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Step 6


The 2nd edition of workbook Step 6 is published for the first time as an international version. The only
reminder has disappeared. You can find the search and solving strategy on page 82 of the workbook.
The accompanying examples have disappeared but they are on the next page.

As a teacher you can now hand out the reminder if the students start on page 83 in the workbook. Note
that a reminder can never replace the lessons from the manual!
(Manual for independent learners Step 6).

The solutions of all workbooks can be found on the website at:

Information and an order form can be found on our website at:

© Cor van Wijgerden 2003-2018

Search and solving strategies

On most of the exercise sheets in the second part you are not told what the combination is all about. Start by
thinking things over rather than simply trying out every move. Look for the characteristics of the position.
The search strategy Which strategy can exploit it?
• vulnerable king (check) → mate or double attack
• in(sufficiently) protected pieces → double attack
• pieces liable to a knight fork → double attack with a knight
• a battery → discovered attack (discovered check or double check)
• piece with a defensive task → getting rid of a defender
• opposing pieces on the same line → pin or X-ray attack
• pinned piece → attack it once more / exploit a bad defender
• piece with restricted mobility → capture

Make a preparatory move (attract, eliminate a defender, chase, target, clear). If the position appears hopeless, then
you must try to force a draw by perpetual check, repetition of moves, stalemate, insufficient mating material, a
fortress or leaving your opponent with the wrong bishop.

5 n
2 r
4 k
6 r
4 k
6 r
4 r
5 b
3 11
p p6
k 4
r p1
1 p 5
q p1
1 p1p p1
1 p 51
q p
1 n2
2 n 1p p
1 23
n b5q1
p r
4 b 1
3 p6k
1 p1
1 p 1 p2
N p3
1 B p4
1 R p
r P
1 P
1 P1
1 p1P 5Q2N p3
1 b P
N 1
2 P P
1 P1
1 P 1 P P
1 R
4 N
1 P b
3 P1
1 P1P P
1 5
Q P1
1 P P1
1 P P1
1 P1P
6 R 4 R3
B R 3
4 B R6
4 K R
4 R
4 K
6 Q
5 K
First of all you notice that Together the queen and The back rank mate looks The bishop on e6 is pinned.
there are two unprotected knight form a battery. tempting. The two So the rook on c8 is only
pieces (Ra4, Bh2). Unfortunately the white defenders, Qc7 and Rb8, being protected by the other
The black king is safe, but queen is unprotected, so the must be disposed of. That is rook. White can attack c8
White can give check. These front man must give check. done by diversion. Firstly another time with 1. Qc1+.
three pieces can all be White chases the king to g8: the queen hesitates a bit: 1. After 1. ... Kh7 2. Rxc8
attacked from c2. White 1. Ng6+ hxg6 2. Qh3+ Kg8 Ra7 Qb6 but after 2. Rb7 Rxc8 3. Qxc8 we see that a
wins with 1. Qb3 followed 3. Nh6+ winning the queen. Black must resign. pinned piece is a bad
by 2. Qc2+. defender.

R b
3 r
4 k
6 n
2 4
r k
1 r b
3 61
k p p1
1 p p
1 b
3 b
3 r
4 p1
1 p 1
1 p
1 p
1 p
1 b1
3 p4r1p
1 p2
1 N1p q
5 p
1 k1
6 P p 2
1 N 5
1 p
1 P1
1 P 4 R P
2 P
1 P
1 N4
2 R P3
1 b K
6 P 5
1 Q1P
1 P
1 P
1 P
1 Q
5 P
1 Q
5 P
1 P6
1 K
6 K
6 R
The bishop on d7 does not White is a pawn down and in Because of the many black Plenty of unprotected
have many moves. It is a wretched position. What pieces perpetual check does pieces! Such positions are
already under attack, but possibilities are there for a not work. Something must difficult, because it is still
after 1. Rd8 it can still take draw? Perpetual check looks happen to get stalemate: the too hard to spot the winning
on b5. White eliminates this like the likeliest option. king, queen and g-pawn can manoeuvre. White sets up a
option with 1. b6!. The rook And in fact: 1. Rd3 Qxd3 2. still move. Luckily White battery by “attracting and
cannot capture and after 1. ... Qe6+ Kg7 3. Qe7+ Kh6 4. has 1. g4! The threat of mate targeting”: 1. cxd5 Bxd5 2.
axb6 2. Rd8 the bishop is Qh4+ with perpetual check. on f5 forces Black to Qb5! and if the bishop
quite lost. capture: 1. ... fxg3 2. Qf5+ moves, then 3. Ne7+.
Kxf5 stalemate.

Stap 3 plus: 4-6 © Cor van Wijgerden 2003-2018

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