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1.What do you understand by the term payroll management? What is the process of Induction for
a new joined in an organisation? Why is it important? Explain in detail about the Exit and Entry
formalities. Also throw some light on (F n F) full n final, A common HR term? What is that?
Ans: Payroll is the total of all compensation a business must pay to its employees for a set period
of time or on a given date. It is usually managed by the accounting or human resources department
of a business; small-business payrolls may be handled directly by the owner or an associate.
Increasingly, payroll is outsourced to specialized firms that handle pay check processing,
employee benefits and insurance, and accounting tasks such as tax withholding.

The administration of the financial record of employees' salaries, wages, bonuses, net pay, and
An employer, regardless of the number of workers they employ, must maintain all records
pertaining to payroll taxes (income tax withholding, Social Security and federal unemployment
tax) for at least four years after the tax becomes due or is paid, whichever is later. Altogether, 20
different kinds of employment records must be kept just to satisfy federal requirements.
An induction programme is the process used within many businesses to welcome new employees
to the company and prepare them for their new role. Induction training should include development
of theoretical and practical skills, but also meet interaction needs that exist among the new

Induction programme includes three steps:

1. General orientation be the staff — the personnel department

2. Specific orientation by the immediate boss, e.g., the manager or supervisor,
3. Follow-up orientation (within one week up to six months) by the personnel manager or
immediate boss to ensure post-employment satisfaction — through talk, guidance and

Also it includes:

i. Any legal requirements (for example in the UK, some Health and Safety training is
ii. Any regulatory requirements
iii. Introduction to terms and conditions (for example, holiday entitlement, how to make
expense claims, etc.)
iv. A basic introduction to the company, and how the particular department fits in
v. A guided tour of the building
vi. Completion of government requirements
vii. Set-up of payroll details
viii. Introductions to key members of staff
ix. Specific job-role training.

Importance of Induction program:

 It starts the employee off with the right information to ensure maximum productivity as quickly
as possible.
 It fulfils your legal obligation to train new workers to do their jobs safely and what to do in the
event of an emergency
In addition, a strong induction process helps reduce stress and anxiety associated with a new job,
and improves their morale and feelings about the new job and organisation they have joined.
Induction programs can include both training and mentoring, can be conducted by HR and/or the
department manager, and may last weeks or even months. Regardless of the length, these programs
allow the employee to gain valuable information regarding the organisation and how they are
expected to integrate with it.
 Workplace Safety
 Increased retention rate
 Improved employee moral
 Increased productivity, and;
 Increased sense of acceptance into the organisation
A well designed employee induction program not only saves your money and time in the long run
but it avoids money being spent on covering absences such as hiring replacements.

A number of organisations do not provide a structured induction training which means new
employees are then left to pick up the information necessary on their own or through asking,
following or copying existing employees.

However, new workers are often anxious and a little shy, which may prevent them from getting
information this way. This can lead to new employees not learning the “right” way of doing things,
loss of productivity and serious issues such as safety breeches and in worst case, fatalities. As an
employer you could face financial loss, prosecution, fines and even jail sentence, depending on

Entry Formalities:

1.Manpower Planning

4.Negotiation on the salary structure / CTC
5.Issuing an offer letter
6.Induction/ Orientation / Training if required
7.OJT training ( May not be applicable in all cases )
8.Completion of Probation
9.Issuing an Appointment Letter / Confirmation letter
10. Performance Appraisal
11.Emplyee resigns
12.Exit formalities.

Exit Formalities:

1) Exit Interview

2) No Due Certificates from concerned departments i.e. Uniform, I -Card, Laptop, Loan, etc

3) Handover and takeover signed copy

4) FnF calculation if possible

5) Relieving Letter and/or Experience Certificate

6) Any other help required by the leaving candidate e.g. PF withdrawal help, Gratuity
Applicability, ESIC facilities etc.

Full and Final Settlement commonly known as FnF process is done when an employee is leaving
the organization. At this time, he/she has to get paid for the last working month + any additional
earnings or deductions. The procedure has to be carried out by the employer after the employee
resigns from their services.
The full and final settlement includes the unpaid salary for the number of days for which the
employee has worked for since his resignation date and his last working day.

2.How would you identify a secured and a non secured website? How can one make a website safe
without buying and SSL Certificate? Is that possible. What are the requirements to make a website
compatible with online payment portal.

Ans:Websites that are secure have an SSL Certificate, meaning any data being passedbetween web
servers and clients is encrypted. If a website is non-secure, any information a user inputs on the
page (e.g., name, address, credit card details) are not protected and can be stolen.

The unsecured website can be identified by looking at the URL of the website. If it begins with
“https” instead of “http” it means the site is secured using an SSL Certificate (the s stands
for secure). SSL Certificates secure all of your data as it is passed from your browser to
the website's server.

When visiting a website that asks for sensitive information such as credit card numbers or your
social security number, the first step you can take to securing your privacy is creating a strong
password. Equally important is verifying that any information you enter on this site is transmitted
and stored properly. Once your information is entered online, it is transmitted as plain text for
anyone to intercept. To avoid this, make sure that the website is encrypted over a secure


One such sign to look for is in the URL of the website. A secure website’s URL should begin with
“https” rather than “http”. The “s” at the end of “http” stands for secure and is using an SSL (Secure
Sockets Layer) connection. Your information will be encrypted before being sent to a server.


Another sign to look for is the “Lock” icon that is displayed somewhere in the window of your
web browser. Different browsers may position the lock in different places, but a few examples of
what it may look like can be found here:

Google Chrome

Clicking on the Lock icon will give you detailed information on the security status of this

Mozilla Firefox

With Firefox, the Lock icon may not be displayed directly. Clicking on the site’s icon next to
the URL should reveal the Lock icon and the secure verification

Internet Explorer

Clicking on the Lock icon will give you detailed information on the security status of this

Be sure to click on the “lock” icon to verify that a website is trustworthy. Do not simply look for
the icon and assume a website is secure! Your web browser will have detailed information on the
website’s authenticity if you click on the icon, so be sure to read this carefully before entering any
of your information on the site.

Yes it can be protected without SSL certificate by following the below steps:

Utilize the internet browser’s security tools

 Be sure to install the most current version of your web browser. Most browsers have
sophisticated filters that can identify and warn you of potential security threats. For
information on browser-specific security tools, explore their security features here:

Internet Explorer

Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome

 Make sure that the proper online protection tools are enabled for your Anti-Virus Software

McAfee’s SiteAdvisor

Norton’s Safe Search

 You may also want to consider downloading an add-on for you browser that is specially
designed to identify any unsafe elements of a website

Web of Trust

AVG Link Scanner

 Take advantage of your search engine’s security features

Google has a secure version of its search engine. Simply visit when
conducting any Google search. You can read more about that here.

In your Google settings, turn on the “always use HTTPS” function through the following steps:

To disable or re-enable this feature in Gmail:

1. Sign in to Gmail.

2. Click the gear icon in the upper-right corner, and select Mail settings.
3. In the General tab, set ‘Browser Connection’ to ‘Always use https’ or ‘Don’t always use
If you’ve never changed the setting before, no radio buttons will be selected, even though
the default is indeed ‘Always use https’.
4. Click Save Changes.
5. Manually change the URL to to start accessing Gmail via http.

The requirements to make a website compatible with online payment portal are:

This type is used to determine the customer’s ability to pay and find out if there are enough funds
on their credit card. The actual fund transfer doesn’t take place in this case.

Capture transaction lets you capture the money that was previously authorised and send it for

Sale transaction combines authorisation and capture. If you fulfil orders immediately that’s the
transaction type you should use – the money is charged and transferred at once.

Things happen, and if an order has to be cancelled for some reason, the merchant will need to
refund a transaction and submit it for processing.

A void transaction is similar to a refund, but it can only be applied if the transaction hasn’t been
settled (captured) yet.
3.If you were to begin a start up, what would be your real idea? How would you manifest it and
develop the project? How much funding would you require. Who will be your target customers?
How much time do you think you would require to break even?

Ans: My dream is to become a makeup artist, so if i would begin with a startup I would start my
business with Makeup.

So firstly I will train myself by an expert with certification, then probably will proceed to the
next level.

Developing a business can be done by following ways:

 Defining and setting goals: The first thing at the time of starting business is to identify
the goals and objectives, we should be clear that where out business should be in the

 Proper planning: The next step is to do planning on how the business should be, the initial
capital, how to get the funds, who the customers should be, who are the competitors and

 Data collection: After planning the data should be collected about the customers,

 Alternative strategies: creating alternative strategies is the most important thing to

develop a business and grow in the market.

 Awareness: The another step is to spread awareness about the business or say it as
marketing, so making proper marketing strategies will be helpful. Now a days social
media is the best place to spread awareness about the business especially makeup.

 Creating website or business accounts on social media will be the source of earnings.

 Building network will also help in developing the project.

 Digital marketing and traditional marketing is also helpful.

Funds required to start my business will be Rs. 100000/

My target will be those customers who are looking for:

 Bridal makeup

 Party makeup

 Also, those who are interested in learning makeup.

It is impossible to define an average time to profitability for a start-up company because different
start-ups will measure profitability in different ways. In conventional terms it cantake two to three
years, but that doesn't necessarily mean im doing poorly. But usually in the business like makeup
artist it takes more than average time to gain the trust of the customers and it will require more
passion, consistency, patience and a lot of hardwork.

4.Management is not what you have studied in an is something that you practice in
real situation of life.! What do you understand by this statement. Do you agree with it or not.
Please give me your understanding of the same.

Ans: I Partially agree with the statement, which says management is not what is being taught in
the institution, I as a MBA student I say that management is something that should be
experienced but at the same time I would say that learning in the institution will give us the idea
or a small clue to understand what management is actually about, even when management is
taught in the institutions the train the students with the real life examples by putting them in the
situations and asking them the solution for that particular situation.
By this statement I can understand that management is very difficult to understand, as a student
how much ever we learn but when stepping to the real world of management it gives us a
completely different experience from what we have learnt.

But, When people without learning takes a step to experience the real situation of life the it is
very difficult for him to cope up with the situations, if the person learns form the institution and
then enters the real world of management then he will have some idea to deal with the situations
and what all he has learnt he can use his knowledge into the real life experiences.

Yes, I agree that the real life experience is completely different but when the person has learnt
something it gives confident to the person and also he can motivate himself and can perform
better without giving up. Learning and then practicing makes sense instead just practicing. As
we know learning is the stepping stone towards success, Institutions plays an important role in
order to understand the practices of real situations of life.

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