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Long Quiz in Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

Name: _________________________________ Section:_____________ Date:_________

True or False
Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect. Write your answer on the space provided
before the number. Erasure means wrong.

____1. The mix of cultures and values create smaller society with different ideas of deviance.
____2. Drug addicts and alcohol drinkers are both example of retreats.
____3. Breakdown of norms, mores and laws are all causes of deviant behavior.
____4. Discipline is a key factor of a functioning society.
____5. The social organization in society are inevitably interrelated to one another.
____6. Humans can be part of more than social organization.
____7. Our society consists of different organizations. Each organization has its own contribution which affect certain
____8. Families can also interact with other social institutions and contribute to social stability and change.
____9. Descent is a succession of rulers from the same family that maintains power for several generations.
____10. Based on Article II, Section 26: “The State shall guarantee equal access to selected individuals the opportunities
for public service and prohibit political dynasties as may be defined by law.”

Directions: Read the statement listed below and answer what is being ask. Erasures means wrong.

_______1. A system acknowledge social percentage which varies from society to society
_______2. A system of social organization which is based on real or recognized family ties.
_______3. Group of person united by ties of marriage, blood or adaption. It is also a basic unit of social organization.
_______4. System of relationship between persons and among group with regards to activity and functional arrangement
of mutual obligations within society.
_______5. A punishment or disadvantage given to a person for breaking a rule.
_______6. Type of polygamy where a husband can take many wives.
_______7. It is also a type of polygamy where a wife can have many husbands.
_______. A family of rulers who rule over a country for a long period of time.
_______9. It refers to any organization that is involved in the political process.
_______10. A compulsory political organization with a centralized government that maintains a monopoly of the
legitimate use of force within a certain territory.

Enumeration (20points)

1-5 Five types of deviance (functionalist’s view on deviance)

6-10 Five classification of crime
11-13 Three types of kinship
14-15 Two types of polygamy
16-19 Four types of Political Organization
20 Republic Act No. 9165 of June 7, 2002

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Prepared by: Mark Elson T. Candado

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