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Reading & Writing TARGETS Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley Bal Express Publishing Publish by Express Publishing Lnerty House, Now Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 GHW Tel: (0040) 1635 B17 363, Fax: (0044) 1695 817 463, ‘e-mall INTERNET hitp:/ (© Jenny Dooley - Vegita Evans, 1998 Design & lustation © Express Publishing, 1998, ‘Al rights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, slored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, photocopying ar otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. First published 1998 New edition 2000 ISBN 1-903128-84-6 Acknowledgements ‘Authors! Acknowledgements ‘We would like to thank all the staf at Express Publishing who have contributed their skis to procucing this book. Thanks are due in particular tothe folowing for thelr support and patience: Mary Palmer citer in chief); Stave Ladd (senior edit): Rebecca Vates and Fichard Howell (edtoriel assistants); Phippa Porter (senior production controller); E. Mavragani (art lracto}, Helen Mavrodernos. {assistant designer) and our Cesign team; Tasso Sineri (artist; and Jue Brown Lucy Whetman, Janet Philios, Mary Lewis, Annette Pearson, Debiie Elis and Mi, Rowell We would elso like to thank those Institutions and teachers who piloted the manuseript, and whose ‘comments and feedback infiuenced positively the production ofthe book. Photograph Acknowledgements ‘Audio Visual for photographs on pages 35 (top right © 1985 by MGMVA Entertainment Go. All ights reserved), 97 (top lef © 1985 by MGMIVA Entertainment Co, All rights reserved), 29. Contents Gane Having a Wondertul Tre skimming or overall understanding on hokcay UNIT 1 * scanning {tendly letter to @ pontiond | plurals - short answors - Now Friends * reading for specie Information Skes/istkes UNIT 2 ‘predicting tople from visual clues | aie fora lght-haarted present simplo - adverbs. From Monday to Fridsy | © reading for epecifc information | magazine describing dally | of frequency - prepositons ‘= skimming for gist routines oftime * reconstructing a text UNIT 3 * scanning advertisment for renting there [sare - propositions of ‘AHome away ‘+ skimming for sist holiday home place - where (relative) from Home UNIT 4 * reading fer specific information | informal etter toa rind whila | present continuous - expressing preferences - prapastions of place Story + reading for speci Information UNITS ‘© skimming lor elst& scanning ‘acl abaut ennuel events | acjectve-noun collocations Happy New Year! ‘reading for space Information _| and celebrations + word order - prionlsing UNIT 6 * skimming for gist & scanning notices & advertisements, ‘ordor of anjectives For Sole! + reading for specific information _| for buying and sailing things UNIT 7 ‘+ skimming for gist Informal ltters asking for acjctves - adverbs - ts a Bargaint ' Idontiying topic ‘and ging Information word order unit 8 * reading for specific formation | safely leatts Imperative - mustimusin’t- Do's and Don'ts * Kdantying tex rom visual ues ‘conditonals lype + UNITS ‘= predicting topic from visual clues | satting the scone - beginnings | past skmple (regular-‘regular Every Picture Tells a | © skimming for gist -nfarting & ndings for stories ‘veros)- past continuous - forming adjectives om nouns UNIT 10 A Summer's Talol predicting topic from visual cues reconstructing a tox! skimming for get story 21d person adjctives describing ‘aimosphere & weather - past lenses - tme words UNIT 11 Come to my Partyl «reading for specific information © scanning Informal later of {avltaon & giving rections going to wll UNIT 12 it Happened to me... ‘ prediating lope trom visual prompis, «reading for specie information story -18t person agjectves ending In-edng All about Dianoy . roading for spect Information UNIT 13 reading for specie information | interview questlons words - fermation ‘who's Who? # reading for gist, ‘of quastions - past simpio- pprasent perfect - going 1o UNIT 14 ‘skienming for gst ticle expressing your ing form, nt without to, Love Sportet « reading for epecttc Information | opinion Inking words UNIT 15 « reading/skimming for ast biography past empl - prapostions of {me - relatives (wo, which) > 2 By New Friends... IZ 5 72 , These are photographs of Isobel Garcia's family. a} Read the lotter below and write the names of the people in the photographs. b) Answer these questions bout the letter. How does the letter start? How does the letter finish? Which of these phrases can you use to start a letter toa friend? a) Dear John, b) Dear Mr Smith, c) Dear Sirs, * Which of these phrases can you use to finish a letter to a friend? «@) Best wishes, b) Yours sincerely, c) Love and kisses, d) Love, 2 — Read the letter that Isabel sent to her new pen-friond again, then read the sentences (1-5) and underline the correct words. 4 Isabel is from ane SpainiMexico. j Spain 2 Her father's name is {Oth September, 19... Philp Fredtico. Dear Hasan, 3 Her sistor's name is Marcia/Fiosa, Hellot My name is abel Garcia and t am your new penfiend. | am fourteen years | 4 Her favourite subject old and | am Spanish, ve in Granada la Spain, | is Chemistry These are potegraphs ofthe people ey family My father's name is Philp He's | a chemist. My mathe’ name ls Hacia, My brother's name is Freda and my sister's tebe Coeentis ame s Rosa Iam the gl wlth short bro ha My dog's nar is Plt. He's athe rasan Photograph with me. {ke tennis but | don’t like basketball, My favourite subject ls Geography, but 1 dont lke Chemistry because t's dificult | love pop must but | don’t like opera like dogs but | don’ ke cats, My favourte singer is Elton John and my favourite actress is Melanie Grifith, They are fantastet What about you? What da you like? Who ls your favourte singer? Please write soon and tell me about yourself, i Best wishes, Isabel | i | | | a3e 3 Motch the phrases from the letter with the correct photographs. A Ike dogs but | don't ike cats. : B_ {ike tennis but I don't like ‘basketball © My favourite subject is ‘geography. D_ My favourite actress 1s Melanie Grifith. sIIIsT yaas 4 Match the pictures with the jobs in the list, then explain what the other jobs are. teacher, hairdresser, waiter, actor, doctor, vet, builder, baker, postman, firefighter \ sTupy TR ‘Singular & Plural Nouns | rationality . nationalties | brotier = brothers | motorbike * motorbikes: piano 3 pianos 5 Write the plurals for these nouns. 4 family 5 singer = .. 2 sister 6 oly 3 horse = 7 actor 4 disco = 8 subject = : 6 — Read the letter from Ex. 2 aycin ond complete the table below. Then, look at your notes and talk about Isabel Garcia. Stort this: Isabel Garcia is 14 years old. She is Spanish. She lives Name: Age: Nationality: Address: Family: father - Philip - chemist ‘mother - Pets: Likes: Dislikes: 7 took at the notes in Ex. 6, then write ‘answers to the questions, as in the examples. * Does tsabel like Geography? Yes, she does. * Does she like Chemistry? No, she doesn’t. ‘© Does she like football? / don't know. Does she like dogs? Does she like cats? Does she like Granada? ... Does she like Eiton John? .... Rowe 8 — Match the opposites in the list with the adjectives below. new, fantastic, tasteless, big, boring, tiring, diffcul, sole 5 smalls 6 dalicious = 7 relaxing +. 8 dangerous + . 1 easy e 2 horrible # 3. interesting + .. 4 old .. 25 Eggs” New Friends... 9 Study the examples below, then fill in the gaps with but, because or and, | ke dogs but ! don't ike cats, | don't like Chemistry because i's cificut. 11am fourteen years old and | am Spanish. 1 Mike dogs .. 2. My favourite subject is Geography its easy. Lucy lives in Spain Like skateboarding .. Hike Antonio Banderas she isn't Spanish, .» Swimming. he's a fantastic actor. 10 Motch the pictures with the activi list. 9 in the ‘swimming, playing tennis, dancing, watching TV, reading, painting, fishing, eating pizza, listening to music, going to the cinema 11° aout you Use the following adjectives to say what you like and don’t like, giving reasons as in the example. You may use the activities listed in Ex. 10 as well as your own ideas. cificul, fantastic, easy, boring, delicious, relaxing 9, I don't like watching TV because 's boring, ‘ike eating pizzas because they are delicous. 6 12 COUNTRIES AND NATIONALITIES Fill in the table below, then use the words to write sentences, as in the example. eNousen 13> look ot the mop and compote the sehen, KEY village Birmingham isa clty in England. SWANSE ern Wales. Hamilton .... Scotland. ‘Congleton Glasgow STUDY TIP Apostrophe (’) My name's Helen. ('s = Is) My brother's name is John. (possessive: His name is John) like cats. (no apostrophe — plural) 14 the short forms. Long forms Short forms Long forms. Short forms They are = 15 Read the opostrophes in the right places. paragraph below ond put My names Helen. | am your new penvfriend, My fathers name is Richard, Hes @ teacher. My mothers name is Sarah and shes @ nurse. |like dancing. My favourite subject is Maths. Iis easy! ‘You can use both short and fong forms in eter} yourself. om Hew Friends... 2 tens Gyo WRITING TIP. When you write a letter to a new penetiend, write your address and the date in the top right-hand comer. Start your leter with Dear + your pen-friend’s first name, and finish with Best wishes, + your frst name. Always divide your letter into paragraphs. Z) 2 17 — Choose one of these people as your new pen-friend, then use the plan below and write a letter to him/her. Use the letter from Ex. 2 as a model. ‘Nome: Som Weiker Nome: Lisa Rosi Aga: 12 ‘Age: 16 Nationality Bish "National: aan Plan i} ; (your adcress) Dear {vour pee: Paragraph 1: greetings - introduce yourself s {rame, ago, rationality, where you ve.) Paragraph 2: _ family and pets 4 Paragraph 3: likes and dislikes | Paragraph 4: end your letter (Please write soon ..) Best wishes, (your frst name) to Friday ... 1 Look at the cover of the magazine ond answer the questions below. ‘What is the name of the magazine? Who is it for? What s the article inside the magazine about? How old is a teenager? Can you say the names of the days in English? What is the day today? Is it your favourite day? Why?Why not? 2 — Read the article which Melanie wrote about her daily routine for Bravo magazine, then read the statements and mark them fs true (T) or false (Fl. An Oxford teenager's typical day ‘My name is Melanie Smith. "m sixteen years old and lve in COxiord in England. From Monday to Friday my dally routine is always the same, My day always starts at eight o'ciock in the moming when | {get up and have a shower. Then | go downslairs end have @ \ ‘quick breakfast with my family, usualy have toast and a glass ‘of milk, but { never have bacon and eggs. Aer breakfast | ‘make my bed and then | go to school, { sigy at school from nine o'clock in the moming until half past three in the afternoon, On Tuesdays and Thursdays | stay later because I have guilar lessons. On the other days | usually go shopping with my friends. When | get home | often take our dog, Gemma, for a walk | aiways do my homework from five o'clock unti half past six or sometimes seven o'clock in the evening. Then, we all have dinner together. Aer dinner, my brother and | usually do the washing-up. loften watch TV for about an hour after dinner but my brother ‘ever does. He always piays computer games In his room, He's erezy about them! If | don't waich Tv, ! sometimes call my friend Saly for a chat. | always go to bed before eleven o'clock ‘Aer such @ busy day, | usually feel sleepy and ready for my comfort le beat Melanie has a shower at 9 o'clock in the morning. C] She always has bbaoon and eggs for breakfast. C] She makes her bed before breakfast. ] She usually stays at school until half past thee in the afternoon, [] She has guitar lessons on Mondays and Fridays. [7] She often takes Gemma for a walk ‘when she gets home. ‘She usually does the washing-up with her brother after diner. [] ‘She never watches Walter dinner, J STUDY TIP. a Adverbs of frequency (always, never, usualy, sometimes, often, etc) normally go before the main verb (eg. ! always get up | carly but ater auxiliary verbs and the verb to be (ag. don’ usually have coffee for breakist. | am never lle for school). 3 Fil fo, have, go, make. Then use the collocations to make sentences, as in the example. 1 4. fae lunch 10 2 ashower 5 .. 8 . home 11 3 breakfast 6 . D sss the housework — 12 e.g. | usually go shopping in the atemoon. 4 Read the in Ex, 2 again and 5 jad the 2 inane How often do you do the following | underline tha adverbs of frequency. Then ‘activities? Tick the appropriote boxes in the | make sentences using the notes below. ag. She always gots up and has a shower at eight o'clock in the morning. 1 She always pea? Mt “| Joon ita 2 2 Thenshe Seed Ther family. 1 help with the ironing? 2 goto the gym ater questionnaire bolow. a ae | schoolwork? § A | 3 eat pizza for supper? 4 She usualy Jer iendson 4 goo te cinema in Mondays. { the evening? re ee alle wee + nam 6 steams ies -630 0r7 pm. 7 ochoo? | 8 visit a museum in your free time? i 6 Now, in pairs, ask and answer questions as in the example below. 8 i e.g. SA: How offen co you help withthe ironing? ‘SB: | never help with the ironing. What about you? ‘SA: I sometimes help withthe ang. How often do you...” 9 Shooter | about 1 hr after dinner. ‘SB: Jalways 7 ~~ © What do you always do on weekdays? 10 She always H1pm, © What do you usually do during the weekend? 9 | —— a8 m7, mig, 2 From Monday to Friday ... 8 Add the prepositions and put the words in the correct column. the weekend, the moming, Tuesday, Wednesday afternoon, nine o'clock, Sunday morning, the ‘evening, half past three, Monday night, the aftemoon, a quarter to one, Christmas, May, Chrismas Day at the weekend | | jin the moming on Tuesday 9 Match the opposites in the list with the edjectives below. busy, sad, ugly, horibl, wide awake, late, bored, noisy 1 pretty +... 5 happy= 2 excited + .. 6 sleepy + .. Beaty? saan 7 lazye 4 peaceful + .. wwe 8 lovely # 10 Read tho text below and choose the correct sentence for each gop. ‘a People work in their gardens or wash thelr car. b can stay at home with my family. © can even hear the birds inthe trees. Cars, buses and people go past our house all day. jin road. 1) ‘and Ive on a busy rain ee ‘But Sunday isa lovely everything is peaceful. i Complete the sentences below giving reasons, as in the example. 1. School is great on Fridays because / have English and Geography. They are my favourite subjacts. 2 Idon't ike Mondays at school because 3 Ten odock in te evening is late for me. ly 4. Tim alvays busy on Saturday mamings. | 5 Sunday is my favourite day because 6 Wednesday is a busy day for me. oten 7 Saturday afternoon is lovely because wn 8 On on Suey evenings | seul ‘eel sad because Read the text about Melanie's Father. and fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets. My father avays ayer (get up) very eaily because he2).. (work) as baker. He 3)... (have) breakfast at three o'clock in the ‘moming and (g0) to work at half past (make) the bed swe (Gat UP) He 7) .. (work) at the bakery until halt past ‘wee, then he 8) (come) home and 9) (have) lunch with my mother. He 10) - (go) back to the bakery and 11) (stay) there unil sx o'clock. In the evenings my father often 12). his friends at the pub. He sometimes 13) (stay) at home and 14) Us, He always 15)... My father’s weekdays (16) he (17). HEM AE AY senen three. He never because my mother always 6). ater him, (watch) TV with (go) to bec at eleven o'clock. (Start) very early but (seem) to enjoy them! Le When you write an article about your daily routine you should give the information in ch ‘morning, afternoon, evening, End by saying how you feel about your daily routine. Use the present simple. Always divide Paragraphs, 13 sally, Melonie’s best friend, wrote on article for Bravo obout her favourite day of the ‘week, Read the paragraphs below ond put them in the correct order. in the evening. Sometimes ‘ry family to a restaurant for. pee { @. | usually go home at about seven o'clock L 4 From honday to Friday ... ronological order: your composition your article into 4 g0 out with dinner or we Stay at home and order food from Mario's | often goto bed late, Pizzeria. Their food is delicious! After that | terthat | ‘wo usually watch TV. A tot of my: favours i Programmes are on Saturday night, so 1 'b, Saturday is my favourte day ofthe week because I can do vihatever | tke. | don't go to school so I gel up late in the moming. After brealiast | usually go shopping with my mum. We often go to the supermarket round the comer, on Ane ceed | | — 4. Alter that sometimos help my m lpmy mum | usually make the selad and Mum meal. We never have lunch ‘tr lunch belt 1 our favour sometimes visit my We listen to pop musi 14 Use the plan and the words in the list below to wri routine for Bravo magazine. Use the article | from Ex. 2 as a model. | in the mominglafternoonievening, then, after that, always, sometimes, usualy, offen, never Poragraph 4: Paragraph 5: al soy ater such 1 di rappy affer such a fvely day ant oa jad pocause te nextday, Sunde y family and | often play Scrabble, ite gamel At about five o'clock | i PZ; a7 2 nn 78 _—— with tunch, cooks the ‘one o'clock. y best fiend, Melanie, and ‘an article about your doily Introduce yourselt .. tname/ ‘age/where you five) ; In the moming .. Get up/ | have a shower/ have breakfast/ make your bec/ go to school/work, etc) HeeHEHt In the afternoon ... come home from school/work/ have lunch/ go shopping/ do your homework, etc) {mn the evening .. nave supper/ watch TV/ tead ' magazines/.go to the cinemo/ 90 to bed, etc) How you fee! at the end of the day ... hoppy/ thea sad giad, etc.) and reason ny

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