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Technology nowadays are everywhere, it is seen in the establishments that are

needed the help of technology to make tasks easier. That is why Information
Communication and Technology strand to help the students understand how helpful
these technologies and how we can help other people by making or improving a
program. People nowadays are engage in Technology that is why most of the
entrepreneurs are having a goal to improve their companies or businesses and having a
computer base program to help them manage their work each are one of their option to
approve their business.

Slim and Shape Fitness Center that has been build for 27 years are having a
trouble of putting the information of the customers. They have a list which is done
manually and it is hard for them to put the needed information since they also has a
category for martial arts aid sometimes they got confused on what kind of list they are
holding, is it for their martial arts sessions pr just for a gym. Also, there are another
papers for the membership that their customers wants to avail and their payment and
when their customer ask them regarding to their past record or for example their
number of sessions left, they are going to wait longer because the employees needs to
find the hardcopy of their list and manually finding of their information it is very time
consuming so as a part of growing community and this modern generation they want to
have a solution to that kind of problem.

Grade 12 students of Asian Institute Of Computer Studies come up with the idea
of making a Management System for Slim and Shape Fitness Center. Management
System are going to help this business to list down the names of their customers what
are their activities, their Session left, the registration from for their costumers that wants
to avail a membership and their payments, also their due date for every membership
that they avail. They are one of those businesses by having a computer base program
or system that can help them to innovate all of the information and details or the
customers and they will not need to write it down manually. It can help them to monitor
the Ins and OUTs of the customers that avail martial arts and their other sessions.

The main problem of the Gym is they are having a hard time in managing their
customers’ information. They only used logbooks or notebooks to record all the
information of their customers and sometimes they misplaced their records.

1. How to avoid the lost of the records of their customers?

2. How they can manage the every details of their customers on different categories
– Jiu-jitsu, Muay tai, Aikido, and Gym excercising?
3. How the customers will monitor rhe activities that they do on that Gym?


This study has a goal to make a management system for Gym and Martial Arts
Sessions of Slim and Shapes Fitness Center. That has a purpose to manage the
business easier. Having a computer base program that can lessen their work to write
every details manually and having a hard time to find the previous information of their

1. To develop a system that can easily record that details of the costumers.
2. To integrate the details of their customers in Gym and their Martial Arts.
3. To implement a system that can give them details of their activities at Gym

The Scope in this system can help the owner to encode the information of their
customer easily. It also can monitor the in and out of the customers that will use the
Gym, the validation of their membership, and the classes/session that they have to

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