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Jesse Maye A.

STS 1 - Z

Science, Technology and Society

In the first chapter, Robert McGinn discussed the importance of science and

technology in contemporary society. The main concern of science and technology in

the contemporary society is compose of: military power, economic strength, and

medical well-being. The common ground of those three is the human survival and to

improve the quality of life. Researches and developments were made for the benefit of

mankind and the society. However, those developments imposed many difficult social

issues. The mass usage of nuclear weapons, toxic products and chemicals in wars

have become threats to human survival. Developments in the military weaponry lead

to the mass destruction lives. Also, ethical dilemmas and social conflicts have risen in

the society.

On the other hand, the progress in science and technology have greatly

contributed the society. Many discoveries of medicines have increased the human life

span, and cure for different diseases were made. Great advancements in technology

made our life easier. Even today, innovations are non-stop. Evolution is continuous.

After reading the article, I realized that science and technology are fundamental in

modern society. It have done a great role in shaping the society.

In chapter 2, McGinn discussed the natures and relationship of science and

technology. He explained the nature of science and technology by distinguishing its

four different related meanings. According to him technology can be used as technics.

Meaning, technology is a material or object such as machines and devices produced

by a person or by the society. Technology as technology, what he meant is that

technology refers to the knowledge, process, methods and materials used in producing

a certain technic. Technology as a form of cultural activity. In this sense, technology

refers to the practitioners of a certain human practice. Lastly, technology as a total

societal enterprise. Encompassing the knowledge, people, skills, facilities, resources,

methods and technics used in a development and production. Science on the other

hand can be distinguished as knowledge, as a field of systematic inquiry into nature,

as a form of human cultural activity and as a total societal enterprise.

In the article, McGinn also explained how science and technology related to one

another. The relationship of science and technology has a history. Through the

centuries, the relationship of science and technology have evolve into an

interdependent one. McGinn emphasized that people often confuse science and

technology. Some confuse technology as “applied science” but it is not. We should

demolished that idea in our minds. Through science, we discover new aspects of

nature and through technology we discover new scientific designs to build new things.

It is not the job of science to build useful devices, that is the job of technology.

Historically, the bit of science that triggers some amazing technological advance has

often come from an apparently unrelated discovery.

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