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Consists of LEADERSHIP &

Definition of Leadership M O T I VAT I O N

Definition of Motivation
“ T h e f u n c t i o n o f
STYLES of Leadership l e a d e r s h i p
i s t o p r o d u c e m o r e
Theory of Motivation l e a d e r s , n o t m o r e
f o l l o w e r s . ”
Example Case ( R a l p h N a d e r )

Leadership is a process of It’s the process by which a person’s
leading an organization and effort are energized, directed, and
influencing it to achive its goals. sustained toward attaining a goal.
Employees’ motivation allows
The managers in a company should be leaders because management to meet the company’s
leading is one of the 4th management function. goals. Without a motivated
So, what’s leader? A leader workplace, companies could be
is someone who can placed in a very risky position.
influence others and who Imagine having an employee who is
has managerial authority not motivated at work. They’ll probably
use the time at their desk surfing the
internet for personal pleasure or even
looking for another job.
• Directive - includes There are some theories of motivation
70% of people use scheduling work,
inbound marketing.
maintaining performance standards, and namely, Maslow’s hierarchy, Mcgregor’s
letting subordinates know what is expected theory and Herzberg’s Theory. Let’s see
from them maslow’s theory :
• Supportive - friendly, approachable, and • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:
concerned with pleasant interpersonal Physiological, Safety, Relationship, Esteem,
relationships. Self-actualization.
• Participative – leaders will consult with their • The more you move from basic to higher level
subordinates, and consider their opinions. needs, the more motivation depends on
• Achievement-oriented - encourages internal factors.
subordinates to exert higher efforts and strive • Important that organizationMaslow’s
for a higher level of goal accomplishment. Hierarchy of Needs: Physiological, Safety,
• Vroom and Jago’s styles: autocratic, Relationship, Esteem, Self-actualization.
consultative & group.

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