealed no sign of inflam-
mation in any specimen. Lamellar bone growth was noted in Objective: The authors describe the techniques for craniofacial
all specimens. BG granules were seen with and without bone surgical procedures through minimal skin incisions and
contact. In the contact areas bone was growing along the trepanation. Osteotomies, endoscopically assisted, and
glass surfaces connecting them together. SEM/EDX analy- distraction osteogenesis are dealt with.
sis showed a tight contact/chemical bonding between glass Methods: Twelve patients were selected : 10 patients were
194 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

affected by complex Craniosynostosis, including were lost. In a follow-up of 51 months an average of only
Plagiocephaly, Brachicephaly, and Scaphocephaly, two implants of the second collective failed.
Crouzon's and Ap6rt's syndromes. The endoscopic dissec- It is suggested that the failure of collective one implants
tion of the dura mater was performed in the anterior and is caused by deformation of the mandible in
middle fossa, through minimal skin incisions and trepana- articulation/mastication and myogen stress on interposi-
tion. tional bone graft and bone cover. The favourable results in
Two patients had a posterior fossa tumour. In these collective two patients are attributed to advantageous
patients the dura was gently dissected over the lateral sinus, anatomical-implantological conditions even years after
occipital sinus, and the confluence of the transverse and sandwich augmentation due to low resorption and cortical
sagittal sinuses. The dissections were performed using some mineralization of the bone graft.
prototype malleable instruments, a 3ram Olympus rigid The results demonstrate a high success rate of osseointe-
endoscope, and the craniotomies where performed under grated implants in atrophied mandibles after sandwich-
endoscopic assistance with a special Midas Rex attachment. plasty and secondary implant placement. In contrast,
Results: In the first patient, after raising a frontal flap, the mandibular sandwich augmentation combined with a simul-
dura was dissected endoscopically through minimal trepa- taneous fixture installation involves a high failure rate.
nations. In the other nine patients, the dura in the anterior Therfore the one-step procedure is not recommendable. The
and middle fossa, was dissected similarly through minimal two-step procedure, sandwich-plasty and secondary inser-
skin incisions through which we performed the trepanations tion if fixtures has to be recommended.
in order to have access to the cranial epidural space.
In the other 2 patients careful endoscopic dissection of
the dura enabled us to perform a complete occipital cran-
iotomy with a decreased risk of vascular injury, including [~ THE EFFECT OF RH-IGF ADMINISTRATION ON
the transverse sinus and the torcular region, were the con- INTRAMEMBRANOUS OSSIFICATION
fluence of the sagittal and transverse sinus is most vulnera-
ble. The bleeding was markedly reduced in all cases, as the Takaaki Ueno D.D.S., Katsuaki Mishima D.D.S. Ph.D.,
perforating vessels could be coagulated in advance with a Nobuyoshi Mizukawa D.D.S., and Toshio Sugahara D.D.S.
specially designed malleable cautery under endoscopic con- Ph.D.
Conclusions: In selected craniofacial disorders this endo- Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 1, Okayama
scopic technique will allow the surgical team to perform University Dental School 2-5-1 Shikata-eho, Okayama. 700.
complex endoscopic intracranial osteotomies. Japan
This may in turn reduce the hospital stay, surgical costs
and reduce potential intra- operative complications such as
haemorrage, surgical infections and cerebral oedema from Aims: The process of bone formation is regulated by bone
brain retraction. growth factors such as BMPs, TGFs, IGFs FGF, and
P D G E Many reports with regards to these growth factors
in ossification have been published previously. There are,
however, only a few studies investigating the role of IGF-I in
MANDIBULAR SANDWICHPLASTY AND intramembranous ossification. In this study, we evaluated
ENDOSSEOUS IMPLANTS the efficacy of IGF-I in intramembranous ossification with
Japanese rabbit periosteum.
Tveten, Stein*" Weischer, Thomas*; Mohr, Christopher* Method: Eighteen young Japanese rabbits were used and
divided into two groups, controls and I G E Periosteum was
*Department of Oral & MaxilloJacial Surgery, University taken from the tibia and grafted in the submandibular area
Essen, through muscles, under anaesthesia. Rh-IGF
Hufelandstr. 55, D-45122 Essen, Germany. (1.0mg/kg/day) was administered to the IGF group. Newly
formed bone from periosteum was evaluated by radi-
Implant insertion in extremely atrophied mandibles is only ographic and histological examination 2, 3, and 4 weeks
implantologically and prothetically posssible after ridge after surgery.
augmentation. Mandibular sandwich-plasty with an inter- Results: Newly formed bone, induced by the periosteum, in
positional non-vascularized iliac bone graft by the tech- the IGF group, was augmented by the administration of
nique of Schettler makes even extremely atrophied IGF-I as compared with the control group (in IGF group
mandibles prosthetically and implantologically utilizable. 18, 1 * 5.53, 20.5 * 2.65, 26.0 + 3.58 *m / Control group =
In cases of planned implant-supported prosthetics in 1.43 * 0.39, 10.0 * 3.20, 22.4 ** 7.40 *m trabecular thick-
atrophied mandibles, there is the question whether ness, 14 days, 21 days, 28 days, respectively, after grafting.
mandibular sandwich-plasty and simultaneous implant P<0.01). On histological examination, the more developed
placement or secondary implant placement is convenient. bone was observed in the I G F group.
Therefore, the purpose of the following study is to ana- Conclusion: In this study, we evaluated IGF's efficacy for
lyze the success rates of treatment of fifteen patients in bone regeneration in grafted periosteum and acceleration of
whom mandibular sandwich-plasty and simultaneously or intramembranous bone formation with IGF-I was implied.
secondarily implant placement has been performed, since
The first collective consisted of two patients who [h ANATOMICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE
received a total of nine endosseous implants simultaneously MAXILLARY TUBEROSITY FOR PLACEMENT OF
with sandwich-plasty. The second collective consisted of OSSEOINTEGRATED IMPLANTS
thirteen patients who received a total of 55 endosseous
implants 3-120 months after 15-20 mm sandwich augmenta- Takaaki Ueno D.D.S., Katsuaki Mishima D.D.S. Ph.D.,
tion of the atrophed mandibles. In a follow-up of 63 Nobuyoshi Mizukawa D.D.S., and Toshio Sugahara D.D.S.
months, an average seven implants of the first collective Ph.D.
EACMFS-Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 195

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery I, Okayama alginate caused no inflammatory response throughout the
University Dental School 2-5-1 Shikata-cho, Okayama. 700, experiment. The calcium alginate barrier membrane gradu-
Japan ally, but steadily resorbed within implantation time. No
connective tissues were observed inside the bone cavity cov-
ered with the calcium alginate barrier membrane. In con-
Aims: Osseointegrated implants for completely and partially
trast, new bone formation was observed from the original
edentulous patients have been accepted in the clinical field.
bone inside the calcium alginate barrier membrane.
Even for the patient with a severely atrophic maxilla, the
Conclusions: Based on the findings obtained in this study,
bone augmentation technique with autogenous bone graft-
we concluded that a calcium alginate membrane, made with
ing has been developed and a lot of papers have reported the
sodium alginate and calcium chloride, could be a useful
high survival rate of implant fixtures. Augmentation with
bioresorbable barrier membrane that may be useful for
autogenous bone grafts requires a double surgical area,
GBR procedures.
either intraoral or extraoral, to harvest enough bone.
Therefore, hospitalization of the patient usually become
longer. Some investigators have promoted the utilization of
the maxillary tuberosity for the placement of screw-type F U N C T I O N A L RECONSTRUCTION OF THE T M J
implants for an atrophied maxilla. There are, however, very IN CASES O F LUXATION FRACTURES
few articles regarding this region involving anatomical
analysis for implant placement. In this study, we discuss the Umstadt, H.E., Ellers, M., Hochban, IV..,Austermann, K.H.
statistical analysis of the maxillary tuberosity for placement
of screw type implants, using 15 Japanese cadavers, based Klinik fiir MKG-Chirurgie
on anatomical investigation. Klinikum der Philipps- Universitiit Marburg, Marburg,
Method: The measurement parameters were determined as Germany
followed. 1) The length from the junction of the pyramidal
process of the palatine bone and the pterygoid plates of the
Luxation-fractures of the condyle head combined with tear-
sphenoid bone (=A point) to alveolar bone, distal to the sec-
ing of the articular ligaments lead, if treated noneopera-
ond molar tooth area. 2) The distance between the posterior
tively, to nearthrosis and loss of vertical dimension and
sinus wall and posterior boundary of the maxillary tuberos-
translation of the condyle. Even the operative reposition in
ity. 3) The distance from the major palatine fossa to point A.
a correct anatomic position is followed by a progressive
Result: The averages of 1), 2), and 3) were 22.5 * 4.86, 9.05 *
damage of the stomatognathic system if position and state
1.55, 7.08 * 2.05 ram, respectively. of the artikular disc are not considered.
Conclusion: Based on this study, it can be concluded that the
Method: Open revision via a preauricular approach gives
maxillary tuberosity area is of benefit in the placement of
both, repositioning of the bony fragments (fixation with
screw type implants.
resorbable material) and reconstruction of peri- and
intraarticular soft tissue. Since 1996 23 Patients were treated
in this way. For comparison 28 patients were treatened via
an intraoral appproach without reconstruction of the soft
[~ INITIAL EVALUATION O F A SELF-SETTING, tissues. All patients have been examined six months postop-
BIORESORBABLE, BARRIER MEMBRANE MADE eratively. Clinical erxaminations followed the dysfunction
W I T H S O D I U M ALGINATE AND C A L C I U M index of Helkimo, mobility of the joints was documented
CHLORIDE by electronical axiography.
Results: 6 of 28 Patients without joint-revision reached the
Ueyama, Y. ,1, Ishikawa, K. ~, Mano, T 1 Matsumura, T 1,
Suzuki, K : group Do, 8 D 1 , 12 O 2 and 2 D 3. In Comparison to this 5 of
23 patients with joint-revision reached group Do, 12 D 1 and
6 D 2 Concerning axiographic criteria joints show more har-
1Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery II, monious paths after revision. While non of the joints treated
:Department of Dental Materials, with open revision showed relevant deviation on X-rays, 7 of
Okayama University Dental school, Okayama, Japan the joints treated with fixation only showed a deviation of
more than 10°. Two of the osteosynthesis had to be com-
Aim: This investigation aimed at evaluating the feasibility of pletely renewed.
using a calcium alginate barrier membrane as a self-setting Conclusions: In cases of luxation fractures of the condyle
bioresorbable barrier membrane for guided bone generation the described procedure gives advantage to postoperative
(GBR). function. It should be accepted as an essential part in func-
Method: Fifteen-week old male Wistar rats were used as tional rehabilitation of the TMJ.
subjects. The medial end of the tibia was exposed, and a 3
X 10mm bone cavity was formed with a dental fissure bur.
The cavity was filled with an aqueous sodium alginate solu-
tion, then an aqueous calcium chloride solution was [h SURGICAL TREATMENT OF BILATERAL CLEFTS
dropped onto the sodium alginate solution. After the for- OF THE LIP AND PALATE WITH SEVERE
mation of the calcium alginate membrane was confirmed, PREMAXILLA PROTRUSION
the wound was carefully closed. The animals were sacrificed
at regular intervals, and the specimens taken from the ani- Urtila, E. *, Pricop, M., Streian, F.
mals were examined histologically.
Results: A calcium alginate membrane was formed on the Department of OMFS. University of Medicine and
surface of the bone cavity when calcium chloride solution Pharmacy,
was dropped into the bone cavity filled with the sodium algi- Timisoara, Romania.
nate solution. Free sodium alginate was, however, found
inside the bone cavity without having formed the calcium Aims: Our experience in the surgical treatment of clefts with
alginate. The calcium alginate barrier membrane or sodium severe displaced premaxilla is reported. For an appropriate
196 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

plasty of the alveolar ridge, presurgical active orthognathic Results: We obtained good stability in all structures. No
treatment is a possible alternative to push back the premax- postoperative infection. Postoperative X-ray control shows
illa. However, orthopedic devices are hardly tolerated by healed fractures.
children and interfere with facial growth. Conclusion: Resorbables plates and screws have successfully
Methods: Closure of the defects can be achieved operatively been used in our Department for fractures of the facial
through a surgical procedure that involves the nasal septum skeleton. Indications are discussed.
behind the premaxilla, allowing us to line up the premaxilla
to the lateral segments. The surgical technique is explained
and figured in detail. The plasty is then accomplished
through the Barsky method, with constant good results. APPROACH TO THE ANTERO-LATERAL
Results: For 5 years, 10 patients were treated using this tech- COMPARTMENT OF THE SKULL BASE
nique.The size of the defect ranged widely and in some cases
the premaxilla was also rotated. No functional difficulties M. Valldosera*; D. Malet; A. Arcas; J. Gonzalez; G.
were observed during a 3 to 5 years follow-up period. Raspall.
Immediate aesthetic and functional results were obtained.
The treatment time was significantly shorter and no ortho- Maxillofacial Department. J. Sahuquillo. Neurosurgery
pedic devices were used. Department. Hospital Universitario Vall d'Hebron.
Conclusions: Based on our long-term experience and good Barcelona, Spain.
results in the field of clefts, we consider this procedure has
real advantages and is especially referred to social cases. The anterior segment of the skull base lateral compartment is
accessed extra-orally through transfacial approaches These tech-
niques gain access to infratemporal and pterigomaxillary fossa.
We present our experience in twenty three patients with
neoplasms involved the retromaxilary space: Infratemporal
approach (8 cases), Transparotid approach (5 cases), lateral
*Usubiitiin A, **Sener BC, **Tasar F, **Ertu~ E transfacial approach (1 case), transmandibular approach (5
cases), transcervical approach (4 cases). In 10 patients we
work together with neurosurgeons, the other 13 were extracra-
*Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Hacettepe nial excision. The tumors were: 8 intracraneal meningiomas, 4
University, Turkey Adenoid Cystic carcinomas, 2 mucoepidermoid carcinomas, 1
**Department of Oral Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, acinic cell carcinoma, 1 melanoma, l giant cell tumor, 1 chor-
Hacettepe University, Turkey. doma, 1 desmoplasic fibroma, 1 mixofibroma, 1 neurinoma, 1
metastasic clear cells tumor and 1 paraganglioma.
Objectives: Odontogenic keratocysts (OKC) have high These kind of approaches improve the surgical manag-
recurrence potential. Increased proliferative activity is one ment of head and neck tumors with extension to the retro-
of the factors that is thought to be responsible for recur- maxillary space. The advantages are larger excision and
rence. Relation of "proliferative activity" of the OKC's more control of vascular and neurologic structures and
epithelium and recurrence was evaluated by AgNOR cont. hence more safe without increase the morbidity.
Study Design: We evaluated clinical, microscopic features
and AgNOR counts of 48 OKC from 31 patients. In
AgNOR stained sections 100 nuclei of basal epithelium
were counted. If daughter cysts were present another 100 AN I M M U N O H I S T O C H E M I C A L AND IMAGE
Results: Although not statistically significant, daughter cyst SQUAMOUS CARCINOMA OF THE MAXILLARY
had lower AgNOR count means thatn the cyst epithelium. SINUS, W I T H SPECIAL EMPHASIS ON THE
Neither AgNOR counts of OKC and daughter cyst epithe- EXPRESSION OF P53 AND CYCLIN-DI.
lium nor any of the histologic parameters had statistical sig-
nificant relation with recurrence (p>0.05). E.M. Van Cann *, P.C.M. de Wilde.
Conclusion: Proliferative activity of the OKC's epithelium is
not related with recurrence. Showing lower AgNOR counts; Oral and Maxillofacial Department, University of Nijmegen,
daughter cysts of OKC are not the counterparts of an The Netherlands.
aggressive tumor.
Spindle cell squamous carcinoma (SCSC) is a biphasic
turnout, consisting of sarcomatoid proliferation of spindle-
RESORBABLE FIXATION PLATES AND SCREWS shaped cells and squamous cell carcinoma. In the literature,
IN ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY. it is suggested that the sarcomatous part originates from the
epithelial component of the tumour by functional loss of
Valiente Alvarez, A.; Daura Sfiez, A.; Bermudo Afiino,L.; genes that control epithelial cell differentiation.
Yafiez Vilas, J.I. and Montes Jim6nez, J. Aims: To give further support to this hypothesis.
Method: Immunohistochemical and Image cytometric DNA
Introducction: Resorbables plates and screws have become analyses with special emphasis on the expression of P53 and
part of the armamentarium for maxillofacial traumatology. Cyclin-D 1.
This report describes our inicial experience regarding the Results: Some carcinomatous cells have lost several of their
use of resorbable fixation plates and screws. epithelial characteristics (such as the expression of cytoker-
Patients and Method: We show our experience in mandibu- atin and CEA). Some sarcomatons cells show epithelial
lar fractures and zygomatic fractures with resorbables characteristics (such as the expression of Collagen IV).
plates. Sheets with multiples holes ared used for bone Mutation of P53 and amplification of Cyclin-D1 gene was
defects reconstruction in blow-out fractures. not only found in dysplastic epithelium and the carcinoma-
EACMFS Abstracts, HelsinkiCongress 1998 197

tous part but also in a fraction of the nuclei in the sarcoma- medial wall fractures is 1.67%, whereas medial orbital wall
tous part of the tumour. Image cytometric D N A analysis fracture is involved in a percent of cases of blow-out frac-
showed the existence of at least three different stemlines. ture of the orbital floor. A blow-out fracture of the medial
Conclusion: These results suggest that the carcinomatous wall should be suspected when there is: periorbital oedema,
and sarcomatous cells of this SCSC originate from dysplas- subconjunctival haemorrhage, epistaxis, enopthalmos, sub-
tically changed squamous metaplastic respiratory epithe- cutaneous emphysema,narrowing of the palpebral fissure
lium of the maxillary sinus with mutation of P53 and on abduction, traumatic muscle paresis, acquired retrac-
amplification of the Cyclin-D 1 gene. From these genetically tion syndrome and horizontal diplopia.
unstable cells at least three subpopulations seem to have Only CT scanning gives sufficient information regarding
developed, with differences on a chromosomal level. Some the bone and soft tissue injury and displacement.
subpopulations have lost a part of their epithelial differenti- Material and Methods: Five patients with a fracture of the
ation characteristics. medial orbital wall were operated on. Via a bicoronal
These findings further support the hypothesis that the approach the entrapped soft tissue was reduced followed
sarcomatous part of the SCSC is of epithelial origin and is by reconstruction of the medial wall with an autogenous
caused by chromosomal changes. bone graft. In 3 patients with a bone graft, it was taken
from the iliac bone in 2 patients and from the cranium in
Results: in all patients the post-operative results were excel-
FRACTURE O F THE TIBIA AFTER THE lent. The advantages are: excellent and direct exposure of
M O D I F I E D TIBIAL BONE-GRAFT-HARVESTING the medial wall, no visible scar, correction of the enopthal-
TECHNIQUE - A REPORT O F TWO CASES mos with a non-foreign-body implant and, if necessary,
reconstruction of the medial canthus
Van Damme, Ph.A.

Department of OMFS, University Hospital Nijmegen St.

Radboud, Nijmegen, The Netherlands PERILESIONAL RECOMBINANT IL-2 IN THE VX2
Aims: To report the tibial bone-graft-harvesting associated Van Es R.J.J.*, Baselmans T.., Den Otter W., Koole R.
fracture in two cases and to warn of this serious postoper-
ative complication where stress and/or strain beyond nor-
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Utrecht
mal weight bearing is applied e.g. in tennis-playing and
University Hospital.
Department of Functional Morphology, Faculty of
Method: Two patients underwent routine O M F S - i n t e r -
Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht
ventions in which tibial bone-grafting was indicated.
The patients were treated according to the protocol
University, PO Box 85500, 3508 GA Utrecht, The
described in the International Journal of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery 1996; 25:346-348 - A modifica-
tion of the tibial bone-graft-harvesting technique. The Introduction: Variable results have been reported with perile-
operations and direct postoperative period in hospital sional r(ecombinant)IL-2 injections in patients with head &
were uneventful. neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC). Animal models,
Results: However, after release from hospital, during tennis- such as VX2-carcinomas in rabbits, might be appropriate to
playing and running respectively, in both cases within one determine optimal treatment schedules.
week postoperatively, Aim: To evaluate the effect of perilesional rI1-2 injections in
a sudden pain and disability appeared and a fracture of the the VX2- carcinoma in rabbits, used as a new HNSCC ani-
tibia was diagnosed and had to be treated conservatively mal model.
with a plaster of Paris splint. Methods: A double blind placebo-controlled study on 8
Conclusions: It should be stressed that despite the low mor- NZW:ICO rabbits with VX2 tumours induced in the dorso-
bidity of the technique and allowing the patients normal lateral portion of both auricles. Peri-tumoral rIL-2 injec-
movement and weight bearing, sports, such as running and tions (Chiron) on 5 consecutive days in tumours > 2 cm2:
jumping should be avoided for at least four to six weeks Group A (n=3) l x l 0 5 U; Group B (n=3) 3x10 5 U; Group
postoperatively. C (n-2) solvent only. Biopsies at day 8 (after rlL-2 injec-
Reference: Van Damme PhA, Merkx MAW. A modification tion). Measurement of turnout size and cervical lym-
of the tibial bone-graft-harvesting technique. Int. J. Oral phomas. Sacrificed at week 7-9 and histological evaluation.
Maxillofac. Surg. 1996; 25: 346-348. Results: In 2/6 rabbits (one in Group A and one in Group B)
treated with rIL-2, there was complete tumour regression.
Progressive growth of tumours was observed in the other
BLOW-OUT FRACTURE O F THE M E D I A L animals. Also the tumour in the contralateral auricle and
ORBITAL WALL lymphnode metastasis disappeared. This was verified histo-
logically. Biopsies did not reveal a difference in inflamma-
K.G.H. Van Der Wal* J.G.A.M. de Visscher. tory cell populations and necrosis.
Conclusion: Locally injected rIL-2, 1-3x10 5 U/day, for 5
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, consecutive days can cause complete remission of the
Leeuwarden, Medisch Centrum Leeuwarden, The VX2 auricle carcinoma. Simultaneous regression of
Netherlands. tumours in the contralateral auricle and lymphnodes sug-
gests turnout kill mediated by the immune system instead
of direct cytotoxicity. This animal model can be of use in
Introduction: Isolated medial orbital blow-out fractures the development of future immunotherapy regimens
are uncommon. Of orbital fractures the incidence of against HNSCC.
198 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

MANAGEMENT OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESS The stable results in patients having pre-and post-distraction
PATIENTS UNDERGOING MAJOR HEAD & NECK orthodontics make it likely that orthodontic treatment
SURGERY resulting in a good interdigitation is of great importance in
the prevention of a relapse of the mandible after distraction.
Van Hemelen, G.*, Avery, C, Venn P., Curran J., Brown A.,
Lavery K.

Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, THE ELECTIVE S U P R A - O M O H Y O I D NECK

Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead, West Sussex, UK. DISSECTION IN THE TREATMENT O F PATIENTS
Subject: Several diverse strategies have been recommended CELL CARCINOMA.
for managing Jehovah's Witnesses undergoing surgery when
Van Veen, A. * Roodenburg, J.L.N., Nauta J.M.,
significant blood loss is expected. However, many of the
proposed management strategies cannot be used when the
urgent nature of the disease precludes adequate pre-opera- Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University
tive preparation of the patient.
Hospital Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands.
Aims: We present our experience of the management of
Jehovah's Witnesses with oral carcinoma requiring exten- AIMS:
sive resection, neck dissection and reconstruction with free To stage a node negative neck in oral and oropharyngeal squa-
tissue transfer. mous cell carcinoma (SCC) with a risk of occult metastasis an
Method: Hypervolaemic haemodilution, hypotensive anaes- elective supra omohyoid neck dissection (SOHND) was car-
thesia, meticulous surgical haemostasis and anti-fibrinolytic ried out. This procedure was also done in patients with small
therapy were used as an alternative to blood products or SCC of the floor of the mouth that were close to the duct of
transfusion. the submandibular gland. The procedure was evaluated for
Conclusion: Radical surgical ablation and 'State of the art' local and regional tumor control, survival and the value of
reconstruction were possible, as a single-stage procedure, fresh frozen section examination of midjugular lymphnodes.
even though blood transfusion or blood product replace-
ment therapy was refused. There would have been no METHOD:
advantage in raising the red cell mass pre-operatively as the This study was done on a group of 66 patients with oral and
packed cell volume was ideal for the free tissue transfer. oropharyngeal SCC treated according the protocol of the
multi-disciplinary head and neck oncology group. During
the procedure frozen sections were examined from midjugu-
lar nodes. In case of a positive neck, the treatment was
MANDIBULAR STABILITY ONE YEAR AFTER extended to a modified radical neck dissection. The pN+
BILATERAL DISTRACTION OF THE MANDIBLE. stage was an indication for postoperative radiotherapy,
except for the N1 cases without extra nodal spread in the
P.J. van Strijen*, F.B.T. Perdijk, K.H. Breuning.
first echelon.
Department of OMFS "Gelderse Vallei" Hospital,
Bennekom, The Netherlands. RESULTS:
The group consisted of 62 cases of oral SCC and 4 cases of
Tiel, The Netherlands
oropharyngeal SCC. The T-stage was 12 T1, 40 T2, 3 T3
and 12 T4. The mean follow up was 38.28 months (range 12
AIMS: - 101). Only in 4.5% of the cases, tumor growth was found in
To investigate mandibular stability after bilateral distraction the frozen section specimens, resulting in a MRND. The
of the mandible to correct class II malocclusions. pathology resulted in a pN+ stage of 23.9% and was an indi-
cation for radiotherapy. In 20% of the cases turnoff actors
METHOD: were the indication for radiotherapy. The overall disease free
Since 1996, over 20 patients have been treated using survival was 73.7%. The disease free survival in the pN+
mandibular distraction to lengthen the mandible. Most of group was 66%.
the cases had a class II-1 malocclusion, with a proven resis-
tance to classical orthodontic functional therapy. Bilateral
man-dibular distraction was performed with monocortical The SOHND is a reliable method for staging the neck in
fixated distraction devices. Distraction started 6 days after patients with oral- and oropharyngeal SCC and a clinically
the initial surgery, by 1 mm a day. The distraction devices NO neck. The use of frozen section examination of nodes
were removed after a 6 week retention period. Orthodontic during the operation is of value only in a small group of
treatment continued directly after ending the active distrac- patients. This treatment protocol shows good disease free
tion.The first 9 patients (13.1y-15.9y, mean 14.5y), with a survival rates.
follow-up time of more than one year, were investigated for


In all patients with pre- and post-distraction orthodontics ADJUVANT IN BONEGRAFTING.
the new mandibular position has proved to be stable (relapse
0-1 mm) with mainly a dental movement due to the ortho- B. Vanassehe*, J. Defrancq, F. Noorman van tier Dussen, 1t.
dontic treatment or dental relapse. One patient having had Vercruysse
only post-distraction orthodontics had a mandibular
relapse probably due to the poor occlusal stability directly Eeuwfeestkliniek-Klina Antwerp, Belgium.
after removal of the distraction devices.
EACMFS- Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 199

Mesenchymal stemcells from the condensed bonegraft are Vasilevski, B.*, Benedeti, A., Kirkov, T., Arifi, B.
responsible for initiating bone healing of the graft. By con-
densing the harvested bone we substantionally increase their Clinic of maxillofacial surgery, University "'St. Cyril and
number in the grafted bone. Metodius", Skopje, R. Macedonia
Growth factors, small polypeptides, (molecular mass
25000-30000) are responsible for the initiation of the celdu-
Aims: Sj6gren's syndrome and Mikulicz disease are still a
problem both from the point of view of diagnosis and of
Best known are the T G F a and b, and P D G F (Transient
treatment. Often the patient is referred to the maxillofacial
Growth Factors, Platelet Derived Growth Factors) who are
surgeon who has a very important part in the early diagno-
abundant in the platelets.
sis. Usually Sj6gen's syndrome is treated non-surgically, but
After sequestration of 0,450 1 of the patients blood a gel
problems of abscess formation, recurrent infection, disfig-
rich in growth factors and platelets is obtained and mixed
urement and malignant transformation may result in the
with the bonegraft.
need for total parotidectomy with facial nerve preservation.
This gel acts as a physiological glue and promotes faster
Method: We use many different methods in the diagnosis of
duplication of the mesenchymal stemeells thus increasing
this syndrome: sialography, the dynamic test of scintigraphy,
maturation speed and quality of the grafted bone.
The procedure and scientific background will be dis- histopathological examination, the Shirmer test and
immunological tests.
Results: The authors report on a 45 year old male with
Sj6gren's syndrome presenting with swelling of the parotid
glands, irritation of the eyes and polyarthritis. A notable
r7 CLINICAL A P P L I C A T I O N OF ABSORBABLE positive response after surgical therapy (total parotidectomy
I M P L A N T S IN SURGERY on the right side) was achieved. Now, the patient has a
appearance (the left parotid reduced spontaneously). He
Jarkko Vasenius,M.D., Phi). can cry, producing tears and is capable of working and lead-
ing a normal life. Another case was with Mikulicz disease
Unit of Hand Surgery, Department of Surgery, University which underwent surgical extirpation of both submandibu-
Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland lar glands. After the surgery he had spontaneous reduction
of the swelling of the other salivary glands and acquired a
normal facial appearance.
Introduction: Since the introduction of first absorbable Conclusions: The efficiency of the surgical treatment of
osteosynthesis implants (Schmitt and Polistina 1969) a vast Sj6gren's syndrome and Mikulicz disease resulted in opti-
number of experimental and clinical studies has been done mal results. All the patients showed subjective improvement
during the progress towards the routine clinical use of in the related symptoms. We recommend this procedure in
absorbable implants. In these studies mechanical and fixa- the treatment of the type of disease as described above and
tion properties and the tissue compatibility of absorbable we highly recommended it in our practice.
implants has proved to be good. The only adverse reaction
that may occur during their degradation is the transient
fluid accumulation that is more common for polyglycolic
acid (PGA)(average 6%) and rare for polylactic acid (PLA), [~ OTP FOR W I N D O W S - THE FUTURE O F
but it does not affect the bone healing. ORTHOGNATHIC TREATMENT PLANNING?
Orthopaedics: Today absorbable screws, pins, tacks and
anchors are in routine clinical use in the fixation of certain Vasir, N.S., Davies, T.M., Tan, A.C.
fractures and osteotomies of cancellous bone such as malle-
olar fractures, radial head fractures, intra-articular osteo- Department of OMFS and Orthodontics, Central Middlesex
chondral fractures and ligament avulsions and tears. These Hospital NHS Trust, London, UK.
are all injuries of non-weight bearing bones, but recently
PLA implants have showed promising properties in the fix- Aims: With the increasing use of orthognathic surgery, there
ation of fractures of weight bearing bones, such as femoral is a need for accurate planning of the hard tissue movements
neck fractures. and a visual display of the soft tissue changes that result.
Microsurgery: Absorbable tubes of P G A can be used as Several software packages have become available for plan-
conduits in microsurgical nerve repair. ning of combined cases. Orthodontic/Orthognathic
Urology: Spirals of P G A and PLA have been used as stents Treatment Planner (OTP) for Windows is one such system.
to keep prosthatic urethra open to prevent postoperative Method: Cephalometric data is entered either using a back-
urinary retention after laser ablation of the prostate. lit digitiser or the 'on-screen' facility. The facial image of the
Gastroenterology: A fabric constructed P G A has been suc- patient is entered by either using a digital camera, a video or
cessfully utilised to control bleeding from injured organ photographic slides. The software allows linking of the
surfaces and to close organ parenchymal defects. cephalometric tracing and the facial image by superimpos-
Conclusions: The clinical application of absorbable implants ing on the soft tissue. Movements are achieved by transla-
is still rather limited. One reason for this is their slightly tion, autorotation or by rotation of parts. The soft tissues
more demanding operation technique. However, in some respond in ratios that are either standardised or specified for
indications, such as in ligament avulsions, their use is at least individual cases by the operator.
as easy as conventional methods. In those indications Results: 13 cephalometric analyses are available which can
absorbable implants are widely used. be performed on the original cephalograms or those created
during treatment planning, with data for various races, ages
and sexes. The software also allows for superimposition of
up to six Xrays over the active Xray or over Bolton tem-
plates from age 10 through to 18 years.
Conclusions: Image capturing and manipulation offers two
significant advantages over previous prediction techniques.
200 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

Firstly, the predicted image facilitates communication by a composite of bovine BMP, collagen and coral. This was
between the clinician and patient by establishing visual consistent with observations on clinical series with native
treatment goals for surgery. Secondly, the system should aid bovine BMP reported by others.
in treatment planning by providing an image that can be
manipulated so a consensus decision can be made on the
desired soft tissue outcome. With practice, the system is
quick and easy to use and can provide a direct comparison CRAN1OMANDIBULAR DYSFUNCTION AND
of presurgical and surgical predictions. OPEN BITE DUE TO SCLERODERMA. A CASE

Venetis* G., Triantafillidou K., Karakasis D.

PROTEIN IN EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL A case of scleroderma in a young woman is presented and
SKELETAL RECONSTRUCTION emphasis is given to skeletal maxillofacial manifestations of
the disease.
Veikko V. Viljanen*, Pekka Jalovaava and T. Sam Lindholm,
The patient was suffering from Reynaud's syndrome for
approximately two years. Symptoms were lapsed for a short
Bone Transplantation Research Group, Dept of Surgery, period of time during a pregnancy but after labor they pro-
University of Oulu, Finland gressively relapsed and generalized. Initially the patient
referred to us for limitation in mouth opening and a consid-
Introduction: Efforts to develop advanced methods for the erable anterior open bite. Refinement of the lips and facial
stimulation of bone healing are proceeding along several skin was obvious. Radiological examination revealed atro-
pathways, research on bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) phy of the articulating surfaces of the TMJ bilaterally that
being at the moment among the most promising. The Bone bad produced disappearance of the mandibular condyle.
Transplantation Research Group at the University of Oulu is Laboratory studies established the diagnosis of scleroderma
to date the only group in Scandinavia and to our knowledge and the patient was admitted to a specific center for treat-
even in EU countries to concentrate its efforts on the extrac- ment.
tion, purification, characterization and testing of native Current literature and relative data will be discussed and
bone morphogenetic proteins from different animal species. will be correlated to the mandibular vanishing syndrome.
Also the production of osteoinductive plasmids for local
BMP gene transfers and recombinant BMP are in progress.
Aims of the study: The focus has been on extraction, experi- D T U M O U R S METASTATIC TO THE JAWS.
mental testing methods, identification of possible immuno-
genicity and finally clinical utilization of naturally
occurring xenogenic BMPs in skeletal reconstruction. Ferndndez-Alba, J.; Acero, J.; Salmeron, JI.; Ochandiano, S.,
Results and discussion During the past years animal-source Verdaguer, JJ.*
BMPs were extracted and partially purified among others
from bovine, sheep, canine, reindeer (Rangifer Tarandus),
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hospital
moose (Alees alces) bone matrices according to a modified
General Universitario " Gregorio Mara~on", Universidad
method. Usually three main fractions of proteins could be
Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
identified and separated from each other using HPLC gel
filtration. Both osteoinductive and apparently immunogenic
and osteoinhibitive fractions could be identified. The Aims: To identify three of the most interesting cases treated
osteoinductivity of the semipurified protein complex was in our department, for an unusual condition - mandibular
found to increase with removal of the immunogenic frac- and maxillary metastasis from systemic tumours. The most
tions. The usually found fraction with a M W of 15-25 kD frequent form of cancer involving bone is metastasis. The
was considered to contain monocomponent BMR and the most frequent tumours producing metastasis are breast,
other osteoinductive fraction with a M W of 100-700kD was prostate and kidney carcinoma; and the places most fre-
thought to comprise an association of BMP monomers quently affected are the vertebrae, ribs, pelvis and cranium.
and dimers with other non-collagenous bone matrix pro- Of the overall tumours of the maxillofacial area (5%), the
teins after one-step gel filtration. New bone formation was metastases represent only 1-8%. However, the bone affected
tested except in the traditional mouse bioassay, also in the by extraoral tumours is the most frequent form of metasta-
critical-size skull and segmental defect models with various sis, in the oral cavity, most of them being to the mandible
carriers. New low-cost radiomorphometry methods for (80%). The most frequent tumours metastatic to the jaws
quantitation of new bone were developed including a new are: breast adenocarcinoma, bronchogenic carcinoma and
guided muscle flap bioassay model. A marked difference prostate and kidney carcinoma.
between heterotopic and orthotopic implantation of xeno- M & Methods: We present three cases of mandibular and
geneic BMP was generally found. In the former case, in maxillary metastasis. One of them is a female who presented
intramuscular implantation, no new bone could be found in with an adenocarcinoma of the breast, which had been hid-
sheep or other higher animals, whereas in the latter, in the den for forty years, due to her modesty. Second is another
sheep skull or segmental defect model, complete bony female with two cranial metastases from a kidney carci-
regeneration could be achieved. noma which had been treated many years before. And the
Conclusion: The most noteworthy outcome of these studies last one was a male presented with a maxillary metastasis
would be that excellent osteoinductivity with no local or sys- from a lung cancer; this lesion being the first sign of his sys-
temic side effects were observed with xenogeneic BMP in temic disease.
orthotopic implantation.. Based on preceding experimental Results: In two of them the diagnosis was made through
work, a clinical trial has been started last year with very their metastatic lesions and this permitted the neoplasm to
promising initial results in the first ten patients with resis- be treated. In the other the diagnosis permitted further
tant tibial, ulnar, humeral and scaphoid non-unions, treated treatment of her original cancer.
EACMFS -Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 201

Conclusions: The definitive diagnosis of this type of lesion, and 48 weeks after the operation, while there was only a
given its rarity in this location, involves a high grade suspi- slight reaction on the control side in the same animals.
cion; therefore, the clinical history and physical examination Conclusions: We concluded that the PLLA-plate seemed to
are of paramount importance. enhance the regeneration of the cranial bone. Therefore it
could have a clinical use as an implant material.


Vert E. *, Escutia E., Monner A., Escuder 0., Garcia*Rocado
A., De Miquel M.A. (#) Vesper, ]14.* Garau, L, Girmann, N., Bschorer, R. °, Hellner,
D., Gehrke, G., Schmelzle, R.
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. University
Hospital of Bellvitge. L'Hospitalet. Barcelona. Catalonia. Department of OMFS, University Hospital Hamburg, D-
Spain. (#: Department of Neuroradiology). 20251 Hamburg, Germany, ° Department of OMFS,
Hospital Schwerin, D-19049 Schwerin, Germany
Aims: To study the survival and complications after
carotidectomy in patients with advanced H e a d and AIMS:
Neck Cancer with the carotid artery infiltrated by the The aim of this study was to clarify the following questions:
tumor. (1) Does sensory recovery occur at the center of the flap or
Method: When the carotid artery is suspected to be infil- at its margins? (2) To what extend can sensibility recover ?
trated by tumor we identify individuals at risk for neurologic (3) Does irradiation influence the sensory recovery ? (4)
complications with a temporary balloon occlusion, with Exist a difference between a pedMed and a free flap ?
neurologic examination and farmacologic stress. We per-
formed fiveteen carotid artery reections in our Centre dur- METHOD:
ing the last two years. 23 Patients, 9 females and 14 males aged from 17 to 79 years
Results: Among the fiveteen patients with carotid resection (mean 52.4 years) were investigated between 15 days (and
one has permanent neurologic deficit (mild left hemiparesia) than later) and 7 years after they underwent a free (8) or a
and there is no death caused by stroke. pedicled (15) noninnervated latissimus dorsi flap. 16
Conclusions: Surgical resection of advanced tumour involv- patients were previosly irradiated. Pinprick was tested with
ing the carotid artery offers the greatest (although still low) a needle, hot and cold with water (42°C, 5°C), touch with
ossibility of cure. The Balloon Test Occlusion with simulta- light pressure of a Wattetrfiger, 128- and 240-Hz vibration
neous farmacologic stress and neurologic examination with the corresponding tuning fork and static two-point dis-
seems to be an appropiate alternative when it is not possible crimination with two ends of an adjustable wire.
to perform an Occlusion Test with Positron Emision
Tomography to quantify the blood flow RESULTS:
2 latissimus dorsi flaps were anaesthetic for all examined
parameters, 11 show a partial recovery of sensibility, and 10
had all examined modalities all over the flap. Smaller and
RESORBABLE POLY-L-LACTIC ACID (PLLA) thinner flaps show a faster but not better and older flaps a
PLATE FOR COVERING SMALL CRANIAL BONE better regenerating process. Constant touch recovered first,
Anna-Liisa Vesala* (1), Matti Kallioinen (2), Outi Kaarela CONCLUSIONS:
(1), Timo Pohjonen (3), Pertti Tormala (3), Timo Waris We conclude that sensory recovery occurs from the bed of
(1). the flap but also from margin. Sensory recovery can reach
two point discrimination equal to the contralateraI healthy
Departments of (1) Surgery and (2) Pathology, Oulu. skin of the latissimus dorsi flap. If the recipient site is irridi-
University Central Hospital, Oulu, Finland and (3) ated we saw the same sensivity. There was now difference
Biomaterials Laboratory, Institute of Plastics Technology, between a free or a pedicled latissimus dorsi flap.
Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland.

Aims: P L L A is a synthetic polymer which degrades to cellu-

lar metabolites and finally to carbon dioxide and water. We
studied the role of P L L A in the regeneration of cranial
bone defects in twenty five New Zealand White rabbits.
Methods: There were thirteen animals in the first group. Two
holes, sized 5ram x 5mm, were drilled into the parietal bone Kurt G. Vinzenzm'~, J. Holle 2, J. PreissP, E. Wiiringera; all
under the periosteal pocket One of the holes was covered by Vienna
a PLLA-plate while the other one was left empty In the
other group were 12 rabbits and two holes, sized 1Omm x
1Omm, were drilled; the rest of the procedure being the
ZDept. for Maxillofacial Surgery, Evangelisches Krankenhaus
Wien- Wdhring
same as in the first group. The skulls were radiographed and
2Dept. for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,
samples were taken for histological examination 3, 6, 24 and
48 weeks postoperatively.
3Research-Institutefor Reconstructive OMF-Surgery and
Results: There were no special findings on x-ray. New bone
Tissue-integrated Prosthesis,
formation was clearly seen on the implant side in rabbits 24
202 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

A new technique of prefabrication of revascularised com- References:

posite grafts from the scapula or the iliac crest to precisely
fit a maxillary defect, is presented. Holle J, VinzenzKG, WtiringerE, KulenkampffK-J, SaidiM. The
A comprehensive planning based upon CT scans and combinedscapulaflap for bony and soft tissuereconstructionin
interactive manipulation of 2D- and 3D-CT data via extensivemaxillofacialdefects Hast ReconstrSurg 1996;98: 542-552.
Vinzenz KG, Holle J, Wfiringer E, Kulenkampff K-J.
graphic workstations (Voxel Flinger-ARRI; Osiris; 3D- Prefabrication of combined scapula flaps for microsurgical
Viewnix) is a prerequisite for the proper shape of the trans- reconstruction in oro-rnaxillofacial defects: a new method. J
plant, resulting in an improved flap design for maxillofacial Cran-Maxillofac Surg 1996; 24: 214-223.
reconstruction. Stereolithographic models are used for addi-
tional operation planning.
A pedicled bony flap with a split skin graft envelope and
endosteal implants already inserted is prepared and covered I ~ THE SURGICAL APPROACH IN THE
by a Goretex®-membrane. After 3 to 4 months these prefabri- TREATMENT OF CERVICOFACIAL M A L I G N A N T
cated grafts are harvested, inserted into the maxillary defects MELANOMA
and reanastomosed to the facial vessels. Further improve-
ments can be achieved in complex midface reconstruction by By: Dr. Ibric Cioranu Viorel, Dr. Moraru Liliana,
combining the prefabricated scapula flap with other flaps. Dr. Carabela Mircea
Results of this method are presented through some case
reports after ablative tumor surgery and Noma. We consider Malignant Melanoma, one of the most aggres-
sive and unpredictable types of cancer, to be a treatable dis-
ease nowadays in a high percentage of cases. The treatment
of Malignant Melanoma has advanced a lot in recent years,
Holle J, Vinzenz KG, Wfiringer E, Kulenkampff K-J, Saidi M. The thanks to a better knowledge of the biology of the tumour
combined scapula flap for bony and soft tissue reconstruction and it is mainly surgical.
in extensive maxillofacial defects. Plast. Reeonstr. Surg. 1996; The surgical removal must be performed as widely as
98: 542-552. possible, both in surface and in depth. For cervicofacial
Vinzenz KG, Holle J, Wfiringer E, Kulenkampff K-J. Malignant Metanoma, the safety limit is smaller, according
Prefabrication of combined scapula flaps for microsurgical to the regional anatomy and to the means of repairing sub-
reconstruction in oro-maxillofacialdefects: a new method. J. stance loss, but it is never smaller than 2cm.
C r a n - M a x i l l o f a e . Surg. 1996; 24: 214-223.
When the tumor is detected in the second stage
-Malignant Melanoma with metastasis- we prefer the
"uni-block" technique, wich includes removing the pri-
THREE D I M E N S I O N A L ANALYSIS AND mary melanoma, the parotid salivary gland the sub-
INTERACTIVE M A N I P U L A T I O N O F CT-SCANS F O R mandibular space, the lateral-cervical and supraclavicular
PREFABRICATED F L A P S IN RECONSTRUCTIVE spaces and, eventually, the plastic covering of the post-sur-
OMF-SURGERY. gical defect.

Johannes Preissi 13, Andreas Beer 13 Jiirgen Holle2, Kai-

Joachim Kulenkampffl, Kurt G. Vinzenz 1'2,
1Dept. for Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Evangelisches CASES
Krankenhaus Wien- Wgil~ring2Dept. for Plastic and
Reconstructive Surgery, Wilhelminenspital 3Research Virag M, Aljinovib N,, Uglegib V, Luk~ib l, Milenovi~ A
Institute for Reconstructive OMF-Surgery and Tissue
Integrated Prostheses, Vienna 4Central Institute for Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital
Radiology, Krankenhaus Lainz Dubrava. Zagreb, Croatia

At present, the microvascular reconstruction of maxillofacial

deformities by osteomyocutaneous distant flaps from various AIMS
sources is the most timely method of reconstructive surgery. The treatment of recurrent or advanced cancer involving the
Imaging systems like computer tomography (CT) and tongue is always demanding and very often disappointing,
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that show cross-sec- but reports with larger series of patients addressing the sur-
tional images of a patient, quite a few of two-dimensional gical salvage and its final outcome are very few. The objec-
(2D) and three-dimensional (3D) visualizing and manipula- tive of this study was to determine the curative potential of
tion systems have been developed or are in the process of total glossectomy.
development, e.g. 3DViewnix, Analyse, Osiris, A R R I Voxel
Flinger. 3D-stereolithographic models contribute preopera- METHOD
tive planning (e.g. Laserform ®, Vienna). The study is a retrospective chart and database review and
For an improved flap design of the transplants and includes 48 patients who had had a total glossectomy in the
higher precision of reconstructive OMF-Surgery we include period 1976-97. All of the patients were treated by compos-
gnathological and functional aspects into comprehensive ite resection, 33 as the initial treatment, 15 following a recur-
3D planning in complex microsurgical reconstruction. A rence. In four cases surgery was performed as an emergency
precise correlation between the donor site and the maxillo- treatment and in four after emergency external carotid liga-
facial defects can be achieved resulting in 3D-computer- tion. All patients except four (two had a simultaneous sec-
aided tissue preparation i.e. "prefabricated flaps". ond primary in the hypopharynx) had had no laryngectomy
Planning procedure is described by three case reports but almost all had had a cricopharyngeal myotomy. All the
with microsurgical reconstruction of the maxilla, the com- patients either had a recurrent or T 4 oral cavity turnout. All
plete midface region and the mandibula. except one patient had a pectoralis major flap used for
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 203

reconstruction. Survival for all patients was calculated and

[~ S U R G I C A L A P P R O A C H IN R H I N O P H A R Y N G E A L

RESULTS *Malchikova L.P., Tomilov LL, *Vissarionov V.A.,

The 5-year disease-free survival rate calculated by the Sakovich EP., Malchikov LA.
Kaplan-Meier method was 39%. However, since a signifi-
cant number of patients died of tumour-unrelated reasons The Urals State Medical Academy, Ekaterinburg, Russia
(8), treatment complications (4) or were lost to follow-up
(3), the direct method gives a more realistic insight into the
results. Fourteen patients had recurrent disease: 11 local, 1 Basal skull angiofibroma was diagnosed in 28 patients
regional and 2 distant. Nineteen patients had no evidence of admitted to our clinic. According to their origin, angiofi-
disease when last seen, but only 5 out of 33 patients treated bromas were subdivided into three types which were distrib-
before 1996 (15%) were alive and without evidence of dis- uted as follows: basillary angiofibroma- in 5 patients
ease 2 years or more after last treatment. Ten patients never (17.85%), sphenoethmoid angiofibroma - in 15 (53.57%)
regained the ability to swallow. The functional results con- and pterygomaxillary angiofibroma - in 8 patients (28.58%).
cerning swallowing, aspiration and speech were unpre- The most informative method of examination was com-
dictable. puter tomography (CT) which made it possible to determine
the turnout location, size and contours. The approach and
CONCLUSION amount of surgical intervention was chosen individually for
The results of this study show that the long term survival is each patient. A basillary tumour was separated from the
low due to various reasons, but the surgical salvage of nasopharynx using special instruments and then removed
patients with advanced cancer involving the tongue is war- through the mouth. Haemostasis was achieved by posterior
ranted since at this stage of the disease no better options are nasal tamponade. For sphenoethmoid tumours the surgery
available. At least, it offers substantial palliation. of choice was Moor's technique. In the pterygomaxillary
location we used a transmaxillary-buccal approach with a
preventive binding of the carotid. For this purpose a facial
skin dissection according to Weber was performed. The
[ ~ PAROTIDECTOMY - AESTHETIC APPROACH maxilla was disarticulated preserving the soft tissue flap and
then pulled outward. At the end of the procedure the max-
Virag M, Milenovi~ A illa with the surrounding tissues was replaced and fixed by
miniplates. The maxilla healed well and its function recov-
Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Medicine, ered in all patients. Good results of the surgical treatment
University Hospital Dubrava, Zagreb, Croatia. for basal skull angiofibroma are explained by the exact iden-
tification of its location and size by CT and the improved
surgical technique using a transmaxillary-buccal approach.
Various incisions have been advocated, and are being used,
for parotidectomy. For more than 15 years, the senior
author has used a facelift incision which allows good expo- RESULTS O F T R E A T M E N T O F T H E
sure and leaves no visible scar. The aim of this video presen- E D E N T U L O U S PATIENT W I T H T H E H E L P O F
tation is to show details of the surgery as well as the final DENTAL I M P L A N T S O F PRIVATE
results using this approach. CONSTRUCTION

METHOD Vovk Y. V., Konstantinu K., Kobylnyk L 0., Halkevych P. E,

Since 1982 the method has been used in our Department on Myhovyeh LM.
more than 200 patients. The standard facelift incision extends
into the hairline behind the mastoid. The skin flap above the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for
parotid and the upper part of the sternocleidomastoid is ele- Postgraduate Education of the Physicians. L'viv Medical
vated. The facial nerve is identified only after the posterior edge University, L'viv, Ukraine.
of the parotid has been completely dissected. A wide approach
to the nerve is achieved and no "landmarks" for its identifica-
Aims: The aim of our work is to investigate dental implants
tion are used. After the trunk of the nerve is identified the
of private construction in the surgical- prosthetic treatment
usual dissection along its branches follows. The superficial
of the of the edentulons patient.
parotid lobe is removed with the tumour. The preauricular clo-
Method: 045 patients from 21 to 72 years of age, edentulous
sure is in two layers with 5-0 monofilament sutures and 4-0
sutures behind the ear. The anterior skin sutures are removed for varying periods, were subjects of the research. The
after 3 days, the posterior ones after 6 days. This approach is patients received altogether 121 dental implants of private
construction (Patent for the invention, Ukraine #11001).
applicable to all parotidectomies except those with a neck dis-
section or previous surgery with classic incisions. Dental implantation was carried out by two-phase surgical
method, with the later prosthetics fixed onto the fixed com-
ponent of the implants with detachable, relatively detach-
RESULTS able and non-detachable constructions. The opinion of the
The technique provides adequate exposure and results in implantation results was given according to the generally
improved patient satisfaction. The details and highlights of accepted clinico-roentgenological criteria.
this procedure, lasting about 90 minutes, will be shown in a Results: For the patients, the implants proved successful and
12 minute video including a series of postoperative results. they are pleased with the functional harmony of the pros-
thetic suprastructures. The results attained by our treatment
CONCLUSION are testified by 2-3 years functioning of the dental implants
The conversion to this aesthetic approach is possible for any in 93% of the patients. Clinico-roentgenological expert
surgeon familiar with classic parotid surgery. opinion on the patients' bony tissue and gum state proves
204 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

the full integration of the dental implants with the tissues

around the implants. Three patients were observed with neg- ~h PREOPERATIVE ASSESMENT OF ADVANCED
ative results of implantation. ORAL CARCINOMA
Nine dental implants were lost, 3 of them before the
commencement of prosthetic reconstruction and 6- after it
Vujieic, Z.* Konstantinovi6 V.S.#, Dimitrijevicic M.*,
had been completed.
Stogib- Opinkal, T.
Conclusions: The results of 2-3 years clinico-roentgenologi-
cal observation of the patients, who were implanted the den- *Clinicfor ORL and MaxiHofacial Surgery, <---Radiological
tal implants of private construction, testify their clinical unit, Emergency Centre, Faculty of Medicine, Clinic Centre
effectiveness for the maxillodental system adentia treatment. of Serbia #Clinic for Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of
Stomatology; University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

Aim: To assess the extent of advanced oral carcinoma (T3-

EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH INTO THE T4), by preoperative diagnostic procedures and to compare
MORPHOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF THE BONE with the operation findings.
AROUND F U N C T I O N I N G DENTAL I M P L A N T S OF Methods: A total of 15 patients were selected. They were
PRIVATE CONSTRUCTION evaluated by the following procedures: careful clinical exam-
ination, CT scan and MRI.
Vovk E V,, Konstantinu If., Halkevych P. Y., Kobylnyk LO. Results: Clinical examination is still very important in the
preoperative assessment. CT scan and M R I with contrast
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and provide very accurate information regarding the extent of
Prosthetics for Postgraduate Education of the Physicians. oral carcinoma and neck node involvement.
L'viv Medical University, L'viv, Ukraine. Conclusions: Compared with the operative findings, CT scan
is preferred for bone structure involvement, and M R I is
AIMS : superior in defining soft tissue involvement. The main dis-
The research deals with the investigation of the bony alveo- advantages of M R I are artefacts produced by dental amal-
lar process of experimental dog's lower jaw state under 1~ gam fillings.
1.5 year functional loading of the dental implants of private


Under intrapleural anaesthesia, four dogs received 9 dental MUSCLE FLAP RECONSTRUCTION OF TUMOURS
implants, 3 months after atypical bilateral extraction of PERFORATING SKULL BASE
lower jaw posterior teeth. After 4 months period of healing,
prosthetic constructions were fixed to the intrabony posts. Vuola, J* Ohman, £
They have been functioning for 1-1.5 year. After the indi-
cated period of time, the dogs were taken out the experiment. Department of Plastic Surgery and Department of
For the purpose of histological investigation fragments of Neurosurgery, Helsinki University Central Hospital
the dog's jaw with the last implants were resected. Jaw bony Helsinki, Finland
tissue was decalcified and cut sagitally. The preparation
maintained the dental implant in its tissue environment. Aims: To present our multidisciplinary approach to the
Under light-optical magnification the state of the bony tissue treatment of tumours penetrating the skull base.
was investigated, where it came into contact with the Method: In 8 patients with a skull base penetrating tumour, a
intraosteal surface of the implants, throughout their extent. bicoronal incision and transcranial approach was used. The
Histological preparations were produced, received and sub- intracranial part of the tumour was resected by neurosur-
jected to expert opinion at the Department of Oral Surgery, geon. The rest of the tumour in the paranasal sinuses and
Vienna Medical University ( the chairman - Prof.G.Watzek), nasal cavity was removed through the skull base or directly
for which the authors express their sincere gratitude. via another facial incision by an ENT or plastic surgeon. The
defect was filled with a microvascular muscle flap. Three dif-
RESULTS: ferent flaps were used: rectus abdominis, latissimus dorsi and
The histological investigation revealed the phenomena of in one case a radial forearm flap with an extracranial part for
new bone formation and dynamic regeneration of jaw bony nose reconstruction and a de-epithelialized part for skull
tissue. Incidently, the phenomena is observed of a large con- base filling. The flap pedicle was pulled through or over the
centration of osteoblasts and osteocytes in osteons of dif- maxillary sinus to facial vessels or through a bur hole in the
ferent diameter. In direct contact with the intraosteal temporalis region to the superficial temporalis artery.
surface the admixture was also revealed of large diameter Results: No reoperations were needed and after immediate
osteons, which testified to the maturity of the osteogenic post operative c.s.f, leakage all reconstructions showed
cells. The processes of dynamic osteal laminar tissue regen- water-tight healing.
eration (remodelling) were observed in the crevices of the Conclusion: The lack of a simple and reliable postopera-
post's intraosteal surface thread. tive flap monitoring device is a major drawback.
A connective layer was revealed throughout the bony Although we did not have problems with flap blood circu-
surface of only 1 dental implant, which has been function- lation, an undetected thrombosis in these patient may
ing for 1 year. have fatal consequences. These operations are not possible
without a multidisciplinary surgical team. Even though
CONCLUSIONS: the prognosis of the patients is poor in cases of advanced
The experimental research confirmed the adhesion of bony malignant disease, we can at least offer, with this tech-
tis-sue around and directly on the functioning implants of nique, a significant improvement in otherwise inoperable
private construction, which indicates full osteointegration. cases.
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 205

tumors. The age ranged from 8 to 65. 19 patients have been

[~ EXPERIENCE W I T H S O F T PALATE CLOSURE (AD performed a single- staged reconstruction of the mandible
M O D U M FURLOW) IN TWO-STAGE PALATAL using one of the above-mentioned method. The reconstruc-
REPAIRS tion of 1 patient was performed in two stages. 5 patients
have received 50-60 Gray radiotherapy prior to the opera-
Vuylsteke, Ph., Mommaerts, M., Abeloos, J., De Ciercq, C.,
tion in different periods of time. The suppuration of the
Neyt, L.
wound was observed in 4 patients. A complete taking root
of the flap was observed in 19 patients. The loss of the flap
Division of Maxillo-Facial Surgery, AZ St-Jan, Belgium was observed in 1 case due to the technical error (damages
of the feeding vessel).
Aims: To describe our surgical experience with the double Conclusion: We dispose of 4 simple and reliable methods of
opposing Z-plasty for the closure of clefts in the soft palate the mandible reconstruction which can be used in any surgi-
at the age of 1 year, with the cleft in the hard palate closed at cal department.
the age of 4 years.
Study design: Variations in surgical technique and wound
complications were analysed in a prospective manner. In a
three year period, 8 patients with unilateral cleft lip & palate I M P L A N T SUPPORTED TREATMENT OF SEVERE
(CLP), 5 with bilateral CLP, 5 with isolated complete palatal FACIAL TRAUMA IN A SEVEN YEAR OLD CHILD
clefts and 4 with isolated soft palatal clefts underwent a
Furlow-plasty. The dead space between the nasal and oral Wahlmann, U, W.*, Kunkel, M., Reinhardt, R. 2, Dietrich,
layer was obliterated with fibrin glue in every case. The nasal H. 3, Wagner, W.
and oral layers were closed with 4/0 polyglactin. Two 4/0
polydiaxone quilting sutures reinforced the muscle recon- Clinic of OMFS, 2 Orthodontic department, 3 Prosthodontic
struction. Multiple regression analysis was applied in 14 Department Johannes Gutenberg Universitat. Mainz. Germany
patients to find a correlation between tension upon closure
as a dependent variable and the distances tuber maxillae- AIMS:
cleft side and tuber-tuber, and the cleft width as indepen- Implant therapy for children generally is confined to the age
dent variables. of the secondary dentition, because growth and continued
Results: Lateral relaxation incisions were performed in the eruption of the teeth are incompatible with the position of a
first 6 patients and V-Y closure of the residual triangular fixture, implanted earlier, in the deciduous dentition. Only in
space in the oral layer in 4 patients. There were 2 dehiscences, very specific situations earlier implantation may be justified.
of which one closed per secundam. The other persisted and We want to discuss the problems, considerations and impli-
was due to wound infection. There was no correlation with cations of early implantation with the aid of a case report.
cleft width, jaw width and tissue available for closure. All Case Report: We present the findings and clinical course of
patients had a long and mobile soft palate. Early testing for a five year old girl who was hit by the rotor blade of a model
velopharyngeal incompetence was promising. helicopter. When the child was admitted to the clinic, the
Conclusion: Furlow used a back-cut to make a rotation flap, facial soft tissues of the right side were avulsed, from the
whereas we used lateral relaxations initially and now occa- temporal region down to the neck area. There was a corn-
sionally a V-Y closure in the remaining anterior oral layer. minuted fracture of the mandible, the zygoma, the maxilla
and the temporal skull. Primary reconstruction was per-
formed with microplates, microcrews and meticulous soft
tissue repair, including the auditory canal. After reconstruc-
tion of the temporal skull, the bony fragments of the
mandible were rearranged along a microplate, the smashed
S. Vyrupaev conylar head was reconstructed using two microscrews.
Secondary treatment included correction of scars, vestibulo-
plasty, plate removal and functional measures. Since most of
Republican Oncologic Hospital, Ufa, Russia
teeth and tooth germs on the right side were lost. we decided
to use dental implants for functional rehabilitation and to
Aim: To improve the surgical rehabilitation results of the enable further orthodontic treatment.
patients after the mandible resection.
Methods: The reconstruction of the mandible has been per- CONCLUSIONS:
formed using four different methods. The indications for Following severe trauma, dental implants can serve as valu-
this or that method depended upon the size location of the able tools to enable mastication and functional loading of
tumor structure defect as well as upon the pre-operative the growing facial skeleton even in a young child.
treatment. The 1-st method - The spine of the scapula on the Furthermore, they can provide anchorage for orthodontic
trapezius was used in 5 patients. The 2-nd method - The appliances in a traumatically reduced dentition.
clavicle on the sternocleidomastoid muscle was used in 9
patients. The 3-rd method - The body of the hyoid bone on
the geniohyoid was used in 1 patient. The 4-th method - The
spine of the scapula and the external part of the clavicle on MULTI-DIRECTIONAL, BURIED, MANDIBULAR
the trapezius were used in 5 patients. A dermal island was DISTRACTION O S T E O G E N E S I S A P P L I A N C E S AND
included into the flap to reconstruct the combination TECHNIQUES
defects. Our principle of the formation of the osteomuscular
flaps is similar. We begin with the desection of the osseous Walker, D.A. *, Nish, L
part and then we form the musculorvascular pedicle.
Results: 20 patients have been operated on. They have been Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of
performed 14 simple and 6 combination resections of the Dentistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario Canada
mandible in connection with 11 malignant and 9 benign
206 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

Aims: To evaluate mandibular distraction osteogenesis in was there any difference concerning marginal bone loss after
primates utilizing multi-directional, buried, distraction the first year of loading. Perforation of the sinus mucosa
osteogenesis appliances. during surgery was registered in 22 (27%) sinus cavities, and
Method: Adult macaca fasicularis adult female primates are could not be correlated to later implant losses. These com-
being utilized in this ongoing study. These primates underwent plications were equally distributed between the two groups.
bilateral sagittal ramus osteotomies with transoral placement of Conclusion: This study did not reveal any prognostic differ-
buried multi-directional bone borne distraction appliances ence between patients treated according to the one-stage
under general anaesthesia. After a latency period of seven days block-bone concept and patients grafted with particulate
appliances were activated transorally 1.1ram a day, bi-laterally, bone and delayed implant placement. The one-stage proce-
for nine days to a distance of 10rrun of distraction. Medial/lat- dure is less time-consuming, but optimal prosthetic solution
eral adjustments were made at various time intervals to maintain is somewhat more difficult to achieve as several angulated
symmetric distraction osteogenesis in the primates. Appliances abutments had to be used because of unfavourably posi-
will be removed transorally three months after the distraction. tioned implants.
Results: The primates thrived during the follow up period.
Clinical and radiographic evaluation demonstrated excellent
distracted bone with good consolidation at the distraction
site with firm bony union at the time of appliance removal. INTRAOPERATIVE NAVIGATION OF
Pre- and post distraction CT Scans demonstrate successful P O S I T I O N I N G OF DENTAL IMPLANTS
distraction osteogenesis.
Conclusions: Multi directional buried mandibular distraction F. Wanschitz*, F. Watzinger, O. Ploder, W.. Millesi, S.
osteogenesis appliances and techniques were successful in this Giissweinet; J. Kremser, R. Ewers
primate study. This was evidenced by excellent distracted
bone based on clinical observations, radiographic and CT Clinic of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, AKH Vienna,
Scans. In spite of careful surgical technique and appliance Waehringer Guerte118-20,
placement, medial/lateral adjustments to the vector of dis- A-1090 Vienna, Austria. Tel."01-40400/4259; Fax: 4253 e-
traction were required to maintain symmetrical bilateral mail r.ewers@akh-wien,ac. at
mandibular distraction. This research will help to provide a
biological basis for applying multi-directional, buried, sub The ideal position for dental implants, taking into account
mandibular distraction osteogenesis appliances and tech- the local bone situation and a favourable prosthetic site, is
niques in human clinical trials. This research was funded by difficult to evaluate intraoperatively. The main problem is
Innova Technologies Corporation, Toronto, CANADA. the exact execution of the preoperative plan. Prefabricated
splints for positioning of dental implants are not a satisfac-
tory solution.
By means of intraoperative computer aided navigation
the preoperative plan, drawn up on lateral cephalograms,
CT-slices or dental study casts is exactly transferred onto
the patient.
Overlay graphics show the position of the implant bur as
Wannfors, Kavin*, Johansson, B, Haliman, M,
well as the implant site on the images and in real time on a
Strandkvist, T
video monitor.
So far, four patients have been treated with this method,
Stockholm S6der Hospital, Sweden, Department of Oral & fifteen 1MZ - implants have been inserted into the mandible.
Maxillofacial Surgery, Danderyd's Hospital, Stockholm, In difficult alveolar ridge situations, such as in patients
Sweden, and Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, after tumour surgery or in severely atrophied alveolar
Giivle Hospital, Giivle, Sweden ridges, computer aided navigation was a helpful tool in
operating on these patients.
Purpose: The aim of the present study was two compare two
grafting procedures, a one-stage block-bone technique and a
2- stage technique using particulate bone packed into the THE USE OF BIODEGRADABLE FIXATION IN
floors of the maxillary sinuses, regarding implant success, CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY: A LONG-TERM
marginal bone resorption and surgery-related
Material: The material comprised 40 edentulous patients, Waris, T.~, W. Serlo, Peltoniemh H., Merikanto, J., Ohman,
consecutively referred, with the need for bonegrafting for J., Lassila, K., Pohjonen, T., Trrmiilii, P.
rehabilitation with Brgmemark implants. The patients were
randomized to either of the two grafting procedures. Departments of Plastic and Paediatric Sul~ery, University of
Distribution by age, gender, smoking habits and diseases
Oulu, Finland
under medical treatment did not differ between the two The Institute of Biomaterials, Tampere University of
groups of patients. Grafted bone blocks were fixed with 76 Technology, Finland
implants through the sinus floor to the alveolar crest in a
one-stage procedure in 20 patients and 75 implants were
placed during a second procedure in 6 months previously Titanium plates, screws and metallic wire are commonly
grafted bone, in 20 patients. Altogether 168 implants were used as fixation material in craniofacial surgery. However,
placed in the original anterior maxillary bone. In this they interfere with modern radioimaging, and in the grow-
prospective randomized study, after one year of prosthetic ing child they might migrate into or beyond the bone.
load, all bridges were removed and the implants individually Biodegradable self-reinforced polylactic acid (SR-PLLA) has
tested. been widely studied by our research group as regards general and
Results: No statistically significant difference was found orthopaedic surgery. More than 50 000 clinical cases and over
concerning implant failures ( 14 and 12 respectively). Nor 1000 reported cases encouraged us to evaluate the use of
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 207

biodegradable fLxation in paediatric craniofacial surgery. The Clinic of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, A K H Vienna,
study was initiated with experimental studies and cautiously Waehringer Guerte118-20,
introduced into clinical craniofacial surgery. PLLA fixation was A- 1090 Vienna, Austria
initiallyused together with titanium implants in "safe areas", but Tel.: 01-40400/4259; Fax.: 4253 e-mail: r.ewers@akh-
after encouraging results, PLLA fixation was used as such. wien. ae. at
The study involved 14 paediatric cases at ages of six
months to ten years at surgery. The follow-up time varied
Subject: Condylar positioning devices in orthognathic
from one to eight years. The materials used were 1 mm
surgery are still the subject of controversial discussion.
P L L A wire, P L L A plates (Q 0.4 - 0.5 mm), and 2 mm
Criticism concerns the possibility of exactly reproducing the
P L L A screws, all specially designed for craniofacial surgery.
preoperative situation, on the other hand there is some con-
Plates can be moulded under heat and screws can be
cern whether the preoperative situation is the ideal one. We
trimmed as required by using heat loops or saw.
have used a computer assisted mandibular positioning
In paediatric surgery P L L A wire was used in 5 cases (2
device in six patients so far.
plagiocephalies, and for fixing bone grafts in bone defects in
Methods: A centric interocclusal splint was fabricated on
3 cases). P L L A plates (alone or in combination with tita-
study casts. This splint was duplicated, fixed to an acrylic
nium or P L L A screws) were used in 7 cases (4 plagio-
face bow containing 8 -12 radiopaque fiducial markers (3-D
cephalies and 3 bone defects), and P L L A screws in 2 cases
splint). Centric occlusion was re-established by application
(1 plagiocephaly and 1 cartilage onlay-graft for orbital
of this 3-D splint on the patient. Then frontal, lateral and
hypoplasia). In addition there were three adult cases.
axial cephalograms were obtained, scanned and integrated
In these ongoing studies we are evaluating reinforcement
in the computer navigation system (ARTMA Biomed. Sys).
of thin frontal bones with P L L A plates before reshaping
Intraoperatively, the 3-D splint was repositioned on the
deformed frontal bone.
patient<<s teeth and the head-mounted electromagnetic sen-
Conclusion: Initial experience suggests that fixation in pae-
sor was correlated to the fiducial markers. Before the
diatric cranio-facial surgery can be achieved with
osteotomy, two more sensors were mounted on each proxi-
biodegradable materials alone and without side effects, thus
mal segment. The initial centric splint was applied and inter-
avoiding the disadvantages of metallic implants. No compli-
maxillary fixation was performed. Coloured tracings of the
cations were associated with biodegradable osteofixation
contour of the proximal segments were outlined on the radi-
during the follow-up period of up to eight years.
ographs on the screen, in 3 planes. The virtual overlay
graphics show the initial situation. The same graphics were
duplicated and tranferred to the proximal fragment sensors
WARM ISCHAEMIC T O L E R A N C E OF T H E to visualize movement of both proximal fragments after the
SUBMANDIBULAR G L A N D osteotomy. Repositioning of the proximal fragment was
visualized by overlay of the virtual graphics representing the
Warnecke, K.K. *, Sieg, P. initial and the final positions of the proximal fragment after
the osteotomy. Osteosynthesis with positioning screws was
L~beck / Germany then performed.
Conclusion: The advantage of the method presented is a 3-
Free microvascular gland transfer to the temple region with dimensional control of the position without rigid fixation of
implantation of Wharton's duct into the upper lateral con- the proximal fragment to the upper jaw, this also allows
junctival fornix is a surgical approach in the treatment of modifications in special situations: little change compared
the severe dry eye syndrome. The aim of this study was to with the initial position may avoid too large a gap between
consider the warm ischaemic tolerance of the submandibu- the fragments.
lar gland tissue to avoid tissue damage during the gland
transfer and therefore to optimize this operation.
Morphological changes in submandibular glands in 41 P R O D U C T I O N O F RECOMBINANT H U M A N
rabbits were studied after a temporary interruption of blood B O N E M O R P H O G E N E T I C PROTEIN 4 IN PROTEIN-
flow. Under general anaesthesia, the submandibular glands FREE M E D I U M A N D ITS A P P L I C A T I O N VIA
were exposed, followed by occlusion of the blood vessels BIODEGRADABLE POLY(LACTIDE-CO-
with vascular clamps for 1 h, 1.5 h, 2 h or 6 h. Fourteen days GLYCOLIDE) MICROSPHERES.
later the glands were removed simultaneously with the con-
tralateral side for comparison. Franz.E. Weber*, Klaus W. Griitz, and Hermann F. Sailer.
The gland tissue of the ischaemically damaged glands as
well as the control glands were examined by conventional light University Hospital Zurich, Department of Cranio-
microscopy and immunohistochemical techniques. While the Maxillofacial Surgery, 8091 Zurich, Switzerland.
gland tissue after 1 h of ischaemia remained structurally
intact, after 1.5 h and 2 h ischaemia gradually increasing cell
damage, with partial loss of vital salivary tissue, was observed. The elimination of serum and other proteins is a major con-
6 h of ischaemia regularly led to total necrosis of the gland. cern in modern biotech-nological production of proteins in
The results in detail and the clinical consequences will be mammalian cell cultures due to their potential source for
discussed in the oral presentation. viruses or other transmissible agents. The Chinese hamster
ovary (CHO) cell line CHO Kl:cycE (Cytos GmbH,
Zurich) which we use to produce human recombinant bone
morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP-4), grows in spinner flasks
C O M P U T E R AIDED NAVIGATION F O R on a defined protein-free medium in suspension. The full-
P O S I T I O N I N G OF T H E PROXIMAL F R A G M E N T IN length human c D N A coding for BMP-4 was isolated from a
SAGITTAL SPLIT OSTEOTOMIES. human placenta library. We could show that CHO cells
grown in protein-free medium in cell-spinner bottles pro-
F. Watzinger % F. Wanschitz, W. Millesi, F. Manna, (7. Undt, duce human recombinant BMP-4. 100% of the product is
S. G6ssweiner, J. Kremser, R. Ewers. made up of BMP-4 dimers with a molecular weight of 35
208 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

kDa. The yield of BMP-4 per litre is doubled in comparison Department of Oral, Maxillo and Facial Plastic Surgery,
to reported yields obtained with conventionally cultured Katharinenhospital Stuttgart, Germany
CHO cells. In vivo experiments with protein-free produced
BMP-4 showed that it induces bone growth at ectopic sites.
Thus, the biotechnological mass production of active This animal experimental study with beagle dogs was
human recombinant BMPs in CHO cells can be performed designed to assess the reconstruction of the maxillary reces-
in a protein-free medium. While the progress in the produc- sus using an autogenous corticocancellous bone graft and
tion of human recombinant BMPs and the knowledge simultanous placement of osseointegrated implants after
about how BMPs work is advancing fast, the progress in the removal of the basal mucosa.
formulation of a proper carrier for the use of BMPs in the In 6 beagle dogs autogenous corticocancellous bone
clinic is slow. Poly (lactide-co-glycolide) microspheres have grafts were placed to the maxillary recessus on both sides
been studied in the past to develop controlled release carri- and stabilized with simultanously inserted osseointegrated
ers especially for vaccinations. Because slow release carriers implants. To achieve a good contact between the bone graft
could be ideal for the administration of BMPs, we decided and the bone of the sinus floor the basal mucosa of the
to use the coacervation technique to form biodegradable maxillary recessus was removed. After a healing period of 3
poly (lactide-co-glycolide) microspheres with human months abutment connection was performed. On the test
recombinant BMP-4 entrapped. These particles loaded side an exclusively implant supported suprastructure was
with BMP-4 or unloaded were implanted subcutaneously, installed. On the control side no suprastructure was
inserted. Clinical and radiological analyses were performed
adjacent to the calvarial bone. After 5 weeks the calcium
and the specimen were histologically examined.
content of the microspheres and the adjacent tissue was
determined by atom absorption. The calcium content of The results showed that principally an osseointegration
BMP-4 loaded microspheres was elevated by a factor of 13 of implants in the grafted bone is possible, although resorp-
tion of the graft was clearly observed. However sufficient
in comparison to unloaded microspheres. We conclude,
height of the local alveolar bone is mandatory.
that biodegradable poly (lactide-co-glycolide) microspheres
Due to the relatively high incidence of implant loss (16
could make an ideal delivery system for human recombi-
nant BMR out of 36 implants in this study) and according to our
own clinical experience and the literature, in cases of
advanced alveolar ridge atrophy a simultanous approach
without preparation of the sinus membran is not recom-

Weingart D. *Bublitz R., Michilli R. *, Class D. *,:

Department of Oral, Maxillo and Facial Plastic Surgery, * VI MANDIBLE
Department of Paediatric Neurosurgery,
Katharinenhospital, Stuttgart, Germany Weingart, D.

Department of Oral, Maxillo- and Facial Plastic Surgery,

Aim: Craniosynostoses are treated by standardized surgical Katharinenhospital Stuttgart, Germany
methods. Stabilization of segments in fronto-orbital
advancement has recently been performed using titanium
miniplates. The apposition of bone during bone healing has The objective of this presentation is to highlight those surgi-
led to the observation of a relative movement of these cal procedures that optimize functional results in the treat-
osteosynthesis materials, with an ultimate epidural position ment of the Class VI mandible.
of these devices. Biodegradable materials could avoid such Specific questions to be addressed are the augmentation pro-
movements. cedures and the comparison of paniculate versus block grafts.
In 6 patients with craniosynostoses, during standardized Immediate versus delayed insertion of endosseous
surgical procedures for fronto-orbital advancement, the seg- implants will be discussed and preferred prosthetic devices
ments were fixed with resorbable plates and screws will be demonstrated. Not only the treatment of the inter-
(Lactosorb (r~/, W.Lorenz). The plates were shaped using a maxillary distance but also surgical procedures for correc-
special procedure, using heat, and adapted to the typical tion of discrepancies in anterior/posterior relationship
locations, conventionally used for titanium plates. between the maxilla and mandible will be presented.
The method demonstrated - with routine use - simple Clinical as well as experimental studies of combined treat-
handling and exact adaptation of the plates to the bone. The ment with autogenous bone grafts and endosseous implants
stability was sufficient for stabilizing the segments intraop- will be compared with the literature.
eratively as well as during the observation period of up to
one year. In one case the use of these materials was discon-
tinued: extremely thin bone was unsuitable for the use of
these screws with their relatively wide thread pitch. RESORBABLE OSTEOSYNTHESIS (LACTOSORB ®)
The clinical use of biodegradable plates and screws in IN SAG1TTAL SPLIT RAMUS OSTEOTOMY O F THE
fronto-orbital advancement proved these to act as a stable
type of fixation in the long term.
Westermark A *

Maxillofacial Surgery, Karolinska Hospital Stockholm,

Introduction Lactosorb ® is a copolymer of Poly-L-Lactic
Denis, R. *, Weingart, D. Acid (82%) and Poly Glycolic Acid (18%). Lactosorb ® is
EACMFS Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 209

hydrolyzed in the tissues resulting in complete resorption defects after tooth extractions, in patients under anticoagu-
within 9 to 15 months.The material has been used in cranio- lation therapy at high risk of post operative bleeding.
facial surgery but its use in mandibular surgery has not pre-
viously been evaluated. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION:
Aims The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability of The in vitro tests with pooled blood samples indicated
Lactosorb ® resorbable osteosynthesis in sagittal split platetet retention and activation, expressed by elevation of
osteotomy of the mandible. CD 62 and 63 epitopes in the flow cytometry. Effects on
M e t h o d s After sagittal split osteotomy for mandibular blood cells and haemostasis were superior compared with
advancement, Lactosorb ® resorbable screws, diam 2.5 oxidized cellulose (Tabotamp TM) and control samples.
m m were used instead of traditional metal screws. The In addition to the in vitro studies, in the clinical trial the
first 9 patients who reached the one year follow-up were entirely synthetic composite material has proved to be effec-
compared with the last 9 patients who, prior to the study, tive for haemostasis, blood clot stabilization and reossifica-
were operated on by the same surgeon but in whom tion after tooth extraction.
metal screw osteosynthesis was used. Skeletal stability
was evaluated on profile radiographs. The experimental
group was followed for any type of unfavourable reac-
tion to the material used. Histological specimens were
obtained from volunteers outside the experimental
Results There was no difference between the experimental
If. Wild*, M. Ocker, J. Zacher~ Ch. Glaser, Th. Rath, W. Millesi
group and the control group with respect to skeletal stabil-
ity. The experimental group did not need any longer time on
intermaxillary elastics than the control group and did not Clinic of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, AKH Vienna,
suffer from any infection or other unfavourable conditions.
Waehringer Guerte118-20, A- 1090 Vienna, Austria
There was no histological sign of foreign body reaction
Tel.: 01-4040014259; Fax.: 4253 e-mail., at
around the screws.
Conclusion This study indicates that 2.5mm Lactosorb ® Radical resection of oral and oropharyngeal malignancies
resorbable screws provide adequate strength for osteosyn- often leads to large soft tissue defects. Microvascular jejunal
thesis after sagittal split ramus osteotomy of the mandible. autotransplantation is a well established method used in
The study also supports previous findings from other sur- reconstructive surgery.
gical areas with respect to the uncomplicated resorption Subjects: Between 1990 and 1997 100 patients - 78 male, 22
process involved. Utilizing resorbable osteosynthesis in female, mean age 53 years underwent primary reconstruc-
maxillofacial surgery is a way of refining the surgical pro- tive surgery in our department using this technique.
cedures, leaving fainter traces and reducing the risk of Methods: Data of 100 patients were evaluated retrospec-
artefacts in future radiological examinations the patients tively in respect of local and general complications.
might have to undergo for other purposes. Results: Because of local complication 15 of 100 patients
had to have revisions. Two patients had a complete loss of
the transplant, which was corrected by a secondary pedicled
SYNTHETIC ABSORBABLE T A M P O N A D E F O R distant flap. Early abdominal complications made a laparo-
INTRA-ALVEOLAR H A E M O S T A S I S IN PATIENTS tomy necessary in two cases. Fatal perioperative complica-
W I T H COAGULATION DISORDERS tions occurred in 8 patients. Forty two of 67 patients still
alive at the time of recall were evaluated in respect of late
Wieding J.*, Merten, H.-A., Wiltfang J. local and abdominal complications. Six patients showed a
cicatricial hernia, none of which, however, causing subjec-
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of tive problems or being incarcerated. Seven patients showed
G6ttingen, Germany partial necrosis of the transplant, which healed by sec-
ondary intention without any special treatment.
Discussion: Perioperative mortality rate seems to be caused
INTRODUCTION: by the high morbidity found in the patient collective.
Patients with disturbed coagulation carry a higher risk of Therefore a through evaluation of the patient is necessary
post operative bleeding following surgical procedures, e.g. before the operation. G o o d vascularisation of jejunal flaps
tooth extractions. Therefore, locally applied haemostyptic prevents of local defects after partial necrosis of the trans-
agents are necessary and of great therapeutic interest. The plant. In a follow up examination no abdominal late-onset
commonly used allogenous or xenogenous materials are complications except small incisional hernias were detected.
presently under discussion due to the risk of transmitting Mucus production and flexibility of the graft supports a sat-
infections and immunological reactions. isfying functional restoration.
Therefore a synthetic absorbable material
E T H I S O R W M tamponade, consisting of polyglactin 910
and poly-p-dioxanon - was developed. This fleece-like com-
posite with its interconnecting porosity ensures homoge- THE TITANIUM ARMED STABILISED
neous blood penetration. Due to its structural and GENIOPLASTY
mechanical properties, effective blood clot stabilization and
tissue regeneration is achieved. A. Wilk, C. Meyer, J-L.Kahn, C.Bruant-Rodier,

METHODS: Hospitaux Universitaire de Strasbourg, France

To determine effective haemostasis, in vitro tests with
pooled blood samples were performed. In severe retrognathia it is difficult to bring.the
In addition to the in vitro tests in a clinical study osteotomized chin forward enough without loosing bony
ETHISORB TM tamponade has been implanted in 163 bone contact between the fragments. Solid fixation may only be
210 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

obtained with plates but the angle between the advanced METHODS
chin and the remaining mandible is not satisfory. In an animal trial, four young g6ttinger minipigs (five weeks
For the last few years we used, in combination with our old) were studied regarding a possible PIT-effect, using
plate fixation, a titanium meshgraft so as to connect the absorbable PLA/PGA-miniplates (LactosorbTM, Fa. W. Lorenz,
chin extremity and the mandible. USA) following cranio-osteoplasty. In addition, the mechanical
The gap left behind the meshgraft may be filled with properties, the process of degradation and sub- versus epi-
bone grafts. An excellent prominent chin is usualy obtained periosteal application of the miniplates were evaluated.
that way, both clinically and radiologically. During follow up (3, 6, 9 and 12 month) a polychromous
The titanium meshgraft is fixed by mean of miniscrews sequence marking was carried out. Prefmally, intra-arterial
and really contributes to stabilise the chin extremity in a angiography was performed using a suspension of Berlin blue
good position. and barium sulphate. Non-decalcified thin sliced sections of bone
The long term tolerance and results seems to be excellent were examined by light and fluorescence microscopy. In addition
and the material has not so far been removed. The cost is microangiography and microradiography was performed.
During degradation, the absorbable PLA/PGA-miniplates
[h COMPARISON OF VARIOUS IMPLANT SYSTEMS perfomed like metal plates as they also displayed passive
AND OVERDENTURES AND THEIR PROGNOSIS IN intraosseous transmission in the growing animal model.
FREE-END SITUATION PROSTHETIC TREATMENT However, in the experimental PLA/PGA miniplate setting
the internal calvarial bone was not affected. Degradation
J. Wilier, IV. Noack, J. Hoffmann, N. Schwenzer took 12 months and was not delayed by bony incorporation.
Mechanical properties proved to be sufficient in craniofacial
surgery. Epiperiosteal plating prolonged the PIT-effect dur-
In a comparative study, an evaluation was conducted of ing the first three months postoperatively.
free-end situation implants which were fitted with restora-
tive prosthetics in the period from January 1985 to March
1997. The systems used were IMZ®, Frialit®-2 and CONCLUSION
Brgmemark®. Teeth capable of receiving crowns were inter- In the growing skull, absorbable plates seem to be a promising
locked with implants either in the form of a fixed bridge or therapeutic approach, however, prior to a general recommen-
with interlocks (IMZ® and Frialit®-2 systems). In other dation results of clinical long term studies have to be evaluated.
cases the bridges or single-crown replacements carried out
were entirely implant-supported (Brgmemark®, Frialit®-2
The study material comprised 676 implants fitted in 284 REVIEW ("VISITATION")
patients within a twelve-year period and functionally loaded
for at least three months. Clinical parameters and radiologi- Witsenburg, B. *, van Beek, G.J., Lombarts, M.J.M.H.,
cal findings were collected and evaluated. In implant-sup- Schouten, L.J.M., van Weert, C.M.
ported Brgmemark® and Frialit®-2 system overdentures no
losses were experienced, with the IMZ® 6 system there were TBZ Almelo and M S T Enschede, Haaksbergerstraat 55,
6 implant losses. There were 24 losses with tooth-and- 7513 ER Enschede, the Netherlands. Tel=fax: +31 (0) 74
implant-supported tooth replacements, 20 of which were 2426905. E-mail."
with the IMZ® system and 4 with the Frialit®-2 system. All
in all, the prognosis for entirely implant-supported pros-
Aims: To improve the quality of patient care, it is necessary
thetic treatment is judged to be more favourable.
to monitor and evalutate professional performance system-
Dr. J/irgen Willer, cand. reed. Nicole Noack*, Dr. Dr.
Jiirgen Hoffmann*, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Norbert
Method: Visitation by peers can be defined as a standards
based on site survey, conducted by professionals in order to
Praxis Dr. Jtirgen Willer, Hindenburgstr. 43, D-72762
assess the circumstances under which clinical practice takes
Reutlingen, Germany place and intended to improve the level of patient care.
*Klinik und Poliklinik ftir Mund-, Kiefer- und Visitation is based on the theory of Continuous Quality
Gesichtschirurgie der Universit~it TiJbingen, Osianderstr. 2- Improvement, meaning that it acknowledges that the qual-
8, D-72076 Tfibingen, Germany
ity of patient care is the result of a process of individual
actions and interactions that are related directly or indi-
rectly to this care.
THE LACTOSORB TM ABSORBABLE MINIPLATE Results: The Dutch Association of Oral and Maxillofacial
SYSTEM IN A GROWING CRANIO-OSTEOPLASTY Surgeons started its visitation program in September 1995.
ANIMAL M O D E L The total number of visitations so far has come up to 23 and
the next 18 visitations have been scheduled. Three years of
Wiltfang J. *, Merten H.-A., Becker H.J., Luhr 11. G.: experience with this quality assessment program indicates
that a large majority of the Dutch oral and maxillofacial
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of surgeons approves of this way of accreditation by positive
G6ttingen, Germany participation. A comprehensive questionnaire for practices
to be reviewed, visitation rules and a first set of directives
emerged from the visitations, are now available. Positive
INTRODUCTION findings were a good accessibility for patients and referring
In the surgical treatment of craniosynostosis and craniofa- colleagues, satisfying working climate, good conditions for
cial dysostosis in the growing child, passive intraosseous quick examination and treatment of emergency patients and
transmission (PIT-effect) with intracranial dislocation of adequate patient reports to referring colleagues. The quality
metal plates and screws may be a problem. of the next items could be improved: patient files, annual
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 211

report, policy planning, public relations, professional hard- situation. By clinical and radiological analysis of our
ware, accessibility of the department by telephone, availabil- patient population (43 iliac crest transplants, 32 osteocuta-
ity of dental hygienists and prosthodontic care, distance to neous fibula transplants), our aim was to establish the indi-
X-ray machines and coding of diagnostic and therapeutic cations for these transplants and to compare the
performances as well as registration of complications. complications of endosseal dental implants. According to
Conclusion: Quality assessment by external peer review (vis- our results, the iliac crest transplant enabled optimal recon-
itation) seems to be a useful means to picture a number of struction of areas equivalent to half a mandible, but it is dis-
quality items of non teaching OMS practices. advantageous due to the limited length of the vessel pedicle
Implementation of the recommendations given by the peers and considerably voluminous skin-fat component. This
is the next difficult step if quality of patient care is to be transplant is best used for purely osseous defects and where
improved. there are good connecting vessels in the neck. If there are
combined bone and oral mucosa defects, the osteocuta-
neous fibula transplant offers not only an implantable bone
but also a thin skin component for intraoral coverage; a ves-
[~ COVERING LARGE FACIAL SKIN DEFECTS: sel pedicle of up to 15 cm can be exposed during distal flap
L O C A L F L A P S OR MICROSURGICALLY raising. The success rate was about 95% in both transplant
A N A S T O M O S E D TRANSPLANTS? types. While implantations into the fibula (54 implants in 15
patients) were always successful, 12 of 63 implants placed
Wolff K.-D., Plath, T., Marks, C., Hoffmeister, B. into the iliac crest transplants showed early loosening and
had to be removed. As a result of pocket infection or false
Department of Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery. Benjamin positioning, a total of 16 other implants could not be used
Franklin Medical Centre, FU Berlin Germany prosthetically. After implantation, 6 patients had a tumour
recurrence; the mean interval until complete prosthetic
Larger facial defects often present borderline situations, in rehabilitation was 22.5 months These results show that
which the decision to use local flaps or microsurgical flaps restoration of masticatory function after tumour-related
can be difficult. The aim of our study was to establish the mandibular resection is one of the most difficult tasks in
differential indications by comparing both methods. maxillofacial surgery.
Grouped according to the aesthetic units: forehead, nose,
cheek, chin and scalp, defects of comparable sites were cov-
ered with either a microsurgical flap or local skin flap, in a THE OXYGEN SUPPLY O F VENOUS SKIN FLAPS:
total of 34 patients. Results were evaluated according the A CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY
criteria: aesthetic appearance, complications, surgical com-
plexity and revision measures required. The results show Wolff, K.-D., Hechler, M., Aimoufli, IV., Marks, C.
that even skin defects on the cheek and chin, which involve
almost the entire aesthetic unit can be closed with local skin Department of Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery, Benjamin
flaps in most cases. The kite, rhomboid and bilobed flaps as Franklin Medical Centre, FU Berlin, Germany
well as cervical transposition or rotation flaps have proven
to be effective here. On the scalp and forehead, tissue
expanders should be used in defects of more than 25% of Venous skin flaps are transplants which are exclusively per-
the aesthetic unit. The results of local procedures were gen- fused via their venous system. These flaps are applied in
erally better than those of microsurgically anastomosed reconstructive surgery, although knowledge on the type of
flaps, which were often conspicuous because of their exces- oxygen supply, especially capillary perfusion, is still incom-
sive volume and lighter colour. Complications with local plete We AI~A)clinically and 1~) experimentally studied the
skin flaps were wound dehiscence with infection (3) and capillary perfusion of venous flaps using the Erlangen
cicatricial ectropion (2), while necrosis occurred in two microlightguide spectrophotometer, with which relative
microsurgically anastomosed flaps. Re-operations for aes- intracapillary haemoglobin oxygenation of the target tissue
thetic indications were twice as common with microsurgical can be determined on the basis of the different absorption
transplants as with local skin flaps; in two patients, the spectrums of oxygenated and deoxygenated haemoglobin.
microsurgical transplant was later replaced by local flaps In ~ l During conventional radial forearm flap transfers in 12
our experience, microsurgical transplants should only be patients, the following Hb oxygenations were intraopera-
used in deep or very large defects extending beyond the aes- tively found on the forearm skin a) 51-74% with conven-
thetic unit. tional perfusion, b) 6.9-12.2% only pedicled to the cephalic
vein after 120 min., c) 0% without perfusion after 240 min
and d) a constant 6.0-11.8% after microsurgical anastomo-
sis to the cephalic vein only. 1~) The following intracapillary
RESULTS OF MANDIBULAR RECONSTRUCTION Hb oxygenations were found in epigastric flaps (4x2.5 cm)
W I T H M I C R O S U R G I C A L ILIAC CREST OR FIBULA of 10 Wistar rats: a) 26.8-33.1% with conventional perfu-
TRANSPLANTS IN CONNECTION W I T H I M P L A N T S sion, b) 0% (4h) without perfusion c) 10.6-19.4% with only
venous perfusion and d) 19.2-27.4% with arterialization of
Wolff, K-D., Ervens, J., Khasim L., Hoffmeister, B. the veins. In the Wilcoxon test (p=0.0024), there were signif-
icant differences in a) vs. d), d) vs. c) and c) vs. b)
Department of Maxillofacial Plastic Surgery, Benjamin (p=0.00001). Our results showed that the capillary system of
Franklin Medical Centre, FU Berlin, Germany the skin is also reached by retrograde perfusion via the
venous system though to a lesser degree. If there is no
artery, exclusively venous perfusion can make an important
After tumour-related mandibular resection, the question contribution to vital maintenance, for example, in the
arises as to what procedure (transplant type, time of recon- replantation of traumatically amputated tissue. Venous
struction and implantation) will most reliably restore masti- flaps may expand the spectrum of reconstruction
catory function depending on the patient's individual possibilities.
212 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

tion was achieved. The children have not yet been decannu-
lated, however their tracheostomies have now been success-
CONSECUTIVE CASES Conclusion: Our early clinical experience suggests that a
multidirectional intraoral expansion is possible. This device
RJ Wood, J Petronio
expands in a curvilinear fashion that may be customized
according to clinical needs. Refinement of this technique
Aims/Study Design: Resorbable fixation has become the may allow complex expansion in multiple dimensions, with-
modality of choice for fixation of craniofacial bone in our pae- out external scars.
diatric patient population. We have reviewed our first eighty
consecutive patients. This extends over a 17 month period (9-
15-96 to 4-10-97). Our patient population involved midface RECONSTRUCTION OF THE TEMPOROMANDIBULAR
fractures (n=5), calvarial reconstructions (n=51), calvarial JOINT USING CALVARIAL BONE.
fractures (n= 15), mandible reconstructions (I1=2). All children
were followed prospectively with serial examinations and radi- Worthington, P.
ography as indicated. Patient ages ranged from 3 to 228
months (mean=40.2 months) with follow-up ranging from 12 Department of OMFS, Universityof Washington, Seattle, USA
to 90 weeks. All fixation was with plates and screws of a poly-
lactic acid and polyglycolic acid copolymer (Lactosorb, Walter Teflon/Proplast Implants, formerly used in the repair of the
Lorenz, Inc.). The majority of the cases involved utilizing the temporomandibular joint, are known to be associated with
1.5 mm system, with 2.0 mm plates and screws utilized in some erosive giant cell reactions in the tissues, with varying
midface applications. No titanium product was used. degrees of bone destruction. A case is described with sub-
Results: The majority of the cases were craniosynostoses stantial erosions of the glenoid fossa as well as the mandibu-
treated in infancy. There were 3 palpable plates between 6-9 lar condyle. The erosions extended into the middle cranial
months. All palpable plates had resorbed by the 12 month fossa. The disk of calvarial bone removed during the cran-
follow-up. There were no plates visible. The quality of fixa- iotomy approach proved useful in the reconstruction of the
tion and final results were judged to be at least equivalent to joint. Good joint function was maintained. It is suggested
our previously used titanium fixation. Two complications that this method of reconstruction might be used in other
(2.5%) were noted: erythema of the lower eyelid after fixation destructive lesions of the temporomandibular joint.
of an orbital fracture that resolved with a short course of oral
antibiotics, and a subgaleal abscess after fixation of calvarial
fractures, which responded to drainage and antibiotics. A P P L I C A T I O N O F RHBMP 2 IN PREIRRADIATED
Conclusion: We feel that resorbable fixation provides equivalent CALVARIAL DEFECTS
or superior results to titanium fixation in our experience. In the
paediatric age group where plate migration and growth restric- K.K. Wiirzler*, A.H. Reddi#, N.R. Kiibler*, J.F. Reuther*
tion is of significant interest, resorbable fixation should be
strongly considered and will likely become the standard care. *Klinik und Poliklinik fiir Mund-, Kiefer-, Gesi&tschirurgie,
Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universitgit, Wiirzburg,
Germany; #Center for Tissue Regeneration and Repai~
University of California, Davis, USA
OSTEOGENESIS: THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN Aims: The management of osteoradionecrosis of the facial
ANIMAL MODEL AND REPORT OF TWO CASES bones is an important clinical challenge in patients having under-
gone radiotherapy to head and neck tumours. We investigated
Wood, RJ
the potential of recombinant human BMP-2 to ameliorate the
impaired bone healing following irradiation of facial bones.
Atlanta, USA Methods" Irradiation with a single dose of 1200rad was car-
ried out 2 or 7 days preoperatively. Two parietal craniotomies
Aims/Study Design: Distraction osteogenesis is a powerful (3ram O) were created in 32 male LongEvans rats (35-42 days
technique in craniofacial reconstruction, especially in chil- of age). Defects were either left untreated or filled with solu-
dren with profound functional limitations. The technique has ble collagen type I as a carrier for 25~tg or 35gg of rhBMP-2.
been limited by uni- or bi-directional techniques of expansion Unirradiated animals served as controls. Animals were sacri-
as well as external scars with externally placed expanders. We ficed 3, 7, 14, 21 days postoperatively. New bone formation
report our experience in developing a multidirectional intrao- was assessed by computerized quantification of radiographs
ral expander and its clinical utilization in two cases. of the calvaria. Histological evaluation was performed on
Results: Serially modified curvilinear intraoral distractors decalcified sections stained with Masson's trichrome.
(KLS-Martin, Inc.) were placed in a series of eight mongrel Results: Within 14-21 days, untreated and unirradiated
dogs. Infection or nonunion were not noted in any case. In defects showed a spontaneous osseous regeneration of
the expansion that was achieved there appeared to be good 90_+7% of the defect area. Irradiation of the site (1200 rad, 2
bone formation. The limiting factor in the development of the days prior to OP) resulted in a profound decrease in the bone
device was the activating arm. Progression through a series of filling of the untreated defect (5_+2%). rhBMP-2 in 1.5 mg
flexible cables to an articulated arm yielded a mechanism soluble collagen type I delivered to the defect significantly
strong enough to activate the device without malfunction. increased new bone formation (34_+14%, p<0.01 for 25gg
The device has been used in two clinical cases. Both children, rhBMPs-2; 77+19% for 35gg rhBMP-2 p<0.01). Type I col-
ages 4 years, 11 months and 7 years, 1 month, had severe lagen carrier alone resulted in only 7_+2% healing. In animals
micrognathia and were tracheostomy dependent. They had irradiated 7 days prior to craniotomy 25gg rhBMP-2 in
undergone conventional expansion in the past without suc- 1.5mg soluble collagen type I achieved a 68+12% filling of
cessful decannulation. Successful expansion was achieved in the defect. The untreated control side showed significantly
both cases. There were no infections and stable bone forma- less regeneration (32_+23% defect fill, p<0.01).
EACMFS- Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 213

Conclusions: Radiation-induced impairment of calvarial the outcome of plastic operations, we developed computer
repair can be overcome by recombinant human BMP-2. aided system for diagnosing nostril forms.
BMP-2 induced regeneration of pre-irradiated bone Method: Facial forms were measured with three-dimensional
defects has potential applications in reconstructive bone optical scanner (OGIS RANGE FINDER RFX-IV). XYZ
surgery. coordinates (256x240) and RGB image (512x480) data sets
were obtained with the apparatus. Nostril area was determined
by discriminant analysis of RGB data, and 19 landmarks of
BLOW-OUT FRACTURE OF THE ORBIT IN the nostrils were extracted automatically with geometric condi-
CHILDREN:REVIEW OF 137 CASES. tions. The stability of the coordinates obtained by this tech-
nique was assessed, and normal data of 37 volunteers was
Wyszygtska, G.*, Bartkowski, S.B., Zapala, J. collected. Subsequently, this system was applied to cleft lip
patients who had undergone secondary nasal correction.
Department of Maxillo-Facial Surgery, the Jagiellonian Results: Landmark stability was approximately within 1
University, Krak6w, Poland ram. Applied to cleft patients, quantitative evaluation of
nostril deformities was possible; nasal asymmetries in uni-
lateral cases and wide and flat nostrils in bilateral cases were
The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of estab- greatly improved after surgery, but conversely the volume of
lished methods of surgical treatment of blow-out fractures the nasal tip decreased.
of the orbit in 137 children. Conclusions: This system was a great help for diagnosis of the
Subject: The group analysed consisted of 113 boys and 24 nostril deformities. Because of the objectivity of this tech-
girls aged from 4 to 15 yrs. (average age 10.7 yrs.),treated nique, it was suggested to be suitable for multi-center studies.
for pure blow-out fractures of the orbital floor from 1971
to 1997.The children comprised 46.1% out of 297 patients
operated on in our Department due to isolated fracture of
the floor or medial wall of the orbit with an intact orbital
rim. In the diagnosis of blow-out fractures of the orbit in
children, neurological examination was mandatory. If pos- MAXILLOFACIAL RECONSTRUCTION
sible, radiology was limited to a radiograph of the maxil-
Yamashiro, M.1, Kobayashi, J. 1, Nagasawa, H. 1, Negishi,
lary sinuses in Water's view. Ophthalmological examination
A. 1,Fujii, E. 1, Ishii, J. 1, Iwaki, H. 1, Yoshimasu, H. 1,
comprised: type of diplopia, visual acuity, enophthalmos,
Amagasa, T. 1, Hasegawa, K 2,
active and passive eyeball motility, presence of squint.
Surgery was performed by the transconjunctival rather
than subciliary approach. In linear fractures entrapped tis- 1 The 1st Department of OMS, Tokyo Medical and Dental
sues were released. In fractures with defects, releasing of University, Tokyo, 2 Department of OMS, Shizuoka City
entrapped tissues was followed by reconstruction of the Hospital, Shizuoka, Japan
orbital floor by autogenous bone graft harvested from pari-
etal, temporal, illiac or maxillary bone. Surgical treatment Aims: We reviewed 161 cases of oral and maxillofacial
was supplemented by orthoptic rehabilitation and, in cases reconstructions with vascularized or pedicled flaps retro-
with persistent diplopia, by eye muscle surgery. spectively to evaluate the incidence and the cause of flap-
Results were evaluated on the basis of opthalmological related complications.
examination. The criteria of recovery were: full eyeball Patients and Methods: A total of 87 cases was reconstructed
motility, single binocular vision, correct eyeball position in by pedicled flaps; 52 pectoralis major myocutaneous
the orbit. Full recovery was obtained in 79(57.7%) of (PMMC) flaps, 25 deltopectoral (DP) flaps, six combina-
patients, improvement in 43(31.4%), slight improvement in tions of PMMC and DP flap, two latissimus dorsi myocu-
15(10.9%) of patients. taneous (LD) flaps and one forehead flap. Free flaps
were used in 74 cases; 38 rectus abdominis myocutaneous
CONCLUSIONS: flaps, 32 forearm flaps, three scapular osteocutaneous flaps
1) Surgical treatment of blow-out fracture of the orbit in and one free LD flap.
children is indicated in cases with persistent diplopia, posi- Results: In 87 pedicled flaps, total flap loss occurred in eight
tive forced duction test and enophthalmos. cases (9.2%), six major flap loss (6.9%), eight minor flap
2) Transconjunctival approach is aesthetically preferable. loss (9.2%), and 14 wound dehiscences (16.1%). In 74 free
Autogenous bone grafting for reconstruction of the orbital flaps, total flap loss occurred in one case (1.4%), one minor
floor defects is the most reliable method. flap loss (1.4%) and 10 wound dehiscences (13.5%).
3) Eye muscle training following surgery is indicated. Free flaps surpassed pedicled flaps in success rate (98.6%
versus 83.3%, p=0.0017 by Fisher's exact probability test).
Flap necrosis tended to occur in the pedicled flap, and total
C O M P U T E R AIDED THREE-DIMENSIONAL flap loss was mainly attributed to technical errors. Two of
ANALYSIS OF NOSTRIL FORMS WITH FACIAL three free flaps which developed venous thrombosis (4.1%)
SURFACE SCANNER were salvaged by re-exploration.
Conclusion: In view of the low morbidity, we conclude that
Yamada, T*., Kinoshita, F., Mori, Y., Minami, K., Sakuda, M. free flaps are more suitable than pedicled flaps as the first
choice for oral and maxillofacial reconstruction.
Dept. of Dentistry & Oral Surgery, Tenri General Hospital,
Nara, Japan, and Dept. of OMFS II, Faculty of Dentistry,
Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
Aims: The appearance of the nostril of cleft patients is a
very important factor for patients' satisfaction. To improve Yates, C.*
214 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

Dept. of O.M.FS., Wexham Park Hospital, Slough, Recently, many different kinds of laser therapy have been
England used for various diseases in the field of oral and maxillofa-
cial surgery. Laser vaporization and resection therapy have
been adopted clinically to treat oral precancerous lesions
Aim: To demonstrate the use of a platysma flap (without skin)
such as oral leukoplakia. However, some recent cases of
in oro-pharyngeal reconstruction after tumour resection.
malignant transformation after CO 2 laser therapy for oral
Method: A series of cases is presented, using platysma with-
precancerous lesions have been reported in the follow-up
out skin to reconstruct oral lining.
Conclusions: The platysma myocutaneous flap is a well estab-
Given the reports of fundamental studies on laser ther-
lished but little used method of oro-pharyngeal reconstruction
apy, it would be difficult at present to say that laser therapy
after tumour resection. Its advantages are ready availability
is an established treatment for oral precancerous lesion, and
and technical simplicity. Possible disadvantages have been
forthcoming studies have to be investigated radically into
listed as a tenuous blood supply, difficulties in closure of the
the safety of laser therapy.
donor site and hair on the donor skin. Many of the flaps for
Therefore, studies were attempted to determine the can-
oral reconstruction which were described originally in the
cer promoting or inhibiting effects of laser irradiation in
myocutaneous or fasciocutaneous forms are now routinely
experimentally-induced oral precancerous lesions. On the
used without skin, relying on secondary epithelialisation to
basis of these experimental studies, when oral precancerous
produce a superior oral lining. Absence of a skin paddle will
lesions were not completely removed by laser vaporization,
usually increase the versatility of a flap and there are obvious
it was suggested that there was a risk of cancer promotion
advantages at the donor site. In this series, the technique is illus-
from the surviving epithelium.
trated and attention drawn to its advantages and limitations.


lYi CIC, 2Chang HH, 3Kim HJ,, 4Fukuda J, 4Hirashima S, PALSY -

Kenji Yoshida, DDS

1. Departmentof OMFS, Collegeof Dentist~ YonseiUniversity,
Seoul, Korea First Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School
2. Departmentof OMFS, Asan Medical Center, Collegeof of Dentistry Aichi-Gakuin University, Nagoya, Japan
Medicine, Ulsanumversity,Seoul, Korea
Department of Anatomy, Collegeof Dentistrjz, YonseiUniversity,
Seoul, Korea, Departmentof OMFS, KyushuDental College, Various low power output lasers are used frequently in the
Kitakyushu, Japan oral region. Recently, low power output lasers have been
widely used in clinics, and successful application has been
reported in the acceleration of wound healing and pain con-
Aims : When we attempt to lengthen undergrown bony areas trol. The author have demonstrated therapeutic effects of
by one stage operation, the stress of surrounding soft tissues low power Nd:YAG laser and diode laser irradiation of
will create unfavorable effect on post-op, stability. This patients with neurological disease such as lower lip paralysis
study is to investigate post-op, stability by observing osseous
and facial palsy.
and muscular changes after two different ramus lengthening For the treatment of these patients, the author have tried
procedures(EVRO, IVRO) in which pterygomasseteric to substitute the conventional stellate ganglion block injec-
slings have different stress respectively. tion with low power output laser irradiation on the stellate
Methods : Mandibular ramal elongations were done in mon- ganglion.
key by two different methods. The osseous changes were in the previous study, the remarkable findings were
evaluated by lateral cephalogram and muscular changes observed from thermographical images that facial cuta-
were evaluated by histochemical method. Histologic evalua- neous temperature rises bilateraly during Nd:YAG laser
tion on operation site in each group was also done. The ser- irradiation under 300-500m W output power, while temper-
ial changes(1Mo, 3Mo, 6Mo) in experimental groups were ature rises only one one side when giving a conventional
compared with each other and control group. stellate ganglion block injection. These findings lead to the
Results : In both experimental groups, the decrease of verti- conclusion that blood flow rises by laser irradiation and
cal distances between specific landmarks were noted in lat- activates the damaged peripheral nerve because of the ame-
eral cephalogram. But the decrease or bone resorption lioration of ischaemia even when there is a provisional
pattern is somewhat different between two groups. Fiber remission during irradiation.
type in masseter muscle identified by histochemical study Although many aspects of the mechanism of action in
can be a clue in explaining above phenomena. low-power laser therapy are unknown, clinical applications
is gaining popularity. Future studies will be needed to fur-
ther clarify these mechanisms.

Kenji Yoshida, DDS Yoshimura, E * Nakajima, T., Nakanishi, II.

First Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Fujita
of Dentistry, Aichi-Gakuin University, Nagoya, Japan Health University. Toyoake. Japan
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 215

Aims: We have already reported our technique for unilateral Aims: To ultrasonographically evaluate the response to pre-
cleft lip repair in 1993 (B.J.P.S. 46:616). However, use of the operative radiotherapy (RT) and chemotherapy (CT) of cer-
same technique which can achieve good results in complete vical metastatic lymph nodes and squamous cell carcinoma
cleft lips, for incomplete clefts resulted in postoperative in the oral and maxillofacial region.
drooping on the affected side. Therefore, we have introduced Method: The correlation between US findings before RT
a new technique specially designed for the incomplete cleft and CT, and response to these therapies was analyzed in 36
lip. metastatic nodes obtained from 19 patients who underwent
Method: The main cause of postoperative drooping of the neck dissection; the response was evaluated according to the
cleft side lip seen in the cases of incomplete cleft is that the change in nodal size and histological grading system.
tissue volume on the cleft side in the incomplete cleft lip is Results: Seventy-one % of hypoechoic nodes and 70% of
greater than that in the complete cleft lip. The skin incision nodes with color flow signal in US showed reduction in size,
is the same as reported in Cronin's method, with the excep- and 82% of hyperechoic and 89% of nodes with a peripheral
tion of the triangular flap. At the white skin roll, a incision fusion pattern showed no change or progessive disease.
perpendicular to the vermilion border is added to the Seventy % of the nodes with smooth margin and 70% of
straight incision. This makes the approximation of the ver- those with color flow signal had histologic changes of
milion border precise, and prevents an acute peak of the Grade 2b, Grade 3 or Grade 4, and 67% of nodes with a
Cupid's bow. A triangular flap is raised at the alar base on peripheral fusion pattern showed Grade 1 or Grade 2b.
the cleft side to be advanced to the columella base. This cre- Conclusion: US findings may offer valuable information for
ates the nostril sill and prevents flaring of the alar base. The predicting the response of cervical lymph node metastasis to
resulting suture line is completely straight, and runs along RT and CT.
the philtrum column.
Results: From our two-year experience, postoperative elon-
gation of the cleft-side white lip is prevented and a fine LATE RESULTS OBTAINED T H R O U G H
structure of the Cupid's bow can be created by this method. OSTEOARTHRECTOMY AT BONY ANKYLOSIS OF
Conclusions: We can say that the incomplete cleft lip should THE TMJ
be treated differently from complete cleft lip.
Zvone Zajdela,

AN INVESTIGATION O F THE EFFECTS O F Department of OMFS, University Clinic Centre, Ljubljana,


Biirkan, U., Yiicel, E*., Sarisoy,fi., Mollaoglu, N., Erkmen, E. To present are two patients, a young female patient of 17,
with unilateral bony ankylosis of the TMJ, and a young
man, 19, with bilateral bony ankylosis of the TMJ.
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. Faculty of
In the young lady asymetrical appearance of the face was
Dentistry, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey
present, this because of the hypoplastic mandible the bony
mass filled out the joint space, thus causing the condyle to
Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate the changes grow together with the bony mass.
which occur on the masseter muscle by the direct and indi- As to the young man, profile deformity was present as a
rect trauma. result of the bilateral bony ankylosis and hypoplastic
Methods: In this study 32 young adult Rattus Norvegicus mandibula.
Albinus weighing 180 to 200 gr were used. Animals were By setting free the mandibula by performing the
divided into direct and indirect trauma groups. The special osteoarthrectomy, full mobility of the mandible as well as a
trauma apparatus designed by Luz, Jaeger de araujo and regular month function were regained, free of any distur-
Rezende is used for this experiment. The direct force was bances.
applied to the masseter muscle bilaterally while indirect In the second phase, the aesthetic appearance was put to
force applied to the symphyseal junction of the rat correction.
Results: The rats were killed after 24 hours, 7, 15 and 45
days. Masseter muscles were completely removed and exam-
ined histopathologically.

Zanetti 1_7.,Burlini D., Ferrari Parabita S.

R E S P O N S E O F CERVICAL L Y M P H NODE Department of Maxillo Facial Surgery Civic Hospital of
CHEMOTHERAPY (Head." Prof. Ferrari Parabita G)
Yusa, H. * 1, Yoshida, H. 1, Ueno, E. 2, lwasa, S. 3, Watanabe, T.3
1Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Institute of To verify if the treatment of condylomeniscal dysfunctions
Clinical Medicine, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan (internal derangement) by "open surgery" allows gradual
2 Department of Metabolic and Endocrine Surgery, Institute improvement in functions and pain symptoms.
of Clinical Medicine, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan
3 Department of Pathology, Institute of Basic Medical METHOD:
Science, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan Over a two-year period (1995-97) we operated 44 patients
(52 TMJs): the criteria for admission to surgery were func-
tional weakness, oral aperture inferior to 3 cm and prevent-
216 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

ing normal social life. Before admission to the surgical pro- Dpt. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of
tocol, all patients were required to undergo suitable Technology, Munich, Germany
orthopaedic and functional treatment. Surgical treatment
always involved the repositioning of articular disc, possibly
The pathological growth patterns of syndromatic facio-
its repair, and the reshaping of articular bone surface.
cranio synostoses is influenced only limitedly by a bilat-
eral fronto-orbital advancement performed in the time
RESULTS: of infancy. Severe functional restrictions like seizures,
The percentage of surgically operated patients ( 6-7% of bulbus luxations and stenoses of the oro- and nasopha-
those admitted), is comparable to that reported in the litera- ryngeal pathways make further surgical interventions
ture. inevitable. The necessary extent of the midface advance-
Post-op N M R checks showed a satisfactory recovery (in ment, often combined with a frontoorbital mobilisation
80% of cases) of the joint's morphology and functions. Pain or a monobloc operation and a total craniectomy,
symptoms were also affected: they vanished in 80 treated accompanied by a remodelling of the skull lead to the
cases, remained unchanged in 15% and increase in 5%. borderlines of today's surgical potential. The surgical
concepts are even more complicated by asymmetries that
CONCLUSIONS: are manifest already at the time of the treatment as well
This shows above all that the principle where by surgery as by persistant growth anomalies in the skull base
employed only in strictly chosen cases, and above all for region.
patients who can benefit from an operation, re-establishes Individualized treatment strategies and various
the importance of traditional surgery in the treatment of remodelling techiques resulting out of these concepts are
internal disorders of the temporomandibular joint. presented in selected, exemplary cases from more than 35
treated patients performed from the Munich
Craniofacial Workgroup. Possibilities and limits of
PATHOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF surgery planning and simulation with medical rapid pro-
TRAUMATIC OPTIC NERVE DAMAGE. totyping models will be demonstrated, the correct indi-
RETROSPECTIVE STUDY OF 100 PATIENTS WITH cation for the application of osteosynthesis systems,
POST-TRAUMATIC BLINDNESS sphere reconstructions using alloplastic implants, e.g.
carbon fiber compound materials, and distraction osteo-
Zapala, J*., Bartkowski, S.,B., Szuta, M. genesis of the midface are discussed, looking especially
at the specific risk factors.
Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, the Jagiellonian
University, Krak6w, Poland
The aim of this paper is to assess causes of failure of the MEGADOSE-REGIMEN SHOWS A NEURO-
treatment of patients with posttraumatic blindness in 100 PROTECTIVE EFFECT IN EXPERIMENTAL BLUNT
cases with serious injuries of the facial skeleton. OPTIC NERVE TRAUMA
The main problem was the efficiency of diagnostics at the
reversible stage of the optic nerve injury. Also the mistakes in ZerfowsM M ~, Gellrich NC, Babiili M, Heisig N, Eysel UT
decision making in the management of the optic nerve injuries
were analysed. Direct cause of the optic nerve injury was Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Dept. of
assessed in all cases on the basis of ophthalmological and radi- Neurophysiology of the Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum;
ological examination. Out of 100 patients with posttraumatic Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Albert-
blindness, in 18 cases decompression of the optic nerve was per- Ludwigs-University, Freiburg, Germany
formed, in 16 patients by transethmoid approach, in 2 cases
with concomitant nasal liquorrhea, by frontal craniotomy. Aims: The efficacy of megadose methylprednisolone (MP)
In majority of patients the diagnosis of blindness and as a neuro-protective agent in experimental blunt optic
admission to our Department were significantly delayed. nerve trauma is to be demonstrated.
Results: In the group of 18 patients operated on, in 2 Methods: A port system for intravenous (jugular vein)
(11.1%) cases progressive reduction of visual acuity was access was implanted subcutaneously. The retrobulbar part
stopped. Despite surgical treatment, 16 (88.9%) patients of the rat right optic nerve was exposed and crush-injured
remained blind. by a standardized and reproducible trauma. Eight rats, serv-
ing as control, were sham-operated, received the optic nerve
CONCLUSIONS: crush and received iv.-saline injections in 9 doses (C). Eight
1) Ophthalmological examination is obligatory in patients rats underwent the same procedure, but received MP
with serious injuries of the facial skeleton and should be intravenously in a megadose regimen (285 mg /kg body
performed as soon as possible after injury. weight/48 h in 9 doses) starting 10 rains after the crush-
2) Progressive reduction of the visual acuity with concomi- injury (T1). Eight rats received the same MP-regimen but
tant radiological symptoms of the fracture of the optic the first dose was given 20-25 mins before the crush-injury
nerve canal is indication for surgical decompression of (T2). After 30 days, the rats were sacrificed, the retinas of
the optic nerve. both eyes whole-mounted, stained and morphometrically
3) Immediate steroid therapy should follow confirmed diag- evaluated.
nosis of posttraumatic blindness. Results: The neuronal count within the retinal ganglion cell
layer (RGC) of the control rats was reduced by 25% on the
crushed side as corn-pared with the non-crushed, left side.
TREATMENT CONCEPTS 1N THE SECONDARY The Tl-group showed only a 16% reduction in the average
THERAPY OF CRANIO-SYNOSTOSIS neurone count, the T2-group even only a 13% reduction.
The reduction of neuronal cell numbers in the RGC layer
Zeilhofer HF*, Horch HH, Miihlbauer W,,Fairley J, H6pner F,, was significantly less pronounced in those rats having been
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 217

given methylprednisolone in a megadose regimen (P<0.05). which are ascribed to the CNS and should not appear with a
Conclusion: For the first time a neuroprotective effect of peripherally acting substance. An analgesia mediated
megadose MP (Urbasone®) in a calibrated experimental through peripheral k-receptors represents a new therapeutic
model of blunt optic nerve trauma was demonstrated. This approach which has not yet been examined on patients.
strongly supports the clinical use of megadose MP in Asimadoline has been developed by the Merck Co. as a
patients with blunt optic nerve trauma as is widely used in selective, peripherally acting k-opioid- receptor- agonist.
analogy to the National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study II Method: Sixty out- patients (aged between 18 and 47 years)
but without as yet an experimental basis. were randomized double-blind in four treatment groups
during a period of 11 months. Three of these groups took
Asimadoline in a concentration of either 0.5, 2 or 5mg post-
TMJ AND LATERAL PTERYGOID MUSCLE operatively after wisdom tooth-extraction, as a single dose,
PATHOLOGICAL IMAGES BEFORE AND AFTER the fourth group received a placebo. Paracetamol was a per-
EXTRA ARTICULAR REARRANGEMENT mitted concomitant-medication. The main interest was pain
OPERATION: A PRELIMINARY MRI REPORT intensity on a visual analog scale (VAS). Further the onset
of response, the pain intensity scale (PIS), the pain relief
Yang XJ,* MD, MMFS; Hong M AID, PbD, DDS; scale (PRS), the amount of Paracetamol used, the global
assessment of the analgesic effect by patient and investiga-
Maxillofacial Surgery Dept., General PLA Hospital, tor and finally the postoperative swelling. To obtain an
Beijing, China impression of the tolerance, type and frequency of adverse
events, blood pressure and heart rate, laboratory findings
and the assessment of global tolerance were documented.
An MRI study is reported in the evaluation of a new opera- Results Significant differences concerning the analgesic
tion for Temporomandibular Joint Dysfuction(TMJd): effect have only been found at certain times and confined to
TMJ Extra Articular Rearrangement (EARe) operation. single pairwise comparisons of two doses at single times.
This operation attempts to rearrange the internal derange- Equally the final assessment of the analgesic effect from the
ment of the TMJ and associated masseteric muscle disorder point of view of the investigators and patients and the mea-
without opening the capsule of the joint. Magnetic sure of swelling did not show any statistical significant dif-
Resonance Imaging (MRI) is used before operation for the ferences between the single doses and the placebo group.
diagnosis and after operation to evaluate the results. Adverse events however only occurred in 5 cases which
Twnty six cases (40 joints) are reported on. Twenty cases could be connected with the study medication. Only 14
(32 joints) with recurrent disc displacement and flat condy- patients reported "medium" adverse events. In no case did
lar surfaces, without severe degenerative imaging changes in an adverse event lead to study exclusion. Only one patient
the condyles ; 6 cases (8 joints) with recurrent disc displace- reported a "serious" adverse event, which afterwards proved
ment and degenerative imaging are shown in the condyle. to be a simultaneously acquired EBV- infection.
Hypertrophy of the lateral pterygoid muscle (35 joints); Conclusion This study showed that Asimadoline is a periph-
effusion (25 joints) and dystrophy of the muscle (6 joints) erally-acting opiate, which could, because of the kind and
are noted on MRI. The pathological images are also found frequency of adverse events, be designated as very good or
in the anterior attachment and posterior bilaminar zone of tolerable, but which did, in the study design chosen referring
the disc. On the MRI of 3 months to 14 months postopera- to the analgesic effect, not show satisfying results. Further
tion, 22 cases (35 joints) symptoms of TMJd are improved investigations will have to prove, whether by changing the
and with MRI changes in the lateral pterygoid muscles. doses, the frequency of application or maybe the indication
Eighteen cases (20 joints) with improved disc replacement; 4 (e.g. chronic pain, visceral pain) sufficient analgesia can be
cases (5 joints) are improved in regard to degenerative attained by maintaining the advantages concerning the tol-
changes in condyles; 3 cases (4 joints) with relief of pain erability.
symptoms but without evidence of imaging changes after 5
months. One case(1 joint) without evidence improvement in
both symptoms and images.
Dr. Xiao-Jiang Yang ,Beijing Kofta Medical Institute, 123 MAXILLARY MOVEMENTS IN BIMAXILLARY
Rm. Science Center ; SURGERY
11, Bei San Huan Xi Lu;100088, BEIJING C H I N A
Zimmermann A.P. *, Haers P.E., Sailer H.F., Eyrich (7,.

EFFICACY AND TOLERABILITY OF A Department of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, University

Introduction: In contrast to conventional simulation tech-
C.M. Ziegle6 S. Hoelzer*, J.E. Z611er, J. Jacob, U. Miinster niques used in orthognathic surgery, the 3 D orthognathic
surgery simulator (3D OSS) developed by Krenkel allows
simulation and metric measurement of linear displacements
Dep. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery University of and rotations in the three dimensions. This prospective clin-
Heidelberg, Germany
ical study evaluates the precision and predictability of surgi-
cal repositioning of the maxilla when using this system, by
Background Opioids have been used as highly potent anal- comparing repeated pre- and postoperative face-bow regis-
gesics for thousands of years. The analgesic effect, but also trations and cephalograms.
the side effects of morphine, are mediated on m-, ct- and k- Material and method: This study was done in a consecutive
receptors. The strong, centrally acting opioids mostly work series of seventeen patients (14 females, 3 males, mean age
on m-receptors. Besides strong analgesia k-receptors also 22 y 8 m) undergoing bimaxillary orthognathic surgery. A
mediate sedation, dysphoria and diuresis as side effects, face-bow registration of the maxilla was performed preop-
218 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

eratively in order to plan the maxillary displacement in the A segmented Le Fort I-osteotomy was done in cases of
orthognathic simulator. A face bow registration of the major defects exceeding 4 tooth units and extending into the
maxilla in its new position in the simulator was then made basal bone. Other factors leading to this treatment option
and compared to a clinical registration made six weeks were open bite deformities or other types of dysgnathia and
postoperatively. The displacement as planned in the simula- highest aesthetic demands. Bone grafting alone was pre-
tor was transferred during surgery by using the Face-O- ferred in cases in which the height of the bone defect was
Meter in combination with an intermediate wafer in less than the heigth of the alveolar process and its width
intermaxillary fixation. Lateral and posterio-anterior limited to 3 teeth or less and in cases with normocclusion.
cephalograms were made 10 days preoperatively, 5 days and Discussion: The application of methods established for clos-
6 weeks postoperatively. Relevant skeletal and dental land- ing diastema in secondary cleft surgery is also valid for the
marks were digitized and the surgical movements analyzed. reconstruction of tumour and trauma related alveolar max-
The linear displacements of the I-point in the three dimen- illary defects. The more elaborated surgery related to the
sions served as reference for the planning and for the evalu- segmented Le Fort I-osteotomy allows to reduce the defect
ation. as well as the volume of the transplant and the number of
Results: For sagittal, horizontal and vertical move- implants needed. Consequently primary closure was facili-
ments, the precision of the surgical execution based tated. Moreover, in cases of malocclusion and dysgnathia a
u p o n the 3D OSS simulation was extremely high. The global treatment plan is available, which can be combined
mean simulated sagittal displacement was 4.8 + 2.5 mm with preoperative orthodontic coordination.
and the displacement measured in the cephalogram was
5.5 + 2.8 mm. In the vertical dimension, an average
movement of 1.6 + 1.0 mm was planned and a move-
ment of 1.4 + 1.0 mm measured. Transversally, a mean
discrepancy of 0.25 m m between model and real
surgery was detected. Zb'llner B*, Ehmer A, Smolka K, Ehmer U, Joos U
Discussion: A very high precision and metric control of
model surgery and transfer during surgery can be achieved
Cranio-MaxilloJacial Surgery, University of Muenster,
when using the 3D OSS in combination with the Face-O- Germany
Meter. The regular use of this device should be recom-
mended especially for complex threedimensional
movements of the maxillomandibulary complex. Aims: The aim of this longitudinal study was to define
female and male cephalornetric standard values for sagittal
growth of the mandible and the mandibular symphysis in
eugnathic probands.
CLOSURE OF MAXILLARY ALVEOLAR DEFECTS Method: Lateral cephalometric radiographs at the age of 9,
BY MEANS OF NARROWING SEGMENTAL 12, 15 and 18 years were digitized with a reflex metrograph
OSTEOTOMIES AND BONE GRAFTING to determine the development of the bone extension of the
mandibular ramus, the mandibular body and the symphysis
Zimmermann A.P.*, Haers P.E., Oechslin C.K., Griitz K. W., of the mandible. 36 male and 41 female white patients with
Sailer H.F. an Angle Class I and no history of facial trauma, facial
surgery or orthodontic treatment were randomized selected
Department of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, University from the Bolton Brush Growth Study Cleveland, Ohio.
Hospital Zurich, Switzerland Results: The length of the mandibular ramus increased from
a mean of 59.7 mm at the age of 9 years to 71.5 mm at 18
Introduction: Defects in the maxillary alveolar process with years of age in men, and stagnated at the age of 15 years at
otherwise an intact dental arch demand for optimal aesthetic a mean of 65.5 mm in women. The sagittal extension of the
and functional repair. An implant supported prosthesis is mandibular ramus increased in men gradually to a mean of
preferred in cases where the neighbouring teeth are intact. 33.9 mm at the age of 18 years and stagnated in women with
Material and method: Seventeen patients (average 25 years at 30.7 mm average at the age of 15 years. In men and in
surgery, eleven female and six male patients) with defects women the sagittal dimension of the symphysis increased
involving the anterior maxilla were included in this study. from the age of 9 to 18 years by 1 to 1.5 ram. The mean of
Ten of these presented with posttraumatic defects and in the sagittal dimension of the symphysis was 15 mm at the
seven cases these were due to surgical removal of benign age of 18 years in women ranging from 10 mm to 18 ram.
tumours. The bone defect was either filled with autologeous Conclusions: The standards reported proved to be useful as
bone grafts (8 cases) or, prior to this, the gap was narrowed a yardstick for planning and treatment in orthognathic
surgery and might be a keystone in timing of early genio-
by performing a segmented Le Fort I osteotomy with
approximation of the segments and ensuing bone grafting (9 plasty.
cases). In all cases, delayed insertion of fixtures was done 8-
12 weeks postoperatively (42 implants).
Indication and treatment results of both treatment [~ H I G H FREQUENCY ULTRASOUND IN
modalities were compared (maximum follow up of 36 DETERMINATION OF EXPANSION IN DEPTH OF
Results: Implant success rates were similar in both groups
(95,2%). An algorithm for deciding to perform a segmented Pesic, Z.*, Mihailovic, D., Ojordjevic, B., Milosavljevic, M.,
Le Fort I osteotomy or not was based on the site of the
defect in the dental arch, its width (number of teeth Department of Maxillofaeial Surgery, Institute of Pathology,
involved), size (height and depth), the occlusion, the avail- Clinic for Dermatovenerology, Medicine University, Nis,
ability of a graft, the age of the patient as well as his/her aes- Yugoslavia.
thetic expectations.
EACMFS Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 219

The aim of this study is to estimate the validity of highfre- Results: 1. The male to female ratio is 1.0 : 1.28 in FP and
quencis ultrasound determination the depths of the expres- 1.0 : 1.69 in SP, showing an increase of females from FP to
sion of tumors located in the face skin. SP. The tendency of the increase in cases in their thirties is
The depth of tumors expansion was first determined by especially apparent.
20 MHz ultrasound equipment (Dermascan, Cortex 2. As for the infection path way within each family, infec-
Technology, Hadsund, Denmark). Tumors of face skin were tion between children was mainly in the FP while that
surgically excised and patohistologicali analyzed. Depth of between parents, especially the mother, and children was
tumors invasion was measured on patohistological samples. mainly in the SP.
By this procedure 39 tumors of face skin were examined. 3. As for patients condition, children tended to show
Results obtained by ultrasound measurements and mea- more severe symptoms than adults. Most prodromes were
surements on patohistological samples were compared by fever greater than or equal to 38°C, and most physical con-
linear regression analysis. ditions at the first examination were fever and / or painful
Comparising results obtained by ultrasound and pato- swelling of the submandibular lymphnode.
histological determination show statistically significant cor- Conclusions: Primary infection with HSV-1 in maxillo-facial
relation, R = 0.64. regions was not the disease of young children.
High frequencies ultrasound gives objective picture of
skin tumors expansion in depth and facilities proper surgi-
Eckardt, A.*, Barth, E. and Fokas, K.
Barry L. Eppley, MD,. DMD
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hannover
Indiana University, Division of Plastic Surgery, Indianapolis, Medical School, Hannover/Germany
Indiana, USA
Aims: Measuring micronuclei might be helpful in quantifi-
The use of pulsed, wavelength-specific laser energy offers cation of genomic damage: Micronuclei are defined as
the potential for improvement for a variety of facial vascu- microscopically visible cytoplasmic masses next to the
lar lesions. When property applied to appropriately selected nucleus. Five criteria were established to identify micronu-
lesions, clinical benefit can be achieved with very minimal clei: 1. it has an area < 1/5 of the nucleus, 2. its intensity is
morbidity. Those facial vascular lesions which are most equal to that of the nucleus, 3. the number of micronuclei
responsive, however, await reports of large clinical series. must not be more than 2 per cell, 4. it is completely sepa-
Over a five year period, a series of infants, children, and rated from the nucleus and 5. it is round or oval with no
adults were treated with the pulsed dye laser (PDL) at a indented margins.
wavelength of 585nm for port wine stains (PWS) and hae- Results concerning exposure to ionizing radiation, tobacco
mangiomas (HG). Seventy-eight (78) patients (31 PWS, 47 products, alcohol consumption showed a strong dose-
HG) were studied for color clearance, lesion regression, response relationship. The possibility of using the presence
number of treatments for maximal effectiveness, and post- of micronuclei in precancerous lesions to estimate the risk of
treatment skin complications. In addition, the safety of vas- cancer development or as a biomarker in the follow-up of
cular laser therapy in infants under one year of age was patients with oral cancer is controversial.
studied by haptoglobin blood levels and the presence of uri- Method: Our study population consisted of 137 patients
nary pigments immediately after treatment. with oral cancer (age 30 - 79 years) and 38 normal controls
The result of this clinical series will provide therapeutic (age 16 - 55 years). For comparison of micronuclei in lym-
insight into which facial vascular lesions should be treated phocytes and epithelia, peripheral lymphocytes were iso-
with PDL and what clinical outcomes can be reasonably lated from heparinized blood by centrifugation. Exfoliated
expected. epithelia from the buccal mucosa were collected with a
wooden spatula, suspended in 0.9 % saline and washed.
Cells were placed on dry clean slides. Following fixation and
ANALYSES OF PRIMARY I N F E C T I O N S O F hydrolization cells were stained with Acriflavin, a fluores-
H E R P E S SIMPLEX VIRUS TYPE-1 IN M A X I L L O - cent dye. Micronuclei were then counted in 1000 cells under
FACIAL R E G I O N a fluorescent microscope.
Results: The samples taken from healthy control persons
Tadamitsu, K., Jingo, K., Yoshihumi, K., Shin-ichiro, T. gave a mean value of 1.73 micronuclei per 1000 cells (lym-
phocytes) and 1.42 micronuclei per 1000 cells (exfoliated
Department of Oral Surgery, Kurume University School of epithelia). In contrary samples taken from tumor patients
Medicine, Fukuoka, Japan gave a mean value of 4.63 micronuclei per 1000 cells (lym-
phocytes) and 2.68 micronuclei per 1000 cells (exfoliated
epithelia). The difference in micronuclei count was statisti-
Aims: To define the recent clinical behavior of primary cally significant for both lymphocytes ! epithelia in tumor
infection with herpes simplex virus type-1 (HSV-1) in max- patients versus non-tumor control persons (p < 0.02).
illo-facial region. Conclusion: The investigation demonstrated a clear differ-
Method: The clinical behavior between 66 patients with pri- ence of the micronucleus assay in tumor versus non-tumor
mary infection of HSV-1 treated from 1975 to 1981 (the first patients. Whether this test is a valuable "biomarker" to
period: FP) and 86 patients treated from 1982 to 1991 (the detect patients at high risk for developing second primary
second period: SP), as well as between child and adult tumors needs to be further clarified in this ongoing study.
groups of the SP was compared.
220 Journal of Cranio-MaxillofacialSurgery

threshold values of the bones under compression forces of

the D O G (distraction osteogenesis) sites were found to be
close to the non D O G sites.
S. G6ssweiner*, F. Watzinger, G. Sudash, J. Luksch, R. Conclusion: The new bone formed by D O G shows similar
Ewers resistance to the normal healthy bone under compression
forces. The results lead us to new studies of longer duration.
Clinic of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, AKH Vienna,
Waehringer Guerte118-20, A- 1090 Vienna, Austria
Tel.." 01-4040014259; Fax.: 4253 e-mail." r.ewers@akh- H I S T O L O G I C EXAMINATIONS ON ALGIPORE@,

(7. Lagogiannis*, C. Schopper, R. Ewers, F. Wanschitz, D.

Subject: The Horseshoe Le Fort I osteotomy with interposi- Moser
tional bone grafting is a method for reconstruction of the
severely atrophied maxilla. 23 patients were treated with this Clinic of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, AKH Vienna,
regimen at our clinic. It is the aim of this study to determine Waehringer Guerte118-20, A- 1090 Vienna, Austria
the rate of osteointegration of the interpositional bonegraft Tel.: 01-40400/4259; Fax.: 4253 e-mail: r.ewers@akh-
and the resorption of the residual alveolar ridge. The sur- wien. ac. at
vival rate of the implants in patients who underwent a
horseshoe Le Fort I osteotomy was also evaluated.
Material and methods: Dental CT was used for radiological Creation of sufficient bone is a basic condition for dental
evaluation of osteointegration of the interpositional bone implantation. One solution is the use of xenogenic materials
grafts. for bone augmentation, for example in preprosthetic surgery
1) The alveolar ridge was measured in the area of the of the extremely atrophied maxilla. Algipore® was devel-
nasal floor, and in the frontal and posterior area of the max- oped as a temporary bone substitute. It is a phycogenic,
illary sinus, granular and resorbable hydroxyapatite with an intercon-
2) The quality of the bone graft was evaluated and necting microporosity.
3) The reaction of the maxillary sinus was determined. At our clinic Algipore® was administered in 402 cases
Lateral cephalogram was performed pre- and postopera- for different indications, mostly in preprosthetic procedures.
tively and in a yearly follow up. Vertical relapse and sagittal In 47 cases or 11.7 % we were able to harvest specimen for
relapse were evaluated. histologic examination. These were processed by a grinding
Results: In 18 patients 121 endosteal implants have been technique, stained with toluidine blue and evaluated under
placed. 9 were lost and 3 had to be removed in spite of light microscopy. Because of its porosity, Algipore® is easily
osseointegration. The medium height of the osteointegrated penetrable for fluids at the recipient sites. Due to its unique
bone was 12 mm in the molare region and 15 mm in the pre- microarchitecture, it provides a bone-equivalent matrix for
molare region, 16 mm in the frontal region. Concerning osseoconduction.
postoperative vertical relapse an average of 6 mm was mea- With microradiographs we demonstrate the subsequent
sured within a five years follow up period, sagittal relapse stages of osteoblastic transformation, osseoid formation
caused by resorption of the anterior alveolar ridge showed and mineralisation. Woven bone is transformed into lamel-
an average of 1 ram. 3 patients had radioopaque maxillary lar bone, resulting in complete osseointegration of the gran-
sinuses, 3 patients showed resorption of the bone inside the ules. Furthermore, these are resorbed by cellular and
graft. enzymatic processes and replaced by newly formed bone. We
provide clinical and histological data and demonstrate the
different stages of bone formation and osseointegration of
Sariso~; S*, Yiicel, E., Erkmen, E., Mollao~lu, N., Biirkan, BONE REPAIR
0., Sarisoy, L.
McDougall, K.E. *, Downes, S., Corden, T.J.+, Jones, LA.+,
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Fisher; S.E. ++
Dentistry, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey
School of Biomedical Sciences, Medical School, Queen's
Medical Centre, Nottingham, NG7 2 UH, United Kingdom
Aims: To perform mandibular lengthening by distraction + Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of
osteogenesis in dogs and to investigate the resistance of the Nottingham, NG7 2RD, United Kingdom
new bone formed under compression forces. ++ Maxillofacial Unit, 30 The Ropewalk, Nottingham, NG1
Method: Mandibular lengthening was performed by means 5DW,, United Kingdom
of a modified intraoral orthodontic expansion device
(hyrax) adjusted by screws, in the right side of the mandibles
of three beagle dogs. The activation of the appliance was Aim: To produce poly-E-caprolactone (PCL) as a matrix
started five days postoperatively and continued for 10 days material in a bioabsorbable composite and to use human
with a rate of 1 mm/day. The follow up perigd was 3 craniofacial bone cells (CFC) to assess the biocompatibility.
months. Compression forces were applied to the right and Methods: PCL was produced using a novel in-situ polymeri-
left mandibular segments. sation technique. This process, in which the monomer is
Results: A uniform, new bone was observed in the gap cre- polymerised after injecting into a tool cavity, allows PCL to
ated by distraction, after three months. The breaking be used as a matrix material in long fibre composite materi-
EACMFS - Abstracts, Helsinki Congress 1998 221

als produced by resin transfer moulding (RTM). PCL of geneous density. The lesion was completely excised intrao-
varying molecular weights has been produced using proper- rally and the histologic examination disclosed a neurolem-
ties compared to that of commercially available PCL. morea of the hypoglossal (XII) nerve. Although the
Biocompatibility of PCL was assessed by seeding CFC onto neurolemmoma of the floor of the mouth is a very rare
polymer discs and culturing for 48 hours. Cell activitiy was tumor it should be included in the differential diagnosis of
assessed by the alamar Blue assay as a measure of mito- tumor lesions in and around the mouth.
chondrial activity and cell morphology was viewed by light Case 3 was a 51-year-old female who presented with a
microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). mass in the left maxilla. A CT-scan revealed a very extensive
Results: High quality PCL with a narrow molecular weight lesion filling the left maxillary sinus with bone destruction
distribution and properties comparable to commerically and extending to the inferior nasal turbinate. The patient
available PCL can be produced by this novel manufacturing underwent a total left maxillectomy and the histologic
process. Cell morphology and activity was good on PCL of examination of the specimen demonstrated neurofibro-
varying molecular weights. It was noted that activity was matosis. Benign neurogenic neoplasms are considered very
lower on gamma-irradiated than non-irradiated PCL. rare tumors of the nasal and paranasal sinuses.
Conclusions: PCL can be produced in the manner detailed
and is biocompatible with CFC. This technique may be used
with stereo lithography to produce individually tailored ANALYSIS O F CHANGES O F THE OCCLUSAL
bioabsorbable implants for craniofacial bone repair. P L A N E F O L L O W I N G BIMAXILLARY

BENIGN NEUROGENIC T U M O R S O F THE Novak J.B.*, Haers P.E., Sailer H.F.

Department of Cranio-MaxillofaciaI Surgery, University
Antoniades K*, Toliou T, Psimopoulou M, Kesaridou D, Hospital Zurich, Switzerland
Thanoulis P, Giannouli T, VahtsevanosK.
Aims: This study aims to analyse the changes of angulation
Department of OMFS, Theagenion Cancer Hospital of
of the occlusal plane following bimaxillary surgery.
Thessaloniki, Greece.
Method: Cephalograms taken preoperatively and 1 year
postoperatively in a series of 50 consecutive cases of bimax-
Neurilemmoma and neurofibroma are uncommon benign illary surgery were analysed. Subgroups were made accord-
nerve sheath tumors with a predilection for the head and ing to the underlying types of dysgnathia. The
neck region. Both types may be solitary or may be part of corresponding pre- and postoperative profile views of the
the clinical presentation of von Recklinghausen's disease. patients were analysed for changes of the paranasal volume
They are slow growing, well circumscribed and often with and nasolabial angle, whereas incisor exposure at rest and
the associated nerve attached peripherally. The purpose of during smiling were studied on en face pictures. Planning of
this paper is to demonstrate the detailed clinical and histo- changes of the occlusal plane was based on these aesthetic
logical features and to present the method of treatment of parameters.
three very unusual maxillofacial neurogenic tumors (two Results: The preoperative angulation of the occlusal plane
cases of neurofibroma and one of neurolemmoma). was different for the underlying types of dysgnathia (with
Case 1 was a 70-year-old female patient with mean values for the subgroups ranging from 5 ° to 13 °) and
Recklinghausen neurofibromatosis who presented with a was corrected such that postoperatively, the differences were
rapidly growing skin neurofibroma over the left cheek. The not significant anymore (ranging from 9 ° to 12°), although
lesion was widely excised and the pathologic examination of standardisation of the angulation of the occlusal plane had
the specimen revealed a Merkel cell carcinoma of the cheek not been a parameter for planning. The clinical relevance of
arising at a neurofibroma. We believe that the patient is the changes of angulation of the occlusal plane shall be demon-
first to be described a Merkel cell carcinoma associated with strated with clinical and radiological illustrations.
neurofibomatosis, in the literature. Conclusions: There is a relevant influence of changes of
Case 2 was a 20-year-old male who presented with a huge angulation of the occlusas plane on the aesthetic charac-
tumor at the right floor of the mouth. The lesion was slow teristics of the paranasal area and smile line. This should
growing with a long year history, painless and a CT-scan be taken into account when planning bimaxillary
disclosed a well circumscribed soft tissue mass with hetero- procedures.

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