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 What is Information Technology?

it is the use of computer to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate
The 4 primary elements of I.T are information, security, database and
network management.
I.T involves installing, organizing, and maintaining computer systems. It
also involves designing and operating databases and networks.
The first four components hardware, software, database and network
makeup what is known as the IT platform. IT workers could then use
these components to create information systems that watch over
safety measures, risk and the management of data.
Information systems is an academic study of systems with a specific
reference to information and the complementary network of
hardware and software that people and organizations use to collect,
filter, process, create and also distribute data.

A database is a data structure that stores organized
information. Most databases contain multiple tables, which
may each include several different fields. For example, a
company database may include employee name, financial
records, products etc.
However, today’s relational databases can also run queries
that involver multiple databases. While early databases could
only store text or numeric data, modern databases also let
users store other data types such as sound clips, pictures and
It is the practice of information risk management. It involves
preventing or at least reducing the probability of
unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, deletion,
corruption, although it may also involve reducing the adverse
impacts of incidents. Information.
Security in information technology , is the defense of digital
infortmation and I.T assets against internal and
external,malicious and accidental threats. This defense
includes detection,prevention and response to threats
through the use of security policies, software tools and IT
It is the process of administering and managing computer
networks. Services provided by this discipline include fault
analysis,performance management and maintaining the
quality of service.
A network mangemnet systmen is an appilication or set of
applications that lets networks engineers manage a network’s
independent components inside a bigger network
management framework and performs several key functions.
An network management system identifies ,configures ,
monitors, updates and troubleshoots network devices both
wired and wireless.
What does an IT company do?
IT support company is comprised of professional I.T
Other than developing new application or software,there are
many different kind of works they do.
Some have expertise in developing new application ,some
have expertise in testing the application, some provide
network support, some are good at consultancy, some are
just to provide 24/7 hours support to the end user on behalf
of some big market players.
In today’s world,each and every organization across the globe
wants to use I.T to boost their business.
For example: let’s consider a bank named “ bibo”, bibo has its
branches in more than 50+ countries and runs 500+ banking
services and it wants to optimize their resources they use.
Now bibo wants a cost effective solution to maintain its
infrastructure and services.
Now the chief of the bank calls upon the technical advisors of
the bank and asks them to come with a solution.
The technical advisor comes up with an idea that lets move
our services to cloud because they found it’s a cost effective
solution. But now the problem is that what to do now,how to
move to cloud or what technology to use in cloud?
They have no idea about it. Now the I.T consultancy
organization comes into picture. The bank talks to the
consultancy firms and send their technical team to explain
the firm what exactly the bank wants. These firms try to
understand the problem clearly and suggests a couple of
Example for an I.T company is Accenture, Infosys etc
Basically, it is service based.
Accenture developed a software called Symbian for nokia
Accenture developed an application called hotstar for star

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