CM Christian Living 9

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Subject Area: RELIGION Grade Level: 9 Department: BED

MONTHS Essential Questions Content/Activities Outcomes Assessment Standards Resources

1. To point out the fact that

Jesus is the inspiration and
the foundation of the
Jesus the Foundation Catholic Church; Nurturing with
 How can you Compose a short Recitation 2. To respond to the ministry God “I am
of the Catholic
contribute to the prayer of Quiz of Christ together with His sending You”
growth of the thanksgiving apostles and disciples by 9. 2011. pp. 3-
Picture Parade
church? virtue of being members of 10
Story Analysis
Think Pair Share the Mystical Body;
 In what ways 3. To reflect on how the early
would you be an followers of Christ
inspiration to gathered, prayed and
others worshipped God.
4. To know that on the
Write a petition  Let the students Pentecost day, the twelve Nurturing with
The Spread of the prayer for the answer the apostles were ignited to God “I am
What can you do in Church/ people who are guide questions witness publicly, teach, sending You”
spreading the word of Story Telling about committed to the on page 15 baptize and make disciples 9. 2011. pp.
God? And how will you the Pentecost spreading of the  Answer the of all men and women; 11-20
do it? Venn Diagram good news worksheet on 5. To acquire the zeal of the
Time Line page 19 apostles whenever they are
 quiz sent and commissioned to
proclaim the King of God;
6. To reflect on Matthew’s
Gospel chapter 10:5-15

Nurturing with
7. To know how the power God “I am
The Church’s Leader’s To compose a prayer and authority of the Church sending You”
and System of to the Holy Spirit was entrusted to the 9. 2011. pp.
Panel Discussion
Authority/ invoking guidance leaders of the Church; 21-28
Picture Analysis and direction for 8. To demonstrate obedience
Concept Map humble acceptance to the teaching authority of
If the Church has
of the teachings of the Church by being a
institutionalized itself,
the Church member of the Church;
July can you in a way
9. To compose a prayer to the
Holy Spirit invoking
guidance and direction for
humble acceptance of the
teachings of the Church;
Draw the main events 10. To point out the fact that
Write the good and and explain your because of deep faith in
How can you strengthen bad effects of drawing God, Christianity triumphed Nurturing with
your faith in God and Persecutions of the persecution over persecution; God “I am
others when you are Early Church/ 11. To reflect on the Eight sending You”
confronted with Story analysis Beatitudes; drawing 9. 2011. pp.
“persecutions”? Discussion strength from the eight 30-38
Beautifications one should
show endurance tenacity,
deep faith in God amidst
problems and
“persecutions” in life;
12. To review and reflect on the
prayer of Christ focusing
July on: “Father, forgive them
for they do not know what
they do”;

Visit the church and 13. To discuss that

spend time with God Instruct the student to Monasticism evolved as a Nurturing with
The Rise of in front of the plot how can they reaction against the Church God “I am
How do you envision Monasticism/ tabernacle for a few demonstrate quality alliance with the State; sending You”
yourself alone with God? Present the kind of minutes a day time with God/with 14. To give importance to a life 9. 2011. pp.
life the monks have in other people of being alone with God for 39-49
the desert at least few minutes a day;
Story Analysis 15. To spend time with God in
front of the tabernacle for a
few minutes a day;

Nurturing with
16. To describe the kind of
God “I am
Worship, Faith, and worship and faith the early
What kind of faith you Make a reflection of sending You”
Life in the Early Quiz Church has shown;
August have? How is your the good and evil 9. 2011. pp.
Church/ Recitation 17. To live a moral life through
Christian life lived up to? acts of your life 51-57
Compare and Contrast faithful observance of both
the Civil and Church laws
18. To celebrate faith and life
through Eucharistic
adoration and sacraments;

19. To discuss the power and Nurturing with

authority handed down by God “I am
Group Discussion Christ to the Church under sending You”
The Rise and Decline
Do you sense the needs of Reflection Paper Make a time/chart the leadership of the Pope; 9. 2011. pp.
of the Papacy/
others? Do you respond? Compose a daily schedule on studies 20. To identify ways on how to 63-72
Venn Diagram
prayer and prayer lead a moral life through
Write Up Analysis
prioritization of spiritual
over temporal aspects of
21. To compose and offer
prayers for the leaders of
the Church;

22. To discuss the significance Nurturing with

of Reformation that God “I am
Movements Within occurred in the Church; sending You”
Write a reflection on 23. To execute the moral 9. 2011. pp.
the Church/
How can you maintain your evil acts and 3-2-1 exit card responsibility of reforming 73-80
Story Analysis
fidelity to the behavior and how our lives and others;
commandments of God they will be 24. To offer a prayer for people
and the Church? reformed who initiate reformation
founded on the teachings of
1. To point out that the human
Compose a petition body is the temple of God; Nurturing with
In what ways can we live prayer to the right 2. To dedicate/offer one’s God “I am
up to the challenge of The Cathari or disposition and whole self in total sending You”
upholding the Albigenses and proper care of one’s surrender to God who is the 9. 2011. pp.
Compare and Contrast
sacredness and sanctity Waldenses/ body and health source and giver of life; 88-96
of life? Situation Analysis 3. To reflect on the Biblical
Concept Map passage specifically on man
created according to the
image and likeness of God;

4. To assure that faith in God is

not a subject to feelings and
If your faith is a gift from Martin Luther/ emotion, it is a gift from
Color of Understanding
God how do you cherish Discussion Mini Debate God; Nurturing with
and nurture it? Compare and Contrast 5. To point out that if our faith God “I am
in God is affected by the sending You”
worldly affairs of the 9. 2011. pp.
Church, or if the Church 97-106
pronounces teachings
against our will, we can
voice out our reactions but
not to destroy the existence
of the Church;
6. To express one’s gratitude
and blessings in life through
daily prayer and reading of
Biblical passage;
7. To know the teachings of
the Church on Sacramental
and Popular Religiosity; Nurturing with
The Church is the Chart/Graphic 8. To point out how one can God “I am
defender of faith, Ulrich Zwingli/ Organizer benefit or dispose sending You”
Reflection Paper
tradition and religious Discussion Quiz himself/herself toward 9. 2011. pp.
September practices. In what way/s fruitful celebration of the 97-106
do you think they Sacramentals;
transform you to a better 9. To bring images of God and
person? saints while doing para-
liturgical celebration;

10. To discuss that God gifted

us with “freedom” so that
How can we align our
John Calvin/ Reflect on the Sharing of Personal we can respond to Him in Nurturing with
freedom to God’s will?
Reporting “Magnificat” Experiences conscience but not in God “I am
Power point coercion; sending You”
presentation 11. To demonstrate gratitude 9. 2011. pp.
to Gods plan-that all may 115-125
one day join Him in heaven;
12. To worship Him through
the celebration of the
sacraments and constant

13. To point out the very nature

Henry VIII/ of authentic conjugal- Nurturing with
As a person, what is
Power point Debate constant God “I am
indissoluble about you?
presentation fidelity/indissolubility; sending You”
Graphic Organizer Quiz 14. To give importance to 9. 2011. pp.
Open Forum spouses who remain 127-136
faithful to each other;
15. To reflect on the biblical
text on marriage and
16. To point out that faith in
God should be deepened,
nurtured, and Nurturing with
strengthened; God “I am
17. To implement the main goal sending You”
Group Sharing
St. Ignatius of Loyola/ in life-to completely serve 9. 2011. pp.
Answer the worksheet
Why should one Reading a Selection God and others; 137-144
strengthen and nourish Present the Biography 18. To worship God through
his/her faith in God? of St. Ignatius of prayers, corporal and
Loyola in a creative spiritual works of mercy;
way Reflection

19. To discuss the significance

of the Council of Trent in the
lives of the followers of Nurturing with
Christ; God “I am
Why should renewal or Council of Trent/ 20. To reform one’s life in sending You”
October reformation start from Read Life’s Situation Newspaper Writing accord with the teachings of 9. 2011. pp.
Write an invitation for
oneself? Group Discussion the Council of Trent; 145-153
those who left
21. To address to God one’s
thanksgiving about the
reformation brought about
by the Council of Trent
through prayer and
Compose a prayer on
attainment of holiness
How can you
demonstrate these Marks of the Church/ 22. To recognize the four (4) Nurturing with
marks of the Catholic Video/slide marks of the Church as the God “I am
Church in your life? presentation marks of a genuine Catholic sending You”
Church; 9. 2011. pp.
23. To show the true marks of 157-166
the Church in one’s life;
24. To pray devoutly the Nicene
1. To point out the descriptive
definition of sacrament
Nurturing with
according to liturgical
Sacraments: Signs and God “I am
Draw yourself renewal;
Symbols/ sending You”
Being a “sacrament symbolically Answer the Life’s 2. To demonstrate the
Present the lesson 9. 2011. pp.
yourself” how can you act Research the bible Challenge on the message/significance of the
posting different signs 174-185
it out in your daily life? and find for worksheet sacraments in daily life;
and symbols
symbolic prayers 3. To draw men and women
Reading the selection
into a closer relationship to
the Church, to Christ
Himself, in the Spirit and to
the Father;

4. Discuss the meaning,

significance, and effects of
November Sacrament of Nurturing with
Baptism/ God “I am
Having been baptized, 5. Live out one’s call of
Present the different sending You”
how will you sustain becoming a morally upright
signs and symbols 9. 2011. pp.
your faith and trust in person centered on Christ
and their importance 187-202
God? Reflection Answer the worksheet baptism;
Read the selection
on Life’s Challenge 6. Cleanse oneself of the sinful
state of life through prayer
7. To know that Confirmation
is the sacrament that gives Nurturing with
Reflect and Pray us the Holy Spirit in a God “I am
How can we strengthen Compare and Contrast special way, to make us sending You”
ourselves to be mature strong and mature 9. 2011. pp.
and strong followers of Sacrament of Role Play Christians and witnesses of 203-213
Christ in the midst of the Confirmation/ Jesus Christ;
onslaught of evil and Read the Selection 8. To determine ways on how
enticement in the world? Sharing Experiences one becomes strong and
mature Christian and
witness of Christ;
9. To reflect and pray “ Come
Holy Spirit”

10. To discuss the meaning and

significance of the
Sacrament of Holy Nurturing with
Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist; God “I am
What is the significance Eucharist/ Compose a prayer Answer the worksheet 11. To show how the Holy sending You”
of the Sacrament of the Compare and Contrast Reflection Eucharist as an act of 9. 2011. pp.
Holy Eucharist? Picture Analysis Journal celebration and 215-224
thanksgiving is translated
in everyday life;
12. To reflect on the message of
John 6:51-54, 56; Luke
22:14f, 19f and compose a
prayer based on their
13. To point out the three
important aspects of the
Reflect on a Biblical Sacrament of the Holy
How do you practice in Three Aspects of the Compare and Contrast Eucharist; Nurturing with
life the Holy Eucharist as Sacrament of the Holy the first mass and the 14. To lead a moral life based God “I am
Attend the Holy
“celebration and Eucharist/ mass now a days on the three aspects of the sending You”
Mass and receive
thanksgiving’? Discussion Essay Sacrament of the Holy 9. 2011. pp.
the sacred Host
Compare and Contrast Eucharist; 225-236
15. To express appreciation
January and gratitude to God for
having integrated the three
aspects of the Sacrament of
the Holy Eucharist in man’s
life through attendance at
the Holy Mass and the
reception of the Sacred

16. To discuss the meaning,

significance, and effects of
the Sacrament of Nurturing with
Reconciliation; God “I am
What particular segment 17. To do what Christ stressed sending You”
of your life needs urgent Sacrament of in Mt. 5:24, “Go first and be 9. 2011. pp.
change and therefore Reconciliation/ Pray and Meditate reconciled with your 237-246
reconciliation with God? Face the Fact Quiz brother, then come and
3-2-1 Exit Card offer your gift to God”
18. To pray and meditate daily
on what is contained in Ps.
19. To discuss the meaning,
significance and effects of
the sacrament of Anointing
Sacrament of Compose a Prayer of the Sick and the notion of Nurturing with
anointing of the Sick/ Write a Reaction Paper sickness; God “I am
Read a Selection Journal Writing 20. To join a group which sending You”
How will you prepare Discussion arranges regular visitation 9. 2011. pp. 18
your soul when serious of prisoners, the sick, and 247-261
sickness strikes you? the suffering;
21. To compose a prayer
expressing compassion for
the dying, the sick, and the
suffering persons;

22. To discuss the meaning,

January significance, and effects of
the Sacrament of
Sacrament of Matrimony; Nurturing with
Why did God plan this Matrimony/ 23. To role play the marriage God “I am
husband-wife Concept Map Role Play Answer the Worksheet vows of fidelity and trust of sending You”
relationship? Discussion husband and wife; 9. 2011. pp. 18
24. To demonstrate unity, 263-276
fidelity, trust and love of
God through family mass
attendance, family rosary,
family meals and family
25. To discuss the meaning,
significance and effects of
the Sacrament of Holy
How would you Nurturing with
Sacrament of Holy Orders;
demonstrate your Compose a slogan Compose a Prayer for God “I am
Orders/ 26. To recognize one’s vocation
vocation as a service to and draw a poster the vocation to the sending You”
January Reading Selection as a service to God through
God through dedication for the promotion of priesthood and 9. 2011. pp. 18
Discussion dedication of service to
of service to your fellow the vocation religious life 279-288
fellow human beings;
human beings?
27. To consecrate one’s life in
the service of God and

1. To explain the Church’s

commitment that the
ground for our love for one Nurturing with
another must be God; God “I am
How can you 2. To think of ways on how to sending You”
The Church’s
demonstrate this respond to God’s love; 9. 2011. pp. 18
Commitment to Love/
February dynamic unity to people Reflection Answer the Worksheet 3. To be able to internalize the 298-306
Picture Analysis
who are not capable of gospel verses that talk
Reading a parable
being loved? about loving God and
4. To explain the truth that
The Church’s God, through the Church,
How can you Commitment to works for true justice and Nurturing with
demonstrate justice, Justice/ Answer the worksheet peace; God “I am
freedom, and peace to ACROSTIC 5. To think of ways on how to sending You”
Compose a prayer promote social 9. 2011. pp. 18
yourself and others? As a group discuss the
four components of responsibility, peace and 307-316
Justice freedom;
6. To say a special prayer for
those who are unjustly
treated, abandoned and
oppressed in society;

February 7. To explain the truth that

God created all the things of
How can you actualized
your role as a steward in The Church’s Answer the worksheet this world including the
Write a Reflection human beings in all its Nurturing with
the classroom, at home, Commitment to Care
in the streets and in your for God’s Creation/ beauty and splendor; God “I am
community? Situation Analysis 8. To demonstrate one’s sending You”
appreciation of God’s 9. 2011. pp. 18
creation but at the same to 317-326
be responsible in
maintaining its beauty and
9. To reflect on the Biblical
passage; Ps. 104-1:34;
10. To point out the Church’s
commitment to solidarity to Nurturing with
the whole human family God “I am
The Church’s and to the world; sending You”
What are the things that Commitment to 11. To demonstrate how one 9. 2011. pp. 18
Answer the worksheet
block you in practicing Solidarity/ can personally commit 327-336
solidarity? Read and reflect on himself/herself to
a story solidarity to the members
of the church;
12. To reflect on the Biblical

March 13. To point out that human life

Why is life not is a gift from God; Nurturing with
completely ours? The Church’s 14. To learn how to God “I am
Commitment to Life/ respect/preserve human sending You”
Answer the worksheet
life, observe human dignity, 9. 2011. pp.
and reverence for parents 337-346
and elders;
15. To reflect on the short

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