Out and About STYLE Magazine Issue 12 Vol. 1 Maya Al Hawary

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Issue 12 Volume 1

January 2020
Quoteonth of


When you reflect

on how you’ve
spent your time,
ensure it is money

~ Marsha Fry


Shella Landayan



Published by Out and About Style FZE
(Registered at Fujairah Creative City)
New Year: a new chapter, new verse, or just the same
old story? Ultimately we write it. The choice is ours.”

 ~ Alex Morritt

A new decade is here, greeting us with hope, joy

and peace. Some of us are wondering what kind of
challenges we are going to encounter this year; some,
on the other hand, are thinking about how to start
a new life all over again. Whatever your thoughts,
please don’t forget to smile as we are graciously and
continuously given with new pages in our lives.

Out and About STYLE Magazine warmly welcomes

you to the fresh and wonderful chapter of 2020! We
wish for all of us to keep peace and love in our hearts
as we all continue with our journey towards success
and happiness.

Features and Highlights

Our Fashion feature spotlights Maruf Azimov, a cancer
survivor and a fitness model. He gave us insights about
his stories of struggles and success, a true testament
on how one should move forward and not give up in

Thinking about how can you upgrade your style without

breaking the budget? Remember our tips and tricks
because No Excuse Can Diminish the Friendliness of
Silk Scarves!

Planning to travel and want to get an idea on how you

can hack your on-the-go makeup look? We do have
Katrina to bless our very own Beauty section to back
your style. Check out her everyday routine, and maybe
you can get pointers too! And yes, scent preservation
is not only a science but also a subtle art, so make sure
to steal The Art of Wearing Perfumes for Long, just in
case you’re having a hard time enjoying your precious
scent all day.

Success isn’t easy, but with dedication and hard work,

everything is possible. Behind the Brand features the
incredible story of Ahmed Ben Chaibah, the CEO of
Aquafun. Come and see how he went through all the
challenges he had before he became successful in life.
Maya Al Hawary, a TEDx speaker and the first Body Type to get an idea on how to start your diet.
PhD scholar in the UAE to research on emotional
intelligence and leadership will surely inspire us in We’ll share places in our Travel feature where you
our feature for Taking Lessons, especially during can enjoy your first journey of this new decade.
her struggle with depression and rising above it Top 5 destinations to visit in 2020 highlights the
all. most beautiful places to visit in the Caribbean.
Check out another story in Travel with Kendria to
Want to pursue your dreams? Let’s hear Esther Zurich, Switzerland and see for yourself if this will
Eden, a young singer-songwriter in our Talent be your next destination!
Pool. She shared with us how she managed to be Being unique and finding yourself out of the
a successful singer and a dedicated songwriter. ordinary is difficult, especially with the new era
we have. We have Tips to Differentiate Oneself
In our Lifestyle feature, we will give an insight on from the Masses from our Culture section to help
how to manage your finances and how to handle us overcome this situation. Speaking of the new
your Money: Even Before You Start. We also want era, the Internet is one of the greatest inventions.
to emphasise the importance of health, so get However, like everything else, it has its ups and
useful information on the 15 Best Ways to Have downs. The Internet: The Taste of Change in
Healthier Thyroid. If you’re also wanting to get that Modern Life gives us insights into the significant
four-leaf clover to start your new year, we have a changes the world wide web has made on our
special article just for you to help in Creating Your daily lives.
Own Luck.
Last but not least, we still want to offer you the
Food is one of our pleasures in life, but we can’t best lessons we can share so you can lead to the
help but worry ‘cause calories are also waving at life you wanted. For our 2020 Book Goals, we
us. Help is coming! Try these goodies on our Food recommend 10 Books you must read before the
section and prep these 7 Creative and Simple year ends, an essential compilation of the best
Eggplant Recipes in your kitchen! and classic books. Find our book review as well on
the classic piece Think and Grow Rich, written by
Since the new year is here and the holidays are Napoleon Hill.
over, we are back on our daily and busy lifestyle.
Of course, we don’t want to compromise on our A New Decade, A New Vision of Success
health with the stress and the challenges of the We have another year to share our lives and
daily grind. We offer you Healthy Eating Ideas for blessings with everyone. Always remember to
a Fast-Paced Life where you can get pointers to live life to the fullest. Again, from Out and About
start your healthy living. STYLE Magazine, consisting of a vibrant team that
Is losing those extra pounds one of your New has made this Edition possible, congratulations on
Year’s resolutions? We’ve got your back! In our the new opportunity we have. This decade, we will
Fitness section, read The Ideal Diets for Every prosper!
• Fashion Feature: Maruf Azimov (Max Fardan)


• No Excuse Can Diminish the Friendliness of Silk Scarves

• M
 akeup Madness with Katrina - Going Parisian: Makeup I brought
along with me in Paris!
• The Art of Wearing Perfumes for Longer


• A
 hmed Ben Chaibah, CEO of Aqua Fun

• Maya Al Hawary, Emirati Scholar, Chairman of the Board of
Governors of Dubai Carmel School

• Esther Eden, 22-year-old Singer-songwriter

• Money: Even Before You Start
• 15 Best Ways to Have Healthier Thyroid
• Creating your own luck
• 7 Creative and Simple Eggplant Recipes
• Healthy Eating Ideas for a Fast-Paced Life

• The Ideal Diet for Every Body Type

• C
 ruise the Caribbean: Top 5 destinations to visit in 2020
• T ravel with Kendria to Zurich, Switzerland

• The Reinvented Chronicles with Yvonne C. Mtengwa: Tips to
differentiating oneself from the masses
• The Internet: The Taste of Change in Modern Life
• 2020 Book Goals: 10 Books You Must Read Before the Year Ends
• Book Review: Think and Grow Rich


YOURSELF? The day came when my doctor told me to
I am Maruf Azimov, a 32-year old fitness call my family. I was preparing for some bad
model based in Dubai. On social media, news. My father was recuperating from a
most people know me as Max Fardan. I’m recent heart problem, and I couldn’t bear
a proud native of Tashkent, Uzbekistan, a to send my family depressing news. “Be
beautiful landlocked Central Asian country strong; everything will be okay.” The doctor
teeming with history and exotic appeal. I told me. What came next was something
have three adorable kids, and I’m married I wasn’t prepared to hear in my life, ever.
to Shohista, my amazing, beautiful wife. “You have breast cancer.”

Eight years ago, I was diagnosed with an It was difficult for me to comprehend at first.
unlikely illness. Breast cancer, the culprit that I have breast cancer. I googled about it, and
takes over thousands of victims every year I could only stare in shock at the facts. At 24
worldwide, struck me: and I’ve fought it for years, I was, indeed, a Stage 2 breast cancer
years. Three years ago, I underwent several patient.
sessions of chemotherapy, including surgery
to remove the lump in my chest. Today, I Cancer treatment started very soon. Slowly,
stand as a proud cancer survivor, and I wish I went to treatment after treatment, and
for more years of good health to come. I still it wasn’t a pleasant experience. It was a
undergo routine check-ups every six months dizzying struggle, nauseating and leaving
to monitor my condition. me fatigued. I was told that there would
be more chemo sessions to undergo, so I
I came to Dubai when I got sick, and I was considered leaving my home country. At
anxious about letting my family know about first, I went to Turkey, asking myself where to
my struggle. When magazines started work, and weighing in the sacrifices I need
wanting to write about me, they asked to make to get treatments as well.
for my real name. I was a little hesitant to
disclose it back then for fear that news I decided to come to Dubai because of a
about my health will reach my family in close friend. He recommended Dubai very
Tashkent. Most of my friends call me Max, highly, saying that it’s a good place he
as it’s a short name, with an easy ring to it thought might work for me well. I found
like ‘Max Rich’. Max sounded just perfect, so a good job in Dubai, initially starting as a
I eventually adopted this screen name. salesman. At that time, it wasn’t enough
to sustain my needs, so I found a part-
time night shift job as security personnel.
2. TELL US ABOUT YOUR JOURNEY I worked for a year doing these jobs, and
THROUGH BREAST CANCER. at the same time, going to the hospital for
I was 24 when I was diagnosed with breast the treatments. It was a challenging time for
cancer. me, and whenever I’m talking with my family
over the phone, I’d pretend that everything
Back then, I’d been noticing a small lump in was alright.
my left chest for months. It was becoming
uncomfortable, and it wasn’t going away. I The life of a cancer patient is exhausting. The
felt that it was getting bigger. I decided to fatigue quickly sets in, and the exhaustion
see a doctor to have my condition checked. was palpable at the end of the day’s work.
I’d undergone several tests: from lab tests After a year, I stopped working those two
to MRI scans. jobs, and I just focused on one. I was
eventually promoted to sales manager after undergoing surgery to remove the lump in my
three years. The company helped me through left chest, I was declared cancer-free. Living
my ordeal. My manager, my boss, they not only for myself but for my wife and kids,
understood my situation, and they supported as well as my family back in Tashkent, makes
me all the way. The unwavering support of my me so happy and grateful.
friends here in Dubai was also instrumental in
helping me cope with cancer. For this reason, 3. HOW HAS YOUR LIFE CHANGED
Dubai will always be my second home. SINCE FINDING OUT YOU ARE
I went back to Tashkent for my surgery. My I was in Dubai when the ‘call’ happened. I
fantastic doctor became a close friend of picked up the phone and heard my doctor on
mine, and my gratitude for him flows really the other side. He was crying. “You’ve won it,
deep. He helped me obtain the expensive my boy. You’ve won it.” I was in shock. “What
medicine I needed. In Uzbekistan, healthcare happened?” I told him. He replied, “You’ve
is also free, thanks to the government’s beaten cancer!”
efforts to finance the state hospitals, medical
institutions and clinics. I reminisced about all the treatments I
braved, the arduous, difficult months of
After finishing chemo and successfully chemotherapy. I looked back on all the
support I received from the people around I was indeed fortunate and blessed. And I
me. There wasn’t a day in those cancer- knew I fought well. I never gave up, and I
stricken years that I’ve told myself that I enjoyed life even though I was stricken with
have to be ready for anything that could cancer during all those challenging years.
happen. Life is fragile, and it is a brief time I went to the gym to dance because I love
we only borrowed from God. I remembered dancing, and I also sing whenever the vibe
the prayers I’ve mumbled silently, asking hits me. Knowing that I might as well be gone
God to give me even a little bit more time at any day made me enjoy my life, including
for my loved ones, for the dreams and goals the smallest of happy, positive events. I think
I have for them. I have to be there when God listens when we are truly grateful for the
all my unwed sisters finally walk down the lives we’ve been gifted with.
aisles. For my father, I’ll buy him a car for his
taxi business. And how could I even leave I ventured into freelance modelling and
my sweet wife? At least, if I were to perish eventually became a brand ambassador. I’m
soon, I should be able to find him a suitable more passionate and happier than ever, and
husband to take care of her and the kids I couldn’t simply ask for more. Having won
when I’m gone. These were the thoughts I over cancer and becoming healthy is enough
had to prepare for the worst. as a blessing and a renewed gift of life.
My mood dictates my style. I also see
myself with a versatile, independent
taste in fashion, and I like showcasing
different styles for many occasions. Sexy,
elegant styles are appealing to me:
something not too gaudy but catches
attention like a whiff of mysterious
perfume. It is also important for me to
pick a style that accentuates me as a
person and not the outfit itself. It’s like
‘dressing not to dress’.


Mr Dubai never occurred to me in
the first place, and winning the title is
unbelievable for me. I did try my best
to win, though! I know that I am pretty
capable, but I don’t think of myself
as any better than the rest of the
contestants, and I always remind myself
that someone else is better than me.

It was the idea of my close friend who

told me to try joining the competition.
Mr Dubai is a big event, so I had my
doubts at first. Eventually, I thought it
might lead me to new opportunities,
so I joined and tried my best. It was
quite a pleasure becoming friends and
acquaintances with my co-contestants,
event organisers and the rest of the staff.
Everybody is already a winner! I enjoyed
the experience as much as winning the
title itself.

Having the title of Mr Dubai imposes
both prestige and responsibility. You
have to represent a culturally diverse,
cosmopolitan city, bearing the local
roots of a true Emirati as the male
face of Dubai. It’s not all about being
physically beautiful, or aesthetic in the
fashion sense. Still, titles like these
also demand strength of character and
authenticity in putting forward your
convictions, aspirations and advocacy.
The male figure that we need our society
to embrace is the picture of a benevolent
father, an amazing brother and a loving son.
As Mr Dubai, these are the images I want to

Mr Dubai also allows me to introduce my

home country to many people. Not many
are aware of my country and our culture
back home, including its people and history.
Everywhere I go, I pride myself in being an
Uzbek and a native of Tashkent.


There wasn’t really a specific thing that I did
after winning the title. What ensued after the
event were lots of meetings, photoshoots
and magazine interviews. I was also invited
to other events like concerts and shows. I
was able to share my experiences with many
audiences, and the opportunity to introduce
my home country comes along with these
gigs. I am very honoured and delighted
indeed to find that more and more people
are getting to know Uzbekistan and the
Uzbek culture because of me.

More importantly, I was able to share

the past struggles and victory of being a
cancer survivor. We can rise above these
personal battles with resilience and faith.
As long as realistically possible, we can still
pursue our passions even when we are sick
or physically frail. I love telling people to
enjoy every moment of their lives because
life is beautiful. The short time that we are
endowed with is enough for us to live our
lives to the fullest.


Fashion is also a means of carrying yourself
in public, which should reflect your attitude
and behaviour. In my opinion, it shouldn’t
just be ‘fashion items’ that every man should
have, but also the right attitude.
Firstly, you have to be friendly and expensively, donning expensive able to give help on how to choose
approachable. It doesn’t matter items and all that. A simple tee the right decision with your clothes.
how a man dresses if he doesn’t paired with classic pants or jeans, First of all, people are getting
know how to smile and radiate as well as shoes for the right events crazy about fashion, and they’re
charm. Having an open mind, and and suits are all good. starting to do crazy things with it.
a face that always smiles is the most Yes, fashion loves crazy things. It’s
impressionable fashion statement The fourth item on my list is also important to understand that
that any man can have. something I deem as too important fashion is not all about how much
not to leave out: sunglasses! Here skin will show. Fashion is cool,
It’s also important for every man in the ME region, the sun is really elegant, sometimes a little bit wild,
to take care of himself. Improving high and protecting your eyes while sometimes sweet. That is fashion.
yourself on the daily by making being out and about is essential.
sure you’re fit and learning every It’s not precisely for fashion’s sake,
day is something that never goes but for comfort too! 10. ONE TREND YOU
out of style. Your body is going to DETEST
thank you for going to the gym, or Last but certainly not least, When it’s too common. As I said
by exercising while being guided accessorising needs to be on point, earlier, whatever the trend is, that
by fitness books and TV shows. and for me, the whole look is not should not define you. You should
complete without a watch. be creating your own signature
Thirdly, a fashionable man knows style. If you’re going to go with
how to dress appropriately for the the flow, how will it be you?
right crowd and occasion. When 9. WHAT MAKES YOU You’re already a trend. Just wear
people are watching you, your CALL THE FASHION POLICE? something cool. It will be a trend if
outfits speak your mood for them. Since I have already gathered a lot you know how to wear it properly.
It doesn’t have to be dressing up of knowledge about fashion, I’ll be Of course, this is only my opinion.
I can’t drink or take any diet supplements as advised by
my doctor. They said it’s risky because it may trigger the
cancer cells again. That’s why I decided to do it healthily.
For breakfast, I’ll be boiling five or six eggs which I prefer
half cooked. I love eating slowly. I’m eating five times a day
with small portions per meal. I try not to overeat after seven
or eight in the evening. I have a fast metabolism, so I tend
to lose weight fast. If you want to have a great body, you
have to focus on your food and try to eat healthily. You can
drink alcohol but not too much. Enjoy your life. Exercise is
also essential if you want to have a good body. I go to the
gym every day and spend one to two hours there. I have
different exercise routines each day; today it can be chest
exercise, tomorrow is for the shoulders, and after that for
the legs. There are days that I’m unable to go, but I’ll make
sure that I’ll go on the next day.


What makes me happy? That’s the most beautiful question.
If I see someone smiling, it makes me happy. If I hear
something, even a noise, it makes me happy. When I’m
drinking tea, it makes me happy. When I’m walking, it
makes me happy. I can see, I can feel, I can smell. I can
hear, and I can walk. Everything makes me happy.


I can say it with a couple of words. Enjoy every moment in
your life because life is short but beautiful.
Scarves have been
around for centuries,
holding a primary
place as an essential
ensemble of couture
in every civilisation and
culture. They haven’t
lost their significance,
and neither do we
expect it to happen
ever, which is why we
still get to see certain
dapper-looking men
and women garbed in
these pieces making
bold statements.

No Excuse
Can Diminish
the Friendliness
of Silk Scarves
You might have wondered
why scarves never go
out of style or what’s the
importance attached
to them. The answer
is simple; scarves are
an international piece
of garment, giving you
warmth, protection,
neatness, grace and
individuality. Be it
for fashion purpose,
spiritual motive or
shield from extreme
weather conditions, it is
that functional piece of
adornment you invest
in because it helps you
style yourself in multiple
unique ways, adapts to
all weathers and adds
the final charisma to your
Silk Scarf
When you decide to buy a silk scarf for yourself, keep a practical stance. You
should be clear-headed about what you’re going to need it for. It is clear,
scarves are multi-functional but your purchase can go wasteful if its purpose
is missing. Think about when and where you want to wear it and with what
attire. Would you be using it for office during daytime or for a casual night
out? The choices are unlimited and so is the available variety.
Once the objective has been sorted out, other related issues will straighten
out automatically, such as the colour, pattern, weave, size and shape. We’ll
be discussing the usage of silk scarves at length today, their practicality,
beauty, as well as the high demand in unisex fashion world.
Silk Scarves
Add Class to
Men’s Clothing
Any man would certainly welcome long, rectangular
beautiful patterned silk scarves in his wardrobe to
perk up his otherwise bland coloured dresses. This
accessory can be worn on its own, with or without
a necktie. Remember, the scarf doesn’t and cannot
replace a tie or bow; it’s a complete additional
accessory giving guys a strong, dashing look for
perfect masculinity.

Most men on the other hand aren’t aware of the

functionality of silk scarves. Majority knows only
about woollen scarves or mufflers. They take scarves
for mere shield purposes. It’s no surprise that these
men stand clueless when it comes to wearing a silk
scarf and this is why we find the need to explain the
correct way of adorning this statement accessory.
No doubt, silk scarves are
the prettiest and most
luxurious ones, wearing
them require extra
competence on your part.
They have the tendency of
slipping off, and you might
want to tie it too tightly or
add pins to make it stay.
Both ways are wrong. Silk
scarf has to be draped
Avoid Tight casually and allowed to
flow rakishly, to show you
Knots-Drape It have mastered the art of
displaying it with ease.

The Simplest
Lay your scarf over your shoulders and
tie both ends over and under as we tie
shoelaces. Adjust the front a bit and
tighten a bit according to your desire.
Always keep your attire in mind and
select your scarf in matching or contrast,
just enough to boost your confidence
and style.
This is a make-believe
knot, best applicable
on big, bold prints and
medium-sized or even
lengthy scarves. Wear the
scarf with one end hanging
twice longer than the other
one. Tie a loose hand knot
on the longer side, leaving
about 12-18 inches at
the end. Now take the
shorter scarf end and slip
it through the knot, finally
tightening to the desired
length. This will create an
exquisite debonair casual
Fake It

Go French-
European Knot
This is the simplest yet most
elegant knot style requiring
a lengthy scarf. You’ll have to
fold the scarf in the middle; the
two ends meet exactly at the
same length. Carefully wrap
it around your neck, holding
the doubled over bend in
one hand. Pass the other end
through the bend and pull
snug. This knot looks and
works best with silk scarves.
Perfect for office wear and a
lavish evening party.
Women are luckier to be
able to make use of silk
scarves in numerous ways.
These fancy, colourful
embellishments add charm
Women Beautifying to the female persona. Let’s
discuss a few unique styles
Silk Scarves of bringing silk scarves to
their best potential.

This can flaunt your hairstyle in daytime
and evening, more so in the summers.
You can catch up your hair in a chic
ponytail and tie it with a silk scarf
matching your outfit. It can also be
worn around your head and tied at
the back. Go and be creative with silk
scarves using them as hair accessories
for a change.
Tie it in bow shape, giving
it a look of a statement
necklace. Wrap it twice
around your neck and tie
a knot resembling a bow,
sitting either below your
chin or on the side for extra
style. You can pull it off in
the office with a blazer.
Adorn Your Neck

Around One
This look might deceive others
into believing your blouse
has a stylish part. Tie your
silk scarf neatly around part
of the tank, making one side
decorative. It works best with
plain sleeveless tops.
Tie the ends of your silk
scarf to your sunglasses
or eyeglasses. This would
keep your glasses safe
during office hours,
saving precious time
lost in searching for your
misplaced specs. It should

Never Misplace work like a sunglasses

strap, even convenient for

Your Glasses holding a camera to take

pictures with style.

Loop it around
the Wrist
Wear the silk scarf around your
wrist as a bracelet, a band or as a
clasp for your wristwatch. Twist it if
it’s longer in length and tie a bow
knot at the end that hangs to one
Belt the scarf around
your trench coat when
going out, for a classy
appealing look. Enrich

the appearance further
by choosing contrasting

Your Waistline
shades if your clothes are
neutral tinted.

Brighten Your
In place of key chains, stickers
and other handbag tidbits,
twist a bright silk scarf and
wrap it around the straps of
your purse. This is a trendy
street look, which have
We’re leaving you with just a
few basic ideas to remind you
that it’s never too hot or too
cold to ignore wearing your
silk scarves. In fact, silk scarves
are so useful and workable
that one fails to run out of the
habit of not wearing them.
Model: Lili Lilla Nagy
Photo & Retouch: Balazs Nemet

Avant-garde Headpiece: Evi Kelemen Millasonjacouture

Hair, Makeup and Concept: Liv Rideg
Instagram: @livridegmakeup

Pixi Skintreats
M A K E U P Rose Tonic

Dermalogica (Rose & Elderflower
Gel Cleanser Nourishing Toner)

Origins Ginzing
Gel Moisturiser
I spent the holidays in Paris with my family,
and it was the most amazing experience.
We fell so deeply in love with Paris: the
architecture, the people and the art, and
we’re even planning to go back at least
twice a year from this point forward. But
anyway, let’s get to the reason you are all
here: my Paris makeup set!

Farsali Rose Farsali

It is surprising that I only brought a small
Gold Elixir Skintune Blur
makeup set given that we stayed in the
famed lover’s city for four days and three
nights! Honestly, I had no idea what kind
of looks I should be rocking in France, but
I knew that I wanted to keep it simple and
sleek, with a short, fixed routine daily so I
could get out of the hotel room fast. As a
result, I ended up doing a simple blended
face with only one foundation per day
and light contouring, coupled with a pair
of Kemet Lashes and different shades of
lipsticks, lip liners and glosses.
Too Faced NARS
So, what did I pack? Let’s get straight to it.
Hangover Radiance Lancôme Blur
Rx Primer Primer & Go Primer

NARS Sheer Glow Sephora Glow

Foundation (Macao) Perfection Foundation


Kat Von D Kemet Lash Co.

Lash Liner Sephora Cinescope Mascara Strips Lashes


NYX Tinted Brow MAC Cosmetics Studio Finish Concealer with

Mascara (Espresso) SPF15 for a clean finish & sculpt.

NARS Limited Fenty Beauty

Too Faced Born This Edition Audacious Gloss Bomb
Way Multi-Use Sculpting Lipstick (Siouxsie) (Diamond Milk)
Concealer (Maple)

Too Faced Glitter Makeup Forever Artist

Too Faced Born This Nude Lipstick (That Pencil (610 Versatile
Way Multi-Use Sculpting Girl) Chestnut)
Concealer (Cocoa)


Fenty Beauty Sun Stalk’r

Bronzer (Coco Naughty) NARS Radiant Creamy
Concealer (Amande)

NYX Professional Makeup Laura Mercier Translucent

Can’t Stop Won’t Stop Setting Loose Setting Powder
Powder (Medium-Deep) (Medium Deep)

Katrina is the Creative
Director at The Beauty
Studio, Middle East. In
this article, she shares
Laura Mercier Translucent her travel makeup and
Loose Powder - Glow Urban Decay Naked Skin
skin routine.
(Medium Deep) Shapeshifter Palette

It might seem like a lot of stuff, but it really wasn’t! I didn’t bring which is awesome timing for me if I must say so!
any setting sprays because the weather was more fit for powders
than sprays. I also didn’t mind having a single eyeshadow palette Everything I packed are the products I actually used each day. I
(not even my favourite ABH x Jackie Aina palette). Basically, I want to preface this by saying that my skin is at its optimal health
wanted to blend into the Parisian crowd by following the “less so please don’t think that because all of this worked for me that
is more” rule, but also by tweaking my signature natural glow it will also undoubtedly work for you. My skin type is normal to
looks with a different shade of lipstick every day. During winter in dry, and I take really good care of it and consequently, it makes it
Paris, you can get away with a dark shade eyeliner on the upper easier for me to apply makeup by blessing me with healthy skin.
lash line or on the waterline all day because it’s pretty gloomy
and the sun is only out for a bit before it hides behind the clouds So there you have it! There were only a few items I packed and
again. I noticed that a lot of women in French shops and French didn’t use but my Parisian holiday makeup was ultimately very
restaurants do this, so I didn’t hesitate to fall in line! simple and classic. It was definitely perfect for a full day at the
Chateau de Versailles, or an impromptu photo session in front
On the second day, I recorded my full first-day routine via the time- of the Arc de Triomphe and the Musee du Louvre, dinner at
lapse function on my iPhone camera so I could easily follow each Fouquet’s Paris, a nightly stroll under the lights of the Eiffel Tower,
step for the next two days. The reason why I didn’t record the first or just a simple shopping trip to Avenue des Champs Elysees and
day is because I referenced it as a test day. I wanted to make sure the Galleries Lafayette.
that my skin and the Parisian weather would actually work well
together before making it my official routine. Thankfully, it did, I hope that I have not only inspired each of you to step outside
and I didn’t have to change anything. As a result, I ended up with the box with your makeup routine when you are away from home,
beautiful, flawless skin (no breakouts or adverse reactions) and but I hope that I have inspired you to travel more this 2020. It is
an easy makeup routine that was perfect for winter in Paris. As a the year of abundance! Laugh more, smile more, do more, be
bonus tip, I had more time to spend with my family for outdoor grateful, live life more abundantly and never ever forget: TRAVEL
sightseeing and shopping because I wasn’t stuck doing a 2 - 3 IS LIFE!
hour makeup routine every morning. I would honestly say it only
took me about 30 - 40 minutes to do my makeup each morning Cheers to 2020!
Model: Szintia Bakos
Photo & Retouch: Andrea Marton
Headpiece: Trangoni Couture
Hair: Izabella Koszeri
Bridal Beauty Makeup: Liv Rideg
Dress: Nagy Agota Collection
Location: Studio Lightroom, Budapest, Hungary
Instagram: @livridegmakeup
Model: Szintia Bakos
Photo & Retouch: Andrea Marton
Headpiece: Trangoni Couture
Hair: Izabella Koszeri
Bridal Beauty Makeup: Liv Rideg
Dress: Nagy Agota Collection
Location: Studio Lightroom, Budapest, Hungary
Instagram: @livridegmakeup
The Art of Wearing
Perfumes for Longer
Perfumes are the last and the most essential
part of grooming. Everyone loves that final spritz
of alluring scent after getting ready to head out
enveloped in a long-lasting fragrance announcing
its arrival proudly. All of us are conscious of the
significance of beautiful perfumes, rendering it
essential to make these fragrances last as long as

Before getting into the tips and tricks of keeping your scent
stay longer, there are various factors to bear in mind. First, from
perfume buying to wearing: it’s an art. Perfumes are available
in many forms, hence their longevity levels. Their creation
involves base notes, middle notes and top notes. These notes
play a pivotal role in the long life and sillage of perfume in
coordination with your skin type.
Know Your Perfume
Before you purchase a fancy fragrance
feeling heady by its gorgeous scent, be
sure what perfume type and note you’re
investing in. Pick eau de parfum instead
of eau de toilette, eau de cologne,
body mist or spray. Eau de parfum,
as well as extrait de parfum, is always
formulated with a higher concentration
of oils, resulting in a stronger and
longer-lasting formulation.

Notes of Perfume
The base notes in perfumes act like
its foundation. The stronger the base
notes are, the longer their scent clings
to the skin. Middle and top notes wear
off pretty quickly, so it’s the base notes
you ought to consider when buying a
perfume. Go for heavy base notes, such
as oriental and amber, woody, leathery
or musky scents. For citruses and florals,
you can always layer up two perfumes:
a heavy base note perfume, with your
floral fragrance on the top. This would
also help you in building up your
signature scent.
Know Your Skin Type
We won’t be getting into the
dermatological nuances and technical
definitions of the various skin types.
Generally speaking, there are two
common types: dry and oily, or
combination skin. While on the hunt
for perfumes, be wary of your skin
type. Dry-skinned people tend to lose
scents quicker than oily skin types. Be
sure to test out different perfumes and
opt for strong, heavy concentrated
scents. They’d stay with you for longer
stretches, and you won’t be missing
the good vibes your chosen perfume

Storing Your Perfume

Once you’ve bought your favourite
bottle of perfume, keep it tightly shut
inside the original package. Make sure
to store it in a cool dark place away from
sunlight and not in your bathroom due
to the dampness and heat. Besides,
never shake your perfume bottle—it’s
not medicine!
The Best Time to
Apply Perfumes
Notably, perfumes linger for a longer
period when applied straight after a
bath or shower. Damp skin absorbs the
scents well but wait for the perfume to
dry before you begin to get dressed.
You can also apply an unscented
body lotion first before spraying the
perfume, and the results are far better
if your body lotion smells similar to your
perfume. This would support the scent
since oily and moisturised skin retains
the smell for longer and a matching
scented body lotion would work as the
base layer of your perfume.

How and Where

to Wear Perfume
It’s a known secret: perfumes are worn
on the pulse points as these places
trigger off heat, enhancing the scent
you’re wearing. If your perfume doesn’t
stay with you for hours, another trick is
to apply petroleum jelly on these pulse
points before you wear perfume.
As a rule, you should be applying
or spraying perfume on your wrists,
neck, behind your ears, inside elbows
and even the back of your knees and
ankles. Spraying on the insides of your
jacket or scarf can prove to be really
advantageous for long-term effects.
Walk Through the
Cloud of Perfume
French perfumes aren’t just
famous because of their
quality: French people
know how to wear these
elegances the proper
way. They say perfumes
maintain their scent longer
if we spray a cloud of it in
the air and walk through
this shower. The spray
settles down in our hair
and clothes, keeping the
fragrance intact.
You can spray the perfume
on your hairbrush as well.
Brush your hair when
the brush dries and be
rest assured that you will
remain smelling fresh
and wonderful for a long
time. Amazingly enough,
hair carries the scent for
longer periods and gives
off enigmatic head-turning

You might feel exhausted by now, but don’t worry. Remember 5. Don’t throw away the last drops of perfume in the bottle.
these few don’ts to help yourself in getting the maximum out You can always mix them in your body lotion or soak a few
of your precious scents. cotton buds in those last droplets of fragrance, keeping them
in a plastic zip bag and throwing it in your purse for touch-ups
1. Don’t rub perfume on your skin—you only need to either
whenever needed.
dab it or spray it on yourself.
Finally, we’re leaving you with some good news. It’s usual for
2. In the same way, don’t rub your wrists together after
any perfume wearer not to be able to distinguish his or her
perfume application. Friction would fade away the top notes
perfume after mingling with others or even after spending a
faster than your liking.
few hours alone, but worry not. This certainly doesn’t indicate
3. Don’t douse yourself in the scent. Doing this can cause the loss of that scent; it’s because our noses get accustomed to
a rather adverse effect on your nerves and those you’re our own perfume, thus leaving us unable to smell it repeatedly.
surrounded by. Overdoing this can give off an overwhelming On the other hand, people around us can always pick up the
headache—literally. projection of our perfume.

4. Don’t spray directly in your hair or on your jewellery. Don’t Keep on experimenting with different perfumes the world is
spray too close to your clothes. The perfume oils can create offering. Understanding and finding your signature perfume
stains on the fabric. takes time and patience!
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1. TELL US A BIT ABOUT YOURSELF. doing all these years was taken away from me.
I’m Ahmed Ben Chaibah, currently known as At that time, I couldn’t work as a DJ, I wasn’t
Aquaman, the owner of Aqua Fun, The largest able to do sports and I didn’t have a job. I’m
inflatable aqua park in the world. I design, emotionally, physically, spiritually and financially
produce, manage and operate Aqua Fun. Those broke. But I was thinking, do I want to cry about
are the things I mainly focus on these days. I am it, or do I need to recreate myself? And then
38-year-old Emirati National. I saw a video, like an incredible water-sports
game—it was so cool. Maybe I should do that.

2. WHAT DOES SUCCESS MEAN TO As soon as I recovered from my injury, I drove

YOU? the first year, covering a mileage of 131,000
There are two different talking points with kilometres. I did 617 meetings, and everyone
regards to this question: success and happiness. said no. Eventually, I found out why they were
For me, success is to be the best person. If I’m saying no: people are always amused by the
not the best person at what I do, will I still enjoy end result but are afraid of the process. I love
it? I asked myself one day, what is the purpose the process.
of this business? It’s creating happy memories,
that’s the core of it. For example, we had a visitor Eventually, I started with slides and yachts. I
before who thanked and talked to me for half spoke to 2,000 yachts captains and owners.
an hour because of his son, who’s autistic and Literally, I knocked on their doors to ask. As
never been in the water before. They were able soon as I got the information I needed, I sold 47
to have a bonding moment in the water park slides in a month. It was the first money I made.
because his son is no longer afraid of the water. On the second try, I failed. I went bankrupt three,
Seeing that smile etched onto people’s faces or maybe four times, and came back again. It’s
and the positive energy in the park, with people not about the number of times you’re down.
thanking me for having an awesome time— It’s about the comebacks. For most people,
that’s success for me. It’s more of an emotional they quit easily after the first or second failure. I
thing. Yes, numbers are important. I was able made so much money and lost so much money.
to get it, but it’s just a scoreboard. I learned The genius thing I did was that I didn’t quit.
early on in my life that it’s not just money that
matters. The experiences that we cherish, the
beautiful moments that we remember—those 4. WHAT WAS YOU MISSION WHEN
are the things that really matter. Success, then, YOU STARTED OUT?
for me, is having inner peace, joy, happiness, I just want to recreate myself for the better. This
as well as spiritual and candid enjoyment of the is totally foreign to me. There’s nobody in my
human experience. family who’s into business. There’s nobody who
can support me, or lead me, or mentor me. It
was all me.
CONCEPT COME ABOUT? I used to be an athlete, I know how not to quit
I used to work with one of the biggest event and how to process things. I used to be an event
companies in the Middle East. They told me support manager so I have a grasp on systems.
that I had to leave, and they gave me a six- I just applied the principles I learned on those
month salary to which I agreed. I used to be an things which I don’t have any experience yet,
athlete and a DJ at Creamfields, with all these which of course is not enough.
big names in Emirates.
Nobody prepares you when you run your own
I was thinking back then that I’m educated, I business, like for all the things that you need to
have experience, but I am still wondering how deal with: clients, employees, sales, marketing,
to get a job. I went to 74 interviews, and none legal stuff, accounting and everything else. I
of the companies employed me. think that this is something that is not simply
learned in schools and universities, where I
One day, I was in the gym doing warm-up and wasted a lot of money.
I accidentally hurt myself. Everything I’ve been
5. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO reflect on some of my lowest days, I know that is when
A PERSON WHO WANTS TO FOLLOW A my life changed for the better. I choose to be happy or
PASSION? sad. I have learned that I have a choice. I choose to have
Following your passion is about creating precious this day or moment to ruin or to be happy. The most
moments. Don’t be stuck doing something that makes important thing is how you react.
you miserable. You only have one life, why waste it into
something you’re not happy about? What do you want Everybody goes through stress, and general wiring is to
to do? Your happiness should be Number One. For a freak out. We will have stressful times, but what matters
lot of people, happiness means money. That’s not true. most is your capacity to handle it. I think I’ve learned
You could be making AED 200,000 a year, but you feel so much and I became so good at it. When a situation
miserable. Someone once said, “The more money you happens, I don’t react right away. The first thing I do,
have, the more problems you have.” which some might think is silly, is to breathe deeply.
Just remember to breathe because it will help with
While I do agree that money is extremely important reinforcing your blood flow. Otherwise, you’ll get tense,
to have a certain lifestyle, happiness and contentment and you tend to react more impulsively. After calming
should come first. But it doesn’t mean that having myself, I will be able to judge the situation. Then I will
money cannot give you a sense of fulfilment, because in be able to think about how I can handle it. Lastly, I’ll act
some cases it really can. You need to work to that level on it in the most reasonable and efficient way possible.
of wealth you desire, nonetheless.


REWIRE? I’ve learned many lessons, but one thing sums it up: just be
I have had some bad days, but even the worst days patient and never quit. Keep going until you get what you
become tipping points. They made me who I am now, want. Did you get what you want? Did you get enough? If
and therefore, I would never change them. When I you answered no to these two questions, why stop?
8. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO That’s getting a lesson, so that’s okay.
SOMEONE STARTING OUT? Whenever there are customers who are giving us a
You need to have positive and productive energy. You very hard time, and I accommodate their issues and
can be busy but not productive, and that’s the most complaints, telling them that I’m the owner, usually
common mistake of people doing business. It’s like helps.
you’re on a treadmill and you keep on running, but
you’re going nowhere. Making other people happy also makes me feel
powerful. When I was working as a DJ, I had the ability
to make 30,000 people happy with the tip of my fingers.
You have to think: what’s the outcome? What’s the return
When we strive to put smiles on people’s faces, that is
on investment? What did you do? Where did you go
where we can find our real power, and this is what I’ve
from Point A to B within a specific timeline? What is the
been doing in AquaFun from the very start.
budgeted cost? There should be no excuses.

Get support! Look for people that are in a position to

support you in getting better at what you do. There are
other people who are doing ten times bigger than my For me, it’s about learning what my strengths and
business, people who are smarter than me—but that’s fine. weaknesses are. I focus on my strengths and work on
my weaknesses. I found out that I’m good at identifying
those three years ago. I’m good at handling people, I’m
9. IN ONE WORD, DESCRIBE YOUR LIFE AS good with the operations side of things, and I focus on
AN ENTREPRENEUR. that. My weaknesses are in accounting and with the legal
I’ll give two words—two, power and freedom. If you aspect, but that’s okay. I have an advisor, educator and
have freedom, you have the power to do whatever you accountant and they’ll help me with things I’m not good
want. When you have the freedom to do whatever you at. They help me so that I can focus on things I enjoy.
want, what’s the worst that can happen, you get an “L”? Some entrepreneurs focus on their egoes, and that’s
why they want to do everything by themselves. They’ll because they taught me how to fight and not quit in
create standards of their own. Find somebody who can life. The people around me inspire me too because they
help you. It’s hard to do everything at the same time. gave me so many lessons to remember. Again, you have
For example, I will create a system with an operational to remember that you’re the only person who will write
model that someone else can follow. That’s my strength. your own name. It’s not about the variety and number of
tools you have; rather, it’s about how you will use them.


I find that I am my own biggest motivator. When I 13. WHAT’S THAT ONE QUOTE THAT YOU
graduated, I bought a car, and I paid my university fees LIVE BY?
all by myself because I was working part-time jobs. If you cannot afford a thing twice, then you cannot really
I enjoyed it. I never wasted my money on parties and afford it. The thing with buying something expensive or
other unimportant things. Why would you do that? luxurious is that you shouldn’t go broke doing so.
Where’s the joy in that? They never made sense to me.
What motivates me is the sense of accomplishment
when I do things out of hard work and perseverance. 14. WHAT’S NEXT? WHAT’S THE DREAM?
I don’t dream; I have goals. There’s a difference
between having goals and having dreams. Dreams are
12. WHO INSPIRE YOU? abstract thoughts that reside in the mind. Goals are
A lot of people inspire me by doing what they’re doing. more systematic, and executing them include setting
My mom inspires me by being a good, hardworking milestones, timelines and accountable things that will
and generous person. I’m extremely genuine with lead you to realise them. Having dreams is a good
people, and that’s how people look at me. When I meet thing, but it is simply not enough.
somebody, I really want to know who he or she is as
a person. I met a guy before at the gym, and he was My next step is to create bigger projects in different
shocked as well that I was able to get information about parts of the world. I’m also investing in other businesses
him in just two minutes. to generate additional income. Even when the return is
small, that’s fine with me; it’s still an income. That’s what
There are many people in sports who inspire me as well I’m doing right now.

Emirati PhD Scholar
Researching Emotional
Intelligence and Leadership
Chairman of the Board of
Governors of Dubai Carmel
1. TELL US A BIT ABOUT YOURSELF I’m a firm believer that nothing happens by
My name is Maya Al Hawary. I’m the first coincidence. When I first decided to speak in
PhD scholar in the United Arab Emirates to TEDx, I submitted my request, and I knew that
research on emotional intelligence and its my topic should be about tolerance. I did some
effect on leadership. I’m an Emirati, and I’m the research about it and how I should be speaking in
chairperson of the Board of Governors at Dubai TEDx. I went to the audition last December, and
Carmel School. I’m also the Director of Planning, it took them a month to choose. It was a door for
a consultant on the education and operations me, and I stepped into that room. I was able to
side. I do that part-time. My passion is in training. learn a lot about tolerance. I was accepted into
My training is more on soft skills and mostly TEDx, and I think I did well. If you see my Youtube
on positivity, happiness, tolerance, emotional video, the message is quite clear.
intelligence and communication skills.
Because of my training, I thought that government
I’ve accumulated about 900 hours conducting entities should also implement tolerance in the
training. I also spoke and led lectures for workplace. In those sessions, we also talked
motivational talks and academic conferences, about tolerance leading to happiness. I prepared
as well as social media training sessions in the my course plan and content. I started talking to
UAE. I’m also a TEDx speaker. 2019 marked a big consultancies, where they offer training to the
milestone and becoming a TEDx speaker was government. That’s how it started.
actually on my bucket list. Out of 100 people, I
was chosen, and it was a big thing for me. 3. WHAT IS YOUR DEFINITION OF
A little bit of history about myself: I started as I will still stick to what I said in TEDx. Number
a vice-principal for eight years at Dubai Carmel One, accept others. It doesn’t mean that you
School. A great opportunity came when His literally need to keep them nearby, and it’s also
Highness Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak asked for not about ignoring people like as long as you
a female principal to run his school, which was don’t mingle, because that’s not tolerance at all.
one of the first schools belonging to the Higher Tolerance is having the courage to make an initial
Colleges of Technology in Dubai. His Highness conversation. Make a brief introduction about
wanted to open up a new school that features yourself and make other people feel that you’re
blended learning, the first of its kind in the actually there.
UAE. I was chosen to direct that project, which
I managed for two years. I’ve come a long way, Number Two, understand. Why do they look
and after ten years, from being a vice-principal different? Why do they have special needs? For
to a principal at the Dubai Carmel School, I now example, are they American, African, Jamaican
hold the position of Chairman of the Board. or Chinese? Just keep it in your mind and don’t
literally ask them those questions. From there,
you’ll be able to understand their differences
2. IN 2019, YOU DID A LOT OF WORK and how you will make adjustments for them.
WITH THE DUBAI GOVERNMENT’S Note that understanding and making extreme
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT judgements are different, so be careful.
OF ACCEPTANCE AND TOLERANCE The third step is to forgive. Forgiveness is
ACROSS THE EMIRATES. WHY IS THAT different from tolerance. Tolerance means that
SO IMPORTANT TO YOU? there’s something unacceptable that you need to
tolerate. In Arabic, it’s al tasamoh—the root word is samh which means
forgive. Forgive them for what? Forgive them for acting that way for
whatever reasons. It’s not forgiving them for their actions, but it’s like
having mercy in their humanity. You have to see them as human beings.
We’re all God’s children, and God cherishes them, so we need to give
them mercy as well.

Number Four is to unite. In Islam, we say that in togetherness, there is

oneness. We’re not brought here on Earth to be alone. God created
animals and plants so that people will not live alone.

Tolerance is the combination of all these four points—accept others,

understand, forgive and unite.

In 2016, the first Minister of Happiness and the first Minister of Tolerance
was appointed, and both have their own ministries. In 2015, the first law
for ending discrimination was issued. There’s a need for those ministries
to come up because of the huge diversity in the UAE’s population.


We may belong to different nationalities, but I think we’re pretty much the
same. To some people, other foreign nationalities may be unreachable

I think it’s up to Emiratis to open up and be more welcoming. I also

encourage expatriates to mingle more with us. For example, try going to
coffee shops where Emirati nationals are sitting around or mingle more
in the culture, try to visit cultural areas. I know that tourists may be doing
that during their excursions, but there is no harm in doing these activities
to make friends with the locals.

If you have a child at school, try making friends there and introduce
yourself. In the UAE, the cultural diversity is palpable, and yes, we may
come from different countries. I really wanted to get to know more
people since I’m interested in their cultures.

Emiratis are welcoming people in general. Emiratis radiate hospitality and

openness. They’re also appreciative, and a good number of them speak
other languages. That’s because they believe that they’re here to serve
tourists, and to give them a good image of our country. If every Emirati
had that same intention, we’d mingle more with other nationalities. We
love to travel. We love to explore, we love to go to other countries, and
we like to talk to other people. But I think when you’re home, you’re
comfortable in your own zone with your own family, your friends, and
you don’t want to venture out. So I think it’s a two-way street. I think both
sides are putting up their guard and they need to lift it. That’s where
my role comes in. I speak in conferences and government. I start with
tolerance in the workplace, tolerance with oneself, accepting your family
and accepting society in general.
5. TELL US ABOUT YOUR PHD, was difficult to shut the door because
IN WHICH AREA AND WHY? even when you’re depressed, you’re
I always share this in talks and sessions comfortable. You don’t want to change.
because I want people to know that To be able to push myself, I found out
I’m not any different. I went through that nobody else will help you but you.
depression for five years, and during
those five years, it was quite severe. I consulted a psychiatrist even though us
The last two years I spent it with anxiety. Arabs don’t generally trust psychiatrists
I felt that I completely lost myself. I and therapists, thinking that we are
thought I was worthless, useless, and bigger than our mental health issues.
I began to have devilish thoughts of We have an ego that we need to deal
hurting myself. I also lost myself as a with. It took me many years to accept
person, together with my career. the fact that it’s about time to change.

I’m a Muslim, but it was a struggle For five years, I did a lot of research
believing in the goodness that the Lord to understand why I was like this.
brings when you’re stuck in a hole of I stumbled upon a notion called
sorrows. People look at you from afar, emotional intelligence. My decision
and they think that you’re perfect, but to take PhD studies is based on my
then your soul, your psyche and your own struggle. When I started it, I
mental health is different. Your well- thought I wanted to do something
being is the source of your life and with education and leadership. When
the important people around you. The I started at Hamdan Bin Mohammed
more you pay attention to your mental Smart University, I thought to myself:
health, the more successful you will I’m not doing anything for schools. And
be at work, with your family, and the in my first meeting with them, during
more successful you will be in realising my interview, I said, “Please, I’m not
your strengths and working on your going to do anything with schools. If
weaknesses. this is something I want to do, would
you like to accept it?”, and they did.
When I went through these struggles,
I was already a Masters degree holder, I concentrate on the study of Adult
but during those five years, I wanted Learning because of what I went
to do something else other than being through as an adult in my 30s, as well as
a principal. I know that I needed to the notion of well-being and futuristic
find my passion. I applied to many skills. Emotional intelligence is the top
jobs, but nobody employed me. My skill that we all need to acquire, develop
husband asked, “Why don’t you pursue and nourish. Economic reports from
your PhD? You’re good at teaching 2018 to 2020 indicate that emotional
in universities.” I was teaching as intelligence is the top skill that will
an adjunct faculty that I loved, and I enable success in the workplace.
taught about learning itself. And then
I thought, okay, I want to do my PhD. Notions like happiness, positivity and
tolerance—you need to talk about it
During those years when my mental all day to actually breathe it, believe it.
health suffered, I felt like I was contained When you breathe and believe it, you’ll
in a room with no corners, like a solid be able to teach it more effectively. I’m
cylinder with no windows. But when I a teacher by profession, but I’ve chosen
started my PhD, I walked out of that to teach life lessons, well-being, and
cylinder, and I shut the door slowly. It how to become better leaders.
6. WHAT STRATEGIES DID YOU USE TO issues that you have to resolve. You also need
GET OVER DEPRESSION? somebody to talk to, or you need a best friend.
For you to overcome this mental illness, you People who are depressed feel that they are
need to accept what you are dealing with in alone when they are not.
the first place. The mind and the brain work
in a very strange way. The brain is the physical I have a best friend named Lina. She is a
organ, which houses your mind and your positive person, an empathetic individual who
intellect. The mind represents your emotions, knows how to listen, and understand me. She
and the intellect represents your logic. The didn’t judge me; she just listened. She tried
circuitry of our brain is dictated by chemicals to make some sense out of the things and the
and neurotransmitters, which must have ideal emotions I had.
levels in order for our brain to function normally.
The thing with having a mental illness is that
When your emotions are amplified, several a simple, intimate conversation with friends
neurotransmitters increase their levels in might not be able to cut it. Interaction with
the brain. When amplified to the limit, such other people is important, but it is not enough.
abnormal levels tend to overshadow your You have to see a therapist or psychiatrist to
intellect. Often, for people with depression get the right treatment. At the end of the day,
and anxiety problems, they might cry and feel depression is a chemical imbalance that needs
depressed for no obvious reasons. They might to be corrected.
feel useless, and the reason why they feel that
way might point to unknown factors as well. Once you overcome your personal and mental
They might feel the negative cloud of emotions health issues, you will know what your purpose
even though they know that nothing seems to is. You will understand that everything that
be wrong and that they have so much going you went through happened for a reason. You
on. will come out stronger and build better skills.
Remember: patience is the toughest skill that
Get help immediately. Don’t prolong it. I you will learn in life. It might also be the last
did. I noticed that educated and successful skill that you will learn. You only know that
people delay getting help from others. Why? you’ve been so patient after the problems have
Because we have high egos. We cannot admit passed.
it to ourselves and to others that we actually
need help. For me, I thought I was going to Now we need more people with the same
be better. I still wanted to know the answer. advocacy as mine to raise awareness about the
Youtube was a big help to me. I researched importance of taking care of our mental health.
religions, psychology, and how the brain and We are all the same. It is inspiring to think that
the body work together. I am an Emirati who can speak to an expatriate
and say, “I’ve gone through this. I’m like you;
Another important thing that I found out is that I’m no different.”
everything happens for a reason. Depression,
for example, may be caused by past traumatic If it wasn’t for depression, I wouldn’t have
events from your childhood that are buried in become the first emotional intelligence PhD
your subconscious mind. An external event scholar in UAE. Did I choose it? No, it was
must have triggered it. Undergoing therapy meant to be. So hang in there.
will help you unravel and resolve these internal
7. WHAT ARE YOU PASSIONATE ABOUT? an Emirati woman with strong and bold willpower,
I’m blessed with the work I have, and that’s what I’m and to grasp the honour and opportunity to become
passionate about. I’m passionate about changing the person I envisioned myself to be. There are no
and improving the well-being of people because limits—the sky’s the limit.
the stronger your mental health is, the healthier
you are in general. A person who radiates kindness is a role model. It
could be anyone: it could be the worker who cleans
Leadership is one of my passions too. I’ve said the street who shows humility, kindness, dedication
this many times: we are here to lead others, and and hard work. In a similar vein, people who are
how beautiful will it be to lead them with triumph, going through hard times and struggling to put
with heartfelt emotions and sincere care? If I show food on the table also inspire me.
the care and love as a leader, people around me
will also be productive and listen to me more. We are able to pinpoint what we want when we
We should try to emulate the great leaders of our know what our purposes are. For me, our true
nation who are driven with great visions. They have purpose is to share our blessings with others. If we
led other people with their visions of a great nation. know what our purposes are, we are going to be
the best version of ourselves. We should be our
Other leaders have that same passion, but they own role models.
also lead others with love. I would love to improve
leadership, not only with leading others, but with My parents inspire me as well. They help me,
leading oneself as well. It’s important to know that and they’re amazing and beautiful people. I love
you’re not perfect, and that you went through them so much. Above all, my faith in God and
depression, and eventually came out triumphant. our forgiving religion of peace inspire me beyond
Use the experience: be humble, and show it that words.
you care because you’ve been there.

We are heading towards artificial intelligence (AI), 9. WHAT’S THAT ONE QUOTE YOU LIVE BY?
something else I like to educate myself about. Kill them with kindness.
According to a Mckinsey report, 60% of big
conglomerate companies are pushing towards Kindness goes a long way. The Quran teaches
the use of robots, replacing the general human kindness as a universal human behaviour of
workforce in part or in entirety. Some leading tolerance, generosity and benevolence. Kindness
global companies in the manufacturing and begets kindness: it is something that returns to you
healthcare industry are making this move now. The once you’ve given the same. It could take a longer
professional workforce, which includes doctors, time to come back to you, but it will come back to
engineers, accountants and lawyers may have to you again. I believe in that.
be redefined due to the presence of AI. How do
I redefine your role under my leadership? That’s I have some final thoughts for everyone who wants
the question. The answer is through emotional to take lessons from me: believe in your vision and
intelligence and well-being. That’s my role—to your capabilities. Work hard and work smart, and
help others accept and adapt to change. don’t be afraid to knock on new doors, as you’re
never too big or too old for new opportunities.
Practise humility, as such, also goes a long way
8. WHO INSPIRES YOU? and will lead you to the path of success and
My country and our great leaders inspire me to be contentment.
I’m Esther Eden, a 22-year-old singer-
songwriter. I was born in Goa and
raised in Dubai.

Currently, I’m in my third year studying

for a BA in songwriting in Berlin,
Germany, and I’ve been there for two
years. I’m also releasing an EP at the
moment here in Dubai and Abu Dhabi,
which I did in collaboration with other
students from my university. I even
brought my guitarist with me to the
UAE from Berlin.

After high school, I decided to apply

to NYU, Abu Dhabi, but I didn’t get
in because it’s really hard to get 2. HOW DID YOU GET STARTED IN MUSIC?
accepted there. Out of 10,000 student My mom, a single mother, used to be a jazz singer. She worked as
applicants, they will only choose 300 a singer with a full-time job as a bank employee. She used to sing
or so. So, of course, I needed to think all the time, and at first, I didn’t enjoy music, but I knew that I loved
of Plan B. One day, my mom browsed dancing back then.
for a university online without letting
me know. She told me that she found When I was 13, my dad gave me my first guitar as a gift. I learned
this university called BIMM based in to play it all by myself, and I started uploading Youtube videos as
the UK with five branches, two of which well. With the support I got, I enjoyed doing it and decided to keep
are located in Berlin and Hamburg. going. My mom kept pushing me to be the best I could be, and she
I’ve been to the UK before, and it’s all said that if I don’t write my own music, I shouldn’t be doing this.
right for me. However, going to Berlin
was an awe-inspiring moment for me, I wrote my first song titled Is this love?—it’s not about someone
and I fell in love with the city right in particular, it’s like being a teenager, and you don’t know what’s
away. I decided to go there. happening in life. It’s like being unable to define what that feeling is.
Coincidentally, a week later after writing my genres. Obviously, I was first inspired by jazz
first song, a famous UK pop star was scheduled because of my mom. I also learned to enjoy
to visit my school. My mom told me to sing other genres, with the exception of metal and
my song in front of her. But when I went to techno. Right now, I’d categorise my music
school and asked the teachers, they asked into pop music with a touch of jazz because
me to organise most of the music events that I have a jazzy voice in a way. But yes, I like to
day. We did a few group performances, and I make my music to be inviting to all kinds of
helped other students to sing. However, I was people who are into different genres.
told by the school management to do some
covers only, so I’m not allowed to sing my 5. WHAT INSPIRES YOUR MUSIC?
original song. I think I only played my song When it comes to people, of course, my mom
to two other students who were good friends inspired me. I was also inspired in particular
of mine and they all supported me to sing it by a popular UK pop singer-songwriter and
in front of the pop star. I went to the RJ’s Kris guitarist, and his first album gave me the
Fade and Big Rossi, but they were running inspiration to learn and play the guitar. The
out of time. “I don’t think we could allow you UK pop star who I’ve met at our school event
on stage,” they said. As soon as the pop star also inspired me to pursue songwriting.
finished her performance on stage, the DJs When she asked me to perform again in
announced: “Oh, I know we’re running out of RedFest, I was thrilled because she believed
time, but we have a 16-year old girl who has in my talent. I don’t really need to listen to
a song for you.” I went to the stage, shaking. what people have to say sometimes. At that
I started singing. When I reached the chorus, moment, I decided that I’m going to continue
that pop star stopped me in the midst and songwriting.
told me to start the song and dance all over
again so she can record it on her phone. It was 6. WHAT SHOULD STUDENTS DO
an exhilarating moment, and I said yes, and I ABOUT BULLYING?
did it again. After concluding my song, she They should talk to someone about it. When
told me, “I loved your song so much. Would I was bullied online, I felt like I couldn’t trust
you like to perform it at the Redfest tonight?” anyone, and I blocked everyone out. It even
reached the point where I needed to change
3. TELL US ABOUT YOUR FIRST schools. It was a good decision because I’ve
PERFORMANCE AT REDFEST DXB made friends that I really appreciate and I still
The RedFest was a big event with an audience keep in touch with them even when three or
of 10,000 people. It was crazy. I transitioned four years have passed.
from performing in front of all my classmates
at school, teachers and people I see every Many students go through bullying and it’s
day, to performing for a huge audience. sad that the perpetrators and most bystanders
The amazing UK pop star believes in me; don’t understand how bullying affects the
she supports me. She gave me a really nice bullied. No matter how many anti-bullying
introduction, and she let me sing in between campaigns there are in schools, I don’t think
her set. that most kids will appreciate and understand
these campaigns. Instead, students should be
4. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE talking to their friends, parents, teachers or
YOUR SOUND someone who will listen to them. I didn’t even
Many people ask me this question, and I find it realise that I was being bullied until my mom
difficult to answer because I listen to different explained it to me.
When it comes to songwriting, my life is my inspiration.
I always write songs based on my own experiences. I
even have a song about bullying. I like to write lyrics
that are positive and motivating.


I have a lot of interests: food, travelling and of course,
music. My dream is to do a world tour, and then I can
eat all the food I want, meet different kinds of people
and get to know their stories. I love meeting new
people, listening to their stories and experiencing
different cultures. Doing what I love like performing
and making people happy all around the world—
that’s my dream.


It’s quite hard for me to pick a favourite song because
all of them are so personal to me. I could say Just
Fine, it was the second song I wrote, which was about
bullying. Every time I sing it, my mom cries. I’m in the
midst of releasing my newest EP called My Own Way.
It is all about whenever someone walks away from
you, and you get to realise your self-worth and how
to love yourself. Of course, all my songs are based
on personal experiences. If someone wants to walk
away from you, that’s fine. You have to go your own
way. I feel like the lyrics are quite bold, with a bit of
attitude and have words that I wouldn’t necessarily
say in person or real life. I kind of speak my mind in a
subtle way.



The best thing about being a singer-songwriter is

getting your songs to be heard.

I started recording my first album, Solitaire when I was

16. At that time, we didn’t really have an aim or a goal.
I had enough songs to release under an album. Since
then, I’ve signed with Universal Music and released
Solitaire under the label. After that, I released two
singles called Bittersweet Love, and Blue Case, my
first single after moving to Berlin.

I feel like my music has really evolved since I’ve been

doing this for a few years now, and I slowly start to
know the preferences that I really want. At the same
time, I’ve been working with other talented artists
and producers who are also around my age. I’m not
saying that I need to work with people my age, but
it’s just that you know, we’re in university together and
we spend a lot of time together.
When I was in Dubai, I was one of the youngest artists 13. QUOTE YOU LIVE BY.
who started in the music industry. I was really lucky to be There’s one quote I always live by: An arrow can only
a part of the industry. When I first started, I was the only move forward by pulling it back.
16-year old singer-songwriter in Dubai who writes and
sings in English. Back then, there was only one studio in I’ve been through the ups and downs. I didn’t let the
Abu Dhabi called White Cube. So my mom and I need bad experiences bring me down, and I tried to move
to drive from Dubai to Abu Dhabi every single weekend, forward. I feel like everything happens for a reason.
and we’d record each song in the album. Now that I’m in For instance, from the bullying experience I struggled
a music university, I just need to meet my friend, August with, I wrote two amazing songs out of it. One of them,
Engram, who’s a producer. He’s half-German and half- Phoenix, means rising from the ashes. There are many
American. I feel like he understands me and the sound words that inspire me, especially in music.
I want to bring out. We’ll sit together, and we’ll work on
the songs together continuously. Sometimes, I feel like quitting, but once I’m performing
onstage, I remember why I am doing this in the first
11. HOW HAS YOUR MUSIC CHANGED AS place. It is also uplifting to read messages from people
YOU’VE GOTTEN OLDER? saying that I inspire them, seeing someone of our
ethnicity with talent and gift for music. When you say
My music evolves the more I engage with other genres, you’re into music, it’s also a professional field, much like
as well as do collaborations with other amazing artists. being a doctor or an engineer. People see the success
When I was 17, I did a collaboration with Majeed, a Saudi I’m getting, and I’m happy to get their support. It’s great
rapper. It’s available on YouTube. It was one of those that I am able to inspire young people.
projects where you go into the studio without meeting
beforehand. I met him in the studio for the first time, 14 WHERE DO WE FIND YOU?
and I had like four to six hours to work on a song from I have a website, www.esthereden.com You can follow
scratch. We wrote the lyrics and produced everything me on all social media channels, as well as at Esther
within that time frame. Eden Music, Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer on Garmin in
the ME region, and YouTube.
Recently, I worked with a Kuwaiti-Arab reggae artist
named, Karrouhat who’s an amazing and sweetest
person I met. Again, we worked together and came up
with a song. I’m an English pop artist, and he’s an Arab
reggae artist so you can imagine the sound: a mix of
mellow pop mingling with the sultry sound of reggae—
the song is Calm Before The Storm.


If you notice in the song I actually say, storm before the
calm. I describe myself as the storm before the calm
because I’m always like a wreck until everything is calm
and settles down.

I arrived first in the studio, and before Karrouhat came in,

I was super nervous as usual. I was like; I had this storm
before—the storm before the calm. I told Karrouhat this,
and he actually said that it’s a good idea for a song. Then
we started writing based on the loose idea of the calm
before the storm. I asked him, “Where are you heading
with your lyrics?” He said that it always turns into a love
song. And yes, somehow we made it work with the title.
That’s how the song came about. We were just jamming
on the piano and the guitar, the beautiful chords came
in, and the breathtaking melodies flowed naturally.

Even Before You Start
Globally, getting your finances in in line with what a fulfilled life looks Before you begin the strategic
order- save more and spend less, and feels like for me. I learnt that journey of financial planning, which
has always been in the top 5 of New having a goal is made up of 3 parts: is where most people start, you have
Year resolutions along with losing to do the internal reprogramming
weight, exercise more, quit smoking 1. Your psychology – this is the bit first. Understanding your current
and a personal development goal before you start, the internal beliefs around money and the reason
like read more, travel more or more programming of your mindset why you want it in the first place then
family time. Studies have also shown installing all of that in your mind and
that New Year resolutions have an 2. The logistics – having the right body will help you vibrate to attract
80% failure rate. Why? Well first, they strategy money not repel it.
come with such a hype, they are not
specific enough, there is no strategy 3. Manifesting from the quantum There are three essential mindset
to go with it and usually not more field – using your energy and shifts that will help you to be ready,
thought is given to them after that, vibration to stay on track, an positively programmed to design
until December of course. article for another month and create the life you want to live.
Robin Sharma said, “Everything
Personally, I use the end of the year So, if getting your finances in order happens twice, first in the mind and
and New Year as a time to reflect on and having a better money plan is second in your reality.”
what went well and what I want to be one of your priorities for 2020, this
different next year. I set goals that are article is for you.
Your past or your present doesn’t Many people have developed a lack Ask yourself questions such as: What
determine what your future looks like; of mentality when it comes to money. does financial independence mean to
it is only the decisions you make now It’s the “never enough” mindset. Know me? What will freedom feel like? How
that will make a difference. It’s time to that whatever you focus on, energy will do I wish to live my life? What choices
get into the driver’s seat of your life follow and bring it straight back to you. do I want to be able to make? Do you
and say yes to what you want, not what When you keep thinking that you don’t want to buy a new house or send your
you don’t want! have enough, you will only be able to children to a university of their choice?
see that way so the same pattern of Be able to retire early, have money to
Sometimes, you may feel your choices not enough will just keep repeating. start your business? What does having
were made for you by your parents, It’s that simple! So when you focus money mean to you?
teachers or your boss. Maybe you on prosperity and abundance, you
feel that you haven’t always been in will see more and more of where this Many people do not plan for their future
control and perhaps you’re not. But is true in your life, and this pattern because they don’t have a specific
from this moment, you need to choose will keep repeating. From a state of goal in mind. They just meander
for yourself. You must make decisions prosperity and abundance, from a along, directionless. This in itself is not
for your own life. You need to become state of positivity, you can make clearer a problem, except that at some point,
acutely aware that it’s you who controls decisions to bring you the outcome they will make their minds up and
your reaction to whatever happens you want. realise that they do have a goal but
from now on. It’s time to stop blaming now have only a little time to plan and
others and take back your power. Examine your own negative thoughts save for it. As the saying goes, people
and beliefs around money so you can don’t plan to fail; most just fail to plan.
Before you go any further, you must create a new positive and prosperous Wouldn’t it be easier if you were in
accept that you’re the only maker of language. Say things like, “my income a position of choosing which home
your choices. Choosing to be financially is always increasing”, “I am grateful” to buy or which university to attend,
free is a choice you can make. Be or “I prosper wherever I go. Changing knowing that you had the money to
aware that everything is possible once your money language is not done pay for it? The solution is to save now
you choose this option; it will open you overnight, it takes practise, and as you for financial freedom and then ‘worry’
up to full understanding. This is the know, practice makes perfect. about what to spend it on later. With
mindset you need to begin with. a little forethought now, you’ll never
have to compromise your current lifestyle to
pay for something ever again because you
will always have the money for it.
So, what are the choices you want to be able
to make? Take a pen and paper and write at
the top of the page: “The lifestyle I will live,”
and start scribbling away.

Now break those goals down to where you

want to be by the end of 2020. Pick your
top 3 goals you want to accomplish or make
headway on this year and make those your

With these three money mindsets, you can

begin to map out your strategy and get
started. It is so important to check in on your
mindset once in a while to ensure not only
that you’re on track with your strategy, that
you’re also on track with your mindset.

Wellness & Wealth Influencer, Motivational Speaker

& Presenter with over 15 years’ experience working
with businesses and individuals as a financial advisor
in corporate banking, leadership and personal
development trainer, a debt panellist for The National
and a Kinesiology Practitioner, Rasheda is known to
many as a wellness & wealth inspiration. Thousands have
benefited from her work to empower people with the
education, tools and resources needed to live a healthy
and wealthy & meaningful life. She has hosted and
spoken at a number of events and corporate training
functions in the UAE, Qatar, UK, Pakistan, Bangladesh,
India and Singapore. These particular experiences have
given her expertise in business, financial and wellness

In the midst of her success and to everyone’s total

surprise, in 2006. 26-year-old Rasheda learnt that she
was riddled with cancer from her diaphragm to the top
of her skull - chances of survival were slim. Ever since
then, Rasheda has avidly worked to live a better and
richer life and to teach others the life-changing lessons
ABOUT THE AUTHOR she only realised herself after being diagnosed with
Rasheda is a lover of life, a visionary full of passion, an
educator and a philanthropist at heart.
15 Best Ways
to Have
The hormones that your thyroid produces
are responsible for a great deal: your
metabolism, the health of your skin and 1. THE CLEAR STEER OF FLUORIDE
bones, the consistency of your sleep, the Most commercial toothpaste contain toxic ingredients that
frequency of pain (or infrequency), and your may damage your health and they also contain fluoride that
sex drive, to name a few. This is one of the may affect your thyroid. Indeed, communities with fluoride
most important glands in your body, and in water have higher rates of hypothyroidism. That’s why
maybe yours is in trouble. Approximately 20 drinking distilled or alkaline water or eating alkaline food
million Americans have thyroid conditions, is healthy for your thyroid and general health. Also, try to
and up to 60 percent of these people are abstain from non-stick pans and black tea, as both contain
unaware of their condition. Thyroid disease fluoride.
may be related to conditions such as
fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS),
eczema, or autoimmune disorders, but may
also be due to poor nutrition and lifestyle
In addition to improving your thyroid function, Bisphenol A (or BPA) is a monomer commonly found
minimising your stress levels can also contribute to in plastics— water bottles, Tupperware, etc. BPA
your overall well-being. Stress can induce a thyroid is harmful to your body because of many reasons
condition or make it more apparent that you have a and it can also affect your thyroid health. A study
thyroid condition. Cortisol overproduction, a stress published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology
hormone, may interfere with the production of thyroid & Metabolism found links with this chemical to affect
hormone. It can make it harder for the thyroid work your thyroid gland negatively. If you’re still using
to produce enough hormones for body functions. plastic containers or bottles regularly, switch to glass
Acupuncture, relaxation exercises such as meditation, versions immediately.
massage therapy, or taking warm baths are great ways
to de-stress.


4. TAKE THE YOGA UP Even though fatigue may be a symptom of an
A Yoga Mimamsa study found that doing certain yoga unhealthful thyroid, you need to do your best to catch
poses can help release the functions of your thyroid a few Zs. Be sure to sleep 8 hours at night to keep your
hormone. During your next routine, try to incorporate thyroid functioning regularly and effectively.
poses like a boat pose, bridge, and a King Pigeon
pose. These poses help to open up the circulation of
the throat and improve the energy flow around the
Precision Nutrition experts have found that there is a
link between the consumption of green tea and the
worsening of pre-existing thyroid problems. However,
6. EAT MORE BLUEBERRIES (AND OTHER there is no evidence of these problems arising from
ANTIOXIDANTS) the use of black tea. So if you’re a regular tea drinker,
Add antioxidant-rich foods like pomegranates and all turn to black — or, if you don’t need caffeine, stick to
kinds of berries into your diet for better thyroid health. herbal blends.
A study in 2008, published in Clinical Chemistry and
Laboratory Medicine found a link between antioxidant
intake and overall health levels of the endocrine system;
higher levels of one correlated with higher levels of
the other. Additionally, foods rich in antioxidants are


If you eat inflammatory foods, it may be irritating to
your digestive system, which may break down your
immune system in the wrong way. If your immune
system is irritated, your thyroid will not be recognised
as part of your body. Your immune system interprets
the thyroid gland as intrusive and triggers an
autoimmune attack. Gluten, eggs, milk, and grains are
all inflammatory. That’s why eating anti-inflammatory
8. TAKE LOW IMPACT AEROBIC EXERCISES foods is beneficial to your thyroid.
According to some experts, low-impact aerobic
exercise is the best way to avoid damaging your
thyroid health. If you have a thyroid condition, you may 10. GET TESTED REGULARLY
experience joint pain. So focusing your workouts on If you think you may have symptoms of hyperthyroidism
low-impact exercises— like walking or water aerobics or hypothyroidism, always consult your doctor.
— is the way to go. As a bonus, these exercises are Because of the common nature of the symptoms —
low effort methods to get your daily cardio in. many of the problems with thyroid health could be
indicative of other problems — they may not assume
that this is a thyroid problem.
Your adrenal glands and thyroid glands are intertwined
together in your endocrine system. According to Dr
Amy Myers, adrenal gland distress has the ability to
affect major metabolic processes, including those 12. STAY SHARP
for which your thyroid is responsible. As it happens, It’s a bit of a no-brainer, but it’s still a point worth
the best way to keep your adrenal glands healthy is hammering at home: if you suspect, even a little, that
to keep your thyroid healthy: get a good night sleep you’re suffering from a condition, be sure to educate
regularly. yourself fully. And yes, that includes the conditions of
the thyroid. Even the most subtle symptoms — loss of
sleep, altered bowel movements — may be a sign of
something more serious. So, stay diligent.
If your body lacks omega-3 fatty acids, you may
have a hormonal imbalance. Omega-3s provide a
solid foundation for hormones that control immune
functions, cell growth, and help with thyroid hormones.
You can get your omega-3s from flax seeds and
walnuts, among other foods.


Triclosan is a common ingredient in soaps and body
washes but may harm your thyroid health. The
EPA study has shown that even minor exposure to
this chemical can affect how your thyroid releases
hormones. Luckily, it is now easier than ever to avoid
this: in December 2017, the FDA issued a ruling
prohibiting over-the-counter products containing
15. EAT MORE SEAWEED triclosan.
Your thyroid needs iodine to make its essential
hormones. Seaweeds such as kelp, dulse, and nori
are filled with iodine to help the body create needed
hormones. These generally do contain a lot of other
beneficial nutrients, such as calcium, potassium, and
vitamins A through E, these are the stuff that makes it
a superfood, which you may lack.
Creating your
own luck

While most people deem luck as mere some incidents happening through cause and
chance, it’s high time that this notion is effect and some by luck. To many, luck is seen
defied, and power is shifted. as a sovereign element that chooses who it
wants to embrace at any given moment; but
For as long as it can be remembered, one could it’s time to think otherwise. With a new year
categorise themselves as one of many people and decade commencing; it is essential to
roaming the planet, facing an array of chapters tighten the hold on the reins of chance.
in their life that have added mileage to their
collection of lessons. Throughout this lifelong Creating your own luck shouldn’t be complex;
journey it’s pretty accurate to say that many it should feel natural, like a subtle attachment
have been spectators of others’ successes; to daily habits. These 5 pointers are helpful in
witnessing them bask in their fateful glory, assisting you to hone your luck-creating skills.
Living in a world where opportunity is in abundance;
the problem lies in the fact that there are many that
fail to see it that way. A great deal of people are
either walking down the path of comfort trying
to avoid change at all costs or suppressing their
gut feeling to take a leap of faith. One can only
experience luck once they position themselves in
its direction; this proves that luck isn’t as random as
what it is made out to be. It’s not merely the ‘right
place, right time’ ideology but rather knowing where
there is a chance and ensuring that the necessary
efforts are placed on that chance.

In the words of Thomas Jefferson; “I’m a great

believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the
more I have of it”. It is clear that Mr. Jefferson has
ownership over luck, it is no longer an independent
clause, in summation of this point;

A gatekeeper is a person who controls access to
something or someone. This means that luck isn’t
necessarily a formless substance; it can come in the
form of a person. Gatekeepers are the important
figures in securing luck because they have the
power to increase or diminish chances. They are the
significant people in networking because it is one
thing for someone to know where chances are and
to position themselves, but if they don’t have access,
their efforts will produce stagnant results. Instead
one must focus on making themselves a person
of value; there is an adage that goes; People are
more interested in what you can give them, which
isn’t a bad thing because it will be a driving force
in finding what one can give to prove themselves
worthy of access to prominent personages.


Ambitions are beautiful expressions of what
individuals see in themselves; they act like a screen
projecting the final product of affirmations. But why
is it that many are quick to dismiss the reflections
they long to fulfill? They forget the importance of
encapsulating what they are after. Embodiment is
crucial because it ensures the assurance that the
individual is the best and only suitor for their goals.
One thing that is definite through this journey is
momentary self-doubt; but like a sculpture stuck
in a wedge of marble, one must continue to chisel
and polish their body language and mannerisms. A
persons’ handle on life speaks volumes about what
they want, and so luck corresponds naturally.
It all begins in the mind; after all the mind is a powerful
thing. To expand; take this study that was done to prove
the power of mind, where overweight hotel maids who
surpassed the recommended amount of exercise, did not
consider themselves physically active. It was predicted
that the maid’s viewpoints on their physical activity made it
difficult for them to lose weight. To test this half of the maids,
took their physical measurements and were informed that
they were exceeding the recommended amount of exercise.
The other half didn’t receive information. After a month, re-
evaluation results showed the maids that were evaluated and
given information had a decrease in systolic blood pressure,
weight, and waist-to-hip ratio, while the other group’s
results were insignificant. The researcher accredited the
physical and mental benefits to a simple change in mindset.
Many consider themselves far from lucky, what they fail to
understand is that life is an intricately pieced puzzle; with
every piece holding a profound remnant that will echo when
necessary. Look around and appreciate the incredibility of
existence and that life is progressing in its direction for a


Appreciation is a result of the effects of efforts; it’s really all
about the little things. Like when one decides to continually
position themselves in any situation for luck to come their
way, despite the chances that will leave them unaffected or
even feeling unlucky. Persistence is a rewarding key in the
game of luck. Imagine witnessing the construction of a wall
that is the essence of accomplishment. Each brick is laid with
the greatest capacity; incorporated with mannerisms and a
positive mindset. As the bricks continue to be laid, soon, a
wall is present that communicates who the builder is. This
wall has clefts and edges that enhance its value and enrich
the builder and their purpose. Therefore; seek purpose
through events that happen as the wall is being built.

Moreover; there has never been a better time to start than

now- yes; right now. Words that resonate with someone only
mean so much until they make the actions that express their
true value. It is one thing for a person to know their purpose
and that they are lucky; a lot of people do this, but the
significance is held by those who exemplify their purpose
and luck without having to be reminded.
7 Creative and Simple
Eggplant Recipes
Known as a low-calorie but high-fibre food, eggplants are very delicious and
nutritious. They are not just versatile to add to any cuisine, but they also offer
plenty of potential health benefits, including reduced blood sugar levels and risk
of heart disease. They also aid in weight loss, so they’re added to a healthy and
regulated diet.

For its nutritional content, a cup of cooked eggplant, which weighs about 99 grams,
has 0.82 grams protein, 35 calories, 0.23 grams fat and 2.5 grams dietary fibre. It also
contains 6 milligrams calcium and 188 milligrams potassium.

Eggplants, which are considered veggies, are botanically berries (We’re surprised
too!). They have originated from India and cultivated in China for more than 1500
years. These vegetables were brought by the Arabs to Europe and later by the
Persians to Africa.

This edible fruit/vegetable can be added to virtually all cuisines because it is

versatile. It can be the main or one of the ingredients, too. If you’re looking for
some ideas on creative but simple eggplant recipes, get started in the following.

Eggplants are considered to taste better than meat by most
vegans, and we don’t doubt why. They are tasty and filling,
too. If you’re looking to try a Chinese dish but want to start
with the basics, you have to check out this recipe.
It’s a vegetarian eggplant dish that is with a distinct body
inside (soft) and outside (crispy). But even if it is deep-fried,
it’s not oily at all. That’s good news! One more thing is that it
can retain its purple colour even after cooking. This dish is so
simple that most ingredients might be found in your kitchen
pantry. You can get it done in less than an hour.
So if you have sudden guests who happen to be healthy
eaters, you might want to prepare this easy eggplant recipe.

Inspiration: Chinese eggplant recipe video

If you love cheese, you will love this recipe, and for sure, your
loved ones, too! Cheese is a comfort food added to dishes like
pasta and bread. But this time, it offers something else.

This recipe is inspired by chicken parmesan only that eggplant

replaces meat. This veggie is perfect for this dish because it
has a mild flavour complemented by cheese. As it also has a
somewhat bold flavour, eggplant matches it and balances this
dish. Also, you won’t be able to taste eggplant in the recipe.

Check out this video for inspiration.


You can get this recipe done in less than 10 minutes,
something ideal for those who lack time to prepare healthy
dishes. So this time around, you have no reason to go for fast
food when you can have a tasty veggie dish with this amount
of time.

This recipe is popular in Thai and Chinese cuisine known

for their love for spicy food. Even if you could find many
versions of this recipe online, you might want to try this oil-
free version. It is heart-healthy and waistline-friendly, tasting
good while not ruining your diet. If you want an easy and
quick to prepare make-ahead office lunch, you should
check out this low in fat and oil-free Chinese dish. Plus, it’s
100% vegan! See this video Oil-free Vegan Chinese Spicy
Eggplant for inspiration.
Who doesn’t love omelettes? These are a favourite breakfast
dish that you can prepare in minutes. Let us have a different
take on the conventional egg omelette you prepare at home.
This time around, use eggplants for the fibre source in
omelettes instead of ham and pork.

This dish is made with scrambled eggs and roasted and

peeled eggplants, which are later coated with the egg mixture
before frying. It’s a satisfying and filling omelette that you can
have with or without rice. It’s up to you! Whichever, you’re
sure going to enjoy this eggplant omelette for a healthy
breakfast or lunch. Check out this video for inspiration.

This absolutely easy recipe takes only minutes to prepare. So
if you have an abundance of eggplants to harvest from your
backyard, you should not miss this very satisfying eggplant

Add cheese if you’re not on a calorie-controlled diet.

Get inspiration! Check out this video.

If you love healthy (and organic) food, you might want to try
preparing this easy and simple dish. This recipe is made more
exciting with spices like ginger and garlic, which are common
in Asian cuisine and cooking. It is easy to prepare! You can
get it done in less than 30 minutes. In fact, you also have
the choice of preparing all the ingredients in advance. But
then, you have to make sure of serving it while hot to keep
it crispy.

Do you want to try it tonight?

Here is a simple recipe to follow.
7 Are you on a diet? You might want to try this oil-free eggplant
dish. For a bit of texture, try baking them with a thin coating
for the crisp. Some people liked it prepared as a side dish to
pasta and being added hot sauce for that spice. Also, you can
dip these crispy bites in your favourite sauce to make them
more exciting. You can also make them ahead of time, but
make sure that you bake them again for a couple of minutes
to restore the crisp.

How to prepare eggplant bites? See this video here.

Eggplants are not just healthy and fibre-rich but also delicious
and versatile to add to any recipe. It can also be the main
ingredient or a side dish. Nevertheless, there are 101 ways on
how to prepare eggplant. Your imagination is the limit! For a
start, you can try one or two of the recipes we’ve shared earlier
and be more inspired to prepare other eggplant recipes.
Healthy Eating Ideas
for a Fast-Paced Life
Having a busy and fast-paced lifestyle is not an excuse to eat healthily.
While many of us lack time in preparing healthy and nutritious meals, we
can still find a way and ensure that our meals are loaded with nutrition
that our body needs for proper sustenance. You don’t need to feel
pressured to eat well or to prepare hard to make healthy meals because
there are healthy eating and back to basic ideas that you can follow.
EATING HEALTHILY • Check how the food is prepared: Know how a
particular product is made – breaded, glazed,
• Go natural: Make sure that what you’re eating processed or vacuum packed, etc.
is natural or organic. It should not be genetically
modified. • In the cupboard, you can stock up sauces, dried
fruits, sauces and whole-grain cereals, whole-
• Make a list: Before going to the grocery store, you wheat pasta and quinoa. You can also stock
should have a list with you so that you can avoid up on nuts and seeds, nut butters, whole-grain
buying the unhealthy stuff. For example, you crackers and canned fish like tuna and salmon and
can avoid adding junk food into your cart, avoid vegetable oils.
impulsive buying, and buy only foods on your list.
With this simple habit, you can also ensure that • 
Stock up on healthy foods in your fridge, too.
you’re buying healthy foods for yourself and your Some suggestions include eggs, low-fat milk,
family. yoghurt and fresh fruits and vegetables. In the
freezer, you can have frozen vegetables, frozen
Check the label: When shopping, you should fruits like raspberries and melon. Other choices
check and read the label. You should skip those include frozen lean meats and poultry products.
foods that contain artificial ingredients, such
as those that you cannot pronounce and have • Avoid food products with excessive sugar or fat
artificial sweeteners in them. Avoid those with that can negatively affect your health. Some of
fillers and high levels of sugar and fat. You must these include cotton candy, heavy cream and
also ask, “Is this food high in nutrient content?” triple chocolate, to name some.


Salads: If you have a busy lifestyle, you can also

prepare more veggie and fruit salads, which are
nutrient-dense but also easy to prepare.
Vegetables: Eat more vegetables in your diet if To make your salad more diet-friendly for your
you could. You can try different vegetable dishes busy lifestyle, you can skip the mayonnaise or a
like roasted vegetables and vegetarian couscous. heavy dressing to your veggie salad or adding
For better results, you might also want to make sugar to the fruit salad. If you want to keep your
yourself okay with steamed vegetables that salad healthy, you can add fresh juice over the
contain no cheese or butter. fruit salad or vinegar and oil to your green salad.

Snacks: You can go for nuts, graham crackers and fresh fruits for healthy snacks. Opt for natural options
instead of packaged ones, like gummy bears and fruit roll-ups.

Fast food: If you are too busy to prepare your food, you can choose restaurants that serve foods like
grilled chicken with side dishes like steamed vegetables or beans. You can also try world culture food,
including Japanese, Korean and Chinese, over fast food. They serve food with a good balance between
fillers and nutrients when compared to global fast-food chains. If you needed to use a drive-through
option, you should go for wraps or grilled burgers, not fried foods.
OTHER HEALTHY FOOD IDEAS healthy recipes and try preparing them for your meals.
You can also add new eating habits and switch to the
Prepare a quick stir-fry. You can use frozen more natural stuff when planning.
leftover meat and frozen vegetables for a quick However, you don’t need to pressure yourself and
meal. Alternatively, you can cook broccoli with make big steps. You can try switching into a new and
shrimp in a wok or skillet. healthy diet bit by bit. In this case, things will also be
more sustainable. By making one-step at a time, you
• Make wraps, which are also good suggestions will also have higher chances of sticking to your diet
for creating a new dish from leftovers. You can in the long-term than making big changes that you
add cooked leftover chicken or ground beef cannot sustain for a long time.
in whole grain tortillas. Top the wrap with sour And when it comes to planning ahead, you can make
cream, avocado, salsa and lettuce. it a habit to make ahead multiple meals over the
weekend that you can store in the fridge. So for each
• Make fish cakes. You can use canned salmon day, you will have a ready meal that you can just put
mixed in green onion, celery, red pepper and an in the microwave for reheating. With it, you don’t
egg, and other ingredients. You can form them need to settle for fast food or cafeteria food, which
into a patty to fry in an oiled pan. ingredients and preparation method you are unsure of.

• Create easy to cook omelettes. Choose your WHEN MENU PLANNING,

own filling like peppers, tomatoes or cheese. 1. What’s in your fridge or cupboards?
You can spice it up with hot sauce before serving 2. What are your family’s activities? What do they
with whole grain toast or muffin. like to eat?
3. What foods are in season? Check flyers in the
THE IMPORTANCE OF PLANNING grocery for planning help.
There is no excuse for being healthy, even if you don’t 4. What is your budget?
have much time. In fact, you can find ways to add new 5. What foods can be used for leftovers?



Eggs are versatile, healthy and easy. Create Are you in a hurry for the office? Don’t go just yet!
Korean-inspired egg rolls at home for a quick You can prepare a quick and simple recipe that
breakfast. You can also bring some to the office takes less than 10 minutes to make. Watch this
for a healthy snack or side dish. Feel inspired and video on how to make this fabulous fried rice for
be healthy with this quick egg roll recipe. busy people like you!
Click here for the full Tamagoyaki recipe.
If you love salads, you will fall in love with this
fattoush salad that takes only a couple of
ingredients already in your kitchen. Try it at home,
especially in the evenings when you’re just too
tired to cook but want to stay healthy. Watch this
video and get the recipe.


Chickpea is healthy and nutrient-dense. Don’t
miss it out in your salad. Try this easy and simple
salad recipe with weight loss boosters like lemon
and cucumber. Get the full recipe here.


There are days when you want some meat but
want it hearty and simple to make. For busy folks
like you, you got the stir-fry that has less sodium
but more of the flavour. Impress your loved ones
with it now. Get the full video for the recipe here.

Try this fast and fresh pasta recipe that doesn’t
take more than 15 minutes to make. The only
ingredient that might take time is the pasta, but
the sauce is so easy and quick. Use whole-wheat
pasta for a healthier version. Check out this hearty
pasta here.

Eating healthy even with a fast-paced lifestyle is possible! Try these amazing food ideas and tips for simple and easy
ways on how to maximise meal planning and make it less time consuming for the busy you. Definitely, you can start
with and keep healthy eating habits no matter how occupied your day is. Plan ahead, make wise food choices and
keep a narrow waistline for this year and the years to come.

The Ideal Diet

for Every
Body Type
The best way to start a good diet is to know your
Understanding your body type and its workings in
body type. It is called “body type eating” which
fat metabolism and storage gives you better results
helps you identify where and how your body is
if you’re trying to lose weight or stay fit. Studying
storing fat that affects your health and of course,
different body types will enable you to know the ideal
your weight.
diets that your body type is likely to respond more
Once you understand your body type, you can
sustain your diet and avoid fad dieting that is
For your body type, you can determine what to
unsustainable and hard to keep.
eat and what to avoid. Let us touch on simple but
effective dieting tips that can work based on the
However, body typing is more than just knowing
principle of body typing that can be categorised into
how you look in front of the mirror and in the eyes
three main types:
of others. It is not just how you dress up according
to what matches your figure, too. At the very least, • Endomorph
knowing your type is essential, especially it can • Mesomorph
give you clues about your specific strengths and • Ectomorph
weaknesses in health and food choices.
This body type is characterised by a higher fat and body mass,
and a good example includes powerlifters. Most of these
people are less active and store fat in their bodies due to the
intake of excessive amounts of calories.
Endomorphs are inclined to have higher energy storage, like
fat mass and lean muscle mass while having low carbohydrate

If you’re an endomorph, you can include high protein

and fat into your diet, but you must time and control your
carbohydrate intake. For example, it might be best to consume
carbohydrates after a workout. Overall, for this body type the
ideal diet consists of higher portions of protein and fat, with a
small portion of carbohydrate-rich food.
For men, the recommendation is to have two servings of
protein-rich food, two servings of vegetables, three small
servings of fatty food and a cup of carbohydrate-dense food
for every meal.

For women, it is suggested to eat half a serving of carbohydrate- MESOMORPHS

dense food, two small servings of fatty food, a small serving of Typically, you can find these men and
protein-rich food and a serving of vegetables in each meal. women with a medium body built,
with many characterised by a strong,
athletic built.

They have a medium-sized bone

structure. If you belong to this type
and you are active, you can have a
fit figure with lean muscle mass. You
will also have a predisposition to gain
muscle and maintain a lower body fat.
You’re in luck if you are a mesomorph
because you can have a combination
diet composed of all macros, including
fats, carbohydrates and proteins. At
the very least, you can think of 30%
protein, 40% carbohydrates and 30%
fat in every meal.

If you’re a male, you can eat two

servings of protein-based food, two
small servings of fat source food, two
servings of vegetables and two cups
of carbohydrate food source.
For women, it is advised to have a
palm of protein source, one cup of
carbohydrate-rich food, a serving of
vegetables and a small serving of fat-
rich foods in every meal.
They are generally thin because they have thin limbs and
bone structure. If you’re an ectomorph, you tend to be SNS
and thyroid dominant. You are lucky too, when it comes to fat
metabolism because you have a high carb tolerance and a fast

You can do best with high carbohydrate content in your diet,

lower fat and moderate protein. A suggestion for men can be
two fists of vegetables, a small serving of fatty food, and two
small servings of protein food and three cups of carbohydrate
source in every meal. But this is only a general overview that can
vary based on your body weight, too.

For women, you can start with a healthy diet composed of a

small serving of protein-rich food, two cups of carbohydrate-
rich source, half a serving of fat and a serving of vegetables for
each meal.


Body type dieting teaches individuals to recognise and
understand their body type, helping them formulate a
dieting strategy that works based on their body’s nutritional

With body type eating, you can also experiment on strategies

until you find the perfect one for you and because of this, it can
be your best way to begin with dieting.

And if you want to improve your results, you should be more

active. Why do you have to? It is because your ability to handle
carbohydrates also varies based on your activity level no matter
your body composition, health and body composition.

In most cases, it is advised that you eat most starch sources

when you are active. The reason is that your body’s ability to
handle carbohydrates and your needs and tolerance for it also
differs based on your body type.

Ectomorphs have high carb needs and tolerance. In your diet,

you must include a high portion of carbohydrates in your diet,
and combine minimally processed carbs, whole grains and some
starchy food sources as well as servings of fruits and vegetables.

Mesomorphs, on the other hand, have moderate needs for

carbohydrates. You should include carbohydrates in your
food intake in your work out. You can also have whole grains
and starches at other meals along with minimally-processed
carbohydrates but in moderation. For every meal, you should
have vegetables and fruits.

For endomorphs, you are endowed with a low carb tolerance.

You should include all carb-dense foods for your workouts. For
every meal, you should also include fruits and vegetables.

Top 5
to visit in 2020
A holiday to the Caribbean offers you the danger of visiting
some of the most spectacular beaches in the world. Virtually
every island of the Caribbean will have beaches that amaze,
with crystal clear blue seas, sugar-white sand & palm trees.

Aruba is one of our top choices on the 2020 list
of top Caribbean locations. The island paradise,
which locals and vacationers alike have deemed
“One Happy Island”. Embodies everything you’re
seeking out of Caribbean tropical vacation spots.
The locals are one of the friendliest human beings
in the Caribbean, everybody speaks English, and
the accommodations and motels are designed to
meet the wishes of any traveller. Eagle Beach is
continuously ranked as one of the most beautiful
beaches in the Caribbean, but Druif Beach and
Palm Beach are also equally lovely.

Best time to visit

The pleasant time to visit Aruba is from April to
June. These three months fall in a more significant
lower-priced candy spot just after the über-costly
wintry weather and before the storm-inclined fall.
Temperatures don’t vary an awful lot – they’re
generally someplace between the low 70s and
coffee 90s all year – however, there may be
substantially higher rain in September, October,
and November. Showers are rare in wintry weather
and early spring, however, you’ll pay handsomely
for the privilege of visiting at this time.
What’s not to like about lovely coral reefs, chilled
vibes, and red and white-sand beaches? Barbados
is developing so rapidly that it’s grown to be one of
the most up to date Caribbean destinations in recent
years. Famous for the picture-perfect seashore, tour
professionals expect Barbados to grow to become more
prevalent next year as a result of a boom in culture,
nightlife, and landscape hobby. From the capital of the
Unesco World Heritage to the thumping nightlife and
lively festivals, there are no more tons that Barbados
does not have to provide for guests. We suggest which
you attempt to discover flights now, as costs boom at
some stage in the spring months.

Best time to visit

The high-quality time to visit Barbados is between July
and November. Though those months fall inside the
Caribbean’s hurricane season, hurricanes hardly ever
hit the island, and you may attend one of the lively
Crop Over Festival activities if your excursion within the
course of this time of year. Temperatures live among the
mid-70s and mid-80s year-round, so there’s little motive
to tour for the duration of the peak season, which takes
place from late December to mid-April.
Tourism in Cuba has surged ever because it re-installed
its dating with the American authorities in 2015. Even
though Canadians and Europeans were long-time
fanatics and typical traffic to the island, Americans
are merely starting to find out the attraction of one of
the world’s maximum well-preserved cultures. Cuba is
also one of the maxims of cheap seaside vacations for
tourists from North and South America. You want to
travel to Cuba to enjoy this paradise for yourself from
the historical streets of Havana and the rich cultural-
historical of the country beyond a selection of the most
beautiful beaches in the Caribbean.

Best time to visit

The great time to visit is from December to May when
you could anticipate dry, sunny days and plenty of blue
skies. The wet season begins in June, and, previously,
site visitors to Cuba might have averted journey totally
between August and October, when there is also a
threat of hurricanes.
To many, Jamaica is the coronary heart of the
Caribbean. Jamaica, the birthplace of reggae music,
the Rastafari movement, and all-inclusive resorts,
symbolises some of the region’s most loved and
perhaps most misunderstood stuff. A quick solution
to clear the mystery? Come to the sugar cane, coffee,
and calcareous soil and form your own opinion. Your
new ideas are bound to clothe in white-sand beaches,
bordered through the rugged Blue Mountains, and
anchored in foamy waterfalls.

Best time to visit

The best period to visit Jamaica is between November
and mid-December. That’s when the island’s already
beautiful weather (from the mid-70s to the high 80s
throughout the year) is the most comfortable, and the
hotel and flight offers are the easiest to find. Tariffs
are cheap in the summer, but you’ll lose the hurricane
season’s wrath. January to March is the peak period of
travel to the island — in some hotels, room rates can
rise to over $700 per night.
Curacao is just a brief plane experience faraway from
Aruba. Because of this, If you want to hop between the
two islands, you could locate flights for less than $100.
On Curacao, though, there is so much to do that we
don’t think you’re ever going to have to leave. Similar
to Aruba, Curacao is a Dutch Caribbean island, best
known for the iconic multi-coloured Netherlands homes
that line the primary port of the island. Here, you may
enjoy a perfect climate quite a whole lot year-round,
fantastic diving, and lovely desert vegetation and
fauna. The exceptional part? Curacao’s airport is pretty
big, which means that there are frequent flights, and it’s
smooth to locate cheap airfare.

Best time to visit

The prime time to visit Curaçao is from May to November,
at some stage in the off-top season. During those months,
you’ll find the bottom airfares and resort costs, with
rooms frequently priced up to 50 percent decrease than
they’re within the high season (particularly at some point
in summer). Plus, you won’t be vying for seaside chairs
with throngs of other tourists. What’s more, Curaçao
would not go through the wrath of hurricane season.
Curaçao’s climate tends to be sunny even in the course of
the months that other Caribbean islands revel in torrential
rains. Only 12 degrees north of the equator, Curaçao’s
average temperature rests inside the mid-80s all year.
Most vacationers head to Curaçao in December and
April, causing motel quotes and airfare to skyrocket. If
you’ve come to dive or snorkel, you may revel in excellent
visibility at some point in the year. Because the island is
positioned outside the hurricane belt, its marine life is
unaffected by means of seasonal changes.

“How was Zurich?” Someone asked me when I returned
from Switzerland a few days after my birthday. The first
word from my mouth was “Expensive!” Switzerland is not
a cheap thrill by any means. I supposed the high cost of
living is to pay for socialised health care or free college
education. Once you get past ordering your 18-dollar
hamburger that comes without fries, you can find the
beauty of this country. Before I go to a new place, I poll
friends and strangers about what is a must-see. This trip
to Zurich was no different; I didn’t get much feedback
except that “You have to see the Alps!”
On my Day 1 in Switzerland, I bought my this glaciated plateau are shared on the
package for the Swiss Alps. There are way to the top of the mountain.
several tour companies that will take you The views from Jungfrau, as expected,
to different places in Switzerland. I took make you want to be a bird so you can
a two-hour bus ride through the most soar over the snow-caps and dive into
breath-taking scenery to a small village the lakes below it. Jungfrau was our only
called Grindelwald. From Grindelwald, destination for this day trip, so I didn’t
there was a 50-minute train ride up take any of the tours for granted. There
the side of the mountain to Wengen. was an Ice Palace, snowboarding and ice
According to the brochure, Jungfrau is tubing mostly populated by children but
one of the highest places in Switzerland. it could be fun for all ages. On top of
Some basic facts like, the highest wall the tourist peak are restaurants, coffee
point of Jungfrau is over 10 km. The houses, watch shops and my favourite,
valley that you see in the middle of the Lindt Swiss Chocolate Museum. Although
mountaintops is actually glaciers, called Swiss chocolate is the best, the views
The Eiger and the Monch. Two peaks in were my souvenir that day.

My Day 2 was taken over by shopping. The time town, so I had to dip my head in to see what that
of my visit was two weeks before Christmas, and was about. There was more Lindt chocolate fun
because I knew I needed a budget, I packed only when I wandered inside Lindt Swiss Chocolate
one credit card and my list of gifts for people in Factory. I sat down at a table full of little kids and
my life. Downtown Zurich did not disappoint made my own chocolate bear. I wasn’t quite sure
me with football stadium crowds pouring in and this activity was meant for adults, but I didn’t
out of stores in the middle of Lindenhof. There care. The Leaders let me sit in on the session,
was what locals call “The Christmas Circus” in so I assumed it was ok to be a kid at heart.
Day 3 was a day of rest and exploration. It was
my goal to figure out the public transit system.
I had spent over 100 US dollars on taxis, and
Uber rides before I ventured into the train
system. So, I allowed myself to get lost on the
trains to see where I would end up. This is a
common practice for me in a big city such as
Zurich. It helps me stay off the beaten path
and explore a city without a destination or an

Day 4 was my birthday, so I booked my tour

to see the Swiss Alps. The bus ride was long,
and the train ride up the mountain was more
scenic. This trip was different because I actually
saw the city without an overcast. If you wait for
a clear non-rainy sunny-bright day in Europe,
you will miss out on major sightseeing. This
particular day was clear as the mountain top I
was anxious to see. Mount Titlis surprised me.
If you enjoy skiing, this is the spot you must
visit. It was a two-hour ride through Lucerne
to Engleberg. A full thirty-minute ride on the
cable cars to the top of Mount Titlis, give you
time to soak in the atmosphere. There were
three stops in total; each stop brings you to a
different height on the mountain. You will get
used to your ears popping. The skiers trek in
and out of the cable cars like a well-rehearsed
dance. Everyone knew where to sit and stand
and where to stash their skis.

The takeaway from Mount Titlis was the

diversity of skiers. I enjoyed hearing six different
languages on the ski cars on the way up the
mountain. According to the other tourists,
skiing is ‘played out’, and snowboarding is the
new mode of mountain entertainment. As with
the Jungfrau peak, the top of the mountain
had no less than five floors of shopping,
coffee, souvenirs, and panoramic restaurants.
One day, I will return to this mountain, having
made every attempt to learn how to ski and
develop my bravery to go down this mountain
the way it was intended.
Day 5 was my last evening of Swiss life. I treated myself
to a night at the opera. If you have a desire to check
‘culture’ off your list, I recommend researching local
events for concerts before your trip. Opernhaus Zürich
in German, The Zurich Opera House is located at the
Sechseläutenplatz square in the heart of Zurich. It has
been a staple for opera, ballet and collective classical
entertainment since 1891. Because I waited until the last
minute and because I travel alone, I got a first-row ticket
half-price, a seat designed for an odd number traveller
like me.

The ice-capped mountains of the Alps and air of

Switzerland cannot be captured even in a postcard,
but when given the choice between vacationing on a
beach or a mountain, I often choose mountains. I enjoy
the idea of re-examining my life from a different point
of view, what better view is better than one from the
highest point in the world.

Kendria R. Johnson is a teacher, traveller, public speaker, author, mother and life coach.

Her mission in life is to motivate, to inspire, teach, and to leave this as a legacy. A recently
self-published author, her memoir, “Fat Meat Ain’t Greasy,” tells the story of her strength,
struggle and strives for achievement.

“I want my life to mean something and to let anyone who knew me understand God and
the power of His love through my time here on Earth.”
For the Culture


Chronicles OPERANDI.
Who are you, and what do you want? What
with Yvonne C. Mtengwa do you do and how do you get it done?
TIPS TO DIFFERENTIATE ONESELF FROM THE MASSES What do you believe in, and where do you
draw the line when someone contests your
value system or beliefs?
As I sat down to think over my strategy for the year, I couldn’t
help but wonder what I would be doing differently this year. What One of life’s greatest challenges is from the
is your strategy in the game of life or business? I’ve always looked fact that a lot of us can’t actually answer the
at the beginning of a new year as an opportunity for introspection questions I’ve asked. Too many of us are so
and personal audit, and so it only made sense in this edition of frustrated with ourselves because we cannot
what I now coin- the Reinvented Chronicles. I would like to share clearly articulate our life’s vision or position
with you the things that will help you stand out from the crowd when things don’t go the way we would want
this year. The good news is that there’s nothing in my points them to. Many of us find ourselves confused,
you haven’t already heard, but in the words of Elizabeth Arden, especially when we feel like we have to live
“Repetition makes reputation and reputation makes customers.” a life explaining to people who don’t initially
For example, if you hear a song on heavy rotation, eventually, agree with us. Let this year be the year
you will learn the lyrics. With that being said, I do hope that as you are defined by who you are, what you
you forge ahead with the below reminders, you will soon come to want, and what your modus operandi is.
appreciate what you decided to focus on and how to stand out Let this be the year where you pursue clarity
from the crowd in life or business this new decade. concerning all things you deem important.
2. LET SELF-CONFIDENCE it is the key to actually being able sweatpants on unless I was going
AND SELF-BELIEF HELP YOU to achieve our goals. Self-belief is out for a jog. I’ve maintained this
critical to make it to the winners’ stance all through my adult years.
circle. Just remember to ensure
Because quite frankly, if you don’t
alignment between your self-belief You never know who you will meet
believe in what you’re selling, who’s
and your delivery of promise. Some in the aisle of your neighbourhood,
going to buy it? If you don’t believe
say “fake it till you make it” but I err grocery store or in the parking lot
in you, how can you expect others
on the side of “faith it till you make of your kids’ school. Always dress
to? I’ve had the great pleasure of
it”- having faith in GOD and the for where you are going, and I don’t
bidding for contracts worth a good
gifts He has given you. mean this in the literal sense. You
bit of money without knowing
will not find me in the parking lot of
much about what the job would
my kids’ school looking like I don’t
entail, let alone the industry I would 3. DRESS FOR WHERE
have anything else to do but pick
be working in. However, I’m 100% YOU ARE GOING, EVEN IF
them up and head home. Carry
sure it was my confidence during IT’S A LONG WAY AWAY.
yourself the way you see yourself.
the pitch process that helped me A famous Thomas A. Edison
I have big goals, and those goals
seal the deal. quote states that “Opportunity is
need me to be suited up to achieve
missed by most people because
them. May this year be the year
Here’s the thing – I’m not saying it is dressed in overalls and looks
you toss out the old closet and old
that you go out and overpromise like work.” I agree with that, but
something you can’t deliver. What habits to make way for new pieces
I’ll tell you this; when each one of
I’m saying is if there is a glimmer and new attitudes that make you
my opportunities comes around,
of hope within you that you can look and feel as expensive as you
I’m often in a power suit with
hack it, then you have nothing to are! Dress for the success you are
some heels on. Growing up with
lose by throwing your own name in working so hard to achieve. You
my mom, who used to say to
the hat. Believing that we can do never know who’s paying attention!
never leave the house with some
One afternoon I opened my door to a salesman that was Only you can get things done your way. I take it back
selling some couch and rug shampooing service. He to my first point of knowing who you are, what you
came ready with his rug, some detergent, some dirt and want, and defining your modus operandi. This is very
this weird vacuum cleaner to demonstrate how well he important if you want to succeed in business, foster
could clean sofas and rugs. It wasn’t how cool the vacuum healthier relationships into the new decade, or simply
cleaner thing worked after he threw a whole heap of dirt do better at life. It is your life. You are the original version
on the rug, but how passionate he was about what he of yourself. Don’t get caught up in what others are doing
was selling – the service itself. This salesperson was so but rather stay in your lane.
good at storytelling as he carried out his demo, he could
literally sell sand to the desert. He got me on the soup One thing adulting has taught me is that people won’t
and ice cream spills by the kids, crayon scribbles on the always tell you the whole story of what they endured to
couch, air quality after the vacuuming was complete… get where they are. Few people are comfortable openly
and so on. Needless to say, a week later, his team came discussing their weaknesses and challenges. But – your
by to do our sofas and rugs. It was the excitement story is yours, and however painful or grandiose it may
about his products and services that had me confirm my be, there is great liberation that comes with doing your
appointment. life unapologetically and earnestly. As the adage states:
“Be yourself, everyone else is taken.’’
You can sell anything well if you are passionate about sales,
or what you are actually selling. You can do anything well In the realms of business, having a differentiation
if you are actually vested in getting it done. If you want to strategy means that you are aiming to distinguish your
differentiate yourself from the masses this year, especially products or services from other similar products offered
given how highly competitive the world we live in is, be by the competition in the marketplace. Life’s not that
passionate about what you are doing, especially when it much different as it goes on each day. The challenge
involves other people. Your energy and zest for your craft for us to stand out from the crowd in how we perform,
could be the difference between landing your next job or dress, raise our children, and so on. The fact is we live
waiting a long time for your next contract. Don’t let lack of in a competitive world with so many of us vying for the
passion keep you from your victory. attention of our spouses, children, bosses, friends and
so on. Whatever your strategy at hacking life is for this
year, stand out by mastering yourself. Be you! That’s
your differentiator! Be you and do it authentically and be
rest assured, you will stand out.

ABOUT Yvonne Chiedza Mtengwa is the author

of “Reinvented: Challenging insecurity to
of Fear”- a compilation of short stories by
American visionary author Tiana Patrice.

THE AUTHOR live authentically through faith”, a book

encouraging women to confront their
Passionate about travelling, writing about
and experiencing leisure and lifestyle
issues with relationships, insecurities and brands, Yvonne is a marketing and
self-fulfilling prophesies, in an effort to communications strategist, is the Co-
truly discover who they were created founder of www.Quintessentialf.com, a
to be. It’s available for download on Christian lifestyle movement for women,
https://payhip.com/b/Oi7Y#! and also runs www.yournarratives.com,
a boutique communications agency
She is also a co-author of Amazon Bestseller specialising in entrepreneurial design
“Dear Fear Volume 2: 18 Powerful Lessons and shaping the narrative of women-led
on Living your best life on the other side lifestyle and social development brands.

Check her out on IG on @quintessentially_yvonne or visit and subscribe to her website

on www.ReinventedToday.com for more tips on everyday reinvention.
The Internet: First of all, the taste of modern culture has changed for
The Taste of Change the betterment of some or to the detriment of others. It is

in Modern Life all about your preferences and ‘taste’. With culture being
constantly changed, it is clear to see that the world is such

by Jerome a smaller place. The Internet has not only beckoned the
information age, but it is also developing what I like to call
the transformational age. “The race is not for the swift, but
There is a common saying that, “If we want to see for those who can endure,” is a popular Caribbean proverb
change, we first have to look into ourselves, see what that no doubt has relevance more than ever. Nowadays,
needs to be altered to give a new perspective to those the fastest fingertips, brainpower and knowhow puts you
who we can affect the most.” Significantly, change is an in demand and even more so “in-come-mand.” With
ongoing phenomenon that keeps shifting or modifying everything at your eye line, nobody needs to take a
the outlook that people have on a variety of topics or nosedive to achieve much. The demands have changed
situations. Depending on the era, social environment, dramatically, in the sense that I can buy food, accessories,
economic class, cultural background or just the norms and clothes or just about anything from my bedroom. If
and values you were developed in, change is inevitable. you need an international Master’s degree, but you have
Hence, our viewpoint or taste will be primarily different. no visa to enter that country, sure as day should follow
A major occurrence walked through the doors of the night, you can attain that degree, online. Lighten your
21st century with scope to change our world and society taste buds to the point that you can see and hear from
forever; the Internet. This singular wonder exploded people across the globe with the new dimension of the
into the realms of society and opened our eyes to Internet called social media. You don’t need to live in Abu
the dawning of the information age. The Internet has Dhabi to locate Sheikh Zayed’s Mosque. You don’t need
spun our existence into a tornado. It has transfigured to go to China to see the Great Wall; you don’t need to
communications, to the point where it is now our go to Jamaica to see Usain Bolt’s house, Google Earth or
favoured medium of everyday communication. How has Maps can pick that luxurious home out like a needle in a
the Internet changed our taste in modern culture? Is the haystack. These phenomena are pristine or substandard
taste of this global change soothing or insipid? How has based on the sensation that comes off your cultural
the Internet morphed our society as we know it? tongue’s papillae.
The initiation of the Internet has ignited a discussion about The Internet then has changed our lives to the extent of
how communication using this medium has affected it being the key driver of social evolution. How is that for
social relationships. Obviously, the net frees us from your cultural taste bud?
the terrains of the Grand Canyon and other geographic
handcuffs that would in the primitive age have people Likewise, there is a major change in social
using drums to communicate from a distance. The ‘net’ communication. We have lapped up the Internet
pits us together in situational populations that are not enough in many cases to find it hard to walk out into
tangled in any specific place. The globalised society some needed vitamin D to see a friend across the road.
has connected different people with different points of We instead take advantage of Whatsapp, ‘DM’ and
views and outlook by new technologies. Information tweet how the ice cream we should share is so sweet.
technologies have fashioned essential change all the The advancement of the Internet in today’s postmodern
way through society, pouring the taste of Aloe Vera or world is being shaped largely by instant, mobile
syrup from the industrial age to the “networking era.” In communications. The mobile Internet is the newest
our modern world, worldwide information linkages are and freshest communication revolution. Connect to
imperative to groundwork to the ambience; some of us the Internet via smartphones and tablets and boom!
want to create for the future. Furthermore, the net has It is leading to a progressively mobile or transportable
changed education, business, healthcare, government reality: you are not tied to any solitary device, the world
and the very ways in which we interrelate and interact of communication is now higher than the clouds, just
with our family and friends whether they are near or far. look at the satellites roaming the night’s sky.

The Internet has brought about real cultural pride for variety of tools used to transit imaginations and sounds.
those who are marketing and promoting their countries Additionally, the Internet has also left many people to be
for tourism. In this aspect of the use of the Internet, busy doing little to nothing because of procrastination
prospective tourists have a broad and hands-on view of and that need to be in first gear since everything is at our
what is out there to see in real life. At the same time, fingertips. Online, the conservative restrictions of space
the Internet has wiped out the benefit of having a hefty and time vanish and there is a dizzyingly wide range of
imagination. With everything on the Internet, there is no unrestrained possibilities to communicate. This in turn
need to use that creative tool that comes naturally when may destroy the fabric of face to face communication.
there is an absence of stimuli. We don’t need to guess The art of gestures and body language reading is dying
or predict when we can see statues and relics on the to give life to emojis and slangs. Hence with newness
comes the decay of what was once avenue or opportunities to have the fast and the furious; no time
sacred to communication and a sense of belonging in the sense to linger when the competition
societal values across the world. that we can see what the world is for influence is at an all-time high ;
The impact of the Internet and and what it is not. Depending on the currency of this day and age is
social media tools has generated a our likes or dislikes, the Internet has about views on YouTube, hearts on
debate of the “new communication brought about a real change. While Instagram and likes on Facebook.
equality.” One can only hope that younger people have easier access Therefore, with the advent and the
“What sweet we today, won’t be to information and opportunities, continuance of the Internet upon
sour tomorrow.” (This suggests the older generation can argue that us as a people in popular culture
that the things that seem fine to the world is at its lowest when it and modern society, what are your
you now can hurt you later.) comes to health and wellness. With taste buds telling you about “The
people finding and tasking jobs Net?” Has it whet or parched your
Last, a common saying in the from the privacy of their bedrooms, appetite to be a socialite? Has it
Caribbean states that “What sweet how much need does a person turned your stomach to disgust
Nanny’s goat will run its belly,” like this have to go running to the giving you a feeling that it is unjust?
(This suggests that the things that store, when he or she again can Or are you validated that the pre-
seem fine to you now can hurt you order any or everything online. The modern culture is annihilated?
later.) may be a classic example of older generation again may posit Whichever ground you stand on,
what the Internet has dawned on that face to face communication one thing we all can agree to is that
us in this postmodern society. We eclipses or best social media any the Internet has changed the taste
appear to be closely connected, day since body language reading of modern culture; the viewpoint to
but we cannot be further apart is a prime art and a real sense of which it has changed goes to each
than ever before when it comes to fellowship and community will be individual’s culture taste buds and
face to face communication. The nurtured there. Their arguments the sensation of societal papillae
Internet has made people with no have a base, but this age is for on the tongue of the masses.


Jerome Douglas is a 27-year old trained teacher, poet and writer from the
beautiful island of Jamaica. His personal philosophy is “If it is for me to
be, then it is up to me.” He attended the Catholic College of Mandeville
in Jamaica. Additionally, he is a community builder and humanitarian who
volunteers his time to help with the academic and social well-being of people
in his Central Jamaica community and surrounding areas.
2020 Book Goals:
10 Books you must read
before the year ends
Do you remember the first time you got your hands on a self-
help book, and for some reason, you realised your life wasn’t
fixed? The only books you read were all about getting to a new
level, and all you wanted to do was listen to the little voice that
encouraged you to rise higher.

Self-help, self-development or self-improvement. Call it whatever

you want, but there is no denying that this is a vast area where
many gurus teach and spread their values. One could say it is
almost like a cult. Anyway, we all know the benefits of reading
books. Self-help books can be a very useful resource for people
in need or looking for ways to improve their lives in general. And
often, with a wide audience, specific audiences resonate.

The books below cover a variety of topics, from mega bestsellers

to works by lesser-known authors, but they share some common
elements. Not all self-help books are created equal. Some help
you start your journey; others give you a boost when you have
experienced challenges. Below is how you could be your own
coach and personal trainer.
Here are the ten books you need to read before the year ends:

1. Think and
Grow Rich
Think & Grow Rich is probably the most popular best-
selling book of all time. It was published in 1937 by
Napoleon Hill. If you want to become rich, you must
first change your mind and become aware of money,
as Napoleon Hill called it. By the way, the term wealth
can refer to any form of wealth, such as income, healthy
relationships, and business success.
2. The Richest Man
in Babylon
This book is the greatest of all inspirational books on
saving money, financial planning and personal well-
being. These fascinating and instructive stories, in simple
Bible-like language, set you on a certain path to well-
being and the joys that come with it. As a modern-day
classic, this famous bestseller offers personal financial
problems and solutions that will guide you through life

3. The Magic of
Thinking Big
Unfortunately, you become what we think of ourselves.
David J. Schwartz explains the art of thinking big in his
book and how you can make it a routine for yourself. First
published in 1965, this best-selling book offers timeless
wisdom that will give you a whole new view of yourself.
Note that the scale of your thinking will determine your

4. The Power of the

Subconscious Mind
The Power of the Subconscious Mind, one of the most
admired and best-selling guides of all time, reveals how
you can make dramatic changes in your life by altering
your thought patterns. Using realistic and easy-to-
understand methods and case studies, Dr. Joseph Murphy
explains the profound effect of the subconscious mind on
all aspects of life - money, relationships, and work.
5. In Search of
Written by two management consultants, Tom Peters and
Thomas Waterman, In Search of Excellence is among the
best management books ever written. With more than 3
million copies sold worldwide, the book has been among
the best-selling in the world. It has been published by 43
of the best American companies. The basic idea behind
the book was to understand what motivates a company’s

7. Breakthroughs
According to an international study on innovation by
Arthur D Little, Breakthroughs is a testament to the power
you can have by believing in your dreams. This book is
also a compelling study of people who have made global
business breakthroughs that have somehow touched the
lives of most of us. It examines the creativity required to
pave the way for new products.

7. Directing the
Movies of Your Mind
Adelaide Bry’s book is easy to read and use. It uses and
applies the power of your imagination to create images
from your subconscious mind actively, then reshapes and
transforms these images into what you want them to be.
Specific strategies and sample scenarios take you on the
path to realising your dreams and life goals.
8. The Four
The Four Agreements is Don Miguel Ruiz’s Practical
Guide to Personal Freedom. It is a wonderful book for
stress management and personal growth. It is written in
simple language, but deals with complicated concepts
that can help you make radical changes in your life. Every
idea is a beautiful seed in your mind.

9. SEVEN Habits of
Successful People
Unfortunately, you become what we think of ourselves.
David J. Schwartz explains the art of thinking big in his
book and how you can make it a routine for yourself. First
published in 1965, this best-selling book offers timeless
wisdom that will give you a whole new view of yourself.
Note that the scale of your thinking will determine your

10. How to live

365 Days
One of the greatest self-help books of all time, How to
Live 365 Days has sold more than one million copies and
has been translated into 13 languages. John A. Schindler’s
father, M.D., introduced the link between emotions and
physical health even before it was recognised by most
physicians. Topics included emotional satisfaction, sexual
maturity, coping with the pressures of work, and the
challenge of ageing.

Now that you have a list of the most inspiring books to improve your life, what will you do next? Are you
going to read them all? Reading them all, of course, is better. This is whether you’re stuck in life and
things aren’t going well, or you just want to change for the better.
Book Review: In the first chapter, Hill explains the power of your mind
and how it affects your life. Edwin Barnes was eager
to work with the famous inventor Thomas Edison, Hill
writes. Finally, he met Edison. He became a rich man
by his own efforts, and his labour was richly rewarded.
Through this story, Hill writes that one should make up
one’s mind and work harder, no matter how many times
he or she experiences adversity.

According to Napoleon Hill, desire is the starting point
of all achievement. In the book, Hill shares a six-step
process by which anyone can achieve their desires in
life, such as accumulating wealth. The first, he says, is
to determine in your head the exact amount you want
to achieve. Second, determine exactly what amount
of money you are willing to commit to. Next, specify
an exact date when you want to implement it. Fourth,
make a plan and take the first step immediately.

In chapter three, Hill writes that it is important to have
unshakable faith. He acknowledged that it is difficult
and challenging. When a person sees himself in a
negative way, he ends up in a negative situation. On
the other hand, a positive person, who always thinks he
is successful, imagines that his wishes are fulfilled and
will eventually lead a successful and wealthy life. Hill
believes that if you want to achieve anything you want
in life, you must first see it in your mind.

If you have followed Hill’s six-step plan in the previous

Think and chapter, you will have a plan to make your wishes come
true. Self-suggestion is the technique of convincing

Grow Rich yourself that you can achieve any goal. What you want
to do is to tune your desires into your subconscious.
Hill writes that when you reach your subconscious mind

Think and Grow Rich is a 1937 book on by directing your thoughts. Self-suggestion will give you

personal development by Napoleon Hill. He firm belief and guide you in the right direction.

claimed that he was inspired by the advice of

Andrew Carnegie, a business magnate and CHAPTER 5: SPECIALISED KNOWLEDGE

philanthropist. The book didn’t only become In this chapter, Hill points out that knowledge is power

a best-seller, but it was also recommended by if you want to achieve extraordinary success. The

many other successful people, including Tony professors, he wrote, were knowledgeable, but some

Robbins and John Maxwell. struggled financially. Therefore, the important thing is

Napoleon Hill shares 13 principles in 15 the application of knowledge. Therefore, Hill suggests

chapters of his book. Today, I’m going to review that readers often acquire knowledge through public

this amazing book. So, let’s get started. libraries, training courses, universities, colleges, and
practical experience, and often read books on related
industries to gain more professional knowledge, which
will give you an advantage.
CHAPTER 6: IMAGINATION awkward, but he wants the reader to understand that sexuality
Hill says imagination is the most important step on the road is one of the most powerful human desires.
to success, and everyone must use it. Many years ago, a
drugstore clerk used his life savings, about $500, to buy an CHAPTER 12: THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND
old kettle, a wooden spoon, and a secret recipe from a doctor. This book is about harnessing the power of your subconscious
It’s a good deal for a doctor who wants to retire. But what the mind. According to Hill, we can subconsciously and voluntarily
doctor didn’t know was that for his assistant Asa Candler, it plant whatever idea we want and use its power to achieve what
was a life-changing business. So you have to add imagination we want in life. Of course, we can’t really control everything in
to your expertise to become rich. our subconscious, but it’s possible to achieve what you want
when you believe in it. Calm your mind through meditation,
CHAPTER 7: ORGANISED PLANNING and then consciously imagine that you want to instil images of
First, Hill says, you have to connect with others to set your desires into your subconscious mind.
the direction and put the plan into action. He calls them
“masterminds” and devotes a whole chapter to the subject. CHAPTER 13: THE BRAIN
Before you align yourself with this group. Hill also says the Napoleon Hill explained that our brain is an extraordinary
planning process must be continuous. Even if you are faced machine that works like a radio and receiving station for ideas.
with difficulties and failures, don’t give up, keep trying to With more than 14 million nerve cells, the brain acts as a guiding
realise your ideas and adjust your plans. and controlling factor in our daily lives. That’s why mastermind
groups are effective. When people are emotionally attracted
CHAPTER 8: DECISION to what they want in life, they tend to work more tirelessly,
According to Napoleon Hill, one of the most common reasons seem to have the ability to break through difficult situations,
people fail is procrastination. He said it was important to avoid and are more likely to succeed.
delay and take immediate action. Most people will wait and
refuse to do things right away, which causes them to lose CHAPTER 14: THE SIXTH SENSE
motivation and eventually fail in their venture. With a clear In this book, Hill writes that the sixth sense has the power
mind and clear goals, you can make quick decisions. to approach our infinite intelligence, and it can provide a
combination of mind and spiritual thought. Hill defined the
CHAPTER 9: PERSISTENCE sixth sense as the part of the unconscious called creative
Persistence is a very important factor that will determine your imagination. You will be promptly warned to avoid imminent
success and wealth in life. Hill says it’s an important habit or danger and promptly notified of opportunities to embrace
practice that you need to build confidence and succeed in them. Hill goes on to say that only when you experience it,
your efforts. A typical example is Thomas Edison, the famous can you understand it.
inventor who invented the electric light bulb. Most people
give up after a few failures, let alone ten thousand like Edison. CHAPTER 15: THE DEVIL’S WORKSHOP
Persistence is a state of mind that can be cultivated through This is the last chapter of Think and Grow Rich. In this section,
clear purpose and self-reliance. Hill talks about another important factor that can prevent
you from getting what you want and becoming rich. People
CHAPTER 10: POWER OF THE MASTERMIND are easily influenced by the negative thoughts around them,
Planning, Hill writes, is perhaps the most important principle which can ruin their future if they are not aware of them. So,
of success. In short, when you are surrounded by like-minded once you understand this, you can develop habits to protect
people who are always chasing higher success and better yourself from the negativity around you.
results, you will have the same thoughts and actions. A
mastermind group is a group of like-minded people who meet
regularly to push themselves to achieve their goals, and push Think and Grow Rich is based on interviews with more than 500
each other to meet challenges and solve problems together. of the greatest people of the early 20th century, including Henry
Ford, Thomas Edison, John D. Rockefeller, Alexander Graham
CHAPTER 11: THE MYSTERY OF SEX TRANSMUTATION Bell and others. Author Napoleon Hill brings the wisdom of
Hill describes the power of sexual transformation in this these extraordinary people together in this book, which contains
chapter. He says the sexual urge is a very powerful force, and 13 key principles on how to change your mind and become rich.
often men lose their focus and risk their lives, careers and The book is about how one can change one’s life and achieve
money to satisfy their desires. If this sexual energy can be the success one wants by changing one’s mind. It tells you how
converted into creative energy, it has great power and ability to think in order to become money-conscious, how to develop
to help increase your willpower. This chapter may sound the right mindset is the beginning and end of all wealth.
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of the “Ten books to read

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