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Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES 2017)

IEEE Xplore Compliant - Part Number:CFP17AWO-ART, ISBN:978-1-5090-5013-0

Blood Donation And Life Saver App

Annish Brislin M R1 , Albert Mayan J2 Aroul Canessane R3, Anish Hamlin M R4
1 3
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science
Communication, Jeppiaar SRR Engineering College , Chennai and Engineering, Sathyabama University, Chennai
2 4
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science P.G Student, Department of Computer Science and
and Engineering, Sathyabama University, Chennai Engineering, Sathyabama University, Chennai
1 2 , aroulcanessane@gmail.com3, annish.hamlin@gmail.com4

Abstract— Blood donation saves lives everyday at features were added to the field . This android application is
various situations. A blood transfusion may give them the developed to easily search the blood donor nearby area at any
energy to spend time with family and friends.Blood cannot emergency [1]. Those who have register in this app , their
be manufactured it can only comes as a gift from position along with the blood group detail will be display
people.One person only allowed 6 pints of blood donation using GPS (Global Positioning System).The main page will
.One pint of blood can save upto 33 lives The number of show the donors those who are interested in donating blood
blood donor is very less when compared with other within the range of 10km[2].
countries . Here we propose a new and efficient way to
overcome such outline. When we just touch the button
donor the App will be ask you to enter an individual’s In “Android blood bank “ by prof . snigdha[1] proposed
details like name , phone number, age, weight ,date of an application for blood donor . In that application the donor
birth , blood group , address etc . At the emergency time of can find the exact path by using GPS(Global Positioning
blood needed we can check for blood donor nearby by System). The detail of blood donors will be saved .private data
using GPS. Once the app user enter the blood group and confidential datas are only viewed by the administrator .
which he/she needed it will automatically show the donor They have methodologies like PHP,MY SQL,Android.
nearby and send an alert message to the donor .In case if
In “ MBB:A Life Saving Application “ by Narendra Gupta
the first donor is not available it will automatically search [2] has proposed a method to create a website with
the next donor which is present in queue. If the donor
android application . In there application they has proposed,
accept the request then an one time password(OTP) will
the donor are tracked by Geographic Information
be send to the donor to verify. Blood donation app
System(GIS).The purpose of there website is used to update
provider list of donor in your city/area . Once the donor
there current system where datas can only viewed by
donate the blood it will automatically remove the donor
authorized user.They contain two device type:1)An android
detail for next three months.
phone with android os, 2) A computer for website and
Keywords - Blood, Android smart phone, Donor, GPS. database which is used to store the information about the
I. INTRODUCTION In “ An Android Application for volunteer Blood Donors “ by
A blood donation occurs when a person voluntarily has blood sultan Turhan[3] proposed an application for volunteer blood
drawn. Donating blood may be of whole blood (WB), or of donor , main aim of this application is to notify regularly the
specific components directly. Blood banks often participate in donor location to Rh++.Rh++ is a smart information system
the collection of blood process as well as the procedures that which aim to control the blood donation and blood supply
follow it. Today in the developed world most blood donors chain.
are unpaid volunteers who donate blood for a group supply. In In “Android Based Health Application in Cloud Computin For
poor countries accepted blood supplies are limited and donors Blood Bank” by Sayali Dhond [4] has proposed android
usually give blood when family or friends need a transfusion. based application for blood donor, in which the donors
Donors can also have blood drawn for their own future use. information are stored in cloud .They user shoud request blood
Today mobile based application have become a part of our on the cloud and the information are sent to nearby hospital or
daily life . with the revolution in mobile computing many blood donor who are register on cloud.

978-1-5090-5905-8/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

978-1-5090-5013-0/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 446

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES 2017)
IEEE Xplore Compliant - Part Number:CFP17AWO-ART, ISBN:978-1-5090-5013-0

In “The Optimization of Blood Donor Information and million units yearly 2% of blood is disposed of because of
Management System bt Technopedia” by P.Priya[5] has different reasons on the off chance that we deduct 2% of
proposed a method of creating website with android disposed of blood the aggregate usable entire blood or red
application in which the blood donor can easily available cells will be 6460,000 units in india[15].
within the required time. The donor who are nearby location
In “Fast Nearest Neighbour Search With Keywords “ by yufei
are easily tracked by GIS.In this application the website is to
and cheng Sheng has proposed to find the nearest neighbor
update the information of donor who have already given
using keywords.There are easy way to support queries that
blood in various hospital. While comparing to manual system,
combine spatial and text features .Spatial queries with
computer based information system are time consuming,
keywords has not been explored[16].
Data mining concept is important benefits to the blood bank In "Blood donation and life saver-blood donation app" by
sector, data mining tool can be a fundamental tool to analyze Anish Hamlin M R and Albert Mayan J had proposed a
the data gathered by blood banks throught therir information methodology to find the donors who have donated blood
system[7]. recently and who are not eligible to donate blood near future.

In “Android Blood Donor Life Saving Application in Cloud Inference from Literature Survey:
Computing” by T.Hilda Jenipha and R. Backiyalakshmi [8]
has proposed an application for blood donation .In this The overall review say that ,blood is essential need for every
application during emergency it will list of donors in the city . human without blood no one can live in this world .In case of any
In this cloud based services is provided in which it will prove emergency the patient need blood the doctors will check in
important in emergency blood delivery . they can enable hospital or blood bank .In case if blood is not available we can
immediate access to donors information and location. It will use this type of applications. In this applications who are all
ensure the instant location tracking and communication . only willing to donate blood can register they information . in case of
the register person can access this services. emergency the patient may not get blood at that time once we
enter the blood group which we needed it will show the nearby
In “Blood Bank Management Information System in India “
donor who are willing to donate blood. Once the blood is donate
by Vikas Kulshreshtha[13] has proposed about blood bank
the information of the donor will be disappear for next three
information .Blood bank do not accept donated blood ,if donor month.
have any of the following condition (I) cold/fever for a
week.(II) Under treatment of any antibiotics(III) cardiac
problem , hypertension, diabetes etc(IV)major operation in the
last 6 months (V) vaccination in last 24 hours (VI) pregnant In existing there is no proper care about the people who donate
(VII)Had fainting attacks during last donation(VIII)Been blood to patients.In case if the donor has or had any medical
tested positive foor antibodies to HIV. problem and comes toward to donote blood to the patient then
it may lead to threat.Hence medical history of donor should be
In “ Blood Bank Management System “ by Prathamesh Raut updated [9] .[14]. Has proposed a top of the line framework to cross over
any gap between the blood donors and the general population in Medical histories would be like:
requirement for blood. Application for Blood Bank Management *A person who have anemia should not donate blood.
System is an approach to synchronize Blood banks and *Donar who having diseases that are transmissible through
Hospitals with the assistance of Web.Blood donation center can blood are not request to donate blood.
likewise send a demand to another blood donation center for *People who are unweighted for height from their height
inaccessible blood. Individual willing to give blood can discover should not donate blood.
closest blood donation centers utilizing Blood Bank Management *pregnant women or recent child birth women should not
Android Application. The area of the blood donation center can donate blood.
likewise be followed utilizing maps. The Android application can Thus the above following reason are not upadated in existing
be gotten to just by the contributors to look the blood gift focuses system. This type of information are not provided in existing
and the asking for blood donation centers and healing facilities to system this may lead to dead in person. The donor and
look the closest blood donation centers and contributors. patient’s body condition will not match at all the time .here it
In “ A New Concept of Blood Management System using contain two aspects (1) volunteer’s location (2) the distance
Cloud Computing For Rural Area” by Javed Akhtar and between the user location and volunteers[10].
M.R.Alony tell that india add up to blood gathering in 7.5

978-1-5090-5013-0/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 447

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES 2017)
IEEE Xplore Compliant - Part Number:CFP17AWO-ART, ISBN:978-1-5090-5013-0

Types of Bloods:

ADMIN Although all blood is made of the same basic elements, not
*LOGIN all blood is alike. In fact, there are eight different common
*REGIS blood types, which are determined by the presence or absence
*BLOOD of certain antigens Since some antigens can trigger a patient's
CAMP HOSPITAL immune system to attack the transfused blood. The donor
*BLOOD blood type must be determined before the transfusion of



Fig 1: Existing System Architecture


The proposed method is to create a android application in
which the blood donor are available easily at required time.
The donor who are all register in this application are show
while searching for blood donation. The donor who are all
nearby location are tracked by the GIS. The purpose of this
application is donote blood while in case of emergency. The
application also provide various information about donating
blood and who are all willing to donate blood can register
through this application.
System Functionalities:
*Blood donation application update information
about the blood donation camp.
*The system provide authorised features so that the
private and confidential data are only view by the authorized
*The system will keep record of every donor ,in
order to keep track of blood stock .
By this the communication of various devices has
improved ,hence people can communicate anytime from
anywhere through mobile .The purpose of this application is to
devlop blood donation services/camp and keep record of blood
donor which is easy to distribute blood through out
country.The system contain a mobile phone with android
operating system.The advance system is used to store
information about the blood. Blood donation application
mainly contain admin,donor ,patient, database and application.
Fig:2 Blood Type Compatibility chart

978-1-5090-5013-0/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 448

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES 2017)
IEEE Xplore Compliant - Part Number:CFP17AWO-ART, ISBN:978-1-5090-5013-0

x Group O can donate red blood cells to anybody .It is
the universal donor. Each donor is given a id and password through which
they can identify uniquely. There are various option
x Group A can donate red blood cells to A’s and AB’s.
given to donor such as finding blood group,logout ,
x Group B can donate red blood cells to B’s and AB’s.
blood donation camp detail.The database is used to
x Group AB can donate to other AB’s but can receive
store the information about the blood donor ,patient
from all other.
information and so on.

Proposed System Architecture : x APPLICATION:

This application is use to search blood donor during
the time of emergency . The accepted donor are track
x ADMIN: by GIS . The GIS is used in mobile application where
it is use to map the donor.The proposed system tells
The admin provide each member an user id and a
about the working of system where it start with
password in which he/she can identify
opening the application in mobile .sign in or login
uniquely.changing password ,maintain donor private
option is given to the user.If the user already register
details ,updation are given to the administrator. The
then admin provide the information of the user
update operation is done by admin in which it will
which is already stored in data base.if the user is not
regularly check the expiry date of blood and request
registerd then he/she is ask to sign to entering the
the donor who donote the blood to replace it.
details about them.In proposed system there is an one
x PATIENT: time password in which it is generated during donor
accept for donating blood .The advantage of OTP is
In case of emergency they can request for blood in
,now a days childrens are using mobile by mistake
which it gives information about the patient condition
they can press the request button for this case the one
. As per the health condition of the patient the blood
time password is created. The admin of this
is given.
application can view the details of all donor ,patient.
The admin should regularly modify about the donor
If 1st person not before and after the donating the blood.The details
user available means it
given by the donor are regulary check by the admin
search for next donor
in which the correct information is present or not.
The application maintain the record of user ,blood
DONOR camp ,blood transfusion and so on.This the propsed
system can help who are all need blood anywhere and
anytime. The information which are given to the user
1st person are correct because the details are enter only by the
Available blood donor who are willing to donate blood

Notification K-Nearest Neighbour Algorithm:
The KNN algorithm measures the distance between a
query outline and a set of outline in the dataset.
OTP In this example k=3 ,the classes are a and w .
Aim of the algorithm is to find class for ‘c’

Fig 3: Proposed System Architecture

978-1-5090-5013-0/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 449

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES 2017)
IEEE Xplore Compliant - Part Number:CFP17AWO-ART, ISBN:978-1-5090-5013-0

In this paper ,we have proposed a reliable
w information system based on GIS and OTP in android
mobile.The main concept of this proposed system is
a w to valuable to health care. By using this application ,
a C w the existing problem such as mis use of details and
wrong information provided to third party is replaced
a w w
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IEEE Xplore Compliant - Part Number:CFP17AWO-ART, ISBN:978-1-5090-5013-0

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