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No pain, No gain I think this line suits me because just the journey I taking right now being a

Civil Engineering student will never be easy for me and other student because this course is one
of the most difficult but I think there no such thing that is difficult to a student like me that has
a full of goals and dreams to achieve. This past semester there’s a lot of challenges that I face so
I think this line you will not able to claim your daily goal if you’ll just sitting there and not doing
anything for you because no effort, no success. Like if were having a quiz or exam I study hard
until I master the things or the topics that are needed to that exam or quiz and sleep very late
at night that’s the pain you endure after that you’ll taking the gain because you pass the quiz or
exam and you’ll be happy because your late night sleep is worth it. Also our professors take
great pains in teachings in order to us to learn more lessons and pass the exam with high marks,
so there’s no effortless success in life. There is nothing we get easily and readily so may I
conclude that we cannot gain any success without pain or effort.

I would like to share about myself first of all I am Christian Dominc Tindoc Medinaceli.

Let’s talk about my name it was based on our patriot Saint Dominic at our town because it is
exactly my birthday during our town fiesta so my grandfather of my father side decided to copy
the name of our patriot then my grandmother of my father side also suggest to add Christian
because I baptized us a Christian and my birthday is August 03, 1999 and our town fiesta is
August 04. As I grow up they call me don don as my nick name but there is one morning that I
ran to buy my milo and something to eat for my breakfast at the store in front of our house
then my uncle is sitting there smoking and drinking soft drinks early in the morning he ask me
what will I buy then I answer milo, eggs and noodles then he offer me soft drinks but I refused it
because it’s bad to drink early in the morning with soft drink, he keep on offering me but I also
keep on refusing it then he said “Madim nu madim” and he also keep on repeating it then I ran
home because I am getting late for school. One afternoon I saw him beside the highway then
he shout at me then he said “madim nu madim” but this time it has little slang with the Ma like
Ba so its replace with “badim” then after that he always saying that to me then my neighbors
adopted it then my nickname change to “BADEM” then my friends also call me like that and the
other don’t know who’s badem until I tell them the story then they keep on laughing at me. My
favorite color is Green, why? For me it’s very relaxing, cool and calm to eyes, it’s also symbolize
the life that we have now. According to Jennifer Bourn, the Green color has healing power and
is understood to be the most restful and relaxing color for the human eye to view. Green can
help enhance vision, stability and endurance. Green takes up more space in the spectrum
visible to the human eye and it is the dominant color in the natural. It’s also helps alleviate
anxiety, depression, and nervousness. Green also brings with it a sense of hope, health,
adventure, and renewal, as well as self-control, compassion, and harmony. Then my favorite
number is 8 (eight) because if you rotate it 90 degrees it will look like infinity and I would like
our life to be infinite, limitless, boundless, immeasurable to live with my parents and my love
ones it is hard to think that you may live infinite but let’s just take it literally I would just like to
spend more time with my parents and the one who I love most. And will also share about my
hobbies for me I prefer playing online games like DOTA2, PLAYERS UNKNOWN
BATTLEGROUNDS and etc. I play those games because I feel relax while playing I don’t know
how to explain but it’s different when I am going to sit in front of my pc or my computer I feel
the happiness inside me that soothe to my feelings it’s hard to believe right but that’s what I
feel when I am playing but not only in indoor I also play basketball and badminton I was a
player at our school since I am in grade 7 we are always competing to other schools with
different meets the highest that I played is the Provincial Meet I developed my sportsmanship,
the acceptance whatever it takes until the match will finish and the mental toughness don’t
lose hope if your opponent has lead the score just make a move to make a score.

My favorite food is pinakbet its very common dish to us Filipino it is originally came from
northern part of Luzon, this indigenous dish made of mixed vegetables like eggplant, okra,
string beans, tomatoes, bitter melon, pumpkin, chili pepper or pepper that the ingredients of a
pinakbet and the word pinakbet means shrunk or shriveled. It’s healthier than other food
because it is all vegetables mixed together to come up with delicious dish.
If I am going to choose a thing, object, or animal that ill compare myself I choose turtle, why?
It’s because I believe in the saying about a turtle, Even though it’s a slow process, there is a
progress. We all know that a turtle is very slow in moving but they still moving and looking
forward until they reach their own destination or the place that they are convenient. For me I
am just like a turtle I admit that I am not good enough like other student out there that is very
outstanding in academic but I am doing my best to come up even though it’s too difficult at
least I have done something that may help me or I have progress doing such thing that make
me better or good enough. Until such time I will reach my goal and dream in life by heads up
striving to go forward and forward like the turtle moves forward by sticking his neck out. Turtle
have the hardships like us because they will not stop until they are on the place that they want
to be, we are also like that because we are striving to pursue our wants in our life but they will
also be a struggles in our way to our goals and dreams like the turtles there will always an
obstacle in their way but that will not be the hindrance to the success they want or we want
they will still keep moving forward like us because the hardships we have that makes us strong
not only the hardships but the perseverance to claim our goal and dreams in our life. The turtle
also have the focused and determination, on crossing the road as we trying to overcome
obstacle when a turtle try to cross the a road and it is hit by a car and flipped over, that flipped
over represents the many obstacles that are placed in front of us or the journey we are taking
of. The resilience of the turtle to flip back over represents the determination we show or we do in
order to overcome that obstacle of problem that we are facing. And the person who is driving
that car could be that people around us that are trying to pull us down but turtle shows courage
in its attempt to cross the road and climb the barrier just like we show the courage in our self to
attempt to reach our goals. The turtle endures many struggles throughout its journey across the
street similar to the struggles we endure when a challenge is placed in front of us. In life we face
many different challenges similar to challenges a turtle faces. Sometimes we try to hide from our
problems similar to how a turtle hides in its shell. A turtles shell is used to protect him just like
how people put up a wall to block out other people from hurting them. A turtle needs to take
chances in life like crossing a street similar to how we need to take chances throughout life in
order to attain our goals and aspirations. We are faced with heartbreaks, friendships, death, and
hardships all throughout life and just like the turtle we need to persevere and move on with our
lives. We are all turtles because we try to hide from the bad things that happen in our lives and
take full advantage when things are going good. One major challenge is college. In four months
college will begin and I will start a new chapter in my life. We will be starting our journey similar
to the turtle’s. We will be approaching unfamiliar territories similar to the turtle crossing the
street to the embankment. We aim to be as brave as we possibly can to survive and to reach our
goals and dreams in our life.

My formula to success is to have a right thoughts, great ideas, positive perspective, setting goals,
action, positive attitudes and perseverance. Right thoughts this is the one I choose as my formula
to success having a thoughts as you climb to your success you need to think of thoughts that
make you more progressive in order to achieve your goals in life and think thoughts that make
you stronger, all success begins with the correct thoughts but thoughts alone may lead to
nothing. In order to achieve success, your thoughts need to be brought to bear in great ideas you
need to thinks outside the box in every idea that comes to your minds you need to assess it
whether it will make it better or worse but this idea need to view in a positive perspective sea an
idea that what it can be, how can it work and how is it be possible to achieve and you need to
more realistic in your perspective, this thoughts with great ideas need a positive light to make
them shine. Then having this right thoughts, great ideas and positive perspective were setting a
goals in setting a goals try to question yourself like, What do you want? How will you get there?
And when? Goals you need to turn the invisible into visible. Ideas need goals to give them a
substance, goals are important but it needs an immediate action in order to achieve it even do a
small steps and you’ll be amazed what small daily steps can do in the long run. This goal require
action always, but goal without action are merely unsubstantiated dreams. One can all have the
right goals and action, but without the right attitude the success will never be claim, there will be
always a hindrance or a failure will abound in our way to success but only the right attitude can
take all the hardships and pain that success requires, according to Thomas Jefferson “Nothing can
stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goals; nothing on earth can help
the man with the wrong mental attitude.” We have the thoughts, ideas, perspective, goals,
action, attitudes and we need is to have perseverance to claim our success because without
perseverance you’ll get nothing then you will fail, you’ll get knocked down and other will try you
to put down. Life will challenge you because your extraordinary dreams are worthy of challenge.
No matter how hard life hits you, never step out of the ring. No matter how hard it gets you lose
when you give up that’s where all ends. So be the kind of person who will not surrender whatever
it takes. Success belongs to those who don’t quit.

My greatest joy is about my family that we are complete even though were not that rich like
other family but the love, caring and unity of my family is presents because it is not all about the
money it’s all about the presence of love and caring to each other. I could not imagine living
without my family by my side they are more valuable and important to me and that should be
never taken for granted without them my life could be miserable. They are always at my back
pushing me to my dreams to able to reach it. My family gives me the strength that I have right
now to face that challenges that I am facing right now in order to reach my goals in life, they are
also my cheering squad when I am down or when I am sad they always support me to the things
that I want. I was lucky, I have learned differently, because my family cares about me, and I
care about them.

My greatest fear is when my mother have been sick for less than a month I am in grade 7 that
time and it’s our final term I am not focus because I keep on thinking of my mama so I can
perform very well to school. Then my father said that there is a lump on her ovaries that they
will make an operation to get rid of it and I start crying and I do not stop praying to my mama
for her health to be okay. After a week there is a false disease that they told us that she has a
dengue and my feelings get bad again then we go to the blood testing center to test the blood
but it appears that she have no dengue then it’s been two weeks on hospital a night that is very
fright full that the doctor tell us that they are not able to cure my mama because it has a new
disease again she has a Pulmonary edema which is an abnormal buildup of fluid in lungs. This
buildup of fluid leads to shortness of breath so they transfer my mother to CVMC then admit to
ICU because she has serious illness that requires critical or round-the-clock care. I am very
worried to my mama that that time and I start crying and crying again. I could not even see her
in the hospital even I want to see her because there is a hospital rule that my age is not allowed
to enter so I just stay outside and praying to her quick recovery. Then there is a night that my
father approach me then, he said nak your mama is not pleasing to see she’s so suffering so
much, that line make my heart to melt again and start to cry again and still have the hope to
pray for his recovery. Then after the suffering she already recover the water in her lungs are
being removed and she feel okay. I don’t want to lose my mama so early I want to see me
wearing an academic gown (Toga) and to change their sacrifices for me because I will not able
to reach my dreams without them.

My prayer

Thank you Lord for the blessing you’re giving us every day, Thank you for the guidance you’re
giving us every day, Thank you Lord for being there always for us, Thank you for lord. Forgive
me oh, Lord for the sins I commit. Forgive me oh, Lord for bad things that I’ve done to others.
Forgive us oh, Lord. Lord give me the strength every day in order to do the task, Lord guide me
always to what I do, Lord keep me always safe and get me away from bad things, Lord guide
also my parents and my sibling, give them also the strength, guide them also to what they do
and keep them safe always and put them away to bad things. Thank you oh, lord AMEN.

A line of a song that I would choose is this line from the song Pagsubok by Orient Pearl “Mga
pagsubok lamang ‘yan huwag mong itigil ang laban” in this journey that I am taking there’s a lot
of challenges and hindrances to reach our dream and goals to our life. It’s just a test in order to
us to be tougher to face the challenges in our life there will always be a up’s and downs in our
own life so it makes me urges to carry on despite hardship. It’s a strong reminder for us that life
test us all, through hardships, failure, heartbreak, and so many things we would rather not
experience. But, the things we don’t want to experience are precisely the things we must, in
that it forces us to grow, and hopefully become better individuals

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