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In writing the introduction of a thesis, a section is devoted to the significance of the

study. Essentially, the section on significance of the study provides information to the
reader on how the study will contribute. It must be specifically stated, however, what
the study will contribute and who will benefit from it. The significance of the study
could be simply reflected by the following two questions: Why should my study be
published? What significant scientific contribution is my study making to my field
of research?
2 Tips in Writing the Significance of the Study
1. Refer to the statement of the problem
Your problem statement can guide you in identifying the specific contribution of
your study. ( By referring to the statement of the problem, you can identify what
information you need and what new information can you contribute to the existing
information) You can do this by observing a one-to-one correspondence between the
statement of the problem and the significance of the study.
To simplify, your research should answer this question, “What are the benefits
or advantages of the study based on the statement of the problem?”

For example:

If you ask the question “How has the new packaging affected the sales of the
product?” then the contribution of your research would probably a packaging
style or technology that can help the store increase its sales. Your study should
demonstrate that the product’s packaging really influences the buyer’s
perception and affects their purchase decision.

2. Write from general to specific contribution

Write the significance of the study by looking into the general contribution of your study,
such as its importance to society as a whole, then proceed downwards—towards its
contribution to individuals and that may include yourself as a researcher. You start off
broadly then taper off gradually to a specific group or person. Coupled with reference to
the problem statement, this effectively stimulates the mind to think in a deductive mode,
i.e., from general to specific
Below is an example of a significance of the study:
College of Nursing Dean (the senior member or expert of a group).
Data given will provide the dean with information on how the number of duty hours in a week
affects the student’s academic and RLE ( Related Learning Experience) performance. The results
will enable the dean to improve the scheduling of RLE and different academic subjects. Data
gathered will help the dean initiate collaboration among faculty and chairpersons to help plan the
advancement of nursing education in relation to the new curriculum.

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