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3rd Quarterly Examination in English 10

Mariveles National High School – Poblacion

Mariveles, Bataan

I. Instructions: Read the selection then response to the questions by choosing the correct answer
given. (5 points)
Save Our Mother Earth

Our Earth is the most beautiful planet in our solar system. As far as we know, Earth is
the only planet that has life.

Before 500 A.D., man had a good relationship with Mother Earth. But since humans
developed cities and industries, the modern lifestyle has changed. Man has been using and
misusing natural resources up to the limit. Now we are tearing up remote corners of the planet
looking for crude oil and coal, and our forests and wild animals are disappearing. Our
environment is totally polluted: we drink polluted water, inhale air full of dust, and eat food
with traces of pesticides and other toxic chemicals. Hence, we are suffering from diseases. As a
result of human activities, the ozone layer has a hole, the sea is rising, and the ice caps of
Antarctica and Greenland are melting. Now global warming is warning us that climate change is
coming. Mother Earth is in danger; life on Earth is in danger. Let us come together to save our
life-giving and life-saving Mother Earth.

1. As a result of human activities, the ozone layer …

a) Has a hole c) Is deepening
b) Is melting d) None from the given choices
2. Due to the mistreating of Mother Earth, what continent is now melting?
a) Greenland c) Iceland
b) Antarctica d) Arctic
3. Based on the selection, man is doing everything he can just to get what type of minerals?
a) Crude oil and coal c) Gold
b) Diamonds and other rare gems d) Phosphorus
4. Earth is described as …
a) The second most beautiful planet c) The dirtiest planet
b) The least beautiful planet d) The most beautiful planet
5. What is the best way to save mother earth?
a) Plant trees c) Clean sewer lines
b) Deforestation d) Cut trees for shelter

II. Instructions: Find the antecedent for each underlined pronoun in the following sentences. Write
the answer in your paper. (5 points)

6. Pastor Theodor Fliedner began his school of nursing in 1836.

7. When she returned home, Nightingale established her training program at Saint Thomas’s
Hospital in London.
8. Any school for nursing can trace its pattern for training through apprenticeship program.
9. An apprentice’s training was only good as the nurse overseeing it.
10. Nurses have many responsibilities assigned to them.

III. Instructions: Select the correct answer from the choices given in brackets and write on your

11. How many times has Bill told a lie to (his / him) father?
12. Where did Sally go with (she / her) friends yesterday?
13. I love going to the park with Mark, even though (he / him) is a little odd.
14. The cat was taking care of (its / his) young.
15. The dog was chasing (her / its) tail.
16. Many students wonder where (they / them) will end up after college.
17. A parent always wonders if (he or she / they) are doing the best for the kids.
18. How many times did Mr., Johnson have to tell you to stay out of (his / he / him) yard?
19. I don’t know what’s gotten into the dogs but (them / they) have been barking all day.
20. Look at the mother and father bird building (their / its) nest in the tree.

IV. Instructions: identify each of the bolded pronouns below as personal, demonstrative, relative,
interrogative, or indefinite. (10 points)

21. The cyclist who won the race trained hard.

22. Did you find anyone to take your shift next Friday so you can go the concert?
23. When Ken finds the key, he will put it some place safe.
24. These are the copies of fingerprints from the crime scene.
25. When will you give me the answer to my question?

V. Instructions: choose the letter of the correct answer. (5 points)

26. It is used to substitute a noun.

a) Adjective c) Pronoun
b) Antecedent d) Adverb
27. A type of pronoun that is used to ask a question
a) Personal c) Indefinite
b) Interrogative d) Relative
28. This type of pronoun introduces a clause or part of a sentence, that describes a noun
a) Personal
b) Interrogative
c) Indefinite
d) Relative
29. Choose the sentence in which the quotation is correctly punctuated.
a) "What if," my father worried, "I can't find the car keys?"
b) What if my father worried, "I can't find the car keys?"
c) "What if," my father worried "I can't find the car keys."
d) "What if, my father” worried "I can't find the car keys."

30. Choose the sentence in which the quotation is correctly punctuated.

a) Benjamin Franklin wrote "One day is worth two tomorrows."
b) Benjamin Franklin wrote, "One day is worth two tomorrows."
c) Benjamin Franklin wrote, "One day is worth two tomorrows".
d) Benjamin Franklin wrote, one day is worth two tomorrows".

VI. Instructions: Identify what is being asked/described in each sentence. Choose your answer from
the box located below (10 points)

Anton Chekhov Sacrifice/Heroism Happiness Fyokla

Jack London Terenty Danilka Eulogy Informative Paraiso

Smokey Mountain

31. Who is the author of “The Story of Keesh”?

32. What is the theme of “The Story of Keesh”?
33. What is the name of the boy from the story “A Day in the Country”?
34. What is the name of the old man from the story “A Day in the Country”?
35. What is the name of the girl from the story “A Day in the Country”?
36. Who is the author of the story “A Day in the Country”?
37. A speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something highly, typically someone who
has just died.
38. Speech intended to inform and to share new ideas and build perceptions.
39. What is the title of the song about the nature?
40. Who is the artist of the song from number 39?

VII. Instructions: Write T if the statement is stating a fact and F if otherwise. (10 points)

41. Terenty got his hands stuck on a tree.

42. Keesh killed a father bear on his first hunting.
43. Klosh-Kwan is the chief of the village.
44. Bok was killed by a spear thrown by Keesh.
45. Fyokla and Danilka are from rich family.
46. Hazel Grace eulogized Augustus before he died.
47. Bim and Bawn were sent to spy on Ugh Gluk.
48. Keesh put the whale’s bones inside the blubber.
49. The homeless cobbler is Terenty.
50. Keesh used witchcraft instead of headcraft.
Key to correction:

1. A 39. Paraiso
2. B 40. Smokey Mountain
3. A 41. F
4. D 42. F
5. A 43. T
6. Pastor Theodor Fliedner 44. F
7. Nightingale 45. F
8. Any school for nursing 46. T
9. Apprentice’s training 47. F
10. Nurses 48. T
11. His 49. T
12. Her
13. He
14. Its
15. Its
16. They
17. He or She
18. His
19. They
20. Their
21. Relative
22. Indefinite
23. Personal
24. Demonstrative
25. Interrogative
26. C
27. B
28. D
29. A
30. B
31. Jack London
32. Sacrifice/Heroism
33. Danilka
34. Terenty
35. Fyokla
36. Anton Chekhov
37. Eulogy
38. Informative

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