Neitaj Edid6506-Assign1 - New Media Lesson

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Assignment one

Lesson for MOOC using New Media

Submitted by

Jhody-Ann Neita (320001701)

EDID6506; Issues, Trends, Innovations and Research in Instructional Technology and Distance


Mrs. Camille Dickson-Deane

About the Lesson

The nature of this Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is to facilitate students who are

studying to become primary school teachers. These students are required to complete an art

course, however there is no one available on their campus site to facilitate this requirement hence

the utilization of an online platform.

The topic of the presented stand up lesson is Elements of Art and the sub-topic is Shapes. Three

ICT media tool was utilize to assist with the delivery of the lesson, they are Powtoon, Articulate

Rise and Prezi. The Merrill first principles was used as a guide to design this lesson. In an

attempt to activate students’ prior knowledge questions that are based on content that would have

been delivered at the previous lesson was asked. The flash card feature was used, the question is

at the front and the expected responses at the back of the card. A story was written and presented

to introduce the topic. PowToon was used as a tool to outline the content of the story after which

students are expected to answer questions based on what they watched.

A Prezi presentation was used to deliver the content of the lesson. The presentations includes

text, illustration and a video. Student will display their understanding of the lesson by completing

the activity given. Students will be required to draw two picture illustrate to organic and

geometric shapes. They are then expected upload their pictures to the course home page.

Students are then expected to answer reflective based questions about their artworks. Pictures of

Pablo Picasso artworks were place on the home page and students will be expected to answer

similar questions based on what they observed. The Articulate Rise media tool was employed to

be the home page for students to access the course lesson. See Appendix A for lesson plan and

appendix B for the introductory story

Lesson’s Objectives

At the end of the lesson students should be able to:

• Define the following terms: shapes, geometric shapes and organic shapes

• Draw two pictures, one to represent organic and the other geometric shapes

Description of the media used to deliver the lesson and reasons for selecting it

PowToon is an animation software which is user friendly. PowToon allows users to design and

create animated videos that are engaging and professional. This media was used to deliver the

introductory story. Powtoon application tools are easy to use, and it was also noticed that the end

product (video) appear very professional.


According to the Prezi website (2018) “Prezi is an online presentation software that incorporates

storytelling qualities. It allows for individuals to share/present information on a creative and 3D

canvas.” This media was selected because of its interactive and engaging features which were

also easy to manipulate.

Articulate Rise

Articulate Rise is a web app that allows users to develop interactive and engaging lessons. Rise

provides the opportunity for the user to include multimedia, texts and quizzes. The user can

choose from a readymade template or create customize lesson using a feature called blocks. This

media was selected because of its flexibility, and its ability to house other media tools

comfortably. The application tools are straightforward and easy to use and it’s not time

consuming once the user’s content is available.

Appendix A

Course: Design Arts

Topic: Elements of Art

Sub topic: Shapes

Audience: Primary Education College Students

Objective: At the end of the lesson you should be able to

 Define the following terms: shapes, geometric shapes and organic shapes

 Draw two pictures, one to represent organic and the other geometric shapes

Resources: Paper, pencil, pen, ruler, scanner or a camera with a USB cord

Instructional media: Powtoon, Articulate Rise, Prezi,

Activation of Prior Knowledge:

Student should answer the following questions based on lessons that would have been taught

from previous lessons

1. Define elements of art

2. List the elements of art

3. What is a line?

4. State the name of five types of lines

Advance Organizer

Students will watch a video which tell a story which suggest what a shape is
Students will answer the following questions based on the story - link to story


1. What happen to Vertical when Anansi offered him a seat?

2. How did vertical discover that he could become a shape?

3. Based on Vertical’s experience, what would you say a shape is?

Expected answers

1. He turned into a right angle

2. When Anansi told him to bend his body again to touch his other end

3. A shape is an area enclosed line


Teacher will further define (with the aid of illustration) terms related to the content through a

Prezi presentation. Follow the link below.



After you have viewing the prezi presentation complete the following activity.

1. Draw two pictures, one using ONLY geometric shapes and the other using ONLY

organic shapes
2. You may use the same images for both pictures or you may choose to use different


Drawings should be based on one of the following topics

• A day at the beach

• My Garden

• The Clown

• Vehicles

• Insects

Post your pictures to this week’s discussion forum


Answer the following questions based on each of your drawings

1. Describe the shapes used in each of your drawings

2. Explain how you used these shapes in your artwork.

View the following Artworks done by Pablo Picasso and answer the following questions based

on his works

a. b. c.

1. Describe the shapes that Pablo Picasso used in his artwork

2. Explain how Pablo Picasso used these shapes for the production of his artworks

Appendix B

Topic: Lines

Written by Jhody- Ann Neita

Vertical and Anancy

Long ago there was a country called lines. In this country there existed a major problem; lines

were growing randomly and out of site. The land was becoming crowded and the lines started to

get miserable and it was causing chaos in the land. Now there was a certain line called vertical

who took it up on himself to go seek assistance and ended up at the very wise Brother Anancy’s

residence. Upon his arrival he told Anancy of his situation and desperately pleaded for his wise

counsel. Anancy assured him that he had the answer to his problem and told him to have a seat.

When he sat he noticed a change in his appearance. Confidently Anancy walked over and asked

him if he has noticed any change in his appearance. Vertical said ‘yes but I don’t understand’

and Anancy said ‘ohhhh you have just form an angle and if you bend again to touch your other

end you will form a triangle’. Vertical was so excited that he found himself beading and forming

different angles and shapes such as squares, rectangle and star. Seeing this he began to roll soon

he formed a circle. Vertical even created shapes that did not have any particular name. He

thanked Anancy and went back to his village to share the good news with the other lines.

Vertical became a teacher and he taught the other lines about his discovery. Soon it was no

longer the land of lines but of shapes

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