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Improve amine unit efficiency

by optimizing operating conditions
D. SATYADILEEP, A. S. BERROUK and C. J. PETERS, The Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE;
and A. A. AZIZ, Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd., Abu Dhabi, UAE

How can the efficiency of an amine gas sweetening unit be RESULT AND ANALYSIS
improved without additional capital investment? Operation at Optimum performance of the amine sweetening unit depends
optimum conditions is the first key to enhance the performance on proper tuning of the operating conditions. These generally in-
of the unit, as revealed by a case study performed on a commer- clude feed gas pressure and temperature, lean amine temperature
cial gas plant using a kinetics-based simulation analysis. and amine concentration. However, for the plant in this study,
Lower amine temperature provides a significant reduction raw natural gas is directly fed to an absorption column with-
in solvent circulation rate, steam consumption rate, pumping out being compressed or heated within the battery limits of the
duty and dehydration unit load while posing no risk of hydro- amine sweetening unit. Therefore, the operator cannot manipu-
carbon condensation or hydrate formation. Also, higher amine late the feed gas pressure and temperature, as they are governed
strength is best suited for the unit under study, as it results in by the upstream sections. The scope of this study focuses on the
potential savings of operating costs without increasing the analysis of the effects of lean amine temperature and amine con-
risks of corrosion and fouling. centration on the amine sweetening unit performance.
In recent years, there has been emphasis on improving
amine gas sweetening plant efficiency due to the increased ex- Lean amine temperature. Lean solvent temperature has al-
ploitation of highly sour gas fields. This triggers the develop- ways been a point of interest, as it is the only parameter avail-
ment of several optimization techniques to maintain the prof- able for controlling the absorber temperature. Low operating
itability of gas plants. Schemes involving operational changes
alone are most preferred, due to the simplicity and flexibility TABLE 1. Simulation model inputs
in restoring plant operations and for the low retrofitting costs
attached to them. Parameter Plant operating data
To this end, a case study was performed for a commercial CH4, % 74.6
gas sweetening unit to analyze the effect of various operating C2H6, % 7.6
conditions on the plant efficiency. Operating data for this unit
C3H8, % 4.8
was used to quantify the impact of tuning various process con-
ditions and to provide guidelines to achieve optimum opera- H2S, % 4.3
tion of the amine sweetening unit. CO2, % 5
C4+, % 3.5
PROCESS SIMULATION MODEL Sour gas capacity, MMscfd 300
To investigate the effect of various process conditions,
a process simulation model is developed for a commercial Temperature, °C 42.3
amine sweetening unit. TABLE 1 provides the plant operating Pressure, bar 67.5
data used to develop the simulation model. 3
Solvent rate, m /hr 675
The process simulation model developed using a commer-
MDEA strength, % 42
cial process simulator follows an “ideal-stage” approach, cou-
pled with kinetic modeling for CO2. With an ideal-stage model, Lean amine temperature, °C 63.3
each stage is assumed to reach thermodynamic equilibrium, and
a real column is modeled by determining the number of ideal TABLE 2. Comparison of model results with plant operating data
stages that yields the same performance as the real column.
Parameter Plant operating data Model prediction
The kinetics model accounts for varying absorption rates
of the relatively slow absorption of CO2 , which is kinetically Sweet gas H2S, ppm 4.4 4.2
limited. Residence time for this calculation is computed based Sweet gas CO2, % 1.5 1.3
on column hardware and total number of trays. A customized 3
Sweet gas rate, kNm /hr 330 315
Peng-Robinson model is used as the thermodynamic method
Absorber temperature, °C 65.3 64.9
in this study. The simulation model predictions are validated
against plant operating data, as shown in TABLE 2. Reboiler temperature, °C 132.3 130.2

Gas Processing | SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 201439


temperatures are generally preferred for better performance of 47.3°C. The lower bound of this range is dictated by the gas
the absorption column due to the increased acid gas absorp- feed temperature, which is 42.3°C, as stated in TABLE 1.
tion governed by vapor-liquid equilibrium. However, there are The 5°C value is a difference that is widely recommended
also detrimental effects on the absorber operation associated as a general rule for the gas feed and lean amine temperatures.1
with low lean amine temperatures. The impact of varying the lean amine temperature in the range
The optimum choice of lean amine temperature entering of 63.3°C to 47.3°C is detailed below for the abovementioned
the absorber is not a straightforward exercise, and it should be operation parameters.
handled carefully to ensure the right balance between maxi- Effect on H2S and CO2 absorption. Low lean solvent tem-
mum performance possible in terms of acid gas removal, and perature is generally sought in gas sweetening plants due to
smooth operation. To this end, a thorough quantitative inves- its positive impact on H2S absorption driven by equilibrium.
tigation of the impact of varying lean amine temperature on However, MDEA solvents are known to react kinetically with
several operational parameters of the amine sweetening unit is CO2 , and any lowering of the lean amine temperature should
required. These operational conditions are: reduce the reaction rate constant, thereby increasing the CO2
• Sweet gas H2S content slip. For this reason, lowering the lean amine temperature may
• Sweet gas CO2 content be ruled out due to its undesirable effect on sweet gas CO2
• Foaming due to hydrocarbon condensation content. Therefore, for any change in lean amine tempera-
• Hydrate formation ture, the resulting additional CO2 slippage must not cause the
• Lean solvent pumping duty sweet gas CO2 content to exceed the plant’s product specifica-
• Sweet gas water vapor content. tions. If this cannot be ensured, it may cause significant reduc-
Analysis is performed using the process simulation model tion in the gas calorific value and/or dry ice formation in the
that is developed based on the operating data of a commer- downstream units.
cially operating amine sweetening unit, as shown in TABLE 1. FIG. 1 shows the evolution of sweet gas H2S and CO2 con-
The table shows that the operating temperature of the lean tents as functions of lean amine temperature. As expected,
amine is 63.3°C. The sensitivity analysis was carried out by H2S absorption is favored with lower lean amine temperature,
varying the lean amine temperature in the range of 63.3°C to while CO2 concentration in the sweet gas increases from 1.2%
to 2%. The sweet gas profile for the lowest lean amine temper-
2.4 ature (47.4°C) considered in this analysis is found to be com-
H2S pliant with the abovementioned plant requirements in terms
4.0 CO2 2.2 of acid gas contents, despite the additional CO2 slippage.
2.0 Therefore, reducing the lean amine temperature does not
Sweet gas H2S, ppm

Sweet gas CO2, %

3.5 make objectionable changes in the sweet gas CO2. It is worth

noting that a decrease in lean amine temperature results in a
3.0 1.6 decrease in sweet gas H2S content from 4.2 ppm to 2.8 ppm.
However, this decrease is not needed since the sweet gas H2S
2.5 content is already below the plant specification.
1.2 In the following analysis, while decreasing the amine lean
2.0 1.0 temperature, the sweet gas H2S content will be kept at 4.2 ppm
45 50 55 60 65 by decreasing the energy requirement for stripping and de-
Lean solvent temperature, °C creasing the amine circulation rate.
FIG. 1. Effect of lean solvent temperature on sweet gas H2S and Effect on foaming and hydrate formation. Low column
CO2 contents. temperatures promote undesired condensation of hydrocar-
bons. Indeed, accumulation of hydrocarbons in amine solvent
often results in foaming that leads to poor column operation
and to total shutdown, in some cases. Therefore, gas temper-
60 ature must be sufficiently higher than the hydrocarbon dew-
point to prevent the occurrence of foaming.
50 Another ill effect associated with column temperature, but
less frequently encountered, is hydrate formation, which can
Temperature, °C

40 Gas hydrate temperature lead to catastrophic failure. Generally, hydrate formation tem-
Dewpoint perature is far below the operating temperature. However, for
Sweet gas temperature
30 columns operating at high pressures and low temperatures, hy-
drate formation temperature should be monitored.
20 Hydrocarbon condensation temperature, hydrate formation
temperature and gas operating temperature are plotted against
10 lean amine temperature for the amine unit under study (FIG. 2).
45 50 55 60 65
Lean amine temperature, °C For the lowest lean amine temperature that can be considered,
the sweet gas temperature is 25°C higher than the hydrocarbon
FIG. 2. Effect of lean solvent temperature on foaming and dewpoint, which eliminates any possibility for the absorber to
hydrate formation.
foam due to hydrocarbon condensation. Likewise, hydrate for-

mation is obviously not a possibility, since the hydrate formation age lean amine operating temperature to quantify the savings
temperature is much lower than the hydrocarbon dewpoint. resulting from the proposed case.
Effect on lean solvent pumping duty. As the solvent vis- TABLE 3 presents a detailed quantitative summary of the ma-
cosity increases with decreasing temperature, pumping loads jor operational parameters for both cases. Besides the benefits
are expected to be higher at lower lean amine temperatures. discussed in the preceding sections, a significant reduction in
Therefore, pumping power must always be less than the avail- steam consumption rate and solvent circulation rate can be ob-
able pumping power in the plant. served for the proposed case. This is attributed to the increased
FIG. 3 shows the total electric load for pumping the lean sol- acid gas holding capacity, which is due to the vapor-liquid equi-
vent from the regenerator to the absorber. The pumping load librium shift at low solvent temperatures. Also, the lean solvent
is at its minima at the lowest lean amine temperature (47.4°C), cooler load is expected to be higher in the proposed case, as
which seems counter-intuitive. This is, in fact, due to the reduc- the outlet lean amine temperature is lower. However, this is
tion in solvent circulation rate at a lower lean amine tempera- outweighed by the lower solvent circulation rate, resulting in a
ture, which is needed to meet the same acid gas removal level lower solvent cooler duty, as shown in TABLE 3.
(4.2 ppm of H2S). Therefore, this study concludes that lower amine tempera-
The reduction in amine circulation rate is more pronounced ture (47.3°C) provides significant reductions in solvent circula-
than the increase in solvent viscosity, thereby reducing the tion rate, steam consumption rate, pumping duty and dehydra-
net pumping duty. It can be concluded that lowering the lean tion unit load while posing no risk of hydrocarbon condensation
amine temperature will reduce the pumping cost, if the same or hydrate formation.
sweet gas specifications are to be achieved.
Effect on sweet gas water vapor content. It is well known Amine concentration. Amine concentration is of significant
that lower column temperature causes higher water vapor con- importance, primarily due to its impact on the sweet gas profile,
densation in the absorber. This can have a potential benefit due since the former dictates the number of amine molecules that
to the reduced load on the dehydration unit downstream of the must be in contact with gas in the absorber. Industrial literature2, 3
sweetening unit. FIG. 4 shows that sweet gas water vapor con- has documented that poor choice of amine concentration leads
tent decreases monotonically with lean amine temperature. As to corrosion and fouling. Therefore, it is essential to maintain
the lean amine temperature is decreased from 63.3°C to 47.4°C, optimum amine strength to achieve a fine balance of the afore-
half of the water vapor that should be carried by the sweet gas to mentioned associated effects.
the dehydration unit will condense and remain in the absorber.
This results in a significant reduction in the operating cost of
the dehydration unit.
Summary of potential savings. Analysis of the effect of low- 0.70
ering the lean amine temperature on various operational param-
Pumping energy, MW

eters of the absorber results in potential benefits without disturb- 0.65

ing the smooth operation of the absorber. Therefore, lower lean
amine temperatures with a minimum of 47.3°C are recommend- 0.60
ed for the operation of the amine sweetening unit being studied.
For this case, simulations have been performed and process
optimization has been carried out while maintaining the sweet
gas H2S concentration at the same level as that in the operating
case. Also, simulations have been performed for the plant’s aver- 45 50 55 60 65
Lean amine temperature, °C
TABLE 3. Comparison of major parameters for operating case
FIG. 3. Effect of lean solvent temperature on solvent pumping energy.
and proposed case
Average lean amine
Parameter temperature case Proposed case
Lean solvent temperature, °C 59 47.3 1,000
Sweet gas water content, Kg/hr

Sweet gas H2S, ppm 4.2 4.2

Sweet gas CO2 , % 1.4 2
Solvent circulation rate, m3/hr 785 630 800
Pumping load, MW 0.7 0.55
Steam consumption rate, t/hr 117 91
Lean solvent cooler load, MW 44 39 600
Hydrate formation temperature, °C 18.7 18.6
Sweet gas temperature, °C 60.4 49.3 45 50 55 60 65
Lean amine temperature, °C
Hydrocarbon dewpoint, °C 24.4 24.1
Sweet gas H2O content, kg/hr 858 522 FIG. 4. Effect of lean solvent temperature on sweet gas water vapor.

Gas Processing | SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 201441


TABLE 4. Comparison of major parameters for different mance of tuning the lean amine temperature and amine strength.
amine concentrations Process simulations of an industrial gas sweetening unit are per-
formed to analyze the possible benefits and detrimental effects
Amine H2S, CO2, Steam, Amine Rich Lean
strength, % ppm % t/hr rate, m3/hr loading loading that prevail as the two operating conditions are adjusted.
Lean amine temperature lower than the present operating
42 4.2 1.2 120 785 0.44 0.002
condition is proposed as an optimum value based on simulation
45 4.2 1.3 110 720 0.44 0.002 analysis. The proposed condition promotes H2S absorption
47.5 4.2 1.3 104 675 0.44 0.002 with additional CO2 slippage, but within acceptable levels. This
50 4.2 1.4 98 630 0.44 0.002 results in a reduction in steam consumption rate and solvent
circulation rate to achieve the same sweet gas H2S specification.
Lower amine concentrations are generally considered to be an Moreover, both the lean solvent pumping energy and the
industrial precaution against corrosion. However, low amine con- load on the dehydration unit decrease due to the reduction in
centrations, in combination with under-circulation of amine, lead the solvent flowrate and the higher degree of water vapor con-
to higher rich acid gas loading, thereby causing severe corrosion densation in the absorber, respectively. The study also shows
in the rich amine line.1 Also, low amine concentrations require a that the proposed operating conditions do not increase foam-
higher amine circulation rate and/or a higher reboiler steam rate ing tendency and hydrate formation.
to achieve sweet gas specifications in terms of acid gas removal. The design limit for amine strength is recommended as the
On the other hand, higher amine concentrations often sig- optimum value for the amine plant in this study. The process
nificantly minimize the operating cost as an implication of lower simulation model is optimized for this amine strength while
amine circulation rate and steam rate. However, higher amine meeting the desired levels of acid gas absorption. The results
concentrations promote corrosion rates on lean amine lines with show that significant reductions in the steam consumption rate
time, due to acid gas flashing and the formation of layers of FeS and the solvent circulation rate are achieved without increasing
and FeCO3.4 However, this risk can be mitigated with proper se- the risk of corrosion for the rich and lean amine streams. GP
lection of solvent circulation rate and steam rate.
To summarize, the optimum choice of amine concentration ACKNOWLEDGMENT
can be made only through an investigation of its effect on sev- This study was financially supported by The Petroleum Institute’s Gas Research
Center in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
eral parameters:
• Sweet gas H2S and CO2 concentrations REFERENCES
• Steam consumption rate 1
Sheilan, M. H., B. H. Spooner and E. van Hoorn, Amine Treating and Sour Water
Stripping, 3rd Ed., Amine Experts, Calgary, Canada, 2007.
• Amine circulation rate 2
Patil, P., Z. Malik and M. Jobson, “Retrofit design for gas sweetening processes,”
• Rich amine loading (corrosion on rich amine lines) Proceedings of the 2006 IChem E Symposium, Series 152.
• Lean amine loading (corrosion on lean amine lines). 3
Rechtien, R. and G. Duggan, “Identifying the impact of amine contamina-
To this end, the impact of amine strength on the preceding tion on crude units,” Proceedings of 61st annual conference and exposition,
Corrosion 2006, Houston, Texas.
parameters has been analyzed through process simulations us- 4
Pandey, M., “Process optimization in gas sweetening unit—A case study,”
ing different amine solvent concentrations: Proceedings of the International Petroleum Technology Conference, Doha,
• 42% (present operating condition) Qatar, 2005.
• 45% (average lean amine strength in the plant) DARA SATYADILEEP is a research engineer at The Petroleum Institute, with
• 47.5% responsibilities including industrial research on gas processing technologies.
• 50% (plant design limit). He received a master’s degree in chemical engineering from the Indian Institute
Simulations for the four cases were optimized to meet the of Technology in Madras. He previously worked as a process engineer at General
Electric for five years. His areas of interest include acid gas removal with physical and
operating value of sweet gas H2S concentration (4.2 ppm) to chemical solvents, sulfur recovery units, gas dehydration systems and gasification.
provide a candid comparison of the remaining parameters. One patent application has been filed in his name.
TABLE 4 shows that sweet gas CO2 content is compliant with
DR. ABDALLAH SOFAINE BERROUK is an assistant professor at The Petroleum
the requirements of the plant’s downstream section in all three Institute’s chemical engineering department. He was awarded a PhD from the
cases. Rich and lean amine loadings are always less than the al- University of Manchester in the UK. He holds master’s degrees in engineering
lowable limits (0.5 and 0.01, respectively1 ), which guarantees (energetics), research in solid mechanics, and oil and gas management. Dr. Berrouk’s
corrosion-free operations. Also, it can be concluded from the expertise covers computational fluid dynamics, large eddy simulation, gas sweetening,
aerosol dispersion and deposition, and computational flow modeling for chemical
results that steam consumption and amine circulation rates reactor engineering. Dr. Berrouk has published two books, three book chapters and
significantly decrease as the amine strength increases, with the more than 50 papers for peer-reviewed international journals and conferences.
lowest values for steam use and amine circulation rate occurring
ALAA ABDUL AZIZ is head of the process engineering section of the technical
at the highest amine strength (50%). services division at Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd.’s Habshan gas complex. He
In summary, amine strength of 50% is best suited for the plant’s received his bachelor’s degree in petroleum refinery engineering. He has 30 years of
operating conditions, as it results in potential savings of operating experience in the gas processing industry. His major areas of expertise include amine
costs without increasing the risk of corrosion and fouling. sweetening, gas dehydration, sulfur recovery units and natural gas fractionation.

DR. CORNELIS PETERS is a chair professor of The Petroleum Institute’s chemical

Recommendations. Optimization of amine sweetening plants engineering department. He earned his PhD from the Delft University of Technology
through operational changes has been a point of discussion due in the Netherlands. Dr. Peters is an expert in the areas of thermodynamics, phase
equilibria, ionic liquids, hydrogen storage, gas hydrates and CO2 sequestration. He is
to the easy adoptability of changes without additional capital ex- the author of more than 200 publications in peer-reviewed journals and is an editor or
pense. This article investigated the impact on the plant perfor- co-editor of six books and 13 book chapters. Two patents have been filed in his name.


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