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Leading with

Emotional Intelligence
This program helps participants understand
correct implementation of Emotional
Intelligence and lead a smooth communication
and maintain relationships at workplace
through a structured mechanism.

Getting angry is easy, but to be angry with the

right person, to the right degree, at right time for
the right purpose in right manner is not that
easy. A leader or an individual with high EI
needs to lead from heart more often than not. In
today's demanding work culture, with
emotionally charged workforce, leader has to
find ways to manage such workforce in order to
achieve excellence. Therefore, Emotional
intelligence has become fundamental
necessity for today's leaders.

Expected Benefits to the Organization Learner’s Profile

§ Create happier, more productive and effective Mid to senior Leaders across
managers thereby reducing employee turnover. all functions.
§ Help in better team engagement and collaboration.
§ Improve company culture. Duration
§ Result in high performance-driven results
§ Improvement in the effectiveness of the decisions 1 Day

Learning Objective

At the end of the program, the participants would be able to:

§ Understanding the value of EI in the Leadership Roles

§ Apply techniques for enhancing awareness and managing theirs and others emotions; and
§ Apply EI techniques for building positive energy for self and team in order to lead business
productivity and creative a positive work environment.


Discussion - Sharing of PPT - Slides which Role Plays

experiences and perspectives show a few frameworks
Course Coverage

§ Welcome and Setting the Context for the Program

“It’s not IQ that leads to § The Leaders role today and the changing expectations from the

success...EQ is more workforce: with demanding work culture today Leaders have to
find ways to vision and mentor the workforce, promote team spirit
important: Emotional and partner and inspire internal stakeholders.
Intelligence, social skills, § Importance of being emotionally intelligent as a Leader: Leaders

how you relate, can you set the tone of their organization. Emotionally intelligent leader
can result in higher employee engagement and lower turnover
get things done. That’s rate. Also help individuals advance in career and organization.
what make a difference, § How the Brain works: All parts of your brain work together and

especially in each part is responsible for a specific function from controlling

your heart rate to your mood. Functioning of the brain will be
management.” understood in detail.
- Jamie Dimon, President and § EI Model: Goleman Model: one of the most widely used model
CEO, JP Morgan Chase which speaks about 5 components to efficiently describe EI- self-
awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills.
§ Self-assessment on EI: understanding and assessing own EI using EI tools.
§ Understanding emotions of others and using emotions relationship at work.
§ Using positive energy for self and team effectiveness

Dr. Niloufer Aga:
Dr Aga is certified in Six-
Seconds Emotional
I n t e l l i g e n c e
Assessment, with a
certification for MBTI and Coaching from
Fast Track Coach Academy. She is also a
Certified NLP Master Practitioner and
Trainer with another certification in Systems
Thinking (Level1 & 2), OPQ. As an Emotional
Intelligence (EI) assessor and practitioner,
she is adept at interpreting assessment
results and coaching people to fill the gaps
in their EI scores. Dr Aga has facilitated over
650+ programs across levels.
Source:The business case for

About Pragati Leadership:

Pragati Leadership supports organizations that develop future-ready leaders who catalyse change across teams,
businesses, society and the planet at large.
For over 30 years we have worked with more than 780 organizations to transform leaders and build sustainable
businesses by combining the result-oriented thinking of the West with the mindfulness and the spirituality of the East.
Headquartered in Pune, we have operations in 3 other Indian cities and have delivered value in over 29 countries around
the world.
To know more, mail us at:
Call us at: +91 020 66462900
Pune | Mumbai | Delhi-NCR | Bengaluru | Chennai

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