Origin of The Benedictine Sisters of The Eucharistic King

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1930 – 1934

It is but right that we trace the origin of our congregation back to our Mother Foundress’ entrance to
the Missionary Benedictines of Tutzing (Bavaria, Germany) in Jan 3, 1911... she was 23 years old then...

...eversince childhood, she cherished the secret dream of founding her own community but when she
manifested this to her superiors... they dissuaded her...

1924, she was called upon to join the group of Tutzing Sisters who already begun their apostolate in the
Philippines... Before leaving Munich, she called on Eugenio Cardinal Pacelli who, at that time, was
Apostolic Nuncio to Germany... exposed to him her plan of founding the Benedictines of the
Eucharistic King... he encouraged her to put her plan into writing that he may forward it to his
Holiness, Pius XI... Pius XI passed the plan to the Holy Congregation of Religious.

March 2, 1929... Bishop Santiago Sancho granted Mo. Edeltraud permission for a foundation in his

April 14, 1929...with the necessary permission from her superiors of the Missionary Benedictines of
Tutzing, she left for Rome to present to the Holy See her plans for the new foundation

From the “Account of the Foundation”

Through the kind mediation of His Eminence, Andreas Cardinal Fürthwirth,
The Holy Congregation of Religious granted me permission
To go to the USA to collect funds for the undertaking and to accept postulants.

March 1, 1930 – Mother embarked for the US with her first postulant – Angelita Vaca (Spanish lady)

March 10, 1930 – she was met by Maria Diehl who was eager to join her new foundation

In the States, amidst the trials and struggles that usually befall a community in its earlier years, they
finally settled in a homestead at 142 St. Valley Cottage, Queen’s County, NY on October 12, 1930

Patrick Cardinal Hayes gave the Novice’s habit to both Angelita Vaca and Maria Diehl.

Deprived of finances, they closed Valley Cottage and started soliciting funds... it was not easy to solicit
funds across the continent from one diocese to another and from priests who were also in great
financial difficulties...many disappointments dampened their spirit but Mother’s great trust in Divine
Providence saw them through

In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, through the help of the future Samuel Cardinal Stritch, a legacy of the
missions was distributed, and a considerable sum was allotted to Mo. Edeltraud

In boston, ArchBishop Richard Cushing, paid their trip to the Philippines via Europe because Mother
expressed the need to visit various Benedictine Monasteries there to gain further knowledge of and
experience in the Monastic life.

August 6, 1931 – last stop-over ... Maryknoll, NY... hearty welcome...gave them all the assistance they
September 25, 1931 – they boarded the ship Europa.
In England, they were the guests of Benedictine Nuns in Isle Wight
...then, Germany...
Benedictines of Perpetual Adoration at Osnabruck and those of
Andernach and Cologne

In Cologne, Cardinal Schulte welcomed them heartily

Many more... 

Archabbey of Beuron ... the Abbot welcomed them and placed at their
disposal their constitutions, Rituals, Ceremonials and Ordo

September 29, 1931 – started for Rome

... here, they looked for Cardinal Furthwirth who arranged for them an audience with Pius XI

October 5, 1931 – the sec of the Congregation presented mother Edeltraud the Letter of Approval from
the congregation of religious... for the first time, the Church recognized the Benedictines of the
Eucharistic king

October 9, 1931 – in an audience with Pius XI, Mother received the blessing of her foundation... his
Holiness also blessed her companions and all future members of her foundation and wished them a safe
trip back to the Phil

October 13 – left Rome

November 13 – arrived in Manila where a letter from Bishop Sancho awaited them

November 19 – went to Baguio... Marynoll Sisters welcomed them

December 18 – rented a house in burnham park... the Regional of the SVD, Rev Teodoro Buttenbruch,
blessed the Chapel, the house and the garden... Canonical Novitiate begun... the community was
beginning to take shape and several postulants were accepted.

February 12, 1932 – a lot was purchased in pacdal

May 8, 1932 – Bshp. Sancho announced Mother Edeltraud as Prioress

October 15, 1932 – the cornerstone of the Priory was laid

Dececmber 14, 1932 – the Community moved into the new convent which was blessed by Bshp Sancho
on January 6, 1933... 30 days after this, arrived from Cardinal Furthwith the ratification of the approval
of the foundation... great rejoicing!

April 7, 1933 – Bshp. William Finemann. SVD(then Auxilliary Bshp. of Manila) told them of the news of
the division of the Diocese of Nueva Segovia ... Baguio was no longer within the Diocese of Bishop
Sancho under whose jurisdiction they had established themselves
...with heavy hearts, they had to transfer...

June 26, 1934 – they were welcomed by Bishop Santiago Sancho in an old convent in Santa Maria,
Ilocos Sur and announced that the name St. Benedict Priory be retained.

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