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Detailed Lesson Plan in Math


Prepared by:
Queenie T. Fernando
Teacher Applicant

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:
a. count the numbers from 1 up to 10
b. add one-digit number from 1 up to 10
c. appreciate the value of the lesson

II. Subject Matter

Addition of One Digit Numbers

Reference: World of Math

Materials: Visual Aids, Real objects


III. Procedure


A. Preparation

Goodmorning class! Goodmorning Teacher Qhin!

Pleasebe seated. Before we will start the lesson The pupils are listening.
there are some points you have to remember
during discussions:
1. Keep everything away. I want your hands
are on the top of your desk.
2. Do not talk with your seatmates.
3. If you wanted to answer, raise your hand
so that you will be called.
Am I understood? Yes Teacher!

B. Motivation

Do you want to sing? Yes!

I prepared a song for you, I will sing it first, and
then we sing it all together. “10 Little Indians”

One little Two little Three little Indians

Four little Five little Six little Indians

Seven little Eight little Nine little Indians

Ten little Indians Boys and Girls

Okay very good singing!
Now, let us count all the Boys and Girls Indians.

How many Little Indian Boys and Girls do we have

now? We have 10 Little Indian Boys and Girls!

Very good!

C. Presentation

We add 5 Little Indian Boys to 5 Little Indian Yes Teacher!

Girls. We got 10 Little Indian Boys and Girls!

Our topic for today is Addition.

D. Lesson Proper

Addition is putting together. The symbol is .


Ben and Lea went to the birthday party. Ben got

2 lollipops while Lea got 1 lollipop. How many
lollipops there will be if you put Ben’s lollipops
and Lea’s lollipop together?

We have 3 lollipops.

Okay. Very good!

Rom and Qhin bought a chocolate coin in the

store. Rom bought 3 chocolate coins and Qhin
bought 2 chocolate coins. How many chocolate
coins they have in all?
We have 5 chocolate coins in all.

Another examples are:

The pupils will get picture from the box, and they
will put beside the picture that it matches. And
they will add it together.

1. 1 _________ = 3
2. ______ 3 =


4 ________ = 2

2 _____
4. =

5. _______ 6

E. Generalization

If we add 1 + 3, we have 4.

If we add 2 + 3, we have 5.

If we add 4 + 2, we have 6.

If we add 2 + 5, we have 7.

If we add 3 + 6 , we have 9.
F. Application
The total is 6 spoon and fork.
Your mommy told you to get 3 spoons and 3
forks. How many spoons and forks you have to
get all in all?

IV. Evaluation

Find the sum of the following.

1. 2 + 3 =

2. 6 + 2 =

3. 5 + 1 =

4. 8 + 2 =

5. 5 + 3 =

V. Assignment

Cut out 5 squares and 3 triangles in a sheet of

paper. Find the sum of the squares and triangles.

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