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There are so many people I want to thank for their support and involvement in this
book. Without their belief in me, it would not be in your hands today.

Primarily, I would thank God because of his greatness and for being able to
complete this project with success. God is good all the time!

I would like to express my gratitude to my English Teacher, Mrs. Lai-lanie Fabie

for her continuous support for the project, from initial advice and contacts in the
early stages of conceptual inception and through ongoing advice and
encouragement to this day.

To my friends, thank you for always understanding me and bringing your wisdom
and humor to my life every day. You inspired me every day!

To Jon Gaudia, my dad: Your incredibly wise, loving, and understanding nature
guides and teaches me every day. You are the most remarkable father and human
being. Thank you for loving me always.

To RV Gaudia, my mom: Your belief, support, and endless love for me have given
me strength. Your enormous generosity and dedication are what have allowed this
project to come to life. Thank you for believing in my vision and for loving me

In advance, I also would like to thank those people who will read this book. This
book is the story of my life. I hope you will give importance to my book.
CHAPTER 3: The Beginning
I started off by going to Altura Learning Center when I was a preschool. I didn’t
understand why I had to come to this place away from my home where my mom and
dad never left me alone. From what I can remember, I enjoyed preschool very much.
I learned how to write letters and numbers. I can distinguish the types of shapes. I
can also color neatly. I also remember when my teacher has always a pandesal, she
shared with me some of it.

When I entered Kindergarten, I went at Doodles Playgroup and Children Formation

School Foundation. My Kindergarten teacher was teacher Carla. She was a very nice
lady. Kindergarten was just awesome because it seemed like all we did is play. I
learned how to read English and Tagalog words. I also learned how to write faster
than before. I also knew how to draw monsters and cartoon characters. I started to
have many friends. I was consistently included in the top 5 and by the end of the
quarter, I became the top 1.

After Kindergarten, I was all ready for first grade. I was so excited because I’m
gonna study at big school. I went at University of the East Manila Campus. My first
teacher was Mrs. Flormay. What I like about her is she is sweet to her students and
she is friendly to the parents. I learned how to solve the four basic mathematical
operations and problem solving. I also learned how to plant a munggo seeds. I
remember that I joined in stage play and it was my first time.

When I entered second grade, I transferred school at Diliman Preparatory School

Commonwealth Avenue Campus. My adviser was Ms. Kristine, an English teacher.
She was a very strict teacher but a great adviser. My favorite teacher was Mr. Ronnie,
a Civics and Culture teacher. He cares us a lot and teaches using easy ways. He never
takes study very serious and teaches us with entertaining activities.

When I entered third grade, the studies became harder but it was still fun. My
adviser was Mrs. Rina, also an English Teacher. She is one of my favorite teacher
because she is like a mother to me. She is a strict teacher however she is very funny
and very disciplined. We enjoy her class.
CHAPTER 4: Unforgettable
Fourth, fifth, and sixth grade years of school were the most fun for me. I can’t
remember a bad experience within these years. Intermediate level was absolutely
nothing to worry about and no real pressure from the school. My favorite part of
Intermediate level was how close our crazy class was. Everyone was friends with
everyone and we all hang-out together.

During my fourth grade, I transferred at New Era University Main Campus. Luckily,
I was in the pilot section. My classmates are very friendly to me. We are playing
Minecraft during these days. The teachers here are cool and they treat all the students
with great sobriety and always encourages his students to move forward in life and
achieve their goals.

When I was on the fifth grade, I went back to Diliman Preparatory School. My
adviser was Ms. Christchelle, also an English teacher. She knew well about how to
handle small children in the class. I still remember him for her unique style of
teaching. What I remember about her is when I competed in the Mr. Intrams. She
guided me very well in singing and modeling. Even I did not won in the competition,
she said “Anak, I know that you did your best. I’m so proud of you and I heard so
many positive feedbacks about you. I love you with all my heart.” I am fluttered of
what she said to me! I also remember when I won as Second Runner Up in the
Tourism Quiz Bee Competition. We became second place in the Traditional Dance
Competition. In my academics, I was consistently with high honors.

On the sixth grade, this is the happiest and the saddest year in my life. My adviser
was Mr. Dom, a Civics and Culture teacher. He is like a friend to us. No one feels
boring in his class as he makes some fun also. He loves the teaching profession and
teaches us with enthusiasm and passion. What I remember in this grade was I ran as
Senator in the Student Council but sadly, I did not won. I also remember when there
was a Poster Making Contest by Bureau of Fire Protection and Department of
Interior and Local Government and I joined. Luckily, I won as second place! I also
remember when I won the contest in the SCIMATECH as second place. I also
remember that I became as a student mentor of English 6. I remember the bond of
my batchmates and my teachers. During our Graduation day, After receiving our
diplomas that would be proof that we had successfully completed our elementary
life, One of my bestfriend told me that "Even if our elementary life is now over, the
laughter, weeping and unity is always in our heart and mind". When I hear that line,
I almost cried! Our elementary graduation is not just the end of the level but maybe
this would be the end or soon to end childish acts. It is fun to be a child but as they
say I must look forward to the next level. In saying; "Life is what we make it". That's
why we should not waste our time while there is still time. Now all I can say that my
elementary life is full of fun and unforgettable experiences.
CHAPTER 5: Goodbye & Hello
After I graduated in elementary, I felt mixed of emotion excited and nervous at the
same time. Excited in the sense of I will gain new experience, and new set of friends.
Nervous, because I don’t know if I can get through this stage of my life.

On my first day here at Don Alejandro Roces Sr. Science-Technology High School,
I felt nervous because I was surrounded with new faces and new attitude. The room
was so quiet until a lady came to our room. She was Mrs. Cervantes, my adviser and
an English Teacher of seventh grade. She was very polite and a nature lover. What I
don’t like about her was she has a favoritism. As days goes by, I met a lot of friends
who always support all the way. Math is my favorite subject because this was the
easiest subject for me and the topics are just geometry. AP was the hardest one
because it is the type of subject where all you do is memorable facts. The memorable
moments we did were too many. Some examples of good memories in seventh grade
was the Year-end Party on December 2018. It was fun and enjoyable because we
gave each other gifts, eat many delicious foods, and watched a movie. Another one
was the play we did in Filipino Subject (Ibong Adarna) where I played as Don
Fernando. I also remember when we do the boodle fight before the student teachers
left the school. In my academics, I became honor on fourth quarter. I also became
rank six in TVE. My eighth grade has taught me the most important lesson of all,
team work. Team work is the ability to get along with others, and it's the central
piece of being respectful to your peers and doing your part!

As my eighth grade year began, my teachers have taught me that getting along well
with others is a splendid way to gain great success. My adviser also mentioned, "In
order to get to the top, you must know someone to lead you there!" This memorable
life changing quote made me think about how important teamwork is because
without the method or ability to get along with others, you may struggle to reach
high achievement in life. Therefore, I always come to think of this quote when I have
trouble with those who surround me, and although it can be a struggle to work as a
team, I still find my strength and almighty power to pull through! I have
phenomenally improved in using good sportsmanship, and it has successfully taught
me a lot. While it may be hard to believe, my academic life has taught me how to
work better with a team in a myriad of ways. Initially, teamwork shows exemplary
character and that you can share the "spotlight" with others. It is very important for
your peers to know that you aren't an egomaniac, and they need to know that there
is an intelligent, caring, and understanding person inside of you.
CHAPTER 6: My Calling
Fifteen years from now, I see myself as a devoted Minister in the Church of Christ.
What I believed, a calling from God.

I will be helping our beloved Executive Minister, Brother Eduardo V. Manalo in

intensive propagation, in doing charity works in different places, sharing my skills
and knowledge to the administration in terms of information technology. Doing the
best that I can to help the church in every way I can.

I know that the Church of Christ already reached different countries in all our six
continents. We are already well-known, popular, and being admired by other
religious organizations. And I feel in my heart that I want not to be just a part of it’s
success, but most importantly, I want to be one of the persons that contributed and
helped the administration in experiencing those continuous success.
I dedicate this book to my parents who never failed to believe in me, who always
push me in doing my best. For giving me the right motivation. You are my
And to my English teacher, Mrs. Lai-lanie R. Fabie, who never get tired in
bringing out the best in me. You are my inspiration.
CHAPTER 1: When I Met You
The love story of Jon and RV started in friendship. They met each other in 1994,
when Jon and his family moved in the same neighborhood. They studied in the
same school, attended in the same church, and they both handled an obligation
inside the church. Because of these, they often see each other and became friends.
Their friendship grew stronger each passing time. They considered each other not
just friends but also family. Until Jon realized that he is started to see RV in a
different angle. He started to feel alive and happier whenever RV is around, then
he feels sad and incomplete whenever RV is not there.
Three years has passed and they’re just comfortable with each other. This time
Jon’s feelings for RV became more special, that he sees himself growing old with
her. But the problem is, RV only see him as a friend…one of her buddies and Jon
knows this. So, he let himself more visible and closer to RV and RV’s Mom. He
often brings fruits for her Mom and always talking to her (maybe his way of
getting RV’s Moms approval). Until the time came that Jon asks permission to
RV’s Mom if he can court her daughter. RV’s Mom approved because she felt
Jon’s sincerity, and she appreciate Jon’s gesture of asking her permission. For her,
this is a bonus point because this only shows his respect for her.
Jon then started to court RV. RV, sensing his sincerity, gave him permission to
court her, but make it clear (from the very start) that she really has no feelings for
him. But after a month of continuous courtship, expressing his genuine love and
deep affection (and giving gifts to RV’s mom), Jon’s hard work yielded a very
satisfying result…he received RV’s big YES! And they became officially
boyfriend/girlfriend on August 30, 1998.
They stayed in a relationship for almost five years. It was when they reached their
second anniversary when Jon proposed to RV and gave her a ring. RV accepted the
ring but made it clear that no marriage yet. For RV, they are still young in age and
in relationship. So, they waited for the right time. And in April of 2002 – Jon,
together with his parents, siblings, uncles and aunts went to RV’s house to talk to
her parents and to formally ask for their daughter’s hands (in a very traditional and
conservative way called “pamanhikan”). The parents/oldies talked about the
details of the wedding – like their proposed dates while having a feast.
January 20, 2003 – a very memorable and special date for Jon and RV…this is the
time when they tied the knot and say their vows and promises. The gathering was
so solemn, the ambience was so surreal. It was the start of their journey as
husband and wife. The time where they will fulfill their promises to each
other…to love and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, till
death do they part.
CHAPTER 2: Happy New Year
My mother’s pregnancy was difficult. Before me, she had a miscarriage. She was
27 years old when she got pregnant of me. And because of her past experience, her
OB-GYN advised her to have a bed rest for 6 months, to make sure that I was already
stable inside her tummy. By the time of her check up, her OB-GYN told her that
she will be giving birth on the first week of December, but it did not happen. Instead,
I was born on December 31st 2005 at past 8 o’clock in the evening. The moment my
mother saw me, the first thing she checked was if I was a boy. The moment she saw
my “you know” she smiled. Because she really wanted to have a son. Second she
checked was if whom do I look like. Then she smiled again because I look like her
father (my Dadu).
By the time my mother regain consciousness from her groggy state, it was already
11 o’clock in the evening. She said that there were already fireworks outside, and
loud firecrackers. And all the nurses were shouting “happy new year”!
According to my Dad, when he visited me at the nursery, I was very hungry. The
moment the nurse gave me the milk formula, I immediately sucked it hungrily and
finished it in no time.
I was a big, healthy baby boy because I was breastfed ‘till I was 1 ½ years old. I
grow so fast, and I was always overweight in my toddler days. But my parents
always told me that I was so cute and huggable, with my cheeks so fluffy and
I learned how to walk in my eleventh month, and since then I was very active.
Always walking! My parents, especially my Dad, were always tired following me
and catching me whenever I fall. I always love milk since then, maybe that’s one of
the reasons why I grow so fast, and have strong bones.


Grade 8 – St. Matthew

To: Ms. Lai-Lanie R. Fabie

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