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In focus:
or cropped
By David Smeaton

These days, a lot of cameras

Expat living is a page dedicated are coming out with full-frame
sensors. My camera has a
to the issues that affect expats'
cropped sensor, so it’s not full-
daily lives. It is your page,
frame. Is full-frame better? —
where you can share stories about Matthew, Seoul.
your life in Korea. Send story
ideas to Matthew Lamers The concept of full-frame is
at something of a misnomer. Every
frame is a full-frame. However,
the standard for full-frame is
based on 35mm SLR cameras,
which were the most popular cam-

Birth of atomic age, eras before digital came along.

A full-frame camera, then, is a
camera with an equivalent of a
35mm sensor. Most DSLR cam-
but no fireworks here eras, however, have smaller sen-
sors or cropped sensors. The rea-
son for this is that DSLR technol-
By Bobby McGill when America held eminent ogy is still being developed and
sway, hardliners advocated pre- full-frame sensors were very diffi-
BUSAN — It was 63 years emptive strikes on Russia before cult to make, had numerous tech-
ago today that a team of a counterbalance could be estab- nical issues, and were quite ex-
Manhattan Project scientists lished. Cooler heads prevailed, pensive; manufacturers decided
detonated the world’s first nu- and a “Cold War” was begun. to offer cropped sensors instead.
clear device in the barren Once the Russians had the Full-frame sensors have two
sands outside of Alamogordo, nuke, there came the doctrine of distinct advantages. The first
New Mexico. The Atomic Age Mutually Assured Destruction, advantage is that old lenses —
was born. And, for better or where both sides conceded that a that have very high build quali-
worse, it stands as our species’ full-scale use of nuclear weapons ty — are designed for SLR cam-
most monumental achieve- would result in the complete de- eras. SLR cameras use 35 mm
ment since we started whack- struction of both sides. But the film, upon which the standard
ing each other with sticks. burden of the Cold War deadlock full-frame is based. So full-frame
Yet, there will be no parades was not felt so much by America SLR lenses are perfectly suited
to mark the occasion. No fan- and Russia as by countries such to full-frame DSLR sensors.
fare, no banners, no words as Korea, Vietnam or The second advantage is that a
from the White House. Of the Afghanistan, all of which played full-frame sensor is bigger.
Andrew Gordon, American model in Seoul
numerous inventions America host to proxy wars between the Simply, the bigger sensor the lens
has given the world, this was feuding superpowers. has, more photosites there are
never one she was especially It is arguable that nuclear (the small buckets that collect
proud of.
During a 1960 lecture in
Japan, lead scientist J. Robert
Oppenheimer recalled the
mixed emotions shared by him-
diplomacy has made the world
a safer place. Since the end of
World War II, humanity has
seen nothing approaching the
roughly 112,000,000 casualties
Trailblazer for foreign models light). The bigger sensor collects
more light than a cropped sensor.
Cropped sensors, therefore, have
more difficulty collecting light to
make the image. So the camera
self and his fellow scientists on of the two World Wars. The Andrew Gordon is an or a designer. If those people notable successes. In May 2008, amplifies the signal from the sen-
that day: “We knew the world major powers are forced to vent American model from New York Regina Walton’s like you, then you continue on he was featured in a solo 12- sor. As a result, cropped sensors
would not be the same. A few whatever frustrations they who is quite successful in the Expat Interviews and talk about money. Then, page spread in Korean GQ. That create a lot more noise.
people laughed; a few people might have on a smaller scale. fashion industry here in Seoul. usually, you’ll go into a fitting was a first for a foreign model. These days, manufacturers
cried; most people were silent.” And historical border enemies He speaks near-fluent Korean through that ... I developed an and schedule the day — if it’s a “To be alone for a 12-page spread are very good at making
As he watched the mush- like Russia and China, China — not an oddity in itself — but interest in Korea.” show or a shoot. “ is a big, big accomplishment, es- cropped sensors, so the noise
room cloud forming in the sky, and India, and India and many models here tend to have Because of his interest, he When asked to describe both pecially for a foreign model.” factor is less of an issue. It’s very
Oppenheimer reflected on a Pakistan have all been kept in short stays. came here to study the language. the good and bad about working He is the model for this sum- easily solved with software.
verse from the Bhagavad-Gita check by the MAD doctrine. A few foreign models are flown “I graduated very early and as a model in Korea, Gordon is mer’s Hugo Boss campaign that Also, due to the popularity and
in which the god, Lord Vishnu In recent years, two wild in for a few weeks at a time. For came to Korea. I was planning on honest but tactful. “(Korea) is a will be seen in Korea, Japan, affordability of cropped sensor
says, “Now I am become Death, cards have emerged from the example, Elyse Sewell of only staying here for vacation, small country and I understand Europe and the United States. DSLRs, camera makers are pro-
the destroyer of worlds.” deck — North Korea and an ag- America’s Next Top Model was and it ended up being a life that, but things like money and Having worked with a big ducing a lot of cropped format
Three weeks after the Trinity gressive Iranian regime looking here for a few weeks, but left in choice, so I live in Korea now.” pay are very low and sometimes fashion house like Hugo Boss lenses. These lenses are specifi-
test, a bomb called “Little Boy” for a seat at the nuclear table. May to work in China. You just He began his modeling career none. I think that designers sep- opens many doors. “The Boss cally designed to get maximum
was detonated 550 meters above Though still too early to tell, don’t see many foreign models in the United States. “I did a lit- arate themselves from the mod- campaign has gotten me a lot of benefits from a smaller sensor.
the city of Hiroshima, followed the North Koreans appear to that make Korea their home — tle bit of modeling in the United els. There are so many models calls from other countries and ... Cropped sensor DSLRs actu-
soon thereafter by “Fat Man” be folding their hand in ex- let alone take a deep interest in States for American Apparel. in Korea, so everyone wants to having something like Hugo ally have one cool advantage
over Nagasaki. More than change for an opening of eco- the culture or language like And then came to Korea right be a model. It’s kind of hard for Boss in my profile allows me to over full-frame: They receive a
200,000 people died, sacrificed at nomic ties to the West. But Gordon has. after that. I didn’t really do any- people who really have the po- be viewed on a high-fashion lev- magnification bonus on full-
the altar of the new era of war. Iran’s recent saber-rattling is Two years ago, Gordon moved thing right off the bat ... I was tential to do well to be success- el because Boss is such a fashion frame lenses. Because the sen-
As news of the devastation an exceptional problem in the to Gimhae, near the city of going back and forth to Japan ful.” When it comes to the posi- icon.” sor is smaller, the range of a
circled the globe, humanity era of containment, and it Busan, and stayed there for (to model). I actually debuted in tives, “Being foreign (helps); Being a model who has been full-frame lens is altered.
stood in worried wonder at the might not be so easily solved. around a year. He moved to Tokyo Collection ... and that was there aren’t a lot of foreign mod- able to adapt and live in a for- Happy shooting.
prospect of a mechanism three Unlike North Korea, Iran is Busan, then eventually found my (runway) debut.” els in Korea. Also, being young eign culture outside of tradition-
meters in length causing a cir- flush with large oil reserves and his way to Seoul. A typical day for a model in is an advantage because I’m al fashion hubs like Paris, Hong
cle of destruction three kilome- ready cash. As the Pew He explained that it was Korea is that there pretty much younger than a lot of foreign Kong or Milan works in his fa- Send David a message at
ters around. Even Americans, Research Center wrote in a friendships made in high school isn’t one. “There is really no typ- models here. The language is vor when it comes to expanding or visit
relieved by the end to the fight- 2006 report, “Iran has a far that gave him an interest in ical day here, because everyone definitely a plus. If I didn’t his profile in other markets. his website at
ing, felt an unsettling sense of larger economy than either that Korean culture and language. “I is busy and does their own speak Korean, I would not be a If you want to be a part of the
anxiety about what their coun- of Saudi Arabia or Egypt. One went to a private high school thing. But I would say a normal freelancing model. It helps with weekly Photo Challenge, join the
trymen had created. might say it was inevitable that and there were a lot of Korean day with a good amount of work issues like pay.” Regina can be reached “Seoul Photo Club” group at flickr
Reporting from London fol- Iran was going to assert itself.” people there. And so I just be- would be starting with a meet- With his recent assignments, through her blog at expatjane.- (
lowing Japan’s unconditional With America in up to its neck came friends with them and, ing with someone, like an editor Gordon has had a couple of — Ed. club). — Ed.
surrender, famed American (and its wallet) in Iraq, coupled
journalist Edward R. Murrow with the war’s gravely dimin-
said: “Seldom if ever has a war ished political capital at home,
ended leaving the victors with
such a sense of uncertainty and
fear, with such a realization
that the future is obscure and
the Iranian leadership sees it-
self in a situation with little to
lose by challenging the United
States. But will this translate
Is Korea safe for women?
that survival is not assured.” into the birth of another nuclear SUWON — I had an interesting experience the
From a broader perspective, power? Probably not. other night. The fact that I am classifying it as “in- Stephanie Morris
Albert Einstein saw a need to Schooled in the success of teresting” as opposed to other, perhaps more ap- on Women’s Issues
address century upon century North Korean leader Kim Jong- propriate adjectives is significant in and of itself.
of human violence. “The release Il, Iran likely imagines that hav- Walking back to my apartment from work further adieu, I continued walking, looking back
of atomic energy has not creat- ing nuclear arms will increase every night takes me through a park, complete only once, and seeing that he had made his way
ed a new problem. It has mere- the number of its bargaining with open green space, trees, benches and a large back down towards the brightly lit streets.
ly made more urgent the neces- chips. While, on the surface, it fountain. The walkway to the park from the busy I’ve always resented the idea that the extra X
sity of solving an existing one.” seems a reasonable gambit, it main drag is densely covered with overhanging chromosome I carry around in me somehow lim-
Were we living in the world of will more than likely backfire. trees, and it is narrow, with nary a light to be its me and my movements in any way, shape or
Plato’s Republic, ruled by philoso- Iran can ill afford to become found. This particular Friday evening found me form. The reality is, because I am a woman, there
pher kings, perhaps the utter- more marginalized, as even its making my way through throngs of people, food are times when I am forced to be aware of places,
ances of sages might have reigned traditional trading partners, stalls and neon light spilling over everything as I people and situations in a way that would be mi-
in what would soon follow. Russia and the French, have headed home. It was around 1 a.m. nor or non-existent if I had happened to have
Five years later, Russia deto- distanced themselves from the As I spun sideways in order to avoid being hit been born a man. Back home, I would slip keys
nated its first device and the extremist rhetoric of the by a passing scooter, I happened to notice a man between each finger, forming a fist when I walked
arms race was on. The U.K. Iranian president, Mahmoud only a few steps behind me. I thought nothing of to my car after dark, and I checked the back seat
joined the club in 1953 and Ahmadinejad. China, which it as I continued on my way; there were too many before slipping into the driver’s seat. If I was to be
France did in 1960, followed by will befriend anyone with oil, people out and about, and surely he was only one found walking somewhere at 1 a.m., I was head-
China in 1964, India in 1974, has stood by the Iranian gov- of the crowd. I was about halfway to the park phones-free, fully aware of my surroundings and
Israel in 1979, Pakistan in ernment and actively blocks when I switched my bag to my other shoulder, the people occupying them.
1998 and North Korea in 2006. U.N attempts to isolate its ally. knocking off my earphones, and jarring me back I was careful, but not overly fearful. But there
At its peak in 1985, the For now, the world must to reality for a split second. The reality being that were times when I did feel uneasy, or more then a
world was host to upwards of watch and wait for the next the man was still behind me, even closer now, and little apprehensive about where I happened to be.
65,000 active nuclear war- chapter in the story that began I was alone on a darkened, tree-covered path. But, oddly enough, I have yet to feel that way
heads. Although treaties were on July 16, 1945. Clearing the What is interesting to me about this situation was here in Korea. Though I have been approached, I
signed and targets “reas- hurdle of keeping Iran a non- my complete lack of fear. Common sense told me to have never felt threatened, and the violence I
signed,” the majority of the nuclear power could prove cru- walk faster, run, scream, whip out my can of mace, have been witness to or heard of has largely been
warheads remain stockpiled cial as the nuclear club tries to finally deliver that roundhouse kick that I once upon associated with other expats, as opposed to
today, with about 20,000 ac- reconcile its own mistakes, a time perfected in kick-boxing class. But I did none Koreans. This incident, however, has inspired me
tively armed. I will spare you while preventing them from of those things. I don’t even carry a can of mace, to explore this situation further. Perhaps my
the cliche of how many times happening to others. though my roundhouse is still a force to be reckoned views and feelings regarding the safety of females
the world could be destroyed. with. Instead, I turned around, and calmly but firm- here are skewed, or perhaps they are accurate.
Once is enough for both cliche ly asked him what he wanted. He was so drunk he I encourage anyone to send me stories, anec-
and world destruction. Bobby McGill is a freelance was swaying where he stood and seemed incapable dotes, opinions or otherwise to stephaniemor-
A sobering disconnect be- journalist based in Busan. He of doing anything but staring at me while muttering This issue is one that I believe
tween logic and practicality has can be reached through his web- DAVID SMEATON’S PHOTO CHALLENGE — Familiar land- a few broken words in English. bears a little more looking into.
long riddled the debate regard- site at marks can take on new life when taken out of context.This mo- “I follow you?” he managed to mumble.
ing the continued deployment of The opinions expressed here do saic is of a fish but becomes something else when the pho- “Don’t. Follow. Me.” I said, loudly and resolute.
nuclear weapons. During the not necessarily represent those tographer gets closer. Ryan Chappell ( For a moment, he seemed to sober up. He took Stephanie can be reached through her blog at
five-year period from 1945-50 of The Korea Herald. — Ed. a step back, hung his head and nodded. Without — Ed.

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