An Study of South Asia in Reference To Grave Threat of Terrorism

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A brief study based on escalation of terrorism in south Asia

Name-D. G. R. N Rukshan
Department of public policy
University of Ruhuna
Sri Lanka

South Asia is considered as a very unique Geo-political sub-continent where it comes through the
common colonial history, growing ethnic and religious tensions, trans-border war and ethnic
issues abandon the area. Seeking to the area, it is very clear that Nationalism, ethnicity and
religion are powerful factors that contribute to terror. Generally, south Asia is known as a
developing country as they are so far from achieving developed status in comparison with
industrialized Europe. India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka should be considered developing, the
remaining are least developed countries in South Asia. Plenty of unsettled issues are still
remaining in this region. The technological development is low despite claims of high technology.
Over 40 per cent of the total population is illiterate. There is human rights abuse; unemployment
and uncontrolled corruption are common days to day politics. Herein, political power held group
often ignore the hopes of the nation nevertheless, they motivate some groups those who link
with extremist ideologies. Ethnicity has used as a tool which encourages and spread terrorism
and yet the same platform is used for communication and resolution of disputes.
It has been commonly believed that south Asia is being suffered more than its share of ethnic
struggles. They fight each other over the ranging from national identity and force to domestic
problems of neighbor countries and conflicting territorial claims. Most often south Asia has
fought regarding bilateral issues for an example India-Pakistan crisis. As of today, South Asia has
become an assortment of events, political violence and terrorism. South Asia and its influence
cannot ignore its wider effects to the outside of the areas. Terrorism is at present discussed by
global level and regional forums aiming at recognizing potential solutions extensively from
diverse and multiple perspectives, Diverse political experiences, ideologies, ethnic identities and
economic conditions across and within the states pose significant challenges, for conflict and
crisis management in the region.
The political sphere in south Asia is always dynamic and being produced news for world affairs.
Likewise, this region was most of the countries were dominated under British rule for decades.
Due to colonial dominance, much of resources were exported from domestic to Europe and
exploited their national potentials and finally, they resulted from only countries which could play
a minimum role at the global stage such as Sri Lanka and India. The western inherited political
system most probably introduced to colonial states ruled by Europe, south Asian political system
is based on the Westminster system such as India/Pakistan. Political parties play an incredible
role such Westminster system as they manage to change public opinion according to their
objectives. However, South Asia, politically are poor because they have not been maintaining
standard governance. There seem to be a lot of problems that over and beyond its political
ideologies for an instant, Pakistan seems to be the western parliamentary government but it does
not obey its basic principles while Pakistan runs with the military government over the half of its
independent history.
South Asia has been increasingly overwhelmed with what has been termed traditional and “non-
traditional security threats such as ethnic and nationalistic crisis over the political and economic
power. This region is always tackling with continuous mistrust and rivalry between different
countries of the region. Insurgency and ethnic uprising are common phenomena in this region.
Violence has been a growing issue in every part as high intensity. Sri Lanka is the best example of
this matter where an ethnic group seeks territorial withdrawal from the state entity. The Kashmir
case confiscates relationship and political instability in both India and Pakistan. India faces vast
challenges due to growing threats from its north-eastern regions. Not only but also Nepal is
where the Maoist movement impedes its government in a negative manner. Furthermore,
Pakistan is tremendously targeted by Taliban militant group. Afghanistan is the most unstable
and strategically disqualified country where religious tension is widespread and challenging rest
of the parts of the world. It is, therefore; no doubt that Afghanistan could be the possibility to
negatively affect the stability in the Asian region and beyond. Regional threats to political,
economic and social integrity have been crucial for stability. South Asia accounts for a region with
a high potential for violence. Nepal has been much concerned during the last few years over the
palace massacre of royal family and ferocity and intractability of the Maoist insurgency. Political
leadership, sometimes make south Asia unstable and ineffective state, the worsening political
institution is increasingly incapable of dealing with domestic crises in South Asia which, in turn,
inter-state conflicts. Illegal immigration problem also one of the major issues that this part is
badly faced.
South Asia is the most terror affected area of the world compared with Europe. Each country
suffers a varying degree of insurgency and terror attack. As a matter of fact, all countries are
intertwined as far as terror networking is working and targeting for key areas in the world. The
impressive countries of the region such as India and Pakistan are charging each other. Yet
Pakistan continues to pursue its policies of exporting terror in its neighbouring countries and
therefore Pakistan stance on terrorism is important to the world.
Terrorism is not a new phenomenon in South Asia. It is, however, the transnational nature of
terrorism that is playing a significant role in transforming the tension and the challenge in South
Asia. Recently, attacks made terrorists organization in Mumbai, Sri Lanka frightened to the
potential of terrorism to the national security and international peace. Thus, India is continuously
under the threat of terrorism and makes India be unstable country as same as the case with
Pakistan, Bangladesh and the rest of countries in South Asia. In drawing to the true reason why
south Asia faces daily challenges its national security owing to international interference over the
domestic affairs. Afghanistan and Pakistan are located in the strategically tribal belt in which both
had become the hottest ground for the proxy war. Most recent incidents have reported in
different parts of this region where Mumbai, assembly attack in Jammu and Kashmir and
Parliament attack in India or the recent attack on educational institutions and Pakistan are newly
executed attacks can be shown as examples.
In this study is expected to drowning the attention regarding basic matters on which are inspired
to the escalation of terrorism in the South Asian region.

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